Stephen Bell, Andrew Hindmoor - Rethinking Governance - The Centrality of The State in Modern Society (2009) PDF
Stephen Bell, Andrew Hindmoor - Rethinking Governance - The Centrality of The State in Modern Society (2009) PDF
Stephen Bell, Andrew Hindmoor - Rethinking Governance - The Centrality of The State in Modern Society (2009) PDF
Rethinking Governance
The Centrality of the State in Modern Society
Several problems plague contemporary thinking about governance, from the mul-
tiple definitions that are often vague and confusing, to the assumption that gov-
ernance strategies such as networks and markets represent attempts by weakening
states to maintain control.
Rethinking Governance questions these assumptions and seeks to clarify how we
understand governance. Arguing that it is best understood as ‘the strategies used
by governments to help govern’, the authors counter the view that governments
have been decentred. They show that far from receding, states are in fact enhancing
their capacity to govern by exerting top-down controls and developing closer ties
with non-government sectors.
Identifying several ‘modes’ of governance, Stephen Bell and Andrew Hindmoor
use a wide range of practical examples to explore the strengths and limitations of
each. In so doing, they demonstrate how modern states are using a mixture of
governance modes to address specific policy problems.
This book demonstrates why the argument that states are being ‘hollowed out’
is overblown. Rethinking Governance refocuses our attention on the central role
played by governments in devising governance strategies.
Stephen Bell is Professor and former Head of the School of Political Science and
International Studies at the University of Queensland.
Andrew Hindmoor is Senior Lecturer in the School of Political Science and
International Studies at the University of Queensland.
The Centrality of the State
in Modern Society
Published in the United States of America by Cambridge University Press, New York
Information on this title:
Notes 192
Bibliography 194
Index 223
Figures and tables
2.1 Network and structures page 35
4.1 Labour market deregulation in three industries, 1975–2003 74
4.2 Pages of Commonwealth Acts of Parliament passed per year,
1901–2006 93
4.3 Agreements signed by the European Community/Union,
1969–2007 94
4.4 Expansion of the number of regulatory agencies,
1960–2002 95
xiv P R E FA C E
We are extremely grateful to Gerry Stoker and Grace Skogstad who pro-
vided us with incisive comments on early drafts and whose endorsements
the completed book now carries. Thanks to Brian Head who read and com-
mented on several draft chapters. Thanks to Mike Keating who read some
early draft chapters and keenly supported this project. We have also ben-
efited from the comments, suggestions and examples offered to us by the
undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Queensland
upon whom we have piloted various versions of our arguments.
Stephen Bell
Andrew Hindmoor
1 A state-centric relational
most governance strategies. The main problem with many of the current
approaches to governance is that the role of the state has either receded from
view or remains ambiguous. In our view, governments and the broader set of
agencies and public bodies that together constitute the state are, and should
remain, central players in governance processes. We thus reject the notion
that there has been any general loss of governing capacity and instead agree
with Tabatha Wallington, Geoffrey Lawrence and Barton Loechel (2008, 3)
who argue that governance is about governments seeking to ‘govern better
rather than govern less’. We also argue that the scope and scale of gover-
nance is actually expanding, and that state-based, hierarchical or top-down
forms of governance are doing likewise. States are attempting to expand
their governing capacities not only by strengthening central state institu-
tions but by forging new governance partnerships with a range of social
We thus agree that governments have, in recent decades, adopted a
broader range of governance strategies. But we disagree that this consti-
tutes a ‘fundamental transformation’. This is partly because alternative
governance strategies have a far longer pedigree than many of those writ-
ing about governance recognise, and also because states generally retain
effective control over such arrangements. States are constantly choosing
new policy goals and learning to pursue them in different ways. But while
much has changed, the state remains a central actor in governance arrange-
ments. We therefore define governance from a state-centric perspective and
argue that governance arrangements are largely created and orchestrated
by the state to help govern society. Governing can generally be defined as
shaping, regulating or attempting to control human behaviour in order
to achieve collective ends. Yet effective governance often requires states
to build strategic relationships with a range of non-state actors. This is a
process of engagement that Donald Kettl (2002, 123) refers to as ‘govern-
mentalising’ previously non-governmental sectors in attempts to draw in
extra governing resources from society, allowing governments to increase
their reach without necessarily growing in size. Hence, we argue for a def-
inition of governance from a state-centric relational perspective and define
governance as the tools, strategies and relationships used by governments to help
govern. This approach suggests that governance can be seen as an extension
of more traditional notions of public policy, except that the rubric of gov-
ernance implies experimentation with a wide variety of governing strategies
and the involvement of a wider range of non-governmental actors.
Our approach is state-centred because we argue that governments rely
upon hierarchical authority to implement their policies, and because, even
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 3
when governments choose to govern in alternative ways, the state remains the
pivotal player in establishing and operating governance strategies and part-
nerships. We thus see governance and changes in governance arrangements
as substantially driven by changes in state preferences and strategy. Our
approach to governance is also relational because we emphasise the extent
to which governments, in establishing and operating governance strategies,
develop strategic relationships or partnerships with a range of non-state
actors. For this reason, ultimately, the choice between society-centred and
state-centric approaches to governance, or between governance and gov-
ernment, is a false one. Our state-centric relational approach emphasises
the importance of the state and also the importance of state–society rela-
tions in governance. Our state-centric relational approach thus absorbs the
relational aspects of the society-centred approach, but from a state-centric
The rest of this chapter elaborates on these claims. We examine the
society-centered perspective on governance and ask to what extent changes
in governance amount to a fundamental transformation. We then define
our state-centred relational approach and outline the range of ways in
which governments have deployed different ‘modes of governance’ in order
to govern.
S O C I E T Y- C E N T R E D G O V E R N A N C E
Much of the existing literature on governance is society-centred: it empha-
sises the proliferation of complex horizontal forms of societal relations and
governance networks that are said to have marginalised government or ren-
dered its role ambiguous. As Eva Sorensen and Jacob Torfing (2008a, 3)
put it: ‘the sovereign state . . . is losing its grip and is being replaced by new
ideas about pluricentric government based on interdependence, negotia-
tion and trust’. We begin by critically reviewing this writing as well as the
notion that governance represents a ‘fundamental transformation’ (Sala-
mon, 2002, 1–2) or a ‘substantial break from the past’ (Stoker, 1998, 26)
in the scope, scale and basic forms of government action.
In our view, the society-centred approach consists of two parts. The first
is that the alleged shift from government to governance has resulted in the
involvement of a wider range of actors within governing processes, and
that these actors are held together not by rules, regulations and hierarchy
but by informal and relatively egalitarian networks. Hence a major theme
within the society-centred approach consists of a focus upon partnerships
and networks and the blurring of the boundaries between the public and
private sectors. According to Mark Bevir and Rod Rhodes (2003, 55–6),
‘networks are the defining characteristics of governance’ and offer a ‘coordi-
nating mechanism notably different from markets and hierarchies’. Policy
network is the name given to the formal and informal links and exchanges
that develop between governments and civil society associations, NGOs
and interest-groups in specific policy arenas (Marsh & Rhodes, 1992a, b).
A major proposition of the society-centred approach is that an increasing
number of policy decisions are being taken in and through self-organising
policy networks.
Thus Lester Salamon (2002, 2) associates governance with ‘an elabo-
rate system of third-party government in which crucial elements of public
authority are shared with a host of nongovernmental or other-governmental
actors, frequently in complex collaborative systems’. Rod Rhodes (1997,
15) defines governance in terms of ‘self-organising inter-organisational net-
works characterised by interdependence, resource exchange’ and a shared
acceptance of the ‘rules of the game’. In a recent edited work, Sorensen
and Torfing (2008a, 3) acknowledge that ‘forms of top-down government
remain in place’, but nevertheless suggest that a major shift in governance
has occurred and that ‘public management increasingly proceeds in and
through pluricentric negotiations among relevant and affected actors on
the basis of interdependency, trust and jointly developed rules, norms and
discourses. The ‘surge in governance networks’, they continue, ‘is prompted
by the persistent critique of traditional forms of governance in terms of
hierarchies and markets.’ Similarly, Mark Bevir (2007, 2) uses the term gov-
ernance to describe a ‘shift from a hierarchic bureaucracy to a greater use
of markets and networks’; while Adrienne Heritier (2002a, 185) concludes
that governance entails ‘types of political steering in which non-hierarchical
modes of guidance . . . are employed’.
The second part of the argument is that the challenges to the state
noted above, as well as the involvement of a larger range of actors in the
process of governing, have resulted in government being superseded or at
least marginalised. As Eerik-Hans Klijn and Joop Koppenjan (2000, 136)
argue, a ‘broad consensus has developed around the idea that government
is not actually the cockpit from which society is governed’. Andrew Jordan,
Rüdiger Wurzel, and Anthony Zito (2005, 480) suggest that ‘most scholars
associate governance with the decline in central government’s ability to steer
society’. Similarly, for Gerry Stoker (1998, 17), ‘the essence of governance
is its focus on governing mechanisms which do not rest on recourse to the
authority and sanctions of government’. Maarten Hajer (2003) contends
that governance has led to a dispersal of power and the emergence of an
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 5
‘institutional void’ in which there are endless negotiations but no clear rules
about how policy should be decided. Finally, Rhodes (1997, 52) describes
governance networks as operating with ‘significant autonomy from the
To be sure, there are some countries in the world where central gov-
ernment has collapsed and non-state actors have stepped in to perform at
least some of the functions previously performed by the state. In Somalia
the civil war that raged between 1988 and 1992 resulted in the deaths of
around a quarter of a million people. In its aftermath, informal coalitions
of business leaders, clan elders and Muslim clerics assumed responsibil-
ity for constructing a system of local courts and other dispute-resolution
mechanisms in the absence of any functioning state (Menkhaus, 2007).
As Chapter 7 on community engagement explains, Elinor Ostrom (1990;
Dolsak & Ostrom, 2003) has shown that non-state actors are sometimes
capable of developing elaborate but informal rules, norms and conventions
governing the allocation of natural resources. There are, furthermore, a
number of instances in which NGOs have pressed firms to collectively
develop and voluntarily agree to abide by codes of conduct in the appar-
ent absence of any state involvement. David Vogel (2008, 262) reports
that there are now more than 300 such codes, primarily addressing either
labour or environmental practices, on such high-profile political issues as
child labour, sweatshops, diamond mining and fair-trade coffee and cocoa
production. ‘Non-state market-driven’ arrangements of this sort (Cashore,
2002) come closest to a model of ‘governance without government’. Nev-
ertheless, a later chapter shows that such governance arrangements are
limited in scope, are often poorly enforced, and are pursued by NGOs as
a second-best alternative to state action.
We acknowledge that not every writer who points to the involvement of
a larger range of actors in the process of steering society is willing to discount
the state. Janet Newman (2005, 1) suggests that ‘governmental power is
both retreating – with state institutions being slimmed down, hollowed
out, decentred and marketised – and expanding, reaching into more and
more citizens’ personal lives: for example their decisions about work, health
and parenting’. We concur with this latter view. In several of their texts Jon
Pierre and Guy Peters (2000; 2005) have offered an avowedly ‘state-centric’
perspective on governance, proclaiming that, ‘despite persistent rumours
to the contrary, [the state] remains the key political actor in society and
the predominant expression of collective interests’ (2000, 25). Yet, even
here, changes in, and the limits of, the state’s authority are emphasised.
Although Pierre and Peters dismiss claims that the state is disappearing, they
nevertheless maintain that its role and capacities have been fundamentally
changed. The state is no longer the pre-eminent actor whose ‘centrality can
be taken for granted’ and which can ‘be employed to enforce the political
will of the dominant political constituency’ (p. 82).
The society-centred approach to governance also downplays concepts
such as political power and authority (Koppenjan, 2008, 133). For New-
man (2005, 4), ‘governance theory offers an account of the dispersal of
power within and beyond the state, undermining the privileged place of
representative democracy’ (see also Hajer, 2003, 177). Vasudha Chhotray
and Gerry Stoker (2009, 12) see governance as a system that is ‘not neces-
sarily hierarchical in nature’. Similarly, Sorensen and Torfing (2008a, 10)
argue that within governance networks, ‘nobody can use their power to
exert hierarchical control over anybody else without risking ruin to the
network’. In this view, hierarchy, power struggles and conflict seem to
get marginalised or replaced by contracts, bargaining, negotiation, net-
working, mutual dependence, or reciprocity and trust relations. This is a
horizontal view of politics in which the state is receding or playing a more
marginal role in a system of ‘self-organising networks’ built on bargain-
ing and negotiation, rather than authority structures. Hence, when writers
such as Sorensen and Torfing (2008a) emphasise the centrality of ‘non-
hierarchical forms of governance’, the ‘absence of top-down authority’ or
the ‘role of horizontal networks of organised interests in the production
of public policy and governance’ (pp. 3, 44, 3; see also Borzel & Panke,
2008), this implies that public actors do not have any distinctive role or
authority vis-à-vis private actors. Indeed, Tanja Borzel and Diana Panke
(2008, 155) argue that ‘public and private actors enjoy equal status’ in
such networks. In other words, the role of government is marginalised or
rendered seemingly equivalent to that of private actors amidst processes of
horizontal bargaining and negotiation.
The society-centred account argues that states are being weakened by an
array of forces and that, as a result, governments now govern less frequently
through the unilateral application of top-down, hierarchical, authority and
more frequently in partnership with non-state actors through markets,
network associations and other ‘new’ forms of governance. What are we to
make of these empirical claims? We focus in detail on the ‘resilience’ of the
state in the next chapter, but here it is worth exploring the idea that other
modes of governance have increasingly marginalised the state.
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 7
We do not doubt that governments across the world are more likely
than they once were to make use of, in particular, market mechanisms.
In some cases – most notably the cap-and-trade provisions found in emis-
sions trading systems – market mechanisms have acquired a high political
profile. We accept that faith in market mechanisms is more than a passing
policy fad. Neo-liberal governments and international organisations like
the World Bank were the first to eulogise the use of markets, but their
acceptance has spread beyond this relatively narrow political base. We also
recognise that governments have increasingly experimented with strategies
to engage the community and governance through partnering with civil
society associations. In this sense, the state is certainly experimenting with
a wider palette of modes of governance, as we outline below.
Nevertheless, the extent to which there has been a ‘fundamental trans-
formation’ in the ‘basic forms’ of governance can be exaggerated (Salamon,
2002, 1–2). In most policy areas in most countries, top-down governance
through hierarchy remains the most frequently employed governance strat-
egy. Consider, in this regard, the illuminating study of European environ-
mental policy by Jordan, Wurzel and Zito (2005). They document the
extent to which various ‘new’ environmental policy instruments – eco-taxes,
tradable permits, voluntary agreements, eco-labels – have been adopted
in seven European countries. They found that, while every country had
adopted at least one new policy instrument, ‘there has been no wholesale
and spatially uniform shift from government to governance’ (p. 490).
Hierarchy is not simply holding its own against other governance mech-
anisms. In many cases it is resurgent, as described in Chapter 4. Govern-
ments have increasingly come to rely upon hierarchical solutions to address
new policy problems such as:
r speeding: heavy fines, surveillance cameras, compulsory educational
r illegal immigration: fines for lorry drivers or airlines caught intentionally
or unintentionally carrying immigrants
r obesity: bans on the advertising of junk food during children’s television
programs, on the sale of junk food within school premises, on the use
of certain trans fats in the preparation of food
r drug abuse: compulsory drug testing for prisoners and, in some countries,
public servants and, in almost every country, longer prison sentences for
those caught dealing
r anti-social behaviour: court orders in Britain banning people from fre-
quenting a certain area or socialising with certain people
r smoking: bans on smoking in public places
One of our key arguments then is that governance through hierarchical
control imposed by the state is alive and well. In some arenas – defence,
security, monetary policy – policies continue to be made and implemented
hierarchically by the state and consultation is non-existent or extremely
limited. And when governments have chosen to govern in alternative ways,
we argue that the state usually retains a pre-eminent position. On this basis
we argue that states and governments remain critical players in governance
and that governance is also about state–society relationships, whatever the
governance arrangements in place.
Governments and state agencies are attempting to further boost their
capacities by employing an expanding array of governance strategies. Gov-
ernments can choose how they wish to govern and can exercise this
choice without necessarily limiting their own powers. As Hans Andersen
(2004, 7) writes:
employed and the goals being sought. In general terms, however, govern-
ments can often acquire greater legitimacy and assistance in implementing
their policies by developing relations with interest-groups and community
bodies. By working with private firms, governments can purchase expertise
and, in the case of controversial decisions, a certain amount of political
credibility. Policies that have been endorsed by key stakeholders are more
likely to be regarded as legitimate by the media and public. In return, gov-
ernments must concede to these actors at least some measure of influence
in the policy process. Essentially, governing capacity is enhanced or poten-
tially enhanced in such cases because governing relies not only on the state
but on a broader array of actors who collectively bring more capabilities to
the table than the state alone can.
The existence of exchange relationships between state and non-state
actors does not, however, mean that these relations are equal. As we describe
more fully in the next chapter, and as Vasudha Chhotray and Gerry Stoker
(2009, 22) observe, states are often able to ‘dominate the exchange’ (also
see Pierre & Peters, 2000, 100; Flinders, 2006, 245). Michael Lister and
David Marsh (2006, 255) say that ‘modern governance involves the state in
more complex relationships with other governmental and societal actors,
but it doesn’t inevitably reduce its role or power’. Similarly, Martin Smith
(2006, 32) suggests in a discussion of pluralist theory:
Governments and state agencies thus typically play roles at two levels
in governance arrangements. First, they are, with others, players in specific
governance arrangements. Second, they also have a metagovernance func-
tion, an overall management and oversight role, that transcends specific
governance arrangements.
Existing discussions about the role of the state in governance arrange-
ments sometimes encourage us to think about a spectrum of possible
positions running from, on the one hand, society-centred governance with
minimal governmental presence to, on the other, a state-centric view of
governance. Such a typology underpins the work of Jon Pierre and Guy
Peters (2005) in Governing Complex Societies (see also Chhotray & Stoker,
2009, ch. 1; Jordan, Wurzel & Zito, 2005). Pierre and Peters identify five
models of the state and society interactions in governance that are now said
to be operating among contemporary democratic systems. These models
are distinguished in terms of the actors involved, the nature of the pro-
cesses and political dynamics at work, and the outcomes of the governing
processes; together they constitute a ‘continuum ranging from the most
dominated by the state to those in which the state plays the least role’
(p. 11).
r The etatiste model: government is the principal actor for all aspects of
governance and can control the manner in which societal actors are
involved, if at all, in governance.
r The liberal-democratic model: government is influenced by interest-
groups but can nevertheless ‘have the opportunity to pick and
choose . . . [who] it will permit to have influence’ (ibid).
r The state-centric model: the state ‘remains at the centre of the process’ but
has institutionalised its relationships with social actors in corporatist-
type arrangements.
r The so-called Dutch governance school model: the state is ‘merely one
among many actors involved in the process’ and ‘society may be the
most powerful actor’ (ibid).
r The governance without government model: the state has lost its capacity
to govern and is, at best, an arena within which private actors play
out their own interests to create more or less self-steering governance
arrangements (p. 12).
This typology in which the authority of the state waxes and wanes
loses sight of the integral role that governments play in all governance
arrangements; a role that is the foundation of our state-centric relational
approach to governance. Government and governance are not mutually
exclusive alternatives between which societies must choose. They are not
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 13
On what basis does the state’s legal sovereignty rest? There are two very
different answers to this question, but both of them emphasise the cen-
trality of the state. One theory is that the state’s sovereignty rests upon
its legitimacy: that is, upon a popular acceptance that the state is entitled
to be the final and absolute authority in the political community and has
the right to make authoritative decisions, largely because its leaders hold
a democratic mandate from the people. In this sense legitimacy is linked
directly to notions of democratic authority. Over the last few decades,
trust in politicians and willingness to participate in the political process
have fallen, in some cases dramatically (Stoker, 2006). A second notion
underpinning legitimacy is that the state retains political legitimacy in the
sense that people still routinely expect governments to solve policy prob-
lems and steer society. In a classic statement of neo-liberal philosophy,
Ronald Reagan used his inaugural presidential address in 1980 to argue
that, ‘in the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem;
government is the problem’. Yet in a secular age it is still government and
not God to which people are most likely to turn. When a flood strikes,
unemployment increases or an inquiry reveals falling standards of care for
the elderly or the mentally ill, it is elected politicians or, occasionally, the
executive of a government agency who appear on our television screens
to promise swift action. When the American sub-prime mortgage mar-
ket started to fail in September 2007, placing individual banks and the
wider capital market under enormous financial pressure, it was the federal
government and the US Federal Reserve which was called upon to inject
liquidity into markets and support and even nationalise parts of the banking
A second and more brutal argument is that the state’s sovereignty rests
upon its monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. This might seem
dramatic, but the capacity of the state to unilaterally alter governance rules
might, ultimately, be thought to depend upon its capacity to force other
actors to behave in certain ways. Just as states continue to possess signifi-
cant financial and bureaucratic resources, so they continue to possess not
only an effective monopoly on the legitimate use of violence in society
but a near-monopoly on the use of all violence. In some countries, well-
organised criminal gangs pose a threat not only to public order but to the
financial stability of the state. Yet in recent years the Italian judiciary (Della
Porta, 2001) and (with a great deal of American assistance) the Colombian
army (Bowden, 2001) have shown that they are capable of frustrating the
activities of, respectively, the Mafia and the Medellin and Cali drug cartels.
