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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929


Assistant Professor
Department of Commerce
A. V.C.C College Autonomous. Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai.
Research Scholar (f/t)
Department of Commerce
A.V.C.C College Autonomous, Mannampandal, Mayiladuthurai.

In the marketing field consumer behavior Consumer behaviour is an ever changing
is considered as a decision because of the different concept, which tends to change according to time,
situation. Consumer brand was changing and this tastes and fashions, income of consumer and so on.
research says about that psychology of the To know the behaviour of consumer is a key to the
Kumbakonam people has been found using this success of business organizations, to identify the
research about toilet soap. A consumer brand attributes that the customers (consumers)
requirement is pritorized in this work. perceive to be most important, and to what degree
Manufactures are interested increase their profit. these have an impact on their using behaviour and
In the urban there is different kind of bathing soap loyalty.
has been used and the people give importance to it. In the FMCG industry especially in toilet
Isn’t a consumer give importance to their brand soap sector there has been severe competition
toilet soap has been trying to found. Because of this among the MNCs, national and local players. The
research there may be boon or bane. This research toilet soap can be divided into four price segments,
may be a path of manufacturers, consumer will Premium, Popular, economy and carbolic soaps.
cauterized the brand product and they prefer to Toilet soap is an important day to day basic
select the product. There are selection of brand is requirement of any consumer. It is considered as
based on radio and TV advertisement and cleansing and beautifying products which is usually
pamphlets. Sample of 75 is chosen for this study by used for cleansing one‟s body.
simple random sampling method. The main The toilet soap market is dominated by
objective of the study is to find the customer several leading national and global brands. The
satisfaction towards bathing soap. The framed accepted and quality brands are Hamam, Lux,
hypotheses are validated through ANOVA. The Dove, Rexona, Medimix, Cinthol, Pears, Mysore
findings of this study is based the research sandal and Lifebuoy. The toilet soap market is
hypotheses. fragmented and highly competitive in nature.
Keywords: Consumer behaviour, Bath soap, It is deeply rooted in psychology with
Brand and consumer preference dashes of sociology thrown in just to make things
more interesting. It explains the influences on the
consumer from groups such as family, friends and
society in Consumers‟ buying behaviour result

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

from common sense, from impulse or just plain extremely related (Dr. A.Vinayaga Moorthy,
take. Consumers mainly face two types of purchase 2007)
decision. „New Purchase‟. Some of the most II. OBJECTIVES
popular soap brands in India Lux, Cinthol, The present study has the following
Lifebuoy, Liril, Shikakai, Rexona, Nirma, Dettol objectives:
etc. In many cases the solution chosen by the 1. To examine the consumer behaviour and
consumer is the same as the product whose consumer preference towards bathing soap.
evaluation is the highest. A favorable post purchase 2. To analyze the different factors determining
evaluation of the product leads to consumer purchase decision of bathing soap.
satisfaction. If the product performs below the 3. To analyze the customer satisfaction towards
consumer‟s expectation, then he/she will reevaluate bathing soap.
satisfaction with the decision, which at its extreme Limitations of the study
may result in the consumer returning the product.  The present study is restricted only to the
When the consumer is satisfied with the product‟s Kumbakonam town.
performance, repeat purchase is more likely.  The research concentrates only on toilet soap
Review of Literature not on laundry/detergent soap.
 Zeithaml and Bitner, 1996. Thus, image will  This study is limited to toilet products only.
have an impact on customers' buying behavior. Research Methodology
The objective is to arouse a positive affective The study is an experimental enquiry. The
response to the brand in the customers, such present research paper attempts to factors affecting
that they buy brands for their physical the purchase decision of customer bathing soap. To
attributes and functions, and their symbolic realize only 14 questions items of the questioners
meanings associated with the brand, product or was used. This study based on primary data and
service. During its formation, the customer‟s secondary data. Primary data was collected through
experiences, feelings and trust will influence the structured questioners from location of
the image. Kumbakonam town and secondary data was
 Nguyen and Leblanc, 2001 claim that collected from books, journals, periodicals, articles,
corporate image is related to the physical and internet etc. Simple random sampling method is
behavioral attributes of the firm, such as adopted for this research. That means customers
business name, architecture, variety of who were willing to answer the questionnaire were
products/services, and to the impression of selected the sample size was 75. ANOVA and
quality communicated by each person simple percentage are used for validating the data.
interacting with the firm‟s clients. Data Analysis and Interpretation
 D. P. S. Verma et al 2003,In the FMCG The term analysis refers to the
sector, the key influencing factors in creating a computation of certain measures along with
buying deal call were quality, value and searching for patters of relationship that exist
convenience of product. among data groups. Interpretation is a search for
 Urban customer‟s most popular branded broader meaning of research findings.
product (P. full general patron saint, 2007).
Complete awareness and complete usages are

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

Simple Percentage Analysis  Majority (56%) of the respondents are female.

