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92 INTRODUCTION OBJECTIVES  Listen to songs from Central Asia, South Asia, and
West Asian countries alone and/or with others.  Relate Central, Southern, and West Asian
countries’ music in the lives of the people.  Analyze examples of music from Central, South
Asia and West countries and describe how the elements are used.  Explain the
distinguishing characteristics of representative Central, South Asian and West countries’
music in relation to the culture of the area.  Perform using available instruments from
Central Asia, South Asia and West countries alone and/or with others.  Improvise simple
rhythmic/harmonic accompaniments to music from selected Central, South, and West Asian
countries.  Explore ways of producing sounds on a variety of sources that would simulate
instruments being studied.  Sing vocal music from Central, South, and West Asian countries
alone and/with others.  Evaluate music and music performances applying knowledge of
musical elements and styles Time to travel again! Did you enjoy learning and experiencing
the music of East Asia? Then let us experience how music is performed in South, Central,
and West Asian countries. In this module, you will learn things about vocal and instrumental
music of India, Pakistan, Israel, and West Asian countries. You will also get a glimpse of their
cultural context, social functions, and performance styles in their music compositions.
2. 93. 93 Before you start the lesson, let us find out what you know about South, Central and
West Asia. Here are some activities prepared for you. Are you ready? PRE-ASSESSMENT
Activity : “ Where in the World is…” You will need: blank map and coloring materials
Directions: 1. Listen to the different music samples listed below. You may find them on the
internet or let your teacher provide them for you. Match the music with the Asian region it
came from. 2. Color each region with: Central Asia – VIOLET South Asia – RED West Asia –
GREEN Carnatic Music Punjabi Music Hindustani Music Arabic Music
3. 94. 94 Vocal Music Asia is a big continent consisting of several countries. Are we going to
study all of them? We cannot, but we can focus on a few representative ones from each
region. ACTIVITY: Countries are written on the concept map below. On a sheet of paper,
share your ideas about their vocal music. Copy the diagram. INDIA • __________
ASIA Were you able to match the music to its region? How about naming the countries in
each region? Can you name them? In your notebook, make a table similar to the one shown
below and write the names of the countries that you know in the table. Do you remember
vocal music and instrumental music? As we have discussed in the previous quarters, Asia is
rich in these two types of music. Answer the following activities to check what you know.
Have you been to any of these countries? If you have, then you are very lucky! Take the time
to share about the countries you visited with your classmates.
4. 95. 95 Instrumental Music It was very nice of you to share your ideas about the vocal music
of the countries above. What about Asian music instruments? Are you familiar with these
instruments? Name as many as you can! So do you now have an idea of the things that we
will be learning this quarter? It’s time to make your learning goals and specify the things that
you would want to learn about the music of Central Asia, South Asia, and West Asian
countries. Write your goals in your notebook. Follow the guide below.
been viewed as a universal language. In the vast region of Asia, religious music has been a
common ground in uniting people with different languages, cultures, and norms. Lesson 1:
INDIA India is the largest country in South Asia. Its music is as vast as its geographic
location and as large as its demographic population. The music of India reflects different
aspects of Asian culture through its timbre, rhythm, melody, texture, form, and style. In
general, Indian music remains fundamental to the lives of the people of India as a source of
spiritual inspiration, cultural expression, and entertainment. Now that you have written your
goals for this quarter, it’s time for us to officially start the lesson. At the end of this module, a.
I would like to know about __________________________________ b. I would like to be
able to do the following:______________________ c. I would like to understand
__________________________________ d. I would like to perform or
6. 97. 97 Galaxy of Musicians by Raja Ravi Varma VOCAL MUSIC India's classical music
tradition, includes Carnatic and Hindustani music which have developed over many
centuries. Music of India also includes several types of folk and popular music. One aspect
of vocal music uses melismatic singing with nasal vocal quality, when compared with the
Philippine music which uses melismatic singing is only used in chanting epics and the
pasyon. Singing based on a set of pitches was popular even during the Vedic times. The
Samagana style of singing developed into a strong and diverse tradition over several
centuries, becoming an established part of contemporary tradition in India. The hymns in
Sama Veda, a sacred text, were sung as Samagana and not chanted. Sama Veda is the
third of the four Vedas of Hinduism but ranks next to Rig Veda (Rigveda) in terms of its
sanctity and liturgical importance. Rig Veda is also sung in the Samagana traditional singing
style. Because of its liturgical importance, Rigveda is counted as first among the four
canonical sacred texts of Hinduism known as Vedas. Rig Veda is an ancient Indian sacred
collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns. Some of its verses are still recited as Hindu prayers at
religious functions and other occasions. Have you ever watched a Hindu singing or dancing?
