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Vertical Pressure Vessel

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University of Gondar
Instiute of Technology
School of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Design of vertical pressure Vessels

Done by :-

Getnet Wondmenew GUR / 0523/07

Hailemichael Tsegaw GUR / 0547/07 Submitted to ins Teferi S.

Gondar, Ethiopia
University of Gondar

In this project there are five chapters are included here; In chapter one discuses about
the general over view of the project; chapter two tells about literature review and chapter three
is focus on complete analysis of the design of a pressure vessel basis on several design
consideration. Geometrical analysis, wind load analysis, and stress analysis are conducted on
this design and select the proper material for components of the pressure vessel through taking
some standard tables and standard machine element components. After all, dimensions and
materials are decided for the design component, on the last two chapters result discussion
conclusion and recommendation as well as the part and assembly drawing also provided for
complete description. The main thing here is that the designed pressure vessel can hold the
required fluid of 1.6m3 as we have checked after we designed the vessel. The other surprising
thing is that in this project we discussed about cost analysis as well as lose of prevention.

This project would have been a distant reality if not for the help would encouragement
from various people. We take immense pleasure in taking, our Instructor MR: Teferi Sitotaw.
We would also like to tank to our mechanical engineering department students who contributed
for the successfulness of our project. Finally, yet important, We would like to express heartily
tank to our beloved friends such as Henok Tesfay and others for their helping in software
application and other supplement material.

University of Gondar

Over all specification of given data

Design of column(vertical lay out) pressure vessel

parameters value Unit
Design pressure 10 MPa
Design of temperature 200 C0
Total inside volume 1.6 m3
Corrosion allowance 2.5
Working fluid Alcohol
Vessel orientation Vertical

University of Gondar

ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................................. i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................................................... i
List of tables............................................................................................................................................ v
List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................................... 1
I. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 OVERVIEW OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................. 1
1.2 COMPONENTS OF PRESSURE VESSEL ................................................................................. 2
1.3 BACKGROUND OF THE PROJECT .................................................................................... 7
1.4 CLASSIFICATION PRESSURE VESSEL ................................................................................ 8
1.5 APPLICATIONS OF PRESSURE VESSELS ............................................................................. 8
1.6 PROBLEM STATEMENT ......................................................................................................... 8
1.7 OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT................................................................................................ 9
1.7.1 Main objective ......................................................................................................................... 9
1.7.2 Specific Objective .................................................................................................................... 9
1.8 METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 9
1.9 SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ...................................................................... 11
1.9.1 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................... 11
1.9.2 LIMITATION ...................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................. 12
II. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................................. 12
Chapter Three........................................................................................................................................ 18
DETAIL DESIGN AND ANALAYSIS ............................................................................................... 18
3.1 DESIGN PRESSURE ................................................................................................................. 18
3.2 DESIGN TEMPRATURE .......................................................................................................... 18
3.3 MATERIAL ................................................................................................................................ 18
3.4 DESIGN STRESS (nominal design strength) ............................................................................. 19
3.5 CORROSION ALLOWANCE ................................................................................................... 20
3.6 DESIGN LOADS........................................................................................................................ 21
3.6.1 Major loads ........................................................................................................................ 21
3.6.2 Subsidiary loads ................................................................................................................... 21
3.7 MINIUM PRACTICAL WALL THICKNESS .......................................................................... 21

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PRESSURE ....................................................................................................................................... 22
3.8.1 DESIGN OF SHELL ........................................................................................................... 23
3.8.2 DESIGN OF HEAD ............................................................................................................. 23
3.8.3 STRESS ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 25
3.8.4 DESIGN OF OPENING ...................................................................................................... 26
3.8.5 DESIGN OF NOZLE ........................................................................................................... 29
3.8.6 BOLTED FLANGED JOINTS ............................................................................................ 30
Flange for reflux-return bottom product ....................................................................................... 32
Flange for manhole ....................................................................................................................... 33
Flange for vapor out .......................................................................................................................... 33
3.8.6 DEAD WEIGHT OF VESSEL ............................................................................................ 35
3.8.7 WIND LOADING ............................................................................................................... 37
3.8.8 STRESS ANALYSIS........................................................................................................... 38
Checking elastic stability (buckling)............................................................................................. 39
3.9 DESIGN OF SKIRT SUPPORT ................................................................................................. 40
3.9.1 SKIRT THICKNESS .......................................................................................................... 41
3.9.2 Dead weight calculation ....................................................................................................... 43
3.9.3 WIND LOADING AT THE BASE OF SKIRT ................................................................... 44
Checking the design criteria .............................................................................................................. 45
Welding of skirt support ................................................................................................................... 46
3.10 MATERIAL COSTS ................................................................................................................ 46
3.11 SAFETY AND LOSS PREVENTION ..................................................................................... 47
CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................................. 50
4. RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................................................................... 50
4.1 RESULT ..................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 DISCUSSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................................. 50
CONCLUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................... 50
5.1 CONCLUSSION......................................................................................................................... 50
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................ 51
Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 54
APPENDEX 1 ............................................................................................................................................ A

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List of tables
Table 1 classification of pressure vessel ................................................................................................. 8
Table 2 component of pressure vessel .................................................................................................. 19
Table 3 maximum allowable joint efficiency ....................................................................................... 20
Table 4 minimum thickness table ......................................................................................................... 21
Table 5 optimum vessel proportion ...................................................................................................... 22
Table 6 typical design stress for plate ................................................................................................... 22
Table 7 determined value of cylindrical shell ....................................................................................... 24
Table 8 flange dimension for 25mm opening ....................................................................................... 33
Table 9 flange dimension for 250mm opening ..................................................................................... 33
Table 10 flange dimension for 50mm opening ..................................................................................... 33
Table 11 basic cost of metals (mid-2004) ............................................................................................. 47
Table 12 result table .............................................................................................................................. 50

List of figures

Figure 1 pressure vessel [1] .................................................................................................................... 2

Figure 2 Component of vertical pressure vessel [2]................................................................................ 4
Figure 3 saddle support pressure vessel [3] ............................................................................................ 5
Figure 4 A 3D REPRESENTATION OF THE HEAD ......................................................................... 24
Figure 5 an Inset nozzle ........................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 6 an Inset nozzle ........................................................................................................................ 27
Figure 7 Forged ring ............................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 8 A Full-Faced Flanges.............................................................................................................. 31
Figure 9 Narrow-Faced Flanges............................................................................................................ 31
Figure 10 Stanadard Flange .................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 11 Bending and shear force diagram ......................................................................................... 37
Figure 12 skirt-support welds ............................................................................................................... 41
Figure 13 skirt base ring geometry ....................................................................................................... 42
Figure 14 Part drawings of pressure vessel ........................................................................................... 51
Figure 15Assembly Drawing ................................................................................................................ 53

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Vessels, tanks, and pipelines that carry, store, or receive fluids are called pressure
vessels. A pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between inside
and outside. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside, except for some isolated
The pressure vessels commonly used in industrial applications consist basically of a
few closed shells of simple shape: spherical or cylindrical with hemispherical, conical,
ellipsoidal, or flat ends. The shell components are joined together mostly by welding, and
riveting; sometimes they are bolted together using flanges. Generally, the shell elements are
axis symmetrical surfaces of revolution formed by rotation of a straight line or a plane curve
known as a meridian or a generator about an axis of rotation. The plane containing the axis of
rotation is called the meridional plane. The geometry of such simple shells is specified by the
form of themidwall surface, usually two radii of curvature and the wall thickness at every point.
The majority of pressure vessels are cylindrical. In practice, the shell is considered thin if the
wall thickness t is small in comparison with the circumferential radius of curvature RQ and the
longitudinal radius of curvature Re. If the ratio RQ/t > 10, the shell is considered to be thin
shell. This implies that the stresses developed in the shell wall by external loads can be
considered to be uniformly distributed over the wall thickness. Many shells used in pressure-
vessel construction are relatively thin (10 < RJt < 500), with the associated uniform distribution
of stresses throughout the cylinder wall. Bending stresses in the walls of such membrane shells
due to concentrated external loads are of higher intensity near the area of application of the
load. The attenuation distance from the load where the stresses die out is short. The radial
deformation of a shell subjected to internal pressure is assumed smaller than one-half the shell
thickness. The shell thickness is designed to keep the maximum stresses below the yield
strength of the material.
Finally, pressure vessel are refers to those reservoirs and apparatus which work under
internal and external pressure and operate under the pressure [1].

A pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between inside

and outside. The pressure vessels are used to store fluids under pressure. The inside pressure is

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usually higher than the outside, except for some isolated situations. The fluid inside the vessel
may undergo a change in state as in the case of steam boilers, or may combine with other
reagents as in the case of a chemical reactor. Pressure vessels often have a combination of high
pressures together with high temperatures, and in some cases flammable fluids or highly
radioactive materials. Because of such hazards it is imperative that the design be such that no
leakage can occur. Pressure vessels are used in a number of industries for example, the power
generation industry for fossil and nuclear power, the petrochemical industry for storing and
processing crude petroleum oil in tank farms as well as storing gasoline in service stations, and
the chemical industry (in chemical reactors) to name but a few. Their use has expanded
throughout the world. Pressure vessels and tanks are, in fact, essential to the chemical,
petroleum, petrochemical and nuclear industries [2].

Figure 1 pressure vessel [1]


Pressure vessels are containers for fluids that are subject to either internal or external
pressure. They are used in a wide variety of industries (e.g. petroleum refining, chemical,
power, pulp, and paper, pharmaceutical, food, beverage, etc.)

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There are four components of pressure vessel, these are:

1. Head
2. Shell
3. Nozzle
4. Support


All pressure vessel shells must be closed at the ends by dished ends (or another shell
section). Dished ends are typically curved rather than flat. Curved configurations are stronger
and allow the dished ends to be thinner, lighter, and less expensive than flat ends. The figure
1.2 bellow shows dished ends closing the cylindrical sections of the various pressure vessels.


The shell is the primary component that contains the pressure. Pressure vessel shells are
welded together to form a structure that has a common rotational axis. Most pressure vessel
shells are cylindrical, spherical, or conical in shape.

• The figure illustrates a small vertical pressure vessel. Small vertical pressure vessels
are normally located at grade. The maximum shell length to-diameter ratio for a small
vertical pressure vessel is about 5:1.

A nozzle is a cylindrical component that penetrates the shell or dished ends of a pressure
vessel. The nozzle ends are usually flanged to allow for the necessary connections and to permit
easy disassembly for maintenance or access. Nozzles are used for the following applications:

• Attach piping for flow into or out of the vessel.

