Semester III: (301) Business Policy & Strategic Management

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Semester III



1. Strategy and the Quest for Competitive Advantage: Military origins of strategy –
Evolution - Concept and Characteristics of strategic management – Defining strategy –
Mintzerbg’s 5Ps of strategy – Corporate, Business and Functional Levels of strategy -
Strategic Management Process. (4)
2. Strategic Intent & Strategy Formulation: Vision, mission and purpose –Business
definition, objectives and goals – Stakeholders in business and their roles in strategic
management - Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethical and Social Considerations in Strategy
Development. (4)
3. Strategic analysis: Analyzing Company’s Resources and Competitive Position
-Organizational Capability Profile – Strategic Advantage Profile – Core Competence -
Distinctive competitiveness. (4)
4. Analyzing Company’s External Environment: Environmental appraisal –Scenario
planning – Preparing an Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) – Industry
Analysis - Porter’s Five Forces Model of competition. (4)
5. Corporate Portfolio Analysis: Business Portfolio Analysis - Synergy and Dysergy - BCG
Matrix – GE 9 Cell Model - Concept of Stretch, Leverage and fit (3)
6. Generic Competitive Strategies: Low cost, Differentiation, Focus. (3)
7. Grand Strategies: Stability, Growth (Diversification Strategies, Vertical Integration
Strategies, Mergers, Acquisition & Takeover Strategies, Strategic Alliances & Collaborative
Partnerships), Retrenchment, Outsourcing Strategies. (8)
8. Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry – Life Cycle Analysis - Emerging, Growing,
Mature & Declining Industries. (4)
9. New Business Models and strategies for Internet Economy: Shaping characteristics of
E-Commerce environment – E-Commerce Business Model and Strategies – Internet
Strategies for Traditional Business – Key success factors in E-Commerce – Virtual Value
Chain. (6)
10. Strategy implementation - Project implementation – Procedural implementation –
Resource Allocation – Organization Structure – Matching structure and strategy. (3)
11. Behavioral issues in implementation – Corporate culture – Mc Kinsey’s 7s Framework
- Concepts of Learning Organization (3)
12. Functional issues – Functional plans and policies – Financial, Marketing, Operations,
Personnel, IT. (2)
13. Strategy Evaluation – Operations Control and Strategic Control - Symptoms of
malfunctioning of strategy –– Balanced Scorecard. (2)
14. Cases in strategic management: A minimum of 5 cases encompassing the above topics
to be analyzed and discussed in the class. (10)

Books Recommended:-
1. A A Thompson Jr., A J Strickland III, J E Gamble, Crafting & Executing Strategy – The
Quest for Competitive Advantage, Tata McGraw Hill, 4th ed., 2005.
2. Ranjan Das, Crafting the Strategy: Concepts and Cases in Strategic Management, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2004.
3. Henry, Mintzberg, Bruce, Ahlstrand and Joseph, Lampel (1998). Strategy Safari. Free
Press, New York.
4. Gary, Hamel and Prahalad, C. K. (1999). Competing for the Future. HBS Press.
5. Ed. C.A. Montgomery, M.E. Porter, Strategy – Seeking and Securing Competitive
Advantage, Harvard Business Review Publications, 1991.
6. Peter F. Drucker, Managing in a Time of Great Change, Truman Talley Books / Plume
Penguin Group, 1998.


1. Characteristics of Management Control System – Evolution of control systems in an
organization –– Strategic Planning, Management Control and Operational Control -
Cybernetic Paradigm of Grissinger (3)
2. Understanding strategies – Concept of strategy – Business Unit level and corporate
strategy - Gaining competitive advantage (3)
3. Goals - Hierarchy of Goals – Goal congruence – factors that affect goal congruence –
formal and informal systems – Types of organization structure in the perspective of Global
scenario. - Functions of the Controller. (3)
4. Responsibility Centers – Types of Responsibility Centers – Expense Centers, Profit
Centers and Investment Centers – measures used to evaluate their performances –such as
ROI, ROA, MVA, EVA – DuPont analysis (13)
5. Budgetary Control as a control tool – Revision of budgets – ZBB – Budgetary control
approach with respect to Engineered and Discretionary costs – Committed costs (6)
6. Capital Budgeting as a tool for management performance measurement (6)
7. Transfer Pricing – Objectives and need of Transfer pricing –Methods of Transfer pricing
- Cost Based, Market price based, Two steps, Dual price, Profit sharing- Administration and
Related numerical problems (8)
8. Performance Evaluation through Balanced Scorecard – Four perspectives. (6)
9. Management Control Systems in Service Sector vis-à-vis in Manufacturing Sector –
Banking, Insurance, BPO. (6)
10. Introduction to Audit Function as a control tool covering Financial Audit, Internal
Audit, Cost Audit - Management Audit – Principles and Objectives (6)

Books Recommended:-
1. Management Control Systems, 10th Ed. – Anthony and Govindrajan
2. Practical Auditing – B.N.Tandon
3. Cost Accounting – B.K.Bhar
4. Management Accounting – Khan & Jain
5. Financial Management – Prasanna Chandra
6. Guidance note on Transfer Pricing – ICAI Publication


1. Marketing Research – Definition, Scope, Significance, Limitations, Obstacles in
acceptance. Ethics in marketing research. Marketing Intelligence system (2)
2. Research process – Management dilemma (problem) – decision problem – research
problem – hypothesis statement – characteristics of a good hypothesis – drafting the research
proposal. (4)
3. Various sources of market Information – Methods of collecting Market Information -
Secondary data – sources – problems of fit and accuracy. Syndicated services. (2)
4. Marketing research techniques:
Market development research: Cool hunting – socio cultural trends, Demand Estimation
research, Test marketing, Segmentation Research - Cluster analysis, Discriminant analysis.
Sales forecasting – objective and subjective methods (8)
5. Marketing Mix Research: Concept testing, Brand Equity Research, Brand name testing,
Commercial eye tracking – package designs, Conjoint analysis, Multidimensional scaling -
positioning research, Pricing Research, Shop and retail audits, Advertising Research – Copy
Testing, Readership surveys and viewer ship surveys, Ad tracking, viral marketing research.
Marketing effectiveness and analytics research: Customer Satisfaction Measurement, mystery
shopping, Market and Sales Analysis (2)
6. Exploratory designs – Descriptive designs - Longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis (2)
7. Qualitative research techniques – a) Based on questioning: Focus groups, Depth
interviews, Projective techniques. b) Based on observations: ethnography, grounded theory,
participant observation (4)
8. Causal research – Basic experimental designs – internal and external validity of
experiments. (2)
9. Primary data – Questionnaire design - Administration and analysis considerations in
design - Attitude measurement – scaling techniques. Observation method of primary data
collection. Web based primary data collection – issues of reach, analysis, accuracy , time and
efficiency. (4)
10. Sampling – sampling methods – sampling and non sampling errors – sample size
calculation (Numericals expected) – population and sample size - large and small samples -
practical considerations in determining sample size. (4)
11. Data analysis – Univariate analysis – Bivariate analysis – Multivariate analysis. Simple
and cross tabulation, simple and multiple regression, Factor analysis. (6)
12. Hypothesis testing – Types of tests and test selection, One sample test, Two-Independent
Sample tests, Two-related sample tests. Chi-square test, tests for large and small samples.
(Numericals expected) (4)
13. Report writing – forms of report – fundamentals of a good report. (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Marketing Research, Concept & Cases – Cooper Schindler.
2. Research for Marketing Decisions – Paul Green, Donald Tull, Gerald Albaurn
3. Marketing Research – Nargundkar.
4. Marketing Research – Beri
5. Marketing Research – Measurement & Methods – Donald S.Tull, Del I.Hawkins
6. Marketing Research –Aakar, Kumar, Day


