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Skylab Mission Report, First Visit

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/_SA-TM-X-69_52) SKYLKB MISSION REPOt.T, N7_-7r051

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National Aeronautics and Space Administra_on


: It, m_n. Texas _







Mission Evaluation Team


Kenneth S. Kleinknecht
Manager, Skylab Program




August 1973

. I

Saturn Workshop
,i r



The Skylab Program was established to determine man's ability to live

and work in space for extended periods; to determine and evaluate man's
physiological responses and aptitudes in the space environment and his
postflight adaptation to the terrestrial environment; to extend the sci-
ence of solar astronomy beyond the limits of earth-based observations; to
develop improved techniques for surveying earth resources from space; and
to expand the knowledge in a variety of other scientific and technologi-
cal regimes. >

The program activity was planned for four distinct phases of opera-

a. The placement of a Saturn Workshop into earth orbit;

b. The first visit, intended for a period of 28 days;

c. The second visit, intended for a period of 56 days; and

d. The third visit, also intended for a period of 56 days.

This report constitutes the Johnson Space Center's evaluation of the

first visit. The report is presented in two parts, and contains the in-
formation available 30 days after the completion of the first manned

A Unified Skylab Mission Evaluation Report will be published by NASA

Headquarters after completion of the final visit.


Section Page


1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................... i



1.0 INTRODUCTION ....................... l-1

2.0 SUMMARY eI••••e••ee•••oe••o••••••


3.0 SKYLAB PARASOL t•Io••e•••ee•e•e••••••


4.0 SCIENCE •e•e••••••••••.o•oeo•.oa•


4.1 SOLAR PHYSICS AND AS_OPHYSlCS ........... 4-1

4.1.1 Exper_ent S019 - Ultraviolet

Stellar Astronomy oe•eo•eeeoeoQ 4-1

4.1.2 Experiment S020 - Ultraviolet X-Ray

Solor Photography eeoeeeo•e•••• 4-2

4.1.3 Experiment S149 - Particle Collection . . . 4-2

4 2

MEDIC_ E_ERIMENTS ••eeeeeeee•eeeee

4.2.1 Exper_ent M071 - Mineral Balance ..... 4-4

4.2.2 Exper_ent M073 - Bioassay of Body Fluids• . 4-5

4.2.3 Exper_ent M074/MI72 Specimen and Body

Mass Measurement eeoeeeoeooeeo•

4.2.4 Experiment M078 - Bone Mineral

Densitomet_ ................ 4-6

4.2.5 Exper_ent M092 - Lower Body

Negative Pressure ............. 4-6

4.2.6 Exper_ent M093 - Vectorcardiogram ..... 4-7


Section Page
4.2.7 Hemotalogy (Experiments MIll, MII2, MII3,
MII4 and MII5) ............... 4-8
4.2.8 Experiment MI31 - HumanVestibular
Function .................. 4-9
4.2.9 Experiment M133- Sleep Monitoring ..... 4-10
4.2.10 Experiment MI51 - Time and Motion Study... 4-11
4.2.11 Experiment MI71 - Metabolic Activity .... 4-11
................. 4-13

4.3.1 Experiment SI90A - Multispectral

Photographic Camera ............ 4-13
4.3.2 Experiment SI90B - Earth Terrain Camera... 4-14
4.3.3 Experiment S191- Visible and Infrared
Spectrometer ................ 4-15
4.3.4 Experiment S192- Multlspectral Scanner... 4-16
4.3.5 Experiment S193- Microwave Radiometer/
Scatterometer/Altimeter .......... 4-17
4.3.6 Experiment S194- L-Band Radiometer .... 4-17
4.3.7 Tape Recorder ............... 4-18

5.0 ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ................ 5-1

5.1 ENGINEERING .................... 5-1

T 5.1.1 Experiment M509 - Astronaut

Maneuvering Equipment ......... . . 5-1

5.1.2 Experiment M487 - Habitability and

Crew Quarters ............... 5-1

5.1.3 Experiment M516 - Crew Activities/

Maintenance ................ 5-3

5.2 TECHNOLOGY ..................... 5-4


6.1 FOOD ........................ 6-1


Section Page
6.2 MEDICAL EQUIPMENT...........
6.2.1 Inflight Medical Support System ...... 6-3
6.2.2 Operational Bioinstrumentation System . . . 6-3
6.2.3 CarbonDioxide/Dew Point Monitor ...... 6-3
6.2.4 CarbonMonoxide Sensor ........... 6-4
6.2.5 Toluene Diisocyanate Monitor ........ 6-4
7.0 COMMAND AND SERVICE MODULES ...... . ........ 7-1


7.2 THERMAL ...................... 7-1


CYROGENIC STORAGE ................. 7-3

7.3.1 Electrical Power Distribution ....... 7-3

7.3.2 Fuel Cells ................. 7-6

7.3.3 Cryogenic Storage ............. 7-6

7.3.4 Batteries ................. 7-7


7.4.1 Communications ............... 7-8

7.4.2 Color Television Camera .......... 7-8



7.7 PROPULSION ..................... 7-11

7.7.1 Service Propulsion System ......... 7-11

7.7.2 Service Module Reaction Control

System ................... 7-13

7.7.3 Command Module Reaction Control

System ................... 7-14



Section Page

7.9 SPECIAL STOWAGE .................. 7-15

7.9.1 Stowage Relocations ............ 7'16

7.9.2 Return Stowage ............... 7-16

7.9.3 Stowage Differences ............ 7-16

7.10 CONSUMABLES .................... 7-25

7.10.1 Service Propulsion System ......... 7-25

7.10.2 Reaction Control System Propellant ..... 7-26

7.10.3 Cryogenic Storage System .......... 7-27

7.10.4 Water ................... 7-28

8.0 CREW E_UIPMENT ...................... 8-1


8.2 CREW PERSONAL EQUIPMENT .............. 8-2


9.0 BIOMEDICAL ........................ 9-1


9.2 CREW MEDICAL TRAINING ............... 9-1

9.3 ENVIRONMENT .................... 9-2

9.4 CREW HEALTH .................... 9-2

9.4.1 Preflight ................. 9-2

9.4.2 Inflight .................. 9-3

9.4.3 Postflight ................. 9-4

9.5 METABOLIC RATES ......... ......... 9-6

9.6 RADIATION ..................... 9-7

9.7 TOXICOLOGY ..................... 9-10

9.8 MICROBIOLOGY .................... 9-10


Section Page

i0.0 PILOT'S REPORT ...................... i0-i


ii.i SUMMARY ...................... ii-i


11.2.1 Usage ................... ii-i

11.2.2 Hardware Performance ............ 11-3

11.3 35-MMCAMERA SYSTEM ................ 11-3

11.3.1 Usage ................... 11-4

11.3.2 Hardware Performance ............ 11-4

11.4 70-MMCAMERA SYSTEM ................ 11-6

11.4.1 Usage ................... 11-6

11.4.2 Hardware Performance ............ 11-8

12.0 TRAJECTORY ........................ 12-1

13.0 MISSION SUPPORT ..................... 13-1

13.1 FLIGHT CONTROL ................... 13-1


13.3 RECOVERY OPERATIONS ................ 13-6

13.3.1 Prelaunch Through Orbital Insertion .... 13-6

13.3.2 Orbital Operations ............. 13-6

13.3.3 Primary Landing Area Support ........ 13-6

13.3.4 Command Module Location and Retrieval . . . 13-9


15.0 FLIGHT PLANNING ..................... 15-1

15.1 SUMMARY ...................... 15-1


Section Page
................... 15-1

..................... 15-7
16.0 LAUNCH PHASE SUMMARY ................... 16-1

16.1 WEATHER CONDITIONS ................. 16-1

16.2 LAUNCH VEHICLE PERFORMANCE ............. 16-1

17.0 ANOMALY SUMMARY ..................... 17-1


17.1.1 Suit-to-Cabin Differential Pressure Was

Negative .................. 17-1

17.1.2 Service Module Quad A Pressure/Temperature

Sensor Failed ............... 17-3

17.1.3 Failure to Achieve Docking Probe Capture

Latch Engagement .............. 17-5

17.1.4 Service Module Quad B Engine Temperature

Measurement Failed ............. 17-17

17.1.5 Secondary Evaporator Outlet Temperature

Read Low ......... ......... 17-20

17.1.6 FMTransmitter Switched Off During Various

Uplink Commands .............. 17-23

17.1.7 Secondary Radiator Heater Activated With

Controller Turned Off ........... 17-26

17.1.8 Reaction Control System Fuel Tank

Bladder Torn ................ 17-26

17.1.9 Recovery Helicopter Struck by Drogue

Parachute Reefing Line ........... 17-30

17.1.10 Erroneous Trunnion Angle Indications .... 17-31

17.2 EXPERIMENT ANOMALIES ................ 17-34

17.2.1 Experiment M074 Sample Mass Measurement

Device Failed ............... 17-34

17.2.2 Six Malfunction Lights Illuminated

During Experiment SI90A Checkout ...... 17-36

Section Page

Experiment S019Tilt Control Failed .... 17-38

Earth Resources Experiment PackageTape
Recorder 2 Tape Motion Light ........ 17-38
17.2.5 VacuumLeak in Experiment SI90B Camera. . . 17-46
17.2.6 Sporadic Markings Foundon SI90A Black and
White Film ................. 17-50
17.2.7 Experiment S192Multispectral Scanner
Alignment Shift .............. 17-53
17.2.8 Experiment S193Altimeter
Pulse Compression . ............ 17-60
17.2.9 Experiment S193Altimeter Data
FramesMissing ............... 17-61
17.2.10 $913 Radiometer Automatic Gain Control
Saturated ................. 17-62
17.2.11 Experiment M133Recorded Data Noisy
and Unusable ................ 17-64

...... 17-65
17.3.1 Blown Fuses in 70 mmCameraDuring
Film Transport ............... 17-65
17.3.2 70 mmCameraFrame Counter Failed ..... 17-67
17.3.3 Television CameraFailed .......... 17-68
17.3.4 Spotted Images Observedon Television
GroundMonitor ............... 17-72
17.3.5 Carbon Dioxide Meter/DewPoint
Monitor Failed ............... 17-76
17.3.6 Van Allen Belt Dosimeter Data Exhibited
Periodic Spurious Excursions ........ 17-79
17.3.7 Erratic Operation of 35 mmCamera
Incrementing FrameCounter ......... 17-80
18.0 CONCLUSIONS ....................... 18-1




Section Page
C- POSTFLIGHT TESTING ................. C-I

APPENDIX D - MASS PROPERTIES .................. D-I

APPENDIX E - CONVERSION DATA .................. E-I

APPENDIX F - GLOSSARY ..................... F-I

REFERENCES ........................... R-I



Part I of the First Visit Report contains a resume of the launch

and activation of the unmanned Saturn Workshop. This section presents
operational and engineering aspects of the Saturn Workshop performance
from llft-off to the docking of the first visit spacecraft. A complete
Saturn Workshop evaluation will be presented in the Marshall Space Flight
Center's Saturn Workshop Report which will be incorporated as Volume III
of the Skylab Mission Evaluation Report to be published by NASA Head-
quarters. A vehicle description is contained in reference i.

The International System of Units (SI) is used throughout. Unless

otherwise specified, time is expressed as Greenwich mean time (G.m.t.)
in hours, minutes, and seconds, or in hours and minutes.

The unmanned Saturn Workshop was launched at 17:30:00 G.m.t.

(1:30 p.m.e.d.t.) on May 14, 1973, from Launch Complex 39A at the Kennedy
Space Center, Florida. The space vehicle consisted of the Saturn Work-
shop payload (fig. 2-1) and the first and second stages (S-IC and S-II)
of a Saturn V launch vehicle.

An unexpected telemetry indication of meteoroid shield deployment

and solar array wing 2 beam fairing separation was received i minute and
3 seconds after lift-off. However, all other systems of the Saturn Work-
shop appeared normal and the Saturn Workshop was inserted into a near-
circular earth orbit of approximately 435 kilometers altitude.

The payload shroud was jettisoned and the Apollo Telescope Mount and
its solar array were deployed as planned during the first orbit. Deploy-
ment of the Orbital Workshop solar array and the meteoroid shield were
not successful. Evaluation of the available data indicated that the fol-
lowing sequence of events and failures occurred.

Time from lift-off, Event


0:01:02.9 Meteoroid shield tension strap 2 separated.

0:01:03 Meteoroid shield tension strap I and 3 sep-


0:01:03 Solar array system wing 2 beam fairing sep-


0:01:30 Meteoroid shield temperatures went off-scale.

0:01:30 Partial deployment of Meteoroid shield was


0:i0:00 Thermal measurements on wing 2 solar array

panels ranged from 345 ° K to 389 ° K, compared
to the expected temperature of about 300 ° K.
Wing i temperatures remained normal.

0:55:59.9 Wing 1 beam fairing separated.

e,- 0

.=. E

The solar array wing was released; however, there were indications
that the wing had not fully deployed. Wing 2 was inoperative or encoun-
tered structural failure. Temperature excursions in the Orbital Workshop
showed that the meteoroid shield was not affecting the temperatures as
intended. The remainder of the planned Orbital Workshop system activ-
ation and deployment functions occurred as scheduled with transfer of at-
titude control from the Instrument Unit to the Saturn Workshop approxi-
mately 4 1/2 hours after lift-off.

The Saturn Workshop was maneuvered into a solar inertial attitude

with the plane of the solar arrays normal to the sun for maximum electric
power generation. The Orbital Workshop area temperature then rose above
operating limits. The Saturn Workshop was subsequently pitched up toward
the sun at 13 hours into the flight to reduce the solar incidence angle
on the Orbital Workshop area. This attitude further reduced the power
generation capability which had already been severely limited by the loss
of the Workshop solar array wing 2 and the failure of wing 1 to deploy.
A continuing adjustment of attitude was necessary to keep the power and
temperature within acceptable limits. Constraints to maintain adequate
heat in other critical areas of the Saturn Workshop and to optimize the
operation of the at£itude control system in an off-nominal mode added
further complications. This delicate balance continued for approximately
I0 days.

The electrical power available from the Apollo Telescope Mount solar
array was further reduced by the requirement to cycle certain power regu-
lator modules on and off to prevent the overheating caused by unplanned
vehicle attitudes. Although considerably below the total design capabil-
ity of approximately 8500 watts, the power was sufficient for the criti-
cal loads. Many components and systems were turned off or were cycled as
required to remain within the power generation capability.

The high internal temperatures that were reached in the Workshop can
cause outgassing of some materials which could have been hazardous to the
crew. Therefore, prior to the crew arrival, the habitation area was de-
pressurized and repressurized four times with nitrogen to purge the out-
gassing products. The final repressurization was with the proper oxygen/
nitrogen mixture for the crew.

Maneuvering into and out of the various thermal control attitudes

and maintaining attitude hold and control during several docking attempts
caused a much larger usage of the Orbital Workshop thruster propellant
than predicted. Sufficient propellant remained, however, for the three
manned missions that were planned.




Part II of the First Visit Report contains an evaluation of the

first visit payload systems; the performance of experiment hardware under
Johnson Space Center management; the crew's evaluation of the visit; and
other visit-related items of interest, such as medical aspects and hard-
ware anomalies.

The command and service module consisted of basic hardware developed

for the Apollo program. The vehicle description is contained in refer-
ence i. This report provides information on the operational and engi-
neering aspects of the first visit. Scientific results will be reported
in accordance with reference 2. Launch vehicle performance will be re-
ported in Volume III of the Unified Skylab Mission Evaluation Report.

The International System of Units (SI) is used throughout. Unless

otherwise specified, time is expressed as Greenwich mean time (G.m.t.)
in hours, minutes, and seconds or in hours and minutes.


The first visit space vehicle was launched at 13:00:00 G.m.t.

(9:00 a.m.e.d.t.) on May 25, 1973 (first visit day), from Launch Complex
39B at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. The vehicle was manned by Cap-
tain Charles Conrad, Jr., Commander; Commander Joseph P. Kerwin, Science
Pilot; and Commander Paul J. Weitz, Pilot.

The originally scheduled launch time was i0 days earlier, on May 15,
1973; however, thermal problems encountered with the Orbital Workshop ne-
cessitated the rapid design and construction of supplemental hardware to
be transported by the firs= manned vehicle. The intervening period was
also used for intensive crew training in new and modified procedures and
for restowing the command module with items which were considered to have
been damaged by the elevated temperatures.

The space vehicle, consisting of a modified Apollo command and ser-

vice module payload and a Saturn IB launch vehicle, was inserted into
earth orbit approximately i0 minutes after lift-off. The orbit achieved
was 357 by 156 kilometers and, during a 6 hour period following insertion,
four maneuvers were used to place the command and service module into a
424 by 415 kilometer orbit for rendezvous with the Saturn Workshop. Nor-
mal rendezvous sequencing led to station keeping during the fifth revolu-
tion followed by a flyaround inspection of the damage to the Orbital

The crew provided a verbal description of the damage in conjunction

with 15 minutes of television coverage. Solar array system wing (beam) 2
was completely missing. Solar array system wing (beam) i was slightly
deployed and was restrained by a fragment of the meteoroid shield. Large
sections of the meteoroid shield were missing. Following the flyaround
inspection, the command and service module was soft docked with the Sat-
urn Workshop to plan the next activities.

A command and service module extravehicular activity was initiated

at 23:52:15 G.m.t. on visit day i, to attempt the deployment of the
beam i solar array, but was unsuccessful. The crew's frustration was
compounded when eight attempts were required to achieve docking with the
Saturn Workshop. The first manned day terminated after a crew work
period of 22 hours.

The second mannedday was focused toward entry into the Saturn Work-
shop. The crew removedand inspected the docking probe and drogue, and
then entered the Multiple Docking Adapter to activate the Airlock Module
and the Multiple Docking Adapter systems. The Orbital Workshopatmosphere
was habitable, though hot, and the crew found no particular discomfort in
working in the environment for I0 to 15 minute intervals.
A Skylab parasol, designed to thermally protect the area exposed to
the sun by the missing meteoroid shield, was deployed through the solar
scientific airlock about 5 hours into the second workday. As a result,
the internal Orbital Workshop temperatures began decreasing. The command
module was then unstowed and all systems were deactivated except for those
which were required to support the Workshop and to maintain minimum com-
mand and service module requirements.

The crew established the Workshop manning routine and, for the next
Ii days, performed scientific and medical experiments under a reduced power
profile. During a 3 1/2 hour extravehicular activity on mission day 13,
the Commander and Science Pilot freed and deployed beam i and its solar
array. Adequate power was then available in the Saturn Workshop at return
to near normal activities.

Another extravehicular activity was performed on the 26th manned day

to replace Apollo Telescope Mount film cassettes and obtain thermal coat-
ing samples. In addition, the Commander performed inflight repairs on
the Apollo Telescope Mount instruments and also succeeded in reactivating
a malfunctioning charger battery regulator module. This was the final day
of significant scientific and experiment activity. The remaining time
was devoted to Workshop housekeeping and stowage of the command module
in preparation for termination of the first visit.

The command module was reactivated on the last visit day and, after
donning suits, the crew performed the final Saturn Workshop closeout,
entered the command module, and undocked. A flyaround of the Saturn Work-
shop was performed to inspect and photograph it.

The command module separated from the vicinity of the Saturn Work-
shop at 09:40:00 G.m.t. on visit day 29, and all entry events were nor-
mal. The command module landed in the Pacific Ocean approximately 1300
kilometers southwest of San Diego, California. The time of landing was
13:49:49 G.m.t. on visit day 29, and the spacecraft was within visual
range of the recovery ship, the USS Ticonderoga. The command module re-
mained in a stable i attitude (upright) and the first visit terminated
when the spacecraft and crew were aboard the recovery ship about 40 min-
utes after landing. The total flight time of the first visit was 672
hours 49 minutes and 49 seconds.


The Skylab parasol (fig. 3-1) was launched with the first visit
spacecraft. The parasol provided thermal shielding for the area of the
Orbital Workshop which was exposed to the sun because of the missing me-
teoroid shield. The parasol concept, design, development, construction
and delivery to the Kennedy Space Center were accomplished within 7 days
by the Johnson Space Center. Two other thermal protection devices were
also devised and delivered during this same time period. One was a sail,
produced by the Johnson Space Center, and designed to be deployed by an
extravehicular crewman standing in the command module hatch while the
spacecraft was being flown in close proximity to the Orbital Workshop.
The other, called a twin boom sunshade, produced by the Marshall Space
Flight Center, was designed to be deployed by extravehicular crewmen
from the Apollo Telescope Mount station.

The parasol provided a means of deploying a thermal protective de-

vice which was simple, and could be accomplished from within the Orbital
Workshop in a shirt-sleeve environment. The system is also capable of
being jettisoned.

Figure 3-2 shows the packed parasol. Figure 3-3 shows the deployed
parasol. The parasol concept made use of a spare experiment T027 can-
ister which was designed to interface with the solar scientific air lock.
The seal design used in the back plate of the experiment canister was in-
corporated into a new back plate required for the parasol. This allowed
the use of deployment rods which were of the same type used for experi-
ment deployment, and also allowed use of the experiment T027 photometer
ejection rod, if jettisoning becomes necessary.

Major components of the parasol, other than the modified canister,

were a 6.7 by 7.3 meter aluminized Mylar/nylon laminate canopy that was
partially opaque to solar thermal energy, a canopy mast, a mast hub with
deployment springs, four telescoping deployment rods, seven extension
rods, and the experiment T027 canister support tripod.

The canopy is a laminate of orange rip-stop nylon bonded to 0.05 mm

aluminized Mylar (fig. 3-4). The hem around the periphery of the canopy
has 2.54 centimeter nylon tape and 0.635 centimeter diameter PBI llne
sewn into it. The PBI line provided the means of attachment to the de-
ployment rod ends. The nylon side of the canopy is toward the sun and
provides an _/e of 0.44 with an _ of 0.37 and an e of 0.84. Long term
exposure to sunlight is expected to cause the u/e to change to about 0.7.
An _/E of less than 1.0 will provide adequate thermal protection. The
back side of the aluminized surface provide a low emmittance which re-
duces thermal radiation between the canopy and the Orbital Workshop.


• +- i.

.+ ,.....+, \

i I '+'_





Release knob_

meter extension rod


Figure 3-3.- Parasol deployed configuration.


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V) O
u '- E

E'_ E
t_ (n E E
t_ C_








o IJ.

The back plate of the canister contained provisions for extending

the mast and extension rods, and disconnecting devices for the telescop-
ing deployment rod tip retainers. The plate also contained O-ring seals
to maintain the Orbital Workshop pressure integrity. A friction brake
prevented inadvertent turning or overextension of the canopy.

Deployment was accomplished through the solar scientific airlock by

attaching the extension rods to the mast and pushing the rod assembly
outward. As the mast hub was extended to 4.9 meters above the opening
of the airlock, the telescoping deployment rods became fully extended and
locked, and the tip retainers for the telescoping rods were released.
The mast hub was then extended to 6.4 meters above the outer surface of
the Orbital Workshop, allowing the rod tips to swing free of the solar
scientific airlock opening and deploy the canopy. The parasol was then
retracted to its final position a few centimeters above the Orbital Work-
shop outer surface. During the retraction process, the long extension
rods were removed and the short extension rod was left in place.

As presently deployed over the Orbital Workshop, all telescoping

rods are deployed to the horizontal plane, but the canopy is not fully
spread. Photographs taken during the flyaround inspection indicate that
one section of three of the four telescoping deployment rods was unlocked
and that only one of the 4 rods was completely extended. This results in
a reduction of about 25 percent in the planned area of coverage.

The telescoping rod tip retainers are attached to the rods by springs
which are extended several centimeters in locking the rod sections to-
gether (fig. 3-5). Release of these retainers with the spring fully
stretched imparts a shock force on the rod locks. The design is such
that shock loading can trip the lock. The design of the rod locks and
retainers on the new parasol has been changed to provide a more positive
lock and to eliminate the shock force (fig. 3-5).

Orbital Workshop temperatures started dropping immediately upon par-

asol deployment. The initial temperature drop for the outer wall exceeded
36 ° K per hour. Temperatures within the Orbital Workshop, though drop-
ping at a much slower rate, were below 311 ° K within a day of deployment.
The inside temperature continued a steady decline until stabilization
was reached somewhat below 297 ° K (fig. 3-6). As a result of the crew's
observations during the final extravehicular activity, the canopy was
repositioned 0.26 of a radian to provide better thermal control. The
overall temperature effects from this repositioning were negligible be-
cause of the reduced coverage. The effect was to increase the tempera-
ture in the sleep area. The parasol was therefore rotated towards its
original position. Note that at the end of the first visit the temper-
atures increased because of the increase of daytime exposure for the or-
bital plane at that time of the year.

Backup locking
tab added


(a) Telescoping rod lock.

Compression spring

tip retainer

tension spring

Exi sting

(b) Telescoping rod tip retainer and release device.

Figure 3-5.- Telescoping rod lock and tip design.




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Ground tests of the canopy material with simulated sunlight indicated

that the nylon would lose strength with exposure to sunlight. However,
observations made by the crew during the flyaround inspection and compar-
ison of virgin nylon with nylon exposed to 500 hours of equivalent sun-
light (end of first visit) indicate that the ground simulation does not
represent the actual exposure conditions. The material is not being af-
fected as tests indicate as gaged by the change in color. The color must
change before the strength changes since the dye protects the nylon from
ultraviolet rays.

The virgin nylon is bright orange in color. The sample exposed to

simulated sunlight for 500 hours changed to a dull gold color. The crew's
comment upon examination of these two samples was that the parasol looks
like the virgin sample in color, except that it had less sheen.

Figure 3-7 is the effect of ground simulation of sunlight on strength

and elongation of the orange rip stop nylon material. The 50 percent re-
maining strength (4465 gram/cm) after 2600 equivalent sun hours exposure
(end of second visit) is more than adequate to satisfy structural re-
quirements (892 gram/cm). The 50 percent remaining elongation (19 per-
cent) is more than adequate to satisfy structural requirements (I0 per-
cent). Examination of samples yield no evidence that any loose nylon
particles are being created which could cause contamination of experi-
ments. The adherance of any surface "crust" (weak nylon) is still quite
good after 2600 hours and appears to have stabilized.


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This section discusses only those experiments under the management

of the Johnson Space Center. Many additional experiments under the man-
agement of the Marshall Space Flight Center were conducted and are dis-
cussed in a separate report.


Three experiments were planned for the first visit in the solar
physics and astrophysics areas. These were experiment S019 (Ultraviolet
Stellar Astronomy), experiment S020 (Ultraviolet X-Ray Solar Photography),
and experiment S149 (Particle Collection). All of these experiments were
to be performed through the scientific airlocks. Experiment S019 was to
be conducted through the anti-solar airlock, experiment S020 through the
solar airlock, and experiment S149 through both airlocks. The solar air-
lock was used during the entire mission by the Skylab parasol; conse-
quently, this eliminated the performance of experiment S020 and limited
the performance of experiment S149. Experiment S019 was not directly af-
fected by the loss of the solar airlock, but changes in the flight plan
indirectly resulted in completion of only a portion of the originally
planned passes.

4.1.1 Experiment S019 - Ultraviolet Stellar Astronomy

Data were collected on three and one-half passes for the S019 exper-
iment. One additional pass was used for calibration and one additional
data taking pass was used for student experiment ED23 (Ultraviolet from

The spectral data appear to be of excellent quality. The data for

the prism off fields may be degraded because of large spacecraft attitude
rates during the observations.

During the initial activation of the S019 experiment, the tilt mech-
anism was found jammed. The jamming was isolated to interference between
the tilt display gear clamp screw and the aluminum cover. A repair pro-
cedure teleprinted from the ground corrected the problem and restored the
experiment to normal operation. Details of this anomaly are given in sec-
tion 17.2.3.

Two problems occurred in the widening of the spectra. First, the

widening mechanism operates faster than anticipated by about 20 percent.

That is, 270 second exposures are accomplished in about 220 seconds. This
results in a loss of about 0.2 in limiting magnitude and is of minor sig-
nificance. No adjustments are possible on the flight hardware. The sec-
ond problem is irregularity of widening. This may result from external
disturbances. The second visit crew has been advised not to touch the
spectrograph during exposures. Likewise, it has been emphasized that crew
motion should be kept to a mininum during exposures. An error in opera-
ting procedures during the first prism on pass prevented exposure. How-
ever, confirmation of experiment pointing, which was the primary objective
of this pass, was accomplished.
The two no prism passes were degraded by spacecraft motion. The mo-
tion amountedto about 0.026 radian per hour. This motion was probably
caused by a trim maneuvershortly before the S019passes.
During postflight testing, a leak was found in the film canister
around the reticle seal of the eyepiece. The leak and the exposure to
high temperatures contributed to background fog. However, no loss of
data resulted from this condition.

Ninety second exposures were madeduring bright moonlight conditions.

No significant fogging from the moonlight was observed. Consequently,
moonlight constraints will no longer be observed. Table 4-1 gives a sum-
mary of the results of the first visit.

4.1.2 Experiment S020 - Ultraviolet X-Ray Solar Photography

The experiment was launched in the Orbital Workshop. However, it

could not be performed because the Skylab parasol was deployed through
the solar scientific airlock. Modifications to this experiment are being
planned to permit its performance on a subsequent visit to the Workshop.

4.1.3 Experiment S149 - Particle Collection

Experiment S149 was installed in the antl-solar scientific airlock

and operated for the first time on visit day 27. Solar side data were
not obtained because of the Skylab parasol installation. The unit was
operated for one complete cycle to verify all systems were functioning

After crew departure, the experiment was deployed for data collec-
tion until docking on the second manned visit. Deployment and retrac-
tion are ground commanded. Deployment was normal.


Total exposures ................... 44

Total fields observed (prism on) ........... ii

Fields spoiled by light fog .............. 3

Total frames exposed (prism on) ............ 15

Frames fogged (hatch left open) ............ 3

Stars observed down to 2500 angstroms ......... 127

Stars observed down to 2000 angstroms ......... 67

Stars observed down to 1500 angstroms ......... 21

Spectra with lines in 1300 to 2000 angstrom region . . 14

Spectra with lines in 2000 to 2800 angstrom region . . 21

Fields observed (prism off) . . ............ 15

Frames exposed (prism off) .............. 29

Focus ......................... Very good

Resolution ........... 2 angstroms at 1400 angstroms

Limiting magnitude . . . 5.8 magnitude B5 star to 1500 angstroms

(in agreement with prediction)

Fog level - unexposed film ...... 0.08 densitometric units

Fog rise above lab film base fog . . . 0.05 densitometric units

Fog due to contamination introduced

by canister leak ...... 0.15 to 0.27 densitometric units


Medical experimentation comprises a major portion of the Skylab pro-

gram. The experiments for the first visit were performed as shown in
table I of section 14. Selected data from the experiments were plotted
on trend charts to assist with crew health monitoring.
The extreme thermal environment encountered during the early phases
of the first visit caused several problems with biomedical equipment
stowed onboard the Orbital Workshop. The failures and/or anomalous con-
ditions which occurred as a result of exposure to temperatures ranging
from 322° K to an estimated 331 ° K in the stowage area are discussed in
conjunction with the experiments affected.

