PPE Coal Times 3
PPE Coal Times 3
PPE Coal Times 3
AYALA, Arch Joseph V.
CRUZ, John Luke M.
DUQUE, Patrick Stephen L.
ESPAÑOLA, Jazer Mesha V.
SORETA, John Jerry B.
SUMILE, Ayran Danielle P.
July 2019
2.5. DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS OF CONDENSER ....................................... 48
CALCULATING THE LOG MEAN TEMPERATURE ................................................. 48
COEFFICIENT ..................................................................................................... 49
2.5.4. CALCULATING THE NUMBER OF TUBES ........................... 51
2.5.5. CALCULATING THE PUMP-MOTOR POWER....................... 53
2.6. DESIGN AND CALCULATIONS OF CHIMNEY ............................................. 55
2.6.1. CALCULATING THE MASS OF AIR ....................................... 55
2.6.2. Calculating the DENSITY OF AIR .............................................. 56
2.6.3. Calculating the DENSITY OF FLUE GAS .................................. 56
2.6.4. Calculating the HEIGHT OF CHIMNEY..................................... 56
2.6.5. Calculating the FLOW RATE OF FLUE GAS ............................ 57
2.6.6. Calculating the DIAMETER OF CHIMNEY ............................... 57
2.7. EQUIPMENT SELECTION ................................................................................. 58
2.7.1. 2.7.1 STEAM GENERATOR / BOILER ..................................... 58
2.7.2. 2.7.2 STEAM TURBINE ............................................................. 61
2.7.3. 2.7.3 CONDENSER...................................................................... 64
2.7.4. 2.7.4 GENERATOR ..................................................................... 67
2.7.5. 2.7.5 CONVEYOR ....................................................................... 69
2.7.6. 2.7.6. EMMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM .............................. 73
2.7.7. 2.7.7 CONTROL SYSTEM COMPONENTS .............................. 78
2.7.8. Operator Station (OPS) Functions .................................... 78
2.7.9. Accessory Station (ACS) .................................................. 79
2.7.10. Engineering & Maintenance Station (EMS) ..................... 81
2.7.11. DIASYS Netmation .......................................................... 82
2.7.12. FEEDWATER HEATER.................................................. 83
CHAPTER 3: INSTALLATION AND COMMISSIONING .......................................... 85
CHAPTER 4: OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE .................................................. 151
CHAPTER 5: ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES ............................................................ 180
5.1. POTENTIAL IMPACTS OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT .............................. 180
5.1.1. Risks on the Air Quality ............................................................. 180
5.1.2. Risks on the Water Quality ......................................................... 182
5.1.3. Health Impacts ............................................................................ 183
PROJECT........................................................................................................................ 184
MANAGEMENT ACT OF 2000............................................................ 184
2004 184
5.3. DENR Standards ................................................................................................. 185
REFERENCES: .......................................................................................................................... 187
APPENDIXI ...…………………………………………………………………………………168
APPENDIX II…..………………………………………………………………………………189
This chapter discusses the fundamental knowledge of the proposed coal power plant. The
goal of this study is to be able to design a coal power plant in Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur. The
power plant will provide the said municipality with a base load of 50 MW.
This section discusses the fundamental knowledge of the proposed power plant. This
includes the background of the study, location selection, as well as the load curve of the
Energy provides services to meet many basic human needs, such as electricity,
which in turn is used to power up different kinds of appliances that help us in our daily
lives. Such examples are lightings, air-conditioners, refrigerators, and many more that we
use daily. Energy is also essential in a nation’s economic development. Energy enables
countries to be able to use and provide more advanced services for its people to use.
Between 2005 and 2030, energy needs are projected to expand by 55 percent,
with demand increasing from 11.4 billion tons of oil equivalent to 17.7 billion. Between
2005 and 2030, energy consumption is expected to increase by 50 percent, with the bulk
of the demand coming from developing countries. A cause of this can be reflected upon
With the increase in energy demand, the energy supply must be increased too. A
typical powerplant will provide the necessary energy to the consumers. Correspondingly,
there are several kinds of powerplant that uses non-renewable, such as coal, gas and
diesel, and renewable resources. In this paper, the powerplant that will be used is a coal-
fired powerplant.
Figure 2.1. Power Mix
locations where new powerplants may connect without the need for any significant
Zamboanga del Sur as the location of the 50 MW coal powerplant. Furthermore, there is
Figure 2.2. Ideal Locations of Powerplants in the Philippines
province of Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines. According to the 2015 census, it has a
population of 50,755 people. It has a total area of 180 square kilometers. An estimated 42
barangays are consolidated in this municipality. The map of Aurora is shown in the
Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3. Map of Aurora
Source: Zamboanga Del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc. (ZANECO)
Figure 2.7. Sample expected no. of customers in coming years
Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5 contain data by and from Zamboanga Del Norte Electric
Cooperative, Inc (ZANECO). This data served as our basis in designing the proposed 50
MW coal-fired power plant located in the province of Zamboanga. Figure 2.4 shows the
load profile and curve of the municipalities to be powered by the proposed power plant.
Based on the 2017 load curve of ZANECO, the equivalent demand based on the 2017
peak demand of 39.078 MW is 16 MW for baseload, 8.9 MW for the peak load and 14
MW for the mid-merit load, which we then adjusted so that it can still support and
provide enough energy supply in the years to come. Thus, us deciding to have a design of
In Figure 2.6, in the year 2017, we see that residential areas consume the largest
amount of electricity. This equates to around 91.48 % of the total consumers. Figure 2.7
and Figure 2.8 show sample data of what to expect in the coming years in terms of
can see that a 50 MW coal power plant can sufficiently provide enough supply in the
following years.
turbine is one of the most common and basic type of power plant that is producing energy
or electricity around the world. From the name itself, thermal power plant will make use
properties and laws, a rise in temperature can cause a rise in pressure. To put it simply,
the power plant will be using temperature and pressure difference to run the process. The
common and major equipment found in a thermal power plant is the steam turbine,
generator, condenser, feedwater pump and a boiler. This are the parts that are needed in a
Figure 2.9 Schematic Overview of a Typical Coal Fired Power Plant
Source: Water.usgs.gov
The working fluid for a steam turbine power plant or a Thermal power plant is
water. Using this working fluid, the steam turbine in a thermal power plant will revolve
due to high temperature and high pressure produced by the steam which is produced by
the boiler. This rotation or revolution produce by the turbine will be then turned into
electricity by means of a shaft connected to the generator from the steam turbine. When
the steam turbine is rotated by means of a high temperature and high-pressured steam, the
steam loses most of its energy. This is because most of the energy is given off to rotate
the turbine blades. This causes the temperature and pressure to be relatively low at the
steam turbine outlet. At this point onwards, the steam will expand and because there is no
heat addition nor heat rejection happening to the steam, the entropy of the steam will stay
the same and this process can be seen using a T-S diagram. The low pressure, low
temperature can be then reverted into its original state which is high pressure, high
When the turbine blades are rotated by high-pressure and high temperature
steam, it loses its energy which result in a low-pressure and low temperature steam at the
turbine outlet. In this process, the steam expands until the saturation point is reached.
Because there is no heat added or removed from the steam, the entropy of the steam
remains constant. This can be seen by using a P-V and T-S diagrams. If the low-pressure,
low temperature steam can be reverted to its original state, the generation of electricity
can be continuous.
The working fluid that will be used, which is water, will be then compressed
from its gaseous state but this requires a lot of energy. Therefore, it is convenient to
convert it back to its liquid form to compress it easily using a condenser. The heat will be
rejected to the surrounding to convert the gaseous state to liquid state. There would be no
pressure change in the condenser due to the free moving motion of the fluid inside it.
Figure 2.11 Addition of condenser to convert the steam from its vapor phase to liquid
phase Source: Mass Engineers
At the outlet of the condenser, the gaseous state is now turned into liquid state by
means of rejecting heat to the surrounding. Due to the change in phase of the working
substance from gas to liquid, a feed water pump can now be used to increase the pressure
of the working fluid or the water to its original state and return it to the boiler for
continuous process.
Figure 2.12. Addition of pump to bring the liquid to its original pressure Source: Mass
It is also noted that external heat will be added to the working fluid so that it can
return to its original temperature. This can be done with the use of the boiler. This
regains the lost temperature due to several processes. When the working fluid returns to
the boiler, the pressure will be constant all throughout the heat addition process and the
liquid working fluid will be then again converted into gas. This will regain not only its
temperature, but also its pressure. These four processes will complete the cycle called
Rankine Cycle.
Figure 2.13 Addition of boiler to bring the fluid to its original temperature
Source: Mass Engineers
Heat will be added in the boiler by using the boiler furnace. In this stage, the fuel
that is used will react with the air around it and therefore produce heat. There are
commonly two types of fuel that is being used in a power plant and those are nuclear and
coal. Coal can be easily produced and requires small of amount of money compared to
nuclear, but this type of fuel produces more pollutants compared to the nuclear. That is
why it is important to add certain machineries that can help reduce the pollutants produce
by the burning of coal before releasing it to the atmosphere. The most common type of
machineries that can do this stuff is the electro static precipitator or also known as ESP.
This machinery removes the fly ash from the leftovers of the burnt coal. This removes the
pollutants or segregates them before releasing it to the atmosphere to reduce the amount
To further explain the process of a coal powered power plant, the coal will be first
put into a conveyer where it will be pulverized there before feeding it to the boiler by
means of using the boiler furnace. The water in the boiler will then change its pressure
from low pressure to a high pressure due to the burning of coal. From that point, the high-
pressured steam will then pass through a series of superheaters where it will be heated
even more or heated above its saturation point so that it may contain more energy before
entering the turbine. The superheater will also be used to further dry the coal or the steam
so that it may contain more gas than liquid. Liquid in the pipes can mean a lot of trouble
for the plant because it may cause stagnation in the pipes. This may cause the pipes to
rust faster than the expected time and may weaken it even further. Overall, this may
cause a drop in the efficiency of the plant. The next process will be the high-pressured
steam that pass through the superheater will then strike the blades of the steam turbine
resulting to a high velocity rotation of the steam turbine. The rotor or the shaft of the
steam turbine is directly coupled to a generator therefore, as the steam turbine rotates, the
generator will also rotate producing electricity. The generator which is directly coupled to
the steam turbine will rely on it in producing electricity. This process converts the
mechanical energy present in the steam turbine into electrical energy by means of a
generator. In other types of plants, an exciter is used to further increase the speed of the
generator and to further increase the amount of electricity being produced. After that
process, the superheated steam will then enter the condenser where it will be converted
into liquid. The steam that enters the condenser is being cooled by means of water
flowing in and out of the condenser which is connected to a cooling tower. The feedwater
pump will be then pressurized the liquid flowing through it which will then pass to the
economizer. The economizer will increase the amount of heat present in the liquid to
further increase the efficiency of the boiler. The exhaust gases released from the furnace
will pass through the economizer, superheater and in the air pre-heater. The reason for
this process is so that, they can maximize every bit of substance that flows in and out of
the system. The exhaust gases still contain heat in them which can be used to heat the
working fluid where it is needed before releasing it to the atmosphere. This will increase
the efficiency of the boiler and decrease the heat coming out of the stack. For the final
process, the fuel which is coal will be then transported into an ash handling facility which
Like it was said in the paragraph before, coal is the most used fuel for power plant
and it is also affordable and largest domestically produced source of energy. It can be
easily produced and almost all of the countries in the world can produce coal. However,
the problem lies in the after effect the coal fired power plant leaves to the environment.
The present challenge in the coal fired power plant nowadays is for it to become more
sustainable. There is a lot of station and sub stations are needed to convert and reduce the
amount of pollution being produced by a Coal-fired power plant before it can become
acceptable. Another problem arises from this solution. Coal-fired power plant becomes
more expensive due to additional machinery and apparatus due to the problem that it
understand the complete process including the coal-fired power plant, a step by step will
be shown below.
Heat is created
Pulverizing the coal that will be supplied will be the first step. It will be
pulverized until its fineness is of that of a talcum powder. This way it will be easier to
burn them, and ash deposits can be segregated quickly. The pulverized coal will be feed
into the firebox together with a hot air. The ratio of coal and air will provide a better and
complete combustion and will also result to a greater heat which will then produce more
The working substance which is a highly purified water will be then feed into the
boiler by means of pipes connected to the boiler. This will turn the water into gas or the
liquid form into steam which has a higher energy. The temperature that can be measured
in the steam in this process can reach up to 1000 degrees Fahrenheit and a pressure equal
to 3,500 Psi. This steam will be then transferred into the steam turbine.
The pressure present in the steam which can reach up to 3500 Psi will start to
push the gigantic blades located inside the steam turbine. This will convert it into
mechanical energy which will be then converted into electrical energy by means of a
The last process is to convert or revert the working substance to its original state.
The steam that passed through the steam turbine will then pass through a chamber or the
condenser which will be then cooled by means of using a cooled water that is from a
nearby source such as lake or river. This cooled water will pass through pipes inside the
condenser. The steam will be then condensed into liquid form and will be then transferred
fired power plant can produce it. However, it may take some time before
power plants reliability to produce power in peak hours is noticeable. This brings
out that advanced pulverized coal in a power plant can be used to support
The electricity or energy that will be produced using this type of power
plant will be a lot cheaper compared to other types of power plant due to the fact
that the fuel, which is coal, is abundant. Coal is also easy to mine and not that
expensive and that is the reason that is price remains lows compared to other fuel
There is still a lot of coal that can be found in our world. Roughly, it will
take around 300 years for coal to reach critical level or economic coal deposits.
This makes it a reliable and power plant that can continuously produce electricity.
Known Technologies
avoid unwanted circumstances and situations. Also, coal mining companies are
devising techniques that will help them mine more coal but still maintain the level
of coal supply.
