Altos Elfos e Guardiões
Altos Elfos e Guardiões
Altos Elfos e Guardiões
Elrond Halfelven founded Imladris, the Last Homely House, in an age of darkness
and fear, when all that was good and fair in the world retreated before the growing
power of the Enemy. This place has ever been a secret refuge for the High Elves,
the eldest and fairest of all Eldar.
In Rivendell they have dwelt in peace for many long centuries, but as the Third
Age draws to a close, they have come to realise that the songs they sing in the
Hall of Fire will soon become sorrowful dirges once more. Remembering
past horrors and the ruin brought by the corruption of the Shadow, they
lament what the future may bring – though let us not say that they are
afraid. The High Elves are fair and tall, proud and powerful. They will
not cower before the rising darkness out of the East.
Yet the wanderer who comes to Rivendell finds the High Elves to
be creatures of contradiction. One moment they are merry
and fair, chiding the younger races in song and jest. The
next their faces turn grim and their words stern as
they speak of the fading of the world.
High Elves of
normally invisible to the eyes of the living (including would not hesitate to point out the flaws within his plans.
Unclad and Invisible Ringwraiths). You are one of those to whom Elrond turns when he has
need of advice, your honesty and fairness valued as much
Additionally, High Elves are considered to succeed as your discretion and wits.
automatically at any Fear test forced upon them by an
undead creature. Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 5, Wits 7
Favoured Skill: Persuade
Starting Skill Scores Distinctive Features:
(choose two Traits from those listed)
Common Skills Cautious, Fair-spoken, Just, Patient, Proud,
Copy the following skill ranks onto the character sheet Quick of Hearing, Secretive, True-hearted
and underline the favoured skill:
2 – Elf-lord
To the eyes of Mortals you are as a lord amongst princes.
Awe 2 Inspire 0 Persuade 0 Fair of features and noble of heart, yet terrible to behold
when angered. You have seen the glory of Eregion, and the
Athletics 2 Travel 1 Stealth 0
golden armies of your forefathers, but now all that once
Awareness 2 Insight 0 Search 0 was great is faded and all that you once ruled naught but
Explore 0 Healing 2 Hunting 0 ruins.
dark dungeons. Although you freed them, their faces were Ancient wisdom slips away like sand in an hourglass, yet
forever marred by the pain they suffered and they soon who is to say which secret might yet prove vital in the hour
departed for the West. As long as such evil remains in of need? You have welcomed many wanderers at the doors
Middle-earth, you cannot contemplate following them. of Imladris, travellers who journeyed countless miles
seeking to hear the advice of Elrond and consult the lore
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 3, Wits 8 of forgotten ages. You met everyone with the right words,
Favoured Skill: Battle at the same time trying to lay bare their true motives. Let
Distinctive Features: whoever tried to betray your trust beware your wrath, for
(choose two Traits from those listed) you are as kind as you are quick to anger.
Fierce, Grim, Lordly, Proud, Stern, Suspicious,
Swift, Vengeful Basic Attributes: Body 5, Heart 4, Wits 8
Favoured Skill: Lore
5 – Wayward Wanderer Distinctive Features:
It has been many long years since you have called any one (choose two Traits from those listed)
place home, travelling the backroads and Elven-paths of Fair-spoken, Just, Keen-eyed, Merry, Proud,
Middle-earth with the Wandering Companies. You have Quick of Hearing, Suspicious, Wrathful
enjoyed fully what light is left in the world, singing and
laughing and playing under the starlight. One day, the light High Elven Names
will fade and you will return to the West, but not today. Most names below belong to important Elves, and should
only be used as examples to create new ones (Elven naming
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 4, Wits 7 conventions are too complicated to summarise here).
Favoured Skill: Travel
Distinctive Features: Male Names: Amroth, Beleg, Cirdan, Daeron, Edrahil,
(choose two Traits from those listed) Finrod, Guilin, Lindir, Maeglin, Saeros.
Elusive, Fair, Honourable, Merry, Nimble, Proud,
Swift, True-hearted Female Names: Arwen, Berúthiel, Celebrían,
Celebrindal, Elwing, Finduilas, Galadriel, Idril, Nimloth,
6 – Guardian of Imladris Nimrodel.
