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Standards ASME B16.5 Flanges - Bolt Tightening and Target Loads PDF

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Cover Story

Part 2

Standard ASME B16.5 Flanges:

Bolt Tightening and

Target Loads
Using the approach outlined here, piping engineers can select the most appropriate bolt­
tightening technique based on pressure class and flange size, and calculate the required torque
or tool pressure if hydraulic tensioning tools are used

Walther Stikvoort FIGURE 1. Bolted metallic flanges are a

Consultant common sight on the vessels and piping
systems at production plants







WORKED EXAMPLE n the majority of industrial plants, flanged mechanical engineers and focuses in par­

connections are used in metallic piping ticular on two specific aspects, namely:
systems (Figure 1). The applied flanges • A selection chart that provides a demarca­
comply with ASME B16.5 [7], Achieving tion between various tightening methods
a proper preload in the bolts of a gasketed, of bolts in standard flange connections
bolted-flanged joint during joint assem­ • An algorithm that enables the engineer
bly is considered crucial for its optimized involved in the design to determine the
performance. To realize this, various bolt­ target bolt load from which the required
tightening techniques are available for the torque or tension force can be derived
flange fitter. Applying appropriate tightening The approach described here offers the
depends on bolt size and pressure class of piping mechanical engineer the opportu­
the flange proper. In addition to other as­ nity to select and differentiate among bolt
pects with regard to bolted joints and their tightening techniques for extensive pip­
sealing performance, the appropriate and ing systems based on pressure class and
prudent choice must be made of the tight­ flange diameters. In addition, the option is
ening tool and the bolt load that must be offered to determine the required torque or
realized during assembly. This article is in­ the tool pressures if hydraulic tensioning
tended as a practical guideline for piping tools are used.


Cover Story
been shown that costs can be saved on CONFORMING TO ASMEB16.5
flange assembly work without compromis­ Nominal Pressure class
ing safety and reliability. diameter of
150 300 600 900 1500 2500
flange. DN
(PN 20) (PN 50) (PN100) (PN150) (PN250) (PN420)
Bolt tightening selection chart
15 (up to and Use mechanical torque
The selection chart shown in Table 1 shows including) wrench or hydraulic torque wrench
the demarcation between three different bolt­
Use hand-operated torque wrenches
tightening techniques for standard ASME without a torque multiplier device
B16.5 flanges. One can see that as the pres­
sure class increases, the tightening method
becomes more critical.
Table 2 is a further elaboration of Table 200
1, and includes the number of bolts (#) and 250
the bolt size (size), with a color marking in­ 300
dicating the recommended tool type. 350

400 Use hydraulic bolt tensioners

Background and scope
The selection chart (Tables 1 and 2) was
developed in the late 1980s at the request 500
of the maintenance engineering depart­ 600
ment of a large exploration and produc­
tion company located in the Netherlands. TABU 2. ASME B16.5 FLANGE BOLTING INFORMATION

The core business of that company is ex­ Flange size Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500
ploring for and production of oil and gas, (NPS - DN) If - Size If - Size 4 - Size If - Size ft - Size » - Size
both onshore and offshore. The scope of 14-15 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14 4-14
the selection chart had to extend to piping 34-20 4-14 4-7. 4-7. 4-14 4-14 4-14
pressure classes 150 to 2,500. Applicable 1-25 4-14 4-7. 4-7. 4-7. 4-7. 4-7.
flange materials are, successively: carbon
115-40 4-14 4-14 4-14 4 -1 4-1 4 - IV.
steel, austenitic stainless steel and aus­
tenitic-ferritic (duplex) stainless steel. The 2-50 4 - 5/« 8-7. 8-7. 8-7. 8-7. 6-1

chart is applicable for temperatures up to 3-80 4-7. 8-14 8-14 8-7. 8-17. 8-114

200°C for all piping class materials. The 4-100 8-7. 8-14 8-7. 8-17. 8-1’/. 8-114
concerned stud bolt materials are pro­ 6-150 8-14 12-14 12-1 12-17. 12-17. 8-2
vided in Table 3.
8-200 8-14 12-7. 12-17. 12-17. 12-17. 12-2

