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2.1 Ten notable Physical Rehabilitation Centres 31
2.1.1 Beira (Mozambique, 1986) 35
2.1.2 Battambang (Cambodia, 1991) 39
2.1.3 Kabul (Afghanistan, 1995) 46
2.1.4 Hpa-an (Myanmar, 2002) 53
2.1.5 Kompong Speu (Cambodia, 2005) 59
2.1.6 Rakrang (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 2005) 63
2.1.7 Muzaffarabad (Pakistan, 2007) 67
2.1.8 Juba (South Sudan, 2008) 73
2.1.9 Port-au-Prince (Haiti, 2012) 79
2.1.10 Faizabad (Afghanistan, building ongoing) 85
2.2 Surface areas, space indicators, staffing, and production statistics 88
2.2.1 TFA, NFA, NFA/TFA ratio and plot ratio 89
2.2.2 NFA breakdown by service 91
2.2.3 Activities and staffing 92
Annex 1: Vision template 169
Annex 2: Feasibility template 173
Annex 3: New Physical Rehabilitation Centres in Yemen and Myanmar 175
Service user at work on the building site of the Battambang PRC, 1992
Serge Corriera/ICRC
This handbook would not exist had it not been for the support given by Pascal Hundt (Assistance),
Philippe Dross (WatHab), Claude Tardif (PRP), Teunis Verhoeff and his successor Max Deneu (SFD).
This publication has benefited substantially from the technical advice of PRP colleagues:
yy François Friedel
yy Barbara Rau
yy Marc Zlot
The following WatHab colleagues made active contributions to the component and space cards as well
as to the surface area computations, diagrams and illustrations at various stages of the work:
yy Silvia Agostinho do Amaral
yy Piero Morandini
yy Ivana Nady
Ciarán Breen (WatHab), Guilherme Coelho (WatHab), Javier Curras Paredes (WatHab), Gerald Fitzpatrick
(PRP), Michael Rechsteiner (PRP) and Jean-Marc Zbinden (WatHab) contributed to this book through
their technical input and helpful reviewing.
Glynis Thompson edited the final text. Her contribution was greatly appreciated.
The PRP Technical Commission 2013 revised drafts of the chapters entitled “A ten-centre study” and
“Architectural programming tools”. That Commission comprised Leslie Angama-Mueller, Annie Dufaut,
Sarah Drum, Jantien Faber, Leo Gasser, Pierre Gauthier, Vincent Lejeune, Bernard Matagne, Peter Poetsma,
Daniel Ngota Odhiambo, Hmayack Tarakchyhan and Zeon de Wet.
Special thanks go to Friederike Alschner (WatHab/GIS), Johannes Bruwer (WatHab), Alberto Cairo (PRP),
Didier Cooreman (PRP), Muriel Dominguez-Schranz (SFD), William Gebran Sleiman (PRP), Alessandro
Giusti (WatHab), Alexander Humbert (WatHab), Antero Kinnunen (PRP), Leslie Johnstone (PRP), Errol
Lishman (PRP), Nicolas Michaud (WatHab), Yann Rebois (WatHab/GIS) and Laurent Wismer (WatHab), as
well as to all other architects, engineers and technicians who have designed and built Physical
Rehabilitation Centres on behalf of the ICRC..
Rehabilitation is an “indispensable element in ensuring the full participation and inclusion in society of
people with disabilities.”2
The physical rehabilitation activities of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) can be traced
back to the Second World War. However, the beginning of the ICRC’s major commitment in this field
came with the setting up of the Physical Rehabilitation Programme (PRP) in 1979 and the Special Fund
for the Disabled (SFD) in 1983.
The PRP is an operational programme run by the Health Unit, part of the Assistance Division within the
ICRC’s Department of Operations.
The SFD was originally established by the ICRC to help ensure the continuity of its physical rehabilitation
activities but has evolved over the years to the extent that it now provides assistance in a wider range
of countries. It became an independent foundation in 2001. Today, its mission is to strengthen “national
capacity in less-resourced countries to remove barriers faced by people with physical disabilities.”3
Starting in Angola and Ethiopia, the PRP provided support for more than 163 centres in 48 countries
and one territory between 1979 and 2013. In addition to these PRP activities, the SFD has been providing
support for physical rehabilitation in low-income countries and has assisted 59 centres in 27 countries
since 1983.
The ICRC generally tries to identify existing infrastructures so as to establish its physical rehabilitation
projects with national counterparts. In some contexts, however, this is neither appropriate nor possible.
In such cases, the ICRC decides either to renovate existing buildings or to construct new centres.
As a result, the ICRC has been actively building physical rehabilitation centres, and sometimes com-
ponent factories, for more than 30 years. Originally named “orthopaedic centres” (OC) and then “pros-
thetic and orthotic centres,” these centres are now referred to as “physical rehabilitation centres” (PRCs).
This change in name marks the evolution over time towards more comprehensive centres providing
mobility devices (prostheses, orthoses, walking aids and wheelchairs), physiotherapy and social inclusion
services for people with disabilities.
The primary aim of this handbook is to provide support for all those who are involved in the building
or renovation of a PRC operated by, or with the support of, the ICRC. It may also be of use for those
interested in the ICRC’s construction activities. Its subject is the development of an architectural
programme for a PRC.
An architectural programme defines a project in terms of purpose and function. It identifies the range
of work involved in designing and ultimately building a PRC.
Architectural programming4 is a key process in any construction project. It takes place at project
inception and runs concurrently with the development of the proposal. It is finalized at the beginning
of the design process.
A well-conceived architectural programme is a prerequisite for a successful project. Because it sets out
clearly the objectives and limitations of a project as envisaged at the beginning by its promoters and
its service providers, it offers a guarantee against time-consuming design revisions or endless building
extensions and reorganization over time.
Usual practice is for programming to be the responsibility of the project owner. At the ICRC, it is no
different. The project owner is represented by the future service providers of the centre and its
For a typical PRC project, responsibility for the establishment of the architectural programme thus lies
with the Physical Rehabilitation Programme and ICRC Management. They are both advised on their
responsibility by the Water and Habitat Unit (WatHab) and this handbook is part of that guidance.
What is the desired impact of the centre? What is the target population? What services have to be
provided? How many service users5 will receive services each year? How many service users will be
provided with orthopaedic devices each year? How will the services be organized? What rooms will be
included? Which ones will be open to the public? Which areas will be restricted? Which areas will be
air-conditioned? Does the centre need a heating system? How many service users will be accommodated
in the centre if a dormitory is provided? What will the breakdown by gender be? What will the average
length of stay be? Will relatives be allowed to stay? How many? Will lunch and dinner be served for
service users at the centre? Has a laundry service to be incorporated? Has a prayer area to be incorp
orated? Which areas will be accessible to service users after closing time? At what times will the centre
open and close? Is a car park needed on the site? How many staff will work at the centre?
These questions are just some of the obvious ones that need to be asked at the start of the process.
They concern purposes and functions as seen by ICRC staff. However, an architectural programme must
go further. It has to anticipate the explicit or implicit needs of future service users and the requirements
of the surrounding community, authorities and national partners. It also has to encompass the technical
elements required to enable the activities to be carried out.
Programming a centre in Afghanistan obviously has to take account of different social and cultural
behaviours than in South Sudan. That is also true for technical requirements. For example, programming
a centre in Afghanistan must incorporate measures to deal with seismic risk and provide a heating
system, whereas in South Sudan the focus will be more on developing a cooling strategy.
The development of an architectural programme involves a large number of different factors. It therefore
requires the interaction of different specialists. That interaction is often a challenging process because
the various stakeholders are not generally used to allowing for interaction and also because their diverse
knowledge and backgrounds may sometimes create communication barriers.
One of the aims of this handbook is to facilitate the interaction of specialists involved in developing
the architectural programme of a PRC.
4 “Architectural programming,” “programming” and “functional programming” are used synonymously in this handbook. In some
countries, the terms “operational programming,“ “facility programming“ and “scoping“ may also be used as synonyms.
5 The term “service user” is used to mean those benefiting from services at a Physical Rehabilitation Centre (PRC). The term “patient” is
used only for people being treated at a hospital.
The proposed approach is to systematize this important process in the project cycle by establishing a
framework that can be used by all parties involved. The framework comprises analytical tools and data
sheets which constitute a common point of reference for all parties. At the ICRC, this handbook provides
common ground mainly for PRP and WatHab staff.
The handbook is divided into four chapters, each of which provides particular support for those involved
in the programming:
1. Architectural programming
2. A ten-centre study
3. Architectural programming tools
4. Accessibility
The first chapter deals with architectural programming and defines what is understood by that term. It
also offers guidance in architectural programming specifically for PRCs. It specifies who does what and
gives some examples of possible approaches.
The second chapter provides an architectural study of ten existing PRCs built in eight different countries
over the past 30 years. It includes a description of each project and highlights recurrent patterns, such
as those relating to function and design. It also identifies best practices and practices to be avoided.
The purpose is not to establish a model design that can be replicated worldwide but to constitute a
database of examples so as to provide some keys to the understanding that is necessary for the devel-
opment of architectural programmes.
The third chapter presents three sets of tools: bubble diagrams, space cards and component cards. The
three sets track three different levels of abstraction of an architectural programme: the first for the
services, the second for the rooms and outdoor spaces, and the third for the equipment and furniture.
These tools are intended to facilitate the development of the architectural programme and its transition
to the concept design.
The fourth and final chapter focuses on accessibility. Because the ICRC operates in countries which have
very different understandings of what accessibility is, this chapter specifies a general approach to acces-
sibility as a means of ensuring a universal approach at that level. It provides guidance on defining the
appropriate set of design requirements applicable in different contexts.
The four chapters have been designed to support the elaboration of architectural programmes. Each
chapter accompanies a different stage of programme development and can be read independently of
the others.
Some readers will benefit from comparisons offered by the ten-centre study. Some will use the bubble
diagrams to explore functionality. Others will seek to know which accessibility standard to
As each chapter is conceived as an independent unit, there is a certain degree of repetition across the
chapters. This is necessary in order to ensure that each chapter is completely understandable on its
own, without the need to read the whole handbook.
The tools and knowledge provided in this handbook are conveyed primarily by means of plans and
diagrams. This means that non-verbal communication is predominant. Verbal communication is often
used to make what is communicated non-verbally more readily understandable for readers who are
not experts in the subjects discussed.
For the sake of convenience, the masculine pronoun is used to refer to both sexes.
The objective of this first chapter is to define the term “architectural programming” and to provide
general guidance on the development of architectural programmes for Physical Rehabilitation Centres
(PRCs). The chapter therefore focuses on the inception of the project of which the architectural pro-
gramming is part.
Among the general public, construction is seldom understood comprehensively. Some people will
reduce it to building construction, i.e. the assembly and erection of structures. Others will know that
construction requires designs: concept design, developed design and technical design. Few will think
of programming, which is, however, one of the first steps in each and every construction project. Many
more aspects of construction could be added as construction is a multitasking endeavour that proceeds
through a number of different stages.
The standard process is no different at the ICRC. Building a PRC involves several operational departments
at delegation level and at headquarters (HQ). Besides ICRC staff, end-users, beneficiaries, authorities,
consultants, daily workers and constructors may also be involved.
The construction of a PRC does not differ substantially from the construction of other buildings. Several
stages have to be completed before the first hard hats and cement bags arrive on the building site or
the premises are opened to service users.
At the ICRC, a construction project has to comply with the Protocol for the Management of ICRC
Construction Projects (PMCP),6 hereinafter referred to as the “Protocol.” Introduced in 2011, the objective
of the Protocol is “to set guidelines to enhance management of construction projects.”7
The Protocol is a project management mechanism. It defines “two key areas for successful construction
project management.”8 The first area is the definition of a standard construction project development
cycle. The second is the definition of the roles and responsibilities of all those involved in the project.
The first stage, Vision, applies to all construction projects. It involves the elaboration of the project
proposal. “The problem is analysed; the needs and relevance are identified, [supporting] ‘facts and
figures’ and statistics are provided […]; [and] broad lines of responses and objectives for solving the
problem are set.”9
The Activation stage concerns the review of the Vision project proposal at HQ. This review may lead to
a formal decision as to whether or not to activate the Protocol. Scope, complexity, human resources
requirements and availability, and country-specific implications are among the aspects analysed. If
6 WatHab (ed.), Protocol for the Management of Construction Projects, ICRC, Geneva, 2011 (internal document).
7 Ibid., p. 2.
8 Ibid., p. 2.
9 Ibid., p. 8.
deemed necessary, a specific project management mechanism – in other words, the Protocol – is
activated. Additional WatHab construction specialists are then assigned to the project under the
Protocol. If the Protocol is not activated, the above-mentioned five remaining steps (Feasibility to
Handover) still apply, but only as guiding principles.
The third stage, Feasibility, involves preparing a study that is “a working document, which should enable
the Delegation Management to decide whether or not to continue with the project development. It
incorporates a wide range of issues, including areas such as:
yy background information on a given project, its context and aim
yy sounding out authorities concerning the project and their perception
yy developing various technical options with sketches
yy providing diagnosis for each option
yy selecting/offering a viable option
yy preparing the Programme-Cost-Duration (PCD), where the project is broadly outlined and basic
estimates and timelines are worked out.”10
If the Feasibility study is approved by the delegation and HQ, the four subsequent stages of Design,
Tender, Construction and Handover can be carried out. Following approval to proceed on the basis of
the Feasibility document, the project becomes public and external actors have to be included in the
following steps. It is worth recalling that no commitment vis-à-vis external partners should be made
and no resources mobilized before the Feasibility document has been approved.
• Authorities Client, Red line, WatHab YES/NO Client, Management, WatHab with consideration - Define PCD */budget
• PCD - Broad figures for PfR
• Sketches and options
- Location
• Diagnosis
or BudExt - Option and choices
- Drawing
WatHab WatHab
+ Log + Log
6 – CONSTRUCTION - Contract - Site supervision
• Contract - Instructions
Constructor - Programme briefs
or Contractor
- Payments
*PCD – Programme, Cost, Duration *RMT/RST – Regional Management Team/Regional Support Team
Figure 1.1
ICRC construction project development cycle and its management structure
Source: WatHab (ed.), Protocol for the Management of ICRC Construction Projects, ICRC, Geneva, 2011 (internal document).
10 Ibid., p. 9.
Architectural programming results in an outline of the spatial requirements of the building, referred to
as the (architectural) programme or project brief.11
Architectural programming is initiated during the first stage, Vision, and finalized in the Feasibility
The Vision includes a schematic architectural programme for the building: problem analysis, outline of
needs, collection of facts and definition of goals. This schematic programme supports the project
proposal and specifies the general scope of the project.
The architectural programme is finalized in the Feasibility stage. The finalized programme indicates
specific requirements and is a development of the initial schematic programme.
Figure 1.2
Architectural programming as a two-phase process parallel to the first Protocol stages
In order to describe further the specificities of an architectural programme, it is important at this juncture
to note the second of the “two key areas for successful construction project management” established
in the Protocol. The second key area consists of a clear definition of the roles and responsibilities of
those involved in a project. An essential element of the Protocol allowing this clear definition is the
project team.
Protocol activation entails the establishment of a project team at the delegation or sub-delegation.
Human resources are then mobilized to provide, in particular, WatHab construction specialists for the
project team.
11 “Architectural programme” or “project brief” is generally referred to in French as “programme,” which is short for “programme
architectural et technique.”
12 William M. Peña and Steven A. Parshall, Problem Seeking: An Architectural Programming Primer, 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
New York, 2012, p. 40.
yy The [construction] project manager (Maître d’Œuvre), as the title indicates, manages the whole process
of ensuring that the construction product is created in line with the project owner’s needs. The
[construction] project manager is appointed by the WatHab Unit, which possesses the necessary
knowledge and technical skills required for project management.”13
In order to streamline the decision-making process, a task force14 is set up at HQ level at the same time
as the project team is established. This task force provides support for the project team and is its HQ
focal point.
“The project team is pivotal for the development of a construction project and plays a focal role
both in defining a project’s objectives and scope and ensuring its implementation.”15
It is important to notice that the project team can be established only after the representatives of the
project owner have established the Vision for the project. The project owner thus starts work at an
earlier stage than the construction project manager, who is appointed only at the beginning of the
Feasibility stage.
The development of the schematic programme supporting the Vision is the sole responsibility of
the project owner. In a typical PRC project, the project owner is represented by a PRP staff member
and a representative of the management at delegation or sub-delegation level.
The project owner expresses the requests and the need for a PRC. According to usual practice, the
project owner is therefore responsible for programming. Outside the ICRC, architectural programming
is generally handled by consultants, who may be independent architects or programmers working for
the project owner. Because of ICRC-specific operational methods, PRC project briefs are developed
internally with the support of this handbook.
The first responsibility of the project team is to develop the Feasibility document and therefore to
finalize the architectural programme.
The two-stage development of the programme under the project owner’s responsibility sets out to
clarify what is to be achieved at the Vision stage and at the Feasibility stage. To do this, it is essential to
establish a definition of what constitutes a programme.
Among the many definitions of what is included in a programme, an authoritative one sees programming
as comprising five different concepts:
1. Establish goals – What does the project owner want to achieve, and Why?
2. Collect and analyse facts – What do we know? What is given?
3. Uncover and test concepts – How does the project owner want to achieve the goals?
4. Determine needs – How much space? What level of quality?
5. State the problem – What are the significant conditions affecting the design of the building? What
are the general directions the design should take?16
According to this definition, facts “include statistical projections, economic data, and descriptions of
the user characteristics,”17 while concepts “relate to performance problems.”18 The term “concepts” refers
here to functional requirements and indicates the means to achieve the goals. One functional
requirement is, for instance, for different flows to be separated, with the result that there is a service
user flow, a mixed service user/PT staff flow, and a sequential P&O flow. Other functional requirements
include accessibility, flexibility and security control.
The needs “have a direct bearing on space requirements, which are generated by people and activities,”19
while the statement of the problem “cover[s] the functional program, the site, the budget, and the
implications of time.”20
The goals, facts and statement of the problem are part of the Vision as it is defined in the Protocol.
They are the backbone of the architectural programme.
The latter three concepts have been incorporated into a Vision template that has been designed to
provide support for project owner representatives in the development of their proposal. The first Vision
template was introduced by the WatHab Unit in 2012. It has been updated since then and its most recent
update is appended as Annex 1.
The template follows the structure of the ICRC’s Planning for Results21 framework and its terminology.
Considerations of goals, facts and problems have accordingly been renamed as situation analysis,
problem analysis for the target population, expected humanitarian impact, specific operational
strategies, and objectives. These concepts are complemented by a schematic project brief indicating
the main needs of the project and a schematic conceptualization in the form of a schedule of rooms.
The main needs and schematic conceptualization established in the Vision stage are developed in the
Feasibility stage in a dialogue between the construction project manager and the project owner. The
finalized architectural programme is incorporated into the Feasibility report.
A first Feasibility report template was introduced by the WatHab Unit in 2011. It has been continuously
improved ever since. Its most recent update is appended as Annex 2.
19 Ibid., p. 88.
20 Ibid., p. 92.
21 Planning for Results (PfR) was introduced at the ICRC in 1998 as a new management method and tool for the analysis, formulation
and planning of the organization’s field operations and at headquarters. It is primarily a process through which delegations submit
analyses and objectives to headquarters.
Architectural case studies are analyses that are often carried out at the inception of a building project.
Such analyses are descriptive and explanatory and are based on one or more existing examples.
The following pages feature a study of ten existing Physical Rehabilitation Centres (PRCs) built in eight
countries over the past 30 years and presented in this chapter in order of date of completion.
The aim of this ten-centre study is to facilitate the development of architectural programmes and, more
specifically, to enhance the capacity to evaluate the elements that need to be incorporated into them.
The study adopts a common presentation framework for each of the centres, which are of various sizes,
in order to facilitate the comparison of their spatial, activity, production and staffing characteristics. The
common presentation framework is intended to structure the reading and to allow the reader to focus
on data relevant to programming. It also helps readers to come to their own conclusions.
As well as highlighting recurrent functional and design patterns, the study identifies best practices and
practices to be avoided. By looking at different buildings, it also presents examples that can be used
for reference and study. It helps the reader to understand the diversity of solutions and relates spatial
layouts to production statistics and staffing arrangements.
The ten PRCs in this study are all projects that have been developed by the PRP and SFD since 1985.
They are drawn from the ICRC’s long history of PRC construction or renovation, which formed part of
its involvement in physical rehabilitation activities even before the PRP and SFD were established.
In Finland just after the Second World War, an orthopaedic workshop was set up by the Swedish Red
Cross in cooperation with the ICRC. In 1955, a temporary prostheses workshop was financed by the ICRC
in Ho Chi Min City (Viet Nam), which was known at that time as Saigon (Figures 2.1 and 2.2). In Jordan
in 1956, the ICRC supported the establishment of the Jordanian Red Cross’s orthopaedic workshop.
Between 1957 and 1959, the ICRC coordinated the creation of a prosthetic component factory in Hungary,
using East German machinery and technology. In Algeria between 1958 and 1961, another orthopaedic
workshop was set up by the Swedish Red Cross in cooperation with the ICRC. In 1969 in south-eastern
Nigeria (then known as Biafra), an orthopaedic workshop with a physiotherapy department was estab-
lished with, for the first time, one prosthetist and physiotherapists directly employed by the ICRC. In
northern Yemen between in 1970 and 1972, an orthopaedic workshop was set up and components
were produced locally for the first time to avoid expensive imports (Figure 2.3). In Lebanon in 1977-1979,
two orthopaedic workshops and physiotherapy departments were established by the Swiss Red Cross
under the umbrella of the ICRC (Figure 2.4). Many of those centres are still in operation today.22
The Debre Zeyit rehabilitation centre in Ethiopia (Figure 2.9) and the Agostinho Neto Physical
Rehabilitation Centre (Figure 2.10), known at that time as Bomba Alta, in Huambo, Angola, were the first
projects to be established by the PRP in 1979.