Coal fired power plants is a much safer type of power plant compared to
other power plants like a nuclear power plant that can cause catastrophic events
such as meltdown. It only takes a mask and other PPE to keep the workers away
from harm. Additionally, the welfare and productivity of coal industry employees
has greatly improved over the years. In fact, injuries, time lost, and fatalities have
On the other hand, there are also some significant disadvantages of coal
It is true that a coal fired power plant has a lot of benefits and advantages
but one of its major disadvantage is the pollutants it produces. The amount of
pollutants it produced is so large that it need stations and sub stations to further
decrease it, but even using certain machinery, the pollutants is still pollutants. It
has amounted to a large pile of pollutants that it has further increase the global
Mining Destruction
Mining causes a lot of trouble not only for its environmental resources, but
also for the people as well. Active mining cause lands to erode quickly and not
only just the spot they’re working on. Mining in a certain place can spell doom for
the surrounding areas as well. This poses a problem for the people living near a
coal mining area because the land where their house is standing on can crumble
any moment due to the erosion of soil due to the mining of coal.
Tons and tons of waste products and harmful pollutants are produced by
Coal fired power plant and most of them are not convertible at our time. This
emit and produce harmful chemicals and substances like sulfur dioxide, carbon
monoxide, mercury, selenium and arsenic. This is also the reason the rain is being
production of the coal-fired power plant. The reliability of the said plant is too
good to pass on and the fuel that requires to start the plant is very easy to make
and easy to find. That is the reason coal fired power plant is hard to let go.
A coal fired power plant will be classified according to the way how they use the
coal serving as the fuel. The coal is used as the primary fuel in order to boil the water that
is available to the superheated steam that is then used for driving the steam turbine.
Steam turbine is then coupled to the alternate rotor whereas the rotation which would
result to the generation of the electric power. The different classifications of coal fired
power plant would depend on how the coal would be used and those are:
This type of power plants coal is grounded into a fine powder and will be
then feed into the boiler. The powder coal will now fuel the fire to heat the boiler
which will produce steam that turn or rotate the turbine and the generator. PCF
power plants are the most common and reliable type of power plant that is
is because of the coal fired power plant and 38 percent of the worlds power is
However, using a lot of PCF also introduces a problem to use more coal
and this type of power plant is very inefficient in terms of power production.
lot. This introduces a solution to use more coal to produce more power. However,
more coal means more CO2 and harmful substances will also be produced and
PCF power plants is also costlier compared to other type of power plants.
In this type of power plant, air is mixed with the coal and other gases. This
or under pressure and this power plant operates at a temperature lower compared
to that of a PCF. The main reason that they operate at low temperature is because
at this temperature, the amount of NOx produced will be similarly small. Also,
However, the critical part here is that they only use low quality of coal and
if this will be put together with an inefficient type of power plant, this will
produce the same result. More coal and this means more harmful chemicals and
technologies. The first technology is called coal gasification, which uses coal to create a
the most efficient method of producing electricity commercially available today. Coal
Gasification is the gasification portion of the IGCC plant produces a clean coal gas
(syngas) which fuels the combustion turbine. Coal is combined with oxygen in the
gasifier to produce the gaseous fuel, mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide. The gas is
then cleaned by a gas clean-up process. After cleaning, the coal gas is used in the
combustion turbine to produce electricity. Combined-cycle on the other hand has a design
turbine/generator. The exhaust heat from the combustion turbine is recovered in the heat
recovery steam generator to produce steam. This steam then passes through a steam
turbine to power another generator, which produces more electricity. Combined cycle is
more efficient than conventional power generating systems because it re-uses waste heat
to produce more electricity. The integration of these technologies provides the high
efficiency of the combined-cycle design with the low cost of coal for fuel.
The group decided to design this coal-fired power plant for the chosen location
which is Kalamansig, Sultan Kudarat. This location was chosen by the group due to the
population, state of the municipality, large supply of water, low source of electricity and
it is close to the Moro Gulf which could be beneficial for importing coal and is suitable
for discharging large quantities of waste heat from the proposed power plant.
The group would design the specific components in a coal-fired power plant
basing from the load curves presented in the previous pages. The components which
air fuel ratio, generator and turbine. Additional computations are for the feature or
characteristics of the mentioned components and circulation of water, steam and fuel.
The remaining heat of flue gases is utilized by air preheater. It is a device used in
steam boilers to transfer heat from the flue gases to the combustion air before the air
enters the furnace. Also known as air heater; air-heating system. It is kept at a place
nearby where the air enters in to the boiler. The purpose of the air preheater is to recover
the heat from the flue gas from the boiler to improve boiler efficiency by burning warm
air which increases combustion efficiency, and reducing useful heat lost from the flue. As
a consequence, the gases are also sent to the chimney or stack at a lower temperature,
allowing simplified design of the ducting and stack. It also allows control over the
temperature of gases leaving the stack (to meet emissions regulations, for example). After BOILER
Now that pulverized coal is put in boiler furnace. Boiler is an enclosed vessel in
which water is heated and circulated until the water is turned in to steam at the required
pressure. Coal is burned inside the combustion chamber of boiler. The products of
combustion are nothing but gases. These gases which are at high temperature vaporize
the water inside the boiler to steam. Sometimes this steam is further heated in a
superheater higher the steam pressure and temperature the greater efficiency the engine
will have in converting the heat in steam in to mechanical work. This steam at high
pressure and temperature is used directly as a heating medium, or as the working fluid in
a prime mover to convert thermal energy to mechanical work, which in turn may be
converted to electrical energy. Although other fluids are sometimes used for these
purposes, water is by far the most common because of its economy and suitable
thermodynamic characteristics.
A chimney is a system for venting hot flue gases or smoke from a boiler,
stove, furnace or fireplace to the outside atmosphere. They are typically almost
vertical to ensure that the hot gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the
combustion through the chimney effect (also known as the stack effect). The
steam locomotives and ships. In the US, the term smokestack (colloquially, stack)
is also used when referring to locomotive chimneys. The term funnel is generally
used for ship chimneys and sometimes used to refer to locomotive chimneys.
Chimneys are tall to increase their draw of air for combustion and to disperse
pollutants in the flue gases over a greater area so as to reduce the pollutant
This is a belt type of arrangement. With this coal is transported from coal
here to the shell and tube heat exchanger (or surface condenser) installed at the
generally. These condensers are heat exchangers which convert steam from its
gaseous to its liquid state, also known as phase transition. In so doing, the latent
heat of steam is given out inside the condenser. Where water is in short supply an
circulates in direct or indirect contact with warmer water (the heat source) and the
water is thereby cooled. A cooling tower may serve as the heat sink in a
atmospheric air, and thus cooled, is recirculated through the system, affording
electrically driven pump pushes the water around the circuit. After passing
through the engine, where it removes the heat from the cylinder liners, cylinder
and then returns to the engine. The temperature of the cooling water is closely
controlled using a three-way control valve. If the water is allowed to get too cold,
then it will cause thermal shocking which may lead to component failure and will
also allow water and acids to condense on the cylinder bores washing away the
lubricating film and causing corrosion. If it gets too hot then it will not remove the
heat effectively causing excessive wear and there is a greater danger of scale
formation. For this reason the cooling water outlet temperature is usually
cooling water used for other purposes (known as the LT cooling), the water for DEAERATOR
A Deaerator is a device that is widely used for the removal of oxygen and
particular, dissolved oxygen in boiler feed water will cause serious corrosion
damage in steam systems by attaching to the walls of metal piping and other
metallic equipment and forming oxides (rust). Dissolved carbon dioxide combines
with water to form carbonic acid that causes further corrosion. Most deaerators
are designed to remove oxygen down to levels of 7 ppb by weight (0.005 cm³/L) ECONOMIZER
Flue gases coming out of the boiler carry lot of heat. Function of an
economizer is to recover some of the heat from the heat carried away in the flue
gases up the chimney and utilize for heating the feed water to the boiler. It is
placed in the passage of flue gases in between the exit from the boiler and the
consumption, increase in steaming rate and high boiler efficiency but needs extra
investment and increase in maintenance costs and floor area required for the plant.
This is used in all modern plants. In this a large number of small diameter thin
walled tubes are placed between two headers. Feed water enters the tube through
one header and leaves through the other. The flue gases flow outside the tubes
A feed water heater is a power plant component used to pre-heat water delivered
to a steam generating boiler. Preheating the feed water reduces the irreversibilities
efficiency of the system. This reduces plant operating costs and also helps to
avoid thermal shock to the boiler metal when the feed water is introduced back
system. This basic concept is used in a wide variety of industries but the term FD
Fans is most often found in the boiler industry. Fans for boilers force ambient air
into the boiler, typically through a preheater to increase overall boiler efficiency.
Inlet or outlet dampers are used to control and maintain the system pressure.
Typical fan arrangements are 3SI or 3DI which utilize a wheel center hung on the GENERATOR
magnetic field. Different geometries - such as a linear alternator for use with
Stirling engines - are also occasionally used. In principle, any AC generator can
be called an alternator, but usually the word refers to small rotating machines
Induced Draft (ID) fans are used to create a vacuum or negative air
can also supply extractor fans, which are typically heavy duty construction to
handle particulate in the airstream. In the boiler industry ID Fans are often
steam which is exhausting out of the high pressure turbine at a lower pressure. In
order to fully comprehend how this occurs, the student must grasp basic turbine
construction and design. Once basic construction and design is understood, the
understood. PULVERIZER
The coal is put in the boiler after pulverization. For this pulverizer is used.
It is a type of filter that uses static electricity to remove soot and ash from
exhaust fumes before they exit the smokestacks. This one common air pollution
control device. Most power stations burn fossil fuels such as coal or oil to
generate electricity for use. When these fuels undergo combustion, smoke is
produced. Smoke consists of tiny particles of soot that are suspended in hot, rising
air. These unburned particles of carbon are pulled out of the smoke by using static
electricity in the precipitators, leaving clean, hot air to escape the smokestacks. It
is vital to remove this unreacted carbon from the smoke, as it can damage PYLON
bulk energy transfer systems. The basic role of this structure is to safely and
generally considered the better option because maintenance and repair is easier
and the costs are lower. Overhead transport can usually be identified when
electrical wires are seen running between tall metal structures. These wires are
known as transmission lines, or conductors. The metal structures which keep the
transmission lines off the ground are power transmission towers. These structures
help facilitate the transportation of energy from the generating source to the REHEATER
Some of the heat of superheated steam is used to rotate the turbine where
it loses some of its energy. Reheater is also steam boiler component in which heat
is added to this intermediate-pressure steam, which has given up some of its
energy in expansion through the high-pressure turbine. The steam after reheating
is used to rotate the second steam turbine where the heat is converted to
mechanical energy. This mechanical energy is used to run the alternator, which is STOKER
The coal which is brought nearby boiler has to put in boiler furnace for SUPERHEATER
steam, after it has left the boiler drum, is heated above its saturation temperature.
the boiler. The superheater may consist of one or more stages of tube banks TRANSFORMER
circuit to one or more other circuits, either increasing (stepping up) or reducing
(stepping down) the voltage. Uses for transformers include reducing the line
raising the voltage from electric generators so that electric power can be
induction; current in the primary coil induces current in the secondary coil. The
transferring the energy of the flowing steam to moving blades. The moving blades
are attached to a wheel or disk and produce shaft rotation. Steam flows in the
axial direction, or parallel to the shaft, in most turbines. In some small turbines,
steam flows in the radial or tangential direction relative to the shaft. The first set
is a part of it. Other nozzles and fixed blades may be mounted in disks called
diaphragms. Diaphragms are mounted in the casing. Seals located where the shaft
passes through the diaphragms prevent steam from bypassing the nozzles. The
The Governor is considered as a feedback device. The use for this device will be
during or having the system to be subjected to the variable loading. Example would be
having the steam turbine based power plant that supplies the power to the specific city
where having the plant to be overloaded is prevented by the governor. The device used
to sense the load and even the supply of the fuel that will go to the engine accordingly
This chapter is focused on the design, computations, and selection of the components of
the coal fired power plant. Additional sections are added for the instrumentation of the engine
The estimation of the power consumption of Aurora is based on the given data of
ZENECO(Zamboanga Del Norte Electric Cooperative, Inc (ZANECO)). The Figure 2.1 shows
Figure 2.2 2017 ZANECO’s Hourly Load Profile (MW)
Figure 2.2 shows our basis for the load curve of our designed power plant
This section is responsible for the design computations and selection of components to
satisfy the load curve of Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur which is approximately 25MW. The
following computations would determine the selection of components in the Steam power plant.
