Ford Transit 2018 Owner's Manual PDF
Ford Transit 2018 Owner's Manual PDF
Ford Transit 2018 Owner's Manual PDF
May 2018
Third Printing
Owner’s Manual
Litho in U.S.A.
JK3J 19A321 AA
The information contained in this publication was correct at the time of going to print. In the interest of
continuous development, we reserve the right to change specifications, design or equipment at any time
without notice or obligation. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, stored in a
retrieval system or translated into any language in any form by any means without our written permission.
Errors and omissions excepted.
© Ford Motor Company 2018
California Proposition 65
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Table of Contents
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Table of Contents
Transmission Towing
Automatic Transmission ............................151 Towing a Trailer ............................................180
Tow/Haul ........................................................154 Trailer Sway Control ....................................181
Recommended Towing Weights ............181
Brakes Essential Towing Checks ..........................183
General Information ...................................156 Towing the Vehicle on Four Wheels ......189
Hints on Driving With Anti-Lock Brakes
.........................................................................156 Driving Hints
Parking Brake - Vehicles With: Breaking-In ......................................................191
Mechanical Parking Brake ....................157 Reduced Engine Performance .................191
Parking Brake - Vehicles With: Push Economical Driving ......................................191
Down Parking Brake ................................157
Cold Weather Precautions ........................191
Hill Start Assist .............................................158
Driving Through Water ...............................192
Floor Mats .......................................................192
Traction Control
Principle of Operation ...............................160
Roadside Emergencies
Using Traction Control ..............................160
Roadside Assistance ..................................194
Hazard Flashers ...........................................195
Stability Control
Emergency Exit .............................................195
Principle of Operation .................................161
Fuel Shutoff ...................................................195
Using Stability Control ...............................162
Jump Starting the Vehicle ........................196
Post-Crash Alert System ..........................198
Parking Aids
Transporting the Vehicle ..........................198
Principle of Operation ................................163
Towing Points ...............................................199
Parking Aid .....................................................163
Rear View Camera ......................................165
Customer Assistance
Getting the Services You Need ...............201
Cruise Control
In California (U.S. Only) ...........................202
Principle of Operation ...............................168
Using Cruise Control ..................................168
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Table of Contents
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) Auto Brake Fluid Check ........................................241
Line Program (U.S. Only) ....................203 Power Steering Fluid Check .....................241
Utilizing the Mediation/Arbitration Washer Fluid Check ...................................242
Program (Canada Only) ......................204
Draining the Fuel Filter Water Trap - 3.2L
Getting Assistance Outside the U.S. and Power Stroke Diesel ..............................242
Canada .......................................................204
Fuel Filter - Gasoline .................................244
Ordering Additional Owner's Literature
.......................................................................206 Changing the 12V Battery ........................244
Reporting Safety Defects (U.S. Only) Checking the Wiper Blades ....................246
.......................................................................206 Changing the Front Wiper Blades ........246
Reporting Safety Defects (Canada Only) Adjusting the Headlamps ........................247
.......................................................................206 Removing a Headlamp ............................248
Changing a Bulb .........................................249
Fuses Bulb Specification Chart ..........................253
Fuse Box Locations ...................................208 Changing the Engine Air Filter - 3.2L
Fuse Specification Chart - 3.2L Power Power Stroke Diesel ..............................255
Stroke Diesel ............................................208 Changing the Engine Air Filter - 3.5L
Fuse Specification Chart - 3.5L Ecoboost™ ...............................................256
Ecoboost™/3.7L ......................................217 Changing the Engine Air Filter - 3.7L .....257
Changing a Fuse ..........................................227 Drive Belt Routing - 3.2L Power Stroke
Diesel ..........................................................258
Maintenance Drive Belt Routing - 3.5L Ecoboost™/
General Information ..................................229 3.7L ...............................................................258
Opening and Closing the Hood .............229
Under Hood Overview - 3.2L Power Vehicle Care
Stroke Diesel ............................................230 Cleaning Products .....................................260
Under Hood Overview - 3.5L Ecoboost™ Cleaning the Exterior ..................................261
.........................................................................231 Waxing ............................................................262
Under Hood Overview - 3.7L ...................232 Cleaning the Engine ...................................262
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.2L Power Stroke Cleaning the Windows and Wiper Blades
Diesel ...........................................................233 ........................................................................263
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.5L Ecoboost™ Cleaning the Interior ..................................263
Cleaning the Instrument Panel and
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.7L .........................234 Instrument Cluster Lens ......................265
Engine Oil Check .........................................234 Repairing Minor Paint Damage .............265
Changing the Engine Oil and Oil Filter Cleaning the Wheels .................................266
Vehicle Storage ...........................................266
Oil Change Indicator Reset .....................235
Engine Cooling Fan - Diesel ....................236
Wheels and Tires
Engine Cooling Fan - E85/Gasoline .....236
General Information ..................................268
Engine Coolant Check ..............................236
Tire Care .........................................................269
Automatic Transmission Fluid Check
........................................................................240 Using Winter Tires ......................................286
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Table of Contents
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuse compartment
Child seat lower anchor
Engine coolant
Lighting control
Engine oil
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Note: Event data recorder data is Note: Including to the extent that any
recorded by your vehicle only if a law pertaining to Event Data Recorders
non-trivial crash situation occurs; no data applies to SYNC or its features, please
is recorded by the event data recorder note the following: Once 911 Assist (if
under normal driving conditions and no equipped) is enabled (set ON), 911 Assist
personal data or information (e.g., name, may, through any paired and connected
gender, age, and crash location) is cell phone, disclose to emergency
recorded (see limitations regarding 911 services that the vehicle has been in a
Assist and Traffic, directions and crash involving the deployment of an
Information privacy below). However, airbag or, in certain vehicles, the
parties, such as law enforcement, could activation of the fuel pump shut-off.
combine the event data recorder data Certain versions or updates to 911 Assist
with the type of personally identifying may also be capable of being used to
data routinely acquired during a crash electronically or verbally provide to 911
investigation. operators the vehicle location (such as
To read data recorded by an event data latitude and longitude), and/or other
recorder, special equipment is required, details about the vehicle or crash or
and access to the vehicle or the event personal information about the
data recorder is needed. In addition to occupants to assist 911 operators to
the vehicle manufacturer, other provide the most appropriate emergency
parties, such as law enforcement, that services. If you do not want to disclose
have such special equipment, can read this information, do not activate the 911
the information if they have access to Assist feature. See SYNC™ (page 349).
the vehicle or the event data recorder. Additionally, when you connect to
Ford Motor Company and Ford of Traffic, Directions and Information (if
Canada do not access event data equipped, U.S. only), the service uses
recorder information without obtaining GPS technology and advanced vehicle
consent, unless pursuant to court order sensors to collect the vehicle’s current
or where required by law enforcement, location, travel direction, and speed
other government authorities or other (“vehicle travel information”), only to
third parties acting with lawful help provide you with the directions,
authority. Other parties may seek to traffic reports, or business searches
access the information independently that you request. If you do not want
of Ford Motor Company and Ford of Ford or its vendors to receive this
Canada. information, do not activate the
service. For more information, see
Traffic, Directions and Information,
Terms and Conditions. See SYNC™
(page 349).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
New Vehicle Limited Warranty Your vehicle has an OBD Data Link
Connector (DLC) that is used in
For a detailed description of what is conjunction with a diagnostic scan tool for
covered and what is not covered by your vehicle diagnostics, repairs and
vehicle’s New Vehicle Limited Warranty, reprogramming services. Installing an
refer to the Warranty Manual that is aftermarket device that uses the DLC
provided to you along with your Owner’s during normal driving for purposes such as
Manual. remote insurance company monitoring,
transmission of vehicle data to other
Special Instructions
devices or entities, or altering the
For your added safety, your vehicle is fitted performance of the vehicle, may cause
with sophisticated electronic controls. interference with or even damage to
vehicle systems. We do not recommend
or endorse the use of aftermarket plug-in
WARNING: You risk death or serious devices unless approved by Ford. The
injury to yourself and others if you do not vehicle Warranty will not cover damage
follow the instruction highlighted by the caused by an aftermarket plug-in device.
warning symbol. Failure to follow the
Notice to Owners of Pickup Trucks and
specific warnings and instructions could
Utility Type Vehicles
result in personal injury.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You should play your part in protecting the
environment. Correct vehicle usage and
the authorized disposal of waste, cleaning
and lubrication materials are significant
steps toward this aim.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Recommended restraint
Child Child size, height, weight, or age
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Use a child safety restraint (sometimes • Keep the buckle release button
called an infant carrier, convertible seat, pointing up and away from the safety
or toddler seat) for infants, toddlers, or restraint, with the tongue between the
children weighing 40 lb (18 kg) or less child restraint and the release button,
(generally age four or younger). to prevent accidental unbuckling.
• Place the vehicle seat upon which the
Using Lap and Shoulder Belts child restraint will be installed in the
upright position.
• Put the seatbelt in the automatic
WARNING: Do not place a rearward locking mode. See Step 5. Your vehicle
facing child restraint in front of an active does not require the use of a locking
airbag. Failure to follow this instruction clip.
could result in personal injury or death.
Perform the following steps when
WARNING: Properly secure children installing the child restraint with
12 years old and under in a rear seating combination lap and shoulder belts:
position whenever possible. If you are Note: Although the child restraint
unable to properly secure all children in a illustrated is a forward facing child restraint,
rear seating position, properly secure the the steps are the same for installing a
largest child on the front seat. If you must rearward facing child restraint.
use a forward facing child restraint on the
front seat, move the seat as far back as
possible. Failure to follow these
instructions could result in personal injury
or death.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
E142529 E142531
2. Pull down on the shoulder belt and 4. Insert the belt tongue into the correct
then grasp the shoulder belt and lap buckle (the buckle closest to the
belt together. direction the tongue is coming from)
for that seating position until you hear
a distinct click and feel the latch
engage. Make sure the tongue is
latched securely by pulling on it.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
7. Try to pull the belt out of the retractor 10. Before placing the child in the seat,
to make sure the retractor is in the forcibly move the seat forward and
automatic locking mode (you should back to make sure the seat is securely
not be able to pull more belt out). If the held in place. To check this, grab the
retractor is not locked, unbuckle the seat at the belt path and attempt to
belt and repeat Steps 5 and 6. move it side to side and forward and
back. There should be no more than
1 in (2.5 cm) of movement for correct
We recommend checking with a NHTSA
Certified Child Passenger Safety
Technician to make certain the child
restraint is correctly installed. In Canada,
check with Transport Canada for referral
to a Child Car Seat Clinic.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
LATCH compatible child safety restraints restraint, however the seatbelt can still be
have two rigid or webbing mounted used to attach the child restraint. For
attachments that connect to the two lower forward-facing child restraints, the top
anchors at the LATCH equipped seating tether strap must also be attached to the
positions in your vehicle. This type of correct top tether anchor, if a top tether
attachment method eliminates the need strap has been provided with your child
to use seatbelts to attach the child restraint.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Your vehicle has LATCH lower anchors for Use of Inboard Lower Anchors from the
child restraint installation at the seating Outermost Seating Positions (Center
positions marked with the child restraint Seating Use)
Note: In addition to those shown, other
seating positions may also have LATCH WARNING: The standardized
lower anchor points. You can identify these spacing for LATCH lower anchors is 11 in
with the child restraint symbol shown on (280 mm) center to center. Do not use
those seating positions. LATCH lower anchors for the center
seating position unless the child restraint
manufacturer's instructions permit and
specify using anchors spaced at least as
far apart as those in this vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Rear Seats
1. Route the child safety restraint tether
strap over the back of the seat, under
the head restraint and between the
head restraint posts.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Rear facing
Up to 65 lb
child X X
(29.5 kg)
Rear facing
Over 65 lb
child X
(29.5 kg)
facing Up to 65 lb
child (29.5 kg)
facing Over 65 lb
child (29.5 kg)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Child Safety
Left-Hand Side
Turn the key counterclockwise to lock and
clockwise to unlock.
Right-Hand Side
Turn the key clockwise to lock and
counterclockwise to unlock.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
WARNING: Each seating position in
your vehicle has a specific seatbelt
WARNING: Always drive and ride assembly which is made up of one buckle
with the seatback upright and the lap belt and one tongue that are designed to be
snug and low across the hips. used as a pair. 1) Use the shoulder belt on
the outside shoulder only. Never wear the
shoulder belt under the arm. 2) Never
WARNING: To reduce the risk of
swing the seatbelt around your neck over
injury, make sure children sit where they
the inside shoulder. 3) Never use a single
can be properly restrained.
belt for more than one person.
WARNING: Never let a passenger
WARNING: When possible, all
hold a child on his or her lap while your
children 12 years old and under should be
vehicle is moving. The passenger cannot
properly restrained in a rear seating
protect the child from injury in a crash
position. Failure to follow this could
which may result in serious injury or death.
seriously increase the risk of injury or death.
WARNING: All occupants of the
WARNING: Seatbelts and seats can
vehicle, including the driver, should always
become hot in a vehicle that has been
properly wear their seatbelts, even when
closed up in sunny weather; they could
an airbag supplemental restraint system
burn a small child. Check seat covers and
is provided. Failure to properly wear your
buckles before you place a child anywhere
seatbelt could seriously increase the risk
near them.
of injury or death.
WARNING: Front and rear seat
WARNING: It is extremely dangerous
occupants, including pregnant women,
to ride in a cargo area, inside or outside of
should wear seatbelts for optimum
a vehicle. In a crash, people riding in these
protection in an accident.
areas are more likely to be seriously injured
or killed. Do not allow people to ride in any
area of your vehicle that is not equipped All seating positions in this vehicle have
with seats and seatbelts. Be sure everyone lap and shoulder belts. All occupants of
in your vehicle is in a seat and using a the vehicle should always properly wear
seatbelt properly. their seatbelts, even when an airbag
supplemental restraint system is provided.
WARNING: In a rollover crash, an The seatbelt system consists of:
unbelted person is significantly more likely • Lap and shoulder seatbelts.
to die than a person wearing a seatbelt. • Shoulder seatbelt with automatic
locking mode, (except driver seatbelt).
• Height adjuster at the front outboard
seating positions.
• Seatbelt pretensioner at the front
outboard seating positions.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• Seatbelt warning light and chime.
• Crash sensors and monitoring system
with readiness indicator.
The seatbelt pretensioners at the front
seating positions are designed to tighten
the seatbelts when activated. In frontal E142588
and near-frontal crashes, the seatbelt
pretensioners may be activated alone or, 2. Press the button to release the seatbelt
if the crash is of sufficient severity, together tongue.
with the front airbags. In side crashes and
rollovers, the seatbelt pretensioners Using Seatbelts During Pregnancy
activate when the Safety Canopy is
WARNING: Always ride and drive
with your seatback upright and properly
FASTENING THE SEATBELTS fasten your seatbelt. Fit the lap portion of
the seatbelt snugly and low across the
The front outermost and rear safety hips. Position the shoulder portion of the
restraints in your vehicle are combination seatbelt across your chest. Pregnant
lap and shoulder belts. women must follow this practice. See the
following figure.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
1. Buckle the combination lap and
shoulder belt.
2. Grasp the shoulder portion and pull
downward until you pull the entire
seatbelt out. 3
3. Let the seatbelt retract.
Note: As the seatbelt retracts, you will hear 1. Press the button.
a clicking sound. This indicates the seatbelt 2. Slide the height adjuster up or down.
is now in the automatic locking mode.
3. Release the button and pull down on
Disengaging Automatic Locking Mode the height adjuster to make sure it is
locked in place.
Unbuckle the combination lap and
shoulder belt and allow it to retract
completely to disengage the automatic SEATBELT WARNING LAMP
locking mode and return the seatbelt to AND INDICATOR CHIME
the vehicle sensitive mode.
This lamp illuminates and an
audible warning will sound if the
SEATBELT HEIGHT E71880 driver seatbelt has not been
ADJUSTMENT fastened when the vehicle's ignition is
turned on.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Conditions of operation
If Then
The driver seatbelt is not buckled before The seatbelt warning light illuminates and
the ignition switch is turned to the on posi- the warning chime sounds for a few
tion... seconds.
The driver seatbelt is buckled while the The seatbelt warning light and warning
indicator light is illuminated and the chime turn off.
warning chime is sounding...
The driver seatbelt is buckled before the The seatbelt warning light and indicator
ignition switch is turned to the on position... chime remain off.
This feature supplements the seatbelt
warning function by providing additional
reminders by intermittently sounding a
chime and illuminating the seatbelt
warning light when the driver seat is
occupied and the seatbelt is unbuckled.
If... Then...
The driver seatbelt is buckled before the The Belt-Minder feature will not turn on.
ignition is switched on or less than two
minutes have elapsed since the ignition was
switched on.
The driver seatbelt is not buckled when the The Belt-Minder feature is turned on - the
vehicle has reached at least 6 mph (9.7 km/ seatbelt warning light illuminates and the
h) and two minutes have elapsed since the warning chime sounds for six seconds every
ignition was switched on. 25 seconds, repeating for about five
minutes or until the driver seatbelt is
The driver seatbelt becomes unbuckled for The Belt-Minder feature is turned on - the
about one minute while the vehicle is trav- seatbelt warning light illuminates and the
eling at least 6 mph (9.7 km/h) and more warning chime sounds for six seconds every
than two minutes have elapsed since the 25 seconds, repeating for about five
ignition was switched on. minutes or until the driver seatbelt is
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Switching the Belt-Minder on and off • This will disable the feature if it is
currently enabled.
• This will enable the feature if it is
WARNING: While the system allows currently disabled.
you to switch it off, this system is designed
to improve your chances of being safely
belted and surviving a crash. We CHILD RESTRAINT AND
recommend you leave the system SEATBELT MAINTENANCE
switched on. To reduce the risk of injury,
do not switch the system on or off while Inspect the vehicle seatbelts and child
driving your vehicle. safety seat systems periodically to make
sure they work properly and are not
Read Steps 1 - 4 thoroughly before damaged. Inspect the vehicle and child
proceeding with the programming restraint seatbelts to make sure there are
procedure. no nicks, tears or cuts. Replace if
necessary. All vehicle seatbelt assemblies,
The system can be switched on and off by
including retractors, buckles, front seatbelt
carrying out the following procedure:
buckle assemblies, buckle support
Before following the procedure, make sure assemblies (slide bar-if equipped),
that: shoulder belt height adjusters (if
• The parking brake is set. equipped), shoulder belt guide on seat
backrest (if equipped), child safety seat
• The transmission selector lever is in LATCH and tether anchors, and attaching
position park (P). hardware, should be inspected after a
• The ignition is switched off. crash. Read the child restraint
• The driver seatbelt is unbuckled. manufacturer's instructions for additional
inspection and maintenance information
1. Switch the ignition on. Do not start the specific to the child restraint.
We recommend that all seatbelt
2. Wait until the seatbelt warning light assemblies in use in vehicles involved in a
turns off (about one minute). After crash be replaced. However, if the crash
Step 2, wait an additional five seconds was minor and an authorized dealer finds
before proceeding with Step 3. Once that the belts do not show damage and
Step 3 is started, the procedure must continue to operate properly, they do not
be completed within 30 seconds. need to be replaced. Seatbelt assemblies
3. Buckle then unbuckle the driver not in use during a crash should also be
seatbelt three times at a moderate inspected and replaced if either damage
speed, ending in the unbuckled state. or improper operation is noted.
After Step 3, the seatbelt warning light
Properly care for seatbelts. See Vehicle
will illuminate.
Care (page 260).
4. While the seatbelt warning light is
illuminated, buckle then unbuckle the
driver seatbelt. After Step 4, the
seatbelt warning light will flash for
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
WARNING: Do not attempt to
service, repair, or modify the
WARNING: Airbags do not inflate supplementary restraint system or
slowly or gently, and the risk of injury from associated components. Failure to follow
a deploying airbag is the greatest close to this instruction could result in personal
the trim covering the airbag module. injury or death.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2. Child age 1 to 12. A child age 1 to 12 must the belt to move forward enough to incur
ride in the front seat because: a serious or fatal injury. The more severe
• The vehicle has no rear seat; the crash, and the heavier the occupant,
• Although children ages 1 to 12 ride in the greater the risk is. Be sure the airbag is
the rear seat(s) whenever possible, turned on for any person who does not
children ages 1 to 12 sometimes must qualify under the National Highway Traffic
ride in the front because no space is Safety Administration deactivation criteria.
available in the rear seat(s) of the
vehicle; or 1. Infant: An infant (less than 1 year old)
must ride in the front seat because:
• The child has a medical condition
which, according to the child's • My vehicle has no rear seat;
physician, makes it necessary for the • The rear seat in my vehicle cannot
child to ride in the front seat so that the accommodate a rear-facing infant
driver can constantly monitor the seat;
child's condition.
• The infant has a medical condition
3. Medical condition. A passenger has a which, according to the infant's
medical condition which, according to his physician, makes it necessary for the
or her physician: infant to ride in the front seat so that
• Causes the passenger airbag to pose the driver can monitor the infant's
a special risk for the passenger; condition.
• Makes the potential harm from the 2. Child age 12 or under: A child age 12 or
passenger airbag in a crash greater under must ride in the front seat because:
than the potential harm from turning • My vehicle has no rear seat;
off the airbag and allowing the
• Athough children age 12 and under ride
passenger, even if belted, to hit the
in the rear seat whenever possible,
dashboard or windshield in a crash.
children age 12 and under have no
Transport Canada Deactivation Criteria option but to sometimes ride in the
(Canada Only) front seat because rear seat space is
• The child has a medical condition that,
WARNING: This vehicle has special according to the child's physician,
energy management seatbelts for the makes it necessary for the child to ride
driver and right front passenger. These in the front seat so that the driver can
particular belts are specifically designed monitor the child's condition.
to work with airbags to help reduce the risk 3. Medical condition: A passenger has a
of injury in a crash. The energy medical condition that, according to his or
management seatbelt is designed to give her physician:
or release additional belt webbing in some
accidents to reduce concentration of force
on an occupant's chest and reduce the risk
of certain bone fractures and injuries to
underlying organs. In a crash, if the airbag
is turned off, this energy management
seatbelt might permit the person wearing
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Supplementary Restraints System
Contact your authorized dealer as soon as
possible. Airbags must be disposed of by
qualified personnel.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Automatic Crash Notification System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Automatic Crash Notification System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Keys and Remote Controls
WARNING: Changes or
modifications not expressively approved
by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user's authority to operate
the equipment. The term "IC:" before the
radio certification number only signifies
that Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Keys and Remote Controls
REMOTE CONTROL - VEHICLES Make sure all new and existing remote
controls are present before beginning this
WITHOUT: PASSIVE ANTI- procedure. This procedure erases all
THEFT SYSTEM (PATS) existing programmed remote controls.
Reprogram all the existing remote controls
Integrated Keyhead Transmitter (If during this procedure.
Equipped) 1. Unlock the vehicle with the power door
unlock control.
2. Switch the ignition from off to on eight
times within six seconds, finishing in
the off position. A tone sounds to
indicate that it is now possible to
program a remote control.
3. Press and hold any button on the
remote control within 10 seconds. A
E177585 tone sounds as confirmation.
Use the key blade to start your vehicle and 4. Repeat step 3 within 10 seconds for
unlock or lock the driver door from outside each remote control.
your vehicle. Note: Programming ends when you switch
the ignition on, or after 10 seconds.
If you have successfully programmed the
remote control, it operates the remote
entry system.
If programming was unsuccessful, wait 10
seconds and repeat the process.
Note: You can program a maximum of eight
remote controls to your vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Keys and Remote Controls
3. Insert the new battery. Refer to the
instructions inside the transmitter for
the correct orientation of the battery.
Press the battery down to make sure
it is fully in the housing.
4. Reinstall the battery housing cover
onto the transmitter. E177585
Locating Your Vehicle Use the key blade to start your vehicle and
unlock or lock the driver door from outside
Press the lock button on the remote your vehicle.
control twice within three seconds. The
horn sounds and the direction indicators
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Keys and Remote Controls
Note: Your vehicle keys came with a E138619
security label that provides important key
cut information. Keep the label in a safe 1. Twist a thin coin in the slot of the
place for future reference. transmitter near the key ring to remove
the battery cover.
Programming a New Remote 2. Remove the old battery.
To program a new remote control, See
Passive Anti-Theft System (page 75).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Keys and Remote Controls
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
Optional Settings
You can configure certain vehicle feature
settings when you first create a MyKey. You
can also change the settings afterward
with an admin key.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
Note: Not every feature applies to every • Various vehicle speed reminders so
vehicle in every market. When they are MyKey drivers know when their vehicle
available for your vehicle, then they appear speed approaches the limits. Warnings
in your information display, providing appear in your information display and
choices to switch them on or off, or to select a tone sounds when the MyKey drivers
a more specific setting. exceed the set vehicle speed.
• Various vehicle speed limits so the • The audio system's maximum volume
MyKey driver cannot exceed certain limits to 45% so MyKey drivers can
speeds. The information display shows concentrate on the road. A message
warnings followed by an audible tone appears in the information display
when the MyKey driver reaches the set when MyKey drivers attempt to exceed
speed. You cannot override the set the limited volume. MyKey also
speed by fully depressing the disables the automatic volume control.
accelerator pedal. Note: If your vehicle includes an
AM/FM radio or a very basic audio
system, then the radio may not limit.
WARNING: Do not set MyKey • Always on setting. This setting forces
maximum speed limit to a limit that will certain features to remain on and
prevent the driver from maintaining a safe active for MyKey drivers. For example,
speed considering posted speed limits and E911 or emergency assistance and the
prevailing road conditions. The driver is do not disturb features stay on even if
always responsible to drive in accordance a MyKey driver uses the feature's
with local laws and prevailing conditions. control to switch it off. When you
Failure to do so could result in accident or select, you will not be able to turn off
injury. Advance Trac or traction control (if
your vehicle has this feature).
Use the information display to create a
1. Insert the key you want to program into
the ignition. See Starting a Gasoline
Engine (page 127). If your vehicle is
equipped with a push-button start,
place the remote control into the
backup slot. See Starting a Gasoline
Engine (page 127).
2. Switch the ignition on.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
3. Access the main menu in the Note: You can clear or change your MyKey
information display and then scroll settings at any time during the same key
through the menus to change the cycle as you created the MyKey. Once you
settings of your MyKey. From the have switched the vehicle off, however, you
MyKey menu select the option Create will need an admin key to change or clear
MyKey. See Information Displays your MyKey settings.
(page 99).
4. When prompted, hold the OK button CLEARING ALL MYKEYS
until you see a message informing you
to label this key as a MyKey. The When you clear your MyKeys, you remove
programmed restrictions apply when all restrictions and return all MyKeys to
you key off, open and close the driver their original admin key status at once. To
door and restart your vehicle with the clear all MyKeys of all MyKey settings, use
programmed key or transmitter. the information display.
MyKey is successfully created. Make sure 1. Switch the ignition on using an admin
you label it so you can distinguish it from key.
the admin keys.
2. Access the main menu in the
You can also program configurable information display and then scroll
settings for the key(s). See through the menus to begin clearing
Programming/Changing Configurable your MyKey programming. See
Settings. Information Displays (page 99).
