Lab Report For Ec3 Experiment: Rc-Circuits V-2 (A) For This Part We Performed The Experiment According To The Directions, Using A 30V
Lab Report For Ec3 Experiment: Rc-Circuits V-2 (A) For This Part We Performed The Experiment According To The Directions, Using A 30V
Lab Report For Ec3 Experiment: Rc-Circuits V-2 (A) For This Part We Performed The Experiment According To The Directions, Using A 30V
V-2 (a) For this part we performed the experiment according to the directions, using a 30V
power source. I tabulated the data taken in step V-1 as shown below:
The data that I plotted and the graph are shown below:
t(s) ln |VR|
10 0.3556
20 0.3016
30 0.2562
40 0.2062
50 0.1510
60 0.0862
80 -0.009
100 -0.1065
120 -0.2157
140 -0.3133
160 -0.4293
180 -0.5175
200 -0.6162
220 -0.7215
240 -0.8165
ln|VR| vs t (s)
f(x) = − 0.01 x + 0.4
ln (|VR|)
t (s)
From the plot I found the time constant τ and the uncertainty σ τ, and also using
LINEST in Excel.
τ=RC =-1/slope
q(t )= EC(1-e -t/RC )
R1 C 2=−1 /slope= -1/0 .0051204= 195sec
τ ± σ τ = (195 ±
R1 C 2 = )2*10
X10-6 = 200 sec
% diff = ⋅100=2 . 5 %
V-2(b) For this part we performed the experiment according to the directions, using a 30V
power source. I tabulated the data taken in step V-2 as shown below:
C3=10-6 f
The data that I plotted and the graph are shown below:
t(s) ln|VR|
10 0.2919
20 0.2029
30 0.1080
40 0.006976
50 -0.07472
60 -0.168
70 -0.276
80 -0.355
90 -0.442
100 -0.543
110 -0.6292
120 -0.724
130 -0.810
140 -0.894
150 -0.989
160 -1.07
ln|VR| vs t (s)
0.2 f(x) = − 0.01 x + 0.38
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
-0.8 Linear ()
t (s)
From the plot I found the time constant τ and the uncertainty σ τ, and also using
LINEST in Excel.
τ=RC =-1/slope
q(t )= EC(1-e -t/RC )
R1 C 2=−1 /slope= 1/0. 0091219= 110sec
τ ± σ τ = (110 ± 4x10-5
) RsecC
1 3 = 2*108X 0.5*10-6 = 100 sec
% diff = ⋅100=10. 0 %
VI-4: For this step we perfomed the experiment according to the directions using 30 Volts power
In this step I plotted the data taken in step V-3; ln|V| vs t. I also obtained the time constant τ and
the uncertainty σ τ, (and using LINEST in Excel.)
# t(s) |VR| ln |VR|
1 10 0.0007 -7.23
2 20 0.0005 -7.6
3 30 0.0001 -9.2
4 40 0.0001 -9.2
5 50 0.0002 -8.5
6 60 0.0005 -7.6
7 70 0.0008 -7.1
8 80 0.0010 -6.9
9 90 0.0013 -6.6
10 100 0.0015 -6.5
11 110 0.0016 -6.4
12 120 0.0017 -6.4
13 130 0.0020 -6.2
14 140 0.0022 -6.1
15 150 0.0023 -6.1
16 160 0.0025 -6.0
ln|VR| vs t (s)
-1 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
-5 Linear ()
-6 f(x) = 0.02 x − 9.31
t (S)
From the plot I found the time constant τ and the uncertainty σ τ, and also using
LINEST in Excel.
τ=RC =-1/slope
q(t )= EC(1-e -t/RC )
R1 C 2=−1 /slope= 1/0. 023995= 42sec
τ ± σ τ = (42 ± 2x10-3)
RC1 2 = 2*108X10-6 = 200 sec
% diff = ⋅100=−80 . 0 %
There is a huge difference in this step because the Voltmeter wasn’t working properly.
R1 = 200MΩ, C2 = 1.0μF, C3 = 1μF.
RC charge
RC calc (sec) RC dis. (sec) (sec) σRC (sec)
Our data does not fall into the uncertainty range of the calculated value. These errors were most
likely caused by human and device errors which could have occurred during the experiment.
During our experiment our voltmeter wasn’t working properly.
V1 (Volts) 0.0018
V2 (Volts) 0.0023
V1 + V2 (Volts) 0.0041
V1 + V2 (measured)
(Volts) 0.0015
V1/V2 0.78
C1 (μF) 0.22
C2 (μF) 1
V1/V2 (expected) =4.54
V1 (Volts) 1.4627
V2 (Volts) 1.4593
Therefore since the capacitors are in parallel we expect them to have the following relationship:
V1 C
=(1+ 1 )
V2 C3
1. 4627
=1 . 0023
1. 4593
1+ =1 . 44
0 .5
1 . 0023−1 . 44
% diff = ⋅100=−30 . 4 %
1. 44
Q Q Vt
C= V =IR= R R=
V t Q
τ =RC= =t
We can say from the equation above that the units of the time constant τ must be the same as t, which
is seconds.
q (t )
q(t )=ΕC(1−e−t /RC ) Qmax =EC =1−e−t /RC
Q max
τ =50
q(t )
=1−e−100/50 =0 .8647
86 . 47% of the total charge that the capacitor can hold has built up on the capacitor .