Concerns have also been expressed about the legitimacy of, and the dangers
posed by, the large and legally protected private security forces employed
by Russian energy companies and by large American security firms such
as Blackwater (recently renamed Xe for reasons that are discussed in
Chapter 6). These concerns need to be placed in context. Blackwater
executives have spoken about creating a brigade-sized unit of around 2000
troops capable of being deployed to world trouble-spots at short notice
(Scahill, 2007, 348–9). The US Army by contrast consists of around
400 000 enlisted soldiers and 80 000 officers.
Far from withering away, states have adapted to new environments and
remain the public faces of governance. We therefore remain profoundly
sceptical of transformationalist arguments and agree with Graham Wilson
(2000, 235) when he says that: ‘the popularity of anti-state rhetoric in
the 1980s and 1990s [has] led many to confuse changes in the modes of
state activity . . . with a decline in the significance of the state’. Our state-
centric relational approach to governance recognises that governments have
developed new tools, strategies and relationships in order to govern and that
governments can therefore choose between different modes of governance.
This book distinguishes five modes of governance: hierarchy, persuasion,
markets, community engagement, and associative governance.
Governance via hierarchy, or top-down governance, occurs when govern-
ments or agencies of the state act authoritatively to bring about an outcome.
Governments and state agencies directly allocate resources through taxing
and spending, or they attempt to impose order, rule and outcomes via direct
regulatory, legal and enforcement measures. In this mode of governance
state authority is used to foster order, rule and collective capacity. When
governments ban smoking in public places (thus directly bringing about
an outcome) or raise the taxes on a packet of cigarettes (thus changing
the incentives for smokers in order to bring about an outcome), this is an
example of governance via hierarchy.
While an enormous amount has been written about hierarchy and mar-
kets as instruments of governance, far less has been said about governance
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 17
One obvious change in the way in which governments govern is the grow-
ing commercialisation of government and the use of markets and contracts
in governance processes. Governments across the world have contracted-
out services to private firms and encouraged the development of public–
private partnerships. Governments have privatised state-owned industries
and deregulated other markets. They have also established new markets
to tackle policy problems such as climate change. Yet we are sceptical of
the claim that markets, any markets, operate independently of govern-
ment. Rather than ‘free markets’, we talk about ‘managed markets’ and
suggest that ‘the shift to marketisation largely represents an attempt by
government to enhance or restore their power to achieve their economic
and social objectives, while minimising any loss of efficiency’ (Keating,
2004, 6).
In associative or network governance arrangements, the state works with
firms, private associations and interest-groups to develop and implement
policy. Through both corporatist and private-interest government arrange-
ments (Streeck & Schmitter, 1985), states offer business associations and
other groups influence over the contents of public policy in exchange for
public support, access to information, and direct assistance in implement-
ing policy. The involvement of non-state actors in the policy process is, in
itself, nothing new. What is said to have changed is the scale of interest-
group involvement and the legitimacy accorded to it (Sorensen & Torfing,
2008a, 4). Within a number of European countries, for example, peak
organisations representing the interests of labour or industry have on occa-
sion assumed the role of formal co-legislators who are able to negotiate
the contents of European Union directives (Treib, Bahr & Falkner, 2007,
10). Indeed, Rod Rhodes, whose work on governance we have already
mentioned, argues that the shift from what he describes as government
to governance is synonymous with the proliferation of networks in which
public and private sector actors exchange resources.
This chapter has outlined our critique of existing ‘society-centred’ accounts
of governance and introduced our ‘state-centric relational’ alternative to
them. Our basic aim here has been to emphasise two points: the continu-
ing centrality of governments to the process of governance; and the degree
to which governments’ capacity to govern requires the development of
effective working relationships with a range of non-state actors. In the fol-
lowing two chapters we develop these themes: first by critically examining
A S TAT E - C E N T R I C R E L AT I O N A L A P P R O A C H 19
T H E R E S I L I E N T S TAT E 21
Public choice (or, as it is often called, rational choice) theory involves the
application of the methods of economics – principally the assumptions
of methodological individualism, rationality and egoism – to the study
of politics (Mueller, 2003, 1; Hindmoor, 2006a, b). Public choice theory,
These days . . . such manipulation will be caught out . . . the financial mar-
kets in particular will see through the ruse and punish the perpetrators.
Today’s politicians appreciate that extended front page reportage of a plung-
ing exchange rate, for example, could easily outweigh any positive effects of
a politically inspired cut in interest rates [quoted Bell, 2004a, 120].
The irony is that reforms inspired by public choice theory in the 1980s
and 1990s have enhanced state capacity. The encouragement to devolve
responsibility for monetary policy to independent central banks (Buchanan
& Wagner, 1977) has helped states control inflationary pressures during
the last few decades (Alesina & Summers, 1993). The support offered
by public choice theorists like William Niskanen (1971) to introducing
competition within the public service has arguably enhanced the capacity of
the state bureaucracies to deliver services efficiently. Finally, public choice
arguments about the dangers of regulatory ‘capture’ (Stigler, 1971) have
led governments to rethink the ways in which they interact with private
firms and associations. Far from reining in the state, public choice assaults
have in some ways helped to strengthen it.
an inevitable ‘fiscal crisis’ for the capitalist state (O’Connor, 1973; Offe,
1984). The basic argument was that governments were caught between the
increasing need to invest additional money in support of private capital,
and their inability to finance that expenditure through taxation. These
arguments found an echo during the 1970s in other and more gen-
eral writings about government ‘overload’ (Brittan, 1975; King, 1975;
Crozier et al., 1975). The post-war years, it was argued, had seen a
rapid and unsustainable growth in public expectations about what gov-
ernments could manage, which, once challenged, had led to a growing
loss of confidence not only in particular political parties but in the demo-
cratic process (Birch, 1984). Summarising this development, Anthony
King (1975, 166) suggested that ‘once upon a time man looked to God
to order the world. Then he looked to the market. Now he looks to gov-
ernment. And when things go wrong people blame not “Him” or “it” but
Concerns about government overload and the apparently inexorable rise
in post-war public expenditure provided part of the intellectual justification
for neo-liberal efforts to cut public expenditure in the 1980s and 1990s.
Even today, fears about excessive government spending continue to drive
political debates in the United States and Europe about the cost of public
health care and pensions. As Gerry Stoker (1998, 18) wryly observed, the
demand to reduce public expenditure means that ‘governance’ is often
regarded within government as a code for spending cuts. Equally, Jon
Pierre and Guy Peters (2000, 52) suggest that the ‘emergence of the new
governance’, has been propelled by an ‘astounding’ decline in the financial
resources of the state. Yet when we look at the data we find that, measured
as a share of gross domestic product, overall state expenditure in nearly
all the countries within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) has either remained constant or slightly increased
over the last 20 years (OECD, 2005a, 212–15). Between 1980 and 2001
overall public expenditure across the OECD increased by almost four per
cent of GDP (Castles, 2007, 22–3). The limited impact of neo-liberalism
upon the state is even more apparent when figures on state expenditure are
placed in historical perspective. In 1870 state expenditure accounted for
around 10 per cent of US gross domestic product; by 1980 this figure had
risen to 31 per cent. In Germany over the same period state expenditure rose
from around 12 per cent to 48 per cent of gross domestic product (Tanzi
& Schuknecht, 2000). Judged against this baseline, little has changed in
recent years. There is no evidence that state expenditure is likely to fall
to the levels experienced in the 1960s, let alone the 1870s. Moreover,
T H E R E S I L I E N T S TAT E 25
Table 2.1. Total social expenditure as a percentage of gross domestic product, selected
OECD countries, 1980 and 2001
Table 2.2. Total taxation as a percentage of gross domestic product, selected OECD
countries, 1975–2007
Total taxation
Have states managed to raise the taxation needed to pay for this increased
expenditure, so averting a fiscal crisis of the state? Broadly, the answer is
yes. As Table 2.2 shows, between 1975 and 2007 overall levels of taxation
measured as a proportion of gross domestic product increased in a range of
European countries and remained constant in the United Kingdom and the
United States. Across the OECD as a whole (including a range of countries
not included in the table shown here) average taxation increased from 30.3
to 36.3 per cent of GDP. Because most OECD economies have doubled in
size over this period, absolute tax income has grown dramatically; indeed,
as economies have grown, the ‘tax state’ has grown even faster. In Australia,
for example, for more than a decade to 2007, corporate tax receipts grew
at over three times the rate of GDP growth (Braithwaite, 2008, 7).
Although tax revenues within OECD countries have remained buoyant,
there is a general trend to finance public expenditure through long-term
public debt. As long as the world economy continued to grow these public
debt levels were manageable. Between 1980 and 2001 net debt interest
payments as a proportion of GDP only rose from 1.8 to 2.3 per cent in
the United States and from 1.5 to 2.0 per cent across a broader sample of
18 OECD countries (Wagschal, 2007, 26). Whether the combination of
T H E R E S I L I E N T S TAT E 27
In 1964 US President Lyndon Johnson pledged to build a great society
through the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. Over the next
few years a series of new government programs were introduced, including
Medicare and Medicaid, funds to assist children from low-income families,
and a new housing act to provide rent supplements for the poor. Despite the
huge sums of money involved, the results of these programs were generally
considered to be disappointing. In trying to account for their failure, policy
analysts stumbled upon the idea that programs had failed not because the
programs themselves were inherently flawed but because they had been
poorly implemented (Pressman & Wildavsky, 1973). According to one
public official:
Over the next few years academics came to recognise the difficulties –
sometimes impossibilities – of successful policy implementation in pol-
icy environments characterised by multiple centres of decision-making,
ambiguous policy objectives, high levels of uncertainty and uncoopera-
tive ‘street-level’ bureaucrats (Lipsky, 1980; Maynard-Moody & Musheno,
2003). A tidal wave of case-studies showed how frequently great policy
expectations are dashed during implementation (for reviews see Sabatier,
1986; DeLeon, 1999). Consider, as one example, the fate of the Kyoto
Protocol. Attention focused on the refusal of the United States and, to
failure and ‘policy disasters’ (Bovens & Hart, 1996) in the 1970s and
1980s risks creating a highly distorted picture of government performance
which ignores instances of successful policy implementation. This is not to
suggest that policy implementation is always perfectly managed: clearly it is
not. But the third point to make here is that the perfect implementation of
policy may itself be a sub-optimal result: the marginal benefits of investing
additional money and staff in the implementation of a policy ought to be
balanced against the marginal costs involved. Overall, implementation is a
challenging task, but we argue that governments now have a better grasp
of implementation issues and are addressing them more effectively than in
the past.
Governance arrangements can be described as legitimate to the extent
that they are popularly accepted. Fritz Scharpf (1997; 1999) suggests that
legitimacy is a two-dimensional concept, relating to the inputs and outputs
of the political system. On the input side, legitimacy requires that political
choices are derived, directly or indirectly, from the preferences of citizens
and that governments are accountable for the actions. On the output side,
legitimacy requires a high degree of effectiveness in achieving goals.
Governance arrangements that are democratic and accountable but
result in ineffective policies will not be considered legitimate. In the United
Kingdom, the Child Support Agency, an executive agency of the Depart-
ment of Work and Pensions, catastrophically lost public support when the
Independent Case Examiner’s Office revealed that it took an average of 300
days to process a claim (BBC, 14 November 2004). Eventually, the agency
was abolished and replaced by the Child Maintenance and Enforcement
Commission. By streamlining the process of determining and collecting
child support payments from absent parents, the commission eventually
acquired some measure of output legitimacy.
Equally, governance arrangements that result in effective policies but
are undemocratic and unaccountable are unlikely to be considered legit-
imate. After the World Trade Organisation had been the focus of many
anti-globalisation protests, its director, Michael Moore, sought to defend
its record in liberalising trade arrangements and alleviating poverty in
developing countries (Address to the European Parliament, 21 February
2000). This is unlikely to persuade critics who view the organisation as
undemocratic and unaccountable. The political scientist Susan George
(i) (ii)
Figure 2.1 shows two possible network arrangements between four actors,
A–D. In the first network every actor is connected to every other actor. In
the second, A, C and D are connected only to B.
It seems obvious that B will be at a relative advantage in the second
network. But why is this? One possibility is that network position deter-
mines the flow of information: a key bargaining resource within networks
(Dowding, 1995, 158). In the second network A, C and D have to depend
upon B for any information about the behaviour of other actors, while B
can withhold or distort information to its advantage. A second possibility
is that network position determines the opportunities actors have to form
coalitions. In the second network A, C and D are at a disadvantage because
they have no alternative but to work with B, who is therefore in a strong
bargaining position.
In our view governments occupy a central location within associational
networks equivalent to that enjoyed by actor B in the second network.
As we have said, groups want to develop close working relationships with
government officials because government possesses hierarchical authority –
the authority to make binding policy decisions. This is not to say that non-
state actors will operate in splendid isolation. Even when they are in direct
competition for members and influence, groups want to exchange some
information and, on occasions, develop joint negotiating positions. But the
strongest network relationships are likely to be those between government
and groups. A government’s central position in a network gives it a number
of advantages in steering the groups: the opportunity to control flows of
information; to play interest-groups off against each other; and to demand
that groups accept its preferences as the starting-point for negotiation. Of
course the government cannot simply require groups to accept its policies.
But the structural position of government within associational networks
frequently imposes an asymmetrical form on this exchange.
part of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). The French
business community, represented through a different policy network cen-
tred on the Ministry of Finance, made it clear that a successful conclusion
to the GATT talks was vital to its interests. The agricultural network
predictably resisted making any concessions. At this point the president
and prime minister, together with the minister for finance, decided that
limited agricultural reform was nevertheless in the national interest and
authorised senior officials to essentially bypass the agricultural policy com-
munity and conclude a trade deal. As Paul Epstein (1997, 357) concludes:
when it became clear that a solution on agriculture was the key to progress in
other sectors more important to the country’s economic welfare . . . the influ-
ence of the traditional policy community was undermined, as interest-group
leaders and high-ranking officials . . . found themselves playing second fiddle
to those closer to the power centre of the French Government, specifically
to the offices of the President and the Prime Minister.
Moran (2003, 6) argues that new audit and regulatory rules have ‘widened
the range of social and economic life subject to public power’ (see also
Power, 1997). According to Michael Saward (1997), hollowing-out pro-
cesses such as privatisation and decentralisation are best seen as efforts to
rationalise the state in order to promote central coordinating authority.
In the case of privatisation, he contends that there is no ‘strong evidence
in favour of the hollowing out hypothesis. Indeed, we can see it as core
actors flexing their political muscles’ (p. 22). Similarly, Giandomenico
Majone (1994, 79) argues that privatisation tends to strengthen rather
than weaken the regulatory capacity of the state (see also Muller & Wright,
Carolyn Hill and Laurence Lynn (2005) note that ‘the growing accep-
tance of governance as an organizing concept . . . reflects a widespread,
though not universal belief that the focus of administrative practice is
shifting from hierarchical government toward greater reliance on horizon-
tal, hybridized, and associational forms of governance’. Yet in a review
of over 800 individual studies of governance arrangements they find that
‘hierarchical investigations of the nature and consequences of government
action predominate in the literature’. They conclude that experiments
in more horizontal forms of governance reflect ‘a gradual addition of new
administrative forms that facilitate governance in a system of constitutional
authority that is necessarily hierarchical’ (p. 173). Such arguments and con-
clusions have led Rhodes (2007, 1253), the originator of the hollowing-out
thesis, to state that ‘the weight of criticism meant that I had to reconsider
my discussion of the changing role of the state’.
The argument that states are being hollowed out is frequently associated
with the claim that globalisation – the widening, deepening and speeding
up of worldwide interconnectedness (Held et al., 1999, 2) – has heralded
‘the end of geography’ (O’Brien, 1992) and so ‘undercut the policy capacity
of the nation state’ (Cerny, 1995, 612).
There are several parts to this argument:
r Globalisation has left states with little alternative but to engage in a race
to the bottom by cutting taxes and regulatory standards in an effort to
attract inward capital investment from transnational firms.
r Global financial markets act as a form of ‘golden straitjacket’ (Friedman,
1999), requiring states to adopt business-friendly policies.
and skills training and other publicly provided business infrastructure that
can best account for levels of inward investment (Hay, 2005, 252–3).
Those governments that have worked most closely with non-state actors
such as business associations and invested the most in vocational training
and university education have benefited the most from globalisation.
A third answer is that the policy demands made by global markets, espe-
cially financial markets, are actually quite narrow. Layna Mosley (2000;
2003), for example, demonstrates that financial market decision-makers
do not factor a wide range of government policy variables into their cal-
culations but instead focus on two main issues: inflation levels and ratios
between government deficits and GDP. These are regarded by traders as
the key measures of a government’s willingness to protect monetary val-
ues and ensure debt repayment. As she argues: ‘Market actors forcefully
demand particular values on key variables, but the number of key variables
is small, so that many national economic policy choices . . . reflect domestic
political and institutional constraints rather than external financial market
pressures’ (2000, 745). Even in arenas such as monetary policy, which is
widely assumed to be highly constrained by market pressures, there is still
evidence that national policy preferences and institutional dynamics matter
in shaping the details of policy (Bell, 2005).
A final answer, contrary to race-to-the-bottom arguments, is that glob-
alisation has, in some instances, been associated with a ‘California effect’,
whereby manufacturers have standardised production values to align with
those demanded in the toughest regulatory regimes. Originally, this referred
to the practice of car manufacturers who set vehicle emissions standards to
the high Californian levels rather than incur the costs of having different
production processes for different states or of producing cars to a lower
standard that could not then be sold in America’s largest domestic market
(Vogel, 1995; Fredriksson & Millimet, 2002). In principle, the California
effect could also ratchet up product standards in international trade in so
far as countries with large domestic markets set higher regulatory stan-
dards (Vogel, 1995, 259). For example, Canadian businesses are prepared
to support some form of emissions-trading because ‘big trading partners,
including the United States, have either put a price on carbon or are about
to do so [and] exporters worry that their products could be penalised if
Canada does not follow suit’ (Economist, 3 July 2008).
In another area of debate, the argument that globalisation has resulted
in the transfer of policy-making authority to international organisations is,
in some senses, irresistible. Organisations such as the European Union,
the World Trade Organization, the Financial Stability Forum (which
of interests between the great powers and other international actors (see
Table 2.4).
When the great powers agree on the need for regulatory action with
other international actors, the result, Drezner argues, is harmonised stan-
dards formulated and monitored by international governmental and non-
governmental organisations like the International Organisation for Stan-
dards and the International Accounting Standards Committee. Within
these organisations, the great powers steer ‘policy interventions behind the
scenes’ by making appointments and setting agendas (2007, 73). Where the
great powers agree among themselves on the need for regulatory action but
disagree with significant parts of the rest of the international community,
‘club’ standards result. Here, the great powers create new regulatory bodies
and standards, and invite other countries to adhere to them. In the case of
international finance, for example, the great powers effectively sponsored
the Basle Accord requiring banks in signature countries to keep an agreed
amount of reserve capital available. They did so in the knowledge that,
over time, other banks, usually in developing countries, would be forced to
meet these standards in order to engage in international commerce. Where
the great powers disagree with each other about regulatory standards, as
has been the case with genetically modified foods, the result is either rival
standards or, if the disagreement is broad, sham global standards such as
the labour standards promulgated but not enforced by the International
Labour Organization. The overall import of Drezner’s argument is that
states remain the major players in international affairs.
