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SQL/Data System

General Information for

VM/System Product
Release 3.5



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SQL/Data System
General Information for
VM/System Product
Release 3.5

Second Edition (November 1985)
This edition, GH24-5064-1, is a revision of GH24-5064^. This edition applies to the
Structured Query Language/Data System (SQL/DS,Program Ntimber 5748-XXJ)in
a VM/System Product(VM/SP)environment. This edition applies imtil otherwise
indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are periodically made
to the information herein. Before using this publication in connection with the
operation ofIBM systems, consult the latest IBM SyatemlSTO and 4300 Proceaaora
Bibliography, GC20-0001,for the editions that are applicable and current.

Summary of Changes

For a detailed list of changes,see page iii.

Changes or additions to the text and illustrations are indicated by a vertical line
to the left of the change.

In this manual are illustrations in which names are used. These names are fanciful
and fictitious; they are used solely for illustrative purposes and not for
identification of any person or company.

References in this publication to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply

that IBM intends to make these available in all countries in which IBM operates.
Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not intended to
state or imply that only IBM's program product may be used. Any functionally
eqiiivalent program may be used instead.

Ordering Publications

Requests IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the

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O Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1984,1985

Summary of Changes

SQL/DS Release 3.5

SQL/DS Release 3.5 improves SQL/DS in the following areas:

• Faster archive and restore operations, including a new capability to

archive only the log of changes to the data base. In addition, archives
of the data base can now be created using non-SQL/DS facilities.

• Greater availability of the data base. If portions of a data base become

inoperative, the other portions can still be used.

• Additional aids for finding and fixing problems.

The new facilities are either transparent or used only when requested. You
do not need to change your operating procedures if you do not use the new

For more technical information, refer to SQLjData System Concepts and

Facilities for VMjSP, GH24-5065 and the other SQL/DS manuals updated for
SQL/DS Release 8.5.

SQL/DS Library of Publications

Technical enhancements have not affected all of the SQL/DS books. Only
the following SQL/DS for VM/SP books have been updated:

General Information for VMISP^ GH24-5064

Concepts and Facilities for VMfSP, GH24-5065
Licensed Program Specifications for VMjSPj GH24-5066
Planning and Administration for VMISP, SH24-5043
Installation for VMjSPj SH24-5044
Messages and Codes for VMfSPy SH24-5070
Operation for VMjSP, SH24-5071
Diagnosis Guide for VMISP, SY24-5230
Diagnosis Reference for VMjSP, SY24-5232
Master Index for VMjSP,SH24-5072

- Minor technical and editorial changes have also been included in these
^ r '\ manuals.

Summary of Changes 111


SQL/DS Release 3

This is a list of technical changes for Release 3 of SQL/DS that affected this

SQL/DS Accounting Facility

This facility keeps track of the amounts of system resources used by each
SQL/DS user and SQL/DS process. Installations can "charge" users for the
resources they consumed in the SQL/DS virtual machine.

DBS Utility Commit Point/Restart

Users can tell SQL/DS to periodically commit changes to the data base
while using the DBS utility to load data into a data base.

Performance Improvements

Specifjdng the Isolation Level

ISQL users, programmers, and DBS utility users can specify
whether or not other users can update data that the program has
finished reading in the current logical unit of work.

FETCH and INSERT Blocking

Programmers can specify that a program retrieve and insert rows in
groups. In addition, ISQL uses Fetch Blocking for all queries, and
the DBS utility automatically exploits both Fetch and Insert

Enhancements for National Languages: Mixing DECS and EBCDIC Data

SQL/DS can interpret identifiers and character strings that contain both
DBCS and EBCDIC data.

SQL/DS Library of Publications

• Independent library for VM/SP users

For Release 3, two separate libraries of SQL/DS manuals became

available: one for VSE users and one for VM/SP users.

New Diagnosis Manuals

Two new manuals were added to the library:

- SQLjData System Diagnosis Guide for VMISP,SY24-5230

— SQLjData System Diagnosis Reference for VMISP, SY24-5232.

These manuals help in diagnosing problems in SQL/DS. They replaced

the SQUData System Logic manuals.

Minor Technical and Editorial Changes

IV SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


This book is written for customer executives who are evaluating the
Structured Query Language/Data System (SQL/DS)for a VM/SP system and
deciding if it meets their needs. This book is also intended for anyone
interested in an overview of SQL/DS in a VM/SP system; for example, a
data base administrator, system programmer, operator, or general user.
For more details about the concepts of SQL/DS and the facilities SQL/DS
offers, refer to SQLIData System Concepts and Facilities for VMISP,

A complete list of the SQL/DS manuals for VM/SP installations is given

under "Documentation" on page 41. Other manuals with general
information about products related to SQL/DS are:

IBM Virtual Machine!System Product General Information, GC20-1838

IBM Virtual Machine!System Product: CMS Primer, SC24-5236
IBM DATABASE 2(DB2) General Information, GC26-4073
Query Management Facility: General Information, GC26-4701.
VMBACKUP Management System General Information, GH20-6248.

Note' If you are interested in SQL/DS on Virtual Storage Extended

(VSE)or VSE/System Package (VSE/SP)systems, refer to the ffiM
publication SQUData System General Information for VSE, GH24-5012.

Preface V
VI SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Highlights j
General Description 2
Using the Data Base ['] j
Querying Data
Writing Reports
Using Application Programs
Data Recovery g
Data Security g
Data Administration g
Productivity Increases g
End Users g
Application Programmers
Administrators g
Computer Operators ^[ g
Some Basics of SQL 7
Query Commands
Data Definition Commands 9
Data Manipulation Commands 1q
View and Authorization Commands 12
Using SQL/DS from a Terminal jg
Screen Format 2g
Program Function Keys Ig
Report Writer !.! . 17
Storing SQL Commands 27
Creating and Running Routines 28
Education 28
Using SQL/DS from an Application Program 19
SQL Conunands in Application Programs 29
Preprocessing the SQL Commands in an Application Program 21
Programmed Queries in an Application Program 22
Advantages of SQL/DS for Application Development 22
Planning Period 23
Design Phase !!! 23
Program Coding and Testing 23
Installing and Using the Application 24
Additional Features oe

Contents vil
Entering Data into SQL/DS 25
Data Types 25
Data Independence 26
Data Security 26
Data Recovery 27
Accounting 28
Data Base Services(DBS) Utility 28
Catalogs 29

Relationships with Other IBM Products 31

Environments 31
Noninteractive Environment 31
Interactive Program Development Environment 32
Requirements of SQL/DS 33
Machine Requirements 33
Programming Requirements and Options 33
Related IBM Program Products 35
Data Extract(DXT) 35
Information Management System (IMS) 36

Planning and Administration 37

System Design 37
Physical Design 37
Data Design 38
Methods Design 38
General Administrative Support 38

Installation 39
Installation Planning 39
Installation Aids 39

Documentation 41
SQL/DS Library 41
Bill Of Forms(BOF) Numbers for Ordering Publications 43
Online Reference(HELP)Information 44
Sample Data Tables and Programs 44

Index 45

viii SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


1. A Table Named EMPLOYEES 7

2. ISQL Screen Format 16
3. Examples of SQL Commands in Programs 20
4. A System Doing Interactive and Noninteractive Work at the Same
TimeonSQL/DS 32
5. SQL/DS Library for VM/SP 41

^ Figures IX

General Description
The Structured Query Language/Data System (SQL/DS)is a relational data
base management system designed for both end users and data processing
professionals. With SQL/DS, any user can access data in interactive and
noninteractive systems.

SQL/DS simplifies the task of handling data. It is designed to be easy to

install and use. SQL/DS provides facilities for querying data, manipulating
data, and writing reports. It also contains data recovery and data security

The language for handling data is the Structured Query Language (SQL).
SQL commands can be entered firom a display terminal, used as input to the
utility program, or embedded in a program. Programs can be coded in
COBOL,PL/I, FORTRAN,or assembler language.

