Post Weld Heat Treament of Hypereutectoid Hadfield Steel PDF
Post Weld Heat Treament of Hypereutectoid Hadfield Steel PDF
Post Weld Heat Treament of Hypereutectoid Hadfield Steel PDF
Keywords: In this study, the effect of temperature and time of austempering process on microstructural evolutions, phase
Hypereutectoid hadfield steel equilibrium, mechanical properties and fracture mode of weld metal in Hadfield steel joints were evaluated. For
Austempering process this purpose, the austempering process was carried out at 500, 600 and 700 °C for 15 and 30 min on Hadfield
Microstructural evolutions steel weld joints, which were prepared using shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) method. Optical Microscope
Mechanical properties
(OM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) as well as energy
Fracture mode
Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction spectroscopy (XRD) were used to evaluate microstructural
Welding joints
and phase evolutions of the weld metals. Mechanical properties of the weld joints were examined using tensile,
Charpy and Vickers microhardness tests. After tensile and Charpy tests, fracture mode of the fractured surfaces
was also determined by SEM. Results of the study showed that increasing the time and temperature of the
austempering process leads to the increased yield strength, tensile strength, microhardness, proeutectoid (Fe,
Mn)3C carbide content and reduction of austenite grain size, plastic deformation capability, fracture energy as
well as reduction of the ductile fracture tendency in the weld metal of Hadfield welding joints. According to the
results of this study, the most optimal austempering heat treatment cycle which yields the suitable combination
of microstructure, phase equilibrium, mechanical properties and fracture mode in the weld metal of Hadfield
welding joint relates to the 600 °C and 30 min cycle.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (M. Sabzi).
Received 26 April 2018; Received in revised form 17 May 2018; Accepted 8 June 2018
Available online 19 June 2018
1526-6125/ © 2018 The Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
For the ease of analyzing the results, all samples in this study were Microstructural analysis of the weld metal
coded with the various codes which are reported in Table 4.
In order to evaluate the microstructure of the welded joints, the Fig. 2 shows OM, SEM and TEM images of the weld metal of hy-
joints were prepared by different sand papers (60–1500 No.) using wet pereutectoid Hadfield weld joints at different welding and heat treat-
method. For the microscopic studies of the weld metal, two-stage ment conditions in this study. In OM images and TEM images, the
etching and immersion in 2% Nital solution was used. The metallo- austenitic matrix (primary phase) is bright in colour and the pre-
graphic test has been carried out according to ASTM E112. cipitates (secondary phase) are dark. As shown in Fig. 2, the micro-
For this purpose, the specimen was first immersed in 2% Nital so- structure of the weld metal (whether in the welded state or in the
lution for 15 s and then immediately washed with alcohol and dried austempered state) has an austenitic matrix. This austenitic matrix re-
with hot air. Subsequently, by immersion of the sample in a 10% so- lates to the presence of high content of carbon and manganese in the
lution of HCl in alcohol, a yellow-brown thin film formed in the pre- chemical composition of hypereutectoid Hadfield steel. Lee and Choi
vious step on the sample surface was removed. This process was re- [38] reported that with the increase of the manganese content in Fe-Mn
peated for three times. At the last stage, the sample was washed with alloys, the martensite start temperature greatly reduces. It is therefore
alcohol and then dried with hot air blow. Finally, the microstructures of assumed that in alloys containing a lot of manganese, such as hyper-
the prepared weld metals were examined by the Olypmus optical mi- eutectoid Hadfield steel, a completely austenitic matrix in their mi-
croscope, Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of the VEGA / TESCAN- crostructure can be observed. In fact, one of the main factors in the
XMU model with a working voltage of 30 kV, and a Transmission observation of a stable austenite phase in hypereutectoid Hadfield
Electron Microscope (TEM) of Philips, CM120 model with a voltage of steels is the presence of manganese in the chemical composition of this
80 kV. high carbon steel.
