Case DIgest Family Code 35 - 46
Case DIgest Family Code 35 - 46
Case DIgest Family Code 35 - 46
The documents presented by respondent during the trial do not As manifestations of respondent’s alleged psychological
in any way show the alleged psychological incapacity of his incapacity, petitioner claimed that respondent persistently lied
wife. It is the height of absurdity and inequity to condemn her about herself, the people around her, her occupation, income,
as psychologically incapacitated to fulfill her marital educational attainment and other events or things.
obligations, simply because she filed cases against him. The
evidence presented merely establishes the prosecution of the In support of his petition, petitioner presented Dr. Abcede, a
cases against him. To rule that the filings are sufficient to psychiatrist, and Dr. Lopez, a clinical psychologist, who stated,
establish her psychological incapacity is not only totally based on the tests they conducted, that petitioner was
essentially a normal, introspective, shy and conservative type
of person. On the other hand, they observed that respondent’s lies and the pathologic nature of her mistruths, which according
persistent and constant lying to petitioner was abnormal or to them, were revelatory of respondent’s inability to understand
pathological. It undermined the basic relationship that should and perform the essential obligations of marriage. Indeed, a
be based on love, trust and respect. They further asserted that person unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality would
respondent’s extreme jealousy was also pathological. It reached similarly be unable to comprehend the legal nature of the
the point of paranoia since there was no actual basis for her to marital bond, much less its psychic meaning, and the
suspect that petitioner was having an affair with another corresponding obligations attached to marriage, including
woman. They concluded based on the foregoing that parenting. One unable to adhere to reality cannot be expected
respondent was psychologically incapacitated to perform her to adhere as well to any legal or emotional commitments.
essential marital obligations.
Clearly in this case, there was no categorical averment from the
After trial, the lower court gave credence to petitioner’s expert witnesses that respondent’s psychological incapacity
evidence and held that respondent’s propensity to lying about was curable or incurable. From the totality of the evidence,
almost anything−her occupation, state of health, singing however, the court is sufficiently convinced that the
abilities and her income, among others−had been duly incurability of respondent’s psychological incapacity has been
established. According to the trial court, respondent’s fantastic established by the petitioner.
ability to invent and fabricate stories and personalities enabled
her to live in a world of make-believe. This made her ___________________________________________________
psychologically incapacitated as it rendered her incapable of
giving meaning and significance to her marriage. The trial Chi Ming Tsoi vs CA
court thus declared the marriage between petitioner and Chi Ming Tsoi vs. CA
respondent null and void. GR No. 119190, January 16, 1997
Issue: Whether or not there is sufficient basis/showing of
psychological incapacity as to render the marriage null and Chi Ming Tsoi and Gina Lao Tsoi was married in 1988. After
void. the celebration of their wedding, they proceed to the house of
defendant’s mother. There was no sexual intercourse between
Ruling: It should be noted that the lies attributed to respondent them during their first night and same thing happened until
were not adopted as false pretenses in order to induce petitioner their fourth night. In an effort to have their honeymoon in a
into marriage. More disturbingly, they indicate a failure on the private place, they went to Baguio but Gina’s relatives went
part of respondent to distinguish truth from fiction, or at least with them. Again, there was no sexual intercourse since the
abide by the truth. Petitioner’s witnesses and the trial court defendant avoided by taking a long walk during siesta or
were emphatic on respondent’s inveterate proclivity to telling sleeping on a rocking chair at the living room. Since May
1988 until March 1989 they slept together in the same bed but
no attempt of sexual intercourse between them. Because of
this, they submitted themselves for medical examination to a If a spouse, although physically capable but simply refuses to
urologist in Chinese General Hospital in 1989. The result of perform his or her essential marital obligations and the refusal
the physical examination of Gina was disclosed, while that of is senseless and constant, Catholic marriage tribunals attribute
the husband was kept confidential even the medicine the causes to psychological incapacity than to stubborn
prescribed. There were allegations that the reason why Chi refusal. Furthermore, one of the essential marital obligations
Ming Tsoi married her is to maintain his residency status here under the Family Code is to procreate children thus constant
in the country. Gina does not want to reconcile with Chi Ming non-fulfillment of this obligation will finally destroy the
Tsoi and want their marriage declared void on the ground of integrity and wholeness of the marriage.
