Chimney Height Calculations

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Chimney Height for Primary Reformer Stack

Formula Used for Calculation of Stack Height is as under :

H = 14 ( Q ) ^ 0.3

where H = Stack Height in mtrs

Q = Emission rate of Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2) from stack in Kg/Hr
30 mtrs which ever is higher

Calculations :

S.No Parameter Unit Value Remark

1 Total Natural Gas Consumption per day MMSCMD1 0.7 Total Process + Fuel Consumption

2 Fuel Consumption per day MMSCMD 0.23

3 Fuel Natural Gas consumption in Primary MMSCMD 0.205 Maximum possible Fuel consumption
Reformer Stack
- Flow per Hour SCMH2 8542 = 0.205 * 1000000 / 24
- Flow Based on NTP Conditions Nm3/Hr 8083 = 8542 * ( 273 / ( 273 + 15.5 ) )
( 0 deg C and I atm presssure)

4 Molecular Weight of Natural Gas 16.21 Based on Natural Gas Composition 3

5 Mass of Fuel Natural Gas kg/hr 5846 = (8083 /22.4) * 16.21

6 Sulphur Content of Natural Gas ppmw 10 Maximum quantity as per Natural Gas
Specifications 3

7 Mass of Sulphur kg/hr 0.0585 = 5846 * 10* 10 -6

8 Mass of Sulphur Dioxide kg/hr 0.117 Based on 1kg of Sulphur = 2 Kg of SO2

9 Height in Mtrs mtrs 7.4 As derived from above formula

( = 14 * 0.117 0.3)

As calculated height is lower than 30 mtrs, Stack height proposed is 30 mtrs

Note : 1 MMSCMD is Million Metric Standard Cubic Metre per Day

Note : 2 SCMH refers to Standard Cubic Metres per Hour at 15.5 deg C and 1 atm pressure.

Note : 3 NG Composition is as follows: Methane 98.77%; Ethane 0.69%; Propane 0.03%; Oxygen 0.5%;
Sulphur 10 ppmw max. Mol Weight is 16.21 kg/kmol
Chimney Height for FSRU Preheater Stack
Formula Used for Calculation of Stack Height is as under :

H = 14 ( Q ) ^ 0.3

where H = Stack Height in mtrs

Q = Emission rate of Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2) from stack in Kg/Hr
30 mtrs which ever is higher

Calculations :

S.No Parameter Unit Value Remark

1 Total Natural Gas Consumption per day MMSCMD1 0.7 Total Process + Fuel Consumption

2 Fuel Consumption per day MMSCMD 0.23

3 Fuel Natural Gas Consumption for FSRU MMSCMD 0.025 Maximum possible consumption
Preheater Stack
- Flow per Hour SCMH 2 1042 = 0.025 * 1000000 / 24
- Flow Based on NTP Conditions Nm3/Hr 986 = 1042 * ( 273 / ( 273 + 15.5 ) )
( 0 deg C and I atm presssure)

4 Molecular Weight of Natural Gas 16.21 Based on Natural Gas Composition 3

5 Mass of Fuel Natural Gas kg/hr 713 = ( 986 / 22.4 ) * 16.21

6 Sulphur Content of Natural Gas ppmw 10 Maximum quantity as per Natural Gas
Specifications 3

7 Mass of Sulphur kg/hr 0.0071 = 719 * 10*10 -6

8 Mass of Sulphur Dioxide kg/hr 0.0143 Based on 1kg of Sulphur = 2 Kg of SO2

7 Height in Mtrs mtrs 3.9 As derived from above formula

( = 14 * 0.0143 0.3 )

As calculated height is lower than 30 mtrs, Stack height proposed is 30 mtrs

Note : 1 MMSCMD is Million Metric Standard Cubic Metre per Day

Note : 2 SCMH refers to Standard Cubic Metres per Hour at 15.5 deg C and 1 atm pressure.

Note : 3 NG Composition is as follows: Methane 98.77%; Ethane 0.69%; Propane 0.03%; Oxygen 0.5%;
Sulphur 10 ppmw max. Mol Weight is 16.21 kg/kmol

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