SQL/DS presents all data as tables. All data appears in row and column
format. This sample table has three rows and four colimins:


101 10/3/84 MORTGAGE COMPANY 262.00

102 10/6/84 AUTO REPAIR 40.50
103 10/9/84 TAX BUREAU 478.35

Using the Data Base

SQL/DS provides data base capability that is easy to use and easy to
administer. With little effort, a data base can be set up and end users can
begin to use SQL/DS almost immediately. In a development center
environment, SQL/DS provides data base capability for interactive, dynamic
use and supports changing requirements. It is a useful tool for modeling
data designs and developing uses of data.

Highlights 1
Querying Data
With many programming and data languages, you must code a long
sequence of instructions explaining how to get data, what to look for, and
what to do with it. In SQL/DS, you can do all this with one command.
Even better, you don't have to know how or where the data is stored. You
just have to know the names of the table and its columns.

SQL/DS lets users access data directly, using SQL commands, without the
need for a user-written program. Several users can access SQL/DS data at
the same time. They can query and update data or create reports while
other users and programs are working with other data in the same or
different tables. SQL/DS has facilities which resolve conflicting updates.

SQL commands can do many common data processing tasks, such as:

• Select(and perhaps update)some item or group of items.

• Sort data.

• Calculate values using the data.

Putting such work in SQL commands instead of in a program uses the

power of SQL/DS and decreases the data handling done by programs. A few
SQL commands executed from a terminal can sometimes replace a program.

Writing Reports
Users can store query commands along with format commands. Format
commands control how query results are displayed or printed. A user can
develop the format of a report at a terminal and then request a printed copy
of the query result seen at the terminal.

This query and report writing capability can replace some of the need for
special programs. Thus, SQL/DS users can have access to current data

Using Appiication Programs

SQL/DS data can be accessed from programs and terminals. Programs work
with the data through SQL commands embedded in them. The detailed task
of accessing the data is done by SQL/DS so programs are less affected by
changes in data format. Programs that access SQL/DS data can also access
other data, such as CMS or VSAM files.

2 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Data Recovery
SQL/DS can recover data if there is an abnormal ending of a program, a
media failure, or a system failure. The recovery facilities include dsmamic
backout, logging, and archiving.

Archiving (copying data onto magnetic tape) can involve the entire data
base, or just the log of data base activity. Restoring involves copsring the
entire data base from tape and then applying the log archives (if any) and
the log.

SQL/DS can perform the complete archiving and restoring operations.

However, with the user archive/restore capability, other programs, such as
the VMBACKUP Management System or the DASD Dump Restore(DDR)
facility, may be used.

SQL/DS also permits recovery using portions of the log and allows sections
of the data base to be disabled for user access. The recovery process is
controlled by the administrator of the data base.

Data Security
SQL/DS also enforces security measures. SQL/DS controls access to
SQL/DS and to data managed by SQL/DS. SQL/DS has a security audit
facility that records who is using SQL/DS and the access privileges and
authorities for each user.

Data Administration

Data administration means deciding what data is to be stored in the system

and controlling the use of that data. In SQL/DS, users can do much of their
own data administration. The activity permitted to each SQL/DS user is
controlled via the security authorization facilities of SQL/DS. For example,
depending on the privileges they have, users can design, create, alter, and
delete their own data.

A group of users can also be put in charge of the data base system. These
data base administrators control the system resources (for example the
data base itself, the users' data, etc.). In SQL/DS, there can be one data
administrator or many. SQL/DS does not require that one person be
appointed data administrator or a new group be set up to control SQL/DS.
Your installation can decide how much centralized data control it needs.

SQL/DS has catalogs which contain information on the data in the data
base, and each user's authority to access parts of that data. These catalogs,
which are part of SQL/DS, serve as an integrated data dictionary and
directory. They are dynamically updated to reflect the current status of the
data base. When a user defines a data base object(creates a table, for

Highlights 3
example), SQL/DS catalogs are automatically updated. The catalogs make
it easier to keep track of data stored in the system.

SQL/DS is normally run so that many users and programs can access
SQL/DS data at the same time. This is called multiple user mode. SQL/DS
can also run in single user mode when maximum performance on involved,
time-consuming activities is required. Such activities include loading large
quantities of data or working on complex queries that access large amounts
of data.

4 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP (

Productivity increases

The primary aim of SQL/DS is to improve the productivity of people who

work with data. SQL/DS:

• Requires minimum planning.

• Requires minimum skills.

• Reduces program maintenance caused by changes in data arrangement.

The productivity effect of SQL/DS on various groups is as follows.

End Users

Users of SQL/DS (especially those who use just the query and report
writing facilities) need not have data processing training. The concepts of
tables and their uses are common ones, especially for people accustomed to
keeping records.

The simplicity of the SQL/DS data concept reduces the time and cost for
education. New users can learn about SQL/DS from the tutorial SQLjData
System Terminal User's Guide for VMjSP. Later they can use the
SQLjData System Terminal User's Reference for VMfSP manual. Or they
can display the online reference(HELP)information as they work at the

The time needed to formulate and enter a query at the terminal is much less
than the total time needed to code and execute an equivalent one-time
programming request. Thus more timely information can be used in
decision making.

Application Programmers
Programmers can use SQL/DS interactively to satisfy one-time
programming requests without writing a program.

Programmers who design or write programs for SQL/DS need not be

( concerned with physical data organization. SQL/DS simplifies the handling
^ of data. SQL/DS removes ffom the programmer the job of physically

Productivity Increases 5

handling the data records. Therefore, programmers are free to work on the
logic of the programs. This can improve programmer productivity and
reduce the program backlog.

Programmers can use SQL/DS interactively to develop and test SQI'

commands for later use in programs. Online testing can increase
programmer productivity by reducing the total time for program

SQL and the data table concept reduce the burden on the programmer.
Because SQL is easy to use, the probability of SQL coding errors is low. If
an error is made, it is easy to detect and correct.

When it is time to revise the data base, programmers often don't have to
make extensive changes to their programs. Data restructuring may result
in little or no change to programs. Therefore, the data processing staff can
respond easily to changing business needs.


Many adminisfrative decisions can be deferred until users have gained some
experience with an initial set of data tables. SQL/DS default parameters
can be used for initial operations. Later, after tiie system is better known
and its usage is established, the system can be adjusted to meet specific
goals. Adjustments can be made while the data is in use. Only major
changes require that SQL/DS be halted.

Computer Operators
SQL/DS requires a minimum of data processing expertise to support it.
Installing SQL/DS is straightforward. Operations scheduling is easy
because definition or change of one part of the data can be done while users
are working with other parts. There is little or no time lost for data

^ . I
6 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Some Basics of SQL

SQL is easy to use, not only for progrsanmers, but also for personnel who
are not involved with data processing. A person no longer has to leam
programming to store and maintain records on a computer system.

SQL lets people work with data without their having to leam a complex
storage format. SQL uses the same language structure for commands
entered at the terminal interactively, as for commands coded in a program.

A main use of SQL is in querjring stored data. SQL is also used for defining
data, manipulating data, and controlling access to data.

Note: Only basic aspects of SQL are shown in this book. For more about
SQL, refer to SQLfData System Concepts and Facilities for VMISP or
the tutorial SQLfData System Terminal User^s Guide for VMfSP.

Traditionally, much of the data used in business, engineering, and science

is organized in tables. As a result, the SQL/DS data format using rows and
columns is very familiar. An example SQL/DS table is shown in Figure 1.




126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756

Figure 1. A Table Named EMPLOYEES

Some Basics of SQL 7

Query Commands
A query command (SELECT)entered from a terminal yields the entire
result in the display.

A query can contain logical operations (such as "greater than") or

calculations (including built-in functions like maximum or average). A
query can also contain a join operation. A join operation allows a user to
select data &om more than one table at a time. This join capability is
described in SQLjData System Concepts and Facilities for VMjSP.