Although the preliminary medical data thus far have pointed out the
need for specific protocol and equipment modifications, none of the changes
noted in the crewmembers during flight and subsequent to flight were felt
to represent any unmanageable health or operational problems.

4.2.1 Experiment M071 - Mineral Balance

The foods eaten during the 31 day preflight period, the 28 day in-
flight period, and a 17 day postflight period were based on individual
crew preference and selection. A complete record of the exact intake of
all nutrients was kept for the whole of this time. The volume and chemi-
cal constituents of the water used during this time were also monitored.

All urine and feces during the 31 day preflight period were analyzed.
Blood samples were obtained for the analysis of selected constituents.
All the feces were dried and returned to the ground for analysis. The
urine specimens were sampled and the frozen samples were returned to the
ground for analysis. Urine and feces collection continued for 17 days
after the flight.

Inflight caloric intakes were 200 to 300 kilocalories less than pre-
flight baseline values, but close to the anticipated levels. The average
weight loss was 5.5 percent of total body weight. The disproportionate
measured loss of leg volume and total body stereophotogrammetry suggests
that muscular atrophy is responsible for some of the weight loss.

Preliminary examination suggests that calcium, phosphorus, nitrogen,

and, possibly, also potassium were lost from the body by urinary excretion
at about the same rate that has been seen in bedrest subjects.

4.2.2 Experiment M073 - Bioassay of Body Fluids

Experiment M073 evaluates endocrinological adaptation in the space

flight environment.

A slight increase in potassium excretion with relatively constant

sodium excretion was observed in flight. Aldosterone was elevated and
total body exchangeable potassium was decreased (6 to 8 percent) in all
crewmen. The serum electrolytes show slight decreases in potassium from
preflight control levels. No inflight diuresis was observed. Cortisol
was significantly increased.

Postfllght tests of renal function showed no gross change. Like-

wise, the antldiuresis hormone, aldosterone, and noreplnephrlne have been
significantly elevated. Total body exchangeable potassium was still de-
creased 14 days after recovery. The changes noted were not medically

4.2.3 Experiments MO74/MI72 - Specimen and Body

Mass Measurement

Experiment M074, the Specimen Mass Measurement Device measures masses

up to 1 kilogram, usually food residues and fecal specimens. Experiment
M172, the Body Mass Measurement Device, measures masses up to I00 kilo-
grams, specifically crew body mess. Only one can of food residue needed
weighing during the first visit to update the daily diet information of
Experiments M171/73. Fecal masses, however, were weighed daily, and the
data retained for postfllght analysis. Daily body weight measurements of
each crewman were accomplished following sleep and the first urination,
and required approximately 5 minutes per crewman per day.

The electronics module of the waste management compartment specimen

mass measurement device failed early in the mission. Details are pro-
vlded in section 17.2.1. A backup electronics module is being carried
on the second visit spacecraft.

Data obtained indicates that adequate calibration and performance

accuracy was achieved to satisfy the medical operational objectives and
to support experiments M171/73 requirements. Excessive crew time was re-
quired in calibrating the experiment M172 body mass measuring device be-
cause of an unstable calibration configuration. This instability resulted
from off loading of the experiment S020 film magazine stowage container
from the first visit spacecraft. The experiment S020 film magazine is
one of the flight items used as a calibration mass for the experiment
M172 device. All calibration messes used on experiment M172 must be rig-
idly restrained to obtain absolute accuracy. Pieces of adhesive tape of

unknownweight were used to stabilize the calibration masses and resulted

in a very small overall reduction in the accuracy of the weights obtained
in flight. This inaccuracy voided the achievement of the experiment M172
objective of determining the absolute accuracy capability of this type of
device. The amount of error involved is probably less than 5 grams.

4.2.4 Experiment M078 - Bone Mineral Densitometry

The body tends to react to weightlessness by losing bone minerals,

especially in its weight-supporting bones. Measurements of bone mineral
content for the first visit were made by utilizing a garmna radiation

Evaluation of the recovery day data did not show a significant loss
of bone mineral during the 28 days of weightlessness.

4.2.5 Experiment M092 - Lower Body Negative Pressure

Experiment M092 assesses orthostatic tolerance by measuring cardio-

vascular responses to lower body negative pressure. The following in-
creasing negative pressures are applied in a time sequence: 0.ii, 0.22,
0.40, 0.53 and 0.67 newtons per square centimeter.

Experiment M092 was performed on each crewman as shown in table I

in section 14. All runs were according to specified limits except for a
reduced level of differential pressure on the Science Pilot and Pilot
during the latter phases of operation. Experiment hardware performed
normally. One 13 minute period of data is unusable because of a proce-
dural error.

Losses in tolerance to lower body negative pressure stress during

flight varied among the crewmen both in rate and magnitude of change.
Initially, a rapid decline in the resting calf size occurred and, there-
after, a steady, but slower, decline continued. The percent of increase
in leg volume during lower body negative pressure application was much
larger in flight than in either preflight or postflight tests. This ex-
cessive increase appeared to diminish in the latter part of the visit,
but still remained high. In all postflight tests, the leg volume change
again resembled those seen preflight.

Heart rate at rest tended to vary from test to test, and was gener-
ally comparable to preflight rates. The stressed heart rate in all crew-
men became higher in a somewhat cyclic pattern during flight without def-
inite evidence of a leveling-off trend. Blood pressure changes at rest

usually were within preflight ranges. In each crewman, lower body nega-
tive pressure stress caused either diastolic pressure or pulse pressure
to become lower, again periodically, but particularly in the latter half
of the flight. Changes in the heart rate and blood pressure responses to
lower body negative pressure were largel_confined to the high stress

The Science Pilot experienced symptoms in association with high heart

rate and low pulse pressure on visit day 13 during exposure to 0.67 new-
tons per square centimeter negative pressure. Thereafter, negative
pressure during the last 5 minute period of exposure was kept at 0.53 new-
tons per square centimeter. The Science Pilot again experienced symptoms
at this level on the last test performed on visit day 25. In both in-
stances, the test was terminated early. On visit day 18, the Pilot's
test was terminated during the last 5 minutes while negative pressure was
0.67 newtons per square centimeter. Although the Pilot did not experi-
ence symptoms, the Pilot*s heart rate had increased and the pulse pres-
sure had decreased to levels indicating that symptoms would have occurred.
In subsequent tests, the final period of negative pressure was also held
at 0.53 newtons per square centimeter for the Pilot.

Recovery day cardiac X-rays show a decrease in heart size with the
Commander showing the least change and the Science Pilot the most.

The Commander had not quite returned to his preflight baseline on

the 20th day after recovery. The Science Pilot was essentially at base-
line on the 24th day after recovery, and the Pilot reached baseline on
the 21st day after recovery.

4.2.6 Experiment M093 - Vectorcardiogram

The objective of experiment M093 is to measure inflight electrocar-

diographic potentials of each crewman for comparison with preflight and
postflight data.

Data shows only minor changes during the inflight phase of the visit
and more marked changes during the postflight period. With the exception
of increased heart rates in the postflight period, the electrocardio-
graphic changes observed were not consistently present in all crewmen,
nor were any changes associated with clinically significant patterns.

4.2.7 Hematology

Periodic blood samples were obtained from each crewmanat regular

intervals prior to flight, during flight, and after the flight, and dis-
tributed for analyses according to the protocols of M071, M073and the
MII0 series.

The inflight blood collection system was utilized four times during
the first visit. During each use, blood was drawn from each crewman,
transferred to the automatic sample processor, centrifuged and placed in
frozen storage. For the first and last sampling, a small vial of blood
with a fixative was also prepared. The hardware performed normally.
However, a minor procedural changewas madeto leave the automatic sample
processor on the vacuumadapter until ready to inject the blood. This
prevented leakage in the automatic sample processor. The centrifuge and
automatic sample processor worked normally. All automatic sample proc-
essor samples of plasma and cells were good.
Each of the crewmenhad blood drawn as shownin the following table.

Total number Total blood drawn,

Period blood draws milliliters
Preflight 400
Inflight 44
Postflight 365 Experiment Mill - Cytogenetic Studies of the Blood.- The

object of experiment Mill is to determine the genetic consequences of
long duration space flight. Data analysis are in progress. Experiment MII2 - Hematology and Inlnunology.- Experiment

MII2 is designed to assess changes in humoral cellular immunity. No sig-
nificant change was noted in the postflight total serum proteins and serum
protein electrophoresis, serum immunoglobulins, serum transport proteins,
and serum protease inhibitors. Slight C3 and lysozyme changes were noted

No significant change occurred in the unstimulated ribonucleic acid

and deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis rates. However, postflight, a slight
but definite decrease did occur in the Commander and Science Pilot's
phytohemaglutinin stimulated ribonucleic acid and deoxyribonucleic acid
synthesis rates. The changes noted postflight are, in general, relatively
minor and are not expected to be of clinical significance.
4-9 Experiment MII3 - Blood Volume and Red Cell Life Span.-
Experiment MII3 is designed to determine the effect of weightlessness on
plasma volume and red blood cell populations.

The major changes in experiment data from the preflight baseline are
as follows :

a. Mean red cell mass decreased about 14 percent. Data are not yet
available to determine if this was a hemolytic event or inhibition of

b. Plasma volume decreased i0 percent in the Science Pilot. Changes

in the Commander and the Pilot were insignificant. Experiment MII4 - Red Blood Cell Metabolism.- The purpose

of experiment MII4 is to determine any metabolic and/or membrane changes
which occur in the human red blood cell.

On the completed inflight studies, which include methemoglobln, re-

duced glutathlone, and acetylcholinesterase, there are no major changes
between the preflight and inflight periods. Experiment Mll5 - Special Hematologic Effects.- A reduction

in the red blood cell count, hematocrit and hemoglobin concentration was
measured on the day of recovery and one day later. The red blood cell
count had returned to the preflight levels during the examinations con-
ducted on the fourth and seventh days after recovery, but the hematocrit
and hemoglobin remain below preflight levels.

An absolute lymphopenla was observed in the Pilot on the day of re-

covery. All other white blood cell counts and differentials have been
within normal ranges. Most special hematology data are still being proc-

4.2.8 Experiment MI31 - Human Vestibular Function

Experiment MI31 is performed to obtain data on semicircular canal

stimulation and spatial localization under conditions of weightlessness.
A chair like device is used to position and rotate the subject at several
optional constant angular velocities and accelerations.

All experiment hardware performed nominally with the exception of

the Velcro seatbelt which would not latch securely. Inflight modifica-
tions were made and the problem was corrected.

The major changes in experiment data from the preflight baseline

are as follows :

a. The oculogyral illusion was generally more difficult to perceive

in flight. Onthe third day after recovery, the perception of the ocu-
logyral illusion was similar to that obtained preflight.
b. Preflight measurementsestablished normal and similar levels of
motion sickness susceptibility for both participants. In flight, the
initial mock rotation tests of susceptibility evoked only minimal and
transient symptoms. Subsequenttests at the baseline and progressively
higher rates of rotation demonstrated a marked decrease in susceptibility.
Crew communicationsat the time of recovery indicate their hypersensitivity
to head motion upon returning to l-g conditions. Subsequentpostflight
measurementswere similar to preflight measurementsand established that
the crewmenrapidly readapted to vestibular stressor stimulation under l-g

4.2.9 Experiment M133- Sleep Monitoring

The M133experiment is designed to permit the first objective study

of sleep characteristics during prolonged space flight. Brainwaves, eye
motion, and head motion signals are processed and the resultant sleep
stage information is evaluated.
During the initial activation of the experiment, the Science Pilot
discovered that the sleep caps obtained from the stowage compartmentfor
the first visit, located in the sleep quarters, were not providing ade-
quate data. Subsequentinspection of other caps in this stowage compart-
ment indicated that the electrolyte on the electrodes had dried to the
extent that would cause this problem. The Science Pilot used caps stowed
in the upper ring locker with success for all subsequent runs. An elec-
trode rejuvenation kit will be carried on the spacecraft for the second
visit to allow the Science Pilot to inject electrolyte into each elec-
trode of the "dry" caps to correct the problem. Satisfactory data were
received on i0 of the 12 runs.

Analysis showedthat the magnetic tape was largely unreadable. A

new tape is being carried on the next flight to support the second visit.
Loss of the bulk of the tape recorded data meant heavier reliance on the
results obtained inflight from the onboard automatic analyzer. See sec-
tion 17.2.12 for further discussion of this anomaly.

The sleep latency, which is the amount of time it takes a subject

to fall asleep after beginning the rest period, averaged about 38 minutes
on the three preflight baseline nights, and averaged 16 minutes on the
inflight nights.

The total sleep time averaged 6 hours 55 minutes preflight, and

averaged 6 hours 1 minute inflight, a decrease of almost i hour. The
Commander and Pilot also exhibited decreased inflight sleep time (ap-
proximately 5 to 6 hours) without apparent functional loss.

Preliminary sleep stage analysis shows that the rapid eye movement
stage, which is the period strongly associated with dreaming, averaged
22.2 percent prior to flight and was 19.7 percent during flight, an in-
significant change. Stage 1 was 5.3 percent prior to flight, and 4.4
percent in flight. Stage 3 also exhibited little change, averaging 14.8
percent prior to flight and 16.2 percent during the mission. Stages 2
and 4 do show a change, however, which, while it appears to be signifi-
cant, does not imply a degradation in sleep quality. Stage 2 decreased,
but stage 4, which was only 2.9 percent prior to flight, rose to 16.5
percent in flight_.

4.2.10 Experiment MI51 - Time and Motion Study

The purpose of experiment MI51 is to study the adaptability, mobil-

ity, nd the fine and gross motor activity in work and task performance
during space flight. Motion pictures were taken prior to flight and dur-
ing flight to allow task evaluations. No results are available at this
time because film processing time has not permitted completion of the

4.2.11 Experiment MI71 - Metabolic Activity

Experiment MITI is an exercise response test which utilizes a bicy-

cle ergometer to study man's metabolic effectiveness to do mechanical

The inflight protocol was run every 4 to 5 days during the 28 day
mission and the following parameters were measured: heart rate, blood
pressure, respiratory gas exchange (oxygen consumption, carbon dioxide
production, minute volume), and electrical activity of the heart. Addi-
tional preflight and postflight measurements included: cardiac output,
carotid pulse, and vibrocardiogram.

The lap and shoulder harness restraint was very difficult to use in
zero g. Consequently, the crew did not use the restraint and, instead,
found that the best method to restrain themselves. The crew used tri-
angle shoes, which lock into the bicycle pedal structure, or they put
their hands against the ceiling during the pedaling process or used the
normal handlebar configuration.

All operations of the MI71 metabolic analyzer and ergometer were

nominal except for the Pilot's run on the first day and Science Pilot's
run on the second day which were terminated early because of high tem-
peratures in the Orbital Workshopand difficulties with the ergometer re-
straint harness. The original flight plan required only five MI71 runs
per crewman. However,because of certain physiological changes observed,
a realtime decision was madeto perform the MITI experiment on each crew-
manevery third day beginning with visit day 15, resulting in the increased
numberof runs.

A hard-mounted restraint system is planned for the second visit.

The system will be evaluated in flight and a determination madefor stand-
ard procedural usage.
A review of the MITI inflight trend data indicates that after the
original ergometer restraint system was discarded, all crewmenapproached
baseline exercise response values throughout the remainder of the flight.
The Pilot, however, did exhibit slightly elevated heart rates at the
third level of exercise.

In general, an immediate postflight decrement in exercise tolerance

has been observedwhich is of the sameorder of magnitude as observed dur-
ing Apollo. The return to normal has been extended beyond that normally
observed during Apollo (with the exception of Apollo 15). All crewmen
have now tended to level off in their postflight response to exercise.


The Skylab Earth Resources Experiment Package, composed of six remote

sensing systems, provides a spaceborne facility for use as a part of, and
in support of, the already existing broad base international studies on
the techniques and application of earth remote sensing. These studies
encompass multispectral (ultraviolet, visible, and infrared through mi-
crowave) sensing at ground level, by aircraft, and by unmanned spacecraft
in addition to the Skylab studies.

The Skylab Earth Resources Experiment Package provides additional and

more precise data on spacecraft sensing capabilities, allowing a more thor-
ough evaluation of sensor techniques and returned data correlation and ap-
plication. Also, Skylab offers unique features not presently possible with
automated unmanned systems. These are the ability to evaluate test site
conditions; to acquire and track uniform, small test sites off the ground
track; and to vary the data acquisition activities as system conditions

This section describes the performance of the Earth Resources Experi-

ment Package hardware during the first visit. Specific sensor evaluation
performance is contained in reference 3. Eleven orbital data passes were

4.3.1 Experiment SI90A - Multispectral Photographic Facility

The Multispectral Photographic facility and associated electronic

hardware operated satisfactorily throughout the first visit.

The flight film originals were evaluated to assess the performance

of experiment SI90A as an optical system (lens, filter, and Multiple Dock-
ing Adapter window). Detailed examinations of imagery of large urban popu-
lation centers with readily identifiable ground targets were performed.
This initial assessment shows that the optical system performed quite sat-

Some contamination of the aft lens element (reseau pla£e) was evident
on all stations. This contamination resulted from particulate material
appearing at random locations in the image area and was usually transient
in nature. However, some remained for an entire pass, but was usually
dislodged when the magazine was removed. The crew reported that the re-
seau plates were cleaned only once during the visit. Accumulation of
emulsion dust had been anticipated as a result of ground tests, but the
accumulation was minor and had a negligible effect on the data.

In conjunction with the film review, the mechanical performance was

assessed. Sharpnessof the reseau marks imaged on the film showedthat
the magazinepressure platens provided good contact of the film with the
reseau plate. No discrepancies were noted in frame spacing or in the
rotary shutter operation. On every data pass, the cameraexecuted the
number of exposures commanded.No mechanical problems affecting experi-
ment results were identified, although malfunction lights were illumina-
ted following magazinechangeout. This condition is attributable to film
loosening on the spool and is discussed in section 17.2.2.
Electrostatic discharge markings, though very random and of short
duration (I0 frames or less), were evident on approximately 5 percent of
the black and white film. Although the markings caused somedegradation
of imagery, no actual loss of data occurred. A discussion of this is in-
cluded in section 17.2.6. Film scratching or marks of both plus and minus
density were very minor and limited primarily to the beginning of those
rolls not threaded in magazines during launch.
Desiccants for the camerawere saturated more rapidly than expected,
causing more frequent changing. This necessitated bake-out using the
fecal oven.

4.3.2 Experiment SI90B - Earth Terrain Camera

The Earth Terrain Camerawas used during seven passes, including a
lunar calibration pass. Performance of the Earth Terrain Camerawas good.
The clock coupled to the camerawas checked on visit day 26 and was 30 min-
utes and 58 seconds slow and was anticipated based upon preflight tests.
This situation posed no problem with the data.

A "hissing" noise was heard while using the spare magazine. This
condition is attributed to a leak in the vacuumline connection as dis-
cussed in section 17.2.5.

Exposure errors that were experienced were primarily the result of

a lack of adequate exposure compensation for sun angle changes. Sun
angles for subsequent missions will be calculated using the position of
the spacecraft at the time of exposure rather than at the midpoint of a
multiple exposure site as was done on several passes during the first

4.3.3 Experiment S191 - Visible and Infrared Spectrometer

The spectrometer performed satisfactorily. The acquisition and track-

ing of targets using the viewfinder tracking system was accomplished with-
out difficulty. No problems were experienced which adversely affected the
short wavelength (visible and near infrared) data. However, a slight shift
was observed in short wavelength (lead sulfide) detector output during auto
calibration. This shift is attributed to a larger than expected gradient
between the short wavelength detector temperature and the package temper-
ature. This will be compensated for by adjusting the package temperature
output to accomodate the increased gradient.

The long wavelength (far infrared) data were degraded during the
first five passes because of high detector temperatures. This resulted
from improper thermal conditioning of the cryogenic cooler and, conse-
quently, insufficient cooling of the detector prior to starting the data
passes. Proper thermal conditioning of the cryogenic cooler was achieved
prior to the beginning of the sixth pass, because more electrical power
was available. After achieving proper cooler operating temperature, data
acquisition was normal.

In one instance, !h_ data acquisition camera used in conjunction with

the viewfinder tracking system contin-ued to run after being turned off.
This discrepancy had been experienced during ground testing and contin-
gency procedures had been established. Camera operation was normal after
the film magazine was removed and reinstalled. An error in the checklist
caused both rolls of film to be overexposed, resulting in poor image qual-
ity. The image quality was improved on the second roll of film by making
corrections in the film processing. Few targets were identifiable on the
first roll, but the majority of targets were identifiable on the second
roll. The data covering the last two passes were severely degraded due
to underexposure caused by an inadvertent fast shutter speed setting.
This resulted in the gimbal angle and time readouts not being visible on
some of the film. Shutter speed will be determined for each pass during
the second and third visits.

The television camera was operated twice with the viewfinder tracking
system. Operation was normal except for the presence of random spots in
the picture. This condition was attributed to the television system and
is discussed in section 17.3.4.

4.3.4 Experiment S192 - Multispectral Scanner

The housekeeping data indicated normal instrument operation; however,

the science data disclosed several problems, some of which can be compen-
sated for in data reduction. Imagery data from pass 4 exhibited dark and
light stripes at a frequency of approximately 1.5 kHz. The effect of the
stripes varied from band to band with increasing intensity toward bands i
and ii. This effect has been attributed to the align switch being left
on during this pass and the detectors sensing the 1.5 kHz modulation from
alignment light emitting diodes. Post-mission tests produced similar re-

Data showed a low-frequency noise with peaks at approximately 8 Hz,

12 Hz, and 20 Hz superimposed on all channels. The noise did not have a
significant effect on any of the channels except the thermal channel which
has the highest gain. See section 17.2.7.

The alignment of the thermal channel had shifted from its calculated
setting. The crew performed a thermal realignment, but the focus control
reached its mechanical stop before a peak reading was obtained. Data
indicate that the thermal channel is giving an estimated resolution of
about 3.2 ° K versus the specification value of 1.25 ° K.

The sensitivity of the thermal channel is lower than expected. This

is caused by a non-optlmum alignment and the low frequency noise. The 20
Hz noise is most prominent and is apparently caused by cooler vibration.
Data reduction techniques have been developed to correct the data and min-
imize the effect of the noise. See section 17.2.7.

A reduction in the amplitude of the calibration pulse in the fixed

gain channels (i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8) was noted and this suggests a
slight misalignment of the visible channels. Correction factors are be-
ing applied to the data. The noise equivalent change in reflectance
values obtained from flight data is similar to that obtained preflight.
In general, exceptions to this would be bands 4, 5, and, possibly 7, if
the correction factors discussed previously are applied. These channels
had attenuators installed, which decreased the signal to noise ratio.

Examination of closeout photographs has indicated a possibility that

the cooler dewar assembly may not have been properly secured, thus permit-
ting a variation in the alignment. Realignment procedures and equipment
are being provided for the second visit.

4.3.5 Experiment S193- Radlometer/Scatterometer/Altimeter

The performance of experiment S193resulted in generally good data,

although several problems occurred. The radiometer automatic gain control
saturated during altimeter operation, resulting in a partial loss of the
radiometer data when radiometer operation followed altimeter operation.
Two frames of data were missing from altimeter mode3 data (less than i
percent). The altimeter pulse compression network used in mode5 failed,
but the short pulse operation is acceptable. The antenna gimbals did not
slew out far enough to reach the larger scan angles. Errors of i to 6
degrees are present and someof the scatterometer data were degraded.
With special processing, the data are usable. The problem resulted from
excess stiffness in the antenna glmbal harness. This problem was noted
during ground testing and was corrected for small scan angles; however,
the difficulty of simulating zero g obscured the problem for larger scan
angles. These anomalies are discussed in section 17.2.8, 17.2.9, and

At the start of the first radiometer/scatterometer operation of pass i,

the antenna failed to move off nadir as commanded. The problem did not
recur during any of the following i0 passes. The hangup is believed to
have been caused by incomplete release of the launch lock pin used to re-
strain glmbal movement from launch vibration.

The altimeter nadir alignment did not function properly on the first
pass because the Workshop attitude was too far off the nadir. Recon-
struction of the altimeter return pulse shape from the sample and hold
gate data on the first attempt did not match the expected return. Fur-
ther analysis verified that the data were valid. The return pulse shape
was distorted due to decreasing altitude, off nadir attitude angles, and
the associated delay in the tracker's ability to follow the changes in

As expected, the altimeter lost lock many times over land, especi-
ally over rough terrain, and at land-water interfaces. Operation over
water was excellent since the altimeter was designed for this type of

4.3.6 Experiment S194 - L-Band Radiometer

Performance of experiment S194 was satisfactory and data quality was

good. However, the electronics enclosure temperature was several degrees
colder than the design level. This may require adjustments in the science
data, depending on the results of ground testing.

4.3.7 Tape Recorder

Review of data from magnetic tape recorder i for all passes indicated
normal signal characteristics except for one 2 minute period on data track 5
during data pass ii. Since the data on track 5 were also recorded on track
6, no data were lost. Intermittent loss of synchronization and a gradual
decrease in the equalized reproduced signal amplitude followed by an es-
sentially instantaneous recovery was evident during this time interval.
This type of amplitude decrease is a characteristic of oxide buildup on
a recording head followed by an instantaneous self cleaning action. The
recorder heads and tape path were cleaned after the removal of a reel of
recorded magnetic tape and the recorder heads were cleaned after the com-
pletion, of each data pass.
The data review from tape recorder 2 indicated normal signal charac-
teristics except for data tracks 3 and 13. The equalized reproduced sig-
nals for data tracks 3 and 13 were noisy. Numerouslosses of synchron-
ization occurred during ground electronic data processing which probably
were caused by this condition. The data on tracks 3 and 13 are also re-
corded on tracks 4 and 16. Therefore, no data were lost.

Tape recorder 2 operation was satisfactory until the second recording

periods of the experiment S192 during passes 3 and 4 when the crew reported
that the tape motion light blinked and went off for short periods of time.
Although this condition had no affect on the data, this anomaly is dis-
cussed in section 17.2.4.

All returned tapes were examinedvisually. Tapes i, 3, 4, and 6

showedsomesign of layer to layer adhesion and a trace of a tacky residue.

Two reels of tape are being resupplied for the second visit. This
is required to replace one reel of tape which was returned for ground test
and one reel of tape which camefrom a knownbad web.



Crew operations experiments consisted of the experiments M509 (Astro-

naut Maneuvering Equipment), M516 (Crew Activities), and M487 (Habitabi-
lit and Crew Quarters). The M509 experiment was not performed. Exper-
iments M487 and M516 utilized onboard equipment. No special hardware
was required and performance encompasses the habitability activities of
all crews. A final report will be made on these experiments at their

5.1.1 Experiment M509 - Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment

Activities on the M509 experiment were restricted to unstowlng and

checkout of the maneuvering equipment. The onboard checkout of experi-
ment M509 used the normal preflight procedures, but without installation
of a battery. The unit was not released from the donning station. The
pressurized propellant tank was installed and the unit powered up using
the external power cable. The thrusters were heated and the manifold
pressurized. All translational and rotational commands were verified in
the direct mode. The hand held maneuvering unit was attached and the
tractor and pusher thrusters were operated. When the control moment gy-
ros came up to speed, the unit was powered down. Data indicates that
all systems functioned properly. The battery charger, rate gyro mode,
and control moment gyro mode were not operated.

The maneuvering unit was not operated on the first visit because of
the uncertain condition of the batteries. The 322 ° to 327 ° K temperature
inside the Orbital Workshop during the first i0 days of the visit caused
concern that the batteries may have been damaged. Subsequent analyses
and tests have shown that the batteries are acceptable, subject to veri-
fication of cell voltages.

5.1.2 Experiment M487 - Habitability and Crew Quarters

Despite the initial heat, the crew adapted extremely well and, with
a portable fan pulling hot air out of the Orbital Workshop toward the
Multiple Docking Adapter, they moved in and set up housekeeping. They
used both digital temperature sensors and the ambient thermometers to
track air temperature and surface temperature through the first several
days. The crew did get cold in the Multiple Docking Adapter and wore
the Jacket when on station at the Apollo Telescope Mount.

The Multiple Docking Adapter is a relatively noisy vehicle with ap-

proximately 65 dB ambient on working days.
No measurementsof air movementwere made, but there is enough flow
to moveunrestrained items around. Anything that is lost can usually be
retrieved a day or two later on the vent screens.
Light levels were too low and the crew advised that extensive use
was madeof the penlights, especially during the low power phase.
The crew oriented to the coordinate system of the vehicle and strongly
tended to maintain the samebody orientation while accomplishing tasks in
flight as they did during training. The crew translated about the lower
floor of the Orbital Workshopin an erect manner and advised that the
doorwayswere properly configured and should not be reduced to porthole
size and shape.
The wardroomis small for three manoccupancy. With all three crew-
menat the table, the table is too close to the pantry wall to allow pas-
sage. Therefore, someonehas to moveto allow passage or the crewmenhas
to fly over the table, which is undesirable. Windowsfor looking at the
earth are very desirable and they should be large (no smaller than the
present Orbital Workshopwindow).

The trash collection provisions in the wardroomwere inadequate.

Each crewmanshould have a trash recepticle at his eating station.

The crewmenwere quite mobile and were able to translate from point
to point accurately and efficiently. Restraint at various points was es-
sential to the effective conduct of the operations to be done there and,
for the most part, the inventory of restraint devices served well. In
someinstances, however, a more positive meansof retention was deemed
desirable. For example, the Velcro lap belt on the MI31 experiment chain
did not keep the crewmenfrom having unwantedbody excursions during
chair rotation. Also, the harness arrangement for the bicycle ergometer
was ineffective in retaining the crewmenin the proper position. For
normal activities, as a matter of convenience, the crewmenused the toes
of their shoes in addition to the cleats on the bottoms of the shoes as
a meansof temporary restraint. This use of the shoe led to abrasion of
the toe area, necessitating inflight repair with tape.

The crew's comments concerning the interface between the food and
the wardroom was that it was absolutely impossible to prepare and consume
food without a good deal of spattering. The room where this takes place
should be as spatter-proof as possible with solid flat features like the
waste management compartment rather than the nooks and crannies of the
wardroom with its open grid ceiling and floor. A lot of the debris es-
capes and makes cleaning a chore.

Personal hygiene was accomplished without difficulty, with most of

the items and systems working quite well. All the waste management fa-
cilities functioned satisfactorily. The shower not only worked fine but
was a popular item with the crew.