What is your impression on their way of singing or dancing? How important is music to their
daily life?
7. 98. 98 Characteristics of Traditional Music from India: 1. Carnatic music o refers to music
from South India o directed to a Hindu god, which is why it is called “temple music” o unlike
Hindustani music, Carnatic music is unified where schools are based on the same ragas, the
same solo instruments (veena, flute, violin) and the same rhythm instrument (mridangam and
ghatam) o music pieces are mainly set for the voice and with lyrics o compositions called krti
are devotional songs 2. Hindustani music o goes back to Vedic period times around 1000 BC
o further developed in the 13th and 14th centuries AD with Persian influences and from
existing religious and folk music o predominantly found in the northern and central regions o
influenced by ancient Hindu musical traditions, historical Vedic religion/Vedic philosophy,
native Indian sounds and enriched by the Persian performance practices of the Mughal era o
nasal singing is observed in their vocal music o in North India, the most common style of
singing is called khyal, a word which means imagination Additional Audio/Visual Activity: You
may watch the following links online.  Carnatic Flute-Tamboori by Heramba & Hemantha,
www.youtube.com  Carnatic Vocal, www.carnaticsangeetham.com Additional Audio/Visual
Activity  Hindustani Classical Music, www.wildfilmindia.com  Pt. Bhimsen Joshi-Classical
Vocal, www.youtube.com
8. 99. 99 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC There are many musical instruments in India. Some
instruments are used primarily in North Indian music (Hindustani Sangeet) while many other
instruments are used in South Indian music (Carnatic Sangeet). Instrumental music is often
similar to vocal music but sometimes they have distinctive instrumental styles. There are five
known traditional systems for classification of instruments. Classification of Musical
Instruments from India: 1. Ghan – described as a non-membranous percussive instrument
but with solid resonators. It is one of the oldest classes of instrument in India. It may also be
a melodic instrument or instruments to keep tal. 2. Avanaddh - described as a membranous
percussive instrument. This class of instruments typically comprise the drums. Daf (Duf,
Daphu) Tabla Dhol Ghatam Karta Manjira Nout After learning about the vocal music of India,
the next topic will help you learn the instrumental music of India.
9. 100. 100 3. Sushir – also known as blown air. It is characterized by the use of air to excite
the various resonators. Bansuri Shehnai Shankh Surpeti 4. Tat – referred to as vina during
the old civilization. Instruments in this class are plucked (stringed instruments). Sitar Ektar
Gotuvadyam Gopichand Rabab
10. 101. 101 5. Vitat – described as bowed stringed instruments. This is of the oldest
classifications of instruments and yet did not occupy a place in classical Indian music until
the last few centuries. banam esraj sarangi chikara Rhythm plays an important role in Indian
music. It is fundamental to the creation of any musical system. Certainly, from a historical
stand point, rhythm existed many centuries ago before the word “rag” was ever used. Given
this historical pre-eminence, it is not surprising that rhythm occupies an important position in
the Indian system of music. Tala - literally meaning ‘clap;’ variously transliterated as “tal”,
“taal” or “taala” - is a regular, repeating rhythmic phrase, particularly as rendered on a
percussive instrument with an ebb and flow of various intonations represented as a ''theka'' -
is the common Indian system of rhythm Theka - a sequence of drum-syllables or ''bol'' - in
Indian classical music, both Hindustani classical music and Carnatic music use complex
rules to create elaborate patterns of rhythm Tabla - most common instrument for keeping
rhythm in Hindustani music Mridangam - most common instrument for keeping rhythm in
Carnatic music - also transliterated as “mridang” TALA If available, use the interactive
listening tools by William Alves, in his audio-cd recordings: Interactive Music of the World,
featuring musical instruments of India.
