Astrophysics PDF
Astrophysics PDF
Astrophysics PDF
Earth orbits a star we call the Sun.
Asteroids: rocks that orbit the Sun in between Mars and Jupiter
Comets: rocks that go around the Sun in elongated elliptical orbits, distance to
the Sun changes over time
The Sun is one of several hundred billions stars in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
The force ‘down’ for 1 kg of mass towards the centre of each object is called
the gravitational field strength, g, and it is different for each object.
Two objects with a different radius have the same mass then the smaller
one will have a higher value for gfs at the surface.
Orbits The pull of gravity and orbits
→ Further from the Earth or further from any large body, gravity causes
→ any object with mass to have an attractive force between them.
→smaller masses to orbit larger ones.
→ orbits are highly elliptical and they are only close to the Sun for a small
proportion of their journey.
→ travel faster when they are close to the Sun because gravity causes more
Stellar evolution Star temperature and colour
→ emit different kinds of EM radiation, including vis. Light
→ described by brightness.
→ how much vis. light can be detected here on Earth
Stars like our Sun will eventually run out of the hydrogen atoms.
→ pressure drops
→ forces holding the surface away from core decrease
→ star collapse
→ core temperature increases (surface is cooler)
→ star increases in size
→ new fusion process
→ He turns into heavier atoms (C, O)
→ red giant
Enough mass
→ higher gravity, higher pressure
→ form larger atom, e.g. Iron
the universe had always existed in a similar state to the way it appears nowadays.
Temp from the Big Bang would have cooled to around 108 K
→ some nuclear fusion would have occurred
→producing deuterium and helium nuclei
Doppler effect
→ wave source moving towards or away from observer,
detected ! will be different to the emitted !
When EM signals from distant galaxies are detected, the positions of these
gaps in the spectrum are different.
if the two are approaching, then the frequency heard by the observer is higher;
if they move away from each other, the frequency heard is lower.
Big Bang Theory Summary
Big Bang Theory Summary
A convenient analogy for the expansion of the Universe is a loaf of unbaked raisin bread.
The raisins are at rest relative to one another in the dough before it is placed in the oven.
As the bread rises, it also expands, making the space between the raisins increase.
If the raisins could see, they would observe that all the other raisins were moving away
from them although they themselves were stationary within the loaf. Only the dough -
their 'Universe' - is expanding.
Big Bang Theory Speed and distance of galaxies
Comparing the amount of red-shift with the reference or emitted ! allows the
velocity of the galaxy to be calculated
Big Bang Theory Speed and distance of galaxies
Comparing the amount of red-shift with the reference or emitted ! allows the
velocity of the galaxy to be calculated