The various combinations of clothing afforded a variety of config-

urations that were adaptable to the varying environmental conditions
throughout the mission. The crew did, however, express a desire to have
a long sleeve shirt as a middle point between the current short sleeve
shirt and the jacket, which was a bit more bulky and cumbersome than
needed for slightly reduced temperatures. Additional garments will be
carried by the second visit crew.

The primary leisure activities were earth watching out the window
and personal exploitation of the wonders of zero g. A favorite pastime
was listening to taped music.

5.1.3 Experiment M_516 - Crew Activities/Maintenance

The M516 experiment contains four basic elements to be investigated:

(i) manual dexterity, (2) locomotion, (3) mass handling and transfer,
and (4) maintenance. The prime sources of data are visual (16 -_ on-
board photographs and television) and subjective crew comments.

The photographic targets are selected preflight in order to develop

the best possible scene characteristics and minimize the crew time re-
quired to set up the scene during flight. Approximately 70 percent of
the data takes planned preflight were actually accomplished during the
visit. The quality of the data is very good and, when analysis is com-
plete, there should be some significant contributions to be made to fu-
ture designs, especially in the area of maintenance.

No significant differences have been observed thus far between pre-

flight performance and inflight performance of tasks (from a manipulative
viewpoint) ranging from gross muscular to fine manipulative. The one
most interesting characteristic observed is the simplifying effect that
seems to occur in the weightless environment for some tasks when the
access envelope for the task is opened up by the absence of gravity.

The preflight hypothesis that handling large massesas a one man

task would present restraint and translation difficulties seemsto have
been disproved. The only limiting factor on handling large massesseems
to be adequate provisions for grasping the item, and its not being of
such size that the view of the path of movementis restricted.
Various maintenance tasks with which the crew was confronted are
discussed in other sections of this report. The tools used, the proce-
dures used, the work sites employed, and the results achieved will be
further analyzed in the final report.


There were two technology experiments planned on the first visit.

Oneof these, experiment T025 (CoronographContamination) was not per-
formed because of unavailability of the solar airlock. Most of the ob-
jectives of experiment D008 (Radiation in Spacecraft) were accomplished.
This experiment was performed in the command module. The levels of all
nine of the telemetry channels from the experiment active dosimeters were
in the anticipated range. The passive dosimetry portion of the experi-
ment appears to have operated perfectly. The hardware performed normally.


6.1 FOOD

Food and water to support three visits were launched in the Orbital
Workshop. The initial food and accessory weight of 952 kilograms is di-
vided into five food categories: dehydrated food, intermediate moisture
food, thermostabilized food, frozen food, and beverages. The initial on-
board water weight of 2722 kilograms was stored in 10 circumferentially
located stainless steel storage tanks. The non-frozen foods were designed
to be stable and wholesome for periods of up to 2 years at temperatures
below 303 ° K. However, ambient food locker temperatures were recorded
at up to 333 ° K during the first 2 weeks after launch. Also, after Or-
bital Workshop deactivation, food freezer temperatures indicated an equip-
ment malfunction (temperatures up to 265 ° K were recorded). The cause
of the malfunction was not determined, but the temperatures began to re-
turn to specification ranges after manipulation of controls by ground

Ground tests were initiated to simulate the temperature profiles ex-

perienced by the food supplies to enable accurate prediction of problems
with crew safety, nutrient quality, and palatability. Test foods were
exposed to temperature profiles representing those experienced in flight
and the control sample foods were held at 294 ° K. The test will be com-
pleted at the end of the third visit. The six food items that were re-
turned for evaluation show that the ground tests are more severe than the
flight conditions.

The Skylab food system and ancillary equipment experienced problems

in several areas.

a. Rehydratable package problems were:

I. Separation of a corn spoonbowl package seam.

2. Excessive gas in the water. (Identical problems occurred

on the Apollo missions.)

3. Seepage through the zipper closure on the spoonbowl package

when kneading.

4. Two can pull tabs failed.


b. Beveragepackage problems were:

i. An instant breakfast drink had beverage powder in the rehy-

dration valve.

2. The memoryof the plastic bellows allows the package to ex-

pand and introduce somegas.
c. The catsup packages leaked because the folded configuration caused
breaks in the wrapping.

Several food items changedtaste, probably because of:

a. The high thermal profile.

b. Changesin crew taste preference.

c. Insufficient food item reconstitution time.

d. Entrapped gas in the water supply.

Specific items noted by the crew were:

a. The bread taste changed.

b. Hard stemswere included in the asparagus (should have been tips).

c. The corn did not taste good.

d. The chili was messy.

e. The taste of the rehydratable vegetables decreased as the flight

progressed. (A similar situation existed during ground feeding.)
f. The thermostabilized package worked well; however, removal of
the membraneprior to eating was messy for someitems.

The following food itmes will be supplied on the second Skylab visit:
a. Onehundred fifty catsup servings.

b. Approximately 200 vitamin pills.

c. Spices (to improve the bland food taste noted by the first visit

d. Food items to compliment the Orbital Workshopoverage items (as

required to support a 3 day mission extension).


The medical operational equipment performed satisfactorily, except

for the carbon dioxlde/dew point sensor.

6.2.1 Inflight Medical Support System

The infllght medical support system is utilized primarily as a con-

tingency item; however, the Science Pilot did perform checks of the hard-
ware items. The microscope/sllde stainer system was utilized satisfac-
torily. Minor problems noted during system checks included a ruptured
Neosporin ointment tube in the topical drug kit (due to low pressures oc-
curring during Orbital Workshop venting) and the Velcro came off of sev-
eral bottles containing microbial environmental samples and in general
the combination of small pieces of velcro on small items did not work

The drugs were exposed to the high temperatures of the Orbital Work-
shop. A special drug resupply kit was carried on the first visit because
of the known effects of temperature on these medications.

6.2.2 Operational Bioinstrumentation System

The operational bioinstrumentation system hardware was used during

launch, the three extravehicular activities, and the return and entry
phases of the first visit. The system was also used one night to monitor
the Science Pilot during sleep. During the third extravehicular activity,
the Pilot forgot to insert electrode sponges and no data were received.
During entry, the respiration data were poor for both the Commander and
Science Pilot. Data analysis shows loose electrodes were the cause.

6.2.3 Carbon Dioxlde/Dew Point Monitor

This device was to be used during only the first visit. During ac-
tivation, a white residue was seen around carbon dioxide sensor A. Sub-
sequently, neither sensors A nor B were operating. Dew point and ambient
temperatures were also incorrect relative to Orbital Workshop measure-
ments. Further discussion of these problems is contained in section

6.2.4 CarbonMonoxide Sensor

Satisfactory carbon monoxidemeasurementswere madein the Multiple

Docking Adapter prior to initial entry and in the Orbital Workshopjust
after entry. A check of the remaining carbon monoxide sensor tubes sched-
uled for use on the second visit indicated that sometubes had a very
slight color changeon the outer periphery, but the actual sensor areas
were clear.

6.2.5 Toluene Diisocyanate Sensor

The device was specially built for the first crew entry into the
Multiple Docking Adapter/Orbital Workshopin order to detect a toxic gas
resulting from outgassing because of high Workshoptemperatures. The
toluene diisocyanate sensor was utilized once in the Multiple Docking
Adapter and once in the Orbital Workshop.


This section contains the performance evaluation of the command and

service module systems.


The command and service module vehicle structure and mechanical sys-
tems performed normally with the exception of the docking system. Fol-
lowing the successful initial "soft" docking and the subsequent undocking
for the standup extravehicular activity, seven unsuccessful attempts were
made to achieve docking probe capture prior to the successful docking us-
ing the emergency backup procedure. Section 17.1.3 contains a discussion
and evaluation of this anomaly.


Prior to the launch of the Saturn Workshop, the thermal math model
previously developed for the command and service module was modified to
include the effects of the configuration differences between the Apollo
and Skylab command and service module. The model was verified by the
data obtained from the thermal vacuum tests and was used to evaluate the
Skylab command and service module design, and to predict the flight per-

Following the loss of a solar array system wing on the Saturn Work-
shop during launch, steps were taken to minimize the spacecraft electri-
cal power consumption by optimizing the command and service module ther-
mal design for the first visit.

Two thermal design modifications were made which conserved approxi-

mately I00 watts. One modification was the partial taping of the command
module torroidal section (fig. 7-1) to prevent excessive heat loss from
the water tanks and reaction control system propellant tanks. This re-
sulted in a heat loss rate approximately i/2 that of the original. The
other design change was to use the same tape to cover the electrical power
system radiator panel i, 5, and 25 percent of panel 4. The tape increased
the temperature of the water/glycol returning from the radiators to the
fuel cells, which in turn raised the temperature of the fuel cell water
being transferred to the command module through the umbilical. Thus, the
water line section in the umbilical would not freeze as long as fuel cell
water was flowing through the umbilical. Further, this change assured
that the temperatures would remain within the range of the control instru-
mentation displayed both to the crew and on the ground.


o' E

E ,D



! ,m

q e-


Continuous monitoring of 49 temperature and i0 pressure measurements

of the command and service module throughout the visit provided data which
indicated that the thermal math model should be modified. The modifica-
tion resulted from changes in the thermal properties of the service mod-
ule coating. The thermal properties of most of the service module paint
required revising as a function of visit time from an absorbtance and
emittance of 0.35 (measured prior to launch) to an absorbtance of 0.33
and an emittance of 0.25 (assumed at the end of the visit) because some
blistering and peeling of the service module coating had occurred. The
paint on the service module reaction control system Quad A door was also
assumed to be changed from an absorbtance of 0.22 to 0.35, thus resulting
in higher internal temperatures. The modified thermal analysis predicted
temperatures which were representative of the flight data (see fig. 7-2).

As a result of the higher absorbtance on the quad A door, the reac-

tion control system quad A helium, oxidizer, and fuel tanks temperatures
were higher near the end of the flight than were predicted by the origi-
nal model. The trend was such that the oxidizer tank pressure would have
exceeded the specification limit. The problem was averted by relieving
the oxidizer tank pressure into the propellant storage module.

In general, the command and service module temperatures were main-

tained within acceptable limits. Minimum and maximum temperatures on
several significant measurements are shown in table 7-I.



7.3.1 Electrical Power Distribution

The power distribution system performed satisfactorily. After dock-

ing with the Saturn Workshop, the command and service module was powered
down to a low quiescent mode to conserve fuel cell reactants. The total
average power for this period was about 1200 watts, a reduction of ap-
proximately 200watts from planned estimates. Upon depletion of fuel
cell reactants, the command and service module received power from the
Saturn Workshop power sources. After this power source transfer, the
command and service module was reconfigured to the preplanned quiescent
mode, which for this period was also about 1200 watts. The subsequent
power transfers and power levels were normal.



Temperature, °K

Category/name Limit Recorded

Maximum Minimum Maximum Minimum

Engine package 394 286 377 324
Oxidizer line 352 280 331 281
Helium tank 333 28O 322 293
Fuel tank 332 274 320 294

Engine package 394 286 Sensor failed
Oxidizer line 352 28O 294 275
Helium tank 333 280 295 282
Fuel tank 332 274 296 282

Quad C

Engine package 394 286 383 324

Oxidizer line 352 28O 295 274
Helium tank 333 28O 297 278
Fuel tank 332 274 298 280

Quad D

Engine package 394 286 376 310

Oxidizer line 352 280 298 272
Helium tank 333 280 3OO 291
Fuel tank 332 274 297 286



r'- Q;


D'- °_


0 I



Q 0
a-g 0
e_ Od

_o ' a.mle.lad_ue/

At 16:18 G.m.t. on the second visit day, there was a main A bus un-
dervoltage indication. A review of data indicated that a command and
service module load requiring 16 amperes cycled on and remained on for
approximately 5 minutes. This caused the main A bus voltage to drop from
27.7 volts to 25.6 volts, which was the trip point of the undervoltage
sensor. Subsequently, the load that had cycled on was isolated to the
environmental control system secondary radiator heater. Section 17.1.7
contains a discussion of this anomaly.

7.3.2 Fuel Cells

The first Skylab visit fuel cells were activated on May 13, 1973,
during countdown for the planned May 15 launch. When the first Skylab
visit launch was delayed for i0 days, an operational evaluation indica-
ted that the fuel cells should not be shut down, but should be kept oper-
ating until launch on ground supplied reactants. At launch, fuel cell i
had accumulated 1072 hours of equivalent operating time and fuel cell 3
had accumulated 562 hours. Although the prelaunch equivalent operating
time limit of 840 hours was exceeded for fuel cell i, a fuel cell change-
out was not practical within the constraints of the countdown. Therefore,
the prelaunch equivalent operating time limit was waived when supporting
test data showed that the limit could reasonably be extended by at least
400 hours with little or no operational degradation.

Fuel cell performance was as predicted from startup up on May 13 to

shutdown on June 14 (visit day 21). After launch, the fuel cells opera-
ted 485 hours (approximately 20 days). After docking, the average load
was approximately 40 amperes.

7.3.3 Cryogenic Storage

The first visit cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen tanks were loaded on
May Ii, 1973, in preparation for the May 15 launch countdown sequence.
Because of the launch delay, the tanks were emptied and reloaded using
normal procedures on May 23 to maximize lift-off quantities and, there-
fore, the duration of available fuel cell power.

The performance of the cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen systems was as

predicted. Normal heat leak pressurization resulted in some oxygen being
vented into the command module through the "polychoke" selective orifice
assembly, and a small amount vented overboard through the command module
side hatch non-propulsive oxygen vent. With one exception, the overboard
venting occurred after fuel cell shutdown when the oxygen flow demand was
reduced to virtually zero.

Whenthe fuel cells were shut down at 17:00 G.m.t. on visit day 21,
the non-propulsive hydrogen overboard vent was opened, and the hydrogen
system pressure decayed from 164.6 newtons per square centimeter to less
than 3.5 newtons per square centimeter in 120 hours.

System performance was normal throughout the mission. Oxygen and

hydrogen quantities are summarized in the consumables section of this

7.3.4 Batteries

All command and service module batteries performed normally through

prelaunch, launch, and docking.

Command module entry batteries A and B supplied the main busses dur-
ing launch and during all service propulsion system maneuvers, delivering
a maximum of 26 amperes from battery A during one of the service propul-
sion firings. Both batteries performed well.

Two prelaunch charges each were performed on batteries A and B. The

first charge replaced approximately 2 ampere hours in each battery; the
second charge replaced approximately 5 ampere hours in battery A and 8
ampere hours in battery B. Prior to an inflight charge to full capacity,
battery A had delivered approximately 29.5 ampere hours and battery B,
approximately 28 ampere hours. Entry batteries A and B were disconnected
from the battery busses at approximately 1200 G.m.t. on visit day 4, and
the battery busses, minus the batteries, were placed on the main power
busses. Battery C remained on open circuit throughout the mission. Prior
to deorbit, the capacity status of batteries A, B, and C was 116.5 ampere
hours of an original 120 ampere hours. No further charges were necessary.

The estimated capacities remaining at landing were: battery A - 23

ampere hours; battery B - 24 ampere hours; and battery C - 28 ampere hours
(margin of 75 ampere hours remaining at landing).

The descent batteries performed as expected. During a launch pad

calibration test, 3 ampere hours were consumed from each of the three bat-
teries. During flight, an additional 5 ampere hours were removed from
descent battery 2 when it was placed on the main busses momentarily with
the two fuel cells raising the main bus voltages by 2 volts during crit-
ical docking maneuvers.

Battery i delivered an estimated 317 ampere hours, battery 2 deliv-

ered 88 ampere hours and battery 3 delivered 305 ampere hours up to com-
mand module/service module separation. Batteries i and 3 carried the com-
mand module loads from internal power transfer at 3:00 G.m.t. on visit

day 29 for 5 hours and 21 minutes at which time battery 2 was placed on
the bus to assure that the temperatures of batteries i and 3 did not ex-
ceed the operating temperature limit of 355° K. This configuration was
maintained until preparation for command module/service module separa-
tion when battery 2 was removed from main bus A to allow entry battery
conditioning. The maximum descent battery temperature experienced was
347 ° K. The total estimated battery capacity usage was 710 ampere hours
versus the expected usage of 727 ampere hours. (Total capacity avail-
able is 1500 ampere hours).

Pyrotechnic batteries A and B performed their functions satisfactor-

ily, and open circuit voltages remained stable.


7.4.1 Communications

The communications system satisfactorily supported the first visit


An unfavorable Saturn Workshop antenna look angle resulting from the

Saturn Workshop attitude limited the operating range of the very high fre-
quency ranging system. However, system performance was commensurate with
preflight predictions for the resulting antenna look angles.

A problem was experienced with the updata link real time commands
wherein the S-band FM transmitter was improperly turned off when other
specific functions were commanded. Section 17.1.6 contains a discussion
of this anomaly.

7.4.2 Color Television Camera

During the first Skylab visit, the color television camera system
performed all of its required functions, although one of the two cameras
ceased operation during the visit. Also spots appeared on transmissions
from the other camera. Sections 17.3.3 and 17.3.4 discuss these anom-


The instrumentation and displays performed satisfactorily during the

first visit with the exception of two anomalies. Shortly after launch,

the service module reaction control system quad A and the propellant stor-
age module pressure/temperature sensors failed. Section 17.1.2 discusses
this anomaly.

At approximately 5:00 G.m.t. on visit day 2, the reaction control

system quad B package temperature measurement began reading off scale
high. The measurement had occasionally shifted to 350 ° K, approximately
mid scale, for short periods and shifted back to off scale high (427" K).
An evaluation of this anomaly is presented in section 17.1.4.


Performance of the guidance, navigation, and control system was nor-

mal. The only anomaly experienced was an occasional error in the indi-
cated sextant trunnion angle. The problem was circumvented by selecting
the zero optics mode before each intended use of the optics. This anom-
aly is discussed in Section 17.1.10.

At the completion of the launch phase, the on board computer indi-

cated that an orbit of 304.3 by 134.4 kilometers had been achieved. Anal-
ysis of the launch phase data indicates insertion errors of minus 0.79,
plus 5.10, and minus 1.53meters/second in spacecraft X, Y, and Z axes,
respectively. These compare well with previous missions and indicate nor-
mal performance during the launch phase.

After a successful separation from the launch vehicle and completion

of spacecraft systems checkout, the rendezvous sequence was initiated. A
summary of rendezvous maneuvers is given in table 7-II. The crew reported
larger than expected X-axis velocity residuals at the completion of the
first phasing, corrective combination, and coelliptic rendezvous maneuvers.
The residuals, which were as large as 0.49 meters per second, were caused
by allowable variations in engine thrust levels. Each of these maneuvers
was less than 6 seconds in duration and the computer uses a short firing
logic equation to calculate the thrust time. The computer equation uses
a thrust value which was determined during the preflight period, and the
equation includes factors for thrust buildup and tailoff profiles, and
the number of ball valves to be used for the maneuver. The thrust value
stored in the computer assumed that both ball valves would be used (a two
bank firing) whereas, only one ball valve was used (a single bank firing).
The difference in the thrust value between a single and dual bank opera-
tion could account for 0.15 meters per second and the allowable variation
of 6672 newton-seconds in tailoff impulse could account for 0.46 meters
per second.

Control system performance during the soft docking and the hard dock-
ing attempts was normal. The crew reported closing velocities up to 0.65
meters per second. The separation velocity at final undocking was re-
ported as about 0.12 meters per second.

v v

c; c_ o

I 0 ,-I 0
N _4

•g $

8 0



• ° 0
0 I
v v I
,-4 • ° ° z_

• °


Table 7-III summarizes the platform alignments. A new computer pro-

gram for Skylab was used while the command and service module was docked
to the Saturn Workshop. The purpose of the program was to establish an
inertial reference between the guidance system in the command module and
the Apollo Telescope Mount digital computer, and to determine the docking
gimbal angles. With this information, the sun sensor and star tracker in
the Apollo Telescope Mount were used to realign the guidance system plat-
form. The Euler angles between the guidance system navigation base and
the Apollo Telescope Mount navigation base were determined after docking
and during the entry minus 7 day system checks. The Euler angles are in
close agreement and are as follows:

Angular rotation, radians

Alpha Beta Difference

Post-docking 2.5580 3.1441 0.0037

Entry minus 2.5576 3.1436 0.0035

7 days

Performance during the shaping and deorbit maneuvers was normal. The
spacecraft was guided to a successful landing at 24 degrees 46 minutes
north latitude, 127 degrees 4 minutes west longitude as indicated by the
onboard computer.


7.7.1 Service Propulsion System

The service propulsion system operations were normal throughout the

visit. Seven maneuvers with a total firing duration of 33 seconds were

Five service propulsion system maneuvers were accomplished for ren-

dezvous with the Saturn Workshop. The total firing duration for these
five maneuvers was approximately 15 seconds. System operation was normal
during and after each firing.

During the docked period, system parameters were normal. Oxidizer

tank pressure decayed to approximately iii newtons per square centimeter
primarily because of the temperature decay, causing the caution and warn-
ing systems for service propulsion system pressure to be activated as

? ? , ,

,_ , _
,_ _ ,

co I _ O I


'_ 0 0 0 0 0 ¢3 0 r'- 0 0

Z 1,4


_D P_
o oo

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0° °° °° .° 0° °° o° °° °0 °°

r_ ..... • °* °° °o °. °, °° °°

After undocking and prior to the shaping and deorbit maneuvers, the
propellant tank pressures were equalized by manually activating the heli-
um isolation valves. Firing times for the shaping and deorbit maneuvers
were approximately ii seconds and 7 seconds, respectively. System opera-
tion was normal during both maneuvers.

7.7.2 Service Module Reaction Control System

The first visit service module reaction control system was activated
on the launch pad by filllng the propellant manifolds from the propellant
storage module. The system was initially configured to feed the engines
from the quad propellant supplies. After 22 kilograms of propellant were
used from quad A, the propellant supply for the quad A engines was switched
to the propellant storage module. Quad B was switched after 13 kilograms
were used, quad C after 17 kilograms, and quad D after 16 kilograms were
used. Because of the rapid braking maneuvers, the flyaround, and the mul-
tiple docking attempts, propellant consumption and the number of thruster
firings were higher than predicted. However, systems performance was nor-
mal throughout the mission.

After the command_and service module docked with the Saturn Workshop,
the service module reaction control system heaters were configured for
minln_m power consumption. Temperatures were normal except for the quad
A propellant tank temperatures which reached 323 ° K. A discussion of
this problem is presented in section 17.1.2.

At approximately 5:00 G.m.t., on visit day 2, the quad B package tem-

perature measurement failed. This measurement is the only direct indica-
tion that the engine housing heaters are functioning. This condition
required the isolation of the quad as a precautionary measure to ensure
that the engines would not be fired at temperatures below safe operating
limits. A contingency procedure was developed to allow the quad to be
used in cases of absolute necessity by manually cycling the heaters in
advance of a preplanned firing. This anomaly is discussed in section

Because of the instrumentation problem, the system was configured

for a two engine, quad A and C, 63 second +X axis firing for the subse-
quent trim maneuver. Post-firing data indicated that the quad A and C
firing was normal, but also indicated some propellant use from quads B
and D. The system configuration was determined to be improper. The auto-
matic reaction control system select switches were configured for a four
jet +X firing, but the propellant isolation valves were configured for a
two jet +X firing. This resulted in the quad B and D jets burning propel-
lant trapped in propellant lines and manifolds. Although this creates a
potentially hazardous situation, no system damage was incurred.

Later in the visit, quad B heater operation could be detected by

monitoring main bus current loads. Thereafter, the service module reac-
tion control system was configured for normal four quad operation.
As propellant was used from the propellant storage module and quads,
the pressure/temperature propellant gaging system on the propellant stor-
age module and quad A apparently had failed (see section 17.1.2). Be-
cause these measurementsare only used as a backup to ground calculations
of propellant utilization, the visit operations were not impacted.

7.7.3 Command
Module Reaction Control System

Systemparameters were normal and remained constant throughout the

quiescent portions of the mission. Systemactivation after commandand
service module/Saturn Workshopseparation was normal. The systems oper-
ated satisfactorily during entry.


The environmental control system performance was satisfactory during

the commandand service module active and quiescent phases of the flight.
Several anomalies and minor operational discrepancies were noted, but
none had any significant visit impact.
The suit to cabin differential pressure remained negative for some
periods during the final half hour prior to launch, although the direct
oxygen valve was supplying the suited crewmennormal flow. Increasing
the flow was ineffective, but on one occasion the indicated leakage stopped
and the measurementreturned to a positive reading coincident with move-
ment of a crewman'ssuit hoses. The problem recurred again shortly after
launch; however, subsequent inflight suit circultintegrity checks and
operation during depressurized cabin conditions were normal. Section
17.1.1 contains a discussion of this anomaly.

During the isolation of the primary coolant loop reservoir, adjust-

ment of the accumulator, and initiation of flow to the radiators, the
water/glycol low flow caution and warning light was activated momentarily.
Also, a momentarydrop in pumppressure and a reduction in accumulator
quantity occurred after the accumulator adjustment. A possible cause of
the observed system behavior was a partially opened reservoir inlet or
outlet valve. A_usting the accumulator with the valve improperly posi-
tioned would momentarily allow sufficient water/glycol to bypass both the
coldplate network and the flow measurementlocation, thus actuating the
low flow warning. Whenthe accumulator adjustment was completed with the

closing of the accumulator fill valve, the reservoir refilled and the ac-
cumulator quantity returned to the previous reading. Subsequently, the
primary accumulator was adjusted with no indication of any problems for
the remainder of the visit.

Adequate command and service module thermal control was maintained

during the docked phase under the adverse conditions of the higher beta
angles resulting from the delayed launch as well as the reduced heat
loads because of power restrictions. A special outlet temperature trans-
ducer was added shortly before launch to improve the ground monitoring
capability of the critical (low temperature) active radiator panel. The
new transducer enabled control of the panel temperature to a 230 ° K or-
bital average with a mlnimumuse Of electrical power.

Early on visit day 2, the secondary evaporator outlet temperature

transducer failed and the indicated temperature dropped from about
297.4 ° K to 271.5 ° K. Also, the secondary heaters activated during a
period of extended secondary coolant loop operation on visit day 21, al-
though the heater switch was in the off position. Heater operation oc-
curred at the end of the dark side portions of two successive orbits with
the secondary radiator outlet temperature at about the normal activation
point. In addition, the secondary radiator inlet and outlet temperature
measurements were powered continuously, although the secondary loop cir-
cuit breaker was normally closed only during the secondary loop operation.
An earlier unexplained main A undervoltage (section 7.3.1_, which occurred
during secondary evaporator dryout, is also believed to have resulted from
an anomalous activation of the heater. Sections 17.1.5 and 17.1.7 con-
tains a discussion of these anomalies.

Operation of several environmental control system components flown

for the first time was successful. These included the service module
water tank for storing excess fuel cell water, and the cryogenic vent re-
lief valve, the non-propulsive vent nozzle, and the polychoke orifice for
reducln_ excess cryogenic oxygen tank pressure and, thereby, precluding
tank venting.


As a result of the thermal problems that occurred after the Saturn

Workshop launch, several designs were developed to provide the necessary
hardware for thermal shielding of the Orbital Workshop. Also, an assort-
ment of tools was collected for use in freeing the solar wing which had
failed to deploy. Time limitations dictated that off the shelf hardware
be used where possible and, consequently, the resulting flight equipment
was large and difficult to stow. All available launch volumes were used
by items required to replace hardware degraded by the high temperatures.

Stowing the tools, thermal shields, and deployment devices was accom-
plished using approximately 61 meters of rope and existing bags from
spares to secure the items in available locations. Deletions of 132.5
kilograms and addions of 235.0 kilograms to the first visit baseline com-
mandmodule launch stowage resulted in addition of 102.5 kilograms. Table
7-1V reflects the actual launch weight and center of gravity as compared
to limits.

7.9.1 StowageRelocations
The large quantities of additional hardware required relocating many
of the items already stowed. The crew was briefed on all the stowage
changesand the complete configuration changewas demonstrated using
training hardware.
The launch stowage location for the Skylab parasol blocked all ac-
cess to the water chlorination port, the environmental control unit, and
the panel 351 valve controls. Because access to these areas was required
shortly after launch (T + 25 minutes), a shroud cutter was used to quickly
cut enoughof the rope bindings for the required access. The first visit
launch stowage configuration outside the stowage lockers is shown in
figure 7-3. Couchrelationship to stowage items, resulting from a worse
case water or land landings, is shownin figure 7-4.

7.9.2 Return Stowage

No significant problems were encountered in defining the command

module return stowage. Except for the return of an extra experiment S082
film unit and various samples for thermal analysis, return stowage was
basically normal.
Figure 7-5 showsthe return configuration outside the commandmodule
stowage lockers.

7.9.3 StowageDifferences
Tables 7-V and 7-VI define the first visit launch and return stow-
age differences from the stowage configuration defined prior to the oc-
currence of the Orbital Workshopthermal problem.



Actual Limits

Earth launch weight, kilograms 6076 6124.2

Z axis center of gravity at 9.652 9.652

earth launch, centimeters

X axis center of gravity at 4259.80 4259.80

high altitude burnout,

Descent on main parachutes 5845 a 5897 a

weight, kilograms

Landing weight, kilograms 5606 a 5654 a

aThe weights are applicable to a high altitude abort case with

the command module in the launch configuration.