Simple percentage method refers to  Most of the respondents are comes under the
specified which is used in making comparison category of 21 – 30 years of age.
between two or more series of data. The following  Maximum numbers of respondents selected for
formula can be used for calculating simple the study are post graduates.
percentage.  It has been observed that majority of the
No. of Respondents respondents are married.
Simple % =------------------------------------ x 100
Total No. of Respondents  Highest numbers of respondents contacted for
Analysis and Interpretation the study are students.
Table No.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents
 Maximum number of respondents contacted
Particulars No .of respondents (%)
for the study earn above Rs.15,001- 30,000
Gender wise respondents
Male 21 28  More number of respondents contacted for the
Female 54 72
study hail from a family consisting of 3- 4
TOTAL 75 100
Age of the respondents members.
UP TO 20 YEARS 9 12 Table No.2 Rate of usage of soaps on the basis of price
21 – 30 42 56
31 – 50 12 16 Particulars Frequency Percent
Above 50 Years 12 16 Rs 20 – 30 21 28
Rs 31 – 40 27 36
TOTAL 75 100
Rs 41 – 50 12 16
Educational Qualification of the Respondents
ILLITERATE 6 8 Rs 51 – 60 15 20
SSLC 9 12 TOTAL 75 100
Source: Primary data
HSC 3 4
UG 18 24 It is inferred from the above table that
PG 39 52 maximum numbers of respondents which is 36
TOTAL 75 100
Marital Status of the Respondents percent of the consumers purchase soaps which fall
Married 39 52 in the price range of 31 to 40 rupees. This shows
Unmarried 36 48
that consumers purchase a soap which is of low
TOTAL 75 100
Occupational Level of the Respondents price range. Pricing is an important factor which
Student 27 36 consumers consider while purchasing a product.
Employee 21 28
Self Employee 12 16 Low price or penetration pricing strategy has to be
Professionals 9 12 adopted by a company in order to influence
Others 6 8
TOTAL 75 100 positive attitude in the minds of the consumers.
Income Level of the Respondents Table No. 3 Current usage of soap brands of respondents
Less than 5000 9 12 Particulars Frequency Percent
Rs 5001 - 15,000 27 36 Lux 7 9
Rs 15001 - 30,000 30 40 Lifebuoy 8 11
Rs30,001 - 40,000 6 8 Cinthol 10 13
Above Rs 40,000 3 4 Hamam 18 24
TOTAL 75 100 Dove 5 7
Family Size of the Respondents Pears 6 8
2 Members Only 12 16 Mysore sandal 12 16
3- 4 Members 54 72 Others 9 12
More than 5 9 12 Total 75 100
TOTAL 75 100 Source: Primary data
Source: Primary data

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

It is obvious from the above table that economical and time saving for any consumer.
24% of the respondents are regular users of hamam About 12% of consumers prefer online shopping
soap. The maximum numbers of respondents for purchase of soap as it can save the time and
contacted for the study are loyal users of hamam. effort for purchasing soap apart from being
The strategies used by hamam has attracted many convenient for a consumer to purchase. Online
consumers and influenced them towards their marketing may prove to be effective if handled in a
company. Other companies have to carefully proper way.
evaluate and select suitable marketing strategies in
order to maintain their market share in competition
to hamam. The attrition rate or churn rate has to be
decreased for any product in order to maintain a
Table No. 5 Comparison of Various brands in purchasing soap
steady level of its consumers.
Particulars Frequency Percent
Table No. 4 Store preference for buying soaps Yes 33 44
Particulars Frequency Percent No 42 56
Total 75 100
Whole saler 27 36 Source: Primary data
Sales representative 6 8
Small retailer 30 40 The above table indicates the opinion of
Online shopping 9 12 the sample respondents regarding the habit of
Co – operative 3 4
comparison between different brands of soap. It
Total 75 100
Source: Primary data can be concluded that maximum number of
Nearly 40% of the respondents have said respondents does not tend to compare various
that they used to prefer small retail shops in order brands of soap as it is a product which is available
to purchase soaps. Therefore it can be said that in a cheap price range. Henceforth comparison of
more consumers prefer small retail outlets as they various brands is not relevant according to the
get better services from retailers compared to opinion of consumers. 44% of consumers have said
others. Retail outlets tend to be located nearby the that they used to compare various brands.
consumers and they can provide better services for Therefore it can be said that they develop a habit of
the consumers as they have better knowledge of the switching to other brands very easily and very
taste and preferences of the consumers. Consumers often in case they are not satisfied with the current
prefer wholesalers next to retailers as they can buy brand they are using.
soap in large quantities which may prove to be
Table No. 6 Reason for buying the same brand regularly