The basic form of a query is:

SELECT some data(names of columns)

FROM some place (names of tables)

WHERE some conditions exist (if any)

Here are some examples of simple queries:

Problem: Display the entire table named EMPLOYEES.






126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756

Note: The asterisk (")in the command denotes *'all columns** of the table.

8 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Problem: List in alphabetic order the Accounting Department
employees and their telephone numbers.





ANDREWS, B. K. 2112
BOSWELL, T. U. 2211
HENRY, G. G. 2111

Problem: List in numeric order the employees whose serial numbers

are greater than 5000.






5846 ANDREWS, B. K.
6587 JOHNSON, A. V.

Data Definition Commands

The basic data definition command is the CREATE TABLE command. The
command to create the EMPLOYEES table (Figure 1) is:

The CREATE TABLE command gives the name of the table, the name of
each column, and the type of data in each column. In this example, the
keyword VARCHAR, used for the NAME and DEPARTMENT columns,
means that these columns will hold character strings of varying lengths.
The numbers in parentheses tell how many characters can be in an entry in
those columns. The CREATE TABLE command does not put any data into
the table.

Some Basics of SQL 9

Another command is ALTER TABLE, which lets users add a new column to
a table. For example:


defines a new column named SALARY to the EMPLOYEES table. The data
in the SALARY column will be decimal numbers of up to 8 digits; 2 of those
digits will be to the right of the decimal point. The column now exists, but
all values in the new column are null. Null represents a value that is
unknown or not applicable. A null value is commonly represented in a
display by a question mark (?); however, users can change this
representation if they wish. The values will remain null until a user or a
program fills in the data by using the UPDATE command. A user who now


would see:



126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312 ?
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756 ?
4684 DENNIS, W. G. RECEIVING 3855 ?
6587 JOHNSON, A. V. RECEIVING 4422 ?

Data Manipulation Commands

Data manipulation commands change existing data or put in new data.
These commands are INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE. Each usage affects
one or more rows or parts of one or more rows in a table. For example,
when a new employee is added to the Sales Department, a command like:

places one new row in the EMPLOYEES table:

10 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


5253 WILLS, J. SALES 3943 200.00

126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312 ?
5846 ANDREWS, B. K.
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756 ?
4684 DENNIS, W. G.
6587 JOHNSON, A. V. RECEIVING 4422 ?

A single command can affect multiple rows in a table. For example, the


erases from the EMPLOYEES table all the rows for the Accounting
Department employees:


5253 WILLS, J. SALES 3943 200.00

126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312 ?
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756 ?
4684 DENNIS, W. G. RECEIVING 3855 ?
6587 JOHNSON, A. V. RECEIVING 4422 ?

The following commands update the EMPLOYEES table with some salary



The result is:



5253 WILLS, J. SALES 3943 200.00

126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312 220.00
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756 185.00
4684 DENNIS, W. G. RECEIVING 3855 190.00
6587 JOHNSON, A. V. RECEIVING 4422 195.50

A single command can affect only parts of multiple rows in a table. For
example, the command:

Some Basics of SQL 11

gives a 15% raise to all employees in the Sales Department:


5253 WILLS, J. SALES 3943 230.00

126 ANDERSON, R. T. SALES 6312 253.00
2312 BAKER, C. J. SHIPPING 3756 185.00
4684 DENNIS, W. G. RECEIVING 3855 190.00
6587 JOHNSON, A. V. RECEIVING 4422 195.50

View and Authorization Commands

A CREATE VIEW command allows the creator of a table to define a certain

way of looking at some or all the data in that table. A CREATE VIEW
command can deal with more than one table.

Authorization commands(GRANT and REVOKE)control the types of

authority that users or programs can have.

A simple use of CREATE VIEW and GRANT gives a user the authority to
display (but not change) part of a table. For example, the command:

defines a view named SALESV. It consists ofjust three columns firom the
EMPLOYEES table. The command:


grants to user JOHNSON the privilege of selecting the data in view

SALESV. User JOHNSON cannot see other data (such as SALARY)about
Sales Department employees. Also, JOHNSON cannot see any data about
employees in other departments. Note that the view given to user
JOHNSON presents the columns in the order NAME,SERIAL, and
TELEPHONE. This is different from the order in the EMPLOYEES table.

User JOHNSON can display all the SALESV data as if it were a table by
using a query:


with the result:

12 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


WILLS, J. 5253 3943

ANDERSON, R. T. 126 6312

The query that user JOHNSON enters is thus simpler than it would be if
the query operated directly on the EMPLOYEES table. The query provides
just the data that user JOHNSON needs.

Any changes to the main table are reflected in the view. For example,
suppose ANDERSON'S phone number is changed in the EMPLOYEES table
as follows:


The next time user JOHNSON displays the SALESV data, it would look
like this:


WILLS, J. 5253 3943

ANDERSON, R. T. 126 3434

Some Basics of SQL 13

Using SQL/DS from a Terminal

SQL/DS lets a person work directly with data via an IBM 3270-type (or
equivalent) display terminal. By using a communication facility, several
users can use the same SQL/DS system. For more information, refer to
"Relationships with Other IBM Products" on page 31.

Besides SQL commands, SQL/DS has another set of commands that make
working at a terminal easy. These commands are directed to the
Interactive SQL Facility (ISQL), which controls the terminal session. ISQL
commands are for:

• Formatting Output and Writing Reports

A user can enter ISQL display control commands while looking at a

result at a terminal. For example, a result may have more lines than
can fit on a single display screen. To handle this situation, the user can
enter ISQL commands to "page" through the result. If a result is wider
than the display screen, the user can enter ISQL commands to shift the
display left and right as needed.

ISQL also has format commands to control how results are shown at the
terminal and printed in reports. For example, column names can be
changed, subtotals and totals can be shown, and report titles can be

• Storing SQL Commands

SQL/DS lets a user store any SQL command for repeated use. The user
defines a name for each stored SQL command, and later uses this name
to start each execution.

A user can keep format controls with any stored query so that when
that query is executed, the format of the result is as desired. A user can
develop the format for a report and then save both the query and the
format controls for repeated use.

• Displaying Online Reference(HELP)Information

HELP information is included when SQL/DS is installed. An SQL/DS

user can easily display it as an aid while working at the terminal. This
reference information covers many topics, including all SQL/DS
messages, SQL commands, and ISQL commands.

Using SQL/DS from a Terminal 15

Screen Format

ISQL uses an IBM 3270-t3rpe (or equivalent) display terminal as a

line-oriented input/output system. Query results are displayed as a
formatted full screen. Depending on the display terminal used, the user is
presented with a 24- to 32-line by 80- to 132-character screen. The system
screen format for a 24 X 80 mode terminal is shown in Figure 2.

Output Area

Input Area

I Status Area

The input area is where the user keys in command.

The status area is where VM/SP provides system status information.
For example: VM READ

Figure 2. ISQL Screen Format

The input area is two lines, minus the characters used for the status area.
Where color display terminals are available, the user can de£me both color
gjld highlight characteristics for the ISQL screen format.

Program Function Keys

Commonly used ISQL commands are set in the Program Function(PF)keys
of the terminal keyboard to reduce the tjrping needed for various tasks. For
example, certain keys carry out the forward, backward, left, and right
movements useful in reading lengthy results. If desired, the user can
change the PF key settings.

16 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Report Writer
Some of the ISQL commands are for transforming query results into
formatted reports. A user can display a result on the screen, adjust its
format, and then print the report. Reports can be printed on either a
system printer or a work station printer. This portion of ISQL provides for:

• User-defined (or default) titles for the top and bottom of each page.

• Page number and date at the top of each page.

• Subtotals and totals for numeric columns in the report, grouped as

specified by the user.

• Punctuation control for decimal data. (Different uses of periods,

commas, and spaces can be specified for marking decimal positions and
thousands positions.)

• Multiple copies of a report.

storing SQL Commands

An ISQL user can key in any SQL command and keep it for later use. This
saves time for the users because they don't have to key in the entire SQL
command each time.