Item Reason

Accessory bags (2) Stowage provisions

Atomizer Increase humidity in Orbital


Binoculars Damage assessment

Masks/charcoal canister (2) Toxic fume protection

Carbon monoxide detector Additional carbon monoxide

samples sampling

Condensate quick disconnect Transfer of excess water created

adapter by extended fuel cell operation

Command module mineral sup- Vitamin loss in food due to heat

plement kit

Data acquisition camera Flyaround photography

43 meter magazine

Data acquisition camera Resupply due to heat damage

122 meter magazine

Earth terrain camera film Resupply due to heat damage


Extravehicular overgloves Suit glove protection

(2 pair)

Food stick (3) Food for extravehicular activity

Helmet protective shield Standup extravehicular activity

70 mm magazine Flyaround

Water servicing quick- Water transfer Orbital Workshop-

disconnect to command module

Inflight medical support Drug resupply due to heat damage

system cans H, J, G, K

In-sult drinking device Standup extravehicular activity

Jettison bag Inflight operations

Shroud cutter Unstowlng flexibility

Liquid cooling garment/ Liquid cooling garment use

pressure control unit water without suit
adapter (2)

Main display console Standup extravehicular activity

guards (3)

Medical kit Drug resupply due to heat damage

Nikon 300 mm lens Damage assessment



(additions) - Concluded

Stem Reason

Pressure control unit re- Use with liquid cooling garment

stralnt belt

Suit wrist tether (2) Standup extravehicular activity

Marshall Spaceflight Center Thermal control

twin boom sunshade and

Johnson Space Center Sky- Thermal control

lab parasol and equipment

Johnson Space Center Thermal control

standup extravehicular ac-
tivity sall and equipment

Standup extravehicular ac- Standup extravehicular activity

tivit 7 visor

Sleep restraint Stowage provisions for the Skylab


Experiment S019 film Resupply due to heat damage

Experiment S183 carousel Resupply due to heat damage

Experiment S190 cassettes Resupply due to heat damage

Gray general purpose tape (3) Stowage provisions

Tape recorder swabs (4) Resupply

TDI detector/equipment Orbital Workshop environment check

Thermal gloves (2 pair) Handle hot hardware

Tools (8 items) Repair thermal shield

Temporary stow bag Tool stowage

Urine collection bags (3) Standup extravehicular activity

Biomedical urine sample bag Contingency item for delayed

entry into the Orbital Workshop

Visor wipes Standup extravehicular activity

Waist tether (2) Standup extravehicular activity

Waste water quick disconnect Transfer of excess water created

by extended fuel cell operation

Waste stowage container Contingency item for delayed

entry into the Orbital Workshop



Item Reason

Inflight medical support To obtain volume and reduce weight


Calculator assembly To obtain volume and reduce weight

Contingency food To obtain volume and reduce weight

Intravehicular umbilical To obtain volume and reduce weight

and bag

Experiment M555 and equipment Reduced available power and to

reduce weight

Panel 603 gage To obtain volume and reduce weight

Experiment S015 To obtain volume and reduce weight

Experiment S020 film Scientific airlock window not


Experiment S063 film Scientific airlock window not



Item Reason

Television and camera lens Camera failure analysis lens


Anti-fog ampule. Thermal effect analysis

Orbital Workshop drug samples Thermal effect analysis

Food sample - Orbital Workshop Thermal effect analysis

Earth Resources Experiment Thermal effect analysis

Package tape

Biocide wipes Thermal effect analysis

Teleprinter paper sample Thermal effect analysis

400 foot film cassette Thermal effect analysis

Carbon dioxide active inlet Thermal effect analysis


Carbon dioxide passive inlet Thermal effect analysis


Drug canister package Thermal effect analysis

Experiment S082 film Additional science data

Experiment ED31 Experiment data

Water valve assembly Valve operational analysis

Experiment $183 film Additional experiment data

16 mm 140 foot magazine Additional experiment data

Experiment S183 photo- Additional experiment data

graphic slide

Science Pilot food log Medical data

Deleted locker A2 Provide space for experiment S082


















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The command and service module consumable usage during the first
visit was maintained well within the redline limits. Specific system
usage is discussed in the following paragraphs.

7.10.1 Service Propulsion System

The service propulsion system propellant and helium loadings and

consumption values are listed in the following table. The loadings were
calculated from gaging system readings and measured densities prior to

Propellant, kilograms
Fuel Oxidizer Total

Loaded 869 1401 2270

Consumed 426 684 iii0

Remaining 443 717 1160

Helium, kilograms
Storage bottles Propellant tanks

Loaded 19.3 14.2

Consumed 1.9 -1.9

Remaining 17.4 16.1


7.10.2 Reaction Control SystemPropellant

Service module.- The propellant utilization and loading data for the
service module reaction control system were as shown in the following
table. Consumption was calculated from telemetered helium tank pressure
histories and was based on pressure, volume, and temperature relationships.

Propellant, kilogram
Fuel Oxidizer Total


Quad A 49.9 102.5 152.4

Quad B 49.6 101.5 151.1
Quad C 49.3 101.8 151.1
Quad D 49.5 102.0 151.5

Propellant storage 227.9 461.1 689


Total 426.2 868.9 1295.1

_sable loaded 1184.3

Consumed 572.4

Remaining at command 611.9

module/service mod-
ule separation

ausable propellant is the amount loaded minus the amount trapped with
corrections made for gaging system errors.

Command module.- The loading of command module reaction control sys-

tem propellant was as follows:

Propellant, kilogram
Fuel Oxidizer Total


System i 19.8 41.0 60.8

System 2 19.8 41.0 60.8

Total 39.6 82.0 121.6

Consumed 3.0 a 9.0 a 12.0 a

abased on amount of propellant off loaded.

7.10.3 Cryogenic Storage System

The total cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen quantities available at lift-

off and consumed during the flight are as follows. Consumption values
were based on quantity data transmitted by telemetry.

Hydrogen, kilogram Oxygen, kilogram

Actual Planned Actual Planned

Available at lift-off

Tank 1 12.0 144

Tank 2 12.1 146

Total 24.1 290


Tank i
Tank 2

Total 24.1 263

Remaining at command
module/service mod-
ule separation

Tank 1 16
Tank 2 ii

Total 27

7.10.4 Water

The water quantities loaded, produced, and expelled during the mis-
sion are shown in the following table.

Condition Quantity, kilograms

Loaded (at lift-off)

Potable tank 5
Waste tank 25

Produced in-flight

Fuel cells 212

Lithium hydroxide canister 2
Metabolic activity 4

Total loaded and produced 248

Dumped overboard 25

Stored in Orbital Workshop 36

Lost as urine 15

Evaporator usage 9

Remaining at command module/

service module separation

Service module tank 129

Potable tank 17
Waste tank 13

Total expelled and remaining 237

Balance 4a

avalue added to compensate for the inaccuracies of the transducers

and uncertainty of the data.



The performance of the extravehicular mobility units was satisfac-

tory during the first visit. The extravehicular mobility units, in whole
or in part, were used as scheduled in the following periods:

a. Launch and boost

b. Standup extravehicular activity

c. Docking

d. Second extravehicular activity

e. Third extravehicular activity

f. Undocking.

During the launch and boost phase, a negative suit to cabin differ-
ential pressure occurred. Analysis of this anomaly is discussed in sec-
tion 17.1.1.

During the second extravehicular activity, problems with the primary

thermal control coolant system and the interfacing suit umbilical water
eystem i necessitated both extravehicular crewmen connecting their water
connectors to suit umbilical system 2. This system interfaces with the
secondary coolant system heat exchanger. The third crewman was suited,
except for helmet and gloves, in the multiple docking adapter. This crew-
man also later had to connect to suit umbilical system 2 to obtain body

An unscheduled usage of the astronaut life support assembly and the

liquid cooled garments was required after the second extravehicular activ-
ity. A low-temperature problem occurred in the Airlock Module secondary
coolant system because of a malfunction of thermal control valve B and
the removal of the extravehicular activity thermal loads from the loop.
Two sets of pressure control units, life support umbilicals, and liquid
cooled garments were connected to the suit umbilical system 2 to put heat
into the system. The liquid cooled garments were strapped to the water
tanks and the suit umbilical system loop was operated. This operation
was maintained until the coolant loop was warmed up and the system oper-
ated properly.

The second coolant system was again not modulating properly before
the third extravehicular activity and, because a possibility of dislodg-
ing potential contamination in one of the heat exchangers existed, this
extravehicular activity was performed with all three crewmenreceiving
water cooling from suit umbilical water system I and with the primary
coolant system operating in the bypass modewith two pumps. Adequate
cooling was obtained by all three crewmen.
Table 8-1 showsthe heat load imposedby the extravehicular crewman
on the extravehicular mobility unit. Because all three crewmembers were
on a single water circuit and the water flow to each crewmanwas not con-
trolled, the flow split could not be accurately determined. Correlating
earth based test data with the telemetered liquid cooled garment differ-
ential temperature data allowed the flow split to be estimated. Table
8-1 is based on liquid cooled garment water temperature response and,
thus, somedampingof the metabolic rate occurred. Instantaneous meta-
bolic rates based on heart rate data would be expected to reveal higher
short term values. In addition, the analysis does not account for any
positive or negative body heat storage. The Science Pilot did store sig-
nificant heat during portions of the second extravehicular activity be-
cause of the inconvenience of manipulating the diverter valve, which re-
suited on the high heat load peak. Similarly, the Commander was hot
toward the end of the third extravehicular activity and this indicates
body heat storage and accounts for the relatively low heat loads for the
Commander during the third extravehicular activity.

8.2 CREW

Numerouscrew equipment items were used throughout the mission. All

operations with this equipment were normal except one of the wind-up ra-
zor heads becamerough and scratchy during use and the bondedblade type
razors could not be sufficiently cleaned. For the next visit, new razor
heads and extra double edged razors and blades are being supplied.

The high Orbital Workshoptemperatures damagedthe supply of tooth-

paste, hand cream, shaving cream, and deodorant. Therefore, these items
will be resupplied on the second visit. In addition, the third visit
crew requested that after shave lotion be supplied.
The boots from the clothing modules were wearing out at the toes.
The boot toes were redesigned with a material that has two times the abra-
sion resistance of the present material. Nine pair will be launched on
the second visit.


Heat load on extravehicular

Crewman mobility unit, watts

Value range recorded I Average

Second Extravehicular Activity

Science Pilot 123 to 776 266

Commander 128 to 310 196


Third Extravehicular Activity


Pilot 281 to 419 357

Commander 167 to 334 223



The garments were donned in orbit by all crewmen, successfully pres-

sure checked, and then depressurized prior to entry. After landing, when
the Science Pilot activated his garment, a continued pressure decay was
noted. Postflight analysis indicated some pressure decay from all gar-
ments, but the decay was within specification limits and no visible ab-
normalities were present. The decay noted by the Science Pilot was nor-
mal for this type of device. No corrective action is recommended for
succeeding visits other than to advise the crew to periodically observe
garment pressure and manually add pressure as required.


This section summarizes the medical findings of the first visit and
is based on a preliminary analysis of the biomedical data.

The crew accumulated about 2018.5 man hours of space flight experi-
ence during the 28 days. The Commander and Science Pilot each accumulated
approximately 4 hours and 20 minutes of extravehicular activity, and the
Pilot accumulated approximately 2 hours and i0 minutes.


The crew health stabilization program, used on each space mission

since Apollo 14, was modified to accomodate the conditions for the Sky-
lab program. Preflight crew training was conducted at the Johnson Space
Center rather than the Kennedy Space Center, and the astronauts trans-
ferred to the Kennedy Space Center two days before lift-off. Therefore,
as a preventive measure to protect the crew against preflight exposure
to communicable disease, proper living quarters and training areas were
established at the Johnson Space Center. The number of personal contacts
during the period was limited.

Surveillance of personnel requiring direct contact with the crew was

conducted. Surveillance began 21 days prior to the original launch date
and extended to a week beyond recovery. A modified flight crew health
stabilization program at the Marshall Space Flight Center was initiated
where additional training was being accomplished.


The infllght medical support system provided the capability for visit
completion in the event of any illness or injury that could be diagnosed
and treated in flight. It also provided the capability, in case of major
illness or injury, to stabilize the patient until reentry could be accom-

The inflight medical support system consisted of diagnostic and thera-

peutic equipment which the Science Pilot, a physician, and the Pilot were
trained to use.


The Workshopatmosphere, composedof 72 percent oxygen and 28 per-

cent nitrogen, is maintained at a total pressure of 3.45 newtons per
square centimeter with a nominal oxygen partial pressure of 2.48 newtons
per square centimeter and a nominal nitrogen partial pressure of 0.965
newtons per square centimeter. The environmental control system main-
tains these pressures and also provides for the temperature, distribution,
purification, and humidification of the atmosphere.
The cabin was very quiet, and communications over any distance were
somewhatdifficult because of the rarified atmosphere.
The large volume of living space added to the crew's comfort. The
toilet system employedwas a big advancementfrom the previously used
"baggie" method. Personal cleanliness was improved with the once a week

The overall illumination was adequate in the Workshop; however, in

manyshadowedareas, it was necessary to use the penlight to detect de-

Items to be used by the crew for relaxation were cards, dartboards,

literature and other recreational items.

9.4 CREW

9.4.1 Preflight

The medical examinations were performed on the crewmenat specified

intervals during the 40 day preflight period.

Microbiological sampling was performed 70, 40, 25, and 15 days prior
to launch, and on launch day to monitor for potential inflight health

The only health problem involved the Pilot and occurred 31 days be-
fore launch. The Pilot developed a short term viral gastroenteritls (in-
flammation of stomach and intestines) and was removed from the crew living
and working areas for one day.

Drug sensitivity testing and certain allergen tests were performed.

Three sleep preparations were in the medical kit. These were chloral
hydrate-500 mg; sodium secobarbital-100 mg; and flurazepam hydrochloride-
30 mg. Ground tests were used to determine the preferred type for each

9.4.2 Infllght

Each crewman experienced a sensation of head fullness to a varied

degree after orbital insertion. The fullness was most noticeable for
the first I0 to 14 days, but never fully receded. The crewmen observed
facial changes in each other inflight. The facial changes were mostly
a matter of muscles and associated soft tissues assuming a new position
because of the lack of gravity.

A change in posture occurred as the neck muscles relaxed and the

shoulder haunched up. The veins of the neck and superficial veins of
the head were always full.

Motion sickness was not experienced by any of the crew after orbital
insertion or during the adaptation phase of the intravehlcular activities.
Spatial orientation was good.

The usual working day initially averaged 16 to 18 hours. After the

Workshop repairs were accomplished, the crew used planned rest and rec-
reation days to accomplish other tasks and experiments.

The crew was awake for 22 hours the first day and this disrupted the
crewmen's earth-oriented circadian rhythm. The crew began on visit day
21 to advance their bedtime and awakening each day in an attempt to re-
orient to the normal 24 hour physiological "body clock". Five days prior
to recovery, the workday was oriented to coincide with about a 2 a.m.
awakening, and about a 7 p.m.c.d.t, bedtime.

The crew noted no taste of chlorine in the command module potable

water, or taste of iodine in the Workshop potable water.

All crewmen's appetites were essentially normal; however, there was

a decrease in taste discrimination. No gastrointestinal distress was re-
ported; no constipation and diarrhea occurred.

All crewmen began to notice an unexpected tingling (paresthesia) in

the bottom of the feet during the last week to i0 days of flight. This
tingling occurred when momentary loads were applied to the bottom of the

The Science Pilot conducted general medical examinations. The only

abnormal finding was the Commander's left aerotitis media, noted after
the first extravehicular activity. The Commander had variable ear full-
ness and subjectively decreased hearing in that ear during the remainder
of the flight, but the Commander did not lose the capability to valsalva.

The medical examinations showedsomegeneral reduction of muscle

tonus (flaccidity) with a hyperactivity of deep tendon reflexes as com-
pared to the preflight findings.
The Science Pilot practiced a throat culture and sensitivity proce-
dure by obtaining a culture from the Commander.

The only medications used were Dalmane(Flurazepam), a sleeping cap-

sule; Actifed (Triprolidine/Pseudoephedrine), a decongestant tablet; Sud-
afed (Pseudoephedrine), a decongestant tablet; Afrin (Oxymetazoline),
nasal decongestant drops; ASA (aspirin), analgesic tablets; Synalar (fluo-
cinolone), anti-inflammatory cream; Scopolamine-Dextroamphetamine,an
anti-motion sickness capsule. Afrin was routinely used before extrave-
hicular activity maneuversby the crew. Sudafed and Actifed were prin-
cipally utilized to control the Commander'sleft ear fluid accumulation.
Only three Dalmanecapsules were used; two of these were taken on visit
day 26 to assist with the changing sleep-wake cycle. A minor headache
and a contact type rash resulted in the aspirin and Synalar cream usage,
respectively. OneScopolamine-Dextroamphetaminecapsule was used pro-
phylactically by the Science Pilot after orbital insertion.

Toward the latter part of the visit, the skin on the hands became
dry and, in the case of the Commander and Science Pilot, scaling occurred.

9.4.3 Postflight
Prior to entry, the Commander and Science Pilot slept an estimated
4 to 5 hours and the Pilot slept only i hour.

After landing, when the crew were still in the couches, their pulse
rates were: Commander - 84 beats per minute; Science Pilot - 84 beats
per minute; and Pilot - 76 beats per minute. At separate times, with
each crewmansemistanding in the lower equipment bay, the pulse rates
on each individual were about 96 beats per minute.
The Commanderwalked unassisted to the Skylab mobile laboratory.
After approximately 1-1/2 hours, during which time blood drawing, micro-
biology testing, urine samples, and weighing were completed, the Commander
resumednormal ambulation.

Fluid and air bubbles were seen behind the Commander'sleft tympanic
membranefor about 3 days after the flight. The Commander'ssymptomsof
occasional left ear fullness have gotten progressively better.
The Commander'spostflight status was good except for somevertigo
associated with head motion and this lasted one day.

After landing, the Science Pilot experienced malaise after executing

postlanding tasks and drinking somestrawberry drink. This condition pro-
gressed to full blown motion sickness. Approximately 25 minutes after
landing and, as the Science Pilot's symptomsdeveloped, the orthostatlc
countermeasure garment was inflated to approximately 2.3 newtons per
square centimeter.

After the command module was taken aboard the primary recovery ship,
the Science Pilot went through the opened hatch with some difficulty be-
cause of vertigo and malaise. The Science Pilot required support as he
walked from the command module platform to the Skylab mobile laboratory.
About 4 hours after recovery, the nausea began to abate.

The inflated orthostatic countermeasure garment produced a definite

advantage. At approximately 6-1/2 hours after exiting the command module
a stand test with and without the orthostatic countermeasure garment
showed stabilizing cardiovascular status. The garment was removed and
a lower body negative pressure test was performed. Exposure to the 0.53
newtons per square centimeter negative pressure was maintained for a
shorter than normal period. Experiment MITI (Metabolic Activity), which
normally follows the lower body negative pressure test, was not conducted
on the Science Pilot on recovery day because of fatigue and physicalun-

The day after recovery, ambulation was nearly normal, but rapid head
motion still induced stomach awareness and vertigo. Vertigo subsided by
7 days after recovery. Four days after recovery, vertigo was noted only
after deliberate rapid head motions.

The Pilot's general physical condition immediately after the flight

appeared to be intermediate to that of the Commander and Science Pilot.
The Pilot was able to walk unassisted. Head motion also induced vertigo,
but there was no associated nausea. Approximately 2-1/2 hours were needed
before the Pilot could ambulate in a normal fashion.

Physical examination of the Pilot did not reveal any significant


After completing the exercise portion of the MITI experiment, the

Pilot's heart rate and blood pressure dropped and the Pilot complained
of nausea and dizziness. The total time from the onset of the symptoms
until almost full recovery was approximately 5 minutes. Later in the
afternoon of recovery day, the Pilot felt well enough to take a walk of
approximately 30 minutes duration.

Postflight physical activity has been associated with varying back

and lower extremity soreness for all crewmen. A return to a regular ex-
ercise program heightened these symptoms.

Preliminary analysis of the recovery day microbiological samples of

the crewmenindicates no increase in the presence of medically important

There were no significant changes in the visual function of the first

visit crewmenas a result of the flight.

Postflight audiograms indicate that the Commander had a small de-

crease in hearing acuity in the left ear the day after recovery. The
Science Pilot had a small decrease in both ears. The Pilot had no changes.
Further testing will be done.


Physiological response of the crewmenwere normal throughout the pre-

launch, launch, and standup extravehicular activity phases. The heart
rate range in beats per minute for the Commander was 70 to 123, the Sci-
ence Pilot 82 to 115, and for the Pilot were 82 to 140. The mean respir-
atory rate for the three crewmen ranged between i0 and 28 respirations
per minute.

The standup extravehicular activity was executed from the command

module by the Pilot with the assistance of the Science Pilot. The data
from this extravehicular activity are as follows.

Metabolic rate, watts

Elapsed Activity
time, min completed Science

146:00:12 First data 293 316

146:00:16 Trading tools 293 316

146:00:20 Working on strap 469 293

with "pick" tool

Average 381 305

aG.m.t, is shown in day of year, hours, and minutes.

The second extravehicular activity lasted 3 hours and 23 minutes.

Heart rates for the Commander ranged from 66 to 138 beats per minute with
the low respiratory rate being 16 respirations per minute. The heart
rates for the Science Pilot ranged from 56 to 150 beats per minute with
the respiration rate ranging from 12 to 35 respirations per minute. The

third extravehicular activity by the Commander and the Pilot lasted 80

minutes. The Commander'sheart rate ranged from 45 to 150 beats per min-
ute with the peak heart rate noted while the solar heat shield was being
adjusted. The respiration rate data were of poor quality; however, the
system worked well. Tables 9-1 and 9-11 showmetabolic rates for the
second and third extravehicular activities calculated using the heart-
rate method.

The average metabolic rate, using the heart rate method, was 337
watts during all the extravehicular activities. This was a little higher
than the predicted.


The personal radiation dosimeters were worn during launch, throughout

the first four days of flight, during all extravehicular activities, and
during entry. During the remainder of the visit, the personal radiation
dosimeters were positioned as follows: Commander - experiment compart-
ment wall; Science Pilot - minus Z scientific airlock; and Pilot - sleep

The peak dose rates observed by the Van Allen Belt dosimeter for its
Workshop location were 0.164 rad/hr at skin depth, and 0.116 rad/hr at
5 centimeters tissue depth. These values were recorded during a South
Atlantic Anomaly pass. Total doses during that pass were 5.3 millirad
at skin depth and 4.4 millirad at 5 centimeters skin depth. Other passes
were not as high in dose rate. The data became intermittent during the
latter part of the mission. See section 17.3.3.

The radiation survey meter was activated on visit day i0 for perform-
ance of a scheduled radiation survey of four locations: center sleep sta-
tion; wardroom; minus Z scientific alrlock; and Van Allen Belt dosimeter
location. The correlation between the radiation survey meter and the Van
Allen Belt dosimeter was excellent.

The electron proton spectrometer operation allowed confirmation that

the electron and proton radiation environment was essentially similar to
the model used in preflight projections. The electron proton spectrometer
indicated a nominal radiation environment throughout its period of oper-

One passive dosimeter was worn by each crewman throughout the visit.
In addition, four passive dosimeters were placed in two drawers of the
Orbital Workshop film vault. The crewmen's passive dosimeters plus one
passive dosimeter from each drawer were returned. The two remaining film
vault passive dosimeters are scheduled for return at the end of the sec-
ond visit.


Elapsed Metabolic rate, watts

G.rn. t.
time, Activity completed
(a) min Commander Science Pilot

158:15:23 0 Depressurization

158:15:26 3 Open hatch, Commander egress, NA a NA

into fixed airlock shroud

158:15:37 Sunset

158:14:40 14 Assembling poles and restraints NA NA

158:16:12 32 Planning activity in darkness 293 166

168:16:26 14 Translating to work station to 367 225

deploy solar array system

158:16:40 14 Configuring poles to work the 359 494


158:16:54 14 Attempting to cut strap 547 5 24

158:17:06 12 Commander moving out to cutter, 656 4 00

try to cut, Commander moving

back to struts for night

158:17:44 37 Resting 217 127

158:17:55 ii Sunrise, back to work config- 430 255

uring to cut strap

158:17:59 Cutting strap and pulling 567 545

panel out

158:18:18 19 Disassembling poles and return- 424 491

ing to fixed airlock shroud

158:18:25 7 Stowing gear in airlock 297 454

158:18:27 2 Science Pilot translate to VT b 467 415

158:18:29 2 Science Pilot observing parasol 284

158:18:30 1 Commander moving tree out to VT 462

158:18:42 12 Science Pilot work at vsCstation NA NA

158:18:44 2 Science Pilot translating to NA NA

fixed airlock shroud from VT

158:18:46 Ingress, close hatch, repress

Average 366 310

aG.m.t, is shown in day of year, hours, and minutes.

bVT - Apollo Telescope Mount sun-end transfer work station.

CVS - Apollo Telescope Mount sun-end work station.



L'_ u3 oO c,3 cx; o,I -,4


0 0 0
CJ ;a 0 _ ",_

,u oo

N _

0 ,4:: .D
cJ _J 0

-,1" Cu
'I"I 0 •
> m aJ _ •


0 0 0


0o ¢'_ oo u3 o_ ,.o -_- 0 0 0

o o o

xO _ I I I
u_ ,-_ ,-I 03 u3 _ _ C_ o_
ee ee ee o _ _
,-I ,-I
• V

Table 9-111 indicates a preliminary estimate of total dose equivalent

to the skin, lens of eye, and blood forming organs of the crewmen. These
doses represent less than i0 percent of the mission guidelines, and are
well below the threshold for production of detectable medical effects.

Visual flashes were once again observed by all crewmen during the
visit. Bursts of light or stars were apparently more common than streaks.
In some cases, the crew believed that an eye entrance and exit flash could
be identified. The accumulation of these data began with Apollo and no
cause for the flashes has been determined.


The overheating of the Orbital Workshop presented a potential toxic

hazard through the expected release of toxic quantities of toluenediiso-
cyanate, carbon monoxide, and other decomposition products resulting from
thermal degradation of the polyurethane foam insulation, and through the
temperature accelerated outgassing of the other spacecraft nonmetallic
materials. The suitability of the atmosphere was determined from indica-
tions of toluenediisocyanate and carbon monoxide. The Orbital Workshop
was purged to a dilution of approximately 12 000 to i. Prior to crew
entry, the atmosphere was verified by sampling through the pressure equal-
ization ports. The toluenediisocyanate concentration was below the ac-
ceptable limit of 0.02 part per million, and the carbon monoxide level
was 0 to 5 parts per million. On the basis of these data, the Orbital
Workshop was entered and activated.

Carbon monoxide analyses on visit day i0 was determined as i0 to 15

parts per million and 7 days later, the level was reported as being below
25 parts per million. The Orbital Workshop is purged between visits to
control the carbon monoxide level.


Air and surface swab samples were taken on visit day 26 for post-
visit analysis. Staphylococcus aureus was present in two of the 15 sam-
ples and this was the only bacteria found that was of potential concern.

The air sample count is within the range which was determined to
be normal in the Skylab medical experiments altitude test. In general,
there appears to be little change in the Orbital Workshop microbial load
when compared to the preflight baseline.


Proton, Proton, Electron, To tal,

Crewman/Body area
rad rem a radffiremb rem


Skin i. 616 2.424 1.07 3.494

Lens of eye 1.616 2.262 0.107 2.369
Blood forming organs i. 066 1.276 1.276

Science Pilot

Skin 1.662 2.493 0.82 3.313

Lens of eye 1.662 2.327 0.08 2.407
Blood forming organs i. 097 1.313 1.313


Skin i. 805 2. 708 O. 25 2. 958

Lens of eye i. 805 2.527 0.03 2.557
Blood forming organs 1.191 1.426 i. 426

_roton rem = rad (quality factor)

Quality factor = 1.5 for skin

Quality factor = 1.4 for eyes
Quality factor = 1.2 for blood forming organs.

bElectron quality factor = 1.0






General photographic systems were utilized on the first visit to

document the following:

a. The exterior damage to the Orbital Workshop, for future analysis.

b. The flyaround inspection of the Saturn Workshop.

c. The docking dynamics of the command and service modules.

d. General Orbital Workshop operations.

e. Targets of interest on the earth.

f. Workshop closeout configuration.

g. Anomalous conditions experienced during the visit.

h. Results of experiments conducted on this visit.

The general photographic systems included a 35 mm camera, a 70 mm

data camera, a 16 mm data acquisition camera, and a 127 mm earth terrain
camera. Basic descriptions of these systems are contained in Appendix A
of this report with further details contained in Reference 4. All systems
operated normally with only minor exceptions. Scheduled photographic ob-
Jectives were met and the photographic quality was good.


The 16 mm camera systems were used during the visit to record com-
mand module maneuvers around the Saturn Workshop, the Orbital Workshop
damage inspection, and the performance of many experiments.

ii.2.1 Usage

Table ii-I lists the 16 mm camera usage for all visit. Approximately
90 percent of the scheduled usage of the 16 mm data acquisition camera was
achieved during the first visit. The remaining I0 percent was not com-
pleted because of time limitations. The three magazines scheduled for


Experiment/ Experiment/Activity Title


D021 Expandable Airlock

ED52 Spider Web Formation

ED63 Cytoplasmic Streaming

ED72 Capillary Studies

ED74 Mass Measurement

ED78 Liquid Motion

M092 Lower Body Negative Pressure

M093 Vectorcardiogram

MII0 Blood Sampling

MI31 Human Vestibular Function

MISI Time and Motion Study

MI71 Metabolic Activity

M479 Zero Gravity Fla_ability

M487 Habitability/Crew Quarters

M509 Astronaut Maneuvering Equipment

M512 Materials Processing in Space

M516 Crew Activities/Maintenance Study

M551 Metals Melting

M553 Sphere Forming in Space

S019 Ultraviolet Stellar Astronomy

S020 X-Ray Ultraviolet Solar Photography

S073 Gegenschein/Zodiacal Light

S149 Particle Collection

S183 Ultraviolet Panorama

S191 Earth Resources Experiment Package -

Infrared Spectrometer

T013 Crew Vehicle Distrubances

T020 Foot Controlled Maneuvering Unit

T027 Contamination Measurement

EVA Extravehicular Activity

Operational Flyaround Activity, Vehicle Inspection,

and Interior Crew Activities

use in the command module were exposed. A review of these magazines in-
dicates that the exposures were correct, except for the underexposed para-
chute sequence on earth landing.

All interior Workshop photography was satisfactory except for film

which was underexposed due to low light levels when the vehicle power was
in a critical state. Some of the 5 mm lens photography was slightly out
of focus. All experiment photography was normal. Approximately 244 me-
ters of film was used in documenting crew operations, not including exper-
iment set up activities. Crew operations photography is excellent and
should enhance the training of the second and third visit crews.

11.2.2 Hardware Performance

Equipment performance was satisfactory; however, the Orbital Work-

shop thermal problem subjected the 16 mm film to temperatures in excess
of 322 ° K. The highest estimated temperature was 325 ° K, well in excess
of the desired 300 ° K temperature. The high temperature curled the lead-
ing footage of each 122 meter canister roll and resulted in a crew proce-
dure change which required the crew to strip 2 meters of film (demonstrated
by ground tests to be unusable) from each 122 meter canister prior to use.
This resulted in a loss of sensitometry on all 122 meter canisters of 16
mm S0168 film. Prior to receiving this procedure, threading of the film
was difficult. Some film Jams occurred on the 16 mm system, and each was
cleared using the onboard procedures. One untouched roll of 122 meter
film was returned for analysis and test. Physical tests with the trans-
porter and camera revealed a slight stickiness (film sticking to itself).
The stickiness was insufficient to warrant a resupply of film to the Or-
bital Workshop for the second visit. The four surplus 122 meter canis-
ters were transferred to a lower film vault drawer at the end of the
first visit for radiation protection. Six of the eleven 16 mm cameras
on board were .used for an approximate total operating time of 14 hours.


The 35 mm camera system was used to record data for damage assess-
ment, student experiments, and operational photography. In addition, the
crew removed the electric camera body from the experiment S063 container
and used the camera with the 300 mm lens for alr-to-ground photography
of targets of interest. All other equipment was used as planned.