This chapter has argued against the theory that the state is being hol-
lowed out. Our approach to governance rests on the continued centrality
T H E R E S I L I E N T S TAT E 45
of governments and state agencies because it is these entities that are the
architects and key players in governance arrangements. This view does not
overlook the fact that such arrangements involve various types of relations
with society or major actors within society. Rather, governments and state
agencies are attempting to increase their governing capacity by experiment-
ing with an array of governance arrangements involving strategic relations
with society.
Chapter 3 further explores the role of the state in governance arrange-
ments by looking in more detail at the role of governments and state
agencies in establishing and managing governance arrangements. We refer
to this government of governance role as metagovernance. As we shall see
it involves important design and strategic considerations and important
normative elements as well, because governments remain responsible for
ensuring that governance arrangements are effective, accountable, legiti-
mate and democratic.
3 Metagovernance and state
There are six core elements of metagovernance: steering, effectiveness,
resourcing, democracy, accountability and legitimacy, conveniently sum-
marised as SERDAL. These are the functions that governments typically
perform, or at least arguably should perform, in relation to any governance
Steering implies the need for overall strategic management, goal setting,
coordination and control of specific governance arrangements. It also covers
the choice of mode or modes of governance to deploy in different settings
and the roles to be played by non-state actors. Within any given set of gov-
ernance arrangements, steering requires that governments provide (and, if
necessary, change) the ground rules for governance; ensure the compatibil-
ity or coherence of different governance mechanisms; provide information
and organise dialogue with which to shape the expectations and even the
identities of actors within governance arrangements; act as a court of appeal
for disputes between the actors involved in governance arrangements; and
rebalance power differentials by strengthening the position of weaker actors
(Jessop, 1997a, 575; 2002).
A good example of such a steering and regulatory role in relation to
governance is Australia’s Job Network. In 1998 the federal government
dissolved the Commonwealth Employment Service and in its place created
the Job Network, in which profit-making firms and organisations such
as the Salvation Army competed for contracts to provide job search, job
training and ‘work for the dole’ programs (Considine & Lewis, 2003).
The involvement of these non-state actors has not prevented the govern-
ment from controlling the direction and performance of the Job Network.
As Michael Keating (2004, 91–5) demonstrates, governments have, over
time, woven ever-tighter controls in order to minimise the discretion of
contractors. This has included: controlling the number of eligible referrals
to specific service providers; setting tight service standards; establishing
codes of conduct; setting prices in what is, in effect, a managed market;
establishing appeals processes; rating providers; and monitoring and polic-
ing service quality. These mechanisms ‘have left the government very much
in control of the market’ (Keating, 2004, 95).
Effectiveness is an obvious goal of metagovernance and closely related
to the strategic management and steering of governance arrangements.
Ultimately it is up to governments to establish, or at least approve, the goals,
targets and evaluative criteria and methods used in overseeing governance
arrangements. The government needs to monitor performance and take
remedial action if the performance of specific governance arrangements is
deemed inadequate.
As an example of the role governments can play in ensuring overall effec-
tiveness, consider the complex governance arrangements for the provision
of water in Guyana. Two publicly owned water utilities, the Georgetown
Sewerage and Water Commission and the Guyana Water Authority, tra-
ditionally provided services. In 2001 the introduction of private sector
management was made a condition of funding by the World Bank as a
part of its country assistance strategy. At this time, less than 50 per cent of
Guyanese houses had connections for water and less than 10 per cent had
sanitation. In 2002 the Guyanese government created a new organisation,
Guyana Water International, which subsequently awarded a contract to
an English firm, Severn Trent Water International, to provide a range of
services. The entire funding for this contract was met through a grant
by the UK Department of International Development. Under these com-
plex arrangements, responsibility for metagovernance was retained by the
Guyanese government. In February 2007 a consultancy report showed
that Severn Water had met only two of the seven key performance tar-
gets it had been set with regard to the provision of potable water and the
collection of revenue. In the case of a target to supply 52 per cent of resi-
dents in the Amerindian settlements with potable water by 2005, the audit
showed a 45 per cent shortfall. On this basis the Guyanese government
announced that it was terminating its contract with Severn Water and
that it would develop alternative strategies for developing effective water
Properly resourcing governance arrangements is an important aspect of
metagovernance. Of course not all the requisite resources need come from
governments or the state. Partnership arrangements with non-state actors
are often forged by the state precisely because it lacks critical resources.
But the depth of the government’s financial resources, its access to a large
Ensuring compliance with democratic practices and norms is an important
metagovernance function. In Western systems of representative democ-
racy elected politicians are generally regarded as the font of democratic
authority, and the involvement and ultimate control of these politicians
over decision-making processes is regarded as the guarantor of democratic
legitimacy. The inclusion of unelected non-state actors in the governance
process might therefore be thought to undermine democratic control. Con-
sider, for example, the decentralisation of decision-making authority that
has taken place within Denmark over the last 20 years (Greve & Jespersen,
1999; Greve, 2004). User boards have been established in schools, kinder-
gartens and care homes to give recipients of these services some measure of
control over the delivery of services. Legislation allows groups of clients to
organise their own service delivery through self-owned institutions which
can levy fees. Under these arrangements it looks as though decision-making
authority is being taken from elected politicians.
In our view governments can enhance the democratic credentials of
governance arrangements involving non-state actors in two ways. First,
insofar as they continue to assume responsibility for steering, effectiveness
and resourcing, governments will, through these activities, continue to
provide a measure of democratic legitimacy. In the case of the Danish
reform process, a report by the Ministry of the Interior stated that the role
of municipal politicians should no longer be to make all decisions but to
‘decide the overall priorities and define overall goals for the economy and
for the service delivery’. Discussing this report, E. Sorensen (2006, 107)
suggests that ‘this new role for politicians is problematic for democracy
because it gives politicians a marginal role’. Yet so long as there is a way to
ensure that the strategic decisions of elected politicians are translated into
action, the opportunity to metagovern by setting overall goals and priorities
is a far from marginal activity and an important source of democratic input
and legitimacy.
The same argument might be applied to the governance of independent
central banks and other ‘non-majoritarian’ public organisations which are
deliberately shielded from the pressures of day-to-day politics (Coen &
Thatcher, 2005; Vibert, 2007). The creation of an independent central
bank may seem to entail a loss of democratic control. Indeed, the credibil-
ity of central banks is usually thought to depend upon their freedom from
political interference. Yet, even here, democratic controls remain in place.
Elected governments determine the objectives that central banks must
pursue. In most cases governments appoint the bank’s governing board.
Governments also usually retain the legislative authority to suspend inde-
pendence in the event of a national emergency or in the case of misconduct
by the central bank (see Bell, 2004a, 149–55; Blinder, 1996).
Democratically elected politicians can enhance the democratic qualities
of governance arrangements in a second way. We have suggested that
the involvement of non-state actors poses a problem for representative
democracy because it risks separating elected politicians from decision-
making. Others argue that democracy ought to be understood as requiring
the engagement and empowerment of citizens. The central idea is that the
devolution of authority to civil society groups or associations can enhance
The capacity to be called to account is an important criterion of metagov-
ernance because it implies the need for clear lines of responsibility and
transparency. Accountability is essentially about responsibility, or where
the buck stops. But accountability also covers responsiveness and control.
As Richard Mulgan (2000, 563) puts it, ‘accountability and control are
intimately linked because accountability is a vital mechanism of control’.
Accountability in all its forms is especially important not only when gov-
ernments or state agencies act, but also when non-state actors become
involved in governance arrangements as contractors or partners.
The division of decision-making authority between the European Coun-
cil (the body within the European Union comprising the heads of state)
and the supra-national European Parliament and Commission is often
argued to have resulted in a loss of accountability within the European
Union (see Arnull & Wincott, 2003). Similarly, the creation of networks
composed of state and non-state actors is routinely argued to under-
mine accountability (Barrados, Mayne & Wileman, 2000). Rod Rhodes
(2000, 77) suggests that networks ‘substitute private government for public
make sure those who have committed wrongdoing are brought to justice,
and to make changes as needed to see that it doesn’t happen again’ (New
York Times, 8 May 2004).
A good example of a metagovernance failure, at least in the initial
phase, occurred in relation to accountability arrangements within Aus-
tralian detention centres. Since the early 1990s Australia has had a system
of mandatory detention for those arriving in the country without a valid
visa. In 1998, 3500 people – the majority of whom were claiming political
asylum – were detained in various holding centres across Australia, mostly
in remote areas. By 2001 this number had risen to nearly 8000. In 1997
a contract was awarded to a private company, Australasian Correctional
Management (ACM, a subsidiary of an American firm, Wackenhut), to
run the detention centres. ACM was later widely criticised for conditions
in the centres and held responsible by opposition parties and parts of the
media for a series of riots and breakouts, self-mutilations and hunger strikes.
When questioned, ACM consistently argued that it was accountable
for its behaviour under the terms of its contract with the Department
of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (DIMA). Critics argued that
the contracting-out of services had resulted in a loss of accountability as
DIMA ministers routinely referred questions about conditions within the
detention centres to ACM or declined to answer them on the grounds of
commercial confidentiality. In 2002 a report by the Regional Advisor of
the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Justice Bhagwati,
concluded that ‘the situation in the detention centres seems to be bedev-
illed by a lack of transparency and accountability’ (Melbourne Age, 31
July 2002). A subsequent report by the Australian National Audit Office
(2003) warned that ‘the administrative practices in place did not establish
accountability’ and recommended that DIMA be made to report to Parlia-
ment on the results of its monitoring programs and details of its funding
This loss of accountability is unlikely to have happened by accident. At
a time when the basic principle of mandatory detention was popular with
the electorate but the details of the actual conditions in which detainees
were being held provoked considerable disquiet, ministers had a strong
incentive to minimise their accountability. The Inspector of Custodial
Services in Western Australia, Richard Harding, suggested that account-
ability had been compromised because ‘the government wanted this to be
out of sight and out of mind’ (ABC, 20 June 2004). Similarly, a former
Attorney-General and Minister for Corrections in Victoria, Jim Kennan,
argued that, ‘one of the driving political motives for [the contracting-out
Legitimacy is an important criterion of effective metagovernance. Gover-
nance arrangements that are seen as fair in terms of processes and out-
comes, have popular support, and are regarded as legitimate are likely to
be more stable and effective than arrangements that are thought to be
upheld through force or arbitrary power (Kjaer, 2004, 12). The legitimacy
of governance arrangements can best be secured as a byproduct of the per-
formance of other metagovernance functions. Chapter 2 discussed the view
of Fritz Scharpf (1997; 1999) that legitimacy is a two-dimensional concept
relating to the inputs and to the outputs of the political system. On the
input side, legitimacy requires that political choices are derived, directly or
indirectly, from the preferences of citizens. On the output side, legitimacy
requires that organisations perform effectively. If governments effectively
steer governance arrangements, ensure effectiveness and provide neces-
sary resources, the legitimacy of the outputs is enhanced. If governments
For three decades, public policy has been dominated by the power of
markets—flexible and resilient, harnessing self-interest for the public good,
and better than any planner-in-chief . . . [but] new rules became inevitable
the moment the Federal Reserve rescued Bear Stearns and pledged to lend
to other Wall Street banks. If taxpayers are required to bail out investment
banks, the governments need to impose tighter limits on the risks those
banks can take [3 April 2008].
Metagovernance is exercised not only by state actors but also by various
networks of public and private actors and a whole range of supranational,
regional, and local levels in the formal political system. In fact, metagov-
ernance can potentially be exercised by any resourceful actor – public or
private. All it takes is resources and a desire to influence activities performed
by self-governing actors [E. Sorensen, 2006, 103].
of human rights will argue that a right to free speech which excludes certain
groups of people is no right at all: that the principle of free speech is
intrinsically non-excludable.
In an analogous sense we suggest that metagovernance is non-excludable.
Assume that two of the three members of a network agree to share the cost
of collecting and distributing general information about the demand for
different kinds of services. It is not hard to see how they could refuse to
provide this information to the third member. In this sense, the information
is a non-rivalrous but excludable toll good. But if, as a result of their
decision, this third organisation sets incorrect plans, we could say that the
right information had not been provided, that the function of steering
had not been discharged effectively and that there had been a failure of
metagovernance. For the functions of metagovernance to be discharged,
they must be discharged inclusively. Steering requires the steering of all
the actors in the network; resourcing requires the provision of adequate
resources for all the actors in a network; accountability requires the calling
to account of all the actors in a network, and so on. Hence metagovernance
is non-excludable.
Because the benefits provided through effective metagovernance are
public goods, interest-groups, private firms and other non-state actors
operating in networks and other governance arrangements have an incen-
tive to free-ride on their provision. Actors might recognise that there is
a need to collect and distribute information, coordinate plans, provide a
neutral court of appeal, monitor the overall effectiveness of the network,
and account for actions; but each recognises that any investment it makes
in metagovernance will benefit not only the actors in the network but
the taxpayers and others outside it and, conversely, that they will bene-
fit from free-riding on any investment made by others. The ‘market’ for
metagovernance is thus likely to fail because none of the actors in that
market has an incentive to invest in metagovernance. Just as the state
must correct for the existence of market failures by providing public goods
like defence, law enforcement and sanitation, so, too, it needs to provide
metagovernance if the other actors who benefit from its supply are driven
by consideration of their own interest. Organisations may sometimes have
an incentive to undertake metagovernance responsibilities if they have a
general commitment to the welfare of all the actors in a governance system.
We point to such an example in Chapter 8. Yet it would be a mistake to
assume that, simply because a range of actors benefit from the provision
of metagovernance, any non-state actor will find it in its interest to supply
that metagovernance.
The challenges of metagovernance raise important questions about whether
states have the capacity to operate coherently and forge effective governance
relationships. Here the widely discussed concept of state capacity or ‘gov-
erning capacity’ is relevant. This approach provides a broad institutional
and relational blueprint for understanding governing capacity by drawing
on a range of comparative studies. States’ capacity to formulate and imple-
ment policies varies both within and between countries (Weiss & Hobson,
1995, 28). As an example of varying capacity between countries, consider
taxation. Chapter 2 showed that the amount of money raised through tax-
ation has risen steadily within the largest OECD economies over the last
30-odd years. There are, however, striking differences between the capaci-
ties of states in this regard. In Sweden it is estimated that the state collects
over 95 per cent of the revenue owing to it each year; in Russia the equiv-
alent figure is thought to be as low as 10 per cent (Rothstein, 2005, 1–2).
As an example of varying capacity within the state consider how, in the
United States, a federal government that had successfully mobilised more
than a quarter of a million troops for the invasion of Iraq was paralysed by
the flooding and subsequent breakdown of public order in New Orleans
in 2005 following Hurricane Katrina.
How do we account for such startling differences in governing capacity?
Political scientists have tended to define both institutional and relational
components of state capacity. Institutional arrangements can be vital in
this respect. As Stephen Krasner (1984, 228) says:
nuclear power plant, built in the late 1970s, was never switched on because
the governor of the State of New York, Mario Cuomo, refused to sign the
Emergency Evacuation Plan, so the plant could not receive a full power
licence from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. In Germany, mean-
while, the federal government’s attempts to develop a nuclear program were
eventually frustrated by a proportional voting system that resulted in the
Green Party entering government in coalition with the Social Democratic
Party in 1998 on the condition that Germany’s nuclear power program be
abandoned (Feigenbaum, Samuels, & Weaver, 1993).
A range of scholars who have explored the major institutional attributes
of ‘capable’ states have suggested the following key components:
r Centralised decision-making: Strong states (or perhaps strong sectors
within states) have centralised political and administrative authority
and a minimum number of ‘veto points’ (Tsebelis, 2002). Such cen-
tralisation implies the ability to act as a coherent, corporate actor. This
capacity may stem from the structure of the state or from mecha-
nisms that can effectively coordinate activity across a number of arenas.
In weak states (or sectors), by contrast, decision-making authority is
likely to be fragmented, perhaps because of federal structures or a lack
of effective coordinating or steering mechanisms. For example, recent
Australian experience shows that the problems of dealing with salina-
tion and water management have been exacerbated by the institutional
structures and state and regional divisions of the federal political system
(Connell, 2007). Hence, capable states (or state sectors) typically have
centralised, or at least clearly defined and coordinated, decision-making
r A strong administrative apparatus: States must also have the requisite
resources at their disposal to be able to act effectively. Bureaucratic and
administrative resources, including high-quality information, forums
of active policy debate, and expert, dedicated and experienced staff in
key areas of policy formulation and implementation, are also a vital
component of state capacity. Skocpol (1985, 16) writes that ‘loyal and
skilled officials’ are the ‘universal sinews of state power’. As Max Weber,
the original theorist of bureaucracy, pointed out long ago, the key
elements underpinning an effective bureaucracy include highly selective
meritocratic recruitment and promotion procedures, combined with
high status and rewards, long-term career prospects and a sense of service
and professionalism. In the case of taxation, for example, the capacity
to tax citizens does not depend on simply imposing coercive power by
issuing credible threats to fine or imprison those who refuse to pay. It also
relatively insulated from the push and pull of political conflicts and pos-
sessed the authority to impose or push through their own policy agendas.
Theda Skocpol (1985, 9), for example, defines state capacity in terms of
autonomy, and autonomy in terms of the ability of government to ‘imple-
ment official goals, especially over the actual or potential opposition of
powerful social groups or in the face of recalcitrant socioeconomic cir-
cumstances’. State capacity is thus simply defined in terms of a triumph
over opposing groups. The problem with this account, however, is that
it is too ‘state-centric’; states are assumed to gain policy capacity to the
extent that they operate independently from the societies they govern. Yet,
as Michael Mann (1988) points out, states have been able to enhance their
policy capacity over the last few centuries by strengthening their ties to
society. In the 14th and 15th centuries rulers exercised almost unlimited
despotic power over their subjects. Yet in many respects, these ‘absolute’
states (Gill, 2003, 98–102) were surprisingly weak. They lacked the capac-
ity to promote economic development or control people’s lives, and their
expenditure probably accounted for no more than two or three per cent
of gross domestic product. States have a greater capacity to govern today
because they exercise ‘infrastructural’ as well as ‘despotic’ powers. Infras-
tructural power refers to the way in which states can ‘actually penetrate
civil society, and . . . implement logistically political decisions throughout
the land’ (Mann, 1988, 5).
Developing Mann’s arguments about infrastructural power, writers such
as Peter Evans (1997), Linda Weiss (1998) and John Hobson (2000) have
argued that state capacity requires states not only to ‘penetrate’ society but
to work closely with non-state actors. This argument obviously bears upon
our state-centric relational account of governance. The notion that the
state’s capacity and authority may in part be derived from sophisticated
links with key social actors is not new. Talcott Parsons (1963) made a
distinction between active notions of state capacity and simpler but cruder
forms of coercive state power several decades ago. But by documenting
the ways in which, in particular, Asian governments have been able to
construct successful economic relationships with non-state actors, political
economists have identified an economic alternative to the Washington
Consensus of free markets and shrinking government. Hobson (2000, 234)
suggests that states are more likely to be able to achieve their goals if the
interests of the state and society are advanced ‘collaboratively rather than
competitively’. Similarly, Evans (1992, 162) argues that the most capable
states are now more likely to be those in which ‘concrete sets of social
ties . . . bind the state to society’, allowing for the ‘continual negotiation
and renegotiation of goals and policies’ (see also Onis, 1991; Martin,
Governments can often extend their capacity to govern by developing
closer relations with non-state actors, and thus the relationship between
government and interest-groups ought to be viewed as positive-sum rather
than zero-sum. In order to successfully formulate and implement policy,
governments often need to acquire the expertise, support or assistance of
interest-groups and NGOs. In return, governments must offer these groups
a measure of policy influence. The existence of these exchange relationships
means that governments are often not in a position to unilaterally impose
their policy preferences. Thus, our critique of the society-centric approach
does not require us to regard the state as a behemoth capable of trampling
over any opposition. Instead, our state-centric relational approach leads us
to emphasise the ways in which the relationships government builds can
enhance its policy capacity.
An interesting example of the significance of such relational capacity
is offered by Heather McKeen-Edwards and colleagues (2004) in a paper
on financial integration within North America and the European Union.
Despite greater rhetorical commitment to the free market, the United States
and Canadian financial markets are less integrated than those within the
European Union, both in terms of regulatory control and cross-national
ownership. This apparent paradox is explained in terms of the ‘relation-
ship between private and public actors in the policy process’ (p. 336). The
European Union has developed centralised corporatist structures of policy
negotiation that mobilise major financial interests through peak organisa-
tions; this has made it easier for the state to negotiate market liberalisation.