• Attach instrument connections,(e.g. level gauges, thermo wells, or pressure gauges).
• Provide access to the vessel interior at manholes.
• Provide for direct attachment of other equipment items, (e.g. a heat exchanger or

Nozzles are also sometimes extended into the vessel interior for some applications, such as
for inlet flow distribution or to permit the entry of thermo-wells.

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Figure 2 Component of vertical pressure vessel [2]


The type of support that is used depends primarily on the size and orientation of the pressure
vessel. In all cases, the pressure vessel support must be adequate for the applied weight, wind,
and earthquake loads. The design pressure of the vessel is not a consideration in the design of
the support since the support is not pressurized. Temperature may be a consideration in support
design from the standpoint of material selection and provision for differential thermal

Supports also classified as follows:

A. Saddle supports

Horizontal pressure vessels are typically supported at two locations by saddle supports. A
saddle support spreads the weight load over a large area of the shell to prevent an excessive
local stress in the shell at the support points. The width of the saddle, among other design

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details, is determined by the specific size and design conditions of the pressure vessel. One
saddle support is normally fixed or anchored to its foundation. The other support is normally
free to permit unrestrained longitudinal thermal expansion of the pressure vessel.(look fig.

Figure 3 saddle support pressure vessel [3]

B. Leg supports

Small vertical presser vessels are typically supported on legs that are welded to the
lower portion of the shell. The maximum ratio of support leg length to pressure vessel
diameter is typically 2:1.Reinforcing pad and/or rings are first welded to the shell to provide
additional local reinforcement and load distribution in cases where the local shell stresses
may be excessive. The number of legs needed depends on the pressure vessel size and the
loads to be carried. Support legs are also typically used for spherical pressurized storage
vessels. The support legs for small vertical pressure vessels and spherical pressurized
storage vessels may be made from structural steel columns or pipe sections, whichever
provides a more efficient design. Cross bracing between the legs is typically used to help
absorb wind or earthquake loads. (Look fig. 1.2 above)

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C. Skirt supports

Tall, vertical, cylindrical pressure vessels are typically supported by skirts. A support skirt
is a cylindrical shell section that is welded either to the lower portion of the vessel shell or to
the bottom dished end (for cylindrical vessels). Skirts for spherical vessels are welded to the
vessel near the mid-plane of the shell. It is normally not necessary for the skirt bolt holes to be
slotted (as with bracket supports). The skirt is normally long enough to provide enough
flexibility so that radial thermal expansion of the shell does not cause high thermal stresses at
its junction with skirt.

D. Lug(bracket) support

Brackets that are welded to the pressure vessel shell may also be used to support vertical
presser vessels. The use of brackets is typically limited to vessels of small to medium diameter
(0.3 meters to 3 meters.) and moderate height-to-diameter ratios in the range of 2:1 to 5:1.
Bracket supports are often used for vessels of this size that are located above grade within
structural steel. The brackets are typically bolted to horizontal structural members to provide
stability against overturning loads; however, the bolt holes are often slotted to permit free radial
thermal expansion of the pressure vessel. (Look fig.1.3)

Figure 3

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Perhaps the earliest reference to design of pressure vessels was made in about 1495 by
Leonardo da Vinci in this codex Madrid I. Quoting from a translation, Leonardo wrote “we
shell describe how air can be forced under water to lift very heavy weight, that is, how to fill
skins with air once they are secured to the weights at the bottom of the water. And there will
be descriptions of how to lift weights by tying them to submerged ship full of sand and how to
remove the sand from the ships.”

Leonardo’s pressurized bags of air, if implemented, did not kill or injure large numbers
of people and therefore did not force the need for a pressure vessel code. That distinction must
go to the early model steam generators.

During the 18th and 19th centuries, steam became the chief source of power spurred the
industrial revolution. By the early 20th century, steam boiler explosion in the United States
were occurring at the rate of one per day and claiming about two lives per day. In 1907, after
two catastrophic explosions, the state of Massachusetts enacted the first legislation dealing
with the design and construction of steam boilers. The resulting regulations were three pages

Over the next four years several other states and cities enacted similar legislation. The
enacted legislation and prospect of additional laws and requirements, all with similar yet
different requirements, prompted users and manufacturers to seek standardized rules for the
design, construction, and inspection of boilers.

In 1911, the council of the American society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)

appointed a committee to formulate standard specifications for the construction of steam
boilers and other pressure vessels and for their care in service. The first committee consisted
of seven members and was assisted by an eighteen member advisory committee. The committee
members represented all facets of design, construction, installation, and operation of steam

The first ASME Boiler Code was issued on February 13, 1915. Six additional sections
followed during the next eleven years. The first rules for pressure vessels were issued in 1925.
This publication was entitled “Rules for the construction of Unfired pressure vessels, ” Section

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Table 1 classification of pressure vessel

Pressure Vessels
Function Geometry Construction Service
Storage Cylindrical Mono-wall Cryogenic
Process Spherical Multi-wall Steam
Heat Conical Forged Lethal
Exchanger Non- Vacuum
Horizontal/Vertical Cast Fired/Unfired



Pressure vessels are air-tight containers used mostly in process industry, refinery
and petrochemical plant to carry or hold liquid, gases or process fluids. The commonly used
types of pressure vessels in the industry are heat exchangers, tanks, towers, boilers, drums,
condensers, reactors, columns, air cool exchangers and the usual shape employed in their
design are cylinders, cone and spheres as shown in figures below.
Any pressure vessel in-service poses extreme potential danger due to the high pressure and
varying operating temperature, hence there should be no complacency about the risks.
Unfortunately, pressure vessels accidents happen much more than they should.


During a pressure vessel designing and manufacturing processes there are so many
failures occur due to different categories of problems. Such a failures can also grouped into
types of failures, which describe how the failure occurs. Each failure has a why and how to its
history. It may have failed through corrosion i.e. wastage of material due to electrochemical
process; Fatigue due to cyclic loading; Creep problem in case of the gradual extension of
material under a steady tensile stress over a prolonged period of time. The designer must be as
familiar with categories and types of stress and loading. Ultimately they are all related,
improper selection of material; defects in material; Incorrect design data; inaccurate or

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incorrect design methods; inadequate shop testing; Fabrication-poor quality control; improper
or insufficient fabrication procedures including welding. Provide a first-run concept, not a
finished product; Address several key design issues; Find new material that is less brittle and
easier to machine and also low in cost; Decrease the number of components.


1.7.1 Main objective

The main objective of Our presser vessel project is to design a vertical presser vessel
of cylindrical shape with hemispherical end, by estimating the central presser and temperature
on its effect under the given medium of alcohol at a given presser of 10 MPa, and a temperature
of 200 Co .

1.7.2 Specific Objective

The specific objective of the presser vessel is that the designing of the vessel
components such that its support, head, shell and nozzle using its own procedures and to design
the whole assembled part of the presser vessels.

To design this mechanical vertical pressure vessel we follow the following procedure:

1. Define pressure vessel and identify wide variety of industrial applications, as well as how
much it is needed by the customers.
2. Identify pressure vessel components (vessel shell, heads, supporting legs, nozzles, flanges,
manhole …) and configurations.
3. Determine vessels Length and Diameter by the use of the given nominal vessel volume for
typical ratio of length to diameter.
4. Select material based on the following factors:
➢ Strength
➢ Corrosion Resistance
➢ Resistance to Alcoholic Attack
➢ Fracture toughness
➢ Fabric ability
5. Define specific weld types that may be used and determine the corresponding weld joint
efficiency, E, which is a measure of weld quality and accounts for stress concentrations and
is needed in component thickness calculations.

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6. Calculate required shell thickness for internal pressure. Note that you must account for
corrosion allowance based on the type of the medium. Therefore the corrosion allowance
must be added to obtain the inside radius and finally must be added to the calculated
7. Review the different type of closure heads (flanged, hemispherical, elliptical, tori-
spherical, conical and tori-conical) and select the one for our top and bottom head which is
not necessarily the same for both ends.
8. Calculate required head thickness for internal pressure. We will follow the same procedure
how the corrosion allowance is accounted for vessel thickness calculation.
9. Identify in our design Head-to-Shell transitions.
10. Select standard flange with its dimensional detail based on flange rating. The flange rating
establishes acceptable temperature/pressure combinations and is a function of acceptable
flange materials.
11. flange design using the following procedure:
➢ determine flange applied loads (acts at different flange locations) and flange
moments (for the operating and gasket seating cases)
➢ Flange stresses are calculated and compared to allowable value.
➢ Consider the following factors while designing the flange
i. Operation and gasket seat parameters
ii. Specified gasket widths
iii. Flange facing and nubbin width
iv. Bolt size number and spacing
12. In gasket design determine gasket type, gasket width, gasket materials and contact facings.
13. Select standard wall thickness of the nozzle.
14. Reinforcement of Openings. Use “area replacement” approach. Note the different nozzle
design details that may be used. First determine total available reinforcement area and
compare to required area. If the nozzle is not adequately reinforced because it does not have
enough reinforcement available, then the design now proceeds to determine the required
dimensions of reinforcement pad. And a final check is made to ensure that the
reinforcement pad is within the reinforcement zone.
15. Check your pressure vessel for maximum allowable working stress for the combined
internal service pressure and external loads.
16. Design inspection or manhole for your pressure vessel.

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17. Support design

➢ Design for weight, wind, and earthquake.
➢ Pressure not a factor.
➢ Temperature also a consideration for material selection and thermal expansion.
18. Recognize typical acceptable welding and fabrication detail for your pressure vessel.


1.9.1 SCOPE
The main scope is to design unfired vertical pressure vessel. This Design Guide applies
to all facilities, including leased properties. It covers all unfired pressure vessels (i.e., storage
tanks, compressed-gas cylinders) that have been designed to operate at pressure 10 M pa and a
temperature 200 0C , including the storage and use of compressed-gas cylinders and cryogenic
fluids. This does not cover utilities (i.e., “house air”). Most of the requirements were taken
directly from the International Fire Code, as adopted by Seattle/Washington State, with
supporting information from the National Fire Protection Association. The scope of design and
manufacturing of the pressure vessel is based on the material availability and the application
of the knowledge we have acquired.The design is also based on current pressure vessel in the

The design is only vertical pressure vessel because of time no others such as horizontal.
The developed pressure vessel can only withstand below 10 M pa, and 200 0C of pressure, and
temperature respectively. In our design case the designing fluid is alcohol. So if it is other fluid,
it may not serve as it is. When we consider high quality of design manufacturing it has high
cost (e.g. spherical shape of end, it is complicated to manufacturing easily). So it is costive.

