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Asset Master Data

In order to make it easier for the user to create, maintain and evaluate asset master data, the
varied individual information is structured according to its area of use and the relevant functions
in the system. The asset master record consists of two main parts:
General asset master
Depreciation master

Asset groups are used for Income Tax purposes. These needs to be created and assigned to
the asset master prior to transactions the above process would be completed with the use of the
following transaction codes:-
(a) Create Asset Master – AS01

Creations of fixed assets master data

If you acquire a new fixed asset for the business which has no master data existing in the system, you
need to create the master data for the asset in the system before you can create any transactions
against these assets.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AS01

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingAssetCreateAsset


Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Asset Class Classification of the assets R Use drill-down to locate the asset

Company Code Enter yours Company Code R

Number of Number of similar assets that O This function enables you to create
similar assets you want to create in the multiple similar assets in one master
system when you save. transaction.

These assets initially only differ in

their asset number. When you save,
you can also enter a description and
inventory number for each individual

Reference: Asset The reference asset that you O Check the data before you copy
Sub-number are copying from
company code

Press enter

General data

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Description The description of the asset R

Manage Set this indicator if you want this O This indicator ensure that this asset is
Historically asset to be manage Historically manage Historically

Inventory You can enter an inventory O Accounting trace for reporting within
no number for the asset. The the financial accounting information
inventory is placed into the system
standard inventory list for Asset
Accounting (Information System)

Last You can enter the date of the O This field is for information only
inventory on last inventory

Include Set this indicator if you want this O This indicator ensures that this asset is
assets in asset to be accounted in a included in the standard inventory list
inventory physical inventory check of asset accounting. Asset without this
list indicator are not output by the report.

Inventory and posting information:

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Inventory Supplementary information for O General information for user

note the analysis of physical

Posting When the document was posted O Used for information when and why
information and who posted the document

Capitalized The capitalization date is the R This field will be automatically updated
on value date of an asset. upon acquisition posting.

Acquisition The system enter the fiscal year R The field will be automatically updated
year of the first acquisition posting in upon acquisition posting.
this field

Deactivation The system enters the asset O Once the asset has been deactivated,
On value date of the retirement you can no longer post to the assets
posting for a full retirement in (with one exception: posting a reversal
this field of the last retirement). In order for you
to be able to make correction postings
after an asset has been deactivated,
you can also manually change the
deactivation date in the asset master

Once you have entered the required data in the field, click on time dependent tab on screen.

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Business This field must be left blank as R

Area the business area will be default
through cost centre

Cost Centre This is the cost centre where the R Use drill-down to locate the cost centre
depreciation expenses of the
asset will be charged

Plant Used in selection criteria in O Not display


Location Used in selection criteria in O Use drill-down to find out the

reporting predefined location.

Once you have entered the required data in the field, click on Depreciation Area Tab.

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Depreciation Depreciation Key representing R Use drill down to select the

Key the rate of depreciation. depreciation key

Useful Life Maintain the life of the R Maintain life as per asset class wise.
particular asset.

Ordinary This field will be automatically updated


Click on save button

System will assign asset no.

Asset accounting processing

The Asset accounting component is used for managing and supervising fixed assets, it serves
as a subsidiary ledger to the FI General Ledger, providing detailed information on transactions
involving fixed assets. Asset purchases would be through a CWIP asset which will be
capitalized after Finance approval. The above process would be completed with the use of the
following T. codes:-
(a) Capitalize Asset under Construct: Distribute (AIAB)
(b) Capitalize Asset under Construct: Settle (AIBU)
(c) Transfer: Transfer within company code (ABUMN)
(d) Retirement with Revenue (F-92)
(e) Retirement by Scrapping (ABAVN)
(f) Asset Explorer (AW01N)

Asset Accounting Business Transaction

10.0.1 Asset Acquisition

Use this procedure to acquire asset from FI module.

Asset acquisition with vendor

To acquire or the Asset acquisition with vendor use the Transaction code F-90 or use the following
menu path:

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code F-90

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Posting

Acquisition External Acquisition Vendor

On screen ‘acquisition from purchase with vendor screen”, enter information in the fields as specified
in the table below:

FieldName Description R/O/C Comments

Header Information

Doc. date Source document date. R

Document The default document type for this R

Type screen is KR. Do not change it

Company Enter yours Company Code R


Posting Date Date for posting a document to R

financial accounting. This will
determine which fiscal period (also
known as posting period) the
transaction is recognized.