In order to measure the amount of precipitates formed in the mi- Fig. 2a shows that the weld metal of the Hadfield steel welding joint
crostructure of the weld metal of hypereutectoid Hadfield steel welding kept at as welded condition (sample X) has the austenitic micro-
joints, Image J software was used and the size of the grains of this structure with a certain amount of precipitates (granular and in-
region was also examined by Image analyzer software. In addition, grained). According to the chemical composition of the hypereutectoid
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray Diffraction spectro- Hadfield steels, the steels belong to high-carbon steels and during mild
scopy (XRD) methods were used to analyze the phases and precipitates cooling from single-phased austenite region (temperatures above
formed in the weld metal of the joints. 900 °C), precipitation of manganese carbides at austenite grain
In this research, X-ray diffraction machine of Germany's Seisert boundaries are expected. The presence of high amounts of manganese
model with a Cu tube (Kα beam with a wavelength of 1.54°A, 40 kV in the chemical composition of this steel helps to stabilize the austenite
voltage and 30 mA current) equipped with a filter (nickel) and a phase and greatly reduces the temperature of perlite transformation
According to all the images in Fig. 2, austenite is stable in the
Table 4
Coding of the samples examined in this research.
structure of these steels to low temperatures, and these manganese
steels always have a large amount of austenite in their structures
Heat treatment condition of the weld metal Code [10,15,19]. The microstructure observed also resembles with the results
Without heat treatment and kept at as welded state X of Hosseini et al. [23,24]. The researchers previously reported that in
Austempered at 500 °C for 15 min A1 high manganese Hadfield steels it can be seen austenitic matrix along
Austempered at 500 °C for 30 min A2 with some manganese carbides. By comparing the microstructure of the
Austempered at 600 °C for 15 min B1 weld metal of austempered hypereutectoid Hadfield steel and without
Austempered at 600 °C for 30 min B2
heat treatment, it is observed that in austempered weld metals, as in the
Austempered at 700 °C for 15 min C1
Austempered at 700 °C for 30 min C2 case without heat treatment, the dominant phase is the austenite ma-
trix, with the difference that the morphology of the carbides transforms
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 2. Microstructural images of the weld metal joints: a–c) X Sample, d–f) A1 Sample, g–i) A2 Sample, j–l) B1 Sample, m–o) B2 Sample, p–r) C1 Sample, s–u) C2
from continuous to discrete and dispersed mode within the austenite 3 Carbide precipitates are hard particles that prevent the movement of
grains. According to the microstructure images of austempered weld the grain boundaries and prevent the growth of austenite grains in
metal, it is observed that samples A1 and A2 have lower carbide con- the microstructure of the weld metal of the hypereutectoid Hadfield
tents than the B1, B2, C1, and C2 samples due to the lower temperature steel joints.
and time range of the austempering process. Actually, Fig. 2 describes
well the phenomenon that, due to the increase of temperature and time These factors (1, 2, 3) provide conditions that allow us to observe
in the process of austempering, the amount of precipitates and the size that as the temperature and time rise in the process of the austempering
of austenite grains in the weld metal of hypereutectoid Hadfield steel process, both the amount of carbide precipitates increases and the size
joints increased and decreased, respectively. This phenomenon has of the austenite grains decreases.
occurred for three reasons: The size of the austenite grains and the amount of the precipitates of
the weld metal joints respectively were calculated by the Image ana-
1 The heat transfer rate in hypereutectoid Hadfield steel has been very lyzer and Image J softwares, as shown in Fig. 3. It is also seen from
low after the austempering process. Fig. 3 that the increase in temperature and time in the austempering
2 Hypereutectoid Hadfield steel contains a lot of carbon (1.3 wt.%) process has led to an increase in the amount of precipitates and a de-
and carbidizing elements (Mn and Fe). crease in the size of the austenite grains of the hypereutectoid Hadfield
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 2. (continued)
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 4. EDS analysis of the carbides formed in weld metal of the Welded joint: a) X Sample, b) A1 Sample, c) A2 Sample, d) B1 Sample, e) B2 Sample, f) C1 Sample, g)
C2 Sample.
