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Automation Solutions

User Manual

Profibus-DP-Gateway 716458
Description of Profibus-DP-Gateway in connection with
LOCC-Box-Net 716410 and 716411.
Version 1.00
User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

The user manual is part of the product and contains important information about the handling and the
safety. To avoid hazardous situations read the manual before installing the product and using it.
Lütze reserves the right to change its products in the interest of technical progress.
These alterations need not to be documented in every case.

This manual and the contained information have been arranged with the utmost care. The Friedrich
Lütze GmbH disclaims liability for literal mistakes and other errors or resulted damages.
The named brands and product names in this document are trademarks or registered trademarks by
title holder.

 Copyright 2013 by Friedrich Lütze GmbH. All rights reserved.

Friedrich Lütze GmbH

Post office box 1224
D-71366 Weinstadt - Großheppach

Phone: +49/ (0)7151/ 6053-0

Fax: +49/ (0)7151/ 6053-277
E-Mail: [email protected]

2 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

1  General Information ...................................................................... 5 
1.1  Symbol Description ........................................................................................... 5 
1.2  Copyright........................................................................................................... 5 
1.3  Disclaim of Liability ........................................................................................... 5 
1.4  Safety ................................................................................................................ 5 
1.4.1  Content of Manual ..............................................................................................................5 
1.4.2  Intended Use.......................................................................................................................6 
1.4.3  Operating Employee ...........................................................................................................6 
1.4.4  Maintenance .......................................................................................................................6 
1.4.5  Decommissioning and Deposal ..........................................................................................6 

2  Gateway – Profibus-DP, 716458 ................................................... 7 

2.1  General Information .......................................................................................... 7 
2.1.1  Explanation .........................................................................................................................7 
2.1.2  Dimensions and Connections .............................................................................................7 
2.1.3  Function and Displays ........................................................................................................8 
2.1.4  Topology and Structure ......................................................................................................8 
2.1.5  LOCCbus – Interface ..........................................................................................................9 
2.1.6  Operation system and driver...............................................................................................9 
2.1.7  Mounting .............................................................................................................................9 
2.2  Installation ....................................................................................................... 10 
2.2.1  Structure in principle .........................................................................................................10 
2.2.2  Connection to USB ...........................................................................................................10 
2.3  Communication via USB ................................................................................. 11 
2.4  Communication via Profibus-DP ..................................................................... 11 
2.4.1  Terms and Definitions .......................................................................................................11 
2.4.2  Description files.................................................................................................................12 
2.4.3  Profibus-DP interface ........................................................................................................12 
2.4.4  Overview LOCC-Box-Net Modules ...................................................................................12 
2.4.5  Baudrates..........................................................................................................................13 
2.4.6  Profibus-DP-V1 DS_Read (Overview of instructions) ......................................................13 
2.4.7  Configuration in step7 .......................................................................................................14 
2.4.8  Parametrization .................................................................................................................16 
2.4.9  Process Image ..................................................................................................................16  Input-byte .................................................................................................................16  Output-byte ..............................................................................................................17 
2.4.10  Example for the used instructions .................................................................................18  Module type (00h) ...................................................................................................18  Module status (10h) ................................................................................................18  Module configuration (11h) .....................................................................................18  Output voltage (20h) ...............................................................................................19  Input voltage (21h) ..................................................................................................19  Current Measurement (24h) ...................................................................................19  Characteristic adjustment (2Ah) .............................................................................20  Software Version (30h) ...........................................................................................20  Serial Number (31h) ...............................................................................................20  LOCC-Box counter “Operating voltage ON“ (32h) ...............................................21 

Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN 3
User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway  LOCC-Box Counter “Operating hours (h)” (33h) ..................................................21  LOCC-Box counter “Operating hours ON (h)“ (34h) .............................................21  LOCC-Box counter “Blown” (35h) .........................................................................21  LOCC-Box Counter “Switch on” (36h) ..................................................................21  LOCC-Box adjustment (38h) ................................................................................22  Adjustment Current range, (I) (39h)......................................................................23  Adjustment characteristic, (C) (3Ah).....................................................................23  Reset and automatic assigning of node number (80h).........................................23  Request „Status node number“ (81h) ...................................................................23  Reset und manual assigning of node number (82h) ............................................24  Identification - „Hello-function“ (88h) ....................................................................25 
2.4.11  Function Block SFB-52 (read) .......................................................................................25 
2.4.12  Function block SFB-53 (write) .......................................................................................25 
2.5  Technical Data ................................................................................................ 26 
3  Exchanging LOCC-Box-Net without LOCC-Pads ..................... 27 
4  Firmware update.......................................................................... 28 
4.1  Introduction .....................................................................................................28 
4.2  Download ........................................................................................................ 28 
4.3  Installation ....................................................................................................... 28 
4.4  Update ............................................................................................................ 28 
4.5  New hardware installation ............................................................................... 30 
5  Accessories ................................................................................. 31 