Programming/Changing 3. Follow the instructions in the display.
Configurable Settings 4. A confirmation message appears in the
display after you finish clearing your
Use the information display to access your MyKeys.
configurable MyKey settings.
Note: When you clear your MyKeys, you
1. Switch the ignition on using the key or remove all restrictions and return all MyKeys
the transmitter you want to program. to their original admin key status. You
2. Access the main menu in the cannot remove the MyKey restrictions
information display and then scroll individually.
through the menus to change the
settings of your MyKey. See
Information Displays (page 99).
3. Follow the instructions in the display.
You can find information on programmed
MyKey(s) using the information display
control on the steering wheel. See
Information Displays (page 99).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
I cannot program the configurable • The key or transmitter used to start your
settings. vehicle does not have admin privileges.
• No MyKeys are created. See Creating a
MyKey (page 65).
I cannot clear the MyKeys. • The key or transmitter used to start your
vehicle does not have admin privileges.
• No MyKeys are created. See Creating a
MyKey (page 65).
I lost the only admin key. Purchase a new key from an authorized dealer.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
MyKey™ (If Equipped)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Doors and Locks
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Doors and Locks
2 1
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Doors and Locks
Opening the Double Rear Doors Fully Opening the Double Rear Doors
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Doors and Locks
2. Pull the interior handle up to open the
door in an emergency.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Doors and Locks
• You shift into any gear putting your You unlock the front doors and cargo area
vehicle in motion. when you:
• Your vehicle reaches a speed greater • Press the unlock button on the remote
than 5 mph (8 km/h). control once.
Use the interior door unlock button or • Press the unlock button on the remote
switch the ignition off and use the key or control twice within three seconds.
remote control to unlock the rear or sliding
door. Zone Re-Locking (If Equipped)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Power Running Boards
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Power Running Boards
To set the power running boards to the deployed position, scroll to:
Message Action
The running board will reverse direction
and move to the end of travel if it
encounters an object while moving.
Manual Operation
If the power running board does not return
to the stowed position, you can manually
stow it.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Power Running Boards
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Steering Wheel
2 3
Select the required source on the audio
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Steering Wheel
Press the button to select or deselect voice
A Volume up. control. See SYNC™ (page 349). See
Audio Unit (page 333).
B Seek up, next or end call.
C Volume down.
D Seek down, previous or accept
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Steering Wheel
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wipers and Washers
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wipers and Washers
You can switch autowipers off in the Note: Fully defrost the windshield before
information display. If you switch you switch the windshield wipers on.
autowipers off, the windshield wipers
Note: Make sure that you switch the
operate in intermittent mode.
windshield wipers off before entering a car
Wet or winter weather conditions could
cause unexpected wiping or smearing.
To keep the windshield clear:
• Lower the sensitivity of the autowipers
to reduce the amount of smearing on
the windshield.
• Switch autowipers off.
Note: If streaks or smears appear on the
windshield, clean the windshield and the
wiper blades. If that does not resolve the
issue, install new wiper blades. See
A High sensitivity. Changing the Front Wiper Blades (page
B Autowipers on. 246).
C Low sensitivity.
Move the wiper lever upward to the first
position to switch autowipers on.
Use the rotary control to adjust the
sensitivity of the autowipers. When you
select low sensitivity, the wipers operate
when the sensor detects a large amount
of water on the windshield. When you
select high sensitivity, the wipers operate
when the sensor detects a small amount
of water on the windshield.
Note: Keep the outside of the windshield
clean. The rain sensor is very sensitive and
the wipers may operate if dirt, mist or E144498
insects hit the windshield. Pull the lever toward you to operate the
If you leave autowipers on, it may not windshield washers. When you release the
operate when you switch the ignition on lever, the wipers operate for a short time.
during freezing temperatures. This is Note: Do not operate the washers when
because the system has deactivated the the washer reservoir is empty. This may
rain sensor to prevent damage to the cause the washer pump to overheat.
windshield wipers. Defrost the windshield
before reactivating the rain sensor. You
can reactivate the rain sensor by moving
the rotary control or switching autowipers
off and on.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Push the lever away from you to switch When the lighting control is in the
the high beam on. autolamps position, the headlamps
Push the lever forward again or pull the automatically turn on in low light situations
lever toward you to switch the high beams or when the wipers turn on.
off. The headlamps remain on for a period of
Headlamp Flasher time after you switch the ignition off. Use
the information display controls to adjust
the period of time that the headlamps
remain on. See Information Displays
(page 99).
Note: If you switch autolamps on, you can
only switch the high beam headlamps on
when the autolamps turn the headlamps
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Note: If you switch autolamps and The daytime running lamps turn on when:
autowipers on, the headlamps will 1. The ignition is switched to the on
automatically turn on when the windshield position.
wipers continuously operate.
2. The transmission is not in park (P) for
vehicles with automatic transmissions
INSTRUMENT LIGHTING or the parking brake is released for
DIMMER vehicles with manual transmissions.
3. The lighting control is in the off or
autolamps positions.
4. The headlamps are off.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Courtesy Lamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Windows and Mirrors
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Windows and Mirrors
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Windows and Mirrors
Manual Dimming Mirror
WARNING: Do not adjust the mirrors
when your vehicle is moving. This could
result in the loss of control of your vehicle,
serious personal injury or death.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
If the needle enters the red section, the The needle should move toward F when
engine is overheating. Stop your vehicle as you refuel your vehicle. If the needle points
soon as it is safe to do so and switch the to E after adding fuel, this indicates your
engine off. Determine the cause once the vehicle needs service soon.
engine has cooled down. See Engine After refueling some variability in needle
Coolant Check (page 236). position is normal:
Note: Do not restart the engine until the • It may take a short time for the needle
cause of overheating has been determined to reach F after leaving the gas station.
and resolved. This is normal and depends upon the
Tripmeter Reset and Distance to slope of pavement at the gas station.
Empty (If Equipped) • The fuel amount dispensed into the
tank is a little less or more than the
Press the button to change between the gauge indicated. This is normal and
tripmeter and distance to empty depends upon the slope of pavement
information. Press and hold the button to at the gas station.
reset the tripmeter. • If the gas station nozzle shuts off
before the tank is full, try a different
Fuel Gauge
gas pump nozzle.
Note: The fuel gauge may vary slightly
when your vehicle is moving or on a gradient. Low Fuel Reminder
Switch the ignition on. The fuel gauge will A low fuel reminder triggers when the fuel
indicate approximately how much fuel is gauge needle is at 1/16th.
in the fuel tank. The arrow adjacent to the
fuel pump symbol indicates on which side
of your vehicle the fuel filler door is located.
Driving type (fuel economy Fuel gauge position Distance-to-empty
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
Normally, it illuminates until the engine is If it does not illuminate when you switch
cranked and automatically turns off if no the ignition on, or flashes when the engine
malfunctions are present. However, if after is running, this indicates a malfunction.
15 seconds it flashes eight times, this Have your vehicle checked as soon as
indicates that your vehicle is not ready for possible. See Tire Pressure Monitoring
Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) testing. System (page 287).
See Engine Emission Control (page 141).
Low Washer Fluid Level Warning
Fasten Seatbelt Warning Lamp Lamp
It illuminates and a chime
It illuminates when the washer
sounds until you fasten the
fluid is low.
E71880 seatbelts. E132353
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Instrument Cluster
Door Ajar
Sounds when a door is not fully closed and
your vehicle is moving.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Trip computer 1
Trip computer 2
All Values
Trip Odometer
Average Fuel Ford EcoMode Gear Shifting
Distance to E
Trip Timer
Outside Temp.
1 This feature is seen on high level clusters.
Driver Alert
DEF Level
Exhaust Filter
Engine Hours
Engine Hours
Trailer Brake
MyKey Info
System Check
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Driver Assist Traction Ctrl
Auto Exh.Clean
Driver Alert
Tire Monitor
Power Step Auto
Trailer Brake Electric
Lane Keeping
Display Navigation info
Language Choose your applicable setting.
Distance Choose your applicable setting.
Temperature Choose your applicable setting.
Convenience Compass Display
Locks Autolock
Global Unlock
Custom Lock
MyKey Create MyKey Create MyKey
Traction Ctrl Always On
User selectable
Max Speed Choose your applicable setting.
Speed Warning Choose your applicable setting.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Volume Limiter
Clear MyKeys Clear MyKey
All active warnings will display first if Indicates the approximate distance your
applicable. The system check menu may vehicle will travel on the fuel remaining in
the tank. Changes in driving pattern may
appear different based upon equipment
cause the value to vary.
options and current vehicle status. Use the
up and down arrow buttons to scroll Outside Air Temperature
through the list. See Information
Messages (page 103). Shows the outside air temperature.
Trip Odometer
Registers the distance traveled of
Resetting the Trip Computer individual journeys.
Press and hold OK on the current screen Trip Timer
to reset the respective trip, distance, time
and average fuel consumption information. Registers the elapsed time of individual
journeys or the total time since the function
All Values was last reset.
Indicates all the respective trip, distance, Digital Speedometer
time and average fuel consumption
information. Provides a digital display of the current
vehicle speed.
Average Fuel Consumption
Indicates the average fuel consumption PERSONALIZED SETTINGS
since the function was last reset.
Measure Units
You can choose personalized settings
using the information display control on
the steering wheel. See Information
Displays (page 99).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Message Action
Airbag fault Service now Have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Electrical system over- Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so and switch the
voltage Stop safely engine off.
Have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Battery low See manual Displays if the battery is low or has no charge. Switch off all
unnecessary electrical equipment. Have your vehicle checked
as soon as possible.
DEF level low Range XXX Indicates the approximate distance remaining before the
mi Refill now diesel exhaust fluid tank will be empty. Refill the diesel
exhaust fluid tank as soon as possible.
DEF level empty YY MPH Indicates the approximate distance remaining before the
max in XXX mi diesel exhaust fluid tank will be empty and when it will restrict
your vehicle speed. Refill the diesel exhaust fluid tank as soon
as possible.
DEF level empty Speed Indicates that the diesel exhaust fluid tank is empty and that
limited to YY MPH your vehicle speed is being restricted. Refill the diesel exhaust
fluid tank as soon as possible.
DEF level empty YY MPH Indicates that the diesel exhaust fluid tank is empty and that
max Upon restart your vehicle speed will be restricted when you restart your
vehicle. Refill the diesel exhaust fluid tank as soon as possible.
DEF level empty Engine Indicates that the diesel exhaust fluid tank is empty and that
idled soon the engine will soon be restricted to idle operation.
DEF level empty Engine Indicates that the diesel exhaust fluid tank is empty and that
idled See manual the engine is restricted to idle operation.
Note: When filling the diesel exhaust fluid tank from empty, there may be a short period
before the increased diesel exhaust fluid level is registered. The system must register the
increased diesel exhaust fluid level before your vehicle will return to full power.
DEF fault YY MPH max in Indicates that your vehicle speed will soon be restricted.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Message Action
Door Open
Message Action
Driver door ajar Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
(P), apply the parking brake and close the door.
Driver side rear door ajar Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
(P), apply the parking brake and close the door.
Passenger door ajar Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
(P), apply the parking brake and close the door.
Passenger side rear door Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
ajar (P), apply the parking brake and close the door.
Hood open Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
(P), apply the parking brake and close the hood.
Rear load compartment Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, shift into park
door ajar (P), apply the parking brake and close the door.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Message Action
Engine fault Service now Have your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
High engine temperature Displays when the engine temperature is too high. Stop your
Stop safely vehicle as soon as it is safe to do so, switch the engine off
and allow it to cool. If the problem persists, have your vehicle
checked as soon as possible.
See Engine Coolant Check (page 236).
Message Action
Message Action
Oil change required Displays when the engine oil life is depleted and your vehicle
requires an oil change.
See Engine Oil Check (page 234).
Water detected in fuel Displays if the system detects there is excess water in the
Service required fuel filter.
See Draining the Fuel Filter Water Trap (page 242).
Brake fluid level low Displays if the brake fluid level is low or if there is a brake
Service now system fault. Have your vehicle checked immediately.
See Brake Fluid Check (page 241).
Washer fluid level low Displays when the washer fluid is low and needs to be refilled.
See Washer Fluid Check (page 242).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Occupant Protection
Message Action
Service Beltminder The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have
your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Parking Aid
Message Action
Parking aid fault Service The system has detected a fault that requires service. Have
required your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
Parking Brake
Message Action
Park brake applied Displays when the parking brake is set, the engine is running
and your vehicle speed is above 3 mph (5 km/h).
If the warning message remains on after you have released
the parking brake, the system has detected a fault that
requires service. Have your vehicle checked as soon as
Starting System
Message Action
Press brake to start Displays when you start your vehicle as a reminder to fully
press the brake pedal.
See Starting and Stopping the Engine (page 126).
Cranking time exceeded Displays if your vehicle fails to start.
See Starting and Stopping the Engine (page 126).
Low Tire Pressure Displays if the tire pressure in one or more tires is below the
correct pressure.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Information Displays
Message Action
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Climate Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Climate Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Climate Control
• Adjust the temperature control to the Directing Air to the Footwell Air
MAX A/C position. Vents
• Adjust the fan speed to the lowest When you direct air to the
speed setting. footwell air vents, the system
Side Window Defogging in Cold distributes hot air.
Directing Air to the Overhead Air
• Adjust the air distribution control to the Vents and the Footwell Air Vents
instrument panel and windshield air
vents positions. When you direct air to the
• Press the A/C button. Overhead and footwell air vents,
the system distributes warm air.
• Adjust the temperature control to the
desired setting.
• Adjust the fan speed to the highest HEATED WINDOWS AND
setting. MIRRORS
• Direct the instrument panel side air
vents toward the side windows. Heated Rear Window (If Equipped)
• Close the instrument panel vents.
Note: Make sure the engine is running
Maximum Cooling Performance in before operating the heated windows.
Instrument Panel or Instrument Note: The heated rear window button is
Panel and Footwell Positions located on the instrument panel, near the
instrument cluster.
• Adjust the temperature control to the
lowest setting. Press the button to clear the
• Press the A/C and recirculated air E72507
heated rear window of thin ice
buttons. and fog. The heated rear
window will automatically turn off after a
• Adjust the fan speed to the highest short period of time.
setting initially and then adjust it to suit
the desired comfort level. Note: Do not use razor blades or other
sharp objects to clean or remove decals
from the inside of the heated rear window.
REAR PASSENGER CLIMATE The vehicle warranty does not cover
CONTROLS damage caused to the heated rear window
grid lines.
Adjusting the Blower Motor Speed
Heated Exterior Mirrors
When you switch the heated rear
window on, the heated exterior
Directing Air to the Overhead Air mirrors will automatically turn
Vents on.
Note: Do not remove ice from the mirrors
When you direct air to the with a scraper or adjust the mirror glass
overhead air vents, the system when it is frozen in place.
distributes cold air.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Climate Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
WARNING: Adjust the head
restraints for all passengers before you Moving the Seat Backward or
drive your vehicle. This will help minimize Forward
the risk of neck injury in the event of a
crash. Do not adjust the head restraints
when your vehicle is moving. WARNING: Do not place cargo or
any objects behind the seat backrest
Note: Adjust the seat backrest to an upright before returning it to the original position.
driving position before adjusting the head Pull on the seat backrest to make sure that
restraint. Adjust the head restraint so that it has fully latched after returning the seat
the top of it is level with the top of your head backrest to its original position. An
and as far forward as possible. unlatched seat may become dangerous if
you stop suddenly or have a crash.
Raising the Head Restraint
Lift the head restraint up. WARNING: Do not adjust the driver
seat when your vehicle is moving. This may
Lowering the Head Restraint result in sudden seat movement, causing
the loss of control of your vehicle.
1. Press and hold button B.
2. Push the head restraint down.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
1. Raise the armrest fully.
2. Lower the armrest to the stowed
3. Raise the armrest to attain the desired
1. Lift the handle. position.
2. Move the seat back backward or
forward to attain the desired position. POWER SEATS (If Equipped)
3. Release the handle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Auxiliary Power Points
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Auxiliary Power Points
Use the power point for powering electric • Measuring devices, which process
devices that require up to 150 watts. It is precise data, such as medical
under the parking brake lever. equipment or measuring equipment.
• Other appliances requiring an
extremely stable power supply such as
microcomputer-controlled electric
blankets or touch-sensor lamps.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Auxiliary Power Points
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Storage Compartments
Overhead Console
WARNING: Do not place heavy
objects in the overhead console. Heavy
objects may become projectiles in a crash
or sudden stop and may increase the risk
of serious injury.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Starting and Stopping the Engine
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Starting and Stopping the Engine
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Starting and Stopping the Engine
Note: Avoid shutting the engine down after Note: Idling in cold weather does not heat
an extensive idling period. Drive your vehicle the engine to its normal operating
for several miles with the engine at normal temperature. Long periods of idling,
operating temperatures under a moderate especially in cold weather, can cause a
load. buildup of deposits which can cause engine
Engine Glow Plugs
Starting a Cold or Hot Engine
The powertrain control and glow
plug control modules operate 1. Fully depress the brake pedal.
the glow plug system. 2. Shift into park (P) or neutral (N).
The glow plug control module using the Note: Do not touch the accelerator pedal.
engine coolant temperature, barometric 3. Turn the key to the on position and wait
pressure sensor and the environmental until the glow plug indicator lamp turns
temperature sensor will determine how off.
long the glow plugs stay energized. The
required time for the glow plugs to remain 4. Turn the key to the start position to
energized will decrease as the engine start your vehicle.
coolant temperature, barometric pressure 5. Release the key.
and the environmental temperature Note: You may need to crank the engine for
increases. up to 10 seconds when the outside air
When you switch the ignition on, the glow temperature is 5°F (-15°C) or below.
plug indicator lamp will illuminate if glow Note: Engine power may be reduced for 15
plug heat is necessary as a starting aid. seconds when the engine oil temperature
Wait until the glow plug indicator lamp is -9°F (-23°C) or below. This is to allow
turns off before starting the engine. The the turbocharger to be lubricated.
lamp should always momentarily
illuminate when the engine is cold and you Note: If the engine fails to start after a
switch the ignition on. number of attempts, the system will not
allow you to operate the starter for a short
Cold Weather Operation period of time, for example 30 minutes.
In cold weather below 32°F (0°C), the Failure to Start
engine may slowly increase to a higher idle
speed if left idling in park (P). As the engine If the engine does not crank with the key
warms-up, the engine sound level turned to the start position while the brake
decreases due to the activation of pedal is fully depressed, do the following:
powertrain control module controlled 1. Switch the ignition off.
sound reduction features.
Note: Make sure the parking brake is fully
It is recommended that the engine block applied.
heater be used for starting when the
temperature is -9°F (-23°C) or colder. See 2. Release the brake pedal.
Engine Block Heater (page 129). 3. Fully depress the brake pedal.
Note: Do not touch the accelerator pedal.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Starting and Stopping the Engine
4. Turn the key to the on position and wait Note: The heater is most effective when
until the glow plug indicator lamp turns outdoor temperatures are below 0°F
off. (-18°C).
5. Turn the key to the start position to The heater acts as a starting aid by
start your vehicle. warming the engine coolant. This allows
6. Release the key. the climate control system to respond
quickly. The equipment includes a heater
element (installed in the engine block) and
SWITCHING OFF THE ENGINE a wire harness. You can connect the
system to a grounded 120-volt AC
Vehicles With a Turbocharger electrical source.
We recommend that you do the following
for a safe and correct operation:
WARNING: Do not switch the engine
• Use a 16-gauge outdoor extension cord
off when it is running at high speed. If you
that is product certified by
do, the turbocharger will continue running
Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) or
after the engine oil pressure has dropped
Canadian Standards Association
to zero. This will lead to premature
(CSA). This extension cord must be
turbocharger bearing wear.
suitable for use outdoors, in cold
temperatures, and be clearly marked
Release the accelerator pedal. Wait until Suitable for Use with Outdoor
the engine has reached idle speed and then Appliances. Do not use an indoor
switch it off. extension cord outdoors. This could
result in an electric shock or become a
ENGINE BLOCK HEATER (If fire hazard.
• Use as short an extension cord as
• Do not use multiple extension cords.
• Make sure that when in operation, the
WARNING: Failure to follow engine extension cord plug and heater cord
block heater instructions could result in plug connections are free and clear of
property damage or serious personal injury. water. This could cause an electric
shock or fire.
WARNING: Do not use your heater
• Make sure your vehicle is parked in a
with ungrounded electrical systems or
clean area, clear of combustibles.
two-pronged adapters. There is a risk of
electrical shock. • Make sure the heater, heater cord and
extension cord are firmly connected.
WARNING: Do not fully close the • Check for heat anywhere in the
hood, or allow it to drop under its own electrical hookup once the system has
weight when using the engine block heater. been operating for approximately 30
This could damage the power cable and minutes.
may cause an electrical short resulting in
fire, injury and property damage.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Starting and Stopping the Engine
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
WARNING: Do not dispose of fuel 3. Add fuel to your vehicle from the fuel
in the household refuse or the public container.
sewage system. Use an authorized waste 4. Remove the fuel filler funnel.
disposal facility.
5. Fully close the fuel filler door.
When refueling the vehicle fuel tank from 6. Clean the fuel filler funnel and place it
a fuel container, use the fuel filler funnel back in your vehicle or correctly dispose
included with your vehicle. See Fuel Filler of it.
Funnel Location (page 136). Note: Extra funnels can be purchased from
Note: Do not use aftermarket funnels as an authorized dealer if you choose to
they may not work with the capless fuel dispose of the funnel.
system and can damage it.
When refueling the vehicle fuel tank from REFUELING
a fuel container, do the following:
1. Fully open the fuel filler door.
2. Fully insert the fuel filler funnel into the WARNING: Do not overfill the fuel
fuel filler inlet. tank. The pressure in an overfilled tank may
cause leakage and lead to fuel spray and
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
1. Open the left-hand front door. E139203
2. Fully open the fuel filler door. 4. Hold the fuel pump nozzle in position
Note: Your vehicle does not have a fuel filler B when refueling. Holding the fuel
cap. pump nozzle in position A could affect
the flow of fuel and shut off the fuel
pump nozzle before the fuel tank is full.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
Advertised Capacity
The advertised capacity is the maximum
6. Slightly raise the fuel pump nozzle and amount of fuel that you can add to the fuel
then slowly remove it. tank when the fuel gauge indicates empty.
See Capacities and Specifications
7. Fully close the fuel filler door. (page 313).
Note: Do not attempt to start the engine
In addition, the fuel tank contains an empty
if you have filled the fuel tank with incorrect
reserve. The empty reserve is an
fuel. Incorrect fuel use can cause damage
unspecified amount of fuel that remains
not covered by the vehicle Warranty. Have
in the fuel tank when the fuel gauge
your vehicle immediately checked.
indicates empty.
System Warnings (If Equipped) Note: The amount of fuel in the empty
reserve varies and should not be relied upon
If the fuel filler nozzle inhibitor does not to increase driving range.
fully close a warning message appears in
the information display.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuel and Refueling
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
catalytic converter or the diesel particulate Where vehicle use meets any of the
filter. The diesel oxidation catalytic following conditions:
converter and the diesel particulate filter • Driving short distances.
heat up to very high temperatures after • Prolonged engine idling.
only a short period of engine operation and
• Frequently switching the engine on and
remain hot after you switch the engine off.
The diesel particulate filter on your vehicle • High levels of acceleration and
requires periodic regeneration to maintain deceleration.
correct operation. The emission control We recommend you assist the
system automatically carries out this regeneration process by:
process. As soot gathers in the system it
begins to restrict the filter. The soot that • Avoiding prolonged engine idling.
gathers inside the filter is cleaned in two • Drive your vehicle in a manner to allow
different ways, passive regeneration and effective cleaning. Drive at a steady
active regeneration. Both methods occur vehicle speed of 30 mph (48 km/h) or
automatically and require no actions from above for approximately 20 minutes.
the driver. During automatic regeneration, If the warning lamp illuminates
the system cleans the diesel particulate the diesel particulate filter could
filter by oxidizing the soot. Cleaning have become overloaded. Have
happens during normal engine operating your vehicle checked as soon as possible.
conditions at varying levels depending on
driving conditions. Automatic regeneration raises the exhaust
Diesel particulate filter warning temperature to eliminate the soot
lamp. particles. During cleaning soot particles are
E95449 converted to harmless gasses. Once
cleaned the diesel particulate filter
If the diesel particulate filter is near or at continues to trap harmful diesel particles.
saturation, a warning lamp or information
message appears in the information If you are driving your vehicle in a manner
display. Drive your vehicle in a manner to that allows effective cleaning, a message
allow effective diesel particulate filter may appear in the information display to
cleaning. indicate automatic regeneration is in
The warning lamp continues to illuminate
until the automatic regeneration process If you are not driving your vehicle in a
completes. Continue to drive your vehicle manner that allows effective cleaning, a
in a manner to allow effective diesel message may appear in the information
particulate filter cleaning until the warning display to instruct you to drive in a manner
lamp turns off. that allows automatic regeneration.
Failure to carry out regeneration when
required could result in a clogged diesel
particulate filter. If the diesel particulate
filter fills beyond the regeneration
threshold, the system disables the ability
to carry out regeneration. This could result
in damage not covered by the vehicle
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Engine Emission Control
When you start manual regeneration the Note: To protect the exhaust system you
engine speed rises to approximately may not be able to restart the engine for 10
2000–2500 rpm and the cooling fan minutes.
speed increases. A change in engine noise
Depending on the amount of time allowed
due to the cooling fan and engine speed
for manual regeneration to operate, soot
increase may be heard during the
may not have had sufficient time to be
regeneration process.
eliminated. The exhaust system may still
Depending on the amount of soot be very hot for several minutes after
collected by the diesel particulate filter, regeneration.
the regeneration process varies depending
If you switch the engine off during manual
on the outside air temperature and
regeneration, turbo charger flutter occurs.
altitude. Manual regeneration may last up
This is a consequence of switching a diesel
to 40 minutes.
engine off during turbo charger boost
When manual regeneration is complete operation, which is normal.
the cooling fan and engine speed return to
normal idling. The exhaust system remains Manual Regeneration with Automatic
very hot for several minutes after Regeneration Control
regeneration is complete. Do not reposition
Where vehicle use has significant engine
the vehicle over dry leaves, dry grass or
idle operation, frequent vehicle speed less
other combustible materials until the
than 25 mph (40 km/h), or driving short
exhaust system has had sufficient time to distances where the engine does not fully
cool. warm up, automatic regeneration could
Interrupt or Cancel Manual Regeneration not sufficiently clean the diesel particulate
filter. You can switch automatic
You can interrupt or cancel manual regeneration off until you can drive your
regeneration by switching the engine off. vehicle in a manner to allow effective
It may be possible to interrupt or cancel cleaning, for example at a steady vehicle
manual regeneration by pressing any speed of 30 mph (48 km/h) or above for
pedal. approximately 20 minutes. You can then
switch automatic regeneration back on to
clean the diesel particulate filter.
To switch the automatic regeneration control on and off, from the main menu
scroll to:
Message Action and Description
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Drive (D)
Drive (D) is the normal driving position for
the best fuel economy. The overdrive
function allows automatic upshifts and
downshifts through gears one through six.
