Storage Tanks - Snapshots of Failures, Damages and Inspections PDF
Storage Tanks - Snapshots of Failures, Damages and Inspections PDF
Storage Tanks - Snapshots of Failures, Damages and Inspections PDF
Part 1
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Ana Benz torage tanks are a common sight • Know-how for installing fiber-reinforced
IRISNDT at many facilities of the chemical plastic septic tanks
process industries (CPI). Tanks are • Non-intrusive non-destructive tests
part of our everyday life and they
IN BRIEF Roof challenges
appear deceivingly simple. However, they
require a great deal of know-how and spe Fixed-roof tanks are designed to fail at
cialized knowledge to operate reliably. Oth the shell-to-roof weld. A fixed-roof tank
WELDING THE DRAIN erwise, failures can occur. exploded while personnel were refurbishing
NOZZLE IN LARGE TANKS Some tank failures are well known by the equipment upstream of the tank. The roof
CRACK IN THE FLOOR- public, as the following examples show: was torn off and one of the persons working
TO-WALL JOINT • In 1919, an accident involving a distilling upstream was severely injured.
tank with molasses killed 21 persons in The work upstream had resulted in a pres
Massachusetts [7] sure surge. The vents were supposed to
• In the 1984 Bhopal tragedy, people were allow the pressure to blow off, but the sudden
NON-INTRUSIVE NON exposed to methyl isocyanate gas, result pressurization was such that the undersized
DESTRUCTIVE TESTS ing in 3,787 or more deaths (2) vent could not transfer gases quickly enough.
ROBOTICS • In 2001, when a sulfuric-acid storage-tank The failed tank roof-to-shell weld had a torn,
failure in Delaware City, Delaware [3] result overloaded appearance. It appeared to be
ed in one person’s death, eight others in free of pre-existing flaws. The pressure at
jured and significant damage to aquatic life which the roof separated was estimated to
Although the damage and failures dis be 0.6 psi. This value appeared to be low,
cussed in this article have had less impact but many tanks are constructed according
than these well-known examples, they un to API Standard 650 “Welded Tanks for Oil
derline that a great deal of know-how and Storage.” Such tanks intentionally have a
attention to detail are needed to operate weak roof-to-shell seam so that if an internal
storage tanks reliably. The tank incidents overpressure from an explosion or a similar
presented are the following: situation develops, the design allows the roof
• Roof challenges to separate from the vertical shell to prevent
• Welding the drain nozzle in large steel failure of the bottom seams and the tank’s
tanks “rocketing" or propelling upward [4],
• Crack in the floor-to-wall joint Fixed-roof condition after removing in-
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FIGURE 1. After removing the insulation, this tank roof showed FIGURE 2. Cracks were observed in FIGURE 3. A closeup of the tank shell-to-nozzle fillet
numerous openings this tank shell-to-nozzle weld weld crack shown in Figure 2
sulation. After removing the insulation from to the shape of the tank or vessel around
a roof, inspection personnel identified nu a nozzle for extra strength. The welds had
merous through-thickness openings in the multiple cracks, porosity and non-fusion, as
roof (Figure 1). can be seen in Figures 2 and 3.
Lesson learned about fixed-root tanks. Lesson learned about welding the drain
Do not walk on the roof without significant nozzle in steel tanks. Tanks are welded
hazard diminishing strategies. from the floor up. This means that access
to this location (the drain) for welding is
Welding the drain nozzle in large tanks challenging. To prevent leaks, the welding
During hydrostatic testing, an IMPS 3 (nomi passes can be deposited in multiple stages
nal pipe size) tank drain nozzle leaked. The to prevent the formation of continuous leak
tank was fabricated to hold diesel fuel. The paths. The hold times for the hydrostatic
drain nozzle had one fillet weld joining it to test should meet and exceed the standard
the shell and another joining it to a reinforc requirements. Fluorescent liquid penetrant
ing pad (repad), which is a plate formed could make identifying a minute leak easier.
