Act Lab Manual

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I-Semester (CE) Advanced Concrete Laboratory


Aim: To determine fineness modulus of fine aggregate and classifications based on IS: 383-1970

Reference: IS: 2386 (Part I) – 1963, IS: 383-1970, IS: 460-1962

Apparatus: Test Sieves conforming to IS : 460-1962 Specification of 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18
mm, 600 micron, 300 micron, 150 micron, Balance, Gauging Trowel, Stop Watch, etc.

This is the name given to the operation of dividing a sample of aggregate into various fractions
each consisting of particles of the same size. The sieve analysis is conducted to determine the
particle size distribution in a sample of aggregate, which we call gradation. Many a time, fine
aggregates are designated as coarse sand, medium sand and fine sand. These classifications do
not give any precise meaning. What the supplier terms as fine sand may be really medium or
even coarse sand. To avoid this ambiguity fineness modulus could be used as a yard stick to
indicate the fineness of sand.
The following limits may be taken as guidance: Fine sand: Fineness Modulus: 2.2 - 2.6,
Medium sand: F.M.: 2.6 - 2.9, Coarse sand: F.M.: 2.9 - 3.2
Sand having a fineness modulus more than 3.2 will be unsuitable for making satisfactory

1. The sample shall be brought to an air-dry condition before weighing and sieving. The air-dry
sample shall be weighed and sieved successively on the appropriate sieves starting with the
largest. Care shall be taken to ensure that the sieves are clean before use.

2. The shaking shall be done with a varied motion, backward sand forwards, left to right,
circular clockwise and anti-clockwise, and with frequent jarring, so that the material is kept
moving over the sieve surface in frequently changing directions.

3. Material shall not be forced through the sieve by hand pressure. Lumps of fine material, if
present, may be broken by gentle pressure with fingers against the side of the sieve.
4. Light brushing with a fine camel hair brush may be used on the 150-micron and 75-
micron IS Sieves to prevent aggregation of powder and blinding of apertures.

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5. On completion of sieving, the material retained on each sieve, together with any material
cleaned from the mesh, shall be weighed.

Observation Table:

Weight Cumulative Cumulative Cumulative

I S Sieve Retained on weight Retained Percent weight Percent weight Remark
Sieve(gms) (gums) Retained (%) Passing (%)
4.75 mm
2.36 mm
1.18 mm
600 micron
300 micron
150 micron


Fineness modulus is an empirical factor obtained by adding the cumulative percentages of

aggregate retained on each of the standard sieves ranging from 4.75 mm to 150 micron and
dividing this sum by an arbitrary number 100.

Conclusion / Result:

i) Fineness modulus of a given sample of fine aggregate is …….. That indicates coarse sand/
Medium sand/ Fine sand.
ii) The given sample of fine aggregate is belong to Grading Zones I / II / III / IV

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I-M.Tech. I-Semester (CE) Advanced Concrete Laboratory


AIM: To determine bulking of a given sample of fine aggregate.

Reference: IS : 2386 ( Part III ) - 1963

Theory: :

Free moisture forms a film around each particle. This film of moisture exerts what
is known as surface tension which keeps the neighbouring particles away from it.
Similarly, the force exerted by surface tension keeps every particle away from each
other. Therefore, no point contact is possible between the particles. This causes
bulking of the volume. It is interesting to note that the bulking increases with the
increase in moisture content up to a certain limit and beyond that the further
increase in the moisture content results in the decrease in the volume and at a
moisture content representing saturation point, the fine aggregate shows no

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APPARATUS: Measuring jar, Taping rod etc.


1. Put sufficient quantity of the sand loosely into a container. Level off the top of
the sand and pushing a steel rule vertically down through the sand at the middle
to the bottom, measure the height. Suppose this is h1 cm.

2. Empty the sand out of the container into another container where none of it will
be lost. Half fill the first container with water. Put back about half the sand and
rod it with a steel rod, about 6 mm in diameter, so that its volume is reduced to
a minimum. Then add the remainder of the sand and rod it in the same way.