Those first centres were immediately followed by a second wave of projects, which, in most cases, served
as a basis for establishing a national rehabilitation service in the countries concerned. Among the centres
still in operation today, mention deserves to be made of the prosthetics and orthotics services at Maputo
Central Hospital in Mozambique and the Paraplegic Centre in Peshawar (Figure 2.5), Pakistan, both set
up in 1981. The Kabalaye limb-fitting and rehabilitation centre (CARK) in Chad and the Rehabilitation
Service at Beit Chabab Hospital in Lebanon, set up in 1981 and 1982 respectively by local NGOs with
the support of the ICRC, were part of the same wave and are also both still in service.
This remarkable commitment on the part of the ICRC to the construction and refurbishment of PRCs in
situations of armed conflicts and violence over almost 60 years is unfortunately little documented from
22 For further information about the operations referred to in this paragraph and the involvement of the ICRC in prosthetics and
orthotics and physiotherapy up to the end of the 1970s, see J.C.M. Gehrels, ICRC prosthetic technology in technical orthopaedic
programmes, ICRC, Geneva, 1996, p. 1 (internal document).
SFD/ PRP activities
Less than 5 years
Between 5 and 15 years
More than 15 years
Past projects and end of presence
Figure 2.7
Overview of PRP projects, 1979-2014 Uninterrupted presence
Figure 2.8
Overview of SFD projects, 1983-2014
2. A ten-centre study27
Figure 2.9 Figure 2.10
Debre Zeyit rehabilitation centre, Ethiopia, 1979 Agostinho Neto Physical Rehabilitation Centre, Huambo, Angola, 1984
a construction point of view. The ICRC kept few blueprints or architectural programmes that could be of
use in the development of new projects. That is also true for some of the centres analysed in this study.23
Each of the ten centres featured in this study has its own particular history, although they were all built
or refurbished under WatHab supervision for the PRP or the SFD. Following construction, most of them
were handed over to authorities or local partners, as is almost always the case with ICRC projects.
Apart from those common aspects, the role played by the ICRC in their establishment differed consid-
erably from one centre to another. Some of them were fully planned and designed by the ICRC. Others
were only supervised by the ICRC during their conception and/or construction. For others, the ICRC was
merely consulted as an adviser. The information at the ICRC’s disposal was therefore disparate and at
times scarce.
The development of plans, their analysis and the computation of surface areas presented in this
ten‑centre study represent a substantial volume of research and modelling. The study is a unique op-
portunity to compare projects located all over the world and built in very different environmental and
political contexts.
All PRCs selected for this study have interesting aspects and lessons to impart. Each of them also has
aspects that can be improved. All of them are worth studying.
Although these pages constitute a coherent study of a small selection of PRCs, each new programme
may require the analysis of further examples of relevant projects, particularly local ones and/or new
ones realized by the PRP or SFD after the publication of this handbook. Each building – and hence each
architectural programme – is unique because of the specificities of its local and social context.
The climate control systems adopted, available materials and techniques, existing vernacular typologies
and the integration of social and cultural behaviours are some of the contextual elements that a further
analysis of local buildings may add to the present study.
This study is therefore not intended to be a substitute for analysing and visiting comparable examples
in the context of a new project. An analysis of local examples alongside the examples presented in this
study will help to reach a better understanding of the requirements for a new project in terms of or-
ganizational structure, spatial requirements and tried and tested solutions.
This architectural study of PRCs is the second carried out in the history of the ICRC. The first was prepared
for the ICRC in 1994 as a student thesis at the Ecole d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Genève. 24
23 A filing system, known as ASSENG, which covers all stages of large construction projects has been introduced in recent years in the
WatHab Unit in addition to its institutional filing system.
24 Christophe Valentini, Travaux de recherche, Ecole d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme de Genève, Geneva, 1994 (unpublished document).
Figure 2.11
Functional organigram (Organigramme d’ensemble), 1994
It surveyed and analysed six centres built or renovated by the ICRC. Those centres were all operated by
the PRP at the time and are still in service today. They are located in Asmara (Eritrea, 1982), Mazar-e-Sharif
and Herat (Afghanistan, 1990 and 1991), Phnom Penh (Cambodia, 1991), and Basrah and Najaf (Iraq,
This first study was carried out to prepare the ground for the design of a specific project in Cambodia.
As it is often the case in architecture, the intention was not to draw general conclusions but to highlight
recurrent patterns in similar projects and to identify best practices and practices to be avoided.
After the review of the six centres, the study presented a schematic functional organigram (Figure 2.11)
of a generic centre (Figure 2.12), which was proposed for the construction of a series of centres in
The schematic functional organigram subdivides the centre into seven main areas: administration,
service user accommodation (séjour et convalescence), clinical and physiotherapy areas (consultations et
soins), prosthetic and orthotic workshop (atelier), store (magasin), dining area (services) and staff rooms
(personnel medical). Access to the store (accès magasin), the main entrance (entrée principale) and the
staff entrance (entrée du personnel) are also shown.
The administration, the service user accommodation and the dining area are considered to be public
spaces. The prosthetic and orthotic workshop, the store and the staff rooms are considered to be
restricted areas. The clinical and physiotherapy areas are a spatial buffer between the public and the
restricted areas.
All activities at the PRC are distributed around two central outdoor areas: a public one (espace commun)
for the public spaces and a private one (espace privé) for the restricted areas. These outdoor areas are
not given over to any activities and are courtyards.
As we will see in the ten-centre study, this functional organigram inspired the designs of some projects
in the field. Although the student thesis stated that the schematic organigram and layout were not to
be understood as a model PRC, they gradually became one. This can be explained by the lack of
resources about existing PRCs in humanitarian contexts available to designers in the early 2000s.
The model was first used for Hpa-an Physical Rehabilitation Centre in Myanmar in 2002 and was further
developed for the Juba Physical Rehabilitation Reference Centre (PRRC) in South Sudan in 2008. Those
two buildings are organized around central open spaces as in the functional organigram. The layout of
the Juba PRRC even replicates the concept of restricted and public courtyards separated by the
physiotherapy rooms and the clinical area.
2. A ten-centre study29
Figure 2.12
Architectural composition (Composition/Partitions), 1994
The courtyards at the two aforementioned centres are enclosed by covered galleries that lead to rooms.
The combination of a courtyard with surrounding loggias is a well-known typology of classical archi-
tecture. Following the ancient examples of peristyles and sehans, this spatial configuration facilitates
passive cooling in warm climates. The central courtyards allow cross-ventilation of the rooms and the
inner facades are shaded by the galleries. By setting up activities in the courtyards and thus limiting the
number of enclosed spaces, these layouts are also less expensive to build and less difficult to maintain
in environments where it may be difficult to ensure a constant energy supply for climate control
The upgrade of the functional organigram with this architectural typology was developed for tropical
climates (classified “A” under the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system25), and more specifically
for Myanmar and South Sudan, which are assigned to the tropical monsoon (“Am”) and tropical savannah
(“Aw”) Köppen-Geiger categories respectively. The functional organigram was developed initially for
Cambodia, which is also classified as having a tropical savannah (“Aw”) climate.
The functional organigram and its associated layout (Figures 2.11 and 2.12) were also used as a model
in Iraq and Afghanistan, both of which have arid climates (“B”). However, in those cases, the organigram
was not used for passive climate control. The organigram presented the advantage of a symmetric
layout, which enabled gender separation in the public spaces. The design of the new Faizabad PRC,
currently under construction in Afghanistan, is one of the organigram’s most fully developed applications
in terms of gender separation.
25 Some humanitarian actors, such as OCHA, have started to use an updated version of the terminology used by Wladimir Köppen and
Rudolf Geiger. In recent publications (Kottek et al., 2006) the “A” group is renamed “equatorial climates,” “Am” is now known as “equatorial
monsoon climate” and “Aw” as “equatorial savannah with a dry winter climate.” The “A” group is characterized by constant high
temperatures above 18° C at sea level and low elevations in all months of the year. “Am” is a tropical/equatorial climate with a wet and dry
season and “Aw” is a tropical/equatorial climate with a pronounced dry season. In essence, the “Aw” climate, for which this architectural
typology was first introduced by the ICRC for a PRC, tends to have less rainfall than an “Am” climate or more pronounced dry seasons.
A study of this kind with schematic designs can have a major influence, albeit unintentionally, on the
development of future programmes and designs. An architectural study of a selection of sites is generally
developed in order to establish the lessons to be learned from the project. Those lessons lead to design
rationalization with a view to improving future building projects.
A model design to be replicated worldwide will always have limited use. Conditions change, particularly
in ICRC contexts. Architectural programmes are always different from one another. The establishment
of rural or urban referral centres, the presence or absence of potential operating partners, the climate
and the shortage of materials are some of the factors explaining the constant need to adapt.
Instead of a model design, the ten-centre study discussed on the following pages highlights the need
to focus on architectural programming. Chapter 3 will present tools – some of which were developed
in the course of this study – that are intended to improve the architectural programming of PRCs.
2. A ten-centre study31
Faizabad Rakrang
! !
! !
Kabul Muzaffarabad
! Hpa-an
Battambang !!
Juba ! Kampong Speu
Beira !
Figure 2.13
Location of the ten PRCs discussed in the study
Unlike case studies in other fields, those concerning the building environment mainly report information
through plans, pictures and tables. Accordingly, most of this chapter consists of graphics. The text serves
to introduce graphical content in order to make it understandable for readers who are less accustomed
to interpreting diagrams such as floor plans.
As already mentioned, the material available for the development of these presentations varied in
quantity and quality. For some of the earlier projects, information was scarce. Despite this heterogeneity,
all presentations follow the same structural arrangement so that comparisons can be made more easily.
Each case contains a description of the historical background, the role of the ICRC and the construction
process. This is complemented by illustrations of the centre and the presentation of relevant positive
and negative aspects of the design. Finally, significant statistics regarding spatial characteristics,
production and staff are provided.
It is worth mentioning that most of the positive and negative aspects reported here were submitted
by present and past PRP and SFD staff members. Service user opinions are not included.
The graphical material consists of plans on a scale of 1 : 500. Each plan has a graphic scale and a north
point to facilitate comparison.
A colour code is used to identify the main activities at the PRCs. The designation of the different depart-
ments was agreed with the PRP Technical Commission in 2013. The colour code, the service designa-
tions and their three-letter acronyms are used not only in this chapter but throughout the handbook.
Administration ADM
Clinical area CLI
Guest house GUE
Physiotherapy department PTD
Prosthetic and orthotic department * POD
Service user accommodation SUA
Services area SER
Storage STO
Internal circulation
External circulation
As with living organisms, buildings are constantly evolving. This is particularly true for some of the
centres presented here. Both their graphical and written presentations therefore have to be considered
as snapshots. The buildings are depicted at a specific point in their evolution and some centres may
have evolved significantly since then.
Plan of Beira PRC as built in 1990
(section 3.2) (m²)
001 Meeting/training room ADM1 17
002 Management 12
003 Administration 9
004 WC 8
005 WC 7
006 Staff room 10
007 Rectification room POD2 29
008 Thermoforming room POD3 53
009 Main store STO1 20
010 Store 11
011 Daily store STO2 5
012 Exercise room PTD1 74
013 Reception CLI1 23
014 Assembly room POD4 172
Circulation area 402
Net floor area (NFA) 852
2. A ten-centre study35
The ten-year-long liberation war which ended with the independence of Mozambique in 1975 and the
subsequent internal conflict between the two political parties, FRELIMO and RENAMO, left soldiers and
civilians in need of physical rehabilitation.
The ICRC started a physical rehabilitation project in collaboration with the Ministry of Health in 1981
and supported the provision of services at the Central Hospital in Maputo. During its presence in the
country, between 1981 and 1995, the ICRC assisted the four PRCs in Maputo, Beira, Quelimane and
The centre in Beira was refurbished by the ICRC and opened in 1985. The ICRC handed its activities over
to the Ministry of Health in 1995.
The PRC is a monolithic colonial-style building. It consists of a central body surrounded on all sides by
an external gallery and an extension on the northern side. From the outside, the central body is easily
recognized by its barrel roof and semicircular pediments.
Main facade and entrance, 1987
Thierry Gassmann/ICRC
All the rooms at the PRC lead off from the gallery, which has a protruding ramp so as to be accessible
by people with disabilities. Because the gallery is large and not enclosed, it is also used for practical
training, making it a sort of ambulatory around the central part of the building. The shade generated
TFA 928 m²
by the gallery roofing facilitates passive cooling of the centre.
NFA 852 m²
The central body of the building is divided into two parallel parts by an internal corridor. The reception, Plot n/k
a physiotherapy room, the stores and the P&O thermoforming room are located on one side of the Plot ratio n/k
corridor, at the centre of the PRC. The central position of the store in a PRC of this size is optimal, making Clinical area 31 m²
it easy for all departments to access. PT department 74 m²
P&O department 254 m²
On the other side of the central corridor is a large single space for the P&O workshop. The rectification room SU accommodation 0 m²
is located separately in the northern extension, adjacent to the administration rooms and toilets outside
Administration 55 m²
the main body of the building. The division of the P&O area does not enhance the production flow.
Storage 36 m²
Services area 0 m²
The Beira PRC was renovated by the ICRC to accommodate P&O training for 18 to 20 students. Initially,
Circulation/NFA 47%
the layout of the building was therefore adapted mainly for training activities.
In 1995, 294 people with physical disabilities received services at the PRC. That same year, the PRC
produced and supplied 173 prostheses and 121 orthoses.
To provide the activities, in 1995 the PRC had a staff of 15: 6 P&O technicians, 3 benchworkers, 2 admin-
istration and management staff, and 4 general staff. No information is available on current production
and current staffing levels.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 928 m². Its net floor area (NFA) is 852 m² with 47% dedicated to
circulation but partially used for PT activities.
yy The gallery provides natural cooling of the main building and a semi-public space to accommodate
PT activities;
yy The single-storey construction makes the building easily accessible for people with disabilities.
yy Casts were being made outside the building and the rectification room is cut off from the main P&O
workshop flows;
yy The machine room is not separate from the assembly room.
General view from south-east, 1987
Thierry Gassmann/ICRC
PT department – outside exercise room, 1992
Peter Poetsman/ICRC
PT department – inside exercise room, 1992
Pierre Boussel/ICRC
Plan of Battambang PRC
in 2014
Key: page 41
2. A ten-centre study39
Between 1969 and 1999 the people of Cambodia suffered almost continuous war, political clashes and
deadly violence: the spillover of the Viet Nam war into their country, the establishment of the Khmer
Rouge’s Democratic Kampuchea in 1975, the collapse of the Khmer Rouge regime as a result of the
Vietnamese invasion in 1979, and the slow transition of the country to the 1991 Paris Peace Accords with
the People’s Republic of Kampuchea that ultimately led to the restoration of the Kingdom of Cambodia
in 1993. The violent events left the country littered with mines and other explosives remnants. This
unexploded ordnance (UXO) caused many injuries leading to amputations in a country that had no
physical rehabilitation service before the 1980s.
To address the needs, the international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) American Friends
Service Committee and Handicap International set up ten small PRCs between 1981 and 1991. Among
them were Battambang, set up in 1988-89, and Kompong Speu, set up in 1991. Today, the Cambodian
Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation manages 11 PRCs throughout the country.
Two of them, Battambang and Kompong Speu, receive financial and technical support from the ICRC,
which established a permanent presence in Cambodia in 1979.
The Battambang centre was taken over by the ICRC from Handicap International in 1991. The ICRC first
renovated the premises and then installed its equipment. Following the ICRC renovation, the first
amputees were admitted at the end of 1991. Several new buildings were constructed over the following
years in order to increase the centre’s capacity. In 1992, a new workshop and the main warehouse were
added. In 1993, a physiotherapy building, a kitchen, an outdoor obstacle training course and two dor-
mitories comprising 120 beds with showers and toilets were also added.
PT department – advanced training court, 1993
François Rueff/ICRC
The centre of Battambang consists of several buildings spread over a large plot of land planted with
palm trees. The built area occupies only one-third of the plot. The large remaining space offers an
TFA 3,006 m²
outdoor environment for different activities.
NFA 2,755 m²
Plot 11,916 m²
All buildings are one storey high. The steeply sloping roofs of the buildings reflect the local architectural
style. They give the whole centre an architectural character which is highly appreciated by users. The Plot ratio 0.3
steep roofs and high ceilings enable passive cooling and are very appropriate for humid and warm Clinical area 118 m²
climates. All services are accessible from outside. This avoids the need for internal corridors, which easily PT department 634 m²
accumulate stagnant and humid air in tropical climates. P&O department 322 m²
SU accommodation 656 m²
The site is divided into three main areas. The clinical area, the PT department and the P&O department Administration 110 m²
are located in the first area, to the south. The main building at the entrance to the site contains the
Storage 209 m²
reception and the workshop with its stores. The PT building, the assessment rooms and a covered
Services area 144 m²
advanced training court are accessible from the rear of the main building. Outdoor sports courts are
Circulation/NFA 20%
located behind the PT building. Palm trees surround the sports areas and keep them cool.
Service user accommodation with female and male wards and a dining area is in the second main area
of the site, to the north. Bathrooms and toilets are separate from the wards. The dining area is positioned
between the two symmetrical dormitory buildings. It is open to the air and covered by a roof.
The administrative and technical buildings are located on the third part of the site, immediately in front
of the entrance.
The PRC provides the full range of services, including mobility devices (prostheses, orthoses, walking
aids and wheelchairs) and physiotherapy services. The PRC serves as a regional centre covering five
provinces: Battambang, Pursat, Pailin, Odar Manchey and Banteay Manchey.
In 2013, the 120-bed centre provided services for 7,747 people with physical disabilities, 4,200 of whom
were given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 1,162 prostheses, 614 orthoses and 1,263 pairs
of crutches. It also provided 352 wheelchairs.
To provide the activities, the PRC now has a staff of 57: 9 P&O technicians, 15 benchworkers, 9 PT staff,
4 administration and management staff and 20 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 3,006 m² on a plot of land measuring 11,916 m². Its net floor area
(NFA) is 2,755 m² with 20% dedicated to circulation.
yy The constructions on the site occupy only a small part of the plot of land, giving the PRC a good ratio
of outdoor space to buildings;
yy High ceilings facilitate passive cooling of the buildings;
yy Outdoor covered spaces create comfortable areas for activities, protected from rain and shaded from
the sun;
yy External circulation avoids the need for central corridors, which may easily accumulate stagnant and
humid air;
yy The absence of internal corridor reduces the built floor area.
yy One single building contains two functional areas (the P&O workshop and the reception) which are
not compatible because of the noise from the workshop and the need for a quiet atmosphere at the
Service user accommodation – dormitories, 1993
François Rueff/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study41
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 29 037 Store 10
002 Chronic pain room 20 038 Kitchen 29
003 Daily store STO2 42 039 Dormitory 104
004 Store 33 040 Dormitory 117
005 Store 14 041 Store 3
006 Generator 16 042 Bathroom 2
007 Generator 16 043 Bathroom 2
008 Store 25 044 WC 2
009 Machine room POD8 37 045 WC 2
010 Main store STO1 47 046 WC 2
011 Sewing room POD9 7 047 WC 2
012 Store 4 048 Bathroom 4
013 Store 5 049 Laundry 3
014 Assembly room POD4 218 050 Dining room 85
015 Rectification room POD2 41 051 WC 22
016 Casting room POD1 19 052 Office 11
017 Waiting room CLI2 21 053 Kitchen store 11
018 Social services 21 054 Dormitory 253
019 Reception CLI1 19 055 Store 3
020 Medical records 14 056 Bathroom 2
021 Advanced training court PTD4 266 057 Bathroom 2
022 Exercise room PTD1 173 058 WC 2
023 Bathroom 17 059 WC 2
024 WC 6 060 WC 2
025 WC 6 061 WC 2
026 Exercise room PTD1 30 062 Bathroom 4
027 Assessment room CLI3 30 063 Store 3
028 Waiting room CLI2 13 064 Outdoor sports court – volleyball PTD3
029 Fuel store 9 065 Outdoor sports court – basketball PTD3
030 Maintenance 22 066 Advanced training court 38
031 Maintenance 22 067 Waiting area 49
032 Administration 17 068 Water treatment
033 Management 17 069 Water tank
034 Administration 25 070 Maintenance
035 Meeting/training room ADM1 45 Circulation area 562
036 Guard 6 Net floor area (NFA) 2,755
Service user accommodation – dining area, 2014
Alessandro Giusti/ICRC
PT department – exercise room, 2014
Alessandro Giusti/ICRC
P&O department – workshop, 2014
Alessandro Giusti/ICRC
P&O department – workshop, 2014
Alessandro Giusti/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study43
Service user accommodation – dormitories, 2014
Alessandro Giusti/ICRC
Plan of Kabul PRC in 2014
Key: page 47
2. A ten-centre study45
The ICRC has been permanently present in Afghanistan since 1987, towards the end of the Soviet war
in Afghanistan (1979-1989). The physical rehabilitation project started one year later in order to provide
services for amputees who had lost their limbs during the conflict. Today, the ICRC’s physical rehabilitation
project combines physical rehabilitation services for people with physical disabilities with activities
aimed at social inclusion. The centre is managed directly by the ICRC with the close collaboration of the
Ministry of Public Health, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs, Martyrs
and Disabled.
