4. Many years of his life-______spent in Manila. 19. Which among the words below has the /sh/ sound?
A. Was. B. Were a. sober b. leisure
C. Has D. Have c. shallow d..salient
5. One third of classroom _____under water 20. Niether her mother nor her aunts ________ poker
A. Was. B. Were A. are play B. are plays
C. Has D. Have C. plays D. play
6. Many a man _____ to be rich. 21. "Only the heart can see rightly."This statement is
A. Desire. B. Desires lifted from what particular novel?
C. Desired d. has desired A. The Prince and the Pauper
B. The Little Prince
7. Much ____ left unproductive by flooding. C. The Right One
A. Has been. B. Have been D. The Pearl
C. Had been c. was been
22. A Victor Hugo's masterpiece about the adventures of
8. He has been absent for 3 days because he is______ an ex-convict named Jean Val Jean, a prostitute named
with measles. Frantine and her daughter Cossette.
A. Affected B. Afflicted A. Kublai Khan
C. Affects d. inflicted B. The Picture of Dorian Gray
C. Age of Innocence
9. _____ it never recycled any waste materials, D. Les Miserables
the company’s environmental record was not
perfect. 23. A novel by Leo Tolstoy about the Napoleonic
A. For B. In that Invasion of Russia.
C. With D. Due to A.War and Peace
B.God Sees the thruth but Waits
10. Mathematics ________ the most difficult subject in C.Le Miserables
the board exam. D.Cherry orchard
A. remains B. remain
C. remaining D. has remaining 24. What correction should be made to this sentence?
One of the theories is that the first child receives more of
11. "A man is known by the company he keeps." the parents' attention than other children so first-borns
This is an example of a _____. tend to be more intellectual.
A. report B. rule a. Change is to are
C. poem D. proverb b. Insert a comma after children
c. Change parents' to parent's
12. The representative of the president had issued a d. Change theories to theory's
public apology before the victims ________ the case.
a. file b. filed 25. What does this mean: Excuses are for losers…
c. filing d. have filed those who take responsibility for their actions are real
winners in life. This tells of?
13. According to the report done by the fire department, a. losers often fail because they find reasons for losing
the explosion was caused by ________ connection. b. a winner can also be a quitter
a. lost b. lose c. accountability of one’s action tells of bravery
c. loose d. losing d. excuses are needed to justify any failure
14. You ________ finished writing your novel before the 26. In English verse, a poetic foot having 1 stressed
winter comes. syllable followed by 1 unstressed syllable is ____.
a. had b. will be a. Trochaic b. Iambic
c. will have d. was c. Dactylic d. Anapaestic
15. Charlotte Bronte ________ finishing her novel when 27. A readability mismatch happens when the reading
death arrives. levels of books exceed the reading levels of the
a. will have b. will have to be students. In this situation, the students experience
c. will have been d. will be having to frustration and they fall short of the expected desired
output. A student who finds himself/herself in such a 41. Who is the author of this poem " The Road not
mismatch will likely do which of the following? Taken " ?
a. Present an argument that the selection or story read A. Rudyard Kipling B. Oscar Wilde
was not properly written C. Robert Frost D. Walt Whitman
b. Write a comprehensive reaction paper regarding the
selection or story read 42. In Nick Joaquin's short story "May Day Eve", what is
c. Give an intelligent critique of the selection or story the technique used by the author in developing the plot?
read A. Flashback B. Stream of Consciousness
d. Manifest an expected and commensurate emotional C. Telescoping D. Foreshadowing
reaction to the selection or story read
43. This period is considered as the Golden Age of the
28. There were three guests on the stage. They were Filipino Language.
made up of a parent, the governor and the principal. A. American Regime B. Spanish Regime
Who should be acknowledged first by the valedictorian? C. Japanese Regime D. Greek Regime
a. The classmates b. The principal
c. The governor d. The parent 44. The Philippines is considered as an ____nation.
A. ESL B. English Speaking
29. Because the moon rotate on its axis at the same C. EFL D. Foreign Sounding
time as it _______around the earth, we see the same
side always. 45. Which does not belong?
