Risk of Erection

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Pre-Construction Risk Assessment and Impact Evaluation



Risk Risk
Significant Hazard Risk Effect Action
Rating Rating

Manual Works and Handling

Physical harm
Mechanical handling devices shall be used wherever
Can occur through attempting to lift,
4 4 16 possible, i.e. crane, rigging equipment, forklifts, pallet trucks 4 2 8
pull or push a load outside physical
or trolleys.
Manual handling training shall be implemented for the
sprains, Back pains, Work related
4 4 16 workforce to ensure that they are aware of the hazards 4 2 8
upper ,limb disorders
present and the precautions necessary.
Wherever possible, load s shall be covered or packed in
4 2 8
Cuts, and Abrasions such a way so as not to harm the carrier.
Personnel shall wear suitable personal protection to reduce
Manual handling 4 2 8
Can occur where loads are handled 4 4 16 the possibility of harm.
without wearing suitable personal Tow persons lifting shall be utilized whenever possible
protective equipment. (taking into account the size and weight of the load to be 4 2 8
Personnel Shall not exceed their own lifting capabilities, “do
Dropped Loads 4 4 16 not try to impress your colleagues”. If you cannot push or 4 2 8
pull it, do not attempt to lift it.
Cannot only damage the load being Suitable personal protective equipment shall be worn to
4 2 8
lifting but could also damage the 4 4 16 protect your feet ad legs.
person(s) carrying the load. Ensure the load is secure prior to lifting it. 4 2 8
Working at Height
Personnel involved in work at heights should be fit (mentally
& physically) to do so.
Personnel will be properly trained for their tasks.
Fall protection devices such a harnesses will be worn.
(100% fall protection will be enforced).
All workers shall check safety equipment prior to start of any
Worker shall not be left without supervision while working at
Personnel or objects Injury to persons and/or damaged to
8 4 32 heights. 8 2 16
falling from height. property.
All materials, tools and equipment shall be kept in safe
places at all times while working at heights.
Authorized personnel shall erect below and around the
working area suitable barriers in order to areas. Appropriate
warring signs shall be posted and personnel controlled by
close supervision.
Scaffolders will ensure that all access platforms and work
stations area constructed in line with recognized and
approved standards.

Work will be properly supervised at all times.

Appropriate personnel protective equipment will be worn at
all times.
Daily toolbox talks shall be conducted prior to
commencement of work
Material Transportation
All vehicles shall use main headlights
during poor visibility.
All drivers shall be well trained, and
possess a driving license
Heavy equipment drivers shall be
Over speeding
8 6 48 certified 6 4 24
(Struck by Hazard)
All vehicles shall be provide with a
reverse beeper
Speed limit = 20 Km/hour
All trenches and existing facilities
shall be well barricaded.
Banks-men shall be assigned to
vehicles on site
All drivers shall use the seatbelt while
Collision with another Supervisors shall ensure that all
vehicle or existing Damage to structures 8 6 48 pedestrians’ access to work site, is 6 4 24
facilities well controlled
Pedestrians shall be at a safe
distance from moving vehicles

