COVER STORY: at The Epicenter: Where The Financial System Meets The Real Economy (International Finance Magazine) - Ron Nechemia
COVER STORY: at The Epicenter: Where The Financial System Meets The Real Economy (International Finance Magazine) - Ron Nechemia
COVER STORY: at The Epicenter: Where The Financial System Meets The Real Economy (International Finance Magazine) - Ron Nechemia
At the Epicenter:
Where the Financial System Meets the Real Economy
Cover Story Interview for International Finance Magazine on November 28, 2008.
Mr. Ron Nechemia is the Chairman of the Board of On November 5, 2007, in a special interview to Viet
Directors for EurOrient Financial Group, a private sector Nam Television, he warned that Viet Nam was likely to
global development financial institution that is accredited face economic deterioration and challenges to maintain
by the United Nations General Assembly on Financing control of the stock market in the face of the boom in
for Development. In May 2008, Mr. Nechemia was share prices. He further posited that a sudden reversal
interviewed by International Finance Magazine regarding and capital outflows would jolt the economy while the
his outlook for the global economy and the world’s supply of securities has been increasing; demand has
financial systems. During this interview, he announced been even stronger, given limited outlets for savings.
that he saw a systemic financial crisis brewing and warned In this case, Mr. Nechemia’s predictions were also
that in the months to come the United States was likely stunningly accurate and these events did occur six
to face a once-in-a-lifetime financial crisis, an oil shock, months later.
sharply declining consumer confidence and, ultimately,
a deep recession. Mr. Nechemia’s forecast included As we enter 2009, global financial institutions and
a bleak sequence of events: Homeowners defaulting markets have been badly shaken. Threats to systemic
on mortgages, trillions of dollars of mortgage-backed stability became manifest in September 2008 with the
securities unraveling worldwide and the global financial collapse or near-collapse of several key institutions. The
system shuddering to a halt. These developments, far-reaching nature of the events that are unfolding is
he foretold, could cripple or destroy hedge funds, illustrated by the fact that within a period of only one week,
investment banks and other major financial institutions large stand-alone investment banks disappeared from
like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. While some viewed the U.S. financial landscape. It is against this challenging
his comments to be overly pessimistic at the time, Mr. and still evolving backdrop that International Finance
Nechemia’s predictions proved accurate in less than half Magazine gave Mr. Nechemia a second interview to ask
a year. him his view on recent events in the financial systems
and to suggest potential policy measures that could be
In fact, Mr. Nechemia has a strong record of correctly helpful in the present global economic climate.
analyzing market data and predicting economic events.
8 ¦ 2009 FEBRUARY
International Financing
IFM: Mr. Nechemia, can you de- severe adverse feedback loop between including from contagion, I advise
scribe the current global financial the fi nancial system and the broader moving expeditiously to put in place
and economic situation? economy represents a critical threat. new fi nancial instruments and
The combination of mounting losses, mechanism to help prevent or deal
Mr. Nechemia: The world economy falling asset prices, and a deepen- with crises. The introductions of
is facing its most difficult situation ing economic downturn, has caused new types of liquidity facilities are
in years, against the backdrop of a serious doubts about the viability long overdue. I am calling on the in-
deepening fi nancial crisis that origi- of a widening swath of the fi nancial ternational fi nancial institutions to
nated in mature markets. Advanced system. The ongoing deleveraging establish new liquidity instruments
economies are slowing markedly and process outlined in my interview in order to adequately meet the needs
some are already in recession. The in May 2008 with International Fi- of developing countries as well as for
continued strained fi nancial condi- nance Magazine has accelerated and a substantial increase in the level of
tions will dampen global growth become disorderly—marked by a access to resources.
prospects. rapid decline in fi nancial institutions’
share prices, higher costs of funding
Although developing countries as and credit default protection, and de- IFM: What lead global economy
a group have so far been relatively pressed asset prices. One result has to this global financial crisis?