According to the Republic of the Philippines Coalbed Methane Assessment conducted by the
U.S. Geological Survey, Zamboanga Sibugay consists of semi-anthracite coal, which is one of
the highest ranking coal, with an ultimate/gravimetric analysis of: C= 82.87%, S= 0.74%, H₂=
O lbO2
= 2.4595
F lbfuel
A A O 1
= (1 + e) = ( ) (1 + e)
Fa Ft F 0.231 lbO2
A 2.4595
=( lbfuel) (1 + 0.20)
Fa lbO2
𝐀 𝐥𝐛𝐚𝐢𝐫
= 𝟏𝟐. 𝟕𝟕𝟔𝟔
𝐅𝐚 𝐥𝐛𝐟𝐮𝐞𝐥
O lbO2 lbO2
mO2 = (excess) = 2.4595 (0.20) = 0.4919
F lbfuel lbfuel
mCO2 3.0386
%GCO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 22.6858%
mdg lbdg
mSO2 0.0148
%GSO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 0.1105%
mdg lbdg
mN2 9.8490
%GN2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 73.5313%
mdg lbdg
mO2 0.4919
%GO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 3.6725%
mdg lbdg
mCO2 3.0386
%GCO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 22.1398%
mwg lbwg
mSO2 0.0148
%GSO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 0.1078%
mwg lbwg
mN2 9.8490
%GN2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 71.7617%
mwg lbwg
mO2 0.4919
%GO2 = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 3.5841%
mwg lbwg
lbH2 O
mH2 O 0.3303
%GH2 O = ∗ 100% = ( lbfuel ) ∗ 100% = 2.4066%
mwg lbwg
mwg 1
MWwg = = m mSO2 mN2 mO2 mH2 O
nwg CO2
+ + + +
mwg 1
MWwg = = mCO2 mSO2 mN2 mO2 mH2 O
nwg + + + +
mwg MWCO2 mwg MWSO2 mwg MWN2 mwg MWO2 mwg MWH2 O
mwg 1
MWwg = =
nwg GCO2 GSO2 GN2 GO2 GH2 O
+ + + +
mwg 1
MWwg = =
nwg 0.221398 + 0.001078 + 0.717617 + 0.035841 + 0.024066
44 64 28 32 18
𝐌𝐖𝐰𝐠 = 𝟑𝟎. 𝟏𝟕𝟗𝟕
MWwg 30.1797
%VCO2 = %GCO2 = 22.1398 ( ) = 15.1857%
MWCO2 44
MWwg 30.1797
%VSO2 = %GSO2 = 0.1078 ( ) = 0.05083%
MWSO2 64
MWwg 30.1797
%VN2 = %GN2 = 71.7617 ( ) = 77.3478%
MWN2 28
MWwg 30.1797
%VO2 = %GO2 = 3.5841 ( ) = 3.3802%
MWO2 32
MWwg 30.1797
%VH2 O = %GH2 O = 2.4066 ( ) = 4.0350%
MWH2 O 18
HHV = 33,820C + 144,212 (H2 − ) + 9,304S
HHV = 33,820(0.8287) + 144,212 (0.0367 − ) + 9,304(0.0074)
𝐇𝐇𝐕 = 𝐐𝐡 = 𝟑𝟐, 𝟒𝟔𝟏. 𝟓𝟎𝟏𝟗
QH coal = 33820 C + 144212 (H − ) + 9.304S
QH coal = 33820 (0.4898) + 144212 (0.045 − ) + 9.304(0.0079)
𝐐𝐇 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐥 = 𝟐𝟏𝟐𝟔𝟐. 𝟖𝟏𝟓𝟒
Figure 2.5 TS Diagram of the Design Power Plant
We design the pump and turbine of the steam power plant assumed an efficiency of
ηpump&𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑏𝑖𝑛𝑒 = 90%
Solving for ℎ1 :
From Steam Table:
@P1 = 14 MPa & T1 = 540°C
s1 = 6.5289
𝐡𝟏 = 𝟑𝟒𝟑𝟐. 𝟒
Solving for ℎ2 :
@P2 = 4.5 MPa & s1 = s2 = 6.5289
𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽
Entropy(s, 𝑘𝑔𝐾) Enthalpy(h, 𝑘𝑔)
6.5131 3080.6
6.5289 ℎ2
6.5537 3106.1
𝐡𝟐 = 𝟑𝟎𝟗𝟎. 𝟓𝟐𝟑𝟔
Solving for ℎ3 :
@P3 = 4.5 MPa & T3 = 540°C
s3 = 7.1467
kg K
𝐡𝟑 = 𝟑𝟓𝟑𝟏. 𝟗
Solving for ℎ4 :
@P4 = 2.5 MPa
s3 = s4 = 7.1467
kg K
𝑘𝐽 𝑘𝐽
Entropy(s, 𝑘𝑔𝐾) Enthalpy(h, 𝑘𝑔)
7.1436 3328.6
7.1467 ℎ4
7.1746 3350.8
𝐡𝟒 = 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟎. 𝟖𝟐
Solving for ℎ5 :
@P5 = 0.03 MPa
s4 = s5 = 7.1467
kg K
Table 2 : Saturated Pressure
S5 = sf + X 5 sfg
S5 − sf
X5 =
7.1467 − 0.9439
X5 =
X5 = 0.9089
h5 = hf + X 5 hfg
h5 = 289.23 + (0.9089)2336.1
𝐡𝟓 = 𝟐𝟒𝟏𝟐. 𝟓𝟏𝟏𝟑
Solving for ℎ6 :
vf6 = [email protected] Mpa = 1.0223 x 10−3
𝐡𝟔 = 𝐡𝐟@𝐏=𝟎.𝟎𝟑 𝐌𝐩𝐚 = 𝟐𝟖𝟗. 𝟐𝟑
Solving for ℎ7 :
𝑃7 = 2.5 𝑀𝑝𝑎
𝑃6 = 0.03 𝑀𝑝𝑎
ℎ7 = ℎ6 + 𝑣𝑓6 (𝑃7 − 𝑃6 )
m3 1000 2
ℎ7 = 289.23 + 1.0223 x 10 −3 (2.5 − 0.03) ( 𝑚 )
kg 1 𝑀𝑝𝑎
𝐡𝟕 = 𝟐𝟗𝟏. 𝟕𝟓𝟓𝟏
Solving for ℎ8 :
P8 = P7 = 2.5 Mpa
vf8 = vf@P=2.5 Mpa = 1.1973 x 10−3
𝐡𝟖 = 𝐡𝐟@𝐏=𝟐.𝟓 𝐌𝐩𝐚 = 𝟗𝟔𝟐. 𝟏𝟏
Solving for ℎ9 :
P9 = 14 Mpa
P8 = 2.5 Mpa
h9 = h8 + vf8 (P9 − P8 )
m3 1000 2
h9 = 962.11 + (1.1973 x 10−3 ) (12 − 2.5) ( m )
kg 1 Mpa
𝐡𝟗 = 𝟗𝟕𝟑. 𝟒𝟖𝟒𝟒
h1 − h2 kJ
0.90 = ; h′2 = 3052.5373
h1 − h2 ′ kg
h3 − h4 kJ
0.90 = ; h′4 = 3308.4778
h3 − h4 ′ kg
h3 − h5 kJ
0.90 = ; h′5 = 2288.1348
h3 − h5 ′ kg
h7 ′ − h6 ′ kJ
0.90 = ; h7 = 291.5026
h7 − h6 kg
h9 ′ − h8 ′ kJ
0.90 = ; h9 = 972.347
h9 − h8 kg
Summary of Enthalpy
h1 3432.4 KJ/kg
h2 3090.5236
h3 3531.9 KJ/kg
h4 3330.82 KJ/kg
h5 2412.5113
h6 289.23 KJ/kg
h7 291.7551 KJ/kg
h8 962.11 KJ/kg
h9 973.4844 KJ/kg
h2 ′ 3052.5373
h4 ′ 3308.4778
h5 ′ 2288.1348
h7 ′ 291.5026 KJ/kg
h9 ′ 972.347 KJ/kg
EP 40 MW
Based on Design, ηg = 98% = =
BP = 40.8163 MW
BP 40.8163 MW
Based on Design, ηm = 0.85 = =
Wt′ Wt′
𝐖𝐭 = 𝟒𝟖. 𝟎𝟏𝟗𝟐 𝐌𝐖
h8 HEATER h7
kg kJ kg kJ
QA = (29.6167 ) (3432.4 − 972.347) + (29.6167 ) (3531.9 − 3052.5373)
s kg s kg
kg kJ
+ (29.6167 − 6.6845) (3330.82 − 2288.1348)
s kg
𝐐𝐀 = 𝟏𝟏𝟎, 𝟗𝟔𝟔. 𝟖𝟓𝟖𝟓 𝐊𝐖
QA = mf (Qh ); mf = mcoal
110,966.8585 kg lb
mcoal = = 3.4184 = 27,073.728
KJ s hr
h1 − h2 (3432.4 − 3090.5236) kg
RCR = = = 0.9
h1 − h2 ′ (3432.4 − 3052.5373) KJ
Wt ′ 48.0192 MW
Wt = = = 𝟓𝟑. 𝟑𝟓𝟒𝟕 𝐌𝐖
RCR 0.9
kg kJ sec
ASME Eva. Unit = 29.6167 (3432.4 − 973.4844) (3600 )
s kg hr
𝐀𝐒𝐌𝐄 𝐄𝐯𝐚. 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐭 = 𝟐𝟔𝟐, 𝟏𝟔𝟗, 𝟖𝟕𝟔. 𝟑
ms (h1 − h9 )
Developed Boiler HP =
kg kJ sec
29.6167 s (3432.4 − 973.4844) (3600 )
kg hr
Developed Boiler HP =
Developed Boiler HP
Percent Rating = × 100%
Rated Boiler HP
Rated Boiler HP =
HS = Rated Boiler HP × K
HS = 15,641.6608 HP × 0.93
kJ kJ
From Rankine Cycle, hs = h1 = 3432.4 kg and hf = h9 = 973.4844 kg
hs − hf
FE =
(3432.4 − 973.4844)
FE =
𝐅𝐄 = 𝟏. 𝟎𝟖𝟗𝟓
EE = ms (FE)
kg 3600 sec
EE = 29.6167 ( ) (1.0895)
s 1 hr
𝐄𝐄 = 𝟏𝟏𝟔, 𝟏𝟔𝟐. 𝟔𝟐𝟎𝟕
7,820.8304 HP × 35,322
ηo = × 100% =
kg 3600 sec 𝐾𝐽
6.6845 s ( ) (32,461.5019 )
1 hr 𝑘𝑔
𝛈𝐨 = 𝟑𝟓. 𝟑𝟔𝟑𝟕%
In our design, the Condenser Pressure Pcond = 0.03 MPa = 4.3511psi with a corresponding
Temperature of T = 156℉. It has a terminal difference of 10℉ and an entering cooling water
temperature of 80.6 ℉.
kg 2.2 lb 3600 s
ms = 29.6167 ( )( )
s 1 kg 1 hr
= 234,564.264
Tout − Tin 146℉ − 80.6℉
θm = =
T −T 156 − 80.6
ln (T s− T in ) ln ( )
s out 156 − 146
𝛉𝐦 = 𝟑𝟐. 𝟑𝟕𝟐𝟕 ℉
In the design, the cooling water velocity v = 8 fpm and the tube is a 3/4“18 BWG Admiralty
̅ = c√v̅ = 270√8 = 𝟕𝟔𝟑. 𝟔𝟕𝟓𝟑
𝐟𝐭 𝟐 𝐡𝐫℉
̅ FT Fc Fm Fp = 763.6753(1.05)(0.85)(1)(1) = 𝟔𝟖𝟏. 𝟓𝟖𝟎𝟐
U= U
𝐟𝐭 𝟐 𝐡℉
QR = UAθm = ms hfg@Pcond
kJ 1 BTU 1 kg
hfg = (2412.5113 − 289.23) ( )( )
kg 1.055 kJ 2.204 lb
= 913.1529
lb BTU
ms hfg 234,564.264 (913.1529 )
A= = hr lb
681.5802 2 (32.3727 ℉)
ft hr℉
𝐀 = 𝟗, 𝟕𝟎𝟕. 𝟓𝟒𝟔𝟏𝟏 𝐟𝐭 𝟐
lb BTU
ms hfg 234,564.264 (913.1529 )
mcw = = hr lb
cp (Tout − Tin ) BTU
cw 1 (146 − 80.6)℉
lb − ℉
mcw = 3,275,122.904
mcw 3,275,122.904 1 hr ft 3 7.48 gal
Qcw = =( ℎ𝑟 )( ) = 874.7657 ( )
ρ 𝑙𝑏 60 min min 1ft 3
62.4 3
A ft2
From Table 8-1: factor = 1.042 = 0.1963
L ft
Area 9,707.5461 ft 2
𝐿= =
A ft 2
No. of Tubes ( L ) 784.9385 (0.1963)
𝐿 = 𝟔𝟑. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟗 𝐟𝐭
Based on table 8-2, condenser with surface area of 6,000 – 10,000 sq. ft. has an approximate tube
length of 16-22 ft. In order to get the maximum length within the range, the number of passes
must be 3.
𝟔𝟑. 𝟎𝟎𝟏𝟗 𝐟𝐭
𝑳𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 =
𝟑 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔
Figure 2.10.Table 8-11
hL = 37.2909 ft
hL Qcw ρ ( go )
BP =
1 𝑙𝑏
𝜌= = 61.35
𝑓𝑡 3 𝑓𝑡 3
ft 3 lb 32.2 2
37.2909 ft (874.7657 min) (61.35 3 ) ( s )
ft lbm − ft
lbf −s2
BP = = 𝟔𝟕. 𝟑𝟖𝟑𝟒𝐡𝐩
ft − lbf
33000 (0.90)
hp − min
TDP = 29.3361°C
𝐀 𝐤𝐠 𝐟 𝐤𝐠 𝐚 𝐤𝐠 𝐚
𝐦𝐚 = 𝐦𝐟 ( ) = 𝟑. 𝟒𝟏𝟖𝟒 (𝟏𝟐. 𝟕𝟕𝟔𝟔 ) = 𝟒𝟑. 𝟔𝟕𝟓𝟓
𝐅 𝐬 𝐤𝐠 𝐟 𝐬
Based on the Pressure and Temperature of Ambient air, Pair = 101.325 kPa and Tair = 27℃.
ρair =
R air Tair
ρair =
0.287 (27 + 273)K
𝛒𝐚𝐢𝐫 = 𝟏. 𝟏𝟕𝟔𝟖
ρgas =
R gas Tgas
ρgas =
8.314 kJ
(30.1797) (280 + 273)K
kg − K
𝛒𝐠𝐚𝐬 = 𝟎. 𝟔𝟔𝟓𝟏
Dtw ρwater
ρair − ρgas
0.03m (1000 )
(1.1768 − 0.6651) 3
𝐇 = 𝟓𝟖. 𝟔𝟐𝟖𝟏𝐦
kg air kg 8.314 kJ
(12.7766 ) ( 3.4184 s f ) (30.1797 ) (280 + 273)K
kg fuel kg − K
𝐐 = 𝟔𝟓. 𝟔𝟔𝟔𝟏
𝐶𝑣 = 0.4
Cv πv
4 (65.6661 s )
D=√ m
0.4(π) (7.5 s )
𝐃 = 𝟓. 𝟐𝟕𝟗𝟐 𝐦
The boiler chosen for the proposed coal-fired power plant is the Two-Drum Boiler
with Traveling Grate Firing Biomass and Pulverized Coal, manufactured by Babcock &
Wilcox (B&W) Enterprises, since this type of boiler can accommodate a capacity of
steam flow up to more than 1,200,000 lbs/hr. This boiler is custom-engineered depending
Design Features:
Gas-tight setting membrane – inhibits dew point sulfur corrosion and outages caused
by gas leaks
Rugged steel-based frame – supports boiler and allows jacking and skidding
Grooved tube seats – protect against leaks during transportation and throughout
Solid membraned division wall – prohibits furnace gases from bypassing generating
Larger tube diameter – helps to prevent membrane thermal cracking and contributes
Figure 2.11 Boiler Schematic Diagram
Figure 2.12 Two-Drum Boiler with Traveling Grate Firing Biomass and Pulverized Coal
2.7.2. 2.7.2 STEAM TURBINE
For the design, the SST-400 Steam Turbine manufactured by SIEMENS was selected.