Manual (M)
With the gearshift lever in manual (M), you
can change gears up or down as desired
by using buttons on the shift lever. See
SelectShift Automatic™ Transmission
later in this section.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
To return to normal drive (D) position, • Press the (+) button to upshift.
move the shift lever back from manual (M) • Press the (-) button to downshift.
to drive (D).
SelectShift Automatic™
Transmission (If Equipped)
Your vehicle is equipped with a SelectShift
Automatic transmission gearshift lever.
The SelectShift Automatic transmission
gives you the ability to change gears up or
down (without a clutch) as desired.
In order to prevent the engine from running
at too low an RPM, which may cause it to
stall, SelectShift still automatically makes
some downshifts if it has determined that
you have not downshifted in time.
Although SelectShift makes some
downshifts for you, it still allows you to
downshift at any time as long as the The system determines when temporary
SelectShift determines that damage will manual control is no longer in use and
not be caused to the engine from returns to automatic control. The
over-revving. instrument cluster displays your currently
Note: Engine damage may occur if you selected gear.
maintain excessive engine revving without Note: The system stays in manual control
shifting. until you make another shift selection (for
SelectShift does not automatically upshift, example, drive [D]).
even if the engine is approaching the RPM
limit. It must be shifted manually by Recommended Shift Speeds
pressing the + button. We recommend you shift gears according
to the following guide to help achieve the
best fuel economy for your vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Brake-Shift Interlock
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Brake Assist
Brake assist detects when you brake
rapidly by measuring the rate at which you
press the brake pedal. It provides
maximum braking efficiency as long as you
press the pedal, and can reduce stopping
distances in critical situations.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and The system makes it easier to pull away
facing uphill, shift into park (P) and turn the when your vehicle is on a slope without the
steering wheel away from the curb. need to use the parking brake.
Note: If you park your vehicle on a hill and When the system is active, your vehicle will
facing downhill, shift into park (P) and turn remain stationary on the slope for two to
the steering wheel toward the curb. three seconds after you release the brake
pedal. This allows time to move your foot
Note: If required, you can lower the parking
from the brake to the accelerator pedal.
brake lever to the fully down position, for
The system releases the brakes
example to swivel the seat. Push the parking
automatically once the engine has
brake lever downward without pressing the
developed sufficient drive to prevent your
release button. The parking brake remains
vehicle from rolling down the slope. This
applied until you release it.
is an advantage when pulling away on a
Note: A warning lamp illuminates when you slope, for example from a car park ramp,
apply the parking brake. traffic lights or when reversing uphill into
To release the parking brake: a parking space.
1. Firmly press the brake pedal. Note: The system will not operate if the
parking brake is applied.
2. Pull the parking brake lever upward to
its fullest extent. Note: There is no warning light to indicate
the system is either on or off.
3. Press the release button and push the
parking brake lever downward. Using Hill Start Assist
1. Press the brake pedal to bring your
HILL START ASSIST vehicle to a complete standstill. Keep
the brake pedal pressed.
2. If the sensors detect that your vehicle
WARNING: The system does not is on a slope, the system will activate
replace the parking brake. When you leave automatically.
your vehicle, always apply the parking 3. When you remove your foot from the
brake. brake pedal, your vehicle will remain
on the slope without rolling away for
WARNING: You must remain in your approximately two to three seconds.
vehicle when the system turns on. At all This hold time will automatically be
times, you are responsible for controlling extended if you are in the process of
your vehicle, supervising the system and driving off.
intervening, if required. Failure to take care
4. Drive off in the normal manner. The
may result in the loss of control of your
system will release the brakes
vehicle, serious personal injury or death.
WARNING: The system will turn off Note: When you remove your foot from the
if a malfunction is apparent or if you rev brake pedal and press the pedal again when
the engine excessively. Failure to take care the system is active, you will experience
may result in the loss of control of your significantly reduced brake pedal travel. This
vehicle, serious personal injury or death. is normal.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Traction Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Stability Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Stability Control
Traction Control
The system enhances your vehicle's ability
to maintain traction of the wheels by
detecting and controlling wheel spin. See
Using Traction Control (page 160).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Aids (If Equipped)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Aids (If Equipped)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Aids (If Equipped)
WARNING: Reverse your vehicle
slowly. Failure to follow this instruction
could result in the loss of control of your
vehicle, personal injury or death. The rear view camera is below the central
high mounted stop lamp or on the rear
The rear view camera provides an image cargo door.
of the area behind your vehicle. During
Using the Rear View Camera
operation, lines appear in the display that
represents the path of your vehicle and
proximity to objects behind it.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Aids (If Equipped)
Camera Guidelines
Distance markers are only a guide and are
calculated for unloaded vehicles on an
even road surface. A Active guidelines.
Note: Guidelines are only available when B Centerline.
the transmission is in reverse (R). C Fixed guideline: Green zone.
Note: Guidelines do not display when the D Fixed guideline: Yellow zone.
rear cargo door is ajar.
E Fixed guideline: Red zone.
The system uses three types of guides to
help you see what is behind your vehicle: F Rear bumper.
• Active guidelines: Show the intended Active guidelines are only available with
path of your vehicle when reversing. fixed guidelines. To use active guidelines,
• Fixed guidelines: Show the actual path turn the steering wheel to point the
your vehicle is moving in when you guidelines toward an intended path. If you
reverse in a straight line. This can be change the steering wheel position when
helpful when backing into a parking driving in reverse (R), your vehicle might
space or aligning your vehicle with deviate from the original intended path.
another object behind you.
• Centerline: Helps align the center of
your vehicle with an object (for
example, a trailer).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Aids (If Equipped)
The fixed and active guidelines fade in and You can switch this feature on or off using
out depending on the steering wheel the vehicle settings menu in the
position. When the steering wheel position information display. The default setting is
is straight the active guidelines are not off.
visible. Objects in the red zone are closest When shifting the transmission out of
to your vehicle and objects in the green reverse (R) and into any gear other than
zone are further from your vehicle. park (P), the camera image remains in the
Objects are getting closer to your vehicle display until:
as they move from the green zone to the • Your vehicle speed sufficiently
yellow or red zones. Use the side view increases.
mirrors and rear view mirror to get better
coverage on both sides and rear of the • You shift your vehicle into park (P).
Vehicles with Parking Aid
Manual Zoom The system uses red, yellow and green
colored distance bars that indicate the
approximate distance of an object from
WARNING: When manual zoom is the rear bumper. The distance bars appear
on, the full area behind your vehicle may on the camera guidelines when the sensing
not show. Be aware of your surroundings system detects an object.
when using the manual zoom feature.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Cruise Control
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Aids
WARNING: The system will not
Engine Speed Limiter operate if the sensor cannot track the road
Engine speed is limited to protect the lane markings.
WARNING: If damage occurs in the
Vehicle Speed Limiter - Fixed immediate area surrounding the sensor,
have your vehicle checked as soon as
The system prevents you from driving possible.
faster than a programmed speed.
WARNING: The system may not
DRIVER ALERT correctly operate if your vehicle is fitted
with a suspension kit not approved by us.
Principle of Operation
Note: Keep the windshield free from
obstructions for example bird droppings,
WARNING: The system is designed insects and snow or ice.
to aid the driver. It is not intended to Note: The system assists you when driving
replace your attention and judgment. You on fast main roads and freeways.
are still responsible to drive with due care
Note: The system calculates an alertness
and attention.
level at vehicle speeds above approximately
40 mph (65 km/h).
WARNING: At all times, you are
responsible for controlling your vehicle, The system automatically monitors your
supervising the system and intervening, if driving behavior.
required. Failure to take care may result in The system is designed to alert you if it
the loss of control of your vehicle, serious detects that you are becoming drowsy or
personal injury or death. if your driving deteriorates.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Aids
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Aids
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Aids
Setting the Steering Wheel Vibration The lane markings are color coded as
Level follows:
The system has three intensity levels which • Green: The system is ready to warn you
you can set using the information display. of any unintentional lane departure.
See General Information (page 99). • Red: Your vehicle is approaching or is
too close to the detected lane
Setting the System Sensitivity boundary. Take immediate safe action
Some vehicles can adjust how quickly the to reposition your vehicle.
system warns you. The system has two • Gray: The system will suppress the
sensitivity levels which you can set using relevant lane boundary.
the information display. See General
Information (page 99). Instances where a lane boundary may be
System Warnings • The sensor may not detect the lane
markings on the road.
• You turn the direction indicator for that
side of your vehicle on.
• If you apply direct steering, accelerate
fast or brake hard.
• Your vehicle speed is outside the
operating limits.
• If there is an anti-lock brake or stability
control intervention.
• Narrow lane width.
If the lane markings in the display turn red
or you feel a vibration through the steering
wheel you must take immediate and safe
action to align your vehicle. Correct any
unintended lane drift immediately.
E152382 To help prevent damage to the power
When you switch the system on, an image steering system:
of a vehicle showing lane markings • Never hold the steering wheel at its
appears in the information display. When furthest turning points (until it stops)
you switch the system off, the image does for more than three to five seconds
not display. when the engine is running.
When the system is on, the color of the • Do not operate the vehicle with a low
lane markings will change to indicate the power steering pump fluid level (below
system status. the MIN mark on the reservoir).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Aids
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Load Carrying
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Powertrain Axle Maximum GCWR Maximum Loaded
Ratio Trailer Weight
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Green Right turn signal and brake Trailer Brakes (If Equipped)
Orange Battery (+).
WARNING: Do not connect a trailer's
Brown Running lamps. hydraulic brake system directly to your
vehicle's brake system. Your vehicle may
Grey Reverse lamps. not have enough braking power and your
chances of having a collision greatly
Tow Hitch increase.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Integrated Trailer Brake Controller Slide the manual control lever to the left
to turn on the trailer's electric brakes. They
work independently of the tow vehicle's
WARNING: Use the integrated trailer braking system. See Procedure for
brake controller to properly adjust the Adjusting the Gain Setting for
trailer brakes and check all connections instructions on correct use of this feature.
before towing a trailer. Failure to follow If you use the manual control while the
this instruction could result in the loss of brake is also applied, the greater of the two
control of your vehicle, personal injury or inputs determines the power sent to the
death. trailer brakes.
1. Press the + and - buttons to adjust the
brake controller's power output to the
trailer brakes in 0.5 increments. You
A can increase the gain setting to 10
(maximum trailer braking) or decrease
it to zero (no trailer braking). Pressing
and holding a button raises or lowers
the setting continuously.
B The gain setting displays in the
information display as:
Trailer Brake
A Gain adjustment buttons. Gain:
B Manual control lever.
Note: Using the manual control lever
When used correctly, the trailer brake illuminates the trailer's brake lamps and
controller assists in smooth and effective your vehicle's brake lamps, except the
trailer braking by powering the trailer’s center high-mounted brake lamp, if you
electric or electric-over-hydraulic brakes make the correct electrical connection to
with a proportional output based on the the trailer.
towing vehicle’s brake pressure
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
The controller shows gain setting, output bar graph and the trailer connectivity
status in the information display as follows:
Message Action and Description
Trailer Brake Displays the current gain setting during a given ignition cycle
and when adjusting the gain setting. This also displays if you
Gain: use the manual control lever or make gain adjustments with
No Trailer no trailer connected.
Trailer Brake Displays when you press your vehicle's brake pedal, or upon
use of the manual control lever. Bar indicators illuminate in
Gain: the information display to indicate the amount of power going
Output: to the trailer brakes relative to the brake pedal or manual
control input. One bar indicates the least amount of output;
six bars indicate maximum output.
Trailer Connected Displays when the system senses a correct trailer wiring
connection during a given ignition cycle. For example a trailer
with electric trailer brakes.
Trailer Disconnected Displays when the system senses a trailer connection and
then a disconnection, either intentional or unintentional,
during a given ignition cycle, this is accompanied by a single
audible tone. It also displays if a vehicle or trailer-wiring fault
occurs causing the trailer to appear disconnected. This
message can also display if you use the manual control lever
without a trailer connected.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
5. If the trailer wheels lock, indicated by just below trailer wheel lock. If towing
squealing tires, reduce the gain setting. a heavier trailer, trailer wheel lock may
If the trailer wheels turn freely, increase not be attainable even with the
the gain setting. Repeat steps four and maximum gain setting of 10.
five until the gain setting is at a point
Trailer Brake Module Displays in response to faults sensed by the trailer brake
Fault controller, accompanied by a single tone. If this message
appears, contact an authorized dealer as soon as possible
for diagnosis and repair. The controller may still function, but
performance may be degraded.
Wiring Fault on Trailer Displays when there is a short circuit on the electric brake
output wire. If the message displays, accompanied by a single
tone, with no trailer connected, the problem is with your
vehicle wiring between the trailer brake controller and the 7-
pin connector. If the message only displays with a trailer
connected, the problem is with the trailer wiring. Consult a
trailer dealer for assistance. This can be a short to ground,
for example a chaffed wire, short to voltage, for example a
pulled pin on trailer emergency breakaway battery or the
trailer brakes may be drawing too much current.
Note: An authorized dealer can diagnose the trailer brake controller to determine exactly
which trailer fault has occurred. However, the Ford Warranty does not cover this diagnosis
if the fault is with the trailer.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• The trailer brake controller is fitted with Trailer lamps are required on most towed
a feature that reduces output at vehicle vehicles. Make sure all running lamps,
speeds below 11 mph (18 km/h) so brake lamps, turn signals and hazard
trailer and vehicle braking is not jerky warning lamps are working.
or harsh. This feature is only available
when applying the brakes using your Before Towing a Trailer
vehicle's brake pedal, not the
controller. Practice turning, stopping and backing up
to get the feel of your vehicle-trailer
• The controller interacts with the brake combination before starting on a trip.
control system and powertrain control When turning, make wider turns so the
system of your vehicle to provide the trailer wheels clear curbs and other
best performance on different road obstacles.
• Your vehicle's brake system and the When Towing a Trailer
trailer brake system work
• Do not drive faster than 70 mph
independently of each other. Changing
(113 km/h) until you drive your vehicle
the gain setting on the controller does
at least 495 mi (800 km). See
not affect the operation of your
Breaking-In (page 191).
vehicle's brake system whether you
attach a trailer or not. • Do not make full-throttle starts.
• When you switch the engine off, the • Check the tow hitch, electrical
controller output is disabled and the connections and trailer wheel lug nuts
display and module shut down. The thoroughly after you have traveled
controller module and display turn on 50 mi (80 km).
when you switch the ignition on. • When stopped in congested or heavy
• The trailer brake controller is only a traffic during hot weather, place the
factory-installed or dealer-installed gearshift in position park (P) to aid
item. Ford is not responsible for engine and transmission cooling and
warranty or performance of the to help A/C performance.
controller due to misuse or customer • Turn off the speed control with heavy
installation. loads or on hilly terrain. The speed
control may turn off automatically
Trailer Lamps when you are towing on long, steep
• Shift to a lower gear when driving down
WARNING: Never connect any trailer a long or steep hill. Do not apply the
lamp wiring to the vehicle's tail lamp brakes continuously, as they may
wiring; this may damage the electrical overheat and become less effective.
system resulting in fire. Contact your
• If the transmission is fitted with a
authorized dealer as soon as possible for
Grade Assist, Tow/Haul feature, use
assistance in proper trailer tow wiring
this feature when towing. This provides
installation. Additional electrical
engine braking and helps eliminate
equipment may be required.
excessive transmission shifting for
optimum fuel economy and
transmission cooling.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• If your vehicle is fitted with Note: Reconnect the wiring to the trailer
AdvanceTrac with roll stability control after the trailer is removed from the water.
(RSC), this system may turn on during Exceeding these limits may allow water to
typical cornering maneuvers with a enter vehicle components:
heavily loaded trailer. This is normal.
Turning the corner at a slower speed • Causing internal damage to the
while towing may reduce this tendency. components.
• If you are towing a trailer frequently in • Affecting driveability, emissions, and
hot weather, hilly conditions, at the reliability.
gross combined weight rating (or any Replace the rear axle lubricant anytime
combination of these factors), consider the rear axle has been submerged in water.
refilling your vehicle's rear axle with Water may have contaminated the rear
synthetic gear lubricant (if the axle is axle lubricant, which is not normally
not already filled with it). See checked or changed unless a leak is
Capacities and Specifications (page suspected or other axle repair is required.
• Allow more distance for stopping with
a trailer attached. Anticipate stops and
brake gradually. FOUR WHEELS
• Avoid parking on a grade. However, if
you must park on a grade: Emergency Towing
• Turn the steering wheel to point
your vehicle tires away from traffic
flow. WARNING: If your vehicle has a
steering wheel lock make sure the ignition
• Set your vehicle parking brake. is in the accessory or on position when
• Place the automatic transmission being towed.
in position park (P).
• Place wheel chocks in front of and You can flat-tow (all wheels on the
at the back of the trailer wheels. ground, regardless of the powertrain or
(Trailer wheel chocks are not transmission configuration) your disabled
included with your vehicle.) vehicle (without access to wheel dollies
or vehicle transport trailer) under the
Launching or Retrieving a Boat or following conditions:
Personal Water Craft (PWC) • Your vehicle is facing forward so you
tow it in a forward direction.
When backing down a ramp during boat
launching or retrieval: • You shift into Neutral (N). If you cannot
shift into Neutral (N), you may need to
• Do not allow the static water level to
override the transmission. See
rise above the bottom edge of the rear
Transmission (page 151).
• Maximum speed is 35 mph (56 km/h).
• Do not allow waves to break higher
than 6 in (15 cm) above the bottom • Maximum distance is 50 mi (80 km).
edge of the rear bumper.
Note: Disconnect the wiring to the trailer
before backing the trailer into the water.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Recreational Towing
Note: Put your climate control system in
recirculated air mode to prevent exhaust
fumes from entering the vehicle. See
Climate Control (page 109).
Follow these guidelines if you have a need
for recreational (RV) towing. An example
of recreational towing would be towing
your vehicle behind a motorhome. These
guidelines are to make sure you do not
damage the transmission during towing.
Do not tow your vehicle with any wheels
on the ground, as vehicle or transmission
damage may occur. It is recommended to
tow your vehicle with all four wheels off
the ground, for example when using a
vehicle transport trailer. Otherwise, you
cannot tow your vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Hints
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Hints
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Driving Hints
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
Vehicles Sold in Canada: Getting Press the button to switch the hazard
Roadside Assistance warning flashers on. The front and rear
direction indicators will flash.
To fully assist you should you have a
vehicle concern, Ford Motor Company of Press the button again to switch the
Canada, Limited offers a complimentary hazard warning flashers off.
roadside assistance program. This Note: Prolonged use of the hazard warning
program is eligible within Canada or the flashers will cause the battery to run out of
continental United States. charge. There may be insufficient power to
This program is separate from the New restart the engine.
Vehicle Limited Warranty, but the coverage
is concurrent with the powertrain coverage EMERGENCY EXIT
period of your vehicle.
Canadian customers who require roadside
assistance, call 1-800-665-2006.
WARNING: Make sure that the roof
Vehicles Sold in Canada: Using rack and its load do not obstruct the
Roadside Assistance emergency exit. Ask your dealer for advice
on roof racks suitable for your vehicle.
Complete the roadside assistance
identification card and place it in your Break the glass with the hammer in an
wallet for quick reference. emergency.
In Canada, this card is found in the
Warranty Guide in the glove compartment FUEL SHUTOFF
of your vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
4. Switch the ignition on again to Your vehicle has a positive (+) access
re-enable the fuel pump. terminal and a negative (-) grounding
Note: Various system checks are connection point that you can access
automatically carried out before the vehicle under the hood, even though the actual
will restart. if your vehicle fails to restart battery is under the driver seat. You can
after the third attempt, the system has jump your vehicle using these points.
detected a fault that requires service. We The positive (+) access terminal is next to
recommend you contact an authorized the fuse box, under a red cap. To access
dealer. the positive (+) terminal, lift the red cap
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
Connecting the Jumper Cables 2. Connect the other end of the positive
(+) cable to the positive (+) terminal
of the assisting battery.
WARNING: Do not attach the cables 3. Connect the negative (-) cable to the
to fuel lines, engine rocker covers, the negative (-) terminal of the assisting
intake manifold or electrical components battery.
as grounding points. Stay clear of moving 4. Make the final connection of the
parts. To avoid reverse polarity negative (-) cable to the grounding
connections, make sure that you correctly connection point of the vehicle with
identify the positive (+) and negative (-) the discharged battery.
terminals on both the disabled and booster
vehicles before connecting the cables.
WARNING: Do not connect the end
Note: In the illustration, the bottom vehicle of the second cable to the negative (-)
represents the booster vehicle. terminal of the battery to be jumped. A
spark may cause an explosion of the gases
that surround the battery.
Jump Starting
1. Start the engine of the booster vehicle
and rev the engine moderately, or press
1 the accelerator gently to keep your
engine speed between 2000 and 3000
rpms, as shown in your tachometer.
2. Start the engine of the disabled vehicle.
3. Once you start the disabled vehicle, run
3 4 both vehicle engines for an additional
three minutes before disconnecting the
jumper cables.
Removing the Jumper Cables
Remove the jumper cables in the reverse
order that they were connected.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
Front Towing Point
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Roadside Emergencies
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
Warranty repairs to your vehicle must be
performed by an authorized dealer. While
any authorized dealer handling your vehicle These are some of the items that can be
line will provide warranty service, we found online:
recommend you return to your selling • U.S. dealer locator by Dealer Name,
authorized dealer who wants to ensure City/State or Zip Code.
your continued satisfaction. • Owner Manuals.
Please note that certain warranty repairs • Maintenance Schedules.
require special training and equipment, so
• Recalls.
not all authorized dealers are authorized
to perform all warranty repairs. This means • Ford Extended Service Plans.
that, depending on the warranty repair • Ford Genuine Accessories.
needed, you may have to take your vehicle • Service specials and promotions.
to another authorized dealer.
In Canada:
A reasonable time must be allowed to
perform a repair after taking your vehicle Mailing address
to the authorized dealer. Repairs will be Customer Relationship Centre
made using Ford or Motorcraft® parts, or Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited
remanufactured or other parts that are P.O. Box 2000
authorized by Ford. Oakville, Ontario L6K 0C8
Away From Home Telephone
If you are away from home when your 1-800-565-3673 (FORD)
vehicle needs service, contact the Ford
Customer Relationship Center or use the Website
online resources listed below to find the
nearest authorized dealer.
In the United States:
Mailing address
@FordServiceCA (English Canada)
Ford Motor Company @FordServiceQC (Quebec)
Customer Relationship Center
P.O. Box 6248 Additional Assistance
Dearborn, MI 48126
If you have questions or concerns, or are
Telephone unsatisfied with the service you are
1-800-392-3673 (FORD) receiving, follow these steps:
(TDD for the hearing impaired: 1. Contact your Sales Representative or
1-800-232-5952) Service Advisor at your selling or
Additional information and resources are servicing authorized dealer.
available online:
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
You are required to submit your warranty Disputes submitted to the BBB AUTO LINE
dispute to BBB AUTO LINE before asserting program are usually decided within forty
in court any rights or remedies conferred days after you file your claim with the BBB.
by California Civil Code Section 1793.22(b). You are not bound by the decision, and
You are also required to use BBB AUTO may reject the decision and proceed to
LINE before exercising rights or seeking court where all findings of the BBB Auto
remedies created by the Federal Line dispute, and decision, are admissible
Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. in the court action. Should you choose to
sec. 2301 et seq. If you choose to seek accept the BBB AUTO LINE decision, Ford
redress by pursuing rights and remedies is then bound by the decision, and must
not created by California Civil Code Section comply with the decision within 30 days
1793.22(b) or the Magnuson-Moss of receipt of your acceptance letter.
Warranty Act, resort to BBB AUTO LINE is
BBB AUTO LINE Application: Using the
not required by those statutes.
information provided below, please call or
write to request a program application.
THE BETTER BUSINESS You will be asked for your name and
address, general information about your
BUREAU (BBB) AUTO LINE new vehicle, information about your
PROGRAM (U.S. ONLY) warranty concerns, and any steps you have
already taken to try to resolve them. A
Your satisfaction is important to Ford Customer Claim Form will be mailed that
Motor Company and to your dealer. If a will need to be completed, signed and
warranty concern has not been resolved returned to the BBB along with proof of
using the three-step procedure outlined ownership. Upon receipt, the BBB will
earlier in this chapter in the Getting the review the claim for eligibility under the
Services you need section, you may be Program Summary Guidelines.
eligible to participate in the BBB AUTO
LINE program. You can get more information by
calling BBB AUTO LINE at
The BBB AUTO LINE program consists of 1-800-955-5100, or writing to:
two parts – mediation and arbitration.
During mediation, a representative of the BBB AUTO LINE
BBB will contact both you and Ford Motor 3033 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600
Company to explore options for settlement Arlington, Virginia 22201
of the claim. If an agreement is not reached BBB AUTO LINE applications can also be
during mediation or you do not want to requested by calling the Ford Motor
participate in mediation, and if your claim Company Customer Relationship Center
is eligible, you may participate in the at 1-800-392-3673.
arbitration process. An arbitration hearing
Note: Ford Motor Company reserves the
will be scheduled so that you can present
right to change eligibility limitations, modify
your case in an informal setting before an
procedures, or to discontinue this process
impartial person. The arbitrator will
at any time without notice and without
consider the testimony provided and make
a decision after the hearing.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
Customer Relation-
Phone Fax E-mail
ship Center
If you buy your vehicle in North America If you are in another foreign country,
and then relocate to any of the above contact the nearest authorized dealer. In
locations, register your vehicle the event your inquiry is unresolved,
identification number (VIN) and new communicate your concern with the
address with Ford Global Trade Services dealership’s Sales Manager, Service
by emailing, [email protected]. Manager or Customer Relations Manager.
If you require additional assistance or
clarification, please contact the respective
Customer Relationship Center as
previously listed.
Customers in the U.S. should call
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Customer Assistance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
- Not used.
7.5 A Positive crankcase ventilation valve heater element.
60 A Cooling fan.
- Not used.
F31 - Not used.
F32 30 A Windshield wiper motor.
F33 - Not used.
F34 - Not used.
F35 15 A Powertrain control module.
Particulate matter sensor.
F36 15 A Selective catalytic reduction system.
Nitrogen oxides sensor.
F37 7.5 A Fuel volume control valve.
- Not used.
7.5 A Air conditioning clutch.
Exhaust gas temperature sensor.
Fuel vaporizer system fuel pump.
F39 15 A Coolant bypass solenoid valve.
Low-speed cooling fan.
High-speed cooling fan.
R1 Ignition relay 3.
R2 Not used.
R3 Not used.
R4 Not used.
R5 Not used.
R6 Windshield wiper on/off relay.
R7 Windshield wiper high/low speed relay.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
R8 Not used.
R9 Starter motor.
R10 Air conditioning clutch.
R11 Fuel vaporizer system glow plug.
R12 Fuel injection pump.
R13 Not used.
R14 Not used.
R15 Low-speed and high-speed cooling fan relay.
R16 Selective catalytic reduction system.
R17 Powertrain control module.
R18 High-speed cooling fan.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
R1 Spare.
R2 Auxiliary power points.
R3 Trailer lamps.
R4 Not used.
R5 Power windows.