University of Gondar



X. Charles (2014) carried out Stress Analysis of Pressure Vessel Due to Load and
Temperature. The stresses induced within the vessel at numerous components area unit
compared with their material allowable stresses and located to be with within the limits. The
deflection of the highest dish is 0.52 mm. The utmost stress happens at the change of integrity
of tori-spherical half and main rim and also the minimum stress happen at high of the nozzle.

Edin Sunje (2010) analyzed stresses in torispherical head of pressure vessels.

Experimental analysis of stress at torispherical head of pressure vessels was compared with
results gathered from standard expressions. Also, the results were compared with evaluated
results obtained using finite element method. For experimental analysis use multiple strain
gages was done in order to obtain real stress in observed area. ANSYS software was used for
FEM analysis. Significant deviations between results were obtained. Imperfection in material
and shape, corrosion and other similar factor can be reason for such deviations in stress values
obtained using mentioned three methods. Standard expressions as also as FEM analyses do not
take into account mentioned factors that significantly influence on stress value in pressure
vessels and could only be used as reference values for over viewing stress condition in pressure
vessels.Nonexperimental methods are quite appropriate to use in design process as contiguous
tools. [2]

Bandarupalli Praneeth (2012) performed finite element analysis of pressure vessel and
piping design. Various parameters of Solid Pressure Vessel & Multilayer Pressure vessels are
designed and checked according to the principles of A.S.M.E. The stresses developed in Solid
wall pressure vessel and Multilayer pressure vessels are analyses by using ANSYS. The
theoretical values and ANSYS values are compared for both solid wall and multilayer pressure
vessels. It was found that multi layered pressure vessels are superior for high pressures and
high temperature operating conditions.
M. M. Patil (2014) carried out experimental investigations using hydrostatic pressure tests
with water. In the case of numerical investigations, the FEA models are constructed using
material SA240 Gr 316. The results obtained from both FEA models and experimental tests

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were compared which shows close agreement. Comparing the flat flange and hub flange model
on the ANSYS with the same loading and operating condition, he found 15 to 20 % reduction
in stress. Findings of literature survey: It was observed that a little work is carried out on
comparative analysis of different heads of pressure vessels. “BS 1113” codes for design of
large sizes pressure vessels have not been communicated. In this work, analysis of different
heads for large capacity deareated water storage tank is carried out using “BS 1113”
andvalidated using ANSYS. [1]

David Heckman tested three dimensional, symmetric and axisymmetric models; the
preliminary conclusion is that finite element analysis is an extremely powerful tool when
employed correctly. Depending on the desired solutions, there are different methods that offers
faster run times and less error. The two recommended methods included symmetric models
using shell elements and axisymmetric models using solid elements. Contact elements were
tested to determine their usefulness in modeling the interaction between pressure vessel
cylinder walls and end caps.

Yogesh Borse and Avadesh K. Sharma present the finite element modeling and Analysis
of Pressure vessels with different end connections i.e. Hemispherical, Ellipsoidal & Toro
spherical. They describes its basic structure, stress characteristics and the engineering finite
element modeling for analyzing, testing and validation of pressure vessels under high stress
zones. Their results with the used loads and boundary conditions which remain same for all the
analysis with different end connections shows that the end connection with hemispherical
shape results in the least stresses when compared to other models not only at weld zone but
also at the far end of the end-connection.

A. J. Dureli (1973) presented work on the stresses concentration in a ribbed cylindrical

shell with a reinforced circular hole subjected to internal pressure, by several experimental
methods and the results obtained were compared with those corresponding to a non-reinforced
hole in a ribbed and un-ribbed shell and also to a reinforced hole in an un-ribbed shell. From
the result it was found that the maximum value of hoop stress, and longitudinal stress, in shells
always occurred at the points θ = 0° and θ = 90°, respectively, along the edge of the hole, θ
being the angle measured clockwise from the longitudinal axis of the hole R.

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C. Gwaltney (1973) compared theoretical and experimental stresses for spherical shells
having single non-radial nozzles. The stress distributions for radial and non-radial nozzle
geometry are analyzed. Stress distributions for the non-radial and the radial nozzle attachments
are quite similar but the non-radial nozzle configuration gave the maximum normalized stress,
both theoretical and experimental, for internal pressure and for axial loads on the nozzle as well
as for pure bending moment loading in the plane of obliquity.
M.A. Guerrer, C. Betego´n, J. Belzunce A finite element analysis (FEM) was used to
calculate the behavior of a pressure vessel (PV) made of high strength steel (P500) subject to
the design loads and assuming the existence of the „„worst case‟‟ crack allowed by the
European standards in order to demonstrate the safe use of these steels and the too conservative
design rules currently applied by the PV manufacture codes. Analysis was checked by the
simulation of a Wide Plate Test. A good agreement was obtained with the experimental values
determined using strain gauges and with the analytical KI expression available for this specific
geometry. It was demonstrated that the presence of cracks on pressure vessels made of P500
high strength steel non detected during non-destructive tests, do not endanger the safety of the
vessel, from the fracture mechanics point of view, since the maximum values of the stress
intensity factor along the crack tip is always much lower than the room temperature fracture
toughness of the material (coarse grain heat affected zone). That is why, although high strength
P500 steel is excluded by EN 13445 Part 2, Annex B for the manufacture of pressure vessels,
because it has a yield strength higher than 460MPa, its application can be fully successful and
safe even under the worst allowed conditions, given way to significant reductions of wall
thicknesses, weights and costs. [1]
According to the Ming-Hsien Lu etal [2] if a simplified 2-D axisymmetric model is used
to simulate the stress behavior of the nozzle-vessel structure, the actual vessel radius can be
directly used, which could obtain a conservative membrane and membrane plus bending stress
intensities in the nozzle vessel junction section. This simplified 2-D model could also predict
conservative membrane stress intensity at the nozzle-to-pipe connection location; this paper
creates three different 2-D axi-symmetric finite element models, where different vessel radii
are modelled, i.e. 1, 1.5 and 2 times the actual vessel radius. Using these simplified numerical
models to calculate the membrane and membrane plus bending stress
intensities along some selected sections when undergoing internal pressure loading, and
comparing these results with those evaluated from the realistic 3-D model, it shows that the 2-

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D model with vessel radius equalling to the actual value could well represent the behaviour of
a nozzle attached to the vessel.
This paper presents the analysis results of stress distributions in a horizontal pressure
vessel and the saddle supports. A quarter of the pressure vessel is modelled with realistic details
of saddle supports. And the effect of changing the load and various geometric parameters is
investigated. Author found the Stress distribution (in MPa) in saddle parts
by increasing the load on saddle and recommendations are made for the optimal values of ratio
of the distance of support from the end of the vessel to the length of the vessel and ratio of the
length of the vessel to the radius of the vessel for minimum stresses both in the pressure vessel
and the saddle structure.
Shafique M.A. Khan [3]This paper discusses the scale issues involved. If a fire
protection of pressure vessels for transport and storage of dangerous goods is to be considered
then organizations are conducting theoretical analysis followed by fire testing of thermal
protection systems to determine how long they delay thermally induced failure. In most recent
cases the organizations chose to do small scale fire testing because of the obvious cost savings.
This paper focuses on to show how identical fire heating conditions can give dramatically
different failure times and modes of failure for small and large scale tanks if the conditions are
not truly similar. It concludes that small tanks may behave very differently than large tanks in
severe fires if the small tanks and the fire conditions are not similar between the two scales.
A.M. Birk [4]
Drazan Kozak et.al [5] made numerical analysis on cylindrical pressure vessel with
changeable head geometry i.e. semi-elliptical and hemispherical heads with three types of
elements: SOLID 95, PLANE 183 and SHELL 181. It is concluded that in both cases of
pressure vessel heads, using of PLANE 183 element presents the best approach, because of
minimal number of elements for meshing, shortest calculation time, insight into the stress
distribution per plate thickness and obtained results which are closest to the analytical ones.
This type of axisymmetric element could be recommended in such cases, when the total
symmetry of model is considered. Also analysis of cylindrical pressure vessel with different
head type is performed in purpose of comparison of values of maximal equivalent stresses. It
is concluded that smaller values of equivalent stresses are appearing in pressure vessel with
hemispherical heads, and equivalent stress distribution is advantageous too in that case of head

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Clemens Kaminski [6] made a study on stress analysis on pressure vessel. In this he
found out the stresses in cylinder and sphere, failure modes of pressure vessel under bulk
yielding and buckling, stress concentration and cracking and also hoop longitudinal and
volumetric strain. Pressure vessels are a commonly used device in marine engineering. Until
recently the primary analysis method had been hand calculations and empirical curves. New
computer advances have made finite element analysis (FEA) a practical tool in the study of
pressure vessels, especially in determining stresses in local areas such as penetrations, O-ring
grooves and other areas difficult to analyze by hand. This project set out to explore applicable
methods using finite element analysis in pressure vessel analysis. David Heckman [7].
Michael A. Porter [8] made the comparison between linear and nonlinear FE analysis
of a typical vessel nozzle. In this paper he presents a nonlinear (elastic-plastic, material
nonlinearly only) analysis of the same nozzle and results are compared with the results from
the previous linear analysis. He concluded that nonlinear FE may not be necessary for thin wall
vessels. And the results using linear FE appear to be suitably conservative.
Pavo Balicevic etal [9] has chosen a pressure vessel of elliptical head to analyze its
strength and he described the method for calculating strength, and also describe the distribution
of total circular forces and radial forces of the cylindrical vessel with ellipsoidal heads.
Nidhi Dwivedi and Veerendra Kumar made the analysis on burst pressure prediction of pressure
vessel using FEA. He considered the two cases of pressure vessel for analysis - first is pressure
vessel with end caps and second one is pressure vessel without end caps. Considering the von
mises yield criteria, he analyzed that the relative error between the experimental value and the
FEA result in case of the pressure vessel with end caps is much better than the pressure vessel
without end caps. Hence he suggested to analyze. [2 ]
Following work consists of literature survey, summarizing the published work on
characterization of Pressure vessel and application of the pressure vessel in industry. Regarding
literature survey covers the study of finite elements characteristics, elements and their finite
element technique have been discussed briefly in it. Based on literature review it is observed
that traditionally pressure vessel studies are centered on finite element methods. But there are
few studies which includes structural design of pressure vessel. Following section reviews
literature in the same area of pressure vessel. In this he found out the stresses in cylinder and
sphere, failure modes of pressure vessel under bulk yielding and buckling, stress concentration

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and cracking and also hoop longitudinal and volumetric strain.They describes its basic
structure, stress characteristics and the engineering finite element modeling for analyzing,
testing and validation of pressure vessels under high stress zones.