For this reason, it is clearly seen in Fig. 2 that, with increasing joints conditions.
temperature and time of austempering heat treatment, in sample C2, It is also seen that with increasing the temperature and time of the
the highest volume fraction of proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides is ob- austempering process, the proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbide content has
served. In fact, in this welding joint, the precipitation of proeutectoid also increased in the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints, which is
(Fe, Mn)3C carbides begins at a higher temperature and for a longer consistent with the microstructural observations (Fig. 2) and measure-
time than the other welding joints. ments performed by the Image J software (Fig. 3). It can be seen from
X-ray diffraction analysis has been used to study the phases formed Fig. 5 that in the weld metals of all joints, the austenite phase peaks at
in the weld metal of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel at different 43.2°, 50.2°, 73.8°, 89.5° and 94.8° correspond to the (111), (200),
conditions of welding and heat treatment and the patterns of this (220), (311) and (222) planes respectively which is consistent with
analysis are shown in Fig. 5. The results of the XRD analysis in Fig. 5 standard card number of 00-023-0298. (face-centered cubic, Fm-3 m E
show that in all weld metals of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld with lattice size of 3.6000°A, ICDD card #00- 023-0298).
joints, either in the welded state or in the austempered joints, the main It is also seen from Fig. 5 that the increase in temperature and time
phase is austenite (γ), which is well consistent with the microstructure of the austempering process has caused the intensity of the peaks at all
images observed in Fig. 2. In addition to the austenite phase, the angles and crystallographic planes to change. As we see in Fig. 5,
proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbide phase has also been identified. It is among of the all examined weld metals, the weld joint that has been
seen from Fig. 5 that the weld metal of all austempered weld joints austempered in the 600 °C–30 min cycle (B2 specimen), has the highest
contain less (Fe, Mn)3C carbide content than that of the kept in welded peak intensity on the plane (111).
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 4. (continued)
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 5. XRD patterns of the hypereutectoid Hadfield weld joints under different welding and heat treatment conditions.
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Given that the preferred {111} planes cause twin strain in hyper-
eutectoid Hadfield steel [12,18,23], it can be concluded that the twin
strain in the B2 sample becomes more active and the plastic deforma-
tion due to a great twin strain in this sample can be observed. Peak
intensity variations are not the case with the rest of the planes, and the
increase in temperature and time of the austempering process of hy-
pereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints has no regular effect on the
decrease or increase of peaks intensity.
The lattice analysis of the weld metals of hypereutectoid Hadfield
steel has been evaluated as a function of the conditions of the aus-
tempering process using lattice geometric equations (Eqs. ([2) (3) and
(4]]) [39] :
In Eq. (2), dhkl is the distance between the crystallographic planes Fig. 6. Comparison of texture coefficient results for weld joints of hyper-
eutectoid Hadfield steel at different welding and austempering conditions.
obtained from Bragg’s relation. To obtain the lattice parameter and
volume of the crystal, Laue equation was used for the face centered
cubic system and plane (111) [40]. the austempering process of hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints
2 2 2 1/2
has caused a change in peak intensity, which can lead to preferential
dhkl = a / (h +k +l ) (3)
crystal orientation and change of crystalline texture. In order to mea-
v=a 3
(4) sure the quantitative preferred crystal orientation, we can use texture
coefficient relation (TC) proposed by Harris [41]:
In Eq. (3), a is the lattice parameter, dhkl is the distance between the
crystalline planes and h, k, l are Miller indices, which is considered here (Ihkl /I*hkl)
TChkl = n
(111). In Eq. (4), a is lattice parameter and v is the volume of the [(1/N) ∑0 /(Ihkl /I*hkl)] (5)
crystal. The lattice parameter and crystal volume have been evaluated
using Eqs. (2),(3) and (4). Then the results of the crystallographic In Eq. (5), Ihkl is the intensity of the crystalline planes of austenite
features are reported in Table 5. Table 5 shows that the lattice para- phase in XRD patterns, h, k and l are Miller’s indices of crystal plane,
meter and crystal volume in hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints I*hkl is the intensity of the crystal planes of the standard data card, and
have significantly changed due to applying austempering process. The N is the total number of diffracted planes. If TChkl for all planes is ap-
values of the lattice parameter and crystal volume have increased by proximately equal to one, this indicates that the direction of growth in
applying austempering process. As shown in the microstructural images the crystalline material is randomized. While, if this value is greater
(Fig. 2), in the welding state, a large amount of proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C than one, then it shows that the frequency of grains is in that particular
carbide had been formed. When proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbide is direction. If the values of TC are between zero and one, it indicates that
formed, it means that carbon is extracted from interstitial spaces of the the growth of the grains is weak in that particular direction. Fig. 6
austenite crystalline lattice and reacts with manganese and iron ele- shows the texture coefficient for hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld
ments and forms proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbide. joints at different welding and austempering conditions.
