PWHT O271146g - Mil - en
PWHT O271146g - Mil - en
PWHT O271146g - Mil - en
Induction Heating
ProHeat 35
CE And Non CE Models
(For Stock Nos. 907689, and 907690)
Mil_Thank 2009−09
MILLER Electric Mfg. Co., 1635 Spencer Street, Appleton, WI 54914 U.S.A. declares that the
product(s) identified in this declaration conform to the essential requirements and provisions of
the stated Council Directive(s) and Standard(s).
Product/Apparatus Identification:
Council Directives:
• 2014/35/EU Low Voltage
• 2014/30/EU Electromagnetic Compatibility
• 2011/65/EU Restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment
• IEC 60974-1:2012 Arc welding equipment – Part 1: Welding power sources
• IEC 60974-10:2007 Arc Welding Equipment – Part 10: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements
_____________________________________ ___________________________________________
David A. Werba Date of Declaration
MILLER Electric Mfg. Co., 1635 Spencer Street, Appleton, WI 54914 U.S.A. is voluntarily providing the following infor
mation to assist European employers in carrying out their assessments to show compliance with Directive
2013/35/EU on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising
from physical agents (electromagnetic fields).
Product/Apparatus Identification
Distance where all occupational ELV Exposure Indices fall below 0.20 (20%) 30 cm
Distance where all general public ELV Exposure Indices fall below 1.00 (100%) 56 cm
ihom _2015-09
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow, and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
OM-271146 Page 1
D Do not overheat parts. D Do not touch hot parts bare-handed.
D Watch for fire; keep extinguisher nearby. D Allow cooling period before handling parts or
D Keep flammables away from work area. equipment.
D Do not locate unit on, over, or near combustible surfaces. D Do not touch or handle induction head/coil during operation un-
D Do not install unit near flammables. less the equipment is designed and intended to be used in this
manner as specified in the owner’s manual.
D Do not operate where the atmosphere can contain flammable
dust, gas, or liquid vapors (such as gasoline). D Keep metal jewelry and other metal personal items away from
head/coil during operation.
D After completion of work, inspect area to ensure it is free of
sparks, glowing embers, and flames. D To handle hot parts, use proper tools and/or wear heavy, insu-
lated welding gloves and clothing to prevent burns.
D Use only correct fuses or circuit breakers. Do not oversize or by-
pass them.
D Read and understand the Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and the
manufacturer’s instructions for adhesives, coatings, cleaners,
consumables, coolants, degreasers, fluxes, and metals.
D Wear body protection made from durable, flame−resistant material
(leather, heavy cotton, wool). Body protection includes oil-free
clothing such as leather gloves, heavy shirt, cuffless trousers, high
shoes, and a cap.
D Use handle and have person of adequate Hose may rupture if coolant overheats.
physical strength lift unit.
D Move unit with hand cart or similar device. D Never disconnect both ends of hose when in-
stalled on hot workpiece.
D For units without a handle, use equipment of adequate capacity to
D If coolant flow stops, leave one end of hose connected to allow
lift and support unit.
coolant to return to cooler and relieve pressure.
D Keep equipment (cables and cords) away from moving vehicles
when working from an aerial location. D Remove hose from hot workpiece to prevent damage.
D If using lift forks to move unit, be sure forks are long enough to D Visually inspect condition of hoses, cords, and cables before
extend beyond opposite side of unit. each use. Do not use damaged hoses, cords, or cables.
OM-271146 Page 2
D Read and follow all labels and the Owner’s D Do not use induction equipment to charge bat-
Manual carefully before installing, operating, or teries or jump start vehicles unless it has a bat-
servicing unit. Read the safety information at tery charging feature designed for this purpose.
the beginning of the manual and in each
D Use only genuine replacement parts from the manufacturer.
D Perform installation, maintenance, and service according to the
Owner’s Manuals, industry standards, and national, state, and
local codes.
OM-271146 Page 3
ihom 2015−09fre
Pour écarter les risques de blessure pour vous−même et pour autrui — lire, appliquer et ranger en lieu sûr ces consignes relatives
aux précautions de sécurité et au mode opératoire.
OM-271146 Page 4
les consommables, les produits de refroidissement, les dégraisseurs, D Une fois le travail achevé, assurez−vous qu’il ne reste aucune trace
les flux et les métaux. d’étincelles incandescentes ni de flammes.
D Travailler dans un espace fermé seulement s’il est bien ventilé ou en D Utiliser exclusivement des fusibles ou coupe−circuits appropriés.
portant un respirateur. Demander toujours à un surveillant dûment Ne pas augmenter leur puissance; ne pas les ponter.
formé de se tenir à proximité. Des fumées et des gaz provenant du D Lire et comprendre les fiches de données de sécurité et les instruc-
chauffage peuvent déplacer l’air, abaisser le niveau d’oxygène et tions du fabricant concernant les adhésifs, les revêtements, les
provoquer des lésions ou des accidents mortels. S’assurer que l’air nettoyants, les consommables, les produits de refroidissement, les
ambiant ne présente aucun danger. dégraisseurs, les flux et les métaux.
D Ne pas chauffer dans des endroits se trouvant à proximité d’opéra- D Porter un équipement de protection pour le corps fait d’un matériau
tions de dégraissage, de nettoyage ou de pulvérisation. La chaleur résistant et ignifuge (cuir, coton robuste, laine). La protection du
peut réagir en présence de vapeurs et former des gaz hautement corps comporte des vêtements sans huile comme par ex. des gants
toxiques et irritants. de cuir, une chemise solide, des pantalons sans revers, des
D Ne pas surchauffer des métaux munis d’un revêtement tels que l’acier chaussures hautes et une casquette.
galvanisé, plaqué au plomb ou au cadmium, à moins que le revêtement
ne soit enlevé de la zone chauffée, que la zone soit bien ventilée et, si LE CHAUFFAGE PAR INDUCTION peut
nécessaire, en portant un respirateur. Les revêtements et tous les mé- provoquer des brûlures.
taux contenant ces éléments peuvent dégager des fumées toxiques
s’ils sont surchauffés. Voir les informations concernant la température D Ne pas toucher des parties chaudes à mains
dans les spécifications de revêtement SDS. nues.
D Laisser refroidir les composants ou équipe-
Risque D’INCENDIE OU ments avant de les manipuler.
D’EXPLOSION. D Ne pas toucher ou manipuler les câbles/enroulements d’induc-
D Ne pas surchauffer les composants . tion durant l’opération à moins que l’équipement soit conçu à cet
D Attention aux risques d’incendie: tenir un ex- effet comme indiqué dans le manuel d’utilisateur.
tincteur à proximité. D Tenir les bijoux et autres objets personnels en métal éloignés de la
D Stocker des produits inflammables hors de la zone de travail. tête/de l’enroulement pendant le fonctionnement.
D Ne pas placer l’appareil sur, au-dessus ou à proximité de surfaces D Ne pas toucher aux pièces chaudes, utiliser les outils recom-
inflammables. mandés et porter des gants de soudage et des vêtements épais
D Ne pas installer l’appareil à proximité de produits inflammables. pour éviter les brûlures.
D Ne pas souder là où l’air ambiant pourrait contenir des poussières,
gaz ou émanations inflammables (vapeur d’essence, par exemple).
OM-271146 Page 5
D Effectuer régulièrement le contrôle et l’entretien de l’installation.
D Maintenir soigneusement fermés les portes et les panneaux des
peuvent endommager les circuits im- sources de haute fréquence.
D Établir la connexion avec la barrette de terre
AVANT de manipuler des cartes ou des pièces. D Lire et appliquer les instructions sur les
D Utiliser des pochettes et des boîtes antistatiques pour stocker, dé- étiquettes et le Mode d’emploi avant
placer ou expédier des cartes PC. l’installation, l’utilisation ou l’entretien de
l’appareil. Lire les informations de sécurité au
LE RAYONNEMENT HAUTE FRÉ- début du manuel et dans chaque section.
QUENCE (HF) risque de provoquer D N’utiliser que les pièces de rechange recommandées par le
des interférences. constructeur.
D Effectuer l’installation, l’entretien et toute intervention selon les
D Le rayonnement haute fréquence (HF) peut manuels d’utilisateurs, les normes nationales, provinciales et de
provoquer des interférences avec les équipe- l’industrie, ainsi que les codes municipaux.
ments de radio-navigation et de communication,
les services de sécurité et les ordinateurs. L’EXPLOSION DE LA BATTERIE peut
D Demander seulement à des personnes qualifiées familiarisées avec provoquer des blessures.
des équipements électroniques de faire fonctionner l’installation.
D Ne pas utiliser l’appareil de soudage pour
D L’utilisateur est tenu de faire corriger rapidement par un électricien charger des batteries ou faire démarrer des
qualifié les interférences résultant de l’installation. véhicules à l’aide de câbles de démarrage, sauf
D Si le FCC signale des interférences, arrêter immédiatement l’appa- si l’appareil dispose d’une fonctionnalité de
reil. charge de batterie destinée à cet usage.
OM-271146 Page 6
3-1. Additional Safety Symbols And Definitions
. Some symbols are found only on CE products.
Warning! Watch Out! There are possible hazards as shown by the symbols.
Safe1 2012−05
Safe56 2012−05
Safe5 2012−05
Induction heating can cause injury or burns from hot items such as rings, watches, or parts.
Safe74 2012−07
Do not wear metal jewelry and other metal personal items such as rings and watches during operation.
Safe75 2012−07
Induction heating sparks can cause fire. Do not overheat parts and adhesives.
Safe76 2012−07
Keep flammables away from heating operation. Do not heat near flammables.
Safe77 2012−07
Heating sparks can cause fires. Have a fire extinguisher nearby and have a watchperson ready to use it.
Safe78 2012−07
Breathing heating fumes can be hazardous to your health. Read Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) and
manufacturer’s instructions for material used.
Safe79 2012−07
Safe80 2012−07
OM-271146 Page 7
Use forced ventilation or local exhaust to remove the fumes.