Figure 2.14: SST-400 Design Features
Design Features:
Turbine Casting – The single-body turbine with horizontal split has nearly symmetrical casing,
which allows short start-up times and quick load changes. The design of all supports for
labyrinths and blade carriers allows steam path flexibility and adjustment to individual steam
parameters. Internal valve arrangements or adaptive stages control the steam flow to the back
end of the turbine and are used to maintain constant process-steam extraction pressures over a
wide flow range. The utilization of selected proven components assures high reliability and easy
Rotor and Blades – The SST-400 rotor is fitted with resonance-proof blading. The blading design
guarantees high efficiency over the whole operation range, including rapid changes of load for
smooth plant operation. The reliability of the blading is achieved primarily through a low total
Gearbox – The reduction gears are taken from the existing range of world-class gear
Base Frame – SST-400 turbines are delivered as packaged units. The components of the turboset
are installed on a common base frame, including the complete oil system. The oil tank is inside
the base frame. All instrumentation is pre-wired to junction boxes located at the front of the
frame. The number of external connections is reduced to the minimum; all connections (piping,
wiring, etc.) are clearly defined. The SST-400 base-frame packaged unit can either be placed on
(a concrete foundation upper desk is not required if the base frame is placed on springs).
Exhaust – The SST-400 range can be equipped with upward, downward or axial exhaust
Figure 2.15 SST-400 Steam Turbine Schematic Diagram
For the design, surface condenser is used since it can handle large volumetric flow rate of
vapour with very low pressure drop. WKG Surface Condenser is the selected condenser for the
Design Features:
Condensate pump
Figure 2.9 WKG Surface Condenser
2.7.4. 2.7.4 GENERATOR
For the design, the SGen-100A-4P generator series, manufactured by Siemens AG, since
its performance ranges 25 to 70 MVA or MW. The SGen-100A-4P is designed using the
building-block system with optimized diameter and length sizing to achieve perfect alignment
with your plant and the grid requirements. Grid studies can be performed. Many more options
are available including variants of the cooling system and the position of the generator leads. All
parts and connections are readily accessible, and the enclosure can be easily removed for
Design Features:
generators include:
high efficiency
low noise emissions
low installation and commissioning costs
high serviceability
long service life
Siemens four-pole three-phase synchronous generators are used as high-voltage
generators with a solid silent pole rotor. Their rotor windings are indirectly cooled by air.
These generators use brushless excitation as a standard. The excitation current is supplied
by an exciter with rotating rectifiers. The exciter is a stationary-field machine with the
rotor mounted on the generator shaft. Alternatively, static excitation using slip rings is
also available. Industrial plants with steam and gas turbines that use SGen-100A-4P
series generators are able to keep their operating costs down due to high efficiency levels
Figure 2.19. SGen-100A-4P Generator Series Schematic Diagram
Belt Conveyor is the type of conveyer that is used in the design of the power plant
for transporting coal from the coal yard. The design of general-purpose conveyor belts
enables application in all areas of materials handling. Due to the carcass construction and
quality of cover, these belts are noted for their reliability and long life in all industrial
abrasive materials.
Figure 2.20 Belt Conveyor
The Operator Station (OPS) provides functions for plant operation and monitoring.
The Accessory Station (ACS) is a piece of equipment that saves and manages various
equipment data over the long-term, and interfaces with printers and other peripherals. As with
The ACS includes a wide range of data management functions to support operation.
Data Logs
List Display, etc.
Reducing Cumbersome Tasks by Automatically Generating Daily and Monthly Reports
Process data managed by the ACS database is printed out in the form of daily and monthly
Data can be printed to any Excel form, allowing forms tailored to customer requirements to be
The Engineering & Maintenance Station (EMS) is a device that performs maintenance on
maintenance and backups are controlled using computers and communications technologies.
With DIASYS Netmation, devices can be selected based on system size to develop an optimum
system configuration.
High reliability
High reliability achieved through thorough design theory and a stringent quality control system
32-Bit processors, high-speed networks and extensive process I/O modules demonstrate
excellent controllability.
Excellent operability
The ergonomically designed human interface provides a comfortable operating environment for
Easy maintenance
Thanks to the superior user interface of the ORCA-View maintenance software, dramatic
From small to large-scale systems, a wide range of applications are supported regardless of size,
considered in order to meet its maximum capacity. Therefore, it is important to take note that
the area location of the powerplant and its system design, the area of a particular system and
installation. Since the power plant’s performance greatly depends on the system of operations
and equipment, the equipment should be carefully installed with consideration on its space
requirement, environmental condition, safety and other factors along with the associated
operations in it. Thus, it is best to consider the top systematical arrangement of the equipment
Within the power plant cycle, the chemical energy on the coal is transformed into
steam thermal energy by the boiler, then it is transformed into rotational mechanical
energy by the turbine, and finally it is transformed into electric energy by the generator
which is transferred to the power plant’s transformer and switch yard before going to the
maintenance is needed. It should also be open to the possibility of future expansion along
with the accompanying construction work to be done without interfering with the current
power plant.
space should be divided to the main plant area, coal storage & handling system, station
water system and raw water reservoir, switchyard, ash handling system and
miscellaneous facilities.
requirement must be submitted to them before the plant is built in its location:
3. Atmospheric survey and study of the area (weather system, typhoon paths.
7. Building Permit
8. Mechanical Permit
9. Sanitary/Plumbing Permit
11. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate from the bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)
17. Fire and Gas Electrical Checklist Manual
competency assessment.
22. Insurance Coverage of the project (certified true copy). It should comply with
and satisfy the health, safety, security, and environment (HSSE) Plan, the
immediate locality and its people near the facility should be covered and protected
by the insurance.
This consist of the area from the chimney to one side of the transformer yard.
turbine-generator area, steam generator area, auxiliary bay area and the electrical
equipment area. Aside from the area for the operation and maintenance, the
arrangement should also consider the pipe lines, electrical cables, machine supports,
equipment for maintenance, replacement or repairs. The requirement for land in the
2. The size of the electrostatic precipitator that will depend on the ash
content in the coal and the emission levels that will be allowed for the
3. Number and arrangement of the coal mills that depend upon calorific
value of coal.
Area for the coal storage and handling system depends on the plant location,
coal’s quality, storage requirement, coal unloading and other factors. The coal handling
appendix I). This factors shouldn’t be taken lightly since it’s the core of a power plant.
The efficiency of power generation is greatly affected by its reliability, flexibility and
efficiency in delivering large amount of coal in a short period of time. Among other
factors, the design should prioritize the maximization of the fuel burn rate of power plant.
It is important to note that the area is not a function of the plant’s capacity but the
The pit head station, where the mine is located and usually where
requires more area to ensure smooth unloading and return of empty coal
rakes. The system that allows the unloading needs more area. This is
greatly dependent on the capacity of the power plant and number of coal
2. Type of coal unloading system
Area for the wagon tipplers in thermal station needs a lot of space.
emptied before the next batch or coal rake comes. The pit head
From this, the coal is delivered to the crusher hoes using an apron
used to extract raw material typically from dump hoppers, bins and
such systems is used for power station located away from the coal
3. Storage requirement
needed coal stack piles. For effective operation, power stations keeps a
month of coal requirement for load center stations and 15 days for case pit
head station. In total, this requires a lot of area considering the amount of
treatment plant, circulating water system accompanying the cooling towers and
effluent treatment system. The land allotment is greatly dependent on the cooling
towers utilized and the raw water’s quality. A condenser cooling system can be added
when space reduction is needed. There are two types of cooling towers: the natural
draught cooling towers that required more space than an induced draught cooling
On the other hand, the storage capacity of reservoir depends entirely on the
resource of water, its reliability and the cooling system of the power plant. Usage of
sea water for the condenser would yield to a lesser needed reservoir capacity. Since
using sea water, direct cooling is preferred the water discharged temperature
shouldn’t rise to 7 degree to avoid damage to the aquatic life. The cooling will be
done such that the discharge water passes through a pond or through long discharge
In cases where supply of water isn’t available on certain times of the year, an
alternate or storage reservoir is needed. The land allotment of it depends on the depth
of the reservoir varying between 4 to 8 meters depending upon the soil strata and the
water table in the area. It should capably supply for a period of time which can go up
The space needed for switchyard depends on the type of scheme, voltage level
and number of bays. The size of the switchyard specifically depends on the number of
bays needed in order to evacuate the power from the generating station. As such, the
width of the switchyard should be restricted to that of the main plant. When there is a
and load out of various types of ash residue produced by the plant. The evacuation of the
fly ash uses dry and wet system while the bottom ash uses air preheater in wet system.
The space for the ash handling system will depend on the capacity of the plant and also
the ash content that is found in the coal used. The difference on the two types of modes
and etc.
wetting unit that will convert the ash into the slurry and discharge
This facilities includes the service building, workshop, computer house, fire
station, canteen, security office, lab, auxiliary boiler, roads, and fire pump house and fire
water tank. Although this is comparably smaller than all areas, it still needs consideration
to ensure that the functionality, safety and effectiveness of the power plant.
broken parts, dirt or the presence of moisture before installation. The manufactured part
must be in accordance with the International Electrotechnical Commission edition 1 of
ii. Check the transformer nameplate and verify that it is the correct
vi. Adjust primary taps if necessary and insulate any unused taps
removed from the top and bottom of each tap. The tap’s surface
the wire.
vii. Route wires into enclosure using the predefined access holes or by
on the nameplate.
ix. Ground the enclosure in accordance with NEC and local electrical
condensing type with six (6) or seven (7) steam extractions at optimum
horizontally split type. The dumping device of the HP steam should
provide for the steam’s evacuation form the HP turbine to the after
stop and control valves and reheat stop and control valves with their
crossover/ cross around piping and electric motors for all its integral
heater in condenser neck and for each cold reheat line one hydraulic / PUMPS Location
Consideration for the pump’s location mst ensure a sufficient positive
suction head while the NPSH is kept at minimum. The selected pump must be
8.2-1990(see appendix).It is also advisable to make the suction line as short and
direct as possible. It should also be large enough to keep the velocity low and
suction side while elbows should be far away from the pump. By-pass
On the discharge side, a by pass line is necessary. It should have the same
connection with the lower pressure in the boiler feed cycle, not directly to the
pump suction. This by pass may be operated manually or automatically and may
include set of orifice to keep the safe and minimum capacity of the pump. It
should also be always open whenever the pump is functioning at the rated or full
should be connected at a point between the pump’s discharge and the cheek valve.
On the other hand, check valves, except globe valves, should be placed o both
sides of the upstream and downstream side of the orifice for cleaning purposes,
when necessary. It should have a minimum of a straight run pipe on either side of
the orifice with a measurement of about 2 feet for the turbulence reduction and
The recirculation line must enter at a point in the feed water heater below
the minimum level and should be far from the pump possible. If the
configurations allows, preventing the bypass flow from directly entering the pump
suction line through the installation of a baffle in the heater. The increase in
temperature in the water flowing is evident on the by-pass flow is evidence of the
absorbed heat however its effects lessens with a large heater capacity.
i. In operating, The discharge valve can only be closed when the by-
pass line back to the source is wide open. Note that, throttling on
the suction side of the pump increases friction and possibility oof
fluctuations is observed, turn off the unit and check for trouble. CONDENSER
i. The materials for plates, tubes and nozzles should be tested first to
iii. The dimensions of tube should be determined through eddy current and
about 10% of all the butt weld must undergo radiographic examination.
site welds. On the other hand, nozzle should undergo DPT and MPE
vi. Damages on surface on its edge should be examined. The edges should
vii. Freedom form internal and surface damages must be ensure by doing
viii. Try out a few tubes through the main tubes and support plates to verify
the alignment of tube plates and proper fitting and matching of parts
and sub-assemblies. This is to guarantee the dimensional control of Boiler
year built
building free from the risk of dust and dripping water. Other
iii. Professional personnel authorized by the specific boiler’s
iv. The space requirement for the boiler room should considered a dry
pressure sensing device, hat will stop the flow of fuel and feed
water to the boiler, at a pressure higher than the set pressure of PG-
working pressure”
vi. It should be as near as possible to the power source and away from
two pass type. The design and sizing of various plants, systems,
xi. The design specification must comply with the minimum design
xii. The requirements for the latest editions of the ASME BPVC.I-
heating surface
iii. The design of the steam generator must also achieve the rated RH
primary control device only, while firing from the specified range
a. Normal operation.
b. Operation of a reduced feed water inlet temperature integrated
d. Unit start-up.
emergency conditions.
be less than 2 (two) thermocouples per RH/SH assembly ECONOMIZER
i. The economizer arranged for counter flow of feed water and flue gases
with modular construction shall be bare tube and inline type. It shall be
ii. Stainless steel erosion shields shall be provided with for the leading
sturdy cassette baffles shall be provided for all front and rear bends of
the economizer banks. The cassette baffles shall cover complete bends
iii. Steam/ water cooled hanger tubes/headers should not cause any
iv. A proper barrier and clear side spacing (gas lane) of minimum 63.5
vi. The piping from the economizer outlet to the boiler drum must not
vii. The top most row shall be shielded to reduce erosion when the steam
generator has the flue gas down flow section with horizontal tube
viii. The location of the headers should be in the external gas path and shall
ix. Drains and suitable opening with forged weld on caps for internal
economizer header.