Family size
Age wise




Get satisfaction 1.2 S 3.43 S 5.76 S 1.89 S 5.78 S 3.07 S 1.85 S
Beauty 1.53 S 2.1 S 5.77 S 1.5 S 3.33 S 1.67 S 4.09 S
Price 1.60S 2.5 S 15.36NS 2.1 S 4.13 S 2.47 S 3.43 S
Quality 1.33S 1.67 S 7.17 NS 1.76 S 5.12 S 1.76 S 3.30 S
Brand 1.32 S 2.09 S 16.67 NS 1.46 S 5.00 S 1.25S 2.03S
Quantity 2.45 S 2.67 S 2.93 S 2.47 S 4.21 S 2.06S 2.59S
Preference to soap size 1.69 S 1.74 S 3.82 S 2.11 S 2.59 S 2.69S 4.54S
Source: Associated with primary data.

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

Analysis of variance with respect to satisfaction, Beauty, Quantity and preference to

Demographic variables soap size. It is evident that there is a significant
ANOVAs technique is used to analyze the difference between Marital status and the factors to
influence of demographic variables on the be considered in purchase of bath soap.
shopping factors to be considered while purchase Educational Qualification vs. factors
of bath soap. It is found from the above table that, the
Hypothesis hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is
Ho: There is no significant difference difference between (demographic factors)
between the demographic factors of the Educational Qualification of the respondent and the
respondents on the factors to be considered while factors to be considered while purchase of bath
purchase of bath soap. soap such as, Get satisfaction, Beauty, Price,
Gender vs. factors Quality, Brand, Quantity and preference to soap
It is found from the above table that, the size. It is evident that there is a significant
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is difference between Educational Qualification and
difference between (demographic factors) Gender the factors to be considered in purchase of bath
of the respondent and the factors to be considered soap.
while purchase of bath soap such as, Get Occupation vs. factors
satisfaction, Beauty, Price, Quality, Brand, It is found from the above table that, the
Quantity and preference to soap size. It is evident hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is
that there is a significant difference between difference between (demographic factors)
Gender and the factors to be considered in purchase Occupation of the respondent and the factors to be
of bath soap. considered while purchase of bath soap such as,
Age wise vs. factors Get satisfaction, Beauty, Price, Quality, Brand,
It is found from the above table that, the Quantity and preference to soap size. It is evident
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is that there is a significant difference between
difference between (demographic factors) Age wise Occupation and the factors to be considered in
of the respondent and the factors to be purchase of bath soap.
considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Monthly Income vs. factors
Get satisfaction, Beauty, Price, Quality, Brand, It is found from the above table that, the
Quant it and preference to soap size. It is evident hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is
that there is a significant difference between Age difference between (demographic factors) Monthly
wise and the factors to be considered in purchase of Income of the respondent and the factors to be
bath soap. considered while purchase of bath soap such as,
Marital status vs. factors Get satisfaction, Beauty, Price, Quality, Brand,
It is found from the above table that, the Quantity and preference to soap size. It is evident
hypothesis is accepted expect Price, Quality, and that there is a significant difference between
Brand. It is concluded that there is difference Monthly Income and the factors to be considered in
between (demographic factors) Marital status of the purchase of bath soap.
respondent and the factors to be considered in
purchase of bath soap such as, Get

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

Family size vs. factors Get satisfaction, Beauty, Price, Quality, Brand,
It is found from the above table that, the Quantity and preference to soap size. It is evident
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is that there is a significant difference between
difference between (demographic factors) Family Family size and the factors to be considered in
size of the respondent and the factors to be purchase of bath soap.
considered while purchase of bath soap such as,
Table No. 7 Factors affecting purchase decision of bath soap