Safe81 2012−07
Safe82 2012−07
Always wear safety glasses or goggles during and around heating operations to prevent possible injury.
Safe83 2012−07
Wear either safety glasses or full goggles depending on type of operation and nearby processes.
Safe84 2012−07
Safe20 2012−05
? V
? A Consult rating label for input power requirements.
Safe34 2012−05
Become trained and read the instructions and labels before working on machine.
Safe35 2012−05
Safe30 2012−05
V Safe42 2012−05
OM-271146 Page 8
Connect green or green/yellow grounding conductor to ground
Connect input conductors (L1, L2 And L3) to line terminals.
Safe86 2012−06
Safe85 2012−06
V Volts
I1 Primary Current Percent
Current I2 Rated Current Remote
X Duty Cycle
U1 Primary Voltage Panel/Local
IP Degree Of
Protection U2 Load Voltage High Temperature
Three Phase
Circuit Protection Static Frequency Off
Output On
OM-271146 Page 9
4-2. Specifications
. Do not use information in unit specifications table to determine electrical service requirements. See Sections 5-3, 5-4 and 5-5 for information on
connecting input power.
. This equipment will deliver rated output at an ambient air temperature up to 104F ( 40C).
Amperes Input at
Required Rated Load Output
Output Rated Output Overall
Reflective 50 or 60 Hz, Weight
Frequency Three-Phase Dimensions
Single Output Dual Output 400 V 460 V 575 V kVA kW
Length: 36.75 in.
35 kW At 35 kW At
(933 mm)
100% Duty 100% Duty
2.5 To 50 Width: 21.75 in. 227 lb
5 To 30 kHz Cycle Cycle 60 A 50 A 40 A 39 37
μh (553 mm) (103 kg)
350 A (RMS), 700 A (RMS),
Height: 27.5 in.
700 V (RMS) 700 V (RMS)
(699 mm)
A. IP Rating
IP Rating
This equipment is designed for outdoor use. It may be stored, but is not intended to be used for welding (heating) outside during precipitation
unless sheltered.
Ref. IP23 2014−06
! This Class A equipment is not intended for use in residential locations where the electrical power is provided by the public low−
voltage supply system. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in those locations, due to
conducted as well as radiated disturbances.
This equipment complies with IEC61000-3-11 and IEC 61000−3−12 and can be connected to public low-voltage systems provided that the public
low-voltage system impedance Zmax at the point of common coupling is less than 33.37mW (or the short−circuit power Ssc is greater than
112,138,497.99). It is the responsibility of the installer or user of the equipment to ensure, by consultation with the distribution network operator
if necessary, that the system impedance complies with the impedance restrictions.
ce-emc 1 2014-07
OM-271146 Page 10
C. Temperature Specifications For Miller ProHeat 35 Rolling Inductor Cold Climate Operation
ÇÇÇÇ ProHeat Cooler Rolling Inductor Heating Cables
ÇÇÇÇÇ Operation Storage Operation Storage Operation Storage Operation
50 122 above 40°C above 40°C
45 113
35 95
30 86
25 77
20 68
10 50
5 41
0 32
−5 23
ÇÇÇÇÇ ÇÇÇÇ Energize Energize Energize
−20 -4 system system system
frequently to frequently to frequently to
−25 -13 maintain maintain maintain
−30 -22 coolant coolant coolant
Store dry temperature Store dry temperature Store dry temperature
−35 -31 above 14°F above 14°F above 14°F
−40 -40 (−10°C). (−10°C). (−10°C).
Not Recommended
With Qualifications
Normal Operation With Coolant
NOTICE − The Miller ProHeat 35 Rolling Inductor is rated for operation between 14° F and 140° F (−10° C to 60° C). For operation at -40° F to
14° F (−40° C to -10° C), take the following precautions to prevent equipment damage:
• Connect coolant lines to Rolling Inductor when dry, or when ambient temperature is above −4° F (−20° C).
• Operate ProHeat 35 Heavy Duty Induction Cooler only in temperatures between 14° F and 104° F (−10° C to 40° C) while operating Rolling Inductor/
Liquid Cooled Cables.
• Coolant must flow continuously through the Rolling Inductor/liquid cooled cables, and power must be applied to the Rolling Inductor /liquid cooled
cables at regular intervals to maintain a coolant temperature of at least 14° F (−10° C).
• Store Rolling Inductor/liquid cooled cables dry. Dry unit by using compressed air at 40 psi (2.75 bar) max to blow coolant out of the Rolling Inductor
and power cable.
• Store ProHeat 35 Heavy Duty Induction Cooler at a temperature between−4° F and 131° F(−20° C to 55° C).
OM-271146 Page 11
27.5 in. (699 mm)
B 21.75 in. (553 mm)
B 227 lb (103 Kg)
OM-271146 Page 12
5-3. Electrical Service Guide Elec Serv 2015−05
This equipment shall only be used on a supply network that is a three-phase, four-wire system with an earthed neutral.
Failure to follow these electrical service guide recommendations could create an electric shock or fire hazard. These
recommendations are for a dedicated circuit sized for the rated output and duty cycle of the welding power source.
In dedicated circuit installations, the National Electrical Code (NEC) allows the receptacle or conductor rating to be less than the rating
of the circuit protection device. All components of the circuit must be physically compatible. See NEC articles 210.21, 630.11, and
50 Hz
60 Hz 3 Phase
3 Phase
Input Voltage (V) 400 460 575
Rated Maximum Supply Current I1max (A) 60 50 40
Maximum Effective Supply Current I1eff (A) 60 50 40
Max Recommended Standard Fuse Rating In Amperes1
Time-Delay Fuses2 70 60 50
Normal Operating Fuses 3 90 80 60
Min Input Conductor Size In AWG (mm2) 4 6 (16) 8 (10) 8 (10)
Max Recommended Input Conductor Length In Feet (Meters) 242 (74) 207 (63) 323 (99)
Min Grounding Conductor Size In AWG (mm2) 4 8 (10) 8 (10) 10 (6)
OM-271146 Page 13
5-4. Connecting 3-Phase Input Power For 460/575 Volt Models
GND/PE Earth Ground
5 6 3
Tools Needed:
3/8 in.
OM-271146 Page 14
5-4. Connecting 3-Phase Input Power For 460/575 Volt Models (continued)
! Installation must meet all National age available at site. Connect input conductors L1, L2 and L3 to
and Local Codes − have only qualified welding power source line terminals.
1 Input Power Conductors (Customer
persons make this installation. Supplied Cord) Close and secure access door on welding
power source.
! Disconnect and lockout/tagout input Select size and length of conductors using
power before connecting input con- Section 5-3. Conductors must comply with Disconnect Device Input Power Connec-
ductors from unit. Follow established national, state, and local electrical codes. If tions
procedures regarding the installation applicable, use lugs of proper amperage 7 Disconnect Device (switch shown in
and removal of lockout/tagout de- capacity and correct hole size. OFF position)
vices. 8 Disconnect Device (Supply) Grounding
Power Source Input Power Connections
! Make input power connections to the 2 Strain Relief (Customer Supplied)
welding power source first. 9 Disconnect Device Line Terminals
Install strain relief of proper size for unit and Connect green or green/yellow grounding
! Always connect green or green/yel- conductors. Route conductors (cord) conductor to disconnect device grounding
low conductor to supply grounding through strain relief. Tighten strain relief. terminal first.
terminal first, and never to a line ter-
3 Power Source Grounding Terminal Connect input conductors L1, L2, And L3 to
disconnect device line terminals.
4 Green Or Green/Yellow Grounding
. The circuitry in this unit automatically Conductor 10 Over-Current Protection
adapts the power source to the primary Select type and size of over-current protec-
voltage being applied. Check input volt- Connect green or green/yellow grounding
tion using Section 5-3 (fused disconnect
age available at site. This unit can be conductor to welding power source ground-
switch shown).
connected to either 460 or 575 VAC input ing terminal first.
Close and secure door on line disconnect de-
power. 5 Power Source Line Terminals vice. Follow established lockout/tagout pro-
See rating label on unit and check input volt- 6 Input Conductors L1, L2 And L3 cedures to put unit in service.
input3 2015−01
OM-271146 Page 15
5-5. Connecting 3-Phase Input Power For 400/460 Volt IEC And CE Models
GND/PE Earth Ground
Tools Needed: 3
3/8 in.
5/32 in.
OM-271146 Page 16
5-5. Connecting 3-Phase Input Power For 400/460 Volt IEC And CE Models (continued)
! Installation must meet all National age available at site. Connect input conductors L1, L2 and L3 to
and Local Codes − have only qualified welding power source line terminals.
1 Input Power Conductors (Customer
persons make this installation. Supplied Cord) Close and secure access door on welding
power source.
! Disconnect and lockout/tagout input Select size and length of conductors using
power before connecting input con- Section 5-3. Conductors must comply with Disconnect Device Input Power Connec-
ductors from unit. Follow established national, state, and local electrical codes. If tions
procedures regarding the installation applicable, use lugs of proper amperage 7 Disconnect Device (switch shown in
and removal of lockout/tagout de- capacity and correct hole size. OFF position)
vices. 8 Disconnect Device (Supply) Grounding
Power Source Input Power Connections
! Make input power connections to the 2 Strain Relief (Customer Supplied)
welding power source first. 9 Disconnect Device Line Terminals
Install strain relief of proper size for unit and Connect green or green/yellow grounding
! Always connect green or green/yel- conductors. Route conductors (cord) conductor to disconnect device grounding
low conductor to supply grounding through strain relief. Tighten strain relief. terminal first.
terminal first, and never to a line ter-
3 Power Source Grounding Terminal Connect input conductors L1, L2, And L3 to
disconnect device line terminals.