The United States and Canada have a ‘more pluralist pattern of policy
making’; thus government–business relations tend to be riven by conflict
as firms lobby for narrow concessions rather than negotiate collectively on
market structure (p. 342).
In a book dealing with ‘policy networks’, or the interaction of state and
non-state actors in specific policy arenas, Michael Atkinson and William
Coleman (1989) look at industrial policy and offer an account that helps
explain these relational dynamics. They are interested in the ways in which
different kinds of policy networks are structured by institutional factors,
including the authority and institutional capacities of the state and the
associative capacities of key non-state actors or groups. In turn, such struc-
tured policy networks can facilitate or constrain industrial policy, especially
in relation to what they call ‘reactive’ and ‘anticipatory’ policy styles. The
former is a short-term, incremental policy style responding to events or
The metagovernance of complex governance arrangements presents major
challenges to governments. For example, our argument that state capacity
can be enhanced through the development of closer state–society relations
has one important qualification. On the one hand, a state that is too
insulated from society will struggle to implement its goals. On the other
hand, there is a danger that governments end up being captured by the non-
state actors with whom they are seeking to develop closer relations (Stigler,
1971; Laffont & Tirole, 1991). In public choice theory, where the notion
of capture unsurprisingly originates, the concern is that governments do
the bidding of interest-groups, firms and business associations. Such rent-
seeking activity is thought to explain, for example, the US government’s
continued commitment to farm subsidies that harm not only exporters in
developing countries but also American consumers (Tullock, 1989; 1993;
2005). In another example, a critical aspect of economic governance in
capitalist economies necessarily relies on the activities of private wealth
holders, investors and entrepreneurs. A capable state needs to be able to
achieve its goals by working with and encouraging such private actors
while retaining the necessary authority to avoid slipping into relations
of clientism, capture, rent-seeking, corruption or other manifestations of
government failure. In this sense, close ties between the public and private
sectors, or between the state and the community, need to be managed or
metagoverned in order to achieve public rather than private goals.
In what circumstances are state actors most likely to retain their author-
ity and independence within governance networks? We may already have
answered this question. States are most likely to do so when either indi-
vidual ministries or the state as a whole possess authority and a clear sense
of their own legitimacy and mission, and when there is a well-trained,
well-equipped public service with a strong sense of its own identity. To
this extent, then, we might conclude that state capacity requires both a
relational state and a strong state. Furthermore, where state officials are
captured, it is important that other state actors are in a position to inter-
vene by challenging policy decisions made within the network and change
its membership. Chapter 2, for example, showed how French authorities
overturned an established agricultural network in order to achieve wider
strategic goals. Another example is the Tariff Board, a statutory authority
charged with tariff administration in Australia in the late 1960s, which
eventually destroyed the post-war protectionist policy network. The Tariff
Board worked to establish its authority, expertise and eventually enough
key allies to challenge the dominant tariff policy network, led by the pow-
erful Deputy Prime Minister John McEwen (Bell, 1989). Such an exercise
can be thought of as a further form of metagovernance in the sense that
it requires the state to steer governance arrangements in order to ensure
effectiveness and accountability.
In the final analysis, then, governments are instrumental in the creation
of governance networks and they can choose whether to revise such arrange-
ments (Pierre & Peters, 2005, 68). A further example of such state capacity
comes from Alan Greer (2002, 465) who examines the development of
organic agricultural policy in Ireland and shows how the government set
up ‘an Organic Development Committee composed of representatives from
state bodies, the organic farming sector, the food processing and retail sec-
tor, and consumers to oversee the formulation of a development strategy’.
When structuring networks, governments may have to choose between
the interests of competing groups. Policy decisions taken in one network
can generate costly external effects for other actors. The adoption of lax
food safety standards in agricultural policy, for example, might generate
high political and financial costs for a health ministry that must deal with
the resulting public health crisis. In such situations metagovernance and
coordination by higher state authorities may be necessary.
Despite efforts to build central state capacity, the challenges of metagov-
ernance are not always met. The analysis by Stephen Bell and Alex Park
(2006) of water management through community engagement across a
range of river catchments in New South Wales, Australia, provides an
illustration of the problems involved. In the early 2000s the state gov-
ernment established 36 Catchment Management Committees comprising
local and other stakeholders; they were tasked with formulating water-
sharing plans to allocate water to users and the environment. However,
the selection of participants in the governance arrangements, the resourc-
ing and information flows provided to the committees, the specification
of goals, and confusion over the rules relating to authority-sharing and
decision-making arrangements, all caused consternation among partic-
ipants. This was a classic case in which the authorities were relatively
unskilled, under-resourced and over-stretched in attempting to metagov-
ern a governance system.
Other problems associated with metagovernance are illustrated by Mark
Whitehead (2003) in a study of decentralised urban regeneration schemes
in the West Midlands in England. Contrary to the difficulties of con-
trol emphasised by Flinders (2006), Whitehead emphasises the continued
presence of central government hierarchy in shaping such governance rela-
tionships and the powerful role played by government oversight bodies
that insist on adherence to central strategies and perform ongoing moni-
toring and assessment procedures while employing a strategy of ‘fear and
discipline’ to intimidate local units (p. 12). The intensity of these metagov-
ernance arrangements has certainly increased steering and accountabil-
ity. But it has done so, according to Whitehead, at the cost of ‘choking
and constraining the flexibilities’ ascribed to such decentralised networks.
The ‘bureaucratic burden’ stemming from metagovernance is ‘deflecting
important time and resources from the actual projects’ the local units
were attempting to pursue. Whitehead concludes that the ‘practices of
metagovernance are currently facilitating hierarchical rule, not local self-
determination in policy decision making processes’ (p. 13). A similar con-
clusion is reached by Tabatha Wallington and colleagues (2005, 13) in their
study of regional governance arrangements in Australia; they point to the
potentially contradictory tendencies of metagovernance in both fostering
and inhibiting local decision-making capacity: ‘The more that account-
ability is demanded by higher levels of government, the more likely that
the regional bodies – created to be flexible, community-oriented vehicles
for change – will become rigid bureaucratic structures, thereby nullifying
their original purpose’ (see also Flinders, 2002, 70). Similarly Donald Kettl
(2002, 146) points to the concerns of academics in New Zealand who have
studied the development of a contract-based state and concluded that such
governance arrangements have compromised social capital and reduced
opportunities for wider engagement and debate. As he argues, government
The state-centric relational approach to governance places both the state
and the nature of state–society relations at centre stage in analysing and
understanding governance arrangements. The state may be a direct player
in specific governance arrangements, but it also has a metagovernance role
that transcends such arrangements.
The study of metagovernance is still embryonic. Relatively few scholars
have explicitly explored it (see Scharpf, 1994; Jessop, 1997a; 2002; Bell &
Park, 2006; Kelly, 2006; Whitehead, 2003; E. Sorensen, 2006; Sorensen &
Torfing, 2008b), although some have implicitly done so by emphasising an
overall ‘state-centric’ management role in overseeing governance arrange-
ments (Skogstad, 2003; Mayntz, 1993; Fung & Wright, 2003). We need to
know much more about metagovernance functions. First, governments and
Chapter 2 demonstrated that state expenditure measured as a share of
gross domestic product, far from being rolled back, has increased in most
countries over the last 20-odd years. However, this headline figure masks
a significant retrenchment of hierarchical governance in relation to some
areas of economic management. Governments have progressively with-
drawn economic subsidies, exchange and credit controls and tariffs; loos-
ened regulatory controls on capital creation; privatised state enterprises; and
deregulated a range of markets. Two important measures of this change
are worth highlighting. Table 4.1 shows that overall state expenditure on
economic subsidies as a share of GDP fell on average by just over one per
cent of GDP in a sample of 20 OECD countries between 1980 and 2004.
Interestingly, this withdrawal of state support was not limited to coun-
tries like the United Kingdom and the United States, which first elected
neo-liberal governments. The largest falls in state support were in those
Total economic
% change,
Country 1980 2004 1980–2004
Australia 1.44 1.32 −0.13
Canada 2.74 1.17 −1.57
France 2.13 1.29 −0.84
Germany 2.08 1.27 −0.81
Italy 2.70 1.07 −1.63
Japan 1.50 0.86 −0.64
Norway 5.15 2.25 −2.90
Portugal 4.60 1.64 −2.96
United Kingdom 1.96 0.53 −1.43
United States 0.35 0.34 −0.01
Total (20-country
OECD average) 2.37 1.24 −1.02
Au Au Au
s tra s tra s tra
lia lia lia
Au Au Au
s tri s tri s tr i
(ii) Aviation
a a a
Be Be Be
(iii) Electricity
lg lg l gi
iu iu
m m um
an an an
ad ad ad
D a D a D a
(i) Telecommunications
en en en
m m m
ar ar ar
k k k
Fi Fi Fi
nl nl nl
countries, 1975–2003.
an an an
d d d
e e e
Ire Ire Ire
la la la
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Note: Regulation is measured in each case on a 0–6 scale with 0 being the least
d d d
St St St
at at at
es es es
Canada and Germany and as recently as 1994 in South Africa. Laws relat-
ing to the possession of certain types of drugs, prostitution, pornography
and blasphemy have also been loosened or repealed in many countries over
the last few decades. Yet in these cases it may be a mistake to equate state-
sanctioned tolerance with the decline of hierarchical governance. In the case
of gay rights, repeal of discriminatory legislation has recently given way
to legislation recognising same-sex marriages (Netherlands, 2001; Canada
and Belgium, 2003; South Africa, 2006) or same-sex civil unions and
state-recognised partnerships (Denmark, 1989; Sweden, 1995; Germany,
2001; United Kingdom, 2004). In these the state has directly intervened to
give same-sex relationships legal status. Limited decriminalisation of recre-
ational drugs has occurred at the same time as far stricter regulatory regimes
have been introduced to monitor and sanction performance-enhancing
drugs within sport. Finally, the repeal of blasphemy laws has been balanced
by the promulgation of hate laws in more than 40 countries since the early
New technologies, new perceived sources of market failure and concerns
about growing risk and social disorder have provided three specific stimu-
lants to hierarchical governance. The rapid growth of the digital economy
and information flows has prompted states to build or underwrite the con-
struction of new communication networks (Zysman & Newman, 2006).
It has also required states to legislate to define and protect intellectual
property rights. States have played a major role in defining property rights
in new global services markets such as aviation and telecommunications.
In a study of such developments, Peter Cowhey and John Richards (2006,
301) conclude that the ‘hand of governments has gripped the markets
State responses to the development of genetically modified organisms
(GMOs) have confirmed the durability of long-standing regulatory differ-
ences. Working with other food exporters including Argentina, Canada,
Chile and Uruguay in the so-called Miami Group, the United States has
lobbied for a permissive regulatory regime for genetically modified crops
(Drezner, 2007, 161). Adopting the precautionary principle in responding
to widespread public alarm about the use of so-called Frankenstein foods,
the European Union has, by contrast, sustained an effective moratorium on
GMOs. This is despite an adverse ruling by the World Trade Organisation
that it had acted illegally in banning imports of genetically modified crops
between 1999 and 2004 (BBC News, 29 September 2006). This pattern
of hierarchical control has been largely reversed in the case of stem cell
research. In 2001 President Bush announced that federal funds would not
be used to support research on human embryonic stem cells. The following
year the European Union identified stem cell research as a funding priority.
In the case of the internet, it was once regularly claimed that because
‘cyberspace slips seamlessly and nearly unavoidably across national bound-
aries’, governments have been ‘pushed effectively to the sidelines’ (Spar,
1999, 82). Such a claim now seems less sustainable. Nation-states have
played a leading role in funding initial research into the internet, in sub-
sidising the creation of broadband and wireless access, in setting internet
technical protocols and in fixing rules on e-commerce and data privacy.
Through firewalls, proxy servers, routers and software filters, as well as
simple prohibitions on the possession of personal computers, states have
been able to block the content of websites considered to be morally or
politically undesirable.
The extent and varying methods of internet control have been docu-
mented by the Open Net Initiative ( Three examples
will suffice, the first two taken from authoritarian governments. Saudi
Arabia requires all web access to be routed through a proxy server, which
blocks access to politically or religiously sensitive material. In China, the
state employs an estimated 30 000 public servants to monitor the content
of websites (Guardian, 14 June 2005), and companies like Yahoo, Google
and Microsoft have been required to censor their own material in order
to gain access to the Chinese market. This provoked a political storm in
2006 when Yahoo was widely criticised for releasing information to the
Chinese authorities about the use of the internet by a political dissident.
Yahoo executives argued that they had no choice but to abide by the ‘laws,
regulations and customs’ of the countries in which they operate (Time,
3 October 2005). Finally, in South Korea, a law was passed in 2008
requiring the users of all major internet portal sites to verify their identity
following the earlier removal of some sites that had expressed personal
criticism of politicians.
Market failures occur when the individual pursuit of self-interest in a
market setting leads to collectively sub-optimal outcomes. Externalities or
non-priced impacts (such as damage from pollution) on third parties who
are not part of direct market transactions are a case in point. We have
already seen in Chapter 2 that public choice theory offers a riposte to the
orthodox theory of market failure, arguing that state intervention can be
a source of inefficiencies. Recognition of the costs of state intervention
has certainly encouraged privatisation and deregulation. Yet over the same
period, new forms of market failure have been identified and dealt with
through hierarchical intervention.
In the environmental arena, scarce resources such as water have increas-
ingly been managed through hierarchical forms of state intervention. In
Australia, for example, the federal government imposed a quantitative cap
on water extractions in the largest river system in the country, and uses
markets and other means to price water to reflect its scarcity value (Connell,
2007). There are proposals in Australia to transfer difficult and contentious
water allocation decisions to an independent authority, along the lines of
the policy authority held by independent central banks. More broadly,
the use of hierarchy in environmental management is widespread. As we
noted in Chapter 1, a wide-ranging study by Andrew Jordan and colleagues
(2005, 490) found that, despite the development of a range of new envi-
ronmental policy instruments, the state remains a central player and that
there has been ‘no wholesale and spatially uniform shift from government
to governance’.
In the case of climate change, much has been made of market-based
emissions trading schemes. We examine the European Union’s Emissions
Trading Scheme in Chapter 6. The fourth report of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (2007) says clearly that states must continue to
play the lead role in steering investment decisions, promoting the use of
alternative energy sources, encouraging the development and transfer of
technologies, and investing in public transport in order to reduce carbon
emissions. States have also relied on hierarchical governance mechanisms
to tackle other environmental market failures, such as traffic congestion.
London, Milan, Stockholm and Singapore have exploited new technology
to introduce congestion charges. In London charging has resulted in a 20
per cent fall in inner-city congestion since 2003. In Germany trucks are
now charged for their use of roads according to the distance they travel
and their emission levels. Finally, in the case of pollution caused by plastic
bags, some states have moved beyond moral suasion of the sort examined
in the following chapter to impose taxes, levied at the point of sale, upon
consumers. The introduction of such a tax in Ireland resulted in a 90 per
cent reduction in the production of bags (DELG, 2002).
Governments have also identified obesity (especially in children), pen-
sion provision and population decline as policy problems that competitive
In developed countries the last few decades have witnessed a significant
extension of policing and surveillance. This has occurred amidst a general
set of fears, articulated by both the right and the left, about a breakdown
of social responsibility following the erosion of traditional forms of social
conditioning and restraint such as religion, community and family.
In the welfare field, new forms of ‘welfare contractualism’ now exemplify
new or additional layers in the state’s regulation of behaviour. Prompted
by concerns about the growth of a dependency culture and fraud, welfare
payments have been made conditional upon a recipient’s willingness to
look for work or retrain or undertake voluntary work. Following the devel-
opment of a number of state-based programs, in 1996 President Clinton
signed into law a new federal welfare system, Temporary Assistance for
Needy Families. This requires welfare recipients to retrain and imposes a
lifetime limit of 60 months upon the payment of support (Lurie, 1997). A
number of countries – including the United States, the United Kingdom,
Australia and France – have adopted conditional welfare payments for the
unemployed, lone parents, and the disabled (Clegg & Clasen, 2007). In
Australia, contracts are being used to codify, monitor and regulate the
behaviour of welfare recipients through arrangements developed under the
Howard government’s system of ‘mutual obligation’.
States have used tax incentives, subsidised nursery places and job-sharing
schemes to encourage mothers to return to work. In Mexico, Brazil and
other South American countries, conditional cash transfers provide finan-
cial incentives for mothers to take nutritional supplements, keep their
children in school, and ensure they attend regular health check-ups. Par-
ents are paid only if they effectively police their own activities. This kind
of disciplinary power has also been employed in New York, where private
charities, funded through the mayor’s office, have offered cash payments
to students in poor neighbourhoods who excel in exams.
In parallel with such developments, and possibly overshadowing them,
there has been an increase in policing and the micro-management of society.
The case of speeding fines is a classic example of governments ratcheting
up legal sanctions and technologically sophisticated methods of surveil-
lance in order to extend (increasingly successful) controls over drivers’
behaviour. The spread of random breath testing to detect alcohol and
other drugs among drivers is a related example of the state further encroach-
ing on societal behaviour. Writing about trends in the United Kingdom,
Adam Crawford (2006, 455) argues that ‘ambitious, interventionist gov-
ernment is alive and well’. He documents the rise of a ‘complex mosaic of
micro-management’ in previously semi-autonomous schools, universities
and other public bodies. More generally, he points to enhanced efforts to
regulate a wide range of behaviour through such hierarchical instruments
as anti-social behaviour and parenting orders (see also Burney, 2005).
The 1000 new criminal offences encoded in law in the United Kingdom
between 1997 and 2005 included measures allowing the state to prosecute
and jail the parents of persistent truants. There have also been increas-
ing incursions designed to curb ‘anti-social’ behaviour in public places,
including police crack-downs, curfews, dispersal orders and court orders to
restrict freedom of movement. Over the same period, the development of a
network of linked closed-circuit television cameras has allowed the police to
track the movements of individuals and cars in city centres. It is estimated
that the average UK citizen is now caught on a surveillance camera more
than 300 times a day (BBC News, 2 November 2006). The authorities are
even deploying technologies such as miniature remote-controlled drone
aircraft fitted with surveillance cameras, and ‘talking’ surveillance cameras
that can shout public rebukes to offenders dropping litter or engaging in
other anti-social behaviour (Economist, 27 September 2007). The former
abode of George Orwell, the author of the authoritarian dystopia 1984,
now has surveillance cameras outside it. Recently, in response to continu-
ing concerns about binge drinking, the government proposed measures to
ban pubs and restaurants from running promotions offering women free
The rhetoric of ‘crisis’ is increasingly an excuse for sidestepping routine
policy processes and strengthening the hand of centralised government.
A classic example occurred in Australia where the federal government
(in the run-up to a tough election) declared a national emergency in
2007, following the publication of a report that alleged that child sexual
Despite such continuing incursions, a body of work points to various
problems of hierarchical control and the dangers of regulatory overreach
(Sunstein, 1990). Echoing a widespread view in the governance literature,
Jon Pierre and Guy Peters (2000, 3) argue that ‘states can no longer control
society in a conventional command and control mode’. Arguments first
developed in the 1970s about the difficulties of policy implementation
(Jordan, 1999; Lampinen & Uusikyla, 1998; Goggin et al., 1990) and
state failure (Winston, 2006; Orcalli, 2007) continue to be applied to
new subject matter. Such arguments should be taken seriously. There are
problems with implementation failure; vested interests can exert powerful
pressures on regulation; and there can be complex disputes over legal
interpretation and enactment.
On the other hand, the difficulties involved in hierarchical governance
ought not to be exaggerated. The claim that governments always fail has
no more veracity than the claim that governments never fail. It is clear
that, sometimes against all expectations, hierarchical governance remains
an effective means of addressing some policy problems. For example, in a
review of clean air regulation in the United States, Daniel Cole and Peter
Grossman (1999) challenge accounts of regulatory failure and argue that
top-down regulation has proved reasonably effective in many instances.