resilient in the face of the present been sudden failures of institutions
shocks on account of solid funda- as markets have become unwilling Mr. Nechemia: The crisis is the
mentals and sound policies, coupled (or unable) to provide capital and result of three failures: A regulatory
with fi nancial buffers built-up over funding or absorb assets. and supervisory failure in advanced
recent years, most emerging markets economies; a failure in risk man-
and developing economies are not In particular, the supply of credit is agement in the private fi nancial
immune to the spillovers of the ongo- expected to contract markedly, plac- institutions; and also a failure in
ing global fi nancial crisis, with some ing a drag on economic growth not market discipline mechanism. Mar-
countries more affected than others. just in the United States, but in other ket discipline mechanism requisites
advanced and emerging economies. should including the three general
I am greatly concerned about fi nan- Global inflation risks have moderated requirements for fi nding an accept-
cial contagion spreading to several on the back of sharp declines in com- able level of market discipline: (1) a
emerging market economies in the modity prices from mid-year highs. market in the fi nancial instruments
form of reversals in capital inflows, However, the volatility of inflation of the issuer; (2) enforceable credit
increased funding costs, and shifts expectations, particularly in emerg- contracts; and (3) a market for cor-
in investor sentiment unrelated to ing markets, is challenging monetary porate control.
fundamentals. authorities in an environment of
slowing growth, and may hamper
Considering that preventing mac- their ability to respond to potential IFM: Where do you think that
roeconomic volatility from fi nancial fi nancial stability concerns. reform shoud be considered or is
spillovers and sustaining continuous needed?
growth are key priorities for devel-
oping countries, greater flexibility IFM: In the face of all of these Mr. Nechemia: Let us also look
is needed with regard to fiscal and considerations, what can or at the issue of reform. Reform is not
monetary policies in the short-run to should be done to mitigate econom- only for developing countries. All the
soften the impact of these external ic risks to developing countries as countries of the world need to reform
shocks on their economies as coun- well as in advanced economies? and the reform needs to be in depth.
try circumstances warrant, while Because, as we have seen in recent
reaffi rming their continued commit- Mr. Nechemia: What we need is years and realized that this system
ment to prudent policies. Moreover, comprehensive response to address that is some 60 years old is no longer
I stress that the balance of risks in the strains in fi nancial markets working, and so we can’t reform us-
many countries is shifting as infla- and restore market confidence. I ing old instruments. We have to come
tion risks have begun to recede and considered it essential to address up with appropriate instruments to
downside risks to growth have inten- the deep-rooted weaknesses in risk deal with this crisis and the new
sified. management and regulation in ad- situation facing us.
vanced countries’ fi nancial sectors
that led to excessive risk-taking and The global fi nancial architecture is
IFM: What are the strains speculation. In this connection, we now showing its cracks, showing its
afflicting the global financial sys- shall underscore the need for funda- weaknesses, and therefore, we really
tem at the present time? mental reform of the regulatory and have to take a very in-depth approach
supervisory framework as well as to reform. We need a new fi nancial
Mr. Nechemia: The strains af- clearer accounting rules and trans- order to deal with this situation. The
fl icting the global fi nancial system parency. effects are extremely serious, not only
are expected to deepen the downturn for developed countries, but also for
in global growth and restrain the re- In order to help reduce developing developing countries.
covery. Moreover, the risk of a more countries’ vulnerability to crises,
2009 FEBRUARY ¦ 9
On March 19, 2002, at the Inter- among trade, fi nance, and monetary and that, as policy liberalization has
national Summit on Financing for policies, coherence between short- facilitated international capital flows,
Development held in Monterrey, Mex- term and long-term development fi nancial institutions have increas-
ico, I delivered a speech on this very policy objectives, coherence between ingly added emerging market assets
issue, the issue of reform as I saw the the national and international re- as part of their portfolios, paving
need then. The need applies today, sponsibilities, the regional and the the way towards the phenomenon of
but the message today is even more interregional cooperation, the gov- global fi nancial integration.
important than it was in the begin- ernmental and the intergovernmental
ning of the new Millennium. spheres. Global fi nancial integration presents
new challenges and opportunities
This fi rst United Nations-hosted The increasingly interdependent for the international community.