3. The percentage of bulking of the sand due to moisture shall be calculated from
the formula:

Conclusion / Result: Bulking of a given sample of fine aggregate is found to be

………... %

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AIM: This method of test covers the procedure for determining the aggregatecrushing value of
coarse aggregate.


A 15 cm diameter open-ended steel cylinder, with plunger and base-plate, of the general form
and dimensions shown in Fig., A straight metal tamping rod, A balance of capacity 3 kg,
readable and accurate to one gram, IS Sieves of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm, For measuring the
sample, cylindrical metal measure of sufficient rigidity to retain its form under rough usage and
of the following internal dimensions: Diameter 11.5 cm and Height 18.0 cm


1.Aggregate should be saturated but with dry surface.

2.All care should be taken to avoid the loss of fines

3.Measure all quantities to the accuracy of 1 in 1000.


1.The material for the standard test shall consist of aggregate passing a 12.5 mm IS Sieve and
retained on a 10 mm IS Sieve, and shall be thoroughly separated on these sieves before testing.
2.The aggregate shall be tested in a surface-dry condition. If dried by heating, the period of drying
shall not exceed four hours, the temperature shall be 100 to 110°C and the aggregate shall be
cooled to room temperature before testing.
3.The appropriate quantity may be found conveniently by filling the cylindrical measure in three
layers of approximately equal depth, each layer being tamped 25 times with the rounded end of
the tamping rod and finally leveled off, using the tamping rod as a straight-edge.
4.The weight of material comprising the test sample shall be determined (Weight A) and the same
weight of sample shall be taken for the repeat test.
5.The apparatus, with the test sample and plunger in position, shall then be placed between the
platens of the testing machine and loaded at as uniform a rate as possible so that the total load
is reached in 10 minutes. The total load shall be 400 KN.
6.The load shall be released and the whole of the material removed from the
cylinder and sieved on a 2.36 mm IS Sieve for the standard test. The fraction
passing the sieve shall be weighed (Weight B)

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The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each test shall be expressed
as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal place:

Aggregate Crushing Value = (B /A) *100

A = weight in g of saturated surface - dry sample,

B = weight in g of fraction passing through appropriate sieves

The aggregate crushing value of given sample of coarse aggregate is ………. %

The aggregate crushing value should not be more than 45 per cent for aggregate used for
concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 per cent for concrete used for wearing surfaces
such a runway, roads and air field pavements.


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1. Explain aggregate crushing value how is this value expressed

2. Briefly explain the aggregate crushing value test procedure.

3. What is the specified standard size of aggregates how is the aggregate crushing value of
nonstandard size aggregate evaluated

4. Aggregate crushing value of a material A is 40 and B is 25. Which one is stronger/better


5. What are applications of aggregate crushing value test

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AIM: This method of test covers the procedure for determining the aggregateimpact value of
coarse aggregate.

APPARATUS: An impact testing machine of the general form shown in Fig andcomplying with
the following:

1. A cylindrical steel cup of internal dimensions: Diameter 102 mm, Depth 50 mm and not less
than 6.3 mm thick
2. A metal hammer weighing 13.5 to 14.0 kg, the lower end of which shall be cylindrical in shape,
100.0 mm in diameter and 5 cm long, with a 2 mm chamfer at the lower edge, and case-
hardened. The hammer shall slide freely between vertical guides so arranged that the lower
(cylindrical) part of the hammer is above and concentric with the cup.
3. Means for raising the hammer and allowing it to fall freely between the vertical guides from a
height of 380.0 mm on to the test sample in the cup, and means for adjusting the height of fall
within 5 mm.
4. Sieves-The IS Sieves of sizes 12.5, 10 and 2.36 mm, Tamping Rod, balance of capacity not less
than 500 g, Oven etc.

1.Proper sieve should be used for preparing the sample
2.Please ensure that the metallic cup Is tightly bolted
3.The safety lock should always in position
4.Measure all quantities to the accuracy of 1 in 1000.