psychological incapacity. On the other hand, the latter does not
want to have their marriage annulled because he loves her very
much, he has no defect on his part and is physically and ___________________________________________________
psychologically capable and since their relationship is still
young, they can still overcome their differences. Chi Ming Te vs Te
Tsoi submitted himself to another physical examination and the Te vs. Te
result was there is not evidence of impotency and he is capable GR No. 161793, February 13, 2009
of erection.
Facts: Appellant Lucio Morigo and Lucia Barrete were Issue: Whether or not Lucio Morigo committed bigamy even
boardmates at the house of Catalina Tortor at Tagbilaran City, with his defense of good faith.
for a period of four years. After school year, Lucio Morigo and
Lucia Barrete lost contact with each other. In 1984, Lucio Ruling: A judicial declaration of nullity of a previous marriage
Morigo was surprised to receive a card from Lucia Barrete is necessary before a subsequent one can be legally contracted.
from Singapore. The former replied and after an exchange of One who enters into a subsequent marriage without first
letters, they became sweethearts. In 1986, Lucia returned to the obtaining such judicial declaration is guilty of bigamy. This
Philippines but left again for Canada to work there. While in principle applies even if the earlier union is characterized by
Canada, they maintained constant communication. In 1990, statutes as "void."
Lucia came back to the Philippines and proposed to petition
appellant to join her in Canada. Both agreed to get married. In the instant case, however, no marriage ceremony at all was
Lucia reported back to her work in Canada leaving appellant performed by a duly authorized solemnizing officer. Lucio
Lucio behind. Morigo and Lucia Barrete merely signed a marriage contract
on their own. The mere private act of signing a marriage
On August 19, 1991, Lucia filed with the Ontario Court a contract bears no semblance to a valid marriage and thus, needs
petition for divorce against appellant which was granted by the no judicial declaration of nullity. Such act alone, without more,
court. Appellant Lucio Morigo married Maria Jececha cannot be deemed to constitute an ostensibly valid marriage for
Lumbago at Tagbilaran City. Lucio filed a complaint for which Lucio might be held liable for bigamy unless he first
judicial declaration of nullity of marriage in the Regional Trial secures a judicial declaration of nullity before he contracts a
Court of Bohol. The complaint seeks among others, the subsequent marriage. The law abhors an injustice and the Court
declaration of nullity of Lucio’s marriage with Lucia, on the is mandated to liberally construe a penal statute in favor of an
ground that no marriage ceremony actually took place. accused and weigh every circumstance in favor of the
Appellant was charged with Bigamy in information filed by the presumption of innocence to ensure that justice is done. Under
City Prosecutor of Tagbilaran City, with the Regional Trial the circumstances of the present case, Supreme Court held that
Court of Bohol. petitioner has not committed bigamy and that it need not tarry
on the issue of the validity of his defense of good faith or lack
Lucio Morigo moved for suspension of the arraignment on the of criminal intent, which is now moot and academic.
ground that the civil case for judicial nullification of his ___________________________________________________
marriage with Lucia posed a prejudicial question in the bigamy
Wiegel vs Sempio-Dy Terre vs Terre
Wiegel vs. Sempio-Dy Terre vs. Terre
143 SCRA 449 211 SCRA 6
Karl Wiegel was married to Lilia Wiegel on July 1978. Lilia Dorothy Terre was then married to a certain Merlito Bercenillo,
was married with a certain Eduardo Maxion in 1972. Karl then her first cousin. Atty. Jordan Terre successfully convinced
filed a petition in the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Dorothy that her marriage was void ab initio for the reason of
for the declaration of nullity of his marriage with Lilia on the public policy and that they are free to contract marriage. They
ground of latter’s former marriage. Having been allegedly got married in 1977 where he wrote single under Dorothy’s
force to enter into a marital union, she contents that the first status. After getting Dorothy pregnant, Atty. Terre abandoned
marriage is null and void. Lilia likewise alleged that Karl was them and subsequently contracted another marriage to Helina
married to another woman before their marriage. Malicdem in 1986. Atty. Terre was charged with abandonment
of minor and bigamy.