4 Green Or Green/Yellow Grounding
. The circuitry in this unit automatically Conductor 10 Over-Current Protection
adapts the power source to the primary Select type and size of over-current protec-
voltage being applied. Check input volt- Connect green or green/yellow grounding
tion using Section 5-3 (fused disconnect
age available at site. This unit can be conductor to welding power source ground-
switch shown).
connected to either 400 or 460 VAC input ing terminal first.
Close and secure door on line disconnect de-
power. 5 Power Source Line Terminals vice. Follow established lockout/tagout pro-
See rating label on unit and check input volt- 6 Input Conductors L1, L2 And L3 cedures to put unit in service.
input3 2015−01
OM-271146 Page 17
5-7. Power Source Output Connections
2 1
Dual Air-Cooled
Output Connection
2 1 2 1
4 4
Dual Liquid-Cooled
Output Connection
2 1
2 1 2 1
3 3
! Steam and hot coolant can burn. Single Air-Cooled Output Connection . Blankets must be the same size.
Hose may rupture if coolant over-
heats. Connect air-cooled output extension cable Dual Liquid-Cooled Output Connection
Never disconnect both ends of to Output Connector 1 or Output
hose when installed on hot Connector 2. Connect Protective Plug to Connect liquid-cooled output extension
workpiece. If coolant flow stops, remaining Output Connector. cables to Output Connector 1 and Output
leave one end of hose connected to
Connector 2.
allow hot coolant to return to cooler
and relieve pressure. Remove hose Single Liquid-Cooled Output Connection
from hot workpiece to prevent dam- . Extension cables must be the same
age. Connect liquid-cooled output extension length: 10 ft (3 m), 25 ft (7.6 m), or 50
1 Output Connector 1 cable to Output Connector 1 or Output ft (15.2 m).
2 Output Connector 2 Connector 2. Connect Protective Plug to
3 Protective Plug remaining Output Connector. . Heating cables must be the same
4 Air-Cooled Extension Cable length: 30ft (9.1 m), 50 ft (15.2 m), 80ft
5 Liquid-Cooled Extension Cable Dual Air-Cooled Output Connection (24.2 m), or 140 ft (42.7 m).
The power source is capable of single or
dual output. When connected for single Connect air-cooled output extension . Total length of heating and extension
power output, up to 35 kW is available at cables to Output Connector 1 and Output cables must not exceed 360 ft (110 m).
the single output connection. When The extension cable is counted twice
Connector 2.
connected for dual power, output power is the length because it has a supply and
divided between the two output return hose.
connections. . Extension cables must be the same
! Do not move or disconnect cables length: 25 ft (7.6 m), 50 ft (15.2 m), or NOTICE − Use only Miller ProHeat acces-
while output is on. 75 ft (22.8 m). sories with a Miller ProHeat power source.
OM-271146 Page 18
5-8. Remote 14 Receptacle RC14 Information and Connections
1 Plug
2 Threaded Collar
3 Keyway
4 Remote 14 Receptacle RC14
3 (See Section 5-9)
To connect to receptacle, align key-
way, insert plug and tighten
threaded collar.
A J 4 NOTICE − Use only Miller ProHeat
B accessories with a Miller ProHeat
2 1 C L N
H power source.
803 993-D
OM-271146 Page 19
5-10. Temperature Recorder Receptacle RC9 Information And Connections
1 Plug
3 2 Threaded Collar
3 Temperature Recorder
Receptacle RC9 (See Section
To connect to receptacle, insert
2 1 plug and tighten threaded collar.
803 993-D
OM-271146 Page 20
5-12. Secondary Insulation Protection
! Connect supplied ground
lead(s) between the
workpiece and power source
to provide proper secondary
insulation protection from a
short in the output circuit.
For single output, only one
ground lead is required. For
dual output , use both ground
Secondary insulation protection
circuitry automatically shuts down
the power source output if a
potentially hazardous condition
exists at the heating device
connected to the power source (e.g.
insulation has broken down on a
heating blanket causing the
conductor to come into contact with
the workpiece or a heating coil
touches the workpiece causing a
short in the output circuit).
1 Receptacles
2 Plug
To connect plug, align key with key-
way, insert end into receptacle, and
rotate plug until tight.
3 Handle
4 Magnet
. The secondary isolation magnet
must be in contact with bare
metal (free from rust, paint,
grease, etc.).
5 Workpiece
Use handle to place magnet on the
1 workpiece.
OM-271146 Page 21
5-13. 115 Volt AC Duplex Receptacle And Supplementary Protector
1 115 VAC 2.5 A Single-Phase
AC Receptacle RC1
2 Supplementary Protector CB1
(2.5 A)
The receptacle supplies nominal 115
volts AC auxiliary power for use with
the optional digital recorder. Maxi-
mum output from receptacle is 2.5
1 CB1 protects 115 volt receptacle
RC1 from overload. If CB1 opens,
803 993-D
Thermocouple location is one of the most critical steps in the Heat Treatment Operation.
Thermocouples shall be located as follows to provide a survey of heating uniformly and enable time and temperature control:
1. Locate thermocouples to ensure that the full area of the heat band is monitored.
S The code normally specifies the number of thermocouples to be used based on the pipe diameter.
S The control thermocouple is placed in the plane of the weld (center of the heat zone).
S The control thermocouple is placed at the top of the pipe in a standard pipe joint configuration. In other applications, the thermocouple
should be located in the hottest portion of the weldment to be stress relieved.
2. Consider all nozzles and other welded attachments that cause potential heat sinks through metal mass or cold spots due to heat convection or
conduction, and have additional thermocouples applied.
3. Attach a spare thermocouple beside control thermocouples.
4. Attach thermocouples to ensure uniformity of temperature in both thin and thick workpieces.
5. Physically inspect all thermocouples for continuity and mark them by an identification number corresponding to the recorder channel.
6. Match the drawings of the workpiece indicating the numerous thermocouple locations, controlling thermocouple locations, etc. to weld identifi-
cation information.
7. The system is equipped with 3-pin thermocouple connections at the front of the unit. Six thermocouples can be attached to the power source.
S The system is equipped with 3-pin connectors to accommodate shielded extension cables. The shielded cables protect from electrical
8. Type K thermocouple wire has a positive and negative wire. The positive wire is marked as solid yellow or striped yellow. The connector screw
terminals are marked positive and negative. Be sure to attach the wire to the connector with proper polarity.
9. Multiple type K thermocouple devices are supported, such as contact TC probes, welded on TC wire, and IR sensors with type K output. IR
sensors with 4−20 mA outputs are also supported.
OM-271146 Page 22
10. The following describes the thermocouple routing from work to power source.
S Type K thermocouple wire (two wire) is attached directly to the workpiece using a Thermocouple Attachment Unit (see next section for
information on attaching thermocouples).
S The other end is fitted with a 2-pin type K connector.
S The 2-pin connector plugs into the 3-pin composite extension cable. The extension cable has a six-channel block of 3-pin female connec-
tors. The pin size locates the position of the 2-pin connector on the extension.
S The extension cable contains six, 3-wire bundles of shielded cable.
S The 3-pin male extension cable plugs into the 3-pin female connector on the front of the power source.
804 320-A
OM-271146 Page 23
5-15. Attaching Welded Thermocouples
1. Attach thermocouples using a portable Thermocouple Attachment Unit (TAU). This unit spot welds thermocouple wire directly to the
workpiece. This method of thermocouple attachment ensures accurate temperature measurement.
2. Clean (file or grind) any loose scale or rust from the workpiece at the places where the wires will be attached.
3. Clean the location for the lead magnet to minimize resistance. Place the magnet as near to the thermocouple positions as possible.
4. Strip 1/4 in. of insulation from the thermocouple wires.
5. Set the output variable control of the TAU to about eighty percent (80%).
6. Grasp one of the stripped wires with the tip of the jaws of the application pliers.
. Don’t touch both wires of the thermocouple to the pliers at the same time when energizing the Thermocouple Attachment Unit. This will cause
the thermocouple wire to fuse to the pliers, rather than the workpiece.
7. Press the end of the wire to the workpiece at ninety degrees to the surface, and maintain a firm pressure. Make sure the Thermocouple Attach-
ment Unit is charged and wait for the ready light to glow.
8. Press discharge button, and the wire should weld to the workpiece. There will be a sharp crack and a slight arc flash.
9. Repeat the process with the other wire, placing it approximately 1/4 in. away from the first wire. Attach a spare thermocouple, and support both
thermocouples approximately 18 in. back from the connection with a band or fiber tape.
10. Carefully bend the wire over at right angles. This brings the thermocouple wires out along or parallel to the workpiece. It also tests the strength
of the weld. If the weld shows signs of breaking, remove the wire, restrip the end, and repeat the process.
Strap Or Tape
Tools Needed:
804 322-A
OM-271146 Page 24
5-16. Using Contact Thermocouple Sensors
1 Blanket
2 Contact Thermocouple Sensor
(See Product Literature Sheet)
2 The welded thermocouples discussed previously can be
used for preheating or stress relieving. Welded thermo-
couples are normally used in stress relieving applications
because of their accuracy and ability to withstand high
Not this Temperatures at the weld joint can be checked with tem-
perature sensitive crayons to verify the preheat tempera-
Placing Contact Thermocouple Sensor
Place sensor between blanket and metal material. The
sensor must be flat and in firm contact with the material
Decouple blanket being heated. The tip of the sensor should be positioned
Control TC near edges under the center of the wires of the blanket anywhere
along the blanket length.
To prevent thermocouple sensor from pulling out of
Add additional TC position, contact TC sensor securing band 301 073 is
locations near edges available.
NOTICE − When using a contact thermocouple with air
cooled blankets, position is critical. If any part of the blan-
ket exceeds 400F (200C) for extended periods of time,
damage to the blanket will occur.
Additional sensors may be placed at the ends of the part
to protect from overheating. If a blanket is hanging off the
end of the part or goes over a cutout, insulation may be
added between the blanket and metal, slightly decoupling
the coil, which causes the area to receive less eddy
currents and generate less heat.
