Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Types of Media: Print, Broadcast, New
Media (Lec)
Content Standard
Performance Standard
Learning Competencies
I. Objectives:
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
B. Motivation
Write the following media formats on the board:
books, newspaper, television, Youtube, magazines, social network, radio,
memeography, newsletter, cellphone, journals, film/movie
Let the students identify the media formats on the board if it is a print, broadcast or a news
1. What is prints, broadcast and news media?
2. How prints, broadcast and news media differ from each other?
Present this matrix and ask the learners to classify the terms above. Call on learners and
have them write the terms in their corresponding columns.
1. Draw an additional media formats that is not included in the given media format.
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Types of Media: Print, Broadcast, New
Media (Lec)
Content Standard
Performance Standard
Learning Competencies
I. Objectives:
III. Procedure
C. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
D. Review
Enumerate the types of media and give example.
E. Motivation
Asked students to pick two examples of traditional media (newspaper and radio) and thinking of what
existing media forms are a mixture of both (news podcasts by newspaper writers)
1. Describe how new technologies have led to the convergence of traditional and new media.
2. Explain how media convergence creates new opportunities for interaction.
1. Explain how a person could be portrayed in public in the age of media convergence.
1. Describe the use of one or two forms of new media to share knowledge and information on a current issue
in society.
2. Explain how a person could be portrayed in public in the age of media convergence.
IV. Evaluation
Fill up the second and third columns:
V. Assignment
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Types of Media: Print, Broadcast, New
Media (Lec)
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how representations are constructed in diverse media types
and how they convergence.
Performance Standard
The learner shall provide an outline of media convergence in different areas by identifying the different
platforms and the convergence there in.
Learning Competencies
I. Objectives:
III. Procedure
1. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
2. Motivation
1. Showing a short video clips, news or a picture of a major disaster or events.
2. How do you feel for every instance that you have watched news and read one articles
about major disasters or a competition victory of a well-known personality?
3. Review
1. Types of media. Give examples of each.
2. Media Convergence. Gives examples.
Instruct learners to form a group of five members.
Each group discusses the reactions of people affected by the news:
3. How do different audiences perceive media personalities?
4. Do you agree that the media personalities have power to direct or challenge society?
Explain your answer
“The media can be influenced by society and can in turn influence society”.
2. Cite the different forms of media that greatly influence youth like them.
IV. Assignment
Bring a picture of famous individuals who are featured across all types of media
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Media and Information (Lec)
Content Standard
The learners demonstrate an understanding of how representations are constructed in diverse media types
and how they convergence.
Performance Standard
The learner shall provide an outline of media convergence in different areas by identifying the different
platforms and the convergence there in.
Learning Competencies
VI. Objectives:
VIII. Procedure
a. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
b. Review
I. Fill in the blanks.
c. Motivation
Showing of picture pictures of famous individuals who are featured across all types of media. Kris
Aquino and Opra
Instruct learners to make a list of famous/iconic personalities who have been featured in print,
broadcast and new media.
Discuss the responsibility of media content producers to their viewers.
What are the responsibilities of media content producers to their viewers?
Make a matrix of a famous/iconic personalities that would contain:
(1) Title of the media product;
(2) Its creator; and
(3) Describe how each particular personality is being described in a specific type of
A. Assignment
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Media and Information (Lec)
Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the values and differences of the sources of media and
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to examine the reliability, accuracy, value, authority, and timeliness of the
different sources of media and information.
Learning Competencies
The learners compare potential sources of media and information. MIL11/12MIM-IIIe-13
I. Objectives:
Demonstrate an ability to examine and compare information from various sources in order to evaluate
its reliability, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and bias.
Determine the accuracy, reliability and value of information by questioning the source of data,
limitations of the information gathering tools or strategies, and the rationale of the conclusions..
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
B. Review
C. Motivation
Presentation of a recent piece of controversial news and discuss it with the learners.
Ask the learners where they got the news and what they know about it.
Provide news about the topic coming from different sources – newspaper, magazine, social media,
TV, Internet.
Distribute each material to a different group of learners. Have each group describe the type of
information their source delivers.
Ask them to note the differences and similarities between the information gathered in each source
1. Bring the class to a focus by stating the specific learning objectives. At the end of the lesson, the
learner should be able to:
Demonstrate an ability to examine and compare information from various sources in order
to evaluate its reliability, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and bias
Determine the accuracy, reliability and value of information by questioning the source of
data, limitations of the information gathering tools or strategies, and the rationale of the
2. Define keywords in the objectives as an overview of the lesson. These keywords include:
Reliability of information - Information is said to be reliable if it can be verified and evaluated.
Others refer to the trustworthiness of the source in evaluating the reliability of information.
Accuracy of information - Accuracy refers to the closeness of the report to the actual data.
Measurement of accuracy varies, depending on the type of information being evaluated. Forecasts
are said to be accurate if the report is similar to the actual data. Financial information is considered
accurate if the values are correct, properly classified, and presented
Value of information - Information is said to be of value if it aids the user in making or improving
Authority of the source - Much of the information we gather daily do not come from a primary
source but are passed on through secondary sources such as writers, reporters, and the like.