1. Concept and Process of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC):
Elements of IMC & Developing respective communication campaign (42)
a) Advertising – Classification of advertising, types, advertising appropriation, advertising
b) Sales Promotion – Different types of Sales Promotion, relationship between Sales
promotion and advertising
c) Publicity – Types of Publicity, relationship between advertising and publicity
d) Personal Selling
e) Direct marketing and direct response methods
f) Event Management
g) E-Commerce
h) Corporate Communication
I) Public Relations – Types of PR
j) Media relations
k) Community relations
l) Industrial relations and
m) Government relations
n) Employee relations (House Journals / Newsletter)
o) Crisis Management
p) Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

2. IMC Message Design: AIDA model Considerations for creative idea Visualization (4)
3. Media Management - Media Process - Media Jargons - Media Buying -Strategies and
execution (4)
4. Suppliers in IMC: Hoarding Contractors/Printers etc., Ad. Agency – Departments of Ad.
Agency, Client Servicing-client Agency relationship, account Planning (7)
5. Ethics and social responsibility in IMC campaigns. (1)
6. Evaluating Marketing Communication Programs (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Integrated Marketing Communications - Kenneth Clown& Donald Bach
2. Advertising and Promotions - Belch & Belch, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Advertising Management - Rajeev Batra, John G.Myers & David A Aaker-PHI
4. Otto Kleepner’s advertising Procedure - PH
5. International Edition - Contemporary Advertising Irwin/McGraw –Hill
6. Integrated Marketing Communications - Duncon- TMH
7. Foundations of Advertising Theory & Practice- S.A.Chunawalla & K.C.Sethia- Himalaya


1) Marketing Channels: Definition & Importance, Functions of Marketing Channels –
Intensive, Selective & Exclusive distribution strategies, Decisions in Channel Management
2) Wholesaling: Concept, Importance, Functions –Wholesaler Marketing Decisions – Trends
in Wholesaling (4)
3) Retailing: Concept, Importance, Functions - Indian Vs. Global Scenari (4)
4) Retail formats: Store & Non Store Retailing –-Franchising-Unconventional channels (6)
5) Retail Location: Factors affecting location decision – Site Selection –Location based
retail Strategies (4)
6) Store Design: Interiors and Exteriors - Store layout – Types of layouts –Factors affecting
store layout – Store image mix – Store Façade – The Internet Store. (4)
7) Store Administration: Floor space management–Managing store inventories and display
8) Merchandising: Concept, Importance, Functions – Steps in merchandising planning –
Category management: Definition and process – Introduction to Private label brands (6)
9) Retail Communication Mix: Planning retail communication – Managing in-store
promotions and events (4)
10) Integrated Marketing Channels: Channels for Consumer goods, Industrial goods &
Services – Horizontal, Vertical, Multichannel Marketing Systems (4)
11) Introduction to Supply Chain Management: Concept – significance –components. (4)
12) Channel Management: Channel selection - Channel Conflicts & its Resolution- Channel
Performance Evaluation (4)
13) Technology in distribution: Bar-coding – RFID – Electronic payment systems (4)

Books Recommended:-
1) Channel Management –Stern – El- Ansary
2) Retailing Management – Swapna Pradhan
3) Retail Management – Gibson Vedamani
4) Physical Distribution & Logistics Management – Dr. Subhash Bhave
5) Channel Management & Retail Management – Meenal Dhotre



1. Consumer Behavior: Concept, diversity of consumer behavior, Characteristics of Indian

Consumers. (2)
2. Influences on the Consumer: Consumer needs, motives - positive and negative
motivation - rational versus emotional motives. Consumer relevant reference groups - opinion
leaders - family decisions making and consumption related roles - family life cycle - social
class and consumer behaviour - influence of culture on consumer behaviour- cross cultural
context. Diffusion of innovations: the diffusion process – the adoption process - consumer
innovativeness and personality traits. (8)
3. Consumer decision making: Models of consumer decision making - Engle-Kollatt-
Blackwell model, Howard-Sheth Model, Bettman’s Model, HCB Model. Concept of
involvement & extensive problem solving - limited problem solving – routinized responsive
behavior. (5)
4. Post purchase behavior: Consumer satisfaction concept & Models – Expectancy
Disconfirmation, Desires Congruency Model, Equity Theory, Attribution Theory, Cognitive
dissonance, Consumer delight, consumer complaint behaviour. (5)
5. Consumerism: Evolution of consumer society. Definition of consumerism, buyers &
seller’s rights, effects of consumerism. (2)
6. Organizational Buying: Concept & comparison with Consumer buying, Economic
Influence; Political Influence; Legal Influence; Supplier’s Influence; Technology Influence;
Customer Influence; Government Influence; Labour Influence, Analyzing Buyers’ strengths
& Negotiation Capabilities (4)
7. Organizational Influences on Buying Behavior: Buying Roles; Market Response: The
Buy Grid Model; The Organizational Buying Decision Process; Buying Tasks; Interpersonal
Influencing in Organizational Buying (4)

Books Recommended:-
1. Consumer Behavior – Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk
2. Consumer Behavior – Hawkins, Best, Coney
3. Customer Behavior – A Managerial Perspective – Sheth, Mittal – Thomson,
4. Conceptual Issues In Consumer Behavior Indian Context – S Ramesh Kumar –Pearson,
5. Consumer Market demographics in India – Edited by S.L.Rao
6. Understanding Your Customer - R.Woodruff and S.F.Gardial
7. Consumer behaviour - Louden, Delebeta
8. Industrial Marketing – Hill, Alexander, Cross
9. Industrial Marketing – Analysis, Planning and Control – Reeder, Brierty, Reeder
10. Industrial Marketing – P K Ghosh



1. Introduction to Sales Management: Concept, Nature, Role of Sales Management in

Marketing, Salesmanship, Specific Characteristics of a successful salesman, The Evolving
Face of Personal Selling (4)
2. Sales Forecasting: Concept of Forecasting, Sales Forecasting methods, Quantitative and
Qualitative methods. (4)
3. Sales Organization: Need for Sales Organizations, their structure, Sales Managers
Functions and responsibilities, Planning for major customers and sales Budget. (4)
4. Personal Selling Process and Approaches: Personal Selling and Relationship
Management - Selling to individuals & Institutions, Basics, Sales leads, Planning sales calls -
Types of calls, – Building long term partnership by selling – Sales presentations, tools for
personal selling, Sales Aids – Use of technology in sales effective selling techniques, Tele
Marketing. (8)
5. Managing the Sales Force:
a) Recruiting, Selection and Training of Sales force: Procedures and criteria extensively
used as selection tools for recruiting and testing sales ability. Sales Force Job Analysis and
b) Areas of sales Training: Company Specific Knowledge, product knowledge Industry and
Market Trend Knowledge, customers and technology – Relationship Selling Process and
Customer education. Value added selling
c) Motivating the Sales Team: Motivation Programs - Sales Meetings, Sales Contests, Sales
Compensating, (Monetary compensation, incentive programs as motivators, Non-Monetary
compensation – fine tuning of compensation package. Supervising,
d) Evaluating Sales Force Performance and Controlling Sales activities:
Sales Records and Reporting Systems, Improving Sales Productivity, Ethical and Legal
Issues in Sales Management. (10)

Books Recommended:-
1. Sales Management - Richard Rstill, Edward W. Cundiff
2. Strategies for selling-Gerald A.Michaelson
3. Sales Management Handbook – Forsyth Patrick
4. Value added selling-Tom Reilly
5. Building a Winning Sales Team – Gini Graham & Scott
6. Professional Sales Management – Anderson, Hair and Bush
7. Motivation and Job Satisfaction – M. D. Pestonjee
8. Sales Management – Thomas
9. International Marketing – Robert Reed……..
10. Industrial Marketing – Hichard M. Hill


1. Accounting Standards: (6)
1.1 Role of Accounting Standard board.
1.2 Introduction to International Accounting Standards.
1.3 Disclosure of Accounting Policies-Inventory, Depreciation,
Investment, Fixed Assets, Amalgamation, EPS.
2. Capital Structure Theories: (6)
2.1 Net income approach.
2.2 Net operating income approach.
2.3 Modiglliani and Miller theory (MM approach).