4 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

1 General Information

1.1 Symbol Description

The manual contains several safety messages. Each safety message contains a defined signal word
and a color. The color and the word are referring to an alert level. There are 4 levels. The safety
messages point out hazardous situations and give information to avoid those.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided will result in death or

serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in death or

serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided could result in minor or

moderate injury.

Is used to address practices not related to personal injury.

1.2 Copyright
This manual is intended for the operator and his staff. It is forbidden to give the content to a third party,
to duplicate, exploit or impart it. The Friedrich Lütze GmbH has to allow it explicit in writing.
General data, text, images and drawings are copyrighted and are liable to the industrial property right.
Contravention can be prosecuted criminally. The named brands and product names in this document
are trademarks or registered trademarks by titleholder.

1.3 Disclaim of Liability

We have verified the contents of this manual regarding to the conformity of the described hardware
and software. Nevertheless divergence may be possible and we disclaim warranty for the complete
agreement. The information in this manual will be verified periodically and corrections will be in the
next issue.
We would appreciate any kind of suggestion and contributions on your part.
All warranty and liability claims shall be excluded by Friedrich Lütze GmbH in case of damages
caused by missing or insufficient knowledge of the operating instructions. Therefore the user company
is recommended to have a confirmation in writing about the instruction of the employees.
Modifications or functional alternations on the modules are not allowed due to safety reasons. Any
modification on the modules not explicitly authorized by the manufacturer will result in loss of any
liability claims to Friedrich Lütze GmbH. The same applies if non authorized parts or equipment are

1.4 Safety
1.4.1 Content of Manual
Read and follow the manual before using the product the first time.
This applies to every person which is getting in touch with the product. Trained employees and experts
especially qualified persons which had worked with similar products before have to read and
understand the manual.

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

1.4.2 Intended Use

The usage as agreed upon includes the operation in accordance with the operating instructions.
The LOCC-Box System is allowed to be used according to the described applications within the
technical documents only and in combination with the recommended authorized foreign devices and
components only.

1.4.3 Operating Employee

Only highly trained employees are allowed to do the following work on the modules:

 Installation
 Commissioning
 Operating
 Maintenance.

Regarding the safety-related notes qualified employees are people who are allowed to operate with
the modules, systems and the current circuits and to ground and mark those according to the safety
standards. The operating employees have to be instructed and trained.

1.4.4 Maintenance
The modules are maintenance free. Therefore for continuous operation no inspection or maintenance
intervals are necessary.

1.4.5 Decommissioning and Deposal

In case of decommissioning and disposal of the modules the user has to observe the valid
environmental guidelines of the respective country for user’s location.

6 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

2 Gateway – Profibus-DP, 716458

The LOCC-Box Gateway is an electronic part which distributes and transforms the data and the
messages of the serial LOCC-Box-Net interface (LOCCbus) to 2 further communication interfaces
USB or Profinet.

2.1 General Information

2.1.1 Explanation
The serial LOCC-Box-interface is a 1 wire communication interface. This is made according to the LIN
specification. The protocol of this interface follows the Multidrop Protocol.
The Gateway supports the following interfaces:
 Full-Speed USB-interface with a max Bit rate of 12 MBit/s according to USB 2.0
 Profinet-IO Interface according to IEC 61158. The physical transmission layer is the Ethernet
The USB-Interface is used for the connection to a common computer. The USB-interface is
recognized under Windows XP 1) or Windows Vista 1) as serial COM-Interface. Together with the
Software LOCC-Pads the interface is used for the initial operation and configuration of the LOCC-Box-
The Profinet interface with 2 ports is suitable for connecting a programmable logic controller (PLC) of
different manufacturers, for example.
A simultaneous operation mode of the USB- and Profinet-IO interface is not possible. In this case the
communication through the USB interface has always priority.
The LIN-interface, the power supply for the LIN-interface and the power for the Gateway (P and M) is
connected via 4 pluggable spring terminals. The USB-interface (form B) and the Profinet RJ-45 port
are available at the front of the housing.

