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PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – LineBacker®


Indirect bolt force load



LineBacker® seals utilize a patented rectangular sealing element, in combination with an unique groove design to effectively seal

for adapting sealing materials to applications and environmental conditions. This greater variety of materials also provides excellent
temperature and chemical range compatibility. The LineBacker’s® “m” and “y” factors are close to zero, thus enabling the creation of

LineBacker® isolation gaskets can be manufactured in any

common diameter.

Various LineBacker® seal retainers and sealing rings can be used

for special applications.

PSI’s unique sealing elements provide an elastic memory to a

wide assortment of materials.

LineBacker® gaskets can be ordered individually.


• The isolation is a high-quality seal. It functions as an electrical

separation point and prevents contact corrosion.

• Guards against blowouts

• The sealing material is matched to operation conditions
• Lowest possible bolt force and compressive load
• Increased gasket life

The GLV-UniSeal® seals are available as an alternative for DVGW (gas) and
KTW (potable water) approval.

* PGE upon request !

PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – LineBacker®


General physical LineBacker® data & max. temperature limits

Plain G-3 High temp. G-7** G-11

ASTM Test method
Phenolic** Phenolic** Silicone/Glass** Epoxy/Glass Epoxy/Glass

Dielectric Strength
D149 3
Volts/Mil. (Short Time)

D659 Compressive Strength (psi)


Isolating Resistance
Meg Ohms

Flexural Strength (psi)

D638 Tensile Strength (psi)

3 Shear Strength (psi) 8

Temperature Range -54 to -54 to Cryogenic Cryogenic Cryogenic

Degrees C 3
* on request
** G-7 material should not be used with hydrocarbons

Seal Element Temperature Limits

Nitrile EPDM Viton Teflon

In order to determine a gasket’s overall temperature range,

temperature limits of both, retainer and sealing element, have
to be considered.

To order LineBacker® sealing/isolating gaskets please indi-

cate the following:

1. Pipe Size
3. ®
4. Retainer material
5. Sealing element version
6. Gasket type (type E or F)
Dichtung Typ E (FF)
7. Flange type (weld-neck, slip-on, RTJ, etc.)
8. Quantity

Performance data and technical information provided herein

is intended for guideline purposes only. Suitability of product

end-user. Dichtung Typ F (IBC)

PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – LineBacker®


Suggested Flange Isolation Material Compatibility

Medium Seal Retainer Sealing Ring

Acetone Phenol**** EPDM
Air Nitrilee
Ammonia dry Teflon
Ammonia (wet)*** Teflon 38
Bleach Teflon
Butylene (Butadiene) Teflon 38
Carbon dioxide Nitrile
Caustic soda (NaOH) Consult PSI Products GmbH
Cryogenic Teflon 8 38
Ethanol EPDM 38
Ethylene (Ethene) Teflon
Fuel oil Viton 38
Natural gas Phenol**** Nitrile
Sour gas Viton
Petrol Teflon
Hydrogen Nitrile
Jet fuel Viton
LNG liquid gas G-11 Teflon 8 38
Mercaptane Teflon
Methanol Teflon 38
Nitrogen Phenol**** Nitrile
Oil, crude Viton 38
Oxygen** Teflon
Pentane Teflon
Propane Nitrile oder Teflon
Propylene Viton
Sewage Viton 38
Spent liquor Teflon 38
Steam Consult PSI Products GmbH
Styrene Teflon
Sulphur (molten) Teflon 38
Toluene Viton or Teflon
Water (hot) EPDM 38
Water (potable) EPDM 38
Water (sea) EPDM 38
White liquor Teflon 38

* G-7 material should never be used with hydrocarbons

**** On request

General Notes:

determined by the end-user. Changes with regard to temperature, pressure, concentration or media composition, acting synergistical-
ly, may exclude the proposed media suitability above. Material selection is solely at the risk of the end-user. Consult a professional or

PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – VCS/LineSealTM


Shell Global Solutions

The PSI Pikotek VCS/LineSealTM

and general sealing applications. This seal is suitable for use

sealing characteristics and excellent dielectric properties, the


face corrosion.

VCS/LineSealTM Isolation System Advantages and Benefits

• Extremely reliable sealing and isolating solution for all critical services

• Outstanding isolation properties for cathodic protection
• Pressure-activated seals provide highly reliable sealing and eliminate costly leakage

• Resilient lamination material does not fail due to overpressure (e.g. due to overtightened bolts)

• Easy installation, and removal
• Flanges do not have to be lubricated as with ring gaskets. The VCS/LineSealTM easily slips into place

• VCS/LineSealTM aligns and centers itself, is quickly installed and no special tools are required
• Its maintenance-free and corrosion protective design helps the gasket withstand deformation under high loads