summit to address key fi nancial world economy requires a holistic It should constitute a very impor-
and development issues attracted 50 approach to the interconnected na- tant element, as in order for us to
Heads of State or Government. In ad- tional, international, and systemic meet the Millennium Development
dition to a number of Presidents and challenges of fi nancing for develop- Goals it is imperative to signifi-
Prime Ministers, over 200 ministers ment. In addressing these challenges, cantly increase the size of overseas
participated in the Summit, includ- we reaffi rm their importance. development assistant flows. This
ing ministers of fi nance, trade and is especially important for the least
foreign affairs; the United Nations I have a great concern that a number developed countries, most of which
Secretary-General; the heads of the of developing countries have become do not have access to international
World Bank, International Monetary more vulnerable, in the course of fi nancial markets and do not even
Fund and World Trade Organization; liberalizing their external economic constitute a systemic risk as they are
the representatives of civil society and fi nancial regimes, to the volatile totally marginalised from the system.
and the leaders from the private sec- fluctuations of private capital flows Appropriate policies are important,
tor. Senior officials of all the major in international fi nancial markets. I not only to help attract private flows
intergovernmental fi nancial, trade, stress the importance at the national to a greater number of developing
economic, and monetary organiza- level in the countries concerned of a countries, but also to maximize their
tions were present. favorable climate for private fi nancial contribution to development.
flows, sound macroeconomic policies
In my address to the Monter- and appropriate functioning mar- I emphasize the need to explore ways
rey Summit seven years ago, I kets. to broaden cooperation and, where
emphasized the need for ‘coherence,’ appropriate, coordination of macro-
particularly between national and We recognize that where techno- economic policy among interested
international responsibilities. Lack logical change has revolutionized the countries, monetary and fi nancial
of concerted action to bring the way business is done and reduced authorities, and institutions. We
benefits of development to the vast the costs and increased the speed of want to enhance preventive consul-
majority of humanity that lives in the international fi nancial transactions tation arrangements between such
developing world would only increase
the `ravages of poverty.’ I warned the
respected audience that the road to
development is an arduous one and
the decisions facing the developing
countries and the international com-
munity will be increasingly difficult.
Finally, I stressed that our actions
in the area of fi nancing for develop-
ment are perhaps unique in that they
directly affect the lives and security
of billions of less fortunate human
beings around the world.
10 ¦ 2009 FEBRUARY
International Financing
institutions as a means of promot- integration have increased the speed the commitment that was made to
ing a stable international fi nancial and extent to which shocks are being helping countries that are facing dif-
environment conducive to economic transmitted across asset classes and ficult circumstances with rapid and
growth, particularly of developing economies. However, regulation and effective support, the availability of a
countries, taking into account the supervision remain geared at indi- new short-term liquidity facility and
needs of developing countries as well vidual fi nancial institutions and do other instruments and other facili-
as situations that may have a signifi- not adequately consider the systemic ties are of significant importance.
cant impact upon the international and international implications of do-
fi nancial system. mestic institutions’ actions. Moreover,
macro-prudential tools do not suf- IFM: The economic stimulus
We need to seek development so- ficiently take into account business packages: Will it work, and for
lutions that go beyond the trade and fi nancial cycles, which has led whom?
liberalization, as trade liberalization to an excessive buildup of leverage.
is not an ends in itself, but a means Mr. Nechemia: I welcome the
to more sustainable, equitable, and The challenge, therefore, is to de- emphasis on fiscal stimulus, which
democratic growth. Now a day, de- sign new rules and institutions that I believe is now essential to restore
velopment policies focus on price reduce systemic risks, improve fi- global growth. If coordinated, each
stability, rather than growth and the nancial intermediation, and properly country’s fiscal stimulus can be
stability of output. Given the current adjust the perimeter of regulation twice as effective in raising domestic
situation we fi nd ourselves in, it’s and supervision, without imposing output growth if its major trading
clear that we failed to recognize that unnecessary burdens. partners also have a stimulus pack-
strengthening fi nancial institutions age.