1. The test sample shall consist of aggregate the whole of which passes a 12.5 mm IS
Sieve and is retained on a 10 mm IS Sieve. The aggregate comprising the test sample
shall be dried in an oven for a period of four hours at a temperature of 100 to 110°C
and cooled.
2. The measure shall be filled about one-third full with the aggregate and tamped with 25
strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod. The net weight of aggregate in the
measure shall be determined to the nearest gram (Weight A)
3. The impact machine shall rest without wedging or packing upon the level plate, block
or floor, so that it is rigid and the hammer guide columns are vertical.

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4. The cup shall be fixed firmly in position on the base of the machine and the whole of
the test sample placed in it and compacted by a single tamping of 25
strokes of the tamping rod.
5. The hammer shall be raised until its lower face is 380 mm above the upper surface of the
aggregate in the cup, and allowed to fall freely on to the aggregate. The test sample shall
be subjected to a total of 15 such blows each being delivered at an interval of not less than
one second.
6. The crushed aggregate shall then be removed from the cup and the whole of it sieved on
the 2.36 mm IS Sieve until no further significant amount passes in one minute. The
fraction passing the sieve shall be weighed to an accuracy of 0.1 g (Weight. B).
The fraction retained on the sieve shall also be weighed (Weight C) and, if the total
weight (C+B) is less than the initial weight (Weight A) by more than one gram,
the result shall be discarded and a fresh test made. Two tests shall be made


The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in each test
shall he expressed as a percentage, the result being recorded to the first decimal

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Aggregate Impact Value = B/A X 100

A = weight in g of aggregate sample,

B = weight in g of fraction passing through 2.36 mm IS Sieves

The aggregate Impact value of given sample of coarse aggregate is ………. %

The aggregate impact value should not be more than 45 per cent for aggregate used for
concrete other than for wearing surfaces, and 30 per cent for concrete used for wearing
surfaces such a runway, roads and air field pavements.

1. What are advantage of aggregate impact test.

2. Briefly mention the procedure of aggregate impact test

3. What is the specified height of fall of the impact hammer on the surface of aggregate
sample to be tested?

4. How is aggregate impact value is expressed?

5. Aggregate impact value of material A is 20 an d B is 45. Which one is better for surface
course of pavements.

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6. What are desirable limits of aggregate impact value specified for different types of
pavement base and surface course materials

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I-M.Tech. I-Semester (CE) Advanced Concrete Laboratory



To determine the filling ability of self-compacting concrete mix by slump flow



Iron pan to mix concrete, trowel, slump cone of standard size, scale, stop watch.
Scoop, trowel.

The slump cone is a hollow frustum made of thin steel sheet with internal
dimensions, as the top diameter 10 cm. the bottom diameter 20 cm and height 30 stands on a plane non-porous surface. To facilitate vertical lifting from
moulded concrete it is provided with a suitable guide attachment and suitable foot
pieces and handles.


The slump flow test is used to assess the horizontal flow of concrete in the absence
of obstructions.

It is a most commonly used test and gives good assessment of filling ability. It can
be used at site also. It also indicates the resistance to segregation. In case of severe
segregation most aggregate will remain tin the center and mortar and paste at the
periphery of concrete.


1. Take about 6 liters of self-compacting concrete .

2. Place the base plate on the ground and keep the slump cone centrally on the base plate.
3. Fill the cone with self-compacting concrete. Do not tamp. Strike of the concrete level with
4. Remove the surplus concrete lying on base plate. Raise the cone vertically and allow the
concrete to flow freely.
5. Measure the final diameter of concrete in two perpendicular directions and calculate the
average of the two diameters.
6. This is the slump flow in mm.
7. A diameter of at least 650mm is required for Self compacting concrete.
T50 Slump flow test:

The same procedure is adopted for this test except when the slump cone is lifted
start the stop watch and find the time taken for the concrete to reach 500mm

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mark This time is called T50 time. T50 time should be 2 to 5 Sec.


Slump flow = mm

T50 Slump flow = Sec.