Epoxy resin bonded

Integrated stainless
steel core V4A (S316)
VCS/LineSealTM Design

The unique design of the VCS/LineSealTM system incorporates

high-strength, glass-reinforced epoxy laminate bonded to a Seal with integrated
stainless steel core. This provides the strength of a traditional stainless steel spring
metallic seal while maintaining complete electrical isolation

through the laminate isolating material into the stainless steel

core. This provides a strong base for the seal seat and breaks

are installed in the dovetail-shaped seal grooves and provide

pressure-activated sealing that sets the VCS/LineSealTM apart
from other less reliable sealing solutions. Other sealing element

PSI Pikotek® Flanschisolierungen – VCS/LineSeal TM


Electrical Insulation

In addition to its superior sealing characteristics, the PSI

Pikotek VCS/LineSealTM
not only through it excellent sealing properties but also

sealing mechanism. The VCS/LineSealTM

conducting, non-metallic interface. This effectively eliminates

corrosion resulting from dissimilar metal contact or ground Flange with Flange with (flat-face)
current induced corrosion of metal piping components. When annular groove (RTJ) Sealing strip
used with isolation sleeves and washers, the VCS/LineSealTM

electrical conductivity in the pipeline systems with cathodic

protection. Strength and a long service life are outstanding The seal in made in
properties of the VCS/LineSealTM front of the area of the
to other isolating gaskets. Traditional isolating gaskets are annular groove
fragile and prone to failure because they are often made from
brittle, non-metallic materials (e.g. phenolic resin) and are
not capable of withstanding inadequate installation practices.
The steel core of the VCS/ LineSealTM
patented construction enable the gasket to withstand far more


Sealing Characteristics

pressure differential between the internal and external

environment. The VCS/LineSealTM performs this task through
the use of its spring-energized, pressure-activated sealing
Flange connection for electrical isolation and
the lips of the seal, thus enabling low pressure sealing. As the against contact corrosion (in red)
pressure increases and comes in direct contact with the sealing

sealing is accomplished while maintaining complete electrical

PSI Pikotek VCS/LineSealTM the seal to use when failure cannot

be tolerated. The fact that the VCS/LineSealTM uses pressure-
activated sealing elements which are located inboard of the

the VCS/LineSealTM to seal mismatched RTJ to raised-face or

More content can be found on


PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – VCS/LineSealTM


Metal Core

The core of each seal is made of hardened stainless steel (V4A/S316). Other metals such as duplex or Inconel are available upon request.

Isolating Material Options

Test Method G-11*


Compressive Strength (psi)

Dielectric Strength (VPM) 8 8

Max. Continuous Operating Temp. 3

Min. Continuous Operating Temp. 3

8 8

Flexural Strength (psi)

Tensile strength (psi)

Bond Strength (lb.)

Shear Strength (lb.)

* NEMA grade glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) laminate

Sealing material

The sealing elements are intended to provide an impenetrable barrier through which no contained media or other substance can
penetrate. Consequently, the composite retainer backing material behind the seal remains uncontaminated, thus permanently holding
the seal in place in a static, fully encapsulated manner.


1. Teflon (Spring-Energized) Standard

Recommended for all environments. Helical wound spring provides radial load. Encapsulation in the seal groove eliminates creep or

Temperature range: -157 °C to +200 °C (note: gasket material is a limiting factor)

2. Viton
S. Good resistance to aromatic hydro-
carbons. Not recommended for:
gases (i.e. CO
Temperature range: -26 °C to +200 °C

3. Buna-Nitrile
General purpose elastomer only suitable for low chemical resistance.
Temperature range: -129 °C to +116 °C

4. Silikon
Suitable for use in potable water applications. Approved by WRAS.
Temperature range: -55 °C to +300 °C

PSI Pikotek® Flanschisolierung – VCFS


The World’s only Firesafe flange isolation system

VCFS* (VCS FireSafe*)

• Based upon proven PSI Pikotek VCS/LineSealTM platform

• Tandem seal technology
• Primary sealing system has more than twenty years successful
track record

• 3

• Provides sealing under low bolt load


The VCFS* seal consists of a PTFE spring-energized primary sealing element and an E-ring secondary seal, all seated in a highly resil-
ient metal core, permanently bonded to an isolating lamination. Due to its unique pressure activated sealing mechanism, the gasket
requires far less bolt load to seal than other gasket types. In addition, the engineered E-ring will serve as a secondary seal during

The API 6FB Fire Test

the assembly is cooled down to room temperature, the line is de-pressurized and then re-pressurized. During all stages of the test the
gasket must not exceed an leakage rate prescribed by API.

Temperature vs. Time Chart Pressure vs. Time Chart

Chart 1 Chart 2
Temperature log of the calorimeter blocks and ther- Pressure versus time chart for this test.

down cycle.

More content can be found on

188 www.psi-products.com
PSI Pikotek® Flange Isolation Kit – VCFS


Isolating Material Options

Test method G-11*

Compressive Strength (psi)

Dielectric Strength (VPM) 8

Max. Continuous Operating Temp.

