Honeywell EA79 Specs

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epvell Braukmann

The Honeywell Braukmann EA79 In.dustrial

Air Ventpurgesairfrom highpressuremainsand
equipment in hot or cold closed water syste,ms.

Includes built-in shutoff valve for servicing with- For use with water systems up 250” F [!20” Cl.
out system shutdown.
314 in. NIT male pipe thread with l/2 in. NPT
Removable float/valveassemblyforeasy servicing. female pipe thread connections.

Includes safety drain connection and vent cap with Maintains quiet and efficient operation
leakage guard.

Brass shell construction

Internal parts made of corrosion-resistant and

chemical-resistant materials for use with water
systems containing glycol, mincial oils, or petro-
leum-based oils.

Specifications .................................................2
Ordering tnformatimi .................................... 2
installation .....................................................
Operation .......................................................
service.. ................. . ........................................ .4
Troubleshooting ............... ..............................

C. H. . IO-92 . Otloneyvell Inc. 1992 . FormNumber 62-3034



Body: Brass. Maximum Pressure:150psi
Cover ring: Brass. Maximum Temperature:250” F 1120”C]
Float, valve lever and cover: Engineered thermoplastics.
Seal disc and rings: Synthetic rubbers. SAFETY RATINGS:
Maximum Pressure:450 psi
Maximum Temperature:250” F [120° C]

Fig. I-EA79 dimensions in in. [mm]. CONNECTIONS: 314in. NPT malepipe threadwith l/Z in.
NE femalepipe thread.
DIMENSIONS: Refer to Fig. 1.
CAPACITIES: Refer to Fig. 2.

Fig. Z-EA79 flow capacities, with leakage guard


NOTE: Capacity indicatedis for device with leakageguard

cap correctly installedandoperational.Additional capac-
ity may be obtainedby removing the leakageguard cap
and inslalling a connection between the vem discharge
and drain usingQl22AlKll SafeWaste Connector.

Ordering Information


Description Model Number
Industrialauomaticati vent EA79AlOO4


1985DauglasDrive North
Minneapolis,Minesora 55422.3992 sak WasLC
for cannecling
(612)542-7106(Easrem US)
(612)542-7103~eskm US)
3. 01 fax you orderto 1-800~356-0149.



1. Read these inslructions carefully. Failure to follow I. Fit EA79 vent in piping at a location as specified in
them could dama~- the rxoduct . or cause a hazardous the Localion section.
c0ndi1i0n. 2. Turn EA79 until venl fits tightly on piping. USC a
2. Check the radngs given in the instructions and on wrench to securely tighien hex.
the product LOmake sure lhe product is suilable for your 3. If safkly drain connection is desired, inswll a pipe
application. between vent discharge and drain using Q122AlOOl %I~?
3. 1r1s~alle.r must be a uaiwd, experienced sew&x waste Conmclor.
technician. 4. Make sure thal Lhc red vent cap is securely Light, and
4. Afrer installalion is complele, check ou( product thal the valve is in the closed position by luming vent body
operation as provided in these instmctions. clockwise. See Fig. 4. Use hands only to avoid damaging
the vmt.
5. Wiih lhe valvein theclosed position, flush the system
as required to remove din, debris and contaminanis.
6. Fill the system with the appropriate solution.
Do nol use tools LOadjust Ihe EA79 or damage 7. Operate he EA79 by turning the air vent body coun-
to vent may resuh Use hands only to ad.;usi vxckxkwise to tie open position. Use hands only, see Fig. 4.
venl. A wrench may be used only on hex during 8. Make pure the red vent cap is Ughlened all lhe way
mstallation. to the slop posilion for proper leakage guard operalion.
Use hands only to tighten.

LOCATION Fig. 4-Turn vent body counterclockwise to

Install Ihe EA79 on the positive side of the circulaloi- open or clockwise to close.
pump at the poini when alr will accumulate. This is usuall)
Lhehigh point of the supply or ihe return main in Ihe sysiem
as shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3--install EA79 at high point in system

3 62.3034

The EA79 operatesasfollows: iheairinLheventchalnberandthefloatrises.Thisclosesihe

Owning the air venl (turning valve body counterciock- vent seat.When additional air entersthe vent chanber, Lhc
wise) exposesthe EA79 to the system.Water and air may operation repeats.
enter the vent chamber.The float will Mallthrough any air in If the vent scatremainsopen, water will rise throilgh the
the chamber.This opensLhcvem seal. vcnl aId causethe swelling disksinsidetie red cap to close
Theredvcn~capallowsair~opassLhroughtheopcnvent. “SCthe vem. Closing ihe air vent (turning valve body clwk-
As the air is releasedthrough the vent cap, water replaces wise) isolaicsthe EA79 from lbe syslem,allowing service.

9. Make sure the red vent cap is tightened all the way
LOthe stop position for proper leakageguard operation.
Use handsonly to tighten.
The EA79 may be hot due LOsys~cm~em~mturc
extremes.USCcaution whenadjustingvent to prc-
vent burning hands.
Fig. S--En79 construction.
The EA79 may becomeaccumulatedwith dirt in the seat
arca of Ihe float assembly,which may causethe vent LO
malfunction. Periodic cleaningis recommendedto prevent
the vent Crammalfunctioning.

NOTE: ThcEA79 may beserviced withoutdcpressurizing

or draining the system.

To clean the seat arca, proceedas follows:

1. Turn the vent body clockwise to the closedposition,
isolatingthe vent from the system.SeeFig. 4.
2. Remove the float assemblyby unscrewingthe outer
ring at the top of Ihe body and lifting up the black cover
assembly.SeeFig. 5.
3. Cmhllly cleanthe seatareaof any dimor &&is.

Do not bendspringonfloat assemblyor damageLO

the Yentmay result.

4. Carefully clean any dirt or debris from inside the

vent chamber.
5. Replace Lhefloat assembly,making sure that the 0
ring is seatedproperly (seeFig. 5).
6. Replaceblack cover assemblyon air venl body.
7. Using handsonly, replace outer ring, turning until
8. OperateLheEA79bytumingtheairvcntbodycounler.
clockwise LOIhe openposition. Use handsonly. SIX Fig. 4.


The EA79 may be hot due LOsystem wnpemture

extremes. Use caution when adjusting vent to pre-
vent burning hands.

Honeywell lhaukmann
Honeywell Inc.
1985 Douglas Drive North
Golden Valley, Minnesota 55422

FhlCd in U.S.A.

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