A. Revolves B. Is revolving A. Assumption B. Summary
C. Revolve D. Has been revolving C. Synthesis D. Generalization
30. There was HIATUS of two years before I went back 46. The laborers are so happy that ____now reaping the
to college. HIATUS means____. fruit of ____ efforts.
A. Length B. Continuation A. They're - their B. They're -there
C. Interpretation D. Lapse C. There-their D. Their-their
31. If I ______known her before, I would have hired her 47. She is riding ___a plane.
as my personal adviser. A. At B. In
A. Had B. Have C. Into D. On
C. Could D. Will
48. This tense connotes actions that are happening at
32. What particular skill a student exemplifies if he/she present time, meaning right now.
used the word "dad" instead of using "father" ? A. Past tense B. Present tense
A. Phonology B. Semantics C. Present perfect D. Progressive Tense
C. Morphology D. Syntax
49. In developmental reading, this pertains to the
33. Only 70% of the total number of students ____able familiarity of the students toward the sound of the
to pass the comprehensive exam last year. language.
A. Are B. Was A. Semantics B. Syntax
C. Were D. Is C. Phonology D. Phonemic awareness
34. A number of endangered species living underwater 50. English Sonnet : Shakespeare
____now extinct because of illegal hunting and dynamite Italian Sonnet :__________
fishing. A. Petrarch B. Dante
A. We're B. Is C. Boccacio D. Alighieri
C. Was D. Are
51. In reading, IRI means :
35. Your sister isn't supporting you, ____? A. Informal Reading Intervention
A. Is she B. Isn't she B. Informal Reading Inventory
C. Is he D. Isn't he C. Informal Reading Innovation
D. Informal Reading Integration
36. What pitch level must be used to end a sentence ?
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 52. The suspect was spared because all he said were all
WHITE LIES. The capitalized phrase means :
37. This refers to the different emphasis on words. A. Lies recited are illogical
A. Stress B. Juncture B. Lies that bare harmless
C. Pitch D. Intonation C. Lies are type written
D. The lies are made in public
38. "He was like a snake in the night", what figure of
speech is present ? 53. What control process of retaining information is
A. Personification B. Simile referred to?
C. Metaphor D. Apostrophe a. Chunking b. Interfering
c. Rehearsing d. Remembering
39. "One thousand hands made the pyramids of Egypt."
What figure of speech was used in the given statement? 54. Sounds; decibel_____
A. Metonymy B. Synecdoche A. Area: square B. Capacity: hectare
C. Onomatopoeia D. Metaphor C. Length: meter D. Volume: cube
40. "The wind kisses my cheeks." What figure of speech 55. A teacher/student is held responsible for his actions
is used in this statement? because s/he______
A. Metaphor B. Personification A. Has instincts B. Is mature
C. Simile D. Hyperbole C. Has a choice D. Has reason
56. Considering the “tayo-tayo” mentality of the Filipinos,
one goal for CHANGE that should be worked on is to 69. Neither the teacher nor the students ______
develop __________. presents in the affairs.
a. A sense of common good. a. am c. was
b. A sense of national pride. b. is d. were
c. “Pakikisama”
d. The habits of discipline and hard work. 70. My sister and I meet an acquaintance of ________
on the shopping mall.
57. Who is the proponent of the arena theater? a. ours c. mine
a. Carpio c. Montano b. us d. ourselves
b. Tinio d. Avellana
71. We admire _____ when Cynthia speaks English
58. She is known for the love sonnets she wrote. fluently with_____.
a. Paz Marquez Benitez. a. him, them c. her, us
b. Edith Trempo b. him, we d. him, me
c. Gilda Cordero Fernando
d. Ophelia Dimalanta 72. On your trip to Tagaytay, if you chance upon
Arsenio, please give _______ my warm regards.
