Ampreg 26

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Ampreg 26


¬ Optimum mechanical properties

¬ High Tg’s from elevated temperature cures

Ampreg 26 is Gurit’s premium epoxy laminating system, and is particularly suitable for the manufacture of large, high
performance composite structures. The product’s high laminate mechanical properties and high Tg’s achievable from
modest postcures, make it well suited for heavily loaded applications, particularly those where a little extra thermal
performance is required. Ampreg 26 is optimised for use in hand-lay up and vacuum bagging processes, but can also
be used in other processes such as RTM, vacuum infusion, pultrusion and filament winding.

Ampreg 26 is recognised worldwide as the premium laminating system for the manufacture of racing sailboats, and
high performance, one-off cruising boats. It has been selected by the RNLI in the UK for the wet lay-up components
of their high-speed coastal rescue vessels, and it is in use on the VSV rapid troop insertion craft, in service with the
UK’s SBS and US Marine Corps.

Ampreg 26 may also be used with the separate Ampreg Ultra Slow hardener to provide flow times under vacuum of
up to 9 hours at 20°C.

PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718 1
Ampreg Pregel is a thixotropic resin modifier that can be used
WORKSHOP CONDITIONS with Ampreg 26 hardeners. It must be mixed with the chosen
Ampreg 26 hardener at the ratio indicated in the Ampreg Pregel
Ampreg 26 is optimised for use between 18 - 25°C. At lower
datasheet. It can then be added to an Ampreg 26 Resin /
temperatures the product thickens and may become
Hardener mix, and used in the following situations:-
unworkable. At higher temperatures working times will be
significantly reduced (see corresponding table in this
n As a resin modifier to reduce drainage in laminates.
datasheet). Maximum relative humidity for use is 70%.
n As an adhesive mix for bonding core materials to
MIXING AND HANDLING Ampreg 26 laminate skins.
Ampreg 26 resin is combined with Ampreg 26 slow hardener, n For the secondary bonding of pre-formed Ampreg 26
or fast hardener, or any pre-mixed combination of the two laminate components.
hardeners, in the following ratio:

Ampreg 26 resin : Ampreg 26 hardener VACUUM BAG TECHNIQUES

100 : 33 (by weight) Consolidation of the laminate can be obtained either by hand
using paddle rollers or by vacuum or pressure bags. A typical
vacuum bag arrangement is shown in Figure 1. It is important
It is important that the resin and hardener components are
when using high vacuums and using the slower hardeners that
measured out accurately and electronic scales are
vacuum is not applied until at least 50% into the laminate
recommended for this purpose. The resin/hardener mixture
working time, as excessive flow and resin starved laminates
should be well mixed paying particular attention to the sides
may result. Heating can be economically and effectively
and bottom of the mixing vessel. Then, the mixture should be
achieved with either space heaters under an insulation tent or
transferred to a shallow tray in order to reduce the exothermic
heat build up which would reduce pot life and working time. heated blankets with insulation over. If vacuum is applied
Accurate measurement of the components and thorough earlier, such as in debulk operations, only 30-50% vacuum
mixing are essential. Deviating from the prescribed mix ratio should be used. Details of the various types of system are
will not accelerate or inhibit the cure and can seriously degrade available from Technical Services.
the properties of the system.
To Vacuum Pump To Vacuum Gauge
The ability to pre-mix the two hardeners in any combination
gives a range of handling characteristics to the system. Blends Fabric
of the two hardeners can be made to give intermediate working Bagging Film
Peel Ply

From smooth metal or grp moulds tests have shown that Release Film
(Perforated) Laminate
suitable release can be obtained by use of 5-6 waxings of a Release Coated
carnauba based wax e.g. Polywax. Use PVA for less well
prepared or complex surfaces. Whichever mould release is Figure 1
proposed it is recommended that a test laminate is laid up in
the mould to be used, with the mould release proposed, in
order to ensure an adequate and effective part release.
Ampreg 26 resin with either Slow or Ultra Slow hardener is best
APPLICATION suited. Do not expose wet laminates to excessive vacuum
The mixed system is usually applied by foam roller from a roller pressures - keep below 0.8 bar (80% vacuum). Gurit supplies a
tray (which also serves to increase exothermic heat release, as range of Tygavac vacuum bag materials and ancillaries. For
described above). High and accurate fibre volume fractions can details of effective vacuum bag consolidation, please contact
be obtained by applying known weight of mixed resin / Technical Services.
hardener to each fabric / fibre layer. As a general rule of thumb,
resin weight per square metre must be no more than, and
preferably less than, the area weight of the fabric being wet out.
If the laminate is particularly thick, it is recommended that
slower hardeners are used for the first layers put down and
faster hardeners in the later layers. In this way the whole
thickness laid down remains workable for approximately the
same time. Thicker laminates may require a periodic debulk
before further laminating and final consolidation. If in doubt
please contact Technical Services.


