Profibus DP Gateway 716458 1.0 HB en PDF
Profibus DP Gateway 716458 1.0 HB en PDF
Profibus DP Gateway 716458 1.0 HB en PDF
User Manual
Profibus-DP-Gateway 716458
Description of Profibus-DP-Gateway in connection with
LOCC-Box-Net 716410 and 716411.
Version 1.00
User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway
The user manual is part of the product and contains important information about the handling and the
safety. To avoid hazardous situations read the manual before installing the product and using it.
Lütze reserves the right to change its products in the interest of technical progress.
These alterations need not to be documented in every case.
This manual and the contained information have been arranged with the utmost care. The Friedrich
Lütze GmbH disclaims liability for literal mistakes and other errors or resulted damages.
The named brands and product names in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks by
title holder.
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1 General Information ...................................................................... 5
1.1 Symbol Description ........................................................................................... 5
1.2 Copyright........................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Disclaim of Liability ........................................................................................... 5
1.4 Safety ................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.1 Content of Manual ..............................................................................................................5
1.4.2 Intended Use.......................................................................................................................6
1.4.3 Operating Employee ...........................................................................................................6
1.4.4 Maintenance .......................................................................................................................6
1.4.5 Decommissioning and Deposal ..........................................................................................6
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1 General Information
1.2 Copyright
This manual is intended for the operator and his staff. It is forbidden to give the content to a third party,
to duplicate, exploit or impart it. The Friedrich Lütze GmbH has to allow it explicit in writing.
General data, text, images and drawings are copyrighted and are liable to the industrial property right.
Contravention can be prosecuted criminally. The named brands and product names in this document
are trademarks or registered trademarks by titleholder.
1.4 Safety
1.4.1 Content of Manual
Read and follow the manual before using the product the first time.
This applies to every person which is getting in touch with the product. Trained employees and experts
especially qualified persons which had worked with similar products before have to read and
understand the manual.
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Regarding the safety-related notes qualified employees are people who are allowed to operate with
the modules, systems and the current circuits and to ground and mark those according to the safety
standards. The operating employees have to be instructed and trained.
1.4.4 Maintenance
The modules are maintenance free. Therefore for continuous operation no inspection or maintenance
intervals are necessary.
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DIAG: USB-Interface
Port1: Profibus-DP
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NC 2 Not connected
●●● Gateway
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Software In Firmware
2.1.7 Mounting
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2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Structure in principle
1. Provide the gateway and all LOCC-Box-Net modules with power supply DC 12/24V
2. Connect all “COM”-terminals of the modules with “Com”-terminal (1) of the gateway.
For this the jumper combs, indicated in the accessories, are suitable. Here represented in red. See
section 5 accessories.
3. Connect the USB cable to the USB-port of the PC. Use the delivered USB-cable for a
communication with the LOCC-Pads software. For a communication via Profibus plug the field bus
cable in port 1.
4. For addressing the gateway use the BCD-rotary switch.
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DA Destination Address
DP Decentral peripherie
DP-Slave Decentral device with a direct interface to the input- and output signals
GSD Device-data
LE Length of the net dates, (incl. DA, SA, FC, DSAP, SSAP)
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SA Source Address
SD Start Delimiter
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2.4.5 Baudrates
All devices in a profibus-dp network work with a consistent baudrate. The baudrate is predefined by
the PLC. The gateway recognizes the set baudrate automatically.
The maximum permissible cable length regarding the baudrate must be followed. An extension of the
cable is possible by using a repeater.
Baud rate
9,6 19,2 45,45 93,75 187,5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000
speed, kBit/s
Lengths of 1200 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100
wire, m
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This picture shows the implementation of LOCC-Box gateway and LOCC-Box-Net module. The Slot
number is the same like the node number of the LOCC-Box. The input- and output address is free
selectable. Parametrization
By double clicking on the gateway the window "Properties DP Slave" appears.
Settings regarding the Profibus interface, identifier and parameter like the cycle time can be made.