3. Dividend Distribution Theories: (9)

3.1 Type of dividend
3.2 Important consideration in dividend policy.
3.3 Theories of dividend
-Gordon growth model
-Walters valuation model
-MM-Irrelevance theory
4. Working Capital Management: (9)
4.1 Overtrading
4.2 Symptoms of poor W. C. management
4.3 W.C. management Strategies
4.4 Tandon committee /Chore Committee Recommendations
4.5 Latest trend in W.C. finance
4.6 R.B.I guidelines on W.C. finance
5. Capital Budgeting: (12)
5.1 IRR and NPV method comparative study
5.2 Capital rationing
5.3 Capital budgeting during inflation
5.4 Techniques of decision making under risk and uncertainty-
Profitability and expected values, standard deviation, value of
information, Optimistic pessimistic estimates, risk adjusted
discounted rate, certainty equivalent approach, simulation decision
tree, sensitivity analysis, capital asset pricing model.
6. Economic Value Added (EVA) (6)
6.1 Concept of EVA
6.2 Calculating EVA
6.3 Adjustments for calculation of EVA
6.4 Superiority of EVA
7. Financial Analysis: (12)
Using tools such as Cash Flow and Fund Flow

Books Recommended:-
1. Financial Management- I. M. Pandey
2. Financial Management- Prassana Chandra
3. Financial Management- Van Horne
4. Financial Management- R.P. Rustagi
5. Financial Management- Ravi M. Kishore.

1. Accessibility Criteria (6)

Definitions, Basic concept, person, Assessment year; previous year, assesses, Residential
status; Incidence of tax, income exempt from tax.
2. Computation of Income Under Various Heads
a. Income under head salary: Meaning of salary, Basis of charge of salary income, different
forms of salary, different forms of allowances, perquisites, permissible deductions from
salary income, tax treatment of provident fund & approved superannuation fund, special tax
treatment of salary income of non resident technicians, deduction under section-80C, FBT.

b. Income from house property: Basis of charge, property income not charge to tax, basis of
computing income from let out house property, computing income from self occupied
property. (5)
c. Profits and gains of business or profession: chargeable incomes; expenses expressly
allowed as deduction; general deductions; expenses specifically disallowed; compulsory
maintenance of accounts, compulsory audit, assessment in special cases, (retail, transport,
exploration of mineral oil) Computation of taxable income as profit and gain from business or
profession. (6)
d. Capital gains: Meaning of capital asset, valuation of capital asset; transfer, considered to
be transfer, chargeability; computation of capital gain: short term and long term; computation
of tax on capital gains. Exemption from capital gains. (5)
e. Income from other sources: basis of charge; chargeable incomes; specific deductions;
amount not deductible; computation of taxable income from other sources. (5)
f. Computation of net taxable income: computation of total income, carry forward and set-
off of losses and deductions under sec 80 and net taxable income and tax thereof. Cases of
Indian as well as foreign companies, provision of minimum alternate tax and declaration and
payment of dividend, Tax provision in case of mergers, acquisition or amalgamation of
company. (7)
3. Income –tax Payment and Assessment (5)
Tax deduction at source; advance tax; self-assessment tax; assessment procedure regular and
best judgment assess revision, rectification and appeal, provision relating to interest and
refund of tax.
4. Tax Planning (8)
Tax planning in capital budgeting decision, leasing, hire purchase or buy decision raising of
capital: equity, debt or preference share, transfer pricing and its impact.
5. Companies (7)
Computation of taxable income, residential status of company, taxable income and tax
liability, tax on income received from venture capital companies and venture capital funds

Books Recommended:-
1. Direct Taxes – Law and Practice – Vinod Singhnia
2. Direct Taxes – Ravi Kishore
3. Direct Taxes – J. P. Jakhotiya
4. Direct Taxes- Ahuja
5. Bare Acts and rules of the relevant taxes

1. Overview of Indian Financial System- (9)

Development Since 1991- Role of Financial Intermediaries- Various Financial Intermediaries
2. Capital Market- (15)
Instruments-Traditional and Emerging (ECB, ADR, GDR) Capital Marketing in India-
Operations in Primary Markets-Instruments involved-Role of SEBI.
3. Secondary Markets- (12)
Stocks Exchanges in India-National Stock Exchange(NSE)—Stock Holding Corporation of
India (SHCIL)-Share Trading- Introduction to Derivatives and Commodities-Scrip less
Trading –E-Trading-Index/Futures Trading –Share Lending Scheme-Book Building – Buy
back of shares-Mergers & Acquisition –Regulations.
4. Money Market – (6)
Nature and role of Money market in India – Instruments in Money Market viz, CPs, CDs, Bill
of exchange, ICDs, Treasury Bill – Role of DFHI/STCI in Money Market – ECBs
5. Financial Services – (6)
Credit rating – Factoring and forfeiting – leasing and hire purchasing- Securitization of debts-
Housing finance – Merchant Banking services and functions, Mutual Funds.
6. All SEBI guidelines related to topics covered above (6)
7. Current development are expected to be covered, International operations in stock
market. (6)

Books Recommended:-
1. Indian Financial Services- M.Y. Khan
2. Marketing of Financial Services- V. A. Avdhani
3. Advance Financial Management- Kohak
4. Relevant Text of SEBI Guidelines.



1. Developments since 1991-Recent Trends-Role of Financial Intermediaries in a financial

system-Various financial intermediaries -Introduction to banking system -Types of bank-
Instruments-Terms like NPAs (9)
2. Study of various interest rates-
Short Term-Emergence of Repose rate as the benchmarks rate in the short term-Floating and
fixed rates of interest-LIBOR, MIBOR and MIBID(9)
3. RBI-Role played by them-Salient features of status governed by them- Monetary Policy,
Fiscal Policy, Union (Government) Budget and its Implications (9)
4. Commercial Banking-Management of assets and liabilities- Effect of RBI policies on the
operations commercial banks-Recent reforms in Banking sector-Recovery of debts-
Calculation of EMIs Emerging trends in banking like e banking, mobile banking, credit
banking (15)
5. Non-Banking Financial Companies- Functions of NBFCs Types and RBI Guidelines (6)
6. Pricing of products and services in financial service sector. (12)
Books Recommended:-
1. Financial Institutions & Markets- L.M. Bhole
2. Indian Financial System- M.Y.Khan
3. Indian Financial System- H.R. Machiraju



1. Investment Scenario. (1)

2. Risk and Return-Alpha & Beta. (1)
3. Security Market Indicators. (2)
4. Fundamental Analysis. (3)
5. Equity stock valuation models. (3)
6. Bond valuation. (3)
7. Efficient market hypothesis. (3)
8. Technical Analysis. (4)
9. Emerging trend of Security Analysis in global market. (2)
10. Portfolio analysis and portfolio selection. (4)
11. Personal Financial Management. (4)

Books Recommended:-
1. Portfolio Management- Kevin
2. Portfolio Management- Prasanna Chandra
3. Portfolio Management- Barua
4. Stock Exchanges and Investments- Raghunathan
5. Security Analysis and Portfolio Management- Fisher and Jordon
6. Portfolio Management – V. K. Bhalla



