Z143 Song Dances
Z143 Song Dances
Z143 Song Dances
John M. Feierabend
The Hartt School
University of Hartford
Feierabend Association for Music Education
The Book of Song Dances
Table of Contents
Single Circle (no partners)/page 11
Longways/page 69
Single Circle (No Partners) Double Circle (Partners) Four Couple Squares
12 Ah Eu Entrei Na Rada 48 Ach Ja 98 Buffalo Gals
(Ah! I Went on the Wheel) 50 Betty Larkin 100 Captain Jinks
13 Come to the Top 51 Brother Come and Dance 102 Coats of Navy Blue
14 Funga Alafia 52 Brown Eyed Mary 104 Coffee Grows on White
16 Hava Nagila 54 Come Let Us Be Oak Trees
15 Katyushka (Sicilian Circle) 106 Hot Time in the Old Town
18 Miss Maggie 56 Eins, Zwei, Drei 108 Oh, Susanna
19 O How Lovely 57 Heel and Toe 110 Polly Wolly Doodle
20 Shabbot Shalom 58 I’ve Been to Haarlem 112 Pop Goes the Weasel
(Peaceful Sabbath) 62 John Kanaka 114 Red River Valley
21 Shoo Fly 60 Jubilee 116 Rig a Jig Jig
22 There Were Four Skaters 63 Lavender’s Blue 120 Shaker Dance
64 Old Dan Tucker (A Shaker Song)
Single Circle (Partners) 66 Skip to My Lou 118 Turkey in the Straw
25 Circle Right 67 Yankee Doodle
(Sicilian Circle)
46 Circle Right (Simple Version)
26 Gents to the Center Longways
27 Goin’ Down to Cairo
28 Golden Ring 70 Alabama Gal
30 Great Big House 71 Amasee
32 I Want to Be a Farmer 72 Billy, Billy
34 Nobody’s Business 74 Bonavist’ Harbour
24 Old Brass Wagon 73 Bow Belinda
36 Old Joe Clark 76 Cedar Swamp
38 Pig in the Parlor 78 Charlie’s Neat
40 Push the Business On 80 Down the River
41 Sandy Land 82 Durham Reel
42 Sent My Brown Jug 84 Galway Piper
44 Tea Rye Riley 86 Goin’ to Boston
88 Jimmy Crack Corn
90 Noble Duke of York
91 Old Bald Eagle
92 Paw-Paw Patch
94 Sugar and Tea
95 Willowbee
96 Your Best Liking
Single Circle (No partners)
O How Lovely
Dance Directions
Phrase 1
In one large circle, walk on the dotted quarter beat to the left six steps.
Phrase 2
Walk on the dotted quarter note to the right six steps.
Phrase 3
Swing arms; out, in, out, in, out, in.
Dance as a Round
Form three concentric circles. Sing and dance as a round. Perform the entire song three times.
After the final time, each part repeats the last phrase until the last group has finished. On the last
“Dong,” all children hum the last note as they slowly lift their arms in a large circle (forward, up,
and down). As they lower their arms, the humming fades out.
Single Circle (no partners)
Dance Directions
During the first phrase take quick steps around in a circle.
During the second phrase extend arms straight out to each
side and tip from side to side.
During the third phrase begin with hands above head and
slowly lower hands to the ground by the end. After learn-
ing in a single circle perform as a three-part canon in three
concentric circles.
Double Circle (partners)
Dance Directions
Students stand in two concentric circles facing each other.
Reach out and hold both hands of the person in the opposite circle. Outer circle does heel and
toe with right foot, inside circle does heel and toe with left foot. Slide and slide is a skipping
step to the right for the outer circle and to the left for the inner circle.
The next heel and toe is with the opposite foot so now the outer circle uses their left heel and
toe and the inner circle use their right heel and toe. Slide in the opposite direction as before.
Standing still, partners tap right hands together three times, tap left hands together three times,
tap both hands together three times, tap their own legs three times.
Swing your partner by the right arm one time around and move to the left to a new partner
(circle will travel in opposite directions).
Repeat the song until you are back to your original partner.
Single Circle (Partners)
Golden Ring
Dance Directions
Partners stand in a single circle, “ones” (or gents) on the left.
All take hands and walk left for 16 beats.
Verse 1
‘Round and ‘round Susan girl, ‘Round and ‘round Susan girl,
‘Round and ‘round Susan girl, All the way around that Susan girl.
Walk right 16 beats.
Walk left 16 beats.
Verse 2
Swing Oh Swing...
Swing partner by right arm for 8 beats, swing corner by left arm for 8 beats.
Walk left 16 beats.
Verse 3
Promenade home...
“Ones” step into the circle and promenade partner counterclockwise 16 beats.
Walk left 12 beats. During beats 13–16 circle stops, “ones” stop, and with their right hand
pull partner in front and place partner on their left. Repeat dance with new partner.
Longways Formation (Partners)
Goin’ to Boston
Dance Directions
Longways formation
Verse 1
All face the top and take both of their partners’ hands. Head couple leads the set to the right
around to the bottom of the set and back up to original place.