They invite critics to be more sensitive to the historical, technological,
institutional and political environment of regulation; and they review a
range of studies to demonstrate that these contextual factors shape the
efficacy of command and control strategies compared to alternative strate-
gies, such as market-based instruments. Despite the difficulties countries
have experienced in meeting their obligations under the Kyoto Treaty,
internationally coordinated hierarchical intervention to deal with environ-
mental problems can be effective. In the 1980s and early 1990s countries
negotiated a series of deep cuts to the production of chlorofluorocarbons
(CFCs) used in refrigerators and many industrial processes at an estimated
long-term cost of $20–40 billion (Sandler, 2004, 215). These gases were
implicated in the creation of a growing ozone hole above the Antarctic. As
a result of these agreements, overall global consumption of CFCs has more
than halved, while the atmospheric concentration of most ozone-depleting
gases started to drop in the late 1990s.
States have also adapted and reconfigured themselves in ways that have
increased centralised control and hierarchical authority. First, government
leaders in a number of countries have increasingly centralised executive
power and authority, a trend commentators have referred to as the pres-
identialisation of politics (Poguntke & Webb, 2005), the strengthening
of a culture of command (Walter & Strangio, 2007; Walter, 2008), or
the rise of post-democratic leadership (Hocking, 2005). The powers exer-
cised by Prime Ministers Tony Blair and John Howard and President Bush
As a part of this reform process, there has been an explosion not only
in the degree to which state agencies regulate non-state agencies but in the
regulation of state agencies by other parts of the state (Hood et al., 1999).
Over the last few decades watchdog bodies have acquired additional staff,
budgets and regulatory powers. For example, in the United States the Office
of Management and Budget monitors the performance of federal agencies;
in the United Kingdom the Office for Standards in Education monitors
and reports upon the performance of state schools; the European Court
of Auditors must declare whether the European Union’s budget has been
implemented correctly; and in Australia assorted Crime and Misconduct
Commissions investigate allegations of public sector corruption.
In an important survey of governments that have increased central steer-
ing and control in the face of external risks and the imperatives of internal
control, Moran (2002) documents the growth of the ‘regulatory state’.
Similarly, writers such as Martin Loughlin and Colin Scott (1997), Fran-
cis McGowan and Helen Wallace (1996) and Kanishka Jayasuriya (2001)
argue that the institutional architecture of the state is changing, with an
increasing emphasis on institutional self-regulation, technocratic rule, and
patterns of intervention designed to support and police markets and other
arenas of social life. According to these authors, central state powers have
been consolidated and insulated, and core policy-making has been dis-
tanced from disruptive politics and partisan intervention. This has been
associated with moves towards independent and partly self-regulating pol-
icy institutions whose rules and behaviour take on an increasingly juridical
character at one remove from the government (see also Majone, 1996).
A range of factors have been adduced to explain the increasing delegation
of powers to independent agencies within government. In particular, the
establishment of quasi-autonomous agencies offers politicians the prospect
of boosting the expertise and authority of regulators, enhancing the credi-
bility of a policy in the eyes of third parties, and perhaps shielding politicians
from the political heat of making tough regulatory decisions (Gilardi, 2002;
Elgie, 2006). The recourse to specialised regulatory remits and the honing
of specialised expertise are important developments that have helped build
or rebuild the authority of states in complex environments.
Although his work concentrates on the United Kingdom, Moran (2003;
2006) offers us one way to summarise the general effect of such changes
in the way states order their activities. He charts a shift away from an
earlier form of closed and genteel control by cloistered elites, which he
refers to as ‘club government’, in favour of the development of a new
form of ‘high modernism’ and a new and more hierarchical ‘regulatory
S E L F - R E G U L AT I O N I N T H E S H A D O W O F
Criticisms were first made in the 1970s and 1980s about the difficulties
of successfully regulating the activities of non-state actors through hierar-
chical control. In response there has been an important movement toward
various systems of self-regulation, or light-touch, smart or responsive regu-
lation, particularly in business and the professions (Cunningham & Rees,
1997; Ayres & Braithwaite, 1992). We will consider this reform process
in detail because it offers a good example of state-centric relational policy
The growth of self-regulation in business sectors, financial markets and
the professions reminds us that states must frequently forge governing
coalitions with societal interests in order to achieve their policy goals. In
other words, state capacity is achieved through coalition with other powerful
non-state interests to achieve joint aims. As this book argues, state capacity
ought to be understood not only as a product of the state institutional
Figure 4.2. Number of pages of Commonwealth Acts of Parliament passed per year,
Source: Berg, 2008, 12.
increased. As the first part of this book argued, we live in an age in which,
despite the apparent political appeal of neo-liberal promises to ‘roll back
the frontiers of the state’, people still expect governments to solve policy
problems and steer society. It is true that governments once pursued pol-
icy goals that are long abandoned: for instance, most Western countries
abandoned food rationing in the late 1940s. By and large, governments
no longer attempt to control the movement of currencies across national
boundaries, and in many European Union countries internal border con-
trols have been dismantled. Yet as new policy problems have been identified
and new technologies developed, the range of activities that governments
seek to encourage, discourage, regulate, monitor, prohibit or offer advice
on has grown. Obesity, species extinction, water conservation, smoking,
carbon emissions, anti-social behaviour, the use of mobile phones while
driving, busking, hate speech, cloning, the numbers of senior female busi-
ness executives, the transfer of personal data between organisations, doping
in sport, road pricing, the transmission of major sporting events on terres-
trial rather than satellite television, stalking, binge drinking, the number of
gold medals won at an Olympics – all have become the subject of political
debate and government action.
As a measure of the absolute growth in governance through hierarchy,
consider the graphs shown here. Figure 4.2 shows the total number of
pages of legislation contained in new acts of the Australian Parliament
Number of agreements
between 1901 and 2006. It shows a spectacular increase in the late 1960s
which, far from reversing itself with the election of a succession of increas-
ingly neo-liberal governments in the 1980s and 1990s, has accelerated.
Figure 4.3 shows the total number of formal agreements signed by the
European Union with other countries and international organisations
over three-year periods between 1969 and 2005. The subject matter of
these agreements is incredibly varied. In 2007 the European Union signed,
among other things, a fisheries partnership agreement with Mozambique;
a partnership agreement with the Republic of Tajikistan; a scientific and
technological cooperation agreement with India; a protocol with Thai-
land relating to manioc production, marketing and trade; a convention on
jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and
commercial matters with Switzerland; and an agreement with Serbia on
the issuing of visas. The important point to note is a dramatic increase in
the overall number of agreements. In the 1970s when the then European
Economic Community was first formulating many of its policies dealing
with trade and agriculture, fewer than 20 agreements were being signed
every three years. Between 2002 and 2005 alone, 260 such agreements
were signed. Finally, Figure 4.4 shows the total number of regulatory agen-
cies contained within 16 policy sectors across 49 countries between 1960
and 2002. It also shows that a dramatic expansion in regulation started at
precisely the moment in the early 1980s when resurgent neo-liberal parties
were promising to ‘roll back the frontiers of the state’.
1970 1980 1990 2000
Figure 4.4. Expansion of the number of regulatory agencies across 16 sectors and 49
nations, 1960–2002
Source: Braithwaite, 2008, viii.
This chapter has provided evidence that hierarchical governance, far from
retreating, continues to expand in response to new policy challenges.
States are clearly building in new governance instruments and expand-
ing their reach. We agree with Moran (2003, 6) and Crawford (2006,
471), who argue that there has been ‘an extraordinary growth of the
“regulatory state”’ and that ‘recourse to command and control contin-
ues to occupy a prominent place in the contemporary social regulatory
armoury’. States are the only policy actors that have the authority to kill,
deport, tax, imprison, usurp property, or send people to war. As Christoph
Knill and Derk Lehmkuhl (2002, 43) argue, states are often in a unique
position to ‘accommodate conflicting interests and define governance
In deference to public sensitivities, neo-liberal ideology or even, perhaps,
academic writing, governments have sometimes eschewed the rhetoric
of hierarchical control and coercive power. Politicians and state officials
have found the notion of an ‘enabling’ state particularly attractive. Yet as
we explain in our discussion of governance through community engage-
ment in Chapter 7, there is danger in confusing rhetoric with reality.
We have described governance in terms of an exchange of authority and
resources between states and societies. This is the essence of our state-centric
L E G I T I M A C Y, P E R S U A S I O N A N D
Non-state actors routinely attempt to persuade each other to change their
behaviour. Advertising and marketing conducted by and for privately
owned firms constitute a massive exercise in persuasion. In 2007 Procter &
Gamble spent $4.6 billion on advertising in the American market; General
Motors spent $4.3 billion; Time Warner spent $3.4 billion; and AT&T,
$2.4 billion. Although precise estimates are difficult to obtain, the US
federal government spent around $5 billion on advertising in 2001 (Weiss,
2002, 222).
Many of these efforts at persuasion may be considered to have little
direct political consequence. Yet efforts to persuade people to buy particular
brands of cigarettes, drive sports utility vehicles, or buy fast food obviously
have the potential to undermine government efforts to persuade people
to smoke less, reduce their carbon emissions and eat more healthily. But
non-state actors also contribute positively to the achievement of collectively
valued goals through persuasion. Consider the following examples.
r Over the last 30 years governments have sought to reduce rates of
HIV/AIDS infection. The most effective work in promoting safe sex
has often been undertaken by not-for-profit charities. In the United
Kingdom the Terrence Higgins Trust, named after one of the first Britons
to die of AIDS, has sought to promote sexual health through information
campaigns and HIV testing programs; it has acquired a reputation for
being able to communicate effectively with gay men and change their
behaviour. In Brazil (Levi & Vetoria, 2002), Australia (Mameli, 2001)
and Hungary (Danziger, 1997), programs to reduce the incidence of
HIV/AIDS have also largely relied upon the involvement of NGOs.
r Chapter 4 pointed to efforts by governments, governing through hier-
archy, to tackle obesity by, for example, banning the sale of junk food in
schools. Non-state actors have also contributed to the achievement of
the same goal. McDonald’s, which was subject to a barrage of bad press
following the 2004 release of the film Super Size Me, has promoted a
range of healthier menu options and committed itself to providing clear
and accessible information about the nutritional content of its food. At
the same time, it has sought to promote children’s exercise through, for
example, a national exercise program run in conjunction with primary
schools in Canada, sponsorship of a junior-league soccer competition
in South Korea, and the construction of gym clubs in France.
r Non-state actors are also routinely involved in attempts to persuade peo-
ple to contribute to the provision of collectively valued goods. A variety
of airlines and companies like Climate Care, the Carbon Neutral Com-
pany and Offset My Life have sought to persuade people to offset their
carbon emissions by paying to have trees planted (Smith, 2007, 14).
The fair trade movement, created in the early 1960s, has collaborated
with charities like Oxfam to persuade supermarkets to stock products
from manufacturers in developing countries who pay fair wages and
be abused, but the power to shape people’s preferences can be used to further
people’s long-term interests and those of the communities in which they
Having discussed the relationship between rationality and persuasion,
we return to the central issue of this chapter: the relative significance of
state and non-state actors as agents of persuasion. The involvement of non-
state actors in governance through persuasion can be linked to arguments
about the declining legitimacy of the state. One obvious way in which a
loss of legitimacy may manifest itself is in people’s growing reluctance to be
persuaded to behave in certain ways by politicians and government officials.
In the United Kingdom, efforts to persuade parents of the safety of a newly
introduced vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella were undermined by
what is now known to have been rogue research suggesting a possible link
between the vaccine and the onset of autism. The government declared
that there was absolutely no additional risk in using the combined vaccine.
But a widespread belief that the vaccine was only being introduced in order
to save money combined with memories about a previous government that
was thought to have deliberately misled people about the dangers of mad
cow disease, so that, at one time, up to 30 per cent of parents refused to
have their children immunised (Magennis, 1999, 136–8).
Where governments lack legitimacy and are not trusted, it is easy to see
why non-state actors may be influential in persuading people to change
their behaviour. In the case of the vaccination saga, the UK government
eventually turned to the British Medical Council for support. In the case
of HIV prevention, the Terrence Higgins Trust acquired a significant role
when it became clear that a significant proportion of the gay community
did not trust a government which, it believed, was ideologically opposed
to gay rights (Street, 1988).
Chapter 2 explained that the extent to which national governments have
lost legitimacy can be exaggerated. Voters still expect governments to solve
policy problems and steer society. Indeed, the problems that governments
face often reflect growing, and occasionally unreasonable, expectations
about governments’ capacity to resolve policy problems. There are specific
cases in which governments are not trusted and non-state actors have a
greater capacity to successfully engage in governance through persuasion:
the management of HIV/AIDS offers a striking example. Yet Table 2.3
showed that, with the notable exception of the United States, levels of
confidence in national parliaments have not fallen dramatically over the
last few decades. Furthermore, in most countries the public’s confidence in
government exceeds its confidence in private firms whose efforts to persuade
people to eat more healthily or take regular exercise are regarded as being
tainted by self-interest.1 One interesting, although dated, study into efforts
to promote energy conservation in New York found that the behaviour of
consumers was more likely to be affected by a message from the New York
State Public Service Commission than by an identical message from their
local utility company (Craig & McCann, 1978).
As described in Chapter 4, one way in which states have enhanced
their governing capacity is through the creation of arm’s-length and semi-
independent agencies. In situations where the government lacks legiti-
macy, such agencies have a vital role. Take, for example, efforts to ensure
an adequate supply of blood for medical purposes. Globally, it is esti-
mated that about 18 per cent of all blood is donated on a voluntary basis;
15 per cent is donated specifically to help relatives; and about five per cent
is donated in return for cash payments (WHO, 2007, 12). In South Africa,
Canada and Singapore, voluntary donations are organised through not-for-
profit charities. In most countries, however, blood donation is organised
through quasi-autonomous governmental organisations like the National
Blood Service in the United Kingdom, the Irish Blood Service or the New
Zealand Blood Service. Even where trust in government has declined, it
appears that these organisations have retained a reputation for political
impartiality and expertise. It is striking that in the United Kingdom, Ire-
land and New Zealand, the overall number of voluntary blood donations
each year has remained stable at a time when confidence in government
has declined slightly. In China, voluntary blood donation increased from
45 to 91 per cent of all donations between 2000 and 2004 following a
concerted government campaign (WHO, 2007, 29). In Bolivia, the estab-
lishment of a national blood program and concerted media campaign by
the government resulted in the rate of voluntary donations rising from 10
per cent in 2002 to 50 per cent in 2006.
Governments can also seek to enhance their legitimacy by governing
through persuasion. Consider instances in which states attempt to change
the behaviour of a large but dispersed and unorganised group which broadly
agrees about the desirability of achieving a goal. Persuasion will be an attrac-
tive governance mechanism in such instances because it is non-coercive
(Vedung & Doeelen, 1998; Weiss, 2002). We have shown how the reach
of the regulatory state has been extended. Yet except for a wartime emer-
gency, most states would quail at the thought of trying to institute a system
of compulsory blood donation. As well as the financial and logistical diffi-
culties of constructing and policing such a system, the government would
suffer political costs from loss of legitimacy if people believed this to be an
Even where non-state actors engage in governance through persuasion,
states usually retain the responsibility for the metagovernance of such
arrangements. In the case of HIV/AIDS prevention, the decision to forge
closer links with the Terrence Higgins Trust was taken within the Ministry
of Health. Politicians and senior public servants decided which organisa-
tions they were prepared to work with and eschewed campaigning groups
like Stonewall which, at the time, were thought to be promoting too radi-
cal an agenda. The Ministry of Health set the overall goals and targets for
the HIV/AIDS campaign and provided most of the resources used to fund
campaigns. Today, the Terrence Higgins Trust (2007), although apparently
independent of government, continues to receive about three-quarters of
its budget via statutory government grants or contracts.
In other cases, governments assume a metagovernance role in coordinat-
ing and steering governance efforts. In 2002 the UK government launched
a high-profile campaign to encourage people to eat five portions of fruit
and vegetables a day, amidst reports that up to 42 000 people were dying
When states are not the agents of persuasion, they are frequently its recip-
ients. Because states retain a monopoly of coercive power and, with this, a
monopoly on the authority to construct and revise governance rules, non-
state actors routinely attempt to persuade states to change their behaviour.
Chapter 6 shows how businesses routinely use the political process to try
and achieve a competitive advantage. More generally, charities, interest-
groups, trade unions, universities, local governments and community asso-
ciations all lobby government in pursuit of their goals.
The notion that non-state actors attempt to change the behaviour of
states is hardly novel. Chapter 2 mentioned many studies of policy networks
that seek to explain how governments trade policy influence for support in
formulating and implementing policy. Yet there is a conceptual problem in
viewing these relationships as examples of governance through persuasion.
The studies of policy networks view the relationship between governments
and pressure groups in entirely instrumental terms. Networks are animated
by, and constituted through, the efforts of actors to bargain with each other,
exchange resources and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes (Rhodes,
1986, 16–23; Marsh & Rhodes, 1992a, 10–11; Rhodes, 1997, 36–7).
There is no obvious room for persuasion here. Governments and pressure-
groups know what they want and flex their muscles in order to achieve
it. Preferences are, in the language used by economists, exogenously given
and fixed.
Yet pressure-groups do not simply bargain with government. Just as it
is open to governments to try to persuade individuals that they have mis-
construed their interests and should change their behaviour, it is open to
interest-groups and other actors to persuade the government that a partic-
ular policy promotes not only their own interest but the public interest.
In 2001 during the crisis over foot-and-mouth disease, the UK govern-
ment was widely criticised for its refusal to abandon its policy of selective
slaughter of animals in favour of one of preventative vaccination.2 Sev-
eral inquiries later concluded that the costs of closing the countryside to
tourists, an inevitable consequence of the slaughter policy, far outweighed
the benefits of protecting British meat exports. So why did the government
get its policy so wrong? At the time, newspaper commentators routinely
argued that the government had wanted to vaccinate but that the National
Farmers Union (NFU), which opposed vaccination, had been allowed to
exercise a ‘veto’ over policy (Whittam Smith, Independent, 30 April 2001).
In its report on the handling of foot-and-mouth disease, the European
Parliament (2002, para. 34) denounced the way in which a ‘relatively small
special interest group’, the NFU, had been given an ‘undue influence over
decisions affecting the wellbeing of whole regions’.
There is a major problem with this argument: there is no evidence
that the UK government ever favoured widespread emergency vaccination
as an alternative to slaughter, let alone that the NFU prevented it from
implementing this policy (the following draws on Hindmoor, 2009). Of
course, the NFU’s opposition to the vaccination was relevant, but the
access the NFU was given to policy-makers throughout the crisis enabled
them to repeat to ministers and senior officials the arguments for selective
slaughter and the potential costs and uncertainties of vaccination. The
NFU was a large group which could, if it wanted to, make life politically
uncomfortable for the government during an expected general election
campaign. The government granted high-level access to NFU officials
because it believed that it was in its interest to do so. Groups like the Soil
Association, the National Consumer Council, the National Trust, the Royal
Society for the Protection of Birds, Friends of the Earth and the Wildlife
Trust favoured vaccination, but they were considered politically lightweight
and were largely ignored. The important point here is that the relationship
between the NFU and the government was not simply one of bargaining. In
interviews, speeches, press releases, articles and, no doubt, private meetings
with government officials, the NFU sought to persuade the government
of the merits of its case. Rather than bargaining with the government,
the NFU persuaded it; the government publicly endorsed many of the
arguments the NFU had advanced against vaccination.
developing countries such as Costa Rica (Rivera, 2002). To take one exam-
ple, the US Environmental Protection Agency’s WasteWise program has
attracted the support of nearly 1500 companies and public sector bodies
(Delmas & Keller, 2005). There is no fee to join the program; participants
agree to set waste reduction targets and report on their progress in meeting
them. In return, the Environmental Agency provides information on how
to reduce waste and sponsors case-studies and award ceremonies.
Sceptics might argue that voluntary agreements are of no more than
symbolic value as they allow firms not only to set their own standards
but also to break them routinely. In some cases firms only agree to join a
voluntary scheme in return for a guarantee that they will not be prosecuted
for any failure to meet the standards set out in an agreement (Steinzor,
1998). In the case of the WasteWise program it is notable that only about
20 per cent of member firms even submitted reports to the Environ-
mental Protection Agency indicating whether they had met their perfor-
mance targets (Delmas & Keller, 2005, 93; for other critical accounts see
Darnall & Carmin, 2005).
The more effective schemes combine voluntary efforts at persuasion with
the threat of hierarchical regulation (Mackendrick, 2005). There appear
to be two models on offer here. In the first, voluntary agreements are
signed as a supplement to, rather than replacement for, existing regulatory
standards. In these cases firms may not meet the new standards contained in
the voluntary agreement but there can be no erosion in overall standards. In
the second model governments indicate that tougher hierarchical controls
will be introduced unless voluntary standards are met (Reitbergen et al.,
1999). In the late 1980s the Netherlands government introduced long-term
agreements on energy efficiency in an effort to reduce carbon emissions
by 3–5 per cent by 2000 (Welch & Hibiki, 2002, 410; Wallace, 1995).