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Aim: To determine the filling ability of concrete by using V – funnel.

Apparatus: V funnel, Bucket 12ltr capacity, trowel, scoop, stop watch.


This one of the most important test apparatus for testing Self compacting concrete.
This test was developed in Japan. The V funnel I s V shape box opened at the
top and fixed with a door at the bottom. The V funnel test is used to determine
the filling ability of concrete with a maximum size of aggregate 20mm.


1. Take about 12 liters of freshly prepared self-compacting concrete.

2. Set the V funnel on the firm ground and moisten inside of the funnel.
3. Close the trap door and fill the self-compacting concrete and strike off the concrete level.
4. Place a bucket underneath.
5. Open the trap door within 10 seconds and record the time taken for the concrete to flow
6. Record the time for emptying.
7. The emptying of funnel can be judged by seeing the light from top.
8. This test to be performed within 5 Min.


1. Do not clean the funnel.

2. Close the trap door and refill the self-compacting concrete in the v funnel without ant
3. Strike off the surface and level the top with a trowel.
4. Open the trap door after 5 min after the second fill and allow concrete to flow down.
5. Calculate the time taken for complete discharge.
6. It is called Flow time at T5 Min. The flow time should be between 8 and 12 seconds. How
ever + 3 seconds time is allowed.


Flow time = Sec.

Flow time at T5 Min = Sec

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AIM: To determine the passing ability of self-compacting concrete.

APPARATUS: L Box, Bucket, scc around 14 liters, scoop, scale

THEORY: This is one of the most used tests to find the passing ability of self
compacting concrete. This test was developed in Japan. The test assesses the
flow of concrete and also the extent to which the concrete is subjected to
blocking by reinforcement.


1. Clean and moisten the inside surface of the L Box.

2. Close the sliding gate and fill the concrete in vertical box and leave for 1 Minute.
3. Lift the sliding gate and allow the concrete to flow out into the horizontal section through
the vertical gaps.
4. Start the stop watch and note down the time at the concrete reaches 200 400 mm marks are
5. When the concrete stops flowing measure H1 H2 the concrete heights at two ends of the
horizontal section.
6. Calculate H2/H1 the blocking ratio and it should be 1.
7. The total test is to be completed within 5 minutes.
Height of self compacted concrete at one end (H1) = mm
Height of self compacted concrete at other end(h2) = mm
Blocking ratio = H2/ H1


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PROCEDURE A. Operation of the Pressure Meter (Type B Meter)

1. Obtain a representative sample. Begin air content testing within 5 minutes of obtaining the
representative sample.

2. Dampen bowl. On a level surface, fill container in 3 equal layers, slightly overfilling the last

3. Rod each layer 25 times with a 16 mm (5/8 in.) rounded tip rod, uniformly distributing strokes.
4. Rod bottom layer throughout its depth without forcibly striking bottom of container.

5. Rod the middle and top layer throughout their depths and penetrating 25 mm (1 in.) into the
underlying layer.

6. Tap the sides of the container smartly 10 to 15 times with the mallet after rodding each layer.

7. Strike off concrete level with top of container using the bar and clean off rim.

8. Clean and moisten inside of cover before clamping to base. Figure A 5-694.541

9. Open both petcocks.

10. Close air valve between air chamber and the bowl.

11. Inject water through petcock until it flows out the other petcock.

12. Continue injecting water into the petcock while jarring and tapping the meter to insure all air
is expelled.

13. Close air bleeder valve and pump air up to initial pressure line.

14. Allow a few seconds for the compressed air to stabilize.

15. Adjust the gage to the initial pressure.

16. Close both petcocks. DO NOT TILT THE METER AT ANY TIME.

17. Open air valve between chamber and bowl.

18. Read the air percentage after lightly tapping the gage to stabilize the dial.

19. Close the air valve and then open petcocks to release pressure before removing the cover.

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20. Calculate air content: Air Content = ( ) meter reading − aggregate correction factor if requred
21. Properly report (record) the results.