11.3.1 Usage

Use of the various magazines and the activities photographed are

shown in the following table.

Magazine a Film type ASA rating Subject/Activities

C126 S0168 5OO Interior with flash

C127 S0168 160 Exterior

C128 S0168 5OO Interior with flash

C129 S0168 160 Exterior

C130 S0168 160 Exterior

C131 S0168 50O Interior with flash (day 167)

C132 S0168 160 Exterior

C133 S0168 5OO Interior with flash

C134 S0168 160 Exterior

C135 S0168 160 Exterior (day 161)

CX21 S0368 64 Damage assessment

CX22 S0368 64 Exterior

BW07 3400 8O Not used (left in Orbital


aCl designation preceding magazine number indicates interior color

film, CX indicates exterior color film, and BW indicates black and
white film.

11.3.2 Hardware Performance

The 35 mm camera system operation was normal except for one minor
problem with the counter. The counter on the 35 mm electric camera stopped
counting the first time the camera was used. Further discussion of this
anomaly is contained in section 17.3.7.

Flight film results indicate that the system functioned as expected

in documenting several inflight anomalies of other systems. The elec-
tronic flash greatly enhanced the interior photography. The closeout
photography using the electronic flash is of particular value in estab-
lishing the Orbital Workshop condition at the end of the first visit.
Figure ii-i is a photograph showing partial deployment of the wing i

beam. The picture was taken with the 300 mmlens on the 35 mm camera
and was made during the flyaround inspection of the Saturn Workshop.
Figure 11-2 is a typical picture of the interior operational documen-
tation photography obtained using an electronic flash unit.


The 70 mm data camera system was used for operational photography of

the Saturn Workshop exterior during approach, docking, and the flyaround
for damage assessment, and for general and scientific interest photography
of the earth from inside the Orbital Workshop.

11.4.1 Usage

The camera stowed in the command module was used for all photography.
Two film magazines were used exclusively for earth terrain and weather
photography. One magazine was used for recording data for the damage as-
sessment at the beginning of the visit, and one was used during the fly-
around inspection. The following table shows the system usage for the
first visit.

a Frames Earth Vehicle

Magazine used views views

CX04 72 21 47

CX05 162 159

CX06 113 ii0 0

CX23 106 16 89

aCX designation preceding magazine number indicates S0368 exterior

color film.
Figure 11-2.- Typical 35 mm camera documentation.

ii.4.2 Hardware Performance

The 70 mm data camera system performed normally except that magazine

CX04 did not remain synchronized (red flag on magazine indicator), caus-
ing the camera system to stop operating, and film magazine CX05 failed
to count. See sections 17.3.1 and 17.3.2 for additional information on
these anomalies. No photographic data were lost because of the anomalous

Figures 11-3 and 11-4 are examples of 70 mm photography. Figure 11-3

is a picture of the Saturn Workshop showing the configuration prior to
command and service module docking. Figure 11-4 shows the Saturn Work-
shop configuration after extension of the wing i solar arrays and deploy-
ment of the Skylab parasol.

Figure 11-3.- Saturn workshop prior to docking.






Lift-off of the first Skylab visit occurred at 13:00:00.8 G.m.t.

(09:00:00.8 a.m.e.d.t.) on May 25, 1973, (visit day i) from Launch Com-
plex 39B with earth orbital insertion occurring 9 minutes and 56 seconds
later. As a result of the Orbital Workshop problems, the first visit was
launched 10 days later than planned, and this delay required that several
changes be made to maximize spaceflight tracking and data network cover-
age for a flyaround inspection of the workshop with television coverage.
These changes include:

a. Insertion into an orbit with an apogee of 352 kilometers instead

of 222 kilometers. This orbital insertion permitted a lift-off near the
zero yaw steering point, while still maintaining the rendezvous in the
fifth orbit.

b. The nominal terminal phase initiation maneuver was moved forward

5 minutes, and the tolerance for performing the maneuver was changed to
±5 minutes, instead of ±10 minutes.

c. A rendezvous during orbits 6, 7, and 8 was not considered be-

cause of the severe limitations on television coverage and passes over
the continental United States after rendezvous. Television coverage was
desired to determine the exterior condition of the Orbital Workshop.

d. The Z axis local vertical rendezvous maneuver for the Saturn

Workshop was eliminated because of thermal and electrical power system
attitude constraints. The elimination of this maneuver was expected to
eliminate sextant tracking prior to the second phasing maneuver, elimin-
ate part of the sextant tracking prior to the coelliptic maneuver, and
eliminate on board chart solutions for the corrective combination, co-
elliptic, and terminal phase initiation maneuvers.

Table 12-I presents a comparison of the prelaunch rendezvous profile

with the actual rendezvous profile and table 12-11 presents the midcourse

The ground and onboard solutions (table 12-11) agreed within the
comparison limits of 0.3 meters per second, 0.9 meters per second, and
0.9 meters per second in the X, Y, and Z axes, respectively. Consequently,
the onboard solutions were used for maneuver execution. The magnitude
of the second midcourse correction solution was approximately a 2-sigma
solution when compared to the preflight analyses, and was probably the
result of errors in the first midcourse correction.

The changes made in the rendezvous profile were executed with no

major problems. Most of the estimated errors fell within the ±2 sigma

o_ _ -,,1"
U'3 u_ _o 0
I ,-t
•_ 0
,-4 ,i,-4

0 _ " 0

_,_ _
I 0
_ 0 m

,-4 .H Q)


o0 oe oo oe .o o.

0 0 ,-4 c,,I _ c_ 0
.o .o .o oo ..

"_ 0 0

I _ _ 0
_ _ U

}:oo 0

0 u'_ 0

.o o_ oo
o _ ,_
•o .. .o

,-I ,...4 ,--4 ,-4

_J :> 0


I::: I _ ",-4 • 0 IEi 0




Terminal Phase Initiation Maneuver

Event/axls Ground Onboard

solution solution

Time, hr:mln:sec ....... 20:03:50 20:03:48

X axis, meters/sec ...... 5.6 5.5

Y axis, meters/sec ...... 0.4 0.2

Z axis, meters/sec ...... -2.2 -2.4

Midcourse Maneuvers

First midcourse Second midcourse

correction correction

X axis, meters/sec ...... 0.15 -1.4

Y axis, meters/sec ...... 0 -0.24

Z axis, meters/sec ...... 0.06 -0.24


range, indicating satisfactory systems performance, and lending confi-

dence to the premission rendezvous analysis. Other items which should
be noted with regard to the total rendezvous performance are:

a. The Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network performance was below

expectations in that data from several passes were poor and other data
were unusable. (Section 13.2 discusses the network performance in more

b. Lock-on and maintaining it with the sextant and VHF were consid-
erably better than preflight estimates.

As a result of the 1.5 meters per second insertion error (overfiring)

and the 10-day launch delay of first visit, the preflight determined re-
peating ground track was approximately 92.6 kilometers east of the actual
ground track. Because of the large differential velocity required to re-
turn to the preflight planned ground track, the first orbital trim maneu-
ver was planned to maintain the current ground track (approximatel 92.6
kilometers west of nominal) and return to the preflight planned ground
track on the third visit. The resulting trim maneuvers made to maintain
the ground track are shown in table 12-111. The purpose of these trim
maneuvers was to maintain an orbital period which would result in any
given track passing over the same ground point every 5 days. Because of
the insertion overfiring, the ground track was drifting to the west about
7.4 kilometers per day. Fixing the ground track to become repeating and,
therefore, stopping the drift caused the first trim maneuver to be per-
formed in the retrograde attitude at orbit noon. The maneuver was tar-
geted to minimize the correction on the second visit, if for some reason
the second trim maneuver could not be made.

The repeating ground track concept was included in Skylab to enhance

the Earth Resources Experiment Package data collection. This concept
provides the Earth Resources Experiment Package planners with a valuable
tool for long-range planning when the same task sites are covered every
5 days (approximately 2 hours earlier on each repeat). The setting of
the first visit ground track to where it repeats approximately 92.6 kilo-
meters west of the planned track degraded the flight estimate of site
coverage; however, considering the alternative of doing nothing until the
second visit, the repeat that was obtained was acceptable. Tables 12-1V
and 12-V present a comparison of the preflight Earth Resources Experi-
ment Package passes with the first visit real-time selected passes.

The undocking, flyaround inspection, deorbit maneuvers, and entry

sequence were constrained by the requirements to obtain television cov-
erage of the flyaround inspection, and recover the crew and spacecraft
in daylight with adequate recovery support. These requirements resulted
in a descending west coast entry landing at 127.04 degrees west longitude

0 i='4


_ 0 _

E_ 0

1='4 0 _


m o



Time, G.m.t.
Pass Track Revolution
numbe r number number
S tar t Stop

i i 72/3 139 17:08:57 17:33:57

2 16 87/8 140 18:00:31 18:25:31

3 3O iol/2 141 17:17:00 17:33:00

4 58 129/0 143 15:48:54 16:13:54

5 15 157/8 145 14:27:14 14:52:14

6 29 171/2 146 13:42:38 14:07:48

7 43 185/6 147 12:39:37 13:10:47

8 63 205/6 148 21:37:00 22:04:20

9 34 247/8 151 19:48:52 20:13:52

i0 48 261/2 152 19:06:01 19:31:01

ii 61 274/5 153 16:33:28 16:58:28

12 62 275/6 153 18:22:11 18:50:45

13 19 30314 155 16:57:47 17:23:36

14 6 361/2 159 17:17:14 17:44:44

12 -7

_ Z Z Z Z

_ °





00 00 00 00 00 _ 0 0 00 _ 00
Z o

X •e e. .. _o ee ee ee o. oo _e ,e ee


and 24.46 degrees north latitude. Table 12-VI presents a comparison of

the preflight deorbit and entry profiles with the actual deorbit and en-
try profile.

I-I m


_o I I _" _" ,' I

_ _-_ _1 _1 I



®_® I _ :_ _: I I


I_ _ .14

_u .1=1 ¢)
•14 ._ 0

0 _ m 0 M "_



The loss of the meterofd shield and the failure of the Orbital Work-
shop solar array system wlngs to deploy increased the difficulty in man-
aging the Orbital Workshop systems, as well as causing a i0 day delay of
the first visit. In this interim, the proficiency in operating the Mis-
sion ContrOl Center data retrieval system and in managing the various
spacecraft systems prior to crew arrival at the spacecraft was signifl-
cantly enhanced.

The difficulties involved in the initial unmanned operation primarily

arose from the thermal characteristics of the Orbital Workshop with the
meterold shield ntlsslng, and the requirement to maintain adequate power
generation capability. Some systems tended to get very warm, and when
the Skylab was placed in an attitude to reduce temperatures in these areas,
other portions of the vehicle became too cold. An attitude consisting of
a pitch of approximately 3/4 of a radlan evolved as a best compromise for
the various systems. Unfortunately, there were no attitude pointing and
control system attitude references for this thermal attitude. The method
adopted to evaluate the attitude was based on:

a. The use of structural temperatures on either side of the vehicle

to provide a zero-degree toil.

b. The use of momentum buildup in the Z axis to evaluate the posi-

tion of the Z principal axis with respect to the orbital plan.

c. Evaluation of the power output from the Apollo Telescope Mount

solar array to dete._Line the pitch attitude.

The proficiency of evaluating the overall attitude and conducting

the small maneuvers required to maintain the spacecraft in the correct
thermal attitude improved as the unmanned period progressed. There were
situations, however, that required large maneuvers, i.e., maneuvers of
about 1/3 of a radian or greater. Invariably, the attitude resulting from
these large maneuvers was considerably different from that desired and
commanded through the Apollo Telescope Mount digital computer. Subsequent
evaluation during the first visit indicated that a combination of gyro
drift, scale factor changes, intermittent discrepancies in the gyro per-
formance, and possible logic discrepancies when the gyros switched from
fine gain to course gain all combined to cause dispersions in the large
maneuvers. These characteristics of the attitude pointing and control
system compounded the task, although, the necessary attitude maneuvers
were eventually accomplished. In many cases, however, excessive thruster
attitude control system impulse usage was required due to the unexpected
response of the vehicle.

The manned operations were initially characterized by requirements

to conserve electrical power. This required the flight planning operation
to be highly flexible. The activation sequence was extended because of
required configuration changes as well as for the requirement to extend
the parasol device. Operations were also constrained by the crew having
to spend extra time in the command module while the Workshop was cooling

The basic prelaunch flight control activities schedule was used after
the activation sequence. This proved to be effective and will require
only slight modifications for subsequent visits. One exception was made
because of the critical aspects of the electrical power system. This ex-
ception was to generate a summary flight plan 2 days in advance, instead
of the originally planned i day. Each day, a detailed evaluation was made
of the electrical power profile to control the depth of discharge of the
Apollo Telescope Mount batteries. In most cases, the desired experiments
could be conducted; however, adjustments were invariably required in some
portion of the daily flight plan. These frequently included powering down
some spacecraft systems such as wall heaters, hot water heaters, food warm-
ing trays, etc. In addition, adjusting the sequence of experiments was
frequently necessary so that a daylight cycle existed between experiment
protocols requiring high power levels so that the Apollo Telescope Mount
batteries could recover. As the electrical power system responses became
better known and as the actual power usage of the various experiment modes
was demonstrated, operational constraints were adjusted to allow increased
experiment operations. This was particularly true in the case of the
Earth Resources Experiment Package where the original constraints were
relaxed and better opportunities for data acquisition became available.

The extravehicular activity to deploy the solar array system wing was
successfully conducted even though there were problems with the extrave-
hicular activity llfe support cooling system. These problems were over-
come in real time, and deployment of this wing alleviated the power con-
straints for this visit. After wing deployment, the experiment operations
were continuing with no operational constraints. However, some non-essen-
tial equipment power down was still required.

The latter phase of the visit was characterized by several unexpected

thruster attitude control system firings that were caused by maneuver time
errors, buildup of undersirable momentum due to propulsive vents, and suc-
cessive momentum dump inhibits required by some of the experiments.

The crew's proficiency was noticeably improved in conducting all of

the experiments by the last third of the visit. As a result, several of
the lower priority tasks were performed and, consequently, a high percent-
age of the original Skylab experiment operations was accomplished.

Experiment deactivation and entry preparation was conducted accord-

ing to the preflight plan. The entry simulation was conducted and proved
to be an inefficient use of both the crew time and flight control time.
This aspect of the first visit will be evaluated and different techniques
adopted for second and third visits. Considering the many configuration
changes, the actual checklist changes were minimal. The ground tracking
and maneuver calculations were all accomplished according to the preflight
plan and the entry was normal.


The Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network (fig. 13-1) support of the
first visit was satisfactory. The hardware, software and personnel per-
formance were each very good with minor exceptions. Some hardware fail-
ures, software problems, and personnel procedural problems were experi-
enced, but the collective impact on the visit support was minor. The most
significant impact was delays in the final processing of selected experi-
ments data. Data quality was poor on some passes. Two factors contrib-
uting to the poor quality data are: multipath signals on VgF at low ele-
vation angles and ignition noise from harbor vehicles near the range
station ship Vanguard.

The quantity of data was greater than expected, resulting in a sys-

tem overload between the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network and Mission
Control Center. Software problems in the Real Time Computer Complex re-
suited in application downtimes that further complicated retrieval of data
from the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Network. Also, problems were ex-
perlenced in processing some experiments data wlthin the Real Time Com-
puter Complex which contributed to delays in data delivery.

Station capabilities generally included unified S-band, VHF telem-

etry, UHF command, VHF voice, and data processing. Communications to
each site included four 7.2 kilobits per second data circuits, two voice
circuits, and two teletype circuits. Television circuits were utilized
at Guam, Goldstone, Texas, and Merrltt Island, on an as required basis
for relaying televlsion transmissions to the Mission Control Center.
C-band radar at Canarvon, Merrltt Island, Bermuda, and Tananarlve were
used for orbit determination of the unmanned Orbital Workshop.

The most significant change to the Spaceflight Tracking and Data Net-
work between Apollo and Skylab was in the techniques of processing telem-
etry data. During Apollo, fixed formats of selected data at reduced sam-
pling rates were used for transmission of telemetry data to the Mission
Control Center for mission operations. Detailed postfllght engineering
analysis and experiment data reduction was accomplished using magnetic
tape recordings of telemetry data shipped from each site to the Johnson
Space Center.

Carnarvon 1

Tananarive2 ! Goddard Space
Flight Center


I Hawaii

Canary Goldstone

Newf°undlandl t'

Bermuda Vanguard 3

Network Operations
Control Center Apollo range
Merritt instrumentation
I s land
aircraft 4


12 No unified
C-band S-band
radar only 1Mission Control I
3 Located.at -380 02' south [Center I
and 57 ° .32' west
4 With Apollo capabilities
Figure 13-1. - Spaceflight tracking and data network.

For Skylab, techniques of redundant sample removal were used to re-

duce the telemetry data volume at each site such that all the intelligence
in the data could be transmitted over the data circuits to the Mission Con-
Control Center. Telemetry links containing operational data were proc-
essed in real time to the Mission Control Center. After the pass, all
links were processed at the remote site into an all digital data tape for
transmission to the Mission Control Center at data rates compatible with
communication circuit capabilities. The transmitted all digital data
tape data was used for detailed engineering analysis and experiment data
reduction. These techniques provided early access to all telemetry data
and reduced the need for shipping most of the magnetic tapes to the John-
son Space Center.

Command data processing for Skylab was very similar to Apollo. The
one major change for Skylab was the utilization of UHF transmitters from
Gemini and early Apollo flights for commends to the Orbital Workshop. One
computer was utilized at each site for command processing. Real time com-
mands were stored in the computer for uplink in response to the Mission
Control Center execute commands. Teleprinter and computer load commands
were formatted at the Mission Control Center, transmitted to appropriate
sites, sorted in the computer temporarily and uplinked in response to the
Mission Control Center execute commands. Commands were uplinked either
through the unified S-band or UHF systems depending upon whether the com-
mand was being sent to the co-,,and and service module or the Orbital Work-
shop •

The processing of tracking data was also very similar to that used
on the Apollo program. The unified S-band data were the primary data
source except during unmanned Workshop periods when the C-band radar skin
track data were utilized. High speed (10 samples every second) data from
Merrit Island and Bermuda were used during launch and low speed (one sam-
ple every 6 seconds) data were utilized for orbital ephemeris determina-

Real time voice communications with the crew were the same as Apollo.
Crew voice recorded onboard the command and service module or Orbital
Workshop was subsequently downlinked to a network site where the voice
was played back on a delayed basis and transmitted to the Mission Control
Center over voice circuits.

The television recording capability was used at all sites with uni-
fied S-band systems, plus the capability to remote television to the Mis-
sion Control Center was provided from Guam, Goldstone, Texas, and Merritt
Island. The Goldstone, Texas, and Merritt Island capabilities were util-
ized on a daily basis for real time and playback to the Mission Control
Center of t_levlsion previously recorded at those sites. Recordings of
television from other sites were shipped to the Johnson Space Center.


The Department of Defense provided recovery support. The recovery

force deployment is outlined in table 13-1.

13.3.1 Prelaunch Through Orbital Insertion

Twenty four hours prior to the launch for the first visit, the De-
partment of Defense recovery forces reported under the command of the
Department of Defense Manager for Manned Space Flight Support. After
orbital insertion, the recovery forces were released or placed on alert,
as appropriate.

13.3.2 Orbital Operations

The primary recovery support from orbital insertion to recovery minus

6 days consisted of helicopters and HC-130 aircraft at Hickam AFB, Hawaii,
and an on-call duty salvage ship at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. This support
posture was developed as the result of medical requirements and the capa-
bility to land the command module near the Hawaiian Islands at least once
a day. Also, the capability existed to fly the Skylab mobile laboratory
from the Johnson Space Center to Hawaii on a C-5 aircraft and have the
laboratory operationally ready to receive the crew after landing.

In addition to the support in Hawaii, air rescue units at various air

rescue bases around the world were prepared to provide support should a
contingency landing occur.

13.3.3 Primary Landing Area Support

Recovery support for the primary landing area in the Eastern Pacific
Ocean was provided by the USS Ticonderoga. Air support consisted of four
SH-3G helicopters and one E-IB aircraft from the USS Ticonderoga and two
HC-130 rescue aircraft staged from Hamilton AFB, California. Figure 13-2
shows the relative positions of the recovery ship and its aircraft, and
the HC-130 aircraft prior to landing. The figure also shows the target
point, the crew readout of the computer landing point (while on main par-
achutes), and the estimated landing point.


Type ship/ Number Shlp name/alrcraft

type aircraft staging base Responsibility

ASS l USS Escape Launch site recovery ship and sonic

boom -_asurement platform.
ARS 1 USS Grapple Duty salvage ship providing secondary
landing area support.
CVS 1 USS Ticonderoga Primary recovery ship.
HH-53C 2 Patrick Air Force Base Launch site area.

HC-130 2a Pease Air Force Base Launch abort area in west- and mid-
Atlantic areas.

ia Pease Air Force Base _ontlngency suppore--in west Atlantic

HH-3E ia Lorlns Air Force Base Pilnimum crew retrieval time during
launch in west-Atlantlc area.

HH-3E Ia Gander International, Minimum crew retrieval time during

Newfoundland launch in west-and mld-Atlantlc

HC-130 1 RAF Woodbrldge, Support for launch aborts in mid-

England and east-Atlantlc areas.
HC-130 ia EAF Woodbridge, Contingency support in east-Atlantlc
England sector.

HC-53C 1 RAFWoodbridge, Minimum retrieval times for aborts

England in east-Atlantic sector.
HC-130 ia Hickam Air Force Base Recovery support for target points
in secondary landing area.
HH-53C 2a Hickam Air Force Base Secondary landing area support for
orbits after docking.
HC-130 ia HaLilton Air Force Base Recovery support in east-Paclflc

HC-130 2 Hamilton Air Force Base End-of-mlsslon recovery support for

landings uprange and downrange of
target point.
HC-130 ia Eglln Air Force Base Contingency support in west-Atlantlc

HC-130 ia KadenaAir Force Base, Contingency support in west-Paclflc

Ok/nawa sector.
HC-130 ia Clark Air Force Base, Contingency support in west-Paclflc
Phillipplnes sector.

SH-3G 4 USS Ticonderoga Support in primary end-of-mlsslon

E1 B relay 1 landing area.

aon air rescue and recovery service alert and configured with Skylab recovery


Longitude, degrees west

135 130 125 120 115
40 4O
West longitude '_J%.......
127 ° 23' 127 ° i0' 127 ° 126 °50''_ _.ASFA,tO....0
24 ° 55' _, _ 24 ° 55' "
r Computer readout
/of landing point _, "H

R_ove • Phot_ ._ _ - - +'-"

-_ 24 ° 45' I • #3Landing point__ .24 :° 45' _-E ! -e L ...... -

U.S.S. Ticonderoga 0
Ta et point _ 8 EDwAR_S.,_,5o
35 35

OSw,m _,.,_. ,'_ ....


24 ° 35' P4 ° 35' _.,_..,o

127 ° 20' 127 ° I0' 127 ° 126+5-o' -° " -'_-_:-"
=: West longitude
R =o

30 "ID

-J --J

__ Hami Iton /%"

rescue i /

" •
25 25
1 Target point

• Hami Iton
rescue 2

20 20

135 130 125 120 115

Longitude, degrees west

Figure 15-2.- Recovery forces deployment.


13.3.4 Command Module Location and Retrieval

Table 13-II is a chronological listing of the events of recovery and

post-recovery operations.

Weather on recovery day was good. At landing, the cloud coverage was
90 percent at 550 meters and winds were 2.6 meters per second from north-
east. The water condition was 0.3 meter seas on top of 1.2 meter swells.
The air temperature was 291 ° K and the water temperature was 293 ° K.

Radar contact with the command module was reported by the USS Ticon-
deroga at 13:40:30 G.m.t., on June 22, 1973 (visit day 29). The command
module landed at 13:49:48 G.m.t. Using the ship's position, plus visual
bearings and radar ranges, the landing point coordinates of command mod-
ule were determined to be 24 degrees 45 minutes 18 seconds north latitude,
127 degrees 2 minutes west longitude.

The command module landed in the stable 1 attitude. The command mod-
ule was retrieved with the crew inside and the crew were aboard the recov-
ery ship 40 minutes after landing. The crew egressed from the command
module and walked to the Skylab mobile laboratory. After recovery, reef-
ing lines from the drogue parachute were found on one of the helicopter
landing gear struts. A discussion of this anomaly is contained in sec-
tion 17.1.9.



Time relative
Event Time, G.m.t. to landing,

June 22, 1973

(visit day 29)

Radar contact by Ticonderoga 13:40 -0:00:09

VHF recovery beacon contact 13:45 -0:00:04
Visual contact with command module 13:45 -0:00;04
VHF voice contact 13:46 -0:00:03
Command module landing 13:49:49 0:00:00
Flotation collar inflated 13:57 0:00:07
Flight crew/command module aboard 14:30 0:00:40
Hatch open 14:35 0:00:45
Flight crew in Skylab mobile 14:40 0:00:50
Time critical experiment removal 18:19 0:04:29
Reaction control system depressuri- 20:15 0:06:25
zatlon started
Reaction control system depressuri- 22:15 0:08:25
zation completed
Experiment removal completed 22:15 0;09:50

June 23, 1973

(recovery plus 1 day)

Final hatch closure 18:15 1:04:25

June 24, 1973

(recovery plus 2 days)

Flight crew departed prime recovery 15:00 2:01:10

ship for San Clemente (via E1 Toro)
Flight crew arrived San Clemente 17:00 2:03:10
Flight crew departed San Clemente 17:30 2:03:40
for prime recovery ship
(via E1 Toro)
Command module off loaded from 18:00 2:04:10
Command module in hangar at North 18:25 2:04:35
Flight crew arrived at prime recovery 18:30 2:04:40
Flight crew departed prime recovery 23:10 2:07:20
ship by limousine
13 -11


Time relative
Event T_,G.m.t. to landing,

June 25, 1973

_recover 7 plus 3 daTs)

Flight crew departed North Island 0:00 2:10:i0

on C-141
Flight crew arrived Elllngton AFB 2:47 2:12:57
on C-141
Skylab mobile laboratory off loaded 3:30 2:13:40
from prime recovery ship
Skylab mobile laboratory departed 6:16 2:16:26
North Island on C-5
Skylab mobile laboratory arrived 9:24 2:19:34
Ellington AFB on C-5
Skylab mobile laboratory in place 16:00 3:02:10
at Building 36

June 28, 1973

lus 6
Command module deactivation 21:00 6:07:10
comp let ed

June 29, 1973

(recoveryplus 7 dasy_

Command module departed San diego, 4:00 6:14:10

Command module arrived Dc_rney, 7:00 6:17:00


The primary mission objectives assigned to the first visit were:

a. Establish the Saturn Workshop in earth orbit.

i. Operate the orbital assembly (Saturn Workshop including com-

mand and service module) as a habitable space structure for up to 28 days.

2. Obtain data for evaluating the performance of the Saturn


3. Obtain data for evaluating crew mobility and work capability

in both intravehicular and extravehicular activity.

b. Obtain medical data on the crew for use in extending the duration
of manned space flights.

i. Obtain medical data for determining the effect on the crew

as a result of a space flight of up to 28 days.

2. Obtain medical data for determining if a subsequent visit

of up to 56 days duration is feasible and advisable.

c. Perform inflight experiments

i. Obtain Apollo Telescope Mount solar astronomy data for con-

tinuing and extending solar studies beyond the limits of earth-based ob-

2. Obtain earth resources data for continuing and extending

mmlti-sensor observation of the earth from low-earth orbit.

3. Perform the assigned scientific, engineering, and technology


Tables 14-1 through 14-1V list the experiments and subsystem/opera-

tional detailed test objectives assigned to the first visit for which the
Johnson Space Center is responsible, and defines the degree of completion
of each objective. Since the data analysis is not completed, the tables
indicate only the number of planned activities that were completed.

Television documentation of the first visit was also required with a

total of 39 telecasts planned. Twenty-seven of the planned telecasts were
completed and five telecasts, which were not planned, were also performed.
Table 14-V is a listing of the telecasts which were completed.


Experiment Remarks
Planned a Completed

MOT1 - Mineral Balance 29 28 Each crewman each day

M073 - Bioassay of Body Fluids 29 28

M074 - Specimen Mass Measurement 6 4 Electronics failed in

one small mess meas-
uring device after in-
itial calibration

M078 - Bone Mineral Measurement b

M092 - Lower Body Negative Pressure

Commander 8 7
Science Pilot 8 7
Pilot 8 8

M093 - Vectorcardiogram

Commander 8 7
Science Pilot 8 7
Pilot 8 8

MII0 Series - Blood Study 4 4

(Mill b, MII2, MII3, MII4, MILS)

MI31 - Human Vestibular Function

Spatial Location - Commander 3 1

Science Pilot 3 3
Pilot 3 3

OGI/MS - Science Pilot 5 4

Pilot 5 3

M133 - Sleep Monitoring 15 12

MI51 - Time and Motion Study

M092/93 or M092/171 8 8 Photographs of the

TO27/S073 7 7 listed activities
SI90B 3 2 were required the
Suit Donning/Doffing 2 2 number of times in-
Meal Preparation 4 4 dicated

MITI - Metabolic Activity

Commander 5 6
Science Pilot 5 6
Pilot 5 7

14172 - Body Mass Measurement 3 3

aper launch flight plan.

bNo inflight requirments.




Task/sites Other
Discipline task/sites
First partially
Total completed
visit completed

Agriculture/range 33 31 14

Geology 55 55 3O 3

Continental water 29 29 12

Ocean 38 30 6 4

Atmospheric 58 47 19 4

Coastal zones, 21 21 5
shoals, and bays

Remote sensing 83 69 45 a 21

Regional planning 89 86 38 3
and development

Cartography 35 35 i0 3

User agency tasks 92 92 12 15

Total 533 495 191 53

_ncludes six task/sites associated with the lunar calibration.