Outside the secret vale of Rivendell, the Third Age passes
and stone turns to dust, iron to rust and paper to ash. Adventuring Age: 500-1000
High Elves of
The High Elves of Rivendell are creatures from another age. Cultural Virtues - High Elves
They may become adventurers any time after they reach
of Rivendell
adulthood, although they are unlikely to venture beyond
Imladris until they are half a millennia or more old.
Even though a starting High Elf is far more ‘experienced’ Artificer of Eregion
than those of other cultures, he is still young and weak Many eyes were turned to Elrond in fear and wonder
compared to his elder kin, and so is unlikely to be more as he told of the Elven-smiths of Eregion and their
than a thousand years old. friendship with Moria, and their eagerness for
Previous Experience
Players creating a High Elf of Rivendell receive a higher You are studying the ancient craft of the Elven-smiths of
amount of points to define the previous experiences of Eregion, the greatest craftsmen of your kin. You learn how
their character. to Evaluate Treasure when you first select this virtue.
Players have 16 points to spend on raising their skills. You may later master the secret of how to Enhance
The cost of raising each skill is shown in the two tables Weapons as your undertaking, and spending 1 Experience
below. The first table gives the costs for Common skill point during a Fellowship phase; finally, you discover how
levels, while the second shows the costs for Weapon skill to Enchant Weapons by spending another Experience
levels. (The costs are the usual ones for all other Heroic point as another undertaking during a later Fellowship
Cultures, as described on page 10, with the difference that phase.
a player creating a High Elf of Rivendell might invest his
points to start the game with a Common skill at ♦♦♦♦♦♦, or Evaluate Treasure
a Weapon skill at ♦♦♦♦). You recognise the runes and secret symbols employed by
the artificers of old to mark their work.
Common Skill level to attain Cost • When you are allowed to make a Magical Treasure roll,
you may roll 1 additional Success die. This bonus die
♦ 1 point
does not count towards the expenditure of Experience
♦♦ 2 points
points in the case of the discovery of a Wondrous
♦♦♦ 3 points
Artefact or a Famous Weapon and Armour.
♦♦♦♦ 4 points
♦♦♦♦♦ 5 points Enhance Weapons
♦♦♦♦♦♦ 6 points Choose the Elven-smithing undertaking to retire to your
smithy and customise a weapon to suit the combat
characteristics of its wielder.
Weapon Skill level to attain Cost • When you first enhance a weapon in your smithy, its
♦ 2 points user gains a bonus of +1 to all his attack rolls using
♦♦ 4 points the customised weapon. You may later undertake
to improve the same weapon once again, for a total
♦♦♦ 6 points
bonus of +2.
♦♦♦♦ 10 points
Note that while certainly skilful, you cannot improve the A result on the Feat die you get during the interaction step
craftsmanship of old: you may only enhance a weapon pick one of the following bonuses:
that does not possess Enchanted Qualities.
• When resolving the encounter, the company counts as
Enchant Weapons having scored an additional success.
Choose the Elven-smithing undertaking to use all your • After resolving an encounter with Mortals, choose
cunning as an artificer and work some of the light of the a subject: that character retains only the vaguest
Blessed Realm into a weapon. The improved weapon now memory of what was said or agreed. This effect counts
may harm creatures that would be normally vulnerable as a magical virtue for the purposes of increasing a
only to weapons possessing Enchanted Qualities (like company’s Eye Awareness (see page 111 of Rivendell ).
Wraiths and Ghosts, for example).
Elbereth Gilthoniel!
Beauty of the Stars ‘A Elbereth Gilthoniel - o menel palan-diriel, - le
Pippin afterwards recalled little of either food or nallon sí di’nguruthos!’
drink for his mind was so filled with the light upon
the Elf-faces. The name of Elbereth, the Queen of the Stars, is revered by
all the Eldar still dwelling in Middle-earth. You may call
Your beauty is so unearthly that all but the hardest- on her name in a moment of great need, asking the Kindler
hearted of Mortals can gaze upon you and not be swayed to bestow her grace upon you.
– or bewitched – by your countenance, even if afterwards
they retain only a vague memory of anything but your If you or one of your companions are Wounded or
glory. Raise your maximum Hope score by 2 points. Miserable, you can invoke the name of Elbereth and spend
Additionally, you receive a bonus Success die to use during 1 or more Hope points to add an equal number of Success
the introduction step of any Encounter. Finally, for every dice to a coming roll. Additionally, each Elven hero (or
High Elves of
When you roll a A result on your Feat die using a Common Additionally, if you traversed at least a Blighted area
skill, you are additionally considered to have rolled a special during the last Adventuring phase and you succeeded
icon ñ. As a consequence, your roll not only succeeds in the associated Lore roll, you may spend a Fellowship
automatically, but is considered to have succeeded in a phase compiling your experiences as your undertaking, to
superior way (a normal success becomes a great success, gain 1 Experience point.
and a great success becomes an extraordinary success.
