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My - Lectures.Updated - II 2015

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my lectures
Updated 2015


Are Simeon Thoresen
Leikvollgata 31
N-3213 Sandefjord
E-mail: [email protected]




1. My whole practice (and thinking) is based upon the conviction

that the visible material world is secondary to the energetic
and unseen world.
2. All diseases, all symptoms, are manifestations of pathological
information. This information is of excessive or deficiency
3. This information is of spiritual nature, and behaves like
entities, like living entities. They are of two natures;
a. Ahrimanic
i. In excess
ii. In deficiency
b. Luziferic
i. In excess
ii. In deficiency
4. This information can be transposed or translocated if we don’t
dissolve or treat it properly.
5. There is (almost) always the deficiency that is the cause of the
excessive conditions, as we often describe as painful
symptoms. Still, treating the deficiency may still just
translocate the pathological structure.
6. The best way is to treat the Middle-point
7. In this spiritual world of information the laws are different
than in our ordinary physical world.
a. Law 1; Time and space are not excisting
b. Law 2; all life forms are interconnected, and there are
strong bonds;
i. Between Cosmos and Earth - Which is why disease change with
changing external situations, and thus give rise to all the diagnostic
systems based upon this

ii. Between Earth and all living creatures - Which explain the same as
above, together with geopaty

iii. Between all living creatures - Which is the foundation for my way of
performing the pulse-diagnosis - Which is the foundation for my way
of doing Anthroposophical medicine - Which is the foundation in my
way of doing osteopathy

iv. Between all parts within a living entity - Which is an explanation for
why ECIWO-systems work, in fact a basis for the whole holistic
approach in medicine - Which is the foundation for my cancer
therapy, controlling the excess (the cancer) by treating the deficiency.
The excess usually develop in the following KO-child to the deficiency.
- Which is the foundation for my therapy of all syndromes
characterized by multiple pain. Pain is excess which may be controlled
by treating the deficiency.

v. As the number of deficiencies are usually just one (at least one
primary), while the number of excesses are often several (as they are
(almost always) secondary), this axiom is then the foundation of my;

1. One vertebrae therapy in osteopathy

2. 1-needle therapy
3. One herb therapy

8. Your consciousness decides where you are, as there is no time

or space in the spiritual world. To treat and diagnose correctly,
you must have an energetic anatomical consciousness
a. At heart when you diagnose
b. At heart + whole body when you treat
c. The right conciusness so that the disease is not just transferred (Christ-

On the hidden relationships between all living beings, humans and
animals, and how therapists may cause harm to those in
relationship with the patients without knowing.

Throughout my life, my professional life in particular, I have been able to observe diseases
through pulse-diagnosis and also by seeing the distorted and pathological energetic
structures directly by the help of an elevated sensitivity.
I have then observed, when the disease has been treated; through acupuncture,
chiropractics, osteopathy, homeopathy or herbal medicine, that the pathological structure
just has been relocated to another place in the body, or into another entity; animal or
human. Sometimes the patho-structure just takes a little round-trip, and then returns to its
original place, we say that the disease reappeared ..... In this article I want to put the
conscious light to the fact that diseases caused by energetic and self containing structures,
may influence or “attack” other beings, change or just come back, when treated. This
description of diseases sounds a lot like descriptions of real and living entities.
I will estimate that 90% of all the patients that are treated throughout the world by both
medical personnel or alternative therapies are not healed properly, but that the energies
just have been relocated, internally or intercorporally, later to give rise to other symptoms in
the patient itself or in an animal or human attached to the patient by emotional or Karmic
This article will describe this phenomenon in detail, and also suggest possible solution to the

There are many stories and insights from old times and old religions where disease and
ailments are looked upon as separate and individualized entities, or energetically self
conscious structures, described as elementals, spirits, demons or Devas. Many of us have
experienced that if we are too open in the moment of acupuncture treatment, the energetic
pathological structure may jump over and attack us, inflict us with the disease itself. We
have also seen that such pathological structures may inflict, influence or create disease in
creatures connected to the patient.
We are all interwoven in an enormous web of energy, a web that connects all living entities
in the world, maybe the whole cosmos. This web is to be seen just on the other side of the
threshold of the spiritual world. It is called by many names, as the Achasic record, Karma or
the Matrix. This web is made of energy, but not just lifeless and aimless energy. It is made up
of elementals, living etheric beings, created by our minds, our thoughts and our actions.
This web is also part of our diseases. This web is influenced when we treat energetically.

In old times, and still we may see this phenomenon today, the doors to temples of small
communities are boarded by the pictures or sculptures of ugly looking demons. This was to
scare the real demons or negative spirits away, to scare diseases away.
There is a moving story about Jesus. When he in his twenties he visited one of the Esenic
communities. He then realized that the sculptures around the door scared or drove the evil
spirits away, but then a very important question arose in his mind; to where were the spirits
driven? And then he understood that it was no solution just to drive the bad spirits away to
other people, to save somebody on the cost of creating disease in others. This question and
realization opened his mind to be the receiver of the Christ, the redeemer of all.
Rudolf Steiner described the same phenomenon in his book "Geisteswissenshaft und
Medizin", 20 lectures held in Dornach 21th of May til 9th of April 1920.

• In lecture 2; The concept of infection, however, is none the less valid

here. For any highly tuberculous individual affects his fellow beings: and if any
person is exposed to the sphere in which the tuberculous patient lives, then it
may happen that the effect turns again into a cause. I have often tried to
illustrate the relationship between primary causes of a disease and infection in
the following analogy. Suppose that I meet a friend of mine, whose relations with
other people do not in general touch me. He is sad and has reason to be so, for
he has lost one of his friends by death. I have no direct relationship with this
friend who has died, but I become sad with him at his sad news. His sadness is, so
to speak, first hand and direct; mine arises indirectly, communicated through
him. Nevertheless, the fact remains that the mutual relationship between me and
my friend provides the pre-condition for this “infection.”
• Lecture 4; The method referred to would consist in making every
possible effort to make the Ritter therapy universally accepted. In face of
successes of this treatment, you forget that you work as individual physicians.
Possibly individuals among you may be aware of the struggle you have to wage
against the majority of other doctors; and you may be aware that the moment
you make Ritter's treatment into an accepted university institution, you would
cease to be a minority in opposition and that treatment would then be practised
by many others — I will not go so far as to say by all. You would then find the
number of your successful cures appreciably diminished. So strangely do things
befall in real life; they are often quite different from what we have imagined. As
individual medical men you have the greatest interest in healing the individual
patient, and modern materialistic medicine has even — one might say — sought
in this way a legal justification for its aim of healing the individual. But this
justification really consists in the claim that there are no diseases; there are only
sick, diseased people! Now, this justification would be valid if patients were really
so isolated regarding their sickness, as appears to be the case today. But in actual
fact, individual patients are not so isolated. The fact that certain dispositions of
disease spread over a wide region, as was mentioned yesterday by Dr. E., is of
great importance. After curing one case, you can never be sure of the number of

other individuals to whom you have brought the disease. The single case of
disease is not viewed as part of a general process, and therefore, taken one by
one, the individual result may be most striking.

The positive side of this interconnection;
When treating animals directly, we may use both the human and the animal. By treating via
the human etheric system we sort of transfer, or sacrifice our own etheric forces. How is this
possible? We have seen that human etheric forces are in continuous and direct contact with
the whole cosmos, with the trees and animals in our surroundings. This communication is
not random or by chance. As a key fits a lock, it is possible to work therapeutically only with
similar etheric forces, ones with a structural congruence or empathy, a similar feeling, or
those in direct communication.
We often see that etheric weaknesses in the owner manifest in the animal attached to him
or her. This is easy to see in regards to temperament shared by the dog owner and the dog.
But this communication applies to all animals - cows, horses, sheep, pigs and their keepers. A
nervous, irritable owner often has nervous, irritable animals.

Use of etheric concepts in diagnosis and therapy of animals;
So, the positive side of this here described relationship is the possibility to devellop a
technique of using the human etheric system to treat animals. We can regard animal and
human disease as an etheric or energetic imbalance. This Qi Process Imbalance can manifest
in physical symptoms. The cause of the Qi Imbalance can vary from time to time and from
case to case. It can have nutritional, parasitic, toxic, allergic or immune-mediated causes.
Other causes include atmospheric, climatic, geographic, constitutional and managemental
(human-induced) causes. As part of the negative aspect of this relationship we may have the
etheric pathology of the owner as a cause, actualized by the treatment of a therapist, but
more of this later in the article. In practice one finds many causes from all of these groups
operating together.

To prevent further disease it is important to recognize and remove (or alleviate) these
causes. However, a more direct therapy is necessary as a first aid veterinary treatment. This
may involve direct etheric intervention but, first, we need an etheric diagnosis on the
animal, for example pulse-diagnosis.

Etheric treatment
With one exception, any healthy human can give etheric treatment. The exception is the
person who is the cause of the disease, if we have found this to be the case. The therapeutic
approach is to strengthen the same Processes in the treating human that are Weak in the
animal, i.e. if the animal has a Weakest Process in SP, tonify SP Process in the therapist.
When this is done the therapist spends a few minutes in contact with the animal, with a
conscious, loving intention to heal. Then the necessary etheric forces can flow over from the
human to the animal, or organize the etheric forces in the animal so that they balance
themselves. During this therapy the therapist may feel certain exhaustion but this feeling
soon vanishes when the therapy is over.

Clinical results
I have tried to treat animals through humans on several cases since 1985 with very good
results. In my experience, the effect of this therapy far exceeds that of conventional therapy
given impersonally (without compassion or a feeling of love) to the animal. I have found this
to be true even in disorders such as arthritis, heart failure, traumatic indigestion in cows,
hormonal and other difficult disorders. In addition to its efficacy, I believe this method to be
ethically correct. This type of diagnosis and therapy is possible not only between humans
and animals but also between adults and children, humans and plants and between a human
as microcosms and the whole macrocosm. Humans have a clear responsibility to Nature and
Creation. We can and should use our powers in the healing processes in our companion
creations, the animals.

The back side of the etheric bond;
As we above have seen, there is a close etheric connection between all living beings. This is
good concerning health and treatment, but equally hazardous concerning the transfer of
diseases between same.
All diseases may be viewed as a pathological information expressed in the etheric body, in
the energetic of any living being. All treatments are directed to change the pathology into a
beneficial energetic structure, and the restoration of health. This is though not always so
easy to perform, actually it is quite difficult. According to my observations most treatments
show inability to dissolve or transform the pathological structures, and several other
panoramas are chosen by the disease. It may sort of disappear for a short while, as if it went
underground, and then reappear. It may change, and then appear in another form, with
changed symptomatology. It may appear in another tissue or organ, and there cause a
problem after a certain amount of time, which may be years. A treatment of a cough may
thus reappear after 3 years as a breast cancer. It may travel over to another entity, human or
animal. As previously stated an etheric pathological structure will always influence all the
living creatures in the surroundings of the diseased, but in treatment the channels to the
surroundings are sort of opened, so that this influence goes much faster and stronger.
Different symptoms in the patient, the seemingly disappearance of the symptoms, the
appearance of different diseases after some time and several unexplained diseases in other
living creatures in the patients surroundings may be the result. And such is very difficult to

A possible solution to the problem;
so, how do we relate to these somewhat discouraging informations?
A possible solution was given me after a consultation with Judith von Halle, in the summer of
2013 in Dornach. She told me that the only way to hinder any pathological energy structure
or information to go on along its Karmic paths, inflicting also the Karmic connections of the
diseased entity, was to treat with the Christ consciousness.
To do so it is also important to meet, in treating the disease, the cause of the disease in its
Karmic consequences, which is described by Rudolf Steiner as meeting the three animals of
the abyss. These three animals shine out their dirty and twisted light; blue, red and yellow,
the distorted thinking, feeling and willing.
It is then all up to the therapist. His insight, knowledge and love.

A more spesific description of this problem, and how it may be solved practically:
This solution will hereafter be called the Third principle in Acupuncture Treatment.

It is also described as The Power and Mission of balancing the excess and the deficiency from
the midpoint. It describes also the possibility of Healing through Christ and Anthroposophy

Summary: here I will describe a third possibility in acupuncture treatment based on balancing
the excess and the deficiency from the middle. This principle will be described as a universal
truth emerging in both philosophy and religion. The first principle, predomenent in TCM, is
to treat the symptoms, the excess; the astral excess. The second principle is to treat the cause
of the symptoms, the deficiency; the etheric deficiency. This second principle has been
lectured by Thoresen for 30 years. The third principle is to activate the balance between the
excess and the deficiency, thus activating in the same moment both the first and the second
principle. We have been practising this method now for some time, and the results are
amazing. We urge all colleges to be aware of these three principles, and especially try the

Introduction: The last thing Dr. Georg Bentze, Thoresens initiator and teacher told before he
died (1982), was about this third principle, and that one needed courage to activate this
principle in practise. I did not understand what he meant, and it took him 30 years before he
was mature enough to try it. Also when I studied the construction of horses’ hooves
(Thoresen 1992), he realised that the horses treated themselves according to this third
principle as described below. Still it took 20 more years to understand this, and under
inspiration of Rudolf Steiner, and with the help of Markus Steiner and Corinne Dettmer it
was finally in 2014 mature enough to be set in writing.

The Austrian initiate and seer Rudolf Steiner describes the spiritual foundations of disease as

“Let us first build a firm basis of understanding through certain Teosophic concepts. If we
wish to consider our life under such influences, we must take into account the beings that are
the deeper cause of disease: the Luciferic and Ahrimanic beings. Let us, at the outset, fix our
attention upon the most external aspect of these beings. They dwell in the same spheres in
which we human beings live. Considering their most external aspect, we may think of all
Luciferic beings as possessing those forces which we feel when there arises in us the
tendency to become fantastic, when we yield one-sidedly to fancy and over-enthusiasm, when
we—if we may express it pictorially—tend to go out with our being beyond our head. If we
tend to go out beyond our head, we employ forces which play a certain role in our human
organism which are the universal forces of the beings we call Luciferic. Think of beings
formed entirely of those forces within us which strive to pass beyond our head and you have
the Luciferic beings which have a certain relation to our human world.
Conversely, think of all that presses us down upon the earth, all that makes us sober
philistines, makes us bourgeois, which leads us to develop greedy materialistic attitudes,
think of all that exists in us as dry intellect, and you have the Ahrimanic powers.
All that we have described here from the aspect of the soul can also be described from the
aspect of the body. One can say, man is always in a midway position between the intentions
of his blood and the intentions of his bones. The bones constantly tend to ossify us; in other
words, to “ahrimanize” our bodies, to harden us. The blood would like to drive us out beyond
ourselves. Expressed in pathological terms, the blood may become feverish. Then the human
being is organically driven into phantasms. The bones may spread their nature over the rest of
the organism. Then the human being becomes ossified, becomes sclerotic, as nearly everyone
does to a certain degree in old age. Then he carries the death-dealing element in his organism,
namely, the Ahrimanic element. We may say that everything that lives in the blood tends
toward the Luciferic; everything that lives in the bones has the tendency toward the

Whereas the Luciferic and Ahrimanic principle are coming from the aspect of blood and
bones, the human being is coming from the aspect of the soul and is the necessary
equilibrium element between the two forces. In this third position it is the equilibrium
between the over-enthusiastic and the sober philistine.

Now we may characterize these two kinds of beings from a more profound point of view. Let
us observe the Luciferic beings and see what interests they have in cosmic existence. We
shall find that their chief interest is to make the world, and above all the human world, desert
the spiritual beings whom man must regard as his true creators. The Luciferic beings wish
nothing more than to make the world desert the divine beings. Do not misunderstand me: it is
not the prime intention of the Luciferic beings to appropriate the world for themselves. From
various things we have said about them you can gather that this is not their chief intention;
their chief aim is to seduce the human being to forsake his own divine creator-beings, to
‘liberate’ the world from these higher beings by denying their existence.
The Ahrimanic beings have a different aim. They have the decided intention to make the
kingdom of man and the rest of the earth, subject to their sphere of power. To make mankind

dependent upon them, to get control over human beings through materialistic manifestation,
become slave to egocentric desires and to be consumed by love for money. While it always
has been—and is now—the endeavor of the Luciferic beings to make human beings desert
what they can feel as the Divine in themselves, the Ahrimanic beings have the tendency to
gradually seduce mankind and everything connected with it in their sphere of power.
Thus, within our cosmos, into which we human beings are interwoven, there exists a battle
between the Luciferic beings, constantly striving for personal freedom and universal freedom,
and the Ahrimanic beings, constantly striving for everlasting power and might. This battle
permeates everything in which we live. Please hold this fact in mind as the second important
idea to our further considerations - the world in which we live is permeated by Luciferic and
Ahrimanic beings, and there exists this tremendous contrast between the liberating tendency
of the Luciferic beings and the power tendency of the Ahrimanic beings.

If you consider this whole matter you will have to say to yourselves: we are only able to
understand the world if we conceive it in connection with the number three, the triad. For we
have on the one hand the Luciferic, and on the other the Ahrimanic element. In the middle is
the human being who, as the third element, is in the state of equilibrium between the two, and
must in order to maintain a balance feel his divine essence. We shall only arrive at an
understanding of the world if we base it on this triad, the number 3 and become clear about
the fact that human life is the scale-beam. Here is the fulcrum; on the one side of the scales is
the Luciferic element pulling upward; on the other side the scales is the Ahrimanic element
pulling downward. Keeping the scales in perfect balance requires the essential being of man.
Those who were initiated into the spiritual evolution secrets of mankind have always
emphasized the fact that it is only possible to understand cosmic existence into which man is
placed, if it is conceived of in the sense of the triad; that it cannot be understood if it is
considered on the basis of any other number. Thus we may say, employing our own
terminology: we have to deal with three main factors in cosmic existence, namely: the
Luciferic element representing one side of the scale of balance, the Ahrimanic element
representing the other side of the scale of the balance, and the state of equilibrium which is
the Christ Impulse.
Now you may well imagine that it is entirely in the interest of the Ahrimanic and Luciferic
powers to conceal this secret of the triad. For the proper comprehension of this secret enables
mankind to bring about the state of equilibrium between the Ahrimanic and Luciferic powers;
that means, on the one hand, to use the Luciferic tendency toward freedom for the
achievement of a wholesome cosmic aim, and on the other hand, to strive to achieve the same
with the Ahrimanic element. The human being's normal spiritual condition consists in relating
himself in the proper way to this trinity, this triune structure of the world.

You must realize what interests rule in modern spiritual history. Even the concept of the
threefold nature of the human organism or the human being in its entirety has in a certain
respect been abolished for occidental civilization by the eighth Œcumenical Council of
Constantinople in the year 869. The dogma was then established that the Christian does not
have to believe in the threefold human being but only in a twofold human being. The belief in
body, soul and spirit was tabooed, and medieval theologians and philosophers who still knew
a great deal about the true facts had a hard time to circumvent this truth, for the so-called
trichotomy, the “membering” of the human being into body, soul, and spirit had been
declared a heresy. They were compelled to teach duality, namely, that man consists of body
and soul, and not of body, soul and spirit. And certain beings, certain men knew very well
that it was of tremendous significance for human spiritual life that the threefoldness was

replaced by twofoldness.
Modern philosophers have adopted this differentiation of body and soul without being aware
of it. They believe that they carry on unbiased, objective science; they believe they practice
real observation, which leads them to the conviction that man consists of body and soul. In
truth, however, they are following in the footsteps of this dogma, which has found its way
into modern spiritual development.

You must realize that the Christ impulse can only be comprehended if one sees in it the
impulse of equilibrium between the Ahrimanic and the Luciferic principles, if one gives it the
right place within the trinity. In order to deceive people in regard to the true Christ impulse,
what better stratagey than divert their attention from it.
The true threefold ordering of the world has been taken over and directed toward the delusion
of the duad which is totally concerned with the manifest and not with what lies behind the
manifest in the sphere of truth. The spirit.”

The third principle as used by the horses: Changes in a Ting point (deficiency or excess of the
blood circulation in the skin covering the point), coincide with equal changes in blood
circulation in that specific area of the coronary band that give growth to the hoof wall, and
will also lead to changes in the growth of the hooves;

• decreased blood circulation leads to decreased growth of the hoof wall right under the
• elevated blood circulation leads to faster and more growth of the hoof wall right under
the area

To determine which Channel lacks Qi and which Channel have abundance of Qi, we may
note the changed hoof growth, which may be done merely by looking at the hoof wall itself.
This decreased blood circulation results in a decreased growth of the hoof wall. The
decreased hoof growth in one area will lead to lower weight-bearing in this hoof area, which
will lead to an elevated pressure at another area of the hooves.
So, we must then also observe where there will be more wear and tear than usual on other
areas of the hooves. This is to decide how the horse itself tries to treat itself through the self-
adjusting system that the hooves, Ting-points and hoof-growth make up.
In this system, we may then be able to consider why the Channels start or end at the precise
points where they do. For example, if LU Channel and Ting-point is Deficient, and the GBl
meridian and Ting-point is in excess, the hoof wall will grow slower at the medial side of the
front foot. This puts greater pressure on the lateral side, where the HT and the SI Channels
are situated. Then the Ting-points of HT, PC (partly) and SI are stimulated (and lead to more
wear and tear here). These points are all related to the Fire Element, which is the Ko-Father
of the Metal Element (LU); as a result, it corrects LU.

• According to the first principle (treating the excess) the GBl should be drained
• According to the second principle the LU should be stimulated (the body itself to

drive out Ahriman)
• According to the third principle the HT should be stimulated (through the balancing
midpoint of Christ)

In other cases the horse itself puts on extra weight on the Ko-father of the deficient meridian
(third principle), so that also this area will be exposed to more wear and tear. The horse may
also put on extra weight on the already lowered deficient area, so that this part will show
additionally lowering of the hoof wall. I guess that the horse put on extra weight out of a
feeling of what is nessesary, or by a certain feeling of need.
Then we may see if the relationship between the Ting-points and the Channels are an
automatic treatment procedure per se, based on the location of the Channels. This system of
self-regulation is supposed to work in the wild horse. In shooting the horse we destroy this
Then it makes sense what I learned at the veterinary school; “if a horse is lame, then take off
the shoes and it will heal itself”.

This will mean in practise that decreased growth in the:

• Cranial aspect of the front hoof(s) may be corrected by increased pressure [either by
growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
caudal or lateral aspect of the hind hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or
Christ principle)).
• Lateral aspect of the front hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by growth (the
hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the caudal (the
heels) or lateral aspect of the hind hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or
Christ principle)).
• Medial aspect of the front hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by growth (the
hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the lateral aspect of
the front hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Christ principle)).
• Caudal (the heels) aspect of the front hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by
growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
caudal aspect of the hind hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Christ
• Cranial aspect of the hind hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by growth (the
hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the craniomedial
aspect of the hind hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Christ
• Caudo-lateral aspect of the hind hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by
growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
cranio-medial aspect of the front hoof(s) or at the caudo-medial aspect of the hind
hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Christ principle)).
• Cranio-lateral aspect of the hind hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by
growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
medial aspect of the front hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Christ
• Cranio-medial aspect of the hind hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by

growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
medial aspect of the front hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle (grandfather or Chrtist
• Caudal aspect of the hind hoof may be corrected by stimulation [either by growth (the
hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the cranio-medial
aspect of the hind hoof(s) (according to the Ko-cycle), or at the lateral aspect of the
front hoof(s) (according to the Shen-cycle).
• Caudal aspect of the hind hoof (the heels) may be corrected by stimulation [either by
growth (the hoof wall will be higher) or wear (the hoof wall will be lower)] at the
caudal, cranial or lateral aspect of the front hoof, (according to the Ko-cycle
(grandfather or Chrtist principle)), or at the caudo-medial aspect of the hind hoof(s)
(grandfather or Chrtist principle).

To understand some of the logic here presented, it is important to know that water is
controlled both by the fire and by the earth.

If humans have evolved from quadrupeds, then such a consideration will explain why the
Channels have evolved just where they actually are, and why they are still where they are also
in the humans, and also the effect of the third principle, the Christ principle.

The three-divisions and the third principle in Pulse-diagnosis: Western school-medicine also
investigates the pulse, the physical-material pulse, relating it to the frequency and blood
pressure. The blood pressure is taken directly at the arteria, and the blood values are
determined through scientific methods in analyzing the blood.
As Goethe said: “the nature is a revealed secret of the spirit,” “das offenbare Geheimnis”. We
may also, on the basis of all the blood parametres found in ordinary blood investigations,
analyse them according to the etheric, astral and spiritual findings we have made through
pulse diagnosis. However, the pulse examination will require a meditative preparation, which
will lead into the spiritual world, and this state is absolutely nessesary to get a proper and
good pulse reading and analysis.
For us to enter into the spiritual world, we need to go into a meditative state, where we
separate thinking, feeling and willing. One method or way to do this is to concentrate on the
3rd or 4th dimention. This needs an explanation; when we are able to divide the depth from
the width from the height, enables the three soul qualities of thinking – feeling – willing to
separate. This method has already been used for a long time by indiginous people to come
into the spiritual world. It is still being used today by many and spiritual seekers. Thus, if we
divide the three dimensions of the physical world with our will, then time is also released. All
four dimensions are then separated. When we become free from time and space we can use
pulse diagnose to treat over distances. We can also use it to treat in the past. Once we are in
the spiritual world, the world of Qi, etheric and astral energy, the world of the spiritual forces
of the triad, the whole pulse system is changed in a way difficult to describe in words of the
physical world. The pulse alters completely and shows us changes in the etheric, astral and
spiritual sheaths of the patient and in our surroundings where we decide to put our intention
or concentration. Time and space do not exist in the spiritual world. Time and space do not
exist there.

Taking the pulse; The pulse is taken, after going into the mental state of meditative

consciousness as described abowe, on the Arteria radialis, below, at and abowe the landmark
of Processus styloideus, at the wrist. Based on the tradition of the Chinese pulse diagnosis we
use the names yin and yang for deep Puls-pressure and for superficial Puls-pressure. The puls
positions are situated along the Arteria radialis, and these positions are related to the different
12 associated organ processes. On each hand side we thus have 6 identifiable pulse positions.
Three superficial Yang organs and three deep Yin organs. As the pulse at each of these 12
sites in the same patient may have a totally different frequency and quality, it is difficult to
imagine that the physical pulse is analyzed in this Chinese pulse diagnosis. There must be a
non-physical – spiritual or energetic pulse.

The positions at the pulse and its related organs:

Left 1.Pos 2.Pos 3.Pos Right 1.Pos 2.Pos 3.Pos

Superficial Small Gall Bladder Superficial Colon Stomach Trippel

Yang Intestine Bladder Yang Heater

Deep Heart Liver Kidney Deep Lung Spleen/ Pericard

Yin Yin

The first technique to investigate the pulse of people is the direct examination of the pulse of
the patient, for this we proceed as follows: We take the left wrist of the patient with our right
hand, and find the Art. radialis medial to Processus styloideus we feel the pulse with our third
finger. This is the 2. position. Then we feel the pulse just proximal to the root of the thumb
with our second finger. This is the first position. Then we use our fourth finger to feel the
pulse proximal to the 2. position, equal distanse as between the 1. and the 2. position. With
our left hand, the right side of the patient and with the right hand, the left side of the patient.
There is always only one finger that successively examines the superficial and the deep

The second possible technique to examine the pulse in humans is the indirect Puls-technique.
In this case, the examiner takes his own pulse and determines the change in his own pulse
picture, which is produced by the mental or spiritual/mental/physical contact with the patient.
To do this the therapist must then, while being in the meditative and spiritual state of mind,
extend his etheric body so far until he has contact with the patient and the perception of the
pulse is made possible. The investigation is carried out without physical contact with the
patient. Animals and plants can also be diagnosed by the use of this method, even though
they do not have the appropriate pulse or a circulatory system. This again shows that it all is
about an energetic/spiritual pulse.

To get an energetic pulse analysis, thinking and pre-constructed thoughts or ideas must be
eliminated to achieve a specific and correct diagnosis. This means that thinking and wanting
must be left out and only the feeling may be active. Any bias must be eliminated. To achieve
this, we first need to move into the described meditative state – and when we do so, together

with the already described division of feeling/thinking/willing, we are located, when this is
properly done, in the real spiritual world. When we thus prepare ourselves for the pulse
diagnostics, we go a little out of our own body, leave the physical world and enter another
world, the spiritual world. In this spiritual world thinking, feeling and willing are detached,
separated or decoupled from each other. They are in the spiritual world acting as different and
independent forces, in contrast to the physical world where they are inextricably intertwined.

Our concentration, our focus is through this procedure, is thereby ideally situated at the heart.
For certain problems the concentration/presence of the concentration, must be at the
endocardium, that is just within the heart. For others problems the concentration must be in
the chambers of the heart. The heart - the sun of our body - and thus directly related to Christ,
leads us, when we are active in this consciousness, to a different quality, to a different sense
of pulse as in the Chinese medicine. The healthy man can, as viewed from the heart, be
regarded as an equilibrium state between the extremes of Yin and Yang. From the duality of
Yin and Yang humanity arises as the central balance. The center is Christ.

In order to understand this, an esoteric image of Christ necessary, as it is mediated by

anthroposophy. If Christianity is perceived esoterically, then a direct way to therapy is
created from the spiritual world. A total conversion of the disease is possible.
The displacement of the symptoms in another area of the patient or on another living being,
as often happens by treatment of the symptoms (excess), a treatment of the cause may be
possible, actually both a treatment of the excess and the deficiency. This transition of
pathological factors to other places in the body, where they may give rise to other symptoms,
or to animals or plants, may also occur if we treat "correct." Even if we correctly treat the
patient with anthroposophic medicine. As Judith von Halle says we have to deal with the
Christ Consciousness from the heart, if we want to resolve the pathogenic factor completely.
If we do not achieve this, the disease is only passed on and remains in a different place.
This complete dissolution or converting the pathogenicity is possible with acupuncture. For
this we must first of all have a Christ consciousness. A Christ-like awareness that is situated
in the heart, even during physical treatment, so that we do not treat the extremes like yin or
yang, as in Chinese medicine, but starting from the middle, from the balancing force of
Christ. We may even do this with special points chosen from the described Christ principle,
using special points.