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Experiment Remarks
planned Actual

Radiation measurement 37 28

Portable carbon dioxide/ 2 1 Instrument failed

dew point monitor

Water sample 1

Microbiological sample 4

Carbon monoxide monitor 4 Does not include carbon

monoxide monitoring dur-
ing Orbital Workshop
Iodine monitor

Spacecraft/launch vehicle
adapter deployment ob-


Visit Procedure
Activity observed
day designation

2 TV-41 Rendezvous

3 Parasol deployment

3 Orbital Workshop checkout

4 TV-27 Press conference

5 TV-I Specimen mess measurement device/'water gun activities

5 TV-2 Preparing meal

6 TV-3 Eating

7 TV-13 Apollo Telescope Mount operations

8 Crew day off activities
9 TV-II Earth Resources Experiment Package operations

i0 TV-37 Out-the-window view

12 TV-19 Experiment Mi31 (Human Vestibular Function, Oculogyral I)

12 TV-12 Additional Earth Resources Experiment Package operations

13 TV-4 Experiment MII0 - (Blood Sampling)

13 Extravehicular activity simulation

14 Extravehicular activity operations

16 TV-6 Experiment M092 (Lower Body Negative Pressure) operations

17 TV-9 Experiment MI71 (Metabolic Activity) operations

18 TV-7 Additional experiment M092 (Lower Body Negative Pressure) operations

19 TV-24 Experiment M551 (Metals Melting) operations

19 TV-29 Earth observations with viewflnder tracking system

20 TV-20 Experiment MI31 (Human Vestibular Function) operations

20 TV-29 Earth observations with viewfinder tracking system

22 TV-18 Experiment ED31 (Bacteria and Spores) operations

22 TV-25 First crew tour of Workshop

23 TV-26 Second crew tour of Workshop

24 TV-5 Experiment M172 (Body Mass Measurement Device) operations

24 TV-15 Sleep station, shower, trash, etc.

25 TV-28 Science Pilot highlights

26 TV-43 Extravehicular activity performing Apollo Telescope Mount film change

27 TV-27 Press conference

28 TV-42 Undocking and flyaround inspection


A summary assessment of mission objectives accomplished shows a very

high degree of completion, especially considering the reduction in exper-
iment time due to parasol deployment, solar array wing deployment, and
Saturn Workshop system anomalies. All primary mission objectives were
accomplished and a majority of the assigned experiment detailed objectives
were completed.



In Skylab flight planning, new techniques were applied to provide a

great deal more flexibility in accommodating changes to the flight plan.
Several factors such as the long mission duration and the fact that this
was the first visit made it difficult to preplan with any degree of pre"
cision. Many of the experiments were also subject to unpredictable fac-
tors such as weather (Earth Resources Experiment Package), solar activity
(Apollo Telescope Mount experiments), and crew condition (medical experi-
ments). Finally, flight planning had to be flexible enough to react to
changes in emphasis in objectives and changes in experiment capabilities
resulting from hardware problems.

Such flexibility essentially meant the flight plan was revised on a

day to day basis, and the updated flight plan had to be forwarded to the
crew with a m/nimumof interference with other duties. Updating the
flight plans as well as transmitting other messages was accomplished on
Skylab using a teleprinter device onboard the Orbital Workshop. An ex-
ample of a typical teleprinter message is shown in figure 15-1.


Twenty four hour Mission Control Center support operations were di-
vided into the summary, execute, and detail shifts. The relationship of
these shifts to the crew day is shown in figure 15-2.

The flight planning sequence began with the summary shift on the
morning of day n, where a general plan for day n+l was worked out to the
level of detail shown in figure 15-3. A summary plan, shown in figure
15-4, was transmitted near the end of the workday to enable the crew to
discuss the next day's flight plan during their pre-sleep period. During
the detail shift on the evening of day n, the n+l plan, including any late
necessary modifications which were discovered during the crew workday,
would be developed to the level necessary to generate the detailed flight
plan (e.g., switch on times, pointing angles, maneuver times, etc.). The
detailed flight plan for day n+l was then uplinked to the Orbital Work-
shop via the teleprinter during the crew sleep period and was available
to the crew for implementation on the prescribed day. An example of a
portion of the detailed flight plan is shown in figure 15-5.

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In addition to the scheduled activities in the day's flight plan, the

crew was also provided with optional activities on a "shopping list" which
could be performed if the opportunity was available either during the nor-
real workday or during the pre-sleep and post-sleep periods.

Exclusive of the operational inputs to the flight plan (maneuvers,

housekeeping, etc.), the major inputs to the summary plan were made by
representatives from the medical, Earth Resources Experiment Package,
Apollo Telescope Mount, and corollary experiments groups. Conflicts in
the available time between these disciplines were ultimately resolved by
the Flight Director based upon recommendations by the Program Scientist,
the Plight Operations Management Room Manager, and others. In addition,
the experiments groups could appeal decisions in the daily Plight Manage-
ment Team meetings, which were chaired by the Program Director and were
held at the beginning of the execute shift.


Visit accomplishments in terms of experiments and test objectives

are discussed in section 14.0. In general, a high level of accomplish-
ment was achieved in spite of initial power limitations and the loss in
experiment time as a result of an additional extravehicular activity.
The lost time was compensated for when the crew recommended deleting the
weekly day off and by their zeal in accomplishing the items of the "shop-
ping llst" during their free time. Table 15-1 shows the breakdown of ac-
complishments in terms of crew time and compares the actuals with the
preflight plan.

The techniques for flight planning worked well for the first visit.
This is especially important in view of the diverse requirements of the
widely different scientific disclplines on the Skylab program. Besides
the simple competition for crew time among the experiments, there was com-
petition for utilization of the scientific alrlock (only one experiment
could be accommodated at a time), as well as competing requirements on the
Workshop attitude. Such conflicts are inherent in a program which encom-
passes such a wide range of experiments, and such conflicts were antici-
pated prior to flight. The role of Program Scientist had been created
especially to resolve such interdisciplinary conflicts and to promote
better understanding between the scientific investigators on flight plan-
ning problems. Observations during the progress of the visit and dis-
cussions with the various experiment groups subsequent to the visit have
indicated that this worked effectively. The experiment groups suggested
the following areas where improvements in the flight planning area could
be made on subsequent visits. These suggestions are listed below and
these will be factored intO the planning.



Manhours utilization,
Category (percent of total)


Medical Experiments 145:13 157:51

(7.4) (8.0)

Apollo Telescope Mount 117:09 152 :51

(6.0) (7.7)

Earth Resources Experi- 71:24 85:55

ment Package (3.6) (4.3)

Corollary experiments 54:24 62:20

(2.8) (3.2)

Subsystem detailed test 7:03 7:07

objective (O.4) (O.4)

Student experiments 3:41 4:41

(0.2) (0.2)

Operational a 1562:07 1509:39

(79.6) (76.2)

alncludes sleeping, eating, housekeeping, etc.


a. Increased flexibility for real time changes to the flight plan.

b. A better understanding of the long range planning forecast be-

yond the day n+l flight plan.

c. Improved capability for communicating experiment related ques-

tions to the crew.

d. Better communications between the various experiment disciplines

regarding their mutual interests and problems involved with scheduling



At launch time, a west southwest wind prevailed over the launch

area and northern Florida in the lower troposphere, from the surface to
an altitude of 5.5 kilometers. Above this level, in the troposphere,
wind directions were from west and west northwest. The maximum wind ob-
served was 34 meters per second from an azimuth of 290 ° at an altltude
of 14 kilometers.

A surface low pressure trough lay across northern Florida, southern

Georgia, and Alabama, the axis of which was oriented from east northeast
to west southwest. An extensive area of scattered showers, and broken
layers of middle and high cloudiness with widely scattered embedded thun-
derstorms extended southward from the trough axis to central Florida.
Broken layers of clouds over the launch area were observed at 150 meters,
2100 meters, and 5500 meters. Showers were observed 16 to 24 kilometers
south of the launch pad.


The Saturn space vehicle supported the first visit by placing the
spacecraft into an earth orbit for subsequent rendezvous with the Saturn
Workshop. The performance of the space vehicle will be reported in de-
tall in the Marshall Space Flight Center's Saturn Workshop Report which
will be incorporated as Volume III of the Skylab Mission Evaluatlon Re-
port to be published by NASA Headquarters.

The performance of ground systems supporting the countdown and launch

was satisfactory except for one anomaly. This anomaly, an erroneous cut-
off signal, occurred after the launch commitment was made and could have
transferred vehicle power from the internal to the external source. This
transfer would have resulted in a launch without vehicle electrical power.
The erroneous cutoff signal, however, was not sustained long enough to
energize the cutoff relay. Damage to the pad, launch umbilical tower,
and support equipment was minimal.

The vehicle was launched on an azimuth due east. A roll maneuver

was initiated at approximately i0 seconds that placed the vehicle on a
flight azimuth of 47.580 degrees. The downrange pitch program was also
initiated at this time. The flight trajectory was very close to the pre-
dicted operational trajectory. The S-IB stage outboard engine cutoff was

1.36 seconds later than nominal. The total space fixed velocity at this
time was 7.07 meters per second greater than planned. After separation,
the S-IB stage continued on a ballistic trajectory to earth impact. The
S-IVB stage firing terminated with guidance cutoff signal and parking
orbit insertion; both approximately 3.7 seconds later than planned. A
velocity of 1.82 meters per second greater than nominal at insertion re-
sulted in an apogee 6.32 kilometers higher than nominal. The parking or-
bit portion of the trajectory until spacecraft/launch vehicle separation
was close to nominal.

All aspects of the S-IVB/instrument unit deorbit were accomplished

successfully. The deorbit trajectory altitude was slightly higher than
the real time predicted value, resulting in an impact slightly downrange
of nominal. These dispersions were small enough that impact actually did
occur within the real-time predicted footprint.

The S-IB stage propulsion system performed satisfactorily throughout

the flight. The S-IVB stage propulsion system performed satisfactorily
throughout the operational phase of the firing and had normal start and
cutoff transients. Subsequent to the firing, the stage propellant tanks
were vented satisfactorily, and the impulse derived from the liquid oxygen
and fuel dumps was sufficient to satisfactorily deorbit the S-IVB/Instru-
ment Unit. A disturbing force on the S-IVB/Instrument Unit, coincident
with liquid oxygen tank venting, caused unplanned firings of auxiliary
propulsion system module engines and subsequent propellant depletion in
auxiliary propulsion system module 2. Analysis indicated nearly complete
blockage of the liquid oxygen nonpropulsive vent nozzle i. The blockage
has been attributed to solid oxygen formation at the nozzle inlet during
cyclic liquid oxygen relief venting when liquid remaining in the duct was
subjected to a freezing environment. No impact due to this anomaly is
expected on the following missions.

The structural loads during the flight were well below design values.
Thrust cutoff transients were similar to those of previous flights.

The stabilized platform and the guidance computer successfully sup-

ported the accomplishment of the mission objectives. Targeted conditions
at orbit insertion were attained with insignificant error. The one anom-
aly which occurred in the guidance and navigation system was a large change
in the gyro summation current and a small change in the accelerometer sum-
• mation current. Operation of the system was not affected by these current

The control and separation systems functioned correctly throughout

the powered and coasting flight. The electrical systems and emergency
detection system performed satisfactorily during the flight. Battery per-
formance was satisfactory.



17.1.1 Suit-to-Cabin Differential Pressure was Negative

The command module suit circuit pressure dropped below the cabin
pressures and cycled between approximately plus 0.05 newtons per square
centimeter of water and minus 0.05 newtons per square centimeter of water
differential pressure during the final 32 minutes of the countdown. The
suit circuit pressure remained below cabin pressure for approximately
15 minutes and rose above cabin pressure only after the direct oxygen
flow was increased from 0.247 to 0.333 kilograms per hour and the Com-
mander and Science Pilot moved their suit hoses. The suit circuit pres-
sure again decreased below cabin pressure for a short period prior to

While the low pressure excursions were occurring, the crew was opera-
ting on the suit loop. Oxygen was being supplied at 0.247 kilograms per
hour through the direct oxygen valve and the system was relieving into the
cabin through the suit circuit demand regulator relief valve. The relief
valve should have maintained the lowest pressure in the suit circuit ap-
proximately 0.055 newtons per square centimeter of water above the cabin
pressure. A suit circuit schematic is shown in figure 17.1-1.

The pressure decrease could only have been caused by leakage from the
suit loop into the cabin. Also, as the inlet side of the compressor was
below the cabin pressure, the leak must have been at a point where the
suit loop pressure was above cabin pressure, that is, between the compres-
sor outlet and the suit outlet.

Several possible failures could have caused leakage in this part of

the suit circuit. First, one or more of the suits could have had a low-
pressure leak which resulted in the suit and cabin pressure being equal
at the point of the leak. This would create a negative pressure at the
compressor inlet where the pressure transducer is located. However, post-
flight tests showed the low pressure suit leakage to be too low to have
caused the problem. Second, the suit circuit could have had a low pres-
sure leak at a seal or Joint. However, no such leak was found in post-
flight tests. Third, the interface between the suits and the suit cir-
cuit could have had a low pressure leak. This interface was tested and
leakage was acceptable. The connectors from the suit hose to the command
module suit circuit were inspected after the leakage test and were normal.



, !


The only component that displayed excessive low pressure leakage dur-
ing postflight testing was the suit circuit air return check valve. How-
ever, this valve is located near the pressure transducer in the suit cir-
cuit and could not have caused the negative pressure.

In addition to the possible failure modes discussed, tested, and eval-

uated, the circuit demand regulator and relief valve were tested and found

All potential causes of this problem have been tested and are normal.
Therefore, the most probable cause of this problem was an intermittent
leakage at low differential pressures not apparent during the postflight
testing. Should the problem recur on another command module to the ex-
tent observed on this first visit vehicle, adequate oxygen is available
through the direct oxygen valve to accommodate leakages of up to 4.25
kilograms per hour for extended operations and up to 19.0 kilograms per
hour for i0 minutes.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.2 Service Module Quad A Pressure/Temperature Sensor Failed

The service module reaction control system quad A and the propellant
storage module propellant quantity measurements failed off scale high.
Both measurements indicated off scale high from helium loading during
prelaunch operations until the end of the first visit; consequently, the
failure could have occurred before launch.

The quantity transducer (fig. 17.1-2) consists of four sillcon (semi-

conductor) strain gages connected as a resistance bridge. The bridge is
mounted on a diaphragm that is exposed to the helium tank pressure. The
gage elements are temperature sensitive; consequently, the bridge output
is proportional to the helium pressure divided by the helium temperature.
The bridge output is amplified by a differential amplifier and supplied
to the instrumentation system as a 0 to 5 volt dc signal.

All four quantity measurements on Apollo 12 failed as a result of

the vehicle being struck by llghtning during the launch phase. The launch
umbilical tower on the second visit vehicle was also struck by lightning
during ground checkout and four of the five quantity measurements failed
(the propellant storage module was not flown on Apollo vehicles). Since
the umbilical tower was struck by lightning the night before launch, the
failed quantity measurements probably resulted from this lightning strike.

Analysis of the transducers from the second visit vehicle after the
lightning strike showed that in each case, one of the two differential
output transistors (QI and Q2 in fig. 17.1-2) was shorted. (The Apollo 12
and first manned vehicle transducers were not recovered as they were lo-
cated in the service module).

o o




tl_ _ r',-



The quantity transducer contains an electromagnetic interference ca-

pacitor that is connected between the negative output of the signal con-
dltioner power supply and vehicle structure in the service module (fig.
17.1-2). Similar transducers located in the same area as the quantity
measurement transducers do not use an electromagnetic interference capac-
itor and did not fail. The negative side of the differential amplifier
and the shield of the cable that connects the signal conditioner to the
pulse code modulation system are connected to ground and structure in the
command module. Lightning induced voltages between these two ground points
must, therefore, be imposed between the collectors and emitters of the two
differential output transistors, with the weakest transistor of the two
short circuiting (fig. 17.1-2).

Ground calculations are the prime mode used to determine propellant

quantity. A computer program performs a pressure/volume/temperature bal-
ance calculation with the hellmn source pressure and temperature and pro-
pellant tank pressures and temperature. Gaging status data are relayed
to the crew. Since the quantity measurements are used only as a backup
to the ground calculations, no corrective action will be taken.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.3 Failure to Achieve Docking Probe

Capture Latch Engagement

Eight docking attempts were required to successfully achieve a hard

docking following the standup extravehicular activity. Although capture
latch engagement (soft dock) and undocking were successfully achieved prior
to the standup extravehicular activity, the subsequent eight attempts never
resulted in capture latch engagement and hard docking was performed using
the emergency docking procedure. Upon removal of the probe, the crew noted
that one of the three capture latch hooks had not returned to the lock po-
sition. Subsequent troubleshooting resulted in an additional hangup.
Continued efforts, however, restored normal operation and, when used for
undocking, the docking system worked properly.

The docking probe (fig. 17.1-35 is a tripod mounted device that serves
as the active portion of the docking system. The probe incorporates pro-
visions for the initial capture of the Multiple Docking Adapter drogue,
energy attenuation, command module/Workshop retraction, relative vehicle
alignment, and undocklng. The structural items (fig. 17.1-4) consist of
the central cylinder, a piston, a collar, three pitch arms, three shock
struts, and the three support arms. The primary subassemblies of the probe
consist of the capture latch assembly, the actuator assembly, the capture
latch release handle, the nitrogen pressure system, the ratchet handle as-
sembly, the extend latch/preload assembly, the shock struts, and the at-

Figure 17.1-3.- Probe assembly.


The probe capture latch assembly (fig. 17.1-5) is contained within

the probe head and provides the initial coupling between the command mod-
ule and workshop. The assembly (fig. 17.1-6) consists of three latch
hooks which are pin mounted in the probe head and spring loaded such that
the hook protrudes beyond the surface of the probe head. Opposite each
of the latch hook pivot points is a two piece toggle link that connects
the latch hook to a fixed point on the probe head.

Locking and releasing of the latch hook is determined by the axial

position of a single, syn_netrical spider (fig. 17.1-7) which is spring
loaded to the full forward (locked) position (fig. 17.1-8). In this po-
sition, a roller on the spider rests beneath each of the latch hook tog-
gle links such that the latch hooks can be depressed. To unlock the
latch hooks, the spider is moved aft where it is retained until a subse-
quent latch lock is required.

Spider retention and release is achieved by triggers located within

each of the latch hooks. When the spider is moved aft of the spring-
loaded triggers and released, pins located on the outer tip of the spider
(fig. 17.1-8) rest against the back face of the trigger and thereby pre-
vent forward travel of the spider. To release the spider, all three trig-
gers must be depressed simultaneously since any one of the triggers will
retain the spider in the aft position. In addition, each of the hooks
must be fully extended or the toggle link will prevent the spider from
moving forward. The spider can be moved from the forward to the aft posi-
tion by manually depressing the plunger in the probe head or by rotating
the torque shaft. The torque shaft has two rollers which ride in helical
slots in a cam (fig. 17.1-8). The cam is attached to the spider with a
tension link. When the torque shaft is rotated by either manually actu-
ating the capture latch release handle or by powering the torque motors
in the actuator assembly (fig. 17.1-9), the rollers turn in the cam slots
and force the cam and the spider aft (fig. 17.1-8). When power is removed
from the torque motors, the torsion spring on the torque shaft rotates the
shaft back and allows the spider to move forward until cocked, i.e., the
spider pins ride against the back of the triggers.

The drogue, a truncated cone structure that is installed in the Mul-

tiple Docking Adapter axial port tunnel, serves as a guide and receiver
for the probe head.

The capture latch release handle (fig. 17.1-10) is located on the aft
end of the probe and provides a means for manual release of the capture
latches when the probe is in the retracted position. The probe must be
retracted for the capture latch torque shaft to mate with the keyed fe-
male telescoping drive shaft. The release handle is secured on the pyro-
technic cover by spring clip detents and a manual locking lever. Nor-
mally, prior to folding the probe for removal from the command module
tunnel, the release handle is unlocked and pulled from the spring clips.



Figure 17.1-5.- Probe capture latch assembly.












.- Spider assembly.
Figure 17.1-7













As the probe is folded, the sliding collar travels aft, contacts the re-
lease handle, and extends the telescoping drive shaft. The handle is
then accessible for manual rotation to release the capture latches.

Should the docking probe be retracted with the capture latches in

the cocked position, the torque shaft will not be properly indexed with
the keyed female telescoping drive shaft. This would result in damage
to the torque shaft and possibly to the command module forward hatch
ablator. Since the emergency docking procedure requires retracting the
probe with the capture latches in the cocked position, the pyrotechnic
cover was removed before attempting this procedure. Cover removal re-
quires deprepressurizlng the cabin, removing the command module forward
hatch, and manually removing of the pyrotechnic cover.

The docking problem was similar to an anomaly that occurred on the

Apollo 14 mission. Although no data are available for the first visit
vehicle problem, an assumption was made that the docking contact condi-
tions were such that capture should have occurred.

A power on failure of the latch release motors as well as binding or

jamming of the csm, torque shaft, or actuator were eliminated as the fail-
ure mode because electrical power data were normal and the crew verified
that the torque shaft rotated freely. Based on the crew's observation of
the latch configuration following probe removal and the fact that the crew
could manually reproduce the anomalous position of the stuck latch hook,
the problem was isolated to the probe head. The problem was further iso-
lated to the capture latch hook because there was no apparent binding or
stickiness of the capture latch spider, nor could any visible damage or
contamination be detected.

Possible causes of the latch malfunction that cannot be eliminated

are :

a. Contamination causing binding between the hook and the housing.

b. The slot in the housing may have been wider than the slot in the
cap, thereby allowing the hook pin to be trapped (fig. 17.1-11). During
inspection of the command module 117 docking assembly, this condition was

The following changes have been implemented for the second visit
vehicle and subsequent docking probes:

a. Dimensional tolerances for the slots in the cap have been changed
to eliminate any possibility of overhang.

b. Additional assembly level dimensional and force measurements are

being performed.

c. Modifications to the pyrotechnic cover to allow emergency dock-

ing without requiring command module depressurization for cover removal.
This modification consisted of replacing the capture latch release handle
with an alignment bushing (fig. 17.1-12) which allows the probe to be re-
tracted without removal of the pyrotechnic cover.

A special tool will also be provided to allow manual rotation of the

torque shaft and release of the capture latches.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.4 Service Module Quad B Engine Temperature

Measurement Failed

The service module quad B engine temperature measurement became in-

termittent on visit day 2 switching between 350 ° K and off scale high
(excess of 428 ° K) and remained at the off scale high indication 3 hours
and 35 minutes later.

The transducer (fig. 17.1-13) is a platinum resistance thermometer

that operates in a resistance bridge. The transducer is connected to the
signal conditioner by a twisted shielded four wire cable. Two of the four
wires are connected to the resistance thermometer and the remaining two
are shorted together to cancel errors introduced by wiring resistance.

The brldge output is amplified by a differentlal amplifier and sup-

plied to the instrumentation system. The negative side of the amplifier
output is connected to the signal ground of the pulse code modulation as-
sembly. The positive output is connected to the multiplexer of the pulse
code modulation assembly.

Several possible failures could have occurred. First, the resistance

thermometer circuit may have become open. If this occurred, the resist-
ance bridge would have been unbalanced in a direction to cause the off
scale high indication.

A second possible failure is a short to ground in any one of three

of the four wires in the twisted shielded quad cable. Such a short would
tie the differential amplifier negative output to the negative input
through the ground path and drive the amplifier to maximum output, giving
the off scale high indication.

The transducer cable shield is connected to ground at the signal con-

ditioner. The shield connection is made by crimping two ferrules around
the cable, the first under the shield and the second over the shield.
Shorts have previously occurred because the inner ferrule was too small
for the wire bundle and cut through the wire insulation during assembly


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o_ E


o 0_

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[ 1
I -- i

I -J -II, I_
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t'_ I'-
W ¢n °_

m _ "'
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+ ' _ _111 _ _.1,_

/ F..'=- \ _ _ -_ 2
/+ _ & ___. _ _,.,
a. It a._-






(fig. 17.1-14). During subsequent operations, the wire conductor shorted

to the inner ferrule. When this problem was first identified, the assem-
bly drawing was changed to allow the use of a ferrule having a larger in-
ner diameter. In addition, a post-assembly shield to conductor resist-
ance test was added. The failed quad B transducer was assembled using
the small ferrule and was subjected to the resistance test; however, the
wire insulation could have been cut through with the conductor positioned
in the ferrule in such a manner that a short did not exist when the re-
sistance was measured.

A third possibility is that some failure occurred in the differential

amplifier or the portion of the resistance bridge contained in the signal

Each service module reaction control system engine quad contains a

thermostatically controlled heater which can be used to assure that the
engines are hot enough to be safely fired; consequently, no corrective ac-
tion will be taken.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.5 Secondary Evaporator Outlet

Temperature Read Low

The secondary evaporator outlet temperature measurement failed at

i:01 G.m.t. on visit day 2, when the indication went to i0 percent of
full scale low.

The sensor is a copper resistance thermometer encased in a probe

that is immersed in the water/glycol coolant. The thermometer is con-
nected as one leg of a bridge circuit which is excited by a 2.7 volt ac
power supply. The bridge output is then amplified and rectified by the
signal conditioner and supplied to the pulse code modulation system as
a 0 to 5 volt dc signal. The signal is also supplied to a cabin meter
through a selection switch.

Postflight testing showed a zener diode, which sets the operating

point of the signal conditioner ac amplifier, shorted (fig. 17.1-15).
Since the ac amplifier stages are all direct coupled, the operating point
of each stage was shifted, and the last stage was turned full on. Under
these conditions, the amplifier gain was reduced, the waveformwas clipped,
and the rectified output signal was low.

The diode junction was shorted by conductive contamination inside

the diode glass body. The contaminant particle appeared to be a sliver
of silicon that had broken off the semiconductor die and migrated to the
junction, shorting across the junction. The sliver was fused to the die
surface, bridging the junction.











T _ _._ I
I _" I .,, e-



Component screening tests may not detect this type of contaminant

since the contaminant sliver may break off of the die at any time, even
after the component is assembled into the amplifier; consequently, no cor-
rective action is possible. In any event, since secondary coolant loop
performance can be determined by using other measurements. No corrective
action is required.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.6 FMTransmltter Switched Off

During Various Uplink Commands

The FM transmitter improperly turned off during command control of

the data storage equipment and the S-band power amplifier. All commands
performed their intended function and were not affected by this condition.
The only abnormal response was the additional operation of the FM trans-
,titter turning off during some specific commands.

The command system uses a six stage register to control 16 select

drivers and four set/reset drivers. Each of the 16 select drivers sup-
plies a ground to the coils of two magnetic latching relays (fig. 17.1-16).
Power is supplied to the relay coils by the four set or reset drivers.
The combination of 16 select drivers and four set or reset drivers allows
commanding a total of 64 relay coils. Figure 17.1-16 shows the four re-
lays associated with the select 9 and !i drivers.

The FM transmitter is turned off by sending select ii and reset 2.

The FM transmitter was also improperly turned off when any select command
combined with reset 2 was sent.

Postflight testing showed that the steering diode for the set coll
of the select ii set/reset 2 relay was shorted (fig. 17.1-16). As a re-
sult of the short, whenever reset 2 and any select command was given, the
sneak current path through the shorted diode also reset the select ii set/
reset 2 relay.

Examination of the diode (fig. 17.1-17) showed that the internal S-

shaped contact spring was misaligned and the lower loop of the "S" was
touching the semiconductor die, shorting out the Junction. The diodes
were X-rayed for this type of defect before assembly into the equipment
but this one was not detected.

Tests of the complete units are designed to detect this type of prob-
lem. Vehicle tests for the second and third visits and the Apollo-Soyuz
command modules have been modified to assure that none of the diodes asso-
ciated with critical command system relays are shorted.

This anomaly is closed.


To decoder To decoder
register register
f f

"./V_--- + l =_ +

Set I
Set 2
-- +28V dc


+ +

• II

reg i ster _'


i i:-- -÷4------
<_ I l'Selectl
p | i_ ,¢LSNEA K


register I_i_T
_ _ . -___..._.. PATH

eset i 1-28V dc +28V dc

_. It_ eset2

I •
To decoder To decoder
register register

Figure 17. l-lb.- Decoder relays.







17.1.7 Secondary Radiator Heater Activated

With Controller Turned Off

One secondary radiator heater cycled on while the secondary heater

controller switch was off and the secondary radiator inlet and outlet tem-
perature measurements operated while the heater control circuit breaker
was opened (fig. 17.1-18).

The primary and secondary coolant loops each have redundant heaters
immediately upstream of the service module radiators. The heaters are
powered by the service module dc bus. The heater controllers, however,
are powered by the com_nand module bus through a circuit breaker and switch,
so the controllers can be turned off (fig. 17.1-18).

The two temperature measurements operated while the secondary heater

controller switch were off and the associated circuit breaker was open.
Consequently, the cycling could not have been caused by a defective switch,
circuit breaker, or steering diode. Also, postflight tests showed that
the command module wiringwas normal, which indicates the problem was in
the service module.

The most probable failure was a short between the cathode of the re-
lay spike suppression diode and the contact wiper in one of the two heater
control relays (fig. 17.1-18). This was concluded from a controller which
was disassembled. The diode lead routing on all relay headers was as shown
in figure 17.1-19. Note the marginal clearance between the terminal and
diode lead. Assuming a short between the close clearance in this figure,
the heater controller would be powered from the service module main bus A
(fig. 17.1-18).

The heaters are not needed for the Skylab missions, therefore, the
primary and secondary heater fuses have been removed from the second and
third visit service modules.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.8 Reaction Control System Fuel Tank Bladder Torn

The command module reaction control system i fuel system had a post-
flight leak rate of 250 standard cubic centimeters of nitrogen per minute,
a significant increase from the preflight test.

The fuel tank was removed from the spacecraft and the postflight de-
contamination leak was confirmed by an additional test. The bladder was
removed from the tank and a visual examination showed a U-shaped cut (or
tesr) approximately 0.3 centimeters long (fig. 17.1-20). No contaminate
that might have caused the cut was found on the bladder or in the tank.
The standpipe and tank were also examined for surface irregularities and
were smooth.




1.0 --

.E 0.75-

0.5 --




f Diffuser

side vent

Figure 17.1-20.- Torn bladder in reaction control system fuel tank,


The cause of the tear is unknown. A possible cause is straightening

of a three corner fold during fill, entry, landing or deservicing. How-
ever, the tank performance during flight operations and postflight offload-
ing was completely normal. If the hole existed before the flight, system
operation would not have been affected since there is virtually no differ-
ential pressure across the bladder. Therefore, there is no reason for the
fluid to move out of the bladder except for some capillary action. No
fluid was found in the helium during fill or deservicing operations.

No corrective action is required.

This anomaly is closed.

17.1.9 Recovery Helicopter Struck by Drogue

Parachute Reefing Line

The recovery helicopters entered the fall out pattern of the debris
resulting from the command module entry before all debris had reached the
ocean surface. A 3 meter section of drogue parachute reefing line im-
pacted the main rotor blade of one of the helicopters and was found draped
over a landing gear strut when the helicopter returned to the aircraft

An impact time analysis has been performed for all debris generated
during entry. The following table shows the latest time of landing for
all debris which is still in the air after command module landing.

Time to landing
Item after command module
landing, min:sec

Drogue parachute deployment bags (2) 10:17

Drogue parachute reefing lines 10:50

each 3.4 meters long (8)

Drogue parachutes (2) 9:02

Pilot parachute bags (3) 2:45

_umber of each type of item in parentheses.