R6 Ignition relay 1.
R7 Horn.
R8 Trailer tow reversing lamp.
R9 Front blower motor.
R10 Rear blower motor.
Heated rear window.
Heated exterior mirrors.
R12 Heated seats.
R13 Modified vehicle connections.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
F1 - Not used.
F2 - Not used.
F3 - Not used.
F4 - Not used.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
F5 - Not used.
F6 - Not used.
F7 7.5 A Automatic transmission module.
F8 30 A Cooling fan.
F9 - Not used.
Power step.
F10 30 A
Heated seats.
F11 10 A Air conditioning clutch.
F12 - Not used.
F13 - Not used.
F14 - Not used.
F15 - Not used.
F16 20 A Fuel pump relay.
F17 - Not used.
Anti-lock brake system.
F18 30 A
Fuel pump relay.
F19 30 A Starter motor solenoid.
F20 - Not used.
F21 60 A Ignition relay 3.
Selective catalytic reduction system catalyst.
F22 40 A
Brake vacuum pump relay.
F23 10 A Spare.
F24 - Not used.
F25 10 A Spare.
F26 20 A Spare.
F27 - Not used.
F28 - Not used.
F29 3A Audio unit.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
R1 Ignition relay 3.
R2 Not used.
R3 Not used.
R4 Not used.
R5 Cooling fan.
R6 Windshield wiper on/off relay.
R7 Windshield wiper high/low speed relay.
R8 Brake vacuum pump.
R9 Starter motor.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
R1 Spare.
R2 Auxiliary power points.
R3 Trailer lamps.
R4 Not used.
R5 Power windows.
R6 Ignition relay 1.
R7 Horn.
R8 Trailer tow reversing lamp.
R9 Front blower motor.
R10 Rear blower motor.
Heated rear window.
Heated exterior mirrors.
R12 Heated seats.
R13 Modified vehicle connections.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuse Number Protected Component
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuse Number Protected Component
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Fuse Types
A Micro 2
B Micro 3
C Maxi
D Mini
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
E M Case
F J Case
G J Case Low Profile
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• Do not work on a hot engine.
• Make sure that nothing gets caught in
moving parts.
• Do not work on a vehicle with the
engine running in an enclosed space,
unless you are sure you have enough
• Keep all open flames and other burning
material (such as cigarettes) away 1. Pull the hood release lever.
from the battery and all fuel related
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
A Air cleaner. See Changing the E Engine coolant reservoir . See
Engine Air Filter (page 255). Engine Coolant Check (page
* 236).
B Engine oil dipstick . See Engine
Oil Dipstick (page 233). F Engine compartment fuse box.
See Fuses (page 208).
C Engine oil filler cap . See Engine *
G Power steering fluid reservoir .
Oil Check (page 234).
See Power Steering Fluid
D Brake and clutch fluid reservoir . Check (page 241).
See Brake Fluid Check (page *
H Washer fluid reservoir . See
Washer Fluid Check (page 242).
The filler caps and the engine oil dipstick
are colored for easy identification.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
A Air cleaner. See Changing the F Engine oil filler cap . See Engine
Engine Air Filter (page 256). Oil Check (page 234).
B Engine oil dipstick . See Engine
G Power steering fluid reservoir .
Oil Dipstick (page 234). See Power Steering Fluid
* Check (page 241).
C Brake fluid reservoir . See Brake *
Fluid Check (page 241). H Washer fluid reservoir . See
* Washer Fluid Check (page 242).
D Engine coolant reservoir . See *
Engine Coolant Check (page The filler caps and the engine oil dipstick
236). are colored for easy identification.
E Engine compartment fuse box.
See Fuses (page 208).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
ENGINE OIL DIPSTICK - 3.5L 2. Switch off the engine and wait 10
minutes for the oil to drain into the oil
3. Remove the dipstick and wipe it with
A B a clean, lint free cloth. Replace the
dipstick and remove it again to check
the oil level.
If the oil level is at the minimum mark, add
oil immediately. See Capacities and
Specifications (page 305).
Note: Check the oil level before starting the
Note: Make sure that the oil level is
between the minimum and the maximum
A Minimum Note: Do not use oil additives or other
B Maximum engine treatments. Under certain conditions,
they could damage the engine.
Note: The oil consumption of new engines
ENGINE OIL DIPSTICK - 3.7L reaches its normal level after approximately
3,000 mi (5,000 km).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
1. Remove the oil pan drain plug and wait OIL CHANGE INDICATOR
for the oil to drain into a suitable
2. Renew the oil filter. Only reset the system after changing the
3. Reinstall the oil pan drain plug. engine oil and oil filter.
4. Refill the engine with new oil that Resetting the Oil Life Monitoring
meets Ford specifications. See System
Capacities and Specifications (page
305). 1. Switch the ignition on. Do not start the
Note: Do not add oil further than the engine.
maximum mark. Oil levels above the 2. Fully press the accelerator and brake
maximum mark may cause engine damage. pedals at the same time.
Note: Soak up any spillage with an 3. Keep the accelerator and brake pedals
absorbent cloth immediately. fully pressed.
5. Reset the Intelligent Oil Life Monitor. 4. After three seconds, a message
See Oil Change Indicator Reset appears confirming that the reset is in
(page 235). progress.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
5. Check the coolant level in the coolant Do not add extra inhibitors or additives to
reservoir the next few times you drive the coolant. These can be harmful and
your vehicle. If necessary, add enough compromise the corrosion protection of
prediluted engine coolant to bring the the coolant.
coolant level to the correct level.
Recycled Coolant
If you have to add more than 1.1 qt (1 L) of
engine coolant per month, have your We do not recommend the use of recycled
vehicle checked as soon as possible. coolant as an approved recycling process
Operating an engine with a low level of is not yet available.
coolant can result in engine overheating
and possible engine damage. Dispose of used engine coolant in an
appropriate manner. Follow your
Note: During normal vehicle operation, the community's regulations and standards
coolant may change color from orange to for recycling and disposing of automotive
pink or light red. As long as the coolant is fluids.
clear and uncontaminated, this color change
does not indicate the coolant has degraded Severe Climates
nor does it require the coolant to be drained,
the system to be flushed, or the coolant to If you drive in extremely cold climates:
be replaced. • It may be necessary to increase the
coolant concentration above 50%.
In case of emergency, you can add a large
amount of water without engine coolant • A coolant concentration of 60%
in order to reach a vehicle service location. provides improved freeze point
In this instance, qualified personnel: protection. Coolant concentrations
above 60% decrease the overheat
1. Must drain the cooling system. protection characteristics of the
2. Chemically clean the coolant system. coolant and may cause engine
3. Refill with engine coolant as soon as damage.
possible. If you drive in extremely hot climates:
Water alone, without engine coolant, can • You can decrease the coolant
cause engine damage from corrosion, concentration to 40%.
overheating or freezing. • Coolant concentrations below 40%
Do not use the following as a coolant decrease the freeze and corrosion
substitute: protection characteristics of the
coolant and may cause engine
• Alcohol.
• Methanol.
Vehicles driven year-round in non-extreme
• Brine. climates should use prediluted coolant for
• Any coolant mixed with alcohol or optimum cooling system and engine
methanol antifreeze. protection.
Alcohol and other liquids can cause engine
damage from overheating or freezing.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
4. Check the coolant level. If the coolant The air conditioning may automatically
level is at or below the minimum mark, turn on and off during severe operating
add prediluted coolant immediately. conditions to protect the engine from
5. When the engine temperature cools, overheating. When the coolant
you can re-start the engine. Have your temperature decreases to the normal
vehicle checked as soon as possible to operating temperature, the air conditioning
minimize engine damage. turns on.
Note: Driving your vehicle without repair If the coolant temperature gauge moves
increases the chance of engine damage. fully into the red zone, or if the coolant
temperature warning or service engine
Engine Coolant Temperature soon messages appear in your information
Management (If Equipped) display, do the following:
1. Stop your vehicle as soon as it is safe
to do so. Fully apply the parking brake,
WARNING: To reduce the risk of shift into park (P) or neutral (N).
crash and injury, be prepared that the 2. Leave the engine running until the
vehicle speed may reduce and the vehicle coolant temperature gauge needle
may not be able to accelerate with full returns to the normal position. After
power until the coolant temperature several minutes, if the temperature
reduces. does not drop, follow the remaining
If you tow a trailer with your vehicle, the
3. Switch the engine off and wait for it to
engine may temporarily reach a higher
cool. Check the coolant level.
temperature during severe operating
conditions, for example ascending a long 4. If the coolant level is at or below the
or steep grade in high ambient minimum mark, add prediluted coolant
temperatures. immediately.
At this time, you may notice the coolant 5. If the coolant level is normal, restart
temperature gauge moves toward the red the engine and continue.
zone and a message may appear in the
information display. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION
You may notice a reduction in vehicle FLUID CHECK
speed caused by reduced engine power in
order to manage the engine coolant The automatic transmission does not have
temperature. Your vehicle may enter this a transmission fluid dipstick.
mode if certain high-temperature and
high-load conditions take place. The Have an authorized dealer check and
amount of speed reduction depends on change the transmission fluid at the
vehicle loading, grade and ambient correct service interval. See Scheduled
temperature. If this occurs, there is no Maintenance (page 459). Your
need to stop your vehicle. You can transmission does not consume fluid.
continue to drive. However, if the transmission slips, shifts
slowly or if you notice a sign of leaking
fluid, contact an authorized dealer.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2 E184789
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
If the Engine Does Not Start or Runs CHANGING THE 12V BATTERY
The battery is under the driver seat.
Note: If you have power seats and the
1 battery has no charge, jump-start your
vehicle to move the seat. See Jump
Starting the Vehicle (page 196).
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
7. Remove the battery terminal cover and
remove the negative (-) terminal.
Note: Single batteries could be mounted
E146781 the opposite way around in the battery tray.
The negative terminal is toward the rear of
3. Remove both seat track end caps. your vehicle.
Note: Your vehicle may not have these end
4. Remove both seat adjustment end
stop bolts at the front of the seat.
8. Release the retaining clips and remove
5. Remove the battery clamp and cover the cover.
bolts. 9. Remove the cable securing clips from
6. Remove the battery clamp and cover. the cover.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Parking Lamp and Direction Indicator Note: You cannot separate the bulb from
Lamp the bulb holder.
4 3
1. Remove the headlamp. See
Removing a Headlamp (page 248).
2. Remove the cover.
3. Turn the bulb counterclockwise and
remove it.
4. Disconnect the electrical connector.
Note: Do not touch the bulb glass.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Front Clearance Lamp (If Equipped) Side Direction Indicator (If Equipped)
3 5
1. Remove the large mirror glass. Tilt the
mirror glass fully up, pull the mirror
glass toward you from the bottom.
2. Remove the small mirror glass. Tilt the
mirror glass fully down, pull the mirror
glass toward you from the top.
3. Remove the screws.
2 4. Remove the lamp lens.
5. Remove the bulb.
Rear Lamps
1. Carefully remove the lamp.
2. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise 2
and remove it.
3. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
3 1
3. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise
and remove it. 1. Carefully release the spring clip.
2. Remove the lamp.
4 3. Turn the bulb holder counterclockwise
and remove it. Pull the bulb straight
A out.
Interior Lamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2 2 1
E73939 1. Carefully remove the lamp.
3. Remove the bulb. 2. Remove the bulb.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Exterior Lamps
Lamp Specification Power (Watt)
Interior Lamps
Lamp Specification Power (watt)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
5. Replace the air filter housing cover. that the tabs on the edge are correctly
Engage the clamps that secure the air aligned into the slots.
filter housing cover to the air filter 6. Slip the air tube onto the air filter cover
housing. Be careful not to crimp the and snugly tighten the bolt on the air
filter element edges between the air tube clamp, but do not overtighten.
filter housing and cover. Make sure
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
Name Specification
Note: Remove the aerial before using an Cleaning the Chrome Trim
automatic car wash.
Note: Do not use abrasives or chemical
Note: Switch the blower motor off to solvents to clean the chrome trim. Use
prevent contamination of the cabin air filter. soapy water.
Use a soft clean cloth to dry the chrome
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
Note: Do not apply cleaning product to hot When washing and waxing, park your
surfaces and do not leave cleaning product vehicle in a shaded area out of direct
on chrome surfaces for a period of time sunlight. Always wash your vehicle before
exceeding that which is recommended. applying wax.
Note: Industrial-strength (heavy-duty) • Use a quality wax that does not contain
cleaners, or cleaning chemicals, may cause abrasives.
damage over a period of time. • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
to apply and remove the wax.
Body Paintwork Preservation
• Apply a small amount of wax in a
We recommend that you wax the back-and-forth motion, not in circles.
paintwork once or twice a year. • Do not allow wax to come in contact
Note: Do not apply polish in strong sunlight with any non-body (low-gloss black)
as this dries the polish too quickly. colored trim. The wax will discolor or
stain the parts over time.
Note: Do not allow polish to come in
contact with plastic surfaces as it can be • Roof racks.
difficult to remove. • Bumpers.
Note: Do not apply polish to the windshield • Grained door handles.
or rear window. A contaminated windshield • Side moldings.
or contaminated wiper blades may lead to
increased wiper noise, reduced wipe quality • Mirror housings.
or reduced rain sensor performance. • Windshield cowl area.
• Do not apply wax to glass areas.
Sliding Door Tracks (If Equipped)
• After waxing, your car's paint should
feel smooth, and be free of streaks and
WARNING: Do not open or close the
sliding doors when your hands are near the
tracks or rollers. CLEANING THE ENGINE
To clean the sliding door tracks, wipe the Engines are more efficient when they are
surface using a clean, cotton cloth with a clean because grease and dirt buildup keep
mild soap and water solution. the engine warmer than normal.
Do not use a commercial or high-pressure When washing:
washer. • Take care when using a power washer
to clean the engine. The high-pressure
fluid could penetrate the sealed parts
WAXING and cause damage.
Regular waxing is necessary to protect your • Do not spray a hot engine with cold
car's paint from the elements. We water to avoid cracking the engine
recommend that you wash and wax the block or other engine components.
painted surface once or twice a year.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
• Spray Motorcraft Engine Shampoo and Note: Do not use razor blades or other
Degreaser on all parts that require sharp objects to clean or remove decals
cleaning and pressure rinse clean. In from the inside of the heated rear window.
Canada, use Motorcraft Engine The vehicle warranty does not cover
Shampoo. damage caused to the heated rear window
• Never wash or rinse the engine while it grid lines.
is hot or running; water in the running
engine may cause internal damage. CLEANING THE INTERIOR
• Never wash or rinse any ignition coil,
spark plug wire or spark plug well, or Note: Do not allow air fresheners and hand
the area in and around these locations. sanitizers to spill on interior surfaces. If a
• Cover the battery, power distribution spill occurs, wipe off immediately. Damage
box, and air filter assembly to prevent may not be covered by your warranty.
water damage when cleaning the Note: Do not use household cleaning
engine. products or glass cleaners, which can stain
and discolor the fabric and affect the flame
retardant abilities of the seat materials.
WIPER BLADES Note: We recommend distilled water when
Car wash chemicals and environmental Fabric, Carpets, Cloth Seats,
fallout can result in windshield and wiper
Headliners and Floor Mats
blade contamination. Dirty windshield and
wipers will result in poor windshield wiper Note: Avoid soaking any surface. Do not
operation. Keep the windshield and wiper use excessive amounts of water to clean
blades clean to maintain windshield wiper the vehicle interior.
Note: To avoid spots or discoloration, clean
To clean the windshield and wiper blades: the entire surface.
• Clean the windshield with a To clean:
non-abrasive glass cleaner. When
cleaning the interior of the windshield, • Remove dust and loose dirt with a
avoid getting any glass cleaner on the vacuum cleaner or brush.
instrument panel or door panels. Wipe • Wipe the surface with a soft, damp
any glass cleaner off these surfaces cloth and a mild soap and water
immediately. solution. Dry the area with a clean, soft
• For windshields contaminated with cloth.
tree sap, chemicals, wax or bugs, clean • If a ring forms on the fabric after spot
the entire windshield using steel wool cleaning, clean the entire area
(no greater than 0000 grade) in a immediately, but do not soak or the
circular motion and rinse with water. ring will set.
• Clean the wiper blades with isopropyl
rubbing alcohol or windshield washer
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
Seatbelts To clean:
• Remove dust and loose dirt with a
vacuum cleaner.
WARNING: Do not use cleaning • Wipe the surface with a soft, damp
solvents, bleach or dye on the vehicle's cloth and a mild soap and water
seatbelts, as these actions may weaken solution. Dry the area with a clean, soft
the belt webbing. cloth.
• If a ring forms on the fabric after spot
WARNING: On vehicles equipped cleaning, clean the entire area
with seat-mounted airbags, do not use immediately, but do not soak or the
chemical solvents or strong detergents. ring will set.
Such products could contaminate the side
airbag system and affect performance of Instrument Cluster Screens, LCD
the side airbag in a crash. Screens and Radio Screens
Note: Do not use abrasives, or chemical Note: Do not use abrasives, alcoholic
solvents to clean them. solvents or chemical solvents to clean the
instrument cluster screens, LCD screens or
Note: Do not allow moisture to penetrate radio screens. These cleaning products can
the seatbelt retractor mechanism. damage the screens.
Cleaning may safely be carried out using Clean the instrument panel and cluster
mild soap and water. Let them dry lens with a clean, damp and soft cloth,
naturally, away from artificial heat. then use a clean, dry and soft cloth to dry
these areas.
Leather Interior (If Equipped)
Do not spray any liquid directly onto the
Follow the same procedure as cleaning screens.
leather seats for cleaning leather
instrument panels and leather interior trim Do not use a microfiber cloth to clean the
surfaces. bezel around the display screens as it could
damage the surface.
Suede Micro Fiber Fabric (If Equipped)
Rear Windows
Note: Do not steam clean.
Note: Do not use any abrasive materials to
Note: To avoid spots or discoloration, clean clean the interior of the rear windows.
the entire surface.
Note: Do not install stickers or labels to the
Do not use the following products: interior of the rear windows.
• Leather care products.
Storage Compartments, Cup
• Household cleaners. Holders and Ashtrays
• Alcoholic solutions.
To clean:
• Spot removers.
• Take out any removable inserts.
• Shoe polish.
• Wipe the surface with a soft, damp
cloth and a mild soap and water
solution. Dry the area with a clean, soft
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
If you plan on storing your vehicle for 30 • Change the engine oil and filter prior to
days or more, read the following storage because used engine oil
maintenance recommendations to make contains contaminates which may
sure your vehicle stays in good operating cause engine damage.
condition. • Start the engine every 15 days for a
minimum of 15 minutes. Run at fast idle
We engineer and test all motor vehicles
with the climate controls set to defrost
and their components for reliable, regular
until the engine reaches normal
driving. Under various conditions,
operating temperature.
long-term storage may lead to degraded
engine performance or failure unless you
use specific precautions to preserve engine
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Vehicle Care
• Fill the fuel tank with high-quality fuel Removing Vehicle From Storage
until the first automatic shutoff of the
fuel pump nozzle. When your vehicle is ready to come out of
storage, do the following:
Cooling system • Wash your vehicle to remove any dirt
or grease film build-up on window
• Protect against freezing temperatures.
• When removing your vehicle from
• Check windshield wipers for any
storage, check coolant fluid level.
Confirm that there are no cooling
system leaks and that fluid is at the • Check under the hood for any foreign
recommended level. material that may have collected
during storage such as mice or squirrel
Battery nests.
• Check and recharge as necessary. Keep • Check the exhaust for any foreign
connections clean. material that may have collected
during storage.
• If storing your vehicle for more than 30
days without recharging the battery, • Check tire pressures and set tire
we recommend that you disconnect inflation per the Tire Label.
the battery cables to maintain battery • Check brake pedal operation. Drive
charge for quick starting. your vehicle 15 ft (4.5 m) back and
forth to remove rust build-up.
Note: It is necessary to reset memory
features if battery cables are disconnected. • Check fluid levels (including coolant,
oil and gas) to make sure there are no
Brakes leaks, and fluids are at recommended
• Make sure the brakes and parking brake
release fully. • If you remove the battery, clean the
battery cable ends and check for
Tires damage.
Contact an authorized dealer if you have
• Maintain recommended air pressure. any concerns or issues.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
the driver door. The cold Note: If the tire size does not begin
inflation pressure should with a letter, this may mean it is
never be set lower than designated by either ETRTO
the recommended (European Tire and Rim Technical
pressure on the vehicle Organization) or JATMA (Japan Tire
label. Manufacturing Association). You
may not find this information on all
tires because it is not required by
Tire speed ratings federal law.
Letter mph ( km/h) Note: The tire suppliers may have
rating additional markings, notes or
warnings, for example standard
M 81 mph (130 km/h) load, radial tubeless, etc.
N 87 mph (140 km/h) T Type Tires
Q 99 mph (159 km/h) T145/80D16 is an example of a
R 106 mph (171 km/h) tire size. T type tires have some
additional information beyond
S 112 mph (180 km/h) those of P type tires. The
T 118 mph (190 km/h) definitions of these items are
listed below.
U 124 mph (200 km/h) Note: The temporary tire size for
H 130 mph (210 km/h) your vehicle may be different from
this example. Tire Quality Grades
V 149 mph (240 km/h) do not apply to this type of tire.
W 168 mph (270 km/h)
Y 186 mph (299 km/h)
Note: For tires with a maximum
speed capability over 149 mph
(240 km/h), tire manufacturers
sometimes use the letters ZR. For
those with a maximum speed
capability over 186 mph (299
km/h), tire manufacturers always
use the letters ZR.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
You are strongly urged to buy a Note: Do not reduce tire pressure
reliable tire pressure gauge, as to change the ride characteristics
automatic service station gauges of your vehicle. If you do not
may be inaccurate. We maintain the tire pressures as
recommend the use of a digital or specified by Ford, your vehicle may
dial-type tire pressure gauge experience a condition known as
rather than a stick-type tire shimmy. This will cause severe
pressure gauge. vibration and oscillations in the
steering wheel when your vehicle
Use the recommended cold travels over a bump or dip in the
inflation pressure for optimum tire road and is unable to dampen out
performance and wear. by itself. Significantly
Under-inflation or over-inflation under-inflated tires, incorrect tire
may cause uneven treadwear usage or any vehicle modifications
patterns. such as lift-kits can cause your
Always inflate the tires to the vehicle to shimmy. If your vehicle
recommended inflation pressure begins to shimmy, slowly reduce
even if it is less than the maximum the speed of your vehicle by
inflation pressure information pressing the brake pedal or
found on the tire. The releasing the accelerator pedal. As
recommended tire inflation your vehicle speed reduces the
pressure is found on the Safety shimmy will cease.
Compliance Certification Label The maximum inflation pressure
(affixed to either the door hinge is the tire manufacturer's
pillar, door-latch post, or the door maximum permissible pressure or
edge that meets the door-latch the pressure at which the
post, next to the driver seating maximum load can be carried by
position), or Tire Label which is the tire. This pressure is normally
located on the B-Pillar or the edge higher than the manufacturer’s
of the driver door. Failure to follow recommended cold inflation
the tire pressure pressure, which can be found on
recommendations can cause the Safety Compliance
uneven treadwear patterns and Certification Label (affixed to
adversely affect the way your either the door hinge pillar,
vehicle handles door-latch post, or the door edge
that meets the door-latch post,
next to the driver seating
position), or Tire Label which is
located on the B-Pillar or the edge
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
of the driver door. The cold Note: If you are checking tire
inflation pressure should never be pressure when the tire is hot, for
set lower than the recommended example you have driven more than
pressure on the Safety 1.0 mi (1.6 km), never bleed or
Compliance Certification Label or reduce tire pressure. The tires are
Tire Label. hot from driving and it is normal for
pressures to increase above
When weather temperature recommended cold pressures. A
changes occur, tire inflation hot tire at or below recommended
pressures also change. A 10°F cold inflation pressure could be
(6°C) temperature drop can significantly under-inflated.
cause a corresponding drop of
1 psi (7 kPa) in inflation pressure. Note: If you have to drive a
Check the tire pressures frequently distance to get air for the tires,
and adjust them to the correct check and record the tire pressure
pressure which can be found on first and add the appropriate air
the Safety Compliance pressure when you get to the
Certification Label or Tire Label. pump. It is normal for tires to heat
up and the tire pressure to increase
To check the tire pressures: as you drive.
1. Make sure the tires are cool, Note: If you over inflate the tire,
meaning they are not hot from release air by pressing on the metal
driving even a mile. stem in the center of the valve.
2. Remove the cap from the valve Then recheck the pressure with
on one tire, then firmly press your tire gauge.
the tire gauge onto the valve
and measure the tire pressure. Note: Some spare tires operate at
a higher inflation pressure than the
3. Add enough air to reach the other tires. For T-type mini-spare
recommended tire pressure. tires, refer to the Dissimilar spare
4. Replace the valve cap. wheel and tire assembly
information for a description. Store
5. Repeat this procedure for each and maintain at 60 psi (4.15 bar).
tire, including the spare. For full-size and dissimilar spare
6. Visually inspect the tires to tires, refer to the Dissimilar spare
make sure there are no nails or wheel and tire assembly
other objects embedded that information for a description. Store
could poke a hole in the tire and maintain at the higher of the
and cause an air leak. front and rear inflation pressure as
7. Check the sidewalls to make shown on the Tire Label.
sure there are no gouges, cuts
or bulges.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
Note: If the tires show uneven
wear ask an authorized dealer to
check for and correct any wheel
misalignment, tire imbalance or
mechanical problem involved
before tire rotation.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
Rear-wheel drive and Your vehicle has all-season tires that are
four-wheel drive vehicles with optimized for use in all weather conditions.
dual rear wheels. As the seasons change you may choose to
use winter tires or snow tires. Winter tires
and snow tires are available to purchase
from an authorized dealer.
We recommend that you use winter tires
when the temperature is 45°F (7°C) or
lower, or in snow and ice conditions.
If you use winter tires or snow tires, inflate
them to the recommended tire pressures
listed on the tire information label. The
label is on the driver side B-pillar.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
Each tire, including the spare (if When the malfunction indicator is
provided), should be checked illuminated, the system may not be able
monthly when cold and inflated to detect or signal low tire pressure as
to the inflation pressure recommended by intended. TPMS malfunctions may occur
the vehicle manufacturer on the vehicle for a variety of reasons, including the
placard or tire inflation pressure label. (If installation of replacement or alternate
your vehicle has tires of a different size tires or wheels on the vehicle that prevent
than the size indicated on the vehicle the TPMS from functioning properly.
placard or tire inflation pressure label, you Always check the TPMS malfunction
should determine the proper tire inflation telltale after replacing one or more tires or
pressure for those tires). wheels on your vehicle to ensure that the
replacement or alternate tires and wheels
As an added safety feature, your vehicle allow the TPMS to continue to function
has been equipped with a Tire Pressure properly.