The construction of the PRC started during the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan and was completed
in 1991. In the period from the collapse of the communist Republic of Afghanistan (1992) to the foun-
dation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (1996), Kabul was the scene of several battles. The PRC,
situated in Ali Abad, was suddenly on the front line. This led to its relocation in 1993 to a safer place in
Wazir Akbar Khan, Kabul.
At the beginning of 1994, the centre was moved back to Ali Abad as the security situation stabilized.
However, six months later the centre had to be moved back to Wazir Akbar Khan once again. The original
buildings in Ali Abad were repeatedly and severely damaged during the Battle of Kabul (1992-1996).
Nevertheless, repairs to the buildings were systematically carried out straight away in order to prevent
further deterioration. Following the fall of Kabul (2001) under the US-led Operation Enduring Freedom,
the component factory moved back to Ali Abad in 2002. In 2004, the entire centre was transferred again
to its original location and additional premises were erected. The ICRC designed and built the entire
PRC in Ali Abad.
TFA 7,401 m²
NFA 6,498 m² Entrance, 2010
Plot 16,080 m² Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
Administration 357 m²
The centre consists of four main buildings which are located along an internal road lined with trees. They
Storage 812 m²
were all erected during the same initial development phase and their typology is identical. It consists of
Services area 221 m²
closed, compact single-storey buildings each with a narrow internal courtyard with rooms on either side
Circulation/NFA 10%
of their longitudinal wings. The wings all have single-pitch roofs that slope towards the courtyards.
2. A ten-centre study47
(section (m²) (section (m²) (section (m²)
3.2) 3.2) 3.2)
001 Store 21 050 Pharmacy 31 099 WC 7
002 WC 25 051 WC 9 100 Waiting room CLI2 18
003 Store 69 052 Dining room 177 101 Assessment room CLI3 12
004 Painting room 34 053 Kitchen store 9 102 Dormitory 49
005 Carpentry workshop 203 054 Kitchen 36 103 WC 13
006 Dressing room 16 055 WC 7 104 WC 2
007 Store 6 056 Generator 14 105 WC 2
008 Exercise room PTD1 51 057 Generator 17 106 Advanced training court PTD4 274
009 Casting room POD1 32 058 Generator 17 107 Orthotic workshop 100
010 Rectification room POD2 27 059 Transformer 30 108 WC 23
011 Casting room POD1 20 060 Generator 15 109 Staff room 16
012 Waiting room CLI2 9 061 Water pump 13 110 WC 2
013 Store 2 062 Kindergarten 13 111 WC 2
014 Store 2 063 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 59 112 WC 2
015 WC 6 064 Maintenance 48 113 Metal room POD7 253
016 Office 13 065 Thermoforming room POD3 116 114 Machine room POD8 50
017 Office 18 066 Leather workshop 20 115 Prosthetic workshop 24
018 Thermoforming room POD3 16 067 Laundry 71 116 Prosthetic workshop 61
019 Machine room POD8 26 068 WC 3 117 Prosthetic workshop 41
020 Assembly room POD4 90 069 WC 3 118 Office 16
021 Exercise room PTD1 48 070 WC 69 119 Office 16
022 Meeting/training room ADM1 48 071 Guard 5 120 Store 13
023 Main store STO1 205 072 Waiting room CLI2 40 121 Waiting room CLI2 45
024 Machine room POD8 23 073 Dormitory 49 122 Casting room POD1 49
025 Store 74 074 Exercise room PTD1 60 123 Casting room POD1 49
026 Wheelchair assembly room POD10 151 075 Reception CLI1 50 124 Office 23
027 Wheelchair assembly room POD10 46 076 Exercise room PTD1 25 125 Office 23
028 Store 94 077 Exercise room PTD1 149 126 Administration 48
029 WC 3 078 Dressing room 27 127 WC 4
030 WC 3 079 Exercise room PTD1 26 128 WC 10
031 WC 7 080 Fitting room CLI3 13 129 IT 4
032 WC 8 081 Medical records 16 130 Reception CLI1 32
033 WC 7 081 Dormitory 18 131 Driver 16
034 WC 7 083 WC 13 132 Office 10
035 Store 82 084 Dormitory 52 133 Office 11
036 Store 73 085 Office 8 134 Office 10
037 Social services 80 086 WC 8 135 Meeting/training room ADM1 48
038 Social services 19 087 Exercise room PTD1 51 136 Leather workshop 26
039 Social services 65 088 Dressing room 13 137 Leather workshop 17
040 Janitor’s room 37 089 Staff room 13 138 Covered basketball court 723
041 Store 47 090 Dormitory 48 139 Water tank
042 Fuel store 88 091 Store 13 140 Water tank
043 Fuel pump 27 092 Dressing room 13 Circulation area 662
044 Pharmacy 31 093 Dormitory 49 Net floor area (NFA) 6,498
045 Kitchen 47 094 Waiting room CLI2 15
046 Kitchen store 15 095 WC 4
047 Pharmacy 15 096 Dormitory 34
048 Pharmacy 14 097 Medical records 25
049 Pharmacy 25 098 WC 9
General view from the south-west, 1991
Yannick Muller/ICRC
The concrete structure with masonry infill walls has enabled the buildings to survive numerous rocket
strikes. The facade openings are protected by precast concrete sunshades, which give the buildings
their architectural identity. The four buildings house the main activities: the clinical area, the P&O
department, the PT department, the service user accommodation and the administration. For cultural
reasons, the PT department is gender separated.
To cope with the steady increase in activities, extensions were built over time in some of the courtyards
(rooms 025, 035, 076, 099, 105, 108, 114, 120 and 128). Other services were added mainly by constructing
new buildings at the back of the site or by refurbishing existing structures: a component factory (001
to 005), a school for P&O technicians (006 to 020), a department for social integration activities (037 to
039) and a kindergarten (062). A sports facility, including a basketball court for wheelchair users (138),
was also added to the initial constructions.
These extensions are all small entities, with the exception of the component factory, the school for P&O
technicians and the sports facility. The component factory is linear in structure and the school is an
L-shaped building. They are both concrete structures with masonry infill walls and double Howe metallic
trusses supporting double-pitched roofs. The sports facility is a metal structure.
All buildings on the plot of land are single-storey. The construction techniques employed are familiar
to local contractors and the buildings are therefore easy to maintain.
The entire PRC is accessible to people with disabilities. In accordance with a positive discrimination
policy, more than 90% of employees or trainees at the centre are people with disabilities.
In 2013, the 150-bed PRC provided services for 31,922 people with physical disabilities, 22,268 of whom
were given physiotherapy only. Although the PRC was originally built for amputees only, services are
now provided for people with all kinds of physical disabilities. Among the newly registered users, the
ratio of amputees to other disabled persons is 1 : 8.
2. A ten-centre study49
General view from east, 1992
Gianluca Thorimbert/ICRC
In 2013, the PRC produced and supplied 1,173 prostheses, 5,325 orthoses, 2,553 pairs of crutches and
471 wheelchairs. The initial projection was 2,000 service users a year, 100 beds and production of
800 prostheses.
To provide the activities, the PRC now has a staff of 268: 26 P&O technicians, 108 benchworkers, 46 PT
staff, 8 administrative and management staff and 80 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 7,401 m² on a plot of land measuring 16,080 m². Because of the
0.5 plot ratio26 and the site topography, the extension of the centre is now curtailed. The net floor area
(NFA) is 6,498 m² with 10% dedicated to circulation.
yy The buildings are easily maintainable by local craftsmen as they have been built using local
yy All buildings are single-storey and thus easily accessible by people with disabilities;
yy Outdoor spaces are landscaped and have outdoor lighting;
yy Fire hose reels connected to a specific water network have been installed throughout the site as part
of the fire safety strategy.
yy “Bukharies,” traditional oil or wood-fired heaters common in the northern part of Southern Asia, are
used to heat the PRC. This system is not appropriate for premises of this scale as each “bukhari” heats
only one room and consumes large amounts of fuel. For a building the size of Kabul PRC, numerous
“bukharies” are required and fuel costs become prohibitive. A new central heating system is currently
being installed in some buildings;
yy Construction density and the distances between some buildings require specific attention to be paid
to fire safety access and egress.
Figure Figure
Advanced training court, 2008 Basketball court, 2014
Ash Sweeting/British Red Cross Jessica Barry/ICRC
PT department – advanced training court, 2009
Laurent Bedel/ICRC
PT department – advanced training court, 2010
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study51
P&O department, 2013
Sean Maguire/ICRC
P&O department – school for P&O technicians, 2013
Jacob Simkin/ICRC
Plan of Hpa-an PRC in 2014
Key: page 55
2. A ten-centre study53
Physical rehabilitation for people who have had limbs amputated following a landmine incident has
been part of the ICRC’s work in Myanmar since its delegation opened in 1986.
Today, many people with physical disabilities find it difficult to obtain adequate access to rehabilitation
services. The problem is particularly acute for people living in the various conflict zones along the
borders between Myanmar and Thailand and between Laos and China. The ICRC is currently providing
support for two PRCs managed directly by the Ministry of Health. These centres are situated in Mandalay
and Yenanthar. In Kayin State, the ICRC provides technical, material and financial support for the Hpa-an
Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Centre, which is managed by the Myanmar Red Cross.
The Hpa-an PRC was designed and built by the ICRC. The design stage started at the beginning of 2001
and construction began at the end of the same year. The building was completed in 2002 after only
seven months of work although, at the time of construction, the building site was in the middle of the
conflict-affected area.
General view from the south-west – staff dining room and dormitories, 2014
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
The main building is a single-storey linear structure with a courtyard. Covered outdoor galleries surround
this central landscaped space. This architectural typology promotes passive cooling with cross-ventilation
of rooms and shade from the galleries. The different spaces have separate entry points, which avoids
congestion of the circulation flows. Some rooms are accessible from the galleries on the courtyard and
others directly from outside the building.
A large covered outdoor area in the courtyard serves primarily as a physiotherapy advanced training
court but is also used as a service user recreational area. As a result of locating activities in the courtyards
and providing external corridors, enclosed spaces are limited in number. This programmatic choice
promotes passive cooling and simplifies maintenance in tropical climates. In the initial 2002 arrange-
ments, only toilets and washrooms were located in two separate buildings outside the main one.
Over the past ten years, constant spatial planning reorganization and upgrading work has been carried
TFA 2,019 m²
out. One noticeable upgrade was the replacement of the initial roof panels containing asbestos by
colour-coated galvanized sandwich panels. The underside of the panels is covered with a mineral ceiling NFA 1,906 m²
that provides an additional thermal buffer. A screen of bamboo mats hangs from the edge of the roof Plot 6,785 m²
overhangs to give additional protection from the direct heat of the sun. Plot ratio 0.3
Clinical area 41 m²
Another upgrade was carried out in the thermoforming room, where ovens were recessed into the PT department 284 m²
external wall and aligned with the inner face of the wall. The ovens are covered outside by an adjacent P&O department 296 m²
open porch with its roof positioned at mid-height of the facade. SU accommodation 503 m²
Administration 184 m²
A series of fire hose reels were introduced as part of the fire safety strategy.
Storage 88 m²
Services area 50 m²
Significant extensions to the main building have been carried out over time, providing a dormitory with
Circulation/NFA 24%
bathrooms, a gait training room and dining rooms.
Plan of Hpa-an PRC as built in 2002
View from the south-west – service user accommodation, 2003
Theo Verhoeff/ICRC
Figure Figure
View from the courtyard to the reception, 2002 The name of the construction workers on a wall in the reception, 2002
Franz Engler/ICRC Franz Engler/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study55
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Generator 27 024 Dormitory 67
002 Foot production unit 27 025 Bathroom 15
003 Main store STO1 44 026 Laundry 21
004 Staff room 21 027 Meeting/training room ADM1 32
005 WC 5 028 Management 10
006 WC 5 029 Administration 10
007 Assembly room POD4 80
030 Reception CLI1 21
008 Assessment room CLI3 5
031 Guard 4
009 Assessment room CLI3 5
032 Bathroom 26
010 Rectification room POD2 67
033 Dormitory 108
011 Machine room POD8 19
034 Dining room 52
012 Thermoforming room POD3 32
035 Dining room (staff) 32
013 Casting room POD1 32
036 Advanced training court 59
014 Fitting room CLI3 5
037 Outdoor sports court – volleyball
015 Fitting room CLI3 5
038 Waste management 23
016 Changing area (staff) 32
039 Fenced outdoor female area
017 Kitchen 21
018 Dining area 44 040 Store 44
In 2013, the 52-bed PRC provided services for 2,548 people with physical disabilities, 898 of whom were
given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 1,030 prostheses, 16 orthoses and 660 pairs of
crutches. It also provided 15 wheelchairs. The initial projection was a production of 600 prostheses a
year. The centre is now at maximum capacity, taking into consideration the several extensions completed
over the years.
To provide these activities, the PRC now has a staff of 43: 8 P&O technicians, 7 benchworkers, 4 PT staff,
6 administration and management staff and 18 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 2,019 m² on a plot of land measuring 6,785 m². The net floor area
(NFA) is 1,906 m² with 24% dedicated to circulation.
yy The courtyard and external covered outdoor corridors favour passive cooling;
yy A maintenance department was incorporated into the design from the outset; unlike the situation at
many other PRCs, the department covers the centre’s needs;
yy Perimeter circulation allowed new buildings to be added to the one that already existed without
disrupting the circulation flows.
yy The haphazard addition over time of new buildings to the one that already existed led to a site which
today offers no possibility of further development, although the plot ratio of 0.3 is fairly low;
yy The architectural form of a closed linear building with a courtyard cannot be easily extended. Over
time, the initial project brief proved to be inconsistent with the development of the centre.
PT department – advanced training court, 2014
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Figure Figure
Courtyard with the service user accommodation PT department – advanced training court, 2014
and the P&O department, 2014 Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Figure Figure
PT department – advanced training court, 2014 Dining area, 2014
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study57
Figure Figure
P&O department – workshop, 2014 P&O department – thermoforming room with recessed ovens, 2014
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Service user accommodation – men’s dormitory, 2014
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Courtyard and clinical area – reception, 2003
Theo Verhoeff/ICRC
Plan of Kampong Speu PRC as built in 2005
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Guard 59 022 Social services 8
002 Reception CLI1 44 023 Dormitory 94
003 Rectification room POD2 33 024 Main store STO1 65
004 Store 17 025 Dormitory 155
005 Machine room POD8 43 026 Advanced training court PTD4 144
006 Exercise room PTD1 177 027 Generator 27
007 Casting room POD1 21 028 WC 3
008 Assembly room POD4 123 029 Kitchen 25
009 Store 15 030 Bathroom 4
010 WC 4 031 Bathroom 4
011 WC 4 032 Bathroom 4
012 WC 4 033 Bathroom 4
013 WC 4 034 Bathroom 4
014 Sewing room POD9 9 035 Bathroom 4
015 Administration 31 036 Bathroom 4
016 Management 7 037 Bathroom 4
017 Meeting/training room ADM1 33 038 Outdoor sports court – basketball PTD3
018 Kitchen 18 039 Water tower
019 Store 32 040 Administration 63
020 Store 9 Circulation area 79
021 Dining room 104 Net floor area (NFA) 1,483
2. A ten-centre study59
In 2004, the ICRC began renovating the Kompong Speu PRC after starting to support the activities of
the centre, which is now managed by the Cambodian Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth
Rehabilitation. After this renovation, the centre reopened its doors at the beginning of 2005.
Like the Battambang PRC (section 2.1.2), the Kompong Speu centre receives financial and technical
support from the ICRC, which established a permanent presence in Cambodia in 1979.
PT department – outdoor sports court with the service user accommodation on the left
and the advanced training court on the right, 1998
Darren Whiteside/ICRC
The Kompong Speu PRC has several similarities with the Battambang centre. One of them is the general
layout comprising several buildings spread over the site. Nevertheless, Kompong Speu has been
developed on a much smaller plot of land and thus has less greenery than the Battambang PRC. The
plot ratio is accordingly far higher in Kompong Speu and it is almost impossible to extend this PRC.
Another similarity is that the Kompong Speu PRC also combines outdoor and indoor spaces in a manner
appropriate to tropical climates.
The buildings are either one or two storeys high. The main building is located next to the gate. It contains
the reception, the clinical area, the PT department, the P&O department with some stores and the
administrative services. Because this building contains all the main functions of the centre with almost
no internal corridors, the flows of service users and staff are intertwined. Moreover, the proximity of the
various services, and particular of the noisy P&O workshop and the PT room, where a calm atmosphere
is required, is a source of noise nuisance.
TFA 1,552 m²
The PT advanced training court is located out of doors and opens onto the outdoor sports court on the NFA 1,483 m²
west side of the plot. This space and the dining area are covered but not enclosed, taking advantage Plot 3,250 m²
of natural ventilation. The service user accommodation with its dining area and wards is located in three Plot ratio 0.5
parallel buildings situated in the northern part of the site. Clinical area 52 m²
PT department 324 m²
In common with Battambang, the Kompong Speu PRC provides the full range of physical rehabilitation P&O department 237 m²
services, including the provision of mobility devices (prostheses, orthoses, walking aids and wheelchairs) SU accommodation 429 m²
and physiotherapy services.
Administration 196 m²
Storage 138 m²
In 2013, the 40-bed PRC provided services for 3,316 people with physical disabilities, 1,462 of whom
Services area 27 m²
were given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 435 prostheses, 552 orthoses and 316 pairs of
Circulation/NFA 5%
crutches. It also provided 228 wheelchairs.
To provide these activities, the PRC now has a staff of 38: 6 P&O technicians, 7 benchworkers, 5 PT staff,
3 administrative and management staff and 17 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 1,552 m² on a plot of land measuring 3,250 m². Its net floor area
(NFA) is 1,483 m² with 5% dedicated to circulation.
yy The clinical area is located on the ground floor, making it easily accessible by service users;
yy Outdoor covered spaces create comfortable areas protected from rain and providing shade from the
yy External circulation avoids the need for internal corridors, where stagnant and humid air may easily
accumulate in tropical climates, and reduces the built floor area.
yy The high plot ratio does not allow for further development of the PRC;
yy There is a clash of patient and staff flows;
yy Physiotherapy rooms are noisy as they are too close to the P&O workshop.
General view from the west – the service user accommodation on the left and the P&O department on the right, 2014
Didier Cooreman/ICRC
Figure Figure
P&O department – workshop Administration – meeting/training room, 2014
Didier Cooreman/ICRC Didier Cooreman/ICRC
Plan of Rakrang PRC as built in 2005
(section 3.2) (m²)
001 Main store STO1 32
002 Assembly room POD4 67
003 Machine room POD8 32
004 Thermoforming room POD3 32
005 Rectification room POD2 32
006 WC 7
007 Advanced training court PTD4 78
008 Fitting room CLI3 14
009 Exercise room PTD1 39
010 Staff room 19
011 Assessment room CLI3 15
012 Casting room POD1 15
013 Covered sports court – volleyball
– Injection room (basement) POD5 20
Circulation area 34
Net floor area (NFA) 436
2. A ten-centre study63
The ICRC has been providing support for PRCs in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)
since 2002.
In close cooperation with the Military Medical Bureau of the Korean People’s Army, the ICRC and the
DPRK Red Cross have been providing support for Rakrang PRC since 2005. Located in the southern
outskirts of Pyongyang, the PRC is easily accessible to beneficiaries.
The PRC treats both military personnel and civilians. The Military Medical Bureau manages patient
admission and referrals independently of the ICRC. In addition to services provided for people with
physical disabilities, the centre’s surgical annex has the capacity to carry out amputations and stump
revisions. A total of 128 procedures were performed in 2013 under the guidance of an ICRC surgical
team and using ICRC-provided consumables.
View from the south – main entrance, 2005
Michael Rechsteiner/ICRC
The PRC occupies part of a large building designed and built by the DPRK armed forces. The ICRC was
consulted only with regard to spatial planning, notably for the P&O activities and engineering services.
Construction began in mid-2004 and the building was fully handed over 16 months later, in 2005.
The building has a large central atrium covered by a barrel-shaped roof and surrounded by two storeys
of rooms and offices. The atrium serves as a volleyball court and is lit by skylights and one glass pediment.
The volleyball court is used by staff members only.
TFA 476 m²
The PRC occupies a portion of the ground floor of the building. Its layout consists of two contiguous
suites of adjoining rooms. The lack of corridors limits circulation but leads to cross-flows of service users NFA 436 m²
and staff. The first suite receives light and fresh air from the openings in the facade, whereas the second Plot n/k
suite receives only borrowed light and is ventilated from the atrium. Plot ratio n/k
Clinical area 36 m²
The PRC has a PT department, a P&O department with its store, and a small clinical area. The reception PT department 117 m²
and the waiting room are not included directly in the central space but positioned near the main P&O department 178 m²
entrance. An injection room for crutch production is located in the basement. SU accommodation 0 m²
Administration 19 m²
Lodging and fitting capacity reached its limit in the summer of 2009 and the centre extended its accom-
Storage 32 m²
modation facilities in order to treat 30 more people (taking the total capacity to 63). The extension
Services area n/k
included the installation of an outdoor wheelchair exercise area and a gait training path. In addition,
Circulation/NFA 8%
the PT department and the rectification room were renovated.
In 2013, the PRC provided services for 542 people with physical disabilities, 498 of whom were given
physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 565 prostheses, 9 orthoses and 258 pairs of crutches. It
also provided 41 wheelchairs. The centre was originally planned to provide treatment for up to
400 patients a year. The ratio of members of the military forces to civilians being given physical re-
habilitation is 1:1.