The user specifies the name under which the SQL command is stored. The
user can then recall a stored SQL command and use it just as it was stored;
or the user can recall a stored SQL command, change it, and then use it.
(ISQL commands are used to store, recall, change, and execute the SQL

SQL commands can be stored with places reserved for values that aa*e
different each time the commands are executed. For example, suppose the
following query (for the EMPLOYEES table in Figure 1)is stored as



The stored query can then be used many times, with a different value for &1
each time. For example:



ISQL recalls the SQL command stored as NAMETELE,replaces the &1

with the parameter in parentheses, and then submits the SQL command for

Using SQL/DS from a Terminal 17

Creating and Running Routines
Routines are for people who often use sequences of commands at a terminal.
Such a sequence might issue SQL commands or SQL stored queries and
generate reports. These sequences, called routines, are stored and invoked
by a name, much like stored SQL commands. A frequently used sequence of
commands can thus be executed easily, saving time for the user. A routine
can contain variables (like the &1 in the preceding example) and can be
shared among users.


The time needed to become skilled in using SQL/DS from a terminal

depends on the proficiency desired. Skill in doing basic tasks can be gained
in less than a day. The tutorial SQLfData System Terminal User^s Guide
for VMfSP is a good way to learn about SQL and ISQL commands.

18 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Using SQL/DS from an Application Program

An application program that uses SQL/DS data is similar to any other

application program. The difference is that the commands that use SQL/DS
data are SQL commands embedded in the program.

SQL Commands in Application Programs

SQL simplifies programs. To use SQL/DS data, a programmer specifies the
desired table and column names along with any qualifying phrases needed
to limit the request, just like an ISQL user.

Only minor differences exist in the SQL commands used in the

programming languages supported by SQL/DS. For.example, differences
exist in the way commands are punctuated and the way program variables
are declared. These differences stem firom the high-level languages
themselves and are natural for users of those languages.

Consider the INVENTORY table and programming examples shown in

Figure 3. Each example in Figure 3 shows the declaration of variables and
a simple query(SELECT)command. The variables to be used by SQL/DS
are declared in a special section of declarations. Note that variables are
always preceded by a colon (:) when they are used in an embedded SQL

The program places the part number of interest into variable ZZ before
executing the SELECT command. The SELECT command gets the two
fields DESCRIPTION and QUANTITY fi:om the INVENTORY record for a
certain PARTNUMBER (ZZ).

Figure 3 shows a SELECT command that returns a single row result.

SQL/DS also makes it possible for a user to return a set of records, namely
a table as a whole. (This is one characteristic of the relational data model.)
For a query that returns more than one row in a result, a cursor must be
used. (If the query is in a FORTRAN program, the cursor must be used,
regardless of the number of rows returned in the query result.) A cursor
acts like a pointer in the set of rows returned by a query. The program
uses the cursor to retrieve the result one row at a time and, if desired, to
update or delete each row.

Using SQL/DS from an Application Program 19



207 GEAR 75
209 CAM 50
221 BOLT 650
222 BOLT 1250
231 NUT 700
232 NUT 1100
241 WASHER 6000
285 WHEEL 350
295 BELT 85

PL/I Example:






COBOL Example:
77 XX PICTURE X(24).





Figure 3 (Part 1 of 2). Examples of SQL Commands in Programs

20 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Assembler Language Example:





FORTRAN Example:






Note: PL/I, COBOL, and Assembler language programs can also be coded using the
"DECLARE-OPEN-FETCH-CLOSE" format required for the FORTRAN programs.

Figure 3 (Part 2 of 2). Examples of SQL Commands in Programs

Preprocessing the SQL Commands in an Appiication Program

SQL commands in a program must be interpreted before the program is
compiled or assembled. This step is done by submitting the program source
code to one of the SQL/DS preprocessors. SQL/DS has one preprocessor for
each of the following programming languages — COBOL,FORTRAN,PL/I
and assembler language.^

A preprocessor produces changed source code for that language's normal

compiler/assembler and then saves an access module for that program in
the SQL/DS data base. The access module contains code for the SQL

SQL commands can also be embedded in APL2 programs. APLZ provides its
own interface to SQL/DS and dsmamically executes SQL commands(much
like ISQL). SQL/DS, itself, does not provide an APL2 preprocessor.

Using SQL/DS from an Application Program 21

commands in the program. When the program is later run, it will call that
module every time it accesses SQL/DS data.

A preprocessor verifies that the user has the authority to access the
SQL/DS data used in the program. A preprocessor also updates the SQL/DS
catalogs. This gives the user who preprocessed the program the privilege of
using the access module. (That user can then grant this privilege to
others.) SQL/DS also includes an Extended Dynamic Command facility.
This facility provides for precompiled access to SQL/DS for preprocessing
SQL commands. This allows programmers to write their own language
preprocessors, application development programs, and other tools.

A programmer also has two optional performance parameters that can be

specified for a program at preprocessing time: the Blocking option and the
Isolation Level options. The Blocking option is for programs that will run
in multiple-user mode. If this option is specified, the progrsun inserts or
retrieves SQL/DS rows in groups. This can improve performance.

There are two Isolation Level options that specify whether other users can
update data that the program has finished reading. Isolation Level Cursor
Stability can improve performance for programs running in multiple-user
mode. Isolation Level Repeatable Read offers extra protection against
updates for data used by the program.

If these options are chosen carefully for the program during preprocessing,
performance will improve when the program is run. ISQL and Data Base
Services(DBS) utility users can also specify Isolation Levels. The DBS
utility is discussed on page 28.

Programmed Queries in an Appiication Program

Many query applications arise from the needs of groups of end users. An
installation can tailor queries to these needs by using application programs.

Application programs that carry out planned queries use system resources
more efficiently than unplanned queries issued from a terminal. The
programmed SQL commands are preprocessed only once, but they are run
many times. Each program run then does not involve the computations
needed to interpret an unplanned query.

Advantages of SQL/DS for Appiication Deveiopment

SQL/DS has the following advantages in each stage of program

22 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

SQL commands refer to the data by name. Then SQL/DS £bids the data
in the data base and returns it in the order specified. A programmer
does not need to know how the data is stored.

Each programmer working on an independent application can easily

copy data and maintain separate data for testing.

Preprocessing a program catches SQL-related errors. Programmers do

not have to fiilly compile and test their programs just to catch SQL
syntax errors.

Initial tuning can be done apart &om program testing.

Installing and Using the Application

New programs and tables can be installed at any time. SQL/DS has no
generation requirements for adding new applications or changing old

New columns can be added to existing tables without reorganizing the

data or recompiling existing programs. Programs can still access the
old columns. Only programs that use the new columns need to be

SQL/DS performance can be improved at any time by adding indexes as

desired. Programs do not need to be changed to take advantage of
indexes, but they do need to be preprocessed again. On the other hand,
if an index is deleted, only performance (not data access) is affected.

SQL/DS does not interpret embedded SQL commands at execution time.

(That work was done once at preprocessing time.)

SQL/DS enforces security measures to limit data access to those users

or programs specifically authorized.

Recovery facilities of SQL/DS protect against data loss or damage

caused by hardware or software failure.

24 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Planning Period

End users are familiar with data shown in rows and columns. An
application designer does not have to translate computer data storage
structures into forms the end user can understand. Thus the planner
can work directly with the familiar row and column format and avoid
misunderstandings with the end user.

Planners can use ISQL or the DBS utility to create prototjrpe tables,
load them with sample data, and show sample application usage. End
users can then see the proposed scheme in operation before it is coded.
Such a protot5rpe can save both computer time and people time. Design
flaws can be more easily corrected at this early phase.

Planners can create a prototype using production data. End users or

programmers can then access the prototype via terminals until the
complete program is available. End users can get some results while
their application is under development.

Design Phase

Data design can be straightforward. The designer can design tables

without the need to foresee all intended usage of the data. The designer
does not have to make an optimal design for all applications. The
designer can focus on the data needs of the application.