When carbon is removed from interstitial spaces of the austenite The calculation of the texture coefficient is done for all the detect-
crystal lattice, it causes the lattice parameter to reduce, and as a result, able planes of the austenite phase and in Fig. 6, the texture coefficient
due to the direct relation between the lattice parameter and the volume for different planes is presented in a comparative manner. As shown in
of the austenite crystal (according to Eq. (3)), the crystal volume also Fig. 6, application of the austempering heat treatment process to hy-
decreases. However, by performing the austempering process (samples pereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints has led to a change in the texture
A1 and A2), in comparison to the held weld metal of hypereutectoid coefficient in all planes, which results in a change in the preferential
Hadfield steel at welded state (sample X), the crystal volume and lattice orientation of the growth. According to the calculations, it was found
parameter size were also increases due to the reduction of the volume that the highest value of texture coefficient in the weld joints of hy-
fraction of the proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C carbides. Then, by increasing the pereutectoid Hadfield steel, which was austempered in the 600 °C
temperature and time of the austempering process (samples C1 and C2), -30 min cycle (B2 specimen), belonged to the plane (111) at about
the volume of the crystal and lattice parameter size decreases again due 2.76374. By applying the austempering heat treatment process, the
to the increase of the volume fraction of the proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C texture coefficient has changed on the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel
carbides. weld joints but, nevertheless, in all weld joints, the highest texture
However, as shown in Fig. 5, increasing the temperature and time of coefficient value belongs to the plane (111). The results obtained in
Fig. 6 illustrate this phenomenon that the preferred growth direction of
weld metal grain boundaries of the Hadfield steel corresponds to [111]
Table 5
Crystallographic specifications for hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld metals at direction.
different welding and heat treatment conditions.
Sample d-Spacing a [Lattice constants v[Unit cell volume Mechanical properties of the weld metal
(°A) (°A)] (°A3)]
Fig. 7 shows engineering stress-strain curve and Table 6 represents
Austenite phase ICDD 2.0800 3.6000 46.6600
the results of mechanical tests (tensile, impact and Vickers micro-
X 2.0793 3.6014 46.7105 hardness tests) are presented. According to Fig. 7 and Table 6, it can be
A1 2.0970 3.6321 47.9152 seen that the weld metal of hypereutectoid Hadfield steel held at
A2 2.0954 3.6294 74.8084 welded condition (sample X) has very high yield and tensile strength,
B1 2.0924 3.6241 47.5993 high hardness and less fracture energy, toughness and plastic form-
B2 2.0892 3.6186 47.3829
ability than austempered joints. This phenomenon also has occurred
C1 2.0850 3.6112 47.0928
C2 2.0835 3.6088 46.9990 due to the increase in the size of the austenite grains and the reduction
of the volume fraction of the proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 7. Engineering stress-strain curve for hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints in various welding and heat treatment conditions.
this study, it can be seen that the temperature and time of the aus- In Eq. (6), σ0 is the yield stress, σi is the friction stress opposite to the
tempering process have a very significant effect on the mechanical motion of dislocations, K is a constant that indicates the accumulation
properties of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints. As shown in of dislocations behind the obstacles, and D is the mean diameter of the
Fig. 7 and Table 6, the weld metals of the hypereutectoid Hadfield grain. In accordance with Eq. (6), the yield stress also increases with
steels austempered at 700 °C (C1 and C2 samples) compared to the weld decreasing grain size. The observed mechanical behavior of the hy-
metal of the hypereutectoid steel austempered at 500 °C (specimens A1 pereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joint is directly related to the activa-
and A2), have higher yield and tensile strength and microhardness tion energy of the twining strain mechanism in the weld metal of these
while include lower fracture strain, impact energy and plastic form- joints, since the activation of the twin mechanism due to the plastic
ability. This behaviour is also true for the sample austempered at 700 °C strain of austenite phase strongly depends on the volume fraction of the
for 30 min in compared to the sample austempered at 700 °C for 15 min. proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides [48–51]. As a result, the concentra-
According to the microstructural images of optical and scanning tion of soluble carbon at the austenite phase due to lower volume
microscope in Fig. 2 it is observed that, increasing the temperature and fraction of proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C carbides is higher in the weld metal
time of the austempering process leads to an increase in the volume of hypereutectoid Hadfield steels austempered at 500 °C (samples A1
fraction of proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C carbide particles and reduction of and A2) in compared to the samples austempered at 700 °C (C1 and C2
the austenite grain size in the weld metal of hypereutectoid Hadfield samples), and thus have a higher toughness, a relative elongation per-
steel. The reduction of the austenite grains sizes of the weld metal by centage and a greater plastic formability. In fact, increasing the tem-
increasing the number of austenite grain boundaries acting as obstacles perature and time of the austempering process, by reducing the con-
to the motion of dislocations leads to increased yield strength, tensile centration of soluble carbon at the austenite phase reduced the twin
strength and microhardness [42] and increasing the volume fraction of activity in the plastic deformation and reduced the plasticity capability
proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C carbides by reducing the contribution of the of these joints.