NOTICE − When heating next to a joint, control sensor
(TC#1) must be under the heating coil. A separate sensor
may be placed at the joint to monitor joint temperature.
When positioning blankets in vertical or overhead posi-
tions, ensure the non-insulated side of the blanket is able
to radiate heat. Do not cover blanket with insulation,
wood, etc. Trapping heat in the blanket may damage the
273 097-A
The spot measurement location should be within two inches (50 mm) of the heat zone.
OM-271146 Page 25
6-1. Controls
3 4 5 6 7 10 9 8 11 18
19 13
803 995-B
. When a control panel button is pushed LED lights to indicate a system limit
14 Parameter Button
the yellow lamp lights to indicate ac- Use button to display real time power
tivation. 7 Heat On LED source operating parameters.
1 Power Switch LED lights to indicate the power source out- 15 Cooler Button
put is energized.
Use switch to turn power source On and Use button to turn cooler On and Off.
Off. 8 Stop Button
Use button to stop a heating process. 16 Increase Button
2 TC1−4 Temperature Display
Provides temperature display of thermo- 9 Hold Button Use button to increase values in set-up
couples 1 through 4. Use button to hold a heating process. screen.
3 Control Thermocouple LEDs 10 Run Button 17 Decrease Button
LEDs indicate which thermocouples (1−4) Use button to run a heating process. Use button to decrease value in program
are used to control the heating process. 11 Cursor Button screen.
4 Temperature Units LEDs Use button to move selection cursor in the 18 4 x 40 LCD Display
LEDs indicate units for temperature mea- 4 x 40 LCD display (item 18). Displays programming, runs status, pa-
surements (°F or ° C). 12 Program Button rameter, fault and limit conditions, and trou-
5 Fault LED Use button to program the process control. bleshooting guide.
LED lights to indicate a system fault 13 Run Status Button 19 Thermocouple Input Receptacles
Use button to display real time operating Use receptacles for type K thermocouple
6 Limit LED status. inputs.
OM-271146 Page 26
7-1. Safety Equipment
! Do not wear rings or watches
during operation.
1 2
Wear the following during
1 Dry, Insulating Gloves
2 Safety Glasses With Side
sb3.1* 1/94
A special identifier, embedded within the extension cable connector, provides the means for the power source to configure itself by recognizing the type
of extension cable(s) attached to its output connectors.
Designed to provide a single level of output (up to 35 kW), the ProHeat 35 power source has two panel mounted connectors that are connected in
parallel to the power source output. This design allows the system to operate with either a single output extension cable or two output extension cables.
If a single output extension cable is used, a protective plug (provided with the system) MUST be placed on the unused output connector or the system
will not operate. If two output extension cables are used, they both MUST be of the same type (either both air-cooled or both liquid-cooled) or the system
will not operate (in this case, the protective plug is not used). When two extension cables and heating devices are utilized on the system, the extension
cable lengths and heating devices MUST be identical (see Section 5-7).
The ProHeat 35 is intelligent to the point that it will automatically adjust output power levels if internal system operating parameters or internal tempera-
tures reach or exceed specific set limits (see Section 10).
To view the System Setup screen, simultaneously press the Parameters V
A and Program buttons and the following screen will appear
on the display:
To change a setting:
S Press the Cursor button to move the cursor to the parameter to be changed.
OM-271146 Page 27
Possible selections:
Degree Units: °F / °C
Tolerance: ±5 to 99 in °F (±3 to 55 in °C)
Control Mode: Temp / Remote / Time / Manual
Temperature Mode
S Initial kW value used in Rolling Inductor mode only
S Uses IR to control power
Time Mode
S Does not use Initial kW setting
S IR sensors can monitor temperature but not control power
Remote Mode
S Functions same as Manual Mode but from a remote
S IR sensors can monitor temperature but not control power
Manual Mode
S Initial kW value not used
S IR sensors can monitor temperature but not control power
Rolling Inductor Initial kW: 0.0−35.0 kW
Power Output: 1 to 35 kW
Rolling Inductor Cooler Purge Time: 30−240 seconds
Control Mode − Either Temperature, Remote, or Power vs Time (Time), or Manual. For more details about methods of control, see Section 7-5.
S The factory default is temperature based control.
Rolling Inductor Initial kW − The factory default is 0.0. Max setting is dependant on Max Output setting.
Power Output − The factory default is 35 kW.
Simultaneously press the Parameters V
A and Program buttons a second time, and the following screen will appear on the display:
Possible selections:
Travel Detect: On / Off − Functions as an On / Off switch with air and liquid-cooled cables. See Table 7-2 for information on functionality with
Rolling Inductor.
OM-271146 Page 28
Turning off the Decouple Fault allows the system to run with poorly coupled coils. This feature is only available when using liquid cooled cables.
A message will display each time the ProHeat is turned on to remind that the circuit is turned off.
Press the Decrease button on the front panel to acknowledge the message.
If using a remote On/Off switch, cycling from Off to On 2 times within 3 seconds will also acknowledge the message.
Display Contrast − press and hold the cursor and press the Increase button to darken, or press the Decrease button to lighten the
. All parameters in System Setup are considered global, and any changes to the system set-up parameters will apply to all programs.
. The option to turn backlight on/off was removed at software revision 1.26. Backlight is now always on.
7-4-1. Factory Defaults
To reset the system back to factory default settings, turn off the power source, and wait until the display goes blank. Turn on the power source. When
the display lights, press and hold the Increase and Decrease buttons. A message will display Press Program to reset factory
defaults. Release the Increase and Decrease buttons, and press the Program button.
7-5. Programming
Programming allows the operator to setup a program for a particular heating process. The selections available are Temperature, Remote, Manual, or
Power vs Time (Time).
7-5-1. Temperature-Based Control
Temperature-based control operates the system and controls the heating process based on temperature feedback from thermocouple inputs. Ther-
mocouples must be used for this mode of operation or the system will not operate. Within the temperature-based mode there are four different
processes available as follows: Preheat, Bakeout, PWHT (Post-Weld Heat Treat), and Custom Program.
Press the Program button to access the programming mode. Use the cursor button to move the cursor to the desired temperature-based process,
then press the Program button again to select the process.
7-5-1-1. Preheat
The preheat process is a simple method of heating material to a desired temperature and holding that temperature for a specific period of time.
When this process is selected, the following screen will appear on the LCD display:
Preheat Screen
Mode.......: Preheat
Control TC.: 1
Temperature: 400
Soak Time..: 01:00:00
OM-271146 Page 29
The default position of the cursor is next to Control TC. Press the Increase or Decrease button to select the number of control
thermocouples to be used for the program. Selections are as follows: 1, 1,2, 1,2,3, or 1,2,3,4. TC1 MUST always be a control thermocouple. TC2
thru TC4 can be used for controlling or monitoring. When a thermocouple is selected as control, the LED adjacent to the seven-segment display
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection (Temperature or Soak Time), and press the Increase or
. The minimum and maximum temperature settings for preheat are 0 and 1450 F (−18 and 788 C). The minimum and maximum soak times are
0 and 100 hours or extended. When the system is utilizing air-cooled blankets, the maximum temperature setting is 400 F (204 C). If the program
setting is above 400 F (204 C), the following screen will appear on the LCD display when the Run button is pressed:
7-5-1-2. Bake-Out
The bake-out process allows the operator to program a temperature and soak time as well as a cooling rate from bake-out if desired. When this
process is selected, the following screen appears on the display:
Bake-Out Screen
Mode......: Bake−Out
Control TC:>1
Soak Temp.: 600 Soak Time: 01:00:00
Cool Temp.: 200 Cool Rate: 600 _/Hr
The default position of the cursor is next to Control TC. Press the Increase or Decrease button to select the number of control
thermocouples to be used for the program. Selections are as follows: 1, 1,2, 1,2,3, or 1,2,3,4. TC1 MUST always be a control thermocouple. TC2
thru TC4 can be used for controlling or monitoring. When a thermocouple is selected as control, the LED adjacent to the seven-segment display
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection (Soak Temperature, Soak Time, Cool Temperature, or Cool Rate), and
press the Increase or Decrease button to change the value to the desired setting.
. The minimum and maximum soak and cool temperature settings for bake-out are 0 and 1450 F(−18 and 788 C). The minimum and maximum
soak times are 0 and 100 hours or extended. The minimum and maximum cool rates are 10 and 9999 /hr. When the system is utilizing air-cooled
blankets, the maximum temperature setting is 400 F(204 C). If the program setting is above 400 F (204 C), the following screen will appear
on the LCD display when the Run button is pressed:
OM-271146 Page 30
Maximum Temperature Message Screen
PWHT Screen
Mode......: PWHT
Control TC:>1,2
Ramp Temp.: 200 Ramp Rate: 600 _/Hr
Soak Temp.: 400 Soak Time: 01:00:00
The default position of the cursor is next to Control TC. Press the Increase or Decrease button to select the number of control
thermocouples to be used for the program. Selections are as follows: 1, 1,2, 1,2,3, or 1,2,3,4. TC1 MUST always be a control thermocouple. TC2
thru TC4 can be used for controlling or monitoring. When a thermocouple is selected as control, the LED adjacent to the seven-segment display
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection (Ramp Temperature, Ramp Rate, Soak Temperature, or Soak Time),
and press the Increase or Decrease button to change the value to the desired setting.
Ramp Rate
Ramp Temp
. The minimum and maximum ramp temperature settings for PWHT are 0 and 1450 F (−18 and 788 C). The minimum and maximum ramp rates
are 10 and 9999 F/hr (6 and 5555 C/hr). The minimum and maximum soak temperatures are 0 and 1450 F (−18 and 788 C). The minimum
and maximum soak times are 0 and 100 hours or extended. When the system is utilizing air-cooled blankets, the maximum temperature setting
is 400 F (204 C). If the program setting is above 400 F (204 C), the following screen will appear on the LCD display when the Run button is
OM-271146 Page 31
Maximum Temperature Message Screen
When using a single TC in the control loop, it is in control of the entire cycle. When using 2 - 4 control TCs, the ProHeat 35’s heat control has the following
• When ramping up from the Ramp temperature to the Soak temperature, the TC with the highest temperature is the TC in control.