To provide the activities, the PRC now has a staff of 28: 7 P&O technicians, 5 benchworkers, 8 PT staff,
3 administration and management staff and 5 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 476 m². Its net floor area (NFA) is 436 m² with 8% dedicated to
yy The covered indoor hall provides recreation facilities at any time of the year.
yy The absence of corridors creates conflicting flows of service users and staff.
Axonometric projection, 2004
Korean People’s Army
PRC entrance signage, 2014
Javier Cordoba/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study65
PT department – covered sports court, 2014
Javier Cordoba/ICRC
Figure Figure
P&O department – rectification room, 2005 P&O department – assembly room, 2005
Korean People’s Army Korean People’s Army
PT department – advanced training court, 2005
Korean People’s Army
Plan of Muzaffarabad as built in 2007
Key: page 69
2. A ten-centre study67
On 8 October 2005, an earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale hit Azad Jammu and Kashmir,
part of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Over 70,000 people were killed, tens of thousands were injured
and nearly 3.5 million people were left homeless. Many people from severely affected rural areas sought
assistance in the regional capital, Muzaffarabad, although the city had also been badly damaged and
an estimated 50% of its buildings destroyed.
The ICRC coordinated the response by the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement in the
area, notably by setting up a field hospital in the Narul Stadium in Muzaffarabad.
Following the emergency, it was decided to build a new PRC in Muzaffarabad in order to ensure that
people with physical disabilities in the region had access to physical rehabilitation services. The centre
was to be managed by the ICRC.
At the end of 2013, more than six years after the completion of its construction, the Muzaffarabad PRC
(MPRC) became an autonomous body by virtue of an act of the Legislative Assembly of Pakistan-
administered Kashmir. The ICRC continues to provide the MPRC with financial and technical support.
General view from the south, 2014
Errol Lischman/ICRC
TFA 2,867 m²
NFA 2,598 m²
The MPRC was designed by the ICRC in six months. It was constructed by a Pakistani contractor under Plot 5,202 m²
the supervision of the ICRC and was opened on the second anniversary of the earthquake, in October Plot ratio 0.6
2007. Clinical area 120 m²
PT department 215 m²
The centre is composed of six main buildings designed according to seismic engineering standards. P&O department 378 m²
Their dry-mounted structure consists of prefabricated lightweight aluminium frames. This structure is SU accommodation 672 m²
covered internally by plasterboard. Originally, the outer surface was covered by composite cladding.
Administration 202 m²
Storage 174 m²
The prefabricated lightweight frame structure has two main advantages. The first advantage is its very
Services area 122 m²
good performance in response to seismic activity. The second advantage is that, at the time, this con-
Circulation/NFA 24%
struction method had been relatively recently introduced into Pakistan. The concrete industry was at
the time totally overwhelmed by the humanitarian reconstruction effort but reputable companies could
be mobilized quickly to erect constructions based on lightweight aluminium frames. The construction
stage lasted 14 months.
Because the composite cladding was not affixed according to professional standards, cracks appeared
on the facades soon after the handover, revealing the presence of asbestos in the panels. After one full
meteorological cycle, corrective work was carried out throughout 2009 to remedy these defects and
their consequences. The composite panels were replaced by masonry cladding.
The MPRC site is located along a major circulation route in Muzaffarabad, making the centre easily
accessible. There is a car park between the street and the centre.
The centre is composed of single-storey buildings arranged in three parallel rows. The building con-
taining the P&O department is located to the right of the main entrance. The building containing the
administration and the clinical area, including its reception, is immediately in front of the entrance to
the site. Its north-eastern side faces the PT department. The buildings at the back contain service user
accommodation. The female and male accommodation blocks are separated by a mosque.
The reception area is spacious and well connected to other buildings. The layout allows for good sep-
aration of the different functions. Buildings are connected by covered pathways. In order to comply
with local cultural requirements, the flows are gender separated.
In 2013, the 55-bed PRC provided services for 4,878 people with physical disabilities, 1,491 of whom
were given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 991 prostheses, 745 orthoses and 568 pairs
of crutches. It also provided 129 wheelchairs.
To provide these activities, the MPRC now has a staff of 48: 8 P&O technicians, 12 benchworkers, 6 PT
staff, 8 administrative and management staff and 14 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the MPRC is 2,867 m² on a plot of land measuring 5,202 m². Its net floor area
(NFA) is 2,598 m² with 24% dedicated to circulation.
yy The site provides a good layout for the different services;
yy Service user and staff circulations do not cross;
yy A network of regularly-shaped buildings, well distanced from each other, is a basic measure which
facilitates the integration of seismic engineering standards;
yy The use of a lightweight frame structure meant that the construction process was not dependent on
the concrete construction industry, which was saturated at the time of construction.
yy Technologies that are relatively new in a country imply the need for closer building site supervision
(problems with expansion joints and asbestos cladding);
yy The lightweight aluminium frame system does not provide flexibility for future changes because it
requires the repositioning of reinforcements in the walls at points where weight has to be hung. For
instance, tool boards can be hung only at the points specified at the time of the original design;
yy The architectural programme did not allow enough space for female facilities and the service user
flow in the female ward is congested;
yy The possibility of using external areas as outdoor recreational areas for service users was not
2. A ten-centre study69
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Dormitory (female) 28 042 Office 18
002 Dormitory (female) 28 043 Meeting/training room ADM1 27
003 Bathroom (female) 27 044 Office 24
004 Dormitory (female) 28 045 Office 24
005 Dormitory (female) 28 046 IT 2
006 Dormitory (female) 28 047 Administration 21
007 HVAC 4 048 WC 6
008 Fuel store 4 049 WC 6
009 Mosque 36 050 Bedroom (female staff) 13
010 Bathroom (male) 27 051 WC (female staff) 4
011 Dormitory (male) 28 052 WC (female staff) 4
012 Dormitory (male) 28 053 Bedroom (female staff) 13
013 Dormitory (male) 28 054 WC (female staff) 4
014 Dormitory (male) 28 055 Bedroom (female staff) 13
015 Dormitory (male) 28 056 WC (female staff) 4
016 Dormitory (male) 28 057 Bedroom (female staff) 13
017 Dormitory (male) 28 058 Kitchen (female staff) 17
018 Dormitory (male) 28 059 Guard 4
019 Store 11 060 Casting room POD1 27
020 Staff room 17 061 Casting room POD1 27
021 HVAC 4 062 Sewing room POD9 13
022 Fuel store 4 063 Rectification room POD2 40
023 Maintenance 72 064 Dressing room (staff) 17
024 WC 7 065 WC (staff) 2
025 Store 28 066 WC (staff) 2
026 Kitchen store 24 067 Dressing room (staff) 17
027 Kitchen 7 068 Assembly room POD4 134
028 Kitchen 30 069 Main store STO1 97
029 Dining room 109 070 Store 4
030 WC 6 071 Fuel store 4
031 WC 6 072 Generator 16
032 Laundry 27 073 Generator 8
033 Ironing room 27 074 Machine room POD8 54
034 Exercise room PTD1 96 075 Thermoforming room POD3 36
035 Exercise room PTD1 96 076 Thermoforming room POD3 36
036 WC 11 077 WC 6
037 WC 11 078 WC 6
038 Cerebral palsy room PD6 30 079 Generator 17
039 Assessment room CLI3 24
040 Reception CLI1 54 Circulation area 631
041 Management 22 Net floor area (NFA) 2,598
View from the south-west, 2007
Franz Engler/ICRC
Internal circulation, 2013
A. Shehzad/ICRC
View from the west – P&O department, 2014
Errol Lischman/ICRC
Plan of Juba PRC in 2014
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Reception CLI1 36 021 Machine room POD8 31
002 Management 22 022 Maintenance 31
003 Administration 13 023 Main store STO1 51
004 Administration 13 024 Office 24
005 Dormitory 91 025 Changing room with WC 14
006 Bathroom 34 026 Exercise room PTD1 58
007 Maintenance (LGF) 25 027 Guard 3
008 Maintenance (LGF) 25 028 Assessment room CLI3 6
009 Bathroom 34 029 Assessment room CLI3 6
010 Communal area 127 030 Fitting room CLI3 55
011 Dormitory 68 031 Casting room POD1 6
012 Laundry 22 032 Casting room POD1 6
013 Dining room 41 033 Daily store STO2 38
014 Kitchen 33 034 Generator 38
015 Dining room 39 035 Store 15
016 Advanced training court PTD4 137 036 Wheelchair assembly room 15
017 Meeting/training room ADM1 33 037 Water tower
018 Rectification room POD2 42 038 Fuel store + containment bund 8
019 Thermoforming room POD3 50 Circulation area 391
020 Assembly room POD4 64 Net floor area (NFA) 1,743
2. A ten-centre study73
The second Sudanese civil war was a conflict that lasted from 1983 to 2005 between the central Sudanese
government and the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A). The conflict ended with the
Comprehensive Peace Agreement in 2006, and in 2011 the population voted for the independence of
South Sudan.
During this conflict the demand for physical rehabilitation services increased in the southern region.
This demand became more critical in the mid-2000s with the closure of the Lokichokio PRC in Kenya,
which used to provide services for some of the people with disabilities affected by the conflict from
what was then southern Sudan, while people leaving Khartoum for the new country of South Sudan
also needed to have access to services.
In 2006 the ICRC signed an agreement with the Southern Sudan autonomous region concerning the
construction of a Physical Rehabilitation Reference Centre (PRRC).
The PRRC was constructed in what was, at the time, the outskirts of Juba. This location is now in the
centre of the city. The building is on a large government plot. The ICRC developed the design of the PRRC
and supervised its construction by a regional contractor. The construction started at the beginning of
2007 and lasted 22 months. The building was handed over to the authorities at the end of 2008. The
PRRC now functions as the referral centre for South Sudan and is still supported by the ICRC.
View from the southern courtyard with the advanced training court on the left,
the communal area on the right and the dining area in front, 2011
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
The PRRC is a single-storey linear building with two courtyards. It is a plain concrete block masonry
TFA 1,915 m²
structure supporting monopitch metallic trusses for the roofing. The sloping site made it possible to
use a small area of space under the ground floor as two technical rooms (007 and 008), rather than filling NFA 1,743 m²
The public entrance to the building was initially planned to lead from the road on the west side of the
premises through the reception. It has since been transferred and people now enter through the dining
area (015).
Many aspects favouring passive cooling have been incorporated into the building design. The courtyards
facilitate natural ventilation of the whole building. All rooms are cross-ventilated. The outdoor covered
corridors shade the inner facades facing the courtyards. The plenum spaces between the lightweight
corrugated bitumen roofing panels and the suspended plasterboard ceilings prevent overheating of
rooms. Communal areas such as dining areas are within the building but not enclosed; they open onto
the southern courtyard. Despite high external temperatures in Juba, only the thermoforming room, the
administration offices, the PT rooms and the training room are fitted with air conditioners.
The southern courtyard comprises the advanced training court and a communal area. Both spaces are
outdoor covered spaces surrounding a central garden with mango trees as an additional food source.
The garden complements the advanced training court by promoting rehabilitation on soft ground.
Initially, there was no plan for a wheelchair assembly facility. Two 20-foot equivalent prefabricated units
were added at a later date under a protective roof (035 and 036).
In 2013, the 60-bed PRRC provided services for 1,416 people with physical disabilities, 708 of whom were
given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 276 prostheses, 100 orthoses and 423 pairs of
crutches. It also provided 77 wheelchairs. The centre was designed to accommodate up to 100 service
users at a time.
To provide these activities, the PRRC now has a staff of 35: 14 P&O technicians, 2 benchworkers, 5 PT
staff, 2 administrative and management staff and 12 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRRC is 1,915 m² on a plot of land measuring 3,424 m². Its net floor area
(NFA) is 1,743 m² with 22% dedicated to circulation.
yy The communal area, garden and advanced training court composing the southern courtyard form a
lively sequence of outdoor spaces creating the identity of the PRRC;
yy The cross-ventilation of rooms associated with the naturally ventilated plenum space promotes passive
cooling and dramatically reduces the internal temperature;
yy High and low vents have been incorporated into rooms to facilitate natural ventilation;
yy Corridors are naturally lit and easily maintainable as they are on the outside of the building.
yy The project brief underestimated some activities, resulting notably in the workshop being too small;
yy Sanitary technology (eastern and western toilets) is not adapted to the local habits of service users
coming from remote rural areas;
yy Floor finishes are not resistant enough, notably in the workshop;
yy There is no direct connection between the rectification and thermoforming rooms;
yy The physiotherapy assessment room is too small.
2. A ten-centre study75
View from the south – technical rooms (007 and 008) beneath the ground floor, 2008
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
Figure Figure
Service user accommodation – loggia, 2013 Dining area, 2008
Jennifer Warren/ICRC Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
PT department – exercise room, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
P&O department – assembly room, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
Figure Figure
P&O department – thermoforming room, 2013 P&O department – thermoforming room, 2013
Marco di Lauro/ICRC Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study77
Service user accommodation – men’s dormitory, 2011
Javier Curras Paredes/ICRC
Courtyard, 2013
Marco di Lauro/ICRC
Plan of the Port-au-Prince PRC as built in 2012
Key: page 81
2. A ten-centre study79
The devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in January 2010 killed more than 230,000 people and left
over one million homeless. It also inflicted heavy damage on Haiti’s infrastructure. The orthopaedic and
physiotherapy clinic supported by the local foundation Healing Hands for Haiti (HHH) was among the
many buildings destroyed.
Before the earthquake, HHH was developing a concept design for a new centre so that it could move
its activities to a privately donated plot of land. This new structure was the first phase of a larger plan.
Following the earthquake, the Special Fund for Disabled (SFD), which was supporting HHH activities,
mobilized the American, Australian, Canadian and Norwegian Red Cross Societies to co-fund this
new centre.
With the support of the ICRC in terms of construction project management, in mid-2010 the SFD pro-
posed that the designs of the new centre be finalized by the same non-profit architectural company,
Msaada, that initiated them before the earthquake. The construction with a Haitian contractor under
the joint supervision of the ICRC and the design team started at the beginning of 2011. The building
was handed over to HHH exactly twelve months later and was the first large-scale building completed
in Haiti following the earthquake.
View from the south-east – main entrance, clinical area and PT department, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC TFA 1,702 m²
NFA 1,518 m²
The building is located on a large, sloping site planted with palm trees. It has three floors, which are Plot 16,050 m²
arranged in tiers to blend in with the topography. Plot ratio 0.1
Clinical area 143 m²
The centre is composed of two blocks forming a compact linear entity. The first encloses a covered PT department 302 m²
atrium surrounded by an internal corridor on the upper floors. The atrium draws natural light on all P&O department 182 m²
floors. Rooms have borrowed light from the large atrium skylight and daylight from the facades. SU accommodation 0 m²
Administration 185 m²
The compact design allows fast and easy access to all different services. Ramps connect the three floors
Storage 46 m²
making them accessible for people with disabilities. The ramps are located in the smaller block on the
Services area 54 m²
west side. The walls of this smaller block are made of screen blocks, which provide natural lighting and
Circulation/NFA 40%
The clinical area with its reception is located at the entrance on the south-eastern side of the building.
The site slopes steeply, with the entrance on the second of three floors – the ground level – accessed
from the higher part of the site. The P&O department and a part of the PT department are also located
at ground (entrance) level. PT rooms occupy part of the lower ground level. The first (top) floor is mainly
given over to the administrative services, reinforcing clear separation of the different services. The service
user flow guides the service user through the rehabilitation procedure without interruption.
The building is compliant with the International Building Code (IBC), which means that its structure
resists the effects of earthquake motions, as envisaged by the code.
The bright orange colour of the facades and the louvred windows are both inspired by vernacular Haitian
architecture. Louvred windows on the facades are protected by precast concrete sunshades. These
elements and the beautiful park make this building of undeniable architectural interest.
In 2013, the PRC provided services for 3,013 people with physical disabilities, 244 of whom were given
physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 90 prostheses, 712 orthoses and 6 pairs of crutches. It
also provided 36 wheelchairs.
To provide these activities, the PRC now has a staff of 47: 5 P&O technicians, 2 benchworkers, 3 PT staff,
3 administrative and management staff and 34 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the PRC is 1,702 m² on a plot of land measuring 16,050 m². Its net floor area
(NFA) is 1,518 m² with 40% dedicated to circulation.
yy The layout arranged over three floors allows the use of the remaining land for future development;
yy The building is well lit;
yy Although the PRC is spread over three floors, all activities are accessible by staircases and covered ramps;
yy The structure is IBC compliant, incorporating seismic loads;
yy Additional civil engineering work was carried out around the building to prevent potential landslides
during an earthquake;
yy To allow the use of domestic and imported appliances, the electrical network supports 220 V and
110 V.
yy Because the skylight of the atrium cannot be opened, the top floor overheats during the hot season.
The exhaust vents at the top of the atrium pediments are not sufficient to cool down the top floor.
Painting of the PRC building site, by Amboise, 2012
Alexander Humbert/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study81
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Services 9 028 WC 4
002 Services 17 029 Waiting room CLI2 17
003 Store 4 030 Individual treatment cubicle PTD2 9
004 Multipurpose room 50 031 Individual treatment cubicle PTD2 9
005 Multipurpose room 31 032 Exercise room PTD1 84
006 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 29 033 Advanced training court PTD4 28
007 Occupational therapy 36 034 Fitting room CLI3 9
008 Speech therapy 12 035 Fitting room CLI3 9
009 Pharmacy 21 036 Fitting room CLI3 9
010 WC 4 037 Staff room 19
011 WC 4 038 Meeting/training room ADM1 20
012 Sewing room POD9 11 039 Management 15
013 Machine room POD8 33 040 WC 4
014 Thermoforming room POD3 24 041 Kitchen 6
015 Assembly room POD4 78 042 Office 10
016 Rectification room POD2 16 043 IT 10
017 Casting room POD1 15 044 Office 10
018 Casting room POD1 7 045 Store 10
019 Main store STO1 29 046 Medical records 17
020 Dressing room 13 047 Social services 16
021 Dressing room 13 048 Social services 14
022 Assessment room CLI3 15 049 WC 5
023 Assessment room CLI3 15 050 Reception CLI1 7
024 Store 3 051 Atrium (multipurpose area) 131
025 Reception CLI1 10 052 Generator room 17
026 WC 4 Circulation area 523
027 WC 4 Net floor area (NFA) 1,518
Concrete pump pouring at night, 2012
Alexander Humbert/ICRC
General view from the north-east – main entrance, clinical area, P&O department, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
View from the east – main entrance, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
Figure Figure
Atrium, 2013 Ramps between floors, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study83
Figure Figure
P&O department – assembly room P&O department – metal room with a partition for working protection, 2013
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
PT department – upper limb workstation, 2012
Allison Shelley/ICRC
Plan of Faizabad PRC as it is to be built
Key: page 87
2. A ten-centre study85
In 1996 the ICRC began to ensure access to physical rehabilitation services for people with physical
disabilities in Badakhshan by facilitating transport from the province to Kabul, where they received
In 2000, the authorities of Badakhshan invited the ICRC to open a PRC in its capital, Faizabad. The ICRC
converted a ruined building belonging to the Ministry of Agriculture. It also built a guest house, a PT unit,
a store and a kitchen in a new building located on an adjoining site belonging to the Ministry of Finance.
With the expiry of the agreements for the use of the sites owned by the Ministries of Agriculture and
Finance, the Ministry of Public Health put another site at the ICRC’s disposal to build a new, permanent
PRC. The ICRC began designing the new PRC at the end of 2010.
View from the west – building site, 2014
Alexander Humbert/ICRC
Construction started at the end of 2011 but has been interrupted many times by the harsh winters,
alterations to the structural design and on-site work adaptations. The ICRC is still supervising the con-
struction, which is ongoing and being carried out by a local contractor.
The site provided by the Ministry of Public Health is located on the outskirts of the city and consists of
nine buildings. The four central buildings form a single unit which defines the general layout. This central
TFA 1,801 m²
unit contains the reception and the clinical area. PT rooms are replicated on each side of the clinical
NFA 1,509 m²
area, allowing gender separation. The P&O department faces the reception. The service user accom-
modation is located at the back of the site. A guest house and a services area are arranged on either Plot 3,000 m²
side of the main entrance, on the east of the site. Plot ratio 0.6
Clinical area 102 m²
All buildings are one storey high. Their structure is based on reinforced concrete (RC) frames with PT department 269 m²
masonry infill. Hipped roofs are supported by timber trusses anchored to RC slabs. As Faizabad is in an P&O department 111 m²
area prone to high seismic activity, seismic engineering parameters were incorporated into the structural SU accommodation 319 m²
design, in accordance with the International Building Code (IBC). Administration 159 m²
Storage 227 m²
Because of the cold winters in this region, insulation is provided on the outer face of external walls in
Services area 106 m²
order to reduce heat loss. Central heating has also been installed. This heating system is more efficient
Guest House 70 m²
for the size of the building than the “bukhari” heaters traditionally used in the northern belt of Southern
Circulation/NFA 100%
Asia and currently used at the Kabul PRC, for example.
In 2013, the existing 50-bed PRC provided services for 7,226 people with physical disabilities, 5,954 of
whom were given physiotherapy only. It produced and supplied 177 prostheses, 699 orthoses and
777 crutches. It also provided 43 wheelchairs.
The new 52-bed (35 male, 17 female) PRC was designed for the same level of production and activity.
To provide the current activities, the PRC now has a staff of 54: 9 P&O technicians, 1 benchworker, 13 PT
staff, 2 administrative and management staff and 29 general staff.