SQL/DS provides ways to tune the system without affecting program

design. Tables can be designed first and performance can be tuned

Training time for designers and programmers can be brief because of

the simplicity of data arranged in tables and the ease of use of SQL

End users familiar with SQL/DS use the same language(SQL)that

programmers use. Therefore, communication between them is clear.

Program Coding and Testing

Programmers can test SQL commands via terminals before they put
them into a program, without affecting existing data.

Programmers can load tables, compile programs, and test the programs
while SQL/DS is in operation. They can use terminals to display data
changes made by the programs.

Multiple users can share test tables. Program development and testing
can be done concurrently by different users using a common test data

Using SQL/DS from an Application Program 23

Additional Features

Entering Data into SQL/DS

Data can be entered into SQL/DS by any of these methods:

• Terminal users can insert single or multiple rows of data via the
Interactive SQL(ISQL)facility.

• The SQL/DS Data Base Services(DBS)utility program can load data

from a sequential file, allowing for intermediate commit points.

• A user-written program can load data &om an existing file.

Data Types
SQL/DS supports ten types of data. All data in SQL/DS tables must be one
of these types. All data in a column must be of the same type.

A user can store numeric data, character data, or Double-Byte Character

Set(DBCS)data into SQL/DS tables.

• Numeric data can be whole numbers, decimal numbers, or

double-precision floating point numbers.

• Character data can have a fixed number of characters or a var3dng

number of characters.

• The DBCS data types support character sets that require two bjrtes of
storage for each character in the character set. Kanji is one example of
such a character set. DBCS data can also have a fixed number of
characters or a varying number of characters.

ISQL users can specify whether characters entered in quotes are to be

converted to uppercase or stored as entered. SQL/DS can interpret
chsoracter strings that contain both DBCS and EBCDIC data.

Additional Features 25
Data Independence
Having data in SQL/DS tables gives terminal users and programmers the
freedom to ignore details concerning physical data storage. Users and
programs are thus free of data storage details.

The choice of columns in the tables is made by considering the vanous

demands that might be made on the data. Usually, data independence is
greater if each table contains only one kind of data (such as parts data, or
employee data). This approach decreases duplication of data. It also makes
the data base more flexible.

Each user or program then works with a portion or view of the data in the
tables. As new needs arise, new columns may have to be added to the
existing tables. But the users and the existing program a not concerned
with the new needs are not afrected.

Data independence means that users and programmers do not have to spend
time changing their methods and programs just because data elements they
do not need have been modified. They can work on the new needs of the

Data Security
SQL/DS enforces security measures to limit data access to authorized users
or programs. Each user is defined to SQL/DS in terms of a user
identification (userid), a password, and level of authority. Users must first
log on to the VM/SP system with a system identifier (userid) and password.
SQL/DS then uses this information to determine proper user access. The
user's level of authority determines the user's freedom in using SQL/DS. At
a typical installation:

• All users are granted CONNECT authority to access SQL/DS.

• Some users are granted RESOURCE authority to enable them to

acquire table space. (They consume some of the system's resources).

• A few users are granted DBA (Data Base Administrator) authority.

They can perform administration tasks, such as adding new users or
assigning table space to other users.

SQL/DS checks a user's authority when a user attempts an operation

requiring RESOURCE or DBA authority.

Users can grant to others the privileges of working with the data or
programs that they control. Granting and revoking of privileges is done by
using SQL commands. For example, the creator of a table can authorize ^
another user to work with only certain rows or columns of that table. The
creator can limit the type of work that others may do on that table; for
example, usage can be limited to query(SELECT command) activity.

26 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Application System (AS), Release 3 or later, supports SQL/DS for
retrieval, analysis, and updating of relational data. AS is an interactive
application development facility.

Host Data Base View (HDBV), Release 1 or later, provides an IBM

Personal Computer user with access to the facilities of a host VM/SP
system running IC/1, QMF,or Data Extract(DXT). It can also
download sequential files created by the DBS utility.

Related IBM Program Products


SQL/DS and DB2 are both relational data base management systems. They
both use SQL, and are broadly compatible. DB2 operates in Multiple
Virtual Storage(MVS)environments.

The compatibility of DB2 and SQL/DS permits the use of SQL data base
managers in establishments that have multiple systems. For example, an
establishment might choose to operate a central MVS system running DB2,
with additional VSE or VM/SP systems running SQL/DS.

• Data Interchange — Data can be copied (unloaded)from an SQL/DS

data base and loaded into a DB2 data base. The SQL/DS Data Base
Services(DBS) utility does the unloading, and the DB2 Load utility
does the loading. Conversely, sequential files created from DB2 data
base data can be loaded into SQL/DS tables via the DBS utility.

• Program Development and Use — Program development can be done on

either the DB2 or SQL/DS system. Later execution of the program can
be done on either system (or on both systems). Both DB2 and SQL/DS
can be used for "production" or data query and data analysis. The
compatibility of the two systems provides the flexibility to choose
whichever system is most appropriate for each application (and its

Data Extract(DXT)

DXT is a tool for extracting data from hierarchical or sequential files (such
as an IMS data base, VSAM files or SAM files).. When DXT is used to
extract data from other sources, the output can be passed directly to the
SQL/DS DBS utility to load that data into an SQL/DS data base.

Relationships with Other IBM Products 35

Information Management Sy8tel^^^
IMS is a hierarchical data base management system used in MVS and
OS/VSl environments. Because SQL/DS and IMS do not operate in the
same system environments, SQL/DS and IMS cannot coexist in the same
system. However, SQL/DS can be used with DXT to support multiple
systems. For example,IMS data can be extracted (copied) via DXT and
loaded into an SQL/DS data base via the DBS utility. That data can then
be used for further processing or analysis with application programs or
queries entered via ISQL or QMF.

36 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP y

Planning and Administration

Planning and administration tasks associated with SQL/DS are described

briefly in this section. Much more information is given in the SQLIData
System Planning and Administration for VMISP manual.

System Design
System design can be seen as physical design, data design, and methods
design. Physical design is largely capacity planning. Data design deals
with creating the tables. Methods design is planning how the system will
be used so that data security, data integrity, and data recovery needs are
met. These aspects are all related to one another.

Physical Design

Physical design, largely capacity planning, focuses on questions like:

• How much data will be stored?

• What devices (processor, storage, terminals) will be needed?

• How will the data be distributed across the storage devices?

• How will the data be used? Query activity? Operational activity?

Both? What activity will use the most resources?

• How many users will there be? How many of them will use SQL/DS at
the same time?

Questions like these should be answered in terms of the initial system and
needs in the near future.

When an SQL/DS data base is generated, a service program for SQL/DS

configures it according to the parameters specified by the definer. Most of
these parameters can be altered after the data base is in use. However, a
few parameters limit the capacity of the data base and can be changed only
by redefining the data base.

A key element in the physical planning is defining the online storage spaces
to be used by SQL/DS. At the start, the SQL/DS data base only contains
information about its ultimate limits. These limits can reflect a data base

Planning and Administration 37

far larger than the disk space actually allocated. Space is actually used
only as data enters the system.

Data Design

Designing the formats of the tables entails answering questions such as:

• What data should be in SQL/DS tables?

• How can the data be placed in tables so that it can be used easily?
Which tables will be used together?

• What data will be processed by progrcuns? End users? Both?

• Which applications need special consideration?

Questions like these should be answered, at least tentatively, before

starting to use SQL/DS. However, SQL/DS is flexible; most of these
decisions can be easily changed as time goes on.

Methods Design

Methods design involves planning how users will interact with SQL/DS.
Such planning entails dealing with SQL/DS both as a whole and as a
collection of separate data tables. Different methods will be needed for
different situations. Questions in this area are:

• What procedures will be set up for operating SQL/DS? What types of

archiving will be done? How often? Using which programs?

• Which users will access online data? How will they use the data
(create, update, delete, select only)? What authority limits should be
placed on each user?

• Which programmers will use SQL/DS? Will there be teams of

programmers on separate projects? Will they share data? What
authority will each have?