• In many applications, the temperature of all the control TCs stay close together throughout the entire cycle, within the the programmed tolerance
band (default is +/- 25°F) of the set point. In these typical cases, the unit continues from the Ramp cycle into the Soak cycle, and the Soak countdown
timer starts.
When at the Soak temperature set point, all control TC temperatures must be within the tolerance band before the Soak countdown timer will start. If
all TCs are not within tolerance, heating continues until the hottest TC reaches the set point plus the tolerance band. The unit does not allow output
above the set point plus the tolerance band. If all temperatures are not within the tolerance band, you have three options :
1. Allow time for the heat to conduct around and through the material. This may allow the area with the coolest TC to heat up above the minimum
(set point − tolerance) allowing the Soak cycle to continue.
2. Manipulate the coil over the hot area, allowing that area to cool down. To accomplish this, you must stop the cycle, spread coil turns apart,
remove coil turns, or pull the coil away (decoupling the coil) only over the area where the hot control TC is located. As a result, the output power will
increase slightly allowing the cooler areas to heat up.
3. Change the tolerance band. To accomplish this, stop the cycle, enter the Setup screen and increase the tolerance setting. Resume the cycle.
Certain codes such as ASME B31.1 and B31.3, do not allow tolerance settings over +/- 25°F, so be sure to check the code, or check with your
engineers to see if this is allowed.
• When ramping down from the Soak temperature to the Ramp temperature, the TC with lowest temperature is the TC in control.
• If the part cannot be heated at the requested rate (i.e. because of part mass, coil setup, etc.) the target temp displayed by the heat control will never
exceed a 10°F difference from the control TC.
OM-271146 Page 32
7-5-1-5. Custom Program
In Custom Program, the operator can create a custom program with multiple steps or nonsymmetrical heat treat programs where the heating and
cooling rates and temperatures are different. When this process is selected, the following screen appears on the display:
. This is the screen for initial use of the system. Subsequent use of custom program will revert to the last program used.
The default position of the cursor is next to Segment. Press the Increase or Decrease button to increase or decrease the seg-
ment number, unless the segment type is End. In this case, the segment number will advance to segment 1.
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection (Type or Control TC), and press the Increase or Decrease
button to change the value to the desired setting. When the cursor is moved to the Type selection, pressing the Increase or
Decrease button changes the segment type to Step, Ramp, Soak, or End. The functions of each segment type are as follows:
S Step increases the temperature in the part at full-programmed power. A maximum temperature of 1450° F (788° C) can be programmed.
S Ramp increases or decreases the temperature in the part at a controlled rate in degrees per hour. A maximum temperature of 1450° F (788°
C) and a maximum rate of 9999° F/hr (5555° C/hr) can be programmed.
S Soak will hold the temperature for a programmed time. The minimum and maximum soak times are 0 and 100 hours or extended.
S End is programmed to indicate the completion of the cycle and termination of output power.
Step Function
When type is set to Step, the following screen appears on the display:
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the Temperature position and the initial temperature can be adjusted using the Increase
or Decrease button.
Pressing the Cursor button again automatically advances the program to the next segment number.
OM-271146 Page 33
Ramp Function
When type is set to Ramp, the following screen appears on the display:
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the Temperature or Ramp Rate position and use the Increase or Decrease
When the cursor is in the Ramp Rate position, pressing the Cursor button again automatically advances the program to the next segment
Soak Function
When type is set to Soak, the following screen appears on the display:
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the Soak Time position and use the Increase or Decrease button to set the
desired value.
When the cursor is in the Soak Time position, pressing the Cursor button again automatically advances the program to the next segment
End Function
When type is set to End, the following screen appears on the display:
OM-271146 Page 34
The only changeable parameter in the End segment is selecting the number of thermocouples. Use the Cursor button to move the cursor
to the Control TC position. Press the Increase or Decrease button to select the number of control thermocouples to be used for
the program. Selections are as follows: 1, 1,2, 1,2,3, or 1,2,3,4. TC1 MUST always be a control thermocouple. TC2 thru TC4 can be used for
controlling or monitoring. When a thermocouple is selected as control, the LED adjacent to the seven-segment display illuminates.
A custom program can contain up to 10 segments. To view Program parameters, position the cursor at segment and use the Increase or
Decrease button to advance through the segment numbers until the End segment. When a segment number is changed, appropriate
OM-271146 Page 35
Custom Program Screen
Mode.......: Custom Program
Segment....: 5
Type.......: End
Control TC.: 1
End segment ends the heat treat cycle. Controller is programmed to control the process using four thermocouples.
If Remote was selected as the control mode in the system setup screen, the following screen appears for programming:
Time is the only parameter that can be set. The values are 0 − 99:59:59 or extended.
. The Run button on the front of the power source is disabled in this mode. Use remote device to toggle output On or off.
7-5-3. Power vs Time Control
Power vs Time control operates the system and controls the heating process based on programmed time and power. Power increases over a pro-
grammed amount of time.
Press the Program button to access the programming mode. Use the cursor button to move the cursor between Mode, Segment, Type, Power, and
Mode...: Timed
Segment: 1
Type...:>Power Level
Power..: 0.0 KW Time: 00:00:00
The default position of the cursor is next to Program. Press the Increase or Decrease button.
Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the desired selection, and press the Increase or Decrease button to
OM-271146 Page 36
7-5-4. Manual Control
Manual control allows programming of a specific power level for a specific period of time. When this process is selected, the following screen appears
on the display:
The only programmable selections are Command power and Run Time. Command can be adjusted to deliver up to 35 KW (based on maximum
power selected in the set-up screen) for a period of up to 99 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds.
Power source operating power, current, voltage, and frequency are shown on the right-hand side of the display.
To reset the system back to factory default settings, turn off the power source, and wait until the display goes blank. Turn on the power source. When
the display lights, press and hold the Increase and Decrease buttons. A message will display Press Program to reset factory
defaults. Release the Increase and Decrease buttons, and press the Program button.
. The travel detector is a sensitive instrument that can measure travel speeds down to one IPM. Once the part travel is stopped, there is a three
second delay before output can be re-energized.
Vibrations that are present for more than three seconds from sources such as fork lift traffic, trains, grinding, and handling the part, can trigger
the sensor, and energize the output.
Always press Stop on the ProHeat front panel when part travel is stopped, to prevent inadvertent heating of the part.
Travel Detection
The Travel Detector can be mounted on the left or right side of the Rolling Inductor. It can also be mounted off of the inductor in a location that
provides a similar travel speed as that of the inductor. A bracket of 3.75 inches long by 2.5 inches wide (96 by 64 mm) will allow for mounting of the
Travel Detector.
. Connect Rolling Inductor(s) to power source before turning power on.
OM-271146 Page 37
To view the System Setup screen, simultaneously press the Parameters V
A and Program buttons and the following screen will
S Press Cursor button to move cursor to the parameter to change. Press Increase or Decrease button to set
Simultaneously press the Parameters V
A and Program buttons a second time, and the following screen will appear on the display:
. IPM information can be seen on the Run Status menu while Flange
OM-271146 Page 38
Press Program button once to enter the Rolling Inductor Program screen.
Plug one end of the thermocouple extension cable into TC5 on the power source and the other end into the back of the Rolling Inductor.
If running two Rolling Inductors on the same power source, connect a second thermocouple extension cable from the second Rolling Inductor to
TC6 on the power source.
. Workpieces should be the same size and material when using two Rolling Inductors on one power source.
NOTICE − TC5 and TC6 connect to the Rolling Inductor internal thermocouple which monitors internal Rolling Inductor core temperatures. Meaure
workpiece temperature with temperature crayons, infrared sensor, or contact thermocouples within two inches of the Rolling Inductor.
Mode displays the programming mode (Preheat, Bake-Out, PWHT, or Custom Program). During active operation, Target Temp shows the target
temperature based on the specific program, Countdown shows the time remaining in a soak segment, and Status shows the program segment type
(step, soak, ramp, hold, or stopped). TC5 and TC6 display the temperature of thermocouples 5 and 6. This screen is for monitoring purposes only.
During active operation, Target Temp shows the target temperature based on the active segment, Countdown shows the time remaining in a soak
segment, and Status shows the program segment type (step, soak, ramp, hold, or stopped) of the active segment and the active segment number.
TC5 and TC6 display the temperature of thermocouples 5 and 6. This screen is for monitoring purposes only.
OM-271146 Page 39
7-6-2. Manual Control
Run Status Screen
During active operation, Power shows the actual power delivered from the power source, Countdown shows the time remaining in the heating cycle,
and Status indicates if the system is running or stopped. TC5 and TC6 display the temperature of thermocouples 5 and 6. This screen is for monitor-
ing purposes only.
. No changes can be made to the run status screen, and the Cursor, Increase and Decrease buttons are not functional.
During active operation, Power shows the actual power delivered from the power source, Countdown shows the time remaining of the heating cycle,
and Status indicates if the system is running or stopped. This screen is for monitoring purposes only.
. No changes can be made to the run status screen, and the Cursor, Increase and Decrease buttons are not functional.
Mode displays the control mode. Also displayed are the present program segment, Segment type, current power level and remaining time of the
current segment.
7-7. Parameters
During active operation, the Parameters screen allows the operator to monitor the power source output operating parameters. These parameters in-
clude output power, output amperage, output voltage, and output frequency. In addition, temperatures of thermocouples TC5 and TC6 are also
displayed. The Parameters screen is for monitoring purposes only and has no selectable or changeable parameters.