2.1.2 Dimensions and Connections

1 Com: 1 wire bus, LOCC-Box-Net

2: NC: not connected
3: 0V: GND
4: DC 24V: DC12/24V

DIAG: USB-Interface
Port1: Profibus-DP

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

2.1.3 Function and Displays

Function PIN Description
Com 1 Communication terminal, 1 wire bus, LOCCbus

NC 2 Not connected

0V 3 0V – terminal for the internal power of the gateway

DC 24V 4 DC 12/24V – terminal for the internal power of the gateway

Connection: spring terminal, pluggable

Displays Function Description

LED D, green PROFIBUS-DP data exchange

Bit-rate is searching, the connection to the DP-Master is
1x short flashing interrupted, check the Profibus connectivity (wiring error,
short circuit, terminator)
Bit-rate is supervised, check the selected PROFIBUS-
2x short flashing
LED E, red waiting for telegram or telegram is wrong, diagnosis about
3x short flashing SIMATIC-Manager or System-Function SFC13
waiting for configuration telegram or configuration telegram
4x short flashing is wrong, diagnosis about SIMATIC-Manager or System-
Function SFC13 (DPNRM_DG)
LED P, green Power power supply is connected

LED C, green LOCCbus flashing - data traffic with LOCC-Box-Net modules

2.1.4 Topology and Structure




Net Net Net Net

●●● Gateway

Node: 1 Node: 2 Node: 189



8 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

2.1.5 LOCCbus – Interface

Count 1

Interface, controller UART integrated in CPU

Bitrate 9600 Baud, 9 Bit, No polarity, 1 stop-bit

Physical interface LIN

Software In Firmware

2.1.6 Operation system and driver

Program language ANSI-C

Toolchain Raisonance Ride7

Update Over USB-interface

Operating system FreeRTOS 6.02 or higher

Driver esd Profibus-DP-Stack

USB-driver Windows Virtual COM-Port, INF-files in

2.1.7 Mounting

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

2.2 Installation
2.2.1 Structure in principle
1. Provide the gateway and all LOCC-Box-Net modules with power supply DC 12/24V
2. Connect all “COM”-terminals of the modules with “Com”-terminal (1) of the gateway.
For this the jumper combs, indicated in the accessories, are suitable. Here represented in red. See
section 5 accessories.
3. Connect the USB cable to the USB-port of the PC. Use the delivered USB-cable for a
communication with the LOCC-Pads software. For a communication via Profibus plug the field bus
cable in port 1.
4. For addressing the gateway use the BCD-rotary switch.

2.2.2 Connection to USB

Please install the current version of LOCC-Pads. The device driver will be copy
in the windows system folder.

Connect the Gateway to the computer by using the provided

USB cable.
At the initial connection, the Gateway will find a new Hardware
USB Serial Port and the Found new Hardware wizard will

Please choose Install the software automatically and confirm

by clicking Next. Follow the instructions of the wizard, which
searches and installs the driver.

10 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

2.3 Communication via USB

See user manual „LOCC_Box-Net_x.xx_HB_EN“.

2.4 Communication via Profibus-DP

Profibus-DP is a field bus protocol for the industrial process automation. Profibus-DO uses a multiple
Master and Slave Structure with a cyclic communication.

2.4.1 Terms and Definitions

Bussegment Over repeater connected Segments (max. 32 participant per segment)

Check Config Configuration telegram

DA Destination Address

Data Data telegram

DP Decentral peripherie

DP-Slave Decentral device with a direct interface to the input- and output signals

DP-V0 cyclic data exchange and diagnosis

DP-V1 acyclic data exchange and diagnosis

DP-V2 isochronous data exchange, Slave-cross traffic and time synchronisation

DSAP Destination Service Access Point

DU Data Unit (net data, range 1…244 bytes / telegram)

ED End Delimiter (16h)

FCS Frame Check Sequence

FDL Field-bus Data Link

GSD Device-data

HSA Highest station address

LE Length of the net dates, (incl. DA, SA, FC, DSAP, SSAP)

LEr Repetition of the net dates length

Multicast-Telegr. Telegram for certain participants

PDU Protocol Data Unit

PNO PROFIBUS user organisation

Repeater Signal refreshing by connecting of different Bus-segments

Repeat Request Repetition of the requirement telegram

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

Request Request telegram

Response Response telegram

SA Source Address

SAP Service Access Point

SSAP Source Service Access Point

SD Start Delimiter

SDA Send Data with Acknowledge

SDN Send Data with No acknowledge

DSAP Destination Service Access Points

UDINT unsigned double word integer (4 Byte)

UINT unsigned integer (2 Byte)

USINT unsigned short integer (1 Byte)

2.4.2 Description files

The GSD is necessary for a gateway operation. It is included in the free download files LOCC- from the Lütze website. Use the version 5.1 or higher.
Description: LOCC0DCD.gsd.