As with other aspects of SQL/DS initial answers to questions like these can
be changed without major impact to daily operations.

General Administrative Support

Administration of SQL/DS includes establishing system policies, practices,
and procedures for recovery and security, and supporting performance
tuning and problem determination. In each of these areas, many of the
design decisions and activities can be delegated to individual users and
application designers. However, some level of administrative assistance
would typically be desired.

38 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


SQL/DS is designed to be very easy to install. Installing a basic version of

SQL/DS consists of:

1. Installing the SQL/DS code.

2. Generating a starter data base.

IBM provides aids for installing the SQL/DS code suid generating the
starter data base.

Installation Planning
Note the hardware and software cited under "Requirements of SQL/DS" on
page 33.

If a location has an earlier release of SQL/DS installed, it is easy for them

to move to Release 3.5. A new SQL/DS starter data base or an existing
SQL/DS data base can be used to install the new release. For a location
that does not have an earlier release of SQL/DS,IBM provides aids for
generating a starter data base.

Installation Aids

To help a location get started with SQL/DS,IBM provides procedures to

install and generate a starter data base. This starter data base can initially
be used to verify that the system has been installed, and for limited SQL/DS
educational activities. It is easy to expand or alter this initial data base

SQL/DS has internal default values so that installing and starting the
system can be done with minimal effort. SQL/DS can be used with the
default values until plans are set for changing them to meet local needs. It
is recommended that you use the SQL/DS starter data base allocations and
specifications for your initial SQL/DS data base.

Installation 39

40 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP


IBM provides:

• A library of manuals for SQL/DS. Each addresses one or more general

tasks associated with SQL/DS.

• Online reference information for display at a terminal.

• Sample data tables and sample programs to assist an installation in

getting started with SQL/DS.

SQL/DS Library
The SQL/DS library for VM/SP contains the items listed in Figure 5.

Note: Not all SQLfDS publications have been updated for Release 3.5. In
Figure 5, the * by the order number of a publication indicates that it
has been updated for Release 3.5.

SQL/DS Order In
Title Number Purpose EOF

General Information GH24-5064* Presents a brief overview of SQL/DS. YES

Concepts and GH24-5065* Gives a closer look at the principles of SQL and YES
Facilities for VMISP their implementation in SQL/DS. This book
provides basic information for data processing
personnel evaluating SQL/DS.
Planning and SH24-5043* Describes the system programming and data YES
Administration for administration aspects of SQL/DS for systems
VMfSP operating in a VM/SP environment.
Installation for SH24.5044* Gives the step-by-step procedures for installing YES
VMISP SQL/DS on a VM/SP system. These steps include
generating a data base.

Figure 5 (Part 1 of 2). SQL/DS Library for VM/SP

Documentation 41
SQL/DS Order In
Title Number Purpose EOF
Terminal User^s Guide SH24-5045 Is a tutorial on basic uses of SQL and ISQL YES
for VMISP commands in VM/SP. This guide is for all
beginning users of SQL/DS (end users and
programmers). Readers need not be data
processing professionals. The guide includes
exercises that can be done at a terminal or on

Terminal User's SH24.5067 Is for terminal users who have completed the YES
Reference for VMfSP Guide. DBS utility users can also reference this
book for information on SQL commands. This
reference book documents the SQL and ISQL
commands in alphabetic order.
Terminal User's 8X24-5142 Summarizes the formats of the ISQL and SQL YES
Reference Summary commands commonly used at a terminal.
Program Function SX24-5143 Fits around the program function keys of an IBM NO
Key Template for 3270 terminal. It is a memory aid for the ISQL
VMjSP functions set into those keys.
Application SH24-5068 Is the guide and reference book for programmers YES
Programming for using SQL. This book presents a complete
VMISP description of all SQL commands.
Data Base Services SH24-5069 Is a guide and reference manual for users of the YES
Utility for VMISP Data Base Services.(DBS)utility program.
Messages and Codes SH24-5070* Explains each SQL/DS message and completion YES
for VMISP code. Each explanation includes the action the
receiver is to take when that message or code

Operation for VMISP SH24-5071* Explains how to control SQL/DS via commands YES
&om the system operator's console.
Licensed Program GH24-5066* Defines the warranty criteria for SQL/DS. NO
Specifications for
Diagnosis Guide for SY24-5230* Provides information on diagnosing functional and YES
VMISP performance problems.
Diagnosis Reference SY24-5232* Provides reference information on the internal YES
for VMISP working of SQL/DS for use in problem diagnosis.
Master Index for SH24.5072* Consolidates the indexes of the preceding manuals YES
VMISP into one so that a reader can find which manuals
discuss various topics.

Figure 5 (Part 2 of 2). SQL/DS Library for VM/SP


42 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Bill Of Forms(BOP) Numbers for Ordering Pubiications


In Figure 5, the column "In BOF" indicates if that item is included in Bill
Of Forms SBOF-3239, which can be used to simplify ordering of this set of
items. Ordering one SBOF-3239 is the same as ordering one of each of the
items indicated. This BOF number is now included in the IBM System
Library Subscription Service (SLSS), thus providing for automatic
distribution of any updates to items in the BOF.


An additional BOF number is now available for ordering binders for the
SQL/DS publications. Ordering one SBOF-3240 is the same as ordering
these items;

• Four 3-ring binders (STOO-1779 for SX24-5129-0).

• A sheet of labels (SX24-5133) for the spine pockets of the binders.

SBOF-3240 is not included in the IBM System Library Subscription Service.

Items Not in the BOFs

Two items are not included in either Bill Of Forms grouping:

• The Licensed Program Specifications for VMjSP is not needed in a

working library. (One copy is supplied with the SQL/DS product tape.)

• The Program Function Key Template for VMfSP is available only in

packages of 10 templates.

Persons wishing to learn SQL should start with the tutorial Terminal UseFs
Guide for VMfSP. They can then go on to either the Terminal User's
Reference for YMfSP or the Application Programming for VMfSP manual.

SQL/DS is also available for a VSE system. The SQL/DS library for a VSE system is similar to
this library. Refer to SQLjData System General Information for VSE, GH24-5012, for details.

Documentation 43
Online Reference(HELP)Information
IBM has copied reference information &om two manuals {Terminal User's
Reference for VM/SP and Messages and Codes for VMfSP)and has
formatted this information for terminal display via ISQL at SQL/DS
terminals. This information (supplied with the SQL/DS code) is provided as
SQL/DS tables. It can be changed or supplemented to meet local needs.
CMS HELP files are also available to provide online reference information
for commonly used SQL/DS EXECs.

Sample Data Tables and Programs

The sample data tables are used in the Terminal User's Guide for VMfSP as
the basis for all examples and exercises. A student can use that guide while
working with SQL/DS at a terminal.