10-250 12-7. 16-1 16 -1 Vi 16-17. 12-17. 12-214

Conventional hand-operated (manual) torque 12-300 12-7. 16-17. 20-11. 20 -17. 16-2 12-214

wrenches are specified for bolt sizes up to 14-350 12-1 20-17. 20-17. 20-114 16-214 -
1 in. Those wrenches usually deliver a maxi­ 16-400 16-1 20-114 20-114 20 -17. 16-214 -
mum torque between 700 and 1,000 Nm.
18-450 16-17. 24-114 20-17. 20-17. 16-214 -
The bolt load accuracy for this method lies
20-500 20-17. 24-114 24-17. 20-2 16-3 -
between 25 and 35%.
A bolt load accuracy of approximately 50% 24 - 600 20 -114 24-114 24-17. 20-214 16-314

applies to the mechanical or hydraulic torque The colors refer to the recommended tightening tools given in Table 1
wrench, while an accuracy of 90% is achiev­ Key:
able for the hydraulic bolt tensioning method. Use hand-operated torque wrenches without a torque multiplier device
Critical applications require special con­
Use mechanical or hydraulic torque wrench
sideration. Proper tightening procedures
must be strictly followed. Use hydraulic bolt tensioners

In some cases where hydraulic bolt

tensioning is recommended, it may turn to the use of hydraulic torque wrenches,
out that the use of hydraulic bolt tension­ the equal bolt stress distribution shall be
ing equipment is not possible due to lack controlled by means of proper bolt elonga­
of space to install the equipment, for in­ tion measurements (for example, ultrasonic
stance, in case of close assemblies of measuring devices).
two valves. Also, mechanical torque wrenches or
In those cases, hydraulic torque wrenches hydraulic torque wrenches may be used
are recommended provided that in addition instead of hydraulic bolt tensioning equip-


Cover Story
TABLE 3. SPECIFIED BOLTING MATERIALS TO ASTM merit in those cases where decreased
operating pressures do not require high
Diameter Studbolts Nuts
bolt stresses to maintain a reliable flange
[in.] Non-sour Sour Non- Sour
connection. In those cases, the respon­
service service "f service sible party shall provide for calculations
service service service
a i<n- A194-
to demonstrate the integrity of the flange
S1V5 A 193-GR.B7 A320.GR ”p2H A 194-GR.2HM connection. It is also emphasized that too
1 s/» - 2 W A 320-GR.L7
A194- low bolt stresses may lead to unstable
A 320- A 194-
A 194-GR.7M
flange connections.
>2 H A320-GR.L43 CR L7M A
Algorithm to calculate target bolt load
When determining the target bolt load, W,
TABLE 4. EQUATIONS FOR CALCULATING TOTAL REQUIRED BOLT LOAD the following loads or combinations of loads
Total required bolt load IW) Total required bolt load (W) Total required bolt load (W) for should be considered:
including internal pressure (P) tor hydrostatic test pressure gasket seating (GS) Internal (design) pressure. External loads
and external loads (F + Ml OV without external loads must also be taken into account,
WtP*F+M) WP\ ^(GSy Hydrostatic test pressure. Flanged joints
2t7 GP(GJA + 2 dm) ■uGPj^al^ + 2bm) -nbGy
may be subjected to system hydrostatic
tests at a pressure of 1.5 times the 38°C
Required bolt load per bolt Required bolt load per bolt Required bolt load per bolt
rating. However, the actual hydrostatic test
PtFtU)1 nB W(PT)I % pressure can be lower. External loads can be
omitted with this condition.
W= total required bolt load, N Imposed external loads. If the magnitude
6 = diameter at location of gasket load reaction*, mm of external loads is unknown, then this load
P- internal design pressure, MPa may be approximated by doubling the in­
Pj- hydrostatic test pressure, MPa
b = effective gasket or joint-contact-surface seating width", mm ternal (design) pressure. The background
m = gasket factor, unitless for this arises from the fact that the ratio
y = gasket or joint-contact-surface unit seating load, MPa between circumferential stress and longitu­
nB - number of bolts, unitless
dinal stress in the adjacent connected pipe
"Note: Consult Table 2-5,2 of Ref, 2 for obtaining effective gasket width and diameter at amounts to a factor of two. This is equivalent
location of gasket load reaction. to doubling the force from the adjoining cy­
lindrical part.
Gasket seating. Before a tight joint can be
obtained, it is necessary to seat the gasket
Nominal diameter NB 150 NB 300 NB 500 or joint-contact surface properly by applying
Class 600 600 600 a minimum initial load.
Bolt size 1 in. 1% in. 15/8 in. Note that ASME BPVC Section Vlll-Di-
vision 1 “Mandatory Appendix 2 Rules for
Number ot bolts 12 20 24
Bolted Flange Connections with Ring-Type
Flange material A105 A105 At 05
Gaskets,” [2] is applied as much as possible.
Bolting material A 193-GR.B7 A 193-GR.B7 A 320-GR.L7 Table 4 lists the expressions used for cal­
Gasket type [4] Spiral wound Spiral wound Spiral wound culating the total required bolt load, depend­
Gasket dimensions, mm [4| ID 174.8; OD 209.6 ID 327.2; OD 374.7 ID 520.7/00 577.9 ing on the loads mentioned above.
Gasket bead, mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Determining target torque
Gasket width, N. mm 17.4 -1.5 = 15.9 23.75 - 1.5 = 22.25 28.6 -1.5 = 27.1
A common method for converting the target-
Basic gasket seating N/2 = 7.95 NI2 = 11.125 N/2 = 13.55 bolt-assembly load into the target torque is
width, mm
the use of the following equation (3):
Effective gasket seating 6= 2.52V7.95 = ft= 2.52^11.125 b= 2.52V13.55
width, mm 7.11 = 8.4 = 9.28
T = (K x D x W)/1,000 (1)
Diameter at location of G= 192.38 G= 354.9 G= 556.34
gasket load reaction, mm
Gasket factor, dimension­ m = 2.5 m= 2.5 in = 2,5 D = nominal diameter of the bolt, mm
W = target bolt load: max [W(P+F+M/nB ;
Gasket seating stress. MPa y= 69 y= 69 y- 69 Wp-p/ng ; W(GS/nB], N
Grip length bolt, mm - - C= 196.3 K = nut factor, to be set at 0.2 for non-coated
Nominal bolt diameter, mm - - 0 = 41.275 bolts
T = target torque, Nm