This brings up new questions about the importance of how the states of yin and yang are
concived, and which diseases are connected to the classical pulse qualities.
The pulse qualities are principally described as being between emptiness and fullness of the
pulse, and the other qualities as varieties of these basic qualities. We must thus learn to “see”
the balance between these two qualities, and let the excess and deficiency balance out against
each other.

Yang Qualities in EXCESS: describes luciferic qualities

This excess may be created by an external trauma or infection,
but is in all cronic diseases allowed to devellop through a
deficiency in the same process, in the Yin, or by a deficiency of
the controlling process (see the illustration below).

Yin Qualities in EXCESS: describes ahrimanic qualities

This excess is always dependent on a deficiency in the

controlling process, as both Yin qualities as well as a Yin
deficiency always are coloured by Ahrimanic powers. (see the
illustration below).

The Law of Change as described in Chinese medicine with nourishing cycle (The outer
arrows) and controlling cyclel as described by the inner arrows.

This then means e.g. that a void in the liver organ process causes an anarchy in the stomach
or spleen / pancreas organ processdue to a lack of control. This lack, or emptiness, weakness
or whatever we want to call is a loss of control. This loss of control caused by the fact that
their own "energy" can not give enough resistance against pathogenic ahrimanic influence.
The deficiency is then taken over by Ahrimanic forces. The anarchy of excess, due to a loss
of control, is taken over by Luciferic embossing. In a weakness of human nature Ahriman
enters and then allows Lucifer to take over the control cycle.
Here, however, we may detect a slightly difference in shape of the pulse patterns given from
the Luziferic- and the Ahrimanic abundance patterns. Ahrimanic excess always let us feel a

little roughness, some kind of swirl in it. Luziferic excess is to feel as a smooth pattern.

In summary, we can say:

Empty patterns show a weakness of our own power, either the etheric energy (yin), or astral
energy (yang), the void gives Lucifer or Ahriman the possibility to take possession of the
organism directly to an ordinary emptiness or indirectly through the loss of control. Both can
be treated with the mid-point of the Christ principle. This central point of Christ can be found
when we investigate the control of both Lucifer and Ahriman. Such a treatment needs a
special state of mind, which is caracterised by courage (human) and Love (divine). (1)

From this we see that the void is not empty, of course, since it immediately is occupied, in
humans mostly by Ahrimanic forces. Without the energetic pulse diagnosis the deficiant
diseases are not recognized, the root is not found, and the weakness continues on in silence,
and is not treated. Many therapists including traditional school medicine and TCM treat the
excess, which is in the domain occupied by Luzifer; consequently the real cause of the
emptiness may go on unchallenged.

Since the event of Golgotha the power of Christ, the Light of Christ on earth, is active and
Lucifer has thereby lost relative importance. Now Ahriman and his helpers are at the
forefront of the "bad side" of our human nature. We may see this in the diseases that
dominate humans. Before it was infections with fever, Luziferic diseases. Now it is
calsifications and sclerosis, Ahrimanic diseases.
If we consider man caught between Lucifer and Ahriman, between bone and blood, between
infections and sclerosis, between hysteria and neurastenia, then we can only be free and
develop further if we bring the two forces into balance and thereby place the Christ in the
human middle. This balance will show itself in a balanced, harmonious pulse pattern, ie, all
pulse dimensions are the same.

By this understanding the central question and its answer has come much closer. Lucifer,
Ahriman and Christ are members of our human nature and shall continue to exist in all
humans. The destruction of one of the extremes can not be the goal, the destruction of any
part can never be the solution, but the harmonious balance of the duality of the seemingly evil
leads us to the center - to Christ and thus to the Trinity. In practice this means that we should
not treat the excess or the deficiency, but balance them out. Conversion to the good must be
the aim of the treatment; the path is given to us by Christs love and in love to the people and
to the world. Without the healing of the world, the healing of people is also unthinkable and
impossible to achieve.
In the lecture on the Gospel of John on July 7, 1909 (GA112-1) Rudolf Steiner says:
These beings — Lucifer and Ahriman — desired nothing less than to preserve all beings on
Earth in that form in which they are interwoven in dense matter. When, for instance, a plant
grows, springs up from its root, sends forth leaf after leaf in its progress to flower, the
intention of Lucifer and Ahriman is to prolong this budding and growth indefinitely; that is,
to make the being which is striving to develop there, resemble and retain the physical form it
inhabits, and thus wrest it from the spiritual world. For if they succeeded in making this being
similar to its physical form, they would, we might say, sunder Heaven from the Earth. With
all animals too, Luciferic and Ahrimanic spirits tend to make the spiritual part resemble the
physical form which it inhabits, and make it forget, in matter, its divine spiritual origin. The
same influence is at work in human beings.
This explains why we can use pulse diagnosis in animals and plants.

Summary of the relationships between Anthroposophy and acupuncture for these initiated in
the thinking process of both of those disciplines:

Zodiac sign Channel Human Sense of Musical

faculty Note
Aquarius SI Sleep Movement B
Pisces BL Dream Sight F
Aries LV Sleep Balance C
Taurus TH Inspiration Hearing G
Gemini LI Dream Taste D
Cancer ST Sleep Life A
Leo HT Imagination Warmth E
Virgo KI Sleep Feeling H
Libra LU Intuition Thinking Giss
Scorpio PC Awake Words Ciss
Sagittarius GB Intuition I (the self) Fiss
Capricorn SP Dream Smell Diss

Let's look at pictures of Raphael: on the one hand of St George and the other the Archangel
Michael Slaying the Dragon, then we see no vanquished dragon but "only" tamed or
weakened dragon. Raphael knew for certain that the dragon was necessary for our
development and that we have to deal with it directly and deliberately. Michael and George
focus on the evil and make us thereby directly aware of its excistense.
We can now see the different pulse qualities as direct references to the specific interactions of
Ahrimanic and Luciferic forces, and their associated entities. We will have them in focus.
The road to healing and recovery lies therefore in the change of their power and effectiveness,
or the liberation of their slavery under their leaders. This in turn means the cure of the disease
can only be effected through the redemption of the entities involved. Only by love for God's
creation (2).

A return to the compassionate way; The heart - the starting point of feeling
The Heart is the most importand organ in our development, and it is still in the being and
The Heart is in the exact intersection of past, present and future. The ancient initiates knew of
this. In Norse mythology, the heart was ascribed with three roots. The three Norns spin the
threads of fate:

Urd The past

Verdande The present
Skuld The future

If we look at these three threads as vectors along which the focus of the examiner may

The presence in the center of the heart, as described in the introduction to the basic technique

of pulse diagnosis.

The past we may investigate if we go with our conciousness along a line combining the heart
with the Os pubis, a line that begins in the present heart and extends to the physical birth of
the pelvis (and further).

The future we may investigate if we wander with our conciousness along a line that reaches
from the heart upwards and up over the body, depending on the courage and skill of the Puls-
diagnostik. These timelines are tracked with the pulse, the changes of the pulse.
To go back into the time of a disease we may trace the development along the axis of the
past, the diagnosis of the longest established unbalanced process. Consequently, when we
thus treat from the present into the past, "new" worlds and possibilities are opened to us.
To be able to go into the future, it is possible and conceivable: but beware – are we prepared
for this?
A simple, usable, highly focused way to go into the future involve the determination of the
effect of a remedy, determination of the dose and the amount (ml), of times per day/week and
number of doses up to the point at which the remedy is no longer necessary (days/weeks). To
descide this, the remedy is brought into superficial contact with the patient or clinician and
then determined by a focus shift in terms of space/time and quantity of the appropriate
For this "time travel" we need our focus in the center of the heart, going upwards to see what
happens in the future after giving the specific medicine.
The Basic exercise in pulse diagnosis is to learn to consciously work with the body, shift our
conciousness along the body axis, let our fingers feel the changes, and not to think with the
brain as the center, but the heart as the center.

Therapy: During therapeutic treatment we must combine the willing and feeling to help
ensure the Trinity, the balancing force of the Christ. We must do this with the central organ of
the future development of man, the heart. With this intention we can help our fellow
creatures, and also by using this method become a co-creator to God in the spiritualisation of
the earth.

Some conclusions and summary: When we have dedicated practiced effort on the path of
pulse diagnosis, we can begin to consider the several (seven) layers of the body, and work our
way from the body surface to the heart. These seven layers we may also use in treatment to
get deeper into the layers of the body, to come into the depths. A concrete description of
where and what these layers are and the techniques used to enter these layers are beyond the
scope of this article. To go into the deeper layers of the body, both in diagnosing and in
therapy, will lead us to unexpected phases of learning and different results in the diagnosis,
yet effective treatments. When we achieve this ability or focus or insight, we may be able to
diagnose more and more specific problems and ethiologies. Concerning the investigation of
the 7 layers of the body is but some of the many options that we have to work with when we
embark on the path of spiritual Christian pulse diagnosis. It's understandable that our pulse
changes when we focus on another being when we are into the spiritual world and our focus
is in the heart. That we must combine the feeling with the willing when we treat, and that we
have to be in the heart when we feel. The willing is more in the limbs.
We see that pet owners influence the diseases of their animals or can even be the cause. Up to
90% of the diseases of animals are caused by the influence of humans, especially in domestic
animals. If we do not deal with a treatment permeated by love and compassionate will then
we only transpose the disease to another location in the same nature or to another being. We

see that we can treat the animals by treatment of the owner and much more.

We must be in the spiritual world when we diagnose and give treatments, otherwise we
remain stuck in the physical world where cause and effect rule, where nerves and endorphins
are used to explain therapies, where we are trapped in our skin. To say it with the book of the
singer, Blessed longing; "And as long as you do not do that, this death and rebirth, you are
just a dreary guest on the dark earth."
The sun, the Christ in us, is our direct mediator in the healing process.

In practice, the following is found:

1. Between the by Ahriman diseased liver and the by Lucifer diseased stomach we find the
lung as the balancing Christ principle.
2. Between the by Ahriman diseased spleen and the by Lucifer diseased bladder we find the
liver as the balancing Christ principle.
3. Between the by Ahriman diseased heart and the by Lucifer diseased colon we find the
kidney as the balancing Christ principle.
4. Between the by Ahriman diseased pericardium and the by Lucifer diseased colon we find
the kidney as the balancing Christ principle.
5. Between the by Ahriman diseased lung and the by Lucifer diseased gallbladder we find the
heart as the balancing Christ principle.
6. Between the by Ahriman diseased kidney and the by Lucifer diseased small intestine we
find the spleen as the balancing principle Christ

AN even better way is the change the Chinese 5-star to a 6-star.

When I first realized that treatment of either the excess or the deficiency
caused/could cause the pathological structure to translocate, I started to search for a
way that was safe to use.

Me considering what system to use; the 5-star or the 6-star.

The duality contra the trinity.

The first hint or advice I received from Judith von Halle, the famous (although not
well known) stigmatized woman living in Berlin / Dornach (Switzerland). She said that
to avoid translocating the disease one had to treat with “Christ consciousness”.

What is ment by “Christ consciousness”?

It took me some months to understand that “Christ consciousness” was all about
staying in the middle, in the middle between the excess and the deficiency, between
Luzifer and the Devil (Ahriman).

Even in his last minutes inside the human body of Jesus, Christ hang in the middle,
between two robbers; one representing the Luziferic, the other the Ahrimanic.

The first time I tried to treat the middle, and only the middle, I was standing beside a
horse together with Markus Steiner, a German college. Suddenly I SAW, quite
clearly, the Ahrimanic pathological structure (in the area of the stomach of the horse)
and the Luziferic pathological structure (in the area of the chest). I then treated the
exact middle between the two, and immediately they pulled back, and the horse was
healed from lameness and other symptoms.

Since then I have treated many human patients after this method, and most of them
are very satisfied with the great effect of one needle in the middle. They describe
strong energies changing and streaming through the body.

Later I have seen that the middle point is a little closer to the excess, as shown in the
picture on the next page (28).

The Luziferic structures are almost always proximal or cranial. The Ahrimanic
structures are almost always distal or caudal.

Now, there is also another group of pathological structures, in ancient tradition called
the Asuric demons. They seem not to be in connection with the other two, as we see
between the Luziferic and the Ahrimanic demons, which usually balance each other.
I seldom find or see these demons, so there is not much I can say about them.

• Traditionally the Luziferic demons relate to the feelings, the astral forces of the

• Traditionally the Ahrimanic demons relate to the growth forces of the body, the
etheric forces of the body.

• Traditionally the Asuric demons relate to the spirit, the consciousness, the “I”
forces of the body.

To understand why there always is a deficiency that is the cause of
disease, we have to understand how disease emerges

In holistic thinking, a Process Imbalance (usually deficiency) is the root cause of disease; an
imbalance in one of the 12 Fundamental Processes of the body allows disease to manifest.
For example, consider the high yielding dairy cows. Such cows have extremely "stressed"
udders. For them, the udder is often the Weak anatomical Structure and mastitis is one of
their most prominent disorders. Conventional veterinary medicine usually treats mastitis
with antibiotics or other remedies to reduce infection, in addition to other udder supporting
treatments. Treatment is aimed at the mastitis producing pathogens. In contrast, holistic
medicine has a very different approach. It regards a Process Imbalance as essential to allow
the Stressor to manifest as Lesion-Symptom Complexes in the Weak Structure. In this
example, the Process Imbalance allows the mastitis to manifest. It might have been a
Process Imbalance (deficient) in KI, due to too many calvings, allowing a Stressor, such as
severe Cold, or Wind to weaken it even more. It might have been a Process Imbalance in LV
Process, due to chronic malnutrition and in which LV was weakened further by a sudden
change in feed.

When deciding on which treatment to institute, conventional medicine ignores the
underlying and/or initiating cause:

• The underlying (predisposing) cause is the Process Imbalance that allows the stressor to
precipitate mastitis.
• The initiating (precipitating) cause may be an External or Internal Stressor that
overcomes the capacity of one or more of the Processes to adapt, i.e. it imbalances one
or more Processes over its limit.

a) External Stressors include the Six Evil Qi Factors of TCM (Heat / Summer Heat,
Damp, Dryness, Cold and Wind), change of feed, food spoilage, or trauma. It also
includes other environmental stressors, as recognised in western medicine, such
as heavy infectious or parasitic challenge, allergens, toxicity, serious defects of
management or husbandry, geopathic effects, or adverse effects of lunar, solar or
other cosmic stimuli, etc.
b) Internal Stressors include emotional imbalance, particularly serious Excess or
Deficiency of excitement, obsession, grief, fear and anger, or their related

• The weak structure of the body is where the symptom may emerge or express itself.

It takes a great challenge (External or Internal Stressor) to precipitate serious illness if the
body has perfect inner equilibrium, i.e. if all Processes are balanced. Unfortunately, few
individuals are perfectly balanced. That is why there is so much international interest in
training programmes that help people to become physically and mentally "fit". Such
programmes include physical fitness and exercise training, the martial arts, Taiqi, meditation

and stress-control programmes (yoga, Qigong, etc) and state-sponsored schemes to
encourage healthy living. The latter schemes include legislation on pollution and sanitation,
safety-at-work, personal- and food- hygiene, nutritional health, antismoking campaigns,
control of alcohol and drugs, etc. In spite of all these efforts, many people do not take steps
to develop a full physical and mental balance.

A Process Imbalance seriously weakens the adaptive capacity of the body to withstand
Internal or External Stressors; both act as stressors. If a cow also has a Weak Structure, then
this combination allows disease to manifest (mastitis, if the udder is the Weak Structure),
even if the Stressor is relatively minor.

Recent research in high-yielding cows shows that fertility (conception rates, days from
calving to conception, etc) decreases as milk yield increases. In nature, to feed her suckling
calf, a cow needs to produce only 400-600 kg milk per lactation. She can do this with minimal
intake of feed dry matter and minimal metabolic stress on the gastrointestinal tract, LV, SP
and KI. Today however, because of genetic manipulation and selection for high milk yield,
many dairy herds produce an average 7000-9000+ kg of milk per lactation. This puts
enormous metabolic stress on all the systems of the cow. Apart from mastitis and lameness,
subfertility is a huge problem in such herds, which often have conception rates to a given
service of <40 %, as compared with 60-70 % in lower yielding herds. Such cows have
"prioritised" milk yield over pregnancy. In TCM, pregnancy / reproduction falls under the
control of KI (Water Phase) and LV (Wood Phase).
In those cows, KI and LV can be the Deficient Processes, and KI and LV Deficiency can be the
foundations of mastitis or reproductive problems.

1. Process Imbalances
We, humans, are proud of our unique individuality. Even if we may seem to be as alike as
peas in a pod, or drops of water, even if we have the same Weak Anatomical Structures
springing from the same kind of work, no two of us are the same. We all have our genetic
differences, our specialities, our strengths and weaknesses, our joys and sorrows, our fears
and loneliness. And it is subtle differences in these that make one individual unique from
another. We are each unique beings, and so too are animals. The more I work with animals,
the more I am astonished at how different and individual they are. Two trotters that may
perform the same kind of work, have the same training and eat the same food, and yet may
have totally different weak Processes that are unique to them. One may have a weak BL-
process, and get easily scared and one may have a weak spleen and thus get digestion
problems after change of feed.

On initial assessment, it is very important to distinguish between the Weak Structure and the
Process Imbalance of the same animal.

• The Weak Structure is a physical weakness because of a special anatomical structure,
or because of special use.
• The Process Imbalances (dysfunctions of Internal Jing-Qi balance) may be due to
Deficiency (Weak Jing-Qi) or to Excess (Full Jing-Qi).

It is also very important to have in mind that different Process Imbalances may elicit similar
Lesion-Symptom Complexes because the Weak Structure is like "an accident waiting to
happen". As water or electricity find the lines of least resistance, differing Process
Imbalances may manifest in the Weak Structures of the animal.

It is equally important to distinguish between the Internal Stressor (destructive emotions)
and the Imbalanced Process. The latter usually is a lifelong weak Internal Process, while the
Internal Stressor usually is the combination of day-to-day mental stressors that are an
inevitable part of living. All Internal Stressors more or less weaken the Imbalanced Process.
However, if the Internal Stressor correlates with the Imbalanced Process, it has much more
adverse effects than if it did not correlate.

It is very important to understand that all animals or people have their own individual
Process Imbalances. Under attack by an acute or prolonged Stressor, the Process Imbalances
are the main determinants that elicit Lesion-Symptom Complexes at their individual Weak

In trotters, which normally have great stress on their joints, especially on the right carpus,
any strain or stress combined with a Weakest Process can elicit pain in this joint. Many
owners ask me to treat horses with such carpal disorders. Instead of treating the joint, I
search for the Weakest Process. In some cases it may be a KI Deficiency due to giving birth
(and exaggerated by cold weather or prolonged Wind), a SP Deficiency due to many changes
of the feed (and worsened by irregular feeding) or a LU Deficiency present at birth (and
worsened due to dust inhalation). Having determined the Weakest Process, I treat that as
the root cause. If I have managed to identify the Stressor, I will of course try to eliminate
that also (keep the animal away from cold wind, irregular feeding or dust). Having done all
this it is usually not necessary to treat the painful joint, but we may of course treat the
painful joint as well.

This holistic concept is very important. It means that two horses with the same symptom
(right carpal pain) are treated very differently, depending on which Process Imbalance is the
underlying energetic cause. Conversely, if we correctly diagnose and treat the Process
Imbalance, the carpal disorder disappears sooner (usually much sooner) than usual and the
disorder usually does not recur for a long time. Other complaints as headache, bad skin and
dandruff will also disappear if we treat the deficient process.
In contrast, if one treats the Lesion-Symptom Complexes only, for example using "Cookbook
Points" for carpal pain, or conventional symptom-suppressive analgesic/anti-inflammatory
drugs, the clinical results may be as good, but the disorder recurs sooner. Additional
complaints will not disappear together with the main ailment if the treatment is just

2. The Stressor
A Stressor is necessary for Lesion-Symptom Complexes to manifest in the Weak Structure.
Stressors, whether physical, psychic or spiritual, include all influences that stress and weaken
the body. We often are aware of this Stressor. For example, we often see that the "cause" of
a disorder is that we eat too much for supper, that the racetrack was harder or much wetter

than usual, or that the animals had undergone much more stress, or a totally different
routine than usual. But the Stressor is not the real cause of the disease; it is not even the
most important factor, unless it is extremely strong. The same applies for the Weak
Structure, unless it is very weak. Also, it is very difficult for a mild Stressor to manifest as
disease in a body that is well balanced (i.e. has no Process Imbalance).

A strong Stressor may precipitate Process Imbalances
It is important to consider all the factors in diagnostic evaluation, and to decide if the
Stressor may have been strong enough to create a deficient process by itself.

• A horse exposed to cold weather (say –200 C), or that stands in (or drinks !!) cold water
too much, may develop a deficient KI.
• A horse submitted to frequent changes of feed may develop a deficient SP (digestive
disorder or weak Musculus iliopsoas)

If a Stressor is strong enough to trigger disease, one should try to eliminate the future
Stressors of the same kind. This is really good preventive medicine. The main aim is to create
a strong and well-balanced animal, an animal that can withstand ever-changing conditions
and everyday wear and tear, without reacting to these influences by manifesting disease.
In TCM, the best therapy is one that builds up or balances Qi, (if there is a Process
Imbalance), or removes the Stressor, Qi Obstruction, Phlegm, etc. All symptomatic therapy is

If a Stressor overcomes the WeiQi (Antipathogenic Qi of the organism), it leaves its
"fingerprint" (its peculiar set of signs) behind. A deep knowledge of the Five Phases is
especially useful to help us categorise the Stressor. Once we recognise it, we can deduce the
origin of the initiating factor (Stressor). Classification of the Lesion-Symptom Complex is
based on the speciality or peculiarity of the Lesion-Symptom Complex. The symptoms may
be dry, painful, hot or damp (oedematous). TCM designated or symbolised this after the
Phase to which the symptom belongs. This is very important. Such observations can indicate

• Which element the Stressor belongs to
• Which element the deficient process belongs to
• Which remedy or acupuncture-point to use
• How deep the disease is rooted in the body (6 divisions)

3. The Weak (anatomical) Structure
All humans and animals are mortal creatures. Each creature has its "Achilles' Heel", its Weak
Structures or points where disease, strain or stress develop, or manifest more easily. Stress
manifests in different ways in different people. Some develop angina or heart infarction.
Others develop one or more of the following Lesion-Symptom Complexes: acid reflux,
gastroduodenal ulcers, muscle spasm, asthma, constipation, colitis, urogenital or
reproductive disorders, arthritis, arthrosis (restricted joint movement), headaches, etc.
Some develop the psychic or mental equivalents of these physical symptoms: insomnia,

excitability or mania, obsession, apathy or mental fixation, claustrophobia, tension,
impotence, aggression, or fear etc.
Every stress, disease or imbalance appears at the Weak Structure. Therefore we reach the
wrong conclusion if we think that LU symptoms must originate in the lungs, KI symptoms in
the kidneys, HT symptoms in the heart etc. If an animal has a predominant Weak Structure,
for example the udder of the high yielding cows, all Process Imbalances will manifest
primarily as mastitis. If an animal has no Weak Structures, then disease cannot appear easily.
In that case, the Lesion-Symptom Complex usually relates to the specificity of the Stressor or
the Process Imbalance. Bur usually disease can manifest only if the Stressor is strong enough,
or if the Process becomes imbalanced enough relative to the weakness of the weak
structure. If we know the Weak Structure of the animal, we should usually look elsewhere
to find the real origin (Process Imbalance, the Predisposing Cause) and precipitating cause
(Stressor) that induced the disease to manifest in the Weak Structure.

For example:
• Dogs have very different individual constitutions. Some are big and heavy and have
great stress on the joints, especially the elbow and the hip. Such dogs often develop
elbow arthrosis and hip dysplasia. (HD). Small "sausage dogs", like dachshunds, suffer
less stress on the joints but their backs are vulnerable because of their length and C
shape; this is also the case in pigs. Small dogs kept as pets (lapdogs) get too little
exercise and too much food; these dogs usually suffer stress on their digestive and
metabolic system, circulation and heart. Such dogs usually react to Process
Imbalances and Stressors by developing circulatory disorders, heart disorders and
epilepsy. Generally the dogs assume their owners' disorders, because the dog usually
shares the owners' lifestyle.
• Cows in intensive dairy herds are under extreme stress from selective breeding and
management to produce higher and higher milk yield. This weakens the udder, which
often is the main Weak Structure in high-yielding cows. Combined with very little
exercise, most of our cows are balancing on the brink of mastitis and diarrhoea. For
most of the year, most cows in Scandinavia are kept in a barn; this makes their legs
grow weak. Very little extra stress inevitably precipitates disease, such as laminitis,
mastitis, etc. A change of relief-milker for one weekend may be a sufficient stressor
to precipitate an increase in somatic cell count in the milk, followed by mastitis some
days later.

• Horses have very different lives. Riding horses are usually stressed less than trotters and
the disorders of riding horses usually vary more than those of trotters. Trotters suffer
from repetitive stress every day. They are forced to trot in an abnormal way and at a
speed that should be a canter or gallop. They are forced to do this day after day in the
same trails, races or tracks. This is grossly abnormal for horses. These stressors induce
extreme wear and tear on the joints, and manifest then especially in the fetlocks and the
carpus (the Weak Structure). The slightest change in feed, care, surroundings or training
(the Stressor) can then precipitate joint disorders if a Process Imbalance is present. In all
types of riding horses like dressage-, jumping- or event-horses the weak structure is
usually the same, namely the joints. In the development of the disease, the Stressor
varies as well as the Internal Process. Usually the rider/handler is the main Stressor of
these horses.


Personal communication from a German physiotherapist has shown me that all horses that
are ridden over a period of two years “take over” the problems (symptoms) of their rider.
They develop malfunction in the same structures or joints as the rider has.

We must learn to assess and integrate all the presented data and clinical findings holistically,
in such a way that we are able to see and recognise the real disorders and to distinguish
between the External and the Internal causes (Process Imbalances, imbalanced emotions).
This must be done in a way that enables us to deduce these factors back to environmental-,
feed-dependent-, breed-dependent-, psychological-, acquired-, or inherited- Process
In most cases of disease, all three factors (Process Imbalance, Stressor and Weak Structure)
must interact. This interaction allows disease to manifest, and the most important root cause
of disease is the Process Imbalance.
The relationship and dependence between the Weak Structure, the Stressor and the Process
Imbalance in the development of Lesion-Symptom Complexes may vary from disease to
disease. It is very important to evaluate all these three factors when we are to evaluate
every patient.

Clinical results and success rate

System #1 Thoresen’s Ting Point Therapy Equine Ting Point Therapy
System #2 Thoresen’s Command Point Equine Command Point
Therapy Therapy
System #3 Thoresen’s Coronary Band Equine Coronary Band Zone
Zone Therapy (TCT) Therapy
System #4 Thoresen’s ECIWO Therapy Equine ECIWO Therapy

My therapeutic methods within acupuncture has four main parts.

Part 1 [System #1, Equine Ting Point (Pt) Therapy] which is a diagnostic and therapeutic
method that I developed over the last 30 years. It involves inspection and palpation of 5
Zones (Pts or loci) in the coronary band, proximal to each hoof, so as to find one or more
areas of soft, oedematous or dry pitting. The 5 Ting Pts are approximately 10 mm wide, and
may be palpated with the thumb or index finger, held vertical to the ground, as shown in
Figure 1). A sixth Ting Pt lies on each foot between the bulbs of the heels (PC09 between the
front bulbs, and KI01 between the hind bulbs). These 6 Ting Pts on each coronary band
relate to specific acupuncture (AP) Channels and to specific clinical syndromes.


Figure 1. How to hold the fingers when searching for ReactiveTing

Part 2 [System #2 - Equine Command Point Therapy] which describes a diagnostic and
therapeutic method that I developed over the last 10 years. It involves treatment of a new
set of 78 Equine Command Pts that have not been documented elsewhere. They are located
at and below the carpus / tarsus, just below, on and over the joints of the fore and hind
limbs (see Figure 3).

The locations of Equine Command Pts are unique; they not based on transposition from
human locations. Although they function almost like human Command Pts, their numeration
and systematisation also are unique to horses. Also, the relationships between the Equine
Command Pts and the Five Phases (aka Five Elements, or Five Movements – Wuxing in
Chinese) differ somewhat for horses. These differences will be discussed later.

Figure 2. Location of the Command Pts of LV.

Part 3 [System #3 - Thoresen’s Equine Coronary Band ECIWO Therapy (TCT)] describes a
diagnostic and therapeutic method that I developed over the last 17 years. System #3 Zones
seem to relate to specific anatomical structures, like joints, bones or vertebrae. System #3 is
to be considered an ECIWO System (like Ear-AP).

[ECIWO is an acronym for Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism].

AP has many microsystems. Rediscovered c 1953 by Nogier, Ear-AP is one of the best known. There
also are AP microsystems of the scalp, forehead, nose, face, eye, hand (especially KHA- Korean Hand
AP), foot (especially Foot Zone Therapy), etc. These seem to be just part of a much greater law, viz,
that all parts of the body can serve as a microcosm. This theory has been called the theory of ECIWO-
Biology, and this phenomenon may be seen in all living organisms, in plants, animals and man.
As all cells of an organism have developed from one cell (the fertilised ovum of animals, or cuttings in
the case of some plants), each single cell contains information about the whole organism. It has an
embryonic potential also, viz, it can turn into an embryo, or a foetus that can grow into a new
organism. It has the potential for the whole, what we call “total potential”. This is shown by the fact
that under certain conditions, as in stem-cell research, even highly differentiated cells can change into
unspecialised cells with more embryonic properties, which potentially may differentiate into cells of
another type.
The new aspect of ECIWO-Biology is that this is a general phenomenon that we find not only at
cellular level, but also on higher levels of biological organisation. System #3 will show that this
organisation may be found also at the equine coronary band, as well as along the cannon bones.