is every bit as important to economic
stability as controlling budget defi- IFM: What is the significant How will this fi nancial crisis affect
cits and increasing the money supply. outcome of the G-20 Summit on China’s economic growth in the
We focused on privatization, but paid Financial Markets and the World coming years? Could you possibly
too little attention to the institutional Economy in Washington, D.C., comment on China’s participation in
infrastructure that is required to held on November 14- 15, 2008? the world action against this fi nan-
make markets work, and especially cial turmoil?
to the importance of competition. Mr. Nechemia: The G-20 Summit
on Financial Markets and the World
Economy demonstrated the increas- IFM: How will this financial
IFM: Where do you think the ingly powerful agreement in favor of crisis affect China’s economic
global financial system can and broad action in order to confront the growth in the coming years? Could
should improve? daunting and in many ways unprec- you possibly comment on China’s
edented challenges of the current participation in the world action
Mr. Nechemia: Looking beyond crisis. By any standards, the Sum- against this financial turmoil?
the immediate challenges, the crisis mit laid out an ambitious agenda.
has made clear that new thinking Mr. Nechemia: I reemphasize,
and action are needed in at least The G-20 Summit was significant there is no part of the world that is
three areas related to the global because of the people present. As immune and it would be very sur-
fi nancial architecture. First, the an outcome of the meeting, a new prising if a power like China was
design of fi nancial regulation needs world economic order is develop- observing the crisis without being in
to be improved. Second, a better way ing that is more dynamic and more any way concerned.
of assessing systemic risk must be inclusive than any that we have yet
found. Third, the mechanisms for seen. The most important outcome Of course, when growth in China
more effective, coordinated actions of this G-20 meeting is agreement on decreases from 11 percent to 6 per-
are needed to reduce the risk of cri- an action plan and the commitment cent or maybe 5 percent in 2009, it
ses and to address them when they of all participants to implement the is a five to six -point decrease. It is a
occur. plan vigorously and fully; and the lot. On the other hand, 6 percent of
commitment to act together to meet growth is also a lot. So, China will be
This crisis has shown the limits of global macroeconomic challenges, impacted by the crisis and its growth
the current regulatory and supervi- using both monetary and fiscal will slow. Nevertheless, the rate of
sory frameworks at both the domestic policy. growth will remain higher than other
and international levels. Open fi nan- developing countries.
cial markets can provide tremendous I am very pleased about the G-20 lead-
benefits by lowering the cost of ers’ strong support for the important I think it is a good opportunity for
capital, but more effective regulation role of the International fi nancial in- the Chinese government to rebal-
is needed to realize this potential. stitutions (IFIs) in crisis management ance growth from trade-led growth
As has been demonstrated all too and the reform of the international to a more domestic consumption-led
graphically, fi nancial innovation and fi nancial architecture. In addition,
2009 FEBRUARY ¦ 11
growth, which is what I am recom- noted, global growth prospects have While macroeconomic policies are
mending. It will also have good deteriorated sharply. At the EurOri- crucial to sustaining demand, emerg-
consequences on the exchange rate. ent Financial Group, we now project ing economies face an additional
that the world economy will grow by challenge. That is, to ensure that the
China’s contribution to the resolu- a maximum of two percent next year, unfolding liquidity squeeze does not
tion of the crisis, at least as growth and that advanced economies will transform into a solvency crisis. In-
is concerned, is mainly linked to its contract by at least a quarter per- deed, deleveraging is now impacting
capacity to shift the main driver for cent over the same period. Growth emerging market countries in general,
growth from external demand to do- prospects for many fast-growing including those with relatively strong
mestic demand. emerging economies have also been fundamentals. Some countries with
undermined by the sharp declines in liquid domestic fi nancial markets,
commodity prices and their demand. which previously received large capi-
IFM: You mentioned China’s We now anticipate that emerging tal inflows, have experienced abrupt
stimulus plan. Given that there is economies will expand by five percent reversals of external fi nancing flows.