1 System Concept
Definitions, Integrated Systems, Sub-systems, Modules (4)
2 Role of Software Engineer / Analysts / Users in the various phases of Systems
Development Life Cycle (2)
3 General phases of Systems Development Life Cycle
Feasibility Study, Requirements Capture, Detailed Systems Analysis, Systems Design,
Testing, On-site Implementation and Maintenance (12)
4 Fact Finding Methods (2)
5 Different Approaches to Software Development
Waterfall Model, Spiral Model, Prototyping, RAD, Object Oriented, 4GL (10)
6 Structured Analysis and Design Method and Software Engineering Techniques (20)
Tools and Methodologies in Systems Development Application Systems Modeling;
Process Modeling - Data Flow Diagrams; Concept of Object Oriented Modeling Temporal
Modeling - State Transition Diagrams; Database Design Methods
Data Modeling - Entity Relationship Method; Mapping E-R Model to arrive at the Database
Design; Normalization Technique for Database Design; Controlled De-normalization
System Documentation Techniques- System Flow Charts; Functional Decomposition
Diagrams; Structure Charts; Structured Flow Charts (N-S Diagrams)
Logic Representation Techniques
Decision Trees; Decision Tables; Pseudo code and Structured English
7 Users Interface Design
Menu, Screen and Report Layout Designing-The Mode/Style of interaction between the
system and the user (4)
8 Codes Designing for field values - Designing Code-less system (2)
9 Introduction to Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) (2)
10 Types of Data Processing - Batch, On-line and Real Time Processing (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Analysis and Design of Information System 2nd Ed. - Senn
2. Software Engineering Practitioner's Approach - Roger Pressman
3. Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design - Hawryszkiwycz
4. Systems Analysis and Design - Elias Awad
5. Introducing Systems Analysis and Design - Lee
6. Systems Analysis and Design - Perry Edwards
7. Software Engineering Concepts - Fairley



1. Introduction
1.1 History: Advantages and limitations of RDBMS; Users of RDBMS
1.2 Software Modules in RDBMS; Architecture of RDBMS. (4)
2. Modeling Techniques
2.1 Different Types of Models, Introduction to ERD. (6)
3. Hierarchical Database (2)
4. Network Database (2)
5. Relational Database
Introduction; Codd's Rules; Concept of Domain, Tuple, Cardinality; Comparison between
6. Normalization
Advantages and disadvantages of Normalization; 1NF-2NF-3NF-
rules with examples; Anomalies. (10)

7. SQL commands.
Basic Structure, Set Operations, Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Nested Sub queries,
Views, Complex Queries, Modification of the Database,Joined Relations, Data-Definition
Language, Embedded SQL, Dynamic SQL,Exercises. (20)
8. Introduction to object oriented database
Concept, Object binding in Oracle - Class, Attribute, Methods, Object type,Definition,
Declaring and initializing, Methods, Alter and Drop type. (10)

Books Recommended:-
1. DATABASE System Concepts, Silberschatz , Korth, Sudarshan
2. SQL by Scott Urman

1. Introduction to Visual Basic
Event-driven Programming, Starting and Exiting VB, Understand VB Environment,Project
Explorer, Properties Window, Toolbox, Form Layout Window, Property Pages, Getting Help,
Saving Project, Printing Project, Running Applications.(3)
2. Adding Code and Events
Code Window, Naming Conventions, Variables (all data types) - Byte, Boolean,Integer, Long
(long integer), Single (single-precision floating point), Double (doubleprecision floating
point), Currency (scaled integer), Decimal, Date, Object, String (variable length), String
(fixed-length), Variant (with numbers), Variant (with characters), User defined (using type),
Scope (Global, Local, Static), Constants.(3)
3. Visual Basic Controls
Label and Textbox Controls, Command Button Controls, Frame, Checkbox and Option
Button Controls, List Box and Combo Box Controls, Drive List Box, Directory List Box and
File List Box Controls, Formatting Controls, Control Arrays, Tab Order. (5)
4. Working with functions
String Functions, Mathematical Functions, Date Functions, Data type Conversion Functions.
5. Control Statement
IF and IIF Statement, Select Case Statement, Do Statement, For Statement Exit Statement.
6. Dialog Boxes
Msgbox, Inputbox, Common Dialog Box (Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0) (2)
7. Menus
Creating Menus, Adding Code to Menus, Toolbars, Other Common Controls (Microsoft
Windows Common Controls 6.0, Microsoft Windows Common Controls- 3 6.0) (3)
8. Accessing data
Reading and Writing Files, Data Form Wizard, Data Control, Data Grid Control, DBCombo
Box and DB-List Box, SQL Queries in VB, Jet DAO,ADO (with controls and code), Error
Handling. (5)
9. Objects and Classes (Only Basic Definition)
OLE Control, Programming with objects (Creating objects of a user defined class and using
them on the form). (2)
10. Windows API
Defining Windows API, DLLs, Declare Statement, Calling API routine (1)
11. Crystal Reports (8.5) – Overview (1)

1. Introduction to Oracle Architecture (1)
2. Queries
a. Select with all options, Operators, Arithmetic, Comparison,
b. Logical ( in, between, like, all, %, _, any, exists, is null, and ,or, not, Distinct)
c. Order by clause (2)
3. SQL Functions
a. Date
Sys_date , next_day, Add_months, last_day, months_between,
b. Numeric
Round, trunc, abs, ceil, cos, exp, floor
c. Character
Initcap, lower, upper, ltrim, rtrim, translate, length, lpad, rpad, replace
d. Conversion
to_char, to_date, to_number
e. Miscellaneous
Uid, User, nvl, vsize, decode, rownum
f. Group function
avg, max, min, sum, count, with Group by and Having Clause
g. Nested functions (7)
4. Joins
Simple join
Equi join
Non equi join
Self join
Outer join
Set operators (Union, union all, intersect, minus)
Sub queries and Correlated query
DML statements (Insert, Update, Delete with where clause)
TCL (Commit, Rollback, Savepoint)
Locks in Oracle
DDL Statements (4)
5. Data types
Char, Varchar/varchar2, Long
Number (p) - fixed point, Number (p, s) - floating point
Long raw
Introduction to LOB datatypes (CLOB, BLOB, BFILE)
6. Table
Create, Alter, Drop, Truncate, Rename
Constraints ( Primary key, Foreign Key, Unique Key, Check, Default, Not Null, On
delete, Cascade)
Column level and Table level constraints
Oracle Objects
Views, Sequences, Synonyms, Index (Define, Alter and Drop) (4)
7. Introduction to Report writing using SQL
(Title, Btitle, skip, set, pause, column, sql.pno, Break on, compute sum, set server
output on.) (2)
8. Database Triggers
Types of Triggers
Enabling, disabling
Predicates- inserting, updating, deleting (3)
9. Procedures and Functions
Definition, Implementation and Execution (3)
Books Recommended:-
1. Visual Basic 6.0 Programming - Holzner Steven
2. Visual Basic 6.0 in 21 days - Perpy Greg
3. Peter Norton's Guide to Visual Basic 6.0 - Peter Norton
4. Visual Basic 6.0 - Peter Wright
5. Visual Basic 6.0 – Corhell
6. Oracle8- William G Page Jr. and Nathan Hughes



1 Enterprise Resource Planning –Introduction

What is ERP?
Need of ERP
Advantages of ERP
Growth of ERP (4)
2 ERP and Related Technologies
Business process Reengineering (BPR)
Management Information System (MIS)
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Executive Support Systems (ESS)
Data Warehousing, Data Mining
Online Analytical Processing (OLTP)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) (12)
3 ERP modules & Vendors
Production planning, control & maintenance
Sales & Distribution
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Inventory Control System
Quality Management
ERP Market (8)
4 ERP Implementation Life Cycles
Evaluation and selection of ERP package
Project planning
Implementation team training & testing
End user training & Going Live
Post Evaluation & Maintenance (3)
5 ERP Case Studies
Post implementation review of ERP Packages in Manufacturing, Services, and
other Organizations (3)

