Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Employee Green Behavior (Egb) To The Performance of Tourism Personnel in The Development
Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Employee Green Behavior (Egb) To The Performance of Tourism Personnel in The Development
Influence of Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Employee Green Behavior (Egb) To The Performance of Tourism Personnel in The Development
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This research aims to know and analyze the January-June year 2019 of 10.84 billion US dollars.
influence of Transformational leadership style,
organizational culture and EGB to the performance of 5. The United Nations (PBB), the world Bank and the World
employees in the development of tourism in Muna District Tourism Organization (WTO), also acknowledge that
tourism office. This type of quantitative study with tourism is an integral part of human life, particularly in
associative methods of exportation by using surveys with regard to social, economic, global, and economic activities.
data types and sources is the primary data of secondary Rural.
data, where primary data is obtained from questionnaires
and interviews to the designated tourism and culture Tourism in Indonesia will continue to increase over time
officers and secondary data acquired from the agencies as seen from various indicators, especially in terms of natural
and Dinas related to the research using the SEM method destinations and cultural developments that are amazing in the
with Software Partial Least Square (PLS) 3.2.8. Analysis eyes of the world. Indonesia which is an archipelago country
of The matrix outer model and Inner Modeler using the number of foreign tourists visit to Indonesia during the year
technique Confimatory Factor Analysis (CFA) testing is 2019 has reached an increase of 5.9% which is 15.26 million
based on the value of cross loading with the measurement Wisman. Compared with the same period throughout 2018 as
of construction and the value of the Average Variance many as 14.04 million. The growth of tourism is significant
Extracted. The research object is the Department of for developing countries including Indonesia, as it offers a
Tourism of South East Sulawesi, with a population and way to exclude ourselves from the economic and cultural
sample rate of 119 people. The results of the research show retardation. Natural and cultural richness is an important
that the transfomational leadership, organizational component of tourism in Indonesia that spreads from clusters
culture, and Employee Green Behavior (EGB) have an of thousands of large islands and small islands. From this
influence on the performance of employees in tourism sector has been a better growth year after year, along with the
development at the Muna district, Southeast Sulawesi change in the world trend of tourism Indonesia, with the
province. national Visit tourism "Wonderful Indonesia".
Keywords:- Development of Tourism Influenced by From the performance data of the officers in the District
Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture tourism office of Muna from 2016, 2017, 2018 have a very
through Employee Green Behaviour (EGB) to Employee different change. Tourism agency as a government institution
Performance. is a form of organization/institution is expected to implement
model of behavior of organizations that have developed
I. INTRODUCTION experts in their field through various research. Here are the
performance data from the Tourism and Culture department
The tourism sector is the biggest force in financing and employees of Muna district, pictured in table 1 below:
moving the global and national economies. Even the tourism
sector will become the main industry driving economy and Number Description Years Years Years
foreign exchange in the 21st century, Gde Pitana, I Ketut 2016 2017 2018
Surya Diarta (2010). Results of the world's development and 1 Excellent 15,66 % 22,33 % 19,33 %
recognition of Indonesian tourism in 2019: 2 Good 21,21 % 28,21 % 23,08 %
1. World Travels & Tourism Council, in the year 2019 puts
3 Enough 40,30 % 35,17 % 39,80 %
Indonesia as ranked to 9 countries with the best tourism
developments in the world, 4 Not good 18,83 % 14,29 % 17,79 %
2. Trip Advisor puts Indonesia in 2019 to reach first place as Table 1:- Performance Data of Muna District Tourism and
the best destination in the world, culture officer.
3. Traveller Choice Trip Advisor the year 2019 puts Source: Muna Regency Tourism Office
Indonesia as the best destination that can be trusted,
appreciated and worth a visit, Based on table 1 on employee performance assessment,
4. World Economic Forum and Commiitted to Improving the authors are collecting data based on the results of previous
State of The World, which analyses foreign exchange in research with any factors that may affect employee
tourism in the last four years Indonesia experienced a very performance. To find out what affects the decline in
significant development in foreign exchange, proved to be: performance of employees, researchers try to conduct
The year 2015 recorded tourism accounted for 12.2 billion preliminary research by surveying/distributing the
US dollars; questionnaire to the staff of the Muna District tourism office.
The year 2016 rose to 13.6 billion US dollars;
The year 2017 rose to 15 billion US dollars;
The year 2018 rose to 18.06 billion US dollars;
Fig 1:- Leadership indicators, organizational culture, EGB and employee performance
Hypothesis Testing Results: quantitative/statistical data analysis with aim to test
Hypothesis 1: Transfomational leadership has a positive and hypotheses has been established. According to the proposed
significant influence on personnel performance; conceptual model, the research variables consist of free
Hypothesis 2: Transfomational leadership has a positive and variables, i.e. transformational leadership, organizational
significant influence on EGB; culture, and EGB (Employee, Green, Behavior) as well as
Hypothesis 3: Organizational culture has a positive and variable dependent, i.e. employee performance. It is a latent
significant influence on personnel performance; variable that has no bias measured directly, so that each of
Hypothesis 4: Organizational culture has a positive and these latent variables is determined the indicator variable.
significant influence on EGB;
Hypothesis 5: Employee Green Behavior has a positive and 2. Population and samples
significant influence on employee performance; The population is a generalization area consisting of
Hypothesis6: Transfomational leadership and organizational objects that have certain qualities and characteristics set by
culture have a positive and significant influence on EGB; researchers to be studied and withdrawn in conclusion
Hypothesis 7: Transfomational leadership, organizational (Sugiyino 2018:80). The population in this research is meant
culture and EGB have a positive influence together and are to be the tourism office of Muna District in accordance with
significant to employee performance. the criteria set by the total number of employees is 119 people.