Clear traffic signs shall be provided at

the work site

Warning hazard lights and signs will be installed on any

extended parts of the equipment or materials to be
Traffic Rules and Regulations shall be strictly followed
during the transportation process.
Collapse and falling of All Loads shall be secured properly by support ,lashing and
Traffic accidents / Personnel Injury /
load or material from the locking system.
Propert Damage
truck. All loose accessories like tools, chains, belts and wood
lumbers shall be secured during travelling.
6 4 24 6 2 12
While loaded trucks are on stop/standby status, rear tires
shall be secured by wooden blocks.
All hauling personnel and truck drivers must have a proper
PPE while inside the jobsite.
Traffic accidents / Delays 2 4 8 A Traffic Flow Plan (Route) will be prepared and followed. 2 2 4
Truck movement losses
Improve and maintain the condition of access roads leading
direction or struck on
Access road blocking 2 4 8 to RKPP jobsites. Truck movement must be properly 2 2 4
access road.
coordinated and escorted by transport supervisor.
All transportation activity shall be
supervised by qualified supervisor
and banks men.
Mobile trucks Traffic accidents 6 4 24 6 2 12
Only qualified drivers allowed to drive
the transpiration trucks
All Loads shall be secured properly.
Storage of material on Only material for the day use shall be
Tripping and access blocking 4 6 24 4 2 8
site access transferred and stored on site.
Working In Hot Weather
Implement the hot weather procedure
Extreme whether and all employees shall be aware of
Heat stroke 6 6 36 4 4 16
condition the procedure through regular toolbox
Stop all work when temperature levels
reach 50ºC, and during July and
August the work stops from 12:00 PM
to 3:00 PM.
Provide shelter where workers can
find shade and protection form the
direct sunrays.
Provide periodic water breaks where
workers can drink before, during and
after work.
Establish a work regimen where
workers can be rotated, allowing short
rest periods to prevent harmful
Supervisors shall monitor their work
force by looking for signs of
dehydrating, especially in older
Heat Exhaustion 6 6 36 persons or workers that have health 4 2 8
Immediate medical attention shall be available / provider
in case of emergency.
Eye irritation 4 4 16 All workers shall use eye protection. 2 2 4
Windy Condition or Sandstorm
Conduct daily toolbox talks with
workers involved in road works
Work shall be stopped during extreme
Poor visibility Pedestrians hit by vehicles 8 6 48 6 2 12
poor visibility conditions
All workers shall wear a high visibility
Dust Respiratory infection 4 4 16 All workers shall use a dust mask protection. 2 2 4
Personnel shall ensure that the housekeeping is constantly
maintained and that all spilling, etc, are cleaned up
Slipping and Tripping immediately.
Slip and Trips 6 4 24 6 2 12
Hazards Supervisor shall be monitor the standards of housekeeping
on a daily basis to ensure that they are acceptable and
implement routine “Clean – ups” where necessary
Temporary Electrical Installations
Earthling to be provided to all metallic supports and / or
ELCB to be installed on socket outlet circuits.
Working with Power
Electric Shock (injury to personnel) 6 6 36 Rubber soled boots to be worn by electrician. 4 4 16
All electrical appliances will be electrically grounded in
accordance with Electrical Code and Standards.
Spliced cables are strictly prohibited.
Whenever electrical cable is exposed to traffic, protective
cover will be provided to prevent from damaged, buried
cable must be concealed with conduit.
Maintain good cable management daily in working areas.
A portable fire extinguisher shall be placed near electrical
panel boards, generators etc.
Post necessary sign boards like “ High Voltage”, “ Electric
Shock” etc.
Electrical panel boards and earth leakage will be equipped
with proper grounding with floor and building columns.
All power lightings shall not exceed 125V.
Energized junction boxes shall be placed with ELCB.
Electrical cable used should be double insulated.
Damage electrical cables to be replaced immediately.
6 6 36 Regular inspections to be performed by competent person. 4 2 8