The requirements for the replacement of a bottom ash hopper includes the
included limited outage time and physical space constraint. The existing bottom
ash hoppers and equipment remained in place while the sluice conveying pipes
were intercepted and routed to the remote SFC's in these circumstances. After the
particulate was removed from the sluice conveying water, the clarified water is
returned to the boiler house to complete a zero liquid discharge system, while
again decommissioning the existing bottom ash pond. This particular option is
operating units due to the multiple unit synergies, and is also highly favorable by
maintaining plant availability as it requires no major changes to existing bottom
ash hoppers and minimal outage time with proper tie-in planning for piping,
particulate separation and water clarifying in the new tanks for this system. Like the
CDR system, the key decision criteria included limited outage time and reuse of
existing equipment and the clarified water is returned to the boiler house to complete
a zero liquid discharge system, while again decommissioning the existing bottom ash
ponds. This option is favorable on plants with existing equipment that can be reused
and is cost effective when considering installations with two or more operating units
due to the multiple unit synergies. Aside from that, it can also be implemented with
cycle cost is greatly considered. In its installation, the bottom ash hoppers
hoppers, vacuum conveying systems and a common dry bottom ash storage silo. In
In its installation, the design greatly considered the outage time constraints,
reduced maintenance and operations costs, physical space availability and the
age/condition of the existing bottom ash hopper. To do so, the existing bottom ash
hoppers were in need of major repair or replacement was decommissioned and a new
Commissioning ensures the all systems and components of the coal-fired power
plant are suitably designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained accordingly with its
operational requirement. The components for this specific plant includes the steam
generator, deaerator, turbine, generator, steam system piping and the like. Since the
power plant’s functionality greatly depends on the system of operations and equipment,
includes the steam generator, deaerator, turbine, generator, steam system piping and the
compatibility and efficiency in working is necessary. That’s why its construction happens
in a long period of time while the machines, equipment and systems are moderately
components. A clear fluid flow on the pipe is designed and tested by manually
pressurizing it. Through this, It will be determined if it can sustain the pressure and flow
rate to perform at its rated load. Additionally, the management and safety system are
evaluated for normal operation. Finally, the power plant’s function accordingly to its
designed system. However, it is important to take note that problems about some
machines that aren’t assembled properly or some system obtains blocked or obstructed
This test is done to remove any foreign particle remaining in steam inlet
pipeline by blowing the steam lines prior to starting up a new unit. The difference
remove the mill scale/weld slag away from the pipe wall.
iii. During the blowing down process open all the drain lines from
iv. Steam blows should be carried out by fully opening the isolating
then allow the line to get cooled(~40°C ) and then hammer the
vii. Now place the target plate in the fixture & blow down the steam
viii. This cycle is repeated till we get acceptance value, In each cycle
continue hammering and Stamp the cycle no. on the receiving face
i. The DM water pump is connected by the pipe line to the condenser shell.
ii. Fill the condenser with DM water up to the bottom of exhaust casing until
iii. Guarantee that all the pipe lines are filled with water which are connected
iv. Hold the water up to one hour and observe any leakage from the flange
vi. Completely remove the water from the system after the completion of test
i. Provide a ms plate of approximate 10 to 15 mm thickness between
condenser flange and bellow flange provided at the turbine exhaust flange
iii. Start hoggeer ejector and create vacuum to the designed value of 0.1 ATA
v. Remember that the decrease in vacuum should not exceed 0.01 kg/sq.cm
in 30 minutes.
v. Casing drain
vii. Inspect oil level in oil tank through oil level gauge and temperature. Its
viii. Ensure that cooling water to oil cooler, condenser, GVC is flowing
x. Start the motor driven barring gear since an interlock ensures that the
xi. Run barring gear for a period of 12 hours, if turbine is started first time for
an SCG 3 turbine.
xv. Crack open the steam supply isolating valve and warm up the steam pipe
expansion of pipe line, rotor and casing and water hammering effect.
xviii. Gradually open the SEV, which should be sufficient for warming nozzles
and casing.
xix. After few minutes, when the turbine warmed through and all water has
other system and equipment in the power plant. Cooperation between the boiler and
the plan operation is especially necessary in starting up. Since it’s a critical part of the
plant, it must be synchronized well with plant operation to meet the specific steam
demands of the plant. It’s a continuous fine tuning since specific boiler’s
characteristics and data from actual performance can help in its improvement.
includes the hydraulic test and wet preservation, air and gas tightness test, trial run of
equipment, electronic precipitators, fuel oil system, preparation for first light up,
alkali boil – out, acid cleaning and passivation, thermal flow test of economizer,
water walls, and super heater, valves, steam boiling, safety valve setting, and soot
For this step, Measure the gas pressure on the inlet of the furnace. For accurate
values, determine the gas pressure at the manifold on both high- and low-fire. The gas
pressure measured at the manifold should be close to 1.7” of water column (WC) on the
rating plate for low-fire and 3.5” WC on the rating plate for high-fire. A high gas pressure
or too low pressure indicates that the combustion process will not burn at engineered
design. Once the gas pressure is set, the temperature rise is will assist in adjusting the fan
speeds. That said, some high-efficiency furnaces with variable speed motors (ECM) are
engineered to ramp up air speed to produce a temperature rise that will protect the heat
This step aims to verify that the furnace’s burning rate of gas is equal to its
rating and show if the wrong size orifices were installed. The value reflects its
performance: too high or too low BTU, it means the furnace is not firing or
performing to engineered design. The value should be within the range of BTU
which is should be within the acceptable measured BTU versus sized BTU with a rise
For this step, ensure that sufficient air flows on the heat exchanger: if the
temperature is too low, condensation may occur in the primary heat exchanger;
and if it the temperature is too high based on the furnace testing outside of
levels and potential premature degradation of the heat exchanger if results are too
high. It is preferable to have the fan speed in the middle of the set up range as
The external static pressure (ESP) tests must be done on the supply and
return air to indicate the adequacy of both the return air and supply air duct
systems to handle required air flow. It is also useful in determinng the additional
pressure drop imposed by the air filter, furnace cabinet, elbow connection or
overall system effect. Generally, higher air flows accompanies high efficiency
furnaces. Thus the duct system must be considered when changing the furnaces.
ii. A high air flow must be maintained during the light-up until the boiler
iii. Check the starting equipment and interlocks for any defects
iv. Ensure that there’s a large distance from the retractable soot blower
vi. A closed and a manual control must be present in the feed water
regulating valves.
vii. Close all blowdown and drain valves on boiler, water walls and the
viii. The main steam line stop valve closed while the dum vent valves are
xii. Open all instruments control connections and put all automatic control
equipment on manual control and see that all control equipment are
xiii. Ensure that the instrument panel power, compressed air and power for
This test is done before hydro teste on the boiler. The aim of air leak test is to
ensure that erection of pressure parts is completed. Air leak test is conducted by
introducing air into the boiler pressure parts at a pressure and the entire boiler pressure
parts are checked manually for any leakage. Vital points of leakage is in the Vital point
for leakage are in the manhole doors, peephole doors, duct joints, fan flanges
iii. Check the completion of sealing system and all weld joints and flange
v. Run FD fan and keep open all the dampers in the air and flue gas path.
minimum of 1½ times the design pressure but no less than 1 1/4 times the
maximum allowable working pressure of any part of the boiler, excluding the
boiler external piping as shown on the data report to be stamped on the boiler.
After a boiler has been completed, it shall be subjected to pressure tests using
water at not less than ambient temperature, but in no case less than 70°F (20°C) in
accordance to PG-99 of BPCV.I-2017. Also, the pressure relief valves does not
need to be included in the hydrostatic test.It should be done every year and is
considered as annually tests. The test is done by filling water from the bottom
most portion of the boiler. After ensuring full flow of water through the vents the
vents are closed and pressurization is done by an external pump installed near the
drain header. The steam’s color is used as indication of the debris being removed
from the contour. In addition, the aberration on the polished target plates fixed in
the exhaust piping will be used to indicate the effectiveness of blowing. Softer
material like aluminum, brass, copper etc. can also be used for target plates. For
evaluating the cleanliness and termination point of steam blowing, target plates
made of alloy steel are to be used. It is important to note that the complete system,
start-up to comply with code requirements and to check for leaks that may have
i. Open the steam drum vent valve and gag the safety valves in
of gagging, the safety valves may be removed and replaced with test
ii. Open the vents on the interconnecting piping. Close steam outlet
iii. Isolate pressure switches, gauge glasses or control components that are
v. Apply pressure slowly. The recommended rate of pressure increase is
less than 50 psi per minute. Proper control must be maintained so that
pressure does not exceed the 1.5 times the design pressure.
with the test objective can begin. Examine the system for any leaks. If
vii. Upon completion of the test, release pressure slowly through a small
drain valve. Then fully open vents and drains when the pressure drops
to 20 psig. Particular Care must be given to make sure that parts not
viii. If temporary handhole or manway gaskets were used for the test, they
unit for operation. Gaskets should never be reused. Replace gage glass
if necessary and make sure that the gage cocks are open.
valve gauges and controls and other equipment on the unit meets Code
It must be noted that the HYDROSTATIC TEST must comply with the
For the second stage test, the hydrostatic test pressure may
This test aim to ensure that the velocity of flue gas is constant through the
entire are of ESP. this test is done on all fans and blower operating at rated
electrodes for the entire width of ESP at various heights. The gas flow distribution
is important since it affects the collection efficiency since high velocity would
result for the particles to be collected particles on the collecting plate would again
enter into the gas stream. The data from it is recorded to see the changes and
hard for boiler to attain high pressiis, these deposits from the the fabrication is a
crucial problem. This is done to remove foreign materials and keeps the pressure
part internals clean. . Whenever carbon low alloy steels are subjected to high
temperatures in the presence of air, oxidation occurs, the oxides produced are
known as mill scale. Thus, it is desirable to subject all pressure parts of a steam
processes mentioned below is repeated two or three times till the water collected
ii. Fire boiler and slowly increase pressure to its normal operating
iii. Hold pressure for four hours, remove heat and allow to sit for 15
boiler with alkaline boil out cleaning solution treated softened water,
apply heat, and raise pressure. Hold pressure for one hour and repeat
iv. Maintain boil out conditions (ie blowdown, make up, chemical levels
and pressure) for a period of at least 48 hours. The best guide for
determining when to end the boil out is the condition and appearance
of water blown from the boiler. A leveling off of the oil and grease,
1/2 gauge glass and make up with softened make up water containing
bottom drains.
surfaces or boiler are free of oil and grease, boil out is complete, but if
a film of oil and grease are present, repeat boiler cleaning procedure.
viii. If operation of steam boiler is not imminent, flood pre boiler and
boiler with sulphite and caustic treated softened water such that final
sulphite concentration of at least 200 mg/L as SO3 and final hydroxide
system to disposal;
iv. . Fill system with domestic water and repeat step 3 until water
Note that it is important to complete steps 3, 4, & 5 within a 24 hour
period .If metal surfaces contain scale or iron deposits and are not
passivated, fill system with domestic water and repeat steps 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Many industrial, power generation and chemical processes produce unwanted fine
The electrostatic precipitators (ESP) are extensively used in the thermal power
plant or steam power plant for removal of fly ash from the electric utility boiler
emissions. The use of electrostatic precipitators is growing rapidly because of the new
strict air code and environmental laws. An electrostatic precipitators can be designed to
operate at any desired efficiency for use as primary collector or a supplementary unit to
merely by inspecting and correcting the completed job. A complete quality assurance
program covering the design, procurement, fabrication, and erection phases will, if
to retain an existing cyclone collector as primary collector in the case where the fly-ash
unburnt carbon in the fly-ash. In view of this, the erection contractor's QA program
should be closely monitored by the purchaser throughout the erection. The following
systems. The closest electrical clearance within that section is affected greatly by the
maximum voltage that can be carried on any bus section. The design or sketch of vital
electrical clearances from the emitting system to the grounded members have various
dimension with tolerances is furnished by most suppliers. If these tolerances are not
carefully observed throughout the entire precipitator, maximum performance will not be
collection plates. Collection electrodes are usually installed first, and the discharge wires
or rigid frames are positioned relative to them. Plumb, level, and properly aligned
The purpose of a seal weld is not to prevent leakage out of a container, but to
prevent entry of a fluid into a space where some type of harmful behavior, often
in positive or negative pressure, should be gas tight, seal welds is used. Under negative
pressure, air in leakage at incomplete seal welds, flanges or collector access points adds
additional airflow to be processed. The leakage of cold air creates cold spots which can
lead to moisture or acid condensation and possible corrosion. If severe, it can cause the
entire process gas temperature to fall below the gas dew point, causing moisture or acid
to condense on the hopper walls, the discharge electrode, or collection plates. In addition,
air in leakage and moisture condensation can cause caking of fly ash in the hopper,
making normal dust removal by the discharge device very difficult. Under positive
pressure, the out leakage from the same locations will cause process gas and particulate
matter to leak into the thermal insulation and lagging, eventually destroying it. The out
leakage of process gas and particulate matter will also pollute the environment. In finding
the leaks, the areas of which light penetrates from the outside of the walls is identified.
Rapping is the process by which electrodes and particles are broken apart by
vibrations from the rappers. To do so, rappers transmit strong shearing forces to
collecting plates in order to release deposited dust particles. The collection plate rappers
To keep the temperature of the flue gas high, some type of thermal insulation is
used by most ESPs. The insulating material keeps heat from transferring between the
materials that are in thermal contact. Thus, prevents any moisture or acids present in the
flue gas from condensing on the hoppers, electrodes, or duct surfaces. In addition, it also
protects personnel and equipment adjacent to the precipitator from radiant heat. Because
most ESPs are installed in the field, check that all surfaces and areas of potential heat loss
The test ports should be acceptable to the inlet and outlet duct to prevent
overlooking it.. When the ports located on the top of the ducts and no access walkways
are provided, the foot traffic generated in just one test can often ruin the insulation on the
top of the ducts. Thus, access walkways and platforms for such test ports should always
be installed.