OM-271146 Page 40
Parameters Screen
7-8. Cooler
The Cooler button is used to turn the cooler On or Off on systems using liquid-cooled output cables. Systems using liquid-cooled output
cables will not deliver output unless the cooler is On. If the cooler is not started prior to initiating a heating cycle, the system will automatically start the
cooler when the Run button is pressed. Pressing the Stop button does not shut off the cooler. The cooler must be shut off separately
When power source output is energized, the cooler cannot be turned off. If the Cooler button is pressed while output is energized, the following
. The Cooler button is inactive when no cooler is detected and no liquid-cooled output cable is attached.
. When a Rolling Inductor is connected to the power source, the cooler will purge for time set in SYSTEM SETUP1 RI Clr Purge, which is typically
30−60 seconds per rolling inductor before allowing output to be enabled.
Firmware Revision X.XX
Copyright (c) 2005 − 2015
Miller Electric Mfg. Co.
If an error is detected during the check routine, the system fault LED illuminates and an error message screen appears on the display (see Section
When the check routine is completed successfully, the operator interface defaults to the following:
OM-271146 Page 41
S The Stop button indicator LED illuminates to indicate no heating cycle is in process.
S The temperature displays indicate actual temperature from the TC’s (thermocouples). If no thermocouples are connected, the displays
indicate OPEN.
S Control LEDs illuminate to indicate the number of control TC’s in the last program.
S The appropriate degree units (°F or °C) light illuminates.
S The display defaults to the Run Status screen from the last program used and the Run Status button indicator LED illuminates.
S If no fault or limit conditions are present, system status lights are not illuminated.
Once set up is complete for the desired program procedure (see Section 7-4), pressing the Run button will initiate a heating cycle. When a
program run is initiated, the Run button yellow indicator LED illuminates and the Heat On blue indicator LED illuminates to indicate output is
present to the coil. The cycle will continue until the end of the program is reached or the Stop button is pressed.
The system has a hold function that will maintain a temperature or hold the soak time of any active temperature controlled program. Pressing the Hold
button will only activate the hold function while in the run mode. If the system is not in the run mode, the following screen will appear on the display:
In addition, when running in Manual operating mode, the Hold button is not functional. If the system is running in Manual operating mode,
pressing the Hold button will cause the following screen to appear on the display:
Pressing the Hold button will activate the hold function while running a temperature controlled program. While in the hold mode, the parame-
ters for the program in process can be modified. The cycle will continue after pressing the Run button. A change of program parameters during
the hold will not change the original program. The original program parameters are maintained for the next heating cycle.
OM-271146 Page 42
To make changes to a program while in run mode, press the Hold button and the yellow indicator LED will illuminate, and the Run button
yellow indicator LED will turn off. When in hold, the system will maintain the actual temperature of the hottest thermocouple while the program is being changed.
S Press the Program button and the yellow indicator LED will illuminate. The display will change to show the current mode of opera-
S Use the Cursor button to move the cursor to the parameter that will be changed.
S Press the Run button to resume program operation and the yellow indicator LED will illuminate, and the Hold button
OM-271146 Page 43
7-10. System Operating Characteristics
The power source delivers a high-frequency alternating current output that energizes the coil creating the magnetic field used to heat the workpiece.
The power source output characteristics are a function of the configuration, type and number of coils used as shown in the following table:
Air Cooled Output
. Note 1: In the frequency range
of 25.7 to 30 KHz, the maxi-
mum output amperage de-
250 creases linearly from 250 down
to 175 amperes per output. Re-
gardless of frequency, after 15
Max Amperage Per Output
5 25.7 30
Frequency (KHz)
5 20 30
Frequency (KHz)
OM-271146 Page 44
Table 7-2. Rolling Inductor Output Characteristics
Output Type Maximum Amperage
Single Rolling Inductor 300 A
300 A Per Output
Dual Rolling Inductor The system maximum power is 35 kW, so each output will have approximately 17.5 kW, which uses
less than 300 A
Max Power Output vs. Travel Speed With travel detection, the maximum
(For Temp Or Manual Control With Travel Detect) power output is determined by the
travel speed, as illustrated.
Max KW
Max KW
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Travel Speed IPM
OM-271146 Page 45
l Damaged or Unreadable ~ Output Connector Con- ~ Isolation Protection Lead ~ Operator Interface Over-
Labels tacts Receptacle lay
2 1
~ Inside Unit
Every Sections
Year 8-2, 8-3
OM-271146 Page 46
8-2. Calibration Verification Equipment
2 3 4 5 6
1 Thermocoupler Calibrator yellow to positive when wiring connectors. Suggested meters are Agilent Multimeter
Suggested calibrator from Fluke item 714 3 Type K 2-Pin Male Connector or Hewlett Packard Multimeter Model
or equivalent. 34401A or equivalent. DVM must be able
Suggested connector from Newport item
to read to three decimal places (0.000).
2 Type K Mini Connector OST−K−M or equivalent
Suggested connector from Fluke item 4 Calibration Label 6 Interconnecting Cable
80CK−M or equivalent. Suggested label from Q−CEES item MILLER Part No. 300168 can be used to
A length of type K thermocouple wire is QCC306BU or equivalent. connect the Recorder to the DC power
required. Connect red to negative and 5 Precision Digital Voltmeter (DVM) supply.
OM-271146 Page 47
8-3-3. Finishing Procedure
1. If ProHeat 35 was set for Temp in Control Mode follow steps 8-3-1, steps 4.−6. to change it back to Temp.
2. Turn ProHeat 35 power switch off.
3. Have qualified person disconnect primary power.
4. Remove precision DVM and TC calibrator.
5. Complete calibration label & place it on unit directly above TC1 display.
I.D. No. (TC board serial number) Be sure the serial number matches the board in the machine.
By (your initials) Date (today’s date)
Due (date 1 year from today)
6. Print a copy of the certificate to send with the ProHeat 35.
7. If entering data in a spreadsheet, save data.
OM-271146 Page 48
Com pany Nam e
PO Box
City, State, Zip Code
Company name does hereby certify the above instrument was calibrated against standards
maintained by Company name and meets or exceeds all published specifications.
The accuracy of these standards is directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
Instrumentation Used:
OM-271146 Page 49
A−232171−C 09/09/16
Com pany Nam e
PO Box
City, State, Zip Code
OM-271146 Page 50
Company name does hereby certify the above instrument was calibrated against standards
maintained by Company name and meets or exceeds all published specifications.
The accuracy of these standards is directly traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology.
1 94 (°C ) 4 7 2 (°C ) 75 0 (°C )
V o lta g e E q u iv a le n t V o ltag e E q u iv a le n t V o ltag e E q u iva len t
O u t (V ) T em p (°C ) O u t (V ) T e m p (°C ) O u t (V ) T e m p (°C )
C H AN N E L 1
C H AN N E L 2
C H AN N E L 3
C H AN N E L 4
C H AN N E L 5
C H AN N E L 6
Instrumentation Used:
A−232171−C 09/09/16
Protect yourself and others from injury — read, follow, and save these important safety precautions and operating instructions.
The symbols shown below are used throughout this manual STATIC (ESD) can damage PC boards.
to call attention to and identify possible hazards. When you
see the symbol, watch out, and follow the related instructions D Put on grounded wrist strap BEFORE handling
to avoid the hazard. boards or parts.
Only qualified persons should service, test, maintain, and re- D Use proper static-proof bags and boxes to
pair this unit. store, move, or ship PC boards.
OM-271146 Page 51
FALLING EQUIPMENT can injure. H.F. RADIATION can cause interference.
D Use lifting eye to lift unit only, NOT running D High-frequency (H.F.) can interfere with radio
gear, gas cylinders, or any other accessories. navigation, safety services, computers, and
D Use equipment of adequate capacity to lift and communications equipment.
support unit. D Have only qualified persons familiar with
electronic equipment install, test, and service
D If using lift forks to move unit, be sure forks are long enough to H.F. producing units.
extend beyond opposite side of unit.
D The user is responsible for having a qualified electrician prompt-
D Follow the guidelines in the Applications Manual for the Revised ly correct any interference problem resulting from the installa-
NIOSH Lifting Equation (Publication No. 94−110) when manu- tion.
ally lifting heavy parts or equipment.
D If notified by the FCC about interference, stop using the
MOVING PARTS can injure. equipment at once.
D Have the installation regularly checked and maintained.
D Keep away from moving parts such as fans. D Keep high-frequency source doors and panels tightly shut, keep
D Have only qualified persons remove doors, spark gaps at correct setting, and use grounding and shielding to
panels, covers, or guards for maintenance and minimize the possibility of interference.
troubleshooting as necessary.
D Keep hands, hair, loose clothing, and tools away from moving
D Reinstall doors, panels, covers, or guards when maintenance is
finished and before reconnecting input power.
can affect Implanted Medical Devices.
D Use Testing Booklet (Part No. 150 853) when
D Wearers of Pacemakers and other Implanted servicing this unit.
Medical Devices should keep away from serv- D Consult the Owner’s Manual for welding safety
icing areas until consulting their doctor and the precautions.
device manufacturer. D Use only genuine replacement parts from the manufacturer.
D Read and follow all labels and the Technical Manual carefully be-
OVERUSE can cause OVERHEATING. fore installing, operating, or servicing unit. Read the safety in-
formation at the beginning of the manual and in each section.
D Allow cooling period; follow rated duty cycle. D Perform installation, maintenance, and service according to the
D Reduce current or reduce duty cycle before us- Technical Manual, industry standards, and national, state, and
ing induction heating equipment again. local codes.
D Do not block or filter airflow to unit.
Welding or cutting equipment produces fumes or gases This product contains chemicals, including lead, known to
which contain chemicals known to the State of California to the state of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other
cause birth defects and, in some cases, cancer. (California reproductive harm. Wash hands after use.
Health & Safety Code Section 25249.5 et seq.)
OM-271146 Page 52
The ProHeat 35 power source has on-board capabilities to aid in troubleshooting problems should any conditions occur during operation. This
troubleshooting capability consists of the Fault LED, Limit LED, and message screens that appear on the front panel LCD display.