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Chapter Three



A vessel must be designed to withstand the maximum pressure to which it is likely to
be subjected in operation. For vessels under internal pressure, the design pressure is normally
taken as the pressure at which the relief device is set. This will normally be 5 to 10 per cent
above the normal working pressure, to avoid spurious operation during minor process upsets.
When deciding the design pressure, the hydrostatic pressure in the base of the column should
be added to the operating pressure, if significant. Vessels subject to external pressure should
be designed to resist the maximum differential pressure that is likely to occur in service. Vessels
likely to be subjected to vacuum should be designed for a full negative pressure of 1 bar, unless
fitted with an effective, and reliable, vacuum breaker

Pd  PW  PW  . . . . . . . . . . . . (e.q 3.1)
 PW  0.1PW
 1.1PW
PW  Pabs  Patm . . . . . . . . . . . . (e.q 3.2)
Where Pd is design pressure
Pw is working pressure
Pabs is absolute pressure
Patm is atmospheric pressure

Since as we have explained in the introduction the magnitude of external pressure is less than
the internal pressure, therefore it has no overall effect on the pressure and it can be neglected.
(i.e.Patm= 0) and Pabs=Pi.

These: Pd=1.1Pi. . . . . . . . . . (e.q 3.3) (Pi=internal pressure)

pd 10MPa
pi  MPa   9.09MPa (B/c Pd=10MPa)
1.1 1.1
The strength of metals decreases with increasing temperature so the maximum
allowable design stress will depend on the material temperature. The design temperature at
which the design stress is evaluated should be taken as the maximum working temperature of
the material, with due allowance for any uncertainty involved in predicting vessel wall
Pressure vessels are constructed from plain carbon steels; low and high alloy steels,
other alloys, clad plate, and reinforced plastics. Selection of a suitable material must take into
account the suitability of the material for fabrication (particularly welding) as well as the
compatibility of the material with the process environment. The pressure vessel design

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standards include lists of acceptable materials; in accordance with the appropriate material
standards. The pressure vessel design codes and standards include lists of acceptable materials;
in accordance with the appropriate material standards.

Table 2 component of pressure vessel

Component Material of construction

Vessel Low alloy steel
Nozzle Low alloy steel
Support Silicon killed Carbon steel

The most important characteristics to be considered when selecting a material of

Construction is:
1. Mechanical properties
(a) Strength-tensile strength
(b) Stiffness-elastic modulus (Young's modulus) Stiffness is the ability to
resist bending and buckling.
(c) Toughness-fracture resistance
(d) Hardness-wear resistance
(e) Fatigue resistance .Fatigue failure is likely to occur in equipment subject to cyclic
(f) Creep resistance
2. The effect of high and low temperatures on the mechanical properties
3. Corrosion resistance
4. Any special properties required; such as, thermal conductivity, electrical resistance,
magnetic properties
5. Ease of fabrication-forming, welding, casting (see Table 7.1from che eng v3}
6. Availability in standard sizes-plates, sections, tubes
7. Cost
3.4 DESIGN STRESS (nominal design strength)
For design purposes it is necessary to decide a value for the maximum allowable stress
(Nominal design strength) that can be accepted in the material of construction. This is
determined by applying a suitable “design stress factor” (factor of safety) to the maximum
stress that the material could be expected to withstand without failure under standard test
conditions. The design stress factor allows for any uncertainty in the design methods, the
loading, the quality of the materials, and the workmanship. For materials not subject to high
temperatures the design stress is based on the yield stress (or proof stress), or the tensile
strength (ultimate tensile stress) of the material at the design temperature. For materials subject
to conditions at which the creep is likely to be a consideration, the design stress is based on the
creep characteristics of the material: the average stress to produce rupture after 105 hours, or
the average stress to produce a 1 per cent strain after 105 hours, at the design temperature.
Typical design stress factors for pressure components are shown in the appendix. Typical
design stress values for some common materials are shown in Table. These may be used for
preliminary designs. The standards and codes should be consulted for the values to be used for
detailed vessel design.

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The corrosion allowance is the additional thickness of metal added to allow for material
lost by corrosion and erosion, or scaling. The allowance to be used should be agreed between
the customer and manufacturer. Corrosion is a complex phenomenon, and it is not possible to
give specific rules for the estimation of the corrosion allowance required for all circumstances.
The allowance should be based on experience with the material of construction under similar
service conditions to those for the proposed design. For carbon and low-alloy steels, where
severe corrosion is not expected, a minimum allowance of 2.0 mm should be used; where more
severe conditions are anticipated this should be increased to 4.0 mm. In our design case we
have to given 2.5mm.
The strength of a welded joint will depend on the type of joint and the quality of the
welding. The soundness of welds is checked by visual inspection and by non-destructive testing
(radiography). The possible lower strength of a welded joint compared with the virgin plate is
usually allowed for in design by multiplying the allowable design stress for the material by a
“welded joint factor” J. The value of the joint factor used in design will depend on the type of
joint and amount of radiography required by the design code. Typical values are shown in Table
3.1.below. Taking the factor as 1.0 implies that the joint is equally as strong as the virgin plate;
this is achieved by radio graphing the complete weld length, and cutting out and remaking any
defects. The use of lower joint factors in design, though saving costs on radiography, will result
in a thicker, heavier, vessel, and the designer must balance any cost savings on inspection and
fabrication against the increased cost of materials.

joint strength
joint efficiency(J) = … … … . . (e. q3.4)
parent strength

Table 3 maximum allowable joint efficiency

Degree of radiography
Type of joint 100 % Spot None
Double-welded butt 1.0 0.85 0.7
or equivalent
Single-weld butt 0.9 0.80 0.65
joint with bonding

The national codes and standards divide vessel construction into different categories,
depending on the amount of non-destructive testing required.
Category 1: the highest class requires 100 per cent non-destructive testing (NDT) of the welds;
and allows the use of all materials covered by the standard, with no restriction on the plate
Category 2: requires less non-destructive testing but places some limitations on the materials
which can be used and the maximum plate thickness.
Category 3: the lowest class, requires only visual inspection of the welds, but is restricted to
carbon and carbon-manganese steels, and austenitic stainless steel; and limits are placed on the
plate thickness and the nominal design stress. For carbon and carbon manganese steels the plate
thickness is restricted to less than 13 mm and the design stress is about half that allowed for

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categories 1 and 2. For stainless steel the thickness is restricted to less than 25 mm and the
allowable design stress is around 80 percent of that for the other categories.

A structure must be designed to resist gross plastic deformation and collapse under all
the conditions of loading. The loads to which a process vessel will be subject in service are
listed below. They can be classified as major loads that must always be considered in vessel
design and subsidiary loads. Formal stress analysis to determine the effect of the subsidiary
loads is only required in the codes and standards where it is not possible to demonstrate the
adequacy of the proposed design by other means; such as by comparison with the known
behavior of existing vessels.
3.6.1 Major loads
1. Design pressure: including any significant static head of liquid.
2. Maximum weight of the vessel and contents, under operating conditions.
3. Maximum weight of the vessel and contents under the hydraulic reconditions.
4. Wind loads.
5. Earthquake (seismic) loads.(N.B.in our case we don’t conceder it.)
6. Loads supported by, or reacting on, the vessel
3.6.2 Subsidiary loads
1. Local stresses caused by supports, internal structures and connecting pipes.
2. Shock loads caused by water hammer, or by surging of the vessel contents.
3. Bending moments caused by eccentricity of the centre of the working pressure relative to
the neutral axis of the vessel.
4. Stresses due to temperature differences and differences in the coefficient
expansion of materials.
5. Loads caused by fluctuations in temperature and pressure.
A vessel will not be subject to all these loads simultaneously. The designer must
determine what combination of possible loads gives the worst situation, and design for that
loading condition.
There will be a minimum wall thickness required to ensure that any vessel is sufficiently
rigid to withstand its own weight, and any incidental loads. As a general guide the wall
thickness of any vessel should not be less than the values given below; the values include a
corrosion allowance of 2.5mm:
Table 4 minimum thickness table

Minimum thickness (mm)

Vessel diameter (m)
1 5
1 to 2 7
2 to 2.5 9
2.5 to 3 10
3.0 to 3.5 12

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To design the vertical component of pressure vessel of Shell, Head, Nozzle and Support
First we have to calculate the following terms:
Length per diameter ratio (L/D)
Vessel ratio (F2)
Volume (V)
Internal diameter (D)
Length of the cylinder (L)
To find the L/d ratio from table first convert the given pressure to PSI form of unit.
Since we have Pi=10MPa.Then we know that
1MPa  145.04PSI
9.09MPa  X
X  1318.4 PSI (Which is greater than 500)

Then we can get the ratio of L/D =5 from the table value
Table 5 optimum vessel proportion

Pressure in PSI L/D ratio

0-250 3
250 4
>500 5

The design pressure and temperature are given in the specification and their values are
10𝑀𝑃𝑎and 2000C respectively. For this particular pressure vessel design we select suitable
material, selecting suitable stainless steel among 200 grades, from data books and this data is
attached at the back of this report. For our calculation we have taken table value below.

Table 6 typical design stress for plate

Material N N
Tensile strength( ) Design stress at 2000C ( )
mm2 mm2

Low alloy steel 550 240

(Ni, Cr, Mo, V)

We know that the storage capacity of the shell is given that; V=1.6m3(=56.504ft3) using
this volume and F1 value we can determine the diameter of the volume.

Therefore: F 1 
Where E - is joint efficiency factor (E=1)
P - Internal pressure (designing pressure)
S-allowable stress (S=240MPa)
C –Corrosion allowance

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cylindrical shape because of time; simple for fabrication ;adequate it’s structural
strength than others even though the spherical shape requires low material it is too complicated
and expensive to manufactured easily so we have to select a cylindrical shape.