Since ESPs on power plants are shaped liked large boxes, numerous points of
supports is also needed. Generally, steel supports are fixed at one location, normally at
the center, and, at operating temperature, they expand as much as several inches in all
directions from the fixed point. temperature, they expand as much as several inches in all
directions from the fixed point. Designers allow for this expansion by including sliding
connections of various types at all support points except the fixed point. Thus, the inlet
and outlet ducts of the system have expansion joints which compress when heated.
The precipitator supports will be temporarily fixed in their "cold" position on the
support steel on its construction,. Upon completion of steel erection, and before applying
thermal insulation, all such temporary tack welds and stops must be removed so that
sliding supports can move in the designed manner. The structural steel can be torn apart
Recently, transformer rectifier cabinet are placed on top of the precipitator.
Although these cabinets are invariably weather-proof (NEMA-IV construction), they are
frequently mounted within a weather enclosure. Control cabinets are most commonly
located in a room especially built to accommodate them and ancillary electrical gear such
as main breakers, heater and rapper controls, etc. The room is often located close to the
precipitator and the distribution transformer to shorten the lengths of low voltage cable.
The precipitator control rooms must not be on dirty surrounding such as on ash
handling equipment during its servicing. Thus, in keeping the control room clean, filters
are often used on the ventilating air intake. In a very dirty environment, such filters
rapidly become clogged, restricting the flow of ventilating air, and adding ambient
the items listed above, each ESP erection should have its own checklist reflecting the
than those that are encountered in the simultaneous start-up of a new boiler plant and a
new ESP. This is because everything that might affect boiler operation affects the ESP
too. When the boiler has been stabilized, it is usually possible to minimize low load
operation which often results in condensation in the precipitator with resulting ash
handling problems .Thus it also needs to be in accordance of the republic act no. 6969
which specifies the act to control toxic substances and hazardous and nuclear wastes,
providing penalties for violations thereof, and for other purposes Problems in the
precipitator may come from repeated startups and prolonged low-load operation on new
operation which pertains to heating components such as support insulators and hoppers. It
is recommended to turn off the ESP unless the process reaches steady state conditions. A
6. Check hoppers.
8. Check rappers.
a. Energize control, run rapid sequence, ensure that all rappers are operational.
filtering fly ash when lignite is burned and a cold-side ESP is used.
c. Test-energize all T-R sets and check local control alarm functions.
Gas load:
10. After gas at temperature of 200°F has entered ESP for 2 hours -
Fuel injectors are critical part of the fuel system since leakage in it are fire
hazards and must comply with PTC 4.2-1969 Coal Pulverizers. Potential
problems from this can cause sever and costly damage to the boiler. Proper fuel
injector cleaning techniques can restore your injectors to function like new at a
Coal power plant commonly uses conveyor to transfer coal to the plant. Once
inside the plant, the coal is stored in bunkers and is moved to the pulverizer and
spins in a large drum where it is turned into powder. Large fans add warm air and
is approved.
4. Check that the Fuel piping network is complete with proper filling pipe
valves & pressure switches in place as per final approved shop drawing.
7. Ensure that the fuel fans are as per approved material submittal.
8. Ensure that the fuel fans are pre-commissioned and commissioned in line
9. The wiring to the DDC & fire alarm panel from the fan panel and power
In a glass of water, bubbles may form on its sides. The formation of air bubbles
from the sides of a glass of cold water after drawing it from the tap is oxygen that tends
to become dissolved in our tap water both at the source and via the treatment process.
Due to surface tension., the resulting air bubbles will adhere to the side of the glass. In
the same way, the water in the condenser water system will be exposed to a lot of air due
to dissolved air in the makeup water and due to the fact that it is spread out and splashed
When the water in the system is warmed up, some of the air will be driven out of
solution, either because the system was filled with relatively cold “city water”, or the
system has been idle and then placed on line, or because of temperature changes in the
system as shown in figure 12. As the temperature increases, the oxygen content
Additionally, changes in pressure has the similar effect especially in the pump
impellers. At this points, the velocity is high which, in turn, lessens the pressure. In the
illustration, the relationship of the pressure and velocity in the eye of the impeller is
shown. Air tends to accumulate at the high points in systems, which, for the system we
are discussing, is the inverted trap at roof level and the cooling tower basin. The top
of the volute on a horizontal split case style pump can also represent an intermediate high
point in most systems, which is why they are often provided with a tapped opening which
can be fitted with a manual vent. The pumps on this project are just so equipped, as
illustrated below.
On the supply side of the system located from the towers to the load, things could
be hardened for the air to be carried out of the system. It needs to be forced all the way
down through the building and back out again. This would allow it to accumulate in
intermediate high points like the tops of pump volutes and also would compound the
problem on the return side. Specifically, at full load, the velocities in the system are high
enough to carry the air through the trap and into the cooling tower on the return side of
the system. The velocities are extremely low in the large 14″ lines and the commissioning
team was concerned that significant air could accumulate in the inverted traps when the
modular chiller is in operation. Once it did, the low velocities signifies insufficient
available energy to carry it out of the system. As a result, the air pocket would begin to
obstruct flow.
Utilization of the existing continuous process system which can remove all
crud and dissolved contaminants from the condenser effluent stream the power
station. It should be capable to retain its on line connection during the start-up
phase of the air-cooled condenser. The condensate polishing units also provided a
secondary benefit of heat recovery, and thus saving fuel, as well as minimizing
the requirement for further make up water normally required due to the discharge
gas turbines is directly linked to the number of plant shut downs and start-ups.
cooling tower system works functionally. Since a typical cooling tower system consists
of cooling tower, chiller condenser / heat exchanger, water pump, chemical water
treatment equipment, physical water treatment equipment, make-up water tank, bleed-off
and drainage, pipework and fittings and metering devices, careful consideration and
cooling tower system. For emergencies, eye wash bottles or washing basin with fresh
water tap shall be provided adjacent to water treatment chemicals. The water contained in
the eye wash bottle should be replaced periodically. As for the water treatment chemical,
the chemical handling facility must be in a proper location having this characteristics:
Records on its design and commissioning must be kept for the whole life of the
power plant’s cooling tower system. This data can be should be readily available for
inspections upon request by Government appointed officials. The record shall include,
4. Descriptions of the cooling towers and water treatment equipment,
operation procedure;
The cooling tower specialist contractor must ensure that the cooling tower’s
operation and maintenance must be well documented and include the following:
necessary. A risk management plan for the cooling tower system shall be
developed by the owner / designer of the cooling tower system. It must also
comply with the latest Iranian Petroleum Standards standard Also, risk-handling
activities must be planned and invoked as needed across the life of the product or
tower system when designing the cooling tower system. It is about identifying
plan for complicated cooling tower systems, consultation with experienced system
d. To recommend the mitigation measures if the above risks are
followed. First, fresh water and seawater type and, second, the quality of cooling
water discharged from cooling tower systems. The type of cooling tower system
accordance with the Iranian Petroleum Standards. More precise levels shall be
advised by water treatment services providers. As for the quality of cooling water
discharged from cooling tower system, it must comply with the requirements
Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage Systems, Inland and Coastal Waters. It
should be noted that the effluent discharge requirement may vary with the
discharge flowrate.
the concentration of total dissolved solids (TDS), insoluble precipitates, other
To ensure the bleed off water quality, the bleed-off water from cooling
Standards for Effluent Discharged into Drainage and Sewerage System, Inland
and Coastal Waters issued under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance. Other
standards that are set for toxic metals shall also be complied with. In addition, the
and bleed off requirement shall not be less than 6 and 2 for fresh water and
In a coal fire-power plant, power is produced by the chemical energy on the coal
is transformed into steam thermal energy by the boiler, then it is transformed into
rotational mechanical energy by the turbine, and finally it is transformed into electric
energy by the generator which is transferred to the power plant’s transformer and switch
yard before going to the transmission system. Thus, the fuel system is a critical factor on
it and must be in accordance to ASME PTC 4-2013 Fired Steam Generators. The
consumption will be provided in BTU per hour. Information about the consumption
provided in BTU per hour must be shared with your supplier to ensure the gas flow will
meet the requirements of the generator system. A flexible section of pipe on each gas
generator must be supplied to dampen vibration and keep the gas line from being
damaged. This is usually found inside the enclosure. This flex pipe should be used as the
final connection from the supply source to the generator system. Diesel units should be
filled with fuel prior to starting up being scheduled, or the unit cannot be started and
The connections between the gas meters to the generator makes a big difference.
Depending on the piping length, the generator system can be affected if not accounted for
4. Verify that any form of issues allowing the air quality and the
5. Verify that it is clearly understood how actual plant load will react upon
loss of utility power, start-up of the generator, and return to utility power. Also ensure
that adequate time delays is allotted for building it into equipment operations
6. Ensure that protective relaying for cases such as being under voltage the
protective relays and the generator’s protective functions to activate when the cooling
water is loss or in any circumstances similar to this, are installed and tested.
The enclosed area allocated for generators must be sufficient enough for air flow.
Thus, trees, plants or anything that can be damages due to heat. Thus, the minimum WIRING
The Wiring arrangement must be thoroughly designed and its location should be
in accordance with the International Electro technical Commission edition 1 of IEC Std
1. Ensure that the generator’s environment is safe and free from any potential
2. Guarantee that the generator is fully accessible and tech has a clear path to
3. City codes have been met for all install items including grounding, tank
venting, etc.
6. In order to properly test the system, utility power must be available for
commissioning. Also, confirm if the end user will allow a transfer test
i. Ensure that the output voltage of each generator should match the
ii. Wiring from the switchgear from utility power, and out of
iii. Block heater and battery chargers should have proper voltage
provided prior to starting up, but not hooked up. The technician
communications wiring.
vi. Ensure wiring for start circuit is provided and properly sized.
Transformers system are devices used in electrical circuits to change the voltage
• Processing the oil and filling the insulating oil
To do so, transformers of every power class must have the necessary equipment Electrical
Protection from over land and over current should be properly installed for all
motor starter. Also, the connecting elements on the skid should be tested and proved to be
All valves and accessories related with instruments in the operation should be
calibrated and removed for inspection and maintenance. Remember that calibration is a Controls
In this part, the equipment should be operated accordingly to its function and
needs. To do so, a control panel should allow its operator to perform some functions in
the field while other functions can only be performed through the manual and/or on a Switchgear
1. Guarantee that proof of the gear being reviewed and approved by the
2. In system operation using more than one source of power, assure that
3. All of the connections and cables between the switchgear and various
The feed pump raises the feed water to a pressure high enough for it to enter the
boiler. Thus, a pump used must be in accordance with the ASME PTC 8.2-1990 Pumps,
As taking suction from a condensate system is a high pressure application, steam boiler
feed pumps are generally high head and low flow pumps, making multistage pumps a
2. Ensure that all root valves for different gauges are opened and all control
3. The cooling water for booster pump bearing cooling as well as gland
7. Take the clearance from the electric department of auxiliary Lube oil
pump. Confirm that it start and develop required lube oil pressure. Oil
pressure of oil before journal bearing should be 0.8 to 1 kg/cm2 and 0.5
kg/cm2 before the thrust bearing. Check lube oil flow through drain line is
8. Check that both lube oil and working oil coolers are charged from water as
10. Ensure that its power operated recirculation valve is closed while the
11. Check that manual valve at Deaerators on balancing chamber leak off line
is open.
12. Check BFP discharge valve and it’s bypass valve is closed
14. Charged the feed line after opening vents provide, up to feed regulating
15. Charged seal water cooler and stiffing box and LP cover cooling lInes
18. Check that the difference of temperature between pump body metal and
2. Ensure that the recirculation valves are opens, proper suction flow
auxiliary lube
3. The oil pump must stop then proceed by checking the following:
4. Open the feed pump discharged valve and take the flow as per
requirement in boiler
is maintained
Transformers system are devices used in electrical circuits to change the Electrical
Protection from over land and over current should be properly installed for
all motor starter. Also, the connecting elements on the skid should be
146 Field instruments
All valves and accessories related with instruments in the operation should Controls
function and needs. To do so, a control panel should allow its operator to
perform some functions in the field while other functions can only be Switchgear
inspected source of power for all protective relaying and monitoring was
that proper switching can be done between one source and another. Generator
Generator, a device responsible for converting mechanical energy
4. Verify that any form of issues allowing the air quality and the
commissioning process
5. Verify that it is clearly understood how actual plant load will react
upon loss of utility power, start-up of the generator, and return to utility
power. Also ensure that adequate time delays is allotted for building it
transformer in the power plant’s substation after the commissioning tests specified
above is done. Additionally, check if all transformer elements along with its
external factors are functional and operational using the guideline below:
1. Before commissioning, verification and comparison of the
Water desalination processes separate dissolved salts and other minerals from
water. This commissioning aims to confirm that the desalination plant can
Water desalination processes separate dissolved salts and other minerals from
water.The pplant must be in accordance with the recent latest Iranian Petroleum standard.