The total floor area (TFA) of the new PRC is 1,801 m² with a plot ratio of 0.6. Unless the plot of land is
extended, any built extension is precluded. The net floor area (NFA) is 1,509 m² with 10% dedicated to
yy Gender separation is taken into account in the layout of the new PRC by duplication of PT rooms
along a clinical area/P&O department axis;
yy The integration of international seismic engineering standards is achieved using local building tech-
niques to facilitate maintenance in the future;
yy A central heating system is integrated into the design to avoid the fire risk from “bukharis” as well as
the health risk of fumes from the fuel used to run them. Buildings are insulated.
yy The centre is located outside the city;
yy The integration of modern seismic engineering parameters established by international building
standards gives rise to the need for high levels of supervision, training and monitoring of local
designers and contractors by specialists from the WatHab Unit.
Figure Figure
View from the east – guest house, 2014 View from the east – main entrance, 2014
Nicolas Michaud/ICRC Nicolas Michaud/ICRC
2. A ten-centre study87
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Kindergarten 13 037 WC 6
002 WC 6 038 WC 4
003 Dormitory 36 039 Assessment room CLI3 19
004 WC 5 040 WC 5
005 Store 6 041 Reception CLI1 18
006 WC 5 042 Social services 9
007 Dormitory 52 043 Social services 9
008 Dining room 55 044 Management 9
009 Kitchen store 9 045 Administration 9
010 Kitchen 16 046 Reception CLI1 20
011 Sterilization 11 047 WC 3
012 Laundry 19 048 Assessment room CLI3 19
013 Dormitory 41 049 HVAC 47
014 WC 5 050 Generator 27
015 WC 5 051 Fuel store 30
016 Store 6 052 Main store STO1 98
017 Dormitory 61 053 Store 22
018 Waste 21 054 Driver 10
019 Advanced training court PTD4 47 055 Guard 10
020 Pharmacy 14 056 Store 28
021 Exercise room PTD1 41 057 Store 12
022 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 14 058 WC 6
023 Staff room 11 059 WC 4
024 WC 6 060 Bedroom 9
025 WC 4 061 Bedroom 11
026 Assembly room POD4 54 062 Bedroom 9
027 Machine room POD8 15 063 WC 8
028 Rectification room POD2 16 064 Bedroom 11
029 Casting room POD1 26 065 Bedroom 10
030 Daily store STO2 16 066 Bedroom 10
031 Pharmacy 19 067 Staff room 11
032 Advanced training court PTD4 67 068 Outdoor sports court – volleyball PTD3
033 Exercise room PTD1 41 069 Water tower
034 Meeting/training room ADM1 23 070 Car park / workshop 49
035 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 14 Circulation area 146
036 Staff room 11 Net floor area (NFA) 1,509
Panoramic view from the west
Alexander Humbert/ICRC
Three different tables allow a comparison of surface areas, area ratios, activities and staffing. Each table
reveals some underlying trends or patterns.
Table 1 focuses on surface areas for whole buildings and indicates the plot area, the total floor area
(TFA), with its three subdivisions (FECA, PECA and UUCA), and the net floor area (NFA) of each PRC. These
values are then computed in two ratios, the NFA/TFA and the plot ratio. Together with the percentages
of each TFA subdivision, these ratios illustrate different spatial densities of the PRCs.
Table 2 focuses on the distribution of space within buildings and indicates the total surface area allocated
to each service and to circulation. Percentages have been computed and are presented next to surface
areas. They illustrate the space devoted to each service and to circulation as a proportion of the NFA.
Table 3 reports on activities. It allows a comparison of the ten PRCs in non-spatial terms. Statistics dis-
played in this table represent the number of service users admitted, the P&O production, the PT activity,
the number of beds in the accommodation facilities, and the number of staff providing the activities.
The three tables help to appraise the PRCs from different angles. At the programming stage, they can
also be used to evaluate the overall surface areas of a new project and the necessary size of its plot.
This evaluation of the overall surface areas of a new project starts with a list of rooms. Examples of lists
of rooms are appended in Annex 3. A list of rooms indicates all the spaces needed to run the activities
of a proposed PRC. It is usually drafted by the project owner at the Vision stage. It is finalized, giving
the surface area of each room, during the Feasibility stage.
Using the list of rooms, it is possible to compare the size of the different services included in a project
with those in the PRCs presented in this chapter. A study of the surface areas in Table 2 may be useful
when considering the appropriateness of the areas devoted to particular services at a proposed PRC.
Table 3 completes this evaluation by allowing a comparison of the expected activities of a proposed
PRC with the activities of the centres presented in this chapter.
The percentages in Table 2 may also help to evaluate or to cross-check the areas devoted to circulation
and services in the project. To select the most appropriate percentages, it is important to compare the
layout of the proposed PRC with those studied in this chapter. Climate must be taken into consideration.
Other factors may also affect the percentages, such as the number of storeys.
The sum of usable surface areas of rooms and outdoor spaces, circulation and services gives an estimated
NFA. The NFA is obtained from the internal dimensions within enclosing walls or partitions. For a room,
for instance, it is the surface area excluding external walls and the area of any internal columns, partitions
and walls. The overall NFA of a building comprises the usable areas (UA) in each room and the total of
services areas (SA) and circulation areas (CA).27
27 Usable areas are the floor areas used for the activities for which the building was intended. The services areas are floor areas housing
technical installations which service the building. The circulation areas are the floor areas used for circulation within the building. The
exact definition of net floor area (NFA) used in this handbook complies with that established in ISO 9836:2011, pp. 4-7.
2. A ten-centre study89
The NFA/TFA ratio allows the TFA to be approximated from the list of rooms. The TFA is determined by
the external dimensions of the enclosing elements. For a room, for instance, it is the surface area of the
space including external walls and any internal columns, partitions and walls.28 The TFA is the total area
of all floors. It includes fully enclosed and covered areas (FECA), partially enclosed and covered areas (PECA),
and unenclosed, uncovered and contained areas (UUCA), 29 as presented in Table 1. Here again, to select
the most appropriate ratio, the proposed PRC has to be compared with the PRCs presented in this chapter.
The plot ratios in Table 1 allow the minimum size acceptable for the plot to be determined from the TFA.
Kampong Speu
Fully enclosed and covered area (FECA) (m²) 1,938 597 1,731 1,106 1,217 7,121 937 2,441 1,657 476
FECA/TFA percentage 64% 64% 96% 55% 64% 96% 60% 85% 97% 100%
Partially enclosed and covered area (PECA) (m²) 1,068 304 70 913 665 280 615 426 14 –
PECA/TFA percentage 36% 33% 4% 45% 35% 4% 40% 15% 1% –
Total floor area (TFA) (m²) 3,006 928 1,801 2,019 1,915 7,401 1,552 2,867 1,702 476
Net floor area (NFA) (m²) 2,755 852 1,509 1,906 1,743 6,498 1,483 2,598 1,518 436
NFA/TFA ratio 0.92 0.92 0.84 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.96 0.91 0.89 0.92
Plot area (PA) (m²) 11,916 – 3,000 6,785 3,424 16,080 3,250 5,202 16,050 –
Plot ratio (PR) = TFA/PA 0.3 – 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.1 –
Table 1
TFA, NFA, NFA/TFA ratio and plot ratio
The TFA is the sum of all fully enclosed and covered areas (FECA), partially enclosed and covered
areas (PECA) and unenclosed, uncovered and contained areas (UUCA) composing a building.
Percentages detailing variations of the TFA subdivisions of the ten PRCs are shown in Table 1.
The FECA, PECA and UUCA are determined in this study by the external dimensions of the enclosing or
containing elements. They include all usable areas (UA), the services areas (SA) and the circulation areas
(CA) composing the building. In other words, the TFA is derived from the NFA and the area occupied
by its facades, structural elements and internal partitions.
The NFA/TFA ratio is the ratio of the net floor area (NFA) to the total floor area (TFA) of a building.
The NFA/TFA ratio shows the proportion of built surface that can be used for activities, services and
circulation. It is a useful ratio but one that is also complex to appreciate. It has to be interpreted together
with other information, such as, inter alia, the FECA percentage of the TFA, the number of storeys or the
type of insulation. Theoretically, this ratio may range from 0 (an inaccessible space, entirely filled with
its structure) to 1 (a totally open space without any buildings).
28 The total floor area (TFA) may also be referred to as the gross floor area. The exact definition of TFA used in this handbook complies
with that established in ISO 9836:2011, pp. 3-4.
29 Fully enclosed and covered areas (FECA) are floor areas enclosed and covered on all sides. Partially enclosed and covered areas
(PECA) are floor areas which are not enclosed on all sides up to their full height but which are covered. Unenclosed, uncovered and
contained areas (UUCA) are floor areas which are contained within components but not covered. FECA, PECA and UUCA are the three
subdivisions of the TFA based on section of ISO 9836:2011, p. 3.
The NFA/TFA ratio enables the TFA to be calculated when only the usable areas, services areas and
circulation areas are known.
The NFA/TFA ratio shows substantial variations of up to 12% in this study, thus ranging from 0.84 to
0.96. As already mentioned, care must be taken when using this ratio to obtain approximate values at
the programming stage. Its use must be preceded by fundamental consideration of some project
characteristics. Building techniques and the percentage of the activities and the circulation located
outside the centre are two major factors that can affect the NFA/TFA ratio.
For instance, in the case of PRCs with outdoor activities and circulation in tropical climates (Battambang,
Hpa-an, Juba and Kampong Speu), NFA/TFA ratios average 0.93. These high ratios are the result of
minimizing walls, which, in turn, is the outcome of limiting the number of fully enclosed spaces. This
limitation of FECA was both possible and suitable because of the climate; local temperatures allow
outdoor activities. Tropical climates also make outside circulation more suitable than internal corridors,
which are difficult to keep cool and naturally ventilated. FECA percentages average just under 61% for
these four PRCs.
However, a high NFA/TFA ratio can also be achieved in very different climatic conditions. The
Muzaffarabad PRC, for example, has a ratio of 0.91. This is partly because of the use of covered pathways
for circulation, although its FECA/TFA percentage of 85% is quite high. The other reason for the high
NFA/TFA ratio is the use of a lightweight aluminium frame structure. The structure with its incorporated
insulation takes up little space compared to masonry walls and RC structures.
At this juncture it is interesting to make a comparison with the PRC in Faizabad. Faizabad is located at
no great distance from Muzaffarabad and in the same climatic region. The PRC in Faizabad nevertheless
has a much higher percentage of external to internal spaces than the one in Muzaffarabad. Its FECA
percentage of TFA is 96%. This results in a NFA/TFA ratio of the PRC in Faizabad that is substantially
lower (0.84) than that of the PRC in Muzaffarabad. This difference in NFA/TFA ratios is also accentuated
by the different structure and insulation of Faizabad. The PRC in Faizabad has an RC frame structure
with masonry infill and external insulation.
Comparing centres on the basis of the NFA/TFA ratio allows the designer to understand the repercus-
sions of a construction technique on TFA. A correct interpretation of this ratio is based on consideration
of the FECA, PECA and UUCA percentages of the TFA.
The plot ratio30 is the ratio of the building’s total floor area (TFA) to the area of the plot on which it
is built.
The plot ratio indicates the construction density on a plot of land. Given a specific TFA, the lower the
plot ratio, the larger the external spaces. In some countries, the limits of the plot ratio are established
by law.
Once the TFA has been estimated on the basis of the NFA, the plot ratio can be used to calculate the
approximate the size needed for the plot of land.
For a single-storey building, its TFA is derived from only one floor. That is the case for almost all PRCs
studied in this handbook. In this case, the plot ratio illustrates directly the ground area occupied by the
building, which is also referred to as the covered area.31
An analysis of the different plot ratios in Table 1 shows very clearly that some PRCs have been more
densely built than others.
30 Depending on the country concerned, the plot ratio is also known as the floor area ratio (FAR), the floor space ratio (FSR), the floor
space index (FSI), the site ratio or the “Coefficient d’Occupation des Sols (COS)” in French. The precise definitions of the ratio vary from
one country to another.
31 The covered area is the area of ground covered by a building. The exact definition of “covered area” used in this handbook complies
with that established in ISO 9836:2011, p. 3.
2. A ten-centre study91
That is the case of the PRCs in Faizabad, Kabul, Kampong Speu, Juba and Muzaffarabad, where there is
almost no capacity for future extensions. They have plot ratios above 0.5.
At the ICRC, the possibility of building future extensions is always the main requirement presented by
project owners to construction project managers. It is therefore very important to consider the plot
ratio implications at the time of the feasibility study. Plot ratios above 0.4 do not allow any real possibility
of extending a PRC over time.
When comparing plot ratios, however, particular attention is required. With the exception of the PRCs
in Port-au-Prince and Kampong Speu, all centres presented in this chapter, are single-storey buildings.
Single-storey buildings are usually preferred in order to simplify accessibility. Nevertheless, the topog-
raphy of the site or the need to allow space for future extensions sometimes imposes the need for a
multi-storey building. The plot ratio cannot be used directly to compare the space occupied on a plot
by a multi-storey building with the space occupied by a single-storey building. The plot ratio is the ratio
of the TFA to the plot area and the TFA applies to all storeys. To enable a comparison to be made, a
derivative of the plot ratio thus has to be computed. This derivative considers the TFA at ground floor
only, i.e. the covered area, as part of the ratio for the plot area. In the case of Port-au-Prince, for instance,
this method yields a 0.05 derivative ratio only (882 m² covered area) instead of the 0.1 plot ratio shown
in Table 1.
Whenever possible, sites with a maximum plot ratio of 0.4 are favoured for single-storey projects.
Today, it is increasingly necessary for PRC projects in urban areas to incorporate car parks for service
users and staff members. If a car park is to be built, plot ratios must be around 0.3.
Circulation area 562 402 146 460 359 662 79 631 606 34
CIR (m²) 20% 47% 10% 24% 22% 10% 5% 24% 40% 8%
PT department 634 74 269 284 195 1,674 324 215 302 117
PTD (m²) 23% 9% 18% 15% 11% 26% 22% 8% 20% 27%
P&O department 322 254 111 296 215 1,536 237 378 182 178
POD (m²) 12% 30% 7% 16% 12% 24% 16% 15% 12% 41%
Service user accommodation 656 – 319 503 449 798 429 672 – –
SUA (m²) 24% – 21% 26% 26% 12% 29% 26% – –
Guest house – – 70 – – – – – – –
GUE (m²) – – 5% – – – – – – –
Table 2
NFA breakdown by service
The table shows that there are no meaningful averages. The PT department is sometimes one-third the
size of the P&O department and sometimes two and a half times bigger. Storage ranges from 3% to 15%
of the NFA, service user accommodation from 12% to 29%, and the circulation area from 5% to 47%!
These percentage variations are caused by the diversity of contexts. They may be the result of the
replication of rooms for the purpose of gender separation as required by the social context, constraints
related to the refurbishment of an existing building, and requirements related to climatic conditions
such as the positioning of the circulation.
When carrying out a feasibility study, Table 2 can nevertheless be used to compare the Vision document
for a proposed PRC with existing PRCs. A comparison of that kind helps to calculate or to cross-check
the areas allocated to the circulation and the services.
Kampong Speu
Total service users per annum 7,747 – 7,226 2,548 1,416 31,922 3,316 4,878 3,013 542
Devices produced Prostheses 1,162 173 177 1,030 276 1,173 435 991 90 565
per annum
Orthoses 614 121 699 16 100 5,325 552 745 712 9
Walking aids 1,263 – 777 660 423 2,553 316 568 6 258
(pairs of crutches)
Wheelchairs 352 – 43 15 77 471 228 129 36 41
SU for PT only, per annum 4,200 – 5,954 898 708 22,268 1,462 1,491 244 498
Beds 94 20 50 52 60 150 40 55 – (63)
Staff P&O technicians 9 6 9 8 14 26 6 8 5 7
Benchworkers 15 3 1 7 2 108 7 12 2 5
PT 9 0 13 4 5 46 5 6 3 8
General staff 20 4 29 18 12 80 17 14 34 5
Admin. and 4 2 2 6 2 8 3 8 3 3
Total 57 15 54 43 35 268 38 48 47 28
Table 3
Activities and staffing
This chapter presents three sets of architectural programming tools (bubble diagrams, space cards and
component cards) which establish a framework for the development of the architectural programme
and its transition to concept design. These architectural programming tools illustrate the future building
in terms of activities and flows of building users.
The three sets of graphical documents were developed using three different scales or abstraction levels
of an architectural programme: one for the services, one for the rooms and outdoor spaces, and one
for the equipment and furniture. These three abstraction levels of a PRC have been transcribed into
bubble diagrams, layouts of the main spaces and a list of the main equipment and furniture. They extend
from the most abstract level of a centre, its organizational structure, to less abstract notions such as the
services to be provided.
One of the sets, the bubble diagrams, incorporates another layer of abstraction, that of building user
flows. “Flows” are movements of people between rooms and services through sequences of activities,
such as the progression from the reception to the assessment room and from there to the casting room.
The graphical documents presented in this chapter constitute the core of this handbook. They are
intended for practical use.
By rationalizing the requirements for the construction of a PRC, the documents establish a framework
that enables construction project managers to understand project owners’ wishes, constraints and
needs. They therefore provide support for both the project owner and the construction project manager
during the development and finalization of the architectural programme.
A significant contribution to the development of these architectural programming tools came from a
study published by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the late 1970s.32 The study proposes a “sys-
tematic functional programming” methodology and identifies the existence of a hierarchy of six func-
tional levels at any health-care facility. These functional levels consist of activities of decreasing scale
nesting into each other rather like a set of Russian “matryoshka” dolls.
The innermost functional level comprises the activity units (“Level 1”). An activity unit is one of the
numerous nuclear activities taking place at a PRC. It is usually an activity that evolves around a piece or
a set of equipment or furniture, for instance exercises done with parallel bars or work carried out on a
plaster rectification table. The basic “requirements in terms of space, services, and environment”33 are
defined for each activity unit.
Interrelated activity units are grouped into activity sets (“Level 2”). These interrelated activities have “at
least mutual, spatial and environmental compatibility that require to be or may be located in the same
room.”34 An activity set can take place in a room or in an outdoor space. At an ICRC PRC, for instance,
the activities taking place in the rectification room or on the outdoor advanced training court are
separate activity sets. Activity sets constitute the second functional level.
Activity sets are grouped into activity sections (“Level 3”), which constitute the third functional level.
They encompass groups of interconnected rooms or spaces used for an identifiable chain of activities.
An activity set at a PRC can be the whole series of spaces devoted, for instance, to the production line
of devices (prostheses and/or orthoses), wheelchair assembly or the treatment of clubfoot.
Activity sections are grouped into activity organizations (“Level 4”), which are part of the activity sub-
systems (“Level 5”) and the activity system (“Level 6”). The fourth, fifth and sixth functional levels are
the equivalent of the outer layers of Russian “matryoshka” dolls. At a PRC, the PT department or the
P&O department can constitute an activity organization.
32 Jan Delrue, “Rationalization of planning and construction of medical care facilities in developing countries,” in B. M. Kleczkowski &
R. Pibouleau (eds), Approaches to planning and design of health care facilities in developing areas, Volume 1 (WHO Offset Publication
No. 29), World Health Organization, Geneva, 1976, pp. 53–113.
33 Ibid., p. 65.
34 Ibid., p. 65.
The two higher hierarchical functional levels 5 and 6 do not always have to be taken into account for a
PRC. If the PRC is part of a larger entity such as a district hospital, it is itself an activity subsystem
(“Level 5”). If it is an independent entity, it is the activity system (“Level 6”).
This schematization was developed to describe the functioning of any health-care facilities – from the
smallest in size to district hospitals. It can be applied to very complex facilities providing a very wide
range of treatments. The range of services provided at a PRC is not as extensive as that of a district
hospital. Nor does a PRC have an organizational structure as complex as at a district hospital. Only three
of the six functional levels are therefore required to cover the complexity of a PRC. The levels to be
considered are:
yy equipment and furniture;
yy rooms and outdoor spaces;
yy departments.
The first level of equipment and furniture corresponds to “Level 1: Activity units” identified by WHO.
The second level of rooms and outdoor spaces corresponds to “Level 2: Activity sets.” The third level of
departments corresponds to “Level 4: Activity organizations.” The parallel between the levels and Russian
“matryoshka” dolls nonetheless remains valid for PRCs. The three levels are also nested into each other.
To complete the schematization, this handbook takes into consideration another important abstraction
criterion of a health-care facility – building user flows. “The term flow describes the progressive
movement of products, information and people through a sequence of processes. […] In healthcare
flow is the movement of patients, information or equipment between departments, staff groups or
organisations as part of their care pathway.”36 At a PRC, the main flows considered are service user flows,
P&O flows and PT flows.
The flows form the link between the three hierarchical functional levels but are not part of the hierarchy.
They are neither a smaller nor a bigger Russian doll but constitute an extra layer of unifying elements.
The three hierarchical functional levels of a PRC and the layer of its flows are represented on the following
pages by bubble diagrams, space cards and component cards.
The bubble diagrams feature the rooms, outdoor spaces and departments that may constitute a
PRC. They also illustrate the main flows between rooms.
Each space card illustrates one room or one outdoor space. A space card exists only for rooms and
outdoor spaces supporting core activities.
Each component card illustrates one of the main items of equipment or furniture.
The use of bubble diagrams, space cards and component cards became standard practice in pro-
gramming in the 1980s. They are still widely used today, albeit with some variations.