Determining tool pressure Discussion
The following relations are used to de­ A comparison between the target
termine the tool pressure required to torque values calculated in the example
achieve the target bolt load: and the target torque values as stated
in Table 1 of Ref. 3 is presented in Table
Tool pressure = (Target bolt load x LTF)/ 8. The large difference between the
Tool hydraulic pressure area (HPA) values calculated in the example and
(2) those according to Table 1 of Ref. 3 is
due to the fact that a specific flange
Where: load situation (pressure, temperature,
Target bolt load = required residual and so on) has been used in the ex­
bolt load = max [WfP+F+Mj ; WfPTj;
WfGSjl- N
LTF = load transfer factor = 1.01 +
(D/C) i-> Minimum 1.1
D = nominal bolt diameter, mm
C = clamping or joint grip length, mm
Tensioning permits the simultane­
ous tightening of multiple bolts; the
tools are connected in sequence
via a high-pressure hose assem­
bly to a single pump unit. This en­
sures that each tool develops the
exact same load and provides a
uniform clamping force across the
joint. This is especially important for
critical piping requiring even gas­
ket compression to effect a seal.
Hence, account must be taken of
the simultaneous hydraulic tighten­
ing of a number of bolts (studs) to
determine the required tool pres­
sure. The pre-tension per bolt is the
target bolt load or required residual
bolt load divided by the number of
bolts, nB.

Worked example
This example is based on the as­
sumption that there are three differ­
ent flange pairs, the bolts of which
must be tightened with an appro­
priate method. The three flanges,
together with their relevant flange,
rized in Table 5. Note that the color Zeeco thermal oxidizers destroy volatile organic compounds and hazardous air pollutants simply, safely,
corresponds to the recommended and completely. Our cost-effective combustion solutions meet or exceed the latest EPA environmental
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tem pressures and temperatures for
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class 600 piping system (Group 1.1 <i
Materials [7]) are given in Table 6. ZE C0
With this information, and the Learn more at Zeeco.com
equations provided above, a sum­ Zeeco Inc. I +1 (918)258-8551 I Zeeco.com
mary of the calculations for the three
target assembly loads and their re­ 02019 Zeeco He Aln/6insT#w