59. What is a collection of Indian sacred hymns? a. himself c. him
a. Rig Veda c. Upanishad b. myself d. me
b. Mahabharata d. Ramayana
73. The students request to re-set the test _______
60. Which is NOT characteristics of people with a strong reasonable.
sense of self-efficacy? a. were c. are
a. View challenging problems as tasks to be mastered. b. very d. is
b. Recovery quickly from setbacks and disappointments.
c. Avoid challenging tasks. “My concept of inner peace came from my mother’s daily
d. Develop deeper interest in the activities in which they activities which I now recall with fondness and awe. She
participate. was full-time housewife, wholly dependent on my
father’s monthly salary. How she made both ends meet,
61. Who is the first mythical geographer who was guided us in our studies and did small acts of charity on
recognized due to his vivid descriptions of lands and the side was beyond me.”
people encountered by his hero Ulysses?
a. Virgil c. Homer 74. The mother’s financial resources are ______
b. Plato d. Cicero a. More than enough c. Miserable
b. abundant d. limited
62. Haiku is traditional Japanese poems consisting of
_________. 75. The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to
a. Eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as understand the grade. The capitalized word means
topic. _____.
b. Lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as a. Estimated c. surpassed
topic. b. changed d. summed
c. Three lines totaling 17 syllables with nature as topic.
d. Four lines that rhyme with love as topic. 76. Some preachers suggest the _____ that the end of
the world is near.
63. This Filipino writer in English who used Hispanic a. Proposal c. Prophecy
Filipino culture and tradition in his fiction works. b. Prophetic d. Prophet
a. Edilberto Tiempo c. Sionil Jose
b. Nick Joaquin d. Jose Garcia Villa 77. The courage of the children who saved his brother
from a raging fire is worth ______.
64. Who is the famous composer from Angono who is a. emulating c. narrating
also a national artist? b. mentoring d. watching
a. Buenaventura c. San Pedro
b. Cenizal d. Cayabyab 78. The expression of BADUY connotes ____.
a. uneducated c. awkward looking
65. Which among the following is the part of the b. low profile d. smart
newspaper where you can see the opinions of people?
a. Classified Section c. Headline 79. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at a
b. Obituary d. Editorial Section sound_____.
a. query c. changed
66.The invited resource speaker has a lot on his mind. b. decision d. problem
He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker. Loquacious
means _________. 80. Because of PROFANITY the program was
A. Reserved B. Lanky suspended from television. The capitalized word means
C. Verbose D. Limited ______.
a. obscenity c. descency
67. Had I studied very well, I _____ rewarded with b. history d. falsehood
vacation in the US.
a. Was c. will be 81. A story put together through an exchange of letters is
b. would have been d. would be called _____ literature.
a. fiction c. episodic
68. When helping in the kitchen, I am always careful not b. epistolary d. classic
to hurt ___________.
a. ourselves c. himself 82. What figure of speech is; The Lord is my shepherd.
b. myself d. herself a. simile c. irony
b. hyperbole d. metaphor 95. The Filipinos are deeply religious; however,
sometimes this religiousity instills the NEGATIVE
83. What figure of speech is the following: “He is the attitude of __________.
black sheep of the family.” a. Social responsibility to participate in the development
a. Metaphor c. alliteration of the society.
b. Simile d. hyperbole b. Resignation and ends up into doing nothing to
improve one’s condition.
84. Sturdy and strong, “The Filipino are like the molave” c. Total surrender to God in times of helplessness is
is_____. best.
a. Simile c. Metaphor d. God who is omnipotent will allow what is best.
b. Irony d. hyperbole
96. Which of the following statements is true about
85.”She is a lovely rose.” is _____. textbook laid on the table?
a. simile c. irony a. No force is acting on it.
b. hyperbole d. metaphor b. The textbook undergoes acceleration.
c. The sum of the forces acting upon it is zero.