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FIGURE 4. Shown here is the tank shell-to-bot- FIGURE 5. Cracks of the tank wall ot Figure 4 are identified with FIGURE 6. For the same tank shown in
tom joint. Note the occurrence of soil settlement magnetic particles Figure 4. this metallographic cross-sec-
and tank wall distortion tion of the tank floor shows Intergranular
cracks with oxides/corrosion products
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FIGURE 7. Another view of the metallographic cross- FIGURE 8. This septic tank’s inside diameter was FIGURE 9. For the same septic tank of Figure 8,
section of the tank floor (Figure 6), which shows oval. The internals had separated from the shell many of the inside joints had whitened — an indi-
Intergranular cracks (2% Nital etch) cation of localized stress
FIGURE 10. During a summer excavation, FIGURE 11. Tank floor pits are identified with acoustic FIGURE 12. Using robotics for visual and coating in
large chunks of ice were identified surround emission non-destructive testing spections can reduce the need tor personnel to enter
ing the septic tank of Figure 8 confined spaces
ditions, underground water, grading and holds the promise of robotics being
installation are musts. used for tank thickness, visual and
various other internal inspections for
Non-intrusive non-destructive tests multiple other services (Figure 12). This
Acoustic emission (AE) testing of would reduce the need for personnel
FRP and of ammonia tanks. AE tests to enter confined spaces and the time
of FRP and ammonia tanks provide vol and budgets needed for emptying and
umetric tests of shells of the tanks while storing tank contents elsewhere. How
in service. Entry is not required, avoid ever, cleaning and navigational chal
ing the potentially damaging process lenges are today the obstacles that
of shutting and exposing the tanks to need to be overcome. ■
air (when ammonia tanks can develop Edited by Gerald Ondrey
stress cracks) and thermal stresses for References
ammonia service. The tests aim to de 1. Electronic source:
tect and locate areas of concern. Fig tragedy-boston-molasses disaster. accessed November 3,
ure 11 shows tank bottom pits identi
3. U.S Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Investi
fied with acoustic emission. Follow-up gation Report. Refinery Incident Report No. 2001-05-1-De
inspection with a complementary non issue date: October 2002, available electronically at vrww. last accessed, November 3,2019.
destructive testing (NDT) method is
4. Craig, H. Sheley. "Storage Tank Fires: Is you Department Pre
needed to identify and size any AE in
pared?" Fire Engineering University, available electronicaBy
dications for ammonia steel tanks. FRP at: pdtnet/storage-tank-fires-fire-engmeering_58
tanks require visual follow-up. 5948feel2e89le7ce5b4e2, last accessed, November 3,
This technology was proven and im
5. Private communication.
plemented by Monsanto personnel. As
stated by the author’s colleague, Martin
Peacock (now retired), “the initial round Acknowledgements
of testing led to shutting down several The author is thankful lor the great collaboration from many
tanks for inspection and repair of fabri of her colleagues and customers who have allowed her to
show their images. Special thanks to Chris Bishop, Martin
cation defects detected by the AE test. Clements. Dustin Loveland, Dexin Lu, Martin Peacock and
However, once the tanks were repaired, Marien Sales.
no further inspections were required.
One tank in the U.S. has been in con Author
tinuous service with regular AE testing Ana Benz is the chief engineer al
since 1984. This tank is tested every five IRISNDT (5311 86th Street. Edmpnton.
Albeda, Canada T6E 5T8; Phone: 780-
years with the last carried out in June 577-4481; Email: ana.benz@irisndt.
2011 with no indication of service re com). She has worked for 22 years as
a corrosion, failure and inspection spe
lated damage to the shell” (5).
cialist. Her expertise includes inspec
Lesson learned about non-intrusive tions and organizing plant inspection
AE testing of ammonia tanks. Used projects using advanced inspection
technologies. Benz has worked exten
wisely, these tests can keep FRP and sively for the chemical process industries, in petrochemical
ammonia tanks operating reliably without plants, fertilizer plants and nickel refineries around the world,
causing inspection-related tank damage. as well as oil-and-gas production sites She holds a degree
in materials engineering from the University Simon Bolivar in
Venezuela and also holds an M S. in materials engineering
Robotics from the University of British Columbia. She has several Ca
Today, we are performing robotic in nadian General Standards Board (CGSB) NDT certificates, as
well as API 510 certifications and Level 3 certification from
spections to monitor the thickness of the CWB Group. Benz was a member of the NACE Edmonton
tank shells and roofs. Robotics are also Executive chapter for 15 years, and before that, participated
used to inspect water tanks. The future in various capacities for the Edmonton Chapter of the Cana
dian Welding Institute.