Carbon Accounting Valuation
Carbon Accounting Valuation
Carbon Accounting Valuation
Public Involvement
Vaibhav Sharma Prof. R.C. Gupta
Research Scholar Research Supervisor
Deptt. Of commerce M.L.B College of Excellence
Jiwaji University Jiwaji University
Gwalior M.P. Gwalior M.P.
Abstract- Increasing climate change is a matter of global concern and this is the right time that all the government and
nongovernment organizations, firms, investment groups have to assess their GHG emissions through carbon accounting that
reflects its carbon efficiency and exposure to risk. All the heavy emitters have to involve environment friendly techniques for
carbon accounting at every step starting from processing to product supply chain. They have to assess the causes and factors
responsible and apply new methodologies and approaches in calculating carbon numbers and preparing annual carbon budgets.
The implementation of carbon legislation and GHG protocol standards, can act as a viable instrument in global carbon
management. Moreover, public awareness and training related to GHG emission and reduction and creditability of carbon
accounting can play a significant role in environmental carbon sustainability.
Key words: global climate change, carbon management, carbon accounting
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