spective hydraulic tool pressure is

shown in bold font. For details visit adlinks.chemengonline.com/73861 *38


Cover Story
TABLE 6. SYSTEM PRESSURES AND TEMPERATURES FOR CLASS 600 PIPING ample, whereas for the values according to
SYSTEM (GROUP 1.1 MATERIALS [1]) Ref. 3, use is made of a generic situation
Design tempera­ Design pressure, Hydrostatic test Rated pressure Rated pressure
where a target pre-stress of 345 MPa (ap­
ture, °C bar /MPa pressure, bar / at200°C, bar/ at38°C.bar/ proximately 50% yield strength of bolt ma­
MPa' MPa [f] MPa [f] terial) is taken as the starting point.
200 65/6.5 107.9/10.79 87.6/8.76 102.1 /10.21 Another very important item in bolt­
ing design is the question of whether the
'Note: as per applicable design code
necessary bolt stress is actually realized,
and what special means of tightening, if
TABLE 7. CALCULATION FORM FOR WORKED EXAMPLE any, must be employed. Most joints are
Nominal flange NB 150 (NPS 6 in.) NB 300 (NPS NB 500 (NPS 20 in.)
tightened manually by ordinary wrench­
diameter 12 in.) ing, and it is advantageous to have de­
signs that require no more than this. Some
pitfalls must be avoided, however. The
2uGP(ff4 + 2dm) 657,193 N 1,894,776 N 4,214,464 N probable bolt stress developed manually,
when using standard wrenches, is cited
W<PT> in a number of recognized codes and in
the specialized literature. An overview is
nGPriGM + 2dm) 545,470 N 1,572,664 N 3,498,005 N
found in Table 9. There one can see that
there is a considerable spread in probable
bolt stresses for the bolt dimensions from
296,503 N 646,226 N 1,119,147 N
r.bGy the example. The calculated bolt stresses
657,193/12 = 4,214,464/24 = 175,603 N
of 154 MPa (for the 1 in. bolt size used
“ton 1,894,776/20 =
54,766 N 94,739 N in the NB 150 flange) and 158 MPa (for
the 1 14 in. bolt size used in the NB 300
T= K own ,000 0.2X 25.4 X 0.2 X 31.75 X flange), are significantly lower than those
54,766/1,000 94,739/1,000
that can be achieved by means of simple
Target torque 278 Nm 602 Nm Not applicable conventional manual tightening tools (for
instance, wrenches). ■
L7F= 1.01 + (D/C) 1.01 + (41.275/196.3) = 1.22 Edited by Gerald Ondrey

LJf 175.603 X 1.22 = 214,282 N

%0ll *
HPA of selected tool 3,674 mm2 p 1. ASME B16.5 - 2017; Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS V2
Through NPS 24.
Tool pressure 58.32 MPa = 583.2 bars 2. ASME BPVC VIII Dhr.1 - 2017; Appendix 2.
3. ASME PCC-1 - 2013; Appenda K.
"Note: Hydratight tool reference number AJ4
4. ASME B 16.20 - 2012; Metalc Gaskets la Ppe Flanges Ring-Joint,
Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed.

Flange Bolt size Target torque Associated Target torque ot Associated bolt Author
identification of example, bolt stress. Table 1 of Ref. stress. MPa Walther Stikvoort (Address; Wagnerlaan 37,
Nm MPa 3, Nm 9402 SH Assen, the Netherlands: Email:
stikvoort@ziggo.nl) is a renowed principal
mechanical £ structural integrity consultant
Flange: N8 150 1 in. - 278 154 677.9 345 who has spent about 50 years in the design
(NPS 6 in.) UNO and design verification of pressure vessels
and piping to recognized key design codes
and also has significant experience in fit-
Flange: NB 300 1V4 in. - 602 158 1423.6 345
ness-for-service engineering critical assess­
(NPS 12 in.) 8UN ment (ECA) according to common FFS proce­
dures. He has demonstrated his expertise in several key roles,
such as expertise holder static equipment engineering (Authority
Level TA-1) at NAM (a joint venture of Shell and ExxonMobil) (18
TABLE 9. THE PROBABLE BOLT STRESS, (rB0LT, DEVELOPED MANUALLY, AS CITED IN years) and as manager mechanical engineering at Kellogg Conti­
nental (15 years). Stikvoort worked for NRG as a senior consultant
asset integrity (7 years) and for GLT PLUS (Jacobs) as a principal
consultant mechanical integrity (6 years). He developed numerous
Source ASME BPVC VIII EN 13445-3- Rules for pressure vessels engineering standards and practices focused on improving asset
Oiv. 1; Appendix S Annex G (RfPV); D 0701 integrity and involved in the development and lecturing of training
courses and seminars for the pressure equipment community. He
is the author and co-author of various papers and articles pub­
Bolt size: 1 in.- UNC
"bon = 3t0 MPa "bolt = 198 MPa "bon = 268 MPa lished in recognized international journals, engineering textbooks
and technical magazines. Stikvoort graduated from the Higher In­
stitute of Technology (The Hague, the Nethedands) where he stud­
Bolt size: 1% in. - 8UN Obofl = 277 MPa a*,,, = 240 MPa
"bon = 177 MPa ied mechanical engineering.


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