The cycle time describes the request time of the single LOCC-Boxes. The cycle time can be set from
20 to 65535 ms. In the example below a cycle time of 20 ms is set. Input-byte
The input byte includes the module state information of the connected
LOCC-Box. The module state is according to the information in LOCC-
Pads respectively index 0x10 (see chapter
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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
System Undervoltage New module
Short-circuit (I>0,9 * Reserve Status
error U<10V on bus
Inom) Output-byte
The output byte supports the 2 last signification bits and is used for switching the
LOCC-Box on and off.
Bit 1: edge from 0 to 1: The status of bit 0 is transferred in the connected LOCC-Box.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - Rising edge New
= take over status
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Example: The read out value is converted into a decimal value. 00 00 00 01h = 1d type 1
The read out value returns the module status and is converted into a binary value.
X2 X1 80
Result: Module is switched off by the push button, LOCC-Pads or the PLC signalizes a system error.
The value of the module configuration returns the adjustment of the current range or of the
characteristic (rotary-switch).
The read out value from the upper 4-bit and lower 4-bit is converted into a decimal value.
Y2 Y1
= Decimal value 0-9 = current range 1-10A
= Decimal value 0-9 = characteristic 1-10
1 5
= decimal = 5 = current range 5A
= decimal = 1 = characteristic 1
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The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 39 V. The following equation results:
Decimal value x 39V
Output voltage =
The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 39 V. The following equation results:
Decimal value 39V
Input voltage =
The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 32,75A.
The following equation results:
Decimal value x 32,75A
Current =
00 00 00 1Fh = decimal = 31
31 x 32,75A
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Current = = 0,99A
XX YY Example: 1F EA
Binary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 binary 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
00: m = 2 m=9
01: m = 3
10: m = 5 n = 4-Quad
11: m = 9
0: n = 3-Cubic Tp(s) = 10,0
1: n = 4-Quad
000: Tp(s) = 1,25 reserved
001: Tp(s) = 2,5
010: Tp(s) = 5,0 EA = decimal = 234
011: Tp(s) = 10,0
100: Tp(s) = 20,0 (256 - 234) x 32,75A
101: Tp(s) = 40,0 Iq =
110: Tp(s) = 80,0
reserved Iq Iq = 2,81A
Convert into decimal value. The max measuring value is 256 and corresponds to 32,75A.
The following rule of three results:
(256 – Decimal value) x 32,75A
Iq =
This object returns the serial number of the LOCC-Box. The read out value is converted into a decimal
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This object returns the count how many times the module has been connected to the supply voltage.
This object returns the number of the operating hours in ½ hour cycle, this means how long the LOCC-
Box is connected to the supply voltage. The read out value is converted into a decimal value.
This object returns the number of the operating hours ON in ½ hour cycle, this means how long the
LOCC-Box has been switched on and how long it has supplied the load. The read out value is
converted into a decimal value.
This object returns the information how many times the LOCC-Box has blown because of overload or
short circuit. The read out value is converted into a decimal value.
This object returns the information how many times the LOCC-Box has been switched on. The read
out value is converted into a decimal value.
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The index is for setting the current range of type 3. The type 3 has no rotary switches and can only be
parameterized via the bus and the LOCC-Pads.
The index is for setting the characteristic of type 3. The type 3 has no rotary switches and can only be
parameterized via the bus and the LOCC-Pads.
The index does a reset of all existing node numbers (>0) which are on the
LOCC bus, afterwards the assigning of the node numbers restarts automatically.
During the automatic node number assignment the LOCC-Box modules are blinking. By pushing the
device button the chosen module will be assigned with the smallest node number (1). The blinking will
stop. The blinking of the other modules continues and the next node number 2 can be assigned. The
procedure must be repeated till all modules stop blinking.
The procedure cannot be stopped till all modules have a node number.
The activation is done by writing an integer value >0.
For analysing the LOCC bus in conjunction with index 82h. Shows how many modules have a node
number >0 after a reset or if any module has the node number 0.
If a LOCC-Box Net is added with the node number 0 for example, with this index the module can be
2 Bytes will be requested which are interpreted as follows:
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Read bytes: 01 07
The index is used for a manually assignment of the node number form 1 to 84.
- By writing a "0" all connected LOCC-Box-Net modules are set to the delivery state – node
This state can be checked by reading the index 81h. The value is 00 00h in this moment.
- By writing a "1" the node number 1 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 01h for example.
- By writing a "2" the node number 2 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 02h for example.