As a result of the analysis, recovery procedures are being modified

to prevent helicopter entry into the debris fall out pattern until all
pieces which could damage the helicopters have impacted the water.

This anomaly is closed.


17.1.i0 Erroneous Trunnion Angle Indications

Three times during the visit, the command module computer sextant
trunnion angle position information was in error. All three times, the
optical loop was in the optics zero mode, and both the shaft and trunnion
angles in the computer should have read zero radians. The trunnion errors
observed at the three instances were 1/6, i, and 1/2 radians, respectively.
Figure 17.1-21 is a functional diagram of the optics and computer inter-
face. The coupling display unit contains the analog to digital converters
which interface the optics with the computer. Resolvers on the shaft and
trunnion axes of the sextant provide position signals to the read counter
in the coupling display unit. The read counter stores the resolver posi-
tion data in digital form. Limited data are available for the first oc-
currence. The second occurrence existed for about five seconds, and the
last occurence about 30 seconds.

Attempts were made to use the optics after each of the last two oc-
currences. The automatic optics positioning routine in the computer
pointed the optics in the wrong position because of the error, and the
desired stars were not acquired. At this time, the crew observed that
the mechanical position counters on the optics panel agreed with the de-
sired angle in the shaft axis from the computer, but did not agree in
the trunnion axis. (Once the erroneous information is stored in the com-
puter, the computer retains that data until the optics zero mode is re-
selected.) The optics zero mode was reselected and the computer and op-
tics were reinitialized. Therefore, the error was removed. Subsequent
use of the optics and the automatic positioning routine was normal. In
the zero optics mode, the computer issues no drive commands and the sex-
rant shaft and trunnion angles are driven to zero radians using only the
positioning electronics. Should the trunnion angle change (fig. 17.1-21)
the associated read counter and resolver no longer agree, and a read
counter difference signal is generated. The read counter difference sig-
nal causes the read counter to increment or decrement until the angle
again matches the resolver signal. As the read counter changes, a series
of pulses, each equal to I0 arc seconds trunnion angle, is sent to a com-
puter register that stores trunnion angle data. In this way, the computer
tracks the optics position changes.

The indications observed in flight must have been caused by an inter-

mittent condition which caused sextant trunnion angle changes to be sent
to the computer (while the optics was in the zero mode), although no ac-
tual change in trunnion angle had occurred. The coupling display unit,
the computer, and the wiring harness that could cause the intermittent
condition are under test, but performance has been completely normal.

The coupling display unit contains five read counter circuits. Two
are used for the sextant position control. The other three are used to
transfer the stable platform gimbal angle information to the computer.

> E


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The intermittent condition experienced in flight could occur in any of the

five read counters. If the intermittent problem were to occur in one of
the three gimbal angle read counters, digital autopilot attitude hold and
automatic maneuver capabilities would be lost. Control could be restored
after the intermittent disappeared by performing a coupling display unit
zero operation and existing malfunction procedures. If the condition were
a hard failure, the computer would lose all attitude information in the
affected axis. However, existing erasable memory programs could be used
that would inhibit the computer from using any information from the af-
fected axis.

Inflight malfunction procedures exist which will identify any of the

effects discussed previously. In addition, existing contingency procedure
will allow performance of all mission requirements. Therefore, this anom-
aly is not a constraint for the second visit.

This anomaly is open.



17.2.1 Experiment M074SampleMassMeasurement

Device Failed

The sample massmeasurementdevice for experiment M074in the waste

managementcompartmentfailed to operate and illuminate its displays on
visit day 4.

The purpose of the sample massmeasurementdevice was to measure

mass in zero g, to validate the theoretical zero-g behavior of the device,
and to support biomedical experiments requiring mass determination. In
the device (fig. 17.2-1), the mass to be measuredis supported by a leaf
spring system which oscillates in simple harmonic motion when loaded and
released by the control lever. The frequency of motion is mathematically
related to the total massof the specimen tray, tie down sheet, and spe-

The electronics module circuitry times the oscillations of the de-

vice and displays the readings for later conversion into the mass of the
specimen, as well as measuring and displaying the temperature of the de-

The electronics module (fig. 17.2-1) contains the following controls

and displays:
a. A three position switch, labeled MASS-OFF-TEMP, that is used to
removepower from the module, or select either the mass or temperature

b. A reset button that clears the digital display to prepare for a


c. An illuminated digital display for the mass equivalent readings

and temperature readings.

The waste managementcompartmentsample mass measurementdevice was

checked out satisfactorily on visit day 3. About 18 hours later, the
crew reported that the displays did not illuminate. The reset button was
depressed and no reading of mass or temperature was present.
The device had been inadvertently left operating for 16 to 18 hours
since the satisfactory checkout. Normally, this would not cause any de-
vice problems. However, the electronic module temperature at the time of
activation was about 322° K as a result of the thermal condition in the
Orbital Workshop. Analysis shows that the temperature of some electronic

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Figure 17.2-]..- Specimen mass measurementdevice.


components exceeded 366 o K because of the constant 15 watt output of the

module, and the abnormally high ambient temperatures.

The electronic module in the waste management compartment sample mass

measurement device was exchanged with the module in the wardroom sample
mass measurement device, and the device operated satisfactorily.

Analysis indicates that the 5 volt power regulator that powers the
digital display had failed because of temperatures beyond the survival
limits of the solid state electronics.

A replacement electronics module will be provided for the second


This anomaly is closed.

17.2.2 Six Malfunction Lights llluminated During

Experiment SI90A Checkout

All six film advance malfunction lights illuminated during the orig-
inal experiment $190A checkout on visit day 5. Progressively fewer lights
illuminated as the film was used until all lights remained off during ex-
periment operation. Subsequently, when the film was reloaded, the lights
again came on, and went off progressively one at a time as the film was
used. The crew verified during troubleshooting activities that the cam-
era was functioning and the film was moving, even though the film advance
malfunction lights were on.

The film motion indication is initiated by the rotation of the supply

spool (fig. 17.2-2). This rotation is transferred through linkage and a
series of gears into an oscillation of the motion sensor. The motion sen-
sor varies the magnetic field established by the magnetic transducer, thus
generating a film motion pulse. If the film motion pulse is not generated
after an exposure is made, the associated malfunction light will illumin-
ate. The film must be tight on the supply spool for the supply spool to
rotate when film is advanced.

The experiment SI90A film is wound on spools and loaded into cassettes,
which are then loaded into magazines for use. Once the cassette is loaded
into the magazine, the film is held so that it cannot unwind on the spool.
Before loading into the magazine, the film leader is taped to the outside
of the cassette to prevent it from slipping back into the cassette, how-
ever, the spool is free to rotate in the cassette.

All of the film associated with malfunction lights was launched in

cassettes which were not loaded into magazines. The spools must have ro-
tated within the cassette permitting the film to loosen prior to cassette
loading into the magazine.



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A piece of tape will be placed on the end of each cassette to be car-

ried for the second and third visits to prevent the spool from turning
within the cassette.

This anomaly is closed.

17.2.3 Experiment S019 Tilt Control Failed

The articulated mirror system tilt mechanism did not function when
the first operation of experiment S019 was attempted on visit day 6. The
clutch on the tilt control knob for the articulated mirror appeared to
be slipping. One gear of the gear train, which operates the mirror and
is visible, did not turn when the control knob was turned.

The tilt mechamism (fig. 17.2-3) consists of a series of shafts and

gears which terminate with a ring gear and tangent arm to tilt the mirror
through plus or minus 1/4 radian. One of the spur gears in this tilt
drive is connected to a seven piece spur gear train that drives a four
digit display of tilt angle. The display gear train gear ratio is 30 to
i and this could result in a small force at the display locking the en-
tire gear train.

A protective cover was installed over the digital display gear train
just prior to stowing the experiment for launch to prevent the digital dis-
play numbers from reaching the gears, should the numbers have come loose.
The protective cover was made of 0.4 millimeter sheet metal and had tabs
bent at right angles to the cover.

The gear box cover was removed during the flight to inspect for the
cause of the problem. The protective cover interfered with the gear clamp
screw (fig. 17.2-4). The cover was straightened and the tilt mechanism
then functioned normally.

This anomaly is closed.

17.2.4 Earth Resources Experiment Package

Tape Recorder 2 Tape Motion Light

The tape motion light did not illuminate properly for approximately
i0 seconds after commanding the tape recorder to change the recording tape
speed from 19 to 152.4 centimeters per second during the third Earth Re-
sources Experiment Package data pass. In a 44 second period subsequent to
the i0 second period, the tape motion light flickered, dimmed, and then
went off; the light then came on for the remainder of the second experi-
ment S192 recording interval. The approximate recording time interval
for this period was 1 minute and i0 seconds.




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The tape motion light, 35 seconds after commanding a recording speed

transition from 19 to 152.4 centimeters per second and achieving speed
stabilization during the fourth data pass, blinked off for approximately
4 seconds and on for approximately 20 seconds during 30 seconds of the
second recording interval. The light then remained on for the remainder
of the recording interval. The recording interval involved was approxi-
mately i minute and 23 seconds. As a result of these irregularities,
subsequent data were recorded on tape recorder i.

The tape motion light should illuminate within 5 seconds after ini-
tiation of a tape speed transition command during normal operation. The
light may blink during the 5 second speed transition period, but should
remain on after indicating the proper tape speed.

The tape recorder consists of a tape transport and control and sig-
nal processing circuitry (fig. 17.2-5). The tape recorder control logic
receives commands from the control and display panel, and in turn, con-
trols the functions of the reel servos, the capstan servo, and the pinch

Tape speed is controlled by a servo-controlled capstan. The capstan

servo receives a signal that is generated by a tachometer disc. The cap-
start servo compares the tachometer signal frequency with a reference sig-
nal supplied by a crystal controlled oscillator. Differences between
these two signals correct the capstan rotational speed such that the fre-
quency and phase of the tachometer and reference signals are locked to-
gether. Since the tape is clamped against the capstan by pinch rollers
whenever the tape is moved; the tape speed is precisely controlled by
the rotational speed of the capstan.

The basic requirement of phase lock synchronization (figs. 17.2-6

and 17.2-7) is that exactly one tachometer pulse occurs between two ref-
erence pulses. When this state is achieved, a ramp signal is generated.
The ramp begins with the reference pulse and terminates with the tachom-
eter pulse. At the termination time, the ramp voltage is sampled by a
sample and hold circuit. The sample and hold circuit output voltage is
proportional to the phase error between the reference frequency and the
tachometer frequency, and is used to control the capstan drive motor
speed. The phase offset is adjusted to time center the tachometer pulses
between the reference pulses. Under initial starting or slow running
conditions, the phase error voltage is high, causing the capstan to speed
up until tachometer pulses occur between reference pulses. For overspeed
conditions, the phase error voltage remains low, causing the capstan mo-
tor to slow down.

The tape motion light circuitry monitors the phase error voltage.
At 152.4 centimeters per second tape speed, the tape motion light goes



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off, if the phase error exceeds 3.14 radians steady state (phase slipping)
or if the phase error is varying at a frequency greater than 0.2 hertz
and the peaks exceed 1.57 radians phase difference.

The increased phase error implied by the intermittent blinking tape

motion light is characteristic of a slight and erratic increase in fric-
tional drag which causes a small and erratic variation in capstan drive
motor speed.

All returned flight tapes were examined visually prior to rewinding

and reproduction. Four of the six tapes showed evidence of binder break-
down, leading to excessive layer to layer adhesion and production of
tacky residue. This condition has been observed previously during en-
vironmental tape testing in the 323 ° and 328 ° K range. Temperatures in
the Orbital Workshop in the vicinity of the tape stowage area were in the
318 ° to 321 ° K range, but exposure times were greater than those used in
environmental testing, and probably caused the tape degradation.

Tape recorder speed variations were displayed and recorded using the
tape recorded during passes 3 and 4. The data indicates bursts of flutter
(in excess of 1 percent) just before the crew comment times. Two flutter
frequencies are present throughout the tape. These are a high frequency
flutter (100 Hz range) and a low frequency flutter (5 Hz range). During
flutter bursts, only the high frequency increases in amplitude. There
are no tape transport rotating components which would generate the high
frequency, but the bursts would cause the reported motion light dimming.
Also, the erratic nature of the bursts is characteristic of erratic fric-
tional drag from the magnetic tape. The relatively low amplitude of the
high frequency flutter would only occasionally, if at all, affect the
recovery of recorded data.

The increase in tape speed flutter as a function of the tape used

during data passes 3 and 4 indicates that cleaning the tape recorder head
at the end of each data pass was effective in preventing data loss. The
fact that the primary (no. i) tape recorder did not also produce an ab-
normal tape motion light probably results from the differences between
recorder servo components, friction, and the slight variability in tape

The experiment S192 data have been recovered from all 6 tapes with
no degradation that can be attributed to tape speed variations.

This anomaly is closed.


17.2.5 Vacuum Leak in Experiment SI90B Camera

A hissing sound was reported as coming from the experiment sIg0B

earth terrain camera body during preparations for Earth Resources Exper-
iment Package data pass eight.

The camera magazine (fig. 17.2-8) has small holes in the platen lead-
ing to the vacuum reservoir which is an integral part of the platen assem-
bly. The vacuum held the film against the platen and was regulated to
0.07 newtons per square centimeter. The regulation was provided by a
circular bellows on the interior surface of the vacuum reservoir and a
bleed off orifice, which is vernier adjusted by a needle valve. The vac-
uum is placed on the reservoir through the vacuum fitting on the magazine.
This fitting is a plain smooth tube which inserts into the camera body in-
ner vacuum fitting (fig. 17.2-9) when the magazine is seated and latched
in the camera body. The meshing of these two vacuum fittings is accom-
plished without visual cues because the magazine obscures the view when
being inserted into the body cavity. Figure 17.2-10 shows the magazine
inserted and latched in the camera body.

The camera body internal vacuum fitting is lined with a chamfered

neoprene seal which holds the magazine vacuum tube in a compressive fit.
The vacuum tube feeds through the camera body wall and is terminated in
the outer vacuum coupling (partially visible in figure 17.2-8. The Or-
bital Workshop vacuum hose is coupled to the body coupling to produce
the vacuum desired at the platen holes.

Four possible sources for a vacuum leak exist inside the camera body.
They are the chamfered neoprene seal at the magazine to body interface,
the neoprene diaphragm of the regulator, the platen holes and channels
under the film, and the bleed off orifice.

The leakage of the neoprene diaphragm is a remote possibility be-

cause the diaphragm is covered by a metal disc that protects against pos-
sible puncture. The continuous normal leakages through the platen holes
and the bleed off orifice are excluded because the fundamental frequency
of their venting noise is above the audible range.

The chamfered neoprene seal is the most probable source of a leak,

because leaks can occur if the offset tolerance of the magazine vacuum
tubes differ greatly from one to the next. This condition was verified
in ground testing.

Placing a double shouldered elastic grommet over the magazine vac-

uum tube was proven to be an effective seal for the case of a tolerance


Figure 17.2-10.- Camera and magizine mated.


Three such grommets plus an instruction decal are on the stowage list for
the second visit. A copy of the instruction decal (fig. 17.2-11) shows
the manner in which the grommet will be installed and seated.

This anomaly is closed.

17.2.6 Sporadic Markings Found On SI90A Black and White Film

On the Earth Resources Experiment Package SI90A Multispectral Photo-

graphic Facility, 12 black and white film rolls had very sporadic and in-
frequent markings. The film markings are the same type as those observed
on other space applications and have been attributed to electrostatic dis-
charges. Photographic film becomes charged by friction due to slippage
of the film on itself, transporting film at a slightly different velocity
than a roller it may cross, and rubbing against film guides or pressure
backs. Film is a poor conductor and builds up and retains its charge in
local areas. The charge may slowly dissipate through surface leakage
currents, ionize low pressure dry air in the immediate vicinity discharg-
ing as a corona, or grounding as a spark to another object.

The coronas and sparks provide free electrons that produce a local
photographic effect (exposure) on the film and produce the characteristic
streaks, spots, or fork like branches. The local exposure causes some
silver ions in the film emulsion to reduce to pure silver, producing
dark streaks or spots on the negative on black and white film.

A detailed report on the electrical properties of photographic film

may be found in reference 4.

Prior to the first manned visit launch, the overheated air of the
Orbital Workshop was dumped to the vacuum of space. As a result, the
salt pads in the Orbital Workshop film vault lost most of their moisture
and the film became dry.

The most likely place for electrostatic discharging of the film is

the metering pressure roller assembly as shown in figure 17.2-12. Both
of these rollers have center gaps that match the position of most of the
film markings.

The markings were observed on 5 percent of the film frames and were
either 2.3 mmwide single or double streaks from 12.7 to 61 centimeters
in length. The dual streaks were separated by about i0 millimeters, and
figure 17.2-12 shows that this corresponds spatially with roller gaps.

Marking of the film can be caused by friction that charges the film.
Charging is usually associated with low moisture content and low atmos-
pheric pressure. The center gaps in two rollers in the magazine provided
the transfer edges for the electrostatic discharges.



Figure 17.2-11.- Decal for modifying camera on future visits.









The corrective action is to maintain the humidity level in the film

vault by periodically recharging the moisturizing salt pads with water to
keep the resupplied film at theproper moisture level.

Tb/s anomaly is closed.

17.2.7 Experiment S192 Multispectral Scanner Alignment Shift

The alignment of the scanner of experiment S192 is critical to the

operation of the experiment. The scanner alignment apparently shifted
as determined from the following conditions.

a, The alignment meter readings sh/fted when the crewman's hands

were removed from the alignment controls during visible and thermal

b. The thermal alignment focus control was turned against the stop;
which is not compatible w_th prelaunch mid-range settings for approximate

c. The thermal channel data show abrupt shifts in the value of a

constant temperature target.

d. The visible and thermal channels have non-random noise superim-

posed on the data at frequencies of 8, 12 and 20 hertz. This is most
pronounced on the thermal channel.

Figure 17.2-13 is an exploded view of the internal scanner assembly

which shows the two radiation beams entering the internal scanner through
the plate which adapts to the Multiple Docking Adapter. The visible light
beam travels directly to the visible detector via the monochromator. The
thermal infrared beam is folded to enter the dewar thermal window at a
right angle to the visible beam.

Figure 17.2-14 shows the physical mounting arrangement of the two

detectors with respect to their optical windows and also shows the shrink
fit mechanism which conducts heat to the cooler.

Figure 17.2-15 shows the internal scanner assembly before the detec-
tor dewar assembly is in place in the optical bench cradle. The optical
and thermal windows are visible in the detector assembly.

Figure 17.2-16 shows the detector dewar in place in its cradle. The
large butterfly screws which tighten the upper half of the cradle are vis-
ible in this view. 2hese screws were designed for finger tightening of









"o e-





the cradle about the cooler cylinder so that the primary detector dewar
assembly could be replaced by the onboard spare in the event of a compo-
nent failure.

When the detector assembly is lowered into place on the cradle, the
guide pins (fig. 17.2-13) enter the holes of the upper flange insuring
that the optical window is centered over the monochrometer lens when the
assembly is seated fully. The large butterfly screws are then tightened
to bring the upper and lower flanges together which brings the central
axis of the thermal window in line with the folded thermal beam. The small
butterfly screws are for tightening the heat pipe cradle to the cooler cyl-
inder wall. There is an indium shim between the heat pipe cradle and the
cooler cylinder wall to provide a tight fit and good thermal conductivity
across the interface for a cooler heat sink.

The large butterfly screws are a differential type with two differ-
ent thread pitches. The manner in which these screws tighten the cradle
flanges to hold the cooler cylinder may be seen in figure 17.2-17. The
nut is first captured blind by the screw coarse thread end. Further
turning of the differential screw advances it into the upper flange and
the nut. The advance into the nut, however, is more rapid than the ad-
vance into the flange (fig. 17.2-17). This permits a powerful clamping
pressure to be exerted on the cooler cylinder without requiring tools.

The final alignment step of the detectors is accomplished with the

fine alignment controls shown in figure 17.2-15. There are three con-
trols for each detector, two for image location and one for focus. The
internal scanner meter shown in figure 17.2-15 indicates the relative in-
tensity of the alignment lamp beam spot on the detectors during the align-
ment mode. When the meter is peaked, alignment has been achieved.

The only factor which could account for all of the abnormal condi-
tions is something loose in the internal scanner assembly.

There are three mating points which, if loose, could cause the ob-
served conditions. They are the optical bench to the adapter plate for
the Multiple Docking Adapter (fig. 17.2-15), the detector dewar assembly
flange to optical bench brackets, and the dewar housing to circular bolt
flange. The most probable loose point is the detector dewar assembly
mating to optical bench brackets. The capture of the nut by the differ-
ential screws (fig. 17.2-15) can lead to an improper mating. Assuming
the nut is not engaged in the first two turns of the screw, 2.5 centime-
ters of travel into the flange is lost because of the differential threads.
This would permit the shoulder of the screw to contact the upper flange,
giving a tight feel and leading to a false impression of tight mating of
the flange. Improper engagement of the differential screws has occurred
during ground testing.

7.1 thread s
per centimeter

Upper cradle

6.3 threads p.tive
per centimeter nut hou sing

Nut loading spring

Figure 17.2-17.- Differential screw assembly.


In summary, the problems were caused by either the optical bench,

the detector dewar assembly or the dewar being looser

Crew procedures have been developed and the crew has been trained
to identify the loose component and to tighten it during the next visit.

This anomaly is closed.

17.2.8 Experiment S193 Altimeter Pulse Compression

Experiment S193 (Microwave Radiometer/Scatterometer and Altimeter)

failed in the pulse compression sub-mode of mode 5 during the Earth Re-
sources Experiment Package passes.

The purpose of the S193 altimeter experiment is to gather data to

allow comparison of pulsed radar type altimeter performance using various
pulse widths, spacings and compression techniques. The affected portion
of the altimeter experiment is used to compare altimeter operation using
a i0 nanosecond pulse, a 130 nanosecond pulse compressed to i0 nanoseconds
and a i00 nanosecond pulse. The i0, i00, and 130 nanosecond return pulse
data of this mode has been recorded and are usable. The 130 nanosecond
pulse was not compressed to i0 nanoseconds,

In mode 5 operation, a bi-phase modulated 130 nanosecond pulse of

radio frequency energy is transmitted to the ground. The pulse is re-
flected back to the spacecraft antenna, and in the pulse compression sub-
mode, is fed into a 130 nanosecond delay line. The delay line effectively
shortens the 130 nanosecond return pulse to i0 nanoseconds and multiplies
its amplitude by 13. The delay line is automatically switched into oper-
ation during the pulse compression sub-mode by use of a latching relay.

The data indicate that the transmitted pulse is being properly modu-
lated, but the return pulse is not being compressed. This could occur
only if the latching relay which supplies the return pulse to the delay
line was not being operated.

The S193 experiment is mounted externally on the alrlock, conse-

quently no inflight repair or replacement is possible.

This anomaly is closed.


17.2.9 Experiment S193Altimeter Data FramesMissing

During the double pulse operating mode of the altimeter, two data
frames were not generated.

The altimeter experiment is designed to determine the optimum pulse

width and shape, and optimum time between transmitted pulses for an al-
timeter operating in earth orbit.

In the double pulse mode of operation, each ranging transmission con-

sists of two radio frequency pulses. A time delay, which is controlled
by the measured altitude, starts when the first pulse is transmitted, and
times out about 200 nanoseconds before the reflected pulse from the earth
arrives at the antenna. The receiver noise level is measured once every
25 nanoseconds for four measurements; the first at I00 nanoseconds after
the time delay times out.

The time between the first and second ranging transmissions is auto-
matically varied in discrete steps so that the minimum time can be deter-
mined between ranging transmissions that will not result in interference
between one ranging transmission and the next.

The information in the first missing data frame is the time between
the end of the time delay time out and the first receiver noise measure-
ment. The information contained in the second missing frame is the time
between the first ranging pulse and the longest delayed second ranging

An altimeter calibration is performed before and after each altimeter

ranging operation in the double pulse mode. The data which are missing
during the ranging operation are also generated during each calibrate
period; consequently, the missing data are not needed.

The same problem occurred during low temperature ground testing of

the flight hardware, and was believed to have resulted from operation at
temperatures below the lowest temperature that the equipment would exper-
ience in flight.

Since the same data are produced during altimeter calibration, ex-
periment data analysis can be performed.

This anomaly is closed.


17.2.10 S193 Radiometer Automatic Gain Control Saturated

During radiometer operation of Experiment S193 (Microwave Radiometer/

Scatterometer and Altimeter) the radiometer automatic gain control circuit
was saturated (overdriven) for about the first 30 seconds of each radiom-
eter operation that followed an altimeter operation. This resulted in a
false indication of received signal strength.

During altimeter operation, the altimeter transmitter (fig. 17.2-18)

supplies a high power pulse of radio frequency energy through a direc-
tional coupler (circulator D) to the experiment antenna. The pulse is
then radiated to the earth and reflected back to the antenna. The re-
flected energy received by the antenna is then supplied back through cir-
culator D to circulator E and then into the receiver input circuits. The
time between the transmitted and received pulses is then proportional to
the altitude of the antenna above the earth's surface.

During radiometer operation, energy radiated by the earth and received

by the antenna is supplied through circulators D and E to the receiver in-
put circuit and then to the radiometer receiver. To control the radiom-
eter receiver gain, the direction of circulator E is periodically reversed,
coupling the output of circulator F through circulator E to the receiver
input. At this time, circulator F direction is commanded counterclock-
wise and the noise voltage from temperature reference (T I) is supplied
to the receiver. The voltage is demodulated and supplied through the re-
ceiver polarity control switch to an integrator (fig. 17.2-18). At this
point, the polarity control switch is in the positive position and the
receiver positive output is integrated for a fixed time period. Circula-
tor F direction is then commanded clockwise and temperature reference
(T2) noise voltage is coupled to the receiver. Also, the polarity control
switch is commanded to the negative position and the integration continues
for an additional time period equal to the original positive integration
period. The integrator output voltage at the end of the two integration
periods is then proportional to the temperature difference between the two
reference temperature sources. This voltage is compared to a fixed refer-
ence voltage and an automatic gain control voltage is developed. This
voltage is used to control a variable attenuator on the receiver front
end, controlling receiver end to end gain.

During altimeter operation, the radiometer was left in standby. In

this condition, the radiometer automatic gain control circuit operated and
attempted to control radiometer receiver gain. However, since each cir-
culator supplies only 30 dB of attenuation between the input port and the
port which is uncoupled from the input port, enough transmitter energy
was coupled through circulators D and E to the receiver input to cause
the automatic gain control to saturate. When the altimeter was turned
off and the radiometer was switched to operate, the automatic gain con-








trol circuit, because of its long time constant, took about 30 seconds
to come out of saturation and the first 30 seconds of radiometer data
were lost (radiometer operate periods are normally about I to 5 seconds
long). This operation was duplicated with the backup flight hardware.

The radiometer automatic gain control circuit is disabled when the

radiometer is turned off. Therefore, for future experiment operations,
the radiometer will be turned off before the altimeter is operated. When
radiometer operation is performed following altimeter operation, the al-
timeter will first be placed in standby and the radiometer will be switched
from off to standby, then to operate.

This anomaly is closed.

17.2.11 Experiment M133 Recorded Data Noisy and Unusable

The electroencephlogram, electroculogram, and head motion data were

recorded while a crewman was asleep. The recorded tape was returned and
played back. Of the i00 hours of data recorded, the first 16 hours was
usable and of high quality. All subsequent recorded data were so noisy
that the data could not be recovered.

The first visit was launched with two experiment M133 recorders on
board, each containing a reel of tape. A third reel of tape was stowed
in one of the sleep compartment lockers. During the high temperature
period prior to the first visit manning, the tape reel stored in the sleep
compartment locker reached about 332 ° K. Consequently, a special thermal
test of a reel of tape was performed using the flight temperature profile.
The tape was then recorded and played back. In that case, the first 12
minutes of played back data were good, and thereafter, the played back
data were noisy and unrecoverable.

The noise characteristics of the returned tape are similar to the

tape subjected to the ground temperature testing discussed previously.
Two reels of tape were resupplied for the second visit.

Further investigation of the cause of this condition is continuing.

This anomaly is open.



17.3.1 Blown Fuses in 70 mm Camera During

Film Transport

The crew reported two blown fuses in the 70 mm camera when using mag-
azine CX-04.

The 70 n-- camera magazines are loaded for flight with a full supply
spool of film and an empty take up spool. The drive gear train and as-
sociated indicators (fig. 17.3-1) for the spools are all contained in a
thin compartment on one side of the magazine. The film path through the
main magazine compartment is superimposed in a dashed llne to show the re-
latlonshlp with the manual film advance lug and shaft. The camera drive
interface gear engages the motor driven gear on the camera when the maga-
zine is mated with the camera. All film transport and indicator motions
are derived from this gear.

The drive enable paw1 (fig. 17.3-1) swings both left and right about
the pawl pivot point. When the pawl is pivoted to the left position, a
flat metal switch arm enters the magazine. This switch arm enables the
camera motor to drive the gear train through a film transport cycle, trans-
porting an unexposed frame of film in front of the platen whenever the
camera operate button is depressed. When the film transport is synchro-
nized (no overlap or skip), the red/whlte flag will show white through a
small circular window in the gear train cover. When the pawl is pivoted
to the right position, the camera switch arm is prevented from entering
the magazine and the motor cannot be started. Simultaneously, the red
indicator will show under the window, indicating that the film transport
is not synchronized. The film may then be manually advanced by turning
the manual film advance lug which extends through the gear train cover.
The manual advance is continued until the white indicator appears in the
window, at which time the film is re-synchronlzed. Depressing the camera
operate button will restore normal exposure and advance, if the camera
fuse is not blown.

Two possible causes existed for failure of the camera to operate.

One is that the film is out of synchronization. The other is a blown
fuse. The fuse protects the camera motor in case of a hard jam of the
gear train or film.

Postfllght inspection of the magazine revealed a red indicator under

the window, showing that the film advance was out of synchronization at
the time the magazine was removed from the camera. This evidence is not
conclusive in selecting which of the two causes of failure is responsible,
because _ fuse can be blown in the middle of a cycle. This magazine was




@ !




mated with the flight camera, manually advanced to a white flag and then
cycled to fllm depletion with no further anomalies.

The flight camera stopped in the middle of a cycle and a red flag
was noted during an infllght frame advance. The magazine was removed
from the camera and the operate button was depressed with no response,
indicating a blown fuse. The fuse was replaced, the magazine remated,
and the film was manually advanced until the white flag was present.
At thls point, normal camera operation was restored. The camera was used
for several more frames when the camera again stopped. The crew replaced
both the magazine and fuse to insure proper operation of the camera.

Development of the film showed that the flrst stoppage was at frame
62. This is evidenced by a white over exposure. Following this, ten
good pictures were noted and at frame 72, the second stoppage occurred.

