Lab Sheet Jet Impact

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1.0 Objective

The objective of this experiment is to measure the force exerted by a fluid jet impinging upon
a flat plate or a hemispherical surface and to compare the results with the theoretical values.

2.0 Introduction

Water jet from a small opening, with a high velocity, when exerted on a surface of plate
will produce force that gives power to move a system. The principle of jet impact is the
basis for the understanding of liquid flow in turbines. This principle is used in designing
impulse turbines. In these turbines part of the fluid energy is transformed into kinetic energy
in a nozzle ( or a set of nozzles) which issues a jet of fluid at high speed. The jet strikes the
moving blades, mounted on the turbine wheel, producing the force required to drive it.

3.0 Theory

A jet of fluid when impinging upon a flat or a curved surface generates a force due to change
of momentum of the fluid according to Newton’s second law of motion. For example, when
water of a velocity is forced out from a jet nozzle with diameter d on a plate, the rate of
change of momentum produced and its magnitude is the same with the force exerted on
the surface of the plate to support the water jet.

Force = Rate of momentum change of water jet

= (mass of fluid/time) x change of velocity

The force (F) generated by a jet of water as it strikes depends on the shape of the plate
surface, e.g. flat plate or a curved (hemispherical) surface.

Diagrams 1-2 show a jet of fluid issuing from a nozzle of diameter ‘d’,
and moving vertically upward with velocity v and strikes a stationary
surface. The jet is deflected by the vane through an angle θ and the fluid leaves the vane
with velocity v’

The force generated is

Fth  m v  v'
 ρav v  v cos  (1)
 ρav  ρav cos
2 2

Fth = Theoretical force exerted on the plate (Newton)
a = Cross-sectional area of nozzle (m2)

 = Density of water (kg/m3)
θ Angle of water flow after impact on the plate surface
v = Velocity of water jet before impact on the plate surface
v’ = Velocity of water jet after impact on the plate surface

Water jet

Nozzle d

Diagram 1- Flat Surface

Water jet

Nozzle d

Diagram 2 – Hemispherical Surface

For flat plate (diagram 1) , θ = 90o, therefore cos θ = 0 , so

Fth  ρav 2 (2)

For hemispherical plate (diagram 2), θ = 180o, therefore cos θ = -1, So

Fth  av v    v  
 2 av 2

4.0 Apparatus
The apparatus consists of an upward discharging jet surrounded by a clear Plexiglas tube
provided with levelling screws. The plate located directly over the jet is mounted on a
stainless steel spindle, which passes through the top plate of the apparatus. A weight pan
is mounted on the upper end of this spindle Water is supplied from the lab faucet (supply
valve) to the inlet of the apparatus via a hose. Water flowing through the nozzle strikes
the flat plate and deflects from the flat plate and falls to the base of the clear Plexiglas
tube where it exit and drain in the sink.


Weight Mass
Plate Apparatus

Spring Coils Standard Indicator

Jet Impact Plate

Water Volume Scale

Control Valve

Pump Switch

Water Tank Valve

5.0 Experimental Procedure
The weight cannot be reentered to make up the total required weight

1. Make sure that flat or hemispherical plates are fixed. (DO NOT TURN TOO
2. Set standard weights for each plate apparatus by putting weights on the spring
plat until the coils will touch each other. Note: the standard weight for both plates
must be similar.
3. Adjust the level of the standard indicator with the position of the plate containing
the weight. This is taken as the standard mark (zero velocity of water, V = 0).
Note the total standard weight.
4. Make sure the water control valve is closed (clockwise). Turn on both switches of
the pump and open the water control valve slowly (anti clockwise) until
5. The plate with the standard weight will increase above the standard mark, add
more weight until it returns to the standard mark. Note the total maximum weight
for the first reading of the load.
6. Close the valve of the water tank (clockwise) and when the volume reaches 2 liter,
start taking the time until it reaches 7 liter. The total volume of accumulated water
is 5 liter.
7. Then reduce the total weight load, plate apparatus will change from the standard
mark, reduce the flow of the water jet by closing the control valve slowly
(clockwise) until the plate apparatus returns to the standard mark level. Repeat
step 6.
8. For the next reading, repeat step 7 and 6 until the last total weight load is the same
with the standard weight load.
9. When the experiment is completed, close the control valve (clockwise). Switch
off both pumps. Don’t forget to clean and dry all equipment used.

6.0 Experimental data and analysis

Water density,  = 1000 kg/m3

Water velocity of the jet by the nozzle with diameter d = 5 mm

V  
 m   liter   1   m 

   x  2  x  3 
 s   s   m   10 liter 

V = Water velocity (m/s)
Q = Volumetric flow rate of water
A = Area of nozzle with diameter “d” (m2)

A  x d 2 ... m 2
π  m 
   x  d mm  x  3 

4  10 mm 

Hence, the force measured is

weight (gram)
Fmea  x 9.81 m/s
1000 gram/kg
 gram x 9.81 x 10 3 Newton

Flate plate
Standard Weight = ___________ (g) Maximum Weight = ___________ (g)

Weight Actual Fmea Time Q V Fth Percentage of relative error
Load Weight (Newton) (Second) (L/S) (m/s) (Newton) Fmea  Fth
% x100
(Gram) (Gram) Fth

Hemispherical plate
Standard Weight = ___________ (g) Maximum Weight = ___________ (g)
Weight Actual Fmea Time Q V Fth Percentage of relative error
Load Weight (Newton) (Second) (L/S) (m/s) (Newton) Fmea  Fth
% x100
(Gram) (Gram) Fth

Note: (1) Nozzle size, d = 5 mm (2) Actual Weight = Load Weight – Standard Weight
7.0 Laboratory report

1. See handout (Laboratory Report Format)

2. Additional report requirement

i. Show a sample of calculations for both plates

ii. Plot a graph of log Fmea versus Log V for both flat and hemispherical plates on the
same graph paper.

a. Estimate the slope of the graph for each plate and compare with the
theoretical value as shown in eq. 1 and eq. 2, respectively. Comment on the
b. Estimate the y-intercept ratio of hemispherical to flat plate and
compare with the theoretical ratio, as deduced from eq. 1 and eq. 2.
Comment on the difference
c. Comparing the force exerted on the hemispherical vane with the one on the
flat plate, which one is greater? Why?

iii. Comparing the percentage of relative error for the two plates as function of jet
velocity. Comment on the analysis. Can one deduce sources of error due to the
shape of the plates? Explain your reason. State other possible sources of error.
iv. Briefly discuss factors contributing to errors or inaccuracy in experimental data
and propose recommendation to improve the results

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