This ECIWO-system involves palpation of approximately 15 loci or Pts proximal and lateral to
each hoof, so as to find one or more areas of dry pitting. System #3 has Pts that are much
smaller than the Ting Pts (System #1). All System #3 (TCT) Pts are approximately 3 mm wide,
and are overlooked if the fingertip is held as shown in Figure 1. When palpating for Reactive
ECIWO Pts, the thumb or index finger must be held almost horizontal to the ground, with
the nail vertical to the ground, as shown in Figure 3).

Figure 3. How to hold the fingers when searching for Reactive ECIWO
Pts of the coronary band.

Part 4 [System #4 - Thoresen’s Equine Metacarpal/tarsal ECIWO Therapy (TMT) describes a
diagnostic and therapeutic method that I developed over the last 7 years. It involves
palpation and inspection of 12 ECIWO Systems along the equine metacarpal and
metatarsal bones. The number of points here is countless, as in ear acupuncture. System #4
Pts seem to relate to specific anatomical structures all over the body, not just joints, bones
or vertebras as in the Coronary Band ECIWO System. The ECIWO Pts are located along the
Channels, just where they run along (transverse) the metacarpal or metatarsal bones, the so
called cannon bone (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Example of the metacarpal ECIWO Systems of TH, LI and LU.

Part 1 [System #1 - Equine Ting Point Therapy]

System #1 combines symptomatic Pt selection with classical Channel concepts of traditional
Chinese medicine (TCM). It is a modern variant of classical AP. I have found one or more
Reactive Ting Pts (see Figure 5) in more than 95% of 1700 clinical and subclinical cases
examined over a period of 3 years (Table 1). Stimulation of the Reactive Ting Pts by simple
needling produced clinical success after a single treatment in 62% of 1700 horses. The
clinical success rate was 82% after 3 treatments. The effect lasted at least 1-2 months,
usually 6-24 or more months after the last treatment.


Figure 5. Diagram of the location of the Equine Ting Pts, with the top left representing the left fore foot.

The success rate of Equine Ting Pt Therapy depends on the therapist’s experience, the
season, the syndrome being treated and, in some conditions, additional methods used
(change of feed, change of stall, use of one of the ECIWO Systems etc). Functional conditions
usually responded faster and better than those characterized by pathological changes. Over
98% of the horses were treated for poor racing performance, which was associated with
cardiovascular conditions, circulatory disorders, muscular problems, stiffness, laminitis, soft
or poor-quality horn, thin sole, heel sores, azoturia (tying-up syndrome), respiratory
problems, dust allergies, other allergies (urticaria etc), intestinal problems (colic, diarrhoea,
constipation), autonomic (vegetative) disorders, reproductive disorders (female infertility,
nymphomania), and certain behavioural problems (male or female viciousness, kicking,
biting, head pressing).

Before describing Equine Ting Point Therapy, it is necessary to discuss briefly concepts of
TCM and AP, Channels, and diagnosis by AP theory.

Some authors have attempted to reduce AP to a very simple form, based on “AP
Cookbooks.” These are lists of prescriptions of the more common AP Pts used in the more
common diseases. They enable veterinarians who are not properly trained to make some
use of AP in clinical cases. However, “Cookbook AP” can give disappointing or mediocre
results if followed blindly, as the AP Cookbook lists only the more usually recommended Pts.
In individual cases, these may not be the most relevant. Ideally, each animal should be
examined to find the affected Channel(s). Reactive Pts on these Channels should be treated.
This is impossible for practitioners who do not know the basic principles of AP.

It is essential for equine AP practitioners to know that any Channel deficiency may cause
lameness in any joint in horses, because one deficiency may give rise to many excesses. For
example, a hock lameness may be due to Deficiency in any Channel (LU, LI, ST, SP, etc).

Conversely, Excess usually give pain in the Channel where the excess is located. Used by
novices who do not know the basics of AP theory, Cookbook AP is less likely to succeed in
such horses.

To understand the functions of the Command Pts and, in this case, the Ting Pts, it is
necessary to have a greater knowledge of the Five Phases, as described under System #2,
below (Equine Command Point Therapy). Modern veterinary AP training courses, including
those run by IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society), usually place the
Command Pts in animals in locations based on transposition from human locations.

In contrast to transpositional location, all Equine Ting Pts belong to the Wood Phase (see
explanation later). Therefore, they are the best choice in muscular problems. That is why the
Ting Pt often is the Pt of first choice in horses.

Invisible except under specialised high-powered microscopy, a highly complex 3-dimensional
network of Jing-Luo (Channels and Collateral Vessels) interpenetrates and connects every
body part, bringing Qi-Energy and Xue-Blood (with its nutrients) and Jing-Ye (body fluids) to
every cell.

An AP Channel (Jing) is a Meridian, conduit, line or plane that links specific AP Pts, usually in
the longitudinal direction. Each Channel (Jing) also links with its Collateral Vessel (Luo), its
Paired Channel (Yin-Yang pairs within each specific Phase (Element)), and has internal
connections to its respective internal organ and other body parts.

Each Channel belongs to a specific Phase (LV-GB=Wood Phase; HT-PC-SI-TH=Fire Phase; SP-
ST=Earth Phase; LU-LI=Metal Phase; BL-KI=Water Phase].

The Command Pts of a specific Channel can heal or alleviate problems along the pathways of
that Channel if the Channel is in excess or deficiency, but also alleviate clinical signs all over
the body as long as the Channel is in deficiency. The symptoms must then be related to the
same phase as the treated Command point of the deficient Channel.

Until now, AP diagnosis in horses relied mainly on the symptomatology of the case, plus the
pain reaction of the horse to Pt pressure, changes in electrical resistance at the Pts,
inspection of the tongue, urine and faeces and palpation of the “Chinese Pulses”. Most
novices (and some more experienced practitioners) have difficulty learning and using these
diagnostic methods.

However, the microcirculatory changes in the Equine Diagnostic Pts, especially the
diagnostic Ting Pts, may be felt clearly as changes in the consistency of the tissue within the
Reactive Ting Pts, located 1-2 cm proximal to the hoof-hair junction. The pitting (decreased
thickness of the skin due to less blood circulation) can often be seen after pressure is applied
(in acute conditions) and sometimes before palpation (in chronic conditions).

Digital detection of thinner skin over one or more Ting Pts is a positive pathological finding,
and the detected Ting Pts are classed as Reactive Ting Pts. The diagnostic test is done by
applying the tip of the thumb at 900 to the skin at a pressure of 100-200 g, as in Figure 1.

Figure 6 illustrates this thinning of the skin. Most novices can learn this method easily and

Figure 6. Illustration of skin thickness over the Ting Pts at different pathological situations.

Once the diagnostic AP Pts are located, stimulation of these Pts causes a biologic response in
the microcirculation in the affected Pts. Also, stimulation of the Reactive Ting Pt or any other
Reactive AP Pt on the affected Channel can influence all other Reactive Pts on the Channel,
as well as the body areas and organs traversed by the Channel pathways. Also palpable
changes occur in other Channels that have energetic relationships with the one treated
(according to the laws used in AP).

Using Equine Ting Pt Therapy
The Chinese term “Bu-Xu Xie-Shi” translates as “Reinforce or Tonify (Bu) Deficiency (Xu) and
Drain or Disperse (Xie) Excess (Shi)” This is an ancient and fundamental concept that applies
to all forms of TCM therapy, including AP, massage therapy and herbal medicine. In my
opinion the draining part of the therapy is mainly addressed in the west, and probably also in
the east. Personally I never drain the energy. I always stimulate the deficient process, and
then automatically the excess will float directly to the deficient process. I think that draining
the pain will not heal the primary cause of the disease, which in my opinion nearly always is
the deficiency.

Most of the cases reported in this paper were not acute. Clinical signs had been present for
about 1-8 weeks, averaging about 1 month. Other veterinarians had seen most horses.
Recently, horses have been referred to me much earlier in the course of the disease.

Table 1. Examples of some conditions, diagnosed and treated by “Treating the deficient Ting
Pt”. The success rate refers to one treatment only. Success rates were better with multiple

Condition Number Usual deficient % Success with
treated Process one Treatment
HT syndrome > 200 HT 85
Laminitis > 150 HT, SI, SP, LV 64
Spinal pain > 150 KI, LV, HT, SI 78
Lumbar weakness > 1000 KI, LV, SP, BL 83
Shoulder pain > 500 LU 76
Hip pain >75 LV 82
Tying up syndrome > 90 LV 95
Lameness > 1600 ALL 72
Food allergy > 260 LV, SP, TH 55
Summer eczema > 65 TH, LV, SP 55

Persistence of Clinical Response
Most of the horses that I have treated were presented with chronic problems. I usually
assess each horse 3-5 weeks after the first Ting Pt therapy (session 2), repeating treatment if
needed. Once a clinical response occurs, it usually is long-lasting, at least up to 1-2 months
after treatment. In most cases it lasts 6-24 months or longer.

In Ting Pt Therapy, we may then be able to consider why the Channels start or end at the
precise Pts where they do. For example, in LU Channel deficiency, the hoof wall grows
slower at the medial side of the front foot. This puts greater pressure on the lateral side,
where the HT and the SI Channels are situated. Then the Ting Pts of HT, SI and PC (partly) are
stimulated (and lead to more wear and tear here).

These Pts (HT, SI, PC) all relate to the Fire Phase, which is the Ko-Father (Controller) of the
Metal Phase (LU); as a result, it corrects LU (Fire Controls Metal in the Ko Cycle).

The controller takes a deficient process up, and an excessive one down. It surely is a
controlling function.

Part 2 [System #2: Equine Command Point Therapy]

To understand the location of the Equine Command Pts, it is important to study the
development from a 5-toed animal to the one-toed horse, seen both in embryogenesis and
in phylogenesis. See Figure 9.

Figure 7. Illustration of the development from 5 to 1 toe.

It is also necessary to understand that the location of AP Pts in every species is different and
unique, because the use of the body is different from species to species, and by such the
ability to stimulate the points by self or by companions.

To realise this, we have to consider the reason why we have AP Pts at all; why they are
present in the first place.

They exist with the only purpose to help the “owner” to regulate and stimulate the deficient
Processes or sedate the excessive Processes. To do so they are situated just where they have
the greatest chance to be selectively stimulated, either by environmental factors, by the
owner himself, or by his companions or partners.
Every species or individual has a different shape, lifestyle, social life, eating habits and use
different food, plants and herbs for survival. Therefore, these Pts or stimuli-receptors must
develop and localise differently, and also have different functions. Just think about the
difference between humans and horses in relation to access of the breast area, stomach
area, legs and other body parts. The possible use of the belly in humans as a means for
treatment is enormous in relation to the belly of a horse. The same goes for the chest. So
equine abdominal Pts must have been redefined, or of less importance, during the millions
of years. As a result of this we find much less Pts and also much less important Pts on the
abdomen of the horse. Also, as the legs have been retracted into the body, the important Pts
have been developed further down on the horse’s legs.

Many writers of textbooks or creators of AP Pt atlases do not take the above-mentioned
factors into consideration, but transpose human AP Pt locations and functions to animals as
if body functions and anatomical demands on joints, etc were identical in humans and
animals. Clearly, this cannot be true.

That is why Annica Thoresen and myself have created an entirely new AP Pt atlas for the
horse, which is published in the Italian, German and Spanish editions of my book (ISBN 88-
88266-31-3 / 978-3-8304-9125-5 / 84-96344-13-4 respectively).

To use only the transpositional Pts may give fairly good results, as all placental animals have
a common phylogenetic ancestry. Thus, they also have a large number of Pts in common, or
at least have a Body-Remembrance of the different Pt locations.

In order to get a better grasp of this and understand what I mean with the concept of “Body-
Remembrance”, we must recapitulate the doctrine of evolution and the evolution of the
equine embryo. The horse evolved from a 5-toed animal to a one-toed animal, familiar to us
today. Equine foetal development shows this evolution clearly. As a tiny foetus, the horse
has 5 toes, of which, two disappear during the 11 months of pregnancy and two minimise to
form the lateral and medial splint bones. Only the middle (third) toe evolves to become the
real cannon, fetlock and digit.

In equine evolutionary development, of course, loss of toes 1 and 5, and almost total loss of
toes 2 and 4, probably happened gradually and smoothly over millions of years. The
transference of LU Channel, for example, from finger 1 to 2 (where it is in dogs today, as we
will see later) and then finger 3 (where it is in horses today, as we will see later), happened
very gradually. Therefore, during the stage of 5 toes in pregnancy, the horse foetus has a LU
Channel on digit 1, but as that digit disappears gradually, the Channel moves to digit 2, and
finally, ends up at digit 3. Therefore we still find LU11 on the canine dewclaw (the vestige of
digit 1) and on digit 2 (the innermost large fore-toe of a dog). In horses we then find LU11
today in three locations:

(a) above the chestnut (representing the terminus of digit 1);
(b) below the inner splint bone (representing the terminus of digit 2), and
(c) in the posteromedial coronary band (digit 3, the equine LU Ting Pt, as used today).

In horses and dogs (all animals really), Pts that originate on other digits in the foetus, but
that have moved to the most developed toes at birth, are the most effective digital Pts.

In dogs the LU Ting Pt on human digit 1 (thumb) and SP and LV Ting Pts on toe 1 (big
toe) have moved 1 digit laterally. Also, the LI Ting Pts on the radial side of human
digit 2 have moved to the ulnar side of digit 2. The ST Ting Pts on the lateral side of
digit 2 also have moved to digit 3 (one laterally).

In horses, all human finger Pts have moved, medially or laterally, to the third finger
or toe. Also, the most proximal Command Pts, which in humans and dogs are
near the elbow or stifle, are placed directly above the equine carpus and tarsus.

It is also important to note that in human TCM the effect of all Ting Pts of the Yin Channels
relates to the Wood Phase. All Yang Channel Ting Pts relate to the Metal Phase.

This rule is in my opinion based on the effects as seen by Chinese practitioners when treating
signs of excess. Yin Channels usually show deficiency signs while Yang Channels usually show
excessive signs. We have to remember that the Ting Pt opens the meridian, so that in
deficiency energy may flow in, and in excess energy may flow out. When energy flows into a
deficient meridian, it makes the process grow, like in the element wood. When energy flows
out of an excessive meridian, pain will fade away, and the effect will be like the element
metal. Therefore the Chinese noted that the Ting Pt cured signs relating to the Wood Phase
in deficiency of Yin Channels, and signs relating to Metal Phase in excess of Yang Channels.
Therefore they relate the Yang Channel Ting Pt to the Metal Phase (Metal = pain), and Yin
Channel Ting Pt to Wood Phase.

I have thus found that all Ting Pts relate to the Wood Phase when we deal with or think in
the concept of deficiency. I have seen this in humans also.

The conclusion is the elemental relationship of commandpoints is relative to the individual

Also the Yuan-Source Pts, which are over important joints in humans, are found in horses
over the joint-cavities of the carpus, tarsus and all fetlock joints. A Yuan-Source Pt is a special
Pt that stimulates the whole Channel without belonging to a special Phase.

To understand the quality of Yuan-Source Pts, note the energy circulation, as shown in
Figure 8. Where Qi-Energy “streams” cross, and are being changed into another Phase, the
Phasic relationship dissolves (“dies”) for a short moment. This is why the Yuan-Source Pts of
the human Yin Channels (??) relate to Earth Phase, because in such a death of the Phasic
relationship, the Earth Phase is active (Earth = death). Therefore, in horses I have found that
all the Channels have more than one (actually 5) Yuan-Source Pts, which of two are the most
important, the distal ones.

Figure 8. In mammalian limb joints, the etheric energy-movements cross. At such crossings, the energy belongs to no
particular Phase. Distal or proximal to the crossing, the energy has a specific Phase-related colour, but just over the joints
the Command Pts have no Phase-related connection, and form the Yuan-Source Pts.

Table 2. Illustrations of the Equine Command Pts.

All Ting Pts (most distal Pts) are Wood Pts (W)
All Pts just below fetlock are Fire Pts (F)
All Pts just at fetlock joint-space are Yuan-Source Pts (S), Group 1
All Pts just proximal to fetlock are Earth Pts (E)
All Pts just distal to carpus / tarsus are Metal Pts (M)
All Pts just at carpus / tarsus are Yuan-Source Pts (S), Group 2
All Pts just proximal to carpus / tarsus are Water Pts (W)

Clinical Results of Equine Command Pt Therapy: During the 10 years that I have used these
Equine Command Pts, the clinical results were circa 10% better than when using Ting Pts

To date, my data for specific diagnoses are sufficient to allow precise statistical results in
several types of problems, especially injuries and joint problems. The data suggest very good
results in all forms of joint-problems, local trauma, local sprains or pain.

The Command Pts System expands on and fits very well with their use in combination with
the TCT System (in System #2), because the Command Pts work on the Processes while the
TCT System works on the anatomical structures.

Table 3. Examples of some conditions diagnosed and treated by Equine Command Pts. The
success rate refers to one treatment only. Success rates were better with multiple

Diagnosis Number of % Success with
cases one Treatment
1 Allergy 76 89
2 Laminitis 83 85
3 Colic 46 82
4 Nettle-rash, 14 81
5 Hypersexuality 23 78
6 Back pain 32 89

In my experience in more than 900 cases, use of the Equine Command Pts helps a lot in most
types of treatment, especially when one can classify the signs observed according to a Phase:

If one can relate the symptom to a Phase: use a Phasic Command Pt.
If there is a Xu Process without any signs that one may use the Source Pt.
relate to a Phase:

Part 3 [System #3: Equine Coronary Band Zone Therapy]

The Equine Coronary Band as an ECIWO System: System #3 explains how the equine
coronary band may also serve as an ECIWO System, and how it may be used as a new
therapeutic microsystem. It has the same potential as human Ear-AP or metacarpal-2
ECIWO-AP (1). Once grasped, the method is easy to learn, easy to perform and requires very
little time. The method is also very easy to combine with the Ting Pt method and

The clinical cure rate after this treatment varies according to the type of diagnosis. However,
according to other investigations of the effectiveness of other microsystems, it is as good as,
or better than, that of ordinary AP. We show here that the coronary band has a microsystem
of Pts related to the whole body of the horse. The coronary band system is not revealed fully
yet, but I have mapped out many of its Pts by finding the deficient points and observing the
clinical results.

ECIWO-Biology is a newly re-discovered and simple method that has been very effective
both in medicine and in agriculture. The efficacy of the system is well documented through
documents gathered from more than thousands of cases, and several large clinical studies (1).
It also is of great theoretical interest. It introduces a more detailed understanding of the
relationship between the whole and its parts in biology. It also gives a new approach to
explain the capacity for self-repair and spontaneous healing that characterises living beings.

TCT - How to diagnose the pathological point: I described the phenomenon of the “pitting”
when I described the way to find the so called Equine Ting Pts, AP Pts at the coronary band
where the Channels start or end. These Ting Pts are: Forelimb Yang Channels: LI01, TH01,
SI01; Forelimb Yin Channels: LU11, PC09, HT09; Hindlimb Yang Channels: ST45, GB44, BL67;
Hindlimb Yin Channels: SP01, LV01, KI01.

Pathological deficient Ting Pts develop pits in the coronary band that may be discovered by
pressing the thumb with a pressure of about 300 g. around the coronary band of all four
legs. Pathological Pts then emerge as a dry or spongy pit at certain Pts of this band, giving
rise to a Channel diagnosis after where these pits are located.

If we hold our thumb-nail vertically to the horse’s limb (see Figure 2), then several other Pts
appear. These Pts do not relate to the Ting Pts of the Channels, but to structures as joints
and the spine.

For orientation purposes, I place the Zero Pt (Pt 0o) at the anterior midpoint of the coronary
band above each hoof. Moving laterally from the Zero Pt (Pt 0o), we count 360o, around the
coronary band, as in a circle. Thus, we move laterally along the coronary band from the Zero
Pt (Pt 0o) at the anterior, to about 135o, where the coronary band goes around the bend to
the lateral hoof-bulb. We then meet an empty space of about 80o, until we meet the medial
coronary band at about 210o above to the medial hoof-bulb. From there, one moves
anterolaterally along the coronary band to the front, to meet the Zero Pt (Pt 0o) and
complete the 360o.

To assist in precise location of Pts along the coronary band, each Pt will be characterised as

1. Fore or hind foot
2. Left or right foot
3. Number of degrees moving from the Zero Pt (Pt 0o).

To illustrate this, we assign degrees to the known equine Ting Pts, as in Table 2 and Figure 5.

Table 4. Location of the Equine Ting Pts.

Fore foot Hind foot
Channel Ting Degrees from 0 Channel Ting
SI 55 GB
HT 95 BL
PC 180 KI
LU 265 SP
LI 305 LI

Ting Pts on the left and right fore coronary bands are mirror images of each other, as are
those of the left and right hind coronary bands (see Figure 5). The Pts are located in degrees
laterally in the opposite directions on the left and the right hoof, viz, anticlockwise from 0o
on the left and clockwise from 0o on the right.

Coronary Band ECIWO Pts of the fore and hind foot: The degrees from the Zero Pt (Pt 0o) for
the main Organ-Channels, and the most important structures, reflected on the coronary
bands of the fore and hind feet are in Table 5.

Table 5. Location of the ECIWO Pts of the coronary band.

Fore foot Degrees from 0o Hind foot
TH & forelimb fetlock 0 ST & hindlimb fetlock
Carpus / front knee 10 Hock
Elbow 45 Stifle
SI 55 GB
Shoulder 60 Hip
C1 72 Sacral area
C2 74 L5
C3 76 L4
C4 78 L3
C5 80 L2
C6 82 L1
C7 84 T18
T1 86 T16
T2 88 T15
T3 90 T14

T4 92 T13
T5 94 T12
T6 96 T11
T7 98 T10
T8 100 T8
PC 180 KI
LU 265 SP & Spleen
LI 305 LV & Liver

Figure 10. Location of different ECIWO Pts of the lateral coronary band of the foreleg.

Figure 11. Location of different ECIWO Pts of the lateral coronary band of the hindleg.

Needle stimulation: Stimulation of the selected Pt is done by simple dry needling, or by any
other effective AP technique. Treatment is usually given for 10-20 minutes / session, at
intervals of 21-50 days, for 3-10 sessions.

Clinical Results: To date, my data for specific diagnosis are sufficient to allow precise
statistical results in several types of problems, especially injuries and joint problems. The
data suggest very good results in all forms of joint-problems, local trauma, local sprains or
pain. See Table 4.

Table 6. Examples of some conditions, diagnosed and treated by the TCT System. The
success rate refers to one treatment only. Success rates were better with multiple

Diagnosis Number of cases % Success with one
1 Atlas pain, torsion 55 85
2 Fetlock pain 560 89
3 Carpals lameness 350 92
4 Hip pain 4 75
5 Stifle pain 72 82
6 Back pain 160 85

This system can be expanded and can be used in combination with Ting Pt System, described
in Part 1. This is because the TCT System has special effects on joints, while the Ting Pt
System seems to have better effects on muscular and organic problems (functionally related

Considering the excellent clinical results (1) from other forms of microsystem treatment,
such as Ear-AP or ECIWO-metacarpal AP in humans, Equine TCT has great potential.

In my experience in more than 1000 cases, use of the deficient Pts at the equine coronary
band helps a lot in most types of treatment, especially in joint damage. The results are
excellent in joint problems when the method was combined with other treatments, such as
AP. In many cases like simple joint pain, TCT may be used alone.

Part 4 [System #4 - Equine ECIWO Therapy]
Several Equine ECIWO Systems exist; actually every single anatomical structure may be
considered an ECIWO System per se. Among all these systems we have to find or choose the
ones that give the best results therapeutically.

Ear-AP is probably one of the most effective and the best-known ECIWO System in humans,
but it is difficult to needle Ear Pts in many horses. The metacarpal / metatarsal ECIWO

Systems are of special importance, as they combine the effect of Channel therapy with the
effect of ECIWO System therapy.

To use these systems we must find the Unbalanced Channel(s), viz, Channel(s) with signs of
excess or deficiency. In my opinion the best choice is to use the deficient Channel, but the
results from using the excessive Channel are very good also, although not so long-lasting.

After having localised the Unbalanced Channel(s), we must determine the anatomical
location of the symptom(s).

• If the symptom is situated in the head area, we must search for the active ECIWO-
point distally in the ECIWO-system.
• If the symptom is situated in the chest area, we must search for the active ECIWO-
point in the distal ¾ part of the ECIWO-system.
• If the symptom is situated in the belly area, we must search for the active ECIWO-
point in the middle of the ECIWO-system.
• If the symptom is situated in the genital area, we must search for the active ECIWO-
point in proximal ¾ part of the ECIWO-system.
• If the symptom is situated in the back-leg area, we must search for the active ECIWO-
point proximal in the ECIWO-system.

We may find the “correct” ECIWO Pt by the help of our sensitive finger tips. The deficient
points show their deficiency by the presence of decreased blood circulation, stiff hear,
coldness, thin skin and unelastic appearance.

Excessive points express themselves opposite; by excessive blood circulation and so on.
The successful treatment of a correct deficient ECIWO Pt is to be seen as;
1. normalising of the pulses
2. all excessive symptoms disappear within 10 minutes

The successful treatment of a correct excessive ECIWO Pt is to be seen as;
1. excessive pulses are calmed, but deficient stay deficient
2. just a part of the excessive symptoms disappear, namely those belonging to the
meridian treated

Figure 12 shows an example of the metacarpal ECIWO Systems in humans …


Figure 12. Illustration of the metacarpal ECIWO Systems in humans.

Table 7. Examples of some conditions, diagnosed and treated by the ECIWO Systems of the
metatarsal and metacarpal bones. The success rate refers to one treatment only. Success
rates were better with multiple treatments.

Diagnosis Number of Cases % Success with one
1 Allergy 19 92
2 Laminitis 13 96
3 Colic 16 88
4 Cystitis 4 88
5 Hypersexuality 9 90
6 Back pain 43 98
7 Mammary / breast cancer 122 90
8 Tarsal joint calcification 9 85

Figure 13 shows examples of some metatarsal / carpal ECIWO Systems.

Figure 13. Examples of some metatarsal / carpal ECIWO Systems


In my opinion, and according to my practise during 30 years, having made totally 250000
treatments, exclusively using the 4 methods here described, I can conclude that the;

• Ting point system is best in muscular problems, like lameness in the horse
• The Coronary ECIWO system is best in joint problems, like joint strain in the horse
• The Command point system is best in internal diseases, like changes in the blood,
allergies or metabolic problems
• The metacarpal/tarsal point system is best in anatomically localised problems, like
diabetes, cancer and hormonal problems

1. int. cgr. ECIWO biol Singapore 1990
a. 2. int. cgr. ECIWO biol Oslo 1992
b. 3. int. cgr. ECIWO biol Los Angeles 1996

c. Dai Guanru, Dai Meng: “Treatment of 2719 cases of 11 kinds of headache and
dizziness with ECIWO diagnosis and therapy, proc. 3. int. cgr. ECIWO biol., Los
Angeles 1996, ss132- 138.
d. Yang Xiangju and Feng Jian: “Curative effect of 236 cases of coronary disease
treated by ECIWO acupuncture, Proc. 3. Int.cgr. ECIWO biol, Los Angeles 1996,
ss 54-57
e. Vilhelm Schjederup, ECIWO-biologi, ISBN 82-7634-201-9

As you now understand, it is possible and beneficial to treat the deficiency, and completely
ignore the excess. This method I have been using since 1979, and I have performed >
250.000 treatments (in all species, including dogs, cats and humans) with this method in >
4000 horses, > 3500 small animals and > 5500 humans.
Stimulation of one deficient point, in the deficient meridian by simple needling produced
clinical success after a single treatment in 72% in a material consisting of ~ 3000 horses. The
clinical success rate was 82% after 3 treatments.
The success rate depends on how long the condition has lasted, how many secondary
problems has developed, your experience as an acupuncturist, the weather, the syndrome
being treated and, in some conditions, additional methods used (change of feed, change of
stall, use of ear-acupuncture or coronary eciwo-points in joint problems etc). The clinical
success rate after multiple treatments was influenced little by the listed conditions above.
Functional conditions generally responded faster and better than those characterized by
pathologic changes. 98% of the horses were treated for poor racing performance, which was
associated with circulatory disorders, muscular problems, stiffness, laminitis, soft or poor-
quality horn, bruised sole, thin sole, heel sores, cracked heels, azoturia (tying-up syndrome),
disorders of joint synovial fluid, bone spavin, respiratory problems, dust allergies, other
allergies (urticaria etc), intestinal problems (colic, diarrhea, constipation), autonomic
(vegetative) disorders, reproductive disorders (female infertility, nymphomania), and certain
behavioral problems (male or female viciousness, kicking, biting, headpressing).
Also, the method of treating the deficiency has great effect in treating cancer (discussion in
other articles by the author).
Before this “method” is described, it is necessary to briefly discuss what is;

• Excess
• Deficiency.

Excess and Deficiency
Traditional Chinese medicine is based on energetic concepts. In traditional Chinese
medicine, disease results when the free flow of vital energies is impeded or imbalanced. All
the healing methods aim to restore the balance of Ch’i of the body. Disease is associated
with too much (excess) or too little (deficiency) flow of the vital energy in the organs or
processes, reflected in the meridians.

Excess; In veterinary acupuncture, the points used most often are located in the thoraco-
lumbo-sacral paravertebral area. These are the Shu points. They often are sensitive to

pressure when their associated organ/meridian system is disturbed. Pain and sensitivity of
this kind show an excess which often is associated with the cardinal symptoms of infection;
tumor, rubor, calor, dolor and functio laesa. So, the most common diagnostic method within
acupuncture, both in the west and in the east, is to detect the points of maximum excess.