This hardener gives an extended working time (8-10 hours), and
is used at a mix ratio of 100:33.3 (3:1) by weight. Details of the
post cure schedules required are given in the separate
Instruction Sheet available for this product.

2 PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718
Where it is necessary for a bonding operation to be carried out Ambient Temperature Cure - Ampreg 26 has been developed
following the cure of the Ampreg 26 laminate, a suitable Peel to return good mechanical properties after cure at ambient
Ply can be applied to the surface to be bonded during the lay-up temperatures, the minimum recommended temperature being
process. After curing and just prior to bonding, the Peel Ply is 18°C, and excellent properties after a slightly elevated
stripped off leaving a clean, dust and grease free surface, with temperature post-cure.
an already ‘textured’ surface which can reduce the labour of
keying the surface by sanding. An initial cure of at least 36 hours (with slow hardener) or 16
hours (with fast hardener) at 18°C is recommended before de-
Peel Ply is used on laminate surfaces which need to be left to moulding. Laminates subjected to an ambient temperature
cure or partially cure before further laminating or bonding cure should be allowed 14 days before the system can be
operations. The peel ply serves two functions - preventing the considered to be adequately cured and they should be kept in a
surface from becoming contaminated and / or damaged, and warm dry environment during this period. When using the Slow
providing a ‘textured’ surface that can reduce the level of Hardener or Ultra Slow Hardener exclusively an elevated
preparation required for the secondary laminating of bonding temperature cure is strongly recommended.
Gurit recommends the use of its NPP80 peel ply, or suitable
Post curing the laminate will greatly increase mechanical
Tygavac product. Any proposed peel ply should be tested prior
properties. The Ampreg 26 system will achieve similar
to use to ensure that it not only releases adequately from the
properties with a cure of either 5 hours at 80°C or 16 hours at
laminated surface but also does not leave any residues behind
50°C but the cure has been optimised for 50°C. The latter
which may impair adhesion. If in doubt please contact Technical
temperatures are easily achievable with low cost heating and
insulation techniques.

The post cure need not be carried out immediately after

CORE MATERIALS laminating. It is possible to assemble several composite
Gurit supplies Corecell™ SAN closed cell foam for sandwich components and post cure the entire assembly together.
laminate construction. Other core materials such as PVC foam, However, it is recommended that elevated temperature curing
Nomex honeycomb and end grain balsa, are also suitable for should be completed before any painting/finishing operations.
use with Ampreg 26 system. For further information on the use Furthermore care should be taken to adequately support the
of core materials with Ampreg 26 system, please contact laminate if it is to be post cured after demoulding and the
Technical Services. laminate must be allowed to cool before the support is


Component Properties

Resin Fast Hardener Slow Hardener Ampreg Ultra Slow Hardener

Mix Ratio (by weight) 100 33.3 33.3 33.3

Mix Ratio (by volume) 100 36.9 39.9 40.1

Viscosity @ 15°C (cP) 3220 4000 137 57

Viscosity @ 20°C (cP) 1840 2560 104 47

Viscosity @ 25°C (cP) 1050 1620 78 38

Viscosity @ 30°C (cP) 585 1020 59 32

Shelf Life (months) 24 24 24 24

Colour (Gardner) 1 4 1 blue

Mixed Colour (Gardner) - 2 1 blue

Component Dens. (g/cm3) 1.160 1.046 0.969 0.963

Mixed Density (g/cm3) - 1.132 1.112 1.111

Hazard Definition Please refer to SDS

PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718 3

Working Properties vs. Temperature

Resin / Fast Hardener Resin / Slow Hardener Resin / Ultra Slow Hardener

15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C 15°C 20°C 25°C 30°C

Initial Mixed Viscosity (cP) 2430 1680 1150 773 845 565 378 251 618 426 292 203

†Gel Time - 150g Mix in water (hrs:mins) - 0:21 0:13 0:09 - 7:00 5:00 3:10 - 9:30 6:20 4:10