11. 102. 102 TEACHER-ASSISTED ACTIVITY: Which Is Which? Study the words written in the
box. Identify which word fits the description of Carnatic and Hindustani music. Write your
answers on a ¼ sheet of Manila Paper INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY: Name It! Name the following
Indian musical instruments. Write the answers on a separate sheet of paper or in your
notebook. CARNATIC MUSIC HINDUSTANI MUSIC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Khyal
Temple Music Unified Northern Krti Southern Nasal Singing Lyrical Persian Influence
Imagination Let’s see how much you have learned. Can you identify the difference between
Carnatic and hindustani music? Can you identify Indian musical instruments?
12. 103. 103 Lesson 2: PAKISTAN Central Asian music encompasses numerous different
musical styles originating from a large number of sources. Though Pakistan is part of South
Asia, its western part is considered as an extension of Central Asia. Pakistan is known for its
unique vocals. The distinctive Pakistani sound was formed with multiple influences not only
from various parts of South Asia but it also includes diverse elements from Central Asia,
Persia, Turkey, and the Arab world. VOCAL MUSIC OF PAKISTAN Pakistan is known for its
two vocal styles in singing: 1. Ghazal  traditional expressions of love, separation, and
loneliness; It tells about both the pain of loss of the lover and the beauty of love in spite of
that pain.  its structural requirements are more strict than those of most poetic forms
traditionally written in English  is considered by many to be one of the principal poetic forms
in the Persian civilization  can be sung by both men and women  Pakistani Ghazal-Payam
e Mashriq’s Ghazal, www.youtube.com If rhythm plays an important role in Indian music,
what could be the distinct characteristic of Pakistani music?
13. 104. 104 2. Qawwali  the devotional music of the Chishti Order  a vibrant musical tradition
that stretches back more than 700 years  originally performed mainly at Sufi shrines
throughout the subcontinent and gained mainstream popularity INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC
Punjabi music strengthens the importance of musical instruments in Pakistan. Punjab is a
region in South Asia which is divided into West Punjab, Pakistan and East Punjab, India.
Bhangra, one of the most recognized forms of Punjab, is based on the drum rhythm of dhol.
OF PAKISTAN  rahat fateh ali khan-best qawwali, www.youtube.com  nusrat fateh ali
khan-best qawwali, www.youtube.com Are you ready to check what you have learned about
the music of Pakistan? The next activity will help you test if you understood the concepts you
have first learned. Good luck!
14. 105. 105 INDIVIDUAL ACTIVITY: Peace, Order and Organize! Compare and contrast the
vocal/instrumental music of Pakistan from the music of India. Draw this diagram on a sheet
of paper and fill in the spaces. VOCAL & INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC SIMILARITIES
15. 106. 106 Lesson 3: WEST ASIA - ISRAEL In general, the music of West Asia is modal.
Harmony is not emphasized but rather includes salient features such as melodic complexity
and ornamentation, including ¼ tones and rigorous rhythmic development. West Asian music
is commonly used during:  Communal worship (in Mosque, Synagogue and Church) 
Mystic rituals (Sufis, Hassidic)  Life passage events (Weddings, Bar Mitzvas, Bat Mitzvas,
Anniversaries)  Entertainment (Belly Dancing, Folk Dancing) VOCAL MUSIC OF ISRAEL
AND ARABIA A. Israeli Music Israeli singers have a distinctive vocal style. They sing with
guttural and throaty enunciation. Two Divisions of Jewish Music 1. Devotional  almost
entirely vocal  featured during Sabbath and other holy days  the art of Hazan (leader of
prayer in synagogue) has always been evident in the culture  shofar is a special call to
prayer and repentance; it is sounded on the High Holidays (the Jewish New Year and Day of
Atonement) 2. Secular  instruments and voice are used  played during life passage
events  context lies outside the religious domain  very rhythmic and have popular and
romantic texts Pakistan acted as a major crossroad for various cultures between Central
Asia, South Asia, and West Asia. This paved the way for the similarities of vocal music
throughout the region. Let us now move on to West Asia. There are several West Asian
countries but we will focus our attention on Israeli and Arab music. Ready? Then, let’s start!

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