Over 90 per cent of Dutch firms signed these agreements, which were
negotiated with peak-level industry associations. The agreements required
firms to report upon their performance against agreed targets, and they
allowed the Environment Ministry to revoke the operating licence of any
firm that consistently failed to meet minimum standards.
Social capital can be defined as ‘all those features of social organisation,
such as networks, norms and social trust, that facilitate coordination and
cooperation for mutual benefit’ (Putnam, 1994, 67). A useful distinction
far from being an alternative to the state and to government activity, [social
capital] is symbiotically related to it . . . social capital is not a form of do-it-
yourself civil elastoplast, for patching together polities with poor systems of
central and local government and depleted public services . . . the first task
in building social capital in poor communities is, paradoxically, to restore
collective faith in the idea of the state as and in local government as a
practically effective servant of the community.
There are plenty of academic studies on governance as it relates to markets,
hierarchies and networks, but little has been written about the possibilities
of governance through persuasion (but see Bemelamans-Vedic et al., 1998;
Weiss, 2002; Collins et al., 2003). Does this matter? If we were to follow
the public choice approach – regarding individuals as not only exclusively
self-interested but possessing fixed views about how best to achieve that
interest – there would indeed be little scope for governance through per-
suasion. But as political scientists have recently come to emphasise, ideas
matter (Campbell, 2004, 90–101; Blyth, 2002; Fischer, 2003; Menahem,
2008). They matter because people’s normative commitments, their val-
ues, attitudes, and morals, can lead them to act in ways that are contrary
to their self-interest. They matter because it is people’s empirical notions
about how the world works, about cause-and-effect relationships, programs
and paradigms, which lead them to believe that certain courses of action are
in their interest. As Colin Hay (2002, 209) puts it: ‘if actors lack complete
information, they have to interpret the world in which they find themselves
in order to orientate themselves strategically toward it. Ideas provide the
point of mediation between actors and their environment.’ It is because
ideas matter in politics that persuasion is possible. People can be persuaded
to act out of a commitment to the collective good or to change their views
about how best to pursue their own interests.
In Michel Foucault’s view, the kind of preference-shaping activity we
have examined in this chapter destroys individual autonomy. He equates
what we have called governance through persuasion with the rise of the
‘disciplinary society’. Our account is less bleak. We agree with Foucault that
efforts to shape people’s preferences, or perhaps even identities, are becom-
ing more common. We also agree that the state, in partnership with a range
of other organisations, plays a leading role in such activities. Yet governance
through persuasion offers an effective and non-coercive means by which
governments can achieve collectively valued outcomes. There are instances
in which non-state actors are engaged in governance through persuasion,
and even some cases of governance without government, but the state
retains a crucial role. States have attempted to enhance their legitimacy by
governing through persuasion. They have also attempted to enhance their
governance capacity by working with non-state actors. Under such arrange-
ments, however, governments retain responsibility for the areas identified
in Chapter 3: steering, effectiveness, resourcing, democracy, accountability
and legitimacy.
6 Governance through markets
and contracts
What we describe as the ‘marketisation of governance’ covers some related
but distinct reforms. We will look at them in turn.
Governments across the world have privatised state-owned enterprises
either by selling shares in those companies on stock markets, by selling
firms to private companies or by giving shares to citizens (OECD, 2005b).
Pioneered in the United Kingdom, New Zealand and Australia, privatisa-
tion has had the greatest impact in those countries which had the largest
number of state-owned enterprises. In Portugal, the Czech Republic and
Hungary, the cumulative proceeds of privatisation sales have amounted to
more than 20 per cent of current annual GDP (OECD, 2005c, 24). Even
where privatisation has been rejected, the impact of the philosophy has
This is the process by which states seek to eliminate, reduce or at least sim-
plify restrictions on the activities of individuals or firms with a view to cre-
ating freer and more competitive markets. Chapter 4 noted that in OECD
countries the telecommunications, aviation and electricity industries were,
to varying degrees, deregulated in the 1980s and 1990s. Deregulation,
along with technological change, has been a key driver of globalisation.
Reductions in trade barriers, the elimination of restrictions upon the oper-
ation of foreign banks in domestic markets, and the removal of restrictions
on the overseas transfer of capital have resulted in a massive expansion in
international trade, overseas foreign investment and currency speculation.
When governments privatise firms, a market for the products of those firms
already exists. In the case of what we call external markets, the state actually
creates markets by establishing new property rights and encouraging trade
with a view to resolving specific policy problems. In response to a continu-
ing drought exacerbated by intensive farming, the Australian government
created a new market in water by limiting the amount of water farmers
can extract from rivers while simultaneously creating water entitlements
and allowing farmers to buy or sell their water allocations (Bell & Quiggin,
2008). The policy prescription is that, for any given limit upon the amount
of water to be extracted, market trading ought to ensure the lowest loss in
production as more efficient farms buy additional water from less efficient
ones. External markets are still a relatively novel governance approach. In
recent years, however, markets have been created to allow the exchange of
a range of pollutants, including emissions of sulphur dioxide (associated
with acid rain) and carbon dioxide (one cause of climate change).
In contracting-out (or competitive tendering), services once performed by
state agencies are exposed to competition. Contractors are selected on a
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) extend the role of private firms in the
provision of public services to include the design, construction, mainte-
nance and operation of infrastructure assets traditionally provided by the
public sector (OECD, 2005a, 140). The arrangements vary but usually
governments either pay rent for infrastructure designed, built and main-
tained by a private firm, or allow that firm to charge customers a fixed rate
to use the facilities. Such PPPs were pioneered in the United Kingdom in
the early 1990s to fund massive programs to build hospitals and schools.
Elsewhere, PPPs have financed road construction in Portugal, a high-speed
rail network in the Netherlands, and a new airport in Athens (OECD,
2005a, 140–3).
In the pursuit of public sector efficiency, governments across the world
have pursued a program of ‘new public management’. This has entailed the
hierarchical imposition of benchmarking exercises, targets, performance-
related pay and short-term contracts. Governments have also pursued
reform through the creation of internal markets or quasi-markets in which
public sector organisations are encouraged to compete against each other
to provide cheaper or better services (Barlett & Le Grand, 1993; Le Grand,
2003). The most significant example of such a market was established
within the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom. Tra-
ditionally, the NHS has been hierarchically managed through top-down
budgets. In the early 1990s general practitioners were given more con-
trol over their budgets and encouraged to purchase treatment for their
patients from local hospitals. The expectation was that doctors would send
their patients to those hospitals with the shortest waiting times, the lowest
costs and the best standards of care, and that the resulting competitive
pressures would force every hospital to improve its performance. This did
not amount to a privatisation of the NHS: medical treatment remained
entirely free at the point of delivery. The money circulating within the
internal market was, ultimately, all taxpayers’ money.
What do these market-based reforms have in common? Recall here our
definition of markets in terms of competition, property rights and prices.
First, contracting-out requires private firms and public sector agencies to
compete to provide the best and cheapest service. Similarly, deregulation
is meant to make it easier for new firms to enter existing markets. Second,
these reforms have created new property rights. Australian farmers have
always had the right to extract water from their land; the creation of a
water market has given them an additional right to exchange this resource.
Privatisation has created new property rights for shareholders, while dereg-
ulation has extended the existing rights of property owners. Third, these
Alberta Sbragia (2000, 243) observes that ‘market forces are widely viewed
as threatening, diluting or eroding the powers of the state . . . the power of
public authority to protect its citizens over the long-term is seen as dimin-
ished’. Susan Strange (1996, 4) argues that ‘where states were once the mas-
ters of markets, now it is the markets which, on many critical issues, are the
masters over the governments of states’. Christopher Pierson (1996, 124)
suggests that the globalisation of markets has ‘strengthened the bargaining
position of capital [and] . . . undermined the authority and capacity of the
interventionist state’. Similarly, Hans-Peter Martin and Harald Schumann
(1996, 10) argue that ‘the whole of politics’ has become ‘a spectacle of
impotence’ and that the ‘democratic state has lost its legitimacy’ as a conse-
quence of the diffusion of market forces. Governments, in this view, have
not simply disappeared but have been relegated to a ‘market-supporting’
rather than ‘market-steering’ role (Levy, 2006, 3–4). Governments have
become the handmaidens of markets; they must enhance labour market
T H E M E TA G O V E R N A N C E O F M A R K E T S :
In both political and academic discourse it is conventional to draw a sharp
distinction between public and private and between markets and hierarchy.
This, however, takes for granted the elaborate institutional infrastructure
that underpins the effective functioning of markets. Markets are based
on systems of state-enforced property rights that define ownership rights
and the appropriate use of resources. The exchange of goods and services
requires the continuing presence of, for example, courts, police forces,
competition and fair trading authorities and contract law, along with edu-
cation, health and welfare policies to provide an adequate and trained
workforce (North, 1990; Fligstein, 1996; 2001; Evans & Rauch, 1999). In
other words, as Karl Polanyi (1957, 139) observed, there is ‘nothing natural
about laissez-faire’. Graham Wilson (1990, 4) makes the same point:
the interesting point in these cases is the evidence that governments have
learnt from their mistakes and reasserted control.
In the late 1980s local authorities in the United Kingdom started to pay
privately owned firms to house vulnerable children in their care. In a careful
review of this policy Ian Kirkpatrick, Martin Kitchener and Richard Whipp
(2001) show that the creation of this market had some unfortunate results.
Large numbers of children were moved into homes located outside the
boundaries of their local authority, making it harder for social workers to
monitor their progress and standards of care. Some children with specialist
needs were ‘warehoused’ in unsuitable accommodation, and authorities
awarded expensive contracts to private firms without soliciting alternative
bids or linking payments to performance. One manager is quoted as saying
that their local authority was ‘getting stung, left, right and centre’ because
‘social workers who are not very good at negotiating on money’ were left
to write contracts (p. 60). Another suggests that the failure to seek out
alternative sources of supply meant that ‘most of the local authorities have
behaved as if they are hostages to fortune and the providers have set their
fee levels and said take it or leave it’ (p. 57).
Although generally critical of the performance of the market in children’s
care, the authors show how, over time, some of the authorities involved
learnt to metagovern. One local authority established a Children’s Con-
tract Unit to negotiate with and monitor the performance of private firms.
Another offered formal training to social workers on negotiating and writ-
ing contracts. Working through the Association of the Directors of Social
Services, others developed a register of approved suppliers. Others replaced
short-term contracts with long-term ‘relational’ contracts with firms that
had already established a reputation for providing a high-quality service.
We have already noted that nations – most prominently the United
States – in recent years have contracted-out a range of military support
functions (Avant, 2005). It has been estimated that during the occupation
of Iraq private contractors working for the US military there outnumbered
US Army personnel (Los Angeles Times, 16 October 2007). In 2004 one
private firm, Aegis, was even awarded a contract to coordinate and oversee
the activities of all the other private contractors working in Iraq (Scahill,
2007, 158–9). However, it was Blackwater USA (renamed Xe in Febru-
rary 2009) that captured the public’s attention. In 1997 Blackwater was
established by a former Special Forces soldier, Erik Prince, whose stated
ambition was ‘to do for the national security apparatus what FedEx did
to the postal service’ (Scahill, 2007, xix). In 2003 the State Department
awarded a contract to Blackwater to guard diplomats and the US embassy
Chapter 1 explained that governments, in establishing and operating gov-
ernance strategies, develop strategic relationships or partnerships with a
range of non-state actors. Governments choose to work with private firms
and other actors in market-based governance arrangements because they
believe that, by doing so, they can enhance their capacity to achieve certain
policy goals. Up to now we have emphasised the extent to which states
retain control over markets. Here we point out that, even in situations
where governments have largely forsworn such hierarchical controls, the
use of markets can enhance state capacity.
A good example is the role played in the global economy by a hand-
ful of credit rating agencies like Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s. These
firms issue judgments on the creditworthiness of borrowers. Such is the
significance attached to these that it is almost impossible for a firm or
sovereign government entering the bond market to borrow money without
first obtaining a credit rating. The rating agencies argue that they have
acquired such a dominant position because they have established a record
for reliable advice. Critics suggest that their dominance is due to govern-
ment regulations requiring firms to possess a favourable credit rating from
one of a list of credit agencies approved by the US Securities and Exchange
Several rules require firms to obtain a credit rating. First, regulations
designed to protect the long-term interests of investors in pension funds
prohibit pension fund managers from investing in a company unless it has
chosen to foster closer relations with the agencies. From the government’s
perspective there are good reasons to tie business regulations to credit-
worthiness. Light-touch regulation for firms demonstrating a strong credit
position allows regulators to focus on more risky firms. Preventing pension
funds from making high-risk investments may save the state from meeting
the costs of more people’s retirements. Governments could, if they wanted,
reach their own judgments about the creditworthiness of firms.
For the US government there are advantages in using the judgments
reached by private firms. In the first place, they are less costly. Credit ratings
are available free of charge to market participants: the firm seeking a rating
must pay for that service. Governments would have to devote considerable
resources to devising their own ratings. Second, it is less politically risky to
rely upon private firms. A government which classified as creditworthy a
firm that subsequently went bankrupt would be accused of incompetence
and held liable by voters and taxpayers for the losses incurred. By relying
on the judgments reached by private firms, the US government has a
ready-made scapegoat. As Bruner and Abdelal (2005, 209) wryly observe:
When Enron collapsed with no warning from the rating agencies, capping
a series of perceived failures including several global financial crises in the
1990s, Congress and the SEC could call hearings, investigate, and berate
the agencies, querying whether ratings-dependent regulation makes sense
in the future, without digging too deeply into whether incorporating them
in the past was simply a bad decision.
Now we look at the argument that marketisation has resulted in the sur-
render of significant powers to private businesses operating independently
of government control. As we have said, we are generally sceptical about
viewing the relationship between the state and hierarchy on the one hand
and markets on the other in zero-sum terms. We also doubt that markets –
or major players within them, such as business interests – have replaced
hierarchy as a key mode of governance. This section argues that the rela-
tionship between governments and business can be usefully understood
from a state-centric relational perspective. States shape the environment in
which business operates. States sometimes constrain and discipline business
interests for wider purposes. But generally the state–business relationship
should be understood as a productive, positive-sum relationship.
Businesses – whether small local businesses or giant transnationals –
make decisions that affect the lives of millions of people. These decisions
fall within the scope of governance because they contribute to the provision
of such collectively valued goals as full employment, economic growth,
sustainable development and rising wages. We cannot draw a line and
say that governance has nothing to do with the activities of private firms.
Neither can governments afford to ride roughshod over the interests of
business, especially if this threatens a widespread loss of confidence or a
substantial slowdown in private investment. In capitalist systems, in which
investment decisions are primarily taken by private firms, governments
are structurally dependent upon businesses for private investment and
economic growth (Lindblom, 1977; Przeworski, 1985; Bell & Wanna,
Whether acting collectively or individually, businesses are often in a
strong bargaining position when lobbying government. Chapter 2 noted
that the American health insurance industry was widely blamed for derail-
ing Hillary Clinton’s proposals for health reform. This chapter has shown
that private security firms sought to secure a favourable legal environ-
ment for their activities in Iraq. The examples of businesses using political
processes for their own ends are legion. ExxonMobil was instrumental in
persuading the US government to allow further oil exploration in Alaska.
The defence firm BAE Systems was heavily implicated in the UK govern-
ment’s decision to terminate a police inquiry into the alleged payment of
bribes to Saudi officials. The scandal over food-for-oil sanctions in Iraq
revealed that the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and
the Wheat Export Authority had sought to maximise the export revenue
of the privately owned Australian Wheat Board at the expense of fulfilling
their regulatory duties (Bartos, 2006).
the philosophy that informed government’s attitude was if business put its
head above the parapet then it’d be kicked in. And that had the effect of
causing many in the business leadership to actually retreat. They ultimately
had an obligation to their own shareholders not to expose the company to
retaliation at the political level . . . and they backed off [Bell 2008a, 564].
In Reinventing Government, David Osborne and Ted Gaebler (1992) argue
that governments can devolve responsibility for ‘rowing’ – delivering actual
services to citizens – without compromising their ability to ‘steer’ – to
raise resources and set priorities. Their book is written in the style of a
can-do business manual complete with inspiring examples; at times it is
quite galling. It has also been read as constituting an unqualified defence
of the application of neo-liberal economic principles to the government
sector (see Bevir, 2007, xxiii). Yet, while recognising that ‘privatisation is
one arrow in the government’s quiver’, Osborne and Gaebler (1992, 47)
are clear that those who ‘believe business is always superior to government
are selling the American people snake oil’.
Privatization is simply the wrong starting point for a discussion of the role
of government. Services can be contracted out or turned over to the public
sector. But governance cannot. We can privatize discrete steering functions,
but not the overall process of governance. If we did, we would have no
mechanism by which to make collective decisions, no way to set the rules
of the marketplace, no means to enforce rules of behaviour. [p. 47 emphasis
in original]
The choice is not between markets and hierarchies. Markets are suffused
with hierarchy. States not only create markets: they manage them. Privatisa-
tion, deregulation, contracting-out, PPPs and internal and external markets
all require ongoing hierarchical intervention. Markets are managed and, as
Michael Keating (2004, 6) argues, can be used to ‘assist in the achievement
of many of the state’s policy directions and goals’.
7 Governance through
community engagement
Form of Technique or
participation Goal Promise to the public instrument Limitations
Inform To provide the public with We will keep you Fact sheets Limited public input
balanced and objective informed. Web sites One-way communication
information to assist Open homes Passive communities
them in understanding
the problem, alternatives,
opportunities and/or
Consult or To work or partner directly We will keep you Workshops Expensive and time-consuming for
collaborate with the public informed, listen to Deliberative polling complex issues
throughout the process to and acknowledge Surveys Communities feel betrayed if they
obtain feedback or input concerns and Dialogue sessions do not like the decision
and to ensure that public aspirations and Consensus forums Issue of who can speak or engage on
concerns and aspirations provide feedback on Advisory bodies behalf of the community
are consistently how (or how not) Public hearings Raises important questions about
understood public input or Focus groups community commitment and
and considered. advice influenced Public comment capacity
the decision. Power differentials, privileged
access, and bias towards
established community interests
Possibility of co-option
Legitimacy issues for those excluded
Involve To work with communities We will work with you Joint task forces Heavy demands on local activists,
in joint on the ground to help solve local Co-management of burnout
projects such as problems and assist resources Limited resources and inputs from
community development, with resources and Landcare groups government
environmental protection ideas Neighbourhood
Watch groups
Collaborate To allow third party We will ensure your Review courts and Only relevant to those issues that
involvement in formal right to legal tribunals come to formal reviews or court,
review processes standing in review Statutory processes legalistic
processes and for social and Expensive and time-consuming
acknowledge input environmental Bias towards well-funded interests
and detail our impact assessments
Empower To devolve aspects of We will implement Devolved decisions to Costly, time-consuming
decision making to what you decide, formal community Raises legitimacy issues about
communities, parcel out although committees, representation
authority, or place final governments set the citizens’ juries, Possibility of co-option
decision-making in the parameters, parcels ballots and Capacity questions re local
hands of the public. of authority or referendums, communities
questions for e-democracy Potentially divisive
decision. Are votes/referendums the best way
to participation?
What are the common features that underpin successful citizen or com-
munity engagement? In a study of watershed management in the United
States, Thomas Koontz and Elizabeth Johnson (2004) found that success-
ful community engagement required the broad participation of the full
range of affected interests. Others have highlighted the importance of cit-
izen skills and knowledge (Kellogg, 1998); the need to engage the public
early in the decision-making process (Duram & Brown, 1998); careful
selection of community representatives; transparent decision-making; and
clear lines of authority (Irvin & Stansbury, 2004, 61). Singleton (2000, 4)
lists a number of ‘necessary conditions’ that must be in place to underpin
effective community engagement.
r Governments must exhibit a strong prior preference for collective action
and effective community engagement.
r Citizens must be given sufficient information and data in order to reach
a decision.
r The community must have the social and material capacity to overcome
collective-action problems.
Singleton notes that small or close-knit communities in which people have
existing social ties find themselves in a stronger position.
Along similar lines, Kenneth Kernaghan (1993, 62) has considered
genuine collaboration between community organisations and government.