Books Recommended:-
Enterprise Resource Planning - Alexis Leon
ERP Ware: ERP Implementation Framework –
V.K. Garg & N.K. Venkitakrishnan
ERP: By Leon, ERP Concepts and Planning - Garg & Venkitakrishnan

1 An Overview of C (2)
1.1. A Brief History of C
1.2. C is middle-level Language
1.3. C is a Structured Language
1.4. Complier Vs Interpreters
1.5. The Form of a C Program.
1.6. Library & Linking.
1.7 Compilation & Execution of C. Program on Dos & Unix
2. Variables, Data Types, Operator & Expression (6)
2.1. Character Set
2.2. C Token
2.3. Identifier & Keyword
2.4. Constant
2.4.1 Integer Constant
2.4.2 Floating Point Constant
2.4.3. Character Constant
2.4.4. String Literals
2.4.5. Enumeration Constant
2.5. Data Types in C
2.6. Data Declaration & Definition
2.7. Operator & Expression
2.7.1. Arithmetic Operator
2.7.2. Relational Operator
2.7.3. Logical Operator
2.7.4. Increment & Decrement Operator
2.7.5. Bitwise Operator
2.7.6. Assignment Operator
2.7.7. Conditional Operator
2.7.8. Precedence & Associatively of Operators.
3. Console I/O (2)
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Character input & Output.
3.3. String Input & Output.
3.4. Formatted Input/Output (scanf/printf)
3.5. sprintf & sscanf
4. Control Statement (4)
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Selection Statements
4.2.1. if
4.2.2. Nested if
4.2.3. The if-else-if
4.2.4. The? alternative
4.2.5. The Conditional Expression
4.2.6. switch
4.2.7. Nested switch
4.3. Iteration Statements
4.3.1. The for loop
4.3.2. The while loop
4.3.3. The do-while loop
4.4. Jump Statements
4.4.1. The goto & label
4.4.2. The break & continue
4.4.3. The exit () function
5. Pointers (4)
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Memory Organization
5.3 The basics of Pointer
5.4 The Pointer operator
5.5 Application of Pointer
5.6. Pointer Expression
5.6.1. Declaration of Pointer
5.6.2. Initializing Pointer
5.6.3. De-referencing Pointer
5.7. Pointer Arithmetic
5.8. Precedence of &, * operators
5.9. Pointer to Pointer
6. Array & String (3)
6.1. Single Dimension Arrays
6.1.1. Accessing array elements
6.1.2. Initializing an array
6.2. Multidimensional Arrays
6.2.1. Initializing the arrays
6.2.2. Memory Representation
6.2.3. Accessing array elements
6.3. Passing Single Dimension array to Function
6.4. Array & Pointer
6.5. Array of Pointer
6.6. String Manipulation Functions
7. Function (2)
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Arguments & local variables
7.3. Returning Function Results
7.4. Call by reference & Call by value
7.5. Recursion
8 Structure, Union, Enumeration & type def (4)
8.1. Structures
8.1.1. Declaration and Initializing Structure
8.1.2. Accessing Structure members
8.1.3. Structure Assignments
8.1.4. Arrays of Structure
8.1.5. Passing Structure to function
8.1.6. Structure Pointer
9 Unions (1)
10 File handling (2)
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Defining & Opening a File
10.3. Closing a File
10.4. Input/Output Operations on Files

Books Recommended:-
1. C: The Complete Reference: Herbert Schildt
2. Let us C Solutions: Y.P. Kanetkar
3. Spirit Of “C”: Moolish Kooper.
4. Programming in C: S. Kochan.
5. C Programming Language: Kernighan & Ritchie.
6. Programming in C: R. Hutchison.
7. Graphics Under C: Y. Kanetkar



1. Inventory Management: Inventory concept; need for inventory; types of inventory,

functions, use; Dependent and Independent Demand, Responsibility for inventory
management. (6)
2. Strategic Inventory Management: Objectives and Importance of the inventory
management function in reference to Profitability, Strategy, customer satisfaction and
Competitive Advantage. (2)
3. Inventory Control Techniques: Inventory classification and its use in controlling
inventory, Setup time and inventory control, safety stock determination considering service
level. Strategies to increase Inventory Turns, Reduce throughput time, Reduce WIP,
eliminate waste, and reduce inventory level in service and manufacturing organizations. (10)
4. Inventory Models: Inventory models – Fixed Order Versus Fixed Interval systems –
Developing Special Quantity Discount Models – Inventory Model for Manufactured Items –
Economic Lot Size when Stock Replenishment is instantaneous – Non-instantaneous
Replenishment Models – Inventory Models with uncertainty – Probabilistic Inventory Models
– Models with Service Levels
and Safety Stock. (12)
5. Material Requirement Planning Systems (MRP): Meaning, purpose and advantage of
MRP, Data Requirements and Management – Files and Database –Updating Inventory
Records – Bill of Materials, types of BOM, Modular BOM, Master Production Schedules -
meaning, objectives process. Managing MPS inventory records, lot sizing, process of MRP,
and output of MRP. Introduction to MRPII systems. Using Distribution Resource Planning to
manage inventories in
multiple locations. (12)
6. Make Or Buy Decisions: Concept of outsourcing, Factors influencing Make Or Buy
Decisions, Trends in Make Or Buy Decisions in context of core competency. (4)
7. Materials Management In Jit Environment: Zero inventory concept, Excess Inventory:
A Roadblock to World-Class Manufacturing, Materials management in JIT environment,
Vendor Managed Inventory, vendor relationship in JIT context. (9)
8. Performance: Evaluation of Performance Of Materials Function - Criteria and
methodology of evaluation. (5)
Books Recommended:-
1. Foundations of Inventory Management – Zipkin, McGraw Hill.
2. Orliky’s MRP – Plossl
3. Production Planning And Inventory Control - Seetharama L Narsimhan, Dennis W
McLeavy, Peter J Billington, Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd,
4. Introduction To Materials Management, - J. R. Tony Arnold, Stephen N.Chapman -
Prentice Hall
5. Principles of Inventory and Materials Management - Richard J. Tersine, Prentice Hall PTR
6. Essentials of Inventory Management - Max Muller, AMACOM/American Management
7. Production And Inventory Control - J H Greene, Homewood III: Richard D Irwin
8. Materials Management – A.R.Palit



1. INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS MODELING: Modeling – meaning and process,

Certainty and uncertainty in models, importance of understanding data before modeling,
modeling with spreadsheet in simple decision situations. (6)
2. LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Application of LPP in operations management,
Formulation of LPP, simplex method, duality, Sensitivity Analysis. Trans-shipment
problems. Concept of Goal programming, Goal programming model formulation.
(Numericals Expected) (12)
3. DECISION TREES: Concept, Application of Decision Trees in operations management.
(Numericals Expected) (6)
4. SEQUENCING PROBLEMS: Concept, Application, n jobs – 2 machines, n jobs - 3
machines, n jobs – m machines. Comparison of priority sequencing rules.(Numericals
Expected) (10)
5. DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Conceptual Introduction to Dynamic programming. (3)
6. SIMULATION: Concept, Applications in Operations management. (3)
7. DESIGN OF EXPERIMENTS: Concept and Introduction. (3)
8. IT IN OPERATIONS: Importance of IT in operations, IT as a competitive edge, Role of
IT in – Design, Production Planning, Layout and Logistical operations.(4)
9. SOFTWARES IN OPERATIONS: Introduction, characteristics and key features of
software’s for Project Scheduling, Logistics / Supply chain management and Quality
management. (5)
10. INTRODUCTION TO ERP SYSTEMS: Review of DBMS and Transaction processing
concepts - Business Processes and integration across functions. Salient features of ERP
systems offered by leading vendors, prerequisites and process of implementation. (8)

Books Recommended:-
1. Quantitative Techniques in Management- N.D. Vohra – Tata- Mcgraw-Hill Publications
2. Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions – J.K.Sharma – Macmillan India Ltd.
3. Managerial Decisions Modeling with Spreadsheets – Bal Krishnan, Render, Stair, Jr. -
Pearson Education.
4. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage – Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs, Agarwal –
Tata McGraw- Hill Publications
5. Production and Operations Management – Chary - Tata McGraw- Hill Publications
6. Introduction to Operations Research – Gillette B.E. – A computer oriented Approach –
Tata McGraw Hill Publications
7. Operations Research – Taha Hatndy, A – An Introduction- PHI New Delhi
8. Quantitative Analysis for Management – Render, Stair, Jr. – Pearson Education.
9. Optimization Methods in Operations Research and Systems Analysis – Mittal and Mohan -
New Age International Publishers, New Delhi
10. ERP Demystified- Eilon.


