2016-Me-58 Lab Report
2016-Me-58 Lab Report
2016-Me-58 Lab Report
The experimental setup, shown in Fig. 1, has three main parts: engine, universal drive and
brake unit (HM 365), and internal combustion engine basic module (CT 159).
The Diesel cycle is the working cycle of compression ignition engines. Fuel is sprayed
into the cylinder at 𝑝2 (high pressure) when the compression is complete, and there is an
ignition without any sparks. Figure 6 shows 𝑝−𝑣 and 𝑇−𝑠 diagram for the ideal Diesel
cycle; where 𝑝 is pressure, 𝑣 is the specific volume 𝑇 is the absolute temperature and 𝑠 is
the entropy.
The ideal Diesel cycle follows the following four distinct processes:
Process 1 to 2 is isentropic compression
Process 2 to 3 is reversible constant pressure heating
Process 3 to 4 is isentropic expansion •
Process 4 to 1 is reversible constant volume cooling
Using the first law of thermodynamics, we can calculate heat addition during the
process 2 to 3, 𝑞𝐻, and heat transfer to the ambient during process 4 to 1,
𝑞𝐿: 𝑞𝐻=ℎ3−ℎ2=𝐶𝑝 (𝑇3−𝑇2)
𝑞𝐿=𝑢1−𝑢4=𝐶𝑣 (𝑇4−𝑇1)
Subsequently the network done by the piston will be:
𝑤 =𝑞𝐻−𝑞𝐿=𝐶𝑝 (𝑇3−𝑇2) –𝐶𝑣 (𝑇4−𝑇1)
Thermal efficiency of the cycle is defined as:
𝜂 𝑡ℎ=𝑤 𝑞𝐻=1−𝐶𝑣 (𝑇4−𝑇1) 𝐶𝑝 (𝑇3−𝑇2)
Introducing the cut -off ratio as 𝛼=𝑣3/𝑣2 and the compression ratio as 𝑟=𝑣1/𝑣2, one
can rewrite Eq. (5) as:
𝜂𝑡ℎ=1− (1/𝑟y-1) 𝛼𝛾−1 𝛾 (𝛼−1) where 𝛾=𝐶𝑝/𝐶𝑣.
Other important parameter in analyzing internal combustion engines is mean
effective pressure (𝑚𝑒𝑝):
𝑚𝑒𝑝= 𝑤/ (𝑣1−𝑣2)
To start the engine, the rotational direction at the HM 365 unit must be set to left, but the
electric motor must be switched off. The speed adjuster of HM 365 is set to a starting
speed of approximately 2000 rpm (6.66). The torque is set for both directions to 100%
(10.0). As shown in Fig. 7, the speed controller at the engine then should be set to start
position (start means the maximum fuel injection). The electric motor should be switched
on and the Diesel engine is started. After ignition of the engine it is turning at 2000 1/min
with full load. For warming up of the engine, the electric motor should be switched off.
The engine then turns up to maximum speed and it must be throttled by the speed
controller down to 2000 - 2500 rpm.
For recording an output curve at full load, the speed is given by the electric motor of HM 365.
The torque is generated by the combustion engine. The torque adjuster of the brake unit and the
speed controller of the engine are set to maximum (100%). To record the output curve that
corresponds to the full load curves, the speed controller is set to the maximum fuel quantity (start
position). The potentiometer for the specified torque must be set to maximum. By gradually
reducing the speed at the potentiometer, the torque values will be displayed on the universal brake
Performance Test for Four Stroke Petrol Engine
Engine: Either PREMIERE / AMBASSODAR four cylinder four stroke water cooled
automotive (reclaim) spark ignited with all accessories. Make: PREMIERE
Speed: max 5000rpm Power: 23 HP at max speed No of cylinders: FOUR Firing order: 1-
3-4-2 Cylinder bore: 73mm Stroke length: 70mm Spark plug gap: 0.64mm.
Other components include:
Battery, starter motor, alternator/DC dynamo,ignition switch, solenoid, cables,
accelerator assembly, radiator, valves etc.
The Test Rig is multi cylinder petrol engine coupled to a hydraulic brake and complete
with all measurement systems, auto electrical panel , self-starter assembly, Morse test
setup, battery etc., Engine is with 4 cylinder water cooled radiator is provided. Engine
cooling is done by through continuous flowing water.
The specifications are
Engine coupled to hydraulic brake
Clutch arrangement.
Morse test setup 4.Stand, Panel with all measurements 5.Air tank, fuel tank
6.Auto electrical with battery
It is a reaction type hydraulic dynamometer; a stator body can swing in its axis,
depending upon the torque on the shaft. The shaft is extended at both ends and supported
between two bearings. Rotor is coupled at one end to the engine shaft. Water is allowed
inside through stator and flows inside pockets of rotor and comes out of rotor. Any
closure of valve or any restriction of flowing water, created breaking effect on the shaft,
and which is reflected in opposition force of stator. Stator while reacting to proportional
force pulls a spring balance, which is calibrated in kegs. Controlling all three valves
enables to increase or decrease the load on the engine.