This commissioning aims to confirm that the desalination plant can reliably produce high PRE-COMMISSIONING
It aims to ensure that each elements on the desalination plant can work
safely. In this stage, it includes cleaning of all pipes by using means like air
plowing and flushing. Detailed quality assurance ensures that equipment has been
further test. Also, mechanical cleaning of vessels and tanks and ensuring no
In this stage, data from the test confirms that the that equipment is capable
of moving water at the required flow and pressure, and that control systems
producing while the entire plants is fully operated. In water treatment plants it means
that all units of screen , grits removal , odor control , aeration , secondary
sedimentation , SAS and RAS pumps , scum pumps and filter belt press will work
Coal-fired power plant uses steam to be able to provide energy. And steam is the most common
working fluid when it comes to vapour power cycle. The reason why steam is the most common
working fluid because of its low cost, availability, and enthalpy of vaporization. Other working
fluids used include sodium, potassium, and mercury for high-temperature applications. Steam
power plants are commonly referred to as coal plants, nuclear plants, or natural gas plants,
depending on the type of the fuel used to supply heat to the steam. But the steam goes through
the same basic cycle in all of them. Therefore, all can be analyzed in the same manner. This
There are four commonly used cycles involved in a coal-fired powerplant: Carnot Vapor,
The Carnot cycle is the most efficient cycle operating between two specified temperature
levels making use of steam as the working fluid. Thus it is natural to look at the Carnot cycle
first as a prospective ideal cycle for vapor power plants. If we could, we would certainly adopt it
as the ideal cycle. But as explained below, the Carnot cycle is not a suitable model for power
cycles. The assumption is that steam is the working fluid used since it is the working fluid
Figure 4.1 Carnot Vapor cycle T-S diagram
The efficiency of the Rankine cycle is limited by the high heat of vaporization by the
fluid. The fluid must be cycled through and reused constantly, therefore, water is the most
practical fluid for this cycle. This is not why many power plants are located near a body of
water—that's for the waste heat. As the water condenses in the condenser, waste heat is given off
in the form of water vapour—which can be seen billowing from a plant's cooling towers. This
waste heat is necessary in any thermodynamic cycle. Due to this condensation step, the pressure
at the turbine outlet is lowered. This means the pump requires less work to compress the water—
resulting in higher overall efficiencies. As have stated from the above, since Carnot Cycle is not
suitable for steam or vapor power cycles due to the reason that to increase temperature of the
working fluid on that cycle, it must be on constant pressure process, which is present on Rankine
Figure 4.2 A simple schematic with components for the Rankine Cycle
Water enters the pump at state 1 as saturated liquid and is compressed isentropically to
the operating pressure of the boiler. The water temperature increases somewhat during this
isentropic compression process due to slight decrease in the specific volume of the water. The
vertical distance between states 1 and 2 on T-s diagram is greatly exaggerated for clarity. Water
enters the boiler as a compressed liquid at state 2 and leaves as a superheated vapor at state 3.
The boiler is basically a large heat exchanger consisting of an economizer, an evaporator, and
superheater where heat originating from combustion gases, nuclear reactor or other sources is
transferred to the water essentially at constant pressure. The boiler, together with the section
where the steam is superheated (the superheater), is often called the steam generator. The
superheated vapor at state 3 enters the turbine, where it expands isentropically and produces
work by rotating the shaft connected to an electric generator. The pressure and the temperature of
the steam enters the condenser. At this state, steam is usually a saturated liquid-vapor mixture
with a high quality. Steam is condensed at constant pressure in the condenser, which is basically
a large heat exchanger, by rejecting heat to a cooling medium such as lake or a river or
atmosphere. Steam leaves the condenser as saturated liquid and enters the pump, completing the
cycle. In areas where water is precious, the power plant operates by air instead of water. This
method of cooling which is also used in car engines is called dry cooling. Several power plants in
the world and a few in the United States use dry cooling to conserve water.
Remembering that the area under the process curve on the T-s diagram represents the
heat transfer for internally reversible processes, it is seen that the area under the process curve 2-
3 represents the heat transferred to the water in the boiler and the area under the process curve
represents the heat rejected in the condenser. The difference between these two is the work
There are two reasons for the use of Reheat cycle. Firstly, there are limits to the degree of
superheat due to metallurgical conditions, so that it is not possible to get all super heat in one
stage. And secondly, the inevitable effects of higher pressures are that saturation line is reached
earlier during isentropic expansion and most of the turbine stages operate in the relatively
undesirable saturated steam region. Due to the impact of particles of suspended water on the
turbine blades, there will be blade erosion. The safe maximum limit of moisture in the exhaust
steam should be in order of 12%. Therefore, reheating is necessarily practiced in high pressure
plants. The reheating is accomplished by constructing the turbine so that all the steam may be
extracted at a suitable point, superheated in the reheat boiler and then readmitted to the
remaining stages of the turbine for further expansion. Or the superheated steam can be expanded
in the pressure turbine and its exhaust reheated and then expanded in the low pressure turbine.
In this cycle, the feed water is preheated by means of steam taken from some sections of
the turbine, before it enters the boilers from the condenser. This process of draining steam from
the turbine at certain point during its expansion and using this steam for heating the feed water
supplied to the boiler is known as bleeding. The effect of this is to supply the boiler with hotter
water while small amount of work is lost by the turbine. There is a slight increase, in the
4.1.2. Superheat Steam Temperature Control
High turbine efficiency over a wide load range depends a great deal on having a constant
steam temperature over that load range. Therefore, it is necessary to design a boiler that can
provide this constant steam temperature over the load range, which can be 50 percent of full load
or more. For plants that use a reheat cycle, it is also necessary that the boiler provides reheat
steam temperatures that are also constant over the control range. This section discusses the
superheat steam temperature control involved in the operation of the coal-fired power plant
Stage 3
In the third stage, rotation of the turbine rotates the generator rotor to produce electricity based of
Faraday’s Principle of electromagnetic induction.
The definition of maintenance often states that maintenance is an activity carried out for any
equipment to ensure its reliability to perform its functions.
Maintenance to most people is any activity carried out on an asset in order to ensure that
the asset continues to perform its intended functions, or to restore to its favorable operating
condition. The purpose of maintenance is to extend equipment lifetime, or at least the mean time
to the next failure the repair of which may be costly. Furthermore, it is expected that effective
maintenance policies can reduce the frequency of service interruptions and the many undesirable
consequences of such interruptions. Maintenance clearly impacts on component and reliability; if
too little is done, this may result in an excessive number of costly failures and poor system
performance and therefore, reliability is degraded, done often, reliability may improve but the
cost of maintenance will sharply increase. In a cost-effective scheme, the two expenditures must
be balanced.
Maintenance is just one of the devices for up keeping or if necessary, improving the level
of reliability of components and systems. Over the years, many new strategies have been
implemented as maintenance strategies which are intended to overcome the problems which are
related to equipment breakdown. Some of the common maintenance strategies are as follows.
4.2.1. BOILER
The Boiler room contains all the facilities that are auxiliaries and accessories to the boiler
or steam generating unit. This must be taken care of by conforming to the following safety
procedures listed:
1. Keep the boiler room clean and clear of all unnecessary items. The boiler
combustion. Use boiler operating log sheets, maintenance records, and the
2. Ensure that the whole personnel operating or maintaining the boiler room
are properly trained on all equipment, controls, safety devices, and up-to-
3. Before start-up, ensure that the boiler room is free of all potentially
6. Monitor all new equipment closely until safety and efficiency are
7. Use boiler operating log sheets, maintenance records, and manufacturer’s
8. Establish a checklist for proper startup and shutdown of boilers and all
quarterly or annually.
1. Check the Water Gauges – One of the most fundamental aspects of good
boiler maintenance is ensuring that the boiler has the correct water levels.
2. Clean the Water Gauges – Over time water gauge glass may become
3. Clean Piping and Float Chamber – Proper water level control is key and
it is the float chamber and surrounding piping that ensures water levels are
correctly maintained. Remove all sludge or sediment from pipes and flush
4. Test the Fuel Cut-off Feature – The fuel cut off feature automatically
stops fuel from entering the boiler if the water level drops to low. This is
recovery system are able to trap, condense, and reuse steam as feedwater,
safety valves and piping. Even small problems can quickly worsen, so
monitors the temperature of flue gas leaving the boiler. If gauge readings
are too high, this could indicate a serious efficiency problem since hot
gases might be bypassing the heat transfer surfaces in the boiler and
efficiency. If too much air is used, too much heat may be expended; by
contrast, if too little air is used, an incomplete fuel burning may occur,
10. Clean Heat Transfer Surfaces – Remove soot and other buildup from the
11. Check and Maintain the Economizer – the economizer redirects heat
from the stack back to the boiler feedwater for preheating, preventing heat
loss and increasing boiler efficiency. Check that the economizer is in good
12. Update and Review Boiler Logs – Every time the boiler is inspected or
determined and so that boiler technicians are operating with the most
information available.
This part talks about mainly the maintenance of the components that
will be used in a coal-fired power plant. This part is very important when running
a power plant, because this is for the purpose of fabrication, as well as inspection,
checking, test, and other consideration prior to the approval / clearance of any of
the fabrication and installation application and the most important of all, safety.
And plans and use of any boiler, the following in accordance with the latest
5. The Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers (PSME) Code.
• Noncondensing or backpressure turbines are most widely used for process steam
applications. The exhaust pressure is controlled by regulating valve to suit the
needs of the process steam pressure. These are commonly found at refineries,
district heating units, pulp, and paper plants, and desalination facilities where
large amounts of low-pressure process steam are available.
• Condensing turbines are most commonly found in electrical power plants. These
exhaust steam in a partially condensed state, typically of a quality near 90%, at a
pressure well below atmospheric to a condenser.
• Reheat turbines are also used almost exclusively in electrical power plants. In a
reheat turbine, steam flow exits from a high-pressure section of the turbine and is
returned to the boiler where additional superheat is added. The steam then goes
back to the intermediate pressure section of the turbine and continues its
• Extraction type turbines are common in all applications. In an extracting type
turbine, steam is released from various stages of the turbine, and used for
industrial process needs or sent to boiler feed water heaters to improve overall
efficiency. Extraction flows may be controlled with a valve or left uncontrolled.
Induction turbines introduce low pressure steam at an intermediate stage to
produce additional power.
Steam piping should be reviewed, analysed, designed, and properly installed to ensure
there will be no excessive forces transmitted to the turbine flanges. Steam piping may
2. Thermal expansion
3. Thrust
Thermal expansion also causes movement of the turbine’s flanged connections, BLADING
service. For steam turbines to operate with high reliability and availability, the
ability to regularly inspect and assess the steam blading condition is important as
any of the failure mechanisms can lead to failure such as Corrosion, Creep, PIPING
2. Thermal expansion
3. Thrust
Thermal expansion also causes movement of the turbine’s flanged connections, which
calculated not only for the load, but also to include the pressure drops due
Any pressure loss in the supply line will affect turbine performance.
2. The discharge piping exhaust pressure will dictate the required discharge
line size. As with the inlet piping, all pressure drops must be taken into
3. Typically, the inlet and outlet steam piping size will be equal to or greater
Ensuring that steam turbine overspeed tests on impellers/rotors have been
Witnessing leak test on lube oil tank and carry out internal and external
Witnessing steam turbine mechanical running tests, check all safety and
manufacture’s works.
6. Loading procedure
11. Overspeed test procedures for steam turbine and steam driven boiler feed
12. Control valve, main stop, and trip and throttle valve test procedures
13. Loss of lubrication test procedures including pressure switches, pump start
logic, etc.
In addition to the mandated requirements, managers should ensure operators and technicians
complete a number of regular tasks:
They should examine the boiler or domestic water heater for code compliance at least
once each year.
They should identify and correct all installation deficiencies.
They should inspect and test all safety and interlocks for proper operation.
They should test the operation of the boiler’s control system over a range of loads.
They should test all shutoff valves annually to confirm they close and do not leak.
They should check all interior surfaces during the boiler’s annual inspection to ensure no
localized overheating, erosion, or corrosion formation occurs
The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers
mandates the following inspection and maintenance for Cooling Towers and
4.2.6. Fans
mandates the following inspection and maintenance for Free-Standing Fans (Exhaust,
4.2.7. Furnaces
mandates the following inspection and maintenance for Furnaces, Combustion Unit
4.2.8. Generators
4.2.9. Steam Distribution System
The primary goal of preventive maintenance is to prevent the failure of pumps and
equipment before it actually occurs. It is designed to preserve and enhance equipment reliability
Preventive maintenance activities include lift stations, air release valves (ARVs),
headworks structures (screening and in some cases grit removal) aeration equipment and return
and waste sludge pumps and digestion aeration equipment. Partial or complete overhauls at
regular specified periods; oil changes; lubrication; and so on. In addition, operators can record
equipment deterioration so they know to replace or repair worn parts before they cause system
failure. This information can be used as part of a systems asset management plan and help
prioritize and budget for the repairs. Wastewater lift stations and wastewater plants have to stay
in compliance at all times and can’t be taken offline for the needed maintenance.
Each item of equipment in the wastewater treatment plant and collection system shall be
inspected on a daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly basis as indicated in the attached “Wastewater
Check and record residual chlorine at the chlorine contact tank and in the
distribution system.
The schedule for these tasks is spread throughout the year with some allocated for
January, some for February, etc. so that workload is managed sensibly. Some of these tasks may
Operate all valves inside the treatment plant and pump-house. Maintain
Inspect, clean and repair control panels in pump house and treatment
Inspect storage tanks for defects and deficiencies, and clean if necessary.
Flush the distribution system and exercise/check all fire hydrant valves.
The design, manufacture, inspection and testing of all equipment shall comply with all
the currently applicable statutory regulations and safety codes in the locality where the
equipment are to be installed. The equipment shall also conform to the latest applicable
equal or higher performance than those specified, shall also be accepted. Nothing in this
IS:4736 : Hot dip zinc coating on steel tubes.
This chapter focuses on the different concerns for building and operating a coal power
plant in the environment. Coal has been a noteworthy source for many commodities in the world
especially for power generation, meanwhile there is need in using it efficiently to reduce it
environmental impact to the world. The misuse of coal would lead to a waste of natural resource
and will cause unnecessary pollutant, also to greenhouse gas emissions. Moreover, as the world
moves to develop and deploy carbon dioxide capture and storage technology, high-efficiency
coal-fired power plants will become even more important to compensate for the energy while not
Potential impacts
o Air
o Water
o Health
DENR Standards
Particulate matter, toxic gases (SO2, NOx, CO) and greenhouse gases
(CO2, CH4) are the main air pollutants produced by coal-related activities. Dust
(including particulate matter) is the most important air problem in and around the coal
mining areas and coal processing facilities among the various pollutants. Coal power
plants affect air quality during both plant construction and operation phases. In the
construction phase, transportation and other activities are producing a significant amount
of dusts. Air pollutants are also produced during the combustion of coal in boilers and
during the handling of coal ash during the plant operation phase.