From the above equation: F  ( )  0.3850
1 0.098425 240MPa  1
4 V
Either using the equation D   0.73m or
3 L
 (0.333  )
At volume V=56.504ft and F1 =0.3850
Diameter=2.292ft (=730mm) . . . . . (From the pressure vessel manual graph)

Finally we can calculate the length of the vessel using the proportion (L/D=5)

L eq= L+0.332D= 3.65m+0.332*0.73  4m . . . . . . (From table formula)

For a cylindrical shell the minimum thickness required to resist internal pressure can
be determined in the following formula. The required thickness is the circumferential direction
due to internal pressure is given as:

ts  R
S  E  0. 6 p d . . . . . . . . From Lame’s equation

10MPa  0.365m
ts   0.016m
240MPa 1  0.6 10MPa

The thickness of cylindrical vessel shell it may be corroded occurred due to this reason
we have to add the corrosion allowance (i.e. c=2.5mm).

ts  0.016m  0.0025  0.018m  18mm

The above equation is satisfied when: and Pd<0.385SE
18mm< 182.5mm. . . . This is satisfied
The ends of a cylindrical vessel are closed by heads of various shapes. The principal
types used are:
1. Flat plates and formed flat heads
2. Hemispherical heads
3. Ellipsoidal heads
4. Torispherical heads

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We have to select Hemispherical heads, (even if it has high cost) because of it is

strongest and almost ideal in design case and contains high volume relative to others as well
also it is easy to manufactured.
Since all needed parameter are calculated when the shell is designed, we recall those
data here in designing of hemispherical head
For equal stress in the cylindrical section and hemispherical head of a vessel the
thickness of the head need only be half that of the cylinder. However, as the dilation of the two
parts would then be different, discontinuity stresses would be set up at the head and cylinder
junction. For no difference in dilation between the two parts (equal diametrical strain) it can be
shown that for steels (Poisson’s ratio 0.3) the ratio of the hemispherical head thickness to
cylinder thickness should be 7/17. However, the stress in the head would then be greater than
that in the cylindrical section; and the optimum thickness ratio is normally taken as 0.6; see
Brownell and Young (1959).
Means the top hemispherical head thickness is:


t head = 0.6×t top

Table 7 determined value of cylindrical shell

Height of the cylindrical shell(from top) Corresponding thickness

0 ≤ L ≤ 25 t = 13mm (top)
0 ≤ L ≤ 25 t = 15mm(bottom)
This value includes a corrosion allowance of 2.5 mm.

Hemispherical head thickness is: t head = 0.6×t top

pd * R
This : t head= 0.6×13mm = 7.8mm ≈ 8mm ; Or th   7.64  8mm
2SE  0.2 pd

The bottom hemispherical head thickness is:

t head = 0.6×t bottom

= 0.6×15mm = 9mm

Recommendation: the material low alloy steel is high costive, so due to its strength the upper
said should be 13mm thickness unlike that in the bottom said should be relatively high due to
high load is applied so 15mm is appropriate.

University of Gondar


1. Internal pressure analysis

The analysis of stresses induced in a thin cylindrical shell is made on the following
• The effect of curvature of the cylinder wall is neglected.
• The tensile stresses are uniformly distributed over the section of the walls.
• The effect of the restraining action of the heads at the end of the pressure vessel is
Thus the wall of a cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure has to withstand tensile
stresses of the following two types:

(a) Hoop stress ( t1)

Consider a thin cylindrical shell subjected to an internal pressure tensile stress acting in
a direction tangential to the circumference is called circumferential or hoop stress. In other
words, it is a tensile stress on longitudinal section (or on the cylindrical walls).We know that
the total force acting on a longitudinal section (i.e. along the diameter) of the shell
F= Intensity of pressure × Projected area = p × d × l
And the total resisting force acting on the cylinder walls
=  t1 × 2t × l

. From the two equations we get pd  . . . . . . . (eq3.8.3)

 t1  d

p = Intensity of internal design pressure,

d = Internal diameter of the cylindrical shell,
l = Length of the cylindrical shell,
t = Thickness of the cylindrical shell, and
 t1 = Circumferential or hoop stress for the material of the cylindrical shell.

10MPa*0.73m 202.8MPa
 
t1 2*0.018

This is an acceptable value.

(b)Longitudinal stress ( t 2 )

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Consider a closed thin cylindrical shell subjected to internal pressure tensile stress acting in the
direction of the axis is called longitudinal stress. In other words, it is tensile stress acting on the
transverse or circumferential section Y-Y (or on the ends of the vessel).

In this case, the total force acting on the transverse section (i.e. along Y-Y)
= Intensity of pressure × Cross-sectional area

pi  d2

And total resisting force=  dt  t 2

pd  d
From the two equation we get :  t 2  . . . . . .(eq3.8.3.2)

 t2
 10MPa*0.73m*  101.4MPa


All process vessels will have openings for connection, man ways, and instrument
fittings. The presence of an opening weakens the shell, and gives rise to stress concentration.
The stress at the edge of a hole will be considerably higher than the average stress in
the surrounding plate. To compensate for the effect of an opening, the wall thickness
is increased in the region adjacent to the opening. Sufficient reinforcement must be provided
to compensate for the weakening effect of the opening without significantly altering the
general dilation pattern of the vessel at the opening. Over-reinforcement will reduce the
flexibility of the wall, causing a “hard-spot”, and giving rise to secondary stresses.
The simplest method of providing compensation is to weld a pad or collar around
the opening. The outer diameter of the pad is usually between 1.5 to 2 times the diameter of
the hole or branch. This method, however, does not give the best disposition of the
reinforcing material about the opening, and in some circumstances high thermal stresses
can arise due to the poor thermal conductivity of the pad-to-shell junction.

Figure 5 an Inset nozzle

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At a branch, the reinforcement required can be provided, with or without a pad, by

allowing the branch, to protrude into the vessel. This arrangement should be used with caution
for process vessels, as the protrusion will act as a trap for crud, and local corrosion can occur.
It is also called Inset Nozzle.

Figure 6 an Inset nozzle

Forged reinforcing ring provide the most effective method of compensation, but they
are expensive. They would be used for any large openings and branches in vessels
operating under severe conditions.

Figure 7 Forged ring

The specification states that there are a total of six (6) openings:

So, for these different openings, I have selected the suitable method of compensation,
and they are listed below

Two manhole, Dia. 250 mm

One feed, Dia. 25 mm

One bottom product, Dia. 25mm

One reflux return, Dia. 25mm

One vapor out, Dia. 50mm

University of Gondar Reinforcement limit

Reinforcement limits are developed parallel and perpendicular to the shell surface near
the opening. For opening in a cylindrical shell are limited to the following two sites. In a shell
60 inch and less in diameter, the opening shell not exceed 0.50 or 20 inch .
Since D= 0.73m=28.747inch<60inch
Then we select the diameter of the nozzle, d=1inch=25.4mm
From the general formula
tn= p=pd and RN=d/2=12.7mm
SE  0.6 p

10MPa *12.7mm
tn   0.543 mm
240MPa *1  0.6 *10MPa
And the required nozzle thickness, tnr=0.9tn=0.4887mm
And also required shell thickness is t=15mm and, tr=0.9t=0.9*15=13.5
Parallel to shell surface the horizontal limits are greater of
(a), d=50.8mm
(b), 0.5d+t+tn=0.5*50.8mm+15mm+0.543mm=40.943,(largest)so the horizontal limit
is =55.65mm
Perpendicular to shell surface the vertical limits are the smaller of
(a) 2.5t=2.5*15=37.5mm
(b) 2.5tn=2.5*0.543mm=1.3575mm(smallest)
Therefore the vertical limit is 1.3575mm
Area of reinforcement required (total)

Ar = d×t r

= 25.4×13.5 = 342.9mm2
Recommendation: N.B. because of shell and nozzle are made in the same material they
have equal strength (design stresses) therefore we do not weary about their ratio to add and (or)
multiply in the formula.
Area of reinforcement required (individual)

Area available in vessel wall, A1 , is the larger of:

A1 = d(t − t r ) = 50(15 − 13.5) = 75mm2

Area of excess thickness in the nozzle wall, A2 , is smaller of:

Out ward: A2 = 5t(t n − t rn ) = 5×15(0.543 − 0.4887) = 4.0725mm2

Inward A3 = 5t(t n ) = 5×15×0.543 = 40.725mm2

Area of welds (A4 )

Inside; the minimum fillet weld size can be taken as 0.375in (9.525mm)

A4 = 2(0.5t 2 weld ) = 2(0.5×9.5252 ) = 90.73mm2

Outside; The minimum fillet weld size can be taken as 0.375in (9.525mm)

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A5 = 2(0.5t 2 weld ) = 2(0.5×9.5252 ) = 90.73mm2

Area of Reinforcement available

The “equal area method” is the simplest method used for calculating the amount of
reinforcement required, and is allowed in most design codes and standards. If the area available
is less than the area required, then additional reinforced pad (the difference of area required
and area available) should be provided.

Then total area available will be:

Aavailable = 75 + 4.0725 + 40.725 + 90.73 + 90.73 = 301.26mm2

Since, the area available is lower than the area required thus additional reinforcement is
required. Therefore the difference shall be provided by reinforcing element and for this typical
pressure vessel design we introduce additional reinforcement pad.

Areinforcing pad = Arequired − Aavailable

= 350.54mm2 − 301.26mm2 = 49.28mm2

The outside diameter of reinforcing pad(dp ) is taken as:

dp = ndopening , n is between 1.5 and 2.0

For this particular design we take, n = 1.5

dp = 1.5×50.8 = 76.2mm

And the thickness of the reinforcement becomes:

Areinforcing pad = (dp − dopening )t pad

Areinforcing pad 𝟒𝟗.𝟐𝟔𝐦𝐦𝟐

Thus, t pad = = = 1.94𝑚𝑚
(dp −dopening ) 76.2mm−50.8mm

Thus, this opening should reinforced by reinforcement pad having diameter of 76.2mm and
thickness of 1.94mm.


The formula that we use to calculate is the same as that of thickness formula to calculate
a shell. The only difference is the diameter we use, (D=25.4mm).
From the above calculation we have, tn=0.75mm and;
Length of nozzle,  5 (from table) therefore, LN=5*25.4mm=127mm

Outer diameter of the nozzle (DoN)


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Here no need of volume b/c its function is to as way of a fluid.