35 Ibid., p. 65.
36 NHS Modernisation Agency, Improving flow, Department of Health, London, 2005, p. 5.
One example of this programming approach familiar to humanitarian practitioners is described in the
“Programming guide for the setting up of a rehabilitation centre” published by Handicap International
at the beginning of the 2000s. It schematizes and analyses a hypothetical NGO-operated centre with
the help of a bubble diagram37 and space cards.38 Although this guide undoubtedly contains interesting
information, it could not be used as a programming tool by the ICRC; the working approaches and
technologies used by the PRP and the SFD are substantially different from those in the guide. The PRCs
operated by, or with the support of, the ICRC therefore required specific guidelines and programming
The bubble diagrams, space cards and component cards presented in this handbook are pro-
gramming tools specifically adapted to PRP and SFD working approaches. They were developed
from the end of 2011 onwards with the active support of PRP representatives at ICRC headquarters.
They constitute three different sets of interdependent graphical documents and are only fully
understandable when consulted together.
These graphical documents always have to be considered together because they are complementary.
For instance, a rectification room without the appropriate plaster rectification table would obviously
be hardly functional even if it is perfectly positioned next to the thermoforming room.
A first version of the documents was submitted to the PRP Technical Commission for guidance in 2013.
A corrected version was then used as a support for the feasibility studies for two new centres, in Yemen
in 2013 and in Myanmar in 2014. The two studies can be therefore considered as field tests. The pro-
gramming tools presented here incorporate the latest feedback from those field tests. In view of their
significance for this handbook, documentation on the centres in Yemen and Myanmar is provided in
Annex 3.
Bubble diagrams, space cards and component cards have been developed on the basis of a
hypothetical PRC, which, however, should not be considered as a model centre. It is merely a
working hypothesis with the following characteristics.
The centre provides rehabilitation for lower and upper extremity amputees, people suffering
from post-poliomyelitis syndrome and other people with disabilities, such as people with
spinal cord injuries and children with clubfoot or cerebral palsy.
It manufactures prosthetic and orthotic devices as well as walking aids (crutches) and assem-
bles wheelchairs. It receives a total of 1,200 service users a year, 600 of whom are given
physiotherapy only. The production level of prostheses and orthoses is envisaged as being up
to 600 devices per annum. The centre offers dormitory accommodation with a total of 35 beds,
thus catering for 75% of service users and relatives.
The activities are provided by 3 orthopaedic technicians, 6 benchworkers,* 3 physiotherapists/
physiotherapist assistants and 3 administrative staff.
* This is the equivalent of two orthopaedic technicians for six benchworkers and one P&O department head. The ratio between
technicians and benchworkers follows ISPO recommendations, which indicate a technician/benchworker ratio of 1:3 for pro-
vincial centres. According to the same recommendations, a team of one technician and three benchworkers can produce 250
orthopaedic devices per annum. Source: ISPO & WHO (eds), Guidelines for Training Personnel in Developing Countries for Prosthetics
and Orthotics Services, World Health Organization, Geneva, 2005, p. 17.
The table presented below (Table 4) summarizes the main factors leading to the determination of the
number of beds.
37 John Mejia Rios, Programming guide for the setting up of a rehabilitation centre, Handicap International, Lyons, 2001, p. 18. The guide
refers to a bubble diagram as an “organisation chart.”
38 Ibid., pp. 37 – 55. The guide refers to space cards as “programme cards.”
Total SU 1,200
Percentage of women 20 %
Percentage of children 30 %
P&O devices supplied 600
New SU fitted with P&O device 17 % of P&O devices delivered
SU receiving PT only 600
SU accommodated 75 % of total SU
Percentage of relatives accommodated 50 % of SU accommodated
Overnight stays for first visit 12
Overnight stays for next visit 4
Overnight stays of new SU fitted with P&O devices 924
Overnight stays of SU returning for P&O 1,492
Overnight stays of SU receiving PT only 1,800
Overnight stays of relatives 2,108
Total of overnight stays per annum 6,324
Figures are given per annum. Cells in light blue are inputs; cells in blue are results.
Table 4
Number of beds computed for the hypothetical PRC
The architectural programming tools featured on the following pages give further details of the hypo-
thetical centre.
They can be used as a benchmark to measure various aspects of a project at the Vision stage or as a
planning aid during the Feasibility and the Design stages. In other words, graphical documents, and
notably plans, presented in this handbook are not to be considered as standard designs to be
replicated at will. They are presented as an aid to projecting the functional, spatial and technical
aspects of future buildings.
The general point already made about this handbook is particularly true for this chapter, i.e. the main
communication language in this chapter is non-verbal, through graphics. The verbal communication is
intended only to introduce and facilitate comprehension of the graphical documents.
A very careful and robust notation system ensures that the diagrams and plans are unambiguous,
interconnected and easy to understand.
It is worth noting again that the terminology used for the different rooms, outdoor spaces and depart-
ments has been elaborated in conjunction with PRP representatives and was approved by the PRP
Technical Commission in 2013.
The bubble diagrams show two functional levels and the main flows.
The main flows presented are the main movements between the rooms, the outdoor spaces and the
departments providing core activities.
Five bubble diagrams are included. The first four diagrams (Figures 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.1.4) illustrate
some of the hypothetical PRC’s main activities. The fifth diagram is a general bubble diagram (Figure 3.1.5)
which presents the whole PRC with all its proposed rooms, outdoors spaces, departments and main
flows. The general bubble diagram incorporates the first four smaller diagrams.
The first functional level of the rooms or outdoor spaces is represented by bubbles in the form of
small rounded rectangles or hexagons.
Rounded rectangles are used for the main rooms and outdoor spaces, e.g. the reception, the casting
room or the outdoor sports court. The hexagons represent optional spaces, of which there are two
kinds. The first are spaces that can be isolated as independent rooms or can form part of a larger room,
e.g. the metal room or the sewing room. The second type of optional space consists of rooms in which
non-core activities are provided, e.g. the wheelchair assembly room or the cerebral palsy room.
Some bubbles have a three-letter, one-number code assigned to their space name, e.g. PTD1 or POD5.
They represent the core rooms of the PRC providing its core activities.
The space cards presented in section 3.2 then give details of the rooms shown in the bubble diagrams.
They follow the same coding system in order to facilitate reading and understanding.
Some rooms are accessible to staff only, while others can be accessed by staff and service users. The
latter are indicated by bubbles with a red border.
In accordance with standards that are discussed in Chapter 4, almost all spaces at a PRC need to be
accessible to people with disabilities. Some rooms also need to be accessible to prone trolleys if a centre
provides treatment for people with spinal cord injuries. A small yellow “TR” icon identifies these rooms.
It is important to stress once again that the bubble diagrams describe a hypothetical centre. It is not an
ideal centre but merely a working hypothesis. Each project must take account of different contexts and
priorities, as already discussed in the ten-centre study (Chapter 2). Each project will arrive at different
solutions, including some that are not necessarily described here. For instance, one PRC will offer accom-
modation or have a guest house whereas another will not. In a particular social context, a PRC maybe
consider having a kindergarten although this option is not included in the bubble diagrams in this
The bubble diagrams, as well as the other architectural programming tools, provide a general framework.
The set of rooms proposed in bubble diagrams is one of the elements that need to be contextualized.
The second functional level of the departments is represented by large solid-colour surfaces into
which bubbles are grouped.
At this level, the rooms (bubbles) are assembled into groups that constitute the PRC’s main departments,
e.g. the prosthetic and orthotic department, the physiotherapy department or the clinical area.
The main departments are identified by the colour code shown below, which is applied to all plans in
this handbook. This colour code is also applied to bubbles.
Administration ADM
Clinical area CLI
Guest house GUE
Physiotherapy department PTD
Prosthetic and orthotic department POD
Service user accommodation SUA
Services area SER
Storage STO
The main flows in the PRC are represented by lines or arrows between the bubbles.
A flow is a movement of people between rooms through a sequence of activities. The flows represented
in the bubble diagrams are the main service user flows, prosthetic and orthotic (P&O) flows, and physio
therapy (PT) flows.
The service user flows comprise the movements generated by the people with physical disabilities
receiving services. There is not one service user flow but several distinct flows. These different flows are
generated by the sequences of activities of service users in relation to PT treatment and to the pro-
duction of their prostheses, orthoses, walking aid devices and wheelchairs. The different movements
together form all the service user flows.
The P&O flows comprise the different sequences of activities necessary for the P&O staff to produce the
prostheses, orthoses, walking aid devices and wheelchairs.
The PT flows are generated by the different sequences of activities that take place during physiotherapy.
They include training in the use of prostheses, orthoses, walking aids and wheelchairs as well as the
sequences of activities necessary for the treatment of people suffering from post-poliomyelitis syn-
drome, people with spinal cord injuries, and children with clubfoot or cerebral palsy.
The main flows are shown in the bubble diagrams by lines or arrows. The red lines or arrows represent
service user movements and the black ones staff movements. The lines and arrows used are as follows:
Solid red arrows: service users not accompanied by staff;
Dotted red arrows: service users accompanied by staff;
Solid black arrows: staff only, primary flow;
Dotted black arrows: staff only, secondary flow;
Solid black lines: constant flow requiring rooms to be in close proximity to each other
or interconnected.
The service user flow shown in Figure 3.1.1 is that of people who come to be fitted, or refitted, with
a prosthetic or orthotic device.
Figure 3.1.1
Service user flow of people coming to the centre to be fitted, or refitted,
with a prosthetic or orthotic device
The flow starts at the reception (CLI1), where the service user is registered. If, following the initial
evaluation in the assessment room (CLI3), the service user is considered to need a device, he is referred
to the casting room (POD1) where a negative mould is made. The service user can then leave the
centre or be given accommodation in a dormitory. He is recalled when the prosthetic or orthotic
device is ready to be tested, a process that can take several days. Once it has been completed, the
service user returns to the fitting room (CLI3) to test his device. The prosthesis or orthosis is then
adjusted and corrected according to the service user’s specificities. When the device has been fully
adapted to the service user, he can start the physiotherapy process that provides training in the use
of his device.
This main sequence of activities often includes preparatory physiotherapy before the device is supplied.
This treatment consists of assessment and prefitting exercises, such as balance and muscle strength-
ening/stretching, and takes place in the assessment room (CLI2), the exercise room (PTD1) or one of the
treatment cubicles (PTD2).
This sequence of activities is one of the service user flows shown in the general bubble diagram
(Figure 3.1.5). It applies to most service users.
Movements to the PT department for treatment for people with spinal cord injuries and children with
clubfoot or cerebral palsy are also shown. These movements may sometimes generate very significant
service user flows.
The prosthetic and orthotic flows shown in Figures 3.1.2 and 3.1.3 concern the production of pros-
theses and orthoses as well as wheelchair distribution.
Figure 3.1.2
Prosthetic and orthotic flows for the production
of prostheses and orthoses
For the production of prostheses and orthoses, the flow starts from the casting room (POD1) where the
negative cast of the service user is made. From there, the mould passes through the rectification room
(POD2). After having been filled with plaster and rectified, the positive cast is then sent to the thermo-
forming room (POD3) where the first steps in the manufacturing process start with the production of
the socket in the case of prostheses or the shell in the case of orthoses. Subsequently, the socket or
shell passes through several stages, mainly in the assembly room (POD4) and machine room (POD8),
until the process is complete and the service user is fitted with the device in the fitting room (CLI3).
When planning the production cycle of prostheses and orthoses, the possibility of having to reverse
the process at any stage must be borne in mind. The staff can move constantly between different rooms.
Figure 3.1.3
Wheelchair flow and assembly
For wheelchair distribution, the flow starts from the assessment room (CLI2) where the service user’s
measurements are taken. The wheelchair is assembled in the wheelchair assembly room (POD10) from
prefabricated models. Once complete, the wheelchair is delivered to the service user in the fitting room
(CLI3). Tests are done on the advanced training court (PTD4) so that any necessary adjustments of the
device can be noted and made.
These sequences of activities consitute two of the P&O flows shown in the general bubble diagram
(Figure 3.1.5). Another P&O flow is the walking aids production flow.
The PT flow shown in Figure 3.1.4 is generated during training in the use of a prosthetic or orthotic
Figure 3.1.4
Physiotherapy flow generated during training
in the use of a prosthetic or orthotic device
The sequence of activities follows the delivery of a device to a service user and any preparatory
physiotherapy treatment preceding delivery. It starts with registration at the reception (CLI1) of service
users who are accommodated at the centre. Treatment is given in the exercise room (PTD1) or in one of
the individual treatment cubicles (PTD2), depending on the stage and the specific details of the re-
habilitation process. In the exercise room, the service user does physiotherapy exercises and gait training.
In some cases, the service user will need to have individual treatment in an individual treatment cubicle.
General and individual treatment is interlinked.
Once the service user has gained confidence in wearing the device, he begins treatment on the advanced
training court (PTD4) and the outdoor sports court (PTD3), where he will learn how to use his device in
a more challenging environment through more complex activities such as climbing stairs and negoti-
ating different types of ground surface. The sequence may, however, be less linear. Some service users
may, for instance, go to the advanced training court and the outdoor sports court at an earlier stage,
e.g. to learn how to walk using crutches and without a prosthesis.
This sequence of activities is one of the main flows comprising the PT flows shown in the general bubble
diagram (Figure 3.1.5). The other PT flows featured are those generated during training in the use of
walking aids and wheelchairs and during the treatment of people suffering from post-poliomyelitis
syndrome, people with spinal cord injuries, and children with clubfoot or cerebral palsy.
The general bubble diagram (Figure 3.1.5) presents all the rooms, outdoor spaces and departments
that can be included in the hypothetical PRC presented at the beginning of this chapter. It shows
the main service user flows, P&O flows and PT flows and amalgamates the three bubble diagrams
described above.
In order to facilitate the use of this general bubble diagram while consulting the different parts of this
handbook, it is reproduced with the colour coding on the front flap. The flap can be unfolded and placed
side by side with layouts presented in the ten-centre study or the space cards so as to better understand
their structure.
Figure 3.1.5
General bubble diagram
Space cards describe the rooms and outdoor spaces which contain the core activities of the hypothetical
PRC presented in section 3.1. They describe them in terms of required furniture, fittings and general
design requirements. These rooms and outdoor spaces are therefore featured twice in the architectural
programming tools: as elements in a bubble diagram and as space cards.
A bubble, as illustrated in section 3.1, and a space card which refer to the same room or outdoor space
have the same reference number. As already mentioned in connection with the bubble diagrams, some
spaces presented in this example as separate rooms may be merged.
Each card provides key information about the room or outdoor space as text and as a graphical repre-
sentation. Each card contains the following written specifications:
Space cards
1. Item name
Code Room name
Harmonized name of the room or outdoor space as validated by the PRP Technical Commission in
ADM1 Meeting room /
Training room
CLI1 Reception 2. Room code
CLI2 Waiting room / A code made up of three letters followed by one or two numbers identifying the room
Relative education
or the outdoor space on the bubble diagrams and space cards, e.g. CLI1 or POD10
CLI3 Assessment room /
Fitting room
3. Activities
POD1 Casting room
Description of activities that occur in the room or the outdoor space
POD2 Rectification room
POD2a Rectification room 4. Update
(variant) Month and year in which the space card was last updated
POD3 Thermoforming room
POD4 Assembly room 5. Drawing
POD5 Injection room Proposed layout of the room with an arrangement of equipment, furniture and fittings. Plans are
always drawn on a 30 × 30 cm green grid. Each item on a drawing has a reference number.
POD6 Lamination room +
Air-conditioned store
6. Scale
POD7 Metal room
Most plans are drawn to a scale of 1:50. Plans for PTD1, PTD4 and POD4 are drawn to
POD8 Machine room
a scale of 1:100 and PTD3 to a scale of 1: 200.
POD9 Sewing room
POD10 Wheelchair 7. Indicative space for the activity
assembly room
Area in m2 of the proposed layout of the room.
PTD1 Exercise room
PTD2 Individual treatment 8. PT staff
cubicle Suggested number of staff members needed to carry out the activity
PTD3 Outdoor sports court
PTD4 Advanced training court 9. P&O staff
PTD5 Nursing room + Suggested number of staff members needed to carry out the activity
Sterilization room
PTD6 Cerebral palsy room
10. Medical staff
Suggested number of staff members needed to carry out the activity
PTD7 Clubfoot room
STO1 Main store
11. Service user(s)
STO2 Daily store
Suggested number of service users receiving treatment at the same time
12. Relative(s)
Suggested number of people who may accompany the service user(s)
It is important to bear in mind that all graphical support in this chapter is related to a hypothetical
PRC, which is neither an existing example nor a model. It is neither real nor perfect. It is merely a
tool for reflection based on a working hypothesis.
Space cards on the following pages need to be adapted to contextual requirements. Size and layout
may therefore vary considerably.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
Figure 3.2.1
Space card template
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 23 m 2
10 10 1 n/a n/a
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 30 m 2
1 n/a n/a 3 3
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 22 m 2
1 n/a n/a n/a 14
Activities Fitting, including first fitting, of a prosthesis and/or orthosis as part of the interdisciplinary approach.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 29 m 2
1 1 1 1 1
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 42 m 2
1 1 1 3 3
Activities Negative casts are filled with plaster of Paris (PoP) and rectified.
NB: Depending on context, the number of working places may reach 3/4 of the total number of orthopaedic technicians and benchworkers.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 27 m 2
n/a 4 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Negative casts are filled with plaster of Paris (PoP) and rectified.
NB: Depending on context, the number of working places may reach 3/4 of the total number of orthopaedic technicians and benchworkers.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 25 m 2
n/a 4 n/a n/a n/a
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 22 m 2
n/a 2 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Fabricating, assembling and modifying orthopaedic devices such as prostheses, orthoses and walking aids. National referral centres usually are bigger
and therefore the assembly room might be divided into separate orthoses and a prostheses sections. One workbench per worker with an individual set of
tools (e.g. heat gun, hand drill, etc.).
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/100 67 m 2
n/a 10 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Recycling polypropylene from production leftovers by granulating them and then injecting them to produce crutch handles, for example.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 15 m 2
n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Lamination is the technique of manufacturing a material in multiple layers, so that the composite material achieves greater strength and stability.
It can be used to produce any orthopaedic device.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 11 m 2
n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Production of crutches and repair work on orthopaedic devices as well as maintenance work.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 28 m 2
n/a 3 n/a n/a n/a
Activities All orthoses and prostheses are ground along the trim lines. It is advisable to place the dust aspirator and the air compressor outside the building in a roofed
iron cage as this will allow cooling of the engines and will keep these loud machines outside. However, it is advisable to place their sockets inside the building.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 37 m 2
n/a 3 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Belts for prostheses, pillows for wheelchairs, straps for orthoses are manufactured.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 14 m 2
n/a 2 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Wheelchairs are assembled in accordance wtih the assessment of the service users.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 17 m 2
n/a 1 n/a n/a n/a
Activities Full range of rehabilitation exercises and gait training. Space for a fully equipped gymnastic room accommodating a wide range of rehabilitation material
and with enough space for small group therapy sessions. Different treatment areas such as gait training, balance training, pulley therapy and cardio-
vascular exercises.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/100 115 m2 3 n/a n/a 10 max n/a
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 13 m 2
1 n/a n/a 1 1
Activities Multiple sports court for disabled sports (basketball, tennis, sitting volleyball). Important for active rehabilitation to regain self-confidence and moral.
Change of air, staff relaxation.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/200 32 m × 19 m 1 n/a n/a 12 n/a
Activities Functional training for different groups of service users. Training in safe wheelchair skills, such as travelling in different directions and around obstacles,
negotiating different surfaces, going up and down ramps and slopes, climbing small steps, going down steps and getting through doorways. Training in
balance and gait skills for amputees and other motor-impaired service users.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/100 93 m 2
1 1 n/a 10 max n/a
Activities More information about sterilization is available on the Health Unit database; voltage needs and ventilation are included in section 3, section 12 and
section 13.2.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 26 m 2
2 n/a 1 1 1
Activities Active children’s rehabilitation and parent’s education. Group activity: peer training and mother education session.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 38 m 2
2 n/a n/a 1 14
Activities Treatment of children with clubfoot. Manipulation and stretching, serial casting application of abduction brace.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 20 m 2
1 n/a 1 1 2
Activities Storing annual supply of materials for prosthesis and orthosis production plus wheelchairs.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 44 m 2
1 1 n/a n/a n/a
Activities This room should have the capacity to store material for a week’s physiotherapy treatment.
Scale Indicative space for this activity PT staff P&O staff Medical staff Service user(s) Relative(s)
1/50 12 m 2
1 n/a n/a n/a n/a
The main items of equipment and furniture appear twice in the graphical documents in this handbook:
on the space cards and on the component cards. More than 90 elements are shown in the form of
component cards. They are the main items of equipment or furniture needed for the core activities of
a PRC. Not all components shown on the space cards have a corresponding component card.
These cards enable the reader to visualize items and sets of equipment and furniture in their context.
This is particularly important for construction project managers who are not familiar with physical re-
habilitation centres. The aim of the cards is also to enable the construction project manager to under-
stand the space needed for, and engineering characteristics of, each item and to provide the project
owner with a basis on which to adapt to the context or to exchange views with his internal
Item name
Item code Update
E0 / F0 month-yyyy
Emergency items catalogue code
Figure 3.3.1
Component card template
Each card provides essential information about the component as text and as a graphical representation.
Each component card contains the following written specifications:
1. Item name
Name of the component
2. Item code
1-letter, 1-to-2-figure code identifying the component on space cards and component cards,
e.g. E4 or F14. The code starts with “E” for equipment and with “F” for furniture.
3. Scale
All plans are drawn to a scale of 1:100.
4. Activities
Description of activities related to the component
5. Update
Month and year on which the component card was last updated
6. Drawing
Proposed space for the use of the component and graphical representation as shown
on the space cards. Plans are always drawn on a 30 × 30 cm green grid.