Deficiency; is the opposite of excess. It means that the process, organ or meridian is less
active, show hypoalgesia when pressed, hypothermia or hypoactivity. Especially the deficient
acupuncture-points show microcirculatory changes (deficiency) in the skin. This is best seen
in the ting points; colder skin, loss of hair and a certain pitting of the point (which all seem to
me to be due to the decreased blood circulation).

Diagnosis of the deficiency
Deficiency is best to diagnose with;

• Palpation of the ting-points or the shu-points
• Pulse-diagnosis
• Evaluating the symptoms, as described below

The microcirculatory changes in the diagnostic acupuncture points of horses may be felt
clearly as changes in the skin consistency and thickness of the tissue at the point. This
circulatory deficiency result in a pitting that can often be seen meters away. The test is done
by applying the tip of the thumb at 45 degrees to the skin at a pressure of 1000-2000 g. The
nail is held parallel with the coronary band. The pressure differs from horse to horse. In an
individual animal, the same pressure is applied over each diagnostic point to determine the
consistency of the tissue under each point. In healthy horses, ie, those with no meridian
imbalances, the tissue under the test areas feel identical to that under the surrounding skin.
The feel and sponginess and skin height is similar to that of surrounding skin. If one or more
ting points differs in feel or skin height from the surrounding skin, this indicates clinical or
subclinical illness.

Treatment of the deficiency
My method aims to locate a point of deficiency, and then treat the deficient process by the
help of one needle, or other therapeutic methods as herbs, diet or other medication. No
excessive points, areas of pain, organs or processes are treated at all.
In cases where shu points react, or where there are trigger points, needling of the reactive
ting points is often followed by a complete disappearance of the excesses in seconds.
Also, all the other reactive acupuncture points on that meridian are stimulated, as well as
the organ and the other processes regulated by the process in question after their Shen- and
Co-cycle relationships.

The theory behind the effect of treating the deficiency
The theory connected to this method, is that;
• most excesses are due to an underlying deficiency

• if treating the deficiency, the energy in the excess will ultimately flow to the

Typical symptoms related to a deficient process or meridian

1. LU-Lung Processes and gas exchange
A deficiency in the lung-process may express itself as:
• Eczema, especially dry
• Exhaustion, especially after running or races
• Asthma, dust allergy
• Chronic infections of the respiratory tract
• Dandruff and dry scaling of the skin
• Lameness in the front-feet, especially in horses
• Elbow-arthrosis, especially in dogs
• Tention between the right wing of the Atlas and the Occiput
• PRA in dogs (Progressive Retinal Atrophy)
The pato-psychological aspect of the lung in deficiency is claustrophobia, fear of the outer
world, in which the lungs purpose is to introduce the entity.
A deficient LU Process often tend to create excessive states in the GB Process.

2. LI-Large Intestine Processes
A deficiency in the large intestine-process may express itself as:
• Diarrhéa or constipation
• Elevated haeamatocrit by the horse (thick blood)
• Furunculosis around the nose in dogs, puppy-furunculosis
• Stiff shoulder muscles, especially Musculus subclavius
• Lameness in the front feet
• Eczema
• Chronic infections of the respiratory tract
• Dandruff and dry scaling of the skin

3. ST-Stomach Processes
A deficiency in the stomach-process may express itself as:
• Eczema on the stomach
• General lack of energy
• Loss of appetite
• Poor digestion and hypoacidity
• Depression and melancholi
• Lameness of the back feet due to shortening of the stride

4. SP-Spleen Pancreas Processes and the rhythms of digestion
A deficiency in the spleen-process may express itself as:
• Eczema
• Exhaustion
• Asthma

• Chronic infections of the respiratory tract
• Greasy skin and varying excema
• Decreased function of Musculus iliopsoas
• Recurrent Mediterranean fever
Depression is the pathopsychological aspect of SP.

5. HT-Heart Processes and arterial blood circulation
A deficiency in the heart-process may express itself as:
• Coldness in the limbs
• Exhaustion after hard work or races by horses
• Asthma, due to poor blood-circulation in the lungs
• Pain in the joints, chronic deformation of joints
• Sorrow, depression and lack of joy
• Heart-dysfunction
• Changes in the blood-values
• Anemia

6. SI-Small Intestine Processes and digestion
A deficiency in the small intestine-process may express itself as:
• Chronic diarrhoea
• Reduction of weight

7. BL-Urinary Bladder Processes
A deficiency in the bladder-process may express itself as:
• Urine-leaking
• Nocturnuria
• Urinary infections
• Fear and fright
• Cold feet
Psychologically BL deficiency often manifest as lack of bravery, which is fear. Lack of bravery
may also manifest as a tendency to be uncertain, problems in taking decisions or just a
feeling of terror.

8. KI-Kidney Process and the function of urinary excretion
A deficiency in the kidney-process may express itself as:
• Fear
• Infections of the skin, furunculosis
• Coldness and oedema, especially of the back legs
• Colour-less urine, also without smell
• Polyuria and polydipsia
• Chronic infections of the urinary tract
• Eczema, dandruff and dry scaling of the skin
The patopsychological symptom of the Kidney is fear, the lack of bravery.

9. PC-Pericardium Processes and blood circulation
A deficiency in the pericardium-process may express itself as:

• Unrhytmic heart-beating
• Decreased blood-flow to the sexual organs
• Unbalanced hormonal status
• Decreased blood-flow in the flexor tendons at the front legs
• Frigidity and impotens
The patopsychological aspect of the PC is frigidity or impotence.
A deficient PC Process often show symptoms of excess and pain in the BL- or the ST
Processes. Painful areas will then be the back or the ventral parts of the animal (where the
BL- and/or ST Channels transverse).

10. TH-Triple Heater (“Sanjiao”) Processes and hormonal balance
A deficiency in the TH-process may express itself as:
• Eczema and dry skin
• Unable to be present in conversations
• Otitis interna end externa
• Asthma and infections of the upper respiratory tract
• Unbalanced hormonal excretion
• Hypothyroidosis
• Dandruff and dry scaling of the skin

11. GB-Gallbladder Processes
A deficiency in the GB-process may express itself as:
• Bad digestion
• Underdeveloped muscles
The patopsychological aspect of the GB Process is inability to cope with the external
impulses, which then lead to aggression. This is clearly seen in discussions; when we don’t
cope with the arguments of our opponent, then we get angry.

12. LV-Liver Processes and venous blood circulation
A deficiency in the liver-process may express itself as:
• Allergy
• Hip-joint problems
• Migrain and headaches
• Digestional problems
• Eczema and skin dermatitis
• Allergic asthma
• HD in dogs
The patopsychological aspect of the liver is lack of will power, which is indecision.
A deficient LV Process usually shows symptoms of excess and pain in the ST Process,
especially the ventral parts of the animal and Musculus Quadriceps.

Results of Deficiency Therapy

Most of the cases reported in this paper were not acute. Clinical signs had been present for
about 1-8 weeks, averaging about 1 month. Most horses had been seen by other

veterinarians. Recently, horses have been referred to me much earlier in the course of the
Therapy consisted of stimulating the deficient ting point in an appropriate manner, for an
appropriate time. My standard method was simple needling. However, one can also use the
Dermo-Jet injector, thermostimulation or a laser. The stimulus is applied to the deficient ting
point or other deficient acupuncture points.
Simple needling was the routine method. I use a special, solid acupuncture needles, 30 mm
long and 0.3 mm in diameter (eg, the disposable needles made by the Serin Company). Some
colleges use 16-mm, 25-ga sterile disposable hypodermic (insulin) needles, but as these
often give local bleeding in the point, they are not suited for treating deficiencies. In treating
excesses they are better than needles, as bleeding drains away the excessive energy.
The needle is inserted to a depth of 1 cm, at an angle of 90 degrees to the skin. The needle is
left in situ for 15-20 minutes before removal.

To understand the treatment of cancer we have to understand how
excesses are created.
Excesses are created by the lack of control from its Ko-father (fire is the Ko-
father of metal & water, earth is the Ko-father of water, metal is the Ko-father
of wood, water is the Ko-father of fire and wood is the Ko-father of earth.
If the father is weak, then the son will be criminal.

Acupuncture in the Management of Cancer (which is due to
a longstanding excess, treated or not)

Ten years ago a neighbor’s dachshund was dying slowly from cancer. The disease had started in
one of the mammary glands, and had spread to several other glands and to multiple foci in the
lungs. At presentation, the bitch had difficulty breathing; she was depressed and had several
signs of terminal cancer. The neighbor asked if there were something I could do to make the
dog feel somewhat better, or, maybe alleviate some secondary problems.

Having thought about the problem of cancer for some time, I agreed to try. I put one needle in
her LV03 for 10 minutes, and waited. Some days later her breathing was lighter, she ate better,
was livelier, her hair coat gradually became shinier and the lumps in her mammary glands
became smaller. After 6 weeks and two further treatments she was fully cured.

Here I will discuss the theory behind my understanding of important causal factors in cancer
and general ways to help the subject to counter the loss of control that is inevitably involved in
cancer. I focuse mainly on the diagnosis of the primary organ, tissue, area or meridian that first
manifested the cancer (due to lack of control of cellular growth there). I focuse further on the
identification of the controlling phase by which stimulation can be used to assist the case, if not
fully regain control.

Background theory
To understand how acupuncture (AP) can influence cancer, one must first understand the
foundations of cancer, and the role of the immune system in the development of this feared

Change is the ultimate law of all of life and nature. Within the Law of Change, division, growth,
multiplication and active metabolism are totally normal and sound cellular activities. In young
animals and children, a high degree of cellular activity is normal. At a certain stage, however,
cellular growth slows, and finally stops. This is the normal behavior of an organized organism,
but not of the cell itself. If cellular growth continues, or recommences during adult life, it is
defined as disease. Cancer can be defined as an abnormally rapid and uncontrolled cellular
growth. Depending on the speed and the behavior of this growth, the diagnosis will be benign
or malignant tumors.

Cellular control mechanisms
The organism has several mechanisms to prevent or regulate the growth and multiplication of
cells. These control mechanisms are necessary, because the normal behavior of the cells is to
grow and multiply unless they are kept under control. As in human society, the common-good
requires several mechanisms to prevent individuals from expanding, growing and using an
unfair share of the common resources to the detriment of other individuals, or groups, in
society. Without such controls, gross-selfishness by some individuals could lead to a very

imbalanced society, with consequent risk to the stability of the whole society. Thus, all civilised
societies have laws (traffic laws, anti-trust laws, weapon-laws etc) and control-mechanisms for
the common-good. They also have the agencies to enforce compliance those laws: police,
traffic wardens, judges, prisons and so on. But in times of severe stress, disasters, war or
catastrophe, several of these laws or control-mechanisms disrupted, suspended, or ignored.
This allows chaos and anarchy to take over. A result from this is that certain persons grow in
wealth, power and profit, ignoring the rights, even the right to life, of their compatriots. This is
exactly what happens in the body in times of stress, shock or disaster.

Several physicians have stressed the relationship between a loss of self-esteem (as in forced
redundancy or unplanned retirement from the workforce), shock, severe stress, divorce, death
of a loved one, or environmental stress as triggers to for human cancer. Very often the onset of
a cancer may be traced back to a specific incident, such as the ones described above. Such
incidents cause loss of control, and then the cells are allowed to multiply without supervision.

We should note that continuous non-stop exposure to traffic congestion, noise, music, radio,
TV, computer-screens, numerous smells, new tastes and food additives are new stressors from
which many humans can not (or will not) try to escape. In evolutionary terms, such stimuli are
very recent. Humanity was not exposed to such stressors for millions of years. Suddenly in the
last decades, we are losing control of our healthy, more natural environment and are being
forced, more and more, to live in an unnatural environment, a sea of stressors. We are, often
involuntarily, victims to all these new sensory inputs and our coping mechanisms are being
tested to the limit. This adverse change, with its attendant feelings of helplessness to change,
and our lessening ability to cope with the rapid changes, are probably major causes of the
growing incidence of cancer that we see today.

Regaining lost control
There are several ways to regain proper control of anarchic and out-of-control cells.

1). AP treatment: In my opinion, AP is the most important of all the components in the
treatment regime. To use this treatment effectively, one must first make an accurate AP-
Diagnosis. One must aim to locate the primary site of the cancer, i.e. the tissue, organ or
meridian that shows the symptoms of lost control, eg the cancer. Then, based on the diagnosis,
one must select and treat the best AP point on its Co-Grandmother [Controlling] meridian to
bring control to the primary cancerous organs or tissues of the aberrant Co-Grandson. If control
is regained in the primary tissue, one may expect good control over the metastasis also.

2).Optimising spiritual support: For those for whom prayer, or religious observance have, or
once had, meaning, discussions with wise priests, ministers, or spiritual counselors can
reawaken their sense of faith and hope and love for themselves and the cosmos. This can often
bring peace of mind, and an enhanced coping-mechanism, even if it does not cure terminal

3). Optimising stress-reduction: We must try to reduce greatly the exposure of the body to
stressors. The cancer-sufferer must do everything possible to refrain from the overwhelming

the sensory nervous system. He/she should reduce greatly his/her daily exposure to the
constant stressors of noise, news, smells and the information-overload of sensory input that
modern life attempts to enforce on us. This can be done in both humans and animals.

4). Optimum nutrition: The food must be wholesome and free of stressors, such as unnecessary
additives. It should be well composed, balancing Yin and Yang. There must be plenty of
vegetables, especially greens, such as broccoli and should contain milk-acidified vegetables
(such as sauerkraut). Also, supplements rich in certain trace elements, such as selenium,
vitamin E, and copper can enhance the immune system and help it to recognise and destroy the
abnormal cells. Also, certain herbs, especially those rich in antioxidant compounds, and other
herbs are helpful to help the body to fight cancer. More of this may be read about in special
literature, and is not the main subject of this article.

5). Optimising psychological support: Psychosomatic components are very important in cancer.
The mental state of mind must be tranquil. We must try to restore peace and tranquility of
mind, and to allay emotional imbalances that can exaggerate the problem. These are: too much
excitement, obsession (worry), grief, and fear, anger and rage. The mind must be trained to
adopt a definite "will to live". The person may need training in the will to fight the cells that are
running out of control. In humans this may be done by the means of visualisation and self-
hypnosis. One may visualise a combat situation where the "good soldiers", or white blood cells,
attack the cancer cells, killing them off and winning the war. Affected humans can also learn to
enhance their coping-mechanisms. Courses in Taiqi, Qigong, relaxation techniques or yoga, and
building self-confidence etc all help in this regard. Techniques of psychological support may be
used in humans, but are difficult to apply as fully in animals. Animal owners, however, can help
their affected animal by talking reassuringly to it, and by visualising the internal combat in their
animal's body.

The AP-Diagnosis
Several aspects of the cancer may lead to a proper AP-Diagnosis. In order if their importance in
diagnosis are:

*the location of the cancer in relation to the pathways of the meridians;
*the relation of the cancer to the different tissues.
*the relation to the different modalities (weather, temperature, time of day aso)
*pulse-diagnosis, or other energetic ways of diagnosing.

a). Locate the meridian primarily affected: To make a proper AP-Diagnosis, from which an
effective AP-treatment for cancer can be selected, it is very important to know the pathways of
the meridians. One must decide the primary affected meridian, i.e. the meridian whose organ,
or pathway, was the primary site of the cancer, or where the signs of the abnormal growth first
manifested. In breast- or mammary- cancer this is very easy. The mammary glands of humans
and animals are situated on the superficial pathway of the stomach meridian, thus, in
mammary cancer, we automatically have the meridian diagnosis. It is also easy in many cases of
skin tumors (located on or near by the pathway of a meridian) and in organ tumors (organs

have all their connected meridian that is named after the different organs). However, meridian
diagnosis in brain, eye, glandular, blood-related cancers (such as lymphosarcoma) may be very
difficult, as one may not be able to decide the exact location, and thus on which meridian the
primary tumor is located. Then we need more sophisticated diagnostic methods, such as Pulse-
Diagnosis, knowledge of which tissue the cancer have developed from or the exact modalities
of the other symptoms of the disease.

b). The relation to the different tissues is well known in acupuncture theory and practice. If it is
possible to have a correct diagnosis of the cellular origin of the cancer, it might be possible to
relate the cancer to a certain phase. If the cancer-cell derives from bone, the phase in need of
more control will then be water, kidney or bladder meridian. If the cancer derives from
muscular cells, the meridians in need will then be related to the phase of wood, eg liver or gall
bladder. If the cancerous cells are white blood cells, they are related to the earth-phase, spleen
or stomach meridians. If the cancer started in the red blood cells, you must relate the offspring
of the cancer to the fire-phase, that will be heart-, pericardium-, tripple heater- or small
intestine meridian.

c). The relation to the different modalities are also well known in classical acupuncture theory.
This theory states that the different phases within the body relates to the equal phases outside
the body. When there are changes within the external phases, there will also be influence on
the internal phases, and if there are disease within the phase in question, influence on the
symptoms. This means that if a cancer is related to the wood-phase, the symptoms related to
this cancer will show aggravation or amelioration when the external wood-phase varies, for
example when spring arrives, wind is blowing or anger is felt (see correspondences under

Corresponde Fire Earth Metal Water Wood
Season Summer Late Autumn Winter Spring
Growth and Growth Transforma- Harvesti Storing Germina-
development Tion ng Tion
Climate Heat Damp Dryness Cold Wind
(good and
Direction South Centre West North East
Yin Organ HT, PC SP LU KI LV
Yang Organ SI, TH ST LI BL GB
Colour Red Yellow White Blue black Green
Emotion Joy Worry Grief Fear Anger
Sound Laugh Sing Sob Groan Shout
Orifice Tongue Mouth Nose Ears, anus, Eyes
controlled vagina,
Sense organ Speech Taste Smell Hearing Sight,
controlled vision
Body fluid Sweat Phlegm Mucus Urine Tears
Manifests in Face Lips Skin Hair (head) Nails

Nourishes Vessels Fatty tissue Skin Bones Tendons
Stores Psychic Ideas Vital Qi Will Spiritual
Flavour Bitter Sweet Spicy Salty Sour, like

d.Pulse diagnosis is a very important diagnostic method to use in deciding what meridian is low
in energy, thus losing control over its Grandson in the Co-Cycle. The cancerous organ itself
seldom reveals a deficiency, mostly the opposite. Cancer is a disease characterised by surplus of
energy, thus the characteristic symptoms of growth.

note: There has been some discussion lately about the possibility of involuntary stimulating the growth of an
undiscovered cancer by the means of acupuncture. This might of course happen if the points are selected only by
the means of symptomatic pain, but if the meridian and points are selected by the means of pulse-diagnosis, then
always stimulating the weakest meridian, the undiscovered cancers may even be treated and healed involuntary.

Treat the correct meridian
To understand which meridian to treat, we must discuss Five Element (Phase) Theory. Two
theories dominated the philosophy of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) from antiquity: the
theory of Yin and Yang and the theory of the Five Elements. These theories were the basis of
Chinese thinking on the philosophy of war, art, politics and every other facet of Chinese culture.

TCM describes Five Elements or Phases of great importance for use in and understanding of
medicine and AP. The Elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. Five Element Theory is
an essential part of classical AP.

Yin Organ HE, HC SP LU KI LV
Yang Viscus SI, TH ST LI BL GB

In TCM, these Five Elements are important for the understanding of medicine and for clinical
use in AP. The Five-Element Cycle has a Creative Cycle (the Sheng-Cycle) and a Controlling Cycle
(the Co-Cycle).

The Sheng-Cycle (Creative sequence, where > means nourishes, strengthens or engenders) is:

Fire > Earth > Metal > Water > Wood > Fire

In this Cycle, Metal is the Sheng Mother of Water, and Fire is the Sheng Son of Wood. For
example the Qi of Fire nourishes the Qi of Earth and the Qi of Water is nourished by the Qi of

The Co-Cycle (Controlling, Admonishing sequence, where X means controls, keeps in check, or
admonishes) is:

Fire X Metal X Wood X Earth X Water X Fire

In this Cycle, Metal is the Co Grandmother of Wood, and Fire is the Co Grandson of Water. For
example the Qi of Metal controls the Qi of Wood and the Qi of Fire is controlled by the Qi of

In this form of AP therapy of cancer the diagnosis is to locate the primary focus, area, cell type
or site of the cancer, and relate this to one specific meridian or phase. By definition, the
meridian (or phase) that relates to that site or organ has lost control over the cells. Then one
must stimulate its Co-Grandmother to exercise more control, to help the diseased organism to
regain control. Thus, the controlling forces has to be strengthened. Once the control is in
charge, is stronger, it will help the Grandson to regain control and, thereby help that meridian
and its tissues and organ to fight the cancer. In time, the Grandson will be strong enough to
keep the control himself.
Thus the KO-Grandmother [Controlling-meridian] helps the diseased meridian [Co-Grandson] to
regain control.
I have used the Yin-grandmother in this purpose, thinking that the yin meridian have the most
energy, and that the control really is done by the phase itself. One may argue that the coupled
Yang-meridian (the mate in each Yin-Yang pair within a phase) is the one that is in control. For
example, in liver cancer, the gallbladder meridian could be used as a controller. To avoid
stimulation of the liver, which may easily happen by stimulation of the gallbladder as they are
coupled, I go to the grandmother-phase of liver, which is metal. This whole phase (both LU and
LI) is the controlling, and as the lung is the most energetic of the metal-phase, I stimulate this
meridian. Effect may of course also occur if treating the large intestine, or even gall bladder.

What point to use?
In the beginning I used ordinary acupuncture points, mainly the Jing-Well (Ting)-points or one
of the command-points. Later I developed a system of using the ECIWO-point on the
metatarsal- or metacarpal bones of the deficient meridian, which is the meridian that
controls the meridian on which the cancer has developed.

First a little on the ECIWO-points, and the ECIWO-biology.
Ying Qing Zhang, a Chinese professor, published in 1981 a "new law of nature", namely the
“bio-holographic law". Zhang had noted that many pathological bodily Processes manifested
as tender points along metacarpal bone 2. This was a similar observation to that of the
ingenious French doctor, Paul Nogier. In 1954 Nogier found that pathological bodily
Processes manifested as tender points in the human ear.
In one sense, Zhang's discovery of a biological micro system was not really new. What was
new, however, was that this is a universal phenomenon that is valid for all areas of the body.
He stated that his metacarpal 2 system and the Nogier's ear system are just a part of a
universal system, which he called ECIWO biology.


Diagram where the different reflex-points are found along the 2nd. metacarpal bone.

ECIWO is an acronym that means Embryo Containing Information of the Whole Organism. It
indicates that all cells and parts of the body contain information of the whole body. Zhang
further said that all these systems communicate with each other and with the whole
organism. Because of this, all microsystems (ECIWO Systems) may be used in therapy and in
There are different levels of ECIWO-systems. The lowest, or primary level is the DNA-
molecule as such. This molecule contains information on the whole organism, and can give
rise to all the cells in the organism. The next level is the cell, then the organ, the organ
system and then the whole organism as such. We see this most clearly within botany. We
may place a part of a leave in water, and a whole new plant may arise from this. The same
will happen if we put the whole leaf in water, or the branch. All these levels are able to
create a new plant.
Another important issue that characterize an ECIWO-system, which is of great importance to
a therapist, is that all the ECIWO-systems are interconnected and by such self-maintaining
and self-repairing. The DNA-molecule has enzyme-systems to detect and repair all possible
damage. Such self-repairing and self-maintaining systems are also present in all higher
ECIWO-systems. As self-repairing systems they are of great value, if not of crucial
importance, to the self-healing systems. It is possible that these systems are the self-healing
These are the systems that are activated by the so-called “placebo-effect”, or by the help of
”mirror-neurons”. All the systems we use to heal the body is nothing but different kinds of or
levels of self healing ECIWO-systems.

Professor Zhang postulated further that all the ECIWO-systems are interconnected, and that
is why they may be used as a healing device. Interference in one system will automatically
restore all the other systems as well, and by such the entire body.

How this interconnection and intercommunication happen is unclear, and the theories here
are multiple. What is certain is that the connective tissue is central.

We do not know the mechanisms that underlie this communication. However, Soviet
research showed that bodily cells communicate by a signal system that does not depend on
nerves. This system uses bioluminescence or chemiluminescence, a form of electromagnetic
signal in the light range, and this light can transmit through connective tissue. If this proves
to be correct, it will explain to a large extent the existence of the Channels described in TCM,
the existence of the different microcosms and the importance of the connective tissue in
different therapies.
Dr. Björn Nordenström, who has given evidence for an additional circulatory system, which
he call “closed electric circuits”, has showed the same. This circulatory system uses the
connective tissue as the transportation way, and low static currents as the circulating
information. This system is of vital importance in balancing the processes of the body, and is
possible the same as the meridians. The meridians may thus be found along the vessels and
nerves in the connective tissue that surrounds all nerves, vessels and muscles.

The cancer-ECIWO-point is found by sensitivity of the finger, as the finger is moved along
the metatarsal- or metacarpal bones along the path of the meridian.
Some pictures will illustrate what I do;


Material and methods
Since 1984, I have developed an acupuncture protocol to stimulate the specific self healing
processes in patients suffering from cancer, animal and human.
My protocol in cancer therapy uses the Ko-Cycle only. Furthermore, I use only the Yin
meridian for bringing control to the affected and controlled organ.

Thus, for example, I use:

LV-meridian to control cancer of the spleen or stomach. Also of tissues along the course of
these meridians, for example cancer of the lower medial tibia (where the SP-
meridian passes), or mammary cancer (ST-meridian passes through the
SP-meridian to control cancer of the kidney or bladder. Also of the adrenal gland, ovary,
oviduct, uterus, cervix, vagina, testicle, spermatic ducts, seminal vesicle,
prostate, penis (all directly related to the kidney), or cancer of the tissues
along the course of these meridians, for example cancer close to the sacrum.

I change my protocol if clinical improvement does not occur within two weeks.

Stimulating the specific self healing in practice
First, one must make an exact meridian-diagnosis by a simple observation of where the
tumour has arisen.

It is most important to stimulate only the Ko (controlling) meridian, not the Ko (controlling)
points of the meridian itself. During the period of treatment, we should stimulate no other
meridian or process.

To stimulate the body to bring the cancer under control usually takes 1-3 acupuncture
sessions, at inter-session intervals of circa 4 weeks, range but treatment of very severe
cancers may continue for 1-2 years.

Also, and this is very important; if my patients are receiving medication(s) prescribed by their
primary veterinarian, medical doctors or oncologists, I ask them to continue with that. But, if
they take chemo-therapeutic drugs, this usually lessen or expel the self-healing of the body,
so that the acupuncture results will be poorer.

In 1984 I first tried out this new method for specific stimulation of the self healing in a
Dachshund (Thoresen 2002). The dog had mammary cancer (multiple tumours along the
nipple line) and had begun to develop dyspnoea - it probably had several lung metastases. I
treated LV03, and in a few weeks the tumours had disappeared almost completely. The dog
died several years later from a kidney deficiency.

Also, in 1995 I treated a horse with the same method of specific stimulation of the self
healing system. The horse had been diagnosed with Equine Sarcoid. The result was very
promising; the sarcoid disappeared within 6 weeks, and this was published in the Journal of
the Norwegian Veterinary Society, “Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift” (Thoresen 1995).

Since 1984, I have treated >600 patients suffering from all kinds of cancer.
The results were very good in mammary cancer (we know on which meridian the mamma is
located). For the same reason, the results also were very good in melanosarcoma. Results in
lymphosarcoma and brain cancer were good, but not as good as in mammary cancer and
melanosarcoma. However, my results in liver cancer and pancreatic cancer were not good;
the healing rate was zero in the few patients I have treated.

Stimulation of the selected point on the Yin Co-Grandmother is done by simple dry needling, or
by any other effective AP technique. Treatment is usually given for 10-20 minutes/session, at
intervals of 7-30 days, for 3-10 sessions.

To date, my data for specific cancer are sufficient to allow precise statistical results in several
types of tumours. In some types they are insufficient. This is because I have not treated enough
patients of all groups or sorts of tumour-formation.
However, the data suggest

• excellent results in mammary cancer; about 80% were cured and staid so for several
• good results in brain cancer of different types, about 75% cure, and my first patient
have now lived for 10 years.
• good results in cervical cancer. 75% cured and staid so for several years
• good results in prostate cancer. 75% cured and staid so for several years.
• good results in skin cancer. Results dependent on the malignicity.
• insufficient data in uterine cancer.
• good results in different types of bloodrelated cancer. 70% good results, but these
cancers seem to return after a year or two if not treated repetitively.
• mediocre results in bone cancer. 25% recovery and survival after 3 years
• not good results in large intestine cancer. 10% recovery and survival.
• bad results in liver cancer. 0% recovery and survival.

Clinical Results on Acupuncture in Cancer-Treatment of animals (table 1) and humans
(table 2)
Notes from my Casebook

Cancer treatment in practice
One must make an exact meridian-diagnosis by a simple observation of where the tumour
has arisen in relation to the acupuncture-meridians.

To bring most cancers under control usually takes 1-3 acupuncture sessions, at inter-session
intervals of circa 4 weeks, range but treatment of very severe cancers may continue for 1-2

The 16 veterinary cases described below were from an unbroken sequential series, selected
from my casebook by date of presentation between April 2003 and 2004; they were not
“cherry-picked” to show the best outcomes. The total number of patients during this time
was greater, but for this article I have only referred the veterinary cases. Also patients
treated before April 22nd 2003 that came in for follow-up from treatment or further
examination were included. Results regarding the patients are updated and continued until
April 2004.