The stress develops in the nozzle is as follows:

pi DN 10MPa * 25.4mm
   169MPa
2tn 2 * 0.75mm

This is an acceptable value b/c 169MPa<240MPa

Flanged joints are used for connecting pipes and instruments to vessels, for manhole
covers, and for removable vessel heads when ease of access is required. Flanges may also be
used on the vessel body, when it is necessary to divide the vessel into sections for transport or
maintenance. Flanged joints are also used to connect pipes to other equipment, such as pumps
and valves. Screwed joints are often used for small-diameter pipe connections, below 40 mm.
Flanged joints are also used for connecting pipe sections where ease of assembly and
dismantling is required for maintenance, but pipe work will normally be welded to reduce costs.
Flanges range in size from a few millimeters diameter for small pipes, to several meters
diameter for those used as body or head flanges on vessels. Types of flange, and selection
Several different types of flange are used for various applications. The principal types
used in the process industries are:
1. Welding-neck flanges.
2. Slip-on flanges hub and plate types.
3. Lap-joint flanges.
4. Screwed flanges.
5. Blank, or blind, flanges.
Welding-neck flanges have a long tapered hub between the flange ring and the welded
joint. This gradual transition of the section reduces the discontinuity stresses between the flange
and branch, and increases the strength of the flange assembly. Welding-neck flanges are
suitable for extreme service conditions; where the flange is likely to be subjected to
temperature, shear and vibration loads. They will normally be specified for the connections and
nozzles on process vessels and process equipment.
Slip-on flanges slip over the pipe or nozzle and are welded externally, and usually also
internally. The end of the pipe is set back from 0 to 2.0 mm. The strength of a slip-on flange is
from one-third to two-thirds that of the corresponding standard welding-neck flange. Slip-on
flanges are cheaper than welding-neck flanges and are easier to align, but have poor resistance
to shock and vibration loads. Slip-on flanges are generally used for pipe work. For light duties
slip-on flanges can be cut from plate.
Lap-joint flanges, are used for piped work. They are economical when used with
expensive alloy pipe, such as stainless steel, as the flange can be made from inexpensive carbon
steel. Usually a short lapped nozzle is welded to the pipe, but with some schedules of pipe the
lap can be formed on the pipe itself, and this will give a cheap method of pipe assembly. Lap-
joint flanges are sometimes known as “Van-stone flanges”.
Screwed flanges, Figure 13.33d: are used to connect screwed fittings to flanges. They
are also sometimes used for alloy pipe which is difficult to weld satisfactorily.
Blind flanges (blank flanges): are flat plates, used to blank off flange connections, and
as covers for manholes and inspection ports.

University of Gondar Flange Faces

Flanges are also classified according to the type of flange face used. There are two basic types:
(1) Full-faced flanges, Figure 11: where the face contact area extends outside the circle of
bolts; over the full face of the flange.

Figure 8 A Full-Faced Flanges

(2) Narrow-faced flanges, Figure 3.2 a, b, c: where the face contact area is located within
the circle of bolts. There are three types under this category.

Figure 9 Narrow-Faced Flanges

Full faced, wide-faced, flanges are simple and inexpensive, but are only suitable
for low pressures. The gasket area is large, and an excessively high bolt tension would be
needed to achieve sufficient gasket pressure to maintain a good seal at high operating pressures.
The raised face, narrow-faced, flange shown in Fig. 3.2(a) is probably the most commonly used
type of flange for process equipment.
Where the flange has a plain face, as in Fig. 3.2(a), the gasket is held in place by friction
between the gasket and flange surface. In the spigot and socket, and tongue and grooved faces,

University of Gondar

Fig. 3.2(b), the gasket is confined in a groove, which prevents failure by “blow-out”. Matched
pairs of flanges are required, which increases the cost, but this type is suitable for high vacuum
services. Ring joint flanges, Fig. 3.2(c), are used for high temperatures and high pressure
For this particular pressure vessel design, we choose the narrow faced, ring joint flange;
where the gasket is kept with-in the bolt circle because they are used for high temperature
service. Standard flanges
Standard flanges are available in a range of types, sizes and materials; and are used
extensively for pipes, nozzles and other attachments to pressure vessels. The proportions of
standard flanges are set out in the various codes and standards. The relevant British Standards
are BS 1560, Part 3 and BS 4504, Part 3, which cover flanges for pipes, valves and fittings; in
carbon and alloy steels, cast iron, and copper alloys. BS 1560 covers nominal pipe sizes up to
24 inches (610 mm), and BS 4504 sizes up to 4000 mm. Carbon steel flange sizes above 24
inches are also covered by BS 3293. In BS 1560 and BS 4504 the flange dimensions are given
in metric units (SI), but BS 3293 gives the values in inches, In the United States, flanges are
covered by standards issued by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). An abstract
of the American standards is given in Perry and Green (1984), and in the TEMA standards.

Figure 10 Stanadard Flange

Look at A the appendix for standard values

Flange for reflux-return bottom product

This opening have nominal diameter of 25 mm. for this reason, we select the standard ASME
BS4504, Class 150, Ser. A flange.
We select a welded neck flange because it offers the highest mechanical strength and are the
type most suitable for extreme temperature and cyclic loading.

The selected data are:

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Table 8 flange dimension for 25mm opening

1.26in 32mm
Nominal pipe size
Out-side diameter of flange 3.94in 100mm
Thickness of flange, 2.691in 68.35mm
Diameter of bolt circle 3.55in 90mm
Diameter of bolt 0.55in 14mm
Number of bolt 4
Appropriated Bolt type M12

Flange for manhole

This opening have nominal diameter of 250 mm. for this reason, we select the standard
ASME B16.5 Class 1500 flange
We select welded neck flange because it offer the highest mechanical strength and are the type
most suitable for extreme temperature and cyclic loading.The selected data are:

Table 9 flange dimension for 250mm opening

Nominal pipe size 12in 304.8mm

Out-side diameter of 26.5in 673.1mm
Thickness of flange, 4.88in 123.952mm
Diameter of bolt circle 22.5in 571.5mm
Diameter of bolt 2in 50.8mm
Number of bolt 16
Bolt typeM24

Flange for vapor out

These openings have nominal diameter of50 mm. for this reason; we select the standard
ASME B16.5 Class 1500 flange. We select welded neck flange because it offer the highest
mechanical strength and are the type most suitable for extreme temperature and cyclic loading.

The selected data are:

Table 10 flange dimension for 50mm opening

Nominal pipe size 3in 76.2mm

Out-side diameter of flange 10.5in 266.7mm
Thickness of flange, 1.88in 47.752mm
Diameter of bolt circle 8.0in 203.454mm
Diameter of bolt 18in 28.575mm
Number of bolt 8
Appropriated Bolt type M20

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Gaskets are used to make a leak-tight joint between two surfaces. It is impractical to
machine flanges to the degree of surface finish that would be required to make a satisfactory
seal under pressure without a gasket. Gaskets are made from “semi-plastic” materials; which
will deform and flow under load to fill the surface irregularities between the flange faces, yet
retain sufficient elasticity to take up the changes in the flange alignment that occur under load.
The following factors must be considered when selecting a gasket material:
1. The process conditions: pressure, temperature, corrosive nature of the process fluid.
2. Whether repeated assembly and disassembly of the joint is required.
3. The type of flange and flange face (see the above figures).
The design procedures given in the codes and standards can be illustrated by considering the
forces and moments which act on an integral flange,
The total moment Mop acting on the flange is given by:

M op  H d hd  H t ht  H g hg

Where Hg=gasket reaction (pressure force), = G(2b)mpi

Ht=pressure force on the flange force=H-H d,

 2
H=total pressure force= ( )G pi

Hd=pressure force on the area inside the flange= ( ) B 2 pi

G=mean diameter of the gasket,

B=inside diameter of the flange,

2b=effective gasket pressure width,

B=effective gasket sealing width,

The minimum required bolt load under the operating conditions is given by:
Wml = H + Hg
The forces and moments on the flange must also be checked under the bolting-up conditions.
The moment Mat is given by:
Mat = M m2hg
Where Wm2 is the bolt load required to seat the gasket, given by:
Wm2 = y  Gb
Where y is the gasket seating pressure (stress).
The flange stresses are given by:
Longitudinal hub stress,  hb =F1M
Radial flange stress,  rd = F2M
Tangential flange stress,  rg = F3M- F4  rd

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Where M is taken as Mop or Matm, whichever is the greater; and the factors F1 to F4 are
functions of the flange type and dimensions, and are obtained from equations and graphs given
in the codes and standards (BS 5500, clause 3.8).

The minimum bolt area required Abf will be given by:

Abf  m

Where Wm is the greater value of Wm1 or Wm2, and fb the maximum allowable bolt
For preliminary calculations the approximate weight of a cylindrical vessel with domed
ends, and uniform wall thickness, can be estimated from the following equation:

Wv = Cv πρm Dm g(Hv + 0.8Dm )t×10−3


• Wv = total weight of the shell, excluding internal fittings, such as plates

• Cv =factor to account for the weight of nozzles, man-ways, internal supports, etc.;
which can be taken as
=1.08 for vessels with only a few internal fittings,
=1.15 for distillation columns, or similar vessels, with several man-ways, and with plate
support rings, or equivalent fittings,
• Hv =Height, or length, between tangent lines (the length of the cylindrical section)
• g =Ggravitational acceleration
• t =Wall thickness
• ρm =Density of vessel material
• Dm =Dmean diameter of vessel= (Di + t×10−3 )
For the steel vessel the above equation reduced to:

Wv = 240Cv Dm (Hv + 0.8Dm )t

Taking Cv = 1.15 vessel with plate

Dm = 0.73 + 15×10−3 = 0.745m

Hv = 3m and t = 18mm

Wv = 240×1.15×0.745(3 + 0.8×0.745)×18 = 𝟏𝟑. 𝟑𝐊𝐍

Weight of sieve plate

The diameter of sieve plate is equal to the internal diameter of the vessel (Dplate =
πDplate 2 0.53294
Plate area= =π = 0.41857m2
4 4

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From Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, R. K.Sinnott, Third

Edition, Volume 6. We get data book we get weight per area of sieve plate, 1.2 2 this typical
value also attached to this report.
Weight of a single sieve plate= 0.41857m2 ×1.2 = 0.502KN

Total weight (60 sieve plate)= 60×0.502KN = 30.1352KN

Weight of mineral wool insulation
From Coulson & Richardson’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, R. K. Sinnott, Third
Edition, Volume 6. We get density of mineral wool-130 3 .
Volume of insulation= [D22 − D12 ]×Hv

Where-D1 =inner diameter of the vessel

D2 =Outer diameter of the vessel= (D1 + 2(t shell + t insulation )×10−3 )

Hv =Length of cylinder

D2 = D1 + 2(t shell + t insulation )×10−3

= 0.73m + 2(15 + 50)×10−3 = 0.761m

Volume of insulation= [0.7612 − 0.732 ]×3 = 0.109m3

W = m×g = ρ×V×g = 130×0.109×9.81 = 0.139KN

The above value is often doubled to allow for fitting, etc. Weight of insulation= 0.2776KN

Weight of Access ladder

We should also consider the weight of access ladder. From Coulson & Richardson’s
Chemical Engineering Handbook, R. K. Sinnott, Third Edition, Volume 6.We get weight of
ladder in Newton per meter.
For steel caged ladder: Weight= 360 and the length of the ladder is 7m

Weight of caged ladder=360 ×7m = 2.52KN

Weight of fluid
Kg m
Weight of fluid, Wf=mg g= ( V ) f g  789 3
*1.6m3 * 9.81 2  11.6 KN
m S

Total weight: Weight of shell= 13.3KN

Weight of plate= 30.1532KN

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Weight of insulation= 0.2776KN

Weight of ladder= 2.52KN

Weight of fluid=12.38KN
Total =71.6KN


The wind speed is not given in the specification; the wind speed can be predicted by
studying metrological records for the place where the pressure is to be erect. For preliminary
design the wind speed can be taken as 160 which is equivalent to a wind pressure
of1280 2.