1. TWENTY FIRST CENTURY SUPPLY CHAINS: The Supply Chain Revolution –
Generalized Supply Chain Model – Supply chain and networks –Extended organization -
Integrative Management – Responsiveness – Financial Sophistication – Globalization-
Digital Business Transformation (4)
2. LOGISTICS: The Logistics Of Business - The Logistical Value Proposition- The Work
Of Logistics-Logistical Operating Arrangements - Flexible Structure –Supply Chain
Synchronization. (2)
3. CUSTOMER ACCOMMODATION: Customer Focused Marketing – Customer
Services-Customer Satisfaction -Customer Success-Forecasting. (2)

4. PROCUREMENT AND MANUFACTURING: The Quality Imperative- Procurement –

Manufacturing-Logistical Interfaces. (2)
Functionality-Comprehensive Information System Integration-Communication Technology-
Rationale For ERP Implementation-ERP System Design-Supply Chain Information System
Design. (8)
6. INVENTORY: Inventory Functionality and Definitions-Inventory Carrying Cost-Planning
Inventory-Managing Uncertainty-Inventory Management Policies-Inventory Management
Practices. (6)
7. TRANSPORTATION: Transport Functionality, Principles and Participants-
Transportation Service - Transportation Economic And Pricing- Transport Administration –
Documentation. (6)
8. WAREHOUSING: Strategic Warehousing-Warehousing Operations-Warehousing
Ownership Arrangements- Warehouse Decisions. (4)
9. PACKAGING AND MATERIALS HANDLING: Packaging Perspectives-Packaging
For Materials Handling Efficiency-Materials Handling. (6)
10. OPERATIONAL INTEGRATION: Why Integration Creates Value- Systems Concept
And Analysis-Logistical Integration Objectives-Enterprise Integration-Supply Chain
Processes-Sales And Operations Planning(S & OP)-Supply Chain Planning Considerations-
Pricing. (6)
11. GLOBAL STRATEGIC POSITIONING: Global Supply Chain Integration-Supply
Chain Security-International Sourcing. (4)
12. NETWORK INTEGRATION: Enterprise Facility Network- Warehouse Requirements-
Total Cost Integration-Formulating Logistical Strategy. (4)
Management Of Internal Logistics Relationships-Development And Management Of Supply
Chain Relationships. (4)
14. E COMMERCE AND SCM: E commerce advantages and disadvantages for SCM – e-
commerce as an enabler – evolution of world class supply chains – EDI – Exchanges, hubs
and marketplaces – ERP.(2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Supply Chain Logistics Management - Bowersox, Closs & Cooper –McGraw-Hill, 2nd
Indian ed.
2. World Class Supply Management - Burt, Dobbler, Starling, TMGH, 7th ed.
3. Global operations & Logistics- Philippe - Pierre Dornier, John Wiley & sons Inc, New
York, 2002.
4. Designing and Managing the supply chain - David Simchi, Levi & Philip Kaminski,
McGraw-Hill Companies Inc., 2000.
5. Operations Now – Finch, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd ed.



1. Historical perspective: World class Excellent organizations – American and Japanese

Companies Deming Awards , Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award – Globalization –
Global Companies – Models for manufacturing excellence – Business Excellence. (6)
2. Bench marks, Bottlenecks and Best Practices: Concepts of benchmarking, bottleneck
and best practices, Best performers – Gaining competitive edge through world class
manufacturing – Value added manufacturing – eliminating waste – Toyota Production
System – example. (6)
3. System & tools for world class manufacturing: Improving Product & Process Design –
Lean Production – SQC , FMS, Rapid Prototyping , Poka Yoke , 5-S ,3 M, use of IT ,JIT,
Product Mix , Optimizing , Procurement & stores practices , Total Productive maintenance ,
Visual Control. (6)
4. Human Resource Management in WCM: Adding value to the organization –
Organizational learning – techniques of removing Root cause of problems – People as
problem solvers – New organizational structures. Associates – Facilitators –Teamsmanship –
Motivation and reward in the age of continuous improvement. (6)
5. Typical characteristics of WCM companies: Performance indicators – what is world
class Performance – Six Sigma philosophy (3)
6. Indian Scenario: Leading Indian companies towards world class manufacturing – Task
Ahead. (3)

Books Recommended:-
1. World Class Manufacturing - Strategic Perspective - B.S. Sahay, KBC Saxena, Ashish
Kumar. (Mac Milan)
2. Making Common Sense Common Practice – Models for manufacturing excellence – Ron
Moore (Butter worth Heinmann)
3. The Toyota Way - Jeffrey K.Liker – (Tata McGraw Hill)
4. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage – Chase
5. Making Common Sense Common Practice – Moore
6. Managing Technology & Innovation for Competitive Advantage – Narayanan
7. Just In Time Manufacturing – M.G.Korgaonkar
8. Machine That Changed The World – Womack

1. Introduction: Productivity concepts – Macro and Micro factors of productivity,

productivity benefit model, productivity cycles. (4)
2. Value Analysis and Value Engineering: Concept – Procedure – Application and role in
Productivity. (4)
3. Productivity Models: Productivity Measurement at International, National and
organization level, total productivity models. Productivity Management in manufacturing and
service sector. Productivity evaluation models, productivity improvement model and
techniques. (4)
4. Work Study: Importance of work study – Method Study and Work Measurement –
Pioneers of Performance Measurement. (4)
5. Method Study: Method and Method Study – Need for Method Study – Procedure of
Method Study – Principles of Motion Economy. (4)
6. Work Measurement: Techniques of Work Measurement including Estimating, Stopwatch
Time Study, Predetermined Time Standards, Synthetic Estimates of Work Times, Activity
Sampling. Computation of Standard Time – Elements – Types of Elements – Performance
Rating – Allowances – Need for Allowances – Types of Allowances (6)
7. Business Process Reengineering: Concept of BPR, process of BPR, prerequisites for
effective BPR implementation, application of BPR in productivity improvement. (2)
8. TPM: Meaning and objectives of TPM; Methodology of TPM, gains of TPM (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Productivity engineering and management - Sumanth, D.J. - Tata McGraw-Hill,New Delhi
2. Organisational transformation and process re-engineering - Edsomwan, J.A., -British
Library Cataloging in Pub. data 1996.
3. Productivity Plus: How Today's Best Run Companies Are Gaining the Competitive Edge -
John G., Jr. Belcher - Butterworth-Heinemann
4. Business Process Improvement: The Breakthrough Strategy for Total Quality, Productivity
and Competitiveness - H. James Harrington - McGraw-Hill
5. Handbook for Productivity Measurement and Improvement - Carl G. Thor -Productivity
6. Re-engineering and re-inventing the enterprise - Rastogi, P.N., - Wheeler publications,
New Delhi 1995.
7. Productivity Management – Systems approach - Premvrat, Sardana, G.D. and Sahay, B.S. -
Narosa Publications, New Delhi, 1998.
8. The new Manufacturing Architecture – Mahadevan
9. Work Study – ILO