22. Clean up the base, cover, and petcock openings. When the test indicates an air content outside
the limits specified in Specification 2461.4A4b, run recheck test immediately. Record the results
of the air tests on the Weekly Concrete Report (Form 2448). See 5-694.727

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AIM: To test the concrete specimen by the Rebound Hammer ( Nondestructive test)

APPARATUS: Schmidith hammer, sand paper, cloth etc..

THEORY: In actual structure at a construction site or for a old structure it is not

possible to estimate the strength directly. Some assessment of quality of concrete as well as
the uniformity of casting a structure can however be obtained by Non destructive tests. It
travels through the material at a velocity which is dependent on the nature of the material.

It consists of a spring control hammer that slides on a plunger within a tubular

housing. When the plunger is pressed against the surface of the concrete the mass rebound
from the plunger. It reacts against the force of the spring. The hammer impacts against the
concrete and spring control mass rebounds taking the rider with it along the guide scale. By
pushing a button the rider can be held in position to allow the reading to be taken. The
distance travelled by the mass is called the rebound number. It is indicated by the rider
moving along a graduated scale. Each hammer varies considerably in performance and needs
calibration for the use on concrete made with the aggregates from specific source. The test can
be conducted horizontally, vertically – upwards or down wards or at any intermediate angle.
At each angle the rebound hammer will be different for the same concrete and will require
separate calibration chart.

1. The specimen to be tested should be cleaned in such a way that the softening or hardening
of the surface due to baching of calcium hydroxide is avoided. Corrosion, carbonation is
2. The specimen surface shall be cleaned of dust or loose material with sand paper and cloth.
3. The specimen surface shall be held or fixed in such a way that it does not yield under the
impact of hammer.
4. The plunger or hammer always be kept perpendicular to the surface.
5. About 10 to 12 readings shall be taken and their average value can be calculated to get
respective index of hardness.

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S. No Rebound number



1. All the readings which are to be compared shall be taken while keeping the hammer in a
specific indication with the vertical, with the hammer pointing always in the same
2. For the same surface the readings taken vertically are likely to be different from those
taken by keeping the hammer in horizontal direction.

Compressive strength of concrete By rebound Hammer is N/mm2

Viva Voce Questions:

1. What is a rebound hammer?

2. What are the advantages of NDT testing?

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3. What are the limitations of this test?

4. Are the results acceptable for assessing the strength of concrete?

5. What is the difference between NDT and routine tests?

6. Where we use NDT testing

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AIM: To Determine the strength of concrete by using UPV test.

APPARATUS: UPV apparatus, sticking gel, sand paper.


It consists of measuring the time of travel of ultrasonic pulse passing through the
concrete to be tested. The pulse generator circuit consists of electronic circuit
for generating pulses and transducer for transforming these electronic pulses
into mechanical energy having vibration frequency range of 15 kHZ to 50kHZ.
The time of travel between initial onset and the reception of pulse is measured
electronically. The path length between transducer transducer divided by the
time of travel gives the average velocity of the wave propagation. This test is
also called as PUNDIT (Portable Ultra Non Destructive Digital Indicator

It is also used for checking uniformity of concrete, Cracks propagation et.

For conducting this test the pulse velocity can be measured by the following three

(a). Direct transmission.

(b). Semidirect transmission

(c). Surface transmission.

(A). Direct Transmission: In this method the transducer and transmitter are kept on
opposite side of a member to be tested.

(B). Semidirect transmission: In this method transducer and transmitter are placed
perpendicular to each other on the member to be tested.

( C).Surface transmission: In this method the transducer and transmitter are placed
on the same side of the member .


1. Clean the surface of the member to be tested with sand paper and cloth.
2. Apply the gel at the pace where we keeping transducer and ransmitter.
3. Connect all cables to PUNDIT.

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4. Keep the transducer and transmitter at place where you have applied gel and switch on the
5. Note down the velocity of Ultra Pulse waves.
6. Repeat the test three to four times on one member and take the average.