ISSUE: Whether Karl’s marriage with Lilia is void.
ISSUE: Whether or not Atty. Terre’s marriage with Dorothy is
HELD: null and void.
It was not necessary for Lilia to prove that her first marriage HELD:
was vitiated with force because it will not be void but merely
voidable. Such marriage is valid until annulled. Since no Dorothy’s first marriage is indeed void ab initio considering
annulment has yet been made, it is clear that when she married that Merlito is her first cousin thereby against public
Karl, she is still validly married to her first policy. However, she did not file any declaration for the
husband. Consequently, her marriage to Karl is nullity of their marriage before she contracted her marriage
void. Likewise, there is no need of introducing evidence on the with Atty. Terre thus, her second marriage is void. Article 40
prior marriage of Karl for then such marriage though void still states that the absolute nullity of a former marriage may be
needs a judicial declaration before he can invoked for the purposes of remarriage on the basis solely of a
remarry. Accordingly, Karl and Lilia’s marriage are regarded final judgment declaring such previous marriage void.
void under the law.
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
Valdes vs RTC contributed thereto jointly if said party’s efforts consisted in
Valdes vs. RTC the care and maintenance of the family.
260 SCRA 221
People vs Aragon
FACTS: People vs. Aragon
100 Phil 1033
Antonio Valdez and Consuelo Gomez were married in 1971
and begotten 5 children. Valdez filed a petition in 1992 for a FACTS:
declaration of nullity of their marriage pursuant to Article 36 of
the Family Code, which was granted hence, marriage is null Proceso Rosima contracted marriage with Gorrea. While his
and void on the ground of their mutual psychological marriage with the latter subsist, he contracted a canonical
incapacity. Stella and Joaquin are placed under the custody of marriage with Faicol. Gorrea is staying in Cebu while Faicol is
their mother while the other 3 siblings are free to choose which in Iloilo. He was a traveling salesman thus, he commuted
they prefer. between Iloilo and Cebu. When Gorrea died, he brought Faicol
to Cebu where the latter worked as teacher-nurse. She later on
Gomez sought a clarification of that portion in the decision suffered injuries in her eyes caused by physical maltreatment
regarding the procedure for the liquidation of common property of Rosima and was sent to Iloilo to undergo treatment. While
in “unions without marriage”. During the hearing on the she was in Iloilo, Rosima contracted a third marriage with
motion, the children filed a joint affidavit expressing desire to Maglasang. CFI-Cebu found him guilty of bigamy.
stay with their father.
ISSUE: Whether or not the third marriage is null and void.
ISSUE: Whether or not the property regime should be based
on co-ownership. HELD:
HELD: The action was instituted upon the complaint of the second
wife whose marriage with Rosima was not renewed after the
The Supreme Court ruled that in a void marriage, regardless of death of the first wife and before the third marriage was
the cause thereof, the property relations of the parties are entered into. Hence, the last marriage was a valid one and
governed by the rules on co-ownership. Any property acquired prosecution against Rosima for contracting marriage cannot
during the union is prima facie presumed to have been obtained prosper.
through their joint efforts. A party who did not participate in
the acquisition of the property shall be considered as having
Mercado vs Tan
Mercado vs. Tan
337 SCRA 122 Republic vs Nolasco
Republic vs. Nolasco
FACTS: 220 SCRA 20
Dr. Vicent Mercado was previously married with Thelma Oliva FACTS:
in 1976 before he contracted marriage with Consuelo Tan in
1991 which the latter claims she did not know. Tan filed Gregorio Nolasco is a seaman. He met Janet Parker, a British,
bigamy against Mercado and after a month the latter filed an in bar in England. After that, Janet started living with Nolasco
action for declaration of nullity of marriage against Oliva. The in his ship for six months. It lasted until the contract of
decision in 1993 declared marriage between Mercado and Nolasco expired then he brought her to his hometown in
Oliva null and void. Antique. They got married in January 1982. Due to another
contract, Nolasco left the province. In 1983, Nolasco received
ISSUE: Whether Mercado committed bigamy in spite of filing a letter from his mother informing him that his son had been
the declaration of nullity of the former marriage. born but 15 days after, Janet left. Nolasco went home and cut
short his contract to find Janet’s whereabouts. He did so by
HELD: securing another seaman’s contract going to London. He wrote
several letters to the bar where they first met but it was all
A judicial declaration of nullity of a previous marriage is returned. Gregorio petitioned in 1988 for a declaration of
necessary before a subsequent one can be legally presumptive death of Janet.