Spear of the Last Alliance (great spear)
When you complete an action with a Aresult, something Thousands of spears were forged in the smithies of
unusual has taken place, something that mortal onlookers Imladris to arm the hosts of Gil-galad, and their long
can only attribute to ‘Elf-magic’. staves of ash were capped by a long spike at the other end.
A High Elf adventurer winning renown can be rewarded
for his deeds with gear of great worth, coming from the
vault hidden under the House of Elrond, or from his
private collection.
Ranger of the North
The Rangers are the last descendants in the North of the
Dúnedain, Kings among Men that once came to Middle-
Aragorn is not your Typical Ranger
earth over the Sea out of Westernesse. When they do not Is Aragorn a typical example of a Dúnadan
disguise their features, they are tall and lordly, towering adventurer? Hardly so. While the Rangers certainly
above most Men living in the North. They are often silent make for extraordinary adventurers, Aragorn is
and grim of countenance, and look wise and mature described by Gandalf as "the greatest traveller and
beyond their years. huntsman of this age of the world" – a paragon of
skill, wisdom and valour, a perfect example for all
They generally wear comfortable but weather-beaten those who fight the encroaching darkness. Aragorn is
garments, favouring high leather boots and heavy cloaks not simply ‘Strider’, he is the chieftain of the Dúnedain
of dark grey or green cloth, complete with ample hoods of Arnor, bearer of the Sword That Was Broken, of
that can be cast over a worn helm. the line of Valandil, Isildur’s son, Elendil’s lost son
of Númenor…
Standard of Living
Little is known of the ways of the Dúnedain of the North,
but what is certain is that the Rangers never wear or carry
anything whose worth cannot be measured in a practical What Aragorn Says…
way. Their gear or garments are never considered precious
for the gleam of stone or gold, but for their capability to • Beornings: “The followers of Beorn are a sparse lot,
endure long journeys and strenuous fights. This is why but they are fierce. Their prowess in matters of war
their culture’s economy is ranked as Martial. cannot be doubted, and each Beorning can be counted
as ten of lesser warriors. Yet I fear their recklessness
Ranger Adventurers may serve as a lure into dark ensnarements from
Ranger adventurers are seldom encountered, as a Man of which even their strength cannot escape.”
the West rarely forsakes his duties - even when found
journeying under foreign stars, a Ranger is almost • Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain: “As the forges of
certainly on an appointed mission. But younger Rangers Erebor sing once more, Wilderland might find itself
may be encountered on occasion abroad, as the Dúnedain well-armed and armoured for the coming war, if the
of the North see fit to engage in periods of errantry, Dwarves of the Lonely Mountain do not fall prey to
and ride far afield disguised as merchants, sellswords, the fierce desires of their ancestors.”
or just as simple wanderers, to extend their knowledge
of the world. Among those few, it is not uncommon to • Elves of Mirkwood: “For generations the subjects of
encounter a young woman, for all females of that kin are the Elvenking have kept the corruption of Mirkwood
fearless and strong. at bay, yet they fail to see beyond their own walls.
There is a threat in Mirkwood that cannot be ignored.”
Suggested Callings: Scholar, Warden. The Dúnedain of
the North have chosen to protect those that are unwary • Hobbits of the Shire: “The land of the Hobbits
of the true nature of the world, and to preserve the lore exemplifies all that we fight for. The simple wisdom
and wisdom of the North-kingdom - a duty no Ranger may and stout hearts of its inhabitants will be deemed a
forsake, even those who journey far from their lands. precious gift when the darkness falls.”
Unusual Calling: Treasure-hunter. The Rangers of the • Rangers of the North: “Guarding the land of Eriador
North cherish their heritage and protect every testimony of is not our only burden. We are the last remnant in
their past as a precious relic. Woe to any who would dare the North of the great people, the Men of the West,
to profane a tomb, or defile the stones of an Arnorian ruin. and it is our duty to preserve intact their lineage and
heritage, lest the world become a wilder place.”