The Velocity Criteria for Concrete Quality Grading:

(As per IS : 13311- Part I)

S.No Pulse velocity by cross Concrete quality

probing KM/Sec grading

1 Above 4.5 Excellent

2 3.5 to 4.5 Good

3 3.0 to 3.5 Medium

4 Below 3.0 Doubtful


1. The concrete surface should be smooth.

2. Best temperature range to conduct the test is 5oC to 30OC
3. The concrete should be dry and free of any moisture.
4. Reinforcing bars presence should be identified before testing.

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RESULT: The Quality of concrete is :

Viva Voce Questions:

1. What is NDT testing?

2. What are the different NDT tests we conduct?

3. What is PUNDIT?

4. What waves are propagated in UPV test?

5. How many methods are there to conduct this test?

6. What is the required waves velocity for a excellent concrete?

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AIM: To conduct accelerated Curing of Concrete

Apparatus: Compressive Testing Machine

Theory:Accelerated Curing Method is used to get early high compressive strength in concrete.
This method is also used to find out 28 days compressive strength of concrete in 28 hours. (As per
IS 9013-1978-Method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated
cured concrete test specimens). Accelerated curing is useful in the prefabrication industry wherein
high early age strength enables the removal of the formwork within 24 hours thereby reducing the
cycle time resulting in cost saving benefits.The most commonly adopted curing techniques
are steam curing at atmospheric pressure, warm water curing, boiling water curing and

Compressive Strength Test using Accelerated Curing Method

1. After the test specimens (whose 28 days strength to be determined) have been made, store it in
moist air of at least 90 percent humidity for 23 hours + 15 min.

2.Cover the specimens with flat steel cover plate to avoid distortion during the use.

3. Carefully and gently lower the specimens into the curing tank and shall remain totally
immersed for a period of 3½

Hours + 15 min.

4. The temperature of water in the curing tank shall be at boiling (100 oC) when the specimens are

5. After curing for 3 ½ hours in boil water, the specimen shall be carefully removed from the
boiling water and cooled by immersing in cooling tank at 27 +2oC for 2 hrs.

6. After cooling remove the specimens from the mould and tested for its accelerated compressive
strength (Ra) in N/mm2.

7. The 28 days can be found out using following formula.

Predicted 28 days compressive strength = R28 = 8.09 + 1.64 Ra, where Ra is accelerated
compressive strength and R28 is predicted compressive strength at 28 days.

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Objective : This clause deals with the procedure for determining the flexural strength of 66
moulded concrete flexure test specimens Reference : IS : 516 - 1959, IS: 1199-1959, SP : 23-
1982, IS : 10086-1982 Theory : Age at Test - Tests shall be made at recognized ages of the test
specimens, the most usual being 7 and 28 days. Where it may be necessary to obtain the early
strengths, tests may be made at the ages of 24 hours ± ½ hour and 72 hours ± 2 hours. The ages
shall be calculated from the time of the addition of water to the dry ingredients. Number of
Specimens - At least three specimens, preferably from different batches, shall be made for testing
at each selected age.

Apparatus : Testing Machine - The testing machine may be of any reliable type, of sufficient
capacity for the tests and capable of applying the load at the rate specified in 5.5. The permissible
error shall be not greater than ± 2 percent of the maximum load. Beam Moulds - The beam
moulds shall conform to IS: 10086-1982. The standard size shall be 15 × 15 × 70 cm.
Alternatively, if the largest nominal size of the aggregate does not exceed 19 mm, specimens 10 ×
10 × 50 cm may be used. Weights and weighing device, Tools and containers for mixing, Tamper
(square in cross section) etc.

Procedure : 1.