2.4.3 Profibus-DP interface

The connection is done via the 9pole D-Sub-socket at the front side of the gateway. For connection
only use commercial Profibus plugs.
On the Profibus-DP the gateway behaves like a modular device with max. 84 slots, up to 84 state or
state/mode modules can be connected (module = LOCC-Box-Net).

2.4.4 Overview LOCC-Box-Net Modules

Art.-No. Name Type Adjustment Parameterization
Current range / Characteristic Properties
716410 LOCC-Box-Net 1 Rotary switch LOCC-Pads

716410.0050 LOCC-Box-Net 1 Rotary switch LOCC-Pads

716411 LOCC-Box-Net 3 Software LOCC-Pads, Profibus

12 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

2.4.5 Baudrates
All devices in a profibus-dp network work with a consistent baudrate. The baudrate is predefined by
the PLC. The gateway recognizes the set baudrate automatically.
The maximum permissible cable length regarding the baudrate must be followed. An extension of the
cable is possible by using a repeater.

Baud rate

9,6 19,2 45,45 93,75 187,5 500 1500 3000 6000 12000
speed, kBit/s

Lengths of 1200 1200 1200 1200 1000 400 200 100 100 100
wire, m

2.4.6 Profibus-DP-V1 DS_Read (Overview of instructions)

All information which exceed the general module state of each LOCC-Box can be requested via the
Profibus-DP-V1-service "DS_Read".
Via the input-address the LOCC-BOX which should be requested can be addressed.
The required data will be represent by an index. See the table below.

Index Name Data type R/W Example in

Typ 1 Typ3 chapter
00h Module type USINT r

10h Module status USINT r

11h Module configuration USINT r

20h Output voltage UINT r

21h Input voltage UINT r

24h Current measurement UINT r

2Ah Characteristic adjustment UINT r

30h Software version UDINT r

31h Serial number UDINT r

32h LOCC-Box counter “Operation voltage ON“ UDINT r

33h LOCC-Box counter “Operation hour (h)“ UDINT r

34h LOCC-Box counter “Operation hour ON (h)“ UDINT r

35h LOCC-Box counter “Blown“ UDINT r

36h LOCC-Box counter “Switch on“ UDINT r

38h LOCC-Box adjustment USINT r/w

39h Adjustment current range USINT r r/w

3Ah Adjustment characteristic USINT r r/w

Reset and automatic assigning of node
80h USINT w

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81h Request „Status node number“ UINT r

Reset und manual assigning of node
82h USINT w
88h Identification - „Hello-function“ USINT w
ro = read only

2.4.7 Configuration in step7

14 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

This picture shows the implementation of LOCC-Box gateway and LOCC-Box-Net module. The Slot
number is the same like the node number of the LOCC-Box. The input- and output address is free
selectable. Parametrization
By double clicking on the gateway the window "Properties DP Slave" appears.
Settings regarding the Profibus interface, identifier and parameter like the cycle time can be made.
The cycle time describes the request time of the single LOCC-Boxes. The cycle time can be set from
20 to 65535 ms. In the example below a cycle time of 20 ms is set. Process Image

The number of the slot corresponds to the node number of the connected LOCC-Box-Net. The
number cannot be set separately. For addressing the input and output addresses are used.

For the LOCC_Box Net 4 assemblies are available:

1. State: - has only 1 input byte

- can only read process data

2. State / Mode: - has 1 input and 1 output byte

- can read and write process data

3. Universal module: - serves as a buffer

4. Empty: - serves as a buffer Input-byte
The input byte includes the module state information of the connected
LOCC-Box. The module state is according to the information in LOCC-
Pads respectively index 0x10 (see chapter

16 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
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7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
System Undervoltage New module
Short-circuit (I>0,9 * Reserve Status
error U<10V on bus
Inom) Output-byte
The output byte supports the 2 last signification bits and is used for switching the
LOCC-Box on and off.

Bit 0: = 0: connected LOCC-Box will be switched off

= 1: connected LOCC-Box will be switched on

Bit 1: edge from 0 to 1: The status of bit 0 is transferred in the connected LOCC-Box.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - - - Rising edge New
= take over status

All data are transferred in Hex-format.

By sending “00” and afterwards “03” the LOCC-Box is switched on.
By sending “00” and afterwards “02” the LOCC-Box is switched off.

Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN 17
User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway Example for the used instructions Module type (00h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
00h Module type USINT r -
The value of Module type interprets the module version: type 1 = 716410
type 3 = 716411

Example: The read out value is converted into a decimal value. 00 00 00 01h = 1d  type 1 Module status (10h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
10h Module status USINT r 00 – delivery state

The read out value returns the module status and is converted into a binary value.

X2 X1 80

(binary) 0000 0000

00: Off (push button/ LOCC-Pads/ Field-bus) Off
01: On 1000
10: Blown
11: EXT. Off (push button) System error
(binary) 0000
1: I warning (I > 0.9 * Inom)
1: Under voltage (U < 10.0V)
1: Short circuit
1: System error

Result: Module is switched off by the push button, LOCC-Pads or the PLC signalizes a system error. Module configuration (11h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
11h Module configuration USINT r 1,1 - delivery state

The value of the module configuration returns the adjustment of the current range or of the
characteristic (rotary-switch).
The read out value from the upper 4-bit and lower 4-bit is converted into a decimal value.

Y2 Y1
= Decimal value 0-9 = current range 1-10A
= Decimal value 0-9 = characteristic 1-10


1 5
= decimal = 5 = current range 5A
= decimal = 1 = characteristic 1

18 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway Output voltage (20h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
20h Output voltage UINT r -

The value contains the amount of the applied output voltage.

The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 39 V. The following equation results:
Decimal value x 39V
Output voltage =

00 00 02 9Ch = decimal = 668

668 x 39V
Output voltage = = 25,44V
1024 Input voltage (21h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
21h Input voltage UINT r -

The value contains the amount of the applied input voltage.

The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 39 V. The following equation results:
Decimal value 39V
Input voltage =

00 00 02 98h = decimal = 664

664 x 39V
Input voltage = = 25,29V
1024 Current Measurement (24h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
24h Current measurement UINT r -

The value contains the amount of the flowing current.

The read out value is converted into a decimal value. The max measuring value is 1024 and
corresponds to 32,75A.
The following equation results:
Decimal value x 32,75A
Current =

00 00 00 1Fh = decimal = 31
31 x 32,75A

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Current = = 0,99A Characteristic adjustment (2Ah)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
2Ah Characteristic adjustment UINT r -

This object returns the current parameters of the characteristic adjusted.

XX YY Example: 1F EA

Binary 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 binary 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
00: m = 2 m=9
01: m = 3
10: m = 5 n = 4-Quad
11: m = 9
0: n = 3-Cubic Tp(s) = 10,0
1: n = 4-Quad
000: Tp(s) = 1,25 reserved
001: Tp(s) = 2,5
010: Tp(s) = 5,0 EA = decimal = 234
011: Tp(s) = 10,0
100: Tp(s) = 20,0 (256 - 234) x 32,75A
101: Tp(s) = 40,0 Iq =
110: Tp(s) = 80,0
reserved Iq Iq = 2,81A

Convert into decimal value. The max measuring value is 256 and corresponds to 32,75A.
The following rule of three results:
(256 – Decimal value) x 32,75A
Iq =
256 Software Version (30h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
30h Software version UDINT r -

This object returns the software version of the LOCC-Box.

The read out value is converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 00 15h = 1.5 Serial Number (31h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
31h Serial number UDINT r -

This object returns the serial number of the LOCC-Box. The read out value is converted into a decimal

Example: 00 01 E1 EFh = decimal = 123375

20 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway LOCC-Box counter “Operating voltage ON“ (32h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
32h LOCC-Box counter “Operating voltage ON“ UDINT r -

This object returns the count how many times the module has been connected to the supply voltage.

The read out value is converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 01 0Ch = decimal = 268 LOCC-Box Counter “Operating hours (h)” (33h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
33h LOCC-Box Counter “Operating hours (h)” UDINT r -

This object returns the number of the operating hours in ½ hour cycle, this means how long the LOCC-
Box is connected to the supply voltage. The read out value is converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 01 60h = decimal / 2 = 176h LOCC-Box counter “Operating hours ON (h)“ (34h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
34h LOCC-Box counter “Operating hours ON (h)“ UDINT r -

This object returns the number of the operating hours ON in ½ hour cycle, this means how long the
LOCC-Box has been switched on and how long it has supplied the load. The read out value is
converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 08 FBh = decimal / 2 = 1149.5h LOCC-Box counter “Blown” (35h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
35h LOCC-Box counter “Blown” UDINT r -

This object returns the information how many times the LOCC-Box has blown because of overload or
short circuit. The read out value is converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 00 28h = decimal = 40 LOCC-Box Counter “Switch on” (36h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
36h LOCC-Box Counter “Switch on” UDINT r -

This object returns the information how many times the LOCC-Box has been switched on. The read
out value is converted into a decimal value.

