A Detailed Lesson Plan About Noun and Its Kind

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A Detailed Lesson Plan about Noun and Its kind

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
a. define what noun is;
b. enumerate the kinds of noun; and
c. give examples of noun according to its kind.
II. Subject Matter

Topic: Noun and its kind

Reference: Glencoe – Grammar & Composition Handbook
III. Materials:
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparation
Have a nice day everyone. First of all
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is
Ayesha A. Hadjail. And I am your teacher in this
Yes, Ma’am!
B. Motivation
Okay class, I would like to ask you some-
-thing, have you ever named someone or something
Yes, Ma’am! I named my
as Mr. Paasa, because he is
always promising but never
trying to fulfill it.
Alright! Thank you, Mariza.
Sometimes we are fond of naming someone or
something, just like a doll, we sometimes name
a doll depending on its shape or color. Isn’t it, it’s
true class?
Yes, Ma’am!
C. Presentation
Okay! Listen up. To start our discussion,
Our topic for today is about Noun. In this topic
We will know the definition of Noun and its kind,
And we will give examples later on. Okay?

Yes. Ma’am! No problem.

D. Discussion
So, does anyone from the class know what
Is meant by Noun?
Ma’am! A Noun is a word
that names a person, a place,
and a thing.
Very good! Anna. Again, a Noun is a name of person,
place, thing or an idea. Can you follow class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, who can give me an example of a person’s name?
Ma’am! Mother and father.
Very good! Jona. How about a name of a place?
Sanga-Sanga Ma’am.
Alright! How about a name of a thing?
Ball, Ma’am.
Yes! Now how about a name of an idea?
(the pupils are silence)
Okay, examples of idea are, love, respect and pride.
Can you follow class?
Yes, Ma’am.
Another thing about noun is, it can be singular or plural.
Whether they name one person, place, thing, or idea or
More than one.
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am.
Now my question is, how to form a plural noun?
By adding (s) Ma’am.
Exactly! To form the plural of most nouns, simply
Add –s. while other plural nouns are formed in
Different ways. For nouns ending in (s, ch, x or z,
Add –es to form the plural.
And for most noun ending in y preceded by a con-
-sonant, change the y to i and add –es. While for
Most nouns ending in f or fe, change the f to v and
Add –es. Other nouns have irregular plurals (for
Example, man/men, child/children. Some nouns
do not change the form from singular to plural
(for example, sheep/sheep).
Can you follow class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am! But can you give us
examples of nouns ending in s, ch, x,
or z?
Okay thank you Fatima.
For example: Switch/switches, grass/grasses,
Girl/girls, hobby/hobbies, live/lives goose/geese,
Did you get it class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Can anyone give me an example of noun?
I, Ma’am! Pencil and notebook.
Very good! Any other hand?
Chair, blackboard, and table. Ma’am.
Excellent! What is noun again class?
A noun is a name of person, place or
thing, or………. Idea!
Alright! Listen up class, there are actually 6 kinds
of a noun namely: Proper Noun, Common Noun,
Collective Noun, compound Noun, Abstract noun,
Concreate noun and possessive noun.
Can you follow?
Yes, Ma’am!
A proper noun is a name of is the name of a particular
Person and place.
Like for example:
Person: Michael, Rodrigo Duterte
Place: Philippines, America, Rizal Park
Did you understand class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, who can me an example of a proper noun?
I, Ma’am! Jasper and Bongao.
Alright! Very good. For you to easily identify a
Proper noun, always remember that, is always
capitalized although it is in the middle of the
sentence. Okay?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, let us proceed to common noun.
What is common noun class?
Okay, listen. A common noun is the general –
Not the particular – name of a person place, thing
or idea. Like for example:
Person: artist, teacher, students
Place: country, lake, park
Thing: vehicle, ball
Idea: era, religion, movement
Did you understand class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, who can give an example?
Bike ma’am.
Okay, any other example?
People, nurse….
Alright! Very good.
Did you understand what common noun is?
Yes, Ma’am!
Let us now proceed to collective noun.
Does anyone from the class knows what
collective noun is?
Ma’am, it names a group.
Yes! Exactly. Thank you Jason. A collective noun is singular in form
But names a group. Like for example: family, company,
Band, audience, troop, and many others.
Can you give me another example?
Team and jury ma’am…
Very good! Marga.
Now, did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
What about compound noun class?
(no answer)
A compound noun is a noun made of two or
More words. Compound nouns may be open,
Hyphenated, or closed. Like for example:
Open: gray fox, press secretary…
Hyphenated: mother-in-law, front-runner…
Closed: headlight, postmaster…
Can you follow class?
Yes, Ma’am!
So, can you give me an example of a compound
Tenth-grader, folksinger, waterfalls…
Very good! Angel.
Did you understand what compound noun class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay! Very good.
Shall we now proceed?
Yes, Ma’am!
Next is concrete noun.
What is concrete noun? Anyone?
(no answer)
Okay listen, a concrete noun names an object that
Occupies space or can be recognized by any of the
Senses (sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch)
Let me give you an example: air, melody, stone…
What else?
Sand, heat, aroma…
Alright! Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, let us proceed to an abstract noun.
What is it all about?
Or does anyone know what is an abstract
Ma’am, I think love is an example of
an abstract noun.
Yes! It is… An abstract noun names an idea, a
Quality, or a characteristic.
Another examples aside from love are attitude,
Dignity, loyalty, sadness, temperature…. And many
Can you follow class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Did you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, let us proceed to the last kind of noun
that we have, the possessive noun.
The possessive form of a noun can show possession,
Ownership, or the general relationship between two
nouns. Okay?
Yes, Ma’am!
Add an apostrophe and –s to form the possessive
of any singular noun, even one that already ends in s.
Use an apostrophe alone to form a possessive of a
plural noun that ends in s.
Is it clear class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Let me give you an example,
Singular possessive
The kitchen’s tall
Her dress’s collar
The wife’s speech
The story’s villain
Plural possessive
The kitchens’ tall
Her dress’ collar
The wives’ speech
The stories’ villain