some debate about how much of in 2009, although with considerable Past experience suggests that ex-
China’s stimulus package is really regional variation and significant change rate adjustment can help
new spending, do you think China downside risks. Thus, a priority for absorb some of the pressures aris-
needs to consider more stimulus? many emerging market economies ing from external current account
will be to take actions that bolster weakening and capital outflows. At
Mr. Nechemia: I think China confidence in their policies while the same time, comfortable reserve
defi nitely has room for more stimu- strengthening the social safety nets. buffers help ensure the availability of
lus. The government announced this foreign currency liquidity if countries
initial stimulus package, and they Around the world, the policy re- remain under pressure from global
could potentially announce another sponses to unfolding global economic fi nancial deleveraging for some time.
one later on. We will see more clarity challenges have been varied. Ad-
around that when China announces vanced countries have actively sought
the budget for next year, which will to address underlying weaknesses IFM: Is there a negative impact
be around March. But there has al- through the use of public balance to the move toward permanently
ready been discussion within China sheets to recapitalize fi nancial in- higher capital ratios?
about further stimulus, including stitutions, provide comprehensive
some measures to stimulate private government guarantees, and extend Mr. Nechemia: The ongoing un-
consumption. I think China defi nitely liquidity provisions. Monetary and certainty surrounding valuations of
has the room for that and, should fiscal initiatives to help support glob- what were once thought to be low-
the downside scenario that I imagine al demand are also being pursued. risk assets has led to difficulties in
evolve, that’s something they defi- Indeed, with inflation receding, cen- judging capital adequacy. Therefore,
nitely should look at. tral banks in advanced and emerging capital buffers will need to be higher
market countries have also taken than previously thought, eight per-
steps to ease monetary policy. cent. Moreover, they should be based
IFM: Who should lead the fi-
nance of the fiscal expansion that
is necessary as a fiscal stimulus?
12 ¦ 2009 FEBRUARY
International Financing
on a forward-looking analysis of risk, at stabilizing fi nancial systems, as the underlying problems. The inten-
rather than a mechanical application well as monetary and budget mea- sifying worries about counterparty
of regulatory ratios in the present. sures to support fi nal demand. risks have created a near lock-up of
global money markets.
To the extent that the move to per- At the present, global fi nancial mar-
manently higher capital ratios is kets appear to have stepped back In the broadest sense, the authorities’
mandated, the ratios should be from the brink in response to ag- principal tasks are to help reduce
phased in and shall be increased gressive policy support measures. the global economy’s systemic in-
gradually and over an extended pe- Nonetheless, the great danger of stabilities and to promote effective
riod of time so that their attainment renewed deterioration remains very counter-cyclical policy action, as well
does not amplify the existing cycli- high in several markets, while fund- as to respond timely to both a struc-
cal downturn of the real economy. ing and liquidity markets are still tural and a cyclical changes.
Though achieving higher levels will severely strained. These negative Thus, fi nancial market deleveraging
further slow the restoration of normal developments reflect deep shocks is still underway, underpinning our
credit conditions, the process should that have undermined confidence base case expectation of a substan-
be under way by late 2009 in order to in fi nancial market counterpar- tial and sustained slowdown in credit
put fi nancial institutions in a better ties, persistent concerns over future growth through the coming year.
position to support the recovery. losses and funding needs, and large Moreover, fi nancial stresses have
losses in bank and other institutions’ spread to emerging markets, where
capital. equity market downturns by now
IFM: What is your near-term have equaled or outstripped those
economic outlook? Restoration of fi nancial stability in advanced economy markets, and
would now benefit from a publicly- where outflows from debt markets
Mr. Nechemia: Vigorous policy stated collective commitment by the threaten to reverse the structural
action is needed in order to avoid a authorities of the affected countries progress that has been one of the
serious global downturn. The author- to address the issue in a consistent most striking recent fi nancial mar-
ities should concentrate their efforts and coherent manner. However, ket developments.
on achieving such an outcome, as the piecemeal interventions of the au-
emergence of substantial output gaps thorities in their effort to address the Against the background of weak fi-
in economies around the world would liquidity constraints and resolve the nancial markets, my forecast based
leave a legacy of reduced output, lost troubled institutions will have very on current fi nancial and economic
opportunities and sacrificed well- limited to no succeed in restoring policies is for global economic growth
being. The measures needed to avoid market confidence, as they have not to decelerate to maximum of two
this encompass both renewed efforts addressed the widespread nature of percent in 2009, down from about
five percent last year. I’m also scal-
ing back my economic projections for
the recovery in 2010. While I believe
that the efforts to stabilize fi nancial
conditions and strengthen demand
support measures could still enable
a gradual recovery on or about June
of 2009, presently it seems that fur-
ther reduction to the growth forecast
is likely.