7. Picture
Contextualized image of the component
8. Quantity
Number of items supplied under the reference in the ICRC and Federation “Emergency Items
Catalogue,” Volume 2.
9. Reference
Code in the ICRC and Federation “Emergency Items Catalogue,” Volume 2 (if applicable)
10. Weight
Weight of the component (for structural engineering)
11. Electricity
Specification of voltage, power and phase
12. Description
Main characteristics of the component
Treatment table
Item code Update
E1 June 2014
21.7 kg
Jessie J. Fariolen/ICRC
193 × 60 × 80 cm,
adjustable head rest,
Scale Activities: Gait training, weight bearing and balance exercises. Postural exercises.
1/100 Location: CLI3 Assessment room / Fitting room; PTD1 Exercise room; PTD6 Cerebral palsy room.
60 kg
4 m, adjustable height 78–104 cm
and length 4 m with walking base
Barbara Rau/ICRC
29.5 kg
MIRROR, mobile on wheels. Square of
5 cm, strong polyurethane support, offers
maximum security
Barbara Rau/ICRC
14 kg
230 V/50 Hz
Barbara Rau/ICRC
50 × 78 cm, complete.
Item code Update
E5 June 2014
Scale Activities: Balance and proprioception exercises for lower limb and trunk.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room.
According to supplier
Jessie J. Fariolen/ICRC
TRAMPOLINE, diameter 98 cm.
Item code Update
E6 June 2014
According to supplier
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
BICYCLE, fixed, mechanical.
With manually adjustable resistance.
Pulley therapy
Item code Update
E7 June 2014
Scale Activities: Wide range of exercises: postural, muscular strengthening, suspension and mobility.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room.
According to supplier
Samuel Bonnet/ICRC
GRID CAGE, pulley therapy. Cage in kit
easy to set up. Slings and weights with vinyl
cover, easy to clean. Used in combination
with treatment table (E1).
Standing workstation
Item code Update
E8 June 2014
To be purchased locally
Najmuddin Helal/ICRC
Wooden board and bench with manual
instruments: door locks, taps, switches.
Scale Activities: Exercises for upper and lower limbs and trunk.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room.
According to supplier
Régis Vaucelles/ICRC
Wooden, size 200 × 24 × 30 cm.
Item code Update
E10 June 2014
To be purchased locally
According to supplier
According to supplier
Jessie J.Fariolen/ICRC
According to supplier
Gymnastic mat
Item code Update
E11 June 2014
Scale Activities: Muscular exercises; thick mats in neurology to ensure perfect support.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room; PTD6 Cerebral palsy room.
6.7 kg
Errol Lischman/ICRC
GYMNASTIC MAT, 200 × 100 × 2.5 cm.
Shock absorbent, homogenous weight
distribution, comfortable.
Tilt table
Item code Update
E12 June 2014
Scale Activities: Progressive verticalization of service user. Helps to fight against decubitus complications, progressive weight-bearing on the lower limbs.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room
According to supplier
Barbara Rau/ICRC
Standing frame
Item code Update
E13 June 2014
Scale Activities: Provides alternative positioning to sitting by supporting the person in a standing position.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room.
According to supplier
Barbara Rau/ICRC
adjustable height, with table.
Upper-limb workstation
Item code Update
E14 June 2014
To be purchased locally
According to supplier
Jessie J.Fariolen/ICRC
According to supplier
Wall bars
Item code Update
E15 June 2014
According to supplier
Barbara Rau/ICRC
To be manufactured locally
35 × 35 mm square steel tube, 35 mm
steel tube for hand rails, 15 mm plywood,
anti-slip rubber mat on gangway and steps.
Neurological table
Item code Update
E17 June 2014
Scale Activities: Rehabilitation of service users diagnosed with various neurological conditions.
1/100 Location: PTD1 Exercise room, PTD6 Cerebral palsy room.
To be manufactured locally
Barbara Rau/ICRC
To be manufactured locally
Japanese steps
Item code Update
E19 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
Régis Vaucelles/ICRC
Gravel box
Item code Update
E20 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
Jennifer Warren/ICRC
Item code Update
E21 June 2014
Scale Activities: Gait training, balance and coordination exercises for lower limbs.
1/100 Location: PTD4 Advanced training court.
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
Barbara Rau/ICRC
Double beams
Item code Update
E22 June 2014
Scale Activities: Gait training, balance and coordination exercises for lower limbs.
1/100 Location: PTD4 Advanced training court.
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
Régis Vaucelles/ICRC
Item code Update
E23 June 2014
Scale Activities: Sterilization of small tools and dressings for sores and wounds of service users with spinal cord injuries.
1/100 Location: PTD5 Nursing room + Sterilization area.
240 kg
Jeannette de Vries/ICRC
220-380 V
AUTOCLAVE, 90 l, electricity/kerosene,
included kerosene burner.
Casting chair
Item code Update
E24 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Total height 125 cm, seat height 80 cm,
step height 30 cm, side step height 15 cm,
arm rest height from seat 22 cm,
width 50 cm.
Casting frame
Item code Update
E25 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
Barbara Rau/ICRC
See document “The AK casting frame”
in the PRP database for more information.
This equipment can also stand alone, i.e.
in the middle of the room.
Alignment jig
Item code Update
E26 June 2014
77 kg
Javier Curras/ICRC
To be manufactured locally
Not significant
25 × 25 mm square stainless steel tube
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Item code Update
E28 June 2014
Activities: Thermoforming is a manufacturing process in which a PP sheet is heated to a pliable forming temperature and formed to a specific shape around
a positive model in plaster of Paris (PoP), using a vacuum pump.
Location: POD3 Thermoforming room.
360 kg
220–380 V, 4600 W
Javier Curras/ICRC
OVEN CR 5000 G 380 V with 2 resistances,
Teflon, spare parts. Static heating and tools.
115 kg
220 V, 750 W
VACUUM PUMP CR 1000 with connection
kit and 2 enveloping suction tubes CR8900.
Not significant
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
462 kg
230–400 V, 2100–3700 W
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Item code Update
E32 June 2014
Scale Activities: Granulating the polypropylene (PP) leftovers from the orthopaedic device production.
1/100 Location: POD5 Injection room.
501 kg
400 V
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Resin machine
Item code Update
E33 June 2014
137 kg
400 V
According to supplier
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Column drill
Item code Update
E34 June 2014
Scale Activities: Drilling holes for fixing straps belts and riveting.
1/100 Location: POD4 Assembly room; POD7 Metal room; POD8 Machine room; POD10 Wheelchair assembly room.
150 kg
400 V, 550 W
Marc Zlot/ICRC
quick chuck 0.3 to 1.6 cm.
Scale Activities: Inserting the knee tube into the polypropylene (PP) cast.
1/100 Location: POD4 Assembly room.
90 kg
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Welding mirror
Item code Update
E36 June 2014
4.6 kg
220 V, 900 W
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
WELDING MIRROR, diameter 28 cm.
Item code Update
E37 June 2014
20 kg
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
ANVIL, with 2 horns.
Cutting device
Item code Update
E38 June 2014
Not significant
CUTTING DEVICE, steel shears
for 0.5 cm sheet, 1.1 cm round bar.
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Not significant
STEEL STAND with two wheels.
Sewing machine
Item code Update
E39 June 2014
Scale Activities: Sewing cushions and pillows for wheelchairs, lumbar jackets, belts, etc.
1/100 Location: POD9 Sewing room.
Not significant
SEWING MACHINE for leather,
Marc Zlot/ICRC
foot operated, lower arm 47 cm.
Scale Activities: Sewing cushions and pillows for wheelchairs, lumbar jackets, straps.
1/100 Location: POD9 Sewing room.
Not significant
220 V
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
operated, light/medium work.
Dust aspirator
Item code Update
E41 June 2014
162 kg
230 V, 800–1700 W
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
DUST ASPIRATOR, for workshop without
connecting kit + kit for 3 machines.
176 kg
230–400 V, 2300 W
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
AIR COMPRESSOR UNIT, 380 l/min, 10 bar,
tank 200 l.
Socket router
Item code Update
E43 June 2014
400 V, 1200–1700 W
Alessandro GIUSTI/ICRC
GRINDER model 4300 with DISC,
diameter 35 cm + LONG AXIS, on stand.
380 V, 2200–3000 W
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICR
on stand, belt 25 × 200 cm.
Item code Update
E45 June 2014
15 kg
220–400 V, 400 W
GRINDER, 2 wheels, diameter 20 cm.
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Band saw
Item code Update
E46 June 2014
380 V, 1900 W
BAND SAW, cutting width 44 cm,
height 31 cm, blade 333 cm.
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Lathe machine
Item code Update
E47 June 2014
Scale Activities: Production of special metal pieces, mainly axes for prostheses and orthoses.
1/100 Location: POD7 Metal room.
According to supplier
380 V
According to supplier
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Welding machine
Item code Update
E48 June 2014
Scale Activities: Welding metal and aluminium for wheelchairs, prostheses, orthoses.
1/100 Location: POD7 Metal room.
50 kg
230 V, 440 W
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Primus 210 E.
Metal-cutting machine
Item code Update
E49 June 2014
230 V, 750 W
Marc Zlot/ICRC
Scale Activities: Smoothening the positive plaster model with water and grinding paper, washing hands.
1/100 Location: PTD7 Clubfoot room; POD1 Casting room; POD2 Rectification room; POD2a Rectification room (variant).
To be purchased locally
Michael Reichsteiner/ICRC
Plaster separation tank: 0.5 cm,
polypropylene sheet 60 × 50 × 50 cm,
height matching hand sink, 3 sedimentation
sections, lid on top.
To be manufactured locally
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Wooden piece fixed to lower back of tool
board to achieve angulations, fixed to the
wall with sturdy screws, washers and plugs.
Cutting table
Item code Update
F22 June 2014
Scale Activities: Preparing polypropylene (PP) sheets for the thermoforming process.
1/100 Location: POD3 Thermoforming room; POD8 Machine room; STO1 Main store.
To be manufactured locally
2× 220 V
Gerald Fitzpatrick/ICRC
Length 200 cm, width 100 cm,
height 80 cm.
Tool board
Item code Update
F23 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
Plywood 1.5 cm, wood 50 × 100 cm ×
Marc Zlot/ICRC
width of tool board, wall plugs, screws for
Scale Activities: Storing polypropylene (PP) and ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) sheets.
1/100 Location: POD3 Thermoforming room.
To be manufactured locally
Michael Reichsteiner/ICRC
Item code Update
F25 June 2014
To be manufactured locally
2 × 220 V
Width 160 cm, depth 65 cm, height 80 cm,
Marc Zlot/ICRC
To be manufactured locally
Wooden piece fixed to lower back of 1.5 cm
Marc Zlot/ICRC
plywood tool board to achieve angulations.
Wood 50 × 50 cm × width of tool board,
wall plugs.
To be manufactured locally
Michael Reichsteiner/ICRC
35 mm square steel tube, 10 mm plywood,
wooden “legs” 5 × 10 × 110 cm.
To be manufactured locally
35 mm square steel tube, 10 mm plywood,
Marc Zlot/ICRC
In its broadest sense, accessibility is generally understood as the possibility to access something, some-
where. For people with disabilities, the concept also implies access to active participation in community
life. Community life usually takes place in a physical environment. Inaccessible objects and buildings
therefore remain the main obstacle to participation in community life by people with disabilities. Such
obstacles can lead to their marginalization and exclusion.
The term “environment” implies more than a physical environment. It can also refer, inter alia, to an
information and communication environment, a political and legal environment, an institutional envir-
onment and an economic environment. Accessibility thus also means the provision of access to this
larger environment. Nevertheless, without access to the physical environment, people with disabilities
are often unable to access the larger environments.
In operational contexts, accessibility starts for the ICRC with physical rehabilitation. “[Physical] ‘re-
habilitation’ refers to a process aimed at removing – or reducing as far as possible – restrictions on the
activities of people with disabilities and at enabling them to become more independent and enjoy the
highest possible quality of life.”39
Apparatus and physiotherapy treatment provided at a Physical Rehabilitation Centre (PRC) are the first
steps to remedying impairments. They restore and enhance functional ability.
The architecture of a PRC also supports this. Because a PRC is conceived as a barrier-free environment,
it can be used by service users independently and thus promotes the recovery of their autonomy. In
that sense, the architecture of the PRC complements physical rehabilitation. It fosters self-confidence
among the service users.
The architecture of a PRC contributes to the removal or reduction of restrictions on the activities of
people with disabilities.
In another, less direct, manner, the architecture of a PRC also contributes to the removal or reduction
of restrictions on the activities of people with disabilities. In many countries PRP projects have heightened
the awareness of accessibility issues at government level and at institutions. They sometimes have even
served as a basis for establishing a national rehabilitation service.
As part of the ICRC’s rehabilitation strategy, a PRC can also be used to sensitize authorities in some
countries to accessibility issues. A PRC can be a leading example. It can show realistic and contextualized
solutions for the removal or reduction of obstacles and barriers.
Of all the requirements that need to be met by a PRC, the accessibility of its indoor and outdoor
facilities is thus paramount, which is why this handbook devotes a full chapter to that issue. The
objective of this chapter is to provide guidance in defining the accessibility requirements for a PRC.
That definition is particularly important for the ICRC because it operates in countries which have very
different understandings of accessibility. Some countries have clear definitions, rules and/or regulations,
while others have poor standards or even none at all. The specification of a general approach to acces-
sibility is therefore essential to ensure a universal approach on the part of the ICRC. The definition will
provide support for project owners and construction project managers. It is among the objectives that
they will need to establish at the time of the Vision and Feasibility stages.
These two definitions take account of all kinds of disabilities. A disability is an impairment of a person’s
ability to function. Impairments can be physiological, psychological or anatomical and the degree of
impairment may range from mild to severe.
The PRP focuses predominantly on mobility impairments. A PRC building therefore has to in-
corporate, as a minimum criterion, accessibility requirements addressing mobility impairments.
The incorporation of these requirements does not automatically ensure that the premises are accessible
to people with very extensive and complex disabilities, who need more complex arrangements.
Nevertheless, their incorporation into the general design enables a large majority of service users to
enter, utilize and egress the facilities independently.
Accessibility definition and requirements for new buildings depend largely on national
Regulations are specified in standards and/or building codes. They can differ substantially from one
country to another.
A building code is a set of minimum specifications, often based on standards, which must be met in
the construction of buildings and sometimes in their maintenance. It is rarely one single document. It
often consists of a series of documents regulating different aspects of a construction project such as
accessibility and fire safety. A building code is mandatory only if it is enforced by a government. When
that is the case, checking compliance with a building code can differ widely from one country to another.
In the case of de jure standards or an enforced building code, a building has to be compliant with the
standards or the code and its compliance has to be checked. How these checks are conducted can differ
widely from a country to another. In some countries, the checking of compliance is the responsibility
of the design team itself, i.e. the checks are carried out by registered or licensed architects and/or
engineers. In other countries, the checking is done by peer or chartered reviewers mandated by the
project owner. The latter is the case in the United Kingdom, where the responsibility lies with building
control surveyors, or in France with its bureaux de contrôle. In some other countries compliance is checked
by representatives of national and/or local government authorities.
40 Leo Valdes, Accessibility on the Internet, version 1.23, report to the United Nations, 2004 (retrieved in May 2014 from http://www.un.org/
41 UN-DESA (ed.), Accessibility and Development, United Nations, New York, 2012 (retrieved in May 2014 from http://www.un.org/
The existence of de jure or de facto accessibility standards, as well as of an enforced building code
including accessibility provisions, must always be checked in order to determine whether there are
accessibility requirements applicable to a PRC in a specific country.
Some standards or building codes in a given country may prove to be incomplete or out of date in terms
of accessibility. In order to understand how to proceed in such cases, it is necessary to consider the inter-
national attention that has been given to the concept of accessibility since the mid-2000s and its outcome.
Accessibility has gained momentum in recent years as a result of the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). The CRPD is an international human rights instrument intended
to protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. It was adopted in December 2006 during
the 61st session of the United Nations General Assembly. It entered into force with an Optional Protocol 42
in May 2008, i.e. it became an international legal instrument. At the time of publication, 158 States and
regional integration organizations were signatories and 147 were party 43 to the CRPD (92 States were
signatories and 83 party to its Optional Protocol).44
By virtue of its Article 1, the States party to the CRPD enter into a commitment “to promote, protect and
ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with
Figure 4.1
CRPD and Optional Protocol Signatures and Ratifications, Map No. 4496, Rev. 3, 2013.
Source: UN Enable.
42 The Optional Protocol gives the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, a treaty-based body enabled by the CRPD,
competence to examine complaints made by individuals or groups of individuals about alleged violations of the CRPD by States party
to the Optional Protocol.
43 UN-DESA et al. (eds), From Exclusion to Equality: Realizing the rights of persons with disabilities, Handbook for Parliamentarians on the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, United Nations, Geneva, 2007, pp. 39-41: “The first step in
the process of becoming a party to a treaty is signing the treaty. States and regional integration organizations, such as the European
Union, may sign the Convention. […] The Convention and Optional Protocol provide for a simple signing procedure. That means
that there are no legal obligations imposed on a signatory State or regional integration organization immediately after the treaty is
signed. […] In order to become a party to the Convention and the Optional Protocol, a State must demonstrate, through a concrete
act, its willingness to undertake the legal rights and obligations contained in these two instruments. In other words, it must express
its consent to be bound by the Convention and the Optional Protocol. […] The Convention and the Optional Protocol both provide for
States to express their consent to be bound by signature, subject to ratification. Upon ratification at the international level, the State
becomes legally bound by the treaty.”
44 The ratification status of the CRPD and its Optional Protocol is regularly updated and can be consulted on the UN Treaty
Collection website (retrieved in May 2014 from http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-
15&chapter=4&lang=en and http://treaties.un.org/Pages/ViewDetails.aspx?src=TREATY&mtdsg_no=IV-15-a&chapter=4&lang=en).
disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.” 45 In ratifying the CRPD, States Parties
undertake to enact laws and other measures to improve disability rights and to abolish legislation,
customs and practices that discriminate against people with disabilities.
The CRPD specifically addresses the issue of accessibility of infrastructures. By virtue of its Article 9,
States Parties are required to “take appropriate measures to ensure to persons with disabilities access,
on an equal basis with others, to the physical environment […] and to other facilities and services open
or provided to the public, both in urban and in rural areas. These measures, which shall include the
identification and elimination of obstacles and barriers to accessibility, shall apply to, inter alia: (a)
Buildings, roads, transportation and other indoor and outdoor facilities, including schools, housing,
medical facilities and workplaces […].
(a) Develop, promulgate and monitor the implementation of minimum standards and guidelines for
the accessibility of facilities and services open or provided to the public;
(b) Ensure that private entities that offer facilities and services which are open or provided to the public
take into account all aspects of accessibility for persons with disabilities;
(d) Provide in buildings and other facilities open to the public signage in Braille and in easy to read and
understand forms.” 46
According to Article 11, in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies, “States Parties shall take, in
accordance with their obligations under international law, including international humanitarian law and
international human rights law, all necessary measures to ensure the protection and safety of persons
with disabilities in situations of risk, including situations of armed conflict, humanitarian emergencies
and the occurrence of natural disasters.” 47
Following the entry into force of the CRPD, at the end of 2011 the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) published ISO 21542:2011, “Building Construction – Accessibility and usability of
the built environment.” The Preamble (g) and Articles 9, 10 and 11 of the CRPD are in explicit support
of this ISO document.
The ISO is an international standard-setting body founded in 1947. It promulgates international standards
known as ISO standards. The organization is composed of members from the national standards bodies
of 163 countries, 118 of which are ISO member bodies.48 ISO standards are considered to be developed
by consensus. Once the need for a standard has been established, a vote is cast among ISO member
bodies for approval and publication.
Once issued, an international standard may be either used directly or embedded into national regu-
lations, either directly or with modifications to suit the local context. The adoption of an international
standard generally results in the creation of an equivalent national standard which refers to the initial
international standard.
“ISO 21542:2011 specifies a range of requirements and recommendations for many of the elements of
construction, assemblies, components and fittings which comprise the built environment. These
45 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted on 13 December 2006, entered into force on 3 May 2008.
Available in United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 2515, United Nations, New York, 2011, pp. 3-192, p. 72.
46 Ibid., pp. 76-77.
47 Ibid., p. 78.
48 A list of ISO members, ISO correspondents and ISO subscribers is available on the ISO website at http://www.iso.org/iso/home/about/
Figure 4.2 (previous page) requirements relate to the constructional aspects of access to buildings, to circulation within buildings, to
ICRC recommended dimensions egress from buildings in the normal course of events and evacuation in the event of an emergency.” 49
for doors based on ISO 21542:2011:
lateral access, opening by pushing
Pierre-Antoine Thierry/MEDDE This standard is a comprehensive document that has been developed to incorporate hearing, vision,
mobility, cognitive and hidden impairments.
Because of the attention given to the CRPD, many national standards bodies have adopted a position
on ISO 21542:2011. As stated in its introduction, “in some countries a higher level of technical specifica-
tions has been achieved due to their long history in developing accessible building standards and
regulations. The requirements of this International Standard are not intended to replace more demanding
requirements defined in those national standards or national regulations.”50 At the same time, some
less demanding elements have been incorporated into the international standard so that developing
countries can avoid inappropriate specifications.
As a result, some countries have adopted, or are in the process of adopting, ISO 21542:2011. Others have
considered but not adopted it because their standards already established higher levels of recommenda-
tions and guidance. In both cases, ISO 21542:2011 nevertheless constitutes a minimum level of
The definition of accessibility requirements applicable to a PRC depends largely on national regu-
lations. When there are no regulations or regulations are incomplete, the minimal accessibility
standards for a PRC must encompass requirements relating to mobility impairments.