twin strain to the plastic deformation of austenite leads to the reduction
of the plastic formability, the impact energy and fracture strain of the
weld metal [43]. Actually, increasing the temperature and time of the Fractography of the fracture surfaces after tensile and impact tests
austempering process by providing the conditions for the formation of
greater amounts of proeutectoid (Fe,Mn)3C carbides, causes the con- SEM images of the fractured surfaces of the hypereutectoid Hadfield
centration of soluble carbon in the austenite matrix to reduce as well as steel weld joints are shown in Figs. 8 and 9, respectively, after uniaxial
reduction the twin activation in the plastic deformation and finally tensile and Charpy impact tests. It is seen from Figs. 8 and 9 that the
fracture surface of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joint held in
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 8. Fractography after the tensile test for the weld metal of the joints: a) Sample X, b) Sample A1, c) Sample A2, d) Sample B1, e) Sample B2, f) Sample C1, g)
Sample C2.
welded condition (Sample X), has a combination of ductile and brittle slowly and after a large plastic deformation above the tensile strength
fracture. At the fracture surface of sample X, the ductile part with stress. The ductile fracture characteristics under tensile stress include
dimple characteristic and the brittle part with the characteristic of the development of very fine cavities within the necking region and
rocky surfaces are clearly visible. The fractography of ductile fracture connecting them to one another until they create a fine crack and the
surfaces shows that they have their own distinct aspects in the micro- slow growth of the crack to the final fracture [52–54].
scopic state. Most of the metals and alloys, especially those with FCC In fact, the ductile fracture mechanism in the tensile test of soft
lattice, such as austenitic Hadfield manganese steel, usually have a materials consists of three stages [54,55]:
ductile fracture at ambient temperature. The ductile fracture appears
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Fig. 9. Fractographies obtained after Charpy impact test for the Weld metals of the joints: a) Sample X, b) Sample A1, c) Sample A2, d) Sample B1, e) Sample B2, f)
Sample C1, g) Sample C2.
(1) Nucleation of the cavity packed (hcp) crystals and their alloys at low temperatures (usually
(2) Growth (stable or unstable) of the cavities below ambient temperature) and suddenly appear at high deformation
(3) Interconnection of the cavities rates [56,57].
Fracture surfaces that are broken in a brittle state have their own
After this stage, the final fracture occurs and it leads to the forma- distinct patterns. A brittle fracture occurs along a certain crystalline
tion of the dimple at the fracture surface. This type of fracture is con- planes called the cleavage plane. In brittle fracture, there is generally no
sidered the most important fracture mechanism in the fracture of aus- significant plastic deformation in the fracture region [57,58]. Brittle
tenitic steels [53,55,45]. In fracture mechanics engineering, this kind of fracture (grain boundary) can be due to the weaknesses of the grain
fracture is known as the cup & cone fracture. boundaries due to the existence of stable carbides as the continuous
However, brittle fracture is commonly found in the metals with network in these locations (similar to the phenomenon that occurred in
body centered cubic crystalline structure (bcc) and hexagonal closed sample X). In fact, the reason for the occurrence of this type of fracture
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
can be the presence of impurities or the separation and deposition of the first dimples. As shown in Figs. 8 and 9, the interface between two
carbides or brittle phases along the grain boundaries [59–61]. large cavities (dimple) appears with the formation of very fine sec-
The fracture of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joint which ondary dimples of less than one micrometer. That is, the growth and
was held under welded conditions (sample X) occurs, as a result of the interconnection of large primary cavities did not occur by shearing the
competition between the two modes of ductile and brittle fracture. This space between them. Consequently, the centralized necking due to the
phenomenon means that in sample X, a failure occurs in a mode that concentration of high stress around the primary dimples is not ob-
requires less activation energy. In terms of mechanical fracture, it can served. This process is produced in the form of many microneckings
be stated that depending on the type of microstructure and the balance throughout the gauge and in the space between the primary dimples.