Monitoring System (TPMS) that
illuminates a low tire pressure telltale This device complies with Part 15 of the
when one or more of your tires is FCC Rules and with Licence exempt RSS
significantly under-inflated. Accordingly, Standards of Industry Canada. Operation
when the low tire pressure telltale is subject to the following two conditions:
illuminates, you should stop and check • This device may not cause harmful
your tires as soon as possible, and inflate interference.
them to the proper pressure. Driving on a • This device must accept any
significantly under-inflated tire causes the interference received, including
tire to overheat and can lead to tire failure. interference that may cause undesired
Under-inflation also reduces fuel efficiency operation.
and tire tread life, and may affect the
vehicle’s handling and stopping ability.
Please note that the TPMS is not a WARNING: Changes or
substitute for proper tire maintenance, and modifications not expressively approved
it is the driver’s responsibility to maintain by the party responsible for compliance
correct tire pressure, even if under-inflation could void the user's authority to operate
has not reached the level to trigger the equipment. The term "IC:" before the
illumination of the TPMS low tire pressure radio certification number only signifies
telltale. that Industry Canada technical
specifications were met.
Your vehicle has also been equipped with
a TPMS malfunction indicator to indicate
when the system is not operating properly.
The TPMS malfunction indicator is
combined with the low tire pressure
telltale. When the system detects a
malfunction, the telltale will flash for
approximately one minute and then remain
continuously illuminated. This sequence
will continue upon subsequent vehicle
start-ups as long as the malfunction exists.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
1. Drive your vehicle above 20 mph 9. Remove the valve cap from the valve
(32 km/h) for at least two minutes and stem on the left rear tire. Decrease the
then park in a safe location where you air pressure until the horn chirps.
can easily get to all four tires and have Training is complete when the horn
access to a tire inflation pump. chirps after the last system sensor (left
2. Switch the ignition off. rear) has been trained and the system
indicator stops flashing.
3. Switch the ignition on with the engine
off. 10. Switch the ignition off. If two short
horn chirps are heard, the reset
4. Turn the hazard flashers on then off procedure was unsuccessful and
three times, this must be completed must be repeated.
within 10 seconds. If the reset mode
has been entered successfully, the horn Note: If after repeating the procedure two
will chirp once and the system indicator short horn chirps are heard again, have your
will flash. If this does not occur, repeat vehicle checked by an authorized dealer as
the procedure from step 2. If after soon as possible.
repeated attempts to enter the reset 11. Set all four tires to the correct
mode, the horn does not chirp and the pressure See Maintenance (page
system indicator does not flash, have 229). or the tire inflation pressure label
your vehicle checked by an authorized (located on the edge of driver door or
dealer as soon as possible. the B-Pillar).
5. Train the system sensors in the tires
using the following reset sequence CHANGING A ROAD WHEEL
starting with the left front tire and
following a clockwise order: Left front,
right front, right rear, left rear.
6. Remove the valve cap from the valve WARNING: Do not use tire sealants
stem on the left front tire. Decrease the as they may damage the tire pressure
air pressure until the horn chirps. monitoring system.
Note: The single horn chirp confirms that
WARNING: If the tire pressure
the sensor identification code has been
monitor sensor becomes damaged it may
learned by your vehicle for this position. If a
not function.
double horn chirp is heard, the reset
procedure was unsuccessful and must be
repeated. Note: The tire pressure monitoring system
indicator light will illuminate when the spare
7. Remove the valve cap from the valve tire is in use. To restore the full function of
stem on the right front tire. Decrease the monitoring system, all road wheels
the air pressure until the horn chirps. equipped with tire pressure monitoring
8. Remove the valve cap from the valve sensors must be mounted on this vehicle.
stem on the right rear tire. Decrease the If you get a flat tire while driving, do not
air pressure until the horn chirps. apply the brake heavily. Instead, gradually
decrease your speed. Hold the steering
wheel firmly and slowly move to a safe
place on the side of the road.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
• Ground clearance and parking at curbs. Note: If your vehicle is fitted with a tire
• Winter weather driving capability. pressure monitoring system, the warning
indicator will flash if you fit the spare wheel
• Wet weather driving capability. to your vehicle. To restore the correct
• All-wheel driving capability. operation of the tire pressure monitoring
When driving with the full-size dissimilar system, you must have the repaired road
spare wheel and tire assembly additional wheel and tire assembly refitted to your
caution should be given to: vehicle. See Tire Pressure Monitoring
System (page 287). To prevent damage
• Towing a trailer. occurring to the tire pressure monitoring
• Driving vehicles equipped with a system sensors, make sure you have a
camper body. damage tire repaired or replaced by a tire
• Driving vehicles with a load on the professional.
cargo rack. Van, Bus or Wagon
Drive cautiously when using a full-size
dissimilar spare wheel and tire assembly
and seek service as soon as possible.
If the spare wheel is not the same type and 1. Open the rear doors. Remove the
size as your vehicle road wheel, it has a grommet and insert the flat end of the
label showing the maximum driving speed lug wrench into the socket. Turn
limit. counterclockwise until the spare wheel
rests on the ground and the cable is
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
1 2
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
E171405 E171406
Position the head of the vehicle jack under Position the head of the vehicle jack under
the protrusions at the rear of front the rear axle.
Removing a Wheel Trim (If Equipped)
Rear Jacking Points
Vehicles With Steel Wheels
1. Insert the flat end of the lug wrench
WARNING: You must use the between the wheel rim and the wheel
specified jacking points. trim.
2. Carefully remove the wheel trim.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2 2
3 3
E252535 E252535
2. Insert the wheel trim removal tool into 2. Insert the wheel trim removal tool into
the notch in the wheel trim. the notch in the wheel trim.
3. Rotate the wheel trim removal tool and 3. Rotate the wheel trim removal tool and
remove the wheel trim. remove the wheel trim.
Rear Wheel Trim Removing a Road Wheel
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wheels and Tires
WARNING: When a wheel is installed, always remove any corrosion, dirt or foreign
materials present on the mounting surfaces of the wheel or the surface of the wheel hub,
brake drum or brake disc that contacts the wheel. Make sure that any fasteners that
attach the rotor to the hub are secured so they do not interfere with the mounting surfaces
of the wheel. Installing wheels without correct metal-to-metal contact at the wheel
mounting surfaces can cause the wheel nuts to loosen and the wheel to come off while
your vehicle is in motion, resulting in loss of control.
Bolt size *
Ib-ft (Nm)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Engine 3.7 V6
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
3.5L V6 Ecoboost
Component Part number
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
3.7L Duratec
Component Part number
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
The vehicle identification number is
located on the left-hand side of the
instrument panel.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
The National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration Regulations require that a The transmission code is on the Safety
Safety Compliance Certification Label be Compliance Certification Label. The
affixed to a vehicle and prescribe where following table shows the transmission
the Safety Compliance Certification Label code along with the transmission
may be located. The Safety Compliance description.
Certification Label shall be affixed to either
the door hinge pillar, the door latch post,
or the edge of the door near the door latch,
next to the driver's seating position.
Description Code
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Item Quantity
Engine oil fill capacity including the oil filter. 12.0 qt (11.4 L)
Engine oil fill capacity excluding the oil filter. 11.6 qt (11 L)
Engine coolant fill capacity - vehicles with an auxil- 15.3 qt (14.5 L)
iary heater.
Engine coolant fill capacity - vehicles without an 13.9 qt (13.2 L)
auxiliary heater.
1 13.1 qt (12.4 L)
Automatic transmission fluid fill capacity.
Rear axle fluid fill capacity - vehicles with limited 2.9 qt (2.72 L)
slip differential.
Rear axle fluid fill capacity - vehicles with conven- 3.0 qt (2.84 L)
tional differential.
Rear axle friction modifier. 4.0 fl oz (118 ml)
Fuel tank fill capacity. 25.1 gal (95 L)
Diesel exhaust fluid fill capacity. 5.5 gal (21 L)
Washer system fill capacity. 4.8 qt (4.5 L)
Air conditioning refrigerant fill capacity - vehicles 2.45 lb (1.11 kg)
with rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant fill capacity - vehicles 1.76 lb (0.8 kg)
without rear air conditioning.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Item Quantity
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 9.5 fl oz (280 ml)
city - vehicles with rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 5.4 fl oz (160 ml)
city - vehicles without rear air conditioning.
1 Change the automatic transmission fluid and filter at the correct service interval. See
Scheduled Maintenance (page 459).
2 For complete refill of limited slip differential, add 4.0 fl oz. (118 ml) of Additive Friction
Adding Engine Oil
We recommend that you use Motorcraft
Quantity oil and fluids for your vehicle. Only use
fluid that meets Ford specifications. Only
2.6 qt (2.5 L) use oils certified for diesel engines by the
The quantity of engine oil required to raise American Petroleum Institute (API).
the indicated level on the dipstick from
minimum to maximum.
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Item Quantity
Engine oil fill capacity including the oil filter. 5.9 qt (5.6 L)
Engine oil fill capacity excluding the oil filter. 5.4 qt (5.1 L)
Engine coolant fill capacity - vehicles with an auxil- 16.4 qt (15.5 L)
iary heater.
Engine coolant fill capacity - vehicles without an 14.9 qt (14.1 L)
auxiliary heater.
1 13.1 qt (12.4 L)
Automatic transmission fluid fill capacity.
Rear axle fluid fill capacity - vehicles with limited 2.9 qt (2.72 L)
slip differential.
Rear axle fluid fill capacity - vehicles with conven- 3.0 qt (2.84 L)
tional differential.
Rear axle friction modifier. 4.0 fl oz (118 ml)
Fuel tank fill capacity. 25.1 gal (95 L)
Washer system fill capacity. 4.8 qt (4.5 L)
Air conditioning refrigerant fill capacity - vehicles 2.62 lb (1.19 kg)
with rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant fill capacity - vehicles 1.76 lb (0.8 kg)
without rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 9.5 fl oz (280 ml)
city - vehicles with rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 5.4 fl oz (160 ml)
city - vehicles without rear air conditioning.
1 Change the automatic transmission fluid and filter at the correct service interval. See
Scheduled Maintenance (page 459).
2 For complete refill of limited slip differential, add 4.0 fl oz. (118 ml) of Additive Friction
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Item Quantity
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Item Quantity
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 9.5 fl oz (280 ml)
city - vehicles with rear air conditioning.
Air conditioning refrigerant compressor oil fill capa- 5.4 fl oz (160 ml)
city - vehicles without rear air conditioning.
1 Change the automatic transmission fluid and filter at the correct service interval. See
Scheduled Maintenance (page 459).
2 For complete refill of limited slip differential, add 4.0 fl oz. (118 ml) of Additive Friction
Adding Engine Oil
We recommend that you use Motorcraft
Quantity oil and fluids for your vehicle. Only use
fluid that meets Ford specifications.
1.0 qt (0.9 L)
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
Name Specification
Name Specification
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Capacities and Specifications
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Distance and strength The further you travel from an AM or FM station, the
weaker the signal and the weaker the reception.
Terrain Hills, mountains, tall buildings, bridges, tunnels, freeway
overpasses, parking garages, dense tree foliage and
thunderstorms can interfere with the reception.
Station overload When you pass a ground-based broadcast repeating
tower, a stronger signal may overtake a weaker one and
result in the audio system muting.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
• MP3 and WMA folder mode represents AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLES WITH:
a folder structure consisting of one
level of folders. The CD player numbers AM/FM/CD/SYNC/SATELLITE
all MP3 and WMA tracks on the disc RADIO
(noted by the MP3 or WMA file
extension) and all folders containing
MP3 and WMA files, from F001 (folder)
T001 (track) to F253 T255. WARNING: Driving while distracted
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash
• Creating discs with only one level of and injury. We strongly recommend that
folders helps with navigation through you use extreme caution when using any
the disc files. device that may take your focus off the
If you are burning your own MP3 and WMA road. Your primary responsibility is the safe
discs, it is important to understand how operation of your vehicle. We recommend
the system reads the structures you create. against the use of any hand-held device
While various files may be present (files while driving and encourage the use of
with extensions other than MP3 and voice-operated systems when possible.
WMA), only files with the MP3 and WMA Make sure you are aware of all applicable
extension are played; other files are local laws that may affect the use of
ignored by the system. This enables you to electronic devices while driving.
use the same MP3 and WMA disc for a
variety of tasks on your work computer, Note: You can operate your audio system
home computer and your in-vehicle for up to one hour after you switch the
system. ignition off. Press the on and off control to
operate the system with the ignition turned
In track mode, the system displays and
off. The system automatically turns off after
plays the structure as if it were only one
one hour.
level deep (all MP3 and WMA files play,
regardless of being in a specific folder). In Note: Some features, such as SIRIUS
folder mode, the system only plays the satellite radio, may not be available in your
MP3 and WMA files in the current folder. location. Check with an authorized dealer.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLES WITH: against the use of any hand-held device
AM/FM/CD/SYNC while driving and encourage the use of
voice-operated systems when possible.
Make sure you are aware of all applicable
local laws that may affect the use of
WARNING: Driving while distracted electronic devices while driving.
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash
and injury. We strongly recommend that Note: You can operate your audio system
you use extreme caution when using any for up to one hour after you switch the
device that may take your focus off the ignition off. Press the on and off control to
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe operate the system with the ignition turned
operation of your vehicle. We recommend off. The system automatically turns off after
one hour.
Note: Depending on your vehicle option
package, your system may look different
from what you see here.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
AUDIO UNIT - VEHICLES WITH: you use extreme caution when using any
AM/FM/USB PORT/ device that may take your focus off the
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe
BLUETOOTH operation of your vehicle. We recommend
against the use of any hand-held device
while driving and encourage the use of
WARNING: Driving while distracted voice-operated systems when possible.
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash Make sure you are aware of all applicable
and injury. We strongly recommend that local laws that may affect the use of
electronic devices while driving.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
5. Search for Bluetooth devices using the 4. Select VIA RADIO and press
cell phone. For information on phone SEARCHING will be displayed on the
settings, refer to your phone user guide. radio display.
6. Select FORD BT from the list of 5. Select the desired Bluetooth device
Bluetooth devices found by your phone. from the list found by your audio unit
7. Check if the number on the radio and press OK.
display matches the number displayed 6. Type any PIN number in the radio with
on your phone and confirm pairing if 6 digits.
prompted. 7. Check if the number on the radio
8. Once pairing has been successful SET display matches the number displayed
PRIMARY will be displayed on the on your phone and confirm pairing if
radio display. prompted.
9. Press the OK button twice to confirm 8. Once pairing has been successful SET
your phone as the primary device for PRIMARY will be displayed on the
all future connections. radio display.
10. LOAD PHONEBK is then displayed 9. Press the OK button twice to confirm
on the audio unit. Press the OK your phone as the primary device for
button twice to confirm that the all future connections.
contents of your phonebook are 10. LOAD PHONEBK will then be
downloaded to the system. displayed on the audio unit. Press the
11. The Bluetooth device name is OK button twice to confirm that the
displayed on the audio unit. contents of your phonebook are
downloaded to the system.
When you press and hold the Voice
Pass-Through button, the screen displays 11. The Bluetooth device name is
the message VR-APP ACTIV, a tone displayed on the audio unit.
sounds and you can give a command with
a clear and natural voice. Phonebook Downloading
Note: Some devices may not accept this If your phonebook was not downloaded
pairing procedure. If these instructions do during initial Bluetooth pairing follow this
not work for your device, follow the process:
instructions using the radio. 1. Press the PHONE button and then
keep pressing the MENU button to
Using the radio
scroll to the LOAD PHONEBK display.
1. Enable Bluetooth in your cell phone. 2. Press the OK button.
For information on phone settings, refer
to your phone user guide.
2. Press the PHONE button and then
keep pressing the MENU button to
scroll to the ADD DEVICE display.
Press the OK button.
3. Select the VIA RADIO and press
SEARCHING will be displayed on the
radio display.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Note: The system is only designed to Select the iPod as the audio source by
recognize and read suitable audio files from pressing the MEDIA button until IPOD
a USB device that conforms to the USB appears in the display. After first
Mass-Storage device class or an iPod. Not connecting the iPod, the first track within
all available USB devices can be guaranteed the first folder will start to play
to function with the system. automatically. Following audio source
switching, the position of playback on the
Note: It is possible to connect compatible
iPod is remembered.
devices with a trailing USB lead as well as
those that plug into the USB socket directly Press the seek up and down keys to skip
(for example USB memory sticks and pen backward and forward through tracks.
drives). Press and hold the seek keys to enable fast
Note: Some USB devices with a higher rewind or fast forward through track
power consumption may not be compatible content.
(for example some larger hard drives). Various functions may be controlled from
Note: Access time to read the files on the the audio unit including:
external device will vary depending upon • Next and previous track select.
factors such as the file structure, size and
device content. • Track seek.
• Shuffle.
The audio unit supports a range of external
devices. Once connected, control of the • Repeat.
external device is possible via the audio
unit. Bluetooth Audio Streaming
Operating the USB Device Note: Make sure the device is paired before
using this feature.
Note: USB playback will start automatically Compatible Bluetooth devices can be
when you connect a compatible device. To connected to the audio unit to playback
turn this feature off, select AUTOPL and using the vehicle audio system.
then select OFF using the menu function.
Select the device as the audio source by
Connect the device to the audio unit. pressing the MEDIA button until BT
Select the USB device as the audio source AUDIO appears in the display.
by pressing the MEDIA button until the The device playback can be controlled
USB screen appears in the display. After using the audio unit buttons play, pause,
first connecting the USB device, the first next and previous track.
track within the first folder will start to play
automatically. Following audio source
switching, the position of playback on the
USB device is remembered.
Press the seek up and down keys to skip
backward and forward through tracks.
Press and hold to fast forward and reverse
through the track.
Connect the iPod to the audio unit.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Set Hour Use the cursor up or down arrow buttons to set the correct
Press the Clock button again until the following message is displayed.
Set Minutes Use the cursor up or down arrow buttons to set the correct
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
24 Hour Use the cursor up or down arrow buttons to select one of the
12 Hour
24 Hour
Note: The default setting is 24 hour.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Select your media device as the audio The multicast indicator appears in FM
source by pressing the AUX button. After mode (only) if the current station is
connecting your media device, the first broadcasting multiple digital broadcasts.
track will start to play automatically. The highlighted numbers signify available
digital channels where new or different
content is available. HD1 signifies the main
DIGITAL RADIO programming status and is available in
analog and digital broadcasts. Other
Note: HD Radio broadcasts are not multicast stations (HD2 through HD7) are
available in all markets. only available digitally.
HD Radio technology is the digital When HD Radio broadcasts are active, you
evolution of analog AM/FM radio. Your can access the following functions:
system has a special receiver that allows
it to receive digital broadcasts (where • Scan allows you to hear a brief
available) in addition to the analog sampling of all available stations. This
broadcasts, it already receives. Digital feature still works when HD Radio
broadcasts provide a better sound quality reception is on, although it does not
than analog broadcasts with free, scan for HD2-HD7 channels. You may
crystal-clear audio and no static or see the HD logo appear if the station
distortion. For more information, and a has a digital broadcast.
guide to available stations and • Memory presets allow you to save an
programming, please visit active channel as a memory preset. Touch and hold a memory preset slot
When HD Radio is on and you tune to a until the sound returns. There is a brief
station broadcasting HD Radio technology, mute while the radio saves the station.
you may notice the HD Radio logo on your Sound returns when finished. When
screen. When this logo is available, you switching to an HD2 or HD3 memory
may also see Title and Artist fields preset, the sound mutes before the
on-screen. digital audio plays, because the system
has to reacquire the digital signal.
Note: As with any saved radio station, you
cannot access the saved station if your
vehicle is outside the station’s reception
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Reception area If you are listening to a multicast station and you are on
the fringe of the reception area, the station may mute due
to weak signal strength.
If you are listening to HD1, the system switches back to
the analog broadcast until the digital broadcast is available
again. However, if you are listening to any of the possible
HD2-HD7 multicast channels, the station mutes and stays
muted unless it is able to connect to the digital signal
Station blending When the system first receives a station (aside from HD2-
HD7 multicast stations), it first plays the station in the
analog version. Once the receiver verifies the station is an
HD Radio station, it shifts to the digital version. Depending
on the station quality, you may hear a slight sound change
when the station changes from analog to digital. Blending
is the shift from analog to digital sound or digital back to
analog sound.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
Echo, stutter, skip or repeat This is poor time alignment No action required. This is a
in audio. by the radio broadcaster. broadcast issue.
Increase or decrease in
audio volume.
Sound fading or blending in The radio is shifting between No action required. The
and out. analog and digital audio. reception issue may clear up
as you continue to drive.
There is an audio mute The digital multicast is not No action required. This is
delay when selecting HD2 or available until the HD Radio normal behavior. Wait until
HD3, multicast preset or broadcast is decoded. Once the audio is available.
Direct Tune. decoded, the audio is avail-
Cannot access HD2 or HD3 The previously stored No action required. The
multicast channel when multicast preset or direct station is not available in
recalling a preset or from a tune is not available in your your current location.
direct tune. current reception area.
Text information does not Data service issue by the Fill out the station issue
match currently playing radio broadcaster. form at website listed
audio. below.
There is no text information Data service issue by the Fill out the station issue
shown for currently selected radio broadcaster. form at website listed
frequency. below.
HD2-HD7 stations not found Pressing Scan disables No action required. This is
when Scan is pressed. HD2-HD7 channel search. normal behavior.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
AUDIO INPUT JACK (If Equipped) The audio input jack allows you to connect
and play music from a portable music
player through your vehicle speakers. You
can use any portable music player
WARNING: Driving while distracted designed for use with headphones. The
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash audio extension cable must have a 0.14 in
and injury. We strongly recommend that (3.5 mm) male connector at each end. The
you use extreme caution when using any audio extension cable must be long
device that may take your focus off the enough to allow the portable music player
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe to be safely stored while your vehicle is
operation of your vehicle. We recommend moving.
against the use of any hand-held device 1. Make sure your vehicle is stationary
while driving and encourage the use of with the audio unit and the portable
voice-operated systems when possible. music player switched off.
Make sure you are aware of all applicable
local laws that may affect the use of 2. Plug the extension cable from the
electronic devices while driving. portable music player into the audio
input jack.
WARNING: For safety reasons, do 3. Switch the audio unit on. Select either
not connect or adjust the settings on your a tuned FM station or a CD.
portable music player while your vehicle is 4. Adjust the volume as desired.
5. Switch the portable music player on
and adjust the volume to half its
WARNING: Store the portable music maximum level.
player in a secure location when your
vehicle is moving, for example the glove 6. Press the AUX button on the audio
compartment. Hard objects may become unit. You should hear music from the
projectiles in a crash or sudden stop, which portable music player even if it is low.
may increase the risk of serious injury. 7. Adjust the volume on the portable
music player as desired. Do this by
switching back and forth between the
AUX and FM or CD controls.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio System
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You can say any of the voice commands that appear within open and close brackets that
are separated by |. For example, where; (cancel | exit) appears you say; cancel or exit.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
voice settings
Then either of the following:
interaction mode novice Provides more detailed interaction and
guidance. (Recommended for first time
interaction mode advanced Provides less audible interaction and guid-
Confirmation Prompts
Confirmation prompts are short questions
the system asks when it is not sure of your
request or when there is more than one
possible response to your request.
To adjust this setting press the voice button, when prompted say:
Voice Command Action and Description
voice settings
Then either of the following:
confirmation prompts off Make a best guess from the command; you
may still occasionally be asked to confirm
confirmation prompts on Clarify your voice command with a short
Phone Confirmation
Using phone confirmations the system
asks you to verify before placing any calls.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
To adjust this setting press the voice button, when prompted say:
Voice Command Action and Description
voice settings
Then any of the following:
phone confirmation on When enabled, this feature will prompt you
to confirm any voice initiated call command
prior to the call being placed.
phone confirmation off The system will make a best guess; you
may still occasionally be asked to confirm
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Other features, such as text messaging 4. When prompted on your cell phone’s
using Bluetooth and automatic phonebook display, confirm that the PIN provided
download, are phone-dependent features. by SYNC matches the PIN displayed
To check your phone's compatibility, see on your cell phone. Your phone is now
your phone's manual and visit paired and the display indicates that, the pairing was successful. If you are or prompted to enter a PIN on your device, enter the PIN displayed on the screen.
The display indicates when the pairing
Pairing a Phone for the First Time is successful.
Wirelessly pairing your phone with SYNC Depending on your phone's capability and
allows you to make and receive hands-free your market, the system may prompt you
calls. with questions, such as setting the current
phone as the primary phone (the phone
Note: SYNC can support downloading up SYNC automatically tries to connect with
to approximately 4000 entries per first upon vehicle start-up) and
Bluetooth-enabled cellular phone. downloading your phonebook.
Note: Make sure to switch on the ignition
and the radio. Shift the transmission into Using Voice Commands
park (P) for automatic transmission or first Make sure to switch on your
gear for manual transmission. phone's Bluetooth feature
Using the Audio System
E142599 before starting the search. See
your device's manual if necessary.
Note: To scroll through the menus, press
the up and down arrows on your audio Press the voice and when prompted
system. say:
1. Make sure to switch on your phone's
Bluetooth feature before starting the Voice Command Action and Descrip-
search. See your device's manual if tion
necessary. (pair ([Bluetooth] Follow the instruc-
2. Press the PHONE button. When the device | phone | tions on the audio
audio display indicates there is no Bluetooth audio) | display.
paired phone, select the option to add. add phone)
3. When a message to begin pairing You can say any of the voice commands
appears in the audio display, search for that appear within open and close brackets
SYNC on your phone to start the pairing that are separated by |. For example,
process. where; (what's | what is) appears you say;
what's or what is.
The commands that have [ ] around the
word means that the word is optional.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Depending on your phone's capability and SYNC may prompt you with more cell
your market, the system may prompt you phone options. Your cell phone may also
with questions, such as setting the current prompt you to give SYNC permission to
phone as the primary phone (the phone access information. For more information
SYNC automatically tries to connect with on your cell phone’s capability, see your
first upon vehicle start-up) and cell phone’s manual and visit the website.
downloading your phonebook.
Phone Voice Commands
Pairing Subsequent Phones
Press the voice button. When
Note: Make sure to switch on the ignition prompted, say any of the
and the radio. Shift the transmission into E142599 following:
park (P) for automatic transmission or first
gear for manual transmission.
Voice Command
Note: To scroll through the menus, press
the up and down arrows on your audio (phone | Blackberry | iPhone)
Then say any of the following:
1. Make sure to switch on your phone's
Bluetooth feature before starting the call (___)
search. See your device's manual if
necessary. call ___ at home
2. Press the PHONE button. call ___ ((in|at) [the] office | at work)
3. Select the option for Bluetooth call ___ on (cell | mobile)
4. Press the OK button. call ___ on other
5. Select the option to add. This starts dial [[a] number] 1
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Voice Command
To access text messages say:
[text] (messages | message) 3
Voice Command
help [text] (messages | message)
___ is a dynamic listing that should be the Then say any of the following:
name of a contact in your phonebook. For
example you could say "Call Home". (listen to | read) ([text] message)
See Dial table below. forward (text | [text] message)
These commands are only valid while in reply to (text | [text] message)
a phone call.
3 call [sender]
See the text message table below.