Reference One of the key fields that can be R

used to search for documents at a
later retrieval date. Any user
defined text.

Line item information

Posting Key Posting keys represent Debit or R

Credit entry of any account type.

Account Enter the vendor account number R

Press Enter


Enter the debit or credit amount and other necessary data like business area; cost centre, item text etc.

Go to the next line item

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Posting Key Enter the posting key to debit asset R Enter the posting key
Account Enter Asset Number R

Transaction The transaction type in Asset R Enter Transaction Type

Type Accounting classifies the business
transaction. The transaction type
controls various system activities
when business transactions are

Press Enter


Enter the necessary data like amount and text.

Click on “simulate” button


Click on “Save” button

10.0.2 View asset Values

To view fixed assets and the values use transaction code AW01N or following the menu path:

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AW01N

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Asset 

Display Asset Explorer


10.1 Asset under Construction


Use this transaction to capitalize asset under construction. The master data of AUC is created same as
other asset master data.

10.1.1 Create AUC from transaction code- AS01


Press Enter

Click on “Time Dependent” Tab

Enter the necessary data like Business Area & Cost Centre


10.1.2 Acquisition of AUC thru Transaction Code F-90

Entry will generate like this

Save the posting

10.1.3 To access this option use transaction code AIAB.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AIAB

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Posting

Capitalized Asset Under ConstructionDistribute

Screen “Settlement AUC: Initial Screen”


Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Enter yours company code R


Asset Enter the AUC No R

Sub Number By default it’s come ‘0’ R

Click on “execute” Button or


Detailed of screen display the document number, document date, transaction type, asset value date and
amount of the asset.

Select the line item and click on “Enter distribution rule” button.

Following screen will appear


Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

category Select by drop down FXA R

Settlement Enter the number of asset in R

receiver which cost of AUC is to be
transfer. If there is more than one
asset enter in the next line item.

Receiver By default short text will come

short text

% Enter the % of cost to be settled in R

settlement receiver

After filling the detailed, click on back button


Now its status comes “green”

Click on “SAVE” Button

System will give message


Select the line item and click on “Settlement” button

Following screen will appear


Enter the asset value date and remove the deselect the Test run

Click on “Execute’’ Button

Following screen will appear


Read the message “asset transaction posted with document no. 1000006”

10.2 Asset retirement

10.2.1 Asset retirement by scrapping

This transaction can be used for retirement of asset through the scrapping mode

Depreciation up to the asset value date is calculated automatically.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code ABAVN
SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Posting
Retirement by scrapping


Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Asset Number Asset Number of the Retiring R


Document Date of the source document R


Posting Date Date for posting a document to R

financial accounting. This will
determine which fiscal period
(also known as posting period) the
transaction is recognized.

Value Date The date from which system stop R


Click on “simulate” Button

Screen looks like


Verify the entry and press “SAVE” Button

10.2.2 Asset retirement with revenue with customer


Use this procedure is used to retire assets with or without revenue

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code F-92

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Posting

RetirementRetirement with revenuewith customer
Figure No-33

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Header Information

Doc. Date Source Document Date R

Document The default document type for this R

Type screen is DR. do not change it


Posting Date Date for posting a document to R Enter Customer

finance accounting. This will
determine which financial period
(also known as posting period) the
transaction is recognized

Line Item Information

Posting Key Posting key represent Debit or R

Credit entry of any account type

Account Enter the customer account R


Press Enter

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Amount Enter the amount R

Business Area Enter the Business Area R

Text Enter the text O

Posting Key Enter posting key 50 to Credit GL R


Account Enter Asset Clearing Account No. R

Press Enter

Figure -35
Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Amount Enter the amount R

Business Area Enter the Business Area R

Profit Centre Enter the Profit Centre R

Text Enter the text O

Asset Select this check Box R


Press Enter


Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Asset Asset which are going to be R


Sub number It’s come by default


Asset Value


Press enter or go to Menu Bar Documentsimulate


10.3 Miscellaneous
10.3.1 Transfer Posting-Change of asset class
This can be used to transfer an asset to a different asset master record.

This can be used in those cases, where the asset has been created on a wrong asset class.

2. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code ABUMN
SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Posting

Click on “Simulate” Button

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Enter yours company code R


Asset Number Enter the asset number which is to R

be transferred.

Document Enter the date of the source R

Date document.

Posting Date Enter the date on which entry is R

posted in the system

Value Date Enter the date from which system R

start the depreciation

Existing Asset Enter the number of asset in R

which is to be transferred.
New Asset If the master data is not created O
mark the indicator on

10.4 Asset Accounting Information System

Standard SAP Reports

Standard Screen
Reports are run at different times and the process of running selected reports should be known, the
selected is printer location on the network and ensures the data you required is correct.

10.4.1Asset History Sheet

Following the menu path below to access the Asset History Sheet:

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code S_ALR_87012075

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset

Information SystemReports on Asset AccountingHistory
Click on “execute” button

Note-Message could be display if the data has not been completed.

10.4.2 Depreciation Values

Following the menu path below to access the Asset Balances

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code S_ALR_87011963/64/65/66/67

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed AssetPeriodic

Processing Information SystemReports on Asset
AccountingAsset BalancesBalance ListsAsset
Month end / Year end closing Procedure
11 Depreciation Run (AFAB)

Use this procedure to execute depreciation run. Depreciation run is a centralized activity and executed
at the end of the months. To action depreciation run use transaction code AFAB.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AFAB

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Periodic

Processing Depreciation Run

Mark indicator on- For Planned.

On screen “Depreciation Posting Run Screen”, enter information in the fields as specified in the table

Field Name Description R/O/C Comments

Company Enter your Company Code R


Fiscal Year Enter the Fiscal Year of the R


Period Enter the period for the R

Depreciation run

Planned Mark this indicator on if the R

Depreciation depreciation run is executed first
time for the period

Repeat Run Mark the indicator in if repeat run R

to be executed

Test Run Make sure to mark the indicator R

on before actual run

Press F8 or click on

Following message will be appear.


Note- if the following message id displayed, press yes to continue


Note- Remove parameters on Test Run

Remembered before running the actual remove the indicator in the Tear Run Box.

Go to Programme and click on Execute in Background.


Please select the required printer based on per permissions or location of local printer.

Depreciation run steps are clear- press immediate, and then save.

Following message will be appeared at the bottom of your screen


As soon as the job is finished an account will be generated in the system.

12.1.12 Asset Fiscal Year Changed: (AJRW)

Use this procedure to open a new year for the posting of assets. Perform this procedure when it is
necessary to open a new year for the posting of assets. This procedure should be done before fiscal year

To action the fiscal year change for the asset use transaction code AJRW

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AJRW

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Periodic

Processing Fiscal Year Changed

Asset fiscal year changed screen


Press then execute icon button or F8


Message reads: Do you want to continue processing

Press yes to continue in the pop up box


Look at the screen, Test run execute successfully as no value in incorrect asset field =”0”

Press F3 or the green arrow to go back to previous screen to run the actual.

Test run -remove the indicator; ensure the correct company code and fiscal year.

Go to program and execute in background option as per example below


Output device to be selected before-

Choose from the select printers for your location.


Press the immediate button and click on the check button.

Following message will appear on your screen


12.1.13 Asset year – End Closing Execute: (AJAB)

Use this procedure to close the financial year for assets. After this run, it is not possible to post to assets
in the old financial year. It is possible to reverse the year-end close (transaction OAAQ) and re-open the
year for posting if necessary. Perform this procedure when all postings, including all depreciation runs,
in the financial year are completed, and the general ledger accounts have been reconciled with the asset
reports. This is generally before the general ledger is closed for posting to the old financial year.

The asset financial year changed (transaction AJAW) should have already been run.

Asset history report reconciled with general ledger asset accounts.

To action this process use the transaction code AJAB.

1. Access the activity using the following navigation options:
Transaction Code AJAB

SAP Menu AccountingFinancial AccountingFixed Asset Periodic

Processing Year End ClosedExecute

Asset year end close screen


Online processing limited to asset 1000 Approx.

Click on “Execute” Button


Click on Yes

Press yes to continue within the pop-up window on screen


Test run executed successfully

Press F3 on the keyboard or the green arrow icon


Remove the Test Run indicator and execute the run in background.

Press enter or click on green tick.


Press immediate and click on check

The system display the message: “background job is schedule for program RAJABS00”

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