contracted. One who enters into a subsequent marriage without
first obtaining such judicial declaration is guilty of ISSUE: Whether or not Nolasco had a well-founded belief that
bigamy. This principle applies even if the earlier union is his wife, Janet, is already dead?
characterized by statute as “void.”
In the case at bar, Mercado only filed the declaration of nullity
of his marriage with Oliva right after Tan filed bigamy The Supreme Court ruled that Nolasco’s efforts to locate Janet
case. Hence, by then, the crime had already been were not persistent to show that he has a well-founded belief
consummated. He contracted second marriage without the that his wife was already dead because instead of seeking
judicial declaration of the nullity. The fact that the first assistance of local authorities and the British Embassy, he even
marriage is void from the beginning is not a defense in a secured another contract. More so, while he was in London, he
bigamy charge.
did not even try to solicit help of the authorities to find his of the absentee. For the celebration of civil marriage, however,
wife. the law only requires that the former spouse has been absent
for seven consecutive years at the time of the second marriage,
that the spouse present does not know his or her former spouse
to be living, that each former spouse is generally reputed to be
Lukban vs Republic dead and the spouse present so believes at the time of the
Lukban vs Republic celebration of the marriage.
L-8492, February 29, 1956
The court ruled that Lukban does not need to secure declaration Antonia Armas y Calisterio, surviving sister of Teodorico filed
of presumptive death of her husband because Civil Code a petition claiming to be the sole surviving heir of the latter and
prevails during their marriage in 1933. It provides that “for the that marriage between Marietta and his brother being allegedly
purposes of the civil marriage law, it is not necessary to have bigamous is thereby null and void. She prayed that her son
the former spouse judicially declared an absentee. The Sinfroniano be appointed as administrator, without bond, of the
declaration of absence made in accordance with the provisions estate of the deceased and inheritance be adjudicated to her
of the Civil Code has for its sole purpose to enable the taking after all the obligations of the estate would have been settled.
of the necessary precautions for the administration of the estate
ISSUE: Whether Marrieta and Teodorico’s marriage was void left without notice. He then sought help from the Barangay
due to the absence of the declaration of presumptive death. Captain. For sometime, Alan decided to work as part-time taxi
driver and during his free time he would look for Lea in the
HELD: malls. In June 2001, Alan reported Lea’s disappearance to the
local police station and an alarm notice was issued. He also
The marriage between the respondent and the deceased was reported the disappearance in NBI on July 2001. Alan filed a
solemnized in May 1958 where the law in force at that time petition in March 2001 for the declaration of presumptive death
was the Civil Code and not the Family Code which only took of his wife.
effect in August 1988. Article 256 of the Family Code itself
limit its retroactive governance only to cases where it thereby
would not prejudice or impair vested or acquired rights in ISSUE: Whether Alan has a well-founded belief that his wife
accordance with the Civil Code or other laws. Since Civil is already dead.
Code provides that declaration of presumptive death is not
essential before contracting marriage where at least 7
consecutive years of absence of the spouse is enough to HELD:
remarry then Marrieta’s marriage with Teodorico is valid and
therefore she has a right can claim portion of the estate.