Ranger of the North
you have gazed upon the faded glory of your ancestors’ Lothíriel, Luindîs, Meneloth, Moriel, Morwen, Narieth,
halls and wept at the faded realm before you. By your Narniel, Orothêl, Tarandîs.
sword, shadows are driven from these dark holds and in
those rare moments of victory relics of kings past have been Adventuring Age: 18-60
brought back to their rightful place among your people.
Rangers are generally sent out into the Wild at the age
Basic Attributes: Body 7, Heart 5, Wits 5 of twenty, when they begin their customary period of
Favoured Skill: Explore errantry, but may begin to go on adventures even at a
Distinctive Features: younger age. They retain their strength of body and will
(choose two Traits from those listed) longer than most Men, but usually cease to travel far from
Cunning, Energetic, Fierce, Grim, Honourable, Eriador when they reach their fifties.
Keen-eyed, Lordly, Steadfast
Previous Experience
6 - Kingly Voice Players creating a Ranger of the North receive 14 points to
Though the blood of Númenor has thinned in the waning define the previous experiences of their character (instead
years of the Third Age, many among the Dúnedain of of the usual 10). The costs of raising each skill are the
the North still reveal the legacy of the Sea-Kings in their usual ones for all other Heroic Cultures, as summarised
unexpected grace and hidden majesty. In spite of your on page 10.
road-worn garb and often harsh demeanour, the vestiges
of that lost nobility emerges fully in your voice and words.
Cultural Virtues - Rangers of
You have turned this ancient gift into a beacon of hope in the North
dark times; you are confident that inspiration can stir both
your kin and the free folk of the North to stand strong in The Rangers are what remains in the North of the great
the face of evil. people that came to Middle-earth out of Westernesse, the
Númenóreans. Their nobility of blood is exemplified by
Basic Attributes: Body 6, Heart 6, Wits 5 their many talents, even if their number has dwindled and
Favoured Skill: Inspire their struggle has destined them to a life of secrecy.
Distinctive Features:
(choose two Traits from those listed) Dauntless Guardians
Forthright, Generous, Gruff, Hardy, Just, Lordly, ‘...when dark things come from houseless hills, or
Quick of Hearing, True-hearted creep from sunless woods, they fly from us.’
Rangers of the North Names You have been raised in a land dotted with desolate ruins
The Rangers of the North retain the tradition of the and burial mounds. You have heard the dead whisper
Dúnedain to name their sons and daughters using the with cold voices out of lonely barrows, while ghostly lights
Sindarin tongue. dance on haunted hills. There are few among mortal Men
who know more about evil spirits or fear them less than
Male Names: Adrahil, Amlaith, Arvegil, Baranor, you do…
Belecthor, Bergil, Celepharn, Cirion, Damrod, Dírhael,
Duinhir, Egalmoth, Eradan, Findemir, Forlong, Golasdan, When you first select this Virtue you learn how to See the
Hallas, Hirluin, Ingold, Iorlas, Malvegil, Ohtar, Orodreth, Unseen. You may later reinforce your spirit with Strength of
Tarannon, Targon. Will by spending 1 Experience point as your undertaking
during a Fellowship phase. Finally, you reach the stature of
Female Names: Anwen, Arbereth, Berúthiel, Baraniel, a true Wraith Bane by spending another Experience point
Calanril, Celenneth, Elnîth, Eraniel, Finduilas, Gilraen, as a new undertaking during a later Fellowship phase.
Gilraeth, Gloredhel, Idril, Ioreth, Ivorwen, Lôrwend,
Ranger of the North
See the Unseen The Rangers of the North belong to a bloodline of Kings, but
It is said that the Elven-wise can perceive shades and they have learnt to hide from their enemies in the twilight
wraiths that are otherwise invisible to the eyes of Mortals. years of their kingdom. Should you choose to reveal your
You have been taught to recognise the signs that betray the heritage, your noble bearing will cause your enemies to
haunting of a restless spirit. You are automatically aware pause, and your allies to cast away their doubts.
of the presence or proximity of ghosts, shades and wraiths
of any kind. A successful roll of Lore yields additional You may reveal yourself in battle, by shouting an ancestral
information on the nature of the haunting. battle-cry or unsheathing a weapon of high lineage, for
example, or by showing a device or coat-of-arms during
Strength of Will an encounter with someone.