- By writing a "3" the node number 3 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 03h for example.
If all node numbers are assigned the index 81 h result the value 01 07h for example. (01= all modules
have a valid node number, 07= 7 modules are existing)
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During this function the communication via the LOCC-Bus is interrupted. The
LOCC-Box Net is still running.
The index visualizes a defined module. After the start the module is blinking for a defined time of
approx. 10 s.
This procedure can be canceled by pressing the device button.
By writing an integer value >0 for the corresponding output address the activation is done.
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Access method Single-Master - Multiple Slave
Bus technology line
Physical level 1-wire
Subscriber typical 40, max. 84
Bus length typical 10m, max. 40m
Transfer rate 9600 Baud
Data rate 8 Bit + fixed parity
Transmission-protocol Modified Multidrop
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4. Set the current value (I) and the characteristic (C) with the rotary switches on the new module.
5. Snap on the module – see picture
6. Close the sliding contact and reinstall the jumper combs.
7. The new LOCC-Box is blinking. Press the on/off switch within one minute; otherwise the module
does not get a node number. If missing the time, remove the module and reinstall it again.
8. Switch the LOCC-Box Off and On again, otherwise the current and characteristic settings are not
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4 Firmware update
4.1 Introduction
Because of further developments of the LOCC-Box-Net family updates are possible. The description is
valid for the module 716458 (Profibus-DP).
4.2 Download
Please use for this update the newest version of the software package “LOCC-Pads”. After registration
you can download the update from the Lütze website
Download the file and save it in any directory and unzip the files.
4.3 Installation
1. Connect the “DIAG” terminal from
the gateway with your PC. Use
the delivered USB-cable.
2. Provide the gateway with DC
12/24V power.
3. The gateway will be detected as
new Hardware. An automatic
installation will start.
4. If a problem occurs than read
chapter 4.5 “New hardware
4.4 Update
During an update proceed as follows:
3. Choose the menu Extra > Firmware download. The field for the
password appears. Password: "Luetze71384Weinstadt".
Confirm by clicking “OK“.
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4. The window LOCC-Pads Firmware appears. The current version of LOCC-Pads will be displayed.
Compare the version to the downloaded version. If both have the same version, close the window
by clicking "Close". If the downloaded file has a higher version, choose Delete. An alert window
prompts. Confirm by clicking "Yes". The deletion can take about 1 minute.
5. Close LOCC Pads interrupt the power supply for about 5 s and disconnect the USB Cable from the
6. If connecting the gateway again it might be that the gateway will be recognized as new hardware.
Read chapter 4.5 "Installing new hardware", otherwise proceed with 7.
7. Restart LOCC Pads and open the LOCC-Pads Firmware window (see 4.)
11. Close LOCC-Pads again and interrupt the supply for 5 s and
disconnect the USB Cable from the gateway.
12. The Gateway has the newest firmware version and can be used without limitation.
After supplying the gateway and connecting it to the USB cable it will be
recognized as "LOCC-Box-GW-DP 716458" but the device driver will not be
installed automatically. Read chapter 4.5 "New Hardware".
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2. The hardware is displayed in the device manager under "Other devices". Make a right
click on "USB Serial Port" and choose
"Updating Driver Software".
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5 Accessories
For the LOCC-Box-Net we offer a wide range of accessories:
Accessories Type PU
Supply terminal with cut out of the copper bar
716421 LOCC-Box-EKL 7-6421 2
for current increase
Distance terminal without contacts 716422 LOCC-Box-DKL 7-6422 2
Jumper combs
Copper bar 1m 716426 LOCC-Box-CU 7-6426 1
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The gateways may include software licensed by 3rd parties. The following third party intellectual
property (IP) notices are provided to comply with the terms of such licenses.
Lütze Gateway 716459 Firmware
The firmware of the Gateway uses the FreeRTOSTM operating system which is developed under the
terms of the GPL. As a special exception to the GPL, the copyright holder of FreeRTOS gives the
permission to link FreeRTOS with independent modules that communicate with FreeRTOS solely
through the FreeRTOS API interface, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,
and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work without being obliged to provide the source
code of these proprietary modules. See the licensing section of h ttp:// for full
1) Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP und Windows Vista are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
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