Danger sings shall be posted.
Temporary electrical connections must be covered and
elevated to prevent tripping hazards.
Tripping hazard 4 4 16 Cables to be buried underground provide mechanical 4 2 8
protection to cable, cables to be strung 2.2m above ground
to eliminate tripping hazard
Fire extinguishers shall be provided. Combustible material
to be stored away from sources of ignition.
Fire Hazard 6 4 24 4 2 8
Regular maintenance to be carried out by competent
Permanent Electrical Installations.
Risk inventory to be done
1. Electrocution2. Installation of electrical equipment to be undertaken by
Electrical fire 3. FatalityElectric shock / burn. 8 6 48 qualified personnel 6 2 12
Tripping hazard. Construction isolation and tagging system to be employed
All sealing agents used to seal electrical openings to be
flame proof.
Electrical equipment not to pass explosion zones unless it is
explosion proof.
All electrical works to be performed by qualified personnel.
Electrical cable used should be double insulated.
Temporary electrical connections must be covered and
elevated to prevent tripping hazards.
Energized junction boxes shall be placed with ELCB.
All power lightings shall not exceed 125V.
Electrical panel boards and earth leakage will be equipped
with proper grounding with floor and building columns.
All electrical appliances will be electrically grounded in
accordance with Electrical Code and Standards.
Spliced cables are strictly prohibited.
Whenever electrical cable is exposed to traffic, protective
cover will be provided to prevent from damaged, buried
cable must be concealed with conduit.
Regular Rigging and Lifting Operation
Competent certificed operator and riggers to perform all
rigging operations.
Annual 3 rd party certification for the Cranes
Daily crane inspection by operator.
Crane failure 8 6 48 Monthly color code visual inspection marking. 6 4 24
Mobile crane use
Outriggers Mats shall be used
Ground condition shall be checked
Distance from Excavation shall be estimated.
Log sheet for all lifting equipments shall be maintained
Lifting gear failure 8 6 48 6 month certification for lifting gears. 6 4 24
Wind speed to be checked and to be within acceptable value
for lifting.
Falling / Swinging loads Damage to surrounding installation 6 6 36 Area to be properly barricaded 4 4 16
Tag lines to be tied to all loads.
Swing speed shall be minimized
Annual 3rd party certification for the Cranes
Competent certified operator and riggers to perform all
Crane failure rigging operations.
Working on Tower
6 6 36 Daily testing of safety devices by operator 4 4 16
Crane or Gantry Crane
6 month certification for lifting gears.
Lifting gear failure
Daily visual inspection of lifting gears
Avoid swinging over surrounding.
Monthly color code visual inspection marking.
Tag line to be tied to all loads.
Damage to surrounding.
Avoid swinging over surrounding.
Crane to be operated by competent, licensed person.
Cranes shall have a valid certification of test and inspection.
Crane operator shall carry out daily visual inspection on the
All lifting operations shall be supervised with competent
Crane Operations Crane Collapse 10 6 60 6 2 12
Proper ground preparation shall be done and proper
outrigger mats.
Distance from any underground utilities or excavations shall
be properly calculated.
All lifting gear shall have a manufacturer’s certificate of test.
Rigging Failure of lifting gear 6 6 36 4 4 16
All lifting gears shall have valid color code marking.
All lifting gear used shall have a safe working load of greater
than the weight of the load being lifted.
All lifting gears shall be inspected prior to use by the rigger
Failure of lifting gear 6 6 36 4 2 8
and shall be defects free.
No load shall be lifted over personnel and no one shall be
4 2 8
permitted to walk under suspended load .
Electrocution or electrical fire Boom of the crane should be 7 meters vertically and
6 4 24 4 2 8
Rigging horizontally clear of the power lines.
Proper barricades around the lifting radius 4 2 8
Single point lifting shall be avoided.
Material falling or swinging that cause Backs/ tag lines shall be utilized to avoid the load from

