2.e.case Ctudy On BPAD
2.e.case Ctudy On BPAD
2.e.case Ctudy On BPAD
Name of the patient ;-Swapna rani Barik
D/O:-Late HimanshuBarik
Age:-35 years
Sex :-Female
Bed no : -6
Regd no:-144/10.7.19
Marrital status :-Unmarried
Religion :-Hindu
Education :-10th
Occupation :-Dependant
Diagnosis :-BPAD
Date of admission:-10/7/19
Name of the informant :-Sister
Duration of stay :-5 years
II.Present chief complaint:
According to patient :-Patient told that he has feel loss of appetite
According to informant :-Patient has loss of appetite , decrease sleep , she feel depressed and suicidal
attempt .
III. History of Present illness:-
Miss SwarnalataBarik was before 15 days apparently alright and 15 day back her grandfather was
expired then develop depression irritability , loss of appetite, , disturbances of sleep, suicidal attempt
Duration :-She is having history of these psychotic symptoms last 3 year
Mode of Onset She is having history of irritability decrease sleep and food intake
Course :-Episodic
Intensity : Increased
Precipitating factor :
IV. Treatment history –
Injection Serenac 2.5 mg IM BD
Injection Promethazine 25 Mg IM BD
Injection Lopez 4mg IM BD
Tab Imipramin 100 mg BD
Psycho therapy : Individual psycho therapy
Family therapy :Family therapy has given to the family members
Numbers of previous episodes/ hospitalization with onset and course :
This is the 3rdepisode of psychiatric illness
Complete or incomplete Remission : There is incomplete remission
Duration of each episode :- 10 days
Treatment details and its side effect if any :Treatment taken .
Treatment out come : She has discontinue medication so develop 3rd episode of psychiatric illness.
Details of any precipitating factor if present : Stress And family problem
She has no past medical history of illness.
There is no significant past surgical history
She is having no history of medical disorder like TBHypertesion and DM and no history of psychiatric
illness in family.
- Male
- Female
G. Obstetric History
: She is unmarried
H. Sexual and Marital History
: She is unmarried.
I. Premorbid personality
Inter personal relation ship
: Her interpersonal relationship with her friend was satisfactory
Family and social relation ship
:Her relationship with her family member is goo and the social relationship neighbour and peer is good.
Use of leisure time
:She uses her leisure time with stitching
Predominant Mood
:Her predominant mood is depressed
Usual Reaction to stressful event
:She becomes worried in any stressful situation.
Attitude to self and others
: Her attitude towards self and also to other is good.
Attitude to work and responsibility
:Her attitude towards work is so good in her family
Religious beliefs and moral attitudes
: Religion beliefs and moral attitude is present.
Herbelief on god “Shiva”
Fantasy Life
:Nothing suggestive
Eating pattern:Irregular
Elimination: Regular
Use of drugs, tobacco alcohol:Nothing
Immediate memory: Nurse: What have you taken breakfast?
Patient: Samosa Bara
Inference: Immediate memory is intact
Recent memory: Nurse: When come to this hospital
Patient: 2 to 3 days
Inference: Remote memory is intact
Remote memory:
Nurse: Can you tellme 2 name of your best friend from school?
Patient: Forget my friends name
Nurse: What is your date birth?
Patient:Forget my date of birth
Inference: Remote memory is impaired
Intelligence: Nurse: Who is your sarapanch ?
Patient: MR. GopalSahu
Inference: Intelligence is intact
Abstraction: Nurse: What is difference between salt and sugar?
Patient:Salt andsugar colour are white but sugar is sweet.
Inference: Abstraction is intact
Personal: Nurse:- What is future plan?
Patient:- When I got discharge from here and will do stitching
Social judgement:-
Nurse:- If you saw person drowning in water what will you do?
Patient:-I go to the person and shouting for help and bring the person back
from the water.
Nurse:- If your going on the way and suddenly see that a person is lay down
on the road, then what u will do?
Patient:- i will go to the person and shrink the water on his face and finally
bring him to hospital.
Inference: he is judgement is intact.
Provisional diagnosis is BPAD
Final Diagnosis –BPAD (Depressive episode)
Bipolar disorder ( Manic Depression) is mental disorder that is characterized by constantly changing moods
between depression and mania .The mood swing are significant and the experiences of the highs of mania
and the lows of depression are usually extreme.
Bipolar disorder is a cyclical mood disorder characterised by abnormally elevated mood or irritability
which alternate with depressed mood.
It is an episodic potentially lifelong disabling disorder that can be difficult to diagnose.
1. Bipolar mood disorder is classified in to
A. Bipolar-1 : Characterised by episodes of sever mania and severe depression.
B. Bipolar-II: Characterised byepisodes of hypomania that alternate with period of with severe depression.
C. Cyclothymic disorder: Period of hypomanic symptoms alternating with brief periods of depressive
symptoms that are not as extensive as long lasting as seen in full hypomanic episodes or full depressive
D. Mixed features: Simultaneous symptoms of opposite mood polarities during manic, hypomanic or
depressive episodes. It marked by high energy sleepless and racing thoughts.
F31.0: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode hypomania.
F31.1: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mania without psychiatric symptoms
F31.2: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mania with psychotic symptoms
F31.3: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mild or moderate depression
F31.4: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression without psychotic symptoms.
F31.5: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode severe depression with psychotic symptoms
F31.6: Bipolar affective disorder, current episode mixed.
