Indemnity Bonds For Lost of Policy Documents PDF

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(Executed on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs 100

1. This Bond is executed on _________by Mr./Ms.________________________________________________________________
bearing NIC No._____________________ resident of____________________________________________________________
herein after called the “Executant”, which expression shall, where the context so requires, include his/her heirs, successors, personal
representatives, executors, administrators, assignees, in favor of Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited located at 74/1-
A,Lalazar,M.T.Khan Road, Karachi, hereinafter called “The Company” which expression shall, where the context so requires, include
their successors, representatives, executors, administrators, assignees.

2. The Executant being the Owner / Grantee of Life Assurance Policy No.___________ for Sum Assured Rs._________issued by The
Company, has requested The Company to issue duplicate documents for the said policy as the policy documents retained in the
personal custody of the Executant is missing and cannot be traced and is presumed to be irrecoverably lost.

3. The Executant has assured The Company that the ownership of the policy still vests with the Executant and that the ownership of any
rights under the said policy have not been transferred or assigned to any other person.

4. AND WHEREAS, the Excutant has agreed to provide to The Company an Indemnity Bond to the effect that the Executant of this Bond
will bear all responsibility and liability or loss caused to The Company on account of their issuing a duplicate policy and paying any
moneys or incurring any loss or liability in respect thereof.

5. Now THEREFORE The Company having agreed to issue a Duplicate Policy in lieu of lost Policy No.______the Executant agrees and
undertakes at all times hereafter, to indemnity The Company against all action, proceedings, claims whatsoever, at any time
commenced or prosecuted against The Company and to indemnity The Company for all losses, costs, charges, damages and expenses
which The Company shall incur, expend, or because, by any person or persons having or claiming any rights title or interests in to, or
under the said policy or the moneys insured or by reason of any other matter, caused or deemed to have been caused concerning the
same or in any way relating to the same, and of such costs, charges and expenses relating to the disbursements made on the basis of the
said policy of assurance.
6. IN WITNESS WHERE OF I, the above named excutant, have signed, hereunder this Bond, on the date and year above written.

____________________________ _______________

Oath Commissioner Executant

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