Example: 00 00 00 2Ch = decimal = 44

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway LOCC-Box adjustment (38h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
type 1 type 3
38h LOCC-Box adjustment USINT r/w 0000 0001b

Wrong settings can cause incorrect functions of the LOCC-Box-Net.

With the index the parameterization of indication outputs, remote inputs and the
switch on behavior are possible.The same settings can be done with LOCC-

22 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway Adjustment Current range, (I) (39h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
39h Adjustment Current range, (I) USINT r r/w 1 – delivery state

The index is for setting the current range of type 3. The type 3 has no rotary switches and can only be
parameterized via the bus and the LOCC-Pads.

Decimal value 1-10 = current range 1-10 A Adjustment characteristic, (C) (3Ah)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
3Ah Adjustment characteristic, (I) USINT r r/w 1 – delivery state

The index is for setting the characteristic of type 3. The type 3 has no rotary switches and can only be
parameterized via the bus and the LOCC-Pads.

Decimal value 1-10 = characteristic 1-10 Reset and automatic assigning of node number (80h)

Index Name Datentyp R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
80h Reset and automatic assigning of node USINT w -

Wrong settings can cause incorrect functions of the LOCC-Box-Net.

The index does a reset of all existing node numbers (>0) which are on the
LOCC bus, afterwards the assigning of the node numbers restarts automatically.
During the automatic node number assignment the LOCC-Box modules are blinking. By pushing the
device button the chosen module will be assigned with the smallest node number (1). The blinking will
stop. The blinking of the other modules continues and the next node number 2 can be assigned. The
procedure must be repeated till all modules stop blinking.
The procedure cannot be stopped till all modules have a node number.
The activation is done by writing an integer value >0. Request „Status node number“ (81h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
81h Request „Status node number“ UINT r -

For analysing the LOCC bus in conjunction with index 82h. Shows how many modules have a node
number >0 after a reset or if any module has the node number 0.
If a LOCC-Box Net is added with the node number 0 for example, with this index the module can be
2 Bytes will be requested which are interpreted as follows:

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway


Number of modules with a valid node number (>0)

00: Modules with invalid node number (=0)

01: All modules gave a valid node number (>0)


Read bytes: 01 07

7 modules on the bus

Valid node number Reset und manual assigning of node number (82h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
82h Reset und manual assigning of node USINT w -

Wrong settings can cause incorrect functions of the LOCC-Box-Net.

The index is used for a manually assignment of the node number form 1 to 84.


- By writing a "0" all connected LOCC-Box-Net modules are set to the delivery state – node
This state can be checked by reading the index 81h. The value is 00 00h in this moment.

- By writing a "1" the node number 1 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 01h for example.

- By writing a "2" the node number 2 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 02h for example.

- By writing a "3" the node number 3 will be assigned. All modules with the node number "0" are
The module which button is pressed will be assigned by the number. The reading of the index
81 will result the value 00 03h for example.


If all node numbers are assigned the index 81 h result the value 01 07h for example. (01= all modules
have a valid node number, 07= 7 modules are existing)

A module can be assigned by two node numbers. If a node number assignment

starts, but no button is pressed, the assignment will be canceled after 1 minute
or the assignment is overwritten by another command.

24 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway Identification - „Hello-function“ (88h)

Index Name Data type R/W Default
Typ1 Typ3
88h Identification - „Hello-function“ USINT w -

During this function the communication via the LOCC-Bus is interrupted. The
LOCC-Box Net is still running.

The index visualizes a defined module. After the start the module is blinking for a defined time of
approx. 10 s.
This procedure can be canceled by pressing the device button.