A long lever with locking facility is provided. It helps to either couple engine to hydraulic
brake or decouple both. Initially for no load do not couple these two and after increasing
engine speed slowly engage same. Do not allow any water to dynamometer when engine
is started. This is no load reading.
o Check the lubricating oil level.
o Check the fuel level.
o Check and Release the load on the dynamometer if loaded.
o Check the necessary electrical connections and switch on the Panel.
o Provide the Battery Connections.
o Open water valve for engine cooling and adjust flow rate , say 4to 6 LPM.
After engine picks up speed slowly, engage clutch, now engine is coupled with
hydraulic dynamometer.
With the help of accelerator, increase engine to say 1500rpm.
Note down the time required for 10litres of water flow, time required for 10cc of
fuel, manometer reading, spring balance reading, all temperatures.
For next load allow more water into dynamometer and also adjust throttle valve
such that engine is loaded but with same RPM, 1500rpm.
Note down all readings. 6. Repeat experiment for next higher load, max 8kw.
o Inlet water Valveno1 (V1)-If knob is rotated clockwise LOAD is reduced, that
means water entry is reduced.
o If this V1 if rotated antilock wise LOAD increased, here water is allowed into
dynamometer-MORE the water into dynamometer MORE is LOAD.
o Drain V2 if opened completely then load is reduced, if closed by rotating
clockwise then LOAD is increased.
o Overflow valve No.3 (V3)-if closed then Load is increased, If opened then LOAD
is reduced.
o In this manner load has to be increased or decreased.
o Area of Orifice
o A0 =( π/4) d0 2 sq.cm (d0 is orifice diameter = 25mm=0.025m)
o Head of Air Ha = in mts; ρw=1000kg/cm3 ρa=1.2kg/ cm3 , h1 and h2 in mts
o Mass flow rate of Air Ma in kg/hr Ma= A0 x Cd x3600 x ρa x kg/hr
o Total fuel consumption TFC : in kg/hr TFC =
o Brake Power BP in Kw.
With hydraulic brake dynamometer ( reaction type)
BP= [2 x π x 9.81 x N x W x R]/60,000 kW i. Where R= Load arm length
= 0.3mts ii. W= load shown on spring balance, kg iii. N= speed in rpm
o Specific fuel consumption: SFC in Kg/Kw-hr 1. SFC = TFC/BP
o Air Fuel ratio : A/F A/F = Ma/TFC
o Brake Thermal efficiency
o ηbth = [BP/TFC x CV ]x 100%,
o Indicated Thermal efficiency
o ηith = [IP/TFC x CV ]x 100%,
Applying Performance Test for Two Stroke Petrol Engine
Main chassis, engine coupled to dynamometer
Control desk with all measurements
Hoses, cables, thermocouples, misc.
3.1.1 CHASIS
It is made from strong MS channels, with foundation facility. Support bracket, to hold by hand
while kick starting the engine.
3.1.2 ENGINE
o Bajaj classic/Chetek Two stroke, single cylinder, air cooled, petrol driven
o Compression Ratio : 7.4:1
o Ignition timing :Spark advance of 22 degree before TDC
o Bore :57 mm
o Stroke length :57 mm
o Displacement :145.45 cc
Test rig is with two stroke Bajaj make Petrol engine, coupled to Electrical dynamometer.
Engine is air cooled type, hence only load test can be conducted at a constant speed of
3000rpm. Test rig is complete with base, air measurement, fuel measurement and
temperature measurement system. Thermocouple is employed to measure temperature
digitally. Two stroke engines are coupled with ports closing at inlet and exhaust. Hence
when compared to four stroke engine, it has low fuel efficiency because scavenging
effect. But its construction and maintenance is easy, and costs less.
o Orifice diameter d0 =15.25mm.
o Density of water ρw =1000kg/m3
o Density of air ρa =1.2kg/m
o Density of Petrol ρf =0.7kg/lit
o Acceleration due to gravity g =9.81m/sec2
o Alternator efficiency ηg =70%
o Calorific value of Petrol Cv =43,210kJ/kg
Fill up water in manometer to required level.
Ensure petrol level in the fuel tank.
Ensure engine oil.
Put MCB of alternator to ON, switch of all load banks or bring aluminum
conductor of water loading rheostat above water level.
Add water.
Switch ON ignition.
Fix accelerator at some setting.
Now kick start the engine and when it pickups speed adjust at 3000 rpm.
At this no load note down manometer, speed temperature, voltage current and
time for 10 cc of fuel consumption.
Repeat for different loads.
it is concluded that the performance of two stroke petrol engine is lesser than that of a
two stroke diesel engine but much reliable and easy to operate.