Production of 2-Propylheptanol PDF

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Technology Profile

Production of 2-propylheptanol
By Intratec Solutions Steam cracking/

lso known as 2-PH and

Ethylene, propylene, Raffinate-2.
2-propylheptyl alcohol, pyrolysis gas, ^ 2-PH |
2-propylheptanol is a fuel hydrogen

branched fatty alcohol,

primarily used in the production of
plasticizers and surfactants applied □ Raw material EU Process ■ Main product □ Byproducts
in detergents or industrial cleaning
agents, as well as in the manufacture FIGURE 2. Several production pathways exist for 2-propylheptanol
of lubricants and acrylates in adhe­ tor after pressurization. The liquid is Production pathways
sives applications. heated in a vaporizer and then fed Commercial production of 2-propyl­
This fatty alcohol is produced at to a flash vessel, where a concen­ heptanol is based on valeraldehyde
commercial scale mainly by the hy- trated catalyst solution is separated raw material, in such a way that dif­
droformylation of n-butenes to alde­ from a vapor phase containing hy­ ferent manufacturing routes are re­
hyde (oxo synthesis), followed by al- droformylation products and re­ lated to different sources of such raw
dol condensation and hydrogenation maining reactants. material. Valeraldehyde, in turn, is
steps. In the process under analysis, Aldolization. The vapor stream from obtained primarily from butylenes via
2-propylheptanol is produced from the flash vessel is freed from residual oxo processes. Different pathways
butenes and synthesis gas (syngas). butenes and butanes (which are sold for 2-propylheptanol production are
The process examined is similar as fuel). The resulting valeraldehyde- presented in Figure 2.
to the LP Oxo technology jointly li­ rich liquid is fed to a stirred tank
censed by Johnson Matthey Davy along with a caustic soda solution Economic performance
(London, U.K.; catalyst. An aldolization reaction oc­ The total operating cost (raw materi­
and Dow Chemical (Midland, Mich.; curs, yielding 2-propyl-2-heptenal als, utilities, fixed costs and depre­ and water. The effluent is sent to a ciation costs) estimated to produce
reactive column, which strips off light 2-propylheptanol was about $850
The process ends and unreacted valeraldehyde per ton of 2-propylheptanol in the
The process comprises three major from the reactor effluent. In a decant­ fourth quarter of 2015. The analysis
sections: hydroformylation; aldoliza- er, the liquid stream is separated into was based on a plant constructed
tion; and hydrogenation (Figure 1). caustic soda solution and 2-propyl- in the U.S. with the capacity to pro­
Hydroformylation. Syngas and 2-heptenal. duce 120,000 metric ton per year of
raffinate-2 (C4 residual containing Hydrogenation. The 2-propyl- 2-propylheptanol.
butenes and butane) are purified in 2-heptenal solution is distilled from This column is based on “2-Pro-
order to protect the biophosphite- heavy ends, which are separated pylheptanol Production Process -
modified rhodium catalyst. A stirred- from the 2-propyl-2-heptenal stream Cost Analysis,” a report published
tank reactor receives the raw mate­ in the column bottom. The overhead by Intratec. It can be found at: www.
rial feed and a catalyst solution. The outlet is condensed and is submit­
butylenes react with carbon monox­ ted to a liquid-phase hydrogenation nol-production-cost. ■
ide and hydrogen at mild tempera­ in two steps, carried out over hetero­ Edited by Scott Jenkins
tures and low pressures, yielding geneous catalysts, yielding 2-pro- Editor's note: The content lor this cokmn is supplied
by Intratec Solutions LLC (Houston; www.intratecjjs) and
valeraldehyde. The crude reaction pylheptanol. The products are then edited by Chemical Engneering. The analyses and models
product is fed to a degasser, where submitted to a fractional distillation presented are prepared on the basis of publicly ava latte
dissolved lights vaporize. The vapor step, in which pure 2-propylhepta- and non conEdential information. The content represents
the opinions of Intratec only. More information about the
stream is mixed with reactor vent nol is separated from light-ends and methodology lor preparing analysis can be found, along with
gases and is recycled to the reac- other impurities. terms of use at www.intratecus/che

Light ends
1. Hydroformylation
Purge gas
2. Aldehydes vaporization

XI X 3. Impurities stripper
4. Condensation reactor
Syngas © 5. Reactive column
31 .
®| LkZis- 10 *• Wastewater 6. Caustic removal
—© 7. Distillation column
8. Condensator

ru L Heavy
9. Hydrogenation reactors
10. Product column
11. Cooling tower
12. Steam boiler
cw *-Q @
CW Cooling water
st« Q® ST Steam
FIGURE 1. The diagram shows the production of 2-propylheptanol via Oxo synthesis


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