By writing an integer value >0 for the corresponding output address the activation is done. Function Block SFB-52 (read)

Programming example for S7:


REQ :=DB2.DBX0.0 // REQ = 1: Dataset transfer
ID :=DW#16#0 // Input address of the LOCC-Box
INDEX :=MW4 // Index
MLEN :=4 // maximum length of the reading data (in bytes)
VALID :=DB2.DBX10.0 // the read data are valid
BUSY :=DB2.DBX10.1 // the function did not receive any data
ERROR :=DB2.DBX10.2 // an error occurred
STATUS :=DB2.DBD12 // error number, in case of an error
LEN :=DB2.DBW16 // number of read bytes
RECORD :=P#M 50.0 BYTE 4 // return data Function block SFB-53 (write)

Programming example for S7:


REQ :=DB3.DBX0.0 // REQ = 1: Dataset transfer
ID :=DW#16#0 // Output address of the LOCC-Box
INDEX :=MW4 // Index
LEN :=1 // maximum length of the writing data (in bytes)
BUSY :=DB2.DBX10.1 // BUSY=1, the writing process is not done
ERROR :=DB2.DBX10.2 // ERROR=1, an error occurred during the writing process
STATUS :=DB2.DBD12 // function block status / error information
RECORD :=P#M 60.0 BYTE1 // data are entered here

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2.5 Technical Data

General Data
Rated voltage DC 12/24V
Operation voltage DC 10 – 32V
Rated current max. 120mA
Polarity protection yes
Housing material PA 6.6 (UL 94 V0)
Mounting snap on TS 35 (according to EN 50022)
Protection level IP 20
Mounting position any
Termination spring terminal 0,25mm2 – 2,5mm2 all types of wire
up to 2,5mm² without end sleeve
up to 1,5mm² with end sleeve
USB USB 2.0 Full-Speed (12 Mbit/s)
Profinet 100 Mbit/s
Operation temperature -20°C to +60°C
Store temperature -40°C to +85°C
Relative humidity max. 90%, without condensation
Dimension (WxHxD) 22,5 x 99 x 114,5mm
Weight 0,130 kg
Approval CE
Standards EN 60950-1; EN61131-1,2; EN 60947-4-1; EN 50081

Access method Single-Master - Multiple Slave
Bus technology line
Physical level 1-wire
Subscriber typical 40, max. 84
Bus length typical 10m, max. 40m
Transfer rate 9600 Baud
Data rate 8 Bit + fixed parity
Transmission-protocol Modified Multidrop

26 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

3 Exchanging LOCC-Box-Net without LOCC-Pads

Exchanging the LOCC-Box with an existing configuration is possible without LOCC-Pads.


- It is only possible to change one module at a time.

- The new module has to be in the default setting. It has to have the node number 0.
- Profibus communication must be existing.

1. Start the communication.

2. Remove the jumper combs. Slide back the contact at connection 7.
3. Remove the module as shown in the

4. Set the current value (I) and the characteristic (C) with the rotary switches on the new module.
5. Snap on the module – see picture
6. Close the sliding contact and reinstall the jumper combs.
7. The new LOCC-Box is blinking. Press the on/off switch within one minute; otherwise the module
does not get a node number. If missing the time, remove the module and reinstall it again.

During that time, no communication is possible.

8. Switch the LOCC-Box Off and On again, otherwise the current and characteristic settings are not

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

4 Firmware update
4.1 Introduction
Because of further developments of the LOCC-Box-Net family updates are possible. The description is
valid for the module 716458 (Profibus-DP).

4.2 Download
Please use for this update the newest version of the software package “LOCC-Pads”. After registration
you can download the update from the Lütze website

Download the file and save it in any directory and unzip the files.

The folder “Gateway Firmware“ includess all files .

4.3 Installation
1. Connect the “DIAG” terminal from
the gateway with your PC. Use
the delivered USB-cable.
2. Provide the gateway with DC
12/24V power.
3. The gateway will be detected as
new Hardware. An automatic
installation will start.
4. If a problem occurs than read
chapter 4.5 “New hardware

4.4 Update
During an update proceed as follows:

1. Double click on the LOCC-Pads symbol on the desktop to start the

Software LOCC-Pads. Or start the Software by clicking
LOCC-Pads starts in an inactive status.

2. Choose the menu Extra>COM Settings and choose the regarding


3. Choose the menu Extra > Firmware download. The field for the
password appears. Password: "Luetze71384Weinstadt".
Confirm by clicking “OK“.

28 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

4. The window LOCC-Pads Firmware appears. The current version of LOCC-Pads will be displayed.
Compare the version to the downloaded version. If both have the same version, close the window
by clicking "Close". If the downloaded file has a higher version, choose Delete. An alert window
prompts. Confirm by clicking "Yes". The deletion can take about 1 minute.

5. Close LOCC Pads interrupt the power supply for about 5 s and disconnect the USB Cable from the

6. If connecting the gateway again it might be that the gateway will be recognized as new hardware.
Read chapter 4.5 "Installing new hardware", otherwise proceed with 7.

