Acc Unit-22-Answers
Acc Unit-22-Answers
Acc Unit-22-Answers
Question 3
$ $
a Purchases 90
Trade payable 90
To correct amount recorded for a
purchases invoice
b Trade receivable: S McKoy 89
Trade receivable: S McNee 89
To correct sales returns posted to the
wrong account
c Travel expenses 20
Sales 20
To correct errors in posting cash sales
and posting travel expenses
d Rent 680
Bank 680
To correct omission of entries for the
payment of rent
e Office equipment 2 300
Purchases 2300
To correct the incorrect posting of the
purchase of office equipment
f Trade payable: L Mohammed 640
Bank 640
To correct the reversal of entries made
for the payment of a credit supplier
Question 4
$ $
a Cash 90
Sales 90
To correct the amount recorded for cash
b Stationery 18
Petty cash 18
To correct the omission of the payment
of stationery
c Discounts allowed 56
Trade receivables 56
To correct the incorrect entries made for
discounts allowed
d Interest 110
Insurance 110
To correct the misposting of the payment
of interest
e Vehicle running costs 80
Motor vehicles 80
To correct the misposting of the payment
of vehicle running costs
f Rent received 10
Sales returns 10
To correct the mis-totalling of sales
returns and the incorrect posting of rent
Question 5
$ $
1 Suspense 400
Sales 400
Correction of misposted sales
2 Purchases 700
Suspense 700
Correction of failure to post total of
purchases journal
3 Suspense 1 700
Rent received 1 700
Correction of failure to post rent received
Dr Suspense account Cr
Sales 400 Difference in TB 1 400
Rent received 1 700 Purchases 700
2 100 2 100
Question 6
$ $
1 Suspense 720
Discounts received 720
Correction of failure to post total
discounts received
2 Sales returns 90
Suspense 90
Correction of undercast sales returns
3 Suspense 230
Wages 230
Correction of misposted wages
Dr Suspense account Cr
Discounts received 720 Difference in TB 860
Wages 230 Sales returns 90
950 950
Question 7
$ $
1 Trade receivable 270
Suspense 270
Correction of misposted receipt
2 Postage 70
Suspense 70
Correction of failure to post petty cash
3 Suspense 380
Purchases returns 380
Correction of undercast purchases
Dr Suspense account Cr
Purchases returns 380 Difference in TB 40
Trade receivable 270
Postage 70
380 380
Question 8
$ $
1 Sales 410
Suspense 410
Correction of overcast sales journal
2 Rent 730
Suspense 730
Correction of failure to post rent payment
3 Discounts allowed 10
Suspense 10
Correction of misposted discounts
Dr Suspense account Cr
Difference in TB 1 150 Sales 410
Rent 730
Discounts allowed 10
1 150 1 150
Question 9
$ $
1 Joseph Wright 370
Joshua Wright 370
Correction of error of misposting of sales
2 Suspense 830
T Patel 830
Correction of failure to post receipt from
trade receivable
3 General expenses 40
Suspense 40
Correction of failure to post petty cash
4 Bank 90
JK Samson 90
Correction of incorrect amount recorded
for the payment of a supplier
5 Suspense 680
Purchases returns 680
Correction of failure to post purchases
returns total
6 Insurance 700
Bank 700
To correct the reversal of entries made
For the payment of insurance
Dr Suspense account Cr
T Mungroo 830 Difference in TB 1 470
Purchases returns 680 General expenses 40
1 510 1 510
Question 10
Dr Suspense account Cr
Difference in TB 1 200 Discounts received 300
Sakes returns 270 Steven Taylor 830
Water charges 340
1 470 1 470
Question 11
Sharon Lee
Correction of Draft Profit for the year ended 30 November 2012
Increases Decreases $
in draft in draft
profit profit
Draft profit 89 500
1 Correction of omission of depreciation (3 000)
2 Correction of understated purchases (400)
3 Correction of mis-balanced loan account no effect no effect
4 Correction of omission of wages accrual (450)
5 Correction of wrongly recorded carriage no effect no effect
6 Correction of incorrectly treated rent (9 400)
7 Correction of omission of returns inwards (3 280)
Totals (16 530)
Corrected profit 72 970
Question 12
Zero Stores
Correction of Draft Profit for the year ended 30 September 2012
Increases Decreases $
in draft in draft
profit profit
Draft profit 132 850
1 Correction of omission of general expenses (2 140)
2 Correction of understated depreciation (3 700)
3 Correction of overstated sales (710)
4 Correction of misbalanced trade receivable no effect no effect
5 Correction of wrongly treated discounts no effect no effect
6 Correction of rent accrual omitted (630)
7 Correction of overstated returns outwards (300)
Totals (7 480)
Corrected profit 125 370
Question 13
Note: profit has been recalculated as follows: draft profit $53 000 add back
depreciation error $10 000, add back prepaid expenses $4000, deduct reduction in
the value of inventory $2000 = $65 000.
Question 14
Note: the draft profit has been recalculated as follows: drft profit $24 000 less
depreciation omitted $29 000, less accrual omitted $000, less bad debt $2000 = a
loss of $8000.
Question 23
$ $
Drawings 120
Cash 120
Correction of omission of cash drawings
Insurance 830
Suspense 830
Correction of omission of entry for
payment of insurance
Purchases 600
Suspense 600
Correction of crediting of purchases to
the purchases account
Dr Suspense account Cr
Difference in TB 1 430 Insurance 830
Purchases 600
1 430 1 430
Correction of Draft Profit for the year ended 31 October 2012
Increases Decreases $
in draft in draft
profit profit
Draft profit 16 380
1 Correction of omission of insurance (830)
2 Correction of understated purchases (600)
Totals (1 430)
Corrected profit 14 950