of the phases formed in the microstructure, each driving force has a For this reason, fracture occurs in hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld
critical value, and the occurrence of any fracture mode depends on joints without necking. Due to the dynamic strain aging by diffusion of
which driving force reaches its critical value earlier (according to the carbon in high energy sites, including twin boundaries or intersections
available conditions). of primary twins with secondary twins, nanoscale precipitates in de-
In fact, the fracture mode of the sample X during the uniaxial tensile formed grains are produced. Also, the intersections of the twins with
test and the Charpy impact test can be considered as a competition each other or with the grain boundaries also cause cavity defects
between the plastic deformation of austenite phase and grain boundary [62,63]. Therefore, nanoscale precipitates due to dynamic strain aging
brittle fracture due to an excessive volume fraction of the proeutectoid and cavity defects caused by twin boundary interactions will be the
(Fe. Mn)3C carbides in the austenite grain boundaries. source of secondary dimples [64–66]. It should be noted that during the
In this case, the most important parameter for controlling the severe plastic deformation, secondary dimples after nucleation have
fracture mode in sample X is the volume fraction of the proeutectoid grown a lot and reached a size of about 1 μm in the fracture stage. Thus,
(Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the austenite grain boundaries. By increasing the the dimensions of these dimple nuclei, which are formed in the early
volume fraction of proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the austenite stages of plastic deformation, are much smaller and are several nan-
grain boundaries, the growth of the crack in the austenite grain ometers in size.
boundaries reaches its critical value before its shear stress causes plastic The fractography of the austempered hypereutectoid Hadfield steel
deformation of the austenite phase, resulting in a brittle fracture mode. joints at 700 °C (C1 and C2 samples) is also shown in Figs. 8 and 9 after
If the amount of austenite phase of the weld metal is greater than the tensile and impact tests. What is seen in Figs. 8 and 9 are that the
volume fraction of the proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbide in the austenite austempered joints at 700 °C are also less ductile than the other aus-
grain boundaries, then the growth of the crack in the austenite grain tempered joints, in addition, similar to the joint held in the welded
boundaries would not be sufficient to cause a brittle fracture. As a re- conditions (sample X), in both the tensile and Charpy tests have a
sult, the sample X will fracture in ductile mode due to shear stresses ductile-brittle fracture mode. Because, as seen in the microstructure
produced in the austenite phase. images in Fig. 2, the austempering process in the conditions of 700 °C
According to the materials presented in this section as well as mi- -15 min and 700 °C - 30 min resulted in a great increase of the volume
crostructural images in Fig. 2a and b, it can be concluded that as the fraction of proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the microstructure.