The sample programs are documented in the Application Programming for

VMjSP manual. SQL/DS has one sample program for each language it

44 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

I Index

routines 18

abnormal termination 27
access to SQL/DS data 15
accounting iv, 28
administration of data 3,6, 37 DASD Dump Restore(DDR)facility 27
administration, general 38 data administration 3,6
advantages of SQL/DS for application data base
development 22 usage of 1
aids for installation 39 data base administrator(DBA)authority 26
aids provided by IBM 39 Data Base Edit Facility(DBEDIT) 34
ALTER TABLE command 10 data definition
APL2 21,34 commands 9
application development 22 data design 38
application programs 5, 21 data dictionary 3, 29
description and usage 2,19 Data Extract(DXT) 35
archiving 3, 27, 33 data independence 26
Assembler 19, 34 data manipulation
asterisk (*) used in SELECT command 8 commands 10
authority 26 data recovery 3, 27
authorization 12, 26 data security 3, 26
data types 25
DBS(Data Base Services) utility 28, 35
commit point restart iv, 28
0 summary of processing 28
DB2 data base management system 35
backing out DELETE command 10
changes 27 design considerations 23
basics of SQL 7 displaying
bill of forms(BOF)niunbers for ordering online reference information 15
publications 43 dociunentation overview 41
blocking iv, 22 Double-Byte Character Set(DBCS)data 25
backout of a program 27

catalog tables 29 E
general description
character data 25
EBCDIC data 25
CMS 32,33 education 18
Help facility 44 end users 5
COBOL 19,34 enhancements for national languages iv
color display terminals 16 enhancements in Release 3.5 iii
commit point restart iv enhancements to SQL for Release 3 iv
computer operators 6 entering
CONNECT authority 26 data in a table 25
CREATE TABLE command 9
environments 31, 32
CREATE VIEW command 12
extended dynamic statements 22

Index 45
0 M

I features 25 machine requirements 33

I fetch blocking iv magnetic tape 33
I floating point data tjnpe 25 manuals for products related to SQL/DS v
I format manuals for SQL/DS 41
I terminal screen 16 methods design 38
I FORTRAN 19,34 mixing DBCS and EBCDIC data iv
multiple data bases 31
multiple user mode 31
Multiple Virtual Storage(MVS)environments 35

I general administrative support 38 N

I general description of SQL/DS 1
I GRANT command 12
I granting national language iv
I privileges non-interactive environment 31
I to others 26 numerical data 25

HELP text 5,15,44 online reference information 5,15, 44
highlights 1 operations 6

a 0
IBM DATABASE 2(DB2) 35 performance management 23, 24
Information Center/1 (IC/1) 34 improvements in SQL/DS Release 3 IV
Information Management System (IMS) 36 PF keys 16
insert blocking iv physical design of a data base 37
INSERT command 10 PL/I 19,34
installation planning for SQL/DS 37, 39
of applications 24 planning program development 23
planning 39 preprocessing 21
tape drive requirements 33 privileges 26
interactive program development environment 32 productivity increases 5
isolation level iv, 22 program
ISQL (Interactive Structured Query Language) 15, coding and testing 23
32 development environment 32
function(PF)keys 16
sample 44
programmed queries 5, 22
0 programming options 33
programming requirements 33
prototyping 23
library of SQL/DS manuals iv, 41
publication changes for Release 3.5 iii
log 27
publications for products related to SQL/DS
logging 27
publications overview 41

46 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

accoimting iv

0 commands
query commands 8 CREATE VIEW 12
Query Management Facility(QMF) 32, 34, 36 DELETE 10
querying GRANT 12
data 2
tables through a view 12 REVOKE 12
general description 1
library of publications iv, 41
publications updated for Release 3.5 iii
real storage summary of changes
requirements 33 for Release 3 iv
recovery 3 for Release 3.5 iii
of data 27 system
related products 35 design considerations 37
Relational Design Tool(RDT) 34 system catalogs 3, 29
report writing 17 System Library Subscription Service (SLSS) 43
reports 2,15,17
requirements of SQL/DS 33
resource authority 26
REVOKE command 12
revoking privileges &om others 26
routines 18
RSCS Networking 33, 34 column 1
running row 1
routine 18 sample 44
terminal, display 15
tracing 33

sample u
procedures 39
programs 44 UPDATE command 10
tables 44 user exit for accounting data 28
SBOF-3239 43 using
SBOF-3240 43 application programs 2, 19, 24
screen 16
data base 1
security of data 3, 26 SQL/DS from a terminal 15
SELECT command
basic idea 8
single user mode 31
some basics of SQL 7
SQL/Edit 34
starter data base 39
stored routines 18 views 12
stored SQL command 15,17 VM/SP 33
storing VM/SP-Entry 33
commands 15,17 VM/SP High Performance Option(HPO) 33
Structured Query Language/Data System (SQL/DS) VMBACKUP Management System 27, 34

Index 47

w Numerics

writing reports 2,15,17 3270 display terminal 16

48 SQL/Data System Greneral Information for VM/SP

SQL/DS General information for VM/SP (File No. S370/4300-50) Printed in U.S.A. GH24-5064-1

II"" I
1 ;ii; I
nil I
• IBM Virtual Machine/System Product-Entry (VM/SP-Entry), Release 1
or later

In this manual, the term "VM/SP" is used to refer to any one of these
operating systems.

For remote printing via ISQL, one of these products (or an equivalent
non-IBM product) is required:

• Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Networking,

Version 1, Release 2 or later

• Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) Networking,

Version 2, Release 1 or later

SQL/DS includes preprocessors for application programs coded in COBOL,

PL/I, FORTRAN, and Assembler Language. Required levels of compilers
are as follows:

• Any levels of COBOL,PL/I or Assembler current with the operating

system can be used.

• The level of FORTRAN language required is that supported by the VS

FORTRAN compiler with the LANGLVL(77)option specified or
defaulted. If character strings longer than 254 characters are needed,
VS FORTRAN Release 3(or equivalent) must be used.

The following optional IBM products can also be used with SQL/DS:

• Query Management Facility(QMF), Release 1 or later, provides

full-screen query and report writing capabilities.

• SQL/Edit, Release 1 or later, enables full-screen data entry and editing

of SQL/DS data.

• Data Base Edit Facility (DBEDIT), Release 1 or later, enables

full-screen data entry and editing of SQL/DS data.

• Relational Design Tool(RDT), Release 1 or later, identifies indexes

required to support user-specified SQL workloads.

• APL2, Release 1 or later, is an extension of the APL high-level

language. It can be used for coding application programs that use SQL

• Information Center/1 (IC/1), Release 1.1 or later, provides an integrated

information center environment.

• VMBACKUP Management System, Release 3.1 or later, handles user

archive/restore activity on SQL/DS data bases.

34 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Requirements of SQL7DS

Machine Requirements

SQL/DS requires a processor supported by VM/SP. The processor must

support conditional swapping and extended floating point.

Minimum real storage space required for SQL/DS is approximately:

• 600K bytes for preplanned application usage.

• 1300K bytes for application development and unplanned query usage.

Additional real storage is needed for the IBM program products associated
with SQL/DS and any other products and application programs in the

All devices supported by VM/SP through the Conversational Monitor

System(CMS)and Control Program (CP)facilities are also supported by

ISQL uses VM/SP to support IBM 3270'type terminals or compatible display

devices. SQL/DS also supports any system printers or work station printers
supported by VM/SP or BSCS Networking.

SQL/DS requires one tape drive for installation. If either SQL/DS

archiving or SQL/DS tape tracing is used, a tape drive is needed. If both
archiving and tape tracing are used at the same time, two tape drives are
needed. (SQL/DS also supports tracing to CMS files on DASD instead of on

Programming Requirements and Options

SQL/DS will work with these products and following versions, releases, and
modification levels unless otherwise stated.

Note: Any reference to an IBM program product in this publication is not

intended to state or imply that only IBM's program product may be
used. Any functwnally equivalent program may be used instead.

SQL/DS for VM/SP requires an environment provided by one of the

following operating systems, either by itself or as the base of a System
Offering package:

• IBM Virtual Machine/System Product(VM/SP), Release 3 or later

I • IBM Virtual Machine/System Product High Performance Option

(VM/SP HPO), Release 3.2 or later

Relationships with Other IBM Products 33

Interactive Program Development Environment

SQL/DS works with CMS or equivalent facilities to provide an interactive

program development environment. User programs can be developed,
preprocessed by an SQL/DS preprocessor, and tested. Also, sequences of
commands for the SQL/DS Data Base Services utility may be developed and

Interactive data query and report writing is provided by the Interactive

SQL (ISQL)facility. ISQL allows the terminal user to work directly with
the SQL/DS data without writing a program. CMS handles the terminal
communications while SQL/DS handles the data.

SQL/DS can do interactive and noninteractive work at the same time in

multiple-user mode. Figure 4 shows a common arrangement.

SQL/DS User's Virtual

SQL/DS User's Virtual SQL/DS Data Base Machine Running an
Machine Running ISQL Virtual Machine Application

ISQL SQL/DS Application Program



This figure shows two virtual machines communicating with SQL/DS at the same time.

