PA LOG Template
PA LOG Template
PA LOG Template
To promote healthy and active lifestyle among PE students, the global recommendations on physical activity and health released by World Health Organization is
All PE students are required / encouraged to perform their desired physical activities on non PE days.
Physical activities (Pas) are categorized into:
o Individual or Group exercise – structured exercise programs aimed at fitness development in or off campus. The workout may be pursued solo, supervised by a
personal trainer or instructor led. It include circuit training, resistance training, aerobic dance sessions, yoga, pilates, running (treadmill, track oval, road),
walking, etc. The exercise must complete a 150 minute total number of time within a week with at least 5 different types of exercises or workout.
o Recreational activities – include playing sports for fun or sports pursuits for enjoyment, amusement or pleasure such as basketball pick-up games, wall climbing,
water sports and mountaineering activities.
o Fitness event – usually a running or cycling race that includes (a) fun run and (b) 5- 10 kilometer race.
o Competitive events – are contests resulting in either a win or loss outcome. Participation requires intensive and long-term preparation (e.g. training) to endure
the demands of the sport.
Based on the designed Personal Fitness Plan, students will document the details of their physical activity with accommodating one member of immediate family,
relative, guardian or friend by following the prescribed format. This will help them enhance and advocate for one’s personal and others’ fitness, safety and wellness
through physical activity participation.
The performance of physical activities should accumulate at least 150 minutes within a week as recommended by WHO.
With willingness and realization of this need to become active, their participation will become part of their active and healthy living.
Students shall submit one PA log (with 150 accumulated minutes within a week) and a reflection paper, which will serve as final examination.
The highest possible score for physical activity participation is 50 points.
The following are the points assigned per PA category:
The following are the criteria for grading the submitted PA logs:
Criteria 10 8 6 0
Content Provided complete Provided 4-5 information Provided 2-3 information Non submission
information regarding the regarding the PA regarding the PA participation
PA participation participation Requirement was
not followed
Format Followed the format Followed 2 out of 3 Followed 1 out of 3 requirements Non submission
correctly by using the requirements on the format on the format
proper template, with Requirement was
orderliness and neatness not followed
Evidence Attached 7 images / photos Attached 5 – 6 images / Attached 3 – 4 images / photos of Non submission
of good quality (clear photos of good quality (clear good quality (clear enough to
enough to identify the enough to identify the identify the participants) Requirement was
participants) participants) not followed
Submission Submitted on or before the Submitted a day after the Submitted 2 to 4 days after the Non submission
scheduled deadline scheduled deadline scheduled deadline
Submitted PA logs with no name and PE number will be given a grade of zero
In writing reflection, provide answers for the following questions:
1. Describe your most valued learning gained from doing the activity.
2. How would you encourage others to perform physical activities and influence them to become active and live a healthy life?
Each question should be answered in a single paragraph.
Submitted written reflection is given a grade of 10 points.