1) Precise cause unknown Stress full event due to death of her grand father
2) Genetic biochemical and psychological
factors may play role
3) May be triggered by stress full event anti
depressant use
4) Sleep deprivation and hypothyroidism
DEPRSSIVE PHASE Feeling of hope less
1) Low self esteem Suicidal ideatinonz
2) Over whelming inertia.
3) Feeling of hopeless apathy or self reproach
4) Difficulty concentrating or thinking clearly
5) Psychomotor retardation
6) Anhedonia
7) Suicidal ideation
Based on sign and symptoms History collection done
ICD 10 criteria Mental status examination done
Blood test done
1) ANTIDEPRESANT : The usual starting dose Injection serenac 2.5 mg BD IM
is about 75-150 mg of imipramin equivalent Injection Phenargon 25mgIM BD
2) Lithium :Treatment of manic episode Injection Lopez 4 mg IM BD
3) Antipsychotic : Treatment of mood disorder
4) Mood stabilizer
1) Cognitive behaviour therapy
2) Interpersonal therapy
3) Psychoanalytic psychotherapy
4) Behaviour therapy
5) Group therapy
6) Family therapy
Assessed the patient by collecting individual and family data.
Severity of the disease should be assessed by patient behaviour.
Assessed her sleeping pattern.
Assessed her insight and judgement ability
Assessed the behaviour attention, family process self esteem and anxiety level.
Collect history about diet pattern
Assessed social interaction level of the patient.
Pattern of the verbal speech should be noted.
1) High risk of self- directed violence related to depressed mood, feeding of worthlessness and anger
directed in ward on the self.
2) Dysfunctional grieving related to real or perceived loss bereavement , evidenced by denial of loss ,
inappropriate expression of anger, inability to carry out activates of daily living
3) Power lessens related to dysfunctional grieving process, life style of helplessness,evidenced by feeling
of lack of control over life situations, over-dependence on others to fulfil needs
4) Self esteem disturbance related to learned helplessness, impaired cognition, negative view of self,
evidenced by expression of worth-lessens, sensitivity to criticism, negative and pessimistic outlook.
5) Impaired communication process related to depressive cognition, evidenced by being unable to
interact with others, withdrawn, expressing fear of failure or rejection.
6) Disturbed sleep pattern and rest related to depressed mood and depressive cognitions evidenced by
difficulty in failing a sleep, early morning awakening, and verbal complaints of not feeling well-rest.
7) Imbalanced nutrition less than body requirement related to depressed mood, lack of appetite or lack of
interest in food.
8) Self-care deficit related to depressed mood, feeling of worthlessness, evidenced by poor personal
hygiene and grooming.
Day .1 Injection Serenac 2.5 mg IM
BP-110/80 mmHg Injection Phenargon25 mg IM
Pulse-72/min Injection Lopez 4 mg IM
Resp-20/min Tab Imipramin 100 mg
Temp-98.4 F Nursing intervention
Sleeping pattern disturbed Provide comfortable
Decreased appetite Provide calm and quite environment
Monitor vital sign
Provide medication according to physician
Day -2
BP-110/80 MmHg Injection Serenac 2.5 mg IM
Pulse- 74/min Injection Phenargon25 mg IM
Resp-20/min Injection Lopez 4 mg IM
Temp- 98.6 F Tab Imipramin 100 mg
Decreased appetite Nursing intervention
Memory Decreased Monitored vital signs
Psychological support and re assurance to
the patient
Perform mental status examination and
process recording
BP-110/80 MmHg Injection Serenac 2.5 mg IM
Pulse- 74/min Injection Phenargon25 mg IM
Resp-24/min Injection Lopez 4 mg IM
Temp- 98.6 F Tab Imipramin 100 mg
No dehydration Nursing intervention
Stabilized mood Monitored vital signs
Provide medication as per the physician
BP-120/80 MmHg Injection Serenac 2.5 mg IM
Pulse- 72/min Injection Phenargon25 mg IM
Resp-24/min Injection Lopez 4 mg IM
Temp- 98.6 F Tab Imipramin 100 mg
No dehydration Nursing intervention
Normal appetite Monitored vital signs
Provided medication to the patient as
advised by physician
Advise the adequate diet and regular
medication to patient.
My client suryakantiMeher was admitted in the VIMSAR Burla on dt 10.7.19 . She was taking medication
regularly his condition is well now. She feels good and sleep adequately. She is able to perform her daily
activities . Ther fore planned for discharge tomorrow on dt.14.7.19.
I explained him and her relatives to do following :
1) Teach about the illness of depression learning about the beginning symptoms of relapse may assist
patients to seek treatment early and avoid a lengthy recurrence.
2) Discuss the importance of support groups and assist in locating resources.
3) Teach the action, side effects and special , instructions regarding medications.
4) Discuss methods to manage side effects of medication.
5) Tell the family to offer the patient some house hold responsibilities, within the patient’s level of
capability to promote self –esteem.
6) Teach the family to recognize symptoms of suicidal ideation and how to conduct a suicidal assessment.
7) Emphasize that antidepressants can cause constipation, which may be prevented with a good bowel
regimen , adding fiber to the diet and drinking water.
8) Avoid making life changes while the patient is experiencing or recovering from depression.
9) Help the patient and family identify community resources such as suicidal hotlines.
Summarizing my case study by identification data of the patient, socioeconomic status, present chief
complain, present and past illness, family history, person history , mental status examination, physical
examination, definition of BPAD, classification, etiology, sign and symptom, management ,nursing care
plan, progress note, health education, I assessed the client for perform mental status examination and
physical examination . I had collected all history .The informant her elder sister is co operative
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