1 2 3
803 995-B
OM-271146 Page 53
10-2.Limit Conditions
A limit condition indicates that the system has encountered an open thermocouple or is outside the range of its optimum operating conditions or
parameters. Should a limit condition occur during operation, the yellow Limit LED will flash to indicate a problem. If the active screen on the LCD display
is Run Status or Parameters, a message describing the particular limit condition will appear on the display. If the active screen is Program, press the
In a limit condition, the power source will continue to deliver output power and protect itself from damage by reducing the output power. This situation
allows the operator time to determine the best action to correct the problem as described by the limit message on the LCD display.
If a limit condition occurs, there are two selectable options:
S Acknowledge the limit and continue operation.
Pressing the Decrease button will acknowledge the limit and continue operation with the existing set up. In the acknowledge state, the yellow
Limit LED will stop flashing and remain on continuously. The LCD display will revert to an active screen once the Program button, Run Status
button, or Parameters V
A button is pressed.
If a new limit condition should occur after the first is acknowledged, the yellow Limit LED will start flashing to indicate a new problem. To display the limit
condition, press the Run Status button and the LCD display will show a message describing the new and previous limit messages.
To obtain additional information regarding the limit condition and suggested solutions to resolve the limit, press the Increase button, and the
LCD display will indicate possible solutions based on the type of limit condition.
If the operator determines that the best course of action is to terminate operation and make suggested changes to the setup to eliminate the limit condi-
tion, press the Stop button. After changes are made to the setup, press the Run button to restart the process.
OM-271146 Page 54
Limit Condition Additional Information
L11: Coolant Overtemp Limit Check coolant flow and level
Clean coolant filters and heat exchanger
Increase number of turns
Verify appropriate insulation thickness
L12: Power Source Overtemp Limit Check for blocked vents
Clean wind tunnel heat sinks
L13: Cable Connection Check for loose/open output connection
Verify all output cables are same type
Verify receptacle plug connected
Check cable 1 and cable 2 identification on diagnostic screen DIAG1 (see Section 10-7)
L14: Accessory Temperature Limit Check Accessory TC connection
Wait for accessory to cool
L15: Low Travel Speed Increase travel speed.
Check travel detector.
10-4.Fault Conditions
A fault condition occurs if the system encounters an isolation fault, encounters operating conditions outside operational limits, or if there is a serious
problem with the system. Should a fault condition occur, the output is immediately turned off, the red Fault LED flashes and the Stop button
LED flashes. If the active screen on the LCD display is Run Status or Parameters, a message describing the particular fault condition will appear on the
display. If the active screen is Program, press the Run Status button to display the fault condition.
Pressing the Decrease button will acknowledge the fault and the red Fault LED will stop flashing and remain on continuously. However, the
Stop button LED will continue to flash indicating that the process has stopped.
To obtain additional information regarding the fault condition and suggested solutions to resolve the fault, press the Increase button, and the
LCD display will indicate possible solutions based on the type of fault condition. In most cases, a fault condition will indicate that service is required.
OM-271146 Page 55
Fault Condition Additional Information
F62: Isolation Fault Check for exposed conductor or for moisture on blanket
Using conductive coolant in cooler (043810 low conductivity coolant is recommend).
F63: Line Voltage Fault Check line voltage
Check voltage values on diagnostic screen DIAG2 (see Section 10-7)
F64: Power Source Overtemp Fault Verify power source vents and
wind tunnel are unobstructed
F65: Current Source Fault Service required
F66: Under Frequency Fault Check for loose or open connections in output cable
Decrease number of turns or add a second output
Decrease coil space
Service required
F67: Over Frequency Fault Verify heating cable properly wrapped
Verify material being heated is magnetic
F68: Cable Connection Fault Check for loose/open output connection
Verify all output cables are same type
Verify receptacle plug connected
Check cable 1 and cable 2 identification on diagnostic screen DIAG1 (see Section 10-7)
Rolling Inductor only: Verify TC5, TC6 connection.
F69: Coolant Overtemp Fault Check coolant flow and level
Clean coolant filters and heat exchanger
Increase number of turns
Verify appropriate insulation thickness
F70: Internal Communication Fault Service required
F71: Internal Thermistor Fault Service required
F72: Coolant Thermistor Fault Service required
F73: Decoupled/Open Coil Check for loose/open output connection.
Tighten coil/blanket.
Increase number of turns
F74: Isolation Fault Self-Test Error Service required
F75: Internal Power Supply Fault Service required
F76: Current Source Control Fault Service required
F77: Power Source Internal Comm Fault Service required
F78: Output Current Sense Fault Check for loose/open output connection or an extension cable connected with no coil attached
at the end.
Service required
F79: Accessory 1 overtemp fault Check accessory TC connection
Wait for accessory to cool
F80: Accessory 2 overtemp fault Check accessory TC connection
Wait for accessory to cool
OM-271146 Page 56
10-6.Infrared Sensor Troubleshooting Guide
Problem Cause Potential Solution
Err Infrared sensor is connected but Verify settings on ProHeat are set for IR 4−20 mA, and temp range is
temperature is not in range. set to 212°F−752°F (100°C−400°C) if infrared sensor is attached.
Low Infrared sensor is connected but The ”Low” setting is +/− 41°F (5°C) of the low limit of the infrared sensor
temperature output is below sensor temperature range of 212°F (100°C).
If necessary, use alternative method to verify temperature of material be-
ing heated.
High Infrared sensor is connected but The ”High” setting is +/− 41°F (5°C) of the high limit of the infrared sensor
temperature output is above sensor temperature range of 752°F (400°C).
If necessary, use alternative method to verify temperature of material be-
ing heated.
Open No thermal couple measuring device If infrared sensor is connected, verify settings on ProHeat are set for an
detected. infrared sensor. Verify continuity of cable connections replace if neces-
and holding the Run Status button and pressing the Parameters V
A button.
When this feature is initially activated, the following screen appears on the LCD display:
RemCmd − This is the value of the remote command and the status of the remote contactor.
. Remote controls can be used to enable/disable output in all control modes. They only affect output power level when the control mode is set to
The second diagnostic screen is available by again pressing and holding the Run Status button and pressing the Parameters V
A button.
VLnA-B − This is the phase to phase line voltage between phases A and B.
VLnB-C − This is the phase to phase line voltage between phases B and C.
VLnC-A − This is the phase to phase line voltage between phases C and A.
VBus − This is the DC bus voltage.
Therm1 − This is the temperature of the current source primary heatsink.
Therm2 − This is the temperature of the bridge heatsink.
Therm3 − This the the temperature of the current source secondary heatsink.
Therm4 − Open (not used).
Therm5 − Open (not used).
ClrTmp − This is the temperature of the coolant on a liquid-cooled system.
S OPEN − no cooler is detected.
RmtFlw − This is the status of the relay contacts for remote coolant flow on a liquid-cooled system.
OM-271146 Page 58
10-8.ProHeat 35 Firmware Versions And Compatibility
Release Date Eff Stock And PC Board No. PC Board Revision No. PC Board Reason
Serial No. Name Stock No.
Original Release 907689, PC2 Operator Interface 1.29-
MG220055G- Currently 1.30 274028
Press and hold the the Run Status and the Parameters V
A buttons for a minimum of four seconds to verify current firmware revisions.
Firmware Revisions
Operator Interface 0.01
Bridge Control uP 0.01
Bridge Control PLD 1.00
OM-271146 Page 59
10-9.Removing Wrapper and Measuring Input Capacitor Voltage
! Turn Off welding power
source, and disconnect
input power.
! Significant DC voltage can
Tools Needed:
remain on capacitors after
unit is Off. Always check the
5/16, 3/8 in. voltage as shown to be sure
the input capacitors have
discharged before working
on unit.
Remove right side panel and dis-
connect fan motor FM3.
1 Current Source Interconnect
Board PC4
2 Voltmeter
Measure the dc voltage across the
+ bus terminal and − bus terminal on
PC4 as shown until voltage drops to
near 0 (zero) volts.
804 519-C
OM-271146 Page 60
10-10.Blowing Out Inside Of Unit
! Turn Off welding power
source and disconnect input
! Remove wrapper and be
sure input capacitors are
Blow out inside of unit. Blow out fan
motors in right side panel and front
804 625-B
OM-271146 Page 61
OM-271146 Page 62
271 167-A
OM-271146 Page 63
See Figure
14 11
9 8
See Figure
11 12
OM-271146 Page 65
. Hardware is common and 11
not available unless listed.
12 5
804 220-B
Figure 12-3. Rear Panel
Item Dia. Part
No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity
OM-271146 Page 66
. Hardware is common and
not available unless listed. 14
14 12
7 18
9 16
272 741-A
Figure 12-4. Base w/Components
17 9
13 1
8 22
4 2
272 733-B
OM-271146 Page 68
Item Dia. Part
No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity
OM-271146 Page 69
. Hardware is common and
not available unless listed.
20 1
3 6
18 17
14 12
272 717-A
OM-271146 Page 71
. Hardware is common and
not available unless listed.
2 5
15 14
OM-271146 Page 73
. Hardware is common and 12
not available unless listed. 1
3 15
Figure 12-8. Left Windtunnel 272 732-A
. . . . . . . PLG16,
121,122 . . . . 131054 . . Housing Rcpt+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
. . . . . . . PLG19,
120 . . . . . . 115094 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG15,
118 . . . . . . 115093 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG77,
119 . . . . . . 115092 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . . PLG17 . . . . 115091 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . . . . PLG18,
116 . . . . . . 131056 . . Housing Rcpt+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . PLG13,
113 . . . . . . 162382 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
. . . . . . . . PLG14 . . . . 130203 . . Housing Plug+Skts, (Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . . PLG15, RC115 . 271504 . . Housing Plug+Skts,(Service Kit) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
To maintain the factory original performance of your equipment, use only Manufacturer’s Suggested
Replacement Parts. Model and serial number required when ordering parts from your local distributor.