Ideally, he says, it involves shared decision-making between parties; the
mutual acceptance of a certain loss of autonomy; and a shared contribution
of resources. He goes on to argue that collaborative forms of governance
are most likely to prove successful when all significant stakeholders are
involved; there is a mutual dependence between the partners and the
potential for positive-sum cooperation; and arrangements are sustained
through resource commitments and effective institutions.
Those who proclaim the merits of community engagement as a mode of
governance sometimes assume an idealised vision of community, in which
communities or citizens are eager activists, relatively homogenised, rich in
social capital, well organised and led by capable leaders. But if we reverse
or substantially qualify these assumptions, does the idea of community
engagement look as potentially attractive?
One important issue relates to the willingness of citizens to engage in
governance processes. Chapter 5 showed that high levels of social capi-
tal – ‘those features of social organisation, such as networks, norms and
social trust that facilitate coordination and cooperation for mutual ben-
efit’ (Putnam, 1993, 67) – are an important prerequisite of governance
through persuasion. Governance through community engagement is also
more likely to prove effective when there are high levels of social capital and
a community is able and willing to engage in governance. Yet in the case
of the United States Robert Putnam (2000) has documented a precipitous
decline in levels of social capital since the 1960s as communities have been
buffeted by job mobility, social fragmentation, long working hours and the
dominance of home (rather than public) entertainment (see Chapter 5).
Theda Skocpol (1996) offers an account of such developments based on
changed processes of electoral and advocacy politics, which involve a shift
away from local activism and grassroots activities towards nationally organ-
ised, poll-driven, top-down forums. She also charts a shift in the focus of
civic elites and leaders, from local groups and participation to wider and
more professionally organised processes and the marginalisation of civil
elites and local leaders – upon whom processes of community engagement
often depend – by professional lobbyists and party apparatchiks. As she
work at two or three poorly paid jobs per family, coming home exhausted to
watch TV and answer phone calls from pollsters and telemarketers [Skocpol,
1996, 24].
Even in the United States many citizens still wish to be informed and
consulted and engage in governance activities. As we have emphasised,
individuals are not exclusively self-interested and sometimes work for the
public interest. Sidney Verba, Kay Schlozman and Henry Brady (1995)
estimate that up to 10 per cent of the American population is politically
active. This is a small proportion of the overall population but nevertheless
amounts to more than 25 million people engaged in governance activities.
On the other hand, one study of community responses to the local stock-
piling of chemical weapons in the United States found that, although many
expressed an interest in participation, only around one per cent of people
followed through on this interest by phoning for information about how
to become engaged (Williams et al., 2001). Looking at particular exam-
ples, Skocpol (1996) estimates that, in major civic associations such as the
American Association of Retired Persons, no more than 5–10 per cent of
members participate even in the most minimal ways in local affiliates or
We have noted that the rapid loss in social capital that has occurred in
the United States seems not to have occurred in other countries. Yet there
is plenty of evidence of limited willingness to engage in political activities
elsewhere. In the late 1990s the UK government introduced a system
called Best Value to replace, or at least augment, the system of compulsory
competitive tendering in which local councils were required to contract-out
certain activities. Under Best Value, local councils are required to compare
their service provision with that found in other areas and consult with
business and the local community about the quality of service delivery
(Boyne, 2000). In reviewing the levels of community engagement councils
were able to elicit, Paul Foley and Steve Martin (2000, 486) sound a note
of caution:
Only a fifth of residents living in Best Value pilot areas stated that they
would like to have more of a say in the ways local services were run.
Moreover, most of those who wanted to be more involved favoured passive
forms of consultation such as postal surveys as opposed to more interactive
approaches such as public meetings and citizens’ juries.
Best Value consultations about service delivery are not, of course, the
most glamorous or ambitious of governance activities. Proponents of
for the state. Community activists do not simply spring de novo from
a voluntarist soil, but must be cultivated through public assistance. As
Brian Head (2007, 444) says, ‘The community sector (as with the busi-
ness sector) comprises a shifting range of unorganised, partially organised
and well organised stakeholders. Their capacity and interest in interaction
and engagement will vary widely.’ Accordingly, governments must con-
tinuously develop the capacities of weaker groups through programs that
provide training or resources to encourage people to recognise and defend
their mutual interests (Head, 2007; Keating, 2004; Wiseman, 2006). As
Michael Marinetto (2003b, 110) points out, ‘public authorities as the gate-
keepers to executive power and as holders of significant resources are crucial
to creating opportunities for active citizenship’. In one study, William Mal-
oney and colleagues (2000) showed that Birmingham City Council in the
United Kingdom achieved a tangible increase in the number and capacity of
community-based voluntary associations through targeted financial grants
and community development schemes. In other instances governments
have attempted to deal with another problem of community activism, the
burnout of activists. This has been a problem in the Landcare movement
in Australia and has prompted government agencies to offer assistance and
training to find and motivate new activists and leaders.
Citizens or groups may decline to be involved in formal governance
arrangements for fear of being co-opted by the state. Many environmental-
ists, for example, worry about this; the danger is that ‘incorporation’ into
consensus or deliberative forums might isolate group leaders from their
communities or limit alternative forms of political mobilisation (Doyle,
2000). Whelan and Lyons (2005) document a case in Queensland, Aus-
tralia, where conservation groups decided to boycott engagement that was
seen as potentially co-optive or unproductive. ‘By rejecting both hierarchi-
cal, centralised decision-making and the inadequate engagement practices
proposed by the state, activist groups mobilised community opinion and
action to bring about an historic win’ (Whelan & Lyons, 2005, 596).
Traditional systems of representative democracy require only limited
engagement of citizens through occasional elections. The Austrian
economist Joseph Schumpeter (1942, 269) defines such ‘competitive’ forms
of democracy as constituting an ‘arrangement for arriving at political deci-
sions in which individuals acquire the power to decide by means of a
competitive struggle for the people’s vote’. Schumpeter contrasts this mod-
ern, competitive notion of democracy with its ‘classical’ alternative, which
A central claim made in this book is that the state remains the major
player in shaping and managing public governance. We have emphasised
the state’s role both as a direct participant in governance arrangements
and as operating the crucial higher-level functions of metagoverning such
arrangements. Now we consider the state’s role in citizen and community
engagement, looking at the institutional disjunctures and coordination
problems that may damage links between governments and communities,
and consider how much power governments or state agencies are actually
willing or able to devolve to communities.
Our starting-point is a widely held view: governments do not like sharing
power. In examining the Blair government’s devolution of governance
authority in the United Kingdom, Mike Marinetto (2003b, 116) concludes
that ‘for all its support for community involvement, the Labour government
[retains] a predilection for strong central control’. Jonathan Murdoch and
Simone Abram (1998, 49) found that central government strategies and
objectives consistently limited community input into housing policy in the
United Kingdom. Local groups were given some discretion in how best to
meet objectives but were ‘tied’ into ‘a set of calculations and relations that
extend down a planning hierarchy from the central state’.
It might be objected that the UK state has always been reluctant to
embrace ‘horizontal inclusivity’ (Wallington, Lawrence & Loechel, 2008).
Yet in writing about community engagement experiments in the Nether-
lands, Geert Teisman and Eric-Hans Klijn (2002, 198) similarly conclude
There is a general lesson to be learnt here about governance and the use of
language. Rod Rhodes, whose notion of ‘governance without government’
we encountered in Chapter 1, suggests that, rather than simply defining
governance in terms of particular institutional arrangements, we ought to
look at the ways in which ‘individuals construct governance’ (Rhodes &
Bevir, 2003, 195) and how governance ‘arises from the bottom up’ (Bevir
& Rhodes, 2006, 99). Rhodes is right to emphasise that governance is
not simply a piece of academic jargon ‘divorced from [the language] of
practitioners and commentators’ (Riddell, 2000, quoted, Bevir & Rhodes,
2003, 9). Politicians and public servants discussing governance often pep-
per their speeches and policy documents with references to ‘community
engagement’, ‘partnership’ and ‘policy capacity’. Drawing upon such refer-
ences, academics have documented what they describe as a transition from
government to governance. In this self-reinforcing circle academics and
practitioners feed off each other. Our suspicion is that many politicians
and public servants have learnt to use the language of community engage-
ment strategically; it becomes a presentation device to obscure, or at least
make more palatable, the exercise of hierarchical control. Public servants,
consciously or unconsciously, have adopted a new governance language
We have argued that the development of community engagement as an
alternative mode of governance is often limited by the reluctance of state
officials to share power. How might we account for this reluctance? The
simplest explanation, to which public choice theorists might most easily
subscribe, is that power is a valuable resource and that self-interested politi-
cians will no more forfeit power than a private sector entrepreneur would
pass up a profit opportunity. Yet there may be more principled reasons why
state officials cling to their authority.
First, politicians may, rightly or wrongly, feel that community engage-
ment is too time-consuming to undertake in situations where there are
economic or political pressures to make – and be seen to be making –
immediate decisions. Amidst a growing water shortage crisis in 2006–7
in south-east Queensland, the state government initially promised, then
shelved, a community referendum on recycling waste water for human
consumption, such was the sense of urgency. Second, politicians or offi-
cials may believe that community engagement processes would upset or
contradict broader strategies or standards. A well-honed argument against
the ballot initiatives employed in California is that they result in contra-
dictory decisions that preclude strategic policy development. Voters find
it too easy to approve both lower taxes and higher public expenditure, or
improved environmental standards and lower vehicle taxes, when left to
determine these issues separately. Third, as we have suggested, government
officials may be reluctant to concede authority where they believe that
engagement processes are likely to be dominated by unrepresentative local
Fourth, governments may be reluctant to concede authority where they
believe that community engagement is unlikely to result to in a delib-
erative consensus. As Skogstad (2003) suggests, there may be limits to
what can be deliberatively handled, thrashed out or agreed upon in com-
munity engagement settings. Where significant interests are at stake and
competition between groups takes a zero-sum form, bargaining and delib-
eration may not be enough to resolve differences. As we have seen, there
are often dangers of parochialism and an inability to develop coherent
links to strategic plans or concerns of wider groupings of state agencies or
whole-of-government approaches (Keating, 2004, 168). Moreover, many
decisions involve voting, and community groups are often not structured to
accord with such processes of choice aggregation. Skogstad quotes Cham-
bers (2001, 48), who argues that ‘talking (understood as deliberation) and
voting do not mix well’. In a contest for votes, deliberation can become
‘strategic, competitive and adversarial’. Even when there is a shared com-
mitment to partnership and the public interest, individuals and groups can
fail to reach an agreement if they are committed, whether consciously or
Members of the Harcourt team recognised that the path to land use con-
sensus would have to be greased with dollars; forest workers threatened by
change would have to be appeased. Most important, they recognised that,
more often than not, the results generated by advisory processes would have
to be massaged into final outcomes, through traditional behind the scenes
bargaining [Skogstad, 2003, 908].
D O - I T- Y O U R S E L F C O M M U N I T Y
Thus far this chapter has examined the governance potential of community
engagement from a state–community relational perspective. This perspec-
tive fits our broader approach to governance, but it does not exhaust the
potential opportunities for meaningful community engagement in gover-
nance practices. Indeed, the case we now examine comes close to one of
Some scholarly articles . . . recommend that ‘the state’ control most natural
resources to prevent their destruction; others recommend that privatizing
these resources will resolve the problem. What one can observe in the
world, however, is that neither state nor the market is uniformly success-
ful in enabling individuals to sustain long-term, productive use of natural
resource systems. Further, communities of individuals have relied on insti-
tutions resembling neither the state nor the market to govern some resource
systems with reasonable degrees of success over long periods of time [Ostrom,
1990, 1].
were being depleted while fishermen spent much of their time fighting for
the best spots. In the 1970s the fishermen agreed to allocate fishing spots
randomly and to rotate among them in an agreed sequence. As Ostrom
(1990, 19) observes, this system has the effect of spacing each fishing boat
far enough apart to maximise overall returns and gives each fisherman an
equal chance of fishing at the best spots at the best times. This institutional
solution is not entirely independent of the state, however. The calendar
allocating fishermen to spots is deposited each year with the mayor and the
local police. The implication is that hierarchy might be deployed if the col-
lective agreements fail, and this knowledge may spur efforts at cooperation.
Normally, however, the fishermen themselves monitor the agreement; they
have every reason to notice if someone is occupying their allocated space.
This chapter has outlined a range of possible options and design princi-
ples regarding citizen or community engagement in governance. In line
with our overall argument, it has highlighted the state-centred control
and oversight of such arrangements. Apart from a few exceptional cases,
such as the fishermen of Alanya, community engagement typically occurs
in the shadow of hierarchy. As Head (2007, 449) suggests, ‘if commu-
nity engagement is largely at the discretion of the state – and indeed, is
largely organised, shaped and subsidised by the state – there must be ques-
tions raised about the robustness and independent strength of community
engagement’. Such views underline the importance of adopting a state-
centred relational approach to the discussion of governance. Community
engagement promises benefits but needs to be carefully managed. The key
site of such management must be within the state itself, given its pre-
ponderance in such engagements. Governments choose when to engage
communities and what to engage them about. Even when governing in
partnership with communities, governments retain the authority to revise
governance rules and abandon engagement processes.
In light of the range of limitations and concerns described above, ambi-
tions about community engagement should probably be limited. Active
power-sharing is unusual in such settings; it occurs under tightly pre-
scribed conditions where the government has the whip hand. Moreover,
in practice, according to Patrick Bishop and Glyn Davis (2002, 22), ‘most
citizen participation takes the form of consultation, which begins with the
acknowledgment that governments decide’. They suggest, however, that
such consultation assumes some degree of reciprocity, with those being
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 163
As we said at the beginning of the chapter, associative governance can be
divided into two types, corporatism and private-interest government. We
will look at them in turn.
Most introductory textbooks recognise that interest-groups are important
political actors and that governments often adopt particular policies after
lobbying by such groups. Chapter 2 pointed to academic work on ‘policy
networks’ composed of interest-groups and government actors. Chapter
5 showed how the National Farmers Union persuaded the UK government
to adopt a particular policy in relation to an outbreak of foot-and-mouth
disease. However, the presence of powerful interest-groups with ready access
to government officials is not necessarily evidence of an alternative form of
governance. Governance through hierarchy is entirely consistent with the
presence of powerful interest-groups and their lobbying activities.
What we have called associative governance (see Hirst, 1994; Hirst &
Veit, 2001) requires interest-groups to play a formal partnership role in
governance and even perhaps in the development and implementation of
public policy. The lead candidate for this form of governance is corpo-
ratism, an arrangement in which government works with major interest
associations, usually peak bodies representing the collective interests of
a particular group, granting them a formal role in policy formulation
and securing their cooperation in implementing policy (Schmitter, 1974;
Lehmbruch & Schmitter, 1982; Cawson, 1986). Of course, the degree
of power-sharing under such relationships varies, but in the more robust
forms of corporatism, major interest associations acquire a quasi-public
status, becoming virtually an arm of the state’s policy-making and imple-
mentation apparatus. Claus Offe (1981) explores the conditions for such
an ‘attribution of public status’. Important associative capacities include
representing or speaking for key functional interests, such as business or
labour; and the ability to aggregate interests, to act as a source of support
for government policy, to act as a key bargaining interlocutor, or to help
shape member or sector compliance.
Probably the most prominent examples of corporatist policy-making are
bipartite or tripartite arrangements in which business associations and/or
peak union organisations bargain with government over wage modera-
tion or industrial restructuring, either at a sectoral or national level. Peak
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 165
union organisations, for example, may accept wage moderation and work
to encourage wage restraint as part of an anti-inflationary policy in return
for concessions from the state, such as tax relief or social policy or other
benefits. In this respect, discussions about corporatism ought to be under-
stood in the context of more general debates about how, at a sectoral
or national level, differing mixes of governance modes and sets of insti-
tutional relations have produced different ‘varieties of capitalism’ (Hall &
Soskice, 2001). Institutional configurations and relations between markets,
states and associations help govern and shape processes and preferences at
the level of the firm, such as investment, corporate governance, inter-firm
clustering, labour–management relations, training and skill formation, and
research, development and innovation (Morgan et al., 1999). Because of
institutional differences and varying modes of economic governance, capi-
talist economies have markedly different capacities for growth, innovation
and productivity, as well as methods of sharing the proceeds of economic
growth (Hall & Soskice, 2000; Berger & Dore, 1996).
In ‘liberal market’ systems such as those of the United States and the
United Kingdom, economic coordination and governance occurs mainly
through market processes, with clear boundaries between the public and
private sectors. Such a system can be compared, at the other end of
this ideal-typical spectrum, to ‘coordinated market’ systems in Japan,
Germany and much of Northern Europe, which feature much higher
levels of deliberative and collaborative activity within the private sector
and between the public and private sectors. In such systems the emphasis is
on long-term planning and investment strategies through the development
of close relationships between state and non-state actors. Corporatist forms
of governance are a defining feature of such coordinated market systems.
Northern European countries in particular have for decades engaged in
such corporatist forms of governance. For example, the Danish ‘negotiated
economy’ features patterns of wide social dialogue and bargained consensus
between major associations in the economy and with government (Nielsen
& Pedersen, 1993; Amin & Thomas, 1996). There are similar corporatist
arrangements in the Netherlands (Visser & Hemerijck, 1997). In recent
years the Irish economy has also been managed through ongoing coordi-
nation and bargaining between key state, business and union organisations
who have worked together to secure wage moderation and other goals as
part of a strategy to manage inflation and economic development (House
& McGrath, 2004).
There have also been some counter corporatist trends. In the United
Kingdom in the early 1980s corporatist decision-making procedures were
Hawke thought the creation of the Business Council in 1983 was a mar-
vellous opportunity to shore up corporatism, but he was sadly disappointed
because the Council position was: ‘this is our policy and we are not going
to negotiate with you on policy. We’ll advocate our position. You’ll have to
take a decision in government’ [interview, 25 November 2003, Melbourne,
quoted Bell, 2008b].
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 169
As it is usually defined, corporatism represents a particular form of gov-
ernance through association: one in which relations between the state
and key interests are mediated through peak organisations. In their work
on private-interest government Phillipe Schmitter and Wolfgang Streeck
(1985) demonstrate that a broad range of private associations do not simply
lobby governments for particular policies but come to exercise measures
of delegated authority on behalf of the state. Private-interest government
thus refers to the role played by private associations as either formal or
informal interlocutors with governments in helping to govern (Schmitter
& Streeck, 1985). The main governance relations typically include associ-
ations or organisations lending expert authority to governments, operating
under delegated authority, acting as regulatory partners with governments,
or working to ‘organise’ non-state roles in wider governance processes.
Operating locally or at the national or international level, the associations
in question act as sources of organisational capacity and private authority in
such governance processes. Examples of such associations include business
associations, trade unions, expert panels, and NGOs such as human rights,
consumer or environmental organisations.
Chapter 4 discussed a good example of private-interest government,
where industry associations work with government in systems of ‘respon-
sive regulation’. Another example is the role of business associations in
facilitating worker training and skills formation. Training workers within a
firm confronts employers with a serious problem of collective action: why
devote resources to training workers who can be poached by other employ-
ers in a competitive market? Firms have strong incentives to free-ride on
any training provided by other firms. Governments can attempt to over-
come this source of market failure with incentive payments or subsidies or
other assistance to firms: that is, through a form of hierarchical governance.
But in a study of training regimes in France and East Germany, Pepper
The federal government worked closely with and leaned very heavily, much
more so than most people would realise, on business associations to help
educate companies on how to transition to the new tax system. Because it
was a new system the feedback to government was critical. As part of the
new system, there was initially a huge fuss about issues such as Business
Activity Statements and their administrative complexity. It should be noted
that the government threw large amounts of money at this problem. For
example, I recall that there was about $250 million in grants direct to busi-
ness associations to run the education campaign and another $250 million
to fund vouchers to small businesses to buy software etc. This is therefore
not just a market issue responding to an announced government policy, but
a policy implementation issue requiring (in the public interest) further gov-
ernment involvement than normal. The government took this path because
it simply didn’t have the administrative infrastructure to get to hundreds
of thousands of small businesses. If they hadn’t utilised business associa-
tions, the government would have had to otherwise spend large amounts of
resources creating that infrastructure for a one off administrative event. The
government simply doesn’t have the tentacles into the business sector that a
binocular view of the modern welfare state suggests. They don’t even have
a consolidated mailing list for small business to send out political messages
[Peter Hendy, personal communication, 10 June 2008].
examined in Chapter 5. They find that German firms are far more likely
than British or American ones to join, and then to comply, with these
arrangements. Why? Compliance with environmental codes is potentially
costly because it requires additional employee training, the collection of
data and preparations for certification. In Germany well-developed indus-
try associations and local chambers of commerce have reduced these costs
because they have ‘provided checklists to help firms carry out internal
audits’ (p. 47) and assisted with certification procedures.