7. Restart LOCC Pads and open the LOCC-Pads Firmware window (see 4.)

8. Click "Choose..." to choose the new

firmware file. LOCCDPxxx.dfu
The firmware can be found in the
unzipped file.
Folder: Gateway>Firmware>Profibus

9. Click "Refresh" to get the device driver

of the used microcontroller (STM
Device in DFU Mode).

10.Click "Download" to start the update. After the download an alert

message will prompt.

11. Close LOCC-Pads again and interrupt the supply for 5 s and
disconnect the USB Cable from the gateway.

12. The Gateway has the newest firmware version and can be used without limitation.

After supplying the gateway and connecting it to the USB cable it will be
recognized as "LOCC-Box-GW-DP 716458" but the device driver will not be
installed automatically. Read chapter 4.5 "New Hardware".

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

4.5 New hardware installation

1. After supplying the gateway it will be recognized as new hardware "USB Serial Port". The device
driver will not be installed automatically.

2. The hardware is displayed in the device manager under "Other devices". Make a right
click on "USB Serial Port" and choose
"Updating Driver Software".

3. In the following window click " Searching for

driver software on the computer".

4. Click "Browse" and choose the in the LOCC-

Pads zip file the folder Driver>Profinet.
Confirm by clicking "Next". Confirm the alert

5. Confirm the successful installation by clicking


The installation is done.

30 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN
User Manual Profibus-DP - Gateway

5 Accessories
For the LOCC-Box-Net we offer a wide range of accessories:
Accessories Type PU
Supply terminal with cut out of the copper bar
716421 LOCC-Box-EKL 7-6421 2
for current increase
Distance terminal without contacts 716422 LOCC-Box-DKL 7-6422 2

LOCC-Box housing without terminals 716424 LOCC-Box-DY 7-6424 2

Supply set (supply- and end terminal) 716425 LOCC-Box-ES 7-6425 1

Gateway (USB, EtherCAT) 716456 LOCC-Box-GW-EC 0-6456 1

Gateway (USB, Profinet) 716457 LOCC-Box-GW-PN 0-6459 1

Gateway (USB, CANopen, RS232) 716459 LOCC-Box-GW 7-6459 1

Jumper combs

Jumper comb 8pole, 6A, white 716428 LOCC-Box-BKW 7-6428 5

Jumper comb 8pole, 6A, red 716429 LOCC-Box-BKR 7-6429 5

Jumper comb 8pole, 6A, blue 716430 LOCC-Box-BKB 7-6430 5

Jumper comb 16pole, 6A, white 716438 LOCC-Box-BKW 7-6438 5

Jumper comb 16pole, 6A, red 716439 LOCC-Box-BKW 7-6439 5

Jumper comb 16pole, 6A, blue 716440 LOCC-Box-BKW 7-6440 5

Description plates

Description plates 5x5mm , 200 pieces, white 716431 LOCC-Box-BZW 7-6431 1

Description plates 5x5mm , 200 pieces, red 716432 LOCC-Box-BZR 7-6432 1

Description plates 5x5mm , 200 pieces, blue 716433 LOCC-Box-BZB 7-6433 1

Description plates 5x5mm , 200 pieces, yellow 716434 LOCC-Box-BZG 7-6434 1

Description plates 12x6mm ,160 pieces, white 716441 LOCC-Box-BZW 7-6441 1

Description plates 39,3x8mm, white 716443 LOCC-Box-BZT 7-6443 20

Cover for 716443, transparent 716444 LOCC-Box-BAD 7-6444 20

A4 description sheet for 716443 716445 LOCC-Box-LEB 7-6445 240

Copper bar 1m 716426 LOCC-Box-CU 7-6426 1

Cover for copper bar 1m 716427 LOCC-Box-AD 7-6427 1

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User Manual Profibus-DP – Gateway

Scope of the document

The gateways may include software licensed by 3rd parties. The following third party intellectual
property (IP) notices are provided to comply with the terms of such licenses.
Lütze Gateway 716459 Firmware
The firmware of the Gateway uses the FreeRTOSTM operating system which is developed under the
terms of the GPL. As a special exception to the GPL, the copyright holder of FreeRTOS gives the
permission to link FreeRTOS with independent modules that communicate with FreeRTOS solely
through the FreeRTOS API interface, regardless of the license terms of these independent modules,
and to copy and distribute the resulting combined work without being obliged to provide the source
code of these proprietary modules. See the licensing section of h ttp:// for full

1) Windows, Windows 2000, Windows XP und Windows Vista are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.

2) Program is based in part on the work of the Qwt project (

32 Profibus-Gateway 716458_100_HB_EN

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