The court ruled that Alan failed to prove that he has a well-
founded belief, before he filed his petition with RTC, that his
Republic vs CA spouse was dead. He failed to present a witness other than the
Republic vs. CA Barangay Captain. He even failed to present those friends of
GR No. 159614, December 9, 2005 Lea which he inquired to corroborate his testimony. He also
failed to make inquiries from his parents-in-law regarding
Lea’s whereabouts before filing his petition in the RTC. It
FACTS: could have enhanced his credibility had he made inquiries from
his parents-in-law about Lea's whereabouts considering that
Alan Alegro, the petitioner, was married with Lea in January Lea's father was the owner of Radio DYMS. He did report and
1995. Lea arrived home late in February 1995 and Alan told seek help of the local police authorities and NBI to locate Lea
her that if she enjoys life of a single person, it will be better for but he did so only after the OSG filed its notice to dismiss his
her to go back to her parents. Lea left after that fight. Allan petition in RTC.
checked if she went to her parents’ house but was not there and
even inquired to her friends. He went back to the parents-in-
law’s house and learned that Lea had been to their house but
Valdez vs Republic
Anaya vs Palaroan
Valdez vs. Republic Anaya vs. Palaroan
GR No. 180863, September 8, 2009 36 SCRA 97
Angelita Valdez was married with Sofio in January 1971. She Aurora Anaya and Fernando Palaroan were married in
gave birth to a baby girl named Nancy. They argued constantly 1953. Palaroan filed an action for annulment of the marriage in
because Sofio was unemployed and did not bring home any 1954 on the ground that his consent was obtained through force
money. In March 1972, the latter left their house. Angelita and intimidation. The complaint was dismissed and upheld the
and her child waited until in May 1972, they decided to go validity of the marriage and granting Aurora’s
back to her parent’s home. 3 years have passed without any counterclaim. While the amount of counterclaim was being
word from Sofio until in October 1975 when he showed up and negotiated, Fernando divulged to her that several months prior
they agreed to separate and executed a document to that to their marriage, he had pre-marital relationship with a close
effect. It was the last time they saw each other and had never relative of his. According to her, the non-divulgement to her of
heard of ever since. Believing that Sofio was already dead, such pre-marital secret constituted fraud in obtaining her
petitioner married Virgilio Reyes in June 1985. Virgilio’s consent. She prayed for the annulment of her marriage with
application for naturalization in US was denied because Fernando on such ground.
petitioner’s marriage with Sofio was subsisting. Hence, in
March 2007, petitioner filed a petition seeking declaration of ISSUE: Whether or not the concealment to a wife by her
presumptive death of Sofio. husband of his pre-marital relationship with another woman is
a ground for annulment of marriage.
ISSUE: Whether or not petitioner’s marriage with Virgilio is
valid despite lack of declaration of presumptive death of Sofio. HELD:
The concealment of a husband’s pre-marital relationship with
HELD: another woman was not one of those enumerated that would
constitute fraud as ground for annulment and it is further
The court ruled that no decree on the presumption of Sofio’s excluded by the last paragraph providing that “no other
death is necessary because Civil Code governs during 1971 and misrepresentation or deceit as to.. chastity” shall give ground
not Family Code where at least 7 consecutive years of absence for an action to annul a marriage. Hence, the case at bar does
is only needed. Thus, petitioner was capacitated to marry not constitute fraud and therefore would not warrant an
Virgilio and their marriage is legal and valid. annulment of marriage.
hard to say that her pregnancy was readily apparent especially
Aquino vs Delizo since she was “naturally plump” or fat. It is only on the
Aquino vs. Delizo 6thmonth of pregnancy that the enlargement of the woman’s
109 Phil 21 abdomen reaches a height above the umbilicus, making the
roundness of the abdomen more general and apparent.
In the following circumstances, the court remanded the case for
Fernando Aquino filed a complaint in September 1955 on the new trial and decision complained is set aside.
ground of fraud against Conchita Delizo that at the date of her
marriage with the former on December 1954, concealed the
fact that she was pregnant by another man and sometime in
April 1955 or about 4 months after their marriage, gave birth to
a child. During the trial, Provincial Fiscal Jose Goco represent
the state in the proceedings to prevent collusion. Only Aquino
testified and the only documentary evidence presented was the
marriage contract between the parties. Delizo did not appear
nor presented any evidence.