damage to plant and or equipment 6 4 24 swinging.

Lifting/ rigging operations shall be carried out by competent 4 4 16
and could also result in serious
personnel injury riggers.
Daily inspection of lifting gears
Heavy Rigging and Lifting Operation
Cranes shall be inspected and certified by the third party
Uncertified and
certifying body before commencement of lift.
incompetent personnel Serious or fatal injury and property
6 4 24 Crane operators shall be certified by the third party certifying 6 2 12
and equipment used. damage.
Riggers shall be certified by the third party certifying body.
Prepare and approve a Critical Lifting Plan. Follow strictly
the conditions written in the plan.
Insure that the ground is stable and compacted. The track
shoes or outriggers shall not be positioned near the edge of
any excavations.
The crane's outrigger shall fully be extended and ground
Serious or fatal injury and property matting shall always be provided.
Collapsed of crane 6 6 36 6 2 12
damage. Determine the exact weight of the load to be lifted by its
invoices or engineering designs.
Proper warning barriers and signboards shall be in place
around the danger zone area
Crane operation shall only be allowed at good weather
condition and booms must be retracted and laid down in
times of strong wind.
All lifting attachment and rigging equipments shall conform
to the conditions stipulated in the Approved Critical Lifting
All lifting attachment and rigging equipments used shall
Collapsed and/or fall of have a valid load test certificates and inspections.
Serious or fatal injury and property
load or materials to 6 6 36 Two tag lines must always be connected on any loads to 6 2 12
control from unnecessary movement.
ground. Riggers must conduct visual inspections on all lifting
attachment and rigging equipment before any lift and
maintain an inspection log or register.
Always conduct a trial lift.
No loads shall be left suspended on air during break periods
or between shifts.
All structures or equipment during erection shall be fail safe
and properly supported by guy wires, jacks, blocks or any
approved method of supports before the lifting equipment
can release its load.
No person is allowed to stand under the load or boom while
the lifting activity is on progress.
Ensure crane operators clear visibility while lifting is on
Operators must always stay on the crane's cabin.
Talking to mobile phone and crane riders are not allowed
while the lifting is going on.
Load or boom hitting the
Slewing of load or boom at a short distance from any
nearby mechanical and Serious or fatal injury and property
6 6 36 structural erection and working platform shall be prohibited. 6 4 24
electrical installation or damage.
All lifts shall be planned, inspected and controlled by a
working platform.
certified rigging supervisor or rigger 1.
Two tag lines must always be connected on any loads to
control from unnecessary movement.
Only one (1) signalman or rigger is allowed to give signal at
a time.
Prelift or pre-work toolbox meeting shall be carried out by
Personnel struck by or caught in the team before start of any job or lift.
Mis-communication. 6 4 24 6 2 12
between and property damage. The signal must be clearly understood by both crane
operator and rigger
Crane operator must conduct daily inspection on his crane
and maintain a daily checklist record to ensure a continuous
Mechanical and electronic failure of
Crane Operations 6 4 24 safe operation. 6 2 12
crane. All lifting equipment shall be inspected and certified by third
All mechanical and electronic protections of crane (Load
indicator, load limiting device automatic shut off, anti-two
blocking device, boom stops, wind speed meter and load
chart must be reliably working at all times.
Provide a flagman to control the traffic.
All personnel working at site are required to wear a
reflectorize colored vest.
Movement of crane from Personnel struck and crashed
6 4 24 Safety warning devices, lights and alarms shall be fitted on 4 4 16
one place to another. resulting to a serious or fatal injury.
the crane.
Operator shall ensure that no persons are visible near the
crane before he starts any movement of his crane.
Lifting Near Power Lines
Boom of the crane should be 7 meters vertically and
horizontally clear of the power lines.
Electricity Fires and Electrocution 8 6 48 8 2 16
Permanent watch to be designated to monitor the movement
of the crane and the concrete pump.
Manual Handling
All personnel shall be trained for the proper techniques of
Incorrect body Musculoskeletal trauma / back injury / manual handling.
4 4 16 4 2 8
positioning. Strains and sprains Only trained personnel shall carry out slinging operations.
All personnel shall wear adequate proper PPE.
Always provide a safe entry or exit access ladder or working
platform when working at heights. Refer working at heights
Difficult access resulting
Personnel injury 4 4 16 for more details. 4 2 8
to slip, trip and fall.
Ensure that no obstructions or slippery materials on
walkways and working area. Housekeeping.
Keep a safe position while handling equipment or tools
Caught in between or Keep away from pinch points or danger zone areas.
Personnel injury / body parts 4 4 16 4 2 8
pinch points. All personnel shall wear adequate proper PPE.
Provide enough lighting if work required at night time.
Provide enough drinking water.
Work should be preplanned and have enough shelters and
consider the work breaks and rotation of work.
Heat or cold stress Serious personnel injury / heat stroke 4 4 16 Work stoppage shall be required when temperature levels 4 2 8
reaches at extreme danger level in the heat stress index.
Work at height should not be allowed when the heat stress
index reaches at danger level.
Mechanical Material Handling
Use appropriate PPE.
Access ways should be free of obstruction.
Flag man to be trained and provided to assist the heavy
equipment operators.
Guards should be placed in the power tools.
Power tools should be returned after use and should be
1. Fall of materials stored in proper areas.
2. Slips, trips and falls. Personal injuries, cuts 6 4 24 Rotating tools should be disconnected after use. 4 2 8
3. Oil leaks, collisions Use appropriate tools for the appropriate works.
Never use defective hand tools such as mushroom heads,
cracks etc.
Electrical power tools to be double insulated.
GFCI should be used. ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit
Breaker) to be used additionally.
Cable management to done to prevent trips and falls.
Rigging and Lifting
1. Over loading of Barricade the lifting area radius to restrict workers from
Personal injury
equipment. entering.