In moments of fear, your will can strengthen your heart,
so that you can withstand the great terror awakened in all In battle, when you fight in a Forward stance you may
Mortals by the denizens of the Unseen world. When an attempt the Intimidate Foe combat task in addition to
undead creature forces you to make a Corruption or Fear your attack roll (instead of forfeiting your action for the
test, if you invoke an Attribute bonus it is based off your turn), but from that point on all your foes gain the Hatred
favoured Heart score. If you pass your own test with a (Dúnedain) special ability and will attack you when given
great success, you may let another companion who failed the opportunity.
his own roll to pass the test instead, or two companions
on an extraordinary success. During an encounter, you may upgrade the quality of one
successful roll by one level, turning a success into a great
Wraith Bane success, or a great success into an extraordinary one.
In long centuries of secret strife, the things that hide
among the ruins of Arnor have learnt to fear the dour- Rumour of the Earth
handed Dúnedain. When you hit an undead monster that ‘Where sight fails the earth may bring us rumour…’
can be wounded by your attacks with a Piercing Blow,
the creature rolls one less die on its Protection test (to a Stretching yourself upon the ground with your ear pressed
minimum of 1 die). against the turf you can decipher the sounds of the earth.
You can hear it groan when the Enemy treads upon it, or
Endurance of the Ranger echo the distant gallop of horses, or sing in tune with the
‘Hardy is the race of Elendil!’ rushing of tumbling waters.
They say that a Ranger with a clear trail to follow can never Once a day, you may make a Hunting roll: on a success,
be weary. You hope the saying will prove true, as it will be the Loremaster must give you a useful piece of information
your fate to often travel in haste, to seek distant lands on about a quarry you are pursuing or a place you are
urgent errands, or to relentlessly hunt your enemies. If the seeking; the higher the quality of the success, the more
total Encumbrance of the gear you are carrying is equal information you obtain. Additionally, if the Hunting roll
to or less than 14 you gain the following benefits: your was successful, you may spend 1 point of Hope: every
maximum Endurance score is considered to be 3 points roll you make until the next sunrise using a movement,
higher, and every time you obtain a great success on a perception or survival skill benefits from a free Attribute
Fatigue test you may let another companion who failed his bonus.
own roll to pass the test instead, or two companions on an
extraordinary success. Ways of the Wild
‘...yet still some go wandering, sons of forgotten kings
Royalty Revealed walking in loneliness, guarding from evil things folk
Aragorn threw back his cloak. The elven-sheath that are heedless.’
glittered as he grasped it, and the bright blade of
Andúril shone like a sudden flame as he swept it out. The Rangers of the North roam ceaselessly, hunting for
‘Elendil!’ he cried. wicked things and guarding all frontiers. For you the
Wild has become as familiar as the road that leads home brooch shaped like a rayed star upon your left shoulder.
is familiar to Hobbits, and when forced to fight you can Raise your Standing score by 1. Moreover, while you are
always find the best place to stand your ground and await within the ancient boundaries of the realm of Arnor, you
your enemies… may make an Explore roll to find your way to one of these
refuges. The quality of the success determines the distance
When fighting in the wilderness, you receive one free to the nearest safe place: on a success, the refuge is within
Combat advantage bonus die. When on a journey, if you three days of march, on a great success within two days,
are the Guide of the company you are considered to be on an extraordinary success the refuge can be reached
assuming all vacant travelling roles (you are considered to within a few hours.
‘fill in’ as the company’s Huntsman, Scout and Look-out
man at the same time, if no other companion is already The refuges of the Rangers are always safe places, but their
covering that role). nature varies wildly: a refuge may be nothing more than
a dry clearing on a hilltop, a shepherd’s hut, a natural
cave hidden by a waterfall, or the ruins of a hill-fort.
Cultural Rewards - Rangers of Companions repairing there may find shelter, supplies
the North of firewood, stores of dried food, medicinal herbs, and, if
the place is inhabited, the possibility of exchanging tidings
Lord Elrond of Rivendell has made sure that wisdom is not with other Rangers, or receiving or sending out messages.
neglected among the heirs of Elendil the Fair, but a valiant Resting in a Ranger’s refuge allows each companion
man is given great praise and reward by his peers in the to recover 1 Fatigue even when travelling (only 1 point,
North Kingdom, as theirs is a world at war. regardless of the length of the stay).