86. “…It droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven.” is what d. The textbook undergoes deceleration.
figure of speech?
a. Personification c. Hyperbole 97. Analects which are short and witty sayings that treat
b. Simile d. Metaphor of moral values and good human relation, are attributed
“In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” Portia, a. Mao Tze Tung c. Mencius
the judge said: “The quality of mercy is not strained: It b. Confucious d. Lao-Tzu
droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place
beneath… It is twice blessth; it blessth him that gives 98. Which of the following is an artistic tradition that
and him that takes. ‘Tis mighter than the mightiest… and seeks to revive past glory in various forms?
one is likened to God when mercy seasons justice.” a. Antique c. Contemporary
b. Modern d. Classical
87. The main thought of the excerpt it that ____.
a. Mercy is only for deserving 99. What is the application of the principles of theories of
b. Mercy is limited in extent human behavior in teaching and learning?
c. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given. a. Educational theory
d. Mercy comes from the rain. b. Educational philosophy
c. Educational psychology
Though nothing can bring back d. Educational sociology
The hour of splendor in the glass,
Of glory in the flower, “I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was
We will grieve not, branded as a terror in school. The pupils dreaded the
Rather find strength in what remains behind. day they would enter my class. Little did they know that
behind my unpopular façade was a heart full of
88. This stanza expresses ________. compassion. But how did I earn this moniker? I did not
a. Grief c. Loss tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanted them to know
b. hope d. despair that cleanliness of body was good for their health. I
inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchief,
89. Cognitive skills are not easily observable because clothes, ears, noses and hair.”
they are _______.
a. overt c. hidden 100. The public school teacher gives much importance
b. psychological d. mental to her pupils’_______.
a. cleanliness c. absence
90. The celebrated play of William Shakespeare about b. study d. posture
ill-starred who come from warring families.
a. Romeo and Juliet
c. Hamlet and Ophelia
b. Anthony and Cleopatra
d. Ana and the King
61."Two heads are better than one" means that it's 75. A new show____ on ABS-CBN two days ago.
better for two people to think of a solution that just one A. Launched
person. This is a classic example of this figure of B. WAs launched
speech. C. Will be launched
A. Simile B. Metaphor D. Is launching
C. Synecdoche D. Metonymy
76. In the courtroom the judge said that the findings
62. The planets of the solar system have mythological have no bearing because there are_____.
references. They are based on what genre of mythology. A. Inaccurate
A. Greek Mythology B. Roman Mythology B. Inadmissible
C. Norse Mythology D. European Mythology C. Confusing
D. Inedible
63. Who among the Filipino writers below focuses on the
beliefs and traditions during the Filipino-Spaniard Period. 77. In Grace Goodell's Skill Ladder, which step should
A. Nick Joaquin B. Benvenido Santos come last, and only when needed?
C. NVM Gonzales D. F. Sionil Jose A. Using contextual clues
B. Using parts of the book
64. The newly elected president demonstrated great C. Using the dictionary
APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and foul questions D. Using phonetic analysis
thrown by reporters. The capitalized word means:
A. Nervousness B. Hesitation 78. He established the tobacco monopoly during the
C. Composure D. Anger Spanish era.
a. Jose Basco b. Rafael Izquierdo
65. In the Philippine literature,who is the writer known as c. Basilio Agustin d. Francisco Rizzo
''Huseng sisiw''?
A. Jose Rizal B. Francisco Baltazar 79. Technology ______ dramatically in the twenty-first
C. Jose Dela Cruz D. Andres Bonifacio century.
a. Was improved b. Has improved
66. "The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of delight''. c. Is improved d. Did improve
The sentence is an example of
A. Metaphor B. Simile 80. A bread – and butter sandwich ________ my favorite
C. Irony D. Hyperbole morning snack.
67. In the poem invictus, the line "my head is bloody,but a. Is b. Has been
unbowed'' is an example of: c. Are d. Have been
A. Metaphor B. Oxymoron
C. Irony D. Hyperbole 81. The ______ of the story is that friendship is sacred.
a. Morale b. Message
68. Based on the reports of the inspector, the edifice c. Moral d. lesson
collapsed because of____ joints.
A. Loose B. Losing 82. All important factors must be considered to arrive at
C. Lose D. Lost a sound ________.
a. Query b. Change
69. Teacher always TRANSMUTE the grades of the c. Problem d. Decision
students. The capitalized word means:
A. Change B. Degrade 83. The cause of power outage was a
C. Upgrade D. Add ______connection.
a. Lose b. Loose
c. Lost d. Losing