†Pot Life - 500g Mix in air (hrs:mins) - 0:16 - 0:11 - 2:45 - 1:15 - 6:00 - 1:50

†Latest Vacuum Flow Time (hrs:mins) 2:20 1:40 1:10 0:45 11:00 7:10 4:30 2:50 11:00 9:00 7:10 5:50

†Earliest Vacuum Off Time (hrs:mins) 3:30 2:30 1:45 1:15 39:00 18:00 8:25 3:40 43:00 27:00 17:00 11:00

Demould Time (hrs:mins) 3:30 2:30 1:50 1:15 102:00 36:00 13:00 4:40 90:00 57:00 34:00 21:00

Cured System Properties

Room Temperature Cure Post Cured Post Cured

(28 days @ 21°C) (24 hrs @ 21°C + 16 hours @ 50°C) (24 hrs @ 21°C + 5 hours @ 80°C)

Fast Slow* Ultra Slow* Fast Slow Ultra Slow Fast Slow Ultra Slow

Tg DMTA (Peak Tan δ)(°C) 78.3 62.5 63.0 86.3 82.2 82.7 99.3 103.6 102.1

Tg Ult - DMTA (°C) 98.4 106.3 109.3 98.4 106.3 109.3 98.4 106.3 109.3

ΔH - DSC (J/g) 42 57 46 9 11 3 0 0 0

Tg1 - DMTA (°C) 65.0 56.3 55.1 76.5 73.9 74.6 87.2 92.4 93.2

Est. HDT (°C) 63 48 48 71 67 68 84 89 87

Mositure Absorption (%) 1.31 1.05 1.12 1.10 0.93 0.91 - - -

Cured Density (g/cm3) 1.183 1.159 1.158 1.183 1.160 1.159 - - -

Linear Shrinkage (%) 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 - - -

Barcol Hardness 37 27 29 37 28 30 - - -

Cast Tensile Strength (MPa) 84.9 58.3 61.1 84.7 80.3 78.8 - - -

Cast Tensile Modulus (GPa) 3.91 3.75 3.7 3.63 3.45 3.62 - - -

Cast Strain to Failure (%) 3.2 1.8 1.9 5.1 4.9 4.2 - - -

Lam. Comp. Strength (MPa) 498 499 484 489 421 560 461 564 475

Laminate T.V.M.  Strain (%) 1.9 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.9 2.0 - - -

Laminate ILSS (MPa) 55.1 62.1 57.8 59.1 61.4 64.1 61.9 60.3 65.2

ILSS  Wet Retention (%) 79 91 92 80 89 89 - - -

NOTES: For an explanation of test methods used see ‘Formulated Products Technical Characteristics’.
All figures quoted are indicative of the properties of the product concerned. Some batch to batch variation may occur.
†All times are measured from when resin and hardener are first mixed together
*Ambient temperature cure alone is not recommended with this hardener.

4 PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718

Initial Mixed Viscosity Latest Time for Flow Under Vacuum †

10000 100

Ultra Slow
Viscosity (cP)

Fast 10

1000 Slow

1 Fast
Ultra Slow

100 0.1
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Temperature (¡C) Temperature (¡C)

Earliest Vacuum Off Time † Theoretical Demould Time for Thin Laminates †

100 1000

Ultra Slow
Ultra Slow



1 1
15 20 25 30 15 20 25 30
Temperature (¡C) Temperature (¡C)

Strain to Failure Tensile Properties of Castings

6 90 7

80 6
Tensile Strength (MPa)

Tensile Modulus (GPa)

4 60
Strain (%)

50 4
3 40 3
2 2
1 10
0 0
0 Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S.
Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S. 28 days @ 21¡C 24 hrs. @ 21¡C
28 days @ 21¡C 24 hrs. @ 21¡C +16 hrs. @ 50¡C
+16 hrs. @ 50¡C Tensile Strength Tensile Modulus

NOTES: For an explanation of test methods used see ‘Formulated Products Technical Characteristics’.
All figures quoted are indicative of the properties of the product concerned. Some batch to batch variation may occur.
†All times are measured from when resin and hardener are first mixed together
*Ambient temperature cure alone is not recommended with this hardener.

PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718 5

Compressive Strength of RE300 Glass Laminate Interlaminar Shear Strength of RE300 Glass Laminate

600 70
Compressive Strength (MPa)



200 20

100 10

0 Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S.
Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S.
28 days @ 21¡C 24 hrs. @ 21¡C
28 days @ 21¡C 24 hrs. @ 21¡C 28 days @ 21¡C +16 hrs. @ 50¡C
+16 hrs. @ 50¡C +5 hrs. @ 80¡C
ILSS ILSS After Water Exposure

Glass Transition Temperature


Temperature (¡C)





Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S. Fast Slow U.S.
28 days @ 21¡C 24 hrs. @ 21¡C 28 days @ 21¡C
+16 hrs. @ 50¡C +5 hrs. @ 80¡C
Peak Tan¶ Ultimate Peak Tan¶

NOTES: For an explanation of test methods used see ‘Formulated Products Technical Characteristics’.
All figures quoted are indicative of the properties of the product concerned. Some batch to batch variation may occur.
†All times are measured from when resin and hardener are first mixed together
*Ambient temperature cure alone is not recommended with this hardener.

6 PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718
The following points must be considered:
Please refer to product SDS for up to date information specific
1. Skin contact must be avoided by wearing protective gloves.
to this product.
Gurit recommends the use of disposable nitrile gloves for
most applications. The use of barrier creams is not
recommended, but to preserve skin condition a moisturising
cream should be used after washing.

2. Overalls or other protective clothing should be worn when

mixing, laminating or sanding. Contaminated work clothes
should be thoroughly cleaned before re-use.

3. Eye protection should be worn if there is a risk of resin,

hardener, solvent or dust entering the eyes. If this occurs
flush the eye with water for 15 minutes, holding the eyelid
open, and seek medical attention.

4. Ensure adequate ventilation in work areas. Respiratory

protection should be worn if there is insufficient ventilation.
Solvent vapours should not be inhaled as they can cause
dizziness, headaches, loss of consciousness and can have
long term health effects.

5. If the skin becomes contaminated, then the area must be

immediately cleansed. The use of resin-removing cleansers
is recommended. To finish, wash with soap and warm
water. The use of solvents on the skin to remove resins etc
must be avoided.

Washing should be part of routine practice:

¬ before eating or drinking

¬ before smoking

¬ before using the lavatory

¬ after finishing work

6. The inhalation of sanding dust should be avoided and if it

settles on the skin then it should be washed off. After more
extensive sanding operations a shower/bath and hair wash
is advised.

Gurit produces a separate full Safety Data Sheet for all

hazardous products. Please ensure that you have the correct
SDS to hand for the materials you are using before
commencing work. A more detailed guide for the safe use of
Gurit resin systems is also available from Gurit, and can be
found at

PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718 7
Ampreg 26 resin and hardener should be kept in securely closed containers during transport
and storage. Any accidental spillage should be soaked up with sand, sawdust, cotton waste
or any other absorbent material. The area should then be washed clean (see appropriate
Safety Data Sheet).

Adequate long term storage conditions for both materials will result in shelf lives of two years
for both the resin and the hardeners. Storage should be in a warm dry place out of direct
sunlight and protected from frost. The temperature should be between 15°C and 30°C.
Containers should be firmly closed. Hardeners, in particular, will suffer serious degradation if
left exposed to air.

All advice, instruction or recommendation is given in good faith but the selling Gurit entity (the
Company) only warrants that advice in writing is given with reasonable skill and care. No further duty
or responsibility is accepted by the Company. All advice is given subject to the terms and conditions
of sale (the Conditions) which are available on request from the Company or may be viewed at
Gurit’s Website:

The Company strongly recommends that Customers make test panels in the final process
conditions and conduct appropriate testing of any goods or materials supplied by the Company prior
to final use to ensure that they are suitable for the Customer’s planned application. Such testing
should include testing under conditions as close as possible to those to which the final component
may be subjected. The Company specifically excludes any warranty of fitness for purpose of the
goods other than as set out in writing by the Company. Due to the varied nature of end-use
applications, the Company does, in particular, not warrant that the test panels in the final process
conditions and/or the final component pass any fire standards.

The Company reserves the right to change specifications and prices without notice and Customers
should satisfy themselves that information relied on by the Customer is that which is currently
published by the Company on its website. Any queries may be addressed to the Technical Services

Gurit is continuously reviewing and updating literature. Please ensure that you have the current
version by contacting your sales contact and quoting the revision number in the bottom left-hand
corner of this page.


For all other enquiries such as technical queries:
Telephone + 44 1983 828000 (08:30 – 17:00 GMT)
Email [email protected]


For advice on chemical emergencies, spillages, fires or exposures:
Europe +44 1273 289451
Americas +1 646 844 7309 E [email protected]
APAC +65 3158 1412 W

8 PDS-Ampreg 26-13-0718

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