Sources with an established expertise on the subject matter are considered as having sound authority on
the subject.
Timeliness - Reliability, accuracy, and value of information may vary based on the time it was
produced or acquired. While a piece of information may have been found accurate, reliable
3. Discuss the following topics on libraries:
a. Types of libraries - Libraries are often classified in 4 groups, namely: academic, public, school
and special. These libraries may be either digital or physical in form.
b. Skills in accessing information from libraries - Due to the wealth of information in a library, it is
important to know the following:
• The access tool to use
• How the information being accessed may be classified
• The depth of details required--some libraries provide only an abstract of the topic
• More detailed information might require membership or some conformity to set rules of the source
(ex databases).
d. Characteristics of libraries in terms of reliability, accuracy and value - Libraries of published books
are often considered highly reliable, accurate, and valuable. Books and documents from dominant
sources are often peer reviewed. ISSN or ISBN registration ensures that standards were followed
in producing these materials.
4. Discuss the following topics about the Internet:
5. Discuss the skills in determining the reliability of information.
6. Discuss the skills in determining accurate information.
7. Discuss the following topics on the alternative media:
Look at various pieces of news handed out to them regarding the topic. As a class,
fill out the following table.
Selection Criteria Questions to ponder Student Answer
What are the details of this piece
of news? Which of these
Reliability details can be verified in other
Could these details be true? Why
or why not?
Which of these facts are
measurable? How were they
Accuracy derived?
Was the article written in an
objective manner? Is the article
written with care?
Consider the audience of the
article? Who would find this
Valuable article
Authority Who wrote the article? How is
the author related to the article?
What was his source? Are the
sources properly cited? What is
the reputation of the author? Is
he known for some biases?
When was the article written? Is
it possible that some of the
Timeliness information in the article has
changed in time? If yes, would
change have any effect on the
conclusion of the article
Ask the learners to identify information about their local community.
Tell them to identify the possible source of this information and to write their answers down in their
Inform the learners that they will be meeting guests from the local community in the next meeting. The
class will interview the guests on indigenous media and information
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignments
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Media and Information (Lec)
Content Standards
The learner demonstrates an understanding of and can identify the values and differences of potential
sources of media and information.
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to research on indigenous media or information resource within the community.
Learning Competencies
I. Objectives
III. Procedure
A. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
B. Review
Short Quiz
Fill in the blanks. 1-10
Discuss the concept of Indigenous Media and information.
Culture Education
Media and
Introduce the invited guests (refer to Meeting Learners’ Needs) for the interview.
Ask each guest to briefly explain their role in the community.
Ask each guest to share the type of information they are responsible for, or the information that
they receive and pass on to the community.
After the guests have explained, have the learners ask questions of their own. Some helpful
questions to ask your guests are:
How is the type of information that you handle helpful to the community? In what ways does
passing on this information help the community?
How do you know that the information you pass on is true?
What difficulties do you face in passing on this information to others?
Are these pieces of information available in popular media?
Facilitate the forum by keeping time, keeping the learners engaged, and by directing the talk to
stay on topic.
When the time is up, have the learners thank the guests.
End the session by summarizing the key points of the forum.
What are the forms of indigenous media and their local examples?
What are the importance of indigenous media and information?
Have the learners write an essay on the topic
“How do people find information that matches my needs?” and “How do I choose
from the wide variety of information made available by different sources?”
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignments
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1
Lesson Plan
Media Information Literacy
Grade 12 GAS and TVL
Types of Media: Print, Broadcast, New
Media (Lec)
Content Standards
The learners understand media and information codes, conventions, and messages in relation to
consumers, producers, and other stakeholders.
Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to examine and identify pertinent media and information codes,
conventions and messages given a visual resource.
Learning Competencies
• Evaluates everyday media and information presentations regarding codes, convention, and message; and
how they affect the audience, producers, and other stake holders. MIL11/12MILA-IIIf-15
• Produces and assesses the codes, conventions, and messages of a group presentation. MIL11/12MILA-
I. Objectives:
III. Procedure
a. Routinary Activity
Checking of Attendance
b. Motivation
Read his sentence after writing it on the board “Language may be a source of
misunderstandings by Marshall McLuhan, 1964”
Ask learners to analyze the quote, then, let them share what they think to the class.
Does the user’s/audience’s own background or experience affect the interpretation of
messages? How?
Is it possible that a different individual derives a different meaning from the message?
Direct learners to identify five (5) signs and symbols in their community that are
used to convey information (ex. for directions, locations of attractions, others)
How are symbols usually being presented?
What is the importance of using symbols to convey a message or information?
How these symbols are presented in terms of fonts, images, colors, design and others?
Instruct the learners to write a reflection paper about the previous activity using the following guide
What information codes, conventions and messages about our country is communicated enthuse
If you are to create a postcard for a place or organization of your choice, what technical and
symbolic codes would you use to convey important information and create the desired impression?
How is understanding of the technical and symbolic codes contribute to media and information
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment
Prepared by:
Rolly C. Curia
Checked by:
Airne G. Idea
Principal 1