Drama Ast 3
Drama Ast 3
Drama Ast 3
At the end of the lesson, the students can:
A. Describe the elements of drama
B. Unlock the difficult words found in the text handout
C. Enumerate the five important elements in drama
D. Explain each element based on student insights
E. Create an original scripted role play or short drama
A. Preparation
1. Opening Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
(Teacher refers to the students’
seating arrangement chart)
4. Short Conversation
(Teacher engages students in a
short conversation about
themselves, studies and life, also
gives a hint about today’s topic.)
B. Motivation
(Teacher takes out the “drama box” for the (The students do the activity as being told)
volunteer students to choose and reenact
the different situations)
I will only need three students to do this. (The chosen students reenacts the situation
Now, any volunteers? on the strip for their classmates to see)
Very good!
D. Unlocking of Difficulties
Before we continue class, let us first unlock
a few difficult words.
E. Discussion
When you watch a particular movie or I would feel the enjoyment of watching a
play, what can you feel about it? satisfying form of entertainment.
Now that we have mentioned it, what are Drama is all about the expression of ideas
you insights and ideas of what is drama all through various types of medium like a
about? movie, a teleserye or even a live play.
(Teacher divides the students into five (The students follow the teacher order)
groups through a count-off)
Give out your insights and ideas about (The students present their ideas to the
each element of drama. There are five, class to hear about)
namely; situation, character, dialogue, plot
and style. Discuss these elements with
your group for 5 minutes and after that,
present to the whole class.
F. Application
Now that you have an idea about what is (The students listen and follow the
drama and what elements that could make teacher’s instructions for the activity)
up a good drama, we will have an activity.
How is drama important to us, class? (The students express their ideas and
answers may vary)
Very good!
H. Evaluation
Explain the following questions below.
3. How are the five elements of drama (The students answer the following
useful in writing an essay? (5pts) questions on a sheet of a paper)
4. Assignment
Recall five “dramatic” events in your life and explain why you consider them
dramatic. Write your experiences in a one whole sheet of a paper.
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