Reproductive Hormones

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 Estrogen/Estradiol  Ovarian follicle  Stimulates thickening of the uterine wall

 Corpus Lutuem  Maturation of oocyte
 Development of secondary sexual female
 Inhibits FSH secretion
 Increases LH secretion

 FSH (Follicle-  Pituitary gland  Causes immature oocyte and follicle to develop
stimulating Hormone) (Anterior)  Increases estrogen secretion
 Stimulates new gamete formation
 Development of uterine wall after menstruation

 GnRH (Gonadotropin-  Hypothalamus  Controls pituitary secretion of FSH and LH

releasing Hormone)

 hCG (Human Chorionic  Embryonic  Prevents corpus luteum from disintegrating

Gonadotropin) membranes  Stimulates corpus luteum to secrete estrogen and
 Placenta progesterone

 Inhibin  Ovaries  Inhibits secretion of FSH from anterior pituitary


 LH (Luteinizing  Pituitary gland  Stimulates further development of oocyte and

Hormone) follicle
 Stimulates ovulation
 Increases progesterone secretion
 Aids in development of corpus lutuem

 Oxytocin  Pituitary gland  Stimulates uterine contractions during labor and

milk release during nursing

 Prolactin  Pituitary gland  Promotes milk secretion by mammary glands after

child birth

 Progesterone  Corpus luteum  Stimulates uterine wall’s thickening

 Implantation; pregnancy maintenance

 Relaxin  Placenta  Increases flexibility of pubic symphysis during

 Ovaries pregnancy
 Help dilate uterine cervix during labor
 FSH (Follicle-  Pituitary gland  Aids in sperm maturation
stimulating Hormone) (Anterior)  Increases testosterone production

 GnRH (Gonadotropin-  Hypothalamus  Controls pituitary secretion

releasing Hormone)

 Inhibin  Sustentacular cells  Inhibits secretion of FSH from anterior pituitary

in Testes gland

 LH (Luteinizing  Pituitary gland  Stimulates testosterone secretion

 Testosterone  Interstitial cells in  Increases sperm production
Testes  Stimulates the development of male primary and
secondary sexual characteristics
 Inhibits LH secretion
 Male libido

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