Witch Class
Witch Class
Witch Class
tattooed elf, veiled and cloaked, draws his Creating A Witch
obsidian dagger across the sand, calling forth
from the lines a ghostly apparition to help him When deciding on the witch class, think about what led your
and his allies find their way. A trio of halfling character to tap into the spirit world. Maybe witchcraft is a
hermits gather among candles and incense, tradition in the area, or your character comes from an area
chanting words of power to bait spirits from the rife with a ghostly past. Superstition is also a good trigger for
shadows. The bejeweled human, dressed in a fascination with spirits. What is your relationship with
exotic garb and golden chains bellows a spell which echoes spirits? Is there a measure of mutual respect? Perhaps your
with the voices of an army of lost souls, a fiendish glint in his character feels more like a servant to the spirit than the other
eyes as blood drips from his palm. way around, or maybe they possess the entitlement to
Unlike shamans who pray to the spirits of nature, witches dominate and extort spiritual beings.
trap the tormented souls of intelligent beings lost betwixt the How did your character come to be an adventurer? It could
realm of the living and the beyond. As a witch, you learn to be that he or she was a pariah in their community due to
summon these souls and bind them to your will, gaining contact with the other side, cast out and forced to fend for
protection from them as well as the power to debilitate your him or herself. Perhaps your character is even haunted by a
enemies. As you attain higher levels, the covenant you choose particular spirit, and seeks away to control or be rid of it.
to live by grants you further abilities which extend the
usefulness and power of these bonds in different ways. Quick Build
You can make a witch quickly by following these suggestions.
The Power of Spirit First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed
Witches may or may not have a level of respect for the spirits by Constitution. Second, select the Hermit background. Third,
they bind, though one could say they should. Some witches select the chill touch, guidance, and light cantrips.
tap into the residual energies of long-departed souls, while
others use extant spiritual beings as conduits for their Class Features
spellcasting. Either way and whether or not they wish, As a witch, you gain the following class features
witches bind part of their own soul to those that surround
them. Witch spells mostly deal with manipulation of spiritual Hit Points
energies (both living and dead) and protections against the Hit Dice: 1d6 per witch level
beings with supply those energies. As part of their connection Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
to the spiritual world, they are also privy to information and Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constituion
secrets normally not meant for mortal minds. As such, modifier per witch level after 1st
witches are powerful enchanters, abjurers, and diviners.
Bonds of the Soul Armor: Light armor
Witches acknowledge that there is a spiritual connection Weapons: Simple weapons
between all things – forces that inexplicably and randomly Tools: Herbalism kit
bind beings and happenings together in a kind of mass, Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
shared fate. They see other witches as brothers and sisters, Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling, History,
and other classes as close cousins. As a consequence, Insight, Medicine, Nature, and Religion
witches are often fond of forming alliances. One kind of
alliance is the circle that a witch belongs to. The circle that a Equipment
witch joins is the manifestation of a philosophy regarding the You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
nature of spirits. Some, like the circle of power, believe in a equipment granted by your background:
supreme energy that extends beyond the physical world, (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any simple weapon
weaving together magic and the collective conscience of all (a) a component pouch or (b) an athame used as an arcane
living things. Others, from the circle of blood for example, focus
believe in a more intimate connection between the physical (a) a priest's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
world and the other side. In this philosophy, each soul is tied Any simple weapon and two daggers
to something close to it in the physical world – a body, an
object, or location that was important to it when it was alive.