Can you give me another example?

I don’t know if it’s correct ma’am,
the watch’s battery?
Yes! Very good, Rona.
Any other example?
A cake’s decoration
Excellent! Did you all understand class?
Yes, Ma’am!
Okay, let’s have a short recap about what we
have discussed. Can you still remember what noun is?
Ma’am, a noun is a name of a
person, a place, a thing, or an idea.
Excellent! Mark.
Okay, what are the kinds of noun?
Anyone from the class?
Proper noun, common noun,
possessive noun, abstract noun,
concrete noun, compound noun and
collective noun Ma’am.
Alright! Very good class.
V. Evaluation
Instruction: Write the plural form of each noun.
1. table
2. building
3. history
4. leaf
5. mouse
6. fan
7. dish
8. watch
9. fly
10. wolf
Instruction: List at least 40 nouns in the sentences below. And identify whether it is a proper
noun, common noun, concrete noun, collective noun, abstract noun or a compound noun.
1. The Grand Coulee Dam is the largest concrete dam anywhere in the world.
2. One of the world famous races occurs in Monte Carlo.
3. The hottest area in the United States is Death Valley, California.
4. Melissa already has far too many books to fit on her shelves.
5. India is the largest existing democracy.
6. Many people admired Princess Diana and felt a great loss when she died.
7. That Chihuahua is not my idea of a dog.
8. Dr. Jose P. Rizal is our National hero.
9. I don’t know why Petra is angry.
10. A purple turtle sits on the top of my computer.
11. The decorating committee disagree about everything.
12. The couple in the film were Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks.
13. The mob is howling outside the gates of the embassy.
14. Ideally, a union represents all the workers.
15. Every night, the audience gives the play a standing ovation.
16. We like to harmonize at our house, and family sing all the different parts.
17. In this story, an entire class decides to volunteer at the homeless shelter.
18. The Chamber of Commerce is a powerful force for development of this city.
19. While they’re warming up, the orchestra play different exercises at different tempos.
20. Congress passes many more bills than most of us ever hear about.

VI. Assignments
Rewrite each phrase below using the possessive form of the noun in the
1. Mr. (Spears) car
2. the (dog) bone
3. the (oxen) yoke
4. the (geese) formation
5. (Jess) hat
6. the (containers) lids
7. the (octopus) arms
8. the (Wilsons) house
9. (cheese) odor
10. the (match) flame

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