2009 FEBRUARY ¦ 13
While the baseline scenario for Asia the rest of the world. Any hope that The broad picture that I have sought
sees recovery beginning in the sec- the region would escape the crisis to develop here today is one where it
ond half of 2009, risks to the outlook unscathed has by now evaporated. has been recognized at the highest
are significantly larger than usual level of political authority that action
and tilted to the downside. A deeper across a range of areas is needed
and more protracted global slow- IFM: Can we conclude this inter- urgently to help the global economy
down than currently anticipated, view with a brief summary? and the fi nancial system regain their
combined with tighter international footing. An impressive consensus has
fi nancial conditions from the ongo- Mr. Nechemia: In summary, emerged about the reforms required
ing global deleveraging, could have action across a range of areas is to redesign the fi nancial system,
significant spillovers to the region needed to help the global economy and they are substantial. Macro-
through both exports and a range and fi nancial systems regain their economic policy action—especially
of fi nancial channels. It remains un- footing. With fi nancial markets fiscal policy—is becoming increas-
clear how domestic demand in the worldwide facing growing turmoil, ingly relevant and necessary for a
region would stand up to a sharp internationally coherent and deci- broad swath of countries. Financial
decline in export growth and tighter sive policy measures will be required sector policy reforms also must con-
fi nancial conditions. to restore confidence in the global tinue to be implemented and fi ne
fi nancial system. Failure to do so tuned as needed. And collectively,
Despite Asia’s generally strong could usher in a period in which we must work together to strengthen
fundamentals—including its sub- the ongoing deleveraging process the global fi nancial architecture in
stantial cushion in official reserves, becomes increasingly disorderly and a way that reduces future risks by
improved macroeconomic policy costly for the real economy. Macro- re-examining regulatory weakness-
frameworks and generally robust economic policies—especially fiscal es, forging ahead with new tools for
corporate balance sheets and bank- stimulus—should play an important detecting vulnerabilities, and recog-
ing systems—the region is being role in bolstering demand, while fi- nizing the importance of fi nancial
rattled by the crisis due to its close nancial sector policies continue to integration and cross-border fi nanc-
trade and fi nancial integration with be implemented and fi ne tuned as ing in designing regulations and new
needed. mechanisms for crisis prevention
and resolution. IFM
14 ¦ 2009 FEBRUARY
Mr. Ron Nechemia is a founding member of fornia as one of the top U.S. business leaders tion to developing operational policies and
the EurOrient Financial Group (“EurOrient”) who has successfully integrated business and practices designed to manage high-risks and
and its various affiliate development financial financial success. to sustain success during times of crises and
institutions. He is not just a financial pioneer high market volatilities. These policies and
He has earned an international reputation as a
but is considered the founding father of pri- practices are intended to ensure high quality
scholar, entrepreneur, political economist and
vate sector development banking. He is de- portfolio investments and loans for EurOrient
a political risk analyst specializing in country/
veloping EurOrient into a full-fledged private and for any funds managed by EurOrient.”
political risks in Asia, particularly in China.
sector global development bank, as it evolves
He also regularly consults on issues such as EurOrient’s investment and consultancy
from a mere project financier. Much to the
the assessment and mitigation of political and activities focus on developing countries and
company’s credit, EurOrient is the world’s
economic risks for cross-border equity invest- transitional economies while considering
first private sector global development fi-
ment and debt financing transactions, and has variables such as credit risk, market risk,
nance institution and accredited institution
a broad range of transactional and regulatory currency risk, rate risk and political risk.
by the United Nations General Assembly on
expertise focused on specific measures to de- EurOrient is committed to paying disciplined
Financing for Development.