The loading per unit length of the column can be obtained from the wind pressure by
multiplying the effective column diameter: the outside diameter plus an allowance for thermal
insulation and attachments such as pipe and ladder. Since, our design contain access ladder an
allowance of 0.4m is add

Figure 11 Bending and shear force diagram

Fw = Pw ×Deff

Where: Fw − loading per unit length

Pw − Dynamic wind pressure

University of Gondar

Deff − Effective diamet

Deff= D1 + 2×(t shell + t insulation ) + t ladder allowance

= 0.73m + 2(18 + 50)×10−3 + 0.4m = 1.248m

For preliminary design Pw = 1280

Fw = 1280 2
×1.248m = 1597.44
m m
The maximum bending moment is at bottom tangent line. (i.e. at L = 4m)

Fw ×L2 1597.44×42
M= = = 12.78KNm
2 2


It is often that a designer should design machine components which operates in a severe
condition, in this typical design project the severe condition exist and it is located at the bottom
of the cylinder because the vessel at that location subjected to pressure, dead weight and wind
induced stress.
Pressure induced stress- at the bottom tangent line (severe condition)
In order to avoid stress concentration due to geometry discontinuity we take the thickness of
the pressure vessel at bottom tangent line to be equal to that of the top tangent line.
Pi ×Di 9.09 2 ×730mm N
σh = = mm = 184.325
2t bottom 2×18mm mm2
The same with the above
Pi ×Di 9.09 ×730mm N
σ2 = = mm2 = 92.16
4t bottom 4×18mm mm2

• Dead weight stress-

σws =
π(Di + t bottom )t bottom

71.6×1000 N
= = 16.7 (Compressive)
π(730+18)18 mm2

The above value is negative (compressive) because it is subjected above the plane of support.

• Bending stress-

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M Di
σb = ± [ + t]
Iv 2
Where- M −total bending moment

Iv −Second moment area of vessel

Iv = [𝐷 4 − 𝐷1 4 ]
64 2
D2 = 0.730m + 2×18×10−3 = 766mm
Iv = [7664 − 7304 ] = 2.96×109 mm4
12779.5×1000 730 N
σb = ± [ + 18] = ±16.5
2.96×109 mm4 2 mm2

Torsional shear stress(𝜏) resulting from torque caused by loads which are offset from the vessel
axis but in this particular pressure vessel design project the effect of such type of offset loads
are not considered.Thus, the resulting longitudinal stress is:
σz = σL +σw ± σb

σw -is compressive and therefore it’s negative.

σz (wp wind) = 92.16 − 16.5 + 16.7 = 92.38
mm2 mm2 mm2 mm2

σz (down wind) = 92.16 2
− 16.5 2
− 16.7 2
= 58.94
mm mm mm mm2
As there is no torsional shear stress, the principal stresses are σz (in the y direction) and σh
(in the x direction).The magnitude of radial stress as compared to other stress it’s very small
and negligible

Checking elastic stability (buckling)

A column vessel design must be checked to ensure that the maximum value of the resultant
axial stress does not exceed the critical value at which buckling will occur. For curved plate
subjected to an axial compressive load the critical buckling stress is given by:
E t
σc = [ ]
√3(1 − V 2 ) R p

Where: R p - radius of curvature.

E- Elastic modulus of the material

V- Poisson’s ratio
D wall thickness, mm

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For steel,E = 200 ,V = 0.3 and by introducing a factor of safety of 12 gives:

t 𝑁
σc = 2×104 [ ],
Do 𝑚𝑚2
t 15 N
σc = 2×10−4 [ ] = 2×104 [ ] = 40.12 . The maximum compressive stress will occur
Do 748 mm2
when the vessel is not under pressure= 16.5 2 + 16.7 2 = 33.2 2 and it is well below
mm mm mm
the critical buckling stress.
So, our design is safe and wetake the thickness of the cylindrical shell at the bottom to be
15mm and for economical case we take 13mm thickness for top portion of the cylinder.


A skirt support consists of a cylindrical or conical shell welded to the base of the vessel.
A flange at the bottom of the skirt transmits the load to the foundations. Openings must be
provided in the skirt for access and for any connecting pipes; the openings are normally
reinforced. The skirt may be welded to the bottom head of the vessel. Figure a; or welded flush
with the shell, Figure b; or welded to the outside of the vessel shell, Figure c. The arrangement
shown in Figure .b is usually preferred.

Skirt supports are recommended for vertical vessels as they do not impose
concentrated loads on the vessel shell; they are particularly suitable for use with tall columns
subject to wind loading.

In the specification, it is given that the support type is a skirt support, and we choose the
arrangement of the skirt to be conical because it has a large surface contact to the ground as a
result it transmit a load perfectly. The use of conical skirts is more expensive from a fabrication
standpoint, and unnecessary for most design situations.

University of Gondar

Figure 12 skirt-support welds

Preliminary decision

Support material-ASTM A 515 carbon steel(silicon killed) grade 70

. Yield strength of the material(sy ) = 238MPa

. Elastic modulus(𝐸) = 200,000
. Skirt geometry- conical
. Type of welded attachment- welded flush with the shell
. Base angle of conical skirt(θs ) = 800
. weld joint factor(E)= 1
. factor of safety(n)=2.26
The skirt thickness must be sufficient to withstand the dead-weight loads and bending
moments imposed on it by the vessel; it will not be under the vessel pressure.

The resultant stress in the skirt will be:

σs (tensile) = σbs − σws

And σs (compressive) = σbs + σws

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Figure 13 skirt base ring geometry

Where:𝜎𝑏𝑠 − bending stress in the skirt

π(Ds + t s )t s Ds

σws − the dead weight stress in the skirt

π(Ds + t s )t s

. Ms —Maximum bending moment, evaluated at the base of the skirt (due to wind,
seismic and eccentric loads),
. W – Total weight of the vessel and contents,
. Ds – Inside diameter of the skirt, at the base,

First, let us determine the skirt of the skirt at the base:

tan 80 =
X = 0.5289m ≈ 0.53m

The inside diameter of the skirt at the base will be:

Ds = Di + 2X + 2t shell ×10−3

Ds = 0.73m + 2×0.53 + 2×18×10−3

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Ds ≈ 2m

As a first trial, take the skirt thickness as the same as that of the bottom section of the
vessel, which is13mm as we have said in the above.

3.9.2 Dead weight calculation

Weight of the vessel
We already calculate the weight of the vessel including weight of fluid and it is:

W = 71.6KN
Weight of hemispherical Section
Since the material we used for the cylindrical shell and the hemispherical end closure
section is the same, the density will be the same, which is 7850 3 And, to find the
volume of the top and bottom hemispherical end closures:

Weight of top head:

2π 2π
Volume of Head, Vtop head = [r23 − r13 ] = [1.0083 − 13 ] = 0.0505𝑚3
3 3

Weight of the top head= ρvg = 7850×0.0505×9.81 = 3.89KN

Weight of bottom head:
2π 2π
Volume of Head,Vbottom head = [r23 − r13 ] = [1.0093 − 13 ] = 0.057𝑚3
3 3

Weight of the bottom head= ρvg = 7850×0.057×9.81 = 4.39KN

Weight of feed and reflux return nozzle are not considered b/c we design by the total volume

Weight of the standard flange

Weights of the standard flanges are available in standard books and this standard data also
attached to the appendix of this report.
Weight of flange (bottom product, reflux return and feed)= 641.6N

Weight of flange (vapor out)= 3.67KN

Weight of flange (two manhole)= 2.67KN

Total weight of flanges= 6.981KN

The total weight of the vessel, fluid and its components are:

WT = 86.86KN

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For preliminary design the wind speed can be taken as 160 which is equivalent to a
wind pressure of 1280 .

The loading per unit length of the column given by:

Fw = Pw ×Deff

Where: Fw − loading per unit length

Pw − Dynamic wind pressure

Deff − Effective diameter

We take the effective diameter as follow:

Deff = D1 + 2×(t + t insulation ) + t ladder allowance

= 0.73m + 2(18 + 50)×10−3 + 0.4m = 1.266m

For preliminary design Pw = 1280

Then Fw = 1280 ×1.266m = 1620.5
m2 m

The bending moment at the base of skirt will be:

L = (3 + 4)m

Fw ×L2 1620.5x7x7
M= = = 40.4KNm
2 2
Since, there is no exact formula which governs determination of conical skirt support
thickness. We use a trial and error method to get suitable thickness.
Skirtthickness: 15 mm.
σbs =
π(Ds + t s )t s Ds

4×40400×103 N
= = 4.7
π(766 + 18)18×766 mm2
It is recommended that the dead weight of stress should be calculated for two cases.
. Case one- During operation
In this case the vessel is with full of water. For this case we consider the weight of the fluid
and also the weight of vessel and its component.
WT = 86.86KN
σws (test) =
π(Ds + t s )t s

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86.86×1000 N
= ≈2
π(766 + 18)18 mm2

. Case two- when the vessel is erect.

In this case we calculate the dead weight stress of the vessel during erection of the vessel;
in this case the vessel is empty of any fluid.

Werection = 42.3KN
σws (test) =
π(Ds + t s )t s
42.3×1000 N
= ≈ 1.1
π(766 + 18)18 mm2

The resultant stress in the skirt will be:

σs (tensile) = σbs − σws =2.7

And σs (compressive) = σbs + σws =6.8

Maximum , σs (tensile) = σbs − σws

Checking the design criteria
Then check whether or not the vessel with stand the combined load:
The skirt thickness should be such that under the worst combination of wind and dead-weight
loading the following design criteria must be satisfied:σs (tensile) < fs J sin θs
And σs (compressive) < 0.125E ( s ) sin θs

Where: fs − Maximum design stress of skirt material at ambient temperature

J −Welding joint factor (J=1)

E −Elastic modulus (for steel, 200Mpa)

θs − Base angle of a conical skirt

Sy 260 mm2 N
fs = = = 115
n 2.26 mm2
J sin θs = 115×1× sin 80 = 113.25
The above value is greater than the Maximum , σs (tensile) = 5.7 and because of this our
design is satisfactory.