Table 1: Summary of my treatment protocols and their interim outcomes in animals

# Cancer type / description Patient, year of birth) Acupoint(s) used / date of first treatment /
of tumour / malignancy description of progression or development and
and indication of malignant indication of positive effect (P), uncertain
(M) or benign (B) (?) or negative (N)
1. Mammacarsinoma / 10 & 8 Female dog, Chihuahua, LV03 / 22/4-03 / the ST-meridian passes
mm. tumors in both sides / born 1999 tumors went almost through nipple; LV
malign ( M ) totally away, then controls ST.
reappeared, and are now
stabile. No other
treatment ( P )
2. Perianal-tumor / 12 cm. Female dog, Chihuahua, CV23 / spring –02 / the The tumor was situated
Diameter / benign ( B ) born 1999 tumor was stable for 1 on the dorsal midline, so
year, started then to grow I tried to control it by
autumn –03, and the dog stimulating the ventral
was eutanised in midline-meridian (GV).
November –03. No other
treatment ( N )
3. Osteosarcom left front leg / Dog, mixed breed, born HT09 / November –02 / in The cancer was on LU-
11 cm / malign ( M ) 1994 april –03 the cancer was meridian, and as HT
totally gone. No other controls LU, I used HT09
treatment ( P )
4. Cascinoma of the Male dog, SP06 / 1. april –03 / the As I do not know which
endothelium of the Riesenschnauser, born first 3 months everything meridian passes the
abdomen, with mestastases 1989 seem to go better, but endothelium, I tried just
to several organs / malign then the dog suddenly to stimulate the
( M ) died in august. No other immune system.

treatment ( N )
5. Lymphosarcoma: with Horse, Swedish warm SI03+BL62 & GV01 / 7/4- The first tumour
multiple tumours 1.2cm blood, born 1997 03 / After one year the appeared on the ventral
and 2.9 x 3.3cm; 3.7 x tumors are reduced with midline (CV); therefore I
4.3cm and 3.2 x 3.4 cm; 2.5 60%. No other treatment. treated the opposite
x 4.5 cm and 2.5 x 2.5 cm. ( P ) midline (GV); For cancer
2.9 x 3.0 cm. 3.2 x 3.8 cm on Dumai, treat,
and 3.3 x 2.7 cm / malign ( Renmai; for cancer on
M ) Renmai, treat Dumai;
SI03+BL62 are classical
points to treat Dumai.
6. 1 Mammary tumour: Bitch, English setter, born LV03 / 17/7-03 / After one ST-meridian passes
diameter 1.1 cm / probably 1996 year the cancer is totally through nipple; LV
benign ( B ) gone. No other treatment controls ST.
has been performed ( P )
7. 2 Mammary tumours: Bitch, English setter, born LV03 / 17/7-03 / After one ST-meridian passes
diameter 1.4 cm, 1,1 cm / 1998 year the cancers are 0,3 through nipple; LV
probably benign ( B ) and 0,2 mm. No other controls ST.
treatment has been
performed ( P )
8. Carcinoma of the epitelium Male dog, KI01 / 15/7-03 / the As the first cancer
/ 4 cm. right front paw / Riesenschnauser, born carsinoma was operated appeared on the HT-
malign ( M ) 1994 before I saw the dog, but meridian, and as KI
had spread to right back controls HT, I chose to
leg and right axilla / after treat KI01.
treatment the cancer was
reduced with 60%. No
other treatment has been
performed ( P )
9. Seminom / The left testis is Male dog, Golden LU11 / 17/6-03 / the LV-meridian passes the
7,5 cm in diameter / benign retriever, born 1988 tumor has since then testes, and LU11
( B ) stopped growing. No controls the LV-
other treatment has been meridian.
performed ( P )
10. Chondrosarcom / left side Male dog, Mixed breed, LU11 & LU01 / 22/7-03 / As the cancer is situated
of abdomen, 12 x 12 cm / born 1995 after each treatment the on the GB-meridian,
malign ( M ) cancer begins to shrink, then it is controlled by
but after some time it LU.
begins to grow again. This
repeats itself each time.
Now the cancer is 17 x 20
cm. ( ? )
11. Lymfosarcoma / have been Male dog, Norwegian LV03 / 10/9-03 / 2 days As the appearance of
treated for a long time with hare-hound, born 1996 after the first treatment the cancer started on
cortison / malign ( M ) the dog was acutely the ST-meridian, I
worse, and was treated the LV03-point
euthanised by the owner ( as LV controls the ST.
N )
12. Mammacarsinoma / Bitch, Islandic sheep-dog, LV03 / 30/9-03 / she was ST-meridian passes
multiple tumors in both born 2001 not operated or given any through nipple; LV
sides, size varying between other form of treatment. controls ST.
5 mm to 20 mm. / malign The tumors went almost
( M ) totally away, and can now
not be detected ( P )
13. Malign mesenchymal tumor Male dog, mixed breed, LU11 / 10/10-03 / after As the cancer was
at the inside of the knee / born 1999 the first treatment the situated on the LV-
10 cm. diameter / malign ( cancer has stopped to meridian, I chose LU11
M ) grow and seem to be to control the liver.
stable. ( P )
14. Epitelcarsinoma situated Bitch, big poudle, born SP01 + HT09 / 28/10-03 / As the tumor was
over Os ichii / 5 x 4 cm. / 1992 after the treatment situated on the BL-
malign ( M ) started the cancer has meridian, I chose both
shrinked to 1,9 x 1,9 cm. SP (after the 5-star-

No other medivation or control), and HT (after
treatments have been the cross-control) to
performed ( P ) treat the dog.
15. Mastocyttoma / malign Male dog, English setter, HT09 / 20/12-03 / after As the start of the
( M ) born 1997 start of treatment the cancer was in the axilla,
cancer is reduced by close to the LU-
approximately 70% ( P ) meridian, and as HT
controls LU, I chose
HT09 for treatment.
16. Mammacarsinoma in left Bitch, Tibetan tempeldog, LV03 bilateral / 20/1-03 / ST-meridian passes
mamma, operated but born 1991 since the treatment through nipple; LV
metastased. New cancer is started the tumors is controls ST.
also under development in somewhat reduced ( P )
the right mamma / malign
( M )

The 18 human cases described below were from an unbroken sequential series, selected
from my casebook by date of presentation between April 2003 and 2004; they were not
“cherry-picked” to show the best outcomes. The total number of patients during this time
was greater, but for this article I have only referred the human cases. Also patients treated
before April 22nd 2003 that came in for follow-up from treatment or further examination
were included. Results regarding the patients are updated and continued until April 2004.

Table 2: Summary of my treatment protocols and their interim outcomes in humans

# Cancer type / description Patient, year of birth) Acupoint(s) used / date of first treatment /
of tumour / malignancy description of progression or development and
and indication of malignant indication of positive effect (P), uncertain
(M) or benign (B) (?) or negative (N)
1. Aggressive mammary Woman, born 1962 LV03 / 19/11-02 / the cancer was operated and
carcinoma / malignant (M) treated with medication, but the hospital gave up and
sent her home to die. After treatments every month
she is now alive and in good health. After the “death-
sentence” no other treatment has been performed (P)
2. Prostate cancer: with Man, born 1942 HT09 + TH02 / September –02 / after starting the
multiple skeletal acupuncture treatment the cancer has gone
metastases / malignant (M) “dormant”. The situation is stable. PSA = 0.35. No
other treatment has been performed (P)
3. Lymphatic leukaemia / Man, born 1944 SI18 & LU01 / 18/6-03 / the blood-values have been
benign (B) stable since the treatment started (P)
4. Mammary carcinoma / 6 Woman, born 1945 LV03 / 18/6-03 / she was not operated or given any
mm. Tumour on left side / other form of treatment by the hospital. The tumour
malignant (M) went almost totally away, and can now not be
detected (P)
5. Uterine cervical cancer Woman, born 1958 TH02 / 30/7-03 / diagnosed in spring 2002. After
Stage IIIB: / malignant treatment with acupuncture the cancer has
(M) disappeared completely
6. Renal carcinoma / started in Man, born 1922 HT09 / 17/9-03 / after two treatments the man did
the right kidney with not come, and I later learned that he had died. (N)
metastases in the liver
where 6 metastases can be

seen / malignant (M)
7. Melanosarcoma / lateral Woman, born 1932 HT09 / 1/10-03 / the patient seem to get better and
side of the arm, on the LI- better, and then suddenly died 14. January 2004. (N)
meridian / malignant (M)
8. Mammary carcinoma / 20 Woman, born 1957 LV03 / 28/10-03 / she was not operated or given any
mm. Tumour in left breast. other form of treatment by the hospital after the
Operated 10/2-99. Then discovery of the metastases and the recurrence of the
metastases to liver and the breast cancer. All tumours started to shrink, then
skeleton. Also now multiple halted, and are now static. (P)
cancers in the right breast /
malignant (M)
9. Mammary carcinoma / 18 Woman, born 1964 LV03 / 24/11-03 / she was operated and given
mm. Tumour on left side / additional treatment to stop metastases. Treatment
malignant (M) to prevent metastases. (?)
10. Dysplasia of the glossal Woman, born 1950 KI03 / 7/10-03 / the patient has received no other
epithelium / cell-changes treatment, and the cell-changes are stable
on the tongue / benign (B) (P)
11. Colon carcinoma / operated Man, born 1930 HT09 / 22/10-03 / treatment to prevent the cancer
/ malignant (M) from metastasing or reappearing (?)
12. Mammary carcinoma of the Woman, born 1950 LV03 / 8/12-03 / the woman had undergone surgery
left breast / the carcinoma and the cancer + 14 lymph-nodes were excised. The
was ca. 1, cm in diameter / treatment was performed for prevention. No other
malignant (M) treatment after the surgery is performed (?)
13. Chronic myelo-monocytic Woman, born 1947 LV03 / 19/11-03 / no obvious change in the blood-
leukaemia / benign (B) values after start of acupuncture treatment

14. Chronic diarrhoea after Woman, born 1948 PC05 + KI0+3 / 19/11-03 / the diarrhoea disappeared

former radiation of cancer / after 4 weeks and 2 treatments. Has staid OK since
this is not a cancer then (P)
treatment, but only damage
after radiation
15. Brain cancer / inoperable / Woman, born 1964 TH05 + PC08 / 22/12-03 / since treatment started the
half of it benign, half patient has be stable (P)
(B + M)
16. Mammary carcinoma, Woman, born 1960 LV03 / 18/6-03 / she was not operated or given any
aggressive type, right side other form of treatment by the hospital, as the
with multiple metastases / doctors considered the case incurable. Since the
malignant (M) treatment started, there has been no growth of the
cancer or the metastases
17. Carcinoma of the prostate / Man, born 1954 BL40 / 15/1-04 / operated with cryo-technique,
malignant (M) difficult to evaluate (?)
18 Mammary carcinoma, Woman, born 1945 LV03 / 26/1-03 / after the treatment started there
aggressive. Operated, but was a stop in the growth of the cancer (P)
after operation metastases
to the liver and the skeleton
Malignant (M)

An example of Equine Sarcoid, treated 3 times, and a picture is taken once
every week




As known in western medicine and science, cancer is an uncontrolled state where the cell cycle
has lost control and shows continuous progression forming an independent unit, or a tumour
(Sherr, 2000-2001). Specifically, causes for this are lack of control at the genetic level,
proteomic- or cellular level. Each of these levels finds examples in the literature; at the genetic
level mutations in the p53 promoter yield deficient expression of the p53 product thereby
leading to uncontrolled transition between the G and S - phases (Miller & Koeffler, 1993). At the
proteomic level, mutations in the p53 gene yield a deficient protein which inefficiently binds to
the suppressor and cannot manage to “silence” the S - phase of the cell (Yang et al, 2000).
Recent evidence suggests also that cancer is inducible at the cellular level, through oncoviruses,
such as the Human T-cell Leukaemia/Lymphotropic virus type 1 (Johnson et al, 2001).
Properly used by people trained in basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM),
this protocol has few if any adverse effects.
From the summary of the results it is impossible to make any solid claims, because there are
too few patients, the follow-up period was too short, and additional factors are too
unpredictable and uncontrolled. However, some of the individual results are so astonishing
and unexpected that they must not go unobserved by the medical community. The overall
results indicate that it might be worth trying the described method, and that it needs further
One thing is especially interesting. I have treated, during the time span mentioned, 5 dogs
with mammary tumours of different malignancy. In all 5 cases the outcome was positive.

1. Johnson JM, Harrod R, Franchini G.(2001). Molecular biology and pathogenesis of the human T-cell
leukaemia/lymphotropic virus Type-1 (HTLV-1). Int J Exp Pathol. 82: 135-47.
2. Kim KJ, Lee MW, Choi JH, Sung KJ, Moon KC, Koh JK. (2002). Abstract CD30-positive T-cell-rich
pseudolymphoma induced by gold acupuncture. Br J Dermatol. 146: 882-4.
3. Miller C, Koeffler HP.(1993).P53 mutations in human cancer. Leukaemia. 1993 Suppl 2: S18-21.
4. Rogers PA, Schoen AM, Limehouse J. (1992). Acupuncture for immune-mediated disorders. Literature
review and clinical applications. Probl. Vet. Med. 4:162-93

5. Shen J, Glaspy J. (2001). Acupuncture: evidence and implications for cancer supportive care. Cancer
Pract. 9:147-50Tagliaferri M, Cohen I, Tripathy D. (2001). Complementary and alternative medicine in
early-stage breast cancer. Semin. Oncol. 28:121-34.
6. Sherr CJ. (2000-2001). Cell cycle control and cancer. Harvey Lect. 96:73-92.
7. Thoresen A., Akupunkturbehandling av Equint Sarcoid, Norsk Veterinærtidsskrift, 1995 107, 10
8. Thoresen A, Veterinærmedisin, Komplementære og Alternative metoder, pp.442-445, ISBN 82-
994172-4-4, 621 pages. (English edition; ISBN 82-994172-2-8, pages 358-363).
9. Yang Q, Wesch H, Mueller KM, Bartsch H, Wegener K, Hollstein M. (2000). Analysis of radon-
associated squamous cell carcinomas of the lung for a p53 gene hotspot mutation. Br J Cancer. 82:

Changes in the blood after the described treatment. Identification and
isolation of pharmacopotential bioactive peptides from the human body, and
their preliminary application against breast cancer.

I have shown and detected 12 bioactive peptides with strong anti-cancer activity. The
peptides were isolated from the blood of a human patient with breast cancer treated by
acupuncture, re-synthesized and tested against several breast cancer cell types, 1 colon
cancer cell type, a prostate cancer cell type and a healthy-cell line model. The effect of the
peptides resulted to 100% cell death on the most common breast cancer cell type, MCF7,
after 96 hours. The speed of cell-death was shown to be equivalent to other drugs as
Tamoxifen and Doxorubicin, however differing from Doxorubicin and Tamoxifen which are
highly toxic and extinguished 87% percent of the healthy cell line model, the peptides
seemed to stimulate slightly the growth of the healthy cell lines and induce not harm them.
The peptides were recently tested on the common MCF7 cell line in nude mice models, and
showed to induce a linear cell-death signal. The relationship between the cell tests and the
mice tests suggests that the peptides have a full cell-death effect on MCF7 cells which
however needs to be protected against the immune system of a multicellular organism. The
protective method of PEG-modulation is under testing on mice, and will, as expected from
other studies performed with PEG, prolong the half-life of the peptides in circulation, and
thereby induce stronger cell-death signal to function as a complete pharmacoactive agent.

Sample results and peptides found in the patient

The acupuncture stimulus of the patient yielded a pair of samples, where samples A, from
before acupuncture had half the amount of peptides than sample B, from after acupuncture.
This instigated not only the rapid effect of generation of changes in the blood after only 60
seconds of acupuncture stimulus, but also a myriad of potential peptides responsible for the
internal response to the acupuncture. The key to the isolation process was a sequential
choosing of crucial factors, that where not only statistically probable of being in the sample
of the diseased woman, but also to be related to some known factors, such as Tumour
Necrosis Growth factor as an example. Out of the 70-110 peptides resulting from two
different identification method, 12 were chosen based on their statistical probability of
being present in the blood. The probability ranged from 95%-90% for 11 of these, and 72%
for one particular. The common theme of all the peptides found, was that they were
fragments of proteins, suggesting a mechanism of generation of potential “medical”
peptides, from existing proteins in circulation.

Many of the peptides found turned out to be related to cell-cycle regulation proteins. The
proteins involved in cell-cycle up and down-regulate cell-growth, and play key roles in daily
maintenance and control of the organisms’ adaptation to internal and external changes.
Table 1 illustrates the origin of the 12 peptides.

Table 4. List of parent proteins of the 12 peptides originating from subject treated by acupuncture.

Protein Statistical Probability Function
Chain C, Hemoglobin Thionville Alpha Chain Mutant [H. 95% Oxygen-carrier
Chain A Deoxy hemoglobin [H. Sapiens] 93% Oxygen-carrier
Glutamyl Prolyl tRna synthetase [R. Norvegicus] 95% Aminoacid synthesis
Zinc finger, SWIM domain containing [H. Sapiens] 95% Forming nucleoprotein
complex in apoptosis
possibly involved with

proteasome-Ub pathway
Golgin 45 (JEM-1) leucine zipper nuclear factor [H. 93% DNA-binding protein first
Sapiens] found in leukaemia cases,
role in cell maturation
unnamed protein product [H. Sapiens] 77% Liver-secreted protease
KIAA0476 protein [H. Sapiens] 95% Unknown factor,
detected first in brain
Winged helix domain-containing isoform B [H. Sapiens] 95% Possibly involved in
unnamed protein product [H. Sapiens] 82% mRNA from NT2 neuronal
precursor cells treated 2-
weeks mitotic inhibitor
after 5-weeks retinoic
acid (RA) induction
Regulatory Protein [R. Norvegicus] 95% novel mitogenic
regulatory gene which is
suppressed in cells
Laminin gamma 1 [M. Musculus] 94% a novel transmembrane
protein with a strong and
regulated expression in
the nervous system.
Chain A, Nmr Structure Of The Nalp1 P Apoptosis related 93% Apoptosis inducer - new
[H. Sapiens] member of death domain
superfamily since 2003

Cytostatic effects on cancer cells

The 12 peptides were tested at Molecular Imaging Laboratories, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. The
peptides effect was focused on the most common breast cancer cell type, MCF7. The MCF7

cell line originates from a patient that had breast cancer with spreading to the lungs and
bones and is a common cell type to test both commercial and experimental drugs on. The
peptides were synthesized at the Biomedical Genomic Centre at the University of
Minnesota, and shipped to MIR for testing. At MIR laboratories, the peptides were mixed in
an equal dose into a complete mixture, to simulate the acupuncture stimulus, and prepared
for application on the cell-plates.
The cell-death effect of the peptides has been observed already within the first 24 hours (as
seen from results from earlier tests at the University of Massachusetts) to be even faster
than the common drug Tamoxifen. After 96 hours, of daily doses, the breast cancer cells are
100% extinguished (see Fig 1). The effect of the peptide mixture I denoted to have an IC50
of 70. This number delineates its potency. The effect was observed as a hyperbolic curve,
where the highest concentrations give the fastest effect of cancer-cell death.

Fig 4. Determination of the effect of peptide mixture (Dec 08).

The effect of the complete peptide mixture on the MCF7 breast cancer cell line. The green
line shows the effect of the peptide mixture reaching a 100% cell death at a daily dose of
approximately 250uM. The orange and brown lines shows the effect of Doxorubincin and
Cisplatin, two regular medicines, which kill the cells starting from lower concentrations
(however inducing severe side effect on the patient).

The effect of the 12 peptides shows also another positive aspect, it spares healthy cell lines,
in vitro.The peptides were tested at the University of Nottingham on a healthy cell line, and
show not to harm its growth (see Fig 2). So simultaneously as the peptide mixture kills 100%
of breast cancer cells MCF7, its saves the healthy cell from its killing effect. The potential

drug is therefore appearing as selective, and may be related to its origin from the body,
resulting from a stimulus of acupuncture.

Fig 5. Effects on healthy cell line studies (Aug 08). Left: The twelve peptides did not induce substantial effects
on a healthy cell line model (study from Nottingham University). Right: The regular drug, Doxorubicin, induced
an 87% death rate on the healthy cell line model.

Cytostatic effects on mice models

The twelve peptides were pilot-tested against an implanted MCF7 tumour in mice at
Molecular Imaging Laboratories in September 08. The peptides’ chemical structure was in
this experiment in unprotected and natural state, which is a regular form to test for
efficiency first. Once the results of the peptides in a natural state are interpreted, their effect
can be eventually increased by adding a chemical protection.
The mice were injected with three doses of peptides, 20mg/kg, 40mg/kg and 80mg/kg
peptide. The injection was given daily for a period of 21 days, and the effect was visible: the
highest dose gave the strongest cancer-growth retardation, the middle dose gave a lower
cancer growth-retardation and the lowest dose gave the weakest anti-cancer effect (See Fig
3). The results show that the peptides have a preserved effect in mice which follows a dose-
dependent scheme. Additionally, the results show that the peptides act strongest through
the blood and not when injected directly in the tumour. However, the potency of the effect
must be strengthened and the central option is to prolong their endurance in circulation.
The method for doing this is through a so-called PEG-ligation technology. Our contractor,
Cresalus Inc, Kentucky USA, have in early February completed the synthesis of 240 mg of
PEG-protected peptides. Molecular Imaging Laboratories are initiating the testing of PEG
peptides on mice in the middle of February and results are awaited by the beginning of
March 09.


Fig 6. Peptides effect on mice models in un-protected formulation.The five lines show the growth of the
tumour in five groups of mice that were treated in alternative ways. The black line, which shows the strongest
cancer growth, illustrates the mice that were carrying an MCF7 tumour and did not receive any medication. The
red line shows the mice that carried a tumour and were given 80mg/kg of peptide mixture, showing the slowest
tumour growth. The blue line shows the growth of the tumour in the mice receiving half dose, 40mg/kg,
showing a stronger tumour growth. The pink line shows the growth of the tumour in the mice receiving the
lowest dose of peptides, 20mg/kg. The green line shows the growth of the tumour in mice receiving the highest
dose injected in the tumour.

As known in western medicine and science, a cancerous condition is an uncontrolled state
where the cell cycle has lost control and shows continuous progression forming an
independent unit, or a tumor (Sherr, 2000-2001). Specifically, causes for this are lack of
control at the genetic level, proteomic- or cellular level. Each of these levels finds examples
in the literature; at the genetic level mutations in the p53 promoter yield deficient
expression of the p53 product thereby leading to uncontrolled transition between the G and
S - phases (Miller & Koeffler, 1993). At the proteomic level, mutations in the p53 gene yield a
deficient protein which inefficiently binds to the suppressor and cannot manage to “silence”
the S - phase of the cell (Yang et al, 2000). Recent evidence suggests also that cancer is
inducible at the cellular level, through oncovirii, as the Human T-cell
Leukaemia/Lymphotropic virus type 1 (Johnson et al, 2001).

Properly used by people trained in the basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM), this protocol has few if any adverse effects. It is based on the following principles:

(a) The normal biological activity of bodily cells is to grow and multiply in an orderly,
controlled way. For many animals and plants this process continues throughout life.
It is only in the case of highly developed animals that growth and cell division stop at
a certain age. It is likewise in these species that cancer becomes a "normal" illness.
(b) Holistic clinicians evaluate the Controlling Processes (CPs) - those that control, or
limit, the growth and lifespan of cancerous cells - to be totally normal and essential
for health. If growth processes continue throughout life in a controlled way, cancer
(uncontrolled processes) occurs to a much smaller degree. The CPs begin to play a
more active role when growth is about to stop. They impede further physical
development. The higher up the evolutionary tree a species is, the more important
normal functioning of these CPs becomes; their importance is maximal in mammals.
If the function of the CPs fails, growth processes regain dominance; the cells survive
past their normal time to die and cancerous tumours arise.
(c) Many reasons explain functional failure of the CPs. Constant wear-and-tear, and
attempts to adapt to day-to-day changes in external and internal environment, stress
the CPs of all cellular and bodily functions constantly. In addition to the (external)
stressors and stimuli that adversely influence living organisms, the stressors include
shock, strain on the psyche, bombardment with unwanted sounds, visual
impressions, additives and electromagnetic influences (high voltage cables, geopathic
stress, etc). These stressors can lead to strain on, or loss of dominance of, the CPs,
and especially normal functioning of the immune system.
(d) The aim of effective cancer therapy and prevention must be to help the patient to
maintain the dominance of, or restore the lost function of, the CPs, especially of the
immune system. By preventing or limiting immunomediated diseases, including
autoimmune diseases and cancer, the immune system is critical for good health.
Many methods, from meditation to more or less vegetarian diets, have been
developed to re-establish the essential functions of the CPs. But in my experience the
most effective of all is to use the Ko-Cycle, the body’s own processes to restore

Thus, the primary aim, the most important function, of holistic medicine is to stimulate the
body's own control mechanisms.

• The idea is to "bring control" to cellular growth- and lifespan-
processes; otherwise they become uncontrolled, which is the basic
problem with cancerous cells.
• If we stimulate the wrong processes, in this case the nourishing
process, we may aggravate the disorder by stimulating tumour

From the summary of the results it is impossible to make any solid claims, as the number of
patients are too few, the additional factors are to unpredictable and uncontrolled.

Some of the individual results are, however, so astonishing and unexpected that they must
not go unobserved by the medical community. The overall results indicate that it might be
worth trying the described method, and that it needs further investigation.


One thing is especially interesting. I have treated, during the time span mentioned, 5 dogs
with mamma-tumors of different malignity, and 2 women with a special type of aggressive
mammacarsinoma. All these patients did not receive any other treatment but acupuncture.
In all 7 cases the development of the tumor/cancer was positive, and the cancer

To understand the second axiom we have to understand
how “mirror neurons” work

Mirroring brain activity in action and observation
A CHILD watches her mother pick up a toy. The child smiles: Mum wants to play. A husband
watches his wife pluck car keys from a table. He shivers: she really is leaving this time. A
nurse watches a needle being jabbed into an elderly patient. She flinches: it must have hurt.

How do these people know what the other person is thinking? How do they judge intentions
and feelings, or assign goals or beliefs to the other? It sounds simple, but the child could just
as easily have decided that Mum was leaving or the husband that his wife wanted to play.
Yet they didn't. They knew.

"Reading" the minds of others is something we take for granted. Yet philosophers,
psychologists and neuroscientists alike have been baffled by our ability to anticipate other
people's behaviour and empathise with their feelings. Now a team of Italian
neurophysiologists may have stumbled on the key to this mystery.

Vittorio Gallese, Giacomo Rizzolatti and their colleagues at the University of Parma have
identified an entirely new class of neurons. These neurons are active when their owners
perform a certain task, and in this respect are wholly unremarkable. But, more interestingly,
the same neurons fire when their owner watches someone else perform that same task. The
team has dubbed the novel nerve cells "mirror" neurons, because they seem to be firing in
sympathy, reflecting or perhaps simulating the actions of others.

Many neuroscientists are starting to think that in higher primates, including humans, these
neurons play a pivotal role in understanding the intentions of others. "Mirror neurons may
be one important part of the mosaic that explains our social abilities," says Gallese. Vilayanur
Ramachandran of the University of California at San Diego goes further. He believes that
mirror neurons will answer important questions about human evolution, language and
culture—and may take us to the heart of what it means to be human. "I predict that mirror
neurons will do for psychology what DNA did for biology," he says. "They will provide a
unifying framework and help explain a host of mental abilities that have hitherto remained

Gallese and his colleagues didn't set out to find anything so radical when, in the early 1990s,
they started recording the activity of neurons in a macaque's brain. They were tapping into
the signals emitted from nerve cells in a part of the monkey's brain known as F5. This is part

of a larger region called the premotor cortex, whose activity is linked to planning and making
movements. Some years earlier, the same researchers had discovered that neurons in F5
fired when an animal performed certain goal-oriented motor tasks using its hands or mouth,
such as picking things up, holding or biting them.

They wanted to learn more about F5 neurons—how they responded to different objects
with different shapes and sizes, for example. So they presented monkeys with things like
raisins, slices of apple, paper clips, cubes and spheres. It wasn't long before they noticed
something odd. As the monkey watched the experimenter's hand pick up the object and
bring it close, a group of the F5 neurons leaped into action. But when the monkey looked at
the same object lying on the tray, nothing happened. When it picked up the object, the same
neurons fired again. Clearly their job wasn't just to recognise a particular object.
All fired up
The neurons turned out to be quite fussy about what they reacted to. Those that responded
to an experimenter plucking a raisin from a tray, for instance, failed to react when the
experimenter dug the same raisin out of a small well with his finger. Some neurons fired
when the experimenter held a few slices of apple, but not when he placed the apples on the
tray—other neurons fired for that.

Most importantly, the very same action that made a neuron fire when a monkey performed
it would almost always make that neuron fire if the monkey saw the experimenter doing the
same thing. It soon became clear that the motor system in the brain is not limited to
controlling movements. In some way it is also reading the actions of others.

In 1998, Gallese gave a talk about mirror neurons at a meeting on the "Science of
Consciousness" in Tucson, Arizona. Alvin Goldman, a philosopher from the University of
Arizona, listened with interest. Afterwards, he approached Gallese and they spoke about the
potential of these cells for reading the minds of others. "He wasn't familiar with the mind-
reading literature in philosophy," says Goldman.

Mind-reading, or theory of mind, is an ability that all healthy humans possess. We are
particularly good at representing the specific mental states of others. These can be basic,
such as seeing someone crying and understanding that they are sad, or realising that when
someone is yelling and gesticulating wildly at you they may be angry and might even mean
to harm you. But we intuitively understand more complex mental states too. When a mother
loses a baby, other parents get lumps in their throats. When you hear that a colleague has
been cheating on their spouse, you share the hurt and shame.

A debate rages over whether other primates, such as chimps, can understand other minds,
even in the simplest ways. And even in humans, while almost everybody agrees that some
measure of mind-reading goes on, there is little agreement on how it happens. One theory,
sometimes called "theory theory", holds that people build up common-sense hypotheses to
explain why other people do what they do. Like physicists using rules and laws to explain
observable phenomena, we all use our experiences to develop a set of explanatory laws for
others' behaviour.