OM-271146 Page 75
. Hardware is common and
not available unless listed. 4
3 5
9 804 300-A
OM-271146 Page 76
3 2
6 5
804 324-A
Figure 12-10. Air−Cooled Output Extension Cables 195 404, 195 405, And 300 362
OM-271146 Page 77
2 1
4 3
6 5
4 9
804 411-A
Figure 12-11. Liquid−Cooled Output Extension Cables (195 402, 195 403, 300 180, And 300 598)
OM-271146 Page 78
804 404-A
Figure 12-12. Heating Cables (300 045, 300 046, 300 047, And 300 049)
OM-271146 Page 79
201 432-G
OM-271146 Page 80
. Hardware is common and 2
not available unless listed.
4 13
6 7 8 9
3 10
OM-271146 Page 81
. . . 12 . . . . 195337 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 13-7/64 In. (229 mm) Wide, 41 In. (1041 mm) Long [8-5/8 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (219 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 195338 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 11-5/16 In. (287 mm) Wide, 45 In. (1143 mm) Long [10-3/4 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (273 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194889 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 10-7/64 In. (257 mm) Wide, 49 In. (1245 mm) Long [12 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (305 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194888 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 10-7/64 In. (257 mm) Wide, 55 In. (1397 mm) Long [14 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (356 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194887 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 10-7/64 In. (257 mm) Wide, 62 In. (1575 mm) Long [16 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (406 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194707 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 68 In. (1727 mm) Long [18 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (457 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198664 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 74 In. (1880 mm) Long 20 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (508 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198665 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 81 In. (2057 mm) Long [22 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (559 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194706 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 87 In. (2210 mm) Long [24 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (610 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198666 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 94 In. (2388 mm) Long [26 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (660 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198667 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 100 In. (2540 mm) Long [28 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (711 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198668 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 107 In. (2718 mm) Long [30 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (762 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194811 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 114 In. (2896 mm) Long [32 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (813 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194812 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 9 In. (229 mm) Wide, 120 In. (3048 mm) Long [34 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (864 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194705 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 127 In. (3226 mm) Long [36 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (914 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194813 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 133 In. (3378 mm) Long [38 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (965 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194814 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 140 In. (3556 mm) Long [40 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1016 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198669 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 146 In. (3708 mm) Long [42 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1067 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194810 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 153 In. (3886 mm) Long [44 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1118 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 194809 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 159 In. (4039 mm) Long [46 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1168 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 198670 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 166 In. (4216 mm) Long [48 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1219 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 200262 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 179 In. (4547 mm) Long [52 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1321 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 217628 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 193 In. (4902 mm) Long [56 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1422 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 261479 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 5-1/2 In. (140 mm) Wide, 162 In. (4115 mm) Long [48 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1219 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 261480 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 5-1/2 In. (140 mm) Wide, 187 In. (4750 mm) Long [56 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1422 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 261481 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 7-1/2 In. (191 mm) Wide, 205 In. (5207 mm) Long [60 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1524 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 266310 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 4-1/2 In. (114 mm) Wide, 236 In. (5994 mm) Long [72 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1829 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 12 . . . . 266312 . . Induction Blanket Sleeve, 4-1/2 In. (114 mm) Wide, 173 In. (4394 mm) Long [52 In.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1321 mm) Dia Pipe] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
. . . 13 . . . . 274885 . . Label,Warning Read Owner’S Manual Wordless Wrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
To maintain the factory original performance of your equipment, use only Manufacturer’s Suggested
Replacement Parts.
OM-271146 Page 82
. Hardware is common and
not available unless listed.
5 13
10 12
4 3
2 27
1 24 22 14
1 4 3
22 24
19 17
1 2
264 092-B
10 11
9 12
270 112-B
OM-271146 Page 86
. Hardware is common and not
available unless listed.
266 226-B
Figure 12-18. Travel Sensor Assembly w/Mounting Bracket
Item Dia. Part
No. Mkgs. No. Description Quantity
OM-271146 Page 87
. Hardware is common and not
available unless listed.
5 4
5 3
8 9
265 181-D
265 916-F
OM-271146 Page 90
Effective January 1, 2016
(Equipment with a serial number preface of MG or newer)
This limited warranty supersedes all previous Miller warranties and is exclusive with no other
guarantees or warranties expressed or implied.
Warranty Questions?
LIMITED WARRANTY − Subject to the terms and conditions below, 5. 6 Months — Parts
Call Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Appleton, Wisconsin, warrants to its original * Batteries
retail purchaser that new Miller equipment sold after the effective * Bernard Guns (No Labor)
1-800-4-A-MILLER date of this limited warranty is free of defects in material and
* Tregaskiss Guns (No Labor)
workmanship at the time it is shipped by Miller. THIS WARRANTY IS
Miller distributor. OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF * Accessory (Kits)
Within the warranty periods listed below, Miller will repair or replace * Induction Heating Coils and Blankets, Cables, and
any warranted parts or components that fail due to such defects in Non-Electronic Controls
Your distributor also gives material or workmanship. Miller must be notified in writing within * M-Guns
you ... thirty (30) days of such defect or failure, at which time Miller will * MIG Guns and Subarc (SAW) Torches
provide instructions on the warranty claim procedures to be * Remote Controls and RFCS-RJ45
Service followed. If notification is submitted as an online warranty claim, the
You always get the fast, * Replacement Parts (No labor)
claim must include a detailed description of the fault and the
reliable response you * Roughneck Guns
troubleshooting steps taken to identify failed components and the
need. Most replacement cause of their failure. * Spoolmate Spoolguns
parts can be in your Miller’s True Blue® Limited Warranty shall not apply to:
Miller shall honor warranty claims on warranted equipment listed
hands in 24 hours. below in the event of such a failure within the warranty time periods. 1. Consumable components; such as contact tips,
All warranty time periods start on the delivery date of the equipment cutting nozzles, contactors, brushes, relays, work
Support to the original end-user purchaser, and not to exceed twelve months station table tops and welding curtains, or parts that
Need fast answers to the after the equipment is shipped to a North American distributor or fail due to normal wear. (Exception: brushes and
tough welding questions? eighteen months after the equipment is shipped to an International relays are covered on all engine-driven products.)
Contact your distributor. distributor. 2. Items furnished by Miller, but manufactured by others,
The expertise of the 1. 5 Years Parts — 3 Years Labor such as engines or trade accessories. These items are
distributor and Miller is * Original Main Power Rectifiers Only to Include SCRs, covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, if any.
there to help you, every Diodes, and Discrete Rectifier Modules 3. Equipment that has been modified by any party other than
step of the way. 2. 3 Years — Parts and Labor Miller, or equipment that has been improperly installed,
* Auto-Darkening Helmet Lenses (Except Classic improperly operated or misused based upon industry
Series) (No Labor) standards, or equipment which has not had reasonable
* Engine Driven Welder/Generators and necessary maintenance, or equipment which has
(NOTE: Engines are Warranted Separately by the been used for operation outside of the specifications for
Engine Manufacturer.) the equipment.
* Inverter Power Sources (Unless Otherwise Stated) MILLER PRODUCTS ARE INTENDED FOR PURCHASE AND
* Semi-Automatic and Automatic Wire Feeders In the event of a warranty claim covered by this warranty, the
* Transformer/Rectifier Power Sources exclusive remedies shall be, at Miller’s option: (1) repair; or (2)
3. 2 Years — Parts and Labor replacement; or, where authorized in writing by Miller in appropriate
* Auto-Darkening Helmet Lenses − Classic Series Only cases, (3) the reasonable cost of repair or replacement at an
(No Labor) authorized Miller service station; or (4) payment of or credit for the
* Fume Extractors − Capture 5, Filtair 400 and Industrial purchase price (less reasonable depreciation based upon actual
Collector Series use) upon return of the goods at customer’s risk and expense.
Miller’s option of repair or replacement will be F.O.B., Factory at
4. 1 Year — Parts and Labor Unless Specified Appleton, Wisconsin, or F.O.B. at a Miller authorized service facility
* Automatic Motion Devices as determined by Miller. Therefore no compensation or
* CoolBelt and CoolBand Blower Unit (No Labor) reimbursement for transportation costs of any kind will be allowed.
* External Monitoring Equipment and Sensors PROVIDED HEREIN ARE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE
(NOTE: Field options are covered for the remaining DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR
warranty period of the product they are installed in, CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF PROFIT),
or for a minimum of one year — whichever is
* Fume Extractors − Filtair 130, MWX and SWX Series TO PERFORMANCE, AND ANY REMEDY FOR BREACH OF
* Induction Heating Power Sources, Coolers OPERATION OF LAW, CUSTOM OF TRADE OR COURSE OF
(NOTE: Digital Recorders are Warranted Separately DEALING, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF
* LiveArc Welding Performance Management System
* Load Banks MILLER.
* Motor-Driven Guns (except Spoolmate Spoolguns) Some states in the U.S.A. do not allow limitations of how long an
* PAPR Blower Unit (No Labor) implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion of incidental, indirect,
* Positioners and Controllers special or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
* Racks exclusion may not apply to you. This warranty provides specific
* Running Gear/Trailers legal rights, and other rights may be available, but may vary from
* Spot Welders state to state.
* Subarc Wire Drive Assemblies In Canada, legislation in some provinces provides for certain
additional warranties or remedies other than as stated herein, and to
* Water Coolant Systems
the extent that they may not be waived, the limitations and
* TIG Torches (No Labor) exclusions set out above may not apply. This Limited Warranty
* Wireless Remote Foot/Hand Controls and Receivers provides specific legal rights, and other rights may be available, but
* Work Stations/Weld Tables (No Labor) may vary from province to province. miller_warr 2016-01
Owner’s Record
Please complete and retain with your personal records.
State Zip
For Service
Contact the Delivering Carrier to: File a claim for loss or damage during
For assistance in filing or settling claims, contact
your distributor and/or equipment manufacturer’s
Transportation Department.
ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONS − PRINTED IN USA © 2016 Miller Electric Mfg. Co. 2016−01