Sampling of Materials - Samples of aggregates for each batch of concrete shall be of the desired
grading and shall be in an air-dried condition. The cement samples, on arrival at the laboratory,
shall be thoroughly mixed dry either by hand or in a suitable mixer in such a manner as to ensure
the greatest possible blending and uniformity in the material. 2. Proportioning - The proportions of
the materials, including water, in concrete mixes used for determining the suitability of the
materials available, shall be similar in all respects to those to be employed in the work. 3. Weighing
- The quantities of cement, each size of aggregate, and water for each batch shall be determined by
weight, to an accuracy of 0.1 percent of the total weight of the batch. 4. Mixing Concrete - The
concrete shall be mixed by hand, or preferably, in a laboratory batch mixer, in such a manner as to
avoid loss of water or other materials. Each batch of concrete shall be of such a size as to leave
about 10 percent excess after moulding the desired number of test specimens.

Mould - The standard size shall be 15 × 15 × 70 cm. Alternatively, if the largest nominal size of
the 67 aggregate does not exceed 19 mm, specimens 10 × 10 × 50 cm may be used. 6. Compacting
- The test specimens shall be made as soon as practicable after mixing, and in such a way as to
produce full compaction of the concrete with neither segregation nor excessive laitance. 7. Curing
- The test specimens shall be stored in a place, free from vibration, in moist air of at least 90
percent relative humidity and at a temperature of 27° ± 2°C for 24 hours ± ½ hour from the time of
addition of water to the dry ingredients. 8. Placing the Specimen in the Testing Machine - The

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bearing surfaces of the supporting and loading rollers shall be wiped clean, and any loose sand or
other material removed from the surfaces of the specimen where they are to make contact with the

The specimen shall then be placed in the machine in such a manner that the load
shall be applied to the uppermost surface as cast in the mould, along two lines spaced 20.0 or 13.3
cm apart. 10. The axis of the specimen shall be carefully aligned with the axis of the loading
device. No packing shall be used between the bearing surfaces of the specimen and the rollers. 11.
The load shall be applied without shock and increasing continuously at a rate such that the extreme
fibre stress increases at approximately 7 kg/sq cm/min, that is, at a rate of loading of 400 kg/min
for the 15.0 cm specimens and at a rate of 180 kg/min for the 10.0 cm specimens. 12. The load
shall be increased until the specimen fails, and the maximum load applied to the specimen during
the test shall be recorded. The appearance of the fractured faces of concrete and any unusual
features in the type of failure shall be noted.

Observation : 68 Calculations of Mix Proportion Mix proportion of concrete For 1 cubic meter of
concrete For one batch of mixing Coarse aggregate (kg) Fine aggregate (kg) Cement (kg) Water
(kg) S/A w/c Admixture.

Calculation : The flexural strength of the specimen shall be expressed as the modulus of
rupture fb, which, if ‗a‘ equals the distance between the line of fracture and the
nearer support, measured on the centre line of the tensile side of the specimen,
in cm, shall be calculated to the nearest 0.5 kg/sq cm as follows:

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when ‗a‘ is less than 20.0 cm but greater than 17.0 cm for 15.0 cm specimen, or
less than 13.3 cm but greater than 11.0 cm for a 10.0 cm specimen.

Conclusion / R :i) The average 7 Days Modulus of Rupture of concrete sample is

found to be …..….. ii) The average 28 Days Modulus of Rupture of concrete
sample is found to be …..…..

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AIM: To understand the influence of water cement ratio on strength of concrete

INTRODUCTION: Abrams theory and Feret’s theory described as below are

available on effect of w/c ratio on strength of concrete.


Strength of concrete primarily depends on the strength of paste. Strength of paste

increases with cement content and decreases with air and water content.
Abram’s w/c ratio law states that the strength of concrete is only dependent
upon w/c ratio provided the mix is workable.

He presented a law for the concrete strength ‘S’as below:

S = A / Bxwhere x =water cement ratio by volume and for 28 days results the
constants A and B are 14,000 lbs / Sq.inch and 7 respectively.

in the of gives a relation between the strength and water cement ratio as given

Another theory by Feret says that

S = K [c/(c+e+a)]2 where

S = strength of concrete

&c,e and a = volume of cement, water and air respectively and K = a constant.

OBERVATION: The strength of concrete primarily depends on the w/c ratio.