Another dominant theory, championed mainly by philosophers like Goldman, is known as

simulation theory. It's based on the idea that people understand what is going through the
minds of others by mentally mimicking what the other is thinking, feeling or doing—in

essence, putting themselves in the other's shoes. The discovery of mirror neurons backs up
this theory nicely.

As the suspicion grew that these neurons might have something to do with the complexities
of mind-reading, the burning question became whether human brains had mirror neurons
too. But finding out wasn't easy—humans aren't keen on having electrodes implanted into
their brains, even for the lofty purposes of science.

Luciano Fadiga, now at the University of Ferrara in Italy, was the first to find some evidence
that humans may have a system analogous to that found in monkey brains, when he
measured the excitability of particular muscles in the hand. He found that when the
volunteers were watching grasping actions, the very muscles that would be needed to copy
that movement seemed primed to act—as if they were preparing to make the same
movement themselves. "The interesting thing was that the pattern of activated muscles
changed according to the observed actions," says Fadiga. But while this suggested that a
mirror system might exist in human brains too, it didn't yield any information about where it
might reside.

Several brain-imaging studies followed, the first led by Rizzolatti, and another by Scott
Grafton, then at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. Both found that
watching an experimenter pick up and handle objects activates two regions of the brain
behind the temples on the left side: the superior temporal sulcus and, just above it, a part
called Broca's area.

An even more recent study by Marco Iacoboni at the Los Angeles School of Medicine
confirmed that Broca's area was active while volunteers either watched images of someone
drumming their fingers, and when they also tried to imitate the movement they saw
(Science, vol 286, p 2526).
Finding the words
The finding that Broca's area was activated was doubly intriguing. For one thing, F5 in
monkeys is considered an analogue for Broca's area in humans. But even more suggestive
was the fact that, while F5 is associated mainly with hand movement, Broca's area is
traditionally thought of as a speech-production area. This raised questions about what a
mirroring system might have to do with language—and language with mind-reading.

Rizzolatti and Arbib think that mirror neurons may have provided the bridge from "doing" to
"communicating". The relationship between actor and observer may have developed into
one involving the sending and receiving of a message. In all communication the sender and
receiver have to have a common understanding about what's passing between them. Could
mirror neurons explain how this is achieved? Rizzolatti and Arbib think the answer is yes.

They suggest that it is probably no coincidence that the area which links action recognition
and action production in the monkey brain is exactly the same area that in humans has been
linked to speech production. They think that the development of human speech was made
possible by the fact that F5, the precursor of Broca's area, was endowed with this mirroring
mechanism for recognising actions made by others. This, they say, was a prerequisite for the
development of communication and ultimately of speech. It made us "language-ready", says

Most of the time, a strong spinal cord inhibition prevents you from involving your own
motor neurons in activity you are merely observing, according to work by Fadiga soon to be
published in the European Journal of Neuroscience. But sometimes the premotor cortex
allows a brief snippet of the movement—like the twitchy feeling you get when you're
watching someone struggling to open a packet of crisps or untie a knot.

This slight movement, says Arbib, tips off the person carrying out the action that the watcher
knows what's going on, in a sort of primitive dialogue. "This dialogue forms the core of
language," he says. "Perhaps we evolved some crude form of communication based in sign,
then built speech," says Arbib. Imagine an early human chipping away at a stone, he says,
and that this person wants to communicate something else while demonstrating this skill. Or
perhaps he wants to communicate in the dark or at a distance. In both cases, using sign or
gestures doesn't work so well. If the brain could allow the person to develop speech through
the same neural apparatus earlier primates were already using to communicate manually or
through lipsmacks, so much the better (New Scientist, 8 April 2000, p 30).

The exciting news is that mirror neurons may not be limited to these motor regions. Gallese,
for one, suspects that they are found in other areas. "My belief is that this may apply also to
other modalities, for instance sensory modalities," he says. Gallese points to recent work by
William Hutchison, a physiologist at the University of Toronto. He and his colleagues studied
humans who were conscious while undergoing brain surgery. They discovered neurons in
the anterior cingulate cortex, a region thought to be involved in perceiving pain, which fired
both in response to a finger being pricked and also when patients saw the experimenter
prick himself (New Scientist, 8 May 1999, p 17).

Gallese sees this as tantalising, preliminary evidence of a far-reaching neural mechanism.

Could this explain how we are able to "feel" what others feel? Could it underpin the
sensations behind empathy?

Ramachandran also believes that mirror neurons play a bigger role than is generally
appreciated. He thinks these exciting nerve cells don't just provide a missing link between
gesture and language, but they go a great way towards explaining human learning,
ingenuity, and culture in general. "Their emergence and further development in hominids
was a decisive step," he says.

He says mirror neurons and the way they facilitate imitative learning help to explain why we
only developed things like tool use, art and mathematics about 40,000 years ago, despite the
fact that our brains had reached their full size some 150,000 years earlier. These cultural
inventions, he contends, probably popped up accidentally, but they were disseminated
quickly because of our amazing, imitative, learning brains—made possible by a more
sophisticated version of the monkey mirror neuron system.

He admits that mirror neurons probably aren't the whole story—necessary, but perhaps not
sufficient—but insists they could be a big part of it. Language, imitative learning and mind-
reading, seemingly unrelated human developments, may all be shown to be linked through
these intriguing nerve cells. "These are all human qualities. All mysterious qualities," he says.
"Mirror neurons may provide the key."

"When parents conceive a child, their combined genetic information provides the developing
embryo with the necessary bodybuilding directions?such as gender identity, nose
placement, and skin color. After the child is born, parents and others must provide cultural
information about how to live in our complex social environment. They provide this
mentoring through language and our brain?s remarkable recently discovered mirror neuron

The renowned neuroscientist V. S. Ramachandran suggested at the turn of the 21st century
that the discovery of mirror neurons might provide the same powerful unifying framework
for our understanding of teaching and learning that the 1953 discovery of DNA did for our
understanding of genetics. Recent developments suggest that his prediction might be
correct. (www.edge.org/3rd_culture/

The principal reason that animals have a brain is to plan, regulate, and predict movements.
Plants are at least as successful as animals, but they dont have or need a brain. Since theyre
not going anywhere of their own volition, they dont even need to know where they are.
Whats the point?

But if legs, fins, or wings make an organism mobile, it needs a sensory system to let it know
about here and there, a decision system to determine if here is better than there or if there
is better than here, and a motor system to get it to there if thats the better survival option.

These regulatory systems must begin to develop almost immediately, and most movement
skills cant be learned solely through verbal directions (try to use words alone to teach a child
how to ride a bicycle).

A cognitive system that allows a brain to simulate and then to imitate the observed
movement sequences of others would thus be an ideal animal learning system, and thats
what mirror neurons do. Human Mirror Neurons

After the initial monkey research, neuroscientists used neuroimaging technologies to study
mirror neurons in humans. These studies have already resulted in fascinating discoveries
that are changing how we view many elements of human life. These elements include the
development of articulate speech; the underlying mechanisms of empathy; maladies such as
autism; the broad appeal of observing others who are engaged in sports, dance, or musical
performance; and the effects of electronic media on behavior.

We humans have an incredibly complex mirror neuron system that encompasses our entire
sensory system, that allows us to simulate the emotional lives of others, and that thus drives
our rich cultural life.

When we observe someone yawn, it activates our brains yawning system. Adults typically
override the tendency and stifle the yawn, but if we stick out our tongue at an infant who is
only a few hours old, its probable that she will immediately reciprocate, even though she
had never before stuck out her tongue (or even had any conscious awareness of her tongue).
Her observation of our behavior will automatically activate the mirror neurons that regulate

her tongue movements. Since she has a zillion movements to learn and therefore no reason
to stifle the action, her mirror neurons will activate the motor neurons that project her
tongue. Similarly, smile and shell smile. Clap your hands and shell clap her hands. Its like
monkey see, monkey do in childhood.

Speech. Language is a key element of human movement. We can use our legs to approach a
friend and extend our hand for a handshake greeting, but we can also stay where we are and
project rhythmic air patterns via mouth/tongue movements. These sound patterns activate
ear and brain activity that our friend interprets as a verbal greeting. Written language and
music are thus also forms of communicative movement.

We can observe arm/leg movements, but not whats occurring inside the mouth of a speaker.
The mirror neuron system helps to explain how a child learns to speak. Our sensory/motor
system is highly interconnected, so we can visualize a named but non-visible object, such as
a banana. Similarly, hearing articulate speech activates the same speech processes in the
child?s brain that the speaker used to sequence sounds and words. Speech is a complex
motor activity, so the infant initially babbles incoherently, but over time in a verbal
environment, the child begins to correctly utter simple phonemic combinations, and finally
smooth articulate speech emerges.

When we observe someone in the initial stages of a movement sequence, such as when a
diner picks up a knife and fork, we infer the subsequent actions because our brain is
mirroring the sequence and so knows what will occur next. When a speaker stops mid-
sentence, we can often complete the sentence. Athletes fake out an opponents mirror
neuron system by beginning an action, and then quickly and unexpectedly switching to a
different action. Empathy. Since our brains hundreds of processing systems are highly
interconnected, mirror neurons not only simulate the actions of others but also their related
properties, such as the pain or pleasure that results from an action. We use the term
empathy to describe this human ability to internalize the emotional state of others by simply
observing their facial expressions and body language. Further, empathy can emerge through
third party reports, such as news reports of the victims of natural disasters or accidents. We
will almost always instantly recall and relive any similar experience we had.

Autism. It now appears that people who suffer from autism have a deficient mirror neuron
system, and this would explain their inability to infer the thoughts and behaviors of others,
and the difficulty they have in learning to speak. The presumed connection between the
malady and mirror neurons opens up promising research possibilities into the diagnosis and
treatment of autism.

Virtuoso Performance. Mirror neurons may also help to explain why so many of us enjoy
observing and predicting the movements of virtuoso athletes, dancers, and musicians.
Virtuoso performances allow our mirror neuron system to mentally model (and thus enjoy)
actions that we cant physically mimic at that level. Note the related active body language of
former athletes as they observe a game they once played, and their ability to see individual
movements within the complexity of the action that the rest of us dont see. Further, athletes
frequently use mental imagery to enhance their performance of specific practiced
movement sequences.


Electronic Media. The mirror neuron system evidently works best when directly observing
human behavior, but it apparently will also respond to televised and filmed human
movements. This poses intriguing currently unresolved issues about the effect of the
electronic depiction of violent and sexual behavior on the subsequent real life behavior of
observers. An old adage suggests that children attend more to what we do than to what we
say. If so, the mirror neuron system may well eventually provide us with key elements of the
neurobiological base of 21st century theories of parenting and teaching.

About 100 years ago, John Dewey proposed an educational system based on the democratic
principles embedded in the US Constitution. We now need a new John or Jane Dewey to
propose an educational system based on emerging neurobiological principles, such as those
embedded in our magnificent mirror neuron system."

"Beyond egocentric utility: On the origins of protoconversation and (pre)verbal learning by
altercentric participation-Stein Braten - University of Oslo:
.... In contrast to the Piagetian attribution of an egocentric point of departure for childrens
development of language, requiring decentration as the child matures, we believe we have
now found evidence of infant capacity for altercentric mirroring and self-with-other
resonance soon after birth (Braten 1998; Braten & Trevarthen 2004; Stern 2000, 2004ab;
Trevarthen 1998). It is probably supported by a mirror neurons system adapted in hominin
phylogeny to subserve mother-centred participation (Braten 2002), facilitating the
ontogenetic path to speech in the culture into which the infant is born.

What Are The Most Important Questions That Educators Should Ask About the Human
Brain? By Kenneth A. Wesson Education Consultant, Neuroscience:
Any time a student watches a teacher or when he watches another student in a cooperative
learning setting, mirror neurons must be active in a similar sophisticated observation-
execution matching system. When we watch another human being perform a task or even
starting to perform that action, mirror neurons fire at an incredible rate. Thus, mirror
neurons faithfully assist in "reading" the intentions of others, and they play a critically
important, behind-the-scenes, role in empathy, imitation learning, deciphering facial cues,
early language development, social skills and cultural rules by allowing us the ability to
predict, mimic and understand the actions of others. During verbal discourse, even
anticipating another person?s words as they complete a sentence seems to be associated
with these newly discovered neurons.
Education and parenting are among some of the human endeavors most reliant on the
proper functioning of mirror neurons. Isn´t the goal of teaching and parenting to get exactly
the same neuronal systems firing in our students and children that are actively at work
within the adult?s neural networks? This is the basis of mentoring programs and the master-
apprentice relationship that is effectively used in contemporary educational settings. Mirror
cells foster high learning levels, acceptable social behaviors, and basic human
understandings concerning one anothers intentions, be they generous or malicious.


Why is this important for the therapist?
Like this; a therapist has found a looked vertebrae, and want to loosen it. He think how the
vertebrae will loosen, and in which position it will end up. The corresponding neurons in the
patients brain will then be activated, and the vertebrae will move easily or even before the
therapist will manipulate.

As the number of neurons in the gut often is bigger that in the brain, it is important to think
the healing from the gut, from DanTien. The healing process will be activated more the more
we accurately imagine the process. That is why we should know exactly what we want, the
anatomy and physiology in order to be a good therapist. Especially within osteopathy, but also
in all other therapies, this is very important.
Now we will understand why it is possible to perform pulse-diagnosis as I teach, why animals
get the same energetic configuration as their owners, and why couples get the same after a
long marriage.
This energetic contact between all living creatures, which now is scientifically shown via ”Mirror
neurons”, is from old age known by native people. They felt that all life was interconnected via
energetic power-lines that were scatted throughout the entire cosmos.

Skiing in the Norwegian wood 4th. February 2006, I suddenly SAW this filamentous network. It interweaved the
whole nature, the farms that I passed, the trees that I passed, all living in cosmos. I saw how these power-lines
streamed from the trees and the woods and embraced the farms, especially those that had animals, and
especially the barns and the pig-houses, but also the human houses. But the lines were stronger to the animal
houses. This is why we are so connected and feel so comfort being together with animals. Then we feel
connected to the great web of life, and the trees.
This web also entangled the trees, from tree to tree, and also from trees to humans. The web was stronger
between trees of the same kind, weaker between different trees and even weaker between different species.
These observations made me understand that we all are inter-webbed in a great web of life and connected, and
if some are suffering or lost, we all will feel it.

How to use this connection in treatment
techniques of using the human etheric system to treat animals.

We can regard animal and human disease as an etheric or energetic imbalance. This Qi
Process Imbalance can manifest in physical symptoms. The cause of the Qi Imbalance can
vary from time to time and from case to case. It can have nutritional, parasitic, toxic, allergic
or immune-mediated causes. Other causes include atmospheric, climatic, geographic,
constitutional and managemental (human-induced) causes, as mentioned already. In
practice one finds many causes from all of these groups operating together.

To prevent further disease it is important to recognise and remove (or alleviate) these
causes. However, a more direct therapy is necessary as a first aid veterinary treatment. This
may involve direct etheric intervention but, first, we need an etheric diagnosis on the

Etheric diagnosis
On the basis of etheric intercommunication, special diagnostic methods are used. Etheric
diagnosis is discussed in separate articles. There are many different methods. One method
relates closely with diagnostic crystalline precipitation patterns or metal blots formed by the
combination of silver nitrate and copper chloride salts with specimens of body fluid (blood,
saliva, urine, etc.), as used in Anthroposophical medicine. (also Pulse Diagnosis,
radiaesthesia, medical divination, etc,).

Etheric treatment
With one exception, any healthy human can give etheric treatment. The exception is the
person who is the cause of the disease, if we have found this to be the case. The therapeutic
approach is to strengthen the same Processes in the treating human that are Weak in the
animal, i.e. if the animal has a Weakest Process in SP, tonify SP Process in the therapist.
When this is done the therapist spends a few minutes in contact with the animal, with a
conscious, loving intention to heal. Then the necessary etheric forces can flow over from the
human to the animal, or organise the etheric forces in the animal so that they balance
themselves. During this therapy the therapist may feel certain exhaustion but this feeling
soon vanishes when the therapy is over.

Support therapy
Anything that works energetically can be used as support therapy: homeopathy, AP,
Anthroposophical medicine, reflex therapy, herbs and others.

Clinical results
I have tried etheric methods on several cases since 1985 with very good results. (See case
reports at the end of this article). In my experience, the effect of this therapy far exceeds
that of conventional therapy given impersonally (without compassion or a feeling of love) to
the animal. I have found this to be true even in disorders such as arthritis, heart failure,
traumatic indigestion, hormonal and other difficult disorders. In addition to its efficacy, I
believe this method to be ethically correct. This type of diagnosis and therapy is possible not
only between humans and animals but also between adults and children, humans and plants
and between a human as microcosms and the whole macrocosm. Humans have a clear
responsibility to Nature and Creation. We can and should use our powers in the healing
processes in our companion creations, the animals.

CASE 1: A 4-year old female cat had a 5 cm wound on the left foreleg. The wound had not
healed for at least 6 months. It had been treated unsuccessfully with various ointments. Its
owner, a 20 year old female, was told to place "Heilsalbe" (a complementary healing
ointment from Weleda) on her own left arm in the area analogous with that of her cat. She
applied the ointment, as directed, in the evening while the cat was in her lap. The cat
became anxious and ran out into the night. The wound had closed when it returned in the

CASE 2: A 55 year old farmer presented a 5-year old cow with reticulitis, reticular pain,
anorexia, ketonaemia and icterus. An acupoint in the farmer's ear showed reactivity when
the farmer was placed in contact with the cow. A permanent needle was placed into this
point in the farmer's ear. Very soon the farmer reported heavy pain in his stomach. Within a

day or so the cow began eating. The icterus and ketonaemia gradually disappeared. After
three weeks, the farmer slaughtered the cow for human consumption. After slaughtering the
cow, the farmer's stomach pains subsided.

CASE 3: A 6-year old horse was presented with lameness of the left forelimb for three years.
On Pulse Diagnosis, the horse had BL Deficiency (Weak Process in BL Channel). The owner, a
physiotherapist, did not believe in AP at the time. However, when requested to remove his
left shoe and place his hand on the horse's back he agreed in disbelief. Placing a needle for
20 minutes in his BL67 treated the owner. He reported that he was drained of energy at the
end of treatment. After this treatment the horse became sound. The owner has since
become a certified acupuncturist.

One can not overemphasise the power of love and willed, directed intention in healing
(now explained with “Mirror Neurons”. It is very important that we activate and project our
intention to heal our patients, i.e. we really want to make the treatment work and we
visualise that this is happening. I have mentioned this above several times and will do so
again. Late in life, Rudolf Steiner had a revelation after he had met the well known German
naturopath, Marie Ritter. He realised that healing did not depend on the remedies
themselves but on the awareness or intention of the therapist at the time of prescribing or
administration of the remedies. Rudolf Steiner wrote: "In reality it does not depend on the
remedy given but on the intention of the one making the remedy" (may be the therapist then
often made the remedies themselves?) (R. Steiner, 1920). Even without remedies, without
needles or direct treatment of any kind, focused intention can heal. Sometimes it can work
even better than a treatment given directly.

On the art of pulse-diagnosis (Mirror Neurons used in diagnosis)

General comments
Direct observation refers to the ability of the therapist to observe more or less directly the
causes of disease, i.e. the Processes that allow the disease to manifest.
In this connection, the clinician may observe abnormalities of body odour, movement of the
different bones, movement or vibration of the vertebrae, skin colour, elasticity or
temperature, respiration rate, heart rate, muscle tension, electrical resistance of the AP
points, different qualities of the pulse or/and fluctuations of the spinal fluid (as detected in
Cranio-Sacral therapy). By now, we have far outstripped the normal ability of conventional
doctors or vets to observe significant clues to the causes of disease. However, immense
training and sharpening of awareness is needed to develop these sensitivities. Here, I will
mention the way in which German specialists in tuberculosis in the 1930s were trained.
When they practised percussion, they put cottonwool into their ears, so that they could only
feel the vibration from the lungs. In this way they became even better diagnosticians than
those without cottonwool in their ears.
In practising Pulse Diagnosis, the investigation of scars, the mobility or vibration of the
vertebrae, and the reactivity of the acupoints we have to develop a supersensitivity of the

fingers, about the same sensitivity shown by a wine-connoisseur tasting the different wines,
and claiming to know the year and place of the grapes.
Further we may be able to get an impression of the patient by the help of more subtle
methods like imagination, inspiration and intuition or other more or less undefined, non-
psychological (parapsychological) methods. I urge readers to train themselves to develop
their skills in such methods. This makes us better diagnosticians in time.

Techniques in Pulse Taking
Most traditional acupuncturists combine the diagnostic results from the Four Examinations
(listening, asking, hearing and feeling) to reach a Syndrome Classification according to their
particular paradigm of practice. Some prefer to classify such results in terms of the Eight
Principles and Organ pathology. Others emphasise the Lesion-Symptom Complexes in terms
of the quality of the Fundamental Substances (Qi, Blood, Fluids), or as part of a Five Phase

The method of pulse taking, to be described below, may seem incredible, nonsensical or
fraudulent. It is none of these; in skilled hands, it is a powerful diagnostic method.
While touching the animal, the practitioner takes his/her own pulse, as a TCM practitioner
would do on a human patient. This method of Pulse Taking emphasises especially the
pattern of the relative pulses as the primary means to form a diagnosis. This modality
respects the concept that the Lesion-Symptom Complex that shows at the physical level is
only a manifestation of a deeper Qi imbalance (Process Imbalance), whether or not it fits an
Eight Principle paradigm.

When one feels the pulse, one is actually feeling the origin of the Process Imbalance directly.
This disharmony in the Qi balance in the organism can take on many patterns and many
forms. Often the resultant expressions of Qi imbalance are complicated and misleading to
novices. They may cause the practitioner to follow incorrect paths toward the origin of the
disorder. The pulse, therefore, allows us to form a unique mental picture of the personal Qi
of the patient in relation to his relationship with the universe and the twelve expressions of
Qi manifested in the Processes. Once the diagnosis is established according to the Pulse, one
can evaluate how the presenting Lesion-Symptom Complex fits according to any of the
above mentioned paradigms.

For example, if a patient with acne is Pulse Diagnosed with HT Deficiency, one might surmise
that the Fundamental Substance of Blood cannot provide proper fluid balance to the upper
torso. By using this method of empirical data gathering one often develops greater insights
in the dynamics of disease as described in the Neijing.

Proper pulse taking requires a proper state of mind. This mindset is similar to a form of
meditation, or a state of daydreaming. Typically, a practitioner in this state is producing
mainly alpha brain-waves. There are at least three conditions that help a practitioner to
achieve this meditative state, a state in which detachment or disassociation is crucial:

(a) Not caring: The practitioner must not have preconceptions of the causes; s/he must shed
all interest, anxiety or desire to reach a diagnosis, to get paid at the end of the

treatment, or any other mundane matters. Many find this to be the most difficult aspect
of the requirements, but this state is fundamental to achieving a meditative state. Simply
put, it is living in the exact moment of the pulse and of being conscious of little else.

(b) Not mind-wandering: At the moment of the pulse taking, one should concentrate totally
and exclusively on the patient. One's mental focus should exclude everything and
everyone else that may try to enter one's mind or field of consciousness, such as being
aware of the tempting sexuality of a most desirable animal handler, etc.

(c) Not acting: This is the state that some refer to as the state of fuzzy sight. It is similar to
the moments when exhaustion begins to set in and the eyes gaze into the far distance. In
this state, one finds it difficult to concentrate on other things. Therefore one does not
act, or attains the state of not acting.

By combining the three qualities (not caring, not mind-wandering and not acting) one
concentrates on the patient but does not interfere with its energies. Done in this way,
diagnostic pulse taking is as detached and objective as possible. With time, one also learns to
take the pulse from a distance.

Our mind may very well influence the result in our diagnostic work, just in the same way that
the observer may influence the outcome in quantum physics (see page 00).
When we stand beside the animal trying to take the pulse, we should also stand as relaxed
as possible, without tense muscles.
We should also avoid the presence of critical observers, colleges who are aggressive to what
we do, or competitors who are jealous to our good results.
What I have observed in connection to my pulse-taking, is just the same as what is described
in the book ”The secret life of plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, as necessary
for the plants to react adequate to our feelings and states of mind. This book describes how
it is possible for us to get in emotional contact with plants (now we know how; via Mirror
Neurons), and how the presence of jealous or aggressive persons completely diminished the
contact described. This contact is almost the same as we must obtain in pulse-taking. The
same observations were made by the French scientist Beneviste in his investigations on

When preparing to be, or being in this state of mind, place your hand or a finger on the
animal. From this moment and during the whole procedure of taking the Pulse, nobody else
should touch the animal. Preferably, no one else should be present in a radius of about 2
meters. In practice, however, this is seldom possible, as people want to be nearby to see
what is going on! So, let us say that, at the moment of pulse taking, the minimum
requirement is that no one else touches the animal. (It is sometimes quite amusing to test
the owner while testing the animal, by recording the change of one special pulse while the
owner moves to and from the animal. One can sometimes impress the owner by describing
his or her Lesion-Symptom Complex).

We will now discuss this technique of pulse-taking.


Taking the pulse:
The pulse is examined by using the 2nd, 3rd and 4th finger feeling the systolic and diastolic
blood pressure on three special positions over the radial artery at the wrist. These are called
Positions 1, 2 and 3, where 1 is nearest the wrist (over LU09), 2 is over the styloid process of
the radius, and 3 is just proximal to 2. Begin by finding the pulses on the left radial artery.

First locate Position 2 exactly. It is found by locating the styloid process of the radius of your
left hand (about one tsun proximal to the root of the thumb) with the tip of the third
(middle) finger of the right hand. With your right palm in contact with the dorsal (posterior)
side of your left arm, just above your left wrist, place the third finger over the tubercle of the
styloid process. From this position, gently slide the third finger about 0.5 cm medially until it
lies over the artery. This is Position 2. Then find Position 1 by placing the second (index)
finger just distal to but right beside Position 2. at the root of the thumb. Finally, find Position
3 by placing the fourth (ring) finger proximal to Position 2, at the same distance as the first
position is situated distal to the second position.

To find the positions on the right arm, perform the same procedure with the opposite hand.
Note that:

• The superficial pulse reflects the diastolic pressure. It is found by applying gentle pressure
to the radial artery and feeling for the strength of the perceptible pulse by very
superficial compression of the artery.
• The deep pulse reflects the systolic pressure. It is found by first occluding the radial artery
and then feeling the strength of the pulse just after its first perceptible beats upon gentle
release of the occluding pressure.

Each Pulse-Position (1, 2 or 3) and depth (superficial or deep) correlates with a specific
process. The strength and quality of the pulse at each of these positions is a direct reflection
of its health and energetic status, as follows:

Pulse- Palpating Left Pulse Left Pulse Right Right
Position finger superfic. deep Pulse Pulse
deep superfic.

1 distal 2 index-f SI HT LU LI

2 styloid 3 middle- GB LV SP ST
3 prox. 4 ring-f BL KI PC TH


Picture of how to hold the hands while taking the Chinese pulses.

I will then shortly describe the different qualities we may expect to find in pulse-taking, and
what progression we may expect:

1. Training period
This period normally takes about one year. In this period, you must try to decide which of
your own pulses changes while touching the animal. Practically, this is done by taking the
pulse at your wrist, then touch the animal, and then move away from it again. This
procedure is done again and again until you are sure whether your pulse changes or not
while touching or not touching the animal.
Some people feel a
• change in rhythm, especially that the pulse gets faster
• change in impulse (strength), especially that the pulse gets weaker

The "right" thing to feel is change in strength. If the pulse grows weaker (or stronger) when
touching an animal, this indicates deficient (or excess) in the correlating process.
The Neijing says that: “some Meridians are too strong, some are too weak”. That may have
applied in olden times, but I find that about 90% of my pathological pulse findings are
When more than one pulse is "reactive" (becomes weaker or stronger), 5 element theory
can be used with great success. This theory is an essential part of classical AP.

2. Beginners (novices)
After the training period, you may know your pulse so well that it is not necessary to move
back and forth touching and not touching the animal. You may then go directly to the
animal, take your pulse while in contact with it and decide which pulse is abnormal. With
training you may also detect these changes in your pulse-picture at a distance from the
animal, depending upon several factors that cannot be mentioned in detail here.

At this stage of your training, it is difficult to decide which Command-Point of the Meridian in
question to use. It may then be opportune to just treat the Ting-point of the affected
(usually weak) meridian. In my opinion, this stimulates the process in an adequate way.

3. Advanced practitioners
After having trained for some years, you may be able to tell not only which pulse grows
weaker or stronger, but also in what quality, and in which Phase (element) the pulse
changes. Masters of TCM can differentiate between 28 different qualities of the pulse and
make their diagnosis on that basis.
I find it more convenient to differentiate the changes according to:
• Which process is deficient (usually a Yin-process)
• Which process is in excess (usually a Yang-process)
• Which element within the pulse has changed
• If the are any pattern in the changes of the pulses, this will indicate the use of the
extra meridians
• If there is any destructive energy to be spotted. If this energy must be wasted.
• How fast the changes occur, and how fast they fade away. This indicate the strength
of the patient, and by this also the prognosis.

If you can decide all this, you will have the complete diagnosis and treatment presented to
Then, just use the proper therapy, which may be:
• to stimulate the right command-point of the meridian related to the pathological
process, to stimulate the right commandpoint of the mother- or father-meridians, or
o give the related plant
o give the related homeopathic remedy
o manipulate the related vertebrae

For example,
if the pulse tells you that the SP-process is weak and that it is something wrong with the
Water element, you may use the Water Point of the SP Meridian (direct treatment), or the
source-point or the earth-point of the LV-meridian (Ko-cycle treatment) or the fire-meridian
(Shen-cycle treatment).