Coal ash is also a major contributor to air pollution, the main solid waste derived
from coal combustion processes in coal power plants. Coal power plants produce large
quantities of coal ash. All operating coal power plants are estimated to release millions of
tons of coal ash every year. Coal ash is affecting air quality by its transportation and
storage. Dust is carried by strong winds causing air pollution that significantly impact
local people. Air pollutants, particularly dust, produced from the operation of coal - fired
power plants (coal transport to the plant, coal combustion, ash transport and storage) have
a significant impact on the health and daily activities of people in the area around the
plant sites.
Coal includes negative effects from the mining, processing, burning, and waste
storage of coal, including acid mine drainage, thermal pollution from coal plants, acid
rain, and contamination of groundwater, streams, rivers, and seas from heavy metals and
other toxins and pollutants found in coal wastes which causes water pollution. Coal
mining requires large quantities of water to suppress dust and on - site workers ' needs.
Once 148 returned, this water may contaminate for long periods of time both
groundwater and nearby streams. One factor that contributes to water pollution is acid
mine drainage. Acid mine drainage, toxic trace elements, high content of dissolved solids
in mine drainage water, and increased loads of sediments discharged into streams result
in stream deterioration of stream quality. The sulfuric acid moves into and contaminates
the waterways as water drains from the mines. The acid mine drainage continues even
after the mines stop its operations as long as rain and coal remain in the mines.
pollution is water quality degradation through any process that changes the temperature
of the ambient water. Coal power plants need a significant amount of water for the
cooling systems. Water is released into the lake, river, or ocean after that. The
higher than the water temperature of the normal water flow, high speed and waste water
also contains chlorine at a certain amount. The sudden rise in water temperature will
cause the temperature shock of living organisms in the ecosystem, increasing living
activity in water and dissolved oxygen (DO) in water, and dissolving toxic matter in
Lastly, water pollution includes contamination from heavy metals and other
toxins. Coal mining, processing, transportation and burning can release large quantities of
coal waste such as coal sludge, coal ash and other pollutants. Coal waste contains many
heavy metals that are capable of causing acute or chronic toxicity such as lead, mercury,
nickel, tin, cadmium, antimony and arsenic. Once these toxics enter the river ecosystem,
it can 149 enter the food chain and bio-accumulate, leading to serious harm to wildlife, as
ACT OF 2000
comprehensive and ecological solid waste management program that shall ensure the
protection of public health and environment. The law ensures proper segregation,
collection, storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and
The law aims to protect the country's water bodies from pollution from land-based
activities). It provides for comprehensive and integrated strategy to prevent and minimize
The law aims to achieve and maintain clean air that meets the National Air
Quality guideline values for criteria pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while
installation which emits or may emit any air pollutant, and may be defined generally as
individual points of air emissions (e.g. smokestacks). Under RA 8749, all industries classified as
a stationary source should perform their own emissions monitoring and report the results to the
DENR. Coal plants, like any other corporation, are expected to submit a quarterly submission of
Self-Monitoring Report or SMR. In the SMR, all the activities of the operation which has impact
to the environment are stated and where compliance with existing environmental laws is
monitored. For fossil fuel-fired power plants over 10 MW rating, DENR requires the plant to
Chattopadhyay, R. (1997). Textile Rope - A Review. Indian Journal of Fibre and Textile
Research, 360-368.
Omeroglu, S. (2006). The Effect of Braiding Parameters on the Mechanical Properties of Braided
Foster, G. P. (2002). Advantages of Fibre Rope Over Wire Rope. Journal of Industrial Textiles.
Glushko, M. F., Sklatasky, V. K., & Zakhryamin, A. D. (1987). Rope-Twisitng Machine for
Newman, S. B., & Curtis, J. H. (1947). A Statistical Analysis of Some Mechanical Properties of
Dakhov, M. I., Nesterov, P. P., Semkin, A. T., & Alexeeva, L. A. (1974). Rope-Twisting
Budynas, R. G., & Nisbett, K. J. (2011). Shigley's Mechanical Engineering Design. McGraw-
Juvinall, R. C., & Marshek, K. M. (2012). Fundamentals of Machine Component Design. John
Khurmi, R. S., & Gupta, J. K. (2017). Machine Design. Eurasia Publication House.
Ahmed, S., & Logarta, J. (2017). Carving Out Coal in the Philippines.
Japan Pacific Consultants International. (December, 2004). The Pre-Feasibility Study on the
Project for Winf Power Development in Panay Island, the Philippines. 5-11.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers. (1 July, 2010). ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). The Republic of the Philippines Coalbed Methane Assessment:
Heat Exchange Institute. (October, 2012). STANDARDS for STEAM SURFACE CONDENSERS.
Xing, Z. (2016). Emission Standards and Control of PM2.5 from coal fired-power plant
Nawaz, I. (2013). Disposal and Utilization of Fly Ash to Protect the Environment. International
• Additional requirements for all types of permit (as applicable) from DOE
7. Building Permit
8. Mechanical Permit
9. Sanitary/Plumbing Permit
11. Fire Safety Inspection Certificate from the bureau of Fire Protection
competency assessment.
comply with and satisfy the health, safety , security, and environment
(HSSE ) Plan, the immediate locality and its people near the facility
test rate as possible. After insuring that the test coal has reached the pulveriser,
at least 3o mins of stable operation shall be obtainge before the tests is starter.
The level of the coal in the pulveriser feeder hopper as well as in the pulveriser
3.2.3. Each test shall be run with all predetermined conditiondd maintaned as
nearly as possible
3.5 duration. Performance test of pulverizer shal eah be of at least two hours
pulverizing system may be used for weighing fuel before delivery to the feed
hopper. Automatic scales shall be calibrated for accuracy and reliability and
4.2.02 Calibrated cola feeder- where the degree of accuracy is adequate fo rthe
purpose of the test, calibrates coal feeders may be used to determine the coal
4.2.03 round hole screns- for sizing coal to the pulverisers the screen to be used
sometimes arranged at the neutral which means that the effective number
the capital letters Y, D or Z for the high-voltage (HV) winding andsmall
connected together in the transformer but have both ends of each phase
7. Rating plates
The transformer shall be provided with a rating plate of
indelibly marked.
so that high pressure section efficiency can be derived. A local
ratios accord either the first stage or the complete high pressure
performed at valves wide open and at two part load points duplicate test
runs at the same operating condition reduce the random error component
of uncertainty
3.8.1 constancy of test conditions preparatory to any test run the turbine
3.9.2 duration of test run. This code recommend a minimum steady state
for each test point. The result shall be the average of the readings.
3.12A The NPSH required by the pump shall be determined in accordance with
(6) temperature (liquid and ambient)
4.5 The measurement of pressure for the determination of head is carried out by
liquid passage through pressure taps, or through pressure transmitters which are
4.7 Pressure taps (see Fig. 4.7.1) shall be placed in sections of constant diameter,
concentric with the suction and discharge nozzles. They shall be located a
minimum of two pipe diameters upstream from the pump suction flange, and a
minimum of two pipe diameters downstream from the pump. Discharge flange.
For pumps which includeea pipe elbow or other disturbance upstream from the
distance away from the disturbance to assure a uniform flow profile. Five
diameters of straight pipe upstream of the pressure tap is the minimum distance
4.1 1 All instrument lines, piping and fittings shall be checked under pressure
prior to taking test readings to assure that there are no leaks. All lines between
pressure taps and measuring instruments shall be prevented prior to the test
9.7.1 This section provides general information on the field installation of a steam
and shipping constraints, it is not possible to provide an exact erection sequence.
The Purchaser may consult with the Manufacturer for general guidelines.
9. 7.2 The Purchaser must ensure that all condenser components can be safely
9.7.5 The condenser should not be lifted or jacked in any area unless designated
by the Manufacturer.
9.7.6 During the erection of the condenser, all components must be protected
tubesheets from arc strikes, falling objects, flame cutting, debris, etc.
PG- technique for liquid penetrant examination shall be in accordance
Heavy Walled [4~ in. to 12 in. (114 mm to 305 mm)] Steel Castings.
PG-2S.2.2.4 All weld repairs of depth exceeding I in. (25 mm) or 20% of the
inspection of the finished weld surface. All weld repairs of depth less than 20% of
the section thickness, or 1 in. (25 mm), whichever is less, and all weld repairs of
the first layer, of each ~ in. (6 mm) thickness of deposited weld metal and of the
finished weld surface. Magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing of the finished
weld surface
PG-55.1 Lugs or hangers when used to support a boiler of any type shall be
PG-58.3.2 When two or more boilers are connected to a common steam header,
(e.g.,a turbine extraction line), the connection from each boiler having a manhole
opening shall be fitted with two stop valves having an ample free-blow drain
between them. The boiler external piping includes all piping from the boiler
proper up to and including the second stop valve and the free-blow drain valve.
PG-67.1 Each boiler shall have at least one pressure relief valve and if it has
more than 500 ft2 (47 m2 ) of bare tube water-heating surface, or if an electric
boiler has a
power input more than 1,100 kW, it shall have two or more pressure relief valves.
For a boiler with combined bare tube and extended water-heating surface
500 ft2 (47 m2 ), two or more pressure relief valves are required only if the
design steam generating capacity of the boiler exceeds 4,000 Ib/hr (I 800 kg/hr).
variations in steam pressure, which include not less than all the following:
operating level and of modulating firing rates and feedwater flow in proportion to
PG-68.1 every attached superheater shall have one or more pressure relief valves
in the steam flow path between the superheater outlet and the first stop valve. The
location shall be suitable for the service intended and shall provide the
relief valve shall be considered in the determination of set pressure and relieving
capacity of that valve. If the superheater outlet header has a full, free steam
practically equal intervals throughout its length so that there is a uniform flow of
steam through the superheater tubes and the header, the pressure relief valve, or
PG-68.4 Every reheater shall have one or more pressure relief valves, such that
the total relieving capacity is at least equal to the maximum steam flow for which
the heater is designed. The capacity of the reheater pressure relief valves shall
not be included in the required relieving capacity for the boiler and superheater.
One or more pressure relief valves with a combined relieving capacity not less
than 15% of the required total shall be located along the steam flow path between
the reheater outlet and the first stop valve. The pressure drop upstream of the
pressure relief valves on the outlet side of the reheater shall be considered in
(b) certified by (name of Manufacturer)
the Manufacturer)
finish that is either green or green with one or more yellow stripes except as
Conductors with insulation or individual covering that is green, green
equipment grounding conductor at each end and at every point where the
conductor is accessible.
adhesive labels
every point where the conductors are accessible by one of the following
(3) Marking the exposed insulation with green tape or green adhesive
continuous outer finish that is either green or green with one or more
yellow stripes.
permitted. Bare conductors shall not come in direct contact with masonry or
204 Size of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
grounding conductors of the wire type shall not be smaller than shown in
Table but shall not be required to be larger than the circuit
question of drainback from the system resulting in loss of water and flooding.
towers. These barriers or enclosures shouldbe spaced and designed to achieve the
exclusion of birds and bird droppings may also necessitate the provision of
barriers which should be subject to the same considerations. The total flow area
in the barrier or enclosure should be a minimum of twice the area of the tower
11.2.3 Recirculation
The extent of recirculation depends mainly upon wind direction and its
velocity, tower length and atmospheric conditions. Further factors that may exert
to downdraught, exit air speed, tower height and the density difference between
a) Towers with air inlets on one side should be oriented so that the
air inlets face the prevailing wind.
b) Towers with air inlets on opposite faces of the cooling tower
should be oriented so that the air inlets face at 90° to the
prevailing wind.
c) Large mechanical draught towers should preferably be divided
into banks, each of which should have a length-to-width ratio of
about 5 to 1.
d) The wind loading on any tower within a group will be affected by
the grouping and spacing and should be considered in their
structural design.
11.3.1 The spacing of cooling tower banks should be based upon the
11.3.2 When the long axis of one bank is perpendicular to the prevailing wind
direction, the influence on another bank will be minimized when the distance, X,
between the banks is greater than their average length. The long axes of the tower
11.3.3 When the long axis of the existing tower is parallel to the wind direction
(see Fig. 3b), the influence of the existing tower on the new will be minimized if
11.3.4 When the long axis of the existing tower is at 45° to the wind direction
influence of the existing tower on the new will be minimized if the distance, X,
between the towers measured normal to the wind direction is greater than their
average length.
adequate if adjacent cooling towers are spaced so that the distance between the
towers is equal to or greater than half the base diameter of the large tower).
Should a tower be sited in close proximity to large buildings such as the turbine
and boiler houses, the nearest point of the tower relative to the buildings should
Fine particulate matter, PM2.5, can include SO2, NOx, toxic volatile organic
compounds, heavy metals, water and biogenic organic species. PM2.5 can be
emitted directly or form in the atmosphere from the reactions of other pollutants.
Coal-fired power plants are a major source of PM2.5. There are international
PM2.5, NOx, and SO2 emissions by the Sector Group in Europe in 2013 (European Environment
Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement for human health and well-
being. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has produced air quality
guidelines for reducing the health impacts of air pollution worldwide. The WHO
guidelines updated in 2005 include thresholds and limits for PM, NO2 and SO2,
shown in Table 1 (WHO, 2006). Based on known health effects, both 24-hour
(short-term) and annual mean (long term) guidelines are needed as indicators of
PM pollution. For SO2, the recommended guideline values are not linked to those
for PM. The 24-hour guideline might be difficult for some countries to achieve, so
Air quality standards are regulatory measures designed to achieve a desired level
of air quality by regulating the amount of pollutants that can be emitted from a
facility. Emission standards have had a major influence on cutting emissions from
coal-fired power plants and other sources. Most commonly, parties establish
emission standards and emission limit values (ELVs) based on the best available
The emission limits given in the policy relevant to coal combustion equipment are
shown in Table 4 but only apply to new installations and facility upgrades.
ISO 3297: 2007 Vol. 2, Issue 10, October2013
oil, mineral and timber will lead to deterioration in the quality of life. In
place of present conventional materials like timber, steal etc. Fly Ash