1 The Factories Act, 1948

Approval, Licensing and Registration- Inspecting Staff – Health – Welfare Working Hours -
Annual Leave with wages - Periodical Returns- Registers and Records. (15)
2 The Bombay Shops and Establishments Act, 1948
Registration of Establishments –Shops and Commercial Establishments – Residential Hotels,
Restaurants and Eating Houses –Theatres or other places of Public Amusement or
Entertainment – Leave with pay and payment of wages –Health and Safety – Maintenance of
Registers, Records and Annual Report (8)
3 The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970
Advisory Boards – Registration of Establishments – Licensing of Contractors – Welfare and
Health of Contract Labour – Registers and other Records to be maintained. (8)
4 The Minimum Wages Act, 1948
Fixing of Minimum Rates of Wages –Minimum Rates of Wages –Procedure for Fixing and
Revising Minimum Wages – Advisory Boards and Committees – Wages in Kind –Wages for
worker who works for less than normal working day – Wages for two or more classes of
work –
Minimum time rate wages for piece rate work – Maintenance of Registers and Records (8)
5 The Payment of Wages Act, 1936
Fixation of Wage Periods – Time of Payment of Wages – Deductions which may be made
from wages –Maintenance of Registers and Records. (8)
6 The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965
Computation of Gross Profit and Available Surplus – Eligibility and Disqualification for
Bonus – Payment of Minimum and Maximum Bonus –Calculation of Bonus with respect to
certain employees – Proportionate deduction in bonus in certain cases – Computation of
number of working days – Set on and Set off of allocable surplus – Special provisions with
respect to certain establishments – Deduction of certain amounts from bonus payable – Time
limit for payment of bonus – Presumption about accuracy of balance sheet and profit and loss
account – Maintenance
of Registers and Records. (8)
7 The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972
Entire Act (5)

Books Recommended:-
1. Bare Acts
2. Industrial Law – P L Malik
3. Industrial Law – J K Bareja
4. Labour Laws for managers – B D Singh
5. Industrial & Labour Laws – S P Jain



1 Industrial Relation :-Origin, Definition, Scope, Determinant, Socio-Economic, Technical,

Political factors affecting IR in changing Environment, Approaches to the study of IR –
Psychological, Human Relation, Socio, Gandhinian approach &It’s Effect on Management
2 Trade Union: - Function of Trade Union, Types & structure of Trade Union, Impact of
globalization on Trade union movement. (10)
3 Industrial Dispute-Meaning, Causes (5).
4 Industrial Relation Machinery to solve Industrial Dispute: - Negotiation, Mediator.
Arbitration- Work Committees, Conciliation, Board of Conciliation, Court of enquiry,Labour
Court, Industrial Tribunal, National Tribunal, Role of Judiciary & its impacton industrial
relation. (8)
5 Collective Bargaining-Meaning, Characteristics, Need, Importance, Essential Conditions
for Success of Collective Bargaining, Process of Collective Bargaining, Causes for
Failure of Collective Bargaining, Options in Case of Collective Bargaining.
6 Workers Participation in Management-Concept, Pre-Requisites, Levels Of Participation,
Benefits of Participation. (5)
7 Impact of Globalization &Information Technology on IR. (4)
8 Role of Human Resource Development in Developing Industrial Relation- Industrial
Relation Democracy, Industrial peace (5)
9 Salient features of Industrial Employment (Standing order) Act1946. (5)

Books Recommended:-
1. Dynamic Personnel Administration - Prof. M.N.Rudrabasavraj.
2. Personnel Management and Industrial Relations –P.C.Shejwalkar andS.B.Malegaonkar
3. Labour Management Relations in India – K.M.Subramanian
4. Trade Unionism. Myth and Reality, New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1982.
5. Management of Industrial Relations – Pramod Verma
6. The Future of Industrial Relations. New Delhi Sage, 1994. Niland JR.
7. Collective Bargaining and Industrial. -Kochan, T.A. & Katz Henry. 2nd ed.Homewood,
Illinois, Richard D Irish, 1988.
8. Industrial Relations – Arun Monappa
9 Human Developments –Diane E.Papalia, Sally Wendkos Olds.
10 Industrial & Labour Law- S.P. JainDhanpat rai & Co.
11. Elements Of Mercantile Law- N.D.Kapoor



1. Personnel Administration – Definition, Nature, Objectives, Principles. (9)

2. Personnel Policy – Definition, Scope, Process, Objectives, Contents of Personnel file &
Personnel audit, Personnel Department Structure, proper Environment around factory.(9)
3. General Communication – Drafting of appointment orders, Interview Letters, Promotion,
Transfer & Appreciation Letters, Notices & Circulars (All Types) (10)
4. Wage & Salary Administration – General consideration in wage & Salary administration
– Objectives & principles, Time keeping, Attendance,
Statutory Returns – TDS, Professional Tax, Form 16 (A) PF & ESI Returns.(10)
5. Disciplinary Action Communication – Suspension Orders, show cause,Notices, memo,
charge sheet, warning, letter of termination & dismissal.(10)
6. Calculations – Calculation for superannuation, gratuity & bonus (10)
7. Challenges of modern personnel manager. (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Guide on Labour Management forms and precedents (Law, Practice & Procedure) by S.D.
Puri (Snow white publications)
2. Personnel Management by Edwin Flippo
3. Personnel Management by C.B. Mamoria
4. Dynamics of personnel Administration by Rudrabaswaraj.

1. Introduction To Training Concept: Definition, Meaning, Need For Training, Importance Of

Training, Objectives Of Training, Concepts Of Education, Training And Development,
Overview Of Training Functions, Types Of Training (6)
2. Process Of Training: Steps In Training, Identification Of Job Competencies, Criteria For
Identifying Training Needs (Person Analysis, Task Analysis, Organization Analysis),
Assessment Of Training Needs, Methods And Process Of Needs Assessment. (6)
3. Designing And Implementing A Training Program: Trainer Identification, Methods And
Techniques Of Training, Designing A Training Module (Cross Cultural, Leadership, Training
The Trainer, Change), Management Development Program, Budgeting Of Training. (6)
4. Evaluation Of Training Program: Kirkpatrick Model Of Evaluation, CIRO Model,
Cost-Benefit Analysis, ROI Of Training. (6)
5. Learning: Principles Of Learning, Theories Of Learning, Reinforcement Theory, Social
Learning Theory, Andragogy, Resistance To Training. (4)
6. Technology In Training: CBT, Multimedia Training, E-Learning/Online Learning,
Distance Learning. (2)

Books Recommended:-
1. Employee Training And Development - Raymond Noe
2. Every Trainers Handbook- Devendra Agochia
3. 360 Degree Feedback, Competency Mapping And Assessment Centre- Radha Sharma
4. Training And Development- S.K. Bhatia
5. HRM-Biswajeet Pattanayak



1. Definition, Values and Assumptions, Importance, Evolution: Kurt Lewin, Robert

Tanenbaum, McGregor, Herbert Shepard, Robert Blake. (6)
2. Foundations Of OD: Action Research, Survey Feedback, Systems Theory, Teams And
Teamwork, Participation And Empowerment, Applied Behavioural Science, Parallel
Learning Structures. (6)
3. Process Of OD –Model Of Change, Six Box Model. (6)
4. OD Intervention: Meaning, Importance, Team Intervention: Role
Analysis,Interdependency, Appreciation and Concern Inter group: Walton, Principled
Negotiation Structural: Sts, Work Redesign, Self-Managed Teams. Individual: T-Group,
Behaviour Modeling (6)
5. Client And Consultant Relationship (3)
6. Caselets: Action Research Intervention Exercises (3)