The preparations before we take the pulse are of the greatest importance.

Without these preparations we will feel nothing in the pulse. The pulse is just the tool.
The mind, the soul and the spirit are the doorway.

In my first book I described the preparations as follows;

“Pulse-diagnosis is a very old method of diagnosing, used in China for thousands of years. This
method may seem incredible, nonsensical or fraudulent for the western scientific mind (I must admit
that based on a materialistic world-view the pulse diagnosis IS nonsensical. The diagnosis takes place
in the energetic/spiritual world, not the physical). It is none of these; in skilled hands, it is a powerful
diagnostic method.

Proper pulse taking requires a proper state of mind. This mind-set is similar to a form of meditation, or
a state of daydreaming. Typically, a practitioner in this state is producing mainly alpha brain-waves.
There are at least three conditions that help a practitioner to achieve this meditative state, a state in
which detachment or disassociation is crucial:

• Not caring: The practitioner must not have preconceptions of the causes; s/he must shed all
interest, anxiety or desire to reach a diagnosis, to get paid at the end of the treatment, or any
other mundane matters. Many find this to be the most difficult aspect of the requirements, but
this state of mind is fundamental to achieving a meditative state. Simply put, it is living in the
exact moment of the pulse and of being conscious of little else.
• Not mind-wandering: At the moment of the pulse taking, one should concentrate totally and
exclusively on the patient. One's mental focus should exclude everything and everyone else
that may try to enter one's mind or field of consciousness, such as being aware of the
tempting sexuality of a most desirable animal handler, etc.
• Not acting: This is the state that some refer to as the state of fuzzy sight. It is similar to the
moments when exhaustion begins to set in and the eyes gaze into the far distance. In this
state, one finds it difficult to concentrate on other things. Therefore one does not act, or attains
the state of not acting.”

Today I will put this a bit different.

The main and crucial technique or tool to enter the spiritual world is to separate “something” in your
soul or mind.

What is this “something”?

We are held, or imprisoned in the physical world because that our soul qualities;
Thinking, Feeling and Willing are linked together. This reflects also in that the
different dimensions of the physical world are linked together; as height, width, depth
and time (we experience these dimentions of an object at the same time).
To enter the spiritual world we have to separate either our thinking/feeling/willing or
the elements of the physical world as height/width/depth/time.
This technique is used by all cultures, and I will shortly describe this here.
As feeling is related to the depth, the easiest and best thing is to start by separating
the depth from the width or height. This is done by sort of day-dreaming; when you
merge, or wander away in the wide expanses of the world. Many experience this
state of mind during boring lectures or conversations, when you suddenly fade away
and do not really hear what is said. We must, before we take the pulse, sort of fade
away. Then thinking and willing are left behind, and we just feel. We do not think as
“clever” as before, and we are unable to “will” anything. We feel a slight tinnitus, and
the colours of the landscape change a little; a slight turning towards violet.
In the elf-school of Reykjavik, Iceland, the teachers use this technique when they
prepare to speak to the elves. They fade away into the landscape, excarnate slightly,
the landscape turns a little purple and then the elves appear.

Then we are in the spiritual world. We have then to be aware that the laws in the
physical world and the spiritual world are different. In the physical world we are
bound to the elements that are linked together. In the spiritual world this is not so.
Time and the three dimentions are not linked. We are present exactly where our mind

is. When we then concentrate on a patient, we are within that patient, no matter how
far away the patient is.
When we go back in time, as described in chapter seven, we are in the past.

When this preparation is done, we concentrate on our heart. We imagine a tunnel

between our own heart and the heart of the patient.
Then we are connected to the spirit or energies of the patient. Then we are in the
heart of the patient.

Between the skin and the center of the heart there are 12 layers, through which we
have to penetrate. Most students of mine stop at the 5-6-7-8-9th layer, and do not
enter the heart. We need a little power to enter the heart, a little bravery, a little push.
I will here refer to the 12 layers of the body;

• The outer layers (1-2) relate to the astral body

• The next (3rd-4th) to the material body (3rd being our own physical, material
body, 4th parasitic material bodies)
• The 5th-6th-7th-8th relate to the etheric (the 4 ethers) body (the 7th touching
the pericardium and the 8th touching the endocardium), where we leave the
material world ……
• The inner layers (9th-10th-11th-12th) are within the heart, and relate to the ”I”;
the lower I (9th), the middle I (10th), the higer I (11th) and the cosmic I (the
Christ conciousness) (12th), where we are in the middle of the heart, the lamb
(ram), the Christ conciousness.

When we are in the middle of the heart, we may have the imagination of standing at a
cross. This cross is a little different in man, in horse and in the dog.

In this picture I have tried to illustrate what imagination you may find in the center of
the heart.

On the way through the 12 layers we may diagnose, experience and/or treat several
aspects of disease or spiritual reality.

As written the two outer layers relate to the astrality of the patient; the feelings and
emotions. If we stop at this layer, and take the pulse here, we get an emotional

• The outer layer (1-2) relate to the astral body

In layer 3rd-4th we will be able to diagnose the physical body, if we stop here.
Especially interesting is the 4th layer, where we may detect the presence of parasites
in the body of the patient, both physical parasites and energetic parasites.

• The next (3rd-4th) to the material body (3rd being our own physical own
material body, 4th parasitic material bodies)

The layers where my students usually stop, and of course these layers are mostly
important to the healing of diseases, are the 5th-6th-7th-8th layers. Here we find the
etheric forces of the body, which are the healing forces.
Most interesting is the distance between the 7th and the 8th layer. This distance i
used for several years to diagnose scars of the patient, toxic scars, scars that hinder
any treatment. In the 7th layer the scars were present, but in the 8th layer they were

gone. So, when there was no deficiency in the 7th layer, and a clear deficiency in the
8th layer, the conclusion was that there existed a toxic scar in the process that
showed deficiency in the 8th layer. I used this to find the scars, but I did not realize
that it was possible to treat the scars from the 8th layer. In old days I just diagnosed
them from the 8th layer, and then I injected the physical scars with procaine, just as
described in neural therapy by Dr. Ferdinand Hünecke.
Today I know that if you go to the 8th layer or deeper (today I always go directly to
the 12th layer), all forms of scar treatment is unnessesary.

• The 5th-6th-7th-8th relate to the etheric body (the 4 ethers). The 7th touching
the pericardium and the 8th touching the endocardium, where we leave the
material world ……

The four layers within the heart itself are of immence importance. From here we may
diagnose and treat diseases from the spiritual realm of the patient. This is what I think
today is the right thing to do.

• The inner (9th-10th-11th-12th) are within the heart, and relate to the ”I”; the
lower I (9th), the middle I (10th), the higer I (11th) and the cosmic I (the Christ
conciousness) (12th), where we are in the middle of the heart, where the lamb
(ram), the Christ conciousness resides.

When we treat from the middle of the heart, we are in the deepest spiritual realm, and
then the usual stumble-stones are gone.


Other comments on Pulse Diagnosis
1. The art of Pulse Diagnosis seems to be a subjective method (for me). Even if the
changes we feel seem to very distinct, clear and without discussion, they may
disappear or even change if we lose our concentration, our fixation or our usually
correct mental state of mind. This shows that a machine is unable to detect the
changes described, as a machine would be unable to detect our intention.
2. By training ourselves, the possibilities within Pulse Diagnosis seem to be without
limitations (for me). This may depend more on the training than with the actual
possibilities of this method, but it may equally have to do with the mental
possibilities of our own mind.
3. In Pulse Diagnosis we are (I am) not able to decide on which side of the animal the
problem is, just in which process the unbalance originated.
4. In being concentrated in the heart area (bringing our focus to the middle chest), we
(I) may more easily read the proper pulse. If we (I) move our (my) concentration
further down (from the heart towards the Os pubis), the pulse changes as if we
moved back in time. When I reach Os pubis the pulse is like it was at the time of birth
of the patient. In this way we (I) may get an impression in how the disease has
changed over time.
5. The same change we may feel when going deeper inside the body with our
concentration. Then the pulse also change; it goes deeper and deeper in the disease.
6. The way of taking the pulse may also give us a clue of the prognosis. If we take the
pulse several times just after each other on the same patient (repetitively), then we
will often feel that the pulse gets stronger. This is a good prognostic sign, since by
taking the pulse we “stir up” the energy. If the pulse does not become stronger, then
this means that the patient is very low in energy, and that there is little reserves. This
is a bad prognostic sign.
7. The advanced pulse-practitioner will also be aware of any existing pattern in the
pulse-picture. If a pattern is to be found, then this indicates the need to use one of
the extra-meridians.

The extra-meridians are certain channels that transfer energy from one part of the body to
Special patterns in the pulse indicate the need for activating the extra-meridians.
The patterns are as follow;

• Du-channel: all superficial pulses are strong, all deep pulses are weak (this may also
be treated by the acupuncture point SP06)
• Ren-channel: all middle pulses are weak, both the superficial and the deep are
normal. This may be felt as the pulse disappear when going from the superficial to
the deep
• Chong-channel: all deep pulses are strong, and all superficial are weak (this condition
may also be treated by using SI18)
• Yin qiao channel: all pulses in 1. and 2. position are weak, but the pulses in 3.
position are strong.
• Yang qiao channel: the pulses in the 1. position are strong, the rest are weak

• Dai channel: the pulses in the 2. position are strong, the rest are weak
• Yin wei channel: the pulses in the 3. position are strong, in the 2. position they are
normal and in the 1. position they are weak
• Yang wei channel: the pulses in the 1. position are strong, in the 2. position they are
normal and in the 3. position they are weak

Use of the Nogier colour-filters in the Chinese pulse diagnosis

As the filters of Nogiér may be used to strenghten or weaken the responses from the body,
they may also be used in Chinese pulse diagnosis to further evaluate the origin of the different
deficiencies found in the pulse.

Filter Nervous system Yellow-orange
Filter Metabolism Red
Filter Muscles and legs Yellow
Filter Internal organs Dark pink
Filter Spine Petrol blue
Filter Feelings Dark blue
Filter Personality Margenta pink

• If we place the filter that “represent” the area that is the cause of the deficient process
on the head, it will lead to a weakened response from the body, that is a deficiency will
be harder to detect (the pulse will be stronger and more balanced at that particular
• If we place the filter that “represent” the area that is the cause of the deficient process
on the body, it will lead to a stronger response from the body, that is a deficiency will be
easier to detect (the pulse will be weaker and more unbalanced at that particular

If we, for example, have a horse with a deficient kidney process, we may try to place the filters
on the head, one after each other, and then observe which filter restore the pulse on the
kidney position, that is weaken the responce of the weak process.

An example:

• My own horse, Balder, had a weak kidney process. When I placed the G-filter on his
head, the pulse felt quite normal again (the filter took away the weak pulse). Then I may
conclude that his personality is the underlying cause of his weakened kidney. He is a
nervous horse that weakens his kidneys due to his personality.

The placement of the filter that lead to that the weakened pulse is no longer weak.


The placement of the filter that lead an even more severe weakening of the pulse at the kidney position.


Exercises in sensitivity training
We may exercise our abilities in sensitivity in several ways. I have during my life been
advised to do such training by people as diverse as my professor in internal medicine at the
veterinary highschool (Prof. Magne Aas Hansen) and my teacher in acupuncture (Dr. Georg
Bentze). In several places in alternative and conventional medicine we may find chapters
where the author emphasizes the need to be more sensitive to our patients than usual.
To be able to do such training, we need a certain amount of inner peace, inner tranquility.
We need to obtain a certain inner state of meditative awareness, as described under the
method of pulse-taking. If we obtain this inner state of alpha-waves, there are several
methods to use to enhance our perception, our sensitivity or our intuition.

The percussion method was the first one taught by the professor of Internal Medicine at the
Oslo Veterinary School. To exclude audible clues from differences in percussion sounds, we
had to stuff our ears with cotton wool. Then we had to apply percussion over the thoracic
area and learn to delineate the LU-area in animals or men by sensing the vibrations in our

The death method was one that I discovered while working in the clinic at the Oslo
Veterinary School. Every day, especially on Mondays, the bodies of 5-15 dogs that had been
killed by cars were examined at the School. Beside each body was a note indicating the time
of death. Without knowing this, I stood at a distance of about 10 meters, trying to feel which
animal had been dead the longest time, and which the shortest time. After just a few weeks I
was able to tell the approximate time of death in all the dogs.

The divining method is a simple method of dowsing to locate water pipes, or other hidden
objects, using a divining instrument, such as a Y-rod, pendulum, rubbing pad, angle-irons, or
even one’s fingers, etc.

The telepathic method tries to foresee who will be next to knock on the door, or telephone,
or other things like that.

The card method uses the next card in the playing-card deck instead of the next person to
knock on the door.

Closing remarks on Mirror neurons

It is important to understand the following;
1. When you have an intention towards your patient, the same processes (brain
neurons) are put into action in your patient as well as in yourself
2. If the intention is correct (that is if your diagnosis is correct), then the appropriate
processes are activated in the patient
3. Then the patients body itself do most of the healing work. The effect is better if you
intend to activate the deficiency, rather than the excess, as the deficiency is much
more defined (fewer, usually just one).


The third axiom

On the importance of a correct body concentration when treating
(and diagnosing)

Could the therapist be of any importance for the outcome of an acupuncture
and energetic treatment generally

During the many years, and in many connections, I have observed that the outcome of two
identical treatments may be quite different. An old friend of mine, a MD who treat cancer
with Iscador-injections (he is an Antroposophical doctor), once told me that a certain college
in Germany had twice as good results as most of his colleges, and no one could figure out
why. Further, this is an extract from two mails I have received;
• the first from USA; ”Twenty-five years ago I had great results treating just GB29,
GB30, and BL54 in canine hip dysplasia. If I treat just these points today, I would see
very little improvement in my patients. I agree that focus and mindset is a major part
in one’s treatment protocol and point selection. In the treatment of hip dysplasia, you
(i.e. Are) place a much higher degree of power on the use of LV03 than I do; therefore
LV03 works for you but not for me. I treat many conditions for which I use only one
needle, or implant only one point, but my focus is different from when I am treating
hip dysplasia. We are getting back to focus and intent, the two most important
factors in acupuncture”.
• The second from Germany; ”Some years ago I had to open the Du Mai with GB41 first
in about 80% of my horse patients. Today it happens about once a week. Who
changed? The horses or I?”.
There have been several investigations on the effect of acupuncture, from the effect of gold-
implants in hip dysplacia to the care of geriatric dogs. Some investigations show little or
none effect from acupuncture, and some show great affect.

Necessary questions
Is the differences above described due to;
• That some practitioners choose better points than others, that they are more
• That some practitioners have a stronger intent than others?
• That some practitioners are more focused than others?
• That some practitioners have a stronger energy within them selves than others?

• That some practitioners have a stronger impact on their patient than others, that is
induces placebo better?

An important observation
During the years I have observed that the main difference between practitioners with good
results and those with poor results is simply their ability to move their center of
concentration down to their “Dan Tien” or lower. A female veterinarian made complaints
that she actually did not get any good results when putting the needles. In observing her put
the needle, I observed that all her energy and concentration was in her arms and upper
chest area. When I asked her to mobilise will power and concentration in her lower
abdomen, then at once she got good results. A student of mine, studying at our school,
complained during a course that she did not have any good results treating dogs, but in
horses she did ok. In observing her while she was treating horses, a species she was familiar
with and loved, her energetic center was good below the navel, and she managed very well.
In treating dogs, a species which she was unfamiliar with and I suspect had some fear for,
her Qi was at the level of the heart (she was frightened and mobilised her feelings which led
to a concentration in the heart area, the chest). During her treatment of one dog I instructed
her how to lower the energy, and suddenly she was able to descend the Qi, and at once the
effect showed up in the dog, which sighed and yawned, and the healing of the dogs disease
began to work (after just 5 days the dog was without symptoms).

Others observations of the same
This described observation is, when we search for similar descriptions in the litterature
(those who has ears will hear, those who has eyes will see), find numerous.
• In Indian literature it is commonly described the importance of being concentrated in
the adequate chakra. The different chakras are described as follow;
o Muladhara, meaning "root place" is the first of the main seven chakras
according to Hinduism. It may be represented as red, although its root square
form is usually colored yellow. That 'lotus' of muladhara chakra has four
o Swadhisthana is positioned at the tailbone, two finger-widths above
Muladhara. It has six petals. Swadhisthana is associated with the unconscious,
and with emotion. Swadhisthana contains unconscious desires, especially
sexual desire, and it is said that to raise the kundalini shakti (energy of
consciousness). Swadhisthana is extremely difficult for this reason.
o Manipura is positioned at the navel region and it has ten petals. Manipura is
associated with dynamism, energy, and will-power. Manipura is said to
radiate and distribute prana to the rest of the body. In this sense, it is roughly
similar to the Chinese idea of the dantian in qigong.
o Anahata chakra is physically positioned at the heart region. Traditionally, this
chakra is represented as a green flower with twelve petals. Anahata is
associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma. In
Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's
higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.

It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms of
psychic healing.
o Vishuddha is positioned at the neck region and it has sixteen petals.
Vishuddha is associated with the faculty of higher discrimination, between
choosing what is right and wrong, and it is associated with creativity and self-
expression. The secret of immortality is said to reside there. When Vishuddha
is closed, we undergo decay and death.
o Ajna chakra is positioned at the eyebrow region and it has two petals, said to
represent the psychic channels Ida and Pingala, which meet here with the
central Shushumna channel before rising to the crown chakra, Sahasrara. Ajna
is considered the chakra of the mind. When something is seen in the mind's
eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna.
o Sahasrara is positioned above the head or at the top of it and it has 1000
petals which are arranged in 20 layers each of them with 50 petals. Sahasrara
chakra symbolizes detachment from illusion; an essential element in
obtaining supramental higher consciousness of the truth that one is all and all
is one. Often referred as thousand-petaled lotus, it is said to be the most
subtle chakra in the system, relating to pure consciousness, and it is from this
chakra that all the other chakras emanate. When a yogi is able to raise his or
her kundalini, energy of consciousness, up to this point, the state of Samādhi,
or union with God, is experienced. It is often related to the pineal gland and
the violet color.

• In the traditions of Chinese and Japanese literature there is much literature that
states the importance of being concentrated at different parts of the body while
performing different energetic tasks. As;
o it is commonly described in Chi Kung/Qi Gong that it is extremely important
for the results to concentrate the mind and Q ion the Dan Tien.
o In his book on “Essential Shiatsu” Yuichi Kawada describes that if you
concentrate on the point Kikai, a point below the navel, then a strong energy
field is released, a field that is used in martial arts.

• In the red Indian tradition, as described in the books by Carlos Castaneda the most
important feature in gaining power is actually to be concentrated in certain and
different parts of the body
o The shaman Don Juan described that our perception of the world is different
according to where in our body we have our point of concentration. If we can
shift our concentration totally, we may enter unknown worlds, and gain
exceptional powers.
o In concentrating on the Dan Tien area we get the possibility to influence the
energetic world

• From my own life and practise I will describe the following four experiences;
o Once I was playing tennis with an old friend. We had been playing once a
week for several years, and knew each others hits very well. Once I tried to
lower my center of Qi below the navel area, and my friend immediately
stopped playing, asking what on earth I did to give the ball so much power,
and if I did that again, he would not play with me any more, as he felt the
incident quite frightening.
o During one of my lessons in flute training, which I had been doing for several
years, I lowered my Qi to below the navel area. The teacher stopped me,
asking what I just did, as the tune had been better than ever before.
o Standing at a horse with a locked and tilted Os sacrum, resting my hand on
the bone in question, thinking what should be done to correct it, and in doing
so I let the center of Qi sink down in my stomach area. Immediately the bone
corrected itself.
o While skiing in the forest 4th of February 2006 I lowered my center of Qi to
the area of the knees (which is quite easy skiing in the winter cold), and then I
suddenly saw a kind of Matrix. It was like dark snake-like water streams, all of
different thickness and strength. This Matrix interconnected the whole
nature, all the trees and all the animals, yes; all living. I saw how these power-
lines were streaming from the trees of the forest to barns and stables where

there were animals, pigs, cows or horses. Where animals were living there
were much bigger power-lines than where only humans were living, but also
here. May be this might be the reason why we feel the nature healing.
Interesting was to observe that these power-lines interconnected all the
trees, and also the trees to humans and animals. They were stronger from
tree to tree of the same species, and between animals of the same species,
but were also present between trees of different kind and between animals of
different kind. This experience made me understand that the whole creation
is one big unity, and if one single part is taken away, hurt or destroyed, it will
interfere with everybody. If one part is suffering, all will suffer.
• In Anthroposophical medicine an important aspect in treating patients is the
distinction between thinking, feeling and willing. Thinking, although the real thought
process is going on in the entire body, is concentrated in the head. Feeling, although
the real feeling process is going on in the entire body, is concentrated in the chest,
and willing, although the real willing process is going on in the entire body, is
concentrated in the muscular and digestive system, especially in the abdomen. To
contemplate the findings in a patient we have to think. To observe the adequate
symptoms we have to feel, but to full fill a complete therapy we have to activate our
will power. This is called “The will to heal”. Without this will it is difficult to initiate
true healing. One of the first instructions I got when starting to study
Anthroposophical Medicine was given by Dr. Margit Engel, and she told me that the
most important for getting good results was to have the will to heal the patient.
o Rudolf Steiner describes that in concentrating our intention in different parts
of the body, we may observe different parts or aspects of the world. If we
concentrate on;
• Our left side we may feel or observe the stones and minerals
• Our right side we may feel or observe the plants

From what has been said here we might draw the conclusion that the therapist´s Qi,
energy, anatomical concentration or concentration in general in the moment of needle
insertion is of vital importance for the outcome of the treatment.
In several aspects of double blind or single blind studies, or in academic situations, it
might be difficult to optimise such aspects of concentration, and we might end up with
poor results.
Such training as here described is of vital importance in all courses in acupuncture, and I
will urge my colleges to experiment and observe the different aspects of effect while
changing your point of concentration throughout the entire body.



On the pathways of the meridians

The observant veterinarian will perceive that, in regards to the location of the command
points and the pathways of the meridians, the similarities between humans (not discussed
here), dogs and horses are partly identical, partly totally different. For example the «thumb
points» of the human have been moved to «the index finger» (2. Finger or toe) of the dog (at
least in those with the 1. toe missing), and in the horses all finger points have moved over to
3 fingers or toes, and the highest command point, which in the case of humans and dogs, are
placed by the elbow, are placed above the front of the knee or hock (wrist/ankle).

In order to get a better grasp of this; we must do a bit of repetition of the doctrine of
evolution and the evolution of embryos in regards to horses. As we all know, the horse has
evolved from a five-toed animal to the one-toed animal familiar to us today. This evolution
is also evident in the horse's fetal development. A small horse fetus begins with five toes
which, during the span of an 11-month pregnancy, evolve to one toe.
This development happens gradually and smoothly of course. The transference of the lung
meridian, for instance, from one finger to two fingers (presently found in dogs), and then on
to three fingers (as in horses presently), happened gradually. It is inevitable; therefore, that
at some time or another there will be a meridian course on both one and two fingers,
eventually also on three fingers. Due to this fact we can still find lung 11 in both the dogs
outer by-claw, and on 2. Toes (the most inner of the dogs four toes are called 2. toe). In
horses we find lung 11 in a position above the chestnut, farthest down on the splint, and
furthest down in the coronary band we find the remaining Ting-points.
However, it is the point on the most developed toe that is the most effective point.

Qi is energy, which, according to the Chinese medicine, flows through the body following
certain paths or channels, here called meridians. The Chinese also state that the flow of the
Qi depend on the circulation of the Blood. To treat Qi stagnation, it is necessary to stimulate
the blood circulation first. The description of the pathways of the meridians, both
superficially and deep, shows an intimate relation to the blood vessels.
After reading several articles on “BCEC, Biologically Closed Electric Circuits”, by Dr. Björn E.
W. Nordenström, M.D., we are convinced that meridian-Qi is equivalent to electromagnetic
energy. Dr. Björn E. W. Nordenström, M.D. has shown that such electric flow may create
entirely new structures as fibrous membranes, organ capsules and different forms of
channels. Electric current, created by the ionic flow in the blood vessels, the lymph vessels
and in the interstitsial channels, the fascias, creates an electromagnetic field; Qi.
When the vessels branches, it usually happens in a ~900 angle, and they often form “loops”.
These may act as revitalizing transformators for both the ionic current and the
electromagnetic field.
As the oriental medicine already has mapped out the exact locations of the human points
and meridians, it appeared obvious to first investigate along which structures these
meridians travel, and what caracterises the spot where the points are located.

This led us to a thorough study of the human anatomy. It very soon became obvious to us
that the meridians follow the blood vessels, and that the acupuncture points are located
where the vessels branch, make anastomoses or form loops.
We transferred this system to the horse. We located the pathways of the equine vessels and
meridians. The active structures, where acupuncture points are expected to be found were
correlated to the ancient equine points from China, the possible transpositional locations of
the west and the empirical points found by western and eastern equine practitioners.
This work led us to the following conclusion: that the command points of the horse are
placed differently than in humans; they are situated between the coronary band and the
Our findings of the nature of the command points differ from what is usually taught.
According to classic Chinese medicine as cited in Classic of Difficulties and Compilation of
Acupuncture and Moxibustion by Liao Run-hong, the Qing-dynasty, the elemental relations
of the command points are as follows;

• Jing-Well (”Ting-points”, situated at the coronary band) “for fullness under the
heart”, Liver pathogen, wood point. In humans this point is a wood point on the Yin
meridians and a metal point on the Yang meridians.
• Ying-Spring (just under the fetlock) “for heat in the body”, Heart pathogen, fire point.
In humans this point is a fire point on the Yin meridians and a water point on the
Yang meridians.
• Shu-Stream (just proximal to the fetlock) “for heaviness of the body”, Spleen
pathogen, earth point. In humans this point is an earth point on the Yin meridians
and a wood point on the Yang meridians.
• Jing-River (just distal to the carpus/hock) “for dyspnoea, cough, chills and fever, Lung
pathogen, metal point. In humans this point is a metal point on the Yin meridians and
a fire point on the Yang meridians.
• He-Sea (just proximal to the carpus/hock) “diaorrhoea, counterflow Qi, Kidney
pathogen, water point. In humans this point is a water point on the Yin meridians and
an earth point on the Yang meridians.

This old system correlates perfectly with our opinion. We suspect that the change of the
Ting-points in Yang meridians to metal, is due to the fact that most modern or contemporary
treatments with acupuncture is based on the draining of excesses (pain) of the Yang
meridians. Pain is related to the metal element, and so is the most draining point. But, in
dealing with deficiencies, the symptoms treated by the Ting-points relate to the wood
element in all meridians.
All the equine points are not yet mapped out, as shown in the text, and our work in mapping
out all the points continues. Therefore the written pages of this atlas are easily



The etheric energy-circulation of the body
(the etheric-body)

It is important all the time to bear in mind the energy which create and sustain the life and
development of the body, the so called Jing-Qi or the etheric energy. This form of energy
moves in lemniscates. This is 8-formed movement. Such a circulation may be observed in all
nature, in all beings that contain life. Try to observe an old pine-tree, see how the
lemniscates are physically seen in the growth of the stem. Look at the movements of the
water running out of the bathing tub. See the form of the horns of the animals and the spin
of the atoms.
Everywhere we may see the form of life, the lemniscatic movement.

We may see the lemniscatic form in the horns of animals, especially in the Gaselle.


In the snails house the lemniscate is obvious.


In the movement of the water we may see the lemniscatic movement.

In the chewingmovement of the horse we may also see the lemniscate.


In ”the life-tree” in Borgund stave-church we can see that our anchesters also knew the form of the lemniscate, and its
connection with the life-forces.

In the joints of all mammals the etheric energy-movements cross, and just here the energy does not belong to any particular
element. Under and above the energy has a certain elemental colour, but just over the joints the command-point have no
elemental connection, and form the source-points.


Figur that demonstrate how the energy change from below to above the joint. See how the inside becomes the outside after
the crossing, and in the same way the energy also becomes “twisted” or changed to the opposite!

On the importance of not making double-blind studies
within acupuncture and related disciplines

(NB!! This whole chapter or appendix may be explained by the

Most Acupuncturists and Homeopaths agree that homeopathy and acupuncture work
through information and regulation to/of the somatic processes. Acupuncture and
homeopathy stimulate the self-healing mechanisms of the body. Many other medicines do
not do that, for example penicillin works by its own antibacterial actions that can inhibit or
kill bacteria within the body as well as in-vitro (outside the body). This is not the case with
acupuncture and homeopathy. To be of therapeutic value, they must modulate the body’s
homeostatic processes, i.e. they must target the body’s self-healing mechanisms.

The mechanism of action: How acupuncture and homeopathy work (how they stimulate the
body’s self-healing processes) has been debated in depth through the years Many
mechanisms have been suggested. Some of these have been identified, especially in
research on acupuncture. Regardless of what mechanisms have been suggested, the end
result is always that the body’s self-healing mechanisms must be activated.

Some worrying observations: During the years I have observed some paradoxical anomalies
between my clinical results and those of others, as I am sure you have also. Those that have
bothered me are discussed below.