Family size
Age wise



Price 2.92 s 2.47 s 21.11 ns 2.55 s 8.64 ns 3.06 s 2.58 s
Quality 3.9 s 3.88 s 55.83 ns 3.42 s 5.78 s 3.10 s 2.29 s
Popularity 1.31 s 1.79 s 16.00 ns 1.82 s 3.72 s 2.54 s 1.59 s
Packaging 3.11 s 1.41 s 8.85 ns 2.35 s 3.11 s 2.32 s 2.86 s
Quantity 1.87 s 3.68 s 54.17 ns 2.50 s 6.5 ns 3.25 s 1.60 s
Advertisement 1.35 s 1.26 s 10.00 ns 2.19 s 1.26 s 1.18 s 1.87 s
Fragrance 2.62 s 2.46 s 34.68 ns 2.18 s 3.26 s 2.59 s 1.37 s
Ingredient 2.68 s 2.74 s 21.07 ns 3.48 s 6.41 ns 3.24 s 2.45 s
Source: Associated with primary data.
Analysis of variance with respect to Age wise vs. factors
Demographic variables It is found from the above table that, the
ANOVA technique is used to analyze the hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is
influence of demographic variables on the difference between (demographic factors) Age wise
shopping factors to be considered while purchase of the respondent and the factors to be
of bath soap. considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Pri
Null Hypothesis ce, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Quantity,
Ho: There is no significant difference Advertisement, Fragrance, and Ingredient. It is
between the demographic factors of the evident that there is a significant difference
respondents on the factors to be considered while between Age wise and the factors to be considered
purchasing bath soap. in purchase of bath soap.
Gender vs. factors Marital status vs. factors
It is found from the above table that, the It is found from the above table that, the
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded that there is hypothesis is accepted. It is concluded there is no
difference between (demographic factors) Gender difference between (demographic factors) marital
of the respondent and the factors to be status of the respondent and the factors to be
considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Pri considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Pri
ce, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Quantity, ce, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Quantity,
Advertisement, Fragrance, and Ingredient. It is Advertisement, Fragrance, and Ingredient. It is
evident that there is a significant difference evident that there is no significant. Difference
between Gender and the factors to be considered in between Marital status and the factors to be
purchase of bath soap. considered in purchase of bath soap

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

Educational Qualification vs. factors ce, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Quantity,

It is found from the above table that, the Advertisement, Fragrance, and Ingredient. It is
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is evident that there is a significant difference
difference between (demographic factors) between Family size and the factors to be
Educational Qualification of the respondent and the considered in purchase of bath soap.
factors to be considered while purchase of bath Table No. 8 Preference on the basis of popularity of the soap

soap such as, Price, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Particulars Frequency Percent
YES 33 44
Quantity, Advertisement, Fragrance, and NO 42 56
Ingredient. It is evident that there is a significant TOTAL 75 100
Source: Primary data
difference between Educational Qualification and
From the above table it is clear that 56%
the factors to be considered in purchase of bath
of the respondents do not prefer soap on the basis
of its popularity. It can be said that consumers
Occupation vs. factors
prefer a brand which has good quality and
It is found from the above table that, the
affordable for the consumer. It should be noted that
hypothesis is accepted expect, Price, Quantity, and
a considerable amount of respondents which is
Ingredient. It is concluded that there is no
44% prefer a brand on the basis of its popularity.
difference between (demographic factors)
Company can achieve popularity by maintaining its
Occupation of the respondent and the factors to be
goodwill and suitable promotional strategies.
considered in purchase of bath soap such as,
Familiarity has great influence in a product life
Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Advertisement,
Fragrance. It is evident that there is a significant
Table No. 9 Preference on the basis of offers given
difference between Occupation and the factors to Particulars Frequency Percent
be considered in purchase of bath soap. YES 51 68
NO 24 32
Monthly Income vs. factors
Total 75 100
It is found from the above table that, the Source: Primary data

hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is 68 % of the respondents contacted for the

difference between (demographic factors) monthly study have given positive response for preference

Income of the respondent and the factors to be on the basis of offers given by the company.

considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Pri Companies give offers on special occasions in

ce, Quality, Popularity, Packaging, Quantity, order to attract its consumers. Offers may be in the