2. Defective equipment. Health impairment Lifting warning signs to be posted.

3. Falling of materials Permanent disability. All lifting gears to be checked prior to lifts.
4. Failure of rigging
Proper lifting gears to use according to the weight.
5. Overturning of the Always the load to be lifted should not exceed the safe
crane. working load.
360 degrees clear view required on the operators cabin for
all vehicles.
6 6 36 6 2 12
Operator and the rigger should have valid certificates.
Only qualified rigger to give hand signals.
Prior to crane operation, ensure the pre-lift inspection check
list is compiled to the requirements.
Lifting should be stopped during hostile weather conditions
or wind speed over 20mph.
Crane safety devices should be working always and it
should not be bypassed.
Use protection on sharp edges (softeners) for lifting slings.
Manual Mechanical Handling
Grip: A good grip makes use of the hand palm, the ball of
the thumb and the base of the fingers.
Materials falling down The back must be kept straight to maintain its most natural
from height, slipping, Back injuries, strains, sprains. etc. 4 4 16 strongest position. This means that the knees and ankles 4 2 8
tripping and falls must be bend and the chin kept well into the chest and body
positioned as close to the load as possible so as to act
counter weight.
Working with Mobile Elevating Work Platform
1. Improper handling Only competent person shall operate the man lift.
2. Falling from height 8 6 48 Prior to starting, a pre inspection check list shall be done 6 2 12
Serious injury
3. Equipment fall over and verified by the HSE officer.
4. Equipment failure Do not exceed the load rating specified by the manufacturer.
5. Weather condition Do not use if the equipment is defective or having oil leaks.
Wear appropriate PPE.
Always barricade the operating radius.
A maximum of 2 persons shall be allowed in the basket
A portable fire extinguisher shall be secured and placed in it.
Spilled oil or fuel shall be cleaned immediately.
A trained flagman shall be used to assist the operator.
Check for obstructions such as overhead power lines.
Do not operate in bad weather wit wind speed exceeding
Use of Arc Welding
Obtain a Hot work permit. Prior starting the job, remove all
combustible materials.
A suitable / sufficient fire extinguisher shall be placed at the
work area.
A suitable / sufficient fire extinguisher shall be placed at the
work area.
1. Electrocution, fire2.
Wear proper PPE.
Inhaling of gases and Eye / skin burnsHealth impairment 4 4 16 4 2 8
Forced ventilation to be done when welding in confined
fumes3. Heat stress
Use proper earthling and cables with double insulation.
All electrical installations to be done by competent
Welding machines, generators and electrical panels to be
properly grounded.
Use of Oxygen-Acetylene Equipment and Transportation.
1. Fire explosion Fatality Never leave gas cutting flame unattended.
6 6 36 6 2 12
2. Inhaling of gases / Health impairment Use appropriate PPE.
fumes. Burns Oxygen and acetylene cylinder valve fittings to free from
3. Leakage of gases. grease and oil.
Flash back arrestor must be fitted to the valve of the
cylinders or in torch.
Do not exceed 15 psi pressure for acetylene gas.
Never place oxygen, acetylene cylinders inside confined
Cylinders must be kept away from splatters and sparks.
All fittings, gauges and hoses should be in good condition
and free from damage and leakage.
Secure cylinders in upright position in cylinders trolley and
tied with steel chain.
Evacuation plan to be established in case of emergency.
Working with Compressed Gas Cylinders / Storage / Transportation.
In no case the cylinders shall be placed inside confined
Cylinders should be placed upright always.
Permanent or temporary installation, the cylinder should be
placed outside the building and connected through pipes
wherever necessary.
The equipment should be connected and tested for gas
1. Fire explosion leaks.
2. Leakage of gases. 8 4 32 Combustible materials to be removed and there should be 8 2 16
Breathing difficulty.
3. Inhalation of gases. proper ventilation.
Once the burner is lighted it should have a blue flame with a
blue green based cone.
Fire extinguisher should be placed.
Open the valve with approved key.
Store the cylinders in proper shade and Use fire blanket for
A trained fire watches to be placed.
Cylinders should be placed in upright position while
The vehicle should have adequate firefighting equipment.
Vehicles should display all necessary warnings signs like
flammable gas, No smoking etc.
All safety signs to be posted in cylinder storage area like “No
open Flame”.
Natural ventilation should be available in storage area.
Cylinders should not be rolled.
Cylinders should not be hoisted with their valves and by
magnetic or chocker slings.it should be lifted in proper
designed cages bearing a SWL of 5 times its weight.
Regular inspection to be carried out to check the hoses for
Working at heights
All elevated work, a safe means of working platform and
access ladder shall be provided.
All scaffolds shall be erected according to plan.
Wear appropriate PPE
Barricade the work area and post “Men Working At Height”
safety signs.
1. Falling from height No tools to be carried during ascending and descending the
2. Materials falling Fatality ladders
8 6 48 8 2 16
3. Slip trip and fall Serious injuries One person at a time when using ladders.
4. Weather condition. A full body harness with double lanyard should be used
All ladders and landings to be free of obstruction
Housekeeping to be done in all work plat forms.
Dropping of materials strictly prohibited. Use ropes to bring
down light materials.
Access ladder shall be installed at 75 degree. When 75
degree position is not practicable, straight or vertical ladder
shall be placed.