Paradoxical observations in acupuncture:
1. Most veterinary acupuncturists, who use AP or gold implants at the acupoints, find
them to be most successful and effective to treat canine hip dysplasia (HD). Clinical
experience from several colleagues, with overall success rates of 80-90%, supports
this opinion. Recently, although they used slightly different methods of implantation,
three independent uncontrolled retrospective clinical studies on the effectiveness of
gold implants to treat canine HD in 218 dogs in Denmark (the late Jens Klitsgaard,
100 dogs), Norway (Are Thoresen, 50 dogs) and Germany (Erhard Schulze, 68 dogs)
reported a clinical success rate of near 90%. However, the clinical response to gold
bead implantation AP to treat canine HD was evaluated also in two double-blind
studies. One was in Finland by Anna Hielm et al (1998) and the other was in the USA
by Bebchuk et al (1998). Also there will shortly be publishes a third article by Gry
Jäger (Oslo 2002). Anna Hielm gave me a summary of her article in Finnish. The dogs
were treated in a double-blinded study; the owners did the evaluation. Both groups
of dogs showed positive results but there was no difference between the two groups.
Bebchuk's study was a communication from his university. He also treated the dogs
in a double-blind study but the evaluation was objective; it used force-plates to
measure the force exerted by the dogs on the treated limbs. Neither group of dogs

improved, and there was no difference between the two groups. The dogs in the
treatment group tended to get worse. Gry Jäger’s article will conclude (as reported at
the IVAS Congress in Spietz) that there was a positive and statistical difference
between the two groups, but much less that one may expect according to the results
reported by Klitsgaard, Schulze and Thoresen. All three studies show the same result:
gold-implantation in the hip area had little or no positive effect on the dogs and
some dogs in Bebchuck's study even got worse! So we see that a very successful
therapy in the clinic is almost without effect in a double-blind trial.
2. A good friend and colleague in Norway has had good results in his acupuncture
therapy in recent years,. He then hired helpers, colleagues and animal-caretakers,
who did not believe in acupuncture. After two years he told me; “Are, I do not
understand what is happening, acupuncture does not seem to work for me any
3. A colleague in the US said the following: ”Twenty-five years ago I had great results
treating just GB29, 30, and BL54 in canine hip dysplasia. If I treat just these points
today, I would see very little improvement in my patients. I agree that focus and
mindset is a major part in one’s treatment protocol and point selection. In the
treatment of hip dysplasia, you (i.e. Are) place a much higher degree of power on the
use of Liv 3 than I do; therefore Liv 3 works for you but not for me. I treat many
conditions for which I use only one needle, or implant only one point, but my focus is
different from when I am treating hip dysplasia. We are getting back to focus and
intent, the two most important factors in acupuncture. A German colleague
answered to this: ”Some years ago I had to open the Du Mai with Gb 41 first in about
80% of my horse patients. Today it happens about once a week. Who changed? The
horses or I?”

Paradoxical observations in homeopathy:
1. Beneviste’s investigations showed that the results differed when he made the trials
alone versus in the presence of sceptics. He suggested that the presence of the
critical persons „zeroed“ the results of the investigations.
2. Later, Professor Kröplin at the University of Stuttgart showed clearly that mood-
changes of the scientists changed the results in sensitive crystallisation by such a
degree (up to 47%) that the claims of Beneviste no longer seem so far-fetched.
(Kröplin 2001).
3. Many investigations showed that homeopathy works sometimes, and sometimes not
(Coulter 1980, Linde 1997, Vaarst 1996). Also many homeopathic studies show that
results are very good in the clinic but are bad in double-blinded trials.

Paradoxical observations in biodynamic agriculture:
1. Biodynamic agriculture uses homeopathic substances called the „Remedies“. As in
homeopathy, Biodynamic agriculture has given paradoxical results in practical
situations; some people have had good results but others not. Many farmers report
good results but controlled trials have shown little or no effect.
2. In farming I have often heard that methods or remedies that clearly work in the field,
totally lose their effect when submitted to double-blind investigations.


Paradoxical observations in other areas of science:
1. Viktor Schauberger, between the first and the second world wars, conducted many
interesting trials and studies in Austria on the peculiarities of water. His results
amazed many scientists, and even Hitler ordered him to work for his war-machine.
Later, it emerged that it was almost impossible to replicate Schauberger’s results but
few have suggested that he was cheating.
2. Sir Jagadis Chandra Bose, one of the most famous scientists in India, showed with his
self-constructed machines that plants and metals had a soul-life of their own. The
problem was that nobody could replicate his results. My interpretation of his trials is
that his own psyche (intention) was so strong that it influenced his results.
3. Professor Kröplin from Stuttgart has shown that the patterns of crystallisations and
the forms of drops falling into water was up to 48% influenced by the emotions of
the scientists. This would explain the results of many great ”alternative” scientists,
such as Shauberger, Bose and even Steiner.
4. Quantum-physics also indicates that the observer influences the observed results;
the scientists influence the outcome from a given experimental protocol, and the
variation between their results is unexplained. Many quantum-physicists accept this
today; however, Werner Heisenberg’s uncertainly-equation may explain the
differences practically and theoretically. Here is a quote from “The Tao of Physics” by
Fritjof Capra: “In modern physics, the question of consciousness has arisen in
connection with the observation of atomic phenomena can only be understood as
links in a chain of processes, the end of which lies in the consciousness of the human
observer”. In the words of Eugene Wigner: “It was not possible to formulate the laws
of quantum theory in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
Wigner and others have argued that the explicit inclusion of human consciousness
may be an essential aspect of future theories of matter.

These concepts all indicate that the qualities of the therapist may influence the outcome of a
treatment or experiment, as modern quantum physics has suggested. Many serious AP books
from China expressed this opinion, for example:

• Chapter 26 of the Suwen: "... That which differentiates craftsmen is [to observe] what is
not manifested to be observed externally and that all [others] cannot observe. Therefore
observing that which is obscure means seeing that which has no form and tasting that
which has no flavour. This [capacity] seems to be divine".
• Scheid & Bensky: In pre-Han China, yì (intention) was considered a pre-requisite of the
knowledge and understanding required for and derived from the divination practices
based on the I-jing. "Yì is what the sages used to search profundity and study the all
encompassing. As it is profound, it can penetrate throughout the purpose of the
subcelestial realm. As it is all encompassing, it can penetrate throughout the affairs of
the subcelestial realm. As it is divine, it is fast but never hurries; it arrives but never
• Zhenjiu Dacheng: "The importance of AP lies in concentration of the mind"

• Guo Yuzhi: "needling ability rests with whether [acupuncturist] can focus his attention on
the heart and hand during the needling".
• Xu Yinzong: "Medicine is Yì (intention); it is in one's thoughts and deliberations.

1. The conclusion, that the qualities of the therapist, especially Yì (intention), may
influence the outcome of a treatment may explain why homeopaths and doctors
disagree, and never will agree. If the therapist’s intent, formed by years of study and
clinical conviction, really is the most important aspect of clinical medicine, it may
explain very well why scientists and doctors (who rely on dispassionate randomised
controlled trials for evidence of clinical efficiency) disagree with homeopaths and
acupuncturists about the reality of their clinical results. Double-blinded studies
cannot allow for the influence of Yì (intention), and must show little difference
between the treated and control groups than in a clinical situation where focused
positive intent is present.
2. As veterinarians, when we treat animals, we must pay much more attention to our
own Yì, and to the psyche of our patients.
3. We must abandon double-blind trials in all investigations on therapies that involve
the self-healing properties of the body
4. We must realise that the results of “great spirits”, like the people mentioned above
(and also Rudolf Steiner), cannot be duplicated, and may even have been the results
of their intention and belief.

1. Proceedings of 22. annual International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture, 5-8th September 1996,
Spiez, Switzerland).
2. Proceedings of 22. annual International Congress on Veterinary Acupuncture, 5-8th September 1996,
Spiez, Switzerland).
3. Zeitschrift für Ganzheitliche Tiermedizin, 3/98, side 103-105.
4. Bebchuk et al (1998) Double-blind study to evaluate the clinical response to gold bead acupuncture as
a treatment in dogs with naturally occuring hip dysplasia. Communication from Dept. of Small Animal
Clinical Sciences, Michigan State University.
5. Hielm et al (1998) Double-blind study to evaluate the clinical response to gold bead acupuncture as a
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Appendix 4

Geopathic radiation and disease

The following description of the history of earth radiation was written in the years 1982 –
1989. During this time I related to the traditional description and observations of the earth
radiation, although I already in 1985 started to see the radiation with my own eyes, and
also observed several phenomena that did not entirely correspond with tradition.
4th of February 2006 my observation of the all embracing energy in the nature made a great
leap, and this changed my view of earth radiation totally during the following years.
In part two I will describe the altered view in detail, but first, in part one, I will describe the
traditional explanation of earth radiation and its effect on life.

Part 1 – the traditional explanation, observation and view of earth radiation

I have often heard people say that they become ill from sleeping in certain places. They had
slept there for 5-20 years and when I ask them why they have not moved, they were
astonished. They replied "surely that can't make any difference if I sleep elsewhere?".

A farmer called me to treat a cow with mastitis. When he commented that all the cows
confined to that particular stable had became ill at some time in the past, I asked him why
he used that stable if that was the case. He had no answer. On closer study, we found that
there were two aquifers crossing directly under the stable. The energy distortion above the
aquifers* weakened all animals that were kept in the stable above them. I advised the
farmer to use that stable as a tool-shed instead and to move the cows elsewhere. After that,
the health of the cows improved greatly.

These examples show that some people realise that certain precise locations are not good
for them or their animals, but they do not take the necessary steps to avoid the pathological
influence. The examples also show that there is a lack of general knowledge about this type
of influence. People often know that something affects them, but do not know what it is and
therefore find it hard to believe in it. They often draw conclusions about the effect of this
"power" but are uncertain about how to protect against it. It is important to talk freely about
these phenomena, so that people will know how to take protective measures according to
available knowledge.

It is most important to avoid confining people or animals over geopathic areas! Moving away
from the area by as little as 0.5-1.0 metres can benefit health greatly.

Historic background
Radiation from the earth and from aquifers (natural water lines in underground rock
fissures), has a long tradition. The earliest reference that I could trace is in the books of

Moses. The story tells of the Israelites thirsting in the desert. Moses took his stick and hit the
rock, and out gushed water. The German expression "Rotenschläger" (to hit or beat
something with a rod), refers to the European tradition of diviners using twigs or Y-sticks
from hazel or other trees to locate water or metals underground.

There are many references in such events throughout history. It is mentioned in China that
emperor Kuanggu made laws already 2400 BC about how a piece of land for building on
should be examined beforehand concerning geopathic radiation. Several Indian cultures in
America have the same rules. If a tent was to be put up or a camp built, one must sit down
and talk with the spirits and feel the effect of the spirits to be able to find the right place.
This is a tradition especially with the Hopi Indians in America. In India we find the same
tradition, where it is of great importance to find the right place for a bed to be placed.
Several woodcarvings from 14-16th century show diviners (branch-bearers) searching for
water lines.

The earth's electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
Referring to the summary of Dr. Becker's research on page 185, the essential conclusions

• Through millions of years, our biorhythms have developed in the earth's fluctuating
electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and depend on these.
• Illness occurs both when the EMFs (especially man-made EMFs) and are too strong, and
also when the earth's own EMF is distorted.

Biorhythms guide the body and the variations in our Processes are manifestations of these

The life rhythms that we adopt (our usual patterns or set times for sleeping, eating and
working, etc.) influence our bodily functions and energetics, and vice versa.

Environmental EMFs influence us. Electric fields, radio and TV, high frequency radiation such
as alpha-, beta- and gamma- radiation, cosmic radiation and geopathic radiation, influence
us. We meet this influence in our everyday life as sound, light and other electromagnetic
radiation that we normally do not register with our senses.

All these types of EMFs interfere with each other and these complicated patterns influence
the organs of the body, Processes and biorhythms. Therefore, the influence varies from one
individual to the next and from one place to the next. That is why we cannot predict the
human or animal that will develop disorders, the places that will manifest the disorders, or
the specific disorders that will arise. However, despite that, it is very important that we can
diagnose the cause.

As Dr. Becker concludes, it is important to disturb normal EMFs and magnetic fields as little
as possible and to limit in so far as is possible man-made and artificial fields, or excessive
natural fields. As far as is possible, we should therefore avoid:

• strong artificial EMFs from mobile telephones, high voltage transformers, electric
equipment and high voltage cables, etc.
• strong geopathic radiation, especially over crossing aquifers.

We should try to develop our ability to detect these stimuli (or get help from others to do so)
and we should make as many people as possible aware of these noxious effects. In clinical
practice, we should check for their presence in all difficult cases.

Below are summarised some of the symptoms and effects that one may expect as a result of
chronic exposure to excessive EMFs or geopathic radiation, especially from (crossing*)
aquifers (underground water streams).

Effects of geopathic radiation
The effect of geopathic radiation on plants was recorded in the late 1800s; the first
observations were from Germany. They observed that fruit trees, especially apple trees, try
to grow away from geopathic radiation. They become crooked and deformed; the trunk may
split in two and the branches that grow directly over the area of radiation become
deformed. Cherry- and sweet cherry- trees develop stunted, malformed branches and
cankers, such as we often see in birch trees. Cankers or tumours on birch trees are quite
common in areas of strong radiation. Here we can see whole groups of birch trees full of so-
called "crows nests" or cancerous tumours. In garden hedges we can clearly see the effects
of geopathic radiation, in that the bushes have few and small leaves and do not look good.

It is proven that viruses cause these tumours on trees but this does not explain why some
trees are attacked and others are not. It is the same as in humans and animals; viruses and
bacteria surround us but disease can manifest only under certain conditions. It is most
important not to try to explain disease as due to the viruses or bacteria per se, but rather by
stress-induced immunosuppression, i.e. by a reduction of the organism's resistance to these
organisms. Reduction of resistance occurs when we are exposed to excessive EMFs over a
long period of time, i.e. geopathic radiation, electric installations, TV or heating cables in the
floor, etc.

In my practice, I have found it almost impossible to treat such animals or humans
successfully as long as they remain exposed to a precipitating Stressor. In contrast, my
clinical results improve greatly if I can show the owner or subject how to escape from, or
neutralise the Stressor. Chronic stress and geopathic radiation decrease
immunocompetence and weaken the immune system. Animals that are free to roam where
they wish seem to avoid areas of noxious radiation. This is the case with most of the known
domestic animals. However, forcing animals to stay over a long period of time in the area of
adverse electromagnetic influence can cause stress. Animals that are exposed chronically to
geopathic radiation are more vulnerable to infection, ketosis, infertility and poor thrive than
animals that are not exposed.

Animals that seek out radiation
Certain animals, such as owls, bats and cats, seek out areas of strong radiation for their
dwelling places. Traditionally, these animals have been associated with darkness or evil
powers. Also other animals, such as ants, bees and wasps, show affinity to the earth's
radiation. Bees that swarm often settle in trees that are growing over strong areas of
radiation. Ants' paths usually follow a dowsing reaction line and we can often see the areas
of radiation by how the ants’ paths lead out from the nest. Experiments were done to shield
ants' nests from geopathic radiation. The result was that the ants left the nest in the
following year. They preferred not to stay for the winter in a nest that had no radiation

(Rupert Sheldrake). Another possible explanation is that a nest over a strong dowsing zone
usually has underground water directly below it.

Even if other animals avoid staying over geopathic radiation lines, they often follow such
lines for their paths. If we take into consideration that plant growth is smaller along these
lines, it would be natural for animals to move around where it is easiest to pass. In this way
we cannot say that they follow the radiation path but, rather, they choose the path of least

Cow lying on a geopatic zone, not feeling well.

As is the case in animals, excessive or qualitatively negative EMFs (geopathic radiation or
other fields) affect humans adversely. The dowsing literature in many countries has a litany
of hundreds of disorders that geopathic or noxious EMFs can induce. These include
insomnia, neurasthenia, depression, sudden death syndrome in babies, asthma, arthralgia
and arthritis, cancer, degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, etc. I have seen many
examples of this in my practice:

• Children who cry and cry for months, until their beds are moved 0.5 metres away from
where they were.
• Older people with chronic ulcers and infections that heal quickly after their bed is moved
to another place.

There are strong indications that radiation from power lines and transformers cause illness
in people who live under or close to these over a long period of time. Several observations
concerning kindergartens and residential houses that are situated under high voltage lines
seem to show a negative effect on health of the adults and children in those places.

Protection against excessive EMFs
The literature of national Dowsers groups in America, Europe and Australia abounds with
case histories, mainly of human disorders, that were caused by these effects, and that
responded within weeks to their correction or elimination. When more usual methods of
conventional and holistic medicine fail to help a patient, one should always check his/her
sleeping- and work- place for noxious influences from geopaathic zones, or other EMFs.


In recent years, some people have shielded their houses against all types of EMF. This is not
good practice, because it also removes the earth's normal EMF that is necessary and health
giving. Total shielding from normal EMFs can have problematic consequences for our

I emphasise that we should try to avoid or shield against EMFs only in areas where they are
excessive or noxious. There are three main ways to protect against EMFs (radiation):

a) Vary the influence
b) Move away from the influence
c) Shield from the influence

Vary the influence: This is probably the best way to treat the disorder. In practice we see
that the disorders occur when the body is influenced in the same way or by the same type of
frequency or radiation over a long period of time. We can avoid chronic exposure to the
negative influence if we vary regularly the place in which the animals are confined, the work
place, or the location of the bed. Sleeping with the head turned one way in the bed for one
month and the other way for the next month can do this also. If one has a double bed, one
can sleep on one side of the bed one month and on the other side the next month, first with
the head turned one way, then with the head turned the other way.

Move away from the influence: If we want to move from the noxious zone, we first must
confirm its exact location. Then we must find a place where the radiation is absent, or only

Shield from the influence: Because of limited space or money, most people have difficulty
finding new places to sleep or rest, or to vary those places regularly for themselves and the
animals. In such cases, shielding can be very useful. Shielding is based on three methods:

• Diversion of the radiation
• Accumulation and discharge of the radiation
• Modification of the radiation

Diversion of the radiation: To divert geopathic radiation, we can use electric cable, usually a
copper wire or coil. The coil is tightened around the box, the stable, the bed, the chair or the
place to be shielded, and is earthed by soldering it to a metal water pipe, or to a copper
spike buried in the earth. Other materials that seem to shield or divert electromagnetic
radiation include turf (peat), swamp turf and lead plates. Älma company (Sweden) markets
bed pads of swamp turf that seem to stop or modify the effects of EMFs. Also, lead plates
that are thick enough may block EMFs. German experiments suggested that the plates must
be several cm thick. Thin lead plates (a few mm thick) may be effective initially but they lose

their blocking effect after a few months. This may be due to microperforations, which can be
seen by electron-microscopy (personal communication from Älma, Sweden).

Accumulation and discharge of the radiation: A type of accumulator made from plastic
layers seems to be effective; 15-20 layers of plastic are placed under the bed and this seems
to function for a couple of months. I do not know how this could be done for large animals
but it should be easy to do for small animals. After this one must "discharge" the plastic by
putting it on damp ground, or by washing it.

Neutralising the noxious effect: Magnets may be used to neutralise noxious radiation. If we
expose the radiation to a magnetic field, it seems that we can modify the EMF so that it does
not cause illness. I have seen several different arrangements of strong and weak magnets
that seem to have modified geopathic radiation, so that the pathological effect was
dispersed. The use of turf falls into this category, since it seems that turf modifies radiation
rather than shielding or diverting it.

Tracing noxious radiation
Three important methods are used to trace noxious ratiation:

• Divining instruments
• Technical instruments to detect electromagnetic distortions
• Bioassay, using living organisms

Divining instruments
German experiments on several hundred students in the time between the two World Wars
showed how some people reacted immediately when exposed to radiation. In these and
other "noxious zones", some people felt unwell or dizzy and saw dots in front of their eyes
(vibrating sight). Blood pressure, measured before and when sensitive people walked across
areas of strong radiation, fell by up to 20-30 mm mercury.

The dowsing reaction is transmitted via the parasympathetic part of the autonomic nervous
system. This autonomic system, which usually is beyond voluntary control, controls
respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, blood circulation, digestion and peristalsis of the
digestive organs, urinary filtration rate and other organ functions. Measuring the blood
pressure and heart rate can show the changes that occur when a sensitive person is placed
over a noxious area (Rupert Sheldrake). Alternatively, as done since antiquity, one can find
noxious zones by dowsing, or divining. The dowser holds a divining rod (Y-stick), or other
divining instrument (pendulum, rubbing pad, angle irons, etc.) in the hands. When the
body's autonomic system senses a noxious influence, it increases muscle spasm. This causes
the divining instrument to move or behave differently, thus indicating the location of the
noxious influence.

Technical equipment to detect electromagnetic distortions
If a transistor radio is tuned to "white noise" with its antenna extended, the noise may
change when the searcher moves over a zone that has a distorted EMF. Other electronic
measuring equipment, such as a sensitive magnetometer that can register EMFs, give a more
objective, quantitative proof. However, this equipment is expensive and hard to locate.
Research with a large range of electronic devices shows that they have the added
disadvantage that they do not differentiate qualitatively between EMFs that cause disease
and EMFs that are harmless. Skilled dowsers, however, have this ability as an innate

Tracing noxious influences by bioassay using living organisms
We can prove the adverse effects of noxious radiation in a bioassay with living organisms.
Noxious influences stunt or alter adversely the immunity, growth or health of plants,
humans and animals. The noxious influence is confirmed by noting its effects on the growth
of hedges, plants or fruit trees and where the plants thrive, or fail and wither (Peter
Tompkins and Christopher Bird: "The Secret Life of Plants"). This method takes a long time
and is not as convenient to prevent illness as the other methods described above.

Part 2 – my view, explanation and observation of earth radiation after being
able to see it by myself

First a little on my experiences with earth radiation

1. Seeing the “water”-lines, or lay-lines
2. Seeing the etheric matrix of living creatures
3. seeing the astral matrix of living creatures

Seeing the “water”-lines, or lay-lines
In the summer 1985 I suddenly saw a network of thick, black and shiny snake-like bands,
transversing the mountains. I was walking together with a friend of mine (Ragnar
Widerheim-Paul), skilled in using the divine rod as an instrument for finding these water-
lines or ley-lines. We used the whole day to check and re-check the positions of the lay-lines
which I saw, and we correlated the whole time. The first time I saw these lines on the
mountains, later also at the sea-front, and later everywhere. I saw that they often followed
paths of human activity, graves, graveyards, churches and old trails. One special incident
made me question if these lines were there before the human activity, indicating that our
ancestors also could see the lines and followed their paths, or if the lines were created by
human activity and thoughts. A friend of mine was to construct an area where to perform
some agricultural experiments. We found an area free of earth influenze. But then, after he
had constructed small squares where to sow the seeds, definite radiation lines appeared
along the borders of his squares. The radiation was created by his thinking. I have also
registered these phenomena when somebody builds a house. This changes the radiation
pattern completely. My next observation was of even more astonishing character. During a
course on veterinary acupuncture held in Germany, the organizer of the course had hired a

skilled ”water-line” detector or earth radiation finder for an excursion. She was to show
where the radiation lines were, how to detect them and tell stories about their origin and
relations. I was standing a little away, watching it all. Then I, in my thoughts, in my
imagination, moved the radiation lines 20 meters away from where they were, and then,
suddenly, the experienced ley-line finder could not find them any more. She was very
frustrated, but this incident, this experience, gave me much to think about on the reality, the
origin and the effect of such earth radiation.
This showed that water-lines or earth radiation or lay-lines are far more connected to the
human (and animals?) psyche than I had thought. My teacher and benefactor in
acupuncture, Dr. Georg Bentze, once told me the following incident; he was summoned to a
local prison to see if any of the sleeping beds used by the prisoners were under influeze by
earth radiation. Where the prisoners slept he found extremely much radiation. He asked the
guards to move the beds and change location, and the prisoners immediately slept and felt
better. But, the interesting thing was that, after a short time, all the negative radiation was
back. It was created by the presence of individuals with negative or criminal thinking.
Already in the early English literature on earth radiation and Ley-lines, both Alfred Watkins
(the first man that in a scientific and systematic way described and investigated earth
radiation and ley-lines) and Paul Devereux (present authority on earth radiation) that ley-
lines in a way are created from the human mind.

Seeing the etheric matrix of living creatures
The living nature processes the same kind of radiation or energy described previously. In this
way energetic matrix or lines may interconnect all living creatures, trees and animals, insects
and humans, even the earth itself.
Skiing in the forest on the 4th of February 2006, at 1443 in the afternoon, I suddenly, and for
the first time, saw this network, this matrix of living energy. The appearance was similar to
the ley-lines I had observed in 1985, and all the time since. It was like black, shining snakes
that flowed or moved between all living entities, from tree to tree, from animal to animal,
from human to human. Also between species; from trees to humans, from animals to trees.
This matrix emerged the whole nature with its presence. The matrix included all living, yes,
also the farms that I passed, especially those having animals. I saw how these energy power
lines streamed from the forest, embracing the houses where cows were living, where pigs
were living, and also the houses where people were living. Where animals were present the
matrix was stronger than where humans were living, though.
The network was stronger between trees of the same kind, between animals of the same
This observation made me understand that the whole creation was intertangeled in a
wholeness, and if anything in this wholeness is changed or made to disappear, the whole will
suffer. I have long thought that Indian tribes that expressed or understood the wellbeing of
the total world as dependent on their existence or special rituals that they performed were
somewhat egocentric. But after having experienced this total network which binds
everything together in a holistic community, and all together with the human consciousness,
I have begun to understand the feeling of such Indian tribes. We and they are inseparable
entities dwelling in this network. If anybody disappears, the whole network will suffer. The
childish and egocentric mind I thought to have observed in primitive people was really an
expression of the experience of this network.

At several occasions I have observed fishermen or hunters, when killing their prey. Usually
fishers or hunters are not aware of the described matrix, not even feeling it. But, in the
moment of killing, it seems that the whole matrix opens up for them, and they feel
connected to the wholeness of creation. For a few minutes they are one with everything,
and will have an intense communication with cosmos. This might be one explanation that
hunters and fishers so often justify their actions with nature experiences. While people that
have this feeling or connection all the time do not have to kill to experience the wholeness
of creation.
This will explain why offering was an important part of the old connection to God. In the
blood of the lamb, the closeness of God was felt. But it is better to have this feeling all the
time, and not kill.

Seeing the astral matrix of living creatures, of the whole nature
On the 12th of Mars 2007, at 0625 in the morning, suddenly, after having contemplated the
art of a woman who feels the forces in nature, the whole astral matrix of the nature revealed
itself to me. It was like a firework of energy, white and sparkling. A deep contrast to the dark
and quiet and strong manifestation of the ethereal energy.
Earth radiation as a navigation system for animals, our internal GPS with saving possibilities
If all actions, deeds and movements of animals, birds and fish leve a trace, a trace stronger
and stronger and more and more obvious the more entities that have donet he action or
wanderes the trail, this will give a good explanation of how animals, birda, fish and insects
can navigate. This system will in addition contain all information of what has happened along
the trail, what kind of dangers, what kind of honey is to be found or which enemies are to be
expected. Animals who can tap into this kind of information will then chose to dwell in the
sones of radiation, and are described as radiation seeking animals like cats, bees and crows.
There are certain people who can describe what has happened in certain places only by
being there, who get pictures or imaginations from times past gone. In some traditions this
may be described as a kind of ”cronicle”, a sort of history book, where all that has happened
is written, ”the Akasha-cronicle”. May be it is so?

A simple method to detect or diagnose if the patient have been or is under
the influenze of earth radiation
I have develloped, or rather found a simple method that may detect a potentional influenze
of earth radiation. Patients that do not react to treatment, might be under such influenze.
With this metod we also find out, in case there really is such influenze, in what angle the line
hits the body. Then we also know in what direcdtion to move the horse or the bed to avoid
this radiation, and we will also know what organ system is most vulnerable for this kind of
To obtain all this information, we need a plastic squere, 5x5 cm. On this transparent sheet
we draw, in black waterproof and permanent ink, the figure illustrated below (the thin black
arrow is not to be drawn, it will be explained later).


This sheet it then hold in front of the ear, while we carefully control the pulse of Nogier
(RAC – VAS) (see page 00). We then slowly turn the plastic sheet around, all 3600 at certain
agles there will be a distinct RAC/VAS. This reaction indicates that the patient is under
influenze of earth radiation. At which angle this radiation hits the body can be calculated in
the following way; we have to keep in mind the following;
• The ear resembles the body itself, with the lobe as the head and the top of the ear
as the but and legs.
• This ear also carries the memory of the radiation, so that the pathological effect of
the radiation is also imprinted in the ear.
• The RAC occurs when the streight line in the drawing creates an angle of 900 with
the imprinted radiation.
• If the RAC occurs as indicated in the diagram below, it will mean that the radiation
crosses or hits the body 900 to the longitudinal axis (to the median plane).
• If the patient then sleeps with the head to the north and the feet to the south, then
the radiation line will go east-west or west-east.
• Then we know that the organ systems in danger are either the Lungs or the Liver.
• Then the patient will have to move the bed further towards the head or the feet. If
he moved the bed to the side, he will not avoid the radiation.

How to use this knowledge to treat patients?

We have to keep in mind, if we are to use this knowledge, that the direction of the radiation
decide which organ system it will hurt.

From north radiation will stimulate or KI
hurt (a little stimulate, too much will BL
From south HT, PC,
From west LU
From east LV

So, then we will know what organ system to stimulate if the patient has been or slept too
long under the influenze of pathological earth radiation. We may then treat the organ in
question with herbs or acupuncture.
The patient should also be removed from the radiation.

The knowledge about the directions was known in ancient times by the farmers.

As I told you, alittle radiation will stimulate, and there are always a little radiation
everywhere, earth radiation or cosmic radiation. Standing or sleeping with the head towards
special directions, unless a strong earth radiation also happens to come from that direction,
will be beneficial to the organ system in question.

So, if the cow is standing with the head (the head is the receiver of cosmic radiation, even
the horns are like antenna) towards north, the cow will receive energy that stimulate the
kidneys. And if the horse is standing with its head towards east, the energy will stimulate the
Farmers in Switserland knew this, and the old tradition there was exactly to let the cows
stand with the heads towards north, and horses towards east.


This knowledge may also be used therapeutically. If a patient has problems with an organ
system, it, she or he will then have benefit from standing or lying with the head in the
direction for stimulating the organ system in question.


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