[ ISO900T2008” | Document No MECINDTTIS20N, Rell Version Na. 30” | Eifeave Date
January 2017 01.12.2017
| Decumen Tle: Specification for porable Digits! Ultrasonic Flaw Detctr with A Sean storage
Manak Nagar, Lucknow-226011
M&C/ND1/125/2004, Rey-II, January 2017
Amendment history:
S.No, | Amendinent date
‘Reasons for Amendment
Tt _ [NA
Fist issue specification No M&CINDT/I2S72008,
2 poooaxort
‘Some typographical mistake Tas boon conected and addition oF clause
35and 3.12. Onendtc has been included at page no. 3 of 5. Approval
‘of Director M&C available at np- of file No. M&C/NDT/Specs,
(Rovision/Re-allimation of 10 nos. of NDT Specifications)
Tem No 17 of CME's conference beld on 24° &25® April 2015 at
Shimla note No. MC/MTG\CME dated 27.4,2015 reference S.No 1/10,
& I/L1 of file no, M&CINDT/UFDISpec. Approval of ED/Wegon.
(M&C) available at np-8 of ile no. M&C) NDT / UFDISpec.
CChangesinew additiondcletion!rewording of the clause 11 t0 13 & |
its sub clauses and clause no. 14, 15 and note, Approval of ED/Wagon
(MAC) is available at up-8 10, 15 and 17 of file no.
Addition of Note aftr clause no.13 as per Vigilance cellRDSO later
1n0.13/VigiPolicy, dtd. 26.07.2016. Approval of ED/Wagon (M&C)
approval available at ap-iof file no M&C/ NDT / 125/2004, Rev
August 2016.
Printed 02,06 3077
[Prepased yy ARNDT”
Tesuod by: DDIMEC-IV
Page | of 7TS0.9001:2008 | Document No. M&IC/NDT/125/2004, Rev-ll_ | Version No. 3.0 Effective Date:
January 2017 01122017
Document Tile: Specification for portable Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detostor with A~ Sean storage.
1, General:
LL Scope: This standard stipulates the technical and functional requirements for digital portable
ultrasonic flaw detector with LCD- TFT screen display for testing axle and other components
based on A- scan pulse echo technique in various establishments of Indian Railways. The
‘equipment shall be tepiclised to suit Indian climatic contion.
2. General requirements:
2.1. ‘The digital ultrasonic flaw detector shall be A-scan pulse echo type with modular design and easily
parable, The equipment shall have light weight and suitable to work through both mains and
battery operation with LCD-TFT screen display for beiter visibility in the indirect light. The
cnuipmen: shall hive LEMO and BNC-BNC output. The equipment shall be suitable for testing of
Jocomotive, carriage & wagon axles and other componcats using suitable probes.
22 ‘The equipment shall be capable of storing calibration data as well as sereen pattern. The
equipment shall have suitable port for downloading the complete daia set to personal compute.
‘The minimum calibration set storage capacity shall be 100 and A-Scan storage capacity 10000
23 ‘The cquipment shall be capable of withstanding bumps and vibration as per stipulation of the
2.4. ‘The equipment shall be capable to suit Indian climate conltion for damp heat cyclic test.
2.5. ‘The equipment shall be packed in a proper container of appropriate material to prevent corrosion,
dst ingress and impact during working and in transit
2.6 ‘The equipment shall meet the requirements of specification IS. 12666 latest version in respect of
all those characteristics, which have beca spelt out in this specification.
2.7 ‘The equipment shall be capable of operating in mains through battery as well as separately by
battery, when operating with mains, the voliage should be 250% 10V, SO.Hz,
28 The battery shall be capable for working at least 8 hours continuously withoat any drop in
performance of the equipment.
2.9 The equipment shal be tropicalised to suit Indian
‘3. Technical Requirement:
matic condition.
Functional Parameters
“The tecnica requirement ofthe gupta be under:
2 Feat mole The eguipmen sal be capable for working single coal (T¥R) mode and double
coal FTIR) mo
2.2 Frequency range Te fupment salve oe od! band amplifier in the Heqneney range
few 1 Miz oe
2.3 ‘eat range: The equipment shall ovr fm $0 0S se. The ane sal be ajstbl in?
nm stp Ie, :
| ad “Trace delays The opment shall ave ae dla nity minima 3 rater ent in el n
seo martes
| 25 Gain! Amplifeatin: The equipment shal ave minimum 1205 tl gun Gluing ntl
fa, Ths opt pam aka be 80 dt shal be provided wih suitable pin contol ste. The
| vai aepsta covert. di, 1b, 2B an dB ime eum
2.6 Suppreton! Reject: The equipment hall ave re ty o supression of vera sigs
Serra Sone inmen) tte soven Hep Ie semen weout ating he dered
3.7 Monitor gate: The eupment hl be provid wih monitor ate egandbe cove xe
aan scape ange The evel hho he gt al be aac 9610 7%
=e Cmax as [Pred 0052017,
[Pespared By ARONDT [Teed by: DDVMMASCIN— [Page 2 of 7TS0 3001-2008 | Document No, MECINDI/35004, Rev-Il | Version No 3.0 | Filesiive Dave
January 2017 01122017 +
Document Title: Specification for portable Digital Ultrasonic Flaw Detector with A- Scan storage.
38 Expansion Zoom: The equipment shall have expansion arangement of gated signal within fall
serec length (grtcale wid)
39. Display Freee: The equipment shal ve arrangement 1 fcsze splayed A-scan long with st
3:10. Memory provision:
a, The equipment shall have inbuilt aangement for toring and re-