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AIM: to understand the influence of aggregate cement ratio on strength &

workability of concrete.

INTRODUCTION: It has been found that, for constant water cement ratio, a
leaner mix leads to a higher strength. The influence of aggregate cement ratio
on strength of concrete under normal situations is illustrated in the figure


The main explanation in the figure given below is that the influence of aggregate
cement ratio lies in the total volume of voids in the concrete. If the aggregate
cement paste .


1. Prepare concrete cubes with various water cement ratios ranging from 0.3 to
0.7, keeping the aggregate cement ratio of 3.
2. Repeat preparing concrete cubes with samples of various aggregate cement
ratio ( 2,1) on keeping the water cement ratio ranging from 0.3 to 0.7.
3. The compressive strength of concrete cubes prepared as stated above may be
tested for 7 days.
4. The results are to be plotted representing the influence of aggregate cement
ratio on strength for different water cement ratios.

OBERVATION: The results are plotted in graph.


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Aim: To study influence of different chemical admixtures on concrete

INTRODUCTION: Different chemical admixtures are being added to the

concrete in order to modify the properties of concrete to the required
parameters. The some of the properties include the usage of chemical
admixtures for accelerated / delayed setting time, improving workability and
strength of concrete.


1. Prepare sample of concrete cubes with normal consistency.

2. Add the chemical admixture of required parameter in the specified quantity.
3. The various parameters includes acceleration / retardation of setting time,
improvement in strength , workability and long term durability.
4. Verify the results of the above parameters for various chemical admixtures.

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AIM : It is a test for finding the optimum dosage of plasticizers and superplasticizer
for different types of cement.

Apparatus needed for marsh cone test

1. A conical brass vessel held on a wooden stand with a diameter of 5 or 8mm at its bottom. (Given
in below figure).
2. Stopwatch
3. Mortar mixer to mix the cement paste with the desired water-cement ratio.

Procedure for marsh cone test

1. First, you need to prepare a cement paste of 1L with a desired water-cement ratio by adding
2kg of cement to them.
While preparing the cement paste, the mixing should take place in the mortar mixer. The mortar
mixer is used to avoid the formation of lump at the bottom of the vessel.
3. You can take water cement ration ranging from 0.3 to 0.5.
4. 70 percent of water is added at the beginning of mixing in the first step and the remaining water
is added in the second step with superplasticizers. The dosage of superplasticizer will be 0.1
percentage of the weight of cement.
5. Take 1L slurry and pour into marsh cone by closing the aperture with a finger.
6. Start the stop and remove the finger. Note the time taken in seconds for complete flow out of
cement paste. This time in seconds is called marsh cone time.
Repeat the above steps with different amount of plasticizer with the desired water-cement ratio.
The Saturation point is the dose at which marsh cone time is lowest. This dose is the optimum
dose of superplasticizer of plasticizer for that brand or type of cement.
You can do this experiment with different type of cement and find out the right amount of
plasticizer for your brand of cement.
From the above the procedure you can plot a graph between marsh cone time in the x-axis and
superplasticizer dosage percentage on the y-axis as given below.

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Testing of concrete by using NDT.

CO - 6

Course Outcome Course Outcome Statements

To conduct the tests on chemical admixtures

CO - 1

CO - 2 To test aggregate gradation

To measure the properties of fresh concrete.
CO - 3

CO - 4 To measure the hardened concrete properties.

CO - 5 To measure the abilities of self compacting concrete.

CO - 6 Test on hardened concrete by using NDT techniques.


(No correlation:0,Low:1,Medium:2,High:3)
















Lab 2.33 3 3 3 2.2 1.6 2.66 2.66 2.2 2 2.5 2 2.83 2.83 2.83 3 2.6 1.5


(No correlation:0,Low:1,Medium:2,High:3)
















CO - 1 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 0

CO – 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2

CO – 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2

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CO – 4 2 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 2

CO – 5 2 3 3 3 2 0 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 0

CO - 6 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3


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Experiment Submission Sign



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