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My Lovely Cat, My Favourite Teacher , sementara Report berjudul
Cat, Teacher.
1. Identification
2. Description
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Dibawah ini merupakan contoh-contoh Report text dengan tema yang berbeda. Paragraf yang diberi
warna biru merupakan Identification dan selainnya merupakan Description.
Mangrove Trees
A mangrove is a tropical maritime tree or shrub of the genus Rhizophora. Mangroves have special
aerial roots and salt-filtering tap roots that enable them to thrive in brackish water (brackish water is
salty, but not as salty as seawater).
There are several species of mangrove trees found all over the world. Some prefer more salinity,
while others like to be very close to a large fresh water source (such as a river). Some prefer areas
that are sheltered from waves. Some species have their roots covered with sea water every day
during high tide. Others are more sensitive to salinity, and grow closer to the shore. Other species
grow on dry land, but are still part of the ecosystem.
Mangroves need to keep their trunk and leaves above the water line. Yet they also need to be firmly
attached to the ground so they are not moved by waves.
There are three types of mangrove roots that help in this process. The first is mangrove supports
roots which directly pierce the soil. The next is mangrove level-growing roots which twist upward
and downwards, with the upward twists emerging on the water surface, and the last is mangrove
level-growing roots whose downward twists (sub-roots) appear on the water surface.
Any part of a root that appears above the water line channels oxygen to the plant below the water
line. Over time as soil begins to build up, these roots produce additional roots that become
embedded in the soil.
The most popular food in Jakarta are Kerak Telor, Ketoprak, and Soto Betawi. There are so many
cultural in Jakarta. There are many old buildings there.
But now, Jakarta has influenced by Globalization. Globalization gives many Impact. Negative impact
and positive impact. There are many positive impact. But, because the positive impact, there are
many negative impact too.
An example of positive impact is, there are a lot of tourist that goes vacation to Jakarta. and then,
the tourist will see Indonesian culturals, old buildings, and many gives. But, from that positive
impact, the negative impact is rivers in Indonesian especially Jakarta, the rivers are polluted by
waste. And if Jakarta is rainy, there are always flood.
Tsunami, Japanese word meaning “harbour wave,” used as the scientific term for a class of abnormal
sea wave that can cause catastrophic damage when it hits a coastline. Tsunamis can be generated by
an undersea earthquake, an undersea landslide, the eruption of an undersea volcano, or by the force
of an asteroid crashing into the ocean. The most frequent cause of tsunamis is an undersea
A tsunami can have wavelengths, or widths (the distance between one wave crest to the next), of
100 to 200 km (60 to 120 mi), and may travel hundreds of kilometres across the deep ocean,
reaching speeds of about 725 to 800 km/h (about 450 to 500 mph). A tsunami is not one wave but a
series of waves. In the deep ocean, the waves may be only about half a meter (a foot or two) high.
People onboard a ship passing over it would not even notice the tsunami. Upon entering shallow
coastal waters, however, the waves may suddenly grow rapidly in height. When the waves reach the
shore, they may be 15 m (50 ft) high or more. Tsunamis can also take the form of a very fast tide or
bore, depending on the shape of the sea floor.
Tsunamis have tremendous force because of the great volume of water affected and the speed at
which they travel. Just a cubic yard of water, for example, weighs about one ton. Although the
tsunami slows to a speed of about 48 km/h (30 mph) as it approaches a coastline, it has a destructive
force equal to millions of tons. Tsunamis are capable of obliterating coastal settlements.
Blue whales are mainly found in very cold waters, like the Arctic and Antarctic waters. They migrate
to the tropics in the winter and to the Arctic and Antarctic in summer. Blue whales can reach over 24
m (80 ft) long; mature females are usually a bit longer than mature males. They weigh between
87,500142,500 kg. The skin has a light grey and white spotty pattern. Blue whales feed by opening
its mouth into dense groups of small sea creatures like plankton, krill or fish. Blue whales are
mammals. They give birth once every two or three years. Mating occurs during the summer season,
and they give birth after about 11 months. The calf nurse for seven or eight months and gain weight
about 90 kg (200 lb) per day.
Streaming Video
Streaming video is a sequence of “moving images” that are sent in compressed form over the
Internet and displayed by the viewer as they arrive. Streaming media is streaming video with sound.
With streaming video or streaming media, a Web user does not have to wait to download a large file
before seeing the video or hearing the sound. Instead, the media is sent in a continuous stream and
is played as it arrives. The user needs a player, which is a special program that uncompresses and
sends video data to the display and audio data to speakers. A player can be either an integral part of
a browser or downloaded from the software maker’s Web site.
Streaming video is usually sent from prerecorded video files, but can be distributed as part of a live
broadcast “feed.” In a live broadcast, the video signal is converted into a compressed digital signal
and transmitted from a special Web server that is able to do multicast, sending the same file to
multiple users at the same time.
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This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed . May 22, 2018
Cats also called the domestic cat or house cat (with its scientific name: Felis silvestris catus or Felis
catus) is a type of carnivorous mammal of the family Felidae. The word "cat" generally refers to a
"cat" that has been tamed, but can also refer to the "big cats" such as lions and tigers.
Cats are considered as "perfect carnivore" with teeth and particular digestive tract. The first
premolar and molar teeth form a pair of fangs on each side of the mouth that works effectively as a
pair of scissors to tear the meat. Although these features also exist in the Canidae or dog, but these
traits are better developed in cats. Unlike other carnivores, cats eat almost non vegetable substance.
Bears and dogs sometimes eat berries, roots, or honey as a supplement, while cats only eat meat,
usually freshly killed prey. In captivity, cats can not adapt to a vegetarian diet because they can not
synthesize all the amino acids they need from plant material; it is in contrast with domesticated
dogs, which commonly are fed a mixture of meat and vegetables and sometimes it can adapt to a
completely vegetarian meal.
Cats have mingled with human life since at least 6000 BC, from the skeleton of the cat found on the
island of Cyprus. The ancient Egyptians of 3500 BC have used cats to keep away the rats or other
rodents from the barn where the crops were saved.Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet
in the world. Cats that his lines are recorded officially as a cat breeds or pure breed are Persian,
Siamese, Manx, and the sphinx. These kinds of cat are usually bred in official captivity animal. The
number of purebred cat is only 1% of all cats in the world; the rest is a cat with mixed ancestry such
as wild cats or domestic cats.