Immucor Capture-Brochure US
Immucor Capture-Brochure US
Immucor Capture-Brochure US
• Flexible workflow capabilities with manual or automated options (NEO® and Echo® )
• Run a single sample or a full batch WASH
5 6
Add Indicator Cells Centrifuge and Read
Negative Result: Add one drop of indicator Results
No antibodies bound to cells to each of the test Centrifuge test strips.
wells, indicator cells will wells. Read reactions.
migrate to bottom of the
well and form a tight button.
Positive Result:
Required Capture Workstation Equipment
*All Capture® equipment supports Capture-R®, Capture-P®, and Capture-CMV® products.
Antiglobulin-coated indicator
cells bind to antibody-coated
wells forming an intact layer
of cells on the well surface. Immuspin Centrifuge CSW100 Washer P2 Incubator Light Box
Product codes: Product code: 0005175 Product code: 0030205 Product code: 0005133
0015158 (Rotor only), 0015159 (Centrifuge) The continuous flow of this Two incubation bays means With 5000K color-corrected lamps
This centrifuge accommodates up to 12 cell washer assures accurate, there’s no bottleneck during test and an angled platform to optimize
Capture® microstrips and spins at rates consistent plate washing. The unit processing. You can process viewing, this light box makes
ranging from 500 to 18,000 RPMs. For accommodates one microplate or multiple runs simultaneously, results extremely easy to read.
easy reading, it has a digital display. up to 12 microstrips. The washing allowing you to continuously
cycle takes less than 30 seconds process your dynamic workflow.
per strip and the pre-programmed
settings are optimized for Capture®
Product Line Assays
Capture-R® Ready-Screen® Assays: Reagent red cells (in the form of red cell stroma) are bound to test wells at the time Capture-R® Select Product Code Description Size
of manufacture. The user is not required to prepare reagent monolayers before testing. Capture-R Ready-Screen tests
are provided in 1 x 8 strips of microwells. Each microplate contains twelve 1 x 8 strips. Capture-R Select provides modified 0006446 Capture-R Select 5 plates/480 tests
microwells for the immobilization of
Capture-R® Ready-Screen® (I and II): Product Code Description Size human erythrocytes. To be used in
solid phase assays for the detection of
Contains alternating wells coated with 0006439 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) 1 plate/ 48 tests
IgG red cell antibodies (e.g., antibody
red cell membranes from one of two 0006440 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) 5 plates/240 tests screening, selected red cell panels,
group O donors. Each strip consists
0066207 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) Dia* 1 plate/48 tests autologous controls, direct antiglobulin
of eight individual wells to perform four
test, crossmatching, or typing with IgG
(2-cell) antibody screens. 0066217 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) Dia* 5 plates/240 tests
anti-sera including weak D detecting
0066202 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) Cw* 1 plate/48 tests reagents).
0066212 Capture-R Ready-Screen (I and II) Cw* 5 plates/240 tests
Capture-P® Ready-Screen® Product Code Description Size
Capture-R® Ready-Screen® (Pooled): Product Code Description Size Test wells are coated with anti-platelet 0066246 Capture-P 1 Plate/96 tests
antibodies which provide for the 0066251 Capture-P 5 Plates/480 tests
Each well is coated with red cell 0006433 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled) 1 plate/96 tests
specific binding of platelets when 0066240 Capture-P Indicator Cells 1 x 11.5 mL
membranes prepared from a pool 0006436 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled) 5 plates/480 tests the source of platelets is platelet-rich
suspension of equal proportions of red 0066248 2 x 3 mL
0066203 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled) Cw* 1 plate/96 tests plasma. The assay will detect platelet- Capture-P Control Set
cells from two Group O donors. Each Weak Positive & Negative Controls
0066213 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled) Cw* 5 plates/480 tests specific and HLA antibodies.
strip consists of eight individual wells to
perform eight antibody screens. 0066254 Capture-R Ready-Screen (Pooled) Dia* 5 plates/480 tests
Capture-CMV® Product Code Description Size
In Canada:
t 1.800.565.0653
e [email protected]