sign and enhance the creditworthiness and rat- attention to the overall quality of its loan and
During the talks with Mr. Nechemia, it is clear ing of venture. investment portfolio, and does so through its
that he is not only a professional financier, best-practices approach in its investment and
In 2007, Mr. Nechemia contributed to the
but a unique scholar. He has frequently been lending activities of each project. In practice
book, “Inside the Minds: The Roles and Mo-
invited to consult and to deliver speeches in this means that EurOrient analyzes invest-
tivations of Key Players in a Venture Capital
Special High-Level Policy Dialog that reveals ments from the ground up. Irrespective of
Deal” co-authored with 7 managing direc-
his unique wealth of knowledge and global the overall economic climate, EurOrient will
tors and senior partners representing some of
vision on global financal architecture.Mr. not lend to or invest in a project that is not
the world’s top venture capital (“VC”) and
Nechemia contributes to High-Level Policy itself economically viable or credit worthy.
private equity firms, published by Aspatore
Dialog address issues of “Aid effectiveness EurOrient intends for its portfolio to consist
Books in the USA .
and innovative financing for development.” of uniformly sound investments.
His observations touch upon the following While many American companies are lay-
EurOrient has continued its journey of devel-
areas of concern to the international finance ing off employees, his company, EurOrient
opmental finance since being founded in 1988.
community: Financial Group, is currently recruiting and
Under the leadership of Mr. Nechemia, his
hiring new employees for its rapidly grow-
● Additional commitments concerning vision has been to create a privately owned
ing operation. EurOrient has owned a perfect
innovative sources of financing for global development bank. EurOrient’s share-
risk management system, so it has the strong
development further debt relief and holding structure assures that the Company
strength to continue the project development,
International Public Goods; will remain private sector oriented and that its
making new investments and recruit new em-
operations will remain free and independent
● Better coordinated and more effective ployees. One of Mr. Ron Nechemia’s biggest
of any government’s foreign policy and po-
aid at international levels as well as challenges is to identify top-level investment
litical agenda. This independence will ensure
implementation of the Monterrey Con- talent to promote the developmental finance
that EurOrient development assistance is ef-
sensus on Aid Effectiveness, including activities. “EurOrient focuses its investment
ficiently and effectively managed, based on
more predictable aid mechanisms, and advisory activities in the complex and
good corporate governance and best practices,
notably budget support, mitigation of evolving world of emerging markets and
for the benefit of its shareholders, investors,
exogenous shocks, aid untying and economies in transition. This has required
and society at large. EurOrient affirms the of-
reform of the international financial that EurOrient pay particularly close atten-
ten forgotten fact, that development must rep-
resent “...a transformation of society, a move-
Mr. Nechemia’s contribution and efforts to ment from traditional relations, traditional
the developing countries has earned him ways of thinking, traditional ways of dealing
many international awards and recognitions. with health and education, traditional meth-
In 2002, as the State of California represen- ods of production, to more ‘modern’ ways.”
tative he joined the US Presidential Business And that development “is not about charity; it
Commission; in 2003, he was selected as the is about inclusion and empowerment, educa-
National Business Advisory Council Honor- tion, good health, security, and opportunity.”
ary Chairman. Further, he is the recipient of To EurOrient, development is about putting
“Businessmen of the Year” award, an award people first, giving people a voice and better
presented to top business leaders who cham- life and respecting their fundamental human
pion the free enterprise system, and the “2003 rights. Because development is not about
National Leadership Award” presented by charity, it is about delivering what people
the Vice President of the United States - Rich- want in a commercially viable, but socially
ard B. Cheney, as a recognition of outstand- responsible manner.
ing service and commitment, and in particular Mr. Nechemia regards himself as an inter-
for assistance and leadership in promoting a national civil servant. He devotes his life to
pro-business agenda including tax reform and fighting poverty and disparity and to promot-
fiscal responsibility. In 2004 he was one of ing international cooperation and understand-
three nominees nominated by the Business ing on behalf of the broader public good.
Advisory Councils for “Businessmen of the This article is a reproduction of the original Chinese
Year,” an award representing the state of Cali- publication “International Financing” February 2009.
16 ¦ 2009 FEBRUARY