austenite phase content is higher than the volume fraction of the grain Because, as seen in the microstructure images in Fig. 2, the aus-
boundary proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in sample X, therefore, the tempering process in the conditions of 700 °C - 15 min and 700 °C -
failure mode of this joint is first as mixed ductile-brittle, and secondly, 30 min resulted in a significant increase in volume fraction of proeu-
most part of the fracture surface is characterized by a ductile mode tectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the microstructure. Actually, with the
(dimpling characteristic). In such a way that the rocky surfaces (glossy) increase of the volume fraction of proeutectoid carbides in austenite
of brittle fracture adjacent to the dimples (cavities) confirm the mixed phase, soluble carbon concentration of the austenite phase in the mi-
ductile-brittle fracture mode in sample X. In fact, the fractography of crostructure decreased and, as a result, the plasticity of the austenite
the fracture surface of sample X indicates that both a ductile and brittle phase has also decreased. For this reason, in addition to the ductile
fracture mechanism has been activated due to the presence of stable fracture mechanism, the brittle fracture mechanism is also activated in
austenite phase and proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides in the austenite C1 and C2 joints. As in the C2 sample, as compared with the C1 sample,
grain boundaries. However, because the austenite phase content is due to the presence of more volume fraction of proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C
larger than the volume fraction of the grain boundary (Fe, Mn)3C car- carbides, the brittle fracture mode is also more activated. However, by
bides, so a lower driving force is required to activate ductile fracture comparing the fracture mode of C1 and C2 joints with the fracture
mechanism, which is why a large fraction of the fracture surface of mode of joint X, it can be seen that although all of these joints have a
sample X includes ductile mode. mixed ductile-brittle fracture mode, however, the activation of the
Figs. 8 and 9 also show the fractography of austempered joints. It is ductile mode in C1 and C2 joints is more than the joint X. Because, as
seen from Figs. 8 and 9 that the austempered joints have a more ductile shown in Fig. 2, the austempering process led to a change in the mor-
fracture mode than the joints held in the welded conditions, in both phology of the proeutectoid (Fe, Mn)3C carbides from continuous
tensile and Charpy impact tests. Because, as seen in the microstructure granular state to dispersed one within the grains. In conclusion, all the
images in Fig. 2, the austempering process at different temperatures performed fractography and observed fracture modes from all hyper-
and times resulted in a reduction in the volume fraction of proeutectoid eutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints tested in this study were very well
(Fe,Mn)3C carbides and the morphology of the carbides has also suited to the elongation results obtained from the tensile test and the
changed from the continuous state in austenite grain boundaries to the fracture energy obtained from the Charpy impact test.
dispersed state within the austenite grains. Also, by comparing the
fracture mode of the austempered hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld Extraction of optimum conditions of austempering process
joints, it is observed that austempered joints at 500 °C and 600 °C
(samples A1, A2, B1 and B2) have a 100% ductile fracture mode with In this section, all the results obtained in this study are compared
deep dimples, along with secondary micro-dimples. In fact, fracto- and then the optimal conditions have been extracted for the appropriate
graphies and more accurate microscopic observations in these joints combination of microstructure - phase equilibrium - mechanical prop-
indicate the presence of two types of dimples at the fracture surface. erties - fracture mode in hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints. The
The first type is a large initial dimple with a size of 10 μm, the source of results of this overall comparison are also reported in Fig. 10. In Fig. 10,
which is generally inclusions and unsolved precipitate phases. The it can be seen that in the welded state, although in the weld joint of
second type is a very small secondary dimple that is smaller than one hypereutectoid Hadfield steel held in the welded conditions (Sample X),
micrometer or several hundred nanometers which are formed between the size of the austenitic grains was small, and also the volume fraction
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
M. Sabzi, S.M. Dezfuli Journal of Manufacturing Processes 34 (2018) 313–328
Conclusion indicated that in the first step, the weld joint which was kept in the
welded state, had a mixed ductile-brittle fracture mode and in the
In this study, the effect of temperature and time of heat treatment second step, by applying the austempering process at temperatures
process after welding (austempering) on microstructural evolutions, of 500 and 600 °C, on the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld joints,
phase equilibrium, mechanical properties and fracture mode of the the fracture mode changes from mixed ductile-brittle mode into
weld metal in hypereutectoid Hadfield steel joints were evaluated. For 100% ductile mode. But with the further increase of the aus-
this purpose, the austempering process was carried out at 500, 600 and tempering temperature at 700 °C, the brittle fracture mechanism is
700 °C for 15 and 30 min on Hadfield steel weld joints, which were reactivated and the fracture mode of the joint changes from 100%
prepared using shielded metal arc welding method (SMAW). Then, the ductile to the mixed ductile-brittle state.
microstructure, phase analysis, mechanical properties, and fracture e) According to the microstructural studies, phase analysis, mechanical
mode of all joints in the welded and austempered conditions were tests and fractography of the hypereutectoid Hadfield steel weld
evaluated by an optical microscope, SEM, TEM, EDS analysis, XRD joints in this study, it was found that the heat treatment process of
analysis, tensile test, Charpy impact test, Vickers microhardness test austempering after welding, which has been able to incorporate a
and fractography of the samples were investigated by SEM. The results suitable microstructure, phase equilibrium, mechanical properties
of this research are as follows: and fracture mode in these weld joints is also the 600 °C – 30 min
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