Phonebook Hints
Dial Commands
To hear how the SYNC system speaks a
Press the voice button and when prompted
name browse phonebook, select a contact
say any of the following commands:
and press:
Voice Commands
Menu Item
411 (four-one-one), 911 (nine-one-one)
Hear it
700 (seven hundred)
Changing Devices Using Voice
800 (eight hundred) Commands
900 (nine hundred) Using SYNC, you can easily access multiple
Clear (deletes all entered digits) phones, ipods, or USB devices. to switch
devices say:
Delete (deletes last set of digits entered)
Number <0-9>
Pound (#)
Star (*)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
E142599 Accept
When the system has stated the Phone Options during an Active
number, you say any of the following: Call
Voice Command During an active call, you have more menu
features that become available, such as
(dial | send) This initiates the call. putting a call on hold or joining calls.
(delete | This erases the spoken To access this menu, choose one of the
correct) digits. options available at the bottom of the
audio display or select More to choose
To end the call, press the end call button from the following options:
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Dial a number Enter numbers using the audio system's numeric keypad.
Phonebook Access your downloaded phonebook.
1. Press the OK button to confirm and enter. You can use
the options at the bottom of the screen to access an
alphabetical category quickly. You can also use the letters
on the audio system's numeric keypad to jump in the list.
2. Scroll through your phonebook contacts.
3. Press the OK button again when the desired selection
appears in the audio display.
4. Press the OK button or dial button to call the selection.
Call History Access any previously dialed, received or missed calls.
1. Press the OK button to select.
2. Scroll to select incoming, outgoing or missed calls. Press
the OK button to make your selection.
3. Press the OK button or dial button to call the selection.
Speed Dial Select 1 of 10 speed dial entries. To set a speed dial entry,
go to the phonebook and then press and hold one of the
numbers on the audio system's numeric keypad.
Text messaging Send, download and delete text messages.
BT Devices Access the option for Bluetooth Device menu listings (add,
connect, set as primary, on or off, delete).
Phone settings View various settings and features on your phone.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Ignore Select this option, or do nothing, and the message goes into your text message
View Select the view option to open the text message. Once selected, you have
the ability to have the message read to you, to view other messages. For
additional options select:
More... If you select this option, use the arrow button to scroll through the
following options:
Reply to Press the OK button to access, and then scroll
sender through a list of pre-defined messages to send.
Call sender Press the OK button to call the sender of the
Forward Press the OK button to forward the message to
msg. anyone in your phonebook or call history. You can
also choose to enter a number.
New Allows you to send a new text message based on a pre-defined set of 15
View Allows you to read the full message and, in addition, provides the option to
have the system read the message to you. To go to the next message, select
the More option. This allows you to reply to the sender, call the sender or
forward the message.
Delete Allows you to delete current text messages from the system (not your cellular
phone). The audio display indicates when the system has deleted all your
text messages.
More... Allows you to delete all messages or manually trigger a download of all
unread messages from your cellular phone.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Sending a Text Message Note: You can send text messages either
by choosing a contact from the phonebook
Note: You can only send a text message to
and selecting the text option from the audio
one recipient at a time.
display or by replying to a received message
1. Select the send option when the in the inbox.
desired selection highlights in the audio
display. Accessing Your Phone Settings
2. Select the confirmation option when These are phone-dependent features. Your
the contact appears. phone settings allow you to access and
3. Press the OK button again to confirm adjust features such as your ring tone and
when the system asks if you want to text message notification, modify your
send the message. A pre-defined phonebook, and set up automatic
signature appears on each text download.
message. 1. Press the PHONE button.
2. Scroll until the phone settings option
appears, and then press the OK button.
Set as master If this option is checked, the system uses the cellular phone
as the master when there is more than one cellular phone
paired to the system. This option can be changed for all
cellular phones (not only the active phone) using the
Bluetooth Devices menu.
Phone status See the cellular phone name, provider name, cellular
phone number, and signal level. When done, press the left
arrow buttons to return to the phone status menu.
Set ringtone Select which ringtone sounds during an incoming call (one
of the system's tones or your cellular phone's). If your
phone supports in-band ringing, your phone's ringtone
sounds when you choose the cellular phone ringtone
1. Press the OK button to select and scroll to hear each
2. Press the OK button to select a ringtone.
Text msg notify Have the option of hearing an audible tone to notify you
when a text message arrives. Press the OK button to
switch the audible tone off or on.
Phonebook pref. Modify the contents of your phonebook (such as add,
delete or download). Press the OK button to select and
scroll between the choices in the phonebook preferences
table below.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Add contacts Push the desired contacts on your cellular phone. See your
device's manual on how to push contacts. Press the OK
button to add more contacts from your phonebook.
Delete When a message asking you to delete appears, select the
option to confirm. Press the OK button to delete the
current phonebook and call history. The system takes you
back to the menu for phone settings.
Download now Press the OK button to select and download your phone-
book to the system.
Auto-download When automatic download is on, the system deletes any
changes (additions or deletions) saved in the system since
your last download.
When automatic download is off, the system does not
download your phonebook when your cellular phone
connects to SYNC.
You can only access your phonebook, call history and text
messages when your paired cellular phone connects to
the system. Check or uncheck this option to download
your phonebook automatically each time your phone
connects to the system. Download times are phone-
dependent and quantity-dependent.
Sorting Pref. Enabling this feature allows you to select how your
contacts are displayed. You can select:
First/Last name Last/First name
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
SYNC™ APPLICATIONS AND Note: The SYNC 911 Assist feature must be
set on before the incident.
SERVICES (If Equipped)
Note: The SYNC 911 Assist feature only
In order for the following features to work, operates in the U.S., Canada or in a territory
your cellular phone must be compatible in which 911 is the emergency number.
with SYNC. To check your phone's Note: Before setting this feature on, make
compatibility, visit, sure that you read the 911 Assist Privacy or Notice later in this section for important information.
• 911 Assist: Can alert 911 in the event of Note: If any user switches 911 Assist to on
an emergency. or off, that setting applies for all paired
• SYNC AppLink: Allows you to connect phones. If 911 Assist is switched off, either
to and use certain applications such as a voice message plays or a display message
Spotify and Glympse (if your phone is or an icon comes on when your vehicle is
compatible). started and after a previously paired phone
These features may require activation.
Available AppLink enabled apps vary by Note: Every phone operates differently.
market. While SYNC 911 Assist works with most
cellular phones, some may have trouble
911 Assist using this feature.
If a crash deploys an airbag (excluding
knee airbags and rear inflatable safety
WARNING: Unless the 911 Assist belts [if equipped]) or activates the fuel
setting is set on before a crash, the system pump shut-off, your SYNC-equipped
will not dial for help which could delay vehicle may be able to contact emergency
response time, potentially increasing the services by dialing 911 through a paired and
risk of serious injury or death after a crash. connected Bluetooth-enabled phone. You
can learn more about the 911 Assist
WARNING: Do not wait for 911 Assist feature, visit,
to make an emergency call if you can do it or
yourself. Dial emergency services
immediately to avoid delayed response See Supplementary Restraints System
time which could increase the risk of (page 46). Important information about
serious injury or death after a crash. If you airbag deployment is in this chapter.
do not hear 911 Assist within five seconds
of the crash, the system or phone may be See Roadside Emergencies (page 194).
damaged or non-functional. Important information about the fuel pump
shut-off is in this chapter.
WARNING: Always place your phone
in a secure location in your vehicle so it
does not become a projectile or get
damaged in a crash. Failure to do so may
cause serious injury to someone or damage
the phone which could prevent 911 Assist
from working properly.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
911 Assist Privacy Notice Note: Make sure you have an active account
for the app that you have downloaded.
When you switch on 911 Assist, it may Some apps work automatically with no
disclose to emergency services that your setup. Other apps want you to configure
vehicle has been in a crash involving the your personal settings and personalize your
deployment of an airbag or activation of experience by creating stations or favorites.
the fuel pump shut-off. Certain versions or We recommend you do this at home or
updates to 911 Assist may also be capable outside of your vehicle.
of electronically or verbally disclosing to
911 operators your vehicle location or other Note: AppLink is not available if your
details about your vehicle or crash to assist vehicle is equipped with the MyFordTouch
911 operators to provide the most system.
appropriate emergency services. If you do
not want to disclose this information, do To Access Using the SYNC Menu
not switch the feature on.
Press the MENU button to access the
SYNC Mobile Apps menu on-screen. Then select:
The system enables voice and steering Menu Action and Description
wheel control of SYNC AppLink enabled Item
smartphone apps. When an app is running SYNC-Apps
through AppLink, you can control main
features of the app through voice Mobile Scroll through the list of
commands and steering wheel controls. Apps available applications and
Note: You must pair and connect your select a particular app or
smartphone to SYNC to access AppLink. select:
Note: iPhone users need to connect the Find New Apps
phone to the USB port.
Note: Android users need to connect the Note: If you cannot find a compatible SYNC
phone to SYNC using Bluetooth. AppLink app, make sure the required app is
running on the mobile device.
Note: For information on available apps,
supported smartphone devices and Accessing an App's Menu
troubleshooting tips please visit the Ford
website. When an app is running through SYNC,
press the right arrow button on the steering
Availability of SYNC AppLink enabled Apps wheel control to access the app menu.
will vary by region.
You can access various app features from
here, for example thumbs up and thumbs
Press the left arrow button on the steering
wheel control to exit the app menu.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
mobile (apps | Say the name of the application after the tone.
applications) The app should start. When an app is running through SYNC, you
can press the voice button and speak commands specific to the
app, for example "Play Playlist Road Trip".
help Use this command to discover the available voice commands.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Press the MENU button to access the SYNC menu then select:
Menu Item Action and Description
Mobile Apps
All Apps You can also select a specific app.
If the app supports push notifications, this
setting is listed. Select to enable or disable
the feature as required.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Update settings
Menu Item Action and Description
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Browse USB Depending on how many media files are on your connected
device, an indexing message may appear in the display. When
indexing is complete, the selected source starts to playback
audio automatically.
You can browse the files on the USB
device in categories. Select BROWSE Albums
from the buttons at the bottom of the
audio display and choose from the Genres
Browse USB
Reset USB
Play all
Media Voice Commands
Press the voice button and when
Songs prompted say:
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
(USB [stick] | iPod | MP3 You can now play music by saying any of the appropriate
[player]) voice commands.
You can say any of the voice commands that appear within open and close brackets that
are separated by |. For example, where; (what's | what is) appears you say; what's or
what is.
You must say any of the voice commands that appear outside of open and close brackets.
For example, where; (what's | what is) playing, you must say either "what's playing" or
"what is playing".
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
___ is a dynamic listing, meaning that it • Play album "Magical Mystery Tour".
could be the name of anything, such as a • Play "Magical Mystery Tour".
group, artist or song. For example you
could say "Play artist The Beatles". Bluetooth Audio
The system is also capable of playing
Examples of USB Commands
music from your cellular phone through
SYNC provides the user with many intuitive Bluetooth.
ways to find and play a song using voice. To switch the Bluetooth Audio on, press
For example, if we have a song called the MEDIA button and select:
"Penny Lane" from the album "Magical
Mystery Tour" we can say the following to
Menu Item
play this song:
• Play song "Penny Lane". BT audio
• Play "Penny Lane".
Then any of the following:
If we wanted to play the entire album, we
can say:
Voice Command
next [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]
previous [track | title | song | file | podcast | chapter | episode]
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Shuffle Choose to shuffle or repeat your music. Once you make your
choice, it remains on until you switch it off.
Repeat track Choose to shuffle or repeat your music. Once you make your
choice, it remains on until you switch it off.
Similar music You can play similar types of music to the current playlist
from the USB port. The system uses the metadata informa-
tion of each track to compile a playlist. The system then
creates a new list of similar tracks and then begins playing.
Each track must have the metadata tags populated for this
feature. With certain playing devices, if your metadata tags
are not populated, the tracks will not be available in voice
recognition, the play menu or this option. However, if you
place these tracks onto your playing device in mass storage
device mode they are available in voice recognition, the play
menu or this option. The system places unknowns into any
unpopulated metadata tag.
Reset USB Resets the USB index. After the new indexing is complete
you can choose what to play from the USB song library.
Browse USB This menu allows you to select and play your media files by
artist, album, genre, playlist or track.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Play all Play all indexed media files from your device one at a time
in numerical order.
Press the OK button to select. The first track title appears
in the display.
Playlists Access your playlists (from formats like ASX, M3U, WPL,
or MTP).
1. Press the OK button to select.
2. Scroll to select the desired playlist, and then press the
OK button.
Songs Search for and play a specific indexed track.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
E142599 help
Press the voice button and when If equipped.
prompted say:
Radio Voice Commands
Voice Command
If you are listening to the radio,
(music | audio | entertainment) [system] press the voice button, and then
E142599 say any of the commands in the
Below are a few examples of voice following table.
commands you can use.
[tune [to]] AM If you are not listening to the radio,
press the voice button and, after the
[tune [to]] AM1 tone, say:
[tune [to]] AM (autostore | AST | Voice Command
[tune [to]] AM 2
You can then say any of the following
Bluetooth (audio | stereo) commands.
(disc | CD [player]) play [tune [to]] AM
[tune [to]] FM [tune [to]] AM1
[tune [to]] FM1 [tune [to]] AM (autostore | AST |
[tune [to]] FM (autostore | AST |
autoset) [tune [to]] AM 2
[tune [to]] FM 2 [tune [to]] (AM ___ | ___ [AM])
Radio [tune [to]] AM preset ___
tune [to] SAT *
[tune [to]] AM1 preset ___
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
[tune [to]] FM 2 preset ___ [tune [to]] Sirius You can say the
[channel] ___ channel number (0-
HD ___ * 233) to listen to that
Sirius station.
[tune [to]] preset ___
CD Voice Commands
If you are listening to a CD, press
help the voice button, and then say
E142599 any of the commands in the
If equipped.
following table.
Sirius Satellite Radio Voice Commands
(If equipped) If you are not listening to a CD, press
the voice button and, after the tone,
To listen to Sirius satellite radio, say:
press the voice button and, after
E142599 the tone, say: Voice Command
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Phone issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Phone issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Phone issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You may be using the wrong Make sure you are saying the
voice commands. contacts exactly as they are
listed. For example, if you
save a contact as Joe
SYNC does not understand Wilson, say "Call Joe
or is calling the wrong Wilson".
contact when I want to
make a call. Using the SYNC phone
menu, open the phonebook
and scroll to the name
You may be saying the SYNC is having trouble
name differently than the understanding. SYNC will
way you saved it. read the name to you, giving
you some idea of the
pronunciation SYNC is
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
The SYNC system in your vehicle has System Reset feature that can be performed if
the function of a SYNC feature is lost. This reset is intended to restore functionality and
will not erase any information previously stored in the system (Such as paired devices,
phonebook, call history, text messages, or user settings). To perform a System Reset,
press and hold the Seek Up (>>) button while pressing and holding the Radio Power
button. Release both buttons after 2-3 seconds. Please allow a few minutes for the
reset to complete. After a few minutes has passed you can resume using the SYNC
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
A Status Bar This bar displays icons and messages pertaining to current
system activities including climate settings, voice
commands and phone functions such as text messages.
B Home This button is available on the main screens. Pressing it
takes you to the home screen view.
C Clock This shows the current time. You can set the clock manually
or have it controlled by the vehicle's GPS location. See
Settings (page 428).
D Outside This displays the current outside temperature.
E Feature Bar You can touch any of the buttons on this bar to select a
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
H 911 Assist Off This icon displays when 911 Assist is set to off and
your phone is connected to SYNC.
I Bluetooth Alert This icon displays when there is an active Bluetooth
J Bluetooth This icon displays to show an active Bluetooth
Feature Bar
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
When using voice commands, words and See Steering Wheel (page 80).
icons may appear in the status bar Using Your Bezel Controls
indicating the status of the voice command
session. See Using Voice Recognition Depending on your vehicle and option
(page 396). package, you may also have these controls
on your instrument panel:
Using the Steering Wheel Controls
• Power: Switch the audio system on
Depending on your vehicle and option and off.
package, you can use different controls on • VOL: Control the volume of playing
your steering wheel to interact with the audio.
touchscreen system in different ways.
• Seek and Tune: se as you normally
VOL: Control the volume of audio output. would in audio modes.
Mute: Mute the audio output. • Eject: Eject a CD from the audio
Voice: Press to start a voice session. Press system.
again to stop the voice prompt and • SOURCE or MEDIA: Press repeatedly
immediately begin speaking. Press and to advance through available media
hold to end a voice session. modes.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• SOUND: Press to access the Sound • Do not leave playing devices in your
menu where you can adjust sound and vehicle during extreme conditions as it
other audio settings. could cause them damage. See your
• 1-6: Press and hold to store or press to device's user guide for further
select an AM, FM or SIRIUS memory information.
preset. See Audio System (page 326). • For your safety, some SYNC 3 functions
• DISP: Switch the display on or off. You are speed-dependent. Their use is
can also touch the screen to switch the limited to when your vehicle is traveling
display back on. at speeds under 3 mph (5 km/h). Make
sure that you review your device's
• Temperature, fan and climate manual before using it with SYNC 3.
control buttons: Control the
temperature, fan speed or settings of Speed-restricted Features
the climate control system. See
Climate Control (page 109). Some features of this system may be too
difficult to use while your vehicle is moving
Safety Information so they are restricted from use unless your
vehicle is stationary.
• Screens crowded with information,
WARNING: Driving while distracted such as Point of Interest reviews and
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash ratings, SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link
and injury. We strongly recommend that sports scores, movie times or ski
you use extreme caution when using any conditions.
device that may take your focus off the
• Any action that requires you to use a
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe
keyboard is restricted, such as entering
operation of your vehicle. We recommend
a navigation destination or editing
against the use of any hand-held device
while driving and encourage the use of
voice-operated systems when possible. • All lists are limited so the user can view
Make sure you are aware of all applicable fewer entries (such as phone contacts
local laws that may affect the use of or recent phone call entries).
electronic devices while driving. See the following chart for more specific
• Do not attempt to service or repair the
system. Have an authorized dealer
check your vehicle.
• Do not operate playing devices if the
power cords or cables are broken, split
or damaged. Place cords and cables
out of the way, so they do not interfere
with the operation of pedals, seats,
compartments or safe driving abilities.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Restricted features
Creating a SYNC Owner Account
Why do I need a SYNC owner account?
• Essential for keeping up with the latest Updating Your System
software and connected features.
• Access to customer support for any You can choose to download the update
questions you may have. onto a USB drive or use Wi-Fi to deliver
automatic updates.
• Maintain account permissions.
Visit the website to sign up and register. USB Updates
To use the USB update you need to log
Website into your owner account and visit the SYNC
software update page.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
To connect your system to Wi-Fi, select:
Menu Item
The website notifies you if an update is
available. You can then select to download Settings
the update.
You will need an empty USB drive. Please
check the website for minimum Available You can then select your
requirements. Once you have inserted the Wi-Fi Wi-Fi network. You may
USB drive into your computer, choose to Networks have to enter the security
start the download. Follow the instructions code if the network is
provided to download the files to the USB secured. The system
drive. confirms when it has
connected to the network.
The installation of most files occurs in the
background, and does not interrupt your
use of the system. Navigation updates You must also give the system permission
cannot be installed in the background, to update automatically. Upon vehicle
because the files are too large. delivery, the System asks you if you would
like to use the automatic update feature.
To install the update in your vehicle, If you agree to automatic updates, you can
remove anything that is plugged in the USB press OK to confirm. If this selection does
ports on the media hub and plug in the not appear upon vehicle delivery you can
USB drive containing the update. When access it through the General Settings.
the USB drive is plugged in, the installation See Settings (page 428). You can also
should begin immediately. After a perform a master reset. See SYNC™ 3
successful installation, the update is Troubleshooting (page 442).
available the next time the vehicle is
started. If you would like to switch this feature
Please refer to the website for any further on later, select:
Menu Item
Updating Over Wi-Fi Settings
To update your System over Wi-Fi your
vehicle must be within the range of a Wi-Fi
access point. Data rates may apply. Automatic From this menu, you can
System enable automatic updates.
Updates If you have not done so
already, the system
prompts you to set up a
Wi-Fi connection when you
enable this feature.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Audio Source
AM Listen to AM radio.
AM ___ 1
Tune to a specific AM frequency.
DAB Listen to DAB radio.
FM Listen to FM radio.
FM ___ 1
Tune to a specific FM frequency.
1 Add the radio frequency to two decimal places to the command.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Climate Control
Note: Not available through the system on
all models.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Set Temperature ___ Set a temperature between 60°F (15.5°C) and 85°F
Max Set the temperature to maximum.
Min Set the temperature to minimum.
1 Add the required temperature to the command.
and the last name of your contact exactly as it appears on your device.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Route Guidance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Mobile Applications Start an app. The system prompts your for the app
List Applications Get a list of apps running on your device.
Find Applications Search and connect to apps running on your device.
Active App
___ Help 1
Get a list of voice commands for a specific app.
Exit ___ 1
Close an app.
1 Add an app name to the command.
Voice Settings
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Phone Confirmation Off Switch call confirmation off. The system does not
prompt you to confirm before making a call.
Voice Command Lists On Display the display of voice commands on.
Voice Command Lists Off Switch the display of voice commands off.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
A Sources Sources
B Direct Tune Press this button to select the source of
media you want to listen to.
C Presets
Menu item
USB The name of the USB that is plugged in displays here.
Bluetooth Stereo
Apps If you have SYNC 3 compatible apps on your connected smart phone, they
display here as individual source selections.
* This feature may not be available in all markets and requires an active subscription.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
There are two preset banks available for SiriusXM satellite radio is a
AM and three banks for FM. To access subscription-based satellite radio service
additional presets, tap the preset button. that broadcasts a variety of music, sports,
The indicator on the preset button shows news, weather, traffic and entertainment
which bank of presets you are currently programming. Your factory-installed
viewing. SiriusXM satellite radio system includes
hardware and a limited subscription term
SiriusXM® Satellite Radio (If that begins on the date of sale or lease of
Activated) your vehicle. See an authorized dealer for
Note: This feature may not be available in
all markets and requires an active For more information on extended
subscription. subscription terms (a service fee is
required), the online media player and a
list of SiriusXM satellite radio channels,
and other features, please visit in the United States, in Canada, or call
SiriusXM at 1-888-539-7474.
E234451 Note: SiriusXM reserves the unrestricted
right to change, rearrange, add or delete
programming. This includes canceling,
moving or adding particular channels, and
its prices, at any time, with or without notice
to you. Ford Motor Company shall not be
responsible for any such programming
Note: This receiver includes the eCos
real-time operating system. eCos is
published under the eCos License.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Replay Replay audio on the current channel. You can replay approx-
imately 45 minutes of audio as long as you remain tuned to
the current station. Changing stations erases the previous
Live When you are in replay mode, you are not
able to select a different preset until you
return to live audio. Pressing this button
returns you to the live broadcast.
ALERT Save the current song, artist, or team as a favorite. The system
alerts you when it plays again on any channel.
Selecting this button allows you to enable and edit alerts. See
Settings (page 428).
Antenna obstructions For optimal reception performance, keep the antenna clear
of snow and ice build-up and keep luggage and other
materials as far away from the antenna as possible.
Terrain Hills, mountains, tall buildings, bridges, tunnels, freeway
overpasses, parking garages, dense tree foliage and thunder-
storms can interfere with your reception.
Station overload When you pass a ground-based broadcast-repeating tower,
a stronger signal may overtake a weaker one and the audio
system may mute.
Satellite radio signal Your display may show ACQUIRING... to indicate the interfer-
interference ence and the audio system may mute.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Troubleshooting tips
Acquiring Signal Radio requires more than two No action required. This
seconds to produce audio for message should disappear
the selected channel. shortly.
Satellite antenna fault There is an internal module or If this message does not clear
system failure present. shortly, or with an ignition key
SIRIUS system failure cycle, your receiver may have
a fault. See an authorized
dealer for service.
Invalid Channel The channel is no longer avail- Tune to another channel or
able. choose another preset.
Unsubscribed Channel Your subscription does not Contact SiriusXM at 1-888-
include this channel. 539-7474 to subscribe to the
channel, or tune to another
Satellite acquiring The signal is lost from the Siri- The signal is blocked. When
signal… usXM satellite or SiriusXM you move into an open area,
tower to your vehicle antenna. the signal should return.
Updating… Update of channel program- No action required. The
ming in progress. process may take up to three
Questions? Call 1- Your satellite service is no Contact SiriusXM at 1-888-
888-539-7474 longer available. 539-7474 to resolve subscrip-
tion issues.
None found. Check All the channels in the selected Use the channel guide to turn
channel guide. category are either skipped or off the Lock or Skip function on
locked. that station.
SIRIUS Subscription SiriusXM has updated the No action required.
updated channels available for your
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
HD Radio technology is the digital The HD logo is grey when acquiring a digital
evolution of analog AM/FM radio. Your station, and then changes to orange when
system has a special receiver that allows digital audio is playing. When this logo is
it to receive digital broadcasts (where available, you may also see Title and Artist
available) in addition to the analog fields on-screen.
broadcasts, it already receives. Digital The multicast indicator appears in FM
broadcasts provide a better sound quality mode (only) if the current station is
than analog broadcasts with free, broadcasting multiple digital broadcasts.
crystal-clear audio and no static or The highlighted numbers signify available
distortion. For more information, and a digital channels where new or different
guide to available stations and content is available. HD1 signifies the main
programming, please visit: programming status and is available in
analog and digital broadcasts. Other
Website multicast stations (HD2 through HD7) are
only available digitally.
Note: There is also an additional feature
When HD Radio is on and you tune to a for stations that have more than 1 HD
station broadcasting HD Radio technology, multicast (For example, HD1 or HD2). The
you may notice the following indicators on HD logo and Radio text appears as a button.
your screen: Pressing this button allows you to cycle
through all of the HD stations on that
specific frequency. For example, if you are
on 101.1 and it has HD1, HD2, HD3, pressing
the button repeatedly causes the radio to
cycle through the HD stations in a cyclic
increasing order.
When HD Radio broadcasts are active, you can access the following functions:
Message Action and description
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Reception area If you are listening to a multicast station and you are on the
fringe of the reception area, the station may mute due to
weak signal strength.
If you are listening to HD1, the system changes back to the
analog broadcast until the digital broadcast is available again.
However, if you are listening to any of the possible HD2-HD7
multicast channels, the station mutes and stays muted unless
it is able to connect to the digital signal again.
Station blending When the system first receives a station (aside from HD2-
HD7 multicast stations), it first plays the station in the analog
version. Once the receiver verifies the station is an HD Radio
station, it shifts to the digital version. Depending on the station
quality, you may hear a slight sound change when the station
changes from analog to digital. Blending is the shift from
analog to digital sound or digital back to analog sound.
Echo, stutter, skip or This is poor time alignment by No action required. This is a
repeat in audio. the radio broadcaster. broadcast issue.
Increase or decrease in
audio volume.
Sound fading or The radio is shifting between No action required. The recep-
blending in and out. analog and digital audio. tion issue may clear up as you
continue to drive.
There is an audio mute The digital multicast is not No action required. This is
delay when selecting available until the HD Radio normal behavior. Wait until the
HD2 or HD3, multicast broadcast is decoded. Once audio is available.
preset or Direct Tune. decoded, the audio is available.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Cannot access HD2 or The previously stored multicast No action required. The station
HD3 multicast channel preset or direct tune is not is not available in your current
when recalling a preset available in your current recep- location.
or from a direct tune. tion area.