Min. Continuous Operating Temp.

Flexural Strength (psi)

Tensile Strength (psi)

Bond Strength (lb.)

Shear Strength (lb.)

* NEMA grade glass reinforced epoxy (GRE) laminate

Diamond-HydeTM HCS Washer System:

As part of the development of the VCFS gasket, we had to compensate the occurring bolt load loss during the burn process of the API


• 3
• Quenched and tempered for hardening


• The washer coating is a copyright protected development called X37

curing agents.
• The coating is overall strong and long-lasting with high dielectric and lubrication properties


made. Each designer, user and/or operator will need to assess their individual situation when deciding to install FS style gaskets.
Patent Pending.

PSI Flange Isolation Kit – GasketSeal®


Indirect bolt load force



GasketSeal® seals are among the most effective Flange gaskets. The seal consists of two molded semi O-rings mounted in grooves on
opposite sides of an insulating retainer. While maintaining all the advantages of a full O-ring seal, the semi O-ring seal eliminates the
“m” and “y” factors are close to zero, thus enabling the creation of

rings and sealing element combinations for matching seals to service and environmental conditions.

popular diameter.

Match the gasket’s sealing element and retainer material to suit

The unique sealing element provides advantages of an O-ring

seal without grove positioning problems.

GasketSeal® seals can be ordered individually or as part of an

isolation kit.


• Guards against blowouts

• Matching gasket materials to service conditions
• Lowest possible bolt force and compressive load
• Increased gasket life
• The isolation is a hight quality seal. It works as an electrical
separation point and prevents contact corrosion.

The GLV-UniSeal® seals are available as an alternative for DVGW (gas) and
KTW (potable water) approval.
PSI Flange Isolation Kit – GasketSeal®


General physical GasketSeal® data & max. temperature limits

Simple G-3 High temp. G-7* G11

ASTM Test method
Phenol** Phenol** Silicon/Glass** Epoxy/Glass Epoxy/Glass

Dielectric Strength
D149 3
Volts/Mil. (Short Time)

D659 Compressive Strength (psi)


Isolating Resistance
Meg Ohms

Flexural Strength (psi)

D638 Tensile Strength (psi)

3 Shear Strength (psi) 8

Temperature Range Cryogenic Cryogenic Cryogenic

Degrees C 3
* G-7 material should never be used with hydrocarbons
** On request

Temperature limits sealing element

Nitrile Viton

In order to determine a gasket’s overall temperature range,

temperature limits of both, retainer and sealing element, have
to be considered.

To order GasketSeal® sealing/insulating gaskets please

indicate the following:

1. Pipe Size
2. Pressure Rating (ANSI, DIN, API)
3. Type of Flange gasket (GasketSeal®)
4. Backing
5. Sealing ring version
6. Type of Flange gasket (type E or F)
Gasket Type E (FF)
7. Flange type (weld-neck, transfer, RTJ, etc.)
8. Quantity

Performance data and technical information provided herein

is intended for guideline purposes only. Suitability of product

end-user. Gasket Type F (IBC)

PSI Flange Isolation – EPDM


You can order the EPDM isolation seal in varying strengths,

versions, types E or F and with an isolation set.

The PSI range of EPDM gaskets offers durability and strength.

For gaskets having a thickness greater than 4 mm we insert a
polyester fabric inlay which adds strength to the durable EPDM
gasket material. This polyester fabric inlay reduces the risk of

For DVGW (gas) and KTW (potable water) approval, the

GLV-UniSeal® is available.

Direct bolt load force To order EPDM sealing/insulating gaskets please indi-
cate the following:

1. Pipe Size
2. Pressure rating (DIN, BS)
3. Use of seal
4. Material thickness
5. Type of Flange gasket (type E or F)
6. Flange type (weld-neck, transfer, RTJ, etc.)
7. Quantity

Gasket Type E (FF)

Gasket Type F (IBC)

PSI Flange Isolation – EPDM


Material specifications

EPDM material (Ethylene-Propylene-Diene-Monomer)

4 mm thickness – 1 ply polyester scrim insertion

Polyester Scrim Insertion

Color black

Durometer Hardness “A”

Tensile Strength (min.) 9 MPa

Elongation (min.) 3


Elasticity very good

Tear propagation resistance 3

General Notes:

The above mentioned performance data is intended as guideline

should be determined by the end-user. Changes with regard to

temperature, pressure, concentration or media composition,
acting synergistically, may exclude the proposed media
suitability above. Material selection is solely at the risk of the

PSI’s liability is limited to the liability listed inside the PSI

standard warranties.

PSI Products GmbH
Ulrichstrasse 25
72116 Mössingen / Germany

Phone: 0 049 (0)7473 3781 0

Fax: 0 049 (0)7473 3781 35
E-Mail: [email protected]

© PSI Products GmbH, 03 I 2018

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