UGB PG Syllabus
UGB PG Syllabus
UGB PG Syllabus
M.A. in English
Two Years (Four Semesters) Syllabus
Main Feature of the Syllabus
Unit 1:
i. Plato: The Republic, Books II, III, X
ii. Plato: Ion
Unit 2:
i. Aristotle: Poetics
ii. Horace: The Art of Poetry
Unit 3:
i. Longinus: On the Sublime
ii. Plotinus: On the Intellectual Beauty from Fifth Ennead
Unit 4:
i. Giovanni Boccaccio: Genealogy of the Gentile Gods (Chapters VII, IX, XIII, & XVII
from Book XIV)
ii. Philip Sydney: An Apology for Poetry
Unit 5:
i. Pierre Corneille: Of the Three Unities of Action, Time, and Place
ii. Rene Rapin: Reflections on Aristotle’s Treatise of Poesy in General
Unit 6:
i. John Dryden: An Essay of Dramatic Poesy
ii. Alexander Pope: An Essay on Criticism
Unit 7:
i. Edward Young: Conjectures on Original Composition: In a Letter to the Author of Sir
Charles Grandison
ii. Samuel Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare
Unit 1: (Any Two)
i. Lascelles Abercrombie: The Function of Poetry in the Drama
ii. T.S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent
iii. Virginia Woolf: Modern Fiction
iv. George Santayana: Penitent Art
Unit 2: (Any Two)
i. T. E. Hulme: Romanticism and Classicism
ii. I.A. Richards: “The Two Uses of Language” from Principles of Literary Criticism
iii. F.R. Leavis: “Literary Criticism and Philosophy” from The Common Pursuit
iv. Stephen Spender: “Modern and the Contemporaries” from The Struggle of the Modern
Unit 3: (Any Two)
i. William Empson: ‘Introduction’ to Seven Types of Ambiguity
ii. J. C. Ransom: Criticism Inc.
iii. Cleanth Brooks: The Language of Paradox
iv. W. K. Wimsatt and Monroe C. Beardsley: The Intentional Fallacy
Unit 4: (Any Two)
i. Victor Shklovsky: Art as Technique
ii. Boris Eikhenbaum: The Theory of the “Formal Method”
iii. Vladimir Propp: ‘The Nature of Folklore’ from Theory and History of Folklore
iv. Roman Jakobson: The Metaphoric and Metonymic Poles
Unit 5: (Any Two)
i. Sigmund Freud: Uncanny
ii. Jacques Lacan: The Insistence of the Letter in the Unconscious
iii. Juliet Mitchell : Femininity, Narrative and Psychoanalysis
iv. Julia Kristeva: Freud and Love: Treatment and Its Discontents
Unit 6: (Any Two)
i. Maud Bodkin: ‘Archetypal Patterns in Tragic Poetry’ from Archetypal Patterns in Poetry
ii. Northrope Fry: The Archetypes of Literature
iii. Claude Levi-Strauss: Incest and Myth
iv. Carl Gustav Jung: ‘Concept of the Collective Unconscious’ from The Archetypes and the
Unit 7: (Any Two)
i. Antonio Gramsci: ‘The Formation of the Intellectuals’ and ‘Hegemony (Civil Society) and
Separation of Powers,’ from Prison Notebooks
ii. Walter Benjamin: The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
iii. Theodor Adorno: On Lyric Poetry and Society
iv. Georg Lukács: The ldeology of Modernism
Unit 1: (Any Two)
i. Bharat Muni: On Natya and Rasa: Aesthetics of Dramatic Experience from Natyasastra
ii. Bhartrihari: On Syntax and Meaning from Vakyapadiya
iii. Anandavardhana: Dhvani: Structure of Poetic Meaning from Dhvanyaloka
iv. Abhinavagupta: On Santarasa: Aesthetic Equipoise from Abhinavabharati
Unit 2: (Any Two)
i. Ferdinand de Saussure: ‘The Object of Linguistics’ and ‘Nature of the Linguistic Sign’
From Course
in General Linguistics
ii. Noam Chomsky: ‘Methodological Preliminaries’ from Aspects of the Theory of Syntax.
iii. Tzvetan Todorov: Structural Analysis of Narrative
iv. Jonathan D. Culler: ‘Structuralism and the Qualities of Literature’ from Structuralist
Unit 3: (Any Two)
i. Jacques Derrida: Structure, Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences
ii. Roland Barthes: Death of the Author
iii. J. Hillis Miller: Derrida and Literature
iv. M. H. Abrams: The Deconstructive Angel
Unit 4: (Any Two)
i. Alice Walker: In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens
ii. Adrienne Rich: Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
iii. Elaine Showalter: Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness
iv. C.T. Mohanty: Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses
Unit 5: (Any Two)
i. Edward Said: ‘Introduction’ to Orientalism
ii. Homi K. Bhabha: Of Mimicry and Man: Ambivalence of Colonial Discourses
iii. Benita Parry: Problems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse from Postcolonial
Studies: A
Materialist Critique
iv. Stuart Hall: Cultural Identity and Diaspora
Unit 6: (Any Two)
i. Cheryl Glotfelty: Literary Studies in an Age of Environmental Crisis
ii. William Howards: Some Principles of Eco-criticism
iii. Jonathan Bate: From ‘Red’ to ‘Green’
iv. Swarnalatha Rangarajan: Engaging with Prakriti: A Survey of Ecocritical Praxis in India
Unit 7: (Any Two)
i. Jürgen Habermas: Modernity versus Postmodernity
ii. Terry Eagleton: Capitalism, Modernism and Postmodernism
iii. Kwame Anthony Appiah: Is the Post- in Postmodernism the Post- in Postcolonial?
iv. Linda Hutcheon: Incredulity Toward Metanarrative: Negotiating Postmodernism and