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Welding of skirt support

The skirt support is attached to the bottom of cylindrical shell by means of welding and the
design of a welded joint should satisfy the following basic requirements:

✓ Give good accessibility for welding and inspection.

✓ Require the minimum amount of weld metal.
✓ Give good penetration of the weld metal; from both sides of the joint, if practicable.
✓ Incorporate sufficient flexibility to avoid cracking due to differential thermal

Preliminary decisions:

✓ Attachment material: 316 stainless steel

• Tensile strength: 83Kpsi
• Yield strength: 38Kpsi
✓ Member material: ASTM A515 steel( Grade 70)
• Tensile strength: 70.34Kpsi
• Yield strength: 37.7Kpsi
✓ Electrode:

The electrode material strength should be greater than the material strength of the
attachment and the member. For this reason we select E9010electrode from the book called
Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, Eighth EditionBudynas−Nisbett and this data also
attached to the appendix of this report.

• Tensile strength: 90Kpsi

• Yield strength: 77Kpsi

Minimum size of weld throat (h): this value is determined based on the thickness of the
attachment material. Since the thickness of the attachment is 15mm the corresponding weld
throat is in


An indication of the cost of some commonly used metals is given in Table 3.9. The
actual cost of metals and alloys will fluctuate quite widely, depending on movements in the
world metal exchanges.
The quantity of a material used will depend on the material density and strength (design stress)
and these must be taken into account when comparing material costs. Moore (1970) compares
costs by calculating a cost rating factor defined by the equation:

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C where
cos trating 
d C  cos tperunitmass,£/kg,

  Design stress, N/mm2.

 d  Designstressofmaterial

Table 11 basic cost of metals (mid-2004)

Metal £/tone US$/US ton

Carbon steel 300 500
Low alloy steel (Cr-Mo) 400-500 700-850
1400 2400
stainless steel 316 1900 3200

Copper 1500 2500

Aluminum 900 1500
Aluminum alloy 850 1400
Nickel 6400 11000
Monel 5000 8500
Titanium 20000 34000

The relative cost of equipment made from different materials will depend on the cost
of fabrication, as well as the basic cost of the material. Unless a particular material requires
special fabrication techniques, the relative cost of the finished equipment will be lower than
the relative bare material cost. For example; the purchased cost of a stainless-steel storage tank
will be 2 to 3 times the cost of the same tank in carbon steel, whereas the relative cost of the
metals is between5 to 8.


The term “loss prevention” is an insurance term, the loss being the financial loss caused
by an accident. This loss will not only be the cost of replacing damaged plant and third party
claims, but also the loss of earnings from lost production and lost sales opportunity.
Safety and loss prevention in process design can be considered under the following broad
1. Identification and assessment of the hazards.
2. Control of the hazards: for example, by containment of flammable and toxic
materials. In our design case
3. Control of the process. Prevention of hazardous deviations in process variables
(pressure, temperature, flow), by provision of automatic control systems, interlocks, alarms,
trips; together with good operating practices and management.
4. Limitation of the loss. The damage and injury caused if an incident occurs: pressure
relief, plant layout, provision of fire-fighting equipment.
In our design case we specially concern about Flammability because the working fluid
is alcohol; The term “flammable” is now more commonly used in the technical literature than

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“Inflammable” to describe materials that will burn. The hazard caused by a flammable material
depends on a number of factors:
1. The flash-point of the material. The flash-point is a measure of the ease of ignition of the
2. The auto ignition temperature of the material.
3. The flammability limits of the material.
4. The energy released in combustion.

The flammability limits of a material are the lowest and highest concentrations in air,
at normal pressure and temperature, at which a flame will propagate through the mixture. So
in our design case the flammability of alcohol should be between 4.3 and 19. Because we take
ethanol in our sample. (We take flammability range Coulson & Richardson’s CHEMICAL
ENGINEERING .vol. 6 page 365.)
Fire protection
To protect against structural failure, water-deluge systems are usually installed to keep
vessels and structural steelwork cool in a fire. The lower section of structural steel columns are
also often lagged with concrete or other suitable materials.
Excessive noise is a hazard to health and safety. Long exposure to high noise levels can
cause permanent damage to hearing. At lower levels, noise is a distraction and causes fatigue.
So minimize the excessive noise around it.
Temperature deviations
Excessively high temperature, over and above that for which the equipment was
designed, can cause structural failure and initiate a disaster. So if the temperature is above
200C0 it may causes disaster; therefore let as keep below it. Since the lowest temperature also
cause problem, so we must it from it. Look Some typical material factors for safety and loss
prevention in appendix
Design safety check list Materials
(a) flash-point
(b) flammability range (c) autoignition temperature
(d) composition (e) stability (shock sensitive?)
(f) toxicity, TLV (g) corrosion (h) physical properties (unusual?)
(i) heat of combustion/reaction
Process 1. Reactors
(a) exothermic heat of reaction (b) temperature control emergency systems
(c) side reactions dangerous? (d) effect of contamination
(e) effect of unusual concentrations (including catalyst) (f) corrosion
2. Pressure systems
(a) need? (b) design to current codes (BS 5500)
(c) materials of construction adequate? (d) pressure relief adequate?
(e) safe venting systems (f) flame arresters

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Control systems
(a) fail safe (b) back-up power supplies
(c) high/low alarms and trips on critical variables
(i) temperature (ii) pressure (iii) flow (iv) level (v) composition
(d) back-up/duplicate systems on critical variables
(e) remote operation of valves (f) block valves on critical lines
(g) excess-flow valves (h) interlock systems to prevent mis-operation
(i) automatic shut-down sy
(a) limit quantity (b) inert purging/blanketing
(c) floating roof tanks (d) dykeing
(e) loading/unloading facilities safety (f) earthing
(g) ignition sources vehicles
(a) inert purging systems needed (b) compliance with electrical codes
(c) adequate lighting (d) lightning protection
(e) sewers and drains adequate, flame traps (f) dust-explosion hazards
(g) build-up of dangerous impurities purges (h) plant layout
(i) separation of units (ii) access
(iii) siting of control rooms and offices (iv) services
(i) safety showers, eye baths

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Results from analytical part processes are tabulated as follows
Table 12 result table

Component of pressure vessel Design of component

Diameter Thickness Length
Cylindrical shell 730mm 18mm 4m
Hemispherical head 730mm upper Lower no
13mm 15mm
Nozzle 25.4mm 0.75mm 127mm
Skirt Support 2m Not constant Height=3m
Hoop stress=202.8MPa
Stress analysis Longitudinal stress=101.4MPa
Radial stress assumptions zero

The pressure vessel is designed as the shell will have shell thickness of 18mm and a
diameter of 730mm with a total or overall length of 4m so as to with stand to hold 1.6m3of
alcohol under 10MPa and a temperature of 2000.
The hemispherical head designed variety of shell thickness because of it has high resistance
for the same value of stress with the cylindrical shell so to compensate with its costive we have



Conclude from this pressure vessel design the pressure with nominal volume 1.6m3
which is used to store alcohol (we take sample of ethanol) at 10MPa and 200o c designed above
is designed to satisfy all the required requirements to be able to work under the above
parameters. The pressure vessel is made of a material that is low alloy steel by considering
their high stress value at its high temperature (200C0) and at the same time reliable therefore,
the above pressure vessel can be manufactured with appropriate cost and it can be used with in
its capacity and working conditions.

University of Gondar

Recommendation: As the protrusion of the inset nozzle will act as a trap for crud; the
local corrosion can occur. To avoid this effect the nozzle should be penetrate in to the shell for
only welding purpose. i.e. minimum extension for welding. Generally in our our design is
design case we don’t consider loading about external equipment earth quake; but in actual case
it must be considered.

Figure 14 Part drawings of pressure vessel

1. shell

2. head

University of Gondar

2.1. man hole at the top of head

3.Skirt suport

4. flang

University of Gondar

Figure 15Assembly Drawing

University of Gondar

[1]ASME code Book Section

[2] Coulson and Richardson’s, Chemical Engineering Design, Volume 6, third Edition,
Butterworth Heinemann, 1996

[3] International Journal of innovative Research in Technology & science (IJIRTS).

[4] Pressure vessel Hand book 10th and 11th edition -Megyesy.

[4]R.K.Rajput “strength of material”

[5]Robert L. Norton, Machine Design: an Integrated Approach

[6] “Yogesh Borse, Avadesh Sharma/ International Journal of Engineering Research and
application [IJERA] ISSN: 2248-9622 WWW.ijera.com. vol. 2, Issue 3, May-Jun 2012,

University of Gondar


Strength-tensile strength. Hardness wear resistance

Stiffness elastic modulus (Young’s modulus). Creep resistance

Toughness fracture resistance. Stress corrosion.

Fatigue resistance. Corrosion fatigue.

Corrosion resistance. High temperature oxidation

Erosion corrosion. Hydrogen embrittlement.

Galvanic corrosion dissimilar metals in contact. Pitting localized attack.

Intergranular corrosion.

University of Gondar

Appendix A

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Appendix B

Table3. Typical design stresses for plate [1]

Tensile Design stress at temperature °C (N/mm2)

Material strength 0 to 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
(N/mm2) 50
steel(semi- 360 135 125 115 105 95 85 80 70
killed or
manganese 460 180 170 150 140 130 115 105 100
molybdenum 450 180 170 145 140 130 120 110 110
steel, 0.5
per cent Mo
Low alloy
steel 550 240 240 240 240 240 235 230 220 190 170
(Ni, Cr, Mo,
steel 165 145 130 115 110 105 100 100 95 90
18Cr/8Ni 510
steel 165 150 140 135 130 130 125 120 120 115
18Cr/8NiTi 540
steel 520 150 135 120 115 110 105 105 100 95
18Cr/8Ni 175
Mo 212
per cent
(The appropriate material standards should be consulted for particular grades and plate

University of Gondar

Appendix C

material MF Flash Heat of combustion

point°C MJ/kg
Acetaldehyde 24 -39 24.4
Acetone 16 -20 28.6
Acetylene 40 gas 48.2
Ammonia 4 gas 18.6
Benzene 16 -11 40.2
Butane 21 gas 48.5
Chlorine 1 - 0.0
Cyclohexane 16 -20 43.5
Ethyl alcohol 16 13 26.8
Hydrogen 21 gas 120.0
Nitroglycerine 40 - 18.2
Sulphur 4 - 9.3
Toluene 16 40 31.3
Vinyl Chloride 21 gas 18.6

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