Advertisement, Fragrance, and Ingredient. It is form of price discount, complements or any other

evident that there is a significant difference form. Companies giving offers can experience

between Monthly Income and the factors to be increase in sales in a short period of time.
Table No. 10 Kinds of discount/offers
considered in purchase of bath soap.
Particulars Frequency Percent
Family size vs. factors
Buy one get one 45 60
It is found from the above table that, the Price discounts 18 24
hypothesis is rejected. It is concluded there is Other offers 12 16
Total 75 100
difference between (demographic factors) Family Source: Primary data

size of the respondent and the factors to be

considered while purchase of bath soap such as, Pri

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

The slogan „Buy one get one‟ is found to Table No. 13 Kinds of advertisements influencing purchase
be attractive for 60% of the consumers according to
Particulars Frequency Percent
this study. Consumers have the attitude of
Magazines 3 4
preferring more products at the price paid for one Internet 12 16
product. Price discounts stands next to buy one get Television 36 48
Can't say 24 32
one offer. Considerate amount of consumers show Total 75 100
Source: Primary data
a favourable behaviour towards price discounts
Television plays a major role in making a
offered by the company. The rest of the
product to its popular form as far as possible. 48%
respondents have voted for other offers when asked
of the respondents have said that they buy a
about their preference.
product only after looking it in a TV ad. This is
Table No.11 Factors influencing purchase decision

Particulars Frequency Percent only because of the priority given to television

Doctor's advice 30 40 advertisements among various forms of
Models and film stars 3 4
advertisements. 32% of the respondents are not yet
Others 42 56
Total 75 100 aware of the medium of advertisement that
Source: Primary data
influenced them.
It is found that an advertisement does not
have great influence on consumer‟s purchase
 The study reveals that the majority of the
decision while doctor‟s advice has influenced
respondents were buying soap from small scale
substantial number of respondents which is merely
40%. Other factors such as product innovations,
 68% of respondent prefers the same brand
product quality, recommendations of friends and
every time.
relatives, price or any other offers or any other
 It is found that 24% of the respondents were
competitive advantage attached to the product
using Hamam.
influences consumer‟s purchase decision hugely
 Majority of the respondents were influenced
i.e. 56%.
Table No. 12 Frequency of switching various brands
by price discounts when compared to other

Particulars Frequency Percent discounts or offers.

Most frequently 6 8  One of the main findings of the study is that
Rarely 18 24
Not at all 51 68 television is the medium of advertisement
Total 75 100 which has influenced more number of
Source: Primary data
68% of the respondents have said that they
never change their soaps and 24% of the
 Quality motivates to customer to buy the
respondents have said that they tend to change their
products. Customer wants best quality product
brand of soaps very rarely. It is interpreted that in
on any price, so company should improve the
FMCG industry, soaps tend to have only loyal
quality of their bath soap products such as
users and they do not have the habit of switching to
other brands very frequently.
 If company wants to increase their sales and
consumption, it is suggested that they should

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Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research ISSN: 2395-5929

provide their soap in combo pack VI. REFERENCE

continuously. 1) Nguyen, N., and Leblanc, G. (2001). Corporate
 To avoid switching of customers to other image and corporate reputation in customers'
brands, the company should take measures of retention decisions in services. Journal of
cost reduction to make it more affordable and Retailing and Consumer Services, 8(4), 227-
competitive. 236.
 The study reveals that the consumer expects 2) D. P. S. Verma and Surendar Munjal, "Brand
some discounts for their purchase therefore to Loyalty Correlates: Study of FMCG",
satisfy consumers, the company can offer Abhigyan, Vol. XXI, No. 2, pp 25-31, 2003.
some product discounts on festivals occasion. 3) Dr. A. Vinayaga Moorthy, "An Empirical
V. CONCLUSION Study on Shampoo Consumption", Indian
Consumer preference is the support for the Journal of 010Marketing, Jan 2007, pp 36-38,
company‟s own production toilet soap of customer 2007.
product with MRP rate or else. There is any offer, 4) Marketing Management “Philip Kotler”,11th
buy one get one offer, 25%, Same Company with Edition
different products which will attract the people and 5) Zeithaml, Valarie A., and Bitner, Mary J.
they will get the kind of products more. So there (1996), Services Marketing,
will be competition between the good quality a. McGraw-Hill, New York.
products more. So there will be competition
between the good quality products. So the other
manufacturer should use some other tactics to
attract the consumers, Branded products or more
costly compare to the normal products from this
research we have found that toilet soap
advertisement that be reduced has been said buy
consumers people are using particular brands for
longtime. So they cannot change their preference
easily because of that manufacturer should used
some tricks and tactics to get their products brand
products is preferred based on the quality and
quantity and how it long last and the soap will be
good to consumers skin type .If the price is high
mean it should be long last or else. It should be in
lesser in rate. This can be preferred.

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