Order of Worship November 28, 2010 First Sunday of Advent

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Serving Today …

Acolyte: Rebecca Arnold

Greeters: Andy Autry, Adrian Whisnant, Alexa DeVetter, John Burson
Liturgist: Allison Gresham and Lee Autry
Altar Design: Lyn Gossage & Mary Flemister
Today: Hanging of the Greens

Best Contact Phone: (____) ______________________________________

City: __________________________State ______________Zip_________
Address: ____________________________________ ___Apt. ___________
Faithworks Offering
NO Pastor‟s Bible Study
Change in contact information

Board of Directors Meet 4:00 PM

Wednesday: Fellowship Supper 6:00 PM
NO Handbell Choir Rehearsal ~~ ~
November 28, 2010

Chancel Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM

Thursday: Restorers 9:00 AM
Saturday (December 4th) Meridian Chorale 4:00 PM
(at Old Church)
Sunday: (December 5th) Chancel Choir Cantata
Email (please print)____________________________________________________

Admin Council Meets 4:00 PM

Tuesday: (December 7th)Finance Committee Meets 7:00 PM
UMW Christmas Party 7:00 PM
In Lovern Hall
Saturday: (December 11th) Breakfast w Santa 9:00 AM
In Lovern Hall

Our new Advent wreath was given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of
Marshall Elizer by Fran Elizer.
Donations have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Alex

Pace for the youth fund by:

Janet, Bob and Brad Hurt
Malcolm and Trudy Tipton
Carlos and Bim Meyer
P.G. Wertanen
Charles and Matilde Chaillle
Donations have been given to the Glory of God and in loving memory of Cary
Allgood for the general fund by:
Betty and Dewey Cason
Dale and Kim Dylong
Kathy Christopherson
Robert and Ola House

Reverend Brian Dale

Opportunities to serve at

Allen Memorial,

Our mission is to:

1st Sunday of Advent
Church membership

Gather as the family of Christ,

Grow as disciples of Christ, and
1st –time visitor
2nd—time visitor

Go forth to serve as the body of Christ.

Regular Attender

November 28, 2010

Dr. /Mr./Ms.

Pastor: Rev. Brian Dale


Director of Children & Youth Ministries: Joanna Henry

Director of Music Ministry: Harriett Jordan Principal Accompanist: William Prater

Church Secretary: Jeannie Pitts

803 Whatcoat St. P. O. Box 117 Oxford, GA 30054

November 28, 2010 First Sunday of Advent 11:00 A.M. PRAYER LIST
Hanging of the Greens FIRST LESSON and CAROLS~ (Greenery) Friends & Family of Cary B. Allgood
THE ADVENT WREATH The Elizer/Floyd Family Richard Barmann
GATHERING Huanne Burnett
Chorus O Come, All Ye Faithful – refrain (UMH #234) All Dedication and Blessing of the Advent Wreath Stand
Lighting of the First Candle: The Light of Hope Grace Budd Spradley
O come, let us adore him, Dee Coker
O come, let us adore him, SECOND LESSON and CAROLS~ Renate and Bill Cowden
O come, let us adore him, Carol UMH #220 Friends & Family of Chris Dillard
Christ the Lord. Angels from the Realms of Glory (stanza 1 w/ refrain) Fran Elizer
Ruby Ellis
FOURTH LESSON and CAROLS~ (Poinsettias) Frances Gregory
Carol UMH #240 Joe Isom
PROCESSIONAL CAROLS and BIDDING PRAYER~ Hark! the Herald Angels Sing (stanza 3 w/ refrain) Betty Johannaber
(Lighting of the Candles) Chuck Knarr
FIFTH LESSON and CAROLS~ (Chrismons) Friends & Family of James Lavelle
*CALL TO WORSHIP (Isaiah 2:1-5) Bim Meyer
SIXTH LESSON and CAROLS~ (Nativity Scene)
The word that Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah Hoyt Oliver
and Jerusalem … SEVENTH LESSON and CAROLS~ (Offering) Friends & Family of Alex Pace
In days to come the mountain of the Lord’s house shall Carol The First Noel (stanza 1 w/ refrain) UMH #245 Mary Jo Philley
be established as the highest of the mountains, and Prayer of Dedication Rev. Brian Dale (Cindy Brown’s mother)
shall be raised above the hills; all the nations shall Dot Powell
stream to it. Friends & Family of Carol Russell
Many peoples shall come and say, “Come, let us go EIGHTH LESSON and CAROLS Sigrid Shipley
up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of with CLOSING BLESSING~ (Lighting of the Tree) Family of Karen Silver
Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we Carols (Chuck Silver’s sister)
walk in his paths.” O Come, All Ye Faithful (stanza 1 w/ refrain) UMH #234 Elizabeth Taylor
For out of Zion shall go forth instruction, and the word Silent Night (stanza 1) UMH #239 Betty Tribble
of the Lord from Jerusalem. Joy to the World (stanza 2) UMH #246 Heath Watterson
He shall judge between the nations, and shall Rita White
*POSTLUDE~ Joy to the World (Reprise) Pianists Doris Williams
arbitrate for many peoples; they shall beat their
Mary Ruth Wilson
swords into plowshares,and their spears into
Martha Wood
pruning hooks;
~ From A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols by Anna Laura Page (Lee Ann Gourlay’s mother)
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither
and Jean Anne Shafferman
shall they learn war any more. PRAYER REQUEST
O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of GUEST MUSICIAN: Mingjie Jiao is from China and is a freshman at Oxford Col-
the Lord! lege. She is majoring in mathematics with a minor in piano. She has played the Name:
accordion for over 17 years, almost her whole life, and has played the piano around Tel. #:
11 years. She enjoys classical music and one of her favorite composers is Bach.
I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light (stanza 1 w/ refrain) Email:
She is playing duet piano
SCRIPTURE READING Romans 13:11-14 152 accompaniment with William Prater for A Ceremony of Lessons and Carols.
Prayer Request:
MORNING PRAYER Allison Gresham __________________________________
*GOSPEL READING Matthew 24:36-44 26 *Please stand as you are able.
**After the Children’s Sermon, children ages 4—2nd grade may be dismissed and go to _________________________________
SERMON „The Opposite of Slumber‟ Rev. Brian Dale Lovern Hall for Children’s Church. A nursery is provided for children, birth—3 years.  Please add to list above
Quiet Room - The Quiet Room is available in the church lobby for you and your child as  I would like the minister to call.
is necessary.
I would like to serve my church by:

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