Do not use a scaffold with red tag.

Materials should not be stored in the scaffold platforms.
Use full body harness with scaffolds with yellow tag.
Scaffolds should not be altered. Only competent and
qualified person should alter the scaffold.
Defective scaffold planks should be removed.
Scaffold platforms should have a minimum overlap of
All planks should comply with OSHA standards.
Guard rails should be placed.
Bracket scaffolds constructed should at least be a of light
duty type of withstanding 1.2 KN/Sq. m
Scaffold shall be utilized for its intended load capacity.
Scaffold materials to be lifted in proper manner.
Erection and dismantling of scaffolds to be done by trained
No ties or bracing will be removed in advance of general
Housekeeping to be done.
Bracket straps to be welded to the tank shell for at least
250mm and it should be inspected by a competent and
qualified person welding Inspector.
Only approved welders by Welding Engineer shall weld the
bracket straps.
Proper clamps should be placed on the guard rails. A
minimum of their clamps should be placed in one joint.
Top and mid rail should be of 10mm – 12 mm diameter and
turn buckles should be used.
Toe boards to be used to prevent fall of materials.
lding Operations
Work shall never be carried out on live equipment
Only qualified and authorized personnel shall work on
electrical equipment.
Supervisor or responsible person shall ensure that a "Permit
to Work System” is in place.
Workers exposed to an
Electric shock 6 4 24 Electrical equipment and circuits shall be tested and proven 4 4 16
open electrical circuits.
to be safe prior to commencement of any work.
Lock out / tag out procedures shall be implemented and
communicated to all employees through toolbox talks.
Grounding protection system must be implemented to all
electrical installation and exposed materials at site.
The high standards of housekeeping shall be maintained at
all times.
All equipment and tools intended for hot work activities shall
be regularly inspected and comply with the safety standard.
All fire ignition source equipment such as welding machines
and gas cylinders shall be kept at a safe distance from the
Presence of Ignition Fire and Explosion resulting to serious
6 4 24 hot work area. 6 2 12
source near the area or fatal injury or damage to property
No storage of flammable and combustible materials allowed
near electrically energized equipment and hot work areas.
Trained fire watchers and standby men shall be posted near
the vicinity of any hot work activities.
Appropriate number of fire extinguishers shall be available
on work site.
Appropriate PPE shall be used at all times.
Personnel espouse to
Always hook up full body harness while working at heights.
thermal shock and flying Burns 4 4 16 4 2 8
Provide a working shields or flash screens made of fire
hot molten metal slags.
blankets or retardant materials to protect the hot work area.
Over exposure to toxic Ventilating fans or blowers shall be provided for welding and
Personnel injury and illnesses 4 6 24 4 4 16
fumes cutting activities especially in a confined space.
Positive pressure welding hoods shall be considered.
An air respirator or airline breathing apparatus shall be
provided for works exposed to excessive fumes.
All equipment and tools intended for hot work activities shall
be regularly inspected and in conformance with the
Improper use of company standard safety practices.
Personnel injury and property damage 6 4 24 4 2 8
equipment and tools Accessory wirings, cable and controls shall be protected
from tripping hazards and not overrun by mobile equipment.
Removal of any damage equipment or tools at site.
Cutting or Grinding by Disc
Qualified operators only
Sharp edges hand injuries 4 6 24 Use of hand protection 4 4 8