In further examples of governance through associations, governments
often allow private associations to establish national accounting standards
for companies. In the United States the authority to set such standards has
for some time been delegated to the Federal Standards Accountancy Board,
a private association that is overseen by the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission but operates independently of it on a day-to-day basis. For gov-
ernments, the expertise provided by such private associations and the close
links they maintain with individual firms provide an important governance
resource (Mattli & Buthe, 2005). Similarly, the Australian federal govern-
ment gave responsibility for the implementation of an export promotion
program, Export Access, to a number of national industry associations in
the 1990s. It did so in the belief that such bodies have strong networks and
possess more detailed knowledge of the circumstances of individual firms
and so would be able to implement the program effectively (Bell, 1995).
In the international arena, Claire Cutler, Virginia Haufler and Tony
Porter (1999) and Rodney Hall and Thomas Biersteker (2002) provide a
range of examples of the exercise of private authority in international reg-
ulation. Walter Mattli and Tim Buthe (2003) show how the International
Organisation for Standards (ISO) and similar organisations promulgate
thousands of product standards covering areas such as health and safety
and environmental protection.1 The ISO is composed of representatives
of more than 150 national standards bodies and has a secretariat based
in Switzerland. Operating largely on a deliberative basis, delegations of
national organisations meet under the auspices of the ISO to debate and
argue about appropriate standards. Among the standards promulgated by
the ISO in 2007 are those relating to greenhouse gas validation and verifi-
cation; drinking water; the sustainable development of fisheries; biofuels;
and food safety. The ISO typically works by consensus and has no legal
coercive power to enforce the agreed standards. However, in the case of
standards relating to, for example, the dimensions of freight containers and
the format of bank cards, the use of ISO standards is enforced via national
regulatory bodies.
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 173
Governance through associations often requires the state to share power
to a greater degree than any of the other modes of governance we have
examined. In the case of corporatist arrangements, the state commits itself
to a measure of joint decision-making with partner organisations. In the
case of private-interest government the state agrees to delegate authority
for the creation and implementation of regulatory rules to non-state actors.
The previous chapter argued that states are usually reluctant to share power:
there must be clearly perceived payoffs or relationships of dependency to
push governments down this path. In relation to strong associative forms
such as corporatism, it seems clear that such arrangements are most likely to
emerge when the state is sufficiently autonomous to avoid capture by major
interest associations, but not sufficiently authoritative to rule by decree and
hence reject cooperation with affected groups. Therefore states might share
power with associations which possess valuable resources, such as expertise
and legitimacy, and which can frustrate efforts by the state to implement
policy unilaterally. As Trevor Matthews (1988) suggests, associations can
be ‘vitally important allies’ in helping governments govern.
Yet the state remains a major actor within associative governance arrange-
ments. First, we stress that the corporatist and private-interest government
arrangements that we have discussed are created and maintained by the
state. A case in point is the study by George Christou and Seamus Simpson
(2006, 43) of the development of a ‘new European transnational private
governance’ arrangement for the internet. In the late 1990s the Euro-
pean Commission recognised a need to create a top-level domain name
of ‘eu’ as an alternative to national names like ‘dk’ (Denmark) or ‘hu’
(Hungary). In deference to the participatory culture of the internet and
the expertise of commercial interests, the European Commission recog-
nised that it could not manage the domain system unilaterally. Instead,
it created a private, transnational, not-for-profit company, the European
Registry for Internet Domains (Eurid), to administer the dot-eu registry.
The resulting arrangements, while containing elements of self-regulation
and private governance, gave the European Union ‘all rights’ relating to the
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 175
the cultural aspects [of working] were the key, particularly as . . . the main
ethos of the youth justice system is to divert youngsters from the criminal
justice system and very much based on minimal interventions. Whereas the
needs of a drugs worker in that system are much more intense and it’s not
minimal intervention, it’s about developing a relationship and getting into
a lot of the problems. So those two approaches didn’t work together, they
were contrary to how people worked [quoted Newburn, 2003, 616].
Over time, as the full extent of the differences between agencies and
the limits of a partnership approach became apparent, the government
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 179
started to metagovern the DATs more actively. In 2001 the Home Office
was given overall responsibility for the delivery of drug services in Eng-
land, while regional Government Offices, composed of representatives of
the major central government departments, were charged with monitoring
the performance of the DATs. In 2002 much of the remaining discretion
that DATs had been given to implement policy was eliminated when the
newly created National Treatment Agency was charged with determining
local treatment plans. Within three or four years the rhetorical commit-
ment to a network approach gave way to what was, in effect, hierarchical
While acknowledging the extent to which governance through associ-
ation requires states to share power, we once again emphasise the ways
in which states can enhance their policy capacities by developing these
relations. Recall the argument of Michael Atkinson and William Coleman
(1989) in Chapter 3 that different forms of structured interaction between
the state and society are linked to different styles of policy-making. Long-
term, strategic and ‘anticipatory’ policy styles in industrial policy typi-
cally require the existence of state-directed or corporatist policy networks.
Governments concede policy-making authority to trade unions and busi-
ness leaders when they commit their authority to corporatist governance
arrangements. But in doing so, government can enhance their capacity in
achieving, for example, higher economic growth at a lower inflationary
In arguing that there is a positive-sum relationship between states and
private associations, we must return to the critique of public choice in
Chapter 2. The basic claim is that in a competitive economic market setting
the pursuit of self-interest leads (as if by an ‘invisible hand’) to the collective
good, but that in a competitive political market the pursuit of sectional
interests may be economically and politically destructive. Friedrich Hayek
(1982) argues that sectional interest-groups undermine the legitimacy of
the state and, in the case of trade unions, the rule of law. Mancur Olson
(1982) argues that interest-group politics leads to institutional sclerosis and
economic decline. Economists have estimated the costs of ‘rent-seeking’
by interest-groups to be as high as 50 per cent of American gross domestic
product (Laband & Sophocleus, 1988); 20 to 40 per cent of Indian gross
domestic product (Mohammad & Whalley, 1984); and 12 per cent of
American domestic consumption expenditure (Lopez & Pagoulatos, 1994).
For a critical assessment of such figures see Hindmoor (1999).
Whether or not private associations have an incentive to pursue a nar-
row, rent-seeking, agenda depends upon their institutional configuration.
This chapter has offered examples of associations playing a key role in gov-
ernance arrangements, showing that state and non-state actors can benefit
from these partnerships. A central argument is that associative governance
reveals the state making substantial use of private associative resources.
In some cases, states may come to depend heavily on these resources.
Such dependence implies reciprocity and a willingness on the part
of the state to provide incentives for cooperation, even to the point of
explicitly sharing authority with non-state actors. These state-sponsored
selective incentives are an important condition for successfully soliciting
associational cooperation.
Successful associative governance also depends on the willingness of
associations to cooperate or be incorporated in governance partnerships.
This willingness might be linked to incentives offered by the state, but it is
also associated with a favourable conceptual environment in which actors
trust each other and are prepared to cooperate for mutual gain. Associ-
ations must overcome difficult organisational or institutional challenges
in order to be effective partners, including issues related to membership
coverage and loyalty, resources and authority. Such arrangements may be
unstable: changes in government and changes in the state’s governing strat-
egy can easily weaken or undermine them. As we have seen, in the United
Kingdom, Canada and Australia corporatist experiments were brought to
an abrupt end by the election of new governments. We have also argued
G O V E R N A N C E T H R O U G H A S S O C I AT I O N S 185
that the ingredients for successful associative governance vary across dif-
ferent countries and policy arenas. In the final analysis, major associative
governance arrangements are chosen by states. Such choices are shaped
by ideological dispositions and by assessments of the institutional capacity
and resources of non-state associations and their ability to deliver.
9 Conclusion
States form a part of the backdrop to everyday life. They register births,
deaths and marriages. They control immigration, collect taxes, provide
public goods and regulate what people can eat, watch and buy. It is true
that in some countries communities of people have effectively opted out
of the state for religious or political reasons – the Amish in the United
States, for example. It is also true that states have sometimes collapsed. Yet
for most people in most countries the state remains as central (although
perhaps not as objectionable) an actor today as it was for Pierre-Joseph
Proudhon in 19th-century France.
Yet those writers who advocate a society-centred perspective on gover-
nance argue that governments have lost power and are no longer the ‘cockpit
from which society is governed’ (Klijn & Koppenjan, 2000, 136). Lester
Salamon (2002, 1–2), for example, argues that ‘problems have become too
complex for government to handle on its own, because disagreements exist
about the proper ends of public action, and because government increas-
ingly lacks the authority to enforce its will on other crucial actors without
giving them a meaningful seat at the table’. Similarly, Donald Kettl (2002,
161) says:
to rule effectively, government must first attain and then exercise sovereignty.
It must be able to chart its course and ensure that that course is followed.
Hyperpluralism, policy networks, devolution, and globalization have all
greatly diffused power. Government might retain its legal position, but
exercising political sovereignty amidst such diffused power represents a major
A may exercise power over B by getting him to do what he does not want
to do, but he also exercises power over him by influencing, shaping or
determining his very wants. Indeed is it not the supreme exercise of power
to get another or others to have the desires you want them to have – that is,
to secure their compliance by controlling their thoughts and desires?
reduction over six years in roadside littering. In our own city of Brisbane,
Australia, which is suffering the effects of years of drought, a long-standing
campaign to persuade people to use less water has been combined with
threats to fine or reduce water pressure to households using more than 800
litres of water a day; there has been a 30 per cent fall in average household
water consumption.
Power is a useful concept with which to analyse the limitations of the
society-centred account of governance. As Michael Lister and David Marsh
(2006, 255) argue: ‘modern governance involves the state in more complex
relationships with other governmental and societal actors, but it doesn’t
inevitably reduce its role or power’. Yet in talking about the faces of power
there is a danger of adopting a zero-sum conception in which the power of
governments is equated with the (relative) powerlessness of interest-groups,
businesses and other non-state actors. In our view power is ‘conditional
and relational’, and therefore an adequate theory of the state can only be
produced as part of a ‘wider theory of society’ (Jessop, 2001). As govern-
ments have experimented with a range of governance arrangements, the
boundaries between the state and society have blurred (McLennan, 1989;
Cammock, 1989; Mitchell, 1991). This blurring does not mean that gov-
ernments have forfeited the ‘ability to steer society’ (Jordan, Wurzel &
Zito, 2005, 480). Indeed a new wave of statist theorists – whose work we
reviewed in Chapter 3 – have emphasised that governing capacity is a prod-
uct both of the state’s institutional and other resources, and of the relations
it constructs with non-state actors. ‘Embedded’ states (Evans, 1992; 1995)
are not undermined by close links with powerful economic actors, but
rely on them. On this revisionist account, the ‘strong state is one with the
political support to be strong’ (Gourevitch, 1986, 238). As Cathie Jo Mar-
tin (1989, 191) suggests, this revised and relational statist theory suggests
the need for rethinking Theda Skocpol’s definition of autonomy, ‘since in
this view state elites achieve their agendas by working with private-sector
groups rather than by insulating themselves from them. The autonomy
question as traditionally posed allows for neither mutuality of interests nor
reciprocity of influence.’ This theme of expanding governance capacities
through partnerships is endorsed by John Braithwaite (2008, 26) when he
writes that the ‘state’s capacity to govern is actually extended by capacities
to enlist through negotiation the governance capacities of other actors’.
These revisionist statist approaches resonate with the state-centric rela-
tional approach to governance developed in this book. Governance through
markets, associations, community engagement and, potentially at least,
persuasion, requires governments to enter into exchange relationships with
1 The World Values Survey – cited in Table 2.3 – asks respondents how much confidence
they have in major companies as well as in governments and public servants. People in the
United States, Japan and South Africa have more confidence in major companies than in
government. In the United States 53% of respondents had either ‘a great deal’ or ‘quite
a lot’ of confidence in major companies and only 37% the same level of confidence in
government in 1999. Yet people in most OECD countries trust government more than
companies. The most striking result is for Iceland, where 70% have confidence in the
government but only 39% have confidence in major companies. At the time of writing
it is unclear how the implosion of the Icelandic economy caused by the global credit
crisis will affect trust. The Icelandic prime minister’s reported comments that ‘there will
always be fish’ seem unlikely to inspire confidence.
2 On 19 February 2001 a vet working at an abattoir in Essex reported a suspected case
of foot-and-mouth disease to the State Veterinary Service, which rolled out contingency
plans requiring the slaughter of animals on infected farms, a ban on all animal movements
near infected farms, and the tracing of ‘dangerous contacts’. Over the next 221 days more
than 2000 animals contracted the disease in the United Kingdom, and over four million
were slaughtered to limit its spread. As the crisis developed, the central argument became
whether the policy of slaughter should be abandoned in favour of preventive vaccination.
3 In his most recent work Putnam has detected signs of a dramatic turnaround in American
social attitudes. Research indicates that the generation of Americans currently in their
teens and twenties – whose attitudes, it is suggested, may have been most affected by
9/11 – will be the most engaged citizens for over 60 years. The evidence is that electoral
participation among this group is increasing and that college students are more interested
in talking about and taking part in politics (Economist, 10 July 2008).
1 In the case of privatisation see Megginson & Netter, 2001; Kikeri, Nells & Shirley,
1992; and OECD, 2005a. Assessments of the savings accrued through contracting-out
can be found in Mueller, 2003, 373–80; Miranda & Lerner, 1995; and Lavery, 1999.
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and use of market mechanisms, 7, 64, 65, 75, input, 150, 151
79, 116, 117 loss of, 14, 21, 30–1, 104
and the use of popular media, 104–5 output, 150
volume of, 92 legitimacy/fiscal crisis, 1, 20, 21, 24,
without government/from government to 26
governance, 3, 5, 20, 33, 39, 49, 71, 92, legitimate authority, 151
153, 154, 159, 163, 182 marginalisation of, 4
governance, modes of, 6, 16, 47, 165 marketing of, 104
associative, 11, 18, 21, 31, 33, 91, 162, 164, ‘market-supporting’ role, 120
166, 172, 174, 184 neo-liberal, 7, 14, 25, 72, 89, 115, 135, 166,
costs and benefits, 163 175
state centrality in, 174, 176, 185 networks, 163, 164
community engagement, 5, 8, 11, 17, 21, 30, overload, 24, 25, 163
67, 91, 137, 139, 144, 146, 150, 152, See also government, legitimacy/fiscal crisis
160, 189 pluricentric, 3, 4
benefits of, 153 and social capital, 113
defined, 139 Granovetter, Mark, 110
features of, 144–6 Greenspan, Alan, 82
increase in, 137–8 Greer, Alan, 67
limitations of, 138, 153 Grote, Jurgen, 166
markets, 4, 17, 21, 97 Guyana
persuasion, 16, 31, 90, 97, 103, 106, 113, water provision, 48
defined, 97 Hajer, Maarten, 4
persuasion and hierarchical, combined, 108, Hall, Rodney, 172
109, 111 Harcourt, Michael, 157
persuasion and hierarchical, difference, Haufler, Virginia, 172, 182
98 Hawke, Bob, 167
persuasion through normative commitments, Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU),
101 168
top-down/hierarchical, 2, 4, 6, 16, 21, 36, 39, Hay, Colin, 113
60, 65, 70, 71, 72, 76, 79, 86, 87, 97, Hayek, Friedrich, 179
112, 132, 164, 169, 177, 188 Head, Brian, 149, 152, 160
increase in, 92, 93, 95, 96 Hendy, Peter, 170
stimulants, 77 Heritier, Adrienne, 4
government ‘high modernism’, 88
accountability, expectation of, 91 Hill, Carolyn, 39
as provider of democratic legitimacy, 50 HIV/AIDS
centralisation, 61, 84, 86 infection rates, reduction of, 100
confidence in, 102, 103, 113 Hobson, John, 63
debt, 26–7 Hoffmann, Stanley, 43
debt as proportion of gross domestic product Holliday, Ian, 38
(GDP), 26 homosexuality
decentring of, 4, 21, 28, 32, 38 See same-sex relationships, legal status
See also state, hollowing out of Howard, John, 86
decision-making, 138 Hurd, Ian, 175
expectations of, 93, 102
expenditure, 24–5, 72 ideas
expenditure on social welfare, 25 and governance through persuasion, 113
indirect, 76 individual rationality, 101
influence on non-state actors, example of, individual self-interest, 101, 113, 147
105 and markets, 115
intentions, 158 and normative commitments, 101,
legitimacy, 11, 15, 29, 37, 62, 103, 138, 173, 113
175 and sub-optimal collective outcomes,
decline of, 102, 121, 138 159
enhancement of, 104, 114, 161 Institute for Economic Affairs (UK), 22
social capital (cont.) hollowing out of, 1, 5, 20, 32, 38, 39, 89,
and community engagement, 146 116
defined, 109 See also government, decentring of
enhancement, 111–12 incentives for associative governance, 175,
and hierarchical governance, 111 176, 180, 184
interest in, 110 institutions, 59–62
investment in, 111 key components of, 62
and market mechanisms, 110 intervention, limitations upon, 98
and policy outcomes, 110 legitimacy
and trust, 111 See government, legitimacy
variety in, 111 legitimate use of coercive power, 15, 37, 49,
social partnerships, 166 55, 99, 106, 188
power-sharing, 176 metagovernance responsibilities, 151
social responsibility, breakdown of, 83 micro-management, 84
society resilience of, 20, 71
constant monitoring of, 98 resources, 133, 157
Somalia, 5 restructuring of, 69, 87, 88, 145
Sorensen, Eva, 3, 4, 6, 46, 50, 55, 56, 150 role in community solutions, 160
South Korea sovereignty, 3, 15, 43, 187
chaebol, 75 state-owned enterprises, 116
internet regulation, 78 ‘commercialisation’ of, 117
Standard & Poor’s, 129, 131 state intervention, 38, 77, 79, 82, 89
Stansbury, John, 148, 158 See also market failure and public choice
Stanyer, James, 104 theory
STAR TV, 134 costs, 79
state criticism of, 87
See also government in societal behaviour, 84
as agent of persuasion, 99, 103, 113 regulation of, 22
as recipient of persuasion, 106, 107 state–society relations, 21, 23, 28, 45, 65, 69,
authority, 5, 13, 59, 63, 67, 70, 71, 82, 95, 106, 132, 165
157, 160, 188 as unequal, 90, 106, 176, 190
authority, consolidation, 88 associative governance, 163
authority, devolved, 76, 88, 91, 116, 139, bargaining, 106, 132, 157, 166
145, 148, 151, 152, 153, 173, 174 bargaining, complexities of, 107, 108
authority, devolved to businesses, 132 business associations, 14, 133, 169, 170
authority, limits of, 167 collaboration/consultation, 139, 142, 144,
bureaucratic resources, 15, 49, 61, 71, 171 148, 154, 160, 165
capacity, 2, 20, 21, 28, 39, 59, 60, 63, 66, 67, collective-action problems, 159, 169, 170
89, 102, 163, 180 community partnerships, 138
capacity and marketisation, 115–16, 128, 131 cooperation, 170
capacity and markets, 120, 126 deliberative consensus, 156, 165, 170, 172
capacity decline and markets, 120–1, 126 empowerment, 139, 142, 145, 148
capacity enhancement through community enterprise bargaining, 168
engagement, 138 exchange relationship, 152
capacity enlargement and markets, 129 information-sharing, 139
capacity, enlargement of, 10, 23, 36, 43, 45, institutional incompatabilities, 157, 158
63, 64, 71, 87, 91, 92, 106, 114, 179, institutional obstacles, 157
191 joint projects, 142, 143
capacity, varying, 59 metagovernance of, 66
centrality in governance through persuasion, mutual dependence, 91, 106, 132, 144,
114 152
control, 72, 76, 127, 160 ‘negotiated self-coordination’, 153
control of regulatory systems, 89 and policy-making, 179
control, increase of, 76, 87, 88 positive-sum relationship, 64, 132, 133, 134,
decline of, 20, 21 144, 170, 179, 180, 181, 184
expenditure on economic subsidies, 72 power-sharing, 139, 151, 152, 160, 164,
fiscal resources, 62 174