Tabel Besi PT Rangka Raya
Tabel Besi PT Rangka Raya
Tabel Besi PT Rangka Raya
Stockist & General trading
Beton Polos
SNI No. 07.2052.2002 [According to JIS G3112]
Weght Length
Diameter (mm) Class
Toleransi Kg/12 metres Standart Tolerance
6 ± 0.30 2.66 12 meters
8 ± 0.40 4.74 12 meters
10 ± 0.40 7.4 12 meters
12 ± 0.40 10.66 12 meters Minus = 0 mm *BJTP 24
16 ± 0.50 18.96 12 meters Plus = 40 mm *BJTP 30
19 ± 0.50 26.76 12 meters
22 ± 0.50 35.76 12 meters
25 ± 0.50 46.2 12 meters
* Baja Tulangan Polos
Beton Ulir
SNI No. 07.2052.2002 [According to JIS G3112]
Weght Length
Diameter (mm) Class
Toleransi Kg/12 metres Standart Tolerance
8 ±7% 4.74 12 meters
10 ±7% 7.4 12 meters
13 ±7% 12.48 12 meters
16 ±7% 18.96 12 meters Minus = 0 mm *BJTP 35
19 ±7% 26.76 12 meters Plus = 40 mm *BJTP 40
22 ±7% 35.76 12 meters *BJTP 50
25 ±7% 46.2 12 meters
29 ±7% 62.16 12 meters
32 ±7% 75.72 12 meters
* Baja Tulangan Ulir
Application of Deformed Bar :
O Concrete reinforcement for houses & apartement, room devider
O Concrete structure & steel structure
O Height risk building (factory, warehouse, multi-storey building)
Jaring Kawat Baja Las
SNI No. 07.0663.1984 [According to JIS G3112]
Weght Length
TYPE Class
Toleransi Kg/12 metres Standart Tolerance
M5 4.7