Text information does Data service issue by the radio Fill out the station issue form.
not match currently broadcaster. *
playing audio.
There is no text Data service issue by the radio Fill out the station issue form.
information shown for broadcaster. *
currently selected
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Repeat Pressing the repeat button toggles the repeat setting through
three modes: repeat off (button not highlighted), repeat all
(button highlighted) and repeat track (button highlighted with
a small number one).
Shuffle Play the tracks in random order.
You can use the forward, reverse, pause or For some devices, SYNC 3 is able to
play buttons to control the audio playback. provide 30-second skip buttons when you
listen to audio books or podcasts. These
To get more information about the buttons allow you to skip forward or
currently playing track, press the cover art backward within a track.
or Info button.
While playing audio from a USB device you
can look for certain music by selecting the
Button Function
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Button Function
A-Z Jump This button allows you to choose a specific
letter to view within the category you are
Explore Device If available, this allows you to browse the
folders and files on your USB device.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You can also sort the calls by selecting the drop down
menu at the top of the screen. You can choose:
All Incoming Outgoing Missed
B Contacts All of your contacts from your phone display in alphabet-
ical order.
A-Z Jump Selecting this button allows
you to choose a specific letter
to view.
C Phone Displays the name of your phone and takes you to the
Settings phone settings options.
From this menu, you can pair subsequent devices, set ring
tones and alerts.
D Change Gives you access to the list of paired or connected
Device Bluetooth devices allowing you to change or select a
E Text Displays all recent text messages.
F Phone Use this keypad to dial in a phone number.
Keypad Use the backspace button to delete numbers.
Call Press this button to begin a
G Do Not Touch this button to reject all incoming calls automatic-
Disturb ally. Text message notifications do not display on the
screen. All ringtones and alerts are set to silent.
Making Calls
There are many ways to make calls from
the SYNC 3 system, including using voice
commands. See Using Voice
Recognition (page 396). You can use the
touchscreen to place calls as well.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Receiving Calls
During an incoming call, an audible tone
sounds. Caller information appears in the
display if it is available.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Privacy Transfer the call to
End Call Immediately end a the cell phone or
phone call. You can back to SYNC 3.
also press the
button on the Text Messaging
steering wheel.
Note: Downloading and sending text
Keypad Press this to access messages using Bluetooth are cell
the phone keypad. phone-dependent features.
Mute You can switch the Note: Certain features in text messaging
microphone off so are speed-dependent and not available
the caller does not when your vehicle is traveling at speeds over
hear you. 3 mph (5 km/h).
When a new message arrives, an audible tone sounds and the screen displays a
pop-up with the caller name and ID, if supported by your cell phone. You can select:
Menu Item Action and Description
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
To return to SYNC 3, go to the Apple Note: You may need to slide your Settings
CarPlay home screen and select the SYNC screen to the left to select Apple CarPlay
app. Preferences or Android Auto Preferences.
Note: Contact Apple for Apple CarPlay To return to SYNC 3, select the
support. speedometer icon in the Android Auto
menu bar at the bottom of the
Android Auto touchscreen, and then touch the option to
Android Auto is compatible with most return to SYNC.
devices with Android 5.0 or newer. Note: Contact Google for Android Auto
1. Download the Android Auto app to support.
your device from Google Play to
prepare your device (this may require NAVIGATION
mobile data usage).
Note: The Android Auto App may not be Your navigation system is comprised of
available within your current market. two main features, destination mode and
map mode.
2. Plug your device into a USB port. See
USB Port (page 347).
3. To switch this feature on from the
Settings screen, scroll left on the
screen and select:
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
E207752 E251779
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
If you have subscribed to SiriusXM Traffic You can choose to display traffic icons on
and Travel Link (where available), traffic the map representing twelve different
flow will be indicated on the map by green types of incidents. See Settings (page
(clear), yellow (slowing), and red 428).
(stopped) road highlights. Traffic flow is You can set a destination by hovering
indicated where the information is above a location and selecting:
available and varies across the US.
Destination Mode
To set a destination, press:
Menu Item Description
Enter a navigation destination in any of the following formats:
Search Street Address
(number, street, city, state)
For example "12 Mainstreet Dearborn MI"
Partial Address
(number, street) if searching in current state
(number, street and zip code (or postal code in Canada)) if searching
out of state
You can enter unique addresses that contain door number prefixes
with or without the prefix. For example, you could enter "6N340
Fairway Lane" or "340 Fairway Lane".
(name or zip code)
Point of Interest
(name or category)
(street 1 / street 2)
(street 1 and street 2)
(street 1 & street 2)
(street 1 @ street 2)
(street 1 at street 2)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
The address saves as a favorite and you see the favorites screen. You
can now select this address from the favorites screen.
Point of Interest POI categories that may display (based on market and vehicle
(POI) Categories configuration):
See All Press to view additional categories. Once you have selected
a category, follow the menus to find what you are looking
Inside of these categories you can search by:
Along Route
Near Destination
In a City
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Start The system uses a variety of screens and prompts to guide you to your
During Route guidance, you can press the maneuver arrow icon on the
map if you want the system to repeat route guidance instructions.
When the system repeats the last guidance instruction, it updates the
distance to the next guidance instruction, since it detects that the
vehicle is moving.
The navigation map shows your estimated time of arrival, remaining
travel time and the distance to your destination.
SYNC 3 may not always announce vehicle arrival at the exact point
of your destination and you may have to cancel a route manually.
You can then select:
Screen View Full Map A full screen map displays during navigation.
Highway Highway exit information displays on the right hand side
Exit Info of the screen during navigation.
Points of interest icons display for restaurants, hotels,
fuel stations and ATMs when they are present at the
exit. You can select the POI icons to receive a listing of
specific locations. You can select the POI location as a
waypoint or destination if desired.
Turn List Only available during an active route. Displays all of the
turns on the current route.
You can choose to avoid any road on the turn list by
selecting the road from the list. A screen then appears
and you can press:
The system calculates a new route and displays a new
turn list.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Traffic List You can find the SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link information by
pressing this button. This information requires an active subscription
to SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link.
When a route is not active, a list of nearby traffic incidents displays
(if any are present).
When a route is active, you can choose to display a list of traffic nearby
or on the route.
Navigation Press this button to adjust your preferences. See Settings (page 428).
Where Am I? Provides your current location city and the nearest road.
The following are only available on the menu during an active navigation route:
Cancel Route The system asks for confirmation and then returns you to the map
mode screen.
View Route Press this to see a map of the full route.
Detour An alternate route displays in comparison with the current route.
Edit Waypoints Only available if you have an active waypoint on your route. See
Waypoints later in this section for information on how to set
Use this button to re-order or remove your waypoints.
You can Optimize Order
also have
the system
set the
order for
you by
To return to Go
your route
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Menu Item
Add Waypoint The waypoint list then appears and you are
able to re-order all of your waypoints by
selecting the menu icon on the right hand
side of the location. You can select up to
five waypoints.
You can also have the system set the order Optimize Order
for you by pressing:
To return to your route, press: Go
The AppLink app allows you to use some Note: cityseeker point of interest (POI)
SYNC 3 navigation features on your phone. information is limited to approximately 1,110
cities (1,049 in the United States, 36 in
First Mile Navigation Canada and 15 in Mexico).
When you switch your ignition off, the
location of your vehicle is recorded and
sent to your SYNC AppLink app. The
location of your vehicle can be viewed
within the app. You can also view walking
directions to your vehicle.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Note: Available AppLink enabled apps will Note: If a SYNC 3 AppLink compatible app
vary by market. is not shown in the Apps Domain, make sure
Note: You must pair and connect your the required app is running on the mobile
smartphone via Bluetooth to SYNC 3 to device.
access AppLink.
Menu Item Action and Descrip-
Note: iPhone users need to connect the tion
phone to the USB port.
Note: For information on available apps, Find Mobile Apps SYNC 3 will search
supported smartphone devices and and connect to
troubleshooting tips please visit: compatible app(s)
running on your
mobile device.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You can enable and disable apps through operation of your vehicle. We recommend
settings. See Settings (page 428). against the use of any hand-held device
App Permissions while driving and encourage the use of
voice-operated systems when possible.
The system organizes the App permissions Make sure you are aware of all applicable
into groups. You can grant these group local laws that may affect the use of
permissions individually. You can change electronic devices while driving.
a permission group status any time when
not driving, by using the settings menu. Note: SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link may
While in the settings menu, you can also not be available in all markets.
see the data included in each group.
Note: In order to use SiriusXM Traffic and
When you launch an app using SYNC 3, Travel Link, your vehicle must have
the system may ask you to grant certain navigation.
permissions, for example Vehicle
Note: A paid subscription is required to
information, Driving characteristics, GPS
access and use these features. Go to
and Speed, and/or Push notifications. You for more
can enable all groups or none of them
during the initial app permissions prompts.
The settings menu offers individual group Note: Visit and
permission control. click on Coverage map and details for a
complete listing of all traffic areas covered
Note: You are only prompted to grant
by SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link.
permissions the first time you use an app
with SYNC 3. Note: Neither Sirius nor Ford is responsible
for any errors or inaccuracies in the SiriusXM
Note: If you disable group permissions,
Traffic and Travel Link services or its use in
apps will still be enabled to work with SYNC
3 unless you deactivate All Apps in the
settings menu. When you subscribe to SiriusXM Traffic
and Travel Link, it can help you locate the
SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link (If best gas prices, find movie listings, get
Equipped) current traffic alerts, view the current
weather map, get accurate ski conditions
and see scores to current sports games.
WARNING: Driving while distracted
can result in loss of vehicle control, crash
and injury. We strongly recommend that
you use extreme caution when using any
device that may take your focus off the
road. Your primary responsibility is the safe
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Traffic on Route Touch these buttons to identify traffic incidents on your route,
near your vehicle’s current location or near any of your favorite
Traffic Nearby places, if programmed.
Fuel Prices Touch this button to view fuel prices at stations close to your
vehicle’s location or on an active navigation route.
Movie Listings Touch this button to view nearby movie theaters and their
show times, if available.
Weather Touch this button to view the nearby weather, current weather,
or the five-day forecast for the chosen area.
Map Select to see the weather map,
which can show storms, radar
information, charts and winds.
Area Select to choose from a listing of
weather locations.
Sports Info Touch this button to view scores and schedules from a variety
of sports. You can also save up to 10 favorite teams for easier
access. The score automatically refreshes when a game is in
Ski Conditions Touch this button to view ski conditions for a specific area.
SETTINGS Pressing this button allows you to adjust
the following:
Under this menu, you can access and
adjust the settings for many of the system
features. To access additional settings,
swipe the screen left or right.
Sound Settings
Reset All Returns Treble, Midrange, and Bass sound settings to factory levels.
Treble Adjusts the high frequency level.
Midrange Adjusts the middle frequency level.
Bass Adjusts the low frequency level.
Balance / Fade Adjusts the sound ratio from side to side or front to back.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Sound Settings
Speed Adjusts the amount the audio system volume increases with speed,
Compensated or turns the feature off.
Occupancy Mode Optimizes the sound based on the location of the listeners.
Sound Settings Stereo
Media Player
This button is available when a media
device such as a Bluetooth Stereo or USB
device is the active audio source. Pressing
the button allows you to access the
following options for active devices only.
Podcast Speed For some USB devices, SYNC 3 can adjust the playback speed of
podcasts. When a podcast is playing, you can choose:
Slower Normal Faster
Audiobook Speed For some USB devices, SYNC 3 can adjust the playback speed of
audiobooks. When an audiobook is playing, you can choose:
Slower Normal Faster
Cover Art Priority Media Player Cover art displays from your device’s music
files. If no cover art for the files exists on the
device, then the Gracenote Database provides
cover art.
Gracenote® The Gracenote Database supplied cover art is
used for your music files. This overrides any
cover art from your device.
Gracenote® Switches on and off Gracenote® to provide metadata information
Management such as genre, artist, album.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Gracenote® Data- This allows you to view the version level of the Gracenote Database.
base Info
Device Informa- This allows you to view the manufacturer and model number of your
tion media device.
Update Media Erase the stored in media information in order to re-index.
Bluetooth Turning Bluetooth off disconnects all devices and does not permit
new connections.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
View Devices
You can then select:
Add a Bluetooth You can add a Bluetooth-enabled device by following the steps in
Device the previous table.
You can select a phone by touching the name of the phone on the screen. You then
have the following options:
Connect Depending on the status of the device, you can select either of these
options to interact with the selected device.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Make Primary Allows you to select this device to be your preferred device.
Delete Removes the selected device from the system.
Manage Contacts
You can then select:
Auto-Download Enable this option to have SYNC 3 periodically re-download your
Contacts phonebook to keep your contact list up to date.
Sort By: Choose how you would like the system to display your contacts. You
can choose:
First Name Last Name
Re-download Select this option to re-download your contact list manually.
Delete Contacts Select this option to delete the in vehicle contact list. Deleting the
in vehicle list does not erase the contact list on the connected phone.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Text Messaging
You can then select:
No Alert No sound plays when a message comes to your phone.
You can select one of the three available notification sounds.
Voice Readout When enabled, a voice prompt alerts you when you receive a new
Mute Audio in When enabled, vehicle audio (such as radio or apps) is muted for the
Privacy duration of the phone call even when the phone call is in privacy.
Roaming When enabled, an alert displays that your phone is roaming when
Warning you attempt to place a call.
Low Battery When enabled, a message displays when the battery on your phone
Notification is running low.
Set Emergency You can select up to two numbers from your mobile device's phone-
Contacts book as emergency contacts for quick access at the end of the 911
Assist call process.
This button is available if a Radio source
such as AM or FM is the active media
source. Pressing the button allows you to
access the following features:
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Set Category for After selecting a category, seek function only stops on channels which
Seek are inside that selected category.
Parental Select to create a personal identification number (PIN). This allows
Lockout you to lock or unlock channels. Your initial PIN is 1234.
Edit Alerts Select to switch on, off or delete alerts.
The Electronic Serial Number can also be found on this screen. This number is necessary
to activate, modify or track your account through Sirius XM.
You can adjust many of the Navigation
preferences by selecting the following
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Map Preferences
Menu Item Action and Description
Map Preferences
Then select any of the following:
3D City Model When this option is active, the system shows 3D renderings of build-
Breadcrumbs When enabled, your vehicle’s previously traveled route displays with
white dots.
POI Icons Enable this feature to display up to 3 POI icons on the navigation map.
A rest area POI icon may display on the map regardless of this setting.
Once this feature is activated you can select Select POIs
the icons you want displayed by selecting:
Incident Map This menu allows you to choose which incident icons you would like
Icons to have displayed on the navigation map.
Route Preferences
Menu Item Second Level Messages, Actions and Descriptions
Route Preferences
Then select any of the following:
Preferred Route Choose to have the system display your chosen route type.
Shortest Fastest Eco
Always Use ___ Bypass route selection in destination programming. The system only
Route calculates one route based on your preferred route setting.
When activated, the system uses your selected route type to calculate
only one route to the desired destination.
Use HOV Lanes The system selects High Occupancy Vehicle or car pool lanes when
providing route guidance.
Automatically The system searches for and displays available parking locations as
Find Parking you approach your destination.
Eco Time Select a level of cost for the calculated Eco Route. The higher the
Penalty setting, the longer the time allotment is for the route.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Navigation Preferences
Menu Item Action and Description
Navigation Preferences
Guidance You can adjust how the system provides prompts.
Then select any of the following:
Voice and Tones A tone sounds followed by voice instructions.
Voice Only Only voice instructions are given.
Tones Only Only a tone sounds to prompt you.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Request Update
All Apps Grant or deny permissions to all apps at once.
There may also Grant or deny an individual app particular permissions. App permis-
be SYNC 3 sions are organized into groups. By pressing the info book icon, you
enabled apps can see which signals are included in each group.
listed under
these options.
Menu Item
System Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi & Hotspot
You can access the following:
Access SYNC Wi-Fi and Vehicle Hotspot
settings and information.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wi-Fi Enable this option to connect to Wi-Fi for SYNC 3 vehicle software
Available This provides you with a list of available Wi-Fi networks within range.
Clicking on a network from the list allows you to connect or disconnect
from that network. The system may require a security code to
When you click the information button next to a network, more
information about the network displays such as the signal strength,
connection status and security type.
Wi-Fi Available The system alerts you when your vehicle is parked and a Wi-Fi
Notifications network is within range if SYNC is not already connected.
Note: The Vehicle Wi-Fi Hotspot (Vehicle Note: It is the account owner’s
Hotspot) may be operational while ignition responsibility to remove the vehicle from
is On and may remain operational while the the vehicle network carrier account when
ignition is Off. ownership of the vehicle is transferred. If the
owner would like to remove the vehicle from
Note: Vehicle Hotspot services are provided
by the vehicle network carrier, subject to the account for any reason, please contact
your vehicle network carrier agreement, your vehicle network carrier for more
coverage and availability.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Note: : Data, e.g. the Vehicle Identification Ambient Lighting (If Equipped)
Number (VIN), SIM Card ID, and data plan
usage, is shared between Ford and the Tap a color once to active ambient lighting.
vehicle network carrier to provide the This sets the color to the highest intensity.
Vehicle Hotspot service in accordance with You can drag the colors up and down to
your vehicle network carrier agreement, increase or decrease the intensity.
coverage and availability, and may be used
to enable a seamless transition from an old To switch ambient lighting off, press the
to new embedded modem and to confirm active color once or drag the active color
any updates are successfully delivered. all the way down to zero intensity.
Note: : For your convenience data usage Vehicle
may be available for monitoring under
Settings but may not reflect actual or Note: Your vehicle may not have all of
current usage. The vehicle network carrier these features.
is responsible for providing information You can select the following features to
about your account. Please contact the update their settings.
vehicle network carrier for more information.
Note: : Ford may need to update operating Door Keypad Code (If equipped)
system software on your vehicle, including Select this button to add or erase a
security updates and bug fixes, to keep personal door keypad code. To add or
connected services current, like Vehicle erase a personal code, you first need to
Hotspot, without prior notice to you. enter the five-digit factory set code. You
Note: If you do not have an active vehicle can find this code on the owner's wallet
hotspot data plan, open your web browser card in the glove box or from your
and go to a website using the HTTP protocol authorized dealer.
to be automatically redirected to the vehicle
network carrier landing page where you can
purchase data. Websites using HTTPS will
not automatically redirect.
Camera Settings
Camera Settings
Then select from the following:
Enhanced Park When the reverse sensing system detects an object, it displays red,
Aids yellow and green highlights at the top of the image.
Rear Camera You can enable or disable this option using the slider.
You can find more information on the rear-view camera system in the parking aids chapter
of your owner manual.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Onboard Modem Serial Number (ESN) shows you the ESN number for your
system. You need this number for certain
Selecting this button on the settings menu registrations such as Satellite Radio.
To make adjustments using the touchscreen, select:
Menu Item Action and Description
Voice Control
You can adjust the voice control settings
by selecting the following options.
Menu Item
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wi-Fi Issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Wi-Fi Issues
Poor signal seen by SYNC 3 There may be an obstruction If the vehicle is equipped
despite being near a between SYNC 3 and the with heated windshield, try
hotspot. hotspot. positioning the vehicle so
that the windshield is not
facing the hotspot. If you
have metallic window tinting
but not on the windshield,
position the vehicle to face
the hotspot. If all windows
are tinted, you can open the
windows in the direction of
the hotspot if that is feas-
Try to remove other
obstructions that may
impact signal quality such
as opening the garage door.
A hotspot is not listed in the The hotspot was defined as Please set the network to
list of available networks. a hidden network. visible and try again.
SYNC 3 is not seen when SYNC 3 does not currently SYNC 3 currently does not
searching for Wi-Fi networks provide a hotspot. provide a hotspot
from your phone or other
Software download takes Poor signal strength, too far Check the signal quality
too long. from the hotspot, hotspot is (under network details), if
supporting multiple SYNC 3 indicates good or
connections, slow Internet excellent, test with another
connection or other prob- high-speed equipped
lems. hotspot where the environ-
ment is more predictable.
SYNC 3 seems to connect It is possible that there is no Test the connection with
with a hotspot and the new software. The another device, if the
signal strength is excellent connected hotspot may be hotspot requires a subscrip-
but the software is not being a managed one and it tion, you may contact the
updated. requires either a subscrip- service provider.
tion or agreeing to the terms
and conditions.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
AppLink issues
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
You may be using the Review the media voice commands at the
wrong voice commands. beginning of the media section.
Say the song or artist name exactly as it is
displayed on your device. For example, say
"Play Artist Prince" or "Play song Purple
You may not be saying
Make sure you are saying the complete title
SYNC 3 does the name exactly as it
such as "California remix featuring Jennifer
not understand appears on your device.
the name of a
song or artist. If there are any abbreviations in the name,
like ESPN or CNN, you have to spell those:
"E-S-P-N" or "C-N-N".
The song or artist name
may have some special Make sure that song titles, artists, album,
characters that are not and playlists names do not have any special
being recognized by characters like *, - or +.
Make sure that you are saying the name
You may not be saying
SYNC 3 does exactly as it appears on your phone. For
the name exactly as it
not understand example, if your contact is "Joe Wilson",
appears on your phone-
or is calling the say "Call Joe Wilson". If your contact name
wrong contact is "Mom", say "Call Mom".
when I want to The contact name may
make a call. Make sure that your contact names do not
contain special charac-
have any special characters like *, - or +.
SYNC 3 applies the phonetic pronunciation
The SYNC 3 rules of the selected language to the
voice control contact names stored on your cell phone.
system is having You may not be saying Helpful Hint: You can select your contact
trouble recog- the name exactly as it manually. Press PHONE. Select the option
nizing foreign appears on your phone- for phonebook and then contact name.
names stored book. Press the soft-key option to hear it. SYNC
on my cell 3 will read the contact name to you, giving
phone. you some idea of the pronunciation it is
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
The SYNC 3
voice control
system is having SYNC 3 applies the phonetic pronunciation
trouble recog- rules of the selected language to the names
You may be saying the
nizing foreign stored on your media player or USB flash
foreign names using the
tracks, artists, drive. It is able to make some exceptions
currently selected
albums, genres for very popular artist names (for example,
language for SYNC 3.
and playlist U2) such that you can always use the
names from my English pronunciation for these artists.
media player or
USB flash drive.
SYNC 3 uses a synthetically generated
voice rather than pre-recorded human
The system voice.
generates voice
prompts and SYNC 3 offers several new voice control
SYNC 3 uses text-to- features for a wide range of languages.
the pronunci-
speech voice prompt Dialing a contact name directly from the
ation of some
technology. phonebook without pre-recording (for
words may not
be accurate for example, “call John Smith”) or selecting a
my language. track, artist, album, genre or playlist directly
from your media player (for example, "play
artist Madonna").
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
The system has a System Reset feature that can be performed if the function of a SYNC
3 feature is lost. This reset is intended to restore functionality and will not erase any
information previously stored in the system (such as paired devices, phonebook, call
history, text messages, or user settings). To perform a System Reset, press and hold
the Seek Up (>>|) button while pressing and holding the Radio Power button. After
approximately 5 seconds the screen will go black. Allow 1-2 minutes for the system
reset to complete. You may then resume using the SYNC 3 system.
Ford Support
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
defective accessories. *
• Roadside assistance kits.
Ford Motor Company will warrant your
Ford accessory through the warranty that • Keyless entry keypad.
provides the greatest benefit: • Remote start.
• 24 months, unlimited mileage. • Telematics.
• The remainder of your new vehicle • Vehicle security system.
limited warranty.
• Wheel locks.
Contact an authorized dealer for details *
The accessory manufacturer designs,
and a copy of the warranty.
develops and therefore warrants Ford
Exterior Style Licensed Accessories, and does not design
or test these accessories to Ford Motor
• Hood protector. Company engineering requirements.
• Side window deflectors.
* Contact an authorized Ford dealer for the
manufacturer's limited warranty details
• Splash guards. and request a copy of the Ford Licensed
• Step bars. Accessories product limited warranty from
• Wheel covers.
* the accessory manufacturer.
• Wheelhouse liners.
Interior Style
• Floor liners.
• Ambient lighting.
• Carpeted floor mats.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Ford Protect
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Ford Protect
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Multi-point inspection
Check every six months
Exterior lamps and hazard warning
Battery connections. Clean if necessary. system operation.
Body and door drain holes for obstruc- *
Fluid levels ; fill if necessary.
tions. Clean if necessary.
For oil and fluid leaks.
Cooling system fluid level and coolant
strength. Horn operation.
Door weatherstrips for wear. Lubricate if Radiator, cooler, heater and A/C hoses.
Suspension component for leaks or
Hinges, latches and outside locks for damage.
correct operation. Lubricate if necessary.
Steering and linkage.
Parking brake for correct operation.
Tires (including spare) for wear and
Seatbelts and seat latches for wear and **
correct pressure .
Windshield for cracks, chips or pits.
Safety warning lamps (brake, ABS, airbag
and seatbelt) for operation. Washer spray and wiper operation.
Washer spray and wiper operation. Clean *
Brake, coolant recovery reservoir,
or replace blades as necessary.
automatic transmission, power steering (if
equipped with hydraulic power assist
Multi-point Inspection steering) and window washer.
In order to keep your vehicle running If your vehicle is equipped with a
correctly, it is important to have the temporary mobility kit, check the tire
systems on your vehicle checked regularly. sealant expiration Use By date on the
This can help identify potential issues and canister. Replace as needed.
prevent major problems. We recommend
having the following multi-point inspection Be sure to ask your dealership service
performed at every scheduled advisor or technician about the multi-point
maintenance interval to help make sure vehicle inspection. It is a comprehensive
your vehicle keeps running correctly. way to perform a thorough inspection of
your vehicle. Your checklist gives you
Multi-point inspection immediate feedback on the overall
condition of your vehicle.
Accessory drive belt(s).
Battery performance.
Engine air filter.
Exhaust system.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
At every oil change interval as indicated by the information display
Change engine oil and filter.
Rotate tires, inspect tire wear and measure tread depth.
Perform a multi-point inspection (recommended).
Inspect the automatic transmission fluid level (if equipped with dipstick). Consult your
dealer for requirements.
Inspect the brake pads, shoes, rotors, drums, brake linings, hoses and parking brake.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
At every oil change interval as indicated by the information display
Other maintenance items
Replace spark plugs.
Every 100000 miles
(160000 km) 4
Inspect accessory drive belt(s).
Every 150000 miles Change automatic transmission fluid and filter.
(240000 km)
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Other maintenance items
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Extensive idling or low-speed driving for long distances, as in heavy commercial use
(such as delivery, taxi, patrol car or livery)
Off-road operation
Inspect frequently, Inspect steering linkage, ball joints and U-joints. Lubricate if
service as required equipped with grease fittings.
Replace engine air filter.
Every 5000 miles (8000 Change engine oil and filter.*
km) or six months
Inspect the wheels and related components for abnormal
noise, wear, looseness or drag.
Rotate tires, inspect tires for wear and measure tread depth.