A search, using magnification, of the gear compartment was made for

debris which could possibly have caused Jamming and the attendant fuse
blowing, but no debris was found.

The developed film was inspected for evidence of emulsion sticking,

tears, and other physical deterioration which might have caused jamming.
No evidence of any of these conditions existed.

Fllm evidence and crew statements lead to the conclusion that the
first stoppage was due to a blown fuse. It is also probable that the
second stoppage also was due to a blown fuse. Four extra fuses will
be carried up on the next visit.

This anomaly is closed.

17.3.2 70 --,Camera Frame Counter Failed

The 70 mm film magazines are loaded for flight with a full supply
spool of film and an empty take up spool. The drive gear train and asso-
ciated indicators for the spools (fig. 17.3-1) are all contained in a thln
compartment on one side of the magazine. The film path through the main
magazine compartment is superimposed to show the relationship with the
manual advance and the frame counter wheel. The camera drive interface-
gear engages the drive on the 70 mm camera when the magazine is placed
in the camera. All other camera and film operations are taken off this
main gear.

The frame counter ratchet arm (fig. 17.3-1) is spring loaded against
the frame counter ratchet wheel and increments the wheel to bring the in-
scribed frame number under a window in the side cover of the magazine. The
motion of this arm is obtained from an offset pivot point on the drive

The crew continued to take photographs with this magazinewhen the

counter stopped counting. The cameradrive motor is automatically inhib-
ited when the end of the film passes by the drive enable pawl, indicating
the film had been used.

A postflight inspection showedthat the frame counter ratchet wheel

teeth were low in profile and rounded in the gear sector between inscribed
frame numbers 60 and 72. Therefore, the frame counter ratchet arm claw
could not engagethe ratchet gear teeth in that sector. The inspection
showedthat the black anodize coating in the sector was intact and una-
braded, confirming that the teeth were in the manufactured condition.
Since the ratchet gear does not drive any other cameramechanism,all
other cameraand magazinefunctions were normal.

A full spool of dummyfilm will be cycled through each magazinebe-

fore the flight film is loaded to verify this gear condition does not
exist in other magazines.
This anomaly is closed.

17.3.3 Television CameraFailed

The crew reported that portable television camera (serial number3005)

had failed at 20:03 G.m.t. on visit day 9. The camerahad been running
and showing a good picture on the monitor, but abruptly ceased operating
as the camerawas being moved. The zoomlens was removed and the color
wheel was not turning. About 25 hours earlier, the camerahad been acci-
dentally kicked which caused a collision with and rebound from the wall
of the Orbital Workshopforward compartment.
The television color wheel drive train motor (fig. 17.3-2) is kept
in proper video phasing by the color wheel synchronizer circuitry. This
circuitry is triggered and synchronized by timing signals received from
the synchronous generator. The synchronous generator also provides trig-
gering and timing signals to the sweep and focus circuitry that generates
the horizontal sweep,vertical sweep, blanking, and magnetic focus sig-
nals for the tube assembly yoke.

Postflight testing verified the failure was in the multichip hybrid

synchronous generator package. No synchronizing signals were being gen-
erated, thus depriving the entire camera of triggering and timing signals.
Without timing, there is no color wheel drive phasing signal, the tube
assembly deflection coil sweep is not properly generated, and the video
processing circuitry will not function.


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The generator multichip hybrid package was operative however, after

removal from the camera, and also after re-installation in the camera.
The package was again removed and vibration tested, during which sensi-
tive microphones detected the sounds of loose internal particles.

The package was opened and particulate contamination was found on

the substrate and logic chips. The individual chips were insulated by a
glass coat±ng, but the interchip conductors were exposed and are subject
to shorting by conductive contamination.

Tests showed the contamination was mostly tin and silver with minute
traces of copper and gold. The tin and silver are solder constituents.
The gold trace probably flaked off the substrate and the copper trace is
foreign to the package. (The package had been opened two times prior to
flight for repairs.) Since the package now operates, and the particulate
contamination has been disturbed, it is not known which sub-circuit was

Postflight testing of the synchronous generator, while it was still

inoperative, combined with analysis, shows that all 21 chips were probably
deprived of the 5 volt dc power. The 5 volt dc power conductor strip is
relatively long as it leads to every chip and the shorting probability is
greater than for other elements. The package itself is quite small (fig.
17.3-3) and very small sized contamination could easily bridge two con-
ductors and short out a part of, or the entire package.

The shocks received by the camera during flight probably dislodged

the contamination, allowing it to move within the package, and about a
day later, one or more particles shorted out the entire synchronous gen-
erator within the package.

The television camera failure was probably caused by tin/silver sol-

der particles within the synchronous generator multichip hybrid package
that were introduced during the two repair operations prior to flight.
Furthermore, not all of the camera multichip hybrid packages were screened
on the acoustic vibrator for contamination.

The two television cameras to be flown on the second visit will not
have their multichip hybrid packages removed for testing for contamina-
tion. Such action would require extensive disassembly of the cameras.
Each camera contains twelve packages and the disassembly would most likely
result in lowering the camera reliability. Further this was the first
such operational failure.

In case the problem recurs during the next visit, a backup camera
is available.

This anomaly is closed.



(a) Contaminated synchronous generator with lid removed.


(b) Synchronous generator with lid intact.

Figure 17.3-3.- Synchronous generator.


17.3.4 Spotted Images Observed on Television

Ground Monitors

Spots were observed on the television images viewed through the ex-
periment S191 viewfinder tracking system telescope. The spot patterns
varied on other transmissions. For ordinary transmissions, a zoom lens
is used with the camera (fig. 17.3-4).

A television optical adapter is used for transmissions of viewfinder

tracking system images with the camera at the data acquisition camera port
(fig. 17.3-5). The viewfinder tracking system telescope (fig. 17.3-6) is
used to locate and track ground targets. The viewfinder tracking system
zoom lens provide a i0 to i variation in magnification. Apparent image
rotation is corrected by the collimation and decollimation lenses, the
image rotation prism, and the erecting prism. The reticle provides a
reference for accurate pointing.

The telescope dichroic element (beam splitter) reflects a portion of

the radiation into the data acquisition camera optical system and trans-
mits the remainder to the eyepiece. The dichroic element also superim-
poses the numerical display on the field of view. Either the data acqui-
sition camera, or the television optical adapter and camera, are mounted
on the telescope during experiment operations.

Two types of spots were observed. The first spots were observed
when the television camera was used with the optical adapter on the view-
finder tracking system during Earth Resources Experiment Package passes
9 and i0. The images had a pattern of an increasing number of blurred
and sharply focused spots, mostly fixed with respect to the reticle.

The second group of spots were observed when the television camera
was used with the zoom lens; the spots were blurry and in a fixed pattern
that did not change in number or location.

Investigation of the flight camera disclosed particulate contamina-

tion on the forward surface of the tube assembly faceplate. Because the
focus plane is near the back surface of the face plate, the spots pro-
duced on the transmitted images were blurred. The two contaminated sur-
faces face each other as shown on figure 17.3-4. The contamination may
be black anodizing material that may have flaked off the filter wheel
gear teeth. Efforts to identify the contaminate are continuing.

The inspection of the viewfinder tracking system by the crew did not
disclose any spots through the eyepiece, nor was any contamination noted
in the data acquisition camera photographs. An assessment of the contri-
bution of the viewfinder tracking system telescope to the contamination


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Color wheel

(image plane)

Focus control


Data acquisition acquisition
camera window camera
image plane


from earth

Viewfinder tracking system


Figure 17.3-5.- Television camera configuration used with viewfinder tracking system telescope.


shows that the entire telescope optical loop is probably free of contam-
ination. However, the crew did remove contamination on the outside op-
tical surfaces (data acquisition camera window and optical adapter outer
lenses). Therefore, the sharply focused spots were caused by the parti-
cles the crew removed from the external surfaces, and the telescope in-
ternal elements are clean. The blurred spots observed on the television
images were caused by the particles on the faceplate.

The faceplate, color wheel, and drive train were cleaned and in-
spected on the two television cameras to be used on the second visit.

The degradation of picture quality is not significant and therefore,

does not warrant color wheel redesign. If, after extended use, the number
of spots on the transmitted images becomes significant, the spare camera
can be used or the faceplate can be cleaned by the crew.

This anomaly is closed.

17.3.5 Carbon Dioxide Meter/Dew point Monitor Failed

Early in the visit, a wh±te residue was found around carbon dioxide
sensor A of the portable carbon dloxide/dew point monitor. Measurements
taken at that time disagreed with other onboard instrumentation in that
sensor A indicated 160 newtons per square meter, sensor B indicated 1600
newtons per square meter, and the onboard reading was 640 newtons per
square meter.

Seven days later, the crew used the carbon dioxide/dew point monitor
to measure dew point. The measured value was 297 ° K and, at the same
time, the onboard instrumentation was recording approximately 283 ° K, in-
dicating that the dew point measuring portion of the unit had failed.

The portable carbon dioxide/dew point monitor permits measurements

of carbon dioxide partial pressure in a range of 1.3 to 4000 newtons per
square meter, and dew point and ambient gas temperatures in ranges from
278 ° to 311 ° K at any place within the Saturn Workshop.

The carbon dioxide monitoring system (fig. 17.3-7) consists of two

electrochemical sensors and associated amplifiers. The solid state am-
plifiers drive a readout meter on the front panel of the monitor.

Each carbon dioxide sensor is a small electrochemical cell consist-

ing of a pH sensitive glass electrode, a reference electrode, an electro-
lyte gel, and a thin membrane. Both electrodes are enclosed within a
single housing and bridged by the electrolyte. The membrane is stretched

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across the sensor portion of the glass pH electrode, The membrane is

permeable to carbon dioxide while keeping airborne solid or liquid con-
taminants away from the gel. The electrolyte pH changes with exposure
to carbon dioxide. Electrode potential is proportional to the logarithm
of the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the air sample.

The dew point ambient temperature sensor contains a mirror surface

which is bonded to a small thermoelectric cooling module.

The module pumps heat from the mirror and lowers the temperature
of the mirror surface. As the mirror temperature reaches the dew point,
the mirror surface fogs. The mirror surface reflects light to a photo-
electric sensor which operates in a bridge. The bridge output is ampli-
fied and used as feedback to control the cooler. The servo loop stabil-
izes the mirror temperature at the dew point (mirror surface just fogged).
The mirror temperature is then measured and displayed by the panel meter
as the dew point temperature.

A hand operated air sampling pump is located at the top of the carbon
dioxide/dew point monitor. The pump draws air through the inlet into the
air sampling compartment, where the air contacts the dew point ambient
temperature sensor and both of the carbon dioxide sensors.

The carbon dioxide partial pressure readings taken on visit day 8

indicate that both carbon dioxide sensors were failed. The white residue
noted around sensor A was most probably dried electrolyte that had been
pulled through the membrane by exposure to pressures below the instrument
design limit of 0.34 newtons per square centimeter. Development testing
with these sensors demonstrated that electrolyte can be drawn through the
membrane by exposure to pressures of approximately 0.17 newtons per square
centimeter as were experienced on the Orbital Workshop during postlaunch
venting to purge potential toxic gases. This depletion of electrolyte
would cause a low carbon dioxide reading. The cause of the failure of
carbon dioxide sensor B is unknown.

The dew point measurement on visit day 8, indicated that the dew
point sensor was working at that time. However, the measurement which
was made 7 days later indicated the dew point sensor was not working prop-
erly. Possible causes of this failure are an inoperative cooler, an in-
operative light bulb, or failure of the dew point ambient temperature
meter switch.

This portable unit was planned for use only during the first visit
to measure carbon dioxide dew point and temperature in various workshop
locations. Fixed sensors will be used during the second and third visits;
therefore, no action will be taken.

This anomaly is closed.


17.3.6 Van Allen Belt Dosimeter Data Exhibited

Periodic Spurious Excursions

The Van Alien Belt dosimeter telemetry data showed spurious alterna-
tions superimposed on the good data every 20 seconds starting on visit
day 21 between 16:40 and 17:50 G.m.t. These excursions were observed
when the readings were near zero, as well as when the readings rose as
high as 0.9 Rad/hr.

Each data excursion lasted about i0 seconds and consisted of a neg-

ative variation followed by a positive variation. The variation peaks
ranged from 4 to 7 percent of full scale. Each excursion was followed by
10 seconds of good data resulting in 50 percent usable data.

The Van Allen Belt dosimeter measures the radiation dose in radiation
absorbed dose per hour (Rad/hr) in the Orbital Workshop on the bulkhead
between the wardroom and the waste management compartment. The dosimeter
consists of two ion chambers and the associated electronics that measure
skin dose and depth dose. The skin dose is equivalent to the radiation
impinging directly upon a crewman's skin. The depth dose is equivalent
to the radiation penetrating beneath 5 centimeters of skin tissue depth,
and provides information on dose rates that penetrate into the blood-
forming regions of the body.

The Van Allen Belt dosimeter was changed on visit day 26 at about
17:00 G.m.t. The telemetry received from the second unit also exhibited
the same excursions.

At the time of the problem, the command module inertial measurement

unit heater was being powered by both main buses. The heater uses about
3 amperes, which is spllt between Airlock Module power bus 1 and 2. The
dosimeter is powered by Airlock Module power bus 2. The heater was
switching on for 5 seconds every 20 seconds as determined by telemetry
of the current traces on the Airlock Module transfer busses. The heater
current rise and fall times are very short and, therefore, introduce a
sharp inductive pulse to the other loads on the line.

The dosimeter data excursions correspond exactly in time with the

heater cycles. The heater cycling introduced noise on the bus which could
not be filtered.

The inertial measurement unit was not operated with the heaters cy-
cling prior to flight.

The data are readable and valid between the heater cycles. No cor-
rective action is required.

This anomaly is closed.


17.3.7 Erratic Operation of 35 mm Camera

Incrementing Frame Counter

The 35 mm camera incrementing frame counter occasionally missed

frame counts. The frame counter resets each time the camera back is
opened. When the film is loaded, and the camera back is closed, the film
is manually advanced to the point where the number i shows on the counter.
Each time the film is advanced one frame, the counter increments by one
count, and in this manner the counter indicates the number of frames used.

When the camera back is closed after loading the film, a tab on the
camera back cover depresses the counter engage lever on the camera. This
depression pushes a linkage assembly which engages the teeth on the coun-
ter mechanism so that the counter is incremented one count for each frame

The most likely cause of the lost counts was an insufficient depres-
sion of the counter engage lever. As a result, the linkage did not fully
engage, which allowed random skipping of the frame counts.

The camera also has a decrementing counter which is manually set to

the maximum number of frames in the loaded film roll. The counter is
directly driven by film spool movement.

A procedural change was implemented during the first visit to use

only the decrementing counter which provides an accurate indication of
film usage.

The camera was not returned and no crew repair will be attempted as
this problem has no effect on the mission.

This anomaly is closed.



The following conclusions are drawn from the information contained

in this report.

i. Resolution of the seemingly insurmountable system difficulties

that occurred on this flight demonstrates the advantage of having man
onboard space vehicles.

2. This flight demonstrated that for long term manned and unmanned
space flight, provisions should be made for unforeseen inflight repair and
maintenance in the form of accessibility, hand holds, tools, facilities,
materials, and hardware appropriate for interior and exterior operation.

3. There were no operationally significant physical or psychological

health problems associated with the space vehicle environment for the 28
day visit, and there were no findings that would preclude longer duration

4. The habitability provisions were satisfactory and contributed to

the ability of the crew to work effectively for a visit of this duration
and no factors were identified to preclude longerduration visits.

5. Operation of the command and service module systems in a semi-

quiescent state was demonstrated for the 28 day period, and no factors
were identified which preclude operation for longer periods.

6. Extensive scientific data were returned in all planned experi-

ment disciplines.

7. The methods and techniques employed in the daily flight planning

provided the flexibility to react to major departures from preflight plans
and constraints. This ability was an important factor in optimizing the
scientific return.

8. The various experiment groups were organized effectively within

each discipline and functioned well as a unit. In addition, with the
excellent cooperation between the various experiment groups, flight plan-
ning techniques were effective in resolving interdisciplinary conflicts
and integrating the diverse experiments program.

9. Long duration flight with sophisticated multi-discipline experi-

ments generate large amounts of data requiring ground data handling and
processing capabilities.

i0. Overall objectives of the visit were accomplished.



This appendix contains a description of the camera systems used on

the first visit.

A.I 16 ,-,Data Acquisition Camera

Figures A-I and A-2 show the items which comprise the 16.,,, data
acquisition camera system for use on the Skylab program. The principal
component is the 16 mm camera which uses 28 volts dc for power and pro-
vides sequence operation in lieu of cine operation. Shutter speeds range
from 1/60 to 1/1000 second and frame.rates are time exposure, 1 or 2
frames per second, 6 frames per second, 12 frames per second, or 24 frames
per second. Camera film is provided in a 43 meter magazine and a 122 me-
ter canister. The 122 meter canister is part of a unique three part 122
meter magazine system. The camera system also included various lenses,
brackets, power packs, and tools. The quantities of each item are iden-
tified in Table A-I. The various photographic tasks necessitated many
types of film. The types and amounts of film for the first visit are as

Film type Amount, meters

S0-368 137

S0-168 3170

130AOUV 61

2485 91

3401 91

A.2 35--, Camera System

The 35 mm camera system for the first visit consisted of a 35 mm

camera body (fig. A-3), 55 mm f/1.2 lens, 35 mm f/1.4 lens, 300 ,,, f/4.5
lens, 35 mm film cassette, an E2 extension tube, and a Skylab automatic
flash unit. A detailed description of the hardware is contained in ref-
erence 4.

Since the 300 mm f/4.5 lens was added for damage assessment after
the Saturn Workshop launch, it is not contained in the above reference.
This lens is virtually an off the shelf lens with the only modlfication
being the removal of the lens hood. The lens is 20.7 centimeters by 8.1
centimeters and weighs 1 kilogram. It has a field of view of 0.079 radi-
an by 0.119 radian. This lens provided the details necessary for post-
flight assessment of the damage to the Orbital Workshop and high resolu-
tion ground photography of targets of interest.


Item Quantity

Data acquisition camera (Saturn Workshop) i0

Data acquisition camera (First visit) i
Data acquisition magazine (Saturn Workshop) 12
Data acquisition magazine (First visit) 3
122 meter canister 90
122 meter film drive 8
5 mmlens 4
i0 mmlens 4
18 mmlens (Saturn Workshop) 2
18 mmlens (First visit) i
25 mmlens i
75 mmlens (Saturn Workshop) 2
75 mmlens (First visit) i
i00 mmlens 2
Remotecontrol system 6
Right angle mirror (Saturn Workshop) 2
Right angle mirror (First visit) i
Ring Sight 3
Command module power cable (First visit) i
Orbital Workshop/Multiple Docking Adapter
power cable (Saturn Workshop) 6
Universal mount 13
Universal mount (Extravehicular Activity) 2
Extravehicular activity bracket i
Power pack (First visit) i
Data acquisition camera shutter cover i
Transporter tool i
Film profile tool 2
Spare fuse (Saturn Workshop) 12
Spare fuse (First visit) i
A- 3







‘ m

A.3 70 mm Data Camera System

The Orbital Workshop complement of 70 mm equipment consists of one

data (reseau) camera with i00 mm lens and reseau protective cover at-
tached, and two 70 mm film magazines (fig. A-4). The camera is stowed
in locker F523 and the film magazines in the Orbital Workshop film vault.
Batteries for the Orbital Workshop camera system are launched in the com-
mand module.

The command module complement of equipment includes one data camera

with 80 mm lens and film magazine attached. Batteries are installed in
the command module camera and two additional batteries are carried sepa-
rately for the Orbital Workshop camera. An additional film magazine was
carried on the first visit for damage assessment.

A complete description of the components of the data camera system

may be found in reference 4.

A.4 127 mm Earth Terrain Camera

The earth terrain camera is a modified version of the lunar topo-

graphic camera carried on the Apollo 13 and 14 missions. The body is an
extensively modified KA-74 reconnaissance camera body with a focal plane
shutter and vacuum film flattening. The lens has a focal length of
460 mm, a fixed aperture of f/4, color correction, and maximum radial
distortion of i0 _m. Forward image motion compensation is provided by
rocking the entire camera in its mount during the exposure.

The frame format is i15 mm by i15 mm so that, at the Skylab mis-

sion altitude, the format covers an area of 109 kilometers by 109 kilo-
meters. Characteristics of the camera can be summarized as follows:

Lens - 460 ram focal length, f/4 fixed aperture, color corrected

Lens distortion - radial, ±I0 _m; tangential, <5 _m.

Shutter - focal plane, bidirectional; i/i00, 1/140, 1/200 sec

Forward motion compensation - by rocking camera, 0 to 25 mrad/sec

Film - 125 mm , 0.05 mm base; 400 frames/roll

Format - 115 by i15 mm

Framing rate - 0 to 25 frames/mln

Overlap - 60 percent standard; 0 to 80 percent available

Ground coverage at nadir - 109 by 109 kilometers


Figure A-4.- 70 mm camera system.


Additional equipment supplied for use with the earth terrain camera
are as follows: window, lens protective cover, five filters, six spare
desiccants, a magazine cavity cover, a spare magazine, and four film can-
isters. See figure A-5 for a layout of this equipment.






The history of command and service module (CSM-II6) operations at

the manufacturer's facility, Downey, California, is shown in figure B-l,
and the operations at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, is shown in figure




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Postflight testing and inspection of the command module and crew

equipment for evaluation of the inflight performance and investigation
of flight problems were conducted at the contractor's and vendor's facil-
ities and at the Johnson Space Center in accordance with approved Space-
craft Hardware Utilization Requests (SHIrR's). The tests performed as a
result of inflight problems are described in table C-I and discussed in
the appropriate systems performance section of this report. Tests being
conducted for other purposes in accordance with other SHUR's and the
basic contract are not included.

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Mass properties for the Saturn Workshop launch and the first visit
are summarized in table D-I. These data represent the conditions as
determined from analyses of expendable loadings and usage during the
flight. Variations in the command and service module and Saturn Work-
shop mass properties are determined for each significant mission phase
from lift-off through landing. Expendables usage are based on reported
real-time data. The weights and center-of-gravity of the individual mod-
ules were measured prior to flight and inertia values were calculated.
All changes incorporated after the actual weighing were monitored, and
the mass properties were updated.



Saturn Workshop Launch and Deployment

Lift off 89 095.5 8361.9 -4.3 7.9 548 296 6 008 545 6 042 229 -13 422 4452 17 633

Saturn Workshop in orbit s 75 687.3 8256.5 0.7 12.1 426 704 4 634 993 4 666 736 -55 286 -4208 13 680

Apollo Telescope Mount 75 582.6 8182.4 0.7 -72.3 735 752 3 768 734 3 491 426 -56 858 -522 582 12 857

Apollo Tele,cope Mount 75 424.3 8184.2 0.4 -75.3 818 257 3 841 937 3 601 367 -59 872 -540 073 13 973
Iolar arrays deployed

Control moment gyro spin- 75 199.7 8185.9 0.4 -75.6 818 09i 3 832 767 3 592 331 -59 876 -539 046 13 973
up complete

Rendezvous complete 74 782.4 -816.7 -0.4 76.0 815 653 3 808 510 3 568 336 59 806 538 339 13 787

First Visit

Lift off 19 982 2550.9 5.8 5.1 38 502 530 809 531 673 -3283 1090 -1625

Initial orbit achieved 14 023 2448.1 7.5 6.5 23 908 71 074 72 079 -1591 939 -1628

Coelliptic orbit 13 516 2456.3 7.0 6.4 23 060 67 983 68 419 -1350 863 -1656

Rendezvous complete 13 386 2475.5 6.5 7.2 22 827 67 598 68 047 -1282 774 -1582

Command and service module 13 277 2458.2 5.9 8.1 22 633 67 370 67 898 -1214 667 1500
post-flyaround no. 1

Command and service _dule 13 276 629.1 0.3 -I0.0 22 633 66 132 69 135 1381 -146 265
at soft dock

Saturn Norkshop at soft 74 777 -816.7 -0.4 76.0 815 638 3 807 684 i3 567 514 59 806 538 288113 787

Orbital assembly confls- 88 054 -598.7 -0.3 63.0 846 611 6 238 751 5 993 245 62 301 397 951 13 987
uration at soft dock
Command and service module 13 116 2459.5 "5.2 9.3 22 348 67 038 67 668 -1129 540 -1384
post-flyaround no. 2

Saturn Norkshop at hard 74 773 -816.6 -0.4 76.0 815 622 3 806 862 3 566 693 59 805 538 236 13 787

Orbits1 usembly confis- 87 805 -602.3 -0.6 63.1 846 208 6 194 715 5 948 883: 58 658 398 697!14 050
uratlon at hard dock

CoNmand and service module 87 608 -612.0 -2.6 63.8 849 410 6 135 855 5 892 369 70 711 399 578 15 341
transfers complete

Solar array system no. 1 87 467 -609.9 -8.6 63,8 925 176 6 077 562 5 910 543 86 733 392 937 28 541
deployed at 90"

Command and service module 87 246 -607.7 -8.2 64.4 921 253 6 079 12015 914 593 86 288 390 571 27 814
reaction control system
trim maneuver

Comsnd and service module 87 179 -604.9 -8.3 63.9 919 954 6 113 711 5 948 431 87 313 390 152 27 386
pre-separation from
Saturn Norkshop

Saturn Norkshop remaining 74 428 -815.8 -9.8 76.5 892 442 3 773 920 3 614 293 70 128 526 226 28 389
in orbit

Commmd and service mvdule 12 627 2461. S 5.1 9.7 21 344 65 269 66 357 -1247 729 -993
post-flysround no. 3

Command and service module 11 932 2472.8 4.0 10.0 20 375 59 235 59 519 -851 646 -I071
st CM/SM separation

Command module at entry 5894 2638.8 -0.2 16.0 8014 7031 6284 67 -558 -12

Command module at drogue 5661 2635.0 -0.2 15.8 7823 6605 5861 69 -528 -8
_rtar firing

Command module st landing 5422 2629.2 -0.3 16.2 7711 6118 5390 66 -496 -6

apsyload shroud Jettisoned solar array system no. 2 missins, and m_cromteroid shield rlaoved except
for 31.8 kilosraum of debris.


The values shown in this report conform to Sl standards. Relationship

to conventional units of measurement is shown in figure E-I.
1973 Date Day of year Visit Day

May 14 134
15 135
16 136
17 137
18 138
19 139
20 140
21 141
22 142
23 143
24 144
25 145 1
26 146 2
27 147 3
28 148 4
29 149 5
3Q 150 6
31 151 7
June 1 152 8
2 153 9
3 154 i0
4 155 II
5 156 12
6 157 13
7 158 14
8 159 15
9 160 16
I0 161 17
ii 162 18
12 163 19
13 164 20
14 165 21
15 166 22
16 167 23
17 168 24
18 169 25
19 170 26
20 171 27
21 172 28
22 173 29

(a) Date conversion

Figure E-1.- Conversion data.

E-I- c-



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Acetylcholinesterase Am enzyme that hydrolyzes acetylcholine there-

by regulating nerve transmission.

Aerotitis media Inflammation of the middle ear caused by pres-

sure differences between the middle ear cavity
and the surrounding atmosphere.

Aldosterone A steroid hormone extracted from the adrenal

cortex that is very active in regulating the
salt and water balance in the body.

Antidiuresis Suppressing the secretion of urine.

Atrophy Wasting away or diminution in size.

Bioassay The determination of the active power of a drug

sample by noting its effects on animals or com-
pared with the effect of a standard preparation.

< Corotid Principal artery of the neck.

Cortisol A carbohydrate regulating hormone isolated from

adrenal cortex.

Diastolic pressure Arterial pressure during heart relaxation.

Diunesis Increased secretion of urine.

Electrolytes Term used in clinical medicine to denote the ions

in body fluids.

Endocrinological Pertaining to secretions from organs whose actions

affect all or part of another organ.

Erythropoiesis Production of red blood corpuscles.

Fixative An agent employed in the preparation of a histo-

logic or pathologic specimen for the purpose of
maintaining the existing form and structure of
all its constituent elements.

Flaccidity Soft and limp.

Glutathione A co-enzyme of gyoxalase and acts as a respira-

tory carrier of oxygen.

Hematocrit Percent of red blood cells to volume of whole

bood after centrifugation.

Hemoglobin The oxygen-carrying red pigment of the red blood


ly t i c Destruction of red blood cells with separation
of hemoglobin from the cells.
Humoral-cellular Referring to the two broad categories of immunity:
noncellular and cellular.

Immunoglobulins Immuneproteins.

Lymphopenia A decrease in the proportion of white blood cor-


Lysozyme An antibacterial enzymethat is present in saliva

and tears.

Malaise A vague feeling of body discomfort.

Methemoglobin A modified form of hemoglobin found in the


Muscle tonus Normal muscle tension which aids in the mainten-

ance of posture and in the return of blood to the

Norepinephrine An organic nitrogen compoundpresent in the ad-

renal glands which raises blood pressure.

Oculogyral illusion Apparent lateral motion of a fixed visual tar-

get induced by specific rotational acceleration.
Orthostatic Pertaining to or caused by standing erect.
Protease An enzymeor ferment that digests proteins.
Rad A unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation
equal to an energy of 0.01 joules/kilogram of
irradiated material.

Rem A radiation biological effectiveness factor of

biological injury to humantissue for any dose
of ionized radiation equivalent to one roentgen
of X-ray or gammaray.


Renal Functions of the kidney.

Serum The clear, yellowish fluid which separates from

the clot when blood coagulates.

South Atlantic Anomoly A pocket of trapped protons and electrons in the

Van Allen Belt located over a large portion of
South America, the South Atlantic and the South-
ern tip of Africa.

Staphylococcus aureus A spherical bacterium vegetable organism found

characterized by a tendency for daughter cells
to remain attached following cell devision.
Found in air and milk and produces a lemon yel-
low pigment.

Stereophotogrammetry Photogrammetry involved in the use of stereo-

scopic photographs.

Tendon reflexes Muscle contraction resulting from a blow on its

connective cord.
(_ R-I


1. NASA Headquarters : Mission Operation Report, Skylab Supplement.

OSMF Report No. M-960-73. March i, 1973.

i 2. Johnson Space Center: Scientific Data Analysis and Reportin 8 Plan -

MSC Sk71ab Experiments. MSC-03022. July 14, 1972.

3. Johnson Space Center: EREP Sensor Evaluation Report. MSC-05528.


4. Johnson Space Center: Handbook of Pilot Operational Equipment for

Manned Space FLight. MSC-07210. June 16, 1972.

5. Anon.: Manual of PhTsical Properties of Kodak Clerical and Special /f

Sensitized Materials I Section 12. Kodak publication No. M-111, Rev. 10-63.
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N.Y., Dept. GS.


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