III. RESERCH METHODS Samples are part of the number and characteristics that
the population belongs to. When the population is large, and
1. Types of research researchers are unlikely to learn all that exists in the
This research is a type of causality research with a population. What is learned from that sample, the conclusion
quantitative research approach. According to Sugiyono will be enforceable for the population. Therefore, samples
(2018:7) quantitative method is called traditional method, taken from the population must be completely representative
because quantitative method has been used by researchers so or representative of the samples to be processed. In this
that it becomes tradition as method for research, next research sampling techniques used using saturated sampling
quantitative method can be interpreted as method based on techniques are processed is the total of the entire officer in the
positivism philosophy, used to research on certain populations Institution of Tourism Office of Muna District, South East
or samples, data collection using research instrument, Sulawesi.
Variable Terms Cronbach's Alpha Terms Description
Transformational Leadership (X1) 0.937 > 0,7 0.923 > 0,6 Reliability
Organizational culture (X2) 0.927 > 0,7 0.905 > 0,6 Reliability
Employee Green Behaviour (X3) 0.955 > 0,7 0.946 > 0,6 Reliability
Employee performance (Y) 0.957 > 0,7 0.949 > 0,6 Reliability
Table 3. The value of Composite Reliability of the AVE (Average Varience Extracted) Research Model
Source: Analysis result using Smart PLS 3.2.8
Next for testing linear validity done by looking at the good if it has a value greater than 0.50 (Imam Ghozali,2016).
value of AVE (Average Varience Extracted). AVE value is The following is the value of the AVE table:
Table 4. Showing the AVE value of the research model. (X1) variables, and organizational culture (X2), while the
It can be seen from the table that the AVEonvergent Validity remaining 13.9% is influenced by other variables outside of
so that it can be concluded that the research model has been the investigation While the relationship between the
Valid. value for testing linear validity already meets for construction based on the R-square Adjusted value can be
subsequent testing. Thus, the test linear Validity has been explained that the employee performance variable (Y) is
fulfilled as well with the test. 0.847, it shows that 84.7% of employee performance variables
(Y) can be affected by the transformational leadership (X1)
5. Structural testing Model (Inner Model) variable, organizational culture (X2), and the Employee Green
This Model is the specification of relationship between Behaviour (X3) variable, while the remaining 15.3% is
latent variables, also called inner relation. This test is a test of influenced by other.
the type and magnitude of the influence of the independent
latent variables against the dependent latent variables. The test The validity of the construction shows how well the
consists of two stages i.e. the R Square coefficient of results obtained from the use of a measurement.
determination (R ²) test, which calculates how large the
independent latent variable explains the variances of the Test validity Parameter Rule Of Thumbs
dependent latent variables and the hypothesis test which is the Validitas Loading Factors More than 0,7
testing of the research model hypothesis.
Konvergen Average variance More than 0,5
extracted (AVE)
6. Test coefficient of determination/R Square
Communality More than 0,5
(R ²)
Evaluation of inner models is done by looking at Validitas Cross loading More than 0,7 in
coefficient of determination. The coefficient of determination Diskriminan one variable
aims to measure how far the ability of the model in explaining Table 6:- Validity test parameters in models
the variable variances of dependent. The value of coefficient Source: Analysis result using SmartPLS 3.2.8
of determination is between 0 and 1. The value of the
coefficient of determination (R ²) approaches the value 1. The 7. Validating the overall structural Model with the Goodness
R ² value explains how large the independent variables of Fit Index (GoF)
hypothesized in the equation are able to describe the The purpose of conducting Goodness of Fit Index (GoF)
dependent variables. Chin (1998) in Yamin & Kurniawan is to validate the combined performance between the
(2011) explains the criteria for the limit of these R ² in three measuring Model (outer model) and the structural model
classifications i.e. values of R ² = 0.67, 0.33, and 0.19 as (inner model) obtained through the following calculations:
substantial, moderate, and weak.
GoF = √ (AVE x R ^ 2)
Konstruk R Square R Square Adjusted Based on table 6 it appears that the characteristics of the
EGB 0.851 0.847 119 respondents who are the tourism office of Muna Regency
as follows:
Kinerja Pegawai 0.864 0.861
Table 5:- R Square (R ²) Value of the research Model a. Gender
Source: Adapted from Ghazali (2014) According to the gender of the respondents the
composition of more males, male males 62 people (52.10%)
Seen in table 5, the relationship between the construct than females 57 people (47.90%).
based on the value of R-square Adjusted can be explained that
the employee Green Behaviour (x3) variable is 0.861, it b. Last Education
indicates that the 86.1% of employee Green Behaviour (x3) Characteristic respondents based on recent education,84
variables can be affected by the transformational leadership respondents (70.59%) Educated Strata 1, 16 respondents
The relationship between the Original Konstruk Original Sample T Statistics P Values description
Direct influence
-Transformational Leadership-> EGB 0.420 4.683 0.000 Significant
positive effect
-Organizational culture-> EGB 0.541 6.116 0.000 Significant
positive effect