Figure 4. A System Doing Interactive and Noninteractive Work at the

Same Time on SQL/DS

Another interactive data query and report writing product that runs with
SQL/DS is the Query Management Facility (QMF). For an overview of
QMF, refer to the IBM manual Query Management Facility: General
Information, GC26-4071. Other optional products are listed under
"Programming Requirements and Options" on page 33.

32 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Relationships with Other IBM Products

This section briefly describes the system environments in which SQL/DS

can work. Some of the IBM products with which SQL/DS works are
mentioned here.


Most of SQL/DS operates in its own virtual machine. It services the data
needs of both noninteractive and interactive program development

SQL/DS can operate in multiple-user mode, single-user mode, and multiple

data base mode.

• In multiple-user mode, SQL/DS handles data requests sent to it from

other virtual machines. A user machine connects to SQL/DS through a
link provided by the Inter-User Communication Vehicle facility.

• In single-user mode, the application is in the same virtual machine as

SQL/DS. SQL/DS handles the data requests of only that one

• In multiple data base mode, several SQL/DS data bases operate at the
same time. Different data bases serve then needs of different
application areas or user groups. This mode allows for improved
accounting and SQL/DS availability. Activity on one data base does
not affect user access to the others.

For a more detailed overview, refer to the SQL/Data System Concepts and
Facilities for VMjSP manual. For complete details, refer to the SQL/Data
System Planning and Administration for VMfSP manual.

Noninteractive Environment

In a noninteractive environment, SQL/DS provides data handling services

to one or more programs operating in virtual machines. This allows
—, production applications to access an SQL/DS data base. The SQL/DS Data
Base Services utility program and the SQL/DS preprocessors work in both
noninteractive and interactive environments.

Relationships with Other IBM Products 31

automatically when an SQL/DS data base is generated. Users without DBA
authority cannot update the catalogs directly (for example, by an UPDATE

30 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Unloads selected data from SQL/DS tables or views to a sequential

Reloads (inserts) rows into a table or all tables in a DBSPACE from

data that was unloaded into a file by the DBS utility.

Executes SQL commands against the data base in a noninteractive or

interactive mode.

The SQL/DS catalogs are an active dictionary facility. SQL/DS maintains
definitions, control information, and genered information on data in a set of
catalogs. The catalogs are stored as data base tables. They contain
"inline" information that controls SQL/DS operation. Besides data
definitions, the catalogs contain user descriptions, authorizations, program
information, and statistics on the data. They also contain dependency
information (such as relationships of views to tables and programs to

SQL/DS maintains the catalogs automatically, in response to SQL

commands that affect them. For example, catalogs are affected when users
issue SQL data definition commands(such as CREATE TABLE)or
authorization commands(such as GRANT). When one of these commands
is entered, SQL/DS updates the catalogs to include the change. This way, a
user accessing the catalogs sees live definitions.

SQL/DS validates each definition as it is entered. Incorrect definitions are

rejected and a message is displayed to explain the reason.

An important function of the catalogs is change propagation. A change

made to one data object often afreets other data objects. The catalogs
change all the affected data objects.

The following are some of the kinds of data kept in the catalogs.

• Data about users — who the SQL/DS users are, what privileges they
have, and what data base objects they own.

• Data about programs — the programs that have been defined to SQL/DS
and who owns them.

• Data about tables — column names and definitions and which columns
are indexed.

• Data about character sets — information for handling national language

character sets other than United States English.

Each SQL/DS catalog is a table and can be accessed using SQL commands.
Also, because the catalogs are a shared resource, more than one user can
access them at the same time. The SQL/DS catalogs are created

Additional Features 29
If a certain DBSPACE is known to be in error, that DBSPACE can
be taken "off-line." The rest of the data base can then be placed in
service. Access to the "off-line" DBSPACE can be restored later.

If a logical unit of work is known to be in error, the activities done

during that unit of work can be bypassed when SQL/DS is restarted.

SQL/DS runs as a "service" virtual machine for multiple users. Therefore,
VM/SP treats SQL/DS as a single "user" in figuring the system accounting
records. All the VM/SP system resources that SQL/DS uses are grouped
together into one VM/SP accounting record. An SQL/DS facility must sort
out the amounts of system resources used by each SQL/DS user and
SQL/DS process.

The SQL/DS Accounting facility keeps track of resources used on SQL/DS.

Accounting information is collected for each user, and for each SQL/DS
process that cannot be attributed to any one user. The user accounting
records reflect each user's demand for SQL/DS. The SQL/DS process
accounting records contain information on initialization, checkpoint, and
operator processes. Also, at SQL/DS termination time, SQL/DS writes a
record showing the total resources used while SQL/DS was in operation.
Accounting records are written to the VM/SP system accounting file.

An installation can also code a user "exit." This can be used to supply
additional accounting information (such as a project or account number)
for the user accounting records.

Data Base Services(DBS)Utility

The SQL/DS Data Base Services(DBS) utility is an SQL/DS application
program. It is run as a normal application program, using an
SQL/DS-supplied EXEC. It can also be invoked from an application
program or from a user EXEC. The DBS utility provides these functions:

• Loads (inserts) data into SQL/DS tables from a sequential(SAM)file,

allowing the user to specify periodic commit inserts to the data base.
The inserts are saved in the data base every time a specified number of
records have been processed. This way, if an error occurs during
processing, only the data base changes made since the last commit point
need to be reentered.

• Unloads all rows of a table or view or all rows of all tables in a

DBSPACE to a specially formatted file.

• Unloads all rows of a table or view or all rows of all tables in a

DBSPACE to a sequential(SAM)file.

28 SQL/Data System General Information for VM/SP

Each table stored in SQL/DS is placed in some Particul^ portion of the
data base called a DBSPACE. To store a table in a DBSPACE,the creator
of the table must have storing privileges in this DBSPACE. A user who has
DBA authority can acquire a DBSPACE for any other user. That user can
then create tables in that DBSPACE. Thus, users who have only
CONNECT authority can create tables in a limited area; they do not nee
full RESOURCE authority.

Data Recovery
The SQL/DS recovery facilities include the following:
• When a program ends abnormally, uncommitted data changes will be
backed out dynamically. That is, SQL/DS will undo all the changes
made to the data since the last time it was committed. Dynamic
backout does not interrupt service to other users or programs. Also,
applications or users may explicitly back out changes when they detect
logical errors.

• If SQL/DS or the system stops abnormally, all uncommitted (incomplete)

data changes will be backed out dynamically when SQL/DS is restarted.
For this, SQL/DS uses a log kept on a direct access storage device
(DASD) The log holds records that describe each change made to the
data base. At recovery time, SQL/DS uses the log to restore the data to
an earlier state. This restart recovery does not require operator
intervention to mount tapes. SQL/DS can be configured with either a
single log or dual logs for greater reliability. Logging can also be

• Data can be recovered from an archive tape and the log. The archive
process places a "backup" copy of the data onto a ^^pe. Archmng is
most commonly done when the SQL/DS operator shuts down SQL/D .
Archiving can be done while SQL/DS is serving its users; ser^ace to
those users is not interrupted. Archiving can involve the entire data
base, or just the log of data base activity. Archiving just the log is
faster, because the log is smaller than the data base.
SQL/DS can perform the complete archiving and restoring operations.
However, with the user archive/restore capability, other programs, such
as the VMBACKUP Management System or the VM/SP DASD Dump
Restore(DDR)facility, may be used for data base archives. Under most
circumstances, these programs can archive or restore a data base tas er
than SQL/DS because they take advantage of certain DASD
characteristics for high performance.

SQL/DS also permits extended control of the process of restarting a

data base during either a "warm start" or a data base restore oper^ion
(for example, after a media failure). If necessary, certain parts of the
data base, or certain work that was either committed to the data base or
in process can be "filtered out" when SQL/DS is restarted. Here are
two examples:

Additional Features 27
General Information for VM/SP COMMENT
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