Reset your Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor after each engine oil and filter change.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Every oil change interval If ran exclusively on E85, fill the fuel tank full with regular
unleaded fuel.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Scheduled Maintenance
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
Repair Order #:
Dealer stamp
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
COMPATIBILITY WARNING: Keep antenna and power
cables at least 4 in (10 cm) from any
electronic modules and airbags.
WARNING: Do not place objects or Note: We test and certify your vehicle to
mount equipment on or near the airbag meet electromagnetic compatibility
cover, on the side of the seatbacks (of the legislation (UNECE Regulation 10 or other
front seats), or in front seat areas that may applicable local requirements). It is your
come into contact with a deploying airbag. responsibility to make sure that any
Failure to follow these instructions may equipment an authorized dealer installs on
increase the risk of personal injury in the your vehicle complies with applicable local
event of a crash. legislation and other requirements.
WARNING: Do not fasten antenna Note: Any radio frequency transmitter
cables to original vehicle wiring, fuel pipes equipment in your vehicle (such as cellular
and brake pipes. telephones and amateur radio transmitters)
must keep to the parameters in the
following table. We do not provide special
provisions or conditions for installations or
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
1-30 50 1
50-54 50 2, 3
68-88 50 2, 3
142-176 50 2, 3
380-512 50 2, 3
806-870 10 2, 3
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
IF YOU DO NOT AGREE TO THIS END COMPANY nor its suppliers shall be
USER LICENSE AGREEMENT ("EULA") liable for any damages arising out of
DO NOT USE THE DEVICES OR COPY errors in the speech recognition
THE SOFTWARE. ANY USE OF THE process. It is your responsibility to
SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT monitor any speech recognition
LIMITED TO USE ON THE DEVICES, functions included in the system.
WILL CONSTITUTE YOUR AGREEMENT • Limitations on Reverse Engineering,
TO THIS EULA (OR RATIFICATION OF Decompilation and Disassembly:
ANY PREVIOUS CONSENT). You may not reverse engineer,
GRANT OF SOFTWARE LICENSE: This decompile, translate, disassemble or
EULA grants you the following license: attempt to discover any source code
or underlying ideas or algorithms of the
• You may use the SOFTWARE as SOFTWARE nor permit others to
installed on the DEVICES and as reverse engineer, decompile or
otherwise interfacing with systems disassemble the SOFTWARE, except
and/or services provide by or through and only to the extent that such activity
FORD MOTOR COMPANY or its third is expressly permitted by applicable
party software and service providers. law notwithstanding this limitation or
Description of Other Rights and to the extent as may be permitted by
Limitations the licensing terms governing use of
any open source components included
• Speech Recognition: If the with the SOFTWARE.
SOFTWARE includes speech • Limitations on Distributing,
recognition component(s), you should Copying, Modifying and Creating
understand that speech recognition is Derivative Works: You may not
an inherently statistical process and distribute, copy, make modifications
that recognition errors are inherent in to or create derivative works based on
the process. Neither FORD MOTOR the SOFTWARE, except and only to the
extent that such activity is expressly
permitted by applicable law
notwithstanding this limitation or to
the extent as may be permitted by the
licensing terms governing use of any
open source components included with
• Single EULA: The end user
documentation for the DEVICES and
related systems and services may
contain multiple EULAs, such as
multiple translations and/or multiple
media versions (e.g., in the user
documentation and in the software).
Even if you receive multiple EULAs, you
are licensed to use only one (1) copy of
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
the right to litigate (or participate in as a may award the same damages to You
party or class member) all disputes in court individually as a court could. The arbitrator
before a judge or jury. Instead, all disputes may award declaratory or injunctive relief
will be resolved before a neutral arbitrator, only to You individually, and only to the
whose decision will be final except for a extent required to satisfy Your individual
limited right of appeal under the Federal claim.
Arbitration Act. Any court with jurisdiction
(g) Arbitration fees and incentives.
over the parties may enforce the
arbitrator’s award. • I. Disputes involving $75,000 or less.
(e) Class action waiver. Any proceedings
promptly reimburse your filing fees and
to resolve or litigate any dispute in any
pay the AAA’s and arbitrator’s fees and
forum will be conducted solely on an
expenses. If you reject FORD MOTOR
individual basis. Neither you nor FORD
COMPANY’S last written settlement
MOTOR COMPANY, will seek to have any
offer made before the arbitrator was
dispute heard as a class action, as a private
appointed (“last written offer”), your
attorney general action, or in any other
dispute goes all the way to an
proceeding in which any party acts or
arbitrator’s decision (called an
proposes to act in a representative
“award”), and the arbitrator awards
capacity. No arbitration or proceeding will
you more than the last written offer,
be combined with another without the
FORD MOTOR COMPANY will give you
prior written consent of all parties to all
three incentives: (1) pay the greater of
affected arbitrations or proceedings.
the award or $1,000; (2) pay twice your
(f) Arbitration procedure. Any reasonable attorney’s fees, if any; and
arbitration will be conducted by the (3) reimburse any expenses (including
American Arbitration Association (the expert witness fees and costs) that
“AAA”), under its Commercial Arbitration your attorney reasonably accrues for
Rules. If You are an individual and use the investigating, preparing, and pursuing
SOFTWARE for personal or vehicle use, or your claim in arbitration. The arbitrator
if the value of the dispute is $75,000 or will determine the amounts.
less whether or not You are an individual • ii. Disputes involving more than
or how You use the SOFTWARE, the AAA $75,000. The AAA rules will govern
Supplementary Procedures for payment of filing fees and the AAA’s
Consumer-Related Disputes will also and arbitrator’s fees and expenses.
apply. To commence arbitration, submit a
Commercial Arbitration Rules Demand for • iii. Disputes involving any amount. In
Arbitration form to the AAA. You may any arbitration you commence, FORD
request a telephonic or in-person hearing MOTOR COMPANY will seek its AAA
by following the AAA rules. In a dispute or arbitrator’s fees and expenses, or
involving $10,000 or less, any hearing will Your filing fees it reimbursed, only if the
be telephonic unless the arbitrator finds arbitrator finds the arbitration frivolous
good cause to hold an in-person hearing or brought for an improper purpose. In
instead. For more information, see any arbitration FORD MOTOR
or call 1-800-778-7879. You agree to COMPANY commences, it will pay all
commence arbitration only in your county
of residence or FORD MOTOR COMPANY’S
principal place of business. The arbitrator
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
filing, AAA, and arbitrator’s fees and 1. Safe and Lawful Use
expenses. It will not seek its attorney’s
fees or expenses from you in any You acknowledge that devoting attention
arbitration. Fees and expenses are not to the TeleNav Software may pose a risk
counted in determining how much a of injury or death to you and others in
dispute involves. situations that otherwise require your
undivided attention, and you therefore
(h) Claims or disputes must be filed agree to comply with the following when
within one year. To the extent permitted using the TeleNav Software:
by law, any claim or dispute under this
EULA to which this Section applies must (a) observe all traffic laws and otherwise
be filed within one year in small claims drive safely;
court (Section c) or in arbitration (Section (b) use your own personal judgment while
d). The one-year period begins when the driving. If you feel that a route suggested
claim or dispute first could be filed. If such by the TeleNav Software instructs you to
a claim or dispute is not filed within one perform an unsafe or illegal maneuver,
year, it is permanently barred. places you in an unsafe situation, or directs
(I) Severability. If the class action waiver you into an area that you consider to be
(Section e) is found to be illegal or unsafe, do not follow such instructions;
unenforceable as to all or some parts of a (c) do not input destinations, or otherwise
dispute, then that portion of Section e will manipulate the TeleNav Software, unless
not apply to those parts. Instead, those your vehicle is stationary and parked;
parts will be severed and proceed in a court
(d) do not use the TeleNav Software for
of law, with the remaining parts proceeding
any illegal, unauthorized, unintended,
in arbitration. If any other provision of that
unsafe, hazardous, or unlawful purposes,
portion Section e is found to be illegal or
or in any manner inconsistent with this
unenforceable, that provision will be
severed with the remainder of Section e
remaining in full force and effect. (e) arrange all GPS and wireless devices
and cables necessary for use of the
Telenav Software End User License TeleNav Software in a secure manner in
Agreement your vehicle so that they will not interfere
with your driving and will not prevent the
Please read these terms and conditions
operation of any safety device (such as an
carefully before you use the TeleNav
Software. Your use of the TeleNav
Software indicates that you accept these You agree to indemnify and hold TeleNav
terms and conditions. If you do not accept harmless against all claims resulting from
these terms and conditions, do not break any dangerous or otherwise inappropriate
the seal of the package, launch, or use of the TeleNav Software in any moving
otherwise use the TeleNav Software. vehicle, including as a result of your failure
TeleNav may revise this Agreement and to comply with the directions above.
the privacy policy at any time, with or
without notice to you. You agree to visit from time to time
to review the then current version of this
Agreement and of the privacy policy.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
• The Telenav Software utilizes map and 9.2 End User Terms Required by NAV2
other data licensed to Telenav by third (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
party vendors for the benefit of you and The data (“Data”) is provided for your
other end users. This Agreement personal, internal use only and not for
includes end-user terms applicable to resale. It is protected by copyright, and is
these companies (included at the end subject to the following terms and
of this Agreement), and thus your use conditions which are agreed to by you, on
of the Telenav Software is also subject the one hand, and NAV2 (Shanghai) Co.,
to such terms. You agree to comply Ltd (“NAV2”) and its licensors (including
with the following additional terms and their licensors and suppliers) on the other
conditions, which are applicable to hand. 20xx. All rights reserved
Telenav’s third party vendor licensors::
Terms and Conditions
9.1 End User Terms Required by HERE
North America, LLC Permitted Use. You agree to use this Data
together with the Telenav Software solely
The data (“Data”) is provided for your for the internal business and personal
personal, internal use only and not for purposes for which you were licensed, and
resale. It is protected by copyright, and is not for service bureau, time-sharing or
subject to the following terms and other similar purposes. Accordingly, but
conditions which are agreed to by you, on subject to the restrictions set forth in the
the one hand, and Telenav (“Telenav”) and following paragraphs, you agree not to
its licensors (including their licensors and otherwise reproduce, copy, modify,
suppliers) on the other hand. decompile, disassemble, create any
© 2013 HERE. All rights reserved. derivative works of, or reverse engineer any
portion of this Data, and may not transfer
The Data for areas of Canada includes or distribute it in any form, for any purpose,
information taken with permission from except to the extent permitted by
Canadian authorities, including: © Her mandatory laws.
Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, ©
Queen's Printer for Ontario, © Canada Post
Corporation, GeoBase®, © Department of
Natural Resources Canada.
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
view it, and (ii) save it, provided that you rigCustomer Remedies
do not remove any copyright notices that
appear and do not modify the Data in any NAV2 and its suppliers’ entire liability and
way. You agree not to otherwise reproduce, your exclusive remedy shall be, at NAV2’s
copy, modify, decompile, disassemble or sole discretion, either (a) return of the price
reverse engineer any portion of this Data, paid, if any, or (b) repair or replacement of
and may not transfer or distribute it in any the Data that do not meet NAV2’s Limited
form, for any purpose, except to the extent Warranty and that are returned to NAV2
permitted by mandatory laws. with a copy of your receipt. This Limited
Warranty is void if failure of the Data has
Restrictions resulted from accident, abuse, or
misapplication. Any replacement Data will
Except where you have been specifically be warranted for the remainder of the
licensed to do so by NAV2 , and without original warranty period or thirty (30) days,
limiting the preceding paragraph, you may whichever is longer. Neither these remedies
not (a) use this Data with any products, nor any product support services offered
systems, or applications installed or by NAV2 are available without proof of
otherwise connected to or in purchase from an authorized international
communication with vehicles, capable of source.
vehicle navigation, positioning, dispatch,
real time route guidance, fleet No Other Warranty:
management or similar applications; or (b)
with or in communication with any EXCEPT FOR THE LMITED WARRANTY
positioning devices or any mobile or SET FORTH ABOVE AND TO THE EXTENT
wireless-connected electronic or computer PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, NAV2
devices, including without limitation AND ITS LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR
cellular phones, palmtop and handheld LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) DISCLAIM
computers, pagers, and personal digital ANY WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED,
assistants or PDAs. You agree to cease OF QUALITY, PERFORMANCE,
using this Data if you fail to comply with MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A
these terms and conditions. PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OWNERSHIP OR
NON-INFRINGEMENT. Certain warranty
Limited Warranty exclusions may not be permitted under
applicable law, so to that extent the above
NAV2 warrants that (a) the Data will exclusion may not apply to you.
perform substantially in accordance with
the accompanying written materials for a Limited Liability:
period of ninety (90) days from the date
of receipt, and (b) any support services TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY
provided by NAV2 shall be substantially as APPLICABLE LAW, NAV2 AND ITS
described in applicable written materials LICENSORS (INCLUDING THEIR
provided to you by NAV2, and NAV2’s LICENSORS AND SUPPLIERS) SHALL NOT
support engineers will make commercially BE LIABLE TO YOU: IN RESPECT OF ANY
reasonable efforts to solve any problem CLAIM, DEMAND OR ACTION,
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
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2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
9 Apps..................................................................425
911 Assist............................................................57 SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link...................427
911 Assist May Not Work If................................58 Audible Warnings and Indicators.............98
911 Assist Privacy Notice...................................58 Airbag Secondary Warning..............................98
In the Event of a Crash.......................................58 Door Ajar.................................................................98
Exterior Lamps On...............................................98
A Key in Ignition........................................................98
Parking Brake On.................................................98
A/C Seatbelt Reminder..............................................98
See: Climate Control.........................................109 Transmission Selector Lever Not in park
About This Manual...........................................7 (P)........................................................................98
ABS Audio Control..................................................80
See: Brakes...........................................................156 Audio Input Jack...........................................347
ABS driving hints Audio System................................................326
See: Hints on Driving With Anti-Lock General Information.........................................326
Brakes................................................................156 Audio Unit - Vehicles With: AM/FM/CD/
Accessories....................................................454 SYNC/Satellite Radio..............................327
Exterior Style.......................................................454 Audio Unit - Vehicles With: AM/FM/CD/
Interior Style........................................................454 SYNC..............................................................331
Lifestyle.................................................................454 Audio Unit - Vehicles With: AM/FM/USB
Peace of Mind.....................................................454 Port/Bluetooth..........................................333
Accessories Bluetooth Audio Streaming...........................338
See: Replacement Parts iPod.........................................................................338
Recommendation............................................12 Making and Receiving Calls............................337
Adjusting the Headlamps.........................247 Phone and Voice Pass-Through..................335
Horizontal Aim Adjustment...........................248 Phone Menu Options........................................337
Vertical Aim Adjustment.................................247 Sound Button......................................................334
Adjusting the Steering Wheel...................80 Station Preset Buttons....................................335
Airbag Disposal...............................................56 Station Tuning Control....................................334
Air Conditioning USB..........................................................................337
See: Climate Control.........................................109 Waveband Button.............................................334
Air Filter Audio Unit - Vehicles With: AM/
See: Changing the Engine Air Filter - 3.2L FM...................................................................339
Power Stroke Diesel.....................................255 AUX Button...........................................................341
See: Changing the Engine Air Filter - 3.5L Clock Button.......................................................340
Ecoboost™.....................................................256 Menu Button.........................................................341
See: Changing the Engine Air Filter - Sound Button.......................................................341
3.7L......................................................................257 Station Preset Buttons.....................................341
Alarm Station Tuning Buttons....................................341
See: Anti-Theft Alarm........................................76 Audio Unit - Vehicles With: Premium
Anti-Theft Alarm............................................76 AM/FM/CD..................................................329
Alarm System........................................................76 Autolamps........................................................86
Arming the Alarm.................................................76 Windshield Wiper Activated
Disarming the Alarm...........................................76 Headlamps........................................................86
Triggering the Alarm............................................76 Automatic Crash Notification
Appendices.....................................................477 System.............................................................57
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
DRL CD...........................................................................409
See: Daytime Running Lamps.........................87 HD Radio™ Information (If
E SiriusXM® Satellite Radio (If
Economical Driving.......................................191 Sources.................................................................403
Electromagnetic Compatibility...............477 Supported Media Players, Formats and
Emergency Exit..............................................195 Metadata Information..................................411
Emission Law..................................................141 USB Ports...............................................................411
Noise Emissions Warranty, Prohibited Environment.....................................................16
Tampering Acts and Maintenance..........142 Essential Towing Checks...........................183
Tampering With a Noise Control Before Towing a Trailer.....................................188
System................................................................141 Launching or Retrieving a Boat or Personal
End User License Agreement..................479 Water Craft (PWC).......................................189
VEHICLE SOFTWARE END USER LICENSE Safety Chains.......................................................184
AGREEMENT (EULA) .................................479 Tow Hitch..............................................................184
Engine Block Heater....................................129 Trailer Brakes........................................................184
Using the Engine Block Heater......................130 Trailer Lamps.......................................................188
Engine Coolant Check...............................236 Trailer Towing Connector.................................183
Adding Coolant...................................................237 When Towing a Trailer......................................188
Coolant Change.................................................239 Event Data Recording
Engine Coolant Temperature See: Data Recording..............................................9
Management..................................................240 Export Unique Options.................................15
Fail-Safe Cooling...............................................239 Exterior Mirrors.................................................91
Recycled Coolant...............................................238 Fold-Away Exterior Mirrors...............................92
Severe Climates.................................................238 Power Exterior Mirrors.........................................91
Engine Cooling Fan - Diesel.....................236 Power Folding Mirrors..........................................91
Engine Cooling Fan - E85/
Engine Emission Control.............................141
Engine Immobilizer Fan
See: Passive Anti-Theft System.....................75 See: Engine Cooling Fan - Diesel.................236
Engine Oil Check..........................................234 See: Engine Cooling Fan - E85/
Adding Engine Oil..............................................234 Gasoline...........................................................236
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.2L Power Stroke Fastening the Seatbelts..............................40
Diesel.............................................................233 Seatbelt Locking Modes.....................................41
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.5L Using Seatbelts During Pregnancy...............40
Ecoboost™.................................................234 Flat Tire
Engine Oil Dipstick - 3.7L..........................234 See: Changing a Road Wheel........................292
Engine Specifications - 3.2L Power Floor Mats........................................................192
Stroke Diesel..............................................305 Ford Credit.........................................................12
Engine Specifications - 3.5L US Only......................................................................12
Ecoboost™.................................................306 Ford Protect...................................................457
Engine Specifications - 3.7L.....................307 Ford Protect Extended Service Plan
Entertainment..............................................402 (CANADA ONLY)..........................................458
AM/FM Radio......................................................403 Ford Protect Extended Service Plans (U.S.
Apps..........................................................................411 Only)..................................................................457
Bluetooth Stereo or USB.................................410 Front Door Storage Compartment........125
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
Lug Nuts
See: Changing a Road Wheel........................292
Oil Change Indicator Reset......................235
M Resetting the Oil Life Monitoring
Maintenance..................................................229 Oil Check
General Information.........................................229 See: Engine Oil Check......................................234
Manual Climate Control............................109 Opening and Closing the Hood..............229
Manual Seats..................................................114 Closing the Hood...............................................230
Adjusting the Armrest........................................116 Opening the Hood.............................................229
Adjusting the Lumbar Support.......................115 Ordering Additional Owner's
Moving the Seat Backward or Literature.....................................................206
Forward..............................................................114 Obtaining a French Owner’s Manual.........206
Recline Adjustment............................................115 Overhead Console........................................125
Media Hub......................................................348 Overhead Storage Compartments..............125
Message Center
See: Information Displays.................................99
See: Heated Windows and Mirrors.................111 Parking Aid......................................................163
See: Windows and Mirrors...............................90 Switching the Parking Aid System
Mobile Communications Equipment......14 Off.......................................................................164
Motorcraft Parts - 3.2L Power Stroke Parking Aids....................................................163
Diesel............................................................308 Principle of Operation.......................................163
Motorcraft Parts - 3.5L Parking Brake - Vehicles With:
Ecoboost™.................................................308 Mechanical Parking Brake......................157
Motorcraft Parts - 3.7L...............................310 Center Parking Brake.........................................157
MyKey Troubleshooting...............................68 Parking Brake - Vehicles With: Push
MyKey™.............................................................64 Down Parking Brake..................................157
Principle of Operation........................................64 Passive Anti-Theft System.........................75
See: Passive Anti-Theft System.....................75
Navigation........................................................417 Perchlorate.........................................................12
cityseeker..............................................................424 Personalized Settings.................................102
Destination Mode...............................................419 Measure Units......................................................102
Map Mode.............................................................418 Phone................................................................412
Navigation Map Updates................................425 During a Phone Call...........................................415
Navigation Menu................................................422 Making Calls.........................................................414
SiriusXM Traffic and Travel Link...................425 Pairing Your Cell Phone for the First
SYNC AppLink....................................................424 Time....................................................................412
Waypoints.............................................................423 Phone Menu.........................................................413
Normal Scheduled Maintenance..........462 Receiving Calls.....................................................415
Intelligent Oil-Life Monitor™........................462 Smartphone Connectivity...............................416
Normal Maintenance Intervals.....................462 Text Messaging...................................................416
Post-Crash Alert System...........................198
Power Door Locks
See: Locking and Unlocking.............................70
Power Running Boards.................................77
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
S Snow Chains
See: Using Snow Chains.................................286
Safety Canopy™.............................................53 Spare Wheel
Safety Precautions........................................131 See: Changing a Road Wheel........................292
Satellite Radio..............................................344 Special Notices................................................13
Satellite Radio Electronic Serial Number New Vehicle Limited Warranty.........................13
(ESN)................................................................345 Special Operating Conditions Scheduled
Satellite Radio Reception Factors..............345 Maintenance..............................................464
SiriusXM Satellite Radio Service.................345 Exceptions...........................................................466
Troubleshooting.................................................346 Speed Control
Scheduled Maintenance Record...........466 See: Cruise Control............................................168
Scheduled Maintenance..........................459 Speed Limiter................................................169
Seatbelt Extension........................................45 Engine Speed Limiter........................................169
Seatbelt Height Adjustment......................42 Vehicle Speed Limiter - Fixed........................169
Seatbelt Reminder........................................43 Stability Control.............................................161
Belt-Minder®.........................................................43 Principle of Operation........................................161
Seatbelts...........................................................39 Starter Switch
Principle of Operation........................................39 See: Ignition Switch...........................................126
Seatbelt Warning Lamp and Indicator Starting a Diesel Engine..............................127
Chime...............................................................42 Cold Weather Operation..................................128
Conditions of operation.....................................43 Engine Glow Plugs..............................................128
Seats...................................................................113 Failure to Start.....................................................128
Security...............................................................75 Starting a Cold or Hot Engine........................128
Selective Catalytic Reductant System - Starting a Gasoline Engine........................127
3.2L Diesel....................................................143 Cold or Hot Engine..............................................127
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (AdBlue) Engine Idle Speed after Starting...................127
Guidelines.........................................................143 Flooded Engine....................................................127
Diesel Exhaust Fluid (AdBlue) Level...........143 Starting and Stopping the Engine..........126
Warning Lamps and Messages.....................143 General Information..........................................126
Settings...........................................................428 Steering.............................................................172
911 Assist...............................................................433 Steering Wheel...............................................80
Ambient Lighting..............................................440 Storage Compartments.............................125
Bluetooth.............................................................430 Supplementary Restraints System.........46
Clock......................................................................430 Principle of Operation........................................46
Display....................................................................441 Switching Off the Engine...........................129
General..................................................................438 Vehicles With a Turbocharger........................129
Media Player........................................................429 Symbols Glossary.............................................7
Mobile Apps.........................................................436 SYNC™ 3........................................................387
Navigation............................................................434 General Information.........................................387
Phone....................................................................430 SYNC™ 3 Troubleshooting......................442
Radio......................................................................433 SYNC™ Applications and
Sound.....................................................................428 Services........................................................365
Valet Mode...........................................................442 911 Assist...............................................................365
Vehicle...................................................................440 SYNC Mobile Apps............................................367
Voice Control........................................................441 SYNC™...........................................................349
Wi-Fi & Hotspot.................................................438 General Information.........................................349
Side Airbags.....................................................52 SYNC™ Troubleshooting..........................379
Sitting in the Correct Position...................113
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
T Traction Control............................................160
Principle of Operation......................................160
Technical Specifications Trailer Sway Control.....................................181
See: Capacities and Specifications............305 Transmission Code Designation.............312
The Better Business Bureau (BBB) Auto Transmission...................................................151
Line Program (U.S. Only).......................203 Transporting the Vehicle...........................198
Tire Care..........................................................269 Trip Computer................................................102
Glossary of Tire Terminology..........................271 All Values...............................................................102
Inflating the Tires...............................................278 Average Fuel Consumption............................102
Information About Uniform Tire Quality Digital Speedometer.........................................102
Grades..............................................................269 Distance to Empty.............................................102
Information Contained on the Tire Outside Air Temperature.................................102
Sidewall............................................................272 Resetting the Trip Computer..........................102
Inspecting the Tires and Wheel Valve Trip Odometer.....................................................102
Stems.................................................................281 Trip Timer..............................................................102
Location of the Tire Label...............................278
Tire Age..................................................................282
Tire and Wheel Alignment.............................284
Tire Damage.........................................................281 Under Hood Overview - 3.2L Power
Tire Pressure Monitoring System.................283 Stroke Diesel..............................................230
Tire Replacement Requirements.................282 Under Hood Overview - 3.5L
Tire Rotation........................................................285 Ecoboost™..................................................231
Tire Safety Practices.........................................283 Under Hood Overview - 3.7L....................232
Tire Wear................................................................281 USB Port..........................................................347
United States Department of Using Cruise Control...................................168
Transportation Tire Quality Switching Cruise Control Off.........................168
Grades...............................................................270 Switching Cruise Control On..........................168
Tire Pressure Monitoring System...........287 Using MyKey With Remote Start
Changing Tires With a Tire Pressure Systems..........................................................68
Monitoring System.......................................289 Using Power Running Boards.....................77
Tire Pressure Monitoring System Reset Automatic Power Deploy...................................77
Procedure.........................................................291 Automatic Power Stow.......................................77
Understanding the Tire Pressure Monitoring Bounce-back..........................................................78
System..............................................................289 Enabling and Disabling......................................78
Tires Manual Operation................................................78
See: Wheels and Tires.....................................268 Manual Power Deploy.........................................77
Tow/Haul.........................................................154 Resetting the System..........................................79
Towing a Trailer.............................................180 Using Snow Chains.....................................286
Load Placement.................................................180 Using Stability Control................................162
Towing Points................................................199 Using SYNC™ With Your Media
Front Towing Point.............................................199 Player.............................................................370
Rear Towing Point..............................................199 Accessing Your USB Song Library................374
Towing Eye Location........................................200 Bluetooth Devices and System
Towing the Vehicle on Four Settings.............................................................376
Wheels..........................................................189 Connecting Your Digital Media Player to the
Emergency Towing............................................189 USB Port...........................................................370
Recreational Towing.........................................190 Media Menu Features.......................................373
Towing..............................................................180 Media Voice Commands..................................371
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
2018 Transit (TTH) Canada/United States of America, JK3J 19A321 AA enUSA, Edition date: 201705, Third-Printing-
JK3J 19A321 AA, Edition date: 201705