Taking note of the importance of the CRPD and its relation to international humanitarian law, “the ICRC
promoted a resolution which specifically ‘enhances the protection of persons with disabilities during
armed conflict’” 51 at the 31st International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent in 2011. In
mid-2012, “the ICRC Directorate, stressing the importance of the CRPD, initiated a process to establish
an internal ICRC Framework on Persons with Disabilities, spelling out the organization’s strategic plans
and orientation in this area.” 52
In 2013, within the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, a resolution of the Council of
Delegates identified that the Movement’s components “can do more to prevent the incidence of dis-
abilities and to support the full inclusion of persons with disabilities, ranging from addressing their
needs and contributing to the removal of barriers to their active participation, sense of belonging and
inclusion through humanitarian diplomacy at the national, regional and international levels, to changing
mindsets and behaviour from stigma and exclusion to respect for diversity and social inclusion.” 53
Given this guidance, and conscious of the exemplary status that physical rehabilitation activities
may have in some countries, the international standard ISO 21542:2011 is considered as the ICRC’s
reference standard for physical rehabilitation centre construction projects. The reference to ISO
21542:2011 nevertheless concerns only its requirements and recommendations related to mobility
impairments. Use of this reference does not mean that ISO 21542:2011 requirements are the minimum
ICRC requirements for PRC projects. It presents target objectives. Contextualization leading to adapta-
tions may occur.
There are at least two major reasons for using the ISO 21542:2011 standard as a reference. First, this
international standard is the result of a consensus between a large numbers of countries. Adopted or
embedded into national regulations, this standard frequently constitutes a minimum set of requirements
49 Abstract of ISO 21542:2011 posted on the ISO website (retrieved in May 2014 from http://www.iso.org/iso/home/store/catalogue_tc/
50 Committee ISO/TC59/SC16 (ed.), Building construction – Accessibility and usability of the built environment, ISO 21542:2011, International
Organization for Standardization, Geneva, 2011, p. ix.
51 Statement delivered by Claude Tardif to Round Table One “International and Regional Cooperation and partnerships for disability
inclusive development” at the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Realization of the Millennium Development Goals
Figure 4.3
and Other Internationally Agreed Development Goals for Persons with Disabilities, United Nations, New York, 2013, p. 3 (retrieved in
ICRC recommended dimensions May 2014 from https://papersmart.unmeetings.org/media2/107588/icrc.pdf).
for doors based on ISO 21542:2011: 52 Ibid., p. 3.
frontal access, opening by pulling 53 ICRC, Promoting disability inclusion in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (adopted resolution CD/13/R9), Council of
Pierre-Antoine Thierry/MEDDE Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, Sydney, 2013.
for many States party to the CRPD. Second, the possibility of referring to the ISO international
standard puts an end to the mobilization of so-called “international” references in the field.
These “international” references are in fact mostly national standards of more economically
developed countries or their popularization in humanitarian contexts. The reference to a
recognized international standard avoids taking part unintentionally in the power struggle
between some States over standards in some contexts in which the ICRC operates.
This evaluation, together with the identification of the controlling process(es) established, is
not, however, limited to accessibility and encompasses other aspects of a construction such
as, inter alia, fire safety and seismic engineering. Two different scenarios may arise.
First scenario: the country or region has an enforced building code or set of de jure standards.
In that case the ICRC complies with it. If, however, those standards or the building code are/
is incomplete or out of date, the ICRC can voluntarily decide to over-engineer. In that case,
the ISO 21542:2011 requirements relating to mobility impairments will constitute the minimum
Second scenario: the country has neither an enforced building code nor standards. In that
case, the ICRC voluntarily decides to over-engineer. The minimum reference is then ISO
21542:2011 with its key accessibility requirements relating to mobility impairments.
Because of an extensive copyright policy, ISO prohibits the reproduction or use in any form
of any part of its standards. This policy unfortunately prevents any dissemination of the key
elements of this standard in this handbook. Some principles can be nevertheless
Figure 4.4
mentioned. ICRC recommended dimensions
for doors based on ISO 21542:2011:
frontal access, opening by pushing
If ISO 21542:2011 is used as a reference for the construction of a PRC, it does not mean that it must apply Pierre-Antoine Thierry/MEDDE
in its entirety. The international standard includes some provisions for developing countries. However,
some of its requirements and recommendations are not appropriate to some contexts in which the
ICRC works. They therefore have to be contextualized.
ISO 21542:2011 should nevertheless act as a framework. It defines key accessibility issues, of which the
following one must be considered for mobility impairments:
yy An equitable approach to buildings;
yy Equitable entry;
yy Equitable use of the same horizontal and vertical paths;
yy Equitable use of equipment and furniture;
yy Equitable use of toilet and sanitary facilities;
yy Equitable exit and evacuation routes (fire safety provisions).
The key accessibility issues considered for a project, and their derivatives, must be identified at the
Feasibility stage.
Once the main requirements have been identified, some adaptations may be necessary. Some of these
adaptations may ease the international standard requirements whereas some others may amplify them.
For instance, the dimensions of wheelchairs considered in ISO 21542:2011 are 80 × 130 cm. These dimen-
sions induce a minimal horizontal manoeuvring space of 150 × 150 cm clear of obstacles to enable a
Figure 4.9
Recommended dimensions for toilets with lateral transfer from one side based on ISO 21542:2011 type C toilet room
Pierre-Antoine Thierry/ICRC
change of direction. In each different context in which the ICRC works, the average dimensions of the
different wheelchairs used by service users must be checked. It is not rare for three-wheeled wheelchairs
used in developing countries to need a 175 cm-diameter turning space clear of obstacles. In some
countries, this circle may be as much as 200 cm in diameter.
The same principle applies to prone trolleys, which are not considered in the international standard. If
the PRC offers service users treatment on prone trolleys, these items of equipment must be measured
and a clear manoeuvring space calculated and incorporated into the architectural programme and the
To conclude the discussion of these principles, when a PRC is erected in a remote area or has to take
account of the specific cultural habits of its service users, the appropriateness of some of ISO 21542:2011
requirements may again be called into question. While its framework is still useful for the identification
of key accessibility issues, solutions may not always be appropriate in low-resource contexts with
traditional forms of construction and informal settlements, for instance.
In such cases, requirements may be adapted on the basis of ad hoc studies such as those conducted by
the Water, Engineering and Development Centre at Loughborough University (UK). One of them54 focuses
on access to the domestic water supply and sanitation and proposes adapted solutions for toilet facilities
and water stands. The requirements for mobility impairments in ISO 21542:2011 may then be adapted or
replaced by some of the simple, low-cost and maintainable recommendations put forward in this study.
54 Hazel Jones & Bob Reed, Water and sanitation for disabled people and other vulnerable groups: designing services to improve accessibility,
Loughborough University (Water and Development Centre), Loughborough, 2005.
Annex 1
For construction projects eligible for the PMCP
The following document has been developed as a template for construction projects eligible for the
Protocol for the Management of ICRC Construction Projects (PMCP).
Once completed, the Vision (excluding its annexes) may not exceed four A4 pages printed on both sides.
Planned activities are implemented in a certain environment. The aim is to gain a clear under-
standing of the environment and relevant stakeholders. The situation analysis sets the framework
for an ICRC operation in a specific country or context. It must be relevant to the entire operation,
not only to a programme.
Add, if necessary, a summary of recent developments in national, regional and international politics
as well as in the economic, environmental and social situation, with a clear focus on events which:
yy occurred since the last PfR;
yy will have an impact on the trends that you are anticipating for the coming year.
Whereas the situation analysis relates to an entire country or context, in the problem analysis the
focus is on the problems of the different target populations for which activities are to be developed.
This analysis is intended to synthesize the situation, problems, needs and demands of the target
population. The text must enable the reader to comprehend the rationale of the operational
strategies. It must include, inter alia:
yy facts and figures;
yy existing stakeholders (authorities, NGOs, etc.).
A list (bullet points) of the different kinds of impact that should be achieved by the action pro-
gramme as a whole should include:
yy Improve access to health care for those needing it;
yy Improve level of health-care standards for the medical staff;
yy Partnership with the National Red Cross/Red Crescent Society;
yy Improve ICRC visibility/strategic anchorage.
As well as the expected humanitarian impacts, the specific operational strategies are framed by
the long-term vision defined for the context (see “A.2 Situation analysis”) and is based on the
findings described under ”A.3 Problem analysis.”
A list (bullet points) of the various operational strategies that should be incorporated into the
action programme as a whole should include:
yy Training for staff;
yy Involvement of the National Red Cross/Red Crescent Society;
yy Maintenance of existing structures;
yy Construction of a new Physical Rehabilitation Centre (PRC).
Helpful Harmful
To achieve the objective To achieve the objective
Strengths Weaknesses
Attributes of the ICRC
Internal origin
Opportunities Threats
Attributes of the context
External origin
GO formulation
SO formulation
If the construction project associated with this Vision was not considered at the time of PfR, please:
yy specify the GO to which it will be financially linked during the coming year (to incorporate into
the next PfR);
yy formulate the project construction objectives (to incorportate into the next PfR).
GO financially linked
GO formulation
Note: Because the construction of a Physical Rehabilitation Centre (PRC) has a clearly defined time
frame, a budget, results to be achieved and a dedicated project manager if the Protocol is activated,
a GO Project may be considered.
yy The final programme will be adapted and completed during the feasibility study.
yy The list of rooms given below can be completed in XLS format and appended to the Vision.
No commitment to external partners or resources mobilization before the Feasibility “go-ahead.”
According to the Protocol, except in extraordinary circumstances, no commitment or offer for a
plot may be entered into at the Vision stage.
1st area
or plot
2nd area
or plot
Annex 2
For construction projects under the PMCP
The following document has been developed as a template for construction projects activated under
the Protocol for the Management of ICRC Construction Projects (PMCP).
yy Grey in this template: Guidelines that have to be deleted in the final document.
yy Black in this template: Text to be used as it is and not deleted.
B. Engineering notice
D. Plans
Annex ###: Title x pages
Annex ###: Title x pages
Annex 3
In 2013 and 2014, a feasibility study in Sa’ada, Yemen, and another in Myitkyina, Myanmar, were
developed with the support of a preliminary draft of this handbook.
Plans of both projects are presented in this Annex and follow the same structure as the ten-centre study
in order to facilitate their reading.
Tables 1, 2 and 3 of section 2.2 are also reproduced here and supplemented by data and expected
statistics on the Sa’ada and Myitkyina PRC projects.
Kampong Speu
Fully enclosed and covered 1,938 597 1,731 1,106 1,217 7,121 937 2,441 1,657 476 1,855 2,446
area (FECA) (m²)
FECA/TFA percentage 64% 64% 96% 55% 64% 96% 60% 85% 97% 100% 57% 93%
Partially enclosed and 1,068 304 70 913 665 280 615 426 14 – 1,412 188
covered area (PECA) (m²)
PECA/TFA percentage 36% 33% 4% 45% 35% 4% 40% 15% 1% – 43% 7%
Total floor area (TFA) (m²) 3,006 928 1,801 2,019 1,915 7,401 1,552 2,867 1,702 476 3,267 2,634
Net floor area (NFA) (m²) 2,755 852 1,509 1,906 1,743 6,498 1,483 2,598 1,518 436 2,970 2,171
NFA/TFA ratio 0.92 0.92 0.84 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.96 0.91 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.82
Plot area (PA) (m²) 11,916 – 3,000 6,785 3,424 16,080 3,250 5,202 16,050 – 5,840 9,453
Plot ratio (PR) = TFA/PA 0.3 – 0.6 0.3 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.1 – 0.6 0.3
Table III.1
TFA, NFA, plot ratio and NFA/TFA ratio of Myitkyina and Sa’ada PRCs (integrated into Table 1)
Figure III.1
Aerial view from the 3D model for the Sa’ada PRC.
Kampong Speu
Circulation area 562 402 146 460 359 662 79 631 606 34 426 370
CIR (m²) 20% 47% 10% 24% 22% 10% 5% 24% 40% 8% 14% 17%
Clinical area 118 31 102 41 103 437 52 120 143 36 247 222
CLI (m²) 4% 4% 7% 2% 6% 7% 4% 5% 9% 8% 8% 10%
PT department 634 74 269 284 195 1,674 324 215 302 117 984 549
PTD (m²) 23% 9% 18% 15% 11% 26% 22% 8% 20% 27% 33% 25%
P&O department 322 254 111 296 215 1,536 237 378 182 178 425 338
POD (m²) 12% 30% 7% 16% 12% 24% 16% 15% 12% 41% 14% 16%
Service user accommodation 656 – 319 503 449 798 429 672 – – 466 257
SUA (m²) 24% – 21% 26% 26% 12% 29% 26% – – 16% 12%
Administration 110 55 159 184 161 357 196 202 185 19 259 234
ADM (m²) 4% 6% 11% 10% 9% 6% 13% 8% 12% 4% 9% 11%
Guest house – – 70 – – – – – – – – –
GUE (m²) – – 5% – – – – – – – – –
Table III.2
NFA breakdown by service at Myitkyina and Sa’ada PRCs (integrated into Table 2)
Kampong Speu
Total service users per annum 7,747 – 7,226 2,548 1,416 31,922 3,316 4,878 3,013 542 2,000 2,040
Devices Prostheses 1,162 173 177 1,030 276 1,173 435 991 90 565 360 240
Orthoses 614 121 699 16 100 5,325 552 745 712 9 540 360
per annum
Walking aids 1,263 – 777 660 423 2,553 316 568 6 258 1,000 –
(pairs of crutches)
Wheelchairs 352 – 43 15 77 471 228 129 36 41 50 240
SU for PT only, per annum 4,200 – 5,954 898 708 22,268 1,462 1,491 244 498 750 1,200
Beds 94 20 50 52 60 150 40 55 – (63) 55 28
Staff P&O technicians 9 6 9 8 14 26 6 8 5 7 3 6
Benchworkers 15 3 1 7 2 108 7 12 2 5 9 6
PT 9 0 13 4 5 46 5 6 3 8 2 6
General staff 20 4 29 18 12 80 17 14 34 5 14 28
Admin. and 4 2 2 6 2 8 3 8 3 3 6 5
Total 57 15 54 43 35 268 38 48 47 28 34 51
Table III.3
Expected activity statistics and staffing at Myitkyina and Sa’ada PRCs (integrated into Table 3)
Figure III.2
Aerial view of the 3D model for the Myitkyina PRC
Figure III.3
Plan of the Sa’ada PRC as designed in the feasibility study,
February 2014
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Assessment room CLI3 38 036 Office 10
002 Office 25 037 Exercise room (male) PTD1 120
003 Office 25 038 Individual treatment cubicle (male) PTD2 13
004 Office 18 039 Individual treatment cubicle (male) PTD2 13
005 Office 13 040 Daily store STO2 8
006 Archives 10 041 WC (male) 10
007 Scullery 10 042 Changing room (staff - female) 13
008 WC (male) 8 043 WC (staff - female) 4
009 WC (female) 8 044 Changing room (staff - male) 13
010 Office 25 045 WC (staff - female) 4
011 WC (male) 7 046 Main store STO1 119
012 Social services 12 047 Maintenance room 15
013 Waiting room (male) CLI2 23 048 Bin store 15
014 Reception CLI1 23 049 Prayer room 30
015 Meeting/training room ADM1 46 050 Dining room 55
016 WC (female) 9 051 Kitchen 36
017 Waiting room (female) CLI2 40 052 Housekeeping room 2
018 WC 13 053 Kitchen store 6
019 Casting room POD1 35 054 Laundry 6
020 Casting room POD1 35 055 Dormitory (male) 18
021 Fitting room CLI3 30 056 Dormitory (male) 12
022 Fitting room CLI3 30 057 Dormitory (male) 18
023 Clubfoot room PTD7 24 058 Bathroom (male) 19
024 Cerebral palsy room PTD6 36 059 Bathroom (female) 19
025 Store 5 060 Dormitory (female) 18
026 WC (female) 10 061 Dormitory (female) 18
027 Exercise room (female) PTD1 120 062 Guard room 11
028 Individual treatment cubicle (female) PTD2 13 063 Guard room 11
029 Individual treatment cubicle (female) PTD2 13 064 Generator 38
030 Advanced training court (female) PTD4 86 065 Advanced training court (male) PTD4 91
031 Assembly room POD4 112 066 Outdoor wheelchair exercise court
032 Rectification room POD2 35 067 Outdoor sports court PTD3
033 Thermoforming room POD3 40 068 Water tower
034 Machine room POD8 40 Circulation area 370
035 Wheelchair assembly room POD10 18 Net floor area (NFA) 2,171
Clinical area
Reception 1 23
Archives 1 10
Social services 1 12
Waiting area + Relative education 2 63
WC 2 16
Assessment room 1 38
Fitting room 2 60
Subtotal 222 0
Physiotherapy Department
Exercise room 2 240
Advanced training court 2 177
Individual treatment cubicle 4 52
WC 2 20
Clubfoot room 1 24
Cerebral palsy room 1 36
Wheelchair exercise court (uncovered) 1
Subtotal 549 0
Services area
Generator room + fuel store 1 38
Maintenance room 1 15
Waste management 1 15
Store 1 5
Daily store 8
Main store 1 120
Subtotal 133 68
Totals ISO 9836:2011
UA 1,733
para. 5.1.7
ISO 9836:2011
SA 68
para. 5.1.8
ISO 9836:2011
CA 370
para. 5.1.9
Ratios 3% 17%
ISO 9836:2011
Net floor area NFA 2,171
para. 5.1.5
ISO 9836:2011
Fully enclosed and covered area FECA 2,446
ISO 9836:2011
Partially enclosed and covered area PECA 188
ISO 9836:2011
Unenclosed, uncovered and contained area UUCA 0
ISO 9836:2011
Total floor area TFA 2,634
para. 5.1.3
Note: Light blue cells are inputs; blue cells are results.
Figure III.4
Plan of the Myitkyina PRC as designed in the feasibility study, July 2014
(section 3.2) (m²) (section 3.2) (m²)
001 Waiting area + Relative education CLI2 64 029 Dormitory (staff) 18
002 Reception CLI1 27 030 Exercise room + Advanced training court PTD1 + PTD4 237
003 Archives 18 031 WC (female) 18
004 Management office 18 032 Individual treatment cubicle PTD2 40
005 Head of PT office 18 033 Daily store PTD2 18
006 Head of P&O office 18 034 Wheelchair assembly room POD10 18
007 Administration office 26 035 Thermoforming room POD3 45
008 WC 18 036 Rectification room POD2 44
009 Social services 18 037 Machine room POD8 36
010 Meeting/training room ADM1 40 038 Assembly room POD4 115
011 WC (male) 18 039 Fitting room CLI3 75
012 Dormitory (staff) 18 040 Casting room POD1 47
013 Dormitory (male) 60 041 WC 8
014 Dormitory (male) 60 042 WC 8
015 Dormitory (male) 60 043 Assessment room CLI3 27
016 WC (male) 15 044 Office 15
017 WC (male) 15 045 Sewing room POD9 15
018 Outdoor sports court PTD3 671 046 Guard room 16
019 Laundry + Drying area + Ironing area 27 047 Main store STO1 73
020 Kitchen store 14 048 Cool store 36
021 Kitchen 27 049 Generator room 18
022 Dining room + Communal area 14 050 Fuel store 18
023 WC (female) 15 051 Changing room + WC (staff - female) 18
024 WC (female) 15 052 Changing room + WC (staff - male) 18
025 Dormitory (female) 60 053 Metal room + Maintenance POD7 89
026 Dormitory (female) 60
027 Dormitory 24 Circulation area 426
028 Cafeteria + Dining room (staff) 36 Net floor area (NFA) 2,970
Clinical area
Reception 1 2 27
Archives 1 n/a 18
Social services 1 1 18
Waiting area + Relative education 1 14 64
WC 1 1 18
Assessment room 1 1 27
Fitting room 1 3 75
Subtotal 247 0
Physiotherapy Department
Exercise room + Advanced training court 1 10 237
Individual treatment cubicle 1 1 40
Multiple outdoor sport court (covered) 1 12 671
WC 2 36
Subtotal 984 0
Services area
Generator room + Fuel store 1 n/a 18
Waste management 18
Store 1 36
Daily store 1 1 73
Main store 1 18
Subtotal 145 18
Totals ISO 9836:2011
UA 2,526
para. 5.1.7
ISO 9836:2011
SA 18
para. 5.1.8
ISO 9836:2011
CA 426
para. 5.1.9
Ratios 1% 14%
ISO 9836:2011
Net floor area NFA 2,970
para. 5.1.5
ISO 9836:2011
Fully enclosed and covered area FECA 1,855
ISO 9836:2011
Partially enclosed and covered area PECA 1,412
ISO 9836:2011
Unenclosed, uncovered and contained area UUCA 0
ISO 9836:2011 3,267
Total floor area TFA
para. 5.1.3 (estimated)
Note: Light blue cells are inputs; blue cells are results.
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Otto Bock (ed.), Consulting, Planning and Equipping, Otto Bock GmbH, Duderstadt, 2010.
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John Mejia Rios, Programming guide for the setting up of a rehabilitation centre, Handicap International,
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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral
and independent organization whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to
protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflict and other situations
of violence and to provide them with assistance. The ICRC also endeavours
to prevent suffering by promoting and strengthening humanitarian law and
universal humanitarian principles. Established in 1863, the ICRC is at the origin
of the Geneva Conventions and the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
Movement. It directs and coordinates the international activities conducted by
the Movement in armed conflicts and other situations of violence.
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