Books Recommended:-
1) Organisational Development By S Ramnarayan, T V Rao.
2) Organisational Development And Change By Cummings And Worley
(7th Edition)
3) Organisational Development By French And Bell (6th Edition)

1) Objectives of International Marketing – Challenges and opportunities in International

Marketing – Quality considerations in International Marketing – Underlying forces of
International Marketing. [6]
2) Global marketing environment –Economic Environment, Socio-cultural Environment –
Legal and Statutory Framework. [8]
3) Global Marketing Information System and Research. [6]
4) Market section, International Market entry strategies.
5) Planning for International Marketing- Global Marketing Mix [20]
( Product, Price, Promotion, Place )
6) Documentation and procedural complexities- Registration with various agencies –
Compulsory Quality Control- Processing Export Orders. [16]
7) Limitations of Global Marketing. [4]

Books Recommended:-
1.International Marketing, R.M.Joshi, OUP
2. Global Marketing Management, K. Lee, OUP
3. International Marketing-Cateora.
4.Managing International Marketing –Varkey.
5.Creating Market across the Globe: Strategies for business excellence – Korwar
6.Essence of International Marketing –Stan Paliwoda.
7.Global Marketing Management-Warren J. Keegan.
8.International Marketing Management-Subhash Jain.
9.International Marketing Micheal- R Czinkota, IIkka A Ronkainen
10.International Marketing, R.M. Joshi



International Logistics and Supply chain management: meaning and objectives, importance in
global economy , Characteristics of global supply chains,: Supply chain relationship to
business performance, -Key tasks of logistics and supply chain managers, Role of
Government in controlling international trade and its impact on Logistics and supply chain
Supply chain as a competitive advantage, Global Supply chain strategy, Structuring supply
chain capabilities, Business matching supply chain design with business strategy
Strategic importance of transport in global logistics, logistical objectives of transport,
International Ocean Transportation, International Air Transportation, and International Land
Transportation: types, characteristics and salient features, intermodal transportation in
international operations, factors influencing mode and carrier selection decision,
Intermediaries and Alliances in Global Logistics, Meaning of 3 PL and 4 PL service
providers, role in Global logistics, types of services, considerations for hiring 3PL and 4 PL
service providers. Concept and need of outsourcing, determinants for outsourcing decisions,
role of outsourcing in global supply chain management
The marketing and logistics interface, customer service and customer retention,Service driven
logistics systems, customer service priorities and standards,customer service strategy
Planning the global supply chain, Network design for global supply chain management, Risk
management in the global context, Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking
the supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in global supply chains
a. Global trade environment: various trade blocks/FTZ and their impact on supply chain
management, Customs and Regulations, Trade Documentation, International Contracts,
Terms of Trade, Term of Payment, International Currency, INCO terms, Logistical packaging
Decisions in Network design-strategic importance, location of plant, warehouse, facilities;
capacity and number of warehouses: Factors influencing network design decisions,
Approaches to Inventory Management in Global Supply Chain Management;;Distribution
Resource Planning; Symptoms of poor Inventory Management, Modeling in Supply chain:
inventory models, safety stock determination for service level, and lead time; forecasting
models, routing problem
Importance of Coordination in Supply Chain, Bullwhip Effect, Effect of lack of Coordination
on performance, Obstacles to Coordination, Strategies to achieve coordination, Building
Strategic Partnership and Trust In Supply Chain
Role and Importance of IT in Supply Chain Management, IT solutions for Supply Chain
Management, Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice
Dimensions of Performance Metrics, Approaches/tools for Performance Measurement,
Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking the supply chain, Performance
measurement and evaluation in global supply chains, Impediments to improve Performance,
Trends in International supply chain management

Books Recommended:-
1. Douglas Long International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management Springer-
Verlag New York, LLC;2004
2. Philippe-Pierre Dornier, Panos Kouvelis, Michel Fender Global Operations and
Logistics: Text and Cases Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated 1998
3. Alan Branch Global Supply Chain Management in International Logistics Routledge
4. Kent N. Gourdin Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the
New Millennium Blackwell Publishing 2006
5. Sridhar R. Tayur (Editor), Michael J. Magazine (Editor), RAM Ganeshan (Editor)
Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management Kluwer Academic Publishers


1. Overview of commercial geography. Impact of geographical aspects on international
business and business strategies. [10]
2. Global dynamics: interplay of local, national , regional and worldwide forces OECD /
WEF/ G8 / G33. Economic, political, social, cultural, legal, technological forces.[14]
3. Reconciliation of global aspirations and nationalistic compulsions for sustained growth [4]
4. Konichi Ohmae’s concept of borderless world [4]
5. Evaluation of diverse environmental forces to create database to do business with various
nations /regions [8]
6. Definition and Scope of competitiveness
7. Theories of international trade: Adam Smith , Recardo, Heauhar& Ohalin, Jagdish
Bhagawati. [8]
8. Michel Porter’s five force and competitive advantage theory. [4]
9. Indicators of world competitiveness. Ranking of the current year and India’s position.[6]
10. Changes in the top 5 rankings in last 3 year and lessons thereof [2]



1. World Trade Organization, General Agreement on Trade and Tariff [2]

2. What is WTO, structure , strength and weakness, prospects [4]
3. Ministerial Conferences, Dispute settlement mechanism( with cases) [4]
4. WTO and other international regulatory. Organizations, UNCTAD etc [2]
5. Agreement on goods / services, intellectual properties. [2]
6. Regional trade agreements and WTO, ILO [2]
7. International arbitration UNICITRA
8. FTA / Taxation / CEC [2]
9. Transfer pricing and WTO [2]
Books Recommended:
1. WTO Publications, WTO Website
2. WTO Agreement and Indian Agriculture by A.Huda SSP(OL)



1. Preparation for Exports [6]

Registration –IEC, EPC, CENTRAL EXCISE, Category of Export - Physical (1)
Direct ( 2) Indirect, Deemed Export, Category of Exporters -Manufacturers /
Merchant Exporters- (1) General (2) EOU (3) SEZ (4) EH/ TH/STJ
2. Export Benefits : [3]
Duty Drawback, Advances Licensing CENVAT, Sales Tax Exemption, IPRS, Excise
Clearance Benefit / Rebate, Income Tax Benefit
3. EXPORT – IMPORT POLICY 2002-2007 [9]
Procedures and Documentation, GSP Rules of Origin, ECGC, Exim Bank / Lines of Credit
4. Documents prescribed by some importing countries [6]
Trade Fair Authority Exhibitions / International Exhibition / FIEO/ ITPO
L/C, B/L etc. Costing, QBAL/ VBAL, DEPB
5. Current trends in export, experience of other countries like Japan, South Korea and
Singapore, Malaysia EC Units ( UK, Denmark, Sweden, Finland ) USA etc.., Foreign
Remittances [2]
Import Procedures: [4]
1 Import Management in a developing economy
2 Import Procurement Planning
3 a. Registration of factories with concerned authorities DGTD, SSE, in relation to
import of Capital Goods
b. Project Import/ EPCG
4 Identification, Selection and Evaluation of Suppliers
5 Purchase Contract, Terms of Delivery and Payment.
6 Import Licensing Policy
a. Advance License
b. Duty Exemption Scheme
7. Role of Clearing and Forwarding Agents
8. Customs Duty, Customs Valuation rules
9 Documents for Customs clearance of import consignment.
10 Customs clearance of Import Cargo by Sea, Air, Post
11 Marine Insurance
12 Transport till destination.

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