Safety guard around the place

Face injury 8 6 48 Use of face shield 4 4 16
Flying object
Disk speed to be compatible with grinder RPM
eye injury 6 6 36 Use of eye protection 4 4 16
Skin burn 6 4 24 Use proper coverall 4 4 16
Fire extinguisher to be handy
Fire 4 8 32 Hot work permit to be issued before start 4 4 16
Clean all area from fire hazard material
Use of hard hat all times 4 4 16
Head injury 8 6 48
Falling objects No work in two levels in the same time 4 4 16
Foot injury 8 6 48 Use of Safety shoes all times 4 4 16
Use color coded tools
Use double insulated tool
Electricity Electric shock 6 8 48 4 4 16
Electric panel have to be fitted with GFCI
Proper grounding system
Dust Chest problems 8 6 48 All workers to use proper mask 4 4 16
Cutting by Electric Saw
Inspection of plugs and color coding
Electricity Electrocution 6 8 48 4 4 16
Electric panel have to be fitted with GFCI
Proper grounding system
Guarding all moving parts
Barricade around
Moving parts Catch in 6 6 36 4 4 16
Emergency stop device
Use of spacer to finish block cut
Dust Silicosis 6 6 36 Use of filter mask 4 4 16
Flying object Eye injury 8 4 48 Use eye protection 4 4 16
Noise Hearing defects 6 6 36 Ear plugs in use 4 4 16
Confined Space Entry
Low oxygen level Asphyxiation 8 10 80 Oxygen level not less than 19.5% 4 4 16
High oxygen level Fire / oxygen toxicity 8 8 64 Oxygen level not more than 23.5% 4 4 16
Changing Oxygen level Work in uncontrolled oxygen level 8 8 64 Oxygen level to be measured every 30 Min.

Toxic gases Loss of life 8 8 64 Gas level not to exceed the PEL 8 2 16
Uncontrolled inhaled Proper Ventilation (20 time CS volume / hr.)
Condition Danger to life 8 8 64
hazards (UIH) Use of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus
Flammable / Fire / Explosion Level should not exceed 10% of LFL
combustible gas 8 8 64 Injection of inert gas in the atmosphere 4 4 16
Follow Precaution of UIH
Electrical Electrical Lock out / Tag out system
Use low voltage power tools (<24 V)
Electrocution 8 8 64 2 2 4
Use low voltage lighting source
GFCI use if low voltage tools not found
Mechanical Mechanical Lock out / Tag out system
Engulfment 8 6 48 4 4 16
Control in / out pipes by blind bulging
Mechanical Lock out / Tag out system
Moving parts 8 8 64 4 4 16
Electrical Lock out / Tag out system
Radiation Cancer 8 8 64 Measure level of radiation perior to access
Chemicals Empty of any chemical inside space 4 4 16
Danger to health and life 8 8 64
Study nature, concentration, volume of material
MSDS to be on work location / Clinic
Proper working suit according to Hazard type
Limitted access and
Inability of entrance / escape 6 6 36 Proper access should be provided as per procedure 4 4 16
Hot weather Proper ventilation
Use of full body conditioned suit ( Coverall)
6 2 12
Heat stroke/ exhaustion 6 8 48 Dehydration solution to be available
Use cold lighting system
Limit work time
Noise Noise not to exceed 85db / 8hr.
8 2 16
Hearing loss/ disability 6 8 48 Limit noise by engineering method
Use proper hearing protection (PPE)
Bad communication CS Permit to be posted at entry point
Pretask talk should be done before start of activity
Failure to communicate requirements 6 8 48 4 2 8
Radio Communication or any other method
Uncontrolled entry Watch man on top of CS
Failure of control of the access 6 8 48 Log sheet for in / out person with time registry 4 4 16
Sign to prevent unauthorized persons entry
Lack of rescue action Life line for each person inside CS
Failure to take rescue actions 6 8 48 4 4 16
Rescue team and procedure in place

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