Verse 2
Saddle up girls and lets go with em’, Saddle up girls and lets go with em’,
Saddle up girls and lets go with em’, Early in the morning.
Make one large circle and sashay left around once and back to original places.
Verse 3
Get out the way or you’ll get run over...
Head couple takes hands and sashays to the bottom of the set and back.
Verse 4 and Chorus
Rights and lefts will make it better...(Chorus)
Head couple begins the Grand Right and Left.
All stop when they return to their original place.
Verse 5 and Chorus AND Verse 6 and Chorus
(5) Swing your partner all the way to Boston...(Chorus)
(6) Johnny Johnny gonna tell your papa...(Chorus)
Head couple swings down the set and ends at the bottom of the set.
Squares (Four couples)
Buffalo Gals
Chorus ‘
Dance Directions
The first couple is the one with their backs to the caller.
Verse 1
First gent skips clockwise around the set and back to place, then balances with his neighbor
(16 beats).
All partners do a right hand turn (four beats).
To your neighbor do a left hand hand round (four beats).
Swing your partner (eight beats) and end in promenade position.
ON THE REPEAT OF THE CHORUS, sing the following words, while promenading
partner counterclockwise two times around back into original place.
Will you, won’t you, will you, won’t you come out tonight? Won’t you come out
tonight? Won’t you come out tonight? Oh, will you, won’t you, will you, won’t
you come out tonight? Promenade by the light of the moon.
Verse 2
Two Buffalo boys go around the outside, go around the outside, go around the
Two Buffalo boys go around the outside and balance to your neighbor.
Repeat dance with first gent and second gent skipping around the set while singing.
Verse 3
Three Buffalo Boys go around the outside...
Repeat dance with first, second, and third gents skipping around the set while singing.
Verse 4
Four Buffalo Boys go around the outside...
Repeat dance with all gents skipping around the set while singing.
Available Resources
Classical Music for Movement
CD-903 Music for Creative Movement (3-CD set)
CD-493 First Steps in Classical Music: Keeping the Beat
Companion Materials
G-6400 Vocal Development Kit
(Puppets, toys, and instruments with manual)
G-6509 Pitch Exploration Stories
(12 large picture cards)
G-6510 Pitch Exploration Pathways
(12 large picture cards)
G-6511 Oh, In the Woods
(12 large picture cards)
G-7962 Down by the Bay
(10 large picture cards)
Move It!
DVD-549 Music DVD, CD, and booklet
Move It! 2
DVD-756 Music DVD, CD, and booklet
Folk Song Picture Books (with downloadble MP3)
G-6535 The Crabfish
G-7178 My Aunt Came Back
G-7179 There Was a Man
G-7416 Father Grumble
G-7690 The Derby Ram
G-7844 The Frog and the Mouse
G-8121 Risseldy Rosseldy
G-8122 The Tailor and the Mouse
G-8454 There’s a Hole in the Bucket
G-8585 The Other Day I Met a Bear
Conversational Solfege
Level 1:
G-5380 Teacher’s Manual
G-5380FL Flashcards
G-5380S Student Book
CD-526 Classical Selections CD
Level 2:
G-5381 Teacher’s Manual
G-5381FL Flashcards
G-5381S Student Book
CD-527 Classical Selections CD
Level 3:
G-5382 Teacher’s Manual
G-5382S Student Book
Related Materials
G-8453 Word Wall
G-5547 The Book of Tunes for Beginning Sight-Readers
Song Collections for Older Children
G-5279 The Book of Young Adult SongTales
G-8552 The Book of Canons
G-8663 The Book of Song Dances
Books for Infants and Toddlers
G-4974 First Steps in Music for Infants and Toddlers
Instructional DVDs
DVD-499 Music and Early Childhood
(30-minute documentary produced by
Connecticut Public Television)
DVD-875 First Steps in Music;
The Lectures (5 DVDs)
DVD-947 First Steps in Music: In Action DVD
DVD-946 Conversational Solfege Explained (3 DVDs)
John M. Feierabend
[email protected]
The chief aim of the Feierabend Approach is to build community through music by evoking enthu-
siastic participation of all people. To that end this approach strives for all people to become tuneful,
beatful and artful through research based and developmentally appropriate pedagogies that use qual-
ity literature. Ideally begun in early childhood, these goals remain of primary importance at any age
as they serve as the foundation for all further musical development. Accomplish these goals by first
learning authentic folk songs and folk dances (music and movement created by a community for the
purpose of encouraging community participation). Further the understanding and appreciation of
music through making connections from folk songs and dances to masterworks.
Learning notation, playing instruments and giving performances are secondary goals and should
be introduced only after individuals become tuneful beatful and artful. Present notation only after
rhythm and melodic elements are aurally (conversationally) understood through the use of rhythm
syllables and solfege syllables. Express music through instruments rather than use instruments to
become musical.
The mission of the Feierabend Organization is to promote and create print and electronic re-
sources that further develop these ideas, to promote seminars and teacher certification training